
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
Finland Will Become the First Country in the World to Get Rid of All School Subjects By Bright Side, February 02, 2017
Fighting Flares in Eastern Ukraine Amid Continued US-NATO Buildup Against Russia By Bill Van Auken, February 02, 2017
Britain’s Fake News Inquiry: Old Wine in New Bottles By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 02, 2017
Mass Surveillance and Britain’s Legal “Dark Web”: “The Pick ‘n’ Mix Law” By Charles Farrier, February 01, 2017
Tens of Thousands in UK Protest Trump Muslim Ban By Robert Stevens, February 01, 2017
Trump State Visit to UK: Queen Elizabeth II and the “Trump Traumatic Disorder” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 01, 2017
Trump’s New Stance on NATO? Washington Global Military Footprint. The Anglo-American “Special Relationship” By Stephen Lendman, January 29, 2017
The British Government Colludes with Monsanto. Crimes against Humanity and “Ecocide” By Colin Todhunter, January 27, 2017
Brexit On a Slow Track to Oblivion? By Stephen Lendman, January 25, 2017
Pro-Israeli Lobby Threatens British Government Over Illegal Settlement Vote at the UN By Yvonne Ridley, January 24, 2017
Sports and Security: Manchester United’s Counter-Terrorism Chief By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 23, 2017
Gladio Again: Germany Could Have But Didn’t Stop Berlin Attacker. Why? By Tony Cartalucci, January 22, 2017
France’s Self-Inflicted Refugee Crisis. The Result of NATO-Led Wars By Ulson Gunnar, January 22, 2017
China Extends Economic Influence in Balkans and Southeast Europe, Bank of China Regional Headquarters in Belgrade By Živadin Jovanović, January 22, 2017
A Spectre Hovers over Davos World Economic Forum: Populism and the Trump Presidency By Javier Tolcachier, January 22, 2017
Neighbouring Countries Concerned About the Risk of a Belgian Nuclear Meltdown By Nick Meynen, January 20, 2017
Belgium to Arrest Former Israeli Foreign Minister for “War Crimes” By Middle East Monitor, January 20, 2017
Breaking: German Opposition Leader Calls for Collective Security Union with Russia, Dissolution of NATO By Lewis Sanders IV, January 20, 2017
German and British Spy Services in ‘Biggest Rift’ Since World War II, Claim Sources By Joseph Fitsanakis, January 20, 2017
The Trump Presidency and the Coming Conflict Between Europe and America By Chris Marsden, January 20, 2017
France’s Marine Le Pen to recognize Crimea as Russia if Elected President By Sergey Gladysh, January 19, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn Accused of Being Russian “Collaborator” for Questioning US-NATO Troop Build-Up on Border By Glenn Greenwald, January 19, 2017
Building An “Anti-Aggressor Fence” on Russia’s Border By RT News, January 19, 2017
The Political Uses of Russophobia By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, January 19, 2017
US-NATO Militarization of Russia’s Border: US Marines Land In Norway, The First Time Since World War II, Angering Russia By Zero Hedge, January 18, 2017
Merkel Government Failed to Prevent ISIS Terror Operations in Germany, Intelligence Bodies Received Warnings and Failed to Act By William Craddick, January 17, 2017
Trump’s Delusion: Halting Eurasian Integration and Saving ‘US World Order’ By Federico Pieraccini, January 17, 2017
Trump Slams NATO And EU, Threatens BMW With Tax; Prepared To “Cut Ties” With Merkel By Zero Hedge, January 16, 2017
The Pope Says Yes to Palestine: Embassy Opens in Vatican By Telesur, January 16, 2017
Secret IMF Documents on Greece’s Debt Crisis Revealed By Eric Toussaint, January 16, 2017
Udo Ulfkotte’s Powerful Message: “German Politicians are US Puppets”. German Journalists are Urged to Bias their Writings in Favor of the US By Udo Ulfkotte, January 15, 2017
Udo Ulfkotte: Europe’s Courageous Journalism Voice Has Passed Away By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 15, 2017
Video: Military Press Briefing by US and NATO Generals: We’re Ready for War with Russia… By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 14, 2017
Unconvincing Forgery, The Alleged Donald Trump “Manchurian Candidate”: The Steele Dossier or the Hitler Diaries Mark II By Craig Murray, January 13, 2017
Impending British Parliament Vote on EU-Canada CETA Trade Deal Which Forced Tar Sands on Europe By Mark Dearn, January 12, 2017
U.S. Tanks and Troops at Russia’s Border: German Politicians up in Arms Over US-NATO Buildup Directed against Russia By RT News, January 11, 2017
Israeli Diplomat Filmed Plotting to ‘Take Down’ British MPs By The New Arab, January 11, 2017
Guido Cagnacci’s “Death of Cleopatra” (c. 1645) in New York By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, January 10, 2017
How do we Explain the Rise of Anti-Globalisation? The Implications for China By Martin Jacques, January 10, 2017
100s more US Tanks and Military Hardware arrive in Europe to keep ‘Peace and Freedom’ at Russian Borders By RT News, January 09, 2017
