
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Another “Western Betrayal”? Biden-Putin and the Polish Question By Konrad Rękas, June 15, 2021
How US and UK Information-Warfare Fronts Ignited Anti-Government Protests in Belarus By Kit Klarenberg, June 15, 2021
Video: Ankara Prepares to Plunge Syria’s North into Pandemonium By South Front, June 15, 2021
Washington’s Recalibration of Relations with Russia. How Serious Are Poland’s Strategic Disagreements with the US? By Andrew Korybko, June 15, 2021
Northern Ireland Crisis Could Escalate into Trade War and More Violence By Uriel Araujo, June 15, 2021
No, European Intel Has Not Concluded Iran Is Seeking to Build Nukes By Ben Armbruster, June 14, 2021
British MoD Report: Embrace of “Human Augmentation” to Fully Exploit Drones and A.I. for Warfighting By Chris Cole, June 14, 2021
I’m on a ‘Hit List’: Kiev Allows to Silence Dissent and Journalism. That’s All You Need to Know About Ukrainian ‘Democracy’ By Eva Bartlett, June 14, 2021
Joe Biden and Boris Johnson Team Up to Develop U.S./U.K Partnership on 6G Development that Includes A.I. By B.N. Frank, June 14, 2021
The Copenhagen Summit for Democracy: The New Nazis By Christopher Black, June 13, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccine Prices: Comparing the U.S. and EU By Carmen Ang, June 11, 2021
Johnson and Biden’s G7 Atlantic Charter is more show than substance By Johanna Ross, June 11, 2021
G7: Desperately Seeking Relevancy By Pepe Escobar, June 11, 2021
Operation Barbarossa: Did Stalin Anticipate Hitler’s Attack? By Shane Quinn, June 11, 2021
High-end Warfare: U.S., NATO End Live-fire Space War/Star Wars Drills in Arctic By Rick Rozoff, June 10, 2021
The “Three Seas Initiative”: The West’s “Answer” to China’s Belt and Road? By Brian Berletic, June 09, 2021
Norwegian Health Chief Scolded for Saying COVID-19 Pandemic “Nearly Over” By Paul Joseph Watson, June 09, 2021
What to Expect When Biden, Erdogan Meet By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 09, 2021
The Notorious London Spy School Churning Out Many of the World’s Top Journalists By Alan MacLeod, June 09, 2021
Worldwide Genocide Continues: 13,867 Dead and 1,354,336 Injuries in European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots By Brian Shilhavy, June 08, 2021
Mass Protests Can End Vaccine Passports By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 08, 2021
NSA Spying Row: Denmark Accused of Helping US Spy on European Officials By BBC, June 08, 2021
Targeting Iran, Strengthening NATO: U.S., British, Israeli, Italian F-35s in Unprecedented Air Combat Exercise By Rick Rozoff, June 08, 2021
Denmark Offshores the Right to Asylum By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 07, 2021
Wer einmal die Spritze erhalten hat, für den gibt es womöglich kein Zurück By Peter Koenig, June 07, 2021
Europe Without Neutrals: NATO Lures Ireland into Global Military Network By Rick Rozoff, June 06, 2021
NATO’s Rearming of Ukraine Under Sea Breeze 2021 Guise Is for Future Conflict in Donbass By Paul Antonopoulos, June 04, 2021
Video: Ukraine Between Biden and a Hard Place. A Major Military Campaign against Donbass is Contemplated By South Front, June 03, 2021
Pentagon to Use War Games to Smuggle Weapons to Ukrainian Army, Extremist Formations for War in Donbass: Russian Defense Ministry By Rick Rozoff, June 03, 2021
“The Green Cold War” against China By, June 02, 2021
From 1980s Neoliberalism to the Post Covid “New Normal” By Colin Todhunter, June 02, 2021
Bulgaria: U.S. Paratroopers Stormed Civilian Business in NATO Military Exercise By Rick Rozoff, June 02, 2021
Poland’s Counterproductive Foreign Policy Is Responsible for Its Present Predicament By Andrew Korybko, June 02, 2021
This Amounts to Social Murder. The British Government’s “Deadly Handling” of the Pandemic By Claudia Webbe, June 02, 2021
Belarusian President Latest to Warn of World War Starting in Europe By Rick Rozoff, June 01, 2021
Video: Turkey Prepares a Syrian Diversion for Its Internal Strife By South Front, June 01, 2021
Funding of the Wuhan Laboratory by the European Union By Jerome Riviere, May 31, 2021
Carrot and Stick: Germany’s Green Party Is Advocating Arming Ukraine against Russia By, May 31, 2021
