
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Day Two — ‘CIA Tried to Kill Assange;’ US: ‘He’s Only Moderately Depressed & Won’t Go to Isolation’ By Joe Lauria, October 29, 2021
Winston Churchill & British Imperialism By Tony Norfield, October 29, 2021
Polluting the Process: Fossil Fuel Investors and Industries Sponsoring Glasgow’s COP26 By Andrew Simms, October 29, 2021
Assange Extradition Hearing Has Begun. UK High Court Opened It with a Mighty Lie. By John Pilger, October 28, 2021
UK Approves Arms Export Licences to Israel, an “Undeclared Nuclear Weapons State” that Violates UNSC Resolution 2334 By Hans Stehling, October 28, 2021
Assange in Jeopardy: US Extradition Appeal Hearing Begins in London By Thomas Scripps, October 28, 2021
Crystal Ball Jurisprudence: The US Appeal Against Assange Opens By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 28, 2021
Aggravation of Relations Between Russia and the West: Will it Lead to War? By South Front, October 27, 2021
British Medicine Greatly Lowered by Faulty “Pandemic Policies”. A Renaissance is Vital to Save Lives By Dr. David Halpin, October 27, 2021
Alex Berenson Tells Joe Rogan: ‘Over 70% of COVID-19 Deaths in England Were Fully Vaccinated in September’ By KanekoaTheGreat, October 27, 2021
The Genie’s Out of the Bottle after Kiev’s Turkish Drones Strike Donbass By Andrew Korybko, October 27, 2021
Fully Vaccinated Are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It Is Getting Worse By Brian Shilhavy, October 26, 2021
What Explains the Unexpected Diplomatic De-Escalation Between Turkey and the West? By Andrew Korybko, October 26, 2021
Billions of Euros to “Innovate” the Nuclear NATO By Manlio Dinucci, October 26, 2021
Fate of Anti-War Journalism Lies in Upcoming Assange Hearings By Sam Carliner, October 25, 2021
Video: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Romania: “Should Deterrence Fail”, U.S. and NATO Positioned for War in Black Sea By Rick Rozoff, October 25, 2021
Germany Sees Rise in Excess Mortality in COVID-19 Vaccination Year By Free West Media, October 25, 2021
Why are Fossil Fuel Companies, Their Funders, and Others with Poor Environmental Credentials, on the List of COP26 Conference Sponsors? By Bill McGuire, October 25, 2021
COVID and Zero Tolerance for the Unvaccinated By Peter Koenig, October 24, 2021
Handing Out Sweets: How British Propaganda Steers Events in West Asia By Kit Klarenberg, October 23, 2021
How ‘Green’ Are Lithium Batteries? Rio Tinto Driving Ecological Destruction in Serbia’s Jadar Valley By Corporate Watch, October 23, 2021
EU Threatens Poland with Retaliations for Its “Direct Challenges” Against the Bloc’s Unity By Paul Antonopoulos, October 22, 2021
NATO’s Annual Nuclear Strike Exercise Underway in Southern Europe By David Cenciotti, October 22, 2021
Germans Increasingly Distrust Official Corona Figures, Fear a Health Dictatorship By Free West Media, October 22, 2021
Poland Threw Down the Gauntlet to the EU By Andrew Korybko, October 21, 2021
Boris’ Bridge Between Scotland and Northern Ireland Cancelled before It Began By Johanna Ross, October 21, 2021
Africa Condemns the Continuing Imperialist Legacy of France By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 21, 2021
Video: Brussels Mulls New Sanctions on Belarus While Migrants Storm EU Borders By South Front, October 20, 2021
End the Covid Fraud and Global Genocide Now! By Walt Gelles and The White Rose UK, October 20, 2021
A Comparison of Official Government Reports Suggests the Fully Vaccinated Are Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome By Anonymous, October 19, 2021
Eurasian Women’s Forum: Women in the Changing World. By Kester Kenn Klomegah, October 19, 2021
Countries Under the COVID Cosh. The Carrot and the Stick By John Goss, October 19, 2021
The Planned Legalisation of Cannabis in Germany Is Not Scientifically Justified By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, October 19, 2021
The Age of Chatham House and the British Roots of NATO By Matthew Ehret-Kump, October 18, 2021
After Corbyn, Israel Lobby Turns Its Guns on UK Academia By Jonathan Cook, October 18, 2021
From the Congo to Greece: Profile of a Refugee and his Journey By Prof. Richard Hardigan, October 16, 2021
Borrell ‘Interventionism’ Puts EU November Electoral Mission to Venezuela at Risk By Paul Dobson, October 16, 2021
Analysis Warns Global Biodiversity Is Below ‘Safe Limit’ Ahead of COP 15 By James Ashworth, October 14, 2021
US Trying to Boycott Energy Cooperation Between Moscow and Europe By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 14, 2021
Confronting the Medical “Experts” Propaganda Ministry. The Italian Hippocratic Association Advocates for Treatment Instead of Profit By Dr. Robert Malone, Mauro Rango, and Costantino Ceoldo, October 14, 2021
