Latin America & Caribbean

Dilma Rousseff
In 2003, "Leftists" applauded the inauguration of Luis Ignacio da Silva as a victory against neoliberalism, without acknowledging that Lula's PT had embraced the demands of Wall Street and the IMF. In the words of IMF Managing Director (2003) "the IMF listens to President Lula and the economic team".
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle...
Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
The Junta ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos. While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen. From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold.
US Has Budgeted $49 Million for Venezuelan Right-Wing Since 2009 By Telesur, August 07, 2017
Venezuela’s US-Backed Opposition Turns Up the Violence Following Assembly Vote By Kevin Gosztola, August 06, 2017
Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly Inaugurated By Stephen Lendman, August 06, 2017
The Crisis in Venezuela: One-sided Reporting as a Prelude to Invasion? By Patrick Boylan, August 06, 2017
Venezuela: RExxon Tillerson’s Petro-Imperially Perfect Regime Change Threat, “By Direct Military Force”? By Paul Street, August 04, 2017
Venezuela Regime Change Project Revealed By David William Pear, August 04, 2017
Venezuela: 10 Dead, 200 Voting Centers Attacked as US Sanctions Maduro By Lucas Koerner, August 03, 2017
Venezuela – The National Constituent Assembly Is in Place – But the Fight for Sovereignty Isn’t Over By Peter Koenig, August 03, 2017
After Venezuela’s Election, U.S. and Allies Turn Up Heat – A Coup Could Be Ahead By Whitney Webb, August 02, 2017
Venezuela: Seven Dead in 48-Hour Opposition Strike as UN Calls to Respect the ANC Vote By Lucas Koerner, July 31, 2017
Bolivia Declares Freedom From Central Bankers. Can India Do the Same? By Shelley Kasli, July 31, 2017
Over 8 Million Vote in Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly Election By Telesur, July 31, 2017
Imperial War on Venezuelan Democracy. The Constitutional Process By Stephen Lendman, July 30, 2017
Venezuela: Reactionary Coup in the Making, Media Disinformation, The Attitude of the Left By Claudio Katz, July 30, 2017
US Plotting to Topple Venezuela’s Government By Stephen Lendman, July 29, 2017
Countdown to War on Venezuela By Moon of Alabama, July 29, 2017
Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution! Defeat the Imperialist Conspiracy Against Venezuela! By Canadian Peace Congress, July 29, 2017
Shock Horror! CIA Director Admits US Trying to Overthrow Venezuelan Government By Sputnik, July 27, 2017
Electoral Process in Venezuela: “The Best in the World” By Dr. Maria Páez Victor and Edu Montesanti, July 27, 2017
Battle Lines Are Being Drawn in Venezuela as the Socialist Nation Inches Toward Civil War By Mac Slavo, July 26, 2017
Financial Scams and the Bush Family: The Savings & Loan Scandal, the BCCI, the Mexican Drug Cartel, NAFTA By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 21, 2017
Demands of Colonialism Reparations to the Caribbean By Colonialism Reparation, July 21, 2017
Venezuela’s Rightwingers Are No ‘Beleaguered Democrats’ By Susan Grey, July 20, 2017
Venezuela: Once Again, Interference From the USA in Latin America By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, July 20, 2017
Time For the “International Left” to Take a Stand on Venezuela By Gregory Wilpert, July 19, 2017
Former President of Brazil Lula’s Conviction Aimed at Preventing His 2018 Presidential Run By Stephen Lendman, July 15, 2017
Why Can’t the U.S. Left Get Venezuela Right? By Shamus Cooke, July 14, 2017
The Bell Tolls, or Should, for Ana Belén Montes. “Cuba Should Not Be Forced to Submit to US Interests” By Prof Susan Babbitt, July 14, 2017
Venezuelan Coup Plotter Released to House Arrest By Stephen Lendman, July 11, 2017
Venezuela Maduro
Venezuela’s Maduro Announces 50% Increase in Minimum Wage By Telesur, July 05, 2017
The Vicious Cyber-War Against Venezuela By Manuel E. Yepe, July 04, 2017
Venezuela Protesters Set 40 Tons of Subsidized Food on Fire By Telesur, July 03, 2017
Failed Imagination: The Problem with Stories From Cuba By Prof Susan Babbitt, July 03, 2017
Planting “Regime Change” in Venezuela By Maxim Nikolenko, July 02, 2017
Venezuela: Right Wing Accelerates Coup Plans By Marco Teruggi, July 01, 2017
UN Engineered Cholera Epidemic: Help Haitians Find Justice Today By Jean Saint-Vil, June 28, 2017
Exorcising the ‘Popular Will’: How Venezuela Can Reclaim Its Democracy By Haneul Na avi, June 28, 2017