German Judge Investigated by Police after Ruling Compulsory Mask-wearing in Schools Unconstitutional By Rosalind English, May 31, 2021
Swiss Voters to Cast Ballots on Pesticide-free Farming Amid Climate of Fear By Jonathan Matthews, May 31, 2021
Tensions Growing in Arctic Airspace By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 28, 2021
Turkey’s Military Engagement with the “Lublin Triangle” (Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine) Aims to “Balance Russia” By Andrew Korybko, May 28, 2021
History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa. Did Stalin Foresee Hitler’s Invasion? By Shane Quinn, May 28, 2021
North Macedonia Acknowledges Risk of Greater Albania Project By Paul Antonopoulos, May 28, 2021
Др Рудолф Хензел: Није филозофски ћутати By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, May 27, 2021
Shell Just Got Wrecked in Dutch Court By Brian Kahn, May 27, 2021
Why the EU Sides Against China By Manlio Dinucci, May 26, 2021
Belarus’ Ryanair Flight Diversion Might Open Pandora’s Box By Andrew Korybko, May 26, 2021
Greetings from “New Normal” Germany! By CJ Hopkins, May 26, 2021
Video: Ryanair’s Landing in Belarus and Its Far-reaching Impact on Europe By South Front, May 26, 2021
12,184 Dead 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” By Brian Shilhavy, May 26, 2021
Largest Protests Since Arab Spring Sweep Oman as UK Support for Regime Rises By Phil Miller, May 26, 2021
The First World War, Cecile Rhodes and “Conspiracy Facts” By David William Pear, May 26, 2021
UK Health Secretary Suggests Critics of Vaccine Passports Are “Crazies” By Paul Joseph Watson, May 25, 2021
Global Britain Returns to Rule the Waves By Jenny Clegg, May 25, 2021
German Parliamentarians Suggest that Berlin Sanction US in Retaliation for Boycotting Nord Stream 2 By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 25, 2021
Sweden Says PCR Tests “Cannot be Used to Determine Whether Someone Is Contagious” By Arjun Walia, May 24, 2021
NHS Vaccine Passports Are Here – But Will They be Used Beyond International Travel? By Prof. Eerke Boiten, May 21, 2021
World’s Largest Iceberg Has Just Broken Off an Antarctic Ice Shelf By Adam Vaughan, May 21, 2021
Congress Howls as Biden Kills Trump’s Sanctions on Russia Gas Pipeline By Mish, May 21, 2021
UK Police Monitored Thousands Through Prevent-linked Mental Health Hubs By Amandla Thomas-Johnson, May 20, 2021
Negative Nationalism: Is Ukraine Turning Into The “Anti-Russia”? By Andrew Korybko, May 19, 2021
Serbian World War II Film Smeared by War Propagandists in Western Media By Max Parry, May 19, 2021
Arms Trade: Which Countries and Companies Are Selling Weapons to Israel? By Frank Andrews, May 19, 2021
The Mask of “Liberal Democracy” Falls with a Bang By Pepe Escobar, May 18, 2021
30,000 Cases of Side Effects Reported from AstraZeneca CoviShield Vaccines in Sweden By Great Game India, May 17, 2021
Gaza: IDF Kills Palestinians, Countless Children, by Air Bombardments By Mairead Maguire, May 17, 2021
What Is Left for Palestine? By Craig Murray, May 17, 2021
NATO Conducts Europe’s Largest Air, Missile Exercise Off Scotland By Rick Rozoff, May 17, 2021
10,570 Dead 405,259 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines” By Brian Shilhavy, May 17, 2021
Video: Early Treatment With Hydroxychloroquine Would Have Significantly Lowered COVID Deaths. Dr. Philippe Brouqui By Kristina Borjesson and Dr. Philippe Brouqui, May 16, 2021
Nuclear Notebook: How Many Nuclear Weapons Does the United Kingdom Have in 2021? By Hans M. Kristensen and Matt Korda, May 14, 2021
New Intermarium: Biden, NATO Pledge Support to NATO’s Nine-Nation Eastern Flank By Rick Rozoff, May 14, 2021
History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa. The Roots of Its Failure By Shane Quinn, May 14, 2021
Europe: A War Game Ground for the US-NATO Strategy By Manlio Dinucci, May 13, 2021
“Old Europe” Does Not Trust “New Europe” Involvement in European Rapid Reaction Force By Paul Antonopoulos, May 13, 2021
History: Napoleon Between War and Revolution By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, May 12, 2021
Pictures of a Ukrainian Dream By Pepe Escobar, May 12, 2021
Coronavirus – Buying a Single Version of the Truth By Iain Davis, May 11, 2021
Estonia Becomes Centre Stage of Anti-Russia Military Exercises By Paul Antonopoulos, May 11, 2021