
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
US-Russia Relations: Gorbachev Warns of Growing Danger of War By Rick Sterling, May 17, 2017
The Psychotic Fantasy That Warfare Seeks Gain By Library of Social Science, May 17, 2017
Germany and NATO: Towards Martial Law, Preparing for a “Fascist Repression” in Europe? By Peter Koenig, May 16, 2017
Fantasies of Worth: Macron’s French Mission. The Fifth Republic in Permanent Decline By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 16, 2017
Ukraine: US-Installed Fascist Rule in Europe’s Heartland. Will Donetsk Rejoin Russia? By Stephen Lendman, May 15, 2017
Leaked: The UK’s Secret Blueprint with Telcos for Mass Spying on Internet, Phones – and Backdoors By Kieren McCarthy, May 15, 2017
Hybrid War Can Wreak Havoc Across West Africa By Andrew Korybko, May 15, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn: A Labour Government will Oppose Lawlessness and Unilateralism, Uphold Human Rights and Social Justice By Jeremy Corbyn, May 15, 2017
The Financial Elite Created France’s New President, Emmanuel Macron By Diana Johnstone and Ann Garrison, May 13, 2017
Confirmed: The Donetsk People’s Republic Seeks to Join the Russian Federation By Adam Garrie, May 13, 2017
Donald Trump and Theresa May – Partners in Planning Armageddon? By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 11, 2017
China’s “One Belt, One Road” Initiative: “A New Silk Road linking Asia, Africa and Europe” By Zhao Bingxing, May 10, 2017
UK Election: Journalists as State Functionaries By Craig Murray, May 10, 2017
French Election: A Catastrophe for World Peace By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 10, 2017
French Election Fraud? Will Macron be Able to Form a Government? By Peter Koenig, May 09, 2017
Hundreds of Migrants Drown in Mediterranean By Bill Van Auken, May 09, 2017
Brexit and Britain’s Snap-Election: “Post-Democracy Has Evolved Into Undemocracy” By Craig Berry, May 09, 2017
Emmanuel Macron’s Victory and the Fragility of the European Union By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 09, 2017
French Presidential Election 2017: Nothing Succeeds Like Success. Macron “Selected”. Billionaires and Bankers Rejoice By Diana Johnstone, May 08, 2017
France Chooses Banker Macron as President By Dr. Jack Rasmus, May 08, 2017
Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Theocratic Ambitions: What Implications for Cyprus By Andreas C Chrysafis, May 07, 2017
Brexit – Is Germany Dictating to Britain the After-Brexit Rules? – A Prelude to the French Elections By Peter Koenig, May 07, 2017
Israel’s New Cultural War of Aggression By Prof. Richard Falk, May 07, 2017
Macron Claims He Was Hacked, Alleged Macron Involvement in Tax Free Offshore Haven By Stephen Lendman, May 07, 2017
Macron and Le Pen: Two Faces of the Same Con By Gilbert Mercier, May 06, 2017
France: A Nation’s Conscience and the Question of Terror By Adeyinka Makinde, May 06, 2017
Neo-Nazi Network in German Army Exposed By Peter Schwarz, May 06, 2017
Brexit Britain on the Brink. Collapse of the Pound Sterling. “Theresa May, the Wrong Leader for this Perilous Moment” By Matthew Jamison, May 05, 2017
UK’s Extreme Surveillance Laws – Bolstered By New Extreme Anti Free Speech Laws By True Publica, May 05, 2017
A Victory for Theresa May Will See Britain Dragged Further Towards War with Russia By Colin Todhunter, May 05, 2017
Greater Albania and the Balkans By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 05, 2017
Is France’s Fifth Republic About to Marry Macron? A Proxy for Globalist Forces By Oriental Review, May 05, 2017
Dangerous Crossroads: US General Says NATO is Ready to Fight Russia in Europe By Adam Garrie, May 04, 2017
Vladimir Putin Meets Angela Merkel. An Opportunity to Ease Tensions? By Stephen Lendman, May 03, 2017
The US Supplies Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria, via Bulgaria? By Sophie Mangal, May 03, 2017
Britain Must Break Free from the Agrochemical Cartel By Colin Todhunter, May 03, 2017
The Economics of the Future By Prof Michael Hudson, May 03, 2017
May Day in France: Trade Union Calls to Support Macron Fall Flat By Francis Dubois, May 02, 2017
Freedom and Form: French Impressionist Painter Frédéric Bazille at the National Gallery By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, May 02, 2017
Bayer-Monsanto: A Match Made in Hell. Six Reasons why Bayer-Monsanto Merger Threatens People and Planet By Corporate Europe Observatory, May 01, 2017
The Future of Our Children: Jeremy Corbyn’s Speech on Education Policy By Jeremy Corbyn, May 01, 2017
