
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Why Israel Is So Concerned About Jeremy Corbyn? Reinstatement of the “Law on Universal Jurisdiction” By TruePolitica, August 16, 2015
British Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn: ‘The Things That Are Real’. By Jim McCluskey, August 15, 2015
War Criminal Tony Blair Should Be “Dragged in Shackles to Court” Over Iraq War, Says Father of Killed Soldier By Nadia Prupis, August 14, 2015
Greek Parliament Votes for New Round of Austerity Measures By Christoph Dreier and Chris Marsden, August 14, 2015
SYRIZA Votes for A Disastrous New EU Austerity Program. A New Popular Political Front against the EU Is Required By Stavros Mavroudeas, August 14, 2015
The Refugees Are Coming! By Andre Vltchek, August 14, 2015
Can Holocaust Compensation Agreements Be a Model for Nakba Reparations to Palestinians? By Dr. Naomi Wolf, August 14, 2015
The 1915−1916 Armenian Genocide: An Ideology, Course and Consequences By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 13, 2015
Greek Pillage Bailout Deal: Germany Wants More By Stephen Lendman, August 13, 2015
Sweden May Drop Case Against Julian Assange, But Risk Remains Of Arrest And Extradition To US By Trevor FitzGibbon and Carey Shenkman, August 13, 2015
NATO, The IMF, Divisions, Grexit… Looking Out To 2020: European Wars? By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), August 13, 2015
Tony Blair: Towards A Citizen’s Arrest of a Renowned War Criminal? By Shenali D Waduge, August 13, 2015
“Tel Aviv sur Seine”: The French Collaborationist Tradition By Sayed Hasan, August 13, 2015
Israel’s Financial Sector Prepares for the BDS Tsunami By Connie Hackbarth, August 13, 2015
The Worth of Gold Growing by the Day. “A Gold-backed Alternative to the Inflated Dollar System” By F. William Engdahl, August 13, 2015
Total Capitulation? Greece and Troika Agree on Debt Bailout Deal “in Principle” By Stephen Lendman, August 12, 2015
Scotland to Ban GMO Crops From Being Grown By Julie Fidler, August 11, 2015
The Battle against GMO: Scotland Bans Genetically Modified Crops By The Ecologist, August 11, 2015
Asylum Seekers, Migrants and Refugees: Britain’s “Calais Problem” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 11, 2015
Greece: Raped, Humiliated, Frightened But Standing! By Andre Vltchek, August 10, 2015
The Corbyn Factor: The Transformation of Labour and British Politics By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 10, 2015
Germany: “Bring Back Our Gold Reserves”, Stored in New York at the Fed By Lars Schall, August 10, 2015
“Tel Aviv Beach” in Paris Sparks Outrage a Year after Gaza Slaughter By Ali Abunimah, August 10, 2015
A Cold Summer for Europe By Israel Shamir, August 10, 2015
Calls Rise for Tony Blair to Face War Crimes Trial By Alalam, August 10, 2015
Britain’s Labour Party Leadership: Has Jeremy Corbyn started the Political Conversation that England Needs? By Lesley Docksey, August 09, 2015
German troops in front of buildings set ablaze in Distomo, during the massacre.
Distomo, Greece: The World War II Nazi German Massacre and Beyond By Peter Koenig, August 09, 2015
The U.S. Is Destroying Europe By Eric Zuesse, August 08, 2015
The Sacking of the German Attorney General and the Assault on Press Freedom By Peter Schwarz, August 07, 2015
Hundreds Dead as Refugee Boat Sinks in Mediterranean By Martin Kreickenbaum, August 07, 2015
Israel Is NOT a Democracy By Washington's Blog, August 07, 2015
Financial Meltdown, Protracted Negotiations: Will the Greek Bailout Deal Work? By Kavaljit Singh, August 07, 2015
The Guardian Whitewashes Biased Coverage of Labour Leadership Candidate Jeremy Corbyn By Media Lens, August 06, 2015
Influential German Figures Call for a New European Approach to EU-Russia Relations and the Crisis in Ukraine By Oriental Review, August 06, 2015
Close Confidant’s Emails to Hillary Bash Britain’s Cameron By Stephen Lendman, August 06, 2015
Greek Forces to Train in Israel as Syriza-Led Government Deepens Alliance By Ali Abunimah, August 06, 2015
Greece, “Respect the No Vote”: A Dramatic Appeal by Musician Mikis Theodorakis By Mikis Theodorakis and Peter Koenig, August 06, 2015
Extremist Ideological Background of Croatia’s Role in the Destruction of Yugoslavia By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, August 06, 2015
Is the Biotech Industry Behind the Destruction of Italy’s Olive Trees? By Ruben Rosenberg Colorni, August 05, 2015
Imperialist Powers Prepare Another Military Intervention in Libya By Jean Shaoul, August 05, 2015
German Government Fires Prosecutor over Treason Charge against Internet Blog By Ulrich Rippert, August 05, 2015
