
In the late 1920s, Washington formulated a top secret plan to invade Canada, entitled “Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan — Red”. The plan was approved by the US War Department under the presidency of Herbert Hoover in 1930.
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The Trudeau regime has become the most dangerous, lawless government in Canada’s 155-year history as an independent nation. Over the past two years, it has displayed a wanton disregard for the rule of law and the legislative process.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
What Is the Left in Canada? By Kim Petersen, September 16, 2018
Israel-Palestine: The Humanitarian Consequences of an Occupation By Michael Welch, September 16, 2018
Canada: Please Sign Petition for Public Inquiry into Hassan Diab’s Case By Hassan Diab Support Committee, September 12, 2018
September 11, 1973: Remembering Canada’s Support for the Right Wing Coup in Chile By Yves Engler, September 12, 2018
Demeaning Democracy: Turning Doug Ford’s Attack on Toronto into a Movement for Democratic Renewal By Prof. Dennis Pilon, Prof. Roger Keil, Prof. Bryan Evans, and Prof. Greg Albo, September 11, 2018
Video: The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw By Barrie Zwicker and Michael Welch, September 09, 2018
Trudeau Government Acknowledges Nazi Genocide Against Roma By Suzanne Weiss, September 05, 2018
Canada’s “Progressive” Left and US Imperialism: Why on This Despoiled Earth Would NDP Leaders Praise John McCain? By Yves Engler, September 04, 2018
Maduro Wins Another Election, “Fraudulent and Anti-Democratic”, Canada Imposes Economic Sanctions By Asad Ismi, September 01, 2018
Oil Change International Responds to Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal’s Quashing of Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline’s Cabinet Approval By Oil Change International, August 31, 2018
There Is a Burning Need to Rekindle Anti-militarist Political Movements in Canada By Yves Engler, August 29, 2018
Canadian Intelligence: The Case of Media Manipulation and the CSIS Agenda By Abigail Curlew, August 28, 2018
Left, Right – Marching to the Beat of Imperial Canada By Jim Miles, August 22, 2018
The Cell Phone and the Virgin (2018): A Montreal Odyssey By Edward Curtin, August 21, 2018
Canada Should Not Accept White Helmets as Refugees By Prof. John Ryan, August 21, 2018
Complicity with Saudi Crimes Limits Canada’s Response By Yves Engler, August 19, 2018
Ontario: Doug Ford’s New Poor Laws Replace Basic Income, “A Tiny Survival Stipend for All Low Income People” By John Clarke, August 16, 2018
Is It ‘Reporting’ or ‘Creative Writing’ in the Province of Alberta? Academic Freedom and the Campaign against Prof. Anthony Hall By Robin Mathews, August 15, 2018
Is Canada’s Moral Posturing All Just Fluff? Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Indonesia By Michael Werbowski, August 14, 2018
Time for Trudeau to Call the Saudi Bluff By Yves Engler, August 12, 2018
“Life Canada” vs. the Kinder-Morgan Oil-Tar Scheme By Prof. John McMurtry, August 10, 2018
Is Oily Econo-Politics Behind Saudis’ Crude Canadian Diplomacy? By Whitney Webb, August 10, 2018
Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s Attack on Local Democracy in Toronto By Socialist Project, August 09, 2018
Is Saudi Arabia Doing America’s Bidding by Sanctioning Canada? By Andrew Korybko, August 08, 2018
Canadian Government Offers Safe Haven to …. Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, July 24, 2018
Trudeau Government Admits Terrorist Auxiliaries to Canada By Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, July 24, 2018
A Change to Government Financing. How Economics Changed to Work Against Us By Bryant Brown, July 23, 2018
White Helmets
Western Governments Seek to Evacuate White Helmets From Syria, Resettle Them in Canada By Whitney Webb, July 19, 2018
The ‘eBus or bust’ Approach Ignores Damning LA Times Report By Rosemary Frei, July 19, 2018
Is Canada on the Verge of Decriminalizing Drugs? By Vember, July 18, 2018
NATO: Trudeau Will Have to Put Canada’s Military Where His Mouth Is By Nino Pagliccia, July 12, 2018
Hassan Diab: Nothing Less Than a Public Inquiry Will Do. Canada’s Complicity By Michelle Weinroth, July 11, 2018
