
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Ukraine: Price of Oil and Gas Skyrockets: “Massive Economic Collapse of Europe, the US and the World” By Stewart Brennan, March 09, 2022
Ukraine: No Fly Zone? False Flag Operation? By Gavin OReilly, March 09, 2022
Ukraine: What Russia Wants, What the West Can Do By Prof. Anatol Lieven, March 09, 2022
Terrorists from Syria Go to Ukraine to Fight Russia: Will Turkey Suffer? By Steven Sahiounie, March 09, 2022
Uncle Sam’s Nazi Warriors By Mike Whitney, March 09, 2022
Timeline: The Crimean Referendum By OffGuardian, March 09, 2022
Russian Ministry of Defense Accuses Ukraine of Planning Nuclear False Flag By Steve Watson, March 09, 2022
Saudis, UAE Refuse to Take Biden’s Calls to Discuss Ukraine Situation, Talk to Putin Instead By Zero Hedge, March 09, 2022
Senior Epidemiologist Apologizes to Daughter’s Generation for “Morally Wrong” Lockdown Measures By Paul Joseph Watson, March 09, 2022
By Using Ukraine to Fight Russia, the US Provoked Putin’s War By Aaron Mate, March 08, 2022
Video: 2339…. Publicity for President Macron’s “Election Campaign”. Crimes against Humanity By Bruno, March 08, 2022
NATO’s Key Role in the UK By Matt Kennard, March 08, 2022
Stop the Crazy War in Ukraine By Eric Margolis, March 08, 2022
Navigating Our Humanity: Ilan Pappé on the Four Lessons from Ukraine By Ilan Pappe, March 08, 2022
Video: More War… on Ukrainians, on Palestinians By If Americans Knew, March 08, 2022
Not by Bread Alone, but Mainly by Platitudes. “National Borders” By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, March 07, 2022
A Concrete Solution to the Ukrainian Crisis and an End to the Threat of World War By Emanuel Pastreich, March 07, 2022
Ukraine-Russia Crisis: The Danger of the ‘Something Must Be Done’ Mantra By Ben Schreiner, March 07, 2022
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and International Law. Prof. Francis Boyle By Prof. Francis A. Boyle and Dennis Bernstein, March 07, 2022
Ukraine’s Dirty Nukes and Weapons of Mass Destruction By Nauman Sadiq, March 07, 2022
Memories of Falklands War Still Inspire Today’s Geopolitics By Uriel Araujo, March 07, 2022
UK Testing Was “a shambles” so Why Hasn’t the Government Learnt from Its Mistakes, Asks Paul Nurse By Paul Nurse and Mun-Keat Looi, March 07, 2022
Video: Ukraine Report: Russia Takes Control of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant By South Front, March 07, 2022
Ukraine-Russia Crisis: Not to Give In to Pressures By Belgrade Forum, March 07, 2022
Video: Did NATO Push Ukraine into War? By, March 07, 2022
On the Ukrainian Crisis: Demand an Immediate Ceasefire and Negotiated Settlement! Canadian Peace Congress By Canadian Peace Congress, March 07, 2022
‘Brace for Rationing’ — Food Crisis Escalates. EU Farmers Furious. By Alexandra Bruce, March 07, 2022
War, Censorship and Half-Truths By Farms Not Factories, March 06, 2022
How Russia Intends to “Counterpunch” US/EU Economic Sanctions. “De-dollarization” By Pepe Escobar, March 06, 2022
By Banning Russian Media Outlets, EU Exposes Its Discomfort with Alternative Narratives of the Ukrainian Crisis By Abdul Rahman, March 06, 2022
Evidence that Ukraine Has Been Run by Nazis Since February 2014 By Eric Zuesse, March 06, 2022
Ukraine No-fly Zone ‘Could Lead to End of Human Civilization’ By Yves Engler, March 06, 2022
Russia-Ukraine: Western Media Are Acting as Cheerleaders for War By Jonathan Cook, March 06, 2022
Russia Warns Washington Is Sending ISIS Fighters to Ukraine By The Cradle, March 06, 2022
So, Are Putin and the Russians as Good as These Guys? You Decide. By L. Reichard White, March 06, 2022
History of World War II: Overview of the Nazi-Soviet War in Early 1942, Eighty Years Ago By Shane Quinn, March 06, 2022
77 Years Ago, U.S. and Russia Signed Historic Agreement at Yalta By Jeremy Kuzmarov and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, March 05, 2022
Video: Evolving Conflict in Ukraine. A Factual Review By South Front, March 04, 2022
The Ukraine War and the “Good” Refugee By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 04, 2022
Putin Launched the First War in History; There Was Never a War Before By Jon Rappoport, March 04, 2022
The War Between Russia and Ukraine Has Been Brewing Since 1991 By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, March 04, 2022
