Latin America & Caribbean

Dilma Rousseff
In 2003, "Leftists" applauded the inauguration of Luis Ignacio da Silva as a victory against neoliberalism, without acknowledging that Lula's PT had embraced the demands of Wall Street and the IMF. In the words of IMF Managing Director (2003) "the IMF listens to President Lula and the economic team".
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle...
Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
The Junta ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos. While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen. From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold.
Citi May Liquidate over $1 Billion in Venezuela Gold within Weeks By Zero Hedge, February 18, 2019
Is Venezuela Canada’s Modern Day El Dorado? By Nino Pagliccia, February 18, 2019
Venezuela, Iran and the Chaotic Imperialists! By Massoud Nayeri, February 18, 2019
U.S. Thugs Warned Russia and Venezuela – They Have to be Stopped By Andre Vltchek, February 18, 2019
What’s Not Being Said About the Venezuela Oil War. Battle of the Oil Giants. The Esequiba Region By F. William Engdahl, February 18, 2019
The Destabilization of Venezuela. Open Letter to Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights By Alicia Jrapko, February 18, 2019
Hezbollah in South America: Mike Pompeo’s Big Lie By Kurt Nimmo, February 18, 2019
When Considering Venezuela’s Guaidó, Remember Victoria Nuland By 21st Century Wire, February 17, 2019
Forgotten “Anniversaries” of U.S. Sponsored Military Coups against Democracy By Shane Quinn, February 17, 2019
CKUW FunDrive 2019. Fund-raiser for Global Research News Hour By Michael Welch, Scott Price, and Glenn Michalchuk, February 17, 2019
US SOUTHCOM: Bolsonaro Barks for His Master By Marcelo Zero, February 16, 2019
‘Progressive’ Trudeau Government Attacks Venezuela By John Clarke, February 16, 2019
U.S. Military Adventure Against Venezuela Must be Stopped By Granma, February 15, 2019
Resilience and Strength of Venezuela’s Armed Forces. While Maduro warns of Vietnam 2.0; a Syrian Analogy Beckons By William Walter Kay, February 15, 2019
Red Cross, UN Slam ‘Politicised’ USAID Humanitarian Assistance to Venezuela By Paul Dobson, February 14, 2019
US Congress Rejects Trump’s Warmongering, Won’t Support Military Intervention in Venezuela By Telesur, February 14, 2019
US Air Freight Company that Smuggled Weapons into Venezuela Linked to CIA “Black Site” Renditions By Whitney Webb, February 14, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela: US, Canada Go Home! By David William Pear, February 14, 2019
A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat a US Military Invasion of Venezuela By Robert J. Burrowes, February 14, 2019
Letter of Canadians Calling on the Government of Canada to Cease Its Illegal Attacks on Venezuela By Canadian Intellectuals, Professionals, Artists, February 14, 2019
Cuba – “The Equilibrium of the World” – and Economy of Resistance By Peter Koenig, February 14, 2019
The Trump-Trudeau Venezuelan Achilles’ Heel: “Not One Yanqui Soldier will enter Venezuela” By Arnold August, February 14, 2019
Hands Off Venezuela: Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza Responds to Trump’s Threats and “Crocodile Tears” By Carla Stea, February 14, 2019
Venezuela as the Pivot for New Internationalism? By Prof Michael Hudson and The Saker, February 14, 2019
Facts Don’t Interfere with Propaganda Blitz Against Venezuela’s Elected President By Joe Emersberger, February 13, 2019
The Crisis and Coup in Venezuela. A Review By Richard Galustian, February 13, 2019
Imperialist Aggression and What We Can Learn from the Attempted Coup Against Venezuela By Alison Bodine, February 13, 2019
Starving Venezuela into Submission By Israel Shamir, February 13, 2019
Video: Venezuela Crisis: Maduro Condemns “Extremist” Trump By Nicolas Maduro, February 13, 2019
Canada: A Stakeholder in the Venezuelan Coup By Collectif Échec à la guerre, February 13, 2019
Video: US Is Setting Ground for Military Intervention in Venezuela By South Front, February 13, 2019
Protests in Haiti over Hunger and Repressive Rule By Stephen Lendman, February 13, 2019
Venezuela: Opposing White Supremacy and Big Oil Interests By James Winter, February 13, 2019
Venezuela Regime Change ‘Made in the USA’ By Steve Ellner, February 12, 2019
Brazil’s Workers Party (PT) Praises Imperialist Officials and Brazilian Military Involved in Venezuela Regime Change Operation By Miguel Andrade, February 11, 2019
Black Working Class Will Never Abandon Venezuela! By Black Alliance for Peace, February 11, 2019
Brazil Dam Collapse: Vale, the Private Giant Responsible, Has a History of Flouting Rules By Surangya, February 11, 2019