Danish TV Documentary Exposes Gardasil Vaccines for Triggering Wave of Disease Among Young Girls By Jonathan Benson, August 05, 2015
Ireland and the Privatization of Water: Anti-Water Charge Campaigners’ Victory By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, August 05, 2015
“Europe Needs Russia and Russia Needs Europe”: Influencial German Figures Call for a New European Approach to the Crisis in Ukraine By Oriental Review, August 05, 2015
British SAS Special Forces “Dressed Up as ISIS Rebels” Fighting Assad in Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 04, 2015
World War II and the Holocaust: An Unspeakable Truth, Israel’s Vested Interest in Fueling German Guilt By Polina Garaev, August 04, 2015
Pushed On to Athens. The Plight of Refugees On Samos Island By Sofiane Ait Chalalet and Chris Jones, August 04, 2015
Greece: The Refugee Crisis and the Fate of a Little Iraqi Boy By Peter Koenig, August 04, 2015
The Malaysia Airlines Disaster over Ukraine: Russia Pulls UN Cover Off MH17 Propaganda By Ulson Gunnar, August 04, 2015
Police State: German Journalists Could Be Charged with Treason and Face Jail Time for Reporting on Surveillance By Global Research News, August 04, 2015
UK Labour Party Leadership Candidate Jeremy Corbyn Backs Boycott of Israeli Universities Involved in Arms Research By Asa Winstanley, August 03, 2015
The ISIL is in Ukraine: America’s “Agents of Chaos” Unleashed in Eurasia By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 02, 2015
Social Democracy or Revolutionary Democracy: Syriza and Us By Prof. Michael A. Lebowitz, August 02, 2015
Armed American Soldiers to be Deployed in Ukraine: Arrested in Vienna Airport By Sputnik, August 01, 2015
The EU’s Greek Austerity Plan Rejected By The IMF By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 01, 2015
Kos, Bodrum: The Mediterranean’s Desperate Refugees and a Dying Child By Andre Vltchek, August 01, 2015
The Hunt for Red October. Russia-Sweden Relations and a Missing Submarine By Israel Shamir, August 01, 2015
Asylum Seekers and Migrants to the EU are the Victims of US-NATO-EU Wars By Geneva International Centre for Justice, August 01, 2015
Assange: The Untold Story of an Epic Struggle for Justice By John Pilger, July 31, 2015
Greece – The Refugee Crisis and the Horror of Europe By Peter Koenig, July 31, 2015
The New Silk Road, A Chinese-style “New Deal”. The Economic and Geopolitical Consequences By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), July 31, 2015
The Greek Coup: Liquidity as a Weapon of Coercion By Ellen Brown, July 31, 2015
UK Government Whips Up Anti-immigrant Hysteria over Eurotunnel Security at Calais By Chris Marsden, July 30, 2015
A Single Currency Challenges National Sovereignty. The Defeat of Europe By Yanis Varoufakis, July 30, 2015
Washington’s Worldwide Spying: Incongruities in the News By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 30, 2015
Both Indian and Now British Farmers Commit Suicide: Bankruptcy Triggered by Prices of Seeds, Pesticides. By Political Concern, July 30, 2015
Polluting the Environment in USA, Canada, India and China By Global Research News, July 29, 2015
Friends of the Earth to Revoke ‘Unlawful’ Bee-Killer Pesticide Permit By Oliver Tickell, July 29, 2015
UK Police Want to Secretly Arrest Journalists Who Report on Snowden’s NSA Leaks By Michaela Whitton, July 29, 2015
Global Financial Instability: Why Is The EU Forcing European Nations To Adopt ‘Bail-In’ Legislation By The End Of The Summer? By Michael Snyder, July 29, 2015
Greece and the European Union: First as Tragedy, Second as Farce, Thirdly as Vassal State By Prof. James Petras, July 28, 2015
Conflicts Erupt Over Syriza’s Contingency Planning for Greek Euro Exit By Robert Stevens, July 28, 2015
Greece: The “Third Memorandum” will Result in a Further Process of Economic and Financial Devastation By Stephen Lendman, July 28, 2015
Economic Warfare: Troika “Bandits” Want More from Greece By Stephen Lendman, July 28, 2015
3-Year-Old London Child Deemed “Extremist” and Placed in Government Reeducation Program By Michael Krieger, July 27, 2015
German Economics Minister Rushes to Exploit Business Opportunities in Iran By Johannes Stern, July 27, 2015
Fracking Goes on Trial By Julie Wassmer, July 27, 2015
Tsipras and Varoufakis Approve of Home Evictions and Expropriation of Depositors By Ernst Wolff, July 27, 2015
Assad: Any Political Presentation Not Relying on Terrorism Combat ‘Ineffective’ By Global Research News, July 27, 2015
Criminal Negligence and Arguably the Most Manipulated Congress in U.S. History By Anthony Bellchambers, July 27, 2015