
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
The Buried Maidan Massacre and Its Misrepresentation by the West By Prof Ivan Katchanovski, April 24, 2019
Governing Ukraine Is No Laughing Matter By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 24, 2019
The Mainstream Media – The Good, Bad and Downright Ugly By True Publica, April 24, 2019
Glyphosate Risks ‘Last for Generations’ By Arthur Wyns, April 24, 2019
Spanish Politics Is US Geopolitics By Aidan O’Brien, April 24, 2019
Notre Dame – Glory or Shame? By Peter Koenig, April 24, 2019
Bringing Julian Assange Home By John Pilger, April 24, 2019
Volodymyr Zelenskiy as Ukraine’s “Actor President” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 24, 2019
Video: George Galloway on Julian Assange: “Brits Know Something’s Wrong Here” By George Galloway and RT News, April 22, 2019
Landslide Triumph over US Installed Puppet President in Ukraine By Stephen Lendman, April 22, 2019
Ukraine Elections: Why “OU” Lost by a Landslide By Kevin Zeese, April 22, 2019
Kosovo’s Conflict: A Devastating Precedent in International Relations By Radovan Spasic, April 22, 2019
CIA Docs Shows UK, France and West Germany Wanted to Bring “Operation Condor” To Europe By Whitney Webb, April 20, 2019
Freedom of the Press in Britain: Imprisoning Julian Assange, Arrest of Journalists in Northern Ireland By Dr. Leon Tressell, April 18, 2019
The Official Skripal Story is a Dead Duck By Craig Murray, April 18, 2019
EU Rejects Israeli Claim to Syrian Golan By IMEMC, April 18, 2019
Burning Gothic: Reflections on Notre-Dame de Paris By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 18, 2019
Bamiyan, Babylon, Palmyra, Notre-Dame By Pepe Escobar, April 17, 2019
The Florence Declaration: An International Front Calling for NATO-Exit By Global Research News, April 17, 2019
Farcical Ukraine Runoff Presidential Election By Stephen Lendman, April 17, 2019
Yellow Vests Struggle to Reinvent Democracy By Richard Greeman, April 17, 2019
Julian Assange Wins 2019 EU Journalism Award By Telesur, April 17, 2019
Julian Assange’s Victory By Andre Vltchek, April 17, 2019
A Cathedral and a Mosque Engulfed in Fire; One Ravages the Past, the Other Threatens the Future By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, April 17, 2019
Assange Used Ecuadorian Embassy for Spying? Lenin Moreno By Stephen Lendman, April 16, 2019
Passing the Parcel: The European Union and Refugees in the Mediterranean By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 16, 2019
Reminder: French Catholic Churches Were Being Desecrated Weeks Prior to Notre Dame Cathedral Fire By The Clover Chronicle, April 16, 2019
Jo Cox: A Tragedy Twisted into a Bogus ‘Terror Plot’? By True Publica, April 16, 2019
International Criminal Lawyer: ICC Is Controlled by the US and EU By Christopher Black and Basma Qaddour, April 16, 2019
Sex, Lies and Julian Assange By Richard Galustian, April 15, 2019
Video: The Business of Cancer By Sonia Poulton, April 15, 2019
The Fake Charge Against Julian Assange Proves that the US Government Has No Integrity By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 15, 2019
Why the Assange Allegation Is a Stitch-up By Craig Murray, April 15, 2019
Brexit – The Truth About the Economy and What’s Next By True Publica, April 15, 2019
The Prosecution of Julian Assange Is a Threat to Journalists Everywhere By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, April 15, 2019
Moving Stories: From Poverty to Despair, Refugees Moved from Greece’s Samos Island to the Mainland By Chris Jones, April 15, 2019
What is Fascism? Can the “Fascist Germ” Rise to Epidemic Levels in the USA Today? By Prof. Anthony A. Gabb, April 15, 2019
Julian Assange Is Guilty Only of Revealing the Evil Soul of US Imperialism By Federico Pieraccini, April 15, 2019
WikiLeaks’ Publication of the Collateral Murder Video, Afghanistan and Iraq Docs, US Diplomatic Cables: Why Assange’s Extradition Must be Opposed at All Cost By Dr. Nozomi Hayase, April 14, 2019
The Arrest of Julian Assange: “Sends a Chill into the Bones of Investigative Journalists and Whistle-Blowers around the Globe” By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, April 14, 2019