Ontario Election 2018: Right-Wing Populism Prevails Over Moderate Social Democracy By Matt Fodor, July 09, 2018
Canadian Student Arrested by Israeli Forces for Protesting Israeli Demolition of Palestinian Village By Independent Jewish Voices, July 06, 2018
Canada’s NDP’s Claim to ‘Dialogue’ with Palestinians a Cruel Joke By Yves Engler, July 05, 2018
The Canada-Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Group’s (CPPFG) Report on Israel-Palestine By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, July 04, 2018
End Immigration Detention in Canada: An Open Letter By Health Providers Against Poverty, July 03, 2018
Canada: Let’s Not be Distracted by Stephen Harper. We Have Chrystia Freeland to Contend With By Nino Pagliccia, July 02, 2018
Global Affairs Canada Statement: Disconnect From Realities on the Ground in Syria, Tacit Endorsement of Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, June 30, 2018
Canadian Diplomat Launches Bold Attack on Trump and His Family Daring to Take Action No Other Country Has Dared By Samuel Warde, June 28, 2018
I Heard the News Today, Oh Boy… Canada’s Military Involvement in “Troubled Areas of the World” By Jim Miles, June 28, 2018
Please Sign Petition to Reform Canada’s Extradition Law By Hassan Diab Support Committee, June 27, 2018
Ontario Looks Right By Herman Rosenfeld, June 25, 2018
Canada’s Secret Government: Who is the Power Behind the Throne? By Michael Welch and Yves Engler, June 24, 2018
‘Safe Third Country’ Eh: Canada’s Treatment of Refugees By J. B. Gerald, June 22, 2018
Doug Ford – Ontario’s Donald Trump? By Prof. Todd Gordon and Ashley Smith, June 22, 2018
Canadian Doctor Shot by Israelis Lobbies Trudeau to Fund Gaza Hospital Project By Jillian D'Amours, June 21, 2018
Trudeau’s Troubles: Pipelines, Tariffs, and the Wrath of Trump By Michael Welch, David Hughes, David Orchard, and John Helmer, June 18, 2018
Chrystia Freeland Fails to See that It Is a Multipolar World on the March, Not Authoritarianism By Nino Pagliccia, June 17, 2018
Canada’s Parliament Rejects Trump’s Agenda on Trade By Jim Miles, June 12, 2018
As the G-7 Implodes, SCO Meeting Confirms the New Century of Multipolarity By Federico Pieraccini, June 12, 2018
G7 vs. G6+1 – The War of Words By Peter Koenig and Press TV, June 11, 2018
G7 Follies, Police Apparatus “Protects the Summit” By Jim Miles, June 10, 2018
Violence with Impunity: The Unending Tragedy of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine By Michael Welch, Sean Clinton, and Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, June 10, 2018
What’s at Stake in the Ontario Election? By David Bush, June 06, 2018
Canadian News Fabricators regarding the So-called “Syrian Opposition” By Mark Taliano, June 06, 2018
Trudeau Endorses Trump: Canadian Sanctions against Venezuela Violate ‘International Law’ By Telesur, June 03, 2018
Permanent State Versus The People. The Regime Change War against Syria By Mark Taliano, June 03, 2018
The Canadian Pension Plan: The Deadly Hand of the Market. Investing in Weapons and Fossil Fuel By Judith Deutsch, June 03, 2018
America’s “Deep State”: Unaccountable Shadow Government By Mark Taliano, June 02, 2018
Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival By Charlie Smith, June 01, 2018
Trudeau’s Reckless Support for Kinder-Morgan. Billions of Tax Dollars to Buy an Unbuildable, Financially Doomed Pipeline By Adam Scott, May 30, 2018
Kinder-Morgan Fiasco: The Cat Is Out of the Bag at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) By Bob Farkas, May 30, 2018
Canada’s Deal to Purchase Kinder Morgan Assets By Adam Scott, May 30, 2018
The Left’s Naivety about Canada’s Role in Foreign Affairs. The Korea “Peace Train” By Yves Engler, May 29, 2018
Canada’s Trans Mountain Pipeline, Civil Society to Justin Trudeau: “The Time for Investment in New Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Is Over” By Andy Rowell, May 25, 2018
“Ugly Canadians” Active in Brazil. The 1964 Military Coup and the Overthrow of Brazilian Democracy By Yves Engler, May 24, 2018
At the U.N., Trudeau Opposes an Investigation into Israel’s Shooting of Unarmed Civilians – Including a Canadian Doctor By Dimitri Lascaris, May 