Latin America & Caribbean

Dilma Rousseff
In 2003, "Leftists" applauded the inauguration of Luis Ignacio da Silva as a victory against neoliberalism, without acknowledging that Lula's PT had embraced the demands of Wall Street and the IMF. In the words of IMF Managing Director (2003) "the IMF listens to President Lula and the economic team".
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle...
Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
The Junta ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos. While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen. From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold.
Is Oil Behind Washington’s Venezuela Coup Madness? By F. William Engdahl, February 13, 2020
“Fake President” Juan Guaido Ends His International Tour, Returns to A Divided Venezuelan Opposition By Nino Pagliccia, February 12, 2020
US Sanctions Venezuelan State Airline, Threatens Russian Oil Giant By Paul Dobson, February 12, 2020
Warfare Tools
Venezuela: From Oil Proxy to the Bolivarian Movement and Sabotage. Abysmal Poverty under US Proxy Rule (1918-1998) By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner, February 12, 2020
US Regime Change in Venezuela: The Documented Evidence By Tony Cartalucci, February 12, 2020
Video: The Truth About Venezuela’s Blackout By Telesur, February 11, 2020
China, Russia to Defy US Sanctions Over Support to Venezuela By Telesur, February 11, 2020
Brazilian Government Wants to Destroy the Culture of Native Peoples By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 10, 2020
Deported to Death: US Sent 138 Salvadorans Home to be Killed By Prof. Mneesha Gellman, February 10, 2020
Video: The U.S. Attempted 2018 Coup against Nicaragua By Daniel Kovalik, February 09, 2020
Bankers Shape Canadian Policy in Latin America. Juan Guaidó Fêted in Ottawa By Yves Engler, February 09, 2020
Mexico’s President AMLO Shows How It’s Done By Ellen Brown, February 09, 2020
Venezuela “Embassy Protectors” Will Not be Able to Tell Jury that Coup Leader Juan Guaido Is “Not President”, or Mention International Law By Ajamu Baraka, February 07, 2020
Exxon's own research in the 1980s indicated that without major reductions in fossil fuel combustion, "[t]here are some potentially catastrophic events that must be considered." (Photo: Luc B / Flickr)
Exxon’s Exploitative Oil Deal in Guyana Will Deprive the Country of Up to $55 Billion By Global Witness, February 05, 2020
“Hybrid War” and Its Impacts on Latin America By Andrew Korybko and Santiago Mayor, February 04, 2020
The U.S. War on Iran and Venezuela: Interview with Ajamu Baraka By Ajamu Baraka and The Organizer, February 03, 2020
The U.S.’ Monroe Doctrine Against South America Is Still Alive in the 21st Century By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, February 03, 2020
Guaido’s Failed Foreign Tour Ends with a Flop By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, February 03, 2020
Did Vladimir Lenin Foresee the Information Glut? Commemorating the Birth of José Marti By Prof Susan Babbitt, February 01, 2020
Open Letter to Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau. “Interim President of Venezuela Juan Guaidó to visit Canada” By Nino Pagliccia, January 28, 2020
Genetically Modified Seeds: Bayer Builds Latin America’s Largest Seed Factory in Chile By GMWatch, January 27, 2020
A Year of Failure for Guaidó and Trump’s “Fake President” By Leonardo Flores, January 26, 2020
Venezuela’s “Guaido Threat”: Safeguarding Telesur Is Our Obligation, Academics and Intellectuals By Steve Sweeney, January 24, 2020
An Epic Act of Resistance and Trial of Our Times. “The Venezuela Embassy Protectors Collective” By Lauren Smith, January 23, 2020
Video: Globalize Hope: New Film on the History of La Via Campesina By La Via Campesina, January 23, 2020
New Debt Crisis in the South By Milan Rivié, January 23, 2020
Bolivia: As Elections Near, US-Backed Interim Government Mobilizes Military, Arrests Opposition Leaders By Alan MacLeod, January 23, 2020
Venezuela Must Remain Vigilant and On Guard Against US Hybrid Warfare By Nino Pagliccia, January 23, 2020
Three Years of Monroe Doctrine by Trump: What Has Happened in Latin America? By Paul Antonopoulos, January 23, 2020
Guaido’s Last Ride By Daniel McAdams, January 22, 2020
Despite Limitations, Cuba’s State Budget Maintains Its Eminently Social Focus By Yudy Castro Morales, January 22, 2020
Attempts to Remove Morales’ Memory from Bolivia Will Likely Reinvigorate an Anti-Imperialist Struggle By Paul Antonopoulos, January 21, 2020
The People of Colombia Are Cracking Up the Walls of War and Authoritarianism By Justin Podur, January 20, 2020
NAFTA 1.0: Was It a “Legal Agreement”? One of Its Signatories Linked to Organized Crime. And What About NAFTA 2.0? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 19, 2020
2019 Year in Review: From Corporate Capture of Social Media to Trump’s War Agenda to Climate Change By Michael Welch, Abby Martin, Robbie Martin, and Andy Roth, January 19, 2020