Drop Invalid Charges Against Julian Assange! By Massoud Nayeri, April 14, 2019
Mairead Maguire Requests Permission to Visit Assange, Nominated for Nobel Prize By Mairead Maguire, April 14, 2019
What Should People of Conscience Do to Protect Julian Assange? By Kim Petersen, April 14, 2019
After 7 Years of Deceptions About Assange, the US Readies for Its First Media Rendition By Jonathan Cook, April 14, 2019
Monsanto Loses Appeal in French Farmer’s Poisoning Case By Marjorie Boyet, April 14, 2019
Assange’s Arrest Affirms US/UK Speech, Media, and Academic Freedoms Are Null and Void By Stephen Lendman, April 14, 2019
Assange’s Indictment Treats Journalism as a Crime By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 14, 2019
The Assange Arrest: You Have the Right to Remain Silent By Pepe Escobar, April 14, 2019
Another Example of How a Trade Deal with America Will Harm British People By True Publica, April 14, 2019
Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles. By Craig Murray, April 12, 2019
Major Confession: Kosovo’s PM – ‘I Only Carry Out U.S Orders, I’m an American Soldier’ By Paul Antonopoulos, April 12, 2019
UK Government Defends Arming Saudi Arabia: Secret Court Hearing. Are British Forces in Yemen? By Phil Miller, April 12, 2019
Rogue State? Britain Railing Against International Norms and Laws By True Publica, April 12, 2019
Video: Assange’s Lawyer Says Wikileaks Founder’s Life in Danger if Extradited to the U.S. By Defend Democracy Press, April 12, 2019
USA v. Julian Assange: DOJ Indictment on Phony Charge Revealed By Stephen Lendman, April 12, 2019
British Government Arrests WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Behalf of the American Empire By Dr. Leon Tressell, April 12, 2019
Assange’s Arrest Criminalizes Truth-Telling Journalism By Stephen Lendman, April 12, 2019
Julian Assange Should be Lauded and Protected, Not Persecuted and Destroyed By Mark Taliano, April 12, 2019
The Assange Arrest Is a Warning from History By John Pilger, April 12, 2019
NATO – No Need – NATO-EXIT: The Florence Declaration By Peter Koenig, April 12, 2019
Censored: “Online Harms” By UK Column News, April 12, 2019
Julian Assange: The Age of Injustice By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 12, 2019
Shredding Asylum: The Arrest of Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 12, 2019
Julian Assange Message Is to “Resist!” By Massoud Nayeri, April 12, 2019
Police State Britain: UK Police Forcibly Arrest Julian Assange By Stephen Lendman, April 11, 2019
EU Parliamentary Elections 2019. Aspiring Politicians, Fear of Nationalist Movements… By Andreas C Chrysafis, April 11, 2019
The ReCommonsEurope Manifesto: A Left-wing Initiative in Europe By Eric Toussaint, April 11, 2019
British Bombs Are Being Dropped from Saudi Jets onto Yemeni Schools, Mosques and Hospitals, Court Hears By Phil Miller, April 11, 2019
Poisoning Wildlife – A Growing Threat in Europe By European Wilderness Society, April 11, 2019
Access to Medical Care, a Human Right, Must Also be Guaranteed to Julian Assange By Sean Love, April 11, 2019
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Appears in London Court By RTE, April 11, 2019
Video: War on Russia? Growing Military Deployment of US-NATO in the Black Sea By South Front, April 11, 2019
International Coalition Calls for the EU to End Its Role in the Assault on the Amazon By Fern, April 10, 2019
The US Is Arming and Assisting Neo-Nazis in Ukraine, While Congress Debates Prohibition By Max Blumenthal, April 09, 2019
Court of Appeal to Consider UK Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, April 09, 2019
Is this the Epicentre of Corbyn’s Antisemitism Story? By True Publica, April 08, 2019
Mexico to Spain and Vatican: Apologize for Your Crimes! By Andre Vltchek, April 08, 2019
On the Pavement with Wikileaks By Craig Murray, April 08, 2019
Assange Faces Ongoing Threats at Ecuador’s London Embassy By Oscar Grenfell, April 08, 2019
Assange to be Handed over to the UK, then to the US? By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2019