
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Europe’s Lack of Confidence Hampers Signing of Trade Agreement with China By Paul Antonopoulos, December 27, 2020
Covid-19: How Likely Is a Second Wave? By Prof. Paul Kirkham and Dr. Mike Yeadon, December 27, 2020
The Gaza Strip is “Uninhabitable”: Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Goes Uninterrupted, but Is Europe Finally Taking Notice? By Miko Peled, December 23, 2020
Covid Lockdowns and “Cancelling Christmas” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 23, 2020
Don’t Blame the Soviets for the War in Nagorno-Karabakh By Max Parry, December 23, 2020
British Government Contracts Firms to Make COVID ‘Freedom Passports’ By NWO Report, December 23, 2020
Top UN Anti-Torture Official Urges Trump to Send Message of ‘Justice, Truth, and Humanity’ by Pardoning Julian Assange By Brett Wilkins, December 23, 2020
Pfizer COVID Jab Warning: No Breastfeeding, Avoid Pregnancy for 2 Months, Unknown Fertility Impacts By Dorothy Cummings McLean, December 22, 2020
The Brexiteer Elites and Britain’s Patriotic Billionaires: “Making Britain Great Again” (MBGA) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 21, 2020
Covid-19: Mass Testing Is Inaccurate and Gives False Sense of Security: British Medical Journal Report By The BMJ, December 21, 2020
Did the UK’s Secret Libya Policy Contribute to the Manchester Terror Attack? By Peter Oborne, December 21, 2020
How To Use the Law to Break the Law. The Political Rhetoric to Curtail Freedoms By Charles Farrier, December 20, 2020
“The Virus Lies Dormant Waiting to Strike”: Getting Better – Not if Boris Has His Way By John Goss, December 20, 2020
UK Parliamentarians, the British Press and Julian Assange By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 18, 2020
Scary ‘R’ Us: The Exaggerated Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) By Rod Driver, December 18, 2020
Julian Assange Has Formally Requested a Pardon from President Donald Trump By Cassandra Fairbanks, December 18, 2020
History of World War I: German Colonialism in Central and Eastern Europe and the Fall of Tsarist Russia By Shane Quinn, December 17, 2020
Accomplished Pharma Prof Thrown in Psych Hospital after Questioning Official COVID Narrative By Jeanne Smits, December 17, 2020
Goldman Sachs Analysts: Biggest Risks to COVID Vaccination Targets in US, Europe Are Confidence-Related By Zero Hedge, December 16, 2020
Pardon Julian Assange, under Article II, Section 2 of US Constitution By Stephen Lendman, December 16, 2020
Health Impacts of “Social Distancing” and Isolation: Scientists Show a Sort of Signature in the Brains of Lonely People By McGill University, December 16, 2020
US Sanctions Directed against Turkey For Its Acquisition of Russia’s S-400 Air Defense System By Andrew Korybko, December 15, 2020
The Most Lethal Virus Is Not COVID. It Is War. By John Pilger, December 15, 2020
“Fish Wars” and Brexit. European Fishing Vessels in British Waters By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 14, 2020
The Pharmaceutical Conspiracies: GcMAF – Lynda Thyer – Big Pharma and the Little Scientist By John Goss, December 14, 2020
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Warned FDA About Ingredient in Pfizer COVID Vaccine that Likely Caused Life-Threatening Reaction in Two UK Healthcare Workers By Lyn Redwood, December 14, 2020
Germany Unlikely to Pursue Independent Foreign Policy. Will Follow Biden By Paul Antonopoulos, December 14, 2020
Europe’s Anti-Russia Sanctions Result in Extensive Economic Losses and Growing Tensions with Russia By Strategic Culture Foundation, December 14, 2020
Antisemitism Claims Mask a Reign of Political and Cultural Terror Across Europe By Jonathan Cook, December 14, 2020
Cambridge Academics Have Just Won an Important Battle for Free Speech By Nick Cohen, December 14, 2020
Ignore the Spin, The Hague’s ICC Ruling on British War Crimes in Iraq Is Damning By Symon Hill, December 14, 2020
Venezuelan Gold Seized by the Bank of England: British Court Accepts Guaidó’s Appeal By Orinoco Tribune, December 14, 2020
Coronavirus Fact-Check #9: Is the Vaccine Safe? By Kit Knightly, December 14, 2020
As Brexit Talks Enter Final 48 Hours UK Threatens to Deploy No-deal Gun Boats By Joe Mellor, December 14, 2020
Julian Assange Is a Conscientious Objector. Time Will Vindicate Him. By Megan Sherman, December 14, 2020
British Medical Journal (BMJ): Conflicts of Interest Among the UK Government’s COVID-19 Advisers By Paul D Thacker, December 13, 2020
“Corona Procurements”: Tory Corruption Is Eroding UK Democracy By Megan Sherman, December 13, 2020
‘Defacto Human Experiment:’ Mary + Polly Discuss Rollout of Pfizer Vaccine in UK, Danger of Vaccinating Elderly + More By Children’s Health Defense, December 11, 2020
