Latin America & Caribbean

Dilma Rousseff
In 2003, "Leftists" applauded the inauguration of Luis Ignacio da Silva as a victory against neoliberalism, without acknowledging that Lula's PT had embraced the demands of Wall Street and the IMF. In the words of IMF Managing Director (2003) "the IMF listens to President Lula and the economic team".
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle...
Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
The Junta ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos. While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen. From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold.
Venezuela: Let’s Cut to the Chase. Will China’s Petroyuan Displace America’s Petrodollar? By Pepe Escobar, February 05, 2019
US Issues New Threats of War for Oil Against Venezuela By Eric London, February 05, 2019
Paul Craig Roberts: “Maduro Would Have to Arrest Juan Guaido” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and American Herald Tribune, February 05, 2019
Italy Vetoed EU Recognition of Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido By RT News, February 04, 2019
The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics in a Multipolar World Order By Federico Pieraccini, February 04, 2019
On the White Supremacy of U.S. Interventions By Black Alliance for Peace, February 04, 2019
US-led Coup in Venezuela: The Plot Thickens By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 04, 2019
Canada’s Left Party Blinks at US-led Coup in Venezuela By Yves Engler, February 04, 2019
Wall or No Wall By Laurence M. Vance, February 04, 2019
International Criminal Court
The US Is Orchestrating a Coup in Venezuela By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 04, 2019
John Bolton’s Plan to Starve Millions of Venezuelans into Submission By Kurt Nimmo, February 04, 2019
Venezuela Donated Free Heating Oil to 100,000 Needy US Households, 2005-2013 By Brett Wilkins, February 03, 2019
Venezuela Confirms Coltan Deposits, $100 Billion in Gold Reserves By Latin American Herald Tribune, February 03, 2019
Donald Trump’s War of Recolonization Against Venezuela By Samuel Moncada, February 03, 2019
Why Must Venezuela be Destroyed? By Dmitry Orlov, February 03, 2019
Oil, Neocons, Monroe Doctrine: Trump’s Venezuela Plan By Gilbert Mercier and Ekaterina Blinova, February 03, 2019
US Intervention in Venezuela Portrayed as a “Humanitarian Mission”. “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) By Marc Vandepitte, February 03, 2019
Bolton: I’ll Send Maduro to Guantanamo By Kurt Nimmo, February 03, 2019
Trump’s “Chaos Strategy” Has One Goal: To End Chavismo By Alex Anfruns, February 02, 2019
Will Iran Sanctions Herald the Fall of the Imperial Dollar? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 02, 2019
Trump’s Efforts to Oust Maduro Are Illegal and Will Kill More Venezuelans By Mark Weisbrot, February 02, 2019
Trump Is Trying to Take Down Latin America’s “Troika of Tyranny”. Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua By Andrew Korybko, February 02, 2019
Why Britain’s Support for Venezuela’s Self-declared President Must be Rejected By Nina Cross, February 02, 2019
‘Yiiiiikes’: John Bolton Threatens to Send Venezuela’s Maduro to Offshore US Prison at Guantánamo By Jessica Corbett, February 02, 2019
New Oil Sanctions on Venezuela: “Would Destroy What’s Left of Its Economy” By Mark Weisbrot and The Real News Network, February 02, 2019
Bank of England Tears Up Its Gold Custody Contract with Venezuela’s Central Bank By Ronan Manly, February 02, 2019
A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat the US Coup Attempt in Venezuela By Robert J. Burrowes, February 02, 2019
Twitter Bans 2,000 Pro-Maduro Accounts as Demands for Regime Change Escalate By Zero Hedge, February 02, 2019
US Military Planes Soar over Colombia, Land in Bogota By Telesur, February 01, 2019
Dishonesty, Omissions and Lies in Reporting on the Venezuelan Economic Crisis By Jón Karl Stefánsson, February 01, 2019
Maduro to Americans: You Are Bigger than Trump, Don’t Let Him Start A ‘Vietnam’ War Against Venezuela By RT News, February 01, 2019
The US Government’s Love of Foreign Dictatorships By Jacob G. Hornberger, February 01, 2019
People Who Care About Democracy Don’t Plot Coups Abroad By Peter Certo, February 01, 2019
Video: Venezuela, a Golpe by the US Deep State By Manlio Dinucci, February 01, 2019
Canada vs. Venezuela: The Background Gets Even Murkier By Joyce Nelson, February 01, 2019
Trump and the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) Crowd Embrace the Neocon Plan for Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, February 01, 2019
The ‘Venezuelan People’ Are Whoever Agrees with Donald Trump By Alan MacLeod, February 01, 2019
