
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Libya Is Likely to Become a Proxy Battlefront Between Greece and Turkey By Paul Antonopoulos, December 12, 2019
NATO Summit – and 2020 Planned Aggression By Peter Koenig, December 12, 2019
Deutsche Bank Breaks Down How Tomorrow’s Election Will Impact UK Markets By Zero Hedge, December 12, 2019
Ukraine Might Finally See Peace, Unless the US ‘Deep State’ Sabotages It First By Andrew Korybko, December 12, 2019
Brits Prepare to Take to the Polls in the ‘Brexit’ Election By Johanna Ross, December 12, 2019
British Elections: The Cause of Labour is the Hope of the World By Dilma Rousseff, Yanis Varoufakis, Président de l'Équateur Rafael Correa, and et al., December 12, 2019
Divide and Conquer Tactics: Millions of Deaths Triggered by the British Empire By Tomasz Pierscionek, December 11, 2019
Video: President al-Assad: Europe Was the Main Player in Creating Chaos in Syria By Bashar al Assad, RAI News 24., and SANA, December 11, 2019
Last Straw as Teachers in France Join Nationwide Strike By Danica Jorden, December 11, 2019
US Lobbyists Prepare to Seize “Historic Opportunity” in Tory-led Brexit to Shred Consumer Safeguards, Raise Drug Prices By Lee Fang, December 11, 2019
U.S. Efforts to Force Iran Out of European Energy Markets Has Failed By Paul Antonopoulos, December 10, 2019
The Oligarch Who Financed Neo-Nazis Said Ukraine Could Join “A New Warsaw Pact” By Andrew Korybko, December 10, 2019
Agreement on Ceasefire in Ukraine: Real or Illusion? By Stephen Lendman, December 10, 2019
Voices of Scotland: Labour Still Relies on the Organised Working Class By Tom Morrison, December 10, 2019
NATO Summit Strengthens the ‘War Party’ By Manlio Dinucci, December 10, 2019
Kalamata City Council Blocks 5G Pilot Program Due to Health Risks By Greek City Times, December 10, 2019
NATO Doesn’t Care that Montenegro Is a Haven for Crime and Corruption By Paul Antonopoulos, December 09, 2019
Jews, Antisemitism and Labour – A Letter to the BBC By Jewish Voice for Labour, December 09, 2019
Paranoias of Interference: Russia, Reddit and the British Election By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 09, 2019
US and UK Military-Intelligence Apparatus Campaigns to Destroy Jeremy Corbyn By Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal, December 09, 2019
Winston Churchill and “the Indian Holocaust”: The Bengal Famine of 1943 By Great Game India, December 09, 2019
The Holocaust, “The Evil One”, Fascism and the Bush Family By Bill Van Auken, December 09, 2019
Why the UK Establishment Hates Jeremy Corbyn By Johanna Ross, December 08, 2019
Power of Siberia: Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China By F. William Engdahl, December 08, 2019
The US Is Forcing Macedonia to Change Its Name for NATO Membership – To Spite Russia By Bill Nicholov, December 08, 2019
Anglo-Zionist Plot Against Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn By Stephen Lendman, December 08, 2019
70th NATO Anniversary Shows Alliance Is More Divided than Ever By Paul Antonopoulos, December 07, 2019
France Shut Down by Nationwide Strike Action for Social Justice By Stephen Lendman, December 07, 2019
Donald Trump, the US Private Health Giant, and Top British NHS Officials – Special Relationships? By Tamasin Cave, December 06, 2019
Reopening Auschwitz – The Conspiracy to Stop Corbyn By Media Lens, December 06, 2019
The Vilification of Jeremy Corbyn By Leo Panitch, December 06, 2019
Increased Incidence of Brain Cancer. Caused by Exposure to Pesticides and Electromagnetic Fields? By Equipe Phonegate, December 05, 2019
Medical Doctors Protest Failure of UK Home Secretary to Act on Mr Julian Assange By Doctors for Assange, December 05, 2019
Julian Assange: An Appeal From International Lawyers By Fredrik S. Heffermehl, December 04, 2019
Is Boris Johnson a Liar? Denies He Will Sell Off UK National Health Service to Trump By Johanna Ross, December 04, 2019
NATO’s Continuing Enlargement Aims at Further Weakening of Russian Influence in the Balkans By Paul Antonopoulos, December 03, 2019
The Right to Mobility. Public Transport in the UK and Labour’s Manifesto By Lynsey Hanley, December 03, 2019
Bilateral Trade Relations Between Iran and EU Suffer Under Harsh US Sanctions By Sarah Abed, December 03, 2019
Greece’s Samos Island Refugees: A Reluctant Update on Enduring Cruelties By Chris Jones, December 02, 2019
Don’t Look, Don’t See: Time for Honest Media Reporting on Impacts of Pesticides By Colin Todhunter, December 02, 2019
The Spanish Case Takes a Turn, Activities of Security Outfit Aimed at Wikileaks. Julian Assange in Video Conference? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 02, 2019
