
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
The Popular Uprising in East Ukraine. Rebellion against the First Neo-Fascist Regime in Post-War Europe By Lionel Reynolds, May 17, 2014
Democracy is Not For Sale in the European Union By Colin Todhunter, May 17, 2014
London-Based “Islamist Hate Preacher” Abu Hamza Was an Agent of British Intelligence Service MI5 By Tony Gosling, May 16, 2014
Sweden’s Involvement in Syria: Democracy Promotion Ending in Terror and Expulsion By Patrik Paulov, May 15, 2014
Sweden Strengthens Military in Response to Ukraine Crisis By Jordan Shilton, May 15, 2014
Trade, Climate, Finance and Agriculture. The European Commission’s Corrupt Reforms on Behalf of Big Business By Colin Todhunter, May 15, 2014
Where are British Reaper Drones Heading after Afghanistan? By Chris Cole, May 13, 2014
NATO and Kiev Escalate Threats after Eastern Ukraine Referendums By Alex Lantier, May 13, 2014
The Obvious Reason Why Quantitative Easing Doesn’t Work By Washington's Blog, May 12, 2014
The US and Europe Issue Further Threats over Self-rule Referenda in Eastern Ukraine By Chris Marsden, May 12, 2014
Meditations: Greece Past and Present By Prof. James Petras, May 12, 2014
Stop this Fracking Madness – UK Citizen Action Against Halliburton Conference for Fracking Lobby By Global Research News, May 09, 2014
The Folly of Playing High-Stakes Poker with Vladimir Putin: More to Lose than Gain over Ukraine By Johanna C. Granville, May 08, 2014
Police, Guns, Action – How Safe Were the Pilot Badger Culls? By Lesley Docksey, May 07, 2014
Nuclear Fuel Fragment from Fukushima Found in Europe By Washington's Blog, May 06, 2014
Is German Chancellor Angela Merkel Authorized to Rule Europe? By Nikolai Bobkin, May 06, 2014
The German Media and the Massacre in Odessa By Peter Schwarz, May 06, 2014
Geopolitical Interplay: The Ukraine Debacle Could Have Been Avoided? By Lionel Reynolds, May 03, 2014
Police State and Mounting Poverty in Britain: David Cameron’s Concept of a “Big Society” is Continuing Jesus’ work By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 03, 2014
Rape Convictions at Four Year Low Despite Attempts to Bring More Cases to Court By Melanie Newman, May 03, 2014
Sweden’s Elite More Loyal with NATO, the US and EU than with its People By Jan Oberg, May 02, 2014
Privatization of UK’s Royal Mail – Goldman Sachs and UBS Gave “Priority Investor Status” to 17 Institutions By Tom Warren and Nick Mathiason, May 02, 2014
Germany’s Secretive Drone Data Centers Responsible for Killing Thousands of Civilians By Reprieve, May 01, 2014
Elite German Special Forces Unit Ready to Storm Slavyansk to Release OSCE Observers By Global Research News, April 30, 2014
Washington and the European Union Impose New Sanctions on Russia By Alex Lantier, April 29, 2014
USA, European Union, and G7 Set to Impose New Sanctions on Russia By Barry Grey, April 28, 2014
Moving Closer To War. Washington’s Arrogance is Capable of Driving the World to Destruction By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 27, 2014
The Encirclement of Russia: US-NATO Military Deployments Could Start New Cold War By Sara Flounders, April 26, 2014
Controlling the Lens: The Media War Being Fought Over Ukraine Between the Western Bloc and Russia By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 25, 2014
Overthrowing Fascism: Portugal and “The Right to Rebellion” By Miguel Urbano Rodrigues, April 25, 2014
Vladimir Putin: The Russian World is coming to Europe By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
Ukraine Crisis: 300 German Intellectuals Support Putin, Criticize US-NATO Influence in Europe and Mainstream Media Propaganda By Global Research News, April 22, 2014
Workplace Occupations in Turkey. Response to Neoliberal Authoritarian Rule By Socialist Project, April 22, 2014
Western Powers and the Ukrainian Regime Call for Military Buildup against Russia By Alex Lantier, April 21, 2014
Nuclear Warfare in the “New Cold War” By James Corbett, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Yuki Tanaka, April 21, 2014
Dangerous Crossroads: US-NATO Build-up to Cold War 2.0 By Peter Koenig, April 21, 2014
Old World Order vs. New World Order: The Geopolitics of Chaos and Stochastic Change By Andrew McKillop, April 19, 2014
Death of the Bees: Two-Thirds of European Honeybee Pollen Contaminated By Dozens of Pesticides By Global Research News, April 18, 2014
Secrecy and Lies: Government Collusion with the GMO Biotechnology Sector in Britain By Colin Todhunter, April 17, 2014
