
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
The Comoros Crisis Pits China Against France Off the Coast of East Africa By Andrew Korybko, October 17, 2018
American Friendly Fascism: Not So Friendly Anymore By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 17, 2018
Metropolitan Police on “Chepiga” and “Mishkin” By Craig Murray, October 17, 2018
Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank Have Indelible Links to Greek Financial Crisis By JD Mangan, October 16, 2018
A Quarter-million Protest in Berlin Against the Grand Coalition and the Return of Fascism By Ulrich Rippert, October 15, 2018
Sharing the Defense Burden: What Europe No Longer Can – or Knows How to – Do By Isabella Martinez, October 14, 2018
Aufstehen! (Stand Up!) – A New Left Movement Emerging in Germany? By Klaus Dräger, October 14, 2018
Brazilian Elections and the Stakes for Democracy By Michael Welch, Pepe Escobar, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 14, 2018
From GM Potatoes to Glyphosate: Regulatory Delinquency and Toxic Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, October 13, 2018
Albert Speer
History of the Third Reich: Hitler’s Armaments Minister Albert Speer’s Complicity in the Nazi Genocide By Shane Quinn, October 12, 2018
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso Is the New Flashpoint in France’s “War on Terror”. Al Qaeda Cells in the Sahel By Andrew Korybko, October 12, 2018
“Good” Bombing: NATO Op Against Yugoslavia Was a War Crime: Christopher Black By Ekaterina Blinova, October 12, 2018
Russian ‘Collusion’ Is a Red Herring, Emergence of the Far Right, New Wave of Fascism By Max Parry, October 11, 2018
UK Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: UK Should Not be Arming Regimes That Target Journalists By Andrew Smith, October 10, 2018
The EU’s Economic and Political Weakness. Remainers’ Callous Hypocrisy By Rodney Atkinson, October 10, 2018
Britain and NATO Prepare for War on Russia in the Arctic By Brian Cloughley, October 10, 2018
British Intelligence Now Officially a By-word for Organized Crime By John Wight, October 10, 2018
Rembrandt at the Scottish National Gallery By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, October 10, 2018
The Sessional Curse: Universities and the Casual Work Force By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 10, 2018
What Is the Best Solution to the Ukrainian Crisis? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 09, 2018
Oil Price Rally Boosts Electric Car Sales By Tsvetana Paraskova, October 09, 2018
Blanket Silence: Corporate Media Ignore New Report Exposing Distorted and Misleading Coverage of Corbyn By Media Lens, October 09, 2018
The Coming Military Vision of State Censorship By True Publica, October 09, 2018
No More Torture Says France By Eric Margolis, October 08, 2018
UK’s MI5 in Court for Covert Policy Allowing Agents to Commit Serious Crimes By Ian Cobain, October 05, 2018
Targeted in the Balkans: Russia’s Tiny Ally Republic of Srpska By Stephen Karganovic, October 05, 2018
The Stock Market Just Crashed in Italy, and Argentina Has Panic-Raised Interest Rates to 65 Percent By Michael Snyder, October 04, 2018
Norway Becomes World’s First Country to Ban Deforestation By Katie Pohlman, October 04, 2018
UK Corporate Media: Social Media Platforms Must Pay By Mike Robinson, October 04, 2018
Want to Know What Tax Haven Post Brexit Britain Could Look Like? By True Publica, October 04, 2018
Otto Skorzeny
History of World War II: Hitler’s Favorite Commando and Committed Nazi: War Criminal Otto Skorzeny By Shane Quinn, October 03, 2018
Eighty Years On: The Shame and Tragedy of the 1938 Munich Agreement By Marcus Papadopoulos, October 03, 2018
The Struggle for the Ukraine Orthodox Church: Tension Between the Constantinople and Moscow Patriarchate. Is there an Option Which Will Avoid a Schism? By Boiko Hristov, October 03, 2018
Open Letter From UK Academics: The Harsh Sentencing of Anti-fracking Campaigners Sets a Dangerous Precedent By Andrea Brock and Prof. Lyla Mehta, October 03, 2018
Hitler’s Carmaker: The Inside Story of How General Motors Helped Mobilize the Third Reich By Edwin Black, October 02, 2018
UK’s Snoopers’ Charter Ruled Unlawful: What Does Privacy Mean to You? By Julian Vigo, October 01, 2018
Participatory Socialist Economics: The Vision of British Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell By Hilary Wainwright, October 01, 2018
Bombing Libya: The Origins of Europe’s Immigration Crisis By William Blum, September 30, 2018
Israel: The Nuclear Hegemon That Poses a Potential Threat to Europe By Hans Stehling, September 30, 2018
History and Political Thought: South Slavic Ideologies, Greater Croatia By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 29, 2018
Tortured Solutions: Ecuador, the UK and Julian Assange’s Fate By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 29, 2018
Serbian President Accuses West of ‘Brutal Meddling’ in Bosnia-Herzegovina’s Elections By Aleksandar Pavic, September 28, 2018
Scientific Reviews of Glyphosate’s Cancer Risk Fail to Fully Disclose Monsanto’s Role By Center For Biological Diversity, September 28, 2018
History: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and The Idea of a Greater Croatia. Pavao Ritter Vitezović By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 28, 2018
Kristallnacht ‘Bleeds’ into Charlottesville By Philip A Farruggio, September 28, 2018
Neoliberal Order
Time to Wake Up: The Neoliberal Order Is Dying By Jonathan Cook, September 27, 2018
The Day Fracking Protest Became a Jailable Offence — In Pictures By Mat Hope, September 27, 2018
Labour Ready for Government and a State Operated Mass Transport System for 21st Century Britain By Hans Stehling, September 27, 2018
Augmenting Brains: Google Turns Twenty. The Google Search Engine Commodifies and Controls Choice By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 27, 2018
How the EU Is Helping Iran Skirt U.S. Sanctions. Sets Up Countervailing Financial Entity By Nick Cunningham, September 26, 2018
The British Labour Party and Community Ownership Plans By John McDonnell, September 26, 2018
Karl Marx: 19th Century “Conspiracy Theorist”? How Europe’s Capitalist Elites Starved and Slandered Immigrant Karl Marx By Mesloub Khider, September 26, 2018
“Creating Discord and Distrust”: US Support for Propaganda TV Stations in Syria: State Department Cables By Brandon Turbeville, September 26, 2018
Bankers, Bosses, Hedge Fund Managers and Directors Panic-Stricken in Anticipation of a Radical Labour Government in Britain By Hans Stehling, September 25, 2018
The Skripal Affair: The Incredible Case of Boshirov and Petrov’s Visas By Craig Murray, September 25, 2018
“Black Money” and India’s President Modi’s Rotten Deal for France’s Rafale Jets Might be His Downfall By Andrew Korybko, September 25, 2018
Don’t Share This! EU’s New Copyright Law Could Kill the Free Internet By Neil Clark, September 24, 2018
UK Begged Trump Not to Declassify Russia Docs; Cited “Grave Concerns” Over Steele Involvement By Zero Hedge, September 24, 2018
Camp Darby
In Italy, The Slaughtering of Trees in Support of the Restructuring of US Camp Darby Military Base By Manlio Dinucci, September 23, 2018
A French President for Georgia? By Giorgi Lomsadze, September 23, 2018
Why Are Eight NATO Forces Going to Ukraine as Their Final Destination? By Paul Antonopoulos, September 22, 2018
Russian Federation Council
Flight MH17, Ukraine and the Civil War By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, September 22, 2018
Poland May Become Next Nation to Shoot Down Russian Military Plane? US Planning to Establish a Permanent Military Base in Poland By Rick Rozoff and Sputnik, September 21, 2018
Kosovo: What Everyone Really Needs to Know By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 21, 2018
Germany’s Grand Coalition Promotes Far-right Secret Service Chief to State Secretary By Ulrich Rippert, September 21, 2018
The Tories’ Racist Mantra: ‘All Jews/Israelis Are Superior and Good: All Arabs/Palestinians Are Inferior and Bad’ By Hans Stehling, September 20, 2018
Hundreds of Israeli Citizens Sign Letter Expressing Support for Jeremy Corbyn By Communist Party of Israel, September 20, 2018
Disobedient Hungary: From the Soviet Union to the European Union By Diana Johnstone, September 20, 2018
Syria, the United Nations, and the “Slobodan Milosevic Treatment” By Kurt Nimmo, September 20, 2018
The Pathology of Mass Surveillance: The UK, Bulk Interception and the European Court of Human Rights By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 20, 2018
Hold the Front Page. The Reporters Are Missing. By John Pilger, September 20, 2018
Video: The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire By Independent POV, September 20, 2018
Russia Reveals the MH17 ‘Smoking Gun’ By Pepe Escobar, September 19, 2018
GMO industry
GMO Lobby Plots to Corrupt EU Court Ruling on Gene Editing By F. William Engdahl, September 19, 2018
NATO’s Fascist Wedge in Ukraine By Alex Gordon, September 19, 2018
Norway Officials Admit They Knew Nothing About Libya But Joined Regime Change Efforts Anyway By Zero Hedge, September 19, 2018
IMF (Again) Makes a Fool of Itself Over Brexit By Rodney Atkinson, September 19, 2018
The Dutch Investigation into Flight MH17 and Kiev’s Veto By Prof. Kees van der Pijl, September 18, 2018
MS Estonia
The Sinking of MS Estonia: Still Doubts Over Official Story 24 Years After the Biggest Maritime Disaster in Europe Since World War II By Terje Maloy, September 18, 2018
In the Wake of the 2008 Global Economic Crisis: Banking Structures Untouched. How the Financial Lobby Won the Battle in Brussels By Corporate Europe Observatory, September 17, 2018