
In the late 1920s, Washington formulated a top secret plan to invade Canada, entitled “Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan — Red”. The plan was approved by the US War Department under the presidency of Herbert Hoover in 1930.
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The Trudeau regime has become the most dangerous, lawless government in Canada’s 155-year history as an independent nation. Over the past two years, it has displayed a wanton disregard for the rule of law and the legislative process.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
North-American Monetary Integration: Here Comes the Amero By Andrew Gavin Marshall, January 20, 2008
Canadian Manual Has US on Torture List By Ian Austen, January 19, 2008
Canada puts U.S. on torture watch list By Global Research, January 17, 2008
Canada: Judge rules the return of political refugees to the US illegal By Guy Charron, December 19, 2007
The North American Union and the Bigger Plan By Dr. Dennis L. Cuddy, December 17, 2007
Tar Sands vs. Clean Water: Eating the Earth for Cars By Mark Robinowitz, December 11, 2007
New Driver’s License requires birth certificate By Kyla King, December 08, 2007
Canada’s Supreme Court opens door to deportation of US “war resisters” By Guy Charron, November 29, 2007
Premeditated Merger: North American Union ‘a couple years away’ By Global Research, November 22, 2007
Haiti: The Canadian-backed Coup Regime’s Reign of Terror By Richard Sanders, November 02, 2007
Why Canadian Forces Should Immediately Withdraw From Afghanistan By Michael Skinner, October 22, 2007
Canada: Throne Speech Threatens to Extend the War By Steven Staples, October 17, 2007
Dozens in Mexican city ill with suspected avian flu By Global Research, September 28, 2007
Cold War Shivers: Two Russian strategic bombers fly along Alaska, Canada coasts By Global Research, September 24, 2007
Canada: Losing Water Through NAFTA By Stephen Leahy, September 23, 2007
From Occupied Afghanistan: Accounts of a Fact-Finding Mission By Mike Skinner and Hamayon Rag, September 18, 2007
Canada Up for Grabs By Murray Dobbin, September 10, 2007
Bush’s SPP power grab sets stage for military to manage flu threats By Dr. Jerome Corsi, September 02, 2007
VIDEO: Canadian Police Caught Attempting To Stage Riots By Paul Watson, August 24, 2007
Police accused of using provocateurs at summit By Global Research, August 22, 2007
Canada’s Sovereignty in Jeopardy: the Militarization of North America By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 17, 2007
Secrecy of Planned Montebello SPP Meeting Part of CFR Plot By Daniel Taylor, August 15, 2007
Security and Prosperity Partnership: Meet the Powerful Business Members of the North American Competitiveness Council By Global Research, August 13, 2007
The North American Union and the End of Democracy in Canada By Kevin Parkinson, August 13, 2007
Gas and Glory Fuel Race for the North Pole By Max Delany, August 11, 2007
Canada and Bush’s North American Union Project By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, August 09, 2007
Violation of International Law: The Security and Prosperity Partnership must be declared Null and Void By The Global Compliance Research Project, August 09, 2007
Tyrants and Traitors: The “Evolution by Stealth” of a North American Union By Andrew Gavin Marshall, August 07, 2007
Rough Waters for Canada’s War in Afghanistan By Roger Annis, August 06, 2007
Reviewing Linda McQuaig’s “It’s the Crude, Dude” By Stephen Lendman, August 03, 2007
Premeditated North-American Merger: Secret memo: One-world agenda dominates SPP summit By Jerome R. Corsi, August 02, 2007
North American Union: The SPP is a “hostile takeover” of democratic government and an end to the Rule of Law By Constance Fogal, August 02, 2007
The Battle for the Arctic has Begun By Global Research, July 29, 2007
Military To Crackdown On North American Union Protesters By Steve Watson, July 26, 2007
VIDEO: David Rockefeller behind SPP and North American Union (NAU) By Global Research, July 25, 2007
North American Union- Connecting the Dots By Kevin Parkinson, July 20, 2007
The Militarization and Annexation of North America By Stephen Lendman, July 19, 2007
Is the Annexation of Canada Part of Bush’s Military Agenda? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 18, 2007
