
In the late 1920s, Washington formulated a top secret plan to invade Canada, entitled “Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan — Red”. The plan was approved by the US War Department under the presidency of Herbert Hoover in 1930.
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The Trudeau regime has become the most dangerous, lawless government in Canada’s 155-year history as an independent nation. Over the past two years, it has displayed a wanton disregard for the rule of law and the legislative process.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
Canadian Health Agency Deletes Info on “Airborne Spread” of Ebola By Paul Joseph Watson, October 02, 2014
Death of the Bees: Canadian Beekeepers’ Lawsuit Against Bayer, Syngenta Over Bee-Killing Neonicotinoid Pesticides By David Gutierrez, September 29, 2014
Canada’s “Copy and Paste” Foreign Policy with Regard to Ukraine: Ottawa Supports US War Agenda directed against Russia By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 20, 2014
Canada’s Government Silencing Dissent: Academics By Press TV, September 18, 2014
What Will It Take To Create Climate Justice? By Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, September 15, 2014
Human Rights and Justice in Canada – The Case of Omar Khadr An evening honouring Dennis Edney, lawyer of Omar Khadr By Global Research News, September 12, 2014
Human Rights Hypocrisy: The Canadian Museum for Human Rights By Kimlee Wong, September 12, 2014
Massive Radiation Plume from Fukushima Heading Toward American West Coast According to a Scientific Report By David Gutierrez, September 11, 2014
Health Effects of Radiofrequency Emissions. Quebec Campaign against “Smart” Meter Deployment Hydro-Quebec still attempting to charge opt-out fees despite government resolutions and lack of safety evidence By Jean Hudon, September 11, 2014
“Refuse Israeli Ships Campaign”: Palestine Solidarity War Coalition in Vancouver Blocks Israeli Ship By Free Palestine Movement, September 10, 2014
US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Grants Enbridge Permit for “Tar Sands by Rail Facility” By Steve Horn, September 03, 2014
Canada: Working Class Politics and the Contradictions of Social Democracy. Breaking with the NDP? By Michael Hurley and Prof. Sam Gindin, September 01, 2014
Canada: Toronto March Against Anti-Semitism -White Privilege Masquerades as Anti-Racism By Yves Engler, August 30, 2014
Tar Sands: US State Department Assists Enbridge Pipeline Giant Bypass Environmental Review By Steve Horn, August 28, 2014
Canada’s Tax-Deductible Support for Israel’s Crimes By Yves Engler, August 25, 2014
Canadian MP quits the NDP Opposition for being a “Pro-Israel Party” By Middle East Monitor, August 22, 2014
Afghanistan and Iraq: it’s the Same War By David Orchard and Michael Mandel, August 18, 2014
Investor Call: Enbridge’s Keystone XL Clone Opens in October, Rail Facility to Follow By Steve Horn, August 18, 2014
“Israel Has the Right to Defend Itself” – How Much do They Pay you to Say That? By Global Research News, July 24, 2014
Canada’s Tar Sands and the National Economy By Michal Rozworski, July 20, 2014
A Nuclear Waste Dump on the Shore of the Great Lakes? By Dr. David Suzuki, July 18, 2014
Breaking the Canadian University Links with Israeli Institutions By Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid, July 12, 2014
The “BombTrains” Controversy: Surge in Oil-by-Rail Transport in the U.S. and Canada By Steve Horn, July 08, 2014
Monsanto’s GMO Food and its Dark Connections to the “Military Industrial Complex” By Steven MacMillan, July 03, 2014
Facebook involved in Massive Secret Psychological Experiments Against Users By RT, July 03, 2014
Canada’s NDP Lurches to the Right. The Need for a New, Left-Wing Party in Canada By Roger Annis, July 02, 2014
Salvadorians Challenge Former Canadian Mining Corporation’s Violation of Human Rights By P. Cabezas, June 30, 2014
Smart Meter Dangers: The Health Hazards of Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, June 28, 2014
Canada: New Federally Funded Academic Institute, A Tool to Support the Interests of the Mining Companies By MiningWatch Canada, June 25, 2014
Teachers, Unions, Students Build Trinational Movement Against Neoliberal Education By Roshan Bliss, June 24, 2014
Alternative Trade By Prof. Gavin Fridell, June 24, 2014
The Devastating Social and Environmental Impacts of The Keystone TransCanada Tar Sands Pipeline By Josh Burstein, June 23, 2014
Media Scam? Iran and America Join Hands in Waging “The Global War on Terrorism”? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 21, 2014
The “Bomb Train” Controversy: “Big Rail” and “Big Oil” Meet Behind Closed Doors By Steve Horn and Justin Mikulka, June 19, 2014
Guatemalans Suing Canadian Mining Company Tahoe Resources for Violence and Repression By MiningWatch Canada, June 18, 2014
Mystery Surrounding The Bilderberg Group Conclave By Russ Baker, June 17, 2014
Revolutionary Activism in the 20th Century and Beyond By Derrick O'Keefe, June 10, 2014