Elections: Absenteeism, Boycotts and the Class Struggle By Prof. James Petras, June 27, 2017
Cuba and Nicaragua Confirm Support for Venezuela at UN By Telesur, June 23, 2017
Empire of Hopelessness: Targets Venezuela and Syria By Hugo Turner, June 23, 2017
Putin: US Routinely Meddles in Russian and Other Nations’ Elections By Eric Zuesse, June 21, 2017
The US Escalation in Syria and the Threat of World War By Bill Van Auken, June 21, 2017
Mass Incarceration, Prison Labor in the United States By John Stanton, June 20, 2017
No to the US Economic Blockade of Cuba! No to US Violation of Canadian Sovereignty! By Isaac Saney, June 20, 2017
Trump Cuba Policy: What Will Happen in Coming Months? By Arnold August, June 20, 2017
“Transgenic Corruption” and GM Crops in Argentina By GMWatch, June 19, 2017
Culture and Criticism: The Radical Historical Promise of Wandering Dialogues in Cuba By Prof Susan Babbitt, June 19, 2017
Trump Takes Aim at Obama’s Détente with Cuba By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 19, 2017
Trump Reaffirms the Blockade, Takes US Policy Towards Cuba One Step Back By ACN, June 19, 2017
Trump to Reverse Cuba Policy, Reinstate ‘Regime Change’ Goals By Telesur, June 19, 2017
Puppet of History: Panama’s Manuel Noriega By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 18, 2017
Africa-Cuba Solidarity Reaffirmed at Namibia Conference By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 16, 2017
Venezuela: Grassroots Challenges Facing the Bolivarian Process By Stalin Perez Borges and Federico Fuentes, June 16, 2017
Water for Profit: Haiti Comes to Flint By Dady Chery, June 13, 2017
Padre Miguel d’Escoto: Nicaragua’s Chancellor of Peace and Dignity By Tortilla Con Sal, June 11, 2017
Brazil’s Movement against Temer: 150,000 People Filled the Enormous Copacabana Beach Demanding “Direct Elections Now!” By Fania Rodrigues and Mariana Pitasse, May 31, 2017
Right-Wing Terrorism in Venezuela By Frederick B. Mills and William Camacaro, May 29, 2017
Venezuela Is Deep Into Civil War? By Atilio A. Boron, May 29, 2017
“Exporting Revolution” and Regime Change: Zbigniew Brzezinski on Trial at the UN General Assembly By Caleb T. Maupin, May 29, 2017
Brazil in Crisis and the Challenges for the Left By Manuel Larrabure, May 29, 2017
Sergev Lavrov
Syria’s Assad Just Explained How America Really Works By Brandon Turbeville, Bashar al Assad, and Telesur, May 28, 2017
Destruction and Deforestation of the Peruvian Amazon, Threats to Community Leaders By Forest Peoples Programme, May 24, 2017
“Regime Change”: US Policymakers Openly Plot Against Venezuela By Tony Cartalucci, May 24, 2017
Neocolonialism in Haiti, Water for Profit and the Cholera Epidemic By Dady Chery, May 23, 2017
Trump and “Regime Change”: ‘We Will Do Whatever is Necessary’ to ‘Fix’ Venezuela By Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, May 22, 2017
Brazil’s “Emerging Market Economy”: Canary in “The Global Economy Coalmine”? By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 22, 2017
The “Most Dangerous Spy You’ve Never Heard Of”, Ana Belén Montes, Should Be Known By Prof Susan Babbitt, May 22, 2017
Trump Administration Green Light’s “Regime Change” in Venezuela By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 20, 2017
How Exxon Lobbyists Led Push to Deepen US Ports and Increase Natural Gas Exports By Steve Horn, May 19, 2017
Forty-Five Blows Against Democracy By David Vine, May 18, 2017
Standoff in Venezuela By Steve Ellner and Federico Fuentes, May 18, 2017
Colombia: This Tiger Doesn’t Like Palm Oil Monoculture By Paula Álvarez, May 18, 2017
Undermining Haitian Sovereignty. The Role of Canada By Yves Engler, May 18, 2017
Water for Profit: Haiti’s Thirsty Season By Dady Chery, May 12, 2017
U.S. Attempts at Destabilization: The Peace Movement Stands in Solidarity with Venezuela By and Black Alliance for Peace, May 11, 2017
US Sponsored “Regime Change” in Venezuela is Now Official. US National Security Advisor McMaster Calls for a “Quick, Peaceful Solution” By Rachael Boothroyd-Rojas, May 10, 2017
US Senator Marco Rubio Introduces Bill to Allot $20M Toward Regime Change in Venezuela By Telesur, May 10, 2017
The “Ottawa Initiative on Haiti”: Humanist Peacekeeping or…? By Jean Saint-Vil, May 06, 2017
May Day Marches Against Trump: Confusion or Worse? By Prof Susan Babbitt, May 05, 2017
Chemical Weapons and Media Disinformation: Venezuela’s President Maduro Accused of Using “Toxic Weapons” against Protesters By Nino Pagliccia, May 04, 2017