
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Kiev to Recruit People with Health Problems By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 12, 2023
Will Ukraine’s Western Apologists Finally Admit the Truth? By Ted Galen Carpenter, September 12, 2023
50 Years After Chile’s Coup, Salvador Allende’s Grandson Speaks About Britain’s Role in the Rise of Pinochet By John McEvoy and Pablo Navarrete, September 11, 2023
US Admits to Sending Radioactive Weapons to Ukraine that Left Thousands of Iraqi Babies Deformed By Matt Agorist, September 11, 2023
Joe Biden Wanted to Escalate to WW III but Elon Musk Said No By Eric Zuesse, September 11, 2023
The West’s Blueprint for Goading China Was Laid Out in Ukraine By Jonathan Cook, September 11, 2023
Why Swiss Neutrality Is Essential for American National Security: Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, September 11, 2023
Agent Zelensky: Ukraine on Sale. Scott Ritter By Manlio Dinucci, September 10, 2023
Bosnia-Herzegovina: US-NATO’s “Neocolonial Backwater” By Stephen Karganovic, September 08, 2023
Stoltenberg Bluffs About Ukrainian NATO Access By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 08, 2023
Up to €3,400 Per Month: Meet the Spanish Company Recruiting Fighters for Ukraine By Laura Llach, September 08, 2023
Outrage Grows as Pentagon Confirms Depleted Uranium Rounds Headed to Ukraine By Jake Johnson, September 08, 2023
Ukraine’s ‘Biggest Arms Supplier’ Orchestrated 2014 Maidan Massacre, Witnesses Say By Kit Klarenberg, September 07, 2023
Video: Is the European Union a “Colony of America”? Enforcing an “Economic Iron Curtain” with Russia: Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett, September 06, 2023
History: Worsening Relations in the German Empire. In the Wake of the Franco-Prussian War (1871) By Shane Quinn, September 06, 2023
“Russia needs Turkey, Turkey needs Russia.”The Putin-Erdogan “Geopolitical Swing” in Sochi? By Hasan Erel, September 06, 2023
Turkey and France Are Unfriendly Neighbors in the Mediterranean Region By Steven Sahiounie, September 06, 2023
The Myth of NATO as a Defensive Alliance By Ted Galen Carpenter, September 06, 2023
Watchdog: Cluster Bomb Deaths in Ukraine Are Highest in the World By Connor Freeman, September 06, 2023
Kiev Regime: “Extend” Attacks against the “Undisputed Territories” of the Russian Federation By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 05, 2023
Commemorating September 11, 1973: Britain Secretly Helped Chile’s Military Intelligence After Pinochet Coup By John McEvoy, September 05, 2023
The Collective West vs. Russia: Towards the End of a Pax Americana? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 05, 2023
The West’s Sanctions Hypocrisy: Russia’s Import Substitution Programme. Sanctions Backfire By Rodney Atkinson, September 04, 2023
Polish Anti-War Debates: Criticism of Kiev Regime or NATO, Punishable with Prison Sentence By Konrad Rękas, September 04, 2023
‘Our Major Interest is Copper’: Britain Backed Pinochet’s Bloody Coup in Chile By Mark Curtis, September 04, 2023
Ukrainian Crews Complete Abrams Tank Training: U.S. Pledges Depleted Uranium Shells for Offensive By Military Watch Magazine, September 04, 2023
Boiling Frogs Towards Nuclear Armageddon? By Strategic Culture Foundation, September 04, 2023
Discredit COVID Vaccine Sceptics as “Mentally Ill” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, September 03, 2023
Zelensky “Pissed Off” Biden in Their First Meeting, New Book Reveals By Ahmed Adel, September 02, 2023
A Draconian New Law Went Into Effect on August 25th that Institutes Extreme Censorship of the Internet on a Global Basis By Michael Snyder, September 01, 2023
The Joint CIA/MI6 Iran 1953 Coup d’état: “Operation Boot”. MI6 Plots with Islamists to Overthrow Democracy By Mark Curtis, September 01, 2023
EU Expected to Import Record Volume of LNG from Russia Despite Sanctions By Ahmed Adel, September 01, 2023
Nation-States as “Business Models”: Ukraine as Another Neoliberal Privatization Exercise By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 31, 2023
Policy of Deceit: Britain’s Treachery Over Palestine Laid Bare By Peter Oborne, August 31, 2023
Zelensky Hopes to Boost Popularity by Holding 2024 Presidential Elections. Will this “Prolong the War” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 31, 2023
Digital Services Act (DSA): Is EU Regulation a Threat to Citizens’ Freedom of Expression and the Rule of Law? By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, August 31, 2023
What We Know About Depleted Uranium in Ukraine So Far? By International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, August 31, 2023
U.S Sponsored Neo-Nazi Ukraine 2014 EuroMaidan. The Hiring of Snipers By Katya Gorchinskaya, August 30, 2023
French Ambassador Defies Order to Vacate Niger By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 30, 2023