Former Tory MP Calls Johnson a “Compulsive Liar” Who Has Betrayed “Every Single Person He Has Ever Had Any Dealings With” By Jack Peat, December 02, 2019
Hundreds Attend London Meeting to Demand Freedom for Julian Assange By World Socialist Web Site, December 02, 2019
The Man in the Bathtub, December 1, 1940: History of a Young Italian Who Emigrated to America in the Early 1900s By Philip A Farruggio, December 02, 2019
Six European Nations Join Worthless INSTEX’s Trade Mechanism with Iran By Stephen Lendman, December 01, 2019
Poland Proposes Raising Carcinogenic 5G Emission Levels as a “National Norm” By Julian Rose, December 01, 2019
Criminalizing Speech and Press Freedoms. Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning By Stephen Lendman, December 01, 2019
Appeal to Archbishop of Canterbury for Liberation of Julian Assange By Diana Johnstone, December 01, 2019
Is The Nuclear “Green”? “CO2- And Climate Neutral”? By Prof. Claudia von Werlhof, November 30, 2019
Ukraine: Land Privatization Demanded by IMF, Links to Biden Graft Scandal. Engineered Bankruptcy of National Economy By Dmitriy Kovalevich, November 30, 2019
The West Has Two Liberalism Problems, and Burning the Quran Is Just One of Them By Andrew Korybko, November 29, 2019
Visiting Britain’s Political Prisoner. Julian Assange By John Pilger, November 29, 2019
Open Door to GMO? Britain Faced with EU-US Biotechnology Dilemma Post-Brexit By Natasha Foote, November 29, 2019
Eastern Europe Is Turning into an Energy Battleground By RFE/RL, November 29, 2019
Explosive Leaked US-UK Trade Papers: Lowering Food and Health Standards under Brexit, Britain’s NHS, “Chlorinated Chicken” Already on Table in US Trade Talks By Global Justice Now, November 29, 2019
Britain’s Chief Rabbi Is Helping to Stoke Antisemitism against Corbyn By Jonathan Cook, November 29, 2019
Tory PM Johnson Wants Britain’s National Health Service Privatized By Stephen Lendman, November 28, 2019
The Sword, the Pen and the Law – On Julian Assange By Prof. Barbara Harriss-White, November 28, 2019
Leaked US Trade Talks Show How Trump Is Dictating Johnson’s Approach to a Hard Brexit By Nick Dearden, November 28, 2019
Kurti’s Election Means a Stronger Push for “Greater Albania” and Protection for Terrorists in Kosovo By Paul Antonopoulos, November 28, 2019
BBC Under Increasing Criticism for Biased Reporting By Johanna Ross, November 27, 2019
Video: The Revolution Business: Does the USA Sponsor “Color Revolutions” and “Regime Change”? By Journeyman Pictures, November 27, 2019
Boris Johnson’s Tory Party Manifesto Vows to Ban Boycott Campaigns (BDS) against Israel By Areeb Ullah, November 27, 2019
The Role of British Universities in Supporting Israel’s Demolitions of Palestinian Homes By Tom Anderson, November 27, 2019
Ukrainian MP Claims $7.4 Billion Obama-Linked Laundering, Puts Biden Group Take at $16.5 Million By Zero Hedge, November 26, 2019
Torturing and Killing Julian Assange Slowly By Stephen Lendman, November 25, 2019
MH17: Five Years of One-Sided Propaganda and Investigation from the Dutch Government’s JIT Team By Sonja van den Ende, November 25, 2019
Brexit Predicted to Lead to Regulatory Decline and Increased Hazards from Pesticides By Beyond Pesticides, November 25, 2019
Popes Against Nuclear Weapons By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 25, 2019
The 70 Years of NATO: From War to War: NATO Is Born from the Bomb By Comitato No Nato No Guerra, November 25, 2019
Julian Assange Tortured with Psychotropic Drug By Kurt Nimmo, November 25, 2019
Concerns of Medical Doctors About the Plight of Mr. Julian Assange By Doctors for Assange, November 25, 2019
America Supports Fascism: Repulsive Display of Hypocrisy on Ukraine, Concealing the U.S. Coup in Bolivia! By Massoud Nayeri, November 24, 2019
November 4: See Naples and Die. NATO-US Command Headquarters Settle in Naples By Manlio Dinucci, November 24, 2019
UK Jeremy Corbyn’s Progressive Manifesto. Reversing Neoliberal Harshness By Stephen Lendman, November 24, 2019
Is Corbyn a Socialist and Does It (No Longer) Matter if He Isn’t? By William Bowles, November 22, 2019
Anti-Corbyn Propaganda on Full Blast as UK Election Nears By Johanna Ross, November 21, 2019
Video: An Interview with John Shipton, Father of Julian Assange By John Shipton and Pandora TV, November 21, 2019
UK Government Hid Torture and Killing of Civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq by British Soldiers By Telesur, November 21, 2019
10 Downing Street – Abusing Its Power By True Publica, November 20, 2019