“Elephants in the Room”: Scary ‘R’ Us: The Exaggerated Threat of Terrorism By Rod Driver, December 11, 2020
ICC Drops Probe into Alleged UK War Crimes in Iraq Despite ‘Reasonable’ Evidence By Middle East Eye, December 11, 2020
A Nasty Shot in the Arm: RT-PCR Kits and Vaccines Unlicensed by the MHRA By John Goss, December 10, 2020
Video: Armed Clash on the Ukraine-Russia Border. Sabotage Activities Inside Russia By South Front, December 10, 2020
Limiting Criticism of Israel, Britain Is Closing Down Academic Freedom? By Sai Englert, December 10, 2020
Children’s Health Defense (CHD): Life-Threatening Allergic Reactions to Pfizer COVID Vaccine By Lyn Redwood, December 10, 2020
Julian Assange: COVID Risks and Campaigns for Pardon By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 10, 2020
Anti-Iran Terrorist Group Mojahedin-e Khalq’s Ties to Iraqi Army in 1980s By Yaghout Meraji and Robert Fantina, December 09, 2020
Sorry, Boris Johnson Will Not Disappear By Craig Murray, December 08, 2020
More Scandals on Dutch Government’s Involvement in Supporting Terrorism in Syria By SANA, December 07, 2020
Tens of Thousands Rally in France Against Security Law as Police and Protesters Clash Again By Ben Chacko, December 07, 2020
Decommissioning Civil Nuclear Sites Will Take 120 Years, MPs Warn By Engineering and Technology, December 07, 2020
US, UK Governments Should Free Julian Assange By Reagan M. Sova, December 07, 2020
Britain Sent Saudi Arabia Thousands of Spare Parts for Warplanes Amid Arms Embargo By Phil Miller, December 06, 2020
UK First to Approve Pfizer COVID Vaccine as Former Head of Pfizer Research Says Vaccine Can Make Females Infertile By Brian Shilhavy, December 06, 2020
A Comparison of Respect for the Sanctity of Mosques in France, the US, and China By Kim Petersen, December 05, 2020
Video: Second Karabakh War Reshapes Strategic Transport Corridors in South Caucasus By South Front, December 04, 2020
England’s GPs ‘Left in the Dark’ over COVID Vaccine Rollout By James Cusick, December 04, 2020
The Skripal Affair: Remembering a UK False Flag By Megan Sherman, December 03, 2020
UK Minister Warns Brits Could be “Denied Normal Life” If They Do Not Receive COVID Vaccination By Joseph Jankowski, December 03, 2020
Video: Chicken Kiev Meets Cold Turkey: Black Sea Turkey-Ukraine Axis Emerges? By South Front, December 03, 2020
As Support for Independence Soars, Scottish Nationalists Must Unite By Johanna Ross, December 03, 2020
Video: Azerbaijani Troops Are in Lachin, but Unresolved Karabakh Status Remains Source of Tensions By South Front, December 02, 2020
UK Campaign to Stop Killer Robots Writes to Defence Secretary on the UK’s Approach to LAWS By Chris Cole, December 02, 2020
Bayer Lobbying “Very Strongly” to Change EU’s GMO Regulations to Exempt Gene Editing By GMWatch, December 02, 2020
Spain on the Brink of Financial Collapse By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, December 02, 2020
The Davos “Great Reset” 2021 Agenda of the World Economic Forum. A New Phase of Economic and Social Destruction? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, December 02, 2020
Germany’s Undiplomatic Threat to Russia, Triggers Harsh Rebukes from Moscow, Russia-Germany Relations in Crisis By Andrew Korybko, December 01, 2020
The Slow-motion Assassination of Julian Assange By Kim Petersen, December 01, 2020
IMF Refuses to Help Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, December 01, 2020
Video: Is it a Staged Pandemic? The RT-PCR Test By Reiner Fuellmich and RT News, November 30, 2020
Video: War Ended but Armenia Still Suffers Losses. Azerbaijani Troops Enter Largest Armenian Gold Mine By South Front, November 30, 2020
British Chicken Driving Deforestation in Brazil’s “Second Amazon” By Alexandra Heal, Andrew Wasley, and et al., November 30, 2020
History of World War I and Its Aftermath: The Ludendorff Dictatorship’s Expansionist Policies in Europe By Shane Quinn, November 28, 2020
Britain’s “Thought Police” of the Labour Right By Megan Sherman, November 28, 2020
Dr Pascal Sacré: Emergency Physician Unjustly Fired for His Writings on the COVID Crisis: The Right of Response By Dr. Pascal Sacré, November 28, 2020
European Sanctions Against Turkey Are More Likely than Ever By Armen Tigranakert, November 27, 2020
The New Norm: UK Government Lawbreaking By True Publica, November 27, 2020
Britain’s Class War on Children By John Pilger, November 27, 2020
Vindicating Jeremy Corbyn By Megan Sherman, November 27, 2020
France Risks More Than It Gains by Joining U.S.-led Anti-China Efforts By Paul Antonopoulos, November 27, 2020
A Plea to MPs from Mike Yeadon: “Don’t Vote for Lockdown”. “The Pandemic Is Over” By Dr. Mike Yeadon, November 27, 2020