“Undercover Investigation”: How Many British MPs Are Working for Israel? By Jonathan Cook, January 09, 2017
Banks are Responsible for the Economic and Social Crisis in Greece By Eric Toussaint, January 09, 2017
Poland Will Do it for Us? Poland Acquires First Strike Capability to Pose Threat to Russia By Peter Korzun, January 09, 2017
Dutch Journalists Ordered to Shut their Mouths on MH17 Disaster By, January 09, 2017
Squeeze and Wiggle: Transport Chaos in London Underground. Strike by Station Workers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 09, 2017
Blackwater Founder Returns to Save Europe from Refugees By Belén Fernández, January 08, 2017
Power to the People: Ten Proposals to Avoid a Repetition of Greece’s Capitulation to The Financial Elites By Eric Toussaint, January 08, 2017
Invasion of Iraq, The Secret Downing Street Memo: “Intelligence and Facts were being Fixed” By Global Research News, January 08, 2017
What is ‘Financial Imperialism’? Greece and the Eurozone Periphery as Harbinger of Things to Come By Dr. Jack Rasmus, January 06, 2017
Obama, Kissinger and Nuland: Coup d’état in Cyprus 1974 – Cyprus 2017 By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, January 06, 2017
Brexit and Populism in Britain By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 05, 2017
Anti-Russia “Fake News” Campaign Rolled out Across Europe. Moscow Tagged as a Sponsor of ISIS-Daesh By Julie Hyland, January 05, 2017
Wall street
U.S. Quietly Drops “Financial Bombshell”: Wall Street Banks Have $2 Trillion European Exposure By Pam Martens and Russ Martens, January 04, 2017
Remembering Albert Camus’ “The Plague”: The World as a Prison, It is the U.S….? By Edward Curtin, January 04, 2017
Germany’s Role in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 04, 2017
The Trouble with Mary: The Fourth Series of Sherlock By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03, 2017
Coal in Indonesia: Société Générale Pulls Out of Financing, Crédit Agricole Under Pressure to Follow By Friends of the Earth, January 03, 2017
Building Totalitarianism in Europe: Destroy Cyprus, The Last Coup of Victoria Nuland By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, January 03, 2017
Brexit in the New Year: Britain Remains Fractured and Disillusioned, Government Confusion By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 01, 2017
The Same Hackers Blamed for the DNC Email Hack Were Blamed for Hacking the German Parliament … But that Ended Up Being a Leak By German Insiders, Not a Hack At All By Washington's Blog, January 01, 2017
The British Government Is Spying On You: Dog Fouling, Sun-Bed Use, Toy Sales, Theatre Tickets, Feeding Pigeons… By True Publica, December 30, 2016
Why the West is “Helping ISIS” Spread Post-Berlin Attack Hysteria By Tony Cartalucci, December 29, 2016
Parliamentary Elections in Macedonia: Repeal of Yet Another “Soft Coup” By Andrew Korybko, December 29, 2016
9/11 Truth: British Muslims Overwhelmingly Reject the Official 9/11 Story By Prof. Graeme MacQueen, December 29, 2016
Alleged Perpetrator of Berlin Christmas Market Attack: Instrument of German Intelligence? By Peter Schwarz, December 28, 2016
Berlin – Another False Flag? Government Complicity? Part of New World Order Agenda? By Peter Koenig, December 27, 2016
Video: Post World War II History of Central Europe, From Yalta to Donald Trump By South Front, December 27, 2016
Danish Government Pays State Unemployment Benefits to Dozens of ISIS Members Fighting in Syria, Jails the Girl who Fought against ISIS By American Herald Tribune, December 27, 2016
Ukraine in Full-Blown Collapse: Deep-seated Economic, Social Crisis and Environmental Crisis By Dmitry Orlov, December 27, 2016
Growing Signs of State Foreknowledge of Attack on Berlin Christmas Market By Christoph Vandreier, December 25, 2016
EU Shoots Itself in the Foot by Prolonging Sanctions on Russia. Will Trump Normalize Relations with Moscow? By Alex Gorka, December 25, 2016
Russian Ambassador, Senior NATO Staff and Russian Diplomat – All Dead Same Week By True Publica, December 25, 2016
Right-Wing, Anti-Immigrant Offensive Escalates in Aftermath of Berlin Terror Attack By Peter Schwarz, December 23, 2016
Invalidating the Snoopers’ Charter? Privacy, Surveillance and Britain’s Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act (DRIPA) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 23, 2016
The British Foreign Office and the Propaganda War on Syria By Barbara McKenzie, December 23, 2016
Ukraine: ‘Freedom’ And ‘Democracy’ Courtesy Of The West By Morning Star, December 23, 2016
The Berlin Truck Terror Suspect and the Curious Matter of ID Papers Left Behind By WhoWhatWhy, December 22, 2016
The Italian Banking Crisis: No Free Lunch – Or Is There? By Ellen Brown, December 22, 2016
Berlin’s Christmas Market Incident a Likely False Flag By Stephen Lendman, December 21, 2016
IMF Chief Christine Lagarde Found Guilty of Corruption, Won’t Be Punished By Jeremiah Jones, December 20, 2016