
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Biden’s New “Forever War” By Andre Damon, March 29, 2022
The CIA Arms Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis in the Proxy War Against Russia By Kurt Nimmo, March 29, 2022
“Grocery Stores are Partially Empty”: Biden Tells Americans They Will Go Hungry. Blames it on Russia By Kurt Nimmo, March 28, 2022
Polish Brinkmanship: De Facto Leader Settling Score with Putin By Nauman Sadiq, March 28, 2022
Military Biolabs in Ukraine: A Pandora’s Box By Misión Verdad, March 28, 2022
Zelensky Makes Surprise Address to Doha Forum Amid GCC Split Between Washington, Moscow By The Cradle, March 28, 2022
The MADness of the Resurgent U.S. Cold War with Russia By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 28, 2022
Biden’s Reality Check in Europe By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 28, 2022
On US Imperialism’s Proxy War with Russia in Ukraine By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 28, 2022
How the Anti-Russian Sanctions Were Planned By Nick Beams, March 28, 2022
The ‘Ukrainian Resistance’ and the Houthis – A Contrast in Media Coverage By Gavin OReilly, March 28, 2022
Hunter Biden Did Help Secure Millions in Funding for US Contractor in Ukraine Specializing in Deadly Pathogen Research, Laptop Emails Reveal, Raising More Questions About the Disgraced Son of Then Vice President By Josh Boswell, March 28, 2022
UK Wants to Incarcerate Asylum Seekers “Offshore” on Abandoned Oil Rigs By Sasha Abramsky, March 28, 2022
RAND Report Prescribed US Provocations Against Russia and Predicted Russia Might Retaliate in Ukraine By Rick Sterling, March 28, 2022
Japan Should Stop Exploiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Fearmonger About Russian Nukes By Andrew Korybko, March 28, 2022
The Post-Ukraine Reality of US-China Relations By Scott Ritter, March 28, 2022
Will Humans be the Next ‘Freedom Fries’? By Ray McGovern, March 28, 2022
Reporting From Southern Ukrainian City of Henichesk along the Sea of Azov: “Russians Welcomed as Liberators” By Sonja van den Ende, March 27, 2022
The History of Nazism in Ukraine. Who is Stepan Bandera? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 27, 2022
Nightmare Scenario: Operational Miscalculation Triggering Nuclear War By Nauman Sadiq, March 27, 2022
White House Plans Major Escalation of NATO’s Proxy War with Russia By Andre Damon, March 27, 2022
Aroused by Power: Why Madeleine Albright Was Not Right By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 27, 2022
No Entangling Alliances By Jacob G. Hornberger, March 27, 2022
Washington Helped Trigger the Ukraine War By Ted Galen Carpenter, March 27, 2022
Video: Joe Biden Tells US Troops in Poland They’re Going to Ukraine By Kristinn Taylor, March 27, 2022
NATO Wants a Ground-War in Ukraine? By Mike Whitney, March 26, 2022
Trudeau Very Angry. Labelled a “Dictator” at the European Parliament. “Trampling on Democratic Rights”, “You are a Disgrace to Democracy” By Global Research News, March 26, 2022
Media Pivots Back to COVID – Prelude to a Ukraine False Flag? By Gavin OReilly, March 26, 2022
Biden’s Cyberattack Hypocrisy. “The Russians are Coming” By Kurt Nimmo, March 26, 2022
History of World War II: How Much Did the Weather Contribute to the Wehrmacht’s Defeat? The Nazi-Soviet War By Shane Quinn, March 25, 2022
Pentagon Drops Truth Bombs to Stave Off War with Russia By Joe Lauria, March 25, 2022
Depleted Uranium: NATO’s War Against Yugoslavia Created Ecological Catastrophe, Poisoned Europe By, March 25, 2022
Ukraine: War and the Challenge of Human Rights in the United States and Beyond By Ajamu Baraka, March 25, 2022
Biden Wings His Way to the Borderlands of Ukraine By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 25, 2022
OPEC Warns EU Against Banning Russian Oil Imports By The Cradle, March 25, 2022
Watch: Trudeau Gets Called a Dictator in Front of the Entire EU By Keean Bexte, March 25, 2022
War in Ukraine: Possible Breakthrough, Give Peace a Chance By Marc Vandepitte, March 25, 2022
Spain Abandons Former Colony in the Western Sahara Endorsing Morocco Domination By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 25, 2022
Video: One Month into War — Now What? Former CIA Officer Phil Giraldi By Philip Giraldi and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, March 25, 2022
Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts By Dan Cohen, March 24, 2022
West Grieves for Ukraine While Afghanistan Starves By Black Alliance for Peace, March 24, 2022