Debunking the French Report on Syria’s Chemical Weapons By Washington's Blog, April 29, 2017
Video: Another Europe is Possible. “Beyond Neoliberalism, Mass Unemployment and Fortress Europe” By Srećko Horvat and Kontext, April 29, 2017
America’s Hype over WMD: Five Invasion Plots, Three Continents, Identical Lies By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 28, 2017
Chemical Weapons Attack: French “Investigation” in Syria Neither Impartial nor Independent By Ulson Gunnar, April 28, 2017
Blairites Declare UK Labour Party Unelectable. Tony Blair Sides with Tories and Liberals against Jeremy Corbyn By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden, April 28, 2017
Fake News About Russia’s Alleged “Meddling” in the French Elections By Stephen Lendman, April 28, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn is Britain’s Best Hope By Colin Todhunter, April 28, 2017
Macron, Fillon Represent Washington, Marine Le Pen Represents France By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 27, 2017
Fake Terrorist Accusations against University of Ottawa Prof. Hassan Diab. Bring Him Back to Canada By Hassan Diab Support Committee, April 27, 2017
Finance Capital and Neo-Fascism: The French Elections Mirror the Crises of Western States By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 26, 2017
Short Choices: The French Presidential Elections By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 26, 2017
Ukrainian Army Continues its Advance into Donbass By Zorana Dobriza, April 25, 2017
Kosovo Serbs ‘Terrified’ by Proposed Creation of “Greater Albania” By Sputnik, April 24, 2017
NATO’s Stay-Behind Networks. The Truth Regarding NATO’s “Secret Armies” By Gerald Arboit, April 24, 2017
France Elections: Macron Next President? Financial Elitism and Far-Right Advance to Runoff By Stephen Lendman, April 24, 2017
Breaking, French Elections: Macron versus Le Pen in Run-off. Discredited Socialist Party. A Vote against Neoliberalism By Diana Johnstone, April 23, 2017
Breaking: French Presidential Election: Macron and Le Pen in Run-Off? By Stephen Lendman, April 23, 2017
France’s Election at Gunpoint By Alex Lantier, April 23, 2017
Legal Bombshell – Former Iraqi Army Chief of Staff to Prosecute Tony Blair By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 21, 2017
UK Drone Killings: PM must Publish Intelligence Committee Report By Chris Cole, April 20, 2017
Cyprus and the Death of Democracy in Turkey By Andreas C Chrysafis, April 20, 2017
The Monsanto Tribunal: “Monsanto has Violated Human Rights to food” By Corporate Europe Observatory, April 20, 2017
End Game: The War Machine Goes On By Arthur D. Robbins, April 20, 2017
History: Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Illegitimate Private Debt By Eric Toussaint, April 19, 2017
The Secrets of Long Life and Anti-Aging: The Passing of Emma Morano at 117 Years Old… How did She do it? By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 19, 2017
A Ukraine on the Verge of Disaster Benefits No One By Federico Pieraccini, April 19, 2017
Jeremy Corbyn – A Silver Lining in the Trump Era By Asad Latif Palijo, April 19, 2017
Report from the UN: The US, UK, France and South Korea Are In Violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty By Carla Stea, April 17, 2017
Britain’s Domestic Intelligence GCHQ Did Intercept Trump’s Phone Calls By Martin Armstrong, April 16, 2017
What Would a US-European-Russian War Look Like? The End-of-World Scenario. The Real Danger of Nuclear War By Barry Grey, April 16, 2017
Electronic Weapons, Radio Frequency Radiation, Remote Manipulation of the Human Nervous System By Mojmir Babacek, April 13, 2017
Historical Origins of the State: Barbarians at the Gate By Arthur D. Robbins, April 12, 2017
@realDonald Trump: ‘Be Prepared, There is a Small Chance That Our Horrendous Leadership Could Lead Us Into World War III’ By Citizens Electoral Council of Australia, April 12, 2017
What’s Behind the Terrorist Attack in Sweden? By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, April 08, 2017
The Looming End to the Western-Turkish Alliance? By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, April 06, 2017
Love, Western Nihilism and Revolutionary Optimism By Andre Vltchek, April 05, 2017
The Bloodstained Rise of Global Populism By Prof Alfred McCoy, April 04, 2017
The Hijacking of France (from Donald Trump to Marine Le Pen) By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos, April 04, 2017
Brexit: Securing a New English-Speaking Union? By F. William Engdahl, April 04, 2017