
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Russia Open to Discuss Arms Control with US But Seeks ‘Understanding About the Parameters and Principles of Coexistence’ By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 30, 2023
Daily Mail Bombshell: Army Spied on Lockdown Critics, Sceptics: “Now We’ve Obtained Official Records that Prove They Were Right All Along” By Glen Owen, January 30, 2023
The Ultimatum of the West to Serbia. “The Basic Agreement” on Kosovo and Metohija By Živadin Jovanović, January 30, 2023
Latin America Refuses to Send Ukraine Weapons, Despite Western Pressure By Ben Norton, January 30, 2023
Playing with Nuclear Fire By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., January 30, 2023
At What Point Does NATO Stop Arming Kiev Regime? By Drago Bosnic, January 30, 2023
This Time It’s Different. Neither We Nor Our Allies Are Prepared to Fight All-out War with Russia, Regionally or Globally. By Douglas Macgregor, January 30, 2023
Why Is Venezuela’s Gold Still Frozen in the Bank of England? By John McEvoy, January 30, 2023
German Foreign Minister Just Said the Quiet Part Out Loud on Ukraine By Zero Hedge, January 30, 2023
Ukraine Air Force Commander Says Pilots Are Training to Fly F-16s in US By Kurt Nimmo, January 29, 2023
Zelenskyy Regime Lies Shape Narrative Echoed by War Propaganda Media By Kurt Nimmo, January 29, 2023
Going for the Kill in Kosovo By Stephen Karganovic, January 28, 2023
Forgeries and the Truth About Srebrenica By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, January 28, 2023
Lockheed Wants Ukraine’s War to Expand Into Russia By Eric Zuesse, January 28, 2023
The Whole of Europe Turned Into a Battlefield By Manlio Dinucci, January 28, 2023
Tempting the Banksters: Zelensky Courts US Companies By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 27, 2023
If Ukraine Is Right, Russia Was Right By Ted Snider, January 27, 2023
Russia Warns Depleted Uranium Will be Considered a Nuclear Weapon By Kurt Nimmo, January 27, 2023
Samira’s Dream (Ndoto Ya Samira) (2022): Living and Learning Against the Odds By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, January 27, 2023
Did Germany Just Officially Declare War on Russia? By Drago Bosnic, January 26, 2023
Leopards vs. the Russian Bear. Alert Memorandum for the President By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, January 26, 2023
Middle East Primed to Pounce When EU Bans Russian Diesel By Sean Mathews, January 26, 2023
Halt This Crazy Rush to All-out War By Eric Margolis, January 26, 2023
NATO’s Phony (and Dangerous) Nonbelligerent Status Regarding the Ukraine War By Ted Galen Carpenter, January 26, 2023
What Can the United States Bring to the Peace Table for Ukraine? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, January 26, 2023
Zelenskyy Regime Calls for BlackRock to Do Business in Shell Shocked Ukraine By Kurt Nimmo, January 26, 2023
German Foreign Minister: We Are at War with Russia By Kurt Nimmo, January 26, 2023
Latest Resignation Scandal Reveals Massive Scope of Kiev Regime’s Corruption By Drago Bosnic, January 25, 2023
Video: Ukrainian Self-determination. Col. Douglas MacGregor with Scott Ritter By Douglas Macgregor and Scott Ritter, January 25, 2023
Make No Mistake, War Hawk American Policy Helped Start This War in Ukraine By John Kennedy, January 25, 2023
Mission Creep? How the US Role in Ukraine Has Slowly Escalated By Branko Marcetic, January 25, 2023
Leaked Files: How Britain Trains Jordan to Spy on Its Citizens By Kit Klarenberg, January 25, 2023
Zelenskyy Regime to Forcibly Conscript Hungarians in Transcarpathia By Kurt Nimmo, January 25, 2023
Overprocurement: Germany Has Billions of Corona Masks Too Many, Now They Are Being Burned By Germany Detail Zero, January 25, 2023
Contaminated Wildflower Nectar and Pollen Puts Bees and Humans at Risk – New Irish Study Slams Pre-Harvest Glyphosate Use By Sustainable Pulse, January 25, 2023
Ukraine Officials Leave Posts After Corruption Allegations By DW, January 25, 2023
What’s the Best Way to End a War? By Bill Astore, January 25, 2023
Kiev’s Forces Once Again Using Civilians as Human Shields – UK Media Reports By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 25, 2023
Poland Claims Germany Will Face International Isolation If It Does Not Send Tanks to Ukraine By Ahmed Adel, January 25, 2023