The Mariupol Theater Bombing By Pedro Gonzalez, March 24, 2022
The US Press Again Becomes a Conduit for Pro-War Propaganda By Ted Galen Carpenter, March 24, 2022
Zelensky Tells Israel: “You can mediate — but not between good and evil” By Barak Ravid, March 24, 2022
Dear President Zelensky, Your Support for Israel Is a Disgrace By Prof. Asad Ghanem, March 24, 2022
As Outrage Grows Over Civilian Casualties in Ukraine, Media Ignores Suffering of Yemeni People By Andi Olluri, March 24, 2022
“The Ukrainian Army has been Defeated”: CIA Veteran Larry C. Johnson By Larry Johnson and Mike Whitney, March 24, 2022
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Understanding “Putin’s Discourse” By Nauman Sadiq, March 24, 2022
U.S. Lied About Funding “Dangerous Pathogen” Research in Secret Ukrainian Biolabs, Newly Leaked Documents Reveal By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, March 24, 2022
Stella Morris Marries Julian Assange ‘the Love of Her Life’ at Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison By Dr. Leon Tressell, March 24, 2022
European Plans for ‘Vaccine Passports’ Were in Place 20 Months Prior to the Pandemic. Coincidence? By Paul Anthony Taylor, March 24, 2022
Weaponizing Coal: Australia Gives Ukraine a Gift By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 24, 2022
Zelensky Causes Outrage in Israel After Comparing Russia’s Military Operation to the Holocaust By Paul Antonopoulos, March 23, 2022
Washington Is Driving the World to Nuclear War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 23, 2022
What Is Blocking a Peace-Agreement Between Putin and Zelensky By Eric Zuesse, March 23, 2022
I Am Angry. I Am a Refugee. My Family Took Me Aged 5 from the War in My Country Which Killed 5 of My Brothers and Sisters. By Mohamednur Abdi, March 23, 2022
Erdoğan’s Policies Isolated Turkish Youth and Failed to Raise a “Pious Generation” By Paul Antonopoulos, March 23, 2022
NATO Is a Problem, Not the Solution By Yves Engler, March 23, 2022
A Realist Take on the Ukraine War By Roger Boyd, March 23, 2022
Was the Azov Battalion Behind the Mariupol Theater Bombing? Or was it Russia? By Eric Zuesse, March 23, 2022
Why Ukraine is Important to Powerful People in Washington: Lara Logan Sets the Record Straight on Ukraine-Russia By Alexandra Bruce, March 22, 2022
Was Bombing of Mariupol Theater Staged by Ukrainian Azov Extremists to Trigger NATO Intervention? By Max Blumenthal, March 22, 2022
Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death By Chris Hedges, March 22, 2022
Zelensky’s Reckless Gamble By Vasko Kohlmayer, March 22, 2022
Ukrainian Medic Apologises After Telling TV Interviewer He Ordered His Staff to Castrate Russian Soldiers By Emily Brown, March 22, 2022
Fires Rage within Canada’s Ukrainian Community as Professor Attacks the Myth of Holodomor By Matthew Ehret-Kump, March 21, 2022
The Ukraine-Russia Negotiations Are Effectively Dead: Ukraine’s Refusal to “Denazify” By Eric Zuesse, March 21, 2022
Swapping Russia’s S-300 Air Defense System From One NATO Member State to Another By Nauman Sadiq, March 21, 2022
Video: Never Broadcast Channel 4 News Report from 1998: “Challenging Existence of HIV ‘Virus'” By Channel Four, March 21, 2022
What Do Chinese Citizens Say About Ukraine? By Maria Fe Celi and Kawsachun News, March 21, 2022
Zelensky Says WWIII Assured if Negotiations with Russia Break Down By Zero Hedge, March 21, 2022
Israel’s Links to Ukraine’s Thriving Neo-Nazi Movement? By Robert Inlakesh, March 20, 2022
Nazification and Denazification in Our Own Times By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, March 20, 2022
“Sudden Death of Corona Crisis” Versus “Sudden War with Ukraine” By Peter Koenig, March 20, 2022
Ukraine Crisis: Transcript of Leaked Nuland-Pyatt Call. “F**k the EU” By Victoria Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt, and Jonathan Marcus, March 20, 2022
Why Die for Biden? By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., March 20, 2022
“Sleeping With the Enemy”: Washington Asks Turkey (NATO’s Heavy Weight) to Deliver Russia’s State of the Art S-400 Air Defense System to Ukraine to Defend itself against Russia By Nauman Sadiq, March 20, 2022
This Is the End of Free Speech Online By Fraser Myers, March 20, 2022
NATO Plays Russian Roulette with Nuclear Weapons By Peter Schwarz, March 20, 2022
Ukraine, The Battle of Information, Censorship and the Ministry of Truth By Manlio Dinucci, March 19, 2022