De-globalization: How Much and at What Cost? By Karsten Riise, August 30, 2023
German Court Sentences Judge for Ruling Against Government’s Mask Mandates By Bryan S. Jung, August 30, 2023
What Spearheaded 22 Years of War and Atrocities? Unocal and the Coveted Trans-Afghan Pipeline Route By Larry Chin, August 30, 2023
Ukraine Providing an Important Testing Ground for Space-Based Weapons By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 29, 2023
Zelensky Believes Ukraine Will be Permanently Supported By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 29, 2023
America’s Domestic Party Politics Fuel the Ukraine Catastrophe By Philip Giraldi, August 29, 2023
Doomsday for the Buck? “A Reserve Currency Is No Longer Needed” By Mike Whitney and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 29, 2023
Kiev’s Slow Counteroffensive Makes Biden Lose Interest and Consider Talks with Russia By Ahmed Adel, August 29, 2023
When He Was Vice-President, Joe Biden Acted Like Ukraine Was His ‘Own Backyard’: Fired Ukraine Prosecutor By Arjun Singh, August 28, 2023
The ‘Kuwait Precedent’ Applied to Ukraine. The US Planned and Triggered this War, and Remains Intent on Prolonging It By Abdel Bari Atwan, August 28, 2023
Political Change in the Ukraine War. Analysis of Sarkozy’s Proposal By Karsten Riise, August 28, 2023
Potential Accountability for British Intelligence’s Involvement in CIA Torture By Jennifer Hicks, August 28, 2023
Ukraine Will Capitulate Unconditionally. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, August 25, 2023
Can NATO Win a Conventional War Against Russia? By Drago Bosnic, August 25, 2023
Desperate to Survive NATO Encirclement, Serbia Joins Kiev Regime’s Crimea Platform By Drago Bosnic, August 24, 2023
Ukrainians Mistrust the West. The Murderous Fraud of the “Counteroffensive” By Rodney Atkinson, August 24, 2023
Zelensky Buys Luxury Villa in Egypt While His Soldiers Die on Frontlines By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 24, 2023
Aid to Ukraine: The Administration Requests More Money and Faces Political Battles Ahead By Mark F. Cancian, August 23, 2023
Cluster Bombs Are as Outdated as War By Khury Petersen-Smith, August 23, 2023
Heavy Losses of Ukraine Armed Forces, Including Many Commanders: Germany’s General A. Marlow By Ahmed Adel, August 23, 2023
Cracks Emerge Between Washington and Kiev. “Counteroffensive” On Hold: “Indefinitely”? By Ahmed Adel, August 23, 2023
Russia, Donbass and the Reality of Conflict in Ukraine By Daniel Kovalik, August 23, 2023
Looting the Looters: Theft at the British Museum By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 23, 2023
Leaked Documents Indicate Zelensky About to be Replaced By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 22, 2023
‘Fight Russia to the Last Ukrainian’ Is Official White House Policy By Kyle Anzalone, August 22, 2023
Breaking: US Not in a Position to Send More Missiles to Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 22, 2023
The Decline of French Power By Shane Quinn, August 22, 2023
US Intelligence Agencies Admit Ukrainian Offensive Will Fail By Andre Damon, August 22, 2023
The August 1953 Coup d’Etat in Iran: ‘Our policy was to get rid of Mossadegh as soon as possible.’ Britain’s Role By Steve Bishop, August 21, 2023
“Divide and Rule”: Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Is Biden’s “Political Asset”. U.S. Behind Niger Coup d’Etat. America’s Hegemonic Wars Against Europe and Africa By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 20, 2023
“Fake Sovereignty” of the Republic of Srpska under UN-NATO Colonial Jurisdiction since the 1995 “Dayton Peace Agreement” By Stephen Karganovic, August 19, 2023
Why Peace Talks, but No Peace? By Ted Snider, August 18, 2023
Diplomacy with Russia Necessary for Europe – Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 18, 2023
Deploying “Elite Brigade” Will Not Revitalise Kiev’s Failed Counteroffensive By Ahmed Adel, August 18, 2023
Ukraine is Failing Miserably in its “Counteroffensive”: Is a New Discourse in the West Unfolding? By Karsten Riise, August 18, 2023
Biden to Blame for Ukraine’s Failed Counteroffensive – John Bolton By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 17, 2023
US Forcing Ukraine to Complete Defeat By Karsten Riise, August 17, 2023
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Came to Power in Carefully Planned Operation Coordinated by Western Intelligence Services, Says Former U.S. Diplomat By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 17, 2023
U.S.-Backed Roll of the Dice Leaves Ukraine in Worse Crisis By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, August 16, 2023
Keeping Up Appearances: Merkel’s Hair and Scholz’s Pate By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 16, 2023
US-NATO Plans to Prepare Ukraine for Another Doomed Counteroffensive in 2024 By Ahmed Adel, August 16, 2023