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Kills Flock Of Rare Healthy Sheep, Destroys Innocent Shepherd’s Life By Jeff Roberts, June 10, 2014
Rethinking World War II: Debunking the Myth of the Good War Global Research News Hour Episode 69 By Michael Welch, Richard Sanders, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, June 09, 2014
Haiti Nine Years Post-Coup and Canada’s Black Gold By Michael Welch, Roger Annis, and Cynthia McKinney, June 07, 2014
GMO Agriculture and Dow AgroSciences’ Genetically Modified Soyabeans: Waging War on Peasants By Grain, June 04, 2014
The Allies Second Front in World War II: Why Were Canadian Troops Sacrificed at Dieppe? By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, June 03, 2014
Canadian Law makes it Cheaper to Prevent Oil Sands Leaks than to Clean them Up By James Stafford, June 03, 2014
CIA Torture Program Exposed: More Than a 100 Detainees “Rendered” by U.S. With Help from Allies Including Canada By Asad Ismi, June 01, 2014
The North American Security Framework. Expanded Trilateral Defense Cooperation By Dana Gabriel, May 22, 2014
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Rights of Mexican Workers By Richard Roman and Edur Velasco, May 11, 2014
The Death of Public Healthcare in Canada? By Justin Panos, May 01, 2014
Canada’s Government Defines Humanitarian Aid to Palestine as “Terrorism”. By Karin Brothers, May 01, 2014
Ukraine and Canada’s Coup-Supporting Corporate Cowboy Diplomacy By Matthew Behrens, April 29, 2014
War Criminal George W. Bush Comes to Canada By BRussells Tribunal, April 28, 2014
Canada Joins NATO Build-Up Against Russia By Keith Jones, April 19, 2014
Canada Plans to Invade Syria By Press TV, April 16, 2014
Canadian Arms Sale Promotes Misogyny, Royal Repression By Yves Engler, April 15, 2014
Austerity and the Attack on Disability Benefits: Facing Resistance In Ontario By John Clarke, April 14, 2014
The Frack Files: Oil Consultant Turned Whistleblower Exposes Fracking Crimes in Alberta By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, April 08, 2014
The Quebec Election: The Campaign You Didn’t See Global Research News Hour Episode 61 By Michael Welch, Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, and Stefan Christoff, April 08, 2014
TransCanada’s ANR Pipeline Will Bring to Market Shale Gas From Hydraulic “Fracking” By Steve Horn, April 08, 2014
Fukushima: Radioactive Seafood in Canadian Grocery Stores By Brandon Baker, April 02, 2014
Canada’s Harper Stokes Imperialism’s Drive Against Russia By Keith Jones, March 30, 2014
China’s Renminbi Challenges US Dollar Hegemony? Chinese Currency Trade in Major Financial Centers By Washington's Blog, March 29, 2014
Canada’s Harper visits Kiev to Laud Coup, Threaten Russia By Keith Jones, March 24, 2014
9/11 Blueprint for Truth. Richard Gage in Montreal. Rethink911. What You are Not Being Told By Global Research News, March 24, 2014
9/11 Truth in 2014: Is a Breakthrough Possible? Global Research News Hour Episode 59 By Richard Gage and Michael Welch, March 24, 2014
Canada Pays Lip Service to Ukraine Neo-Nazi Government. The Ghosts of Baby Yar By J. B. Gerald, March 23, 2014
RETHINK 911 Canada Tour: Richard Gage, March 13-April 1 By Global Research News, March 18, 2014
Crimea vs. Quebec: The Legal Right to a Referendum on Self-Determination By Prof. John Ryan, March 11, 2014
Canada’s RCMP and Secret Service (CSIS) Spy on Enbridge Pipeline Opponents, Native Groups, Environmentalists By Global Research News, March 07, 2014
Canadian International Development Agency Funds Academic Institute to Support Mining Industry By MiningWatch Canada, March 04, 2014
Trading Water for Fuel is Fracking Crazy By Dr. David Suzuki, March 03, 2014
Haiti: Commemoration of February 29, 2004 Coup d’Etat: Canada Owes Haiti More Than Apology, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, New Glasgow NS By Jean Saint-Vil, February 28, 2014
Canadian Intelligence Agencies Deepen Integration, Expand Spying By Dylan Lubao, February 24, 2014
TransCanada Keystone XL vs “Lethal Love Star Threat”: Texas Supreme Court Poised to Save the Planet? By William Boardman, February 22, 2014
Destroying Democracy in Haiti: The 2004 US -Canada -France Coup D’Etat. “I am Deeply Ashamed of Canada” By Jean Saint-Vil, February 22, 2014
Ottawa Actively Participated in Haiti Coup d’Etat: Canadians Apologize to Haiti, Ten Years after the Coup By Global Research News, February 21, 2014
Russia Chooses ‘Soft’ Approach to the Arctic By Igor Alexeev, February 20, 2014
Diplomacy Canadian Style: New Identity and Canadian Passport for a Fugitive Mossad Agent By Eric Walberg, February 17, 2014
The Auto Insurance Rip-Off: How the Government Helps Insurance Companies Hold the Public Hostage By CPC, February 17, 2014
Food Wars: Corporate Trade Agreements Overshadowing Democracy By Ronnie Cummins, February 15, 2014
Open Letter to Elizabeth May and Canada’s Green Party: Israel is “the bulwark of democracy in the Middle East”?! By Hanna Kawas, February 14, 2014
The Postal Bank as the People’s Bank? By Miles Howe, February 14, 2014