Canadians Completely Unaware of Looming North American Union By Kevin Parkinson, July 17, 2007
The US Military is on Canadian Soil By Global Research, July 13, 2007
The Plan to Disappear Canada By Murray Dobbin, June 30, 2007
A New Vaccine called “Gardasil” is out on the Market: For Whose Sake? By Bev Collins, June 30, 2007
Canada and the US Empire By Stephen Lendman, June 27, 2007
The Security and Prosperity Partnership By Green Party of Canada, June 19, 2007
Canada’s No-fly List: a False Sense of National Security By Faisal Kutty, June 13, 2007
VIDEO: Canada and the Afghan War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 10, 2007
Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA): Laying Foundation for North American Union By Global Research, June 09, 2007
Canada. The Crisis in Manufacturing Jobs: Struggling for Answers By Labour Committee, Socialist Project, May 31, 2007
Premeditated Merger: North American union plan headed to Congress in fall By Global Research, May 24, 2007
Canadian think-tank sees danger in cross-border biometrics By Nestor Arellano, May 18, 2007
Mexican Workers Call for a Continental Workers’ Campaign For Living Wages and Social Justice By Richard Roman and Edur Velasco, May 12, 2007
Canada: You Can Come Any Time You Want By Mike Palecek, April 29, 2007
US-Canada Negotiations: US Customs Inspectors denied right to operate on Canadian Side of the Border By Global Research, April 29, 2007
The Empire’s “Good Cop”: Canada’s New Counter-Insurgency Doctrine By Steven Da Silva, April 27, 2007
Reports confirm Canada’s complicity in Afghan state torture By Lee Parsons, April 27, 2007
Leaked document reveals bulk water exports to be discussed at continental integration talks By Council of Canadians, April 23, 2007
War on Terror looks like a fraud By John Gleeson, April 14, 2007
“New 9/11 crisis catalyst to merge U.S., Mexico and Canada”: North American Union leader says merger just crisis away By Jerome R. Corsi, April 11, 2007
Canada’s Role in Depleted Uranium (DU) Weapons worldwide By Dr. Alfred Lambremont Webre, April 03, 2007
Canada’s Military Plots “War Crimes” against Indigenous People By Kahentinetha Horn, March 28, 2007
Canada: Development Aid as a Counterinsurgency Tool By Jon Elmer and Anthony Fenton, March 27, 2007
Canada: Counterinsurgency Manual Shows Military’s New Face By Jon Elmer, March 25, 2007
Canada and the World Order After the Wreckage By Prof. Greg Albo, March 21, 2007
The March 26 Quebec elections and the Canadian elite’s turn to the right By Richard Dufour, March 07, 2007
Iraq War Resister Unlawfully Arrested in Canada By Global Research, March 01, 2007
The War on Canadian Civil Liberties: Government told by Supreme Court to rewrite Law By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, February 26, 2007
Canada-Afghanistan detainee agreement allows torture: rights groups By Joshua Pantesco, February 23, 2007
Against War: Resisting Empire and the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan By York Ad Hoc Committee Against the War, February 20, 2007
Defense Dept. warns about Canadian spy coins By Global Research, February 17, 2007
“Continental Prosperity in the New Security Environment”: . What was discussed behind closed doors., By Judicial Watch, February 11, 2007
Canadian government forming pro-Israel lobby By Global Research, February 10, 2007
A “Québécois Nation”? Harper Fuels an Important Debate By Richard Fidler, December 22, 2006
North American Union: “New 9/11 crisis could be catalyst to merge U.S., Mexico & Canada.” By Global Research, December 22, 2006
“Deep Integration”: Timeline of the Progress Toward a North American Union By Vive le Canada, December 20, 2006
Unlawful effort to hand Canada to the Bush regime: Conservative Party linked to pro-U.S. Annexation Cabal By Peter Mackenzie, December 20, 2006
The Harper Government and Canada’s ‘War-on-Terror’ Immigration Policy By Prof Michael Keefer, December 12, 2006
Québec Solidaire Adopts a Program for Government : New left party debates election platform By Richard Fidler, December 11, 2006
Why Are Canadians Dying in Afghanistan? For Oil? By John W. Warnock, November 16, 2006
Canadians, Americans deem post-9/11 security laws intrusive, new study finds By Global Research, November 13, 2006
The Militarization of Canada: Canadian Invasion Exercise By Global Research, November 10, 2006