
The EU is a Cold War Construct, a US imperial project formulated by the Washington Consensus. The growing movement against EU domination is an anti-imperial initiative of Worldwide significance. It is also a movement against neoliberalism
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
The Ministers for Defence of the 27 countries of the EU met on 4 and 5 March in Zagreb, Croatia. The central theme of the meeting was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up civil mobility, but how best to develop « military mobility ».
U.K. Prime Minister Sunak’s Message to Israel: Carry On with the Slaughter By Peter Oborne, October 23, 2023
EU Staff Members Express Fury Over von der Leyen Stance on Israel-Hamas Conflict By Naomi O’Leary, October 23, 2023
Catch-22: How US-NATO Fighter Jet Deliveries Undermine Kiev Regime’s Air Defense Capabilities By Drago Bosnic, October 20, 2023
Statement on UK Arms Exports to Israel By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, October 20, 2023
Biden’s Speech Inflames Republicans. “Asks for no less handout than $100 billion” By Karsten Riise, October 20, 2023
Zelensky is Desperate: Can Biden Admin Trick GOP-dominated Congress to “Merge Military Aid for Israel and Kiev”? By Drago Bosnic, October 19, 2023
Winston Churchill Sent “Black and Tans” Armed Forces To Palestine. These Same Forces were Used to Fight against Sinn Fein in Ireland in the 1920s By David Cronin, October 19, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: Calling for Immediate Halt of UK Arms Sales to Israel. Legal Groups By Dania Akkad, October 18, 2023
Can Washington Simultaneously Handle Two War Theaters? Zelensky’s Failed Bid to Meet Netanyahu Signals Ending of Western Interest? By Ahmed Adel, October 18, 2023
Former Ambassador and Assange Advocate Craig Murray Detained Under UK Terror Laws By Kit Klarenberg, October 18, 2023
Unmasking Russia’s Influence and Changing Situation Within the Commonwealth of Independent States By Kester Kenn Klomegah, October 16, 2023
The Peace of Westphalia as a Lesson in Solving Religious Wars Past Present or Future By Matthew Ehret-Kump, October 16, 2023
US Official Lies to Armenians Worldwide By Steven Sahiounie, October 16, 2023
His Majesty King of Jordan to UK Prime Minster: Denying Food, Water and Electricity to Innocent Civilians in Gaza Is War Crime By The Jordan Times, October 16, 2023
Arab Groups Withdraw from Frankfurt Book Fair After Award for Palestinian Author Pulled By Saeed Saeed, October 16, 2023
Prime Minister Warned of Intention to Prosecute UK Government Officials for Complicity in War Crimes in Gaza By Middle East Monitor, October 16, 2023
Israelis Mulling ‘Leningrad Approach’ in Gaza: Seymour Hersh Report By Al Mayadeen, October 16, 2023
Lawless in Gaza: Why Britain and the West Back Israel’s Crimes. Jonathan Cook By Jonathan Cook, October 15, 2023
Whitehall’s Cover-up of SAS Killings in Afghanistan By Richard Norton-Taylor, October 13, 2023
US, European Powers Fully Implicated in Israeli Mass Murder By World Socialist Web Site, October 13, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: The Blood of Gaza Is on the West’s Hands as Much as Israel’s By Jonathan Cook, October 13, 2023
Palestine and Ukraine: Peace Is Possible By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, October 12, 2023
Information Compliance — Bill Passed to Demolish Free Speech By Dr. Joseph Mercola, October 12, 2023
Israel-Palestine War: UK Leaders Are Paving the Way for Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza By Peter Oborne, October 12, 2023
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Netanyahu’s “False Flag”, Connecting the Dots – and More By Peter Koenig, October 11, 2023
UK Allows Key Hamas Funder to Have Military Base in Northern England By Mark Curtis, October 11, 2023
Biden’s Request for Another $100 Billion for Ukraine, Doubts from US the US Congress in the Eake of the Hamas Attacks By Ahmed Adel, October 10, 2023
Captain Rock: The Symbol of a Risen People. Paintings and the History of Irish Resistance By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, October 10, 2023
Ukraine Is Totally Corrupt: Former European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker By Laura Hulsemann, October 10, 2023
Germany Could Become Kiev’s Main Strategic Partner as Ukraine-Poland “Honeymoon” In Crisis By Uriel Araujo, October 10, 2023
History: Rivalry Between France and Germany By Shane Quinn, October 10, 2023
Nazism, Wokism and the Strange World of Zelensky’s Ukraine By Timothy Alexander Guzman, October 09, 2023
War as an “Investment.” The Bizarre Business-Speak of Mass Killing By Bill Astore, October 09, 2023
Call for Ban of Apple iPhone 12 That Failed the Radiation Safety Test. 30 Groups Call on EU Regulators By Dr. Suzanne Burdick, October 09, 2023
Who Lies? Who Dies? Who Pays? Who Profits? Why Veterans Are Calling for Peace in Ukraine By Gerry Condon, October 09, 2023
Death Wish 2023: The Globalists’ “Invincible Self-righteousness” regarding the War in Ukraine: Craig Murray By Craig Murray, October 09, 2023
The EU at War with the “European Instrument for Peace”: Manlio Dinucci By Manlio Dinucci, October 09, 2023
The Balkans Geopolitics: Between a Bridge and the Battlefield By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 08, 2023
“Economic Miracle” or Mass Poverty in Greece? “A Strong Economy means Neoliberalism” By Dimitris Eleas, October 08, 2023
Ukraine’s Zelensky Attempted to Hire Terrorists in Iraq: Leaked Documents By Steven Sahiounie, October 08, 2023
Kiev Regime Repurposing Airfields, Civilian Infrastructure for F-16s By Drago Bosnic, October 07, 2023
Germany’s Foreign Minister Baerbock’s Words “Are a Mere Bluff”: Promises to Add Russian Territories to the EU By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 05, 2023
Whitewashing Nazism? There are Nazis who “Weren’t so Bad” By Drago Bosnic, October 05, 2023
US Weapons to Ukraine Are Sold Out of the Back Door to Terrorists By Steven Sahiounie, October 05, 2023
Britain Always Seeks a Profit in Wars By Mark Curtis, October 05, 2023
British Government Funded a Plan for International Censorship of Critiques of NATO By Jack Poulson, October 05, 2023
UK’s Former Defense Secretary Wants More Young Ukrainians on the Battlefield By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 04, 2023
Hungary to Receive €13 Billion If Orbán Supports New Military Aid Package for Ukraine By Ahmed Adel, October 04, 2023
War Fatigue Complicates West’s Aid to Ukraine By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 04, 2023
British Soldiers in Ukraine Would be Legitimate Target for Russia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 03, 2023
The Key to Peace in Ukraine? The Other Broken NATO Promise. By Ted Snider, October 03, 2023
Zelensky Should Have Stayed Home. Visit to Attend the United Nations General Assembly and Meet Biden Turns Out Badly By Philip Giraldi, October 03, 2023
Canada and the NATO Alliance Hunker Down to Defend Race War Against Russia By John Helmer, October 03, 2023
Bernie Sanders: Are You Really in Support of Another Endless War? By Melissa Garriga and Crystal Zevon, October 03, 2023
History of Nazism in Ukraine: 1944-1963 By Hugo Turner, October 03, 2023
Ukraine War: Not About NATO…Until Now? By Matt Orfalea, October 03, 2023
Ukraine Celebrated SS Nazis on Stamps. Institutionalized Nazis Praised by the West By Rodney Atkinson, October 02, 2023
National Identities of the People Living in Ukraine. Historical Background By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 02, 2023
Canada’s Proclivity to Whitewash its Nazi Affiliations By Jerome Irwin, October 02, 2023
Ukraine’s Assassination Program Has Gotten So Out of Control that Some of Its Members Are Starting to Speak Out By Jeremy Kuzmarov, October 02, 2023
Republicans Win, Biden and Ukraine Lose By Karsten Riise, October 02, 2023
Ukrainian Grain Blackmail is about the Profits of Multinational Corporations By Konrad Rękas, October 02, 2023
Call for an Immediate Ceasefire and Peace Negotiations to End the War in Ukraine. Joseph Gerson By Dr. Joseph Gerson, October 02, 2023
How Soviet-era Doctrine and Weapons Trump American Warfighting By Drago Bosnic, October 02, 2023
No Jab. No Education? Lockdowns and QR codes Worldwide. Big Pharma’s Stranglehold on Schools By Gavin OReilly, October 01, 2023
Flagging Support: Zelenskyy Loses Favour in Washington By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 01, 2023
Nagorno-Karabakh Separatist Republic Ceases to Exist By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 01, 2023
The History of Nazism in Ukraine: The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), 1917-1941 By Hugo Turner, September 30, 2023
Cruel Prerogatives: U.K. Home Secretary Braverman “Kills the Foundations of Refugee Protection” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 30, 2023
The Nazi-Ukrainian Reich of Canada By Konrad Rękas, September 30, 2023
Profits über Alles! American Corporations and Hitler By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, September 30, 2023
History: The Conviction of the “Bookkeeper Of Auschwitz”. “Complicity in the Deaths of 300,000 Holocaust Victims” By Karin Brothers, September 30, 2023
A Nazi on Parliament Hill Is an Antidote to Self-Righteousness By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, September 29, 2023
Canada’s Morally Bankrupt, “Nazi-Supporting Politicians”. “Nazism Deeply Embedded in Ukraine Regime” By Mark Taliano, September 29, 2023
Kiev Producing Weapons Abroad By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 29, 2023
Hungarian Patience with Ukraine Running Out By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 29, 2023
History of the Balkans: Greece and Macedonia (1913-1993) By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, September 28, 2023
Trump’s Second Presidency Would be “Hell” for Europe and Kiev, Says Top French Newspaper By Ahmed Adel, September 28, 2023
Canada’s Honoring of Nazi Vet Exposes Ottawa’s Longstanding Ukraine Policy By Max Blumenthal, September 28, 2023
UK and Israel: Has the Fightback Against Weaponised Antisemitism Begun? By Jonathan Cook, September 28, 2023