French Parliament Moves Beyond Monsanto, Bans GMO Corn By Brandon Baker, April 17, 2014
Why has the British Ministry of Defence Tried to Ban Its Own Book on Afghanistan? By Matt Carr, April 17, 2014
Iceland and the Global Economic Crisis: The Viking Tiger, A Sacrificial Lamb upon the Altar of Free Trade By Giorgio Baruchello, April 16, 2014
British Media’s Regime Change Propaganda on Syria By Interventions Watch, April 16, 2014
The Crisis in Eastern Ukraine, Anti-Russian Warmongering in Berlin, The Return of German Militarism By Johannes Stern, April 15, 2014
Spanish Government Attacks Democratic Rights By Alejandro López, April 15, 2014
UK Moves to Block US Senate Report to Protect Blair, Straw and Dearlove By Craig Murray, April 14, 2014
European Union: From Economic Community to Alliance of Warmongers By Peter Schwarz, April 14, 2014
German Chancellor Visits Greece to Prop Up Right-Wing Regime By Stefan Steinberg, April 13, 2014
Propaganda Alert: “Biggest Threat to UK comes from Syria” By Cem Ertür, April 12, 2014
The Geopolitics of The Russia -Ukraine Gas Dispute By RT, April 12, 2014
On Eve of Merkel Visit, Massive Anti-Austerity Strike in Greece By Patrick Martin, April 10, 2014
Replacing Russian Gas Deliveries with US Shale Gas? Washington Lies to the EU By F. William Engdahl, April 10, 2014
“If Stones Could Weep”: Syria, Blair’s Plans and an Archbishop’s Son By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 09, 2014
Incoming French Prime Minister Valls Pledges Austerity, Appeals to Far Right By Alex Lantier, April 09, 2014
IMF Report: No End to Economic Breakdown By Nick Beams, April 08, 2014
Russia’s Petro-Ruble Challenges US Dollar Hegemony. China Seeks Development of Eurasian Trade By Peter Koenig, April 08, 2014
NATO’s Aggression against Russia and the Danger of War in Europe By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland, April 07, 2014
Obama Issues Threats To Russia And NATO By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 07, 2014
Greece’s Left and the European Union: On the Need for an Anti-Euro and Anti-EU Position By Panagiotis Sotiris, April 07, 2014
Kiev Sniper Shootings: Lies v. Truth By Stephen Lendman, April 05, 2014
EU and Ukrainian Regime Seek to Discipline Fascist Right Sector By Stefan Steinberg and Chris Marsden, April 05, 2014
Popular Discontent Grows with German Media Lies in Ukraine Crisis By Anna Rombach, April 04, 2014
Popular Discontent Grows with German Media lies in Ukraine Crisis By Anna Rombach, April 04, 2014
NATO Maneuvers with Georgia and Ukraine, Threaten War with Russia By Alex Lantier, April 03, 2014
The EU’s “Economic Time Bomb”: Eurocrats Authorize Bailouts and Bail-Ins. “Single Mechanism” to Close Down “Failed Banks” By Ellen Brown, April 02, 2014
Social Fracture and the Rise of Racism in France By Annamaria Rivera, April 02, 2014
The Thrashing of France’s “Left”, The Rise of Le Pen’s “Front National” By Rossana Rossanda, April 02, 2014
Shale Gas Fracking, GMO, Poverty, Bankruptcy: Stop the Corporate Plunder, Flush the TTIP Agreement, Campaign for an “Alternative Trade Mandate” By Colin Todhunter, April 02, 2014
“The Renminbi Clearing Solution”: Dollar Hegemony Challenged by China and Germany By Global Research News, April 01, 2014
UK: Thousands Prosecuted Under Controversial Law of Joint Enterprise By The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, April 01, 2014
European Sovereignty and Independence: How to Free the EU from the American Trap By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), March 31, 2014
NATO Steps Up Military Pressure on Russia By Stefan Steinberg and Peter Schwarz, March 31, 2014
Animal Rights and Britain’s Badger Cull By Lesley Docksey, March 31, 2014
America, NATO and the Sino-Russian Backlash By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 30, 2014
China’s Renminbi Challenges US Dollar Hegemony? Chinese Currency Trade in Major Financial Centers By Washington's Blog, March 29, 2014
Sanctions on Russia’s Energy Sector: Shale Gas ‘Fracking’ Will Invade Europe? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 28, 2014
US Sanctions on Russia are Indirect Sanctions on the EU By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 27, 2014
Obama’s Speech on Ukraine: Propaganda and Lies By Patrick Martin, March 27, 2014
Ukraine’s “Brown Shirts”. Recalling Nazi Germany’s “Night of Long Knives”, By Olga Shedrova, March 27, 2014
Neoliberalism and the Decline of Democracy By Prof. John Weeks, March 27, 2014