Ukraine Update: Oil Hits 10-year High and Closes In on $120 a Barrel By, March 04, 2022
Tears for Ukraine, Sanctions for Russia, Yawns for Yemen, Weapons for Saudis: The West’s Grotesque Double Standard By Ahmed AbdulKareem, March 04, 2022
The Chief Outcome of the December 2021 Biden-Putin Summit: Putin Rejects Biden’s Demand that the U.S. Take Control Over the Negotiations Between Ukraine and Its Former Donbass Region By Eric Zuesse, March 04, 2022
US Gas Exporters Set to Benefit After Germany Halts Russian Pipeline By Kenny Stancil, March 04, 2022
The Truth Behind The Crisis in Ukraine. US “Covert Manipulation” and the Resurging Cold War By Joachim Hagopian, March 04, 2022
Russia-Ukraine War: A Different Invasion, the West’s Same ‘Madman’ Script By Jonathan Cook, March 04, 2022
Did NATO Just Declare War on Russia? By Mike Whitney, March 04, 2022
Why Did the US Embassy Official Website Just Remove All Evidence of Ukrainian Bioweapons Labs? By Lance Johnson, March 03, 2022
Video: Russia Changes Tactics: Day 7 of Operations in Ukraine By South Front, March 03, 2022
Ukraine: A Wider War Is in Prospect? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 03, 2022
Ukraine Bear Trap: Neo-Nazis, Syrian Jihadists and Hybrid Warfare By Nauman Sadiq, March 03, 2022
How Ukraine’s ‘Revolution of Dignity’ Led to War, Poverty and the Rise of the Far Right By Olga Sukharevskaya, March 03, 2022
France’s Finance Minister: “We’re waging an all-out economic and financial war on Russia” By Paul Antonopoulos, March 03, 2022
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Outing the Iraq War White Washers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 03, 2022
Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: “I have decided to proceed with opening an investigation.” By Karim A.A. Khan, March 03, 2022
Racism Thrives in Western Liberal Europe and Ukraine By Steven Sahiounie, March 03, 2022
Playing with Fire in Ukraine By Eric Margolis, March 02, 2022
A No-fly Zone in Ukraine Will Backfire By Aris Roussinos, March 02, 2022
Ukraine Supplies 90 Percent of US Semiconductor-grade Neon By Free West Media, March 02, 2022
EU Plans to Send Fighter Jets to Ukraine Fall Apart By Dave DeCamp, March 02, 2022
Who Gains from a War in Europe? U.S. Targets Supply of Russian Gas to Europe By Manuel Raposo, March 02, 2022
For African and Colonized Peoples, to Understand Ukraine: De-center Europe and Focus on Imperialism By Black Alliance for Peace, March 02, 2022
Repeating 1970s Strategy of Grand Chess-Master Brzezinski: Biden Appears to Have Induced Russian Invasion of Ukraine to Bankrupt Russia’s Economy and Advance Regime Change By Jeremy Kuzmarov, March 02, 2022
America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century By Prof Michael Hudson, March 02, 2022
‘Deceitful Activities’: US Expands Its Intelligence and Military Presence in the UK By Richard Norton-Taylor, March 01, 2022
Thoughts on the Endgame in Ukraine By Tony Kevin, March 01, 2022
Will Ukraine See the Light, Restore its Sovereignty. Negotiations are the Solution By Peter Koenig, March 01, 2022
The European Commission President Announces that the EU Is Joining the War Against Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 01, 2022
Why Is Putin in Ukraine? By Renee Parsons, March 01, 2022
Ukraine Refugees: We’re Europeans, Christians, Whites! By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 01, 2022
Seven Fake News Stories Coming Out of Ukraine By Kit Knightly, March 01, 2022
One in 25 Germans Sought Medical Attention Due to Vaccine Injury By Free West Media, March 01, 2022
Glyphosate and Roundup: All Roads Lead to Cancer By Claire Robinson, March 01, 2022
It All Comes Back to NATO By Rep. Ron Paul, March 01, 2022
The Finland Option May Still Save Ukraine By Ted Galen Carpenter, March 01, 2022
Ukraine Makes Strange Bedfellows. “Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Called Vladimir Putin Offering Mediation on Ukraine” By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 01, 2022
Ukraine and the Orwellian “Ministry of Truth”: The Attack Was Launched by NATO Eight Years Ago. By Manlio Dinucci, March 01, 2022
The Mad Men of Washington By Ben Schreiner, February 28, 2022
Video: NATO Too Weak to Face Russia? Scott Ritter on Russian Offensive By Scott Ritter and Richard Medhurst, February 28, 2022