Pompeo Attempts to Link Iran, Hezbollah to Crisis in Venezuela By Whitney Webb, February 11, 2019
Grand Theft Venezuela, Stealing a Nation: Financial Warfare Precipitates Economic Collapse By Stephen Lendman, February 11, 2019
British Military Presence Near Venezuela ‘Extremely Concerning’ By Phil Miller, February 11, 2019
The Matamoros Strike: With López Obrador In, Mexican Workers Have the Confidence to Walk Out By David Bacon, February 10, 2019
Save Venezuelan Sovereignty: Oil Economy Destabilized. Peace-keeping Role by Russia, China, Non-alligned Nations? By Stephen Lendman, February 10, 2019
Phoney Pretext: US Commander Says Pentagon Prepared to Intervene to Defend Venezuela Embassy By Bill Van Auken, February 10, 2019
The Method in Venezuela’s Oil Strategy Madness By William Walter Kay, February 10, 2019
Killing the Public Banking Revolution in Venezuela By Ellen Brown, February 10, 2019
An Open Letter to the People of the United States from President Nicolas Maduro By Nicolas Maduro, February 10, 2019
A Military Coup in Venezuela? Not Without the Military’s Support By Prof. Ociel Alí López, February 09, 2019
Venezuela: The U.S.’s 68th Regime Change Disaster By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 09, 2019
Hackers Take Over Venezuelan Embassy Sites in Several Countries By Telesur, February 09, 2019
No Coup! No War! Hands Off Venezuela! By Eduardo Correa Senior and James Patrick Jordan, February 09, 2019
US-led Military Coup in Venezuela Modelled on Chile, 1973? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 09, 2019
US Influence in Venezuela Is Part of a Two Centuries-old Imperial Plan By Shane Quinn, February 09, 2019
Venezuela: Is War on the Horizon? Here’s How Trump’s Poised to Manipulate the Humanitarian Situation in Venezuela By Andrew Korybko, February 09, 2019
Venezuela – The Straw that Breaks the Empire’s Back? By Peter Koenig, February 08, 2019
This Day. US Blockade of Cuba Came into Effect 57 Years Ago By Prensa Latina, February 08, 2019
A “Twelve Step Method” to Conduct Regime Change: From Chile (1973) to Venezuela (2019) By tricontinental, February 08, 2019
What’s the Deal with Sanctions in Venezuela, and Why’s It So Hard for Media to Understand? By Alexander Campbell, February 07, 2019
Venezuela Seizes ‘US Weapons Shipment’ as Trump Vows to Support ‘Noble Quest for Freedom’ By RT News, February 07, 2019
Global Day of Action: US Hands Off Venezuela! By No War on Venezuela, February 07, 2019
International Law
Washington Issues Ultimatum to Venezuela over “Humanitarian Aid” Ploy By Bill Van Auken, February 07, 2019
How to Destroy a River and Create an Environmental Catastrophe in One Fell Swoop By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, February 07, 2019
Why Are Democrats Driving Regime Change in Venezuela? By William Walter Kay, February 07, 2019
Uruguay, Mexico Present Outline for Montevideo Conference By Telesur, February 07, 2019
Canada: The Empire’s Shadowy Cousin By Fernando Arce, February 07, 2019
Venezuela “Propaganda Blitz” to Justify “Humanitarian Intervention”: “Tyrants Don’t Have Free Elections” By Media Lens, February 07, 2019
The Strange Death of Hugo Chavez. Was He Assassinated? By Eva Golinger and Mike Whitney, February 06, 2019
CIA and FBI Had Planned to Assassinate Hugo Chávez By Kurt Nimmo, February 06, 2019
The CIA has Attempted to Assassinate 50 Foreign Leaders Including Hugo Chavez By William Blum and John Robles, February 06, 2019
Twitter Greenlights Venezuela’s Pro-Opposition Online Blitz – Shuts Down Genuine Opponents By Alexander Rubinstein, February 06, 2019
‘Stop Trump’s Insane Actions!’ Interview with Venezuela’s Maduro, How to Avoid War By Nicolas Maduro and RT News, February 06, 2019
The Lima Group: Conspiracy to Destroy Venezuela By Mark Taliano, February 06, 2019
Venezuela: US Pursuing Humanitarian Aid Path to War By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 06, 2019
Regime Change for Profit: Chevron, Halliburton Cheer on US Venezuela Coup By Whitney Webb, February 06, 2019
The Lima Group: International Outlaws and Regime Change Conspirators By Christopher Black, February 06, 2019
Venezuela: The Ultimatum of Shame By Alex Anfruns, February 05, 2019
What the Mainstream Media Doesn’t Tell You About Venezuela By Yves Engler, February 05, 2019
Video: Abby Martin: Hands Off Venezuela By Abby Martin, February 05, 2019
Maduro Asks International Community to End US’s Threats of War By Telesur, February 05, 2019
Washington Follows Ukraine, Syria Roadmap in Push for Venezuela Regime Change By Whitney Webb, February 05, 2019
Video: Evenly Matched Pro- and Anti-Government Marches in Venezuela By Dimitri Lascaras, February 05, 2019