The Impacts of Ireland’s Data Centre Boom. Dublin is the Largest Data Centre in the EU By Alexandra Day, October 13, 2021
New Evidence Showing Harmfulness of Corona Vaccinations Presented to International Criminal Court By Free West Media, October 13, 2021
New Documentary: The Man Who Knew Too Much By Michael Oswald, October 13, 2021
Prices Explode in the Gas Battle By Manlio Dinucci, October 12, 2021
Azerbaijan Induced Its Isolation When It Had Potential to be Regional Hub By Paul Antonopoulos, October 12, 2021
Scientist Sounds Alarm: COVID Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson’s, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders By Children’s Health Defense, October 11, 2021
22 Years after Warning Was Sounded, Greater Albania Threat Emerges By Rick Rozoff, October 11, 2021
UK Funding for Land Mine Clearance Scrapped in Lebanon, Iraq and S. Sudan By The New Arab, October 11, 2021
Iceland Suspends Moderna for All Age Groups By Free West Media, October 10, 2021
The Corruption of Britain By Ian Birrell, October 10, 2021
Video: NATO’s 30-nation Military Committee in Georgia Discusses “Permanent Threat from Russia in the Two Breakaway Regions” By Rick Rozoff, October 09, 2021
Climate Lies and Green Energy Propaganda: Time for Truth-Telling in Glasgow By Viv Forbes, October 08, 2021
European Energy Crisis — And Is that Gas You Think You’re Burning? By Tom Luongo, October 08, 2021
Former Top U.S. Army Commander in Europe on Prospects for U.S. Missile System in Ukraine By Rick Rozoff, October 08, 2021
Sweden, Denmark Pause Moderna’s COVID Vaccine for Younger Age Groups Citing Reports of Myocarditis By Megan Redshaw, October 07, 2021
Iran Closes Its Airspace to Azerbaijani Military, Warns Russia to be Wary of Geopolitical Changes in Caucasus By Rick Rozoff, October 07, 2021
Without Lockdowns, Sweden Had Fewer Excess Deaths than Most of Europe By Ryan McMaken, October 07, 2021
Video: The War on Syria. Fortifications Growing Around the Idlib Castle By South Front, October 07, 2021
Video: Turkey- Azerbaijan United Front against Iran By South Front, October 06, 2021
Italian Court Sides with Nurse Wrongly Suspended for Refusing COVID-19 Jab By Pierre Boralevi, October 06, 2021
The Iran-Azerbaijan Standoff Is a Contest for the Region’s Transportation Corridors By Pepe Escobar, October 06, 2021
Lessons for Ethically-compromised Physicians in 2021 from the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg (1946 – 1947) By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, October 06, 2021
Iran and Azerbaijan on the Brink of War but It Is Unlikely to Boil Over By Paul Antonopoulos, October 06, 2021
“Humanitarian Aid” for Afghanistan: UK Fires the First Shot in the New Great Game By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 06, 2021
Video: Russian Warplanes Back in Idlib Signaling No Progress in Putin-Erdogan Negotiation By South Front, October 05, 2021
Pope’s Swiss Guards Resign over Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination By Paul Joseph Watson, October 05, 2021
Spanish Government Says that the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Has Not Been Isolated By Free West Media, October 05, 2021
Turkey, Israel, and Azerbaijan Create Tensions for Iran By Steven Sahiounie, October 05, 2021
As Tories Fete Boris Johnson, a Social Catastrophe Looms By Peter Oborne, October 04, 2021
Tory Secrecy Insults the Northern Irish Victims of the British State By Richard Rudkin, October 04, 2021
Scotland, Wales Won’t Follow UK Westminster Government on Gene Editing Deregulation By GMWatch, October 04, 2021
Azerbaijani-Iranian Tensions Will Have Far-Reaching Consequences for Eurasia By Andrew Korybko, October 04, 2021
“Don’t Buy Into Occupation” Coaltion: Billions in European Financial Support to Companies in Illegal Israeli Settlements. Report By Europal Forum, October 02, 2021
The History of World War II: The War Started in October 1938 By Ivan Daraktchiev, October 01, 2021
CIA Plan to Poison Assange Wasn’t Needed. The US Found a ‘Lawful’ Way to Disappear Him By Jonathan Cook, October 01, 2021
What Could It be? UK Newspaper Reports, “Mystery Rise in Heart Attacks from Blocked Arteries” By Adan Salazar, October 01, 2021
Imperialist Tensions: AUKUS Makes Workers Pay for War with China By Mick Armstrong, October 01, 2021
If There’s No Proof the Virus Exists, End All Lockdowns, Masks, Trax and Vax Actions By Dr. Kevin Corbett, October 01, 2021
The “Farm to Fork” Green Agenda: How the EU and the Davos WEF Cabal Plan to Control Agriculture By F. William Engdahl, October 01, 2021
Angela Merkel’s Pragmatism Bridged the Divide Between East and West By Johanna Ross, September 30, 2021