Video: Report from Ukraine War Theater and Donbass Front By South Front, January 24, 2023
US-NATO Wants to Drag Belarus Into War with Ukraine? By Ahmed Adel, January 24, 2023
All Masks Thrown Off. The Euro-Atlantic Elites Meeting in Davos, Profit Driven War on Ukraine By South Front, January 24, 2023
Russia Preparing New Plan to End War By Drago Bosnic, January 24, 2023
A Pandemic of Lies: MHRA Confirms COVID Is Man-Made & the Vaccines Are Not Based on the “Virus” But Instead on Computer-Generated DNA By The Expose, January 23, 2023
Situation for Kiev Is “Very, Very Difficult”. US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 23, 2023
Europe Has Enemies Within, Enemies Without By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 23, 2023
The War in Ukraine Will End with a Bang. Soon. By Philip Kraske, January 23, 2023
Withdraw from Artyomovsk! By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, January 23, 2023
US to Transfer Seized Russian Assets to Ukraine By Will Porter, January 23, 2023
Going Cashless: Norway’s Digital Currency Project Raises Privacy Questions By David Attlee, January 23, 2023
The New York Times Is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth. “Newspeak, Double-Speak” By Edward Curtin, January 23, 2023
When Journalists Act as State Propagandists By Peter Oborne, January 23, 2023
UK Data Shows: The mRNA “Vaccine” Bioweapon Is Working By Dr. Mark Trozzi, January 23, 2023
Rise of Nazism in Interwar Germany: Hitler’s Political Rivalry with Ludendorff By Shane Quinn, January 23, 2023
CIA Chief Gave Zelensky a Personal Intel Briefing in Secret Meeting By Zero Hedge, January 23, 2023
Germans Remain Adamantly Opposed to Sending Any Leopard Tanks to Ukraine By Prof. Anatol Lieven, January 23, 2023
‘Pure Evil’ — Tony Blair Calls for Digital Vaccine Tracking at Davos Ahead of ‘New Slew of Injectables’ By Kurt Zindulka, January 23, 2023
French Unions Stage One-day General Strike Against Pension Reforms By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 23, 2023
Ukraine War: When Good Refugees Turn Bad By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 22, 2023
Orthodox Bishop Denounces Ukrainian Crimes at UNSC By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 22, 2023
BBC Scientific Nonsense: The Virus is a “Hit and Run Killer”, “The Vaccine Saves Lives!” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 22, 2023
End of Year Report: Corruption and Repression to Save a Neoliberal Regime in Ukraine By Dmitriy Kovalevich, January 20, 2023
‘Extremely Dangerous’: Russia Reacts to US Plans to Help Attack Crimea By Dave DeCamp, January 20, 2023
US Announces Massive $2.5 Billion Weapons Package for Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, January 20, 2023
Russia Demands Tribunal for Merkel and Hollande, Who Conspired to Undermine the 2015 Minsk Agreement By Kurt Nimmo, January 20, 2023
Officially Approved by the EU: Four Insects Hiding in Your Food By Free West Media, January 19, 2023
WEF Davos – The New Sodom and Gomorrah? By Peter Koenig, January 19, 2023
Russia Is Escalating its “Special Military Operation”. The Appointment of General Gerasimov By Ahmed Adel, January 19, 2023
The Polish Leadership’s Warnings About Ukraine’s Potential Defeat Should be Taken Seriously. “Might become Prelude to World War III” By Andrew Korybko, January 19, 2023
Ukrainian Interior Minister’s Death Leaves Many Questions Unanswered By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 19, 2023
Nazis’ Children at the World Economic Forum By Rodney Atkinson, January 18, 2023
“Punishing Vladimir Putin”: Duplicitous EU Bureaucrats Demand War Crimes Tribunal By Kurt Nimmo, January 18, 2023
‘Fragmented World’ Sleepwalks Into World War III By Pepe Escobar, January 18, 2023
Scotland’s Plan to Implement 20-Minute Neighborhoods Nationwide By Rhoda Wilson, January 18, 2023
The UK Loophole That Keeps Russian Oil Coming In, “Refined in India” By Alex Kimani, January 18, 2023
Majority of Members of UK’s New GMO Regulatory Committee Have Conflicts of Interest By Claire Robinson, January 17, 2023
Hungary Votes: 97 Percent Reject Sanctions Against Russia By Free West Media, January 17, 2023
US Trains Ukrainian Forces in Germany By DW, January 17, 2023
Top 20 Most Cringeworthy Zelensky PR Moments By Caitlin Johnstone, January 17, 2023
Polish PM Decries WWIII, Says More Arms to Ukraine Will Prevent It By Kurt Nimmo, January 17, 2023