It’s Factually Incorrect to Claim that Bolivia Has a So-Called Interim Government By Andrew Korybko, January 17, 2020
Brazil: From Lula to Bolsonaro By Eric Toussaint, January 15, 2020
Trump Prosecutors Make Move to Ensure that Embassy Protectors Are Convicted By Kevin Zeese and Ajamu Baraka, January 15, 2020
Argentina: Facing Another Debt Crisis By Eric Toussaint and Renaud Vivien, January 14, 2020
Ukraine Airliner Tragedy: Memories of Iran Air Flight 655 Shootdown, Cubana Flight 455 Attack By Brett Wilkins, January 13, 2020
Five Truths about Haiti By Jean Saint-Vil, January 12, 2020
Ten Years Ago in the Aftermath of the Haiti Earthquake: The Militarization of “Emergency Aid”. Was it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 10, 2020
Venezuela: Guaido Replaced as Parliament Head in Disputed Vote By Lucas Koerner and Ricardo Vaz, January 06, 2020
Venezuela: Disturbing Echoes of History – A Presentation by Maria Páez Victor By Michael Welch and Dr. Maria Páez Victor, January 05, 2020
Neo-Liberal Colombia – Where Life Has to Defeat Death By Andre Vltchek, January 03, 2020
Old Money and New Questions in AMLO’s Mexico By Asad Ismi, January 03, 2020
Crisis and Critique: Venezuela, a Paradox of Stability? By Prof. Ociel Alí López, December 31, 2019
IACHR Identified 68 Thousand Twitter Accounts Created in Support of Bolivia’s de Facto Government By Orinoco Tribune, December 31, 2019
Cuba Ready if US Breaks Off Diplomatic Relations: Top Official By Telesur, December 31, 2019
Beating the Western Media Blockade – Ideas, Infrastructure, Solidarity By Jorge Capelan and Stephen Sefton, December 30, 2019
Cuba’s Revolutionary Beginning Started 61 Years Ago By Nino Pagliccia, December 30, 2019
Nestlé and the Privatization of Water: A Tale of Many Cities By Franklin Frederick, December 30, 2019
Pro-Coup Venezuelan Soldiers Who Fled to the US Now Locked Up in ICE Immigration Detention Center By Alan MacLeod, December 30, 2019
US Congress Approves Legislation to Wage a Hybrid “Humanitarian War” on Venezuela? By Nino Pagliccia, December 27, 2019
Defend the Silao Seven! Fired Mexican GM Workers By World Socialist Web Site, December 27, 2019
Bolsonaro in 2019: A Year of False Hope and Failures for Brazil By Paul Antonopoulos, December 27, 2019
Remembering The Invasion Of Panama By Daniel Larison, December 26, 2019
Reuters Shields OAS over False Claims that Sparked Bolivia Coup By Joe Emersberger, December 23, 2019
At the OAS – Organization of American States. Major Defeat for the US and Its Allies, Victory for Evo! By Arnold August, December 23, 2019
John Lennon, Celebrated in Havana By Prof Susan Babbitt, December 23, 2019
Baltasar Garzon to be Evo Morales’ Lawyer to Invalidate Warrant By Telesur, December 23, 2019
Brexit Could See the Return of the Falkland Islands to Argentina By Paul Antonopoulos, December 19, 2019
AMLO Is Bringing New Hope to Mexico By Rick Sterling, December 18, 2019
De-Facto Bolivian President to Issue Arrest Warrant for Morales By Telesur, December 18, 2019
The Real Interest of the U.S. in Latin America and the Caribbean. Preserve Imperialism By Enrique Moreno Gimeranez, December 17, 2019
Maduro Causes a Stir with About-Face on Dollarisation By Clodovaldo Hernández, December 16, 2019
U.S. Regime Change Operation Is Taking Shape in Mexico? By Rainer Shea, December 16, 2019
“The Cuban 5”: The Freedom of Five Cuban Heroes Will Never be Reversed By Alicia Jrapko and Bill Hackwell, December 16, 2019
Argentina: Devastating Consequences of GMO-based Intensive ag on Native Amphibians By GMWatch, December 16, 2019
Members of Argentine Delegation in Bolivia Tell the Horror They Recorded (Coup Repression) By Orinoco Tribune, December 16, 2019
Video: Latin America, Geopolitical Battlefield. U.S. Threatens Military Intervention By South Front, December 14, 2019
NAFTA 2.0: Revising the 1994 Agreement By Stephen Lendman, December 14, 2019
D.C. Judge to Hear Legal Challenge to Trump’s Border-wall Emergency By Center For Biological Diversity, December 13, 2019
Abstract Leftism Leaves Bolivia and Global South in Crosshairs of Imperialism By Nefta Freeman, December 13, 2019
Indigenous Bolivia Ready to Go to War Against Fascism By Andre Vltchek, December 13, 2019
Colombia and The Revolutionary Process By Nino Pagliccia, December 13, 2019
Bolivia: The 21st Century Coup d’État and Its Crimes Against Humanity By Alex Anfruns, December 12, 2019
On International Human Rights Day, Oppose U.S. Coup in Bolivia and Global Lawlessness: Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) By Black Alliance for Peace, December 11, 2019
Trump-Pelosi Trade Maneuvers: The New NAFTA 2.0, China Tariffs, and Brazil-Argentina Steel By Dr. Jack Rasmus, December 11, 2019
U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement—Weak Tea, at Best By Thea M. Lee and Robert Scott, December 11, 2019