CNN Goes ‘Undercover’ to Manufacture Consent for Coup Attempt in Venezuela By Kevin Gosztola, January 31, 2019
An Invasion of Venezuela Isn’t A “Far-Fetched Scenario” By Andrew Korybko, January 31, 2019
US Sanctions as a Tool to Perpetuate Neocolonialism By Nauman Sadiq, January 31, 2019
Your Complete Guide to the N.Y. Times’ Support of U.S.-backed Coups in Latin America By Adam Johnson, January 31, 2019
A Note on the Crime Against Venezuela By J. B. Gerald, January 31, 2019
“Economic Warfare” against Venezuela. Illegal US Sanctions Causing Economic and Humanitarian Crisis according to Former UN Rapporteur By Irish Examiner, January 31, 2019
John Bolton Admits US-backed Coup in Venezuela Is About Oil, Not Democracy By Telesur, January 31, 2019
Russia Might be Planning an Astana-Like Conference for Venezuela By Andrew Korybko, January 31, 2019
Video: Trudeau Pushes Trump’s Regime Change in Venezuela. Canada Violates the UN Charter By Paul Jay, Yves Engler, and Sharmini Peries, January 30, 2019
The Cruelty of Venezuela Sanctions By Daniel Larison, January 30, 2019
Bernie and the Dems Flunk Trump’s Test on Venezuela’s Coup By Shamus Cooke, January 30, 2019
Video: Venezuela Crisis: US Has Painted Itself into Corner By South Front, January 30, 2019
Peculiarities of US Imperialism in Latin America By Prof. James Petras, January 30, 2019
Sanctions of Mass Destruction: America’s War on Venezuela By Garikai Chengu, January 30, 2019
The Making of Juan Guaidó: How the US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader By Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal, January 30, 2019
Who Needs Elections? Ask the US About the Government Your Country Should Have By Nino Pagliccia, January 30, 2019
86% of Venezuelans Oppose Military Intervention, 81% Against US Sanctions, Local Polling Shows By Ben Norton, January 30, 2019
Canada Joins with Imperial ‘Mafia’ to Threaten Venezuela By Yves Engler, January 29, 2019
Bank of England Urged to Hand Over Venezuela’s Gold to Guaidó By Zero Hedge, January 29, 2019
Video: Eva Golinger on Venezuela: ‘Regime Change & Domination Are Bipartisan US Policies!” By Eva Golinger and RT News, January 29, 2019
The History – and Hypocrisy – of US Meddling in Venezuela By Brett Wilkins, January 29, 2019
Trump’s Venezuela Fiasco By Rep. Ron Paul, January 29, 2019
UN Security Council Face-Off on Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, January 29, 2019
Venezuela, and Canada’s Duplicitous Criminality By Mark Taliano, January 29, 2019
Venezuela’s High Inflation Is the Country’s Achilles’ Heel – Especially in Times of Crisis By Adam Garrie, January 29, 2019
The Experimental PolyMet Copper Sulfide Mine in Minnesota, the St Louis River, Lake Superior, and the Recent Brazilian Environmental Catastrophes By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, January 29, 2019
Venezuela: What Activists Need to Know About the US-led Coup By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, January 29, 2019
US Enemies and the Lawless ‘Rule of Law’ By Prof. John McMurtry, January 29, 2019
The Failure of Guaido’s Constitutional Claim to the Presidency of Venezuela By William Walter Kay, January 29, 2019
Emmanuel Macron, Pedro Sanchez, Angela Merkel and Theresa May Have No Right to Issue an Ultimatum to Venezuela By Eric Toussaint and Joaldo Dominguez, January 29, 2019
Bank of England Refused to Return $1.2bn in Gold to Venezuela – Reports By RT News, January 28, 2019
Trump Floated “Military Option” in Venezuela with Sen. Graham By Zero Hedge, January 28, 2019
US-Led Economic War, Not Socialism, Is Tearing Venezuela Apart By Caleb Maupin, January 28, 2019
The Dirty Hand of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in Venezuela By Eva Golinger, January 28, 2019
Trump’s Latest Neocon Adviser Assigned Task of Overthrowing Maduro in Venezuela By Kurt Nimmo, January 28, 2019
Before Venezuela: The Long History of U.S. Intervention in Latin America By People’s World, January 28, 2019
Juan Guaido: Designated US Puppet in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, January 27, 2019
Pompeo Puts Elliott Abrams in Charge of Regime Change in Venezuela By Daniel Larison, January 27, 2019
The Vultures of Caracas By Craig Murray, January 27, 2019
Everybody Else’s Business: Coup Fever in Venezuela By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 27, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela: Divided UN Security Council: Fierce Opposition to Violation of Venezuela’s Sovereignty By Carla Stea, January 27, 2019
Argentina – Is the IMF Intervention Helped by HAARP? By Peter Koenig, January 27, 2019
Fighting Corruption in Latin America. Politics and Religion By Frei Betto and Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, January 27, 2019