
In the late 1920s, Washington formulated a top secret plan to invade Canada, entitled “Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan — Red”. The plan was approved by the US War Department under the presidency of Herbert Hoover in 1930.
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The Trudeau regime has become the most dangerous, lawless government in Canada’s 155-year history as an independent nation. Over the past two years, it has displayed a wanton disregard for the rule of law and the legislative process.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
“Covid-19 Mandates and Restrictions”: A Letter to Public Health Officers By Dr. Anton de Ruiter, Dr. Jan Vrbik, Prof Denis Rancourt, and et al., September 14, 2021
British Columbia Health Professionals Challenge B.C. Government Regarding Covid-19 Restrictions By Voices Of Silenced Okanagan Health Professionals, September 13, 2021
Video: Paula Tucci of Stand Up Canada: How to Protect Yourself from Medical Abuse By Paula Tucci, September 13, 2021
Video: Why Canada Should Leave NATO By Michael Welch, Margaret Kimberley, Tamara Lorincz, and Ludo De Brabander, September 09, 2021
Video: Ethics 101. Dr. Julie Ponesse, Professor of Ethics at the University of Western Ontario, Provides a Lesson in Courage and Integrity By Dr. Julie Ponesse, September 09, 2021
Video: Dr. David Martin on Canada’s Role in Producing the Weaponized “COVID” Injections Which Have Seriously Harmed and Killed Many By Dr. David Martin and Vaccine Choice Canada, September 08, 2021
Over 200 Vaccinated End Up in Ontario’s Emergency Room with Heart Problems By Free West Media, September 06, 2021
Airshows Sell War and Militarism By Yves Engler, September 06, 2021
The Great Reset, “The Green New Deal” and Today’s Bankrupt World Economy By Matthew Ehret-Kump, September 03, 2021
Canada: There Was No COVID-19 Pandemic: Dr. Denis Rancourt By Prof Denis Rancourt, Dr. Marine Baudin, and Dr. Jérémie Mercier, August 31, 2021
The Persecution of Canadian Physicians by Organized Medicine During the COVID-19 Pandemic By Sam Dubé, Dr. Chris Milburn, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Francis Christian, and Dr. Roger Hodkinson, August 30, 2021
Farewell to Canada, “Not with a Bang but a Whimper” By Mark Taliano, August 30, 2021
Legal Action in British Columbia Supreme Court, To Hold Multiple Parties Accountable for their Actions with respect to COVID-19 Measures By Action4Canada, August 29, 2021
On the Verge of a Global Financial Meltdown? “Green Bankers” and the “Great Reset Task Force” By Matthew Ehret-Kump, August 26, 2021
1000th Day of Incarceration of Meng Wanzhou. Press Conference By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, August 25, 2021
Video: Canadian Death Statistics: How Is this a Pandemic? By Dr. Mark Trozzi, August 24, 2021
Justice for Hassan Diab – Join Our Campaign of Outreach to Canadian Parliamentarians! By Hassan Diab Support Committee, August 22, 2021
Forced Evictions Near and Far: Canada’s Complicity in the Dispossession of Palestinian Homes By Seema Kawar and Sahar Raza, August 20, 2021
Afghanistan Was Based on Lies. Will the Militarists Apologize? By Yves Engler, August 19, 2021
Video: Vax Pass Hits Canada: Tens of Thousands March in Montreal Against Vaccine Passports Ahead of Sept. 1 Rollout By Julian Conradson, August 16, 2021
Are the COVID-19 Vaccines and Emergency Measures Still Legal? By Lech Biegalski, August 13, 2021
Lima Group Loses Lima By Yves Engler, August 13, 2021
Why the Trudeau Government Should Release Meng Wanzhou Immediately By Ken Stone, August 12, 2021
Canada Adds Bell’s Palsy Warning to Pfizer COVID Vaccine By Great Game India, August 09, 2021
Video: Innumerable Ways Canada Supports Israeli Apartheid By Michael Welch, Bianca Mugyenyi, and Yves Engler, August 08, 2021
The Cross-Canada Campaign to Free Meng Wanzhou By Michael Welch and Christopher Black, August 08, 2021
Haiti Betrayed By Michael Welch, Bianca Mugyenyi, Brian Concannon Jr., and Jean Saint-Vil, August 08, 2021
Video: Patrick King. The Virus Has Not Been Isolated! “No I Did Not Win The Court Case”. “They Do Not Have the Evidence”. By Patrick King and Dan Dicks, August 07, 2021
Video: Canadian Court Victory Proves COVID-19 Is a Hoax and All Restrictions Have Now Been Dropped By Kenan SonOfEnos, August 05, 2021
Video: Freedom Fighter Court Victory! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta! By Patrick King and Stew Peters, August 04, 2021
Foreigners Select Haiti’s Prime Minister By Yves Engler, August 03, 2021
Canadian Imperialism and the Underdevelopment of Burkina Faso By Owen Schalk, July 30, 2021
Video: COVID Prison in British Columbia? By Netizensouljahtv, July 30, 2021
Nanotechnology-derived Graphene in Face Masks — Now There Are Safety Concerns By Andrew Maynard, July 28, 2021
Crimes against First Nations, Colonial Dispossession. Forcibly Separated from Their Families and Placed in Church-run Schools By Kim Petersen, July 27, 2021
Will Canada Remain a Credible Nuclear Non-Proliferation Partner? By Susan O’Donnell and Gordon Edwards, July 26, 2021
The Sorry History of Residential Schools in Canada: A Consequence of the Third British Conquest in North America By Robin Philpot, July 20, 2021
Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public How the Moderna COVID Injections Killed and Permanently Disabled Indigenous People in His Community By Dr. Charles Hoffe and Brian Shilhavy, July 19, 2021
Canadian Doctor: 62% of His Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage. “Microscopic Blood Clots” By Brian Shilhavy, July 15, 2021
Time to Stop Sending Canadian Troops to Haiti By Yves Engler, July 15, 2021
Canada Funneled $23 Billion in Subsidies to Three Pipelines Since 2018 By Nick Cunningham, July 12, 2021
The Assassination of Jovenel Moïse By Yves Engler, July 11, 2021
Canada’s 2020 Euthanasia Report and “Assisted Suicide”: Almost 8000 People Died by Lethal Injection, 1412 People Died Because of Loneliness and 4% of Deaths in BC Were Euthanasia By Alex Schadenberg, July 06, 2021
The Plandemic: A Sudden Tyranny Imposed by an Entity that Shall Remain Unnamed By Peter Koenig, July 05, 2021
As Demand for “Vaccine” Shots Decrease Governments and Big Tech Look to Squash Free Speech of Dissenters By Brian Shilhavy, July 04, 2021
Canada Day Summer 2021. Mourning the Victims of the Nations “Residential Schools” By Michael Welch, Kari Polanyi Levitt, and Richard Sanders, July 03, 2021
First Nations: Why an Apology is Wrong, and Deceptive: Bringing Humanity to Bear on the Residential School Atrocity By Kevin Annett, July 03, 2021
Canada: Queen Victoria Statue Toppled Amid Outrage Over the Discovery of Unmarked Graves By Zaini Majeed, July 02, 2021
Canada’s Government Is Seeking to Silence Canadian Journalists at Home and Abroad with a Draconian Censorship Bill By Eva Bartlett, July 01, 2021
History: The 1887 Alaska Purchase and the US-Russia Bering Strait Rail Tunnel Project By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 01, 2021
Hundreds of More Unmarked Graves Discovered in Residential School in Canada By Peoples Dispatch, July 01, 2021
Vaccine Choice Canada: Open Letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC By Ted Kuntz, June 30, 2021
Dispossession of the Indigenous People’s Lands, Missing Children: The Canadian Greenhouse and Genocide By Kim Petersen, June 28, 2021
Hail to the Left – In Tribute to our Lost Heroes: Ramsey Clark and Leo Panitch By Michael Welch, Prof. Sam Gindin, Sara Flounders, and Prof. Greg Albo, June 26, 2021
Suppression of Evidence: CBC Censorship of Top Scientists in COVID-19 Research: Prof. Anthony Hall By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, June 24, 2021
Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth By Canadian Physicians, June 23, 2021
Dr. Hassan Diab to Trial prolongs a 13-year Miscarriage of Justice By Hassan Diab Support Committee, June 22, 2021
Canadians Aren’t Being Told About Vaccine Risks By Dr. John Cunnington, June 22, 2021
Islamophobia: Four Years after Finsbury Park Attack, Canada Deaths Show Threat Undiminished By Mohamed Kozbar, June 21, 2021
Fat Cats Private Club
Global War on Humanity: America’s Unceasing Pursuit of Hegemony By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, June 19, 2021
Medical Censorship and The Harms of Lockdowns: Testimony of Ontario Medical Doctors By Global Research News, June 18, 2021
Video: Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccine: Report on Health Whistleblowers. Canadian MP Derek Sloan By Derek Sloan, June 18, 2021
Justin Trudeau Posturing for Israel By Jim Miles, June 18, 2021
Did Pfizer Fail to Perform Industry Standard Animal Testing Prior to Initiation of mRNA Clinical Trials? By TrialSite, June 15, 2021
G7: Desperately Seeking Relevancy By Pepe Escobar, June 11, 2021
Freedom of Expression. Trudeau Government Plans Motion to Stop Bill C-10 Debate By Michael Geist, June 08, 2021
Canada Still Supports Colombia’s Repressive Right-wing Government By Yves Engler, June 08, 2021
Canadian Muslim Family Killed in ‘Premeditated’ Attack, Police Say By Middle East Eye, June 08, 2021
CPSO to Ontario Doctors: “Shut Up or Lose Your Licence” By Karen Selick, June 07, 2021
Doctors vs Health Authorities. Clinically Proven Drugs vs the Jab. Who will Prevail? transcript available By Michael Welch, Dr. Stephen Malthouse, and Dr. Peter McCullough, June 05, 2021
Canadian Doctor Removed from Hospital Duty after Speaking Out About COVID Vaccine Side Effects By Anthony Murdoch, June 01, 2021
The Third Intifada. Israel’s Crimes. Palestine’s Wrath. Ray of Hope? By Michael Welch, Prof. Richard Falk, Richard Silverstein, and Laith Marouf, May 22, 2021
Arms Trade: Which Countries and Companies Are Selling Weapons to Israel? By Frank Andrews, May 19, 2021
Indigenous Fisheries vs. Mob Rule. The Rights of First Nations By J. B. Gerald, May 18, 2021
How Canada Should Respond to Israel’s Escalating Violence By Bianca Mugyenyi, May 18, 2021
Why Canada Owes Apology to Palestinians for the Nakba By Yves Engler, May 17, 2021
Shutdown of Greyhound Canada Will Leave Canadians Stranded, More Than 400 Workers Without a Job By Amalgamated Transit Union, May 15, 2021
Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth By Dr. Stephen Malthouse, May 10, 2021
Canadians Sinking Under a Trillion Dollar Debt Tab By Franco Terrazzano, May 10, 2021
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) Forbids Physicians from Questioning Official Covid-19 Measures By Canadian Physicians, May 10, 2021