
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Britain’s Air and Drone War in Syria By Chris Cole, February 13, 2019
Scotland’s Bomb: Six Times More Powerful than Hiroshima By Arthur West, February 12, 2019
Think Tank Censured by Charity Commission for Hard Brexit Lobbying By True Publica, February 11, 2019
The Legal Loophole that Defies Democracy in Britain By Dr. Robert C. Palmer, February 11, 2019
British Military Presence Near Venezuela ‘Extremely Concerning’ By Phil Miller, February 11, 2019
Geneva Politicians Vote to Propose Julian Assange Asylum By SWI, February 10, 2019
France Recalling Ambassador from Rome after Italy’s Deputy PM Meets Yellow Vest Leaders By RT News, February 10, 2019
Former British Foreign Secretary William Hague Attacks Corbyn on Venezuela, Exposes Barbarism of Regime Change Policy By Nina Cross, February 09, 2019
France – Macron Does Not Fulfill His Campaign Promises of “Government of People for the People” By Peter Koenig and Fars News Agency, February 09, 2019
The Search for Truth About Britain’s Forgotten Role in Iraq By Prof. Ibrahim Al-Marashi, February 09, 2019
Where Is the One Million Tonnes of Toxic Tyre Dust and Particulates Discharged into the Environment Each Year in the US and Europe? By Hans Stehling, February 08, 2019
50 Days Until America’s ‘Brexit Prize’ Becomes Reality By True Publica, February 08, 2019
Why I Defend Jeremy Corbyn but Don’t Support Him By William Bowles, February 07, 2019
Brexit Poll: 80% of UK Adults Disapprove of Government’s Handling of Brexit Negotiations By ORB International, February 06, 2019
Revealed: The dark-money Brexit Ads Flooding Social Media By Peter Geoghegan, February 06, 2019
Sharp Manias: Knife Crime in London By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 06, 2019
Spanish Rail Manufacturer CAF Rejects Tender for Jerusalem’s Railway as It Traverses ’67 Border’ By Maan News Agency, February 06, 2019
Venezuela: The Ultimatum of Shame By Alex Anfruns, February 05, 2019
“Fort Trump” in Poland Is a Gold Mine for the US Military-Industrial Complex By Oleg Tsarov, February 05, 2019
Italy Vetoed EU Recognition of Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido By RT News, February 04, 2019
The Venezuelan Coup and Gilets Jaunes: Great-Power Politics in a Multipolar World Order By Federico Pieraccini, February 04, 2019
Britain’s Secret Propaganda “Integrity Initiative” Targets Russia By Thomas Scripps, February 04, 2019
Water Cannon & Blood: Paris ‘Yellow Vest’ Protest Turns Violent By Defend Democracy Press, February 03, 2019
Saving the Earth or Saving Capitalism? The Inconvenient Truth Behind Today’s Youth Climate Campaigns By Michael Welch and Cory Morningstar, February 03, 2019
ISTEX: The New EU Financial Mechanism for Trade with Iran: Bypassing the Dollar? By Stephen Lendman, February 02, 2019
Video: Yellow Vest Protest in Paris: Act XII By RT News, February 02, 2019
Will Iran Sanctions Herald the Fall of the Imperial Dollar? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 02, 2019
Why Britain’s Support for Venezuela’s Self-declared President Must be Rejected By Nina Cross, February 02, 2019
Bank of England Tears Up Its Gold Custody Contract with Venezuela’s Central Bank By Ronan Manly, February 02, 2019
Davos – A Family Reunion of People Who Broke the World By True Publica, February 02, 2019
Washington has Resurrected the Arms Race By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 02, 2019
Talking About Power: Crisis of Germany’s Left By Ingar Solty and Jerko Bakotin, February 02, 2019
Gilets Jaunes: Civilians in Police Crosshairs as Macron Adopts Totalitarian State-Practices to Suppress Dissent By Vanessa Beeley, February 01, 2019
France, Germany, UK Launch a New ‘Non-Dollar’ Mechanism to Trade with Iran, but Will it Work? By Patrick Henningsen, February 01, 2019
Liberté, Égalité, Impérialisme! Vive la France in Black Africa! By Ann Garrison, January 31, 2019
Belarus and Russia: Nipping the “Annexation” Infowar Narrative in the Bud By Andrew Korybko, January 31, 2019
Italian Court Orders Public Safety Campaign By Microwave News, January 30, 2019
“Instagram Helped Kill My Daughter”: Censorship Tendencies on Social Media By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 30, 2019
Regime Change in Africa. Rival Rumblings In West and Central Africa By Andrew Korybko, January 29, 2019
Britain Lurches Deeper into Brexit Crisis: Its Population Remains Deeply Alienated from the Political Establishment By Dr. Leon Tressell, January 29, 2019
Bank of England Urged to Hand Over Venezuela’s Gold to Guaidó By Zero Hedge, January 29, 2019
Crises of Governance Escalates in Western Capitalist States. Trump, Macron, May By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 29, 2019
Emmanuel Macron, Pedro Sanchez, Angela Merkel and Theresa May Have No Right to Issue an Ultimatum to Venezuela By Eric Toussaint and Joaldo Dominguez, January 29, 2019
General Atomics Bring in BAE Systems to Lobby for ‘Protector’ Drone to Fly in UK By Chris Cole, January 28, 2019
Bank of England Refused to Return $1.2bn in Gold to Venezuela – Reports By RT News, January 28, 2019
On Target: Ukraine Re-writes History by Celebrating Nazi Collaborator By Scott Taylor, January 28, 2019
How Globalisation Killed Our Mother By Matthew Caruana Galizia and Paul Caruana Galizia, January 27, 2019
Why Germany Leads in Renewables: It Has Its Own Green Bank By Ellen Brown, January 27, 2019
Brexit Britain – Government Negotiating ‘Singapore on Thames’. Brexit and the Future of Tax Havens By True Publica, January 24, 2019
Putting on Yellow Vests — to Stop Trump’s Throwing the U.S. Constitution over a Wall By Dr. Barbara G. Ellis, January 24, 2019
Theresa May’s Plan B: Brexit Plan A with a Rhetorical Facelift By Stephen Lendman, January 24, 2019
Europe’s Debt Crisis: Challenges for the Left, Confronting the Creditors By Eric Toussaint and Le Vent Se Lève, January 24, 2019
Labour Government Would Rectify National Scandal of Tory Sale of Britain’s Railways, Power & Water Supplies By Hans Stehling, January 23, 2019
Global Economy on the Brink as Davos Crowd Parties On By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 23, 2019
First Responder in Skripal Poisoning Turns Out to be Britain’s Most Senior Military Nurse By RT News, January 22, 2019
Russia Might Return to the Balkans in a Big (But Controversial) Way By Andrew Korybko, January 22, 2019
Brexit: UK Caught Between the Past and the Future By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, January 22, 2019
The Day to Day Realities of the Refugee Crisis in Greece’s Samos Island By Chris Jones, January 22, 2019
The Socialization of Society By Rosa Luxemburg, January 22, 2019
Human Rights Activists Condemn Britain’s ‘Shameful’ War Games with Israeli Air Force By Phil Miller, January 21, 2019
Video: Les Gilets Jaunes By Le Média Pour Tous – Officiel, January 21, 2019
Britain’s Intrusive Surveillance Systems. “Pre-crime and Predictive Systems”. Reliance on Data-driven Surveillance and Algorithms By True Publica, January 21, 2019
Video: Protesters Clash with French Police in Souillac Before Macron Visit By RT News, January 20, 2019
How Wall Street Finances the Battle against Neoliberalism? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 20, 2019
Vive La Résistance: Brexit, Yellow Vests, and the Fate of the EU By Michael Welch, Diana Johnstone, and Peter Koenig, January 20, 2019
Glyphosate is Carcinogenic: EU Regulatory Authorities Colluding with Agrochemicals Industry By Colin Todhunter, January 19, 2019
Neofascist Push for Europe’s Implosion Is Not in EU Members National Interest By Gilbert Mercier, January 19, 2019
Talk of Western Intervention in the Black Sea Is Pure Fantasy By Pepe Escobar, January 17, 2019
A Tale of Two Austerities By John Clarke, January 17, 2019
No-Confidence Survivor: Theresa May and Brexit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 17, 2019
The Global Internet Is Facing a Catastrophe for Free Expression By Cory Doctorow, January 17, 2019
In Which War-torn City in a Third-world Country Was This Man Starving to Death in? By True Publica, January 17, 2019
Dances of Disinformation: The Partisan Politics of the “Integrity Initiative” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 14, 2019
France, Germany to Merge Economic and Defense Policies; Create Cross-Border “Eurodistricts” By Zero Hedge, January 14, 2019
New Documents Reveal a Covert British Military-Intelligence Smear Machine Meddling in American Politics By Max Blumenthal and Mark Ames, January 13, 2019
Walls or Roads By Prof. James Petras, January 13, 2019
The Original ‘Fake News’? The BBC and the Information Research Department By Ian Sinclair, January 13, 2019
Gilets Jaunes in 2019: French Democracy Dead or Alive? By Diana Johnstone, January 12, 2019
Richard Dearlove Helped Blair Kill Millions. The Security Services Are a Danger to Our State and Society By Craig Murray, January 12, 2019
New Mural in Paris Celebrates ‘Yellow Vest’ Revolt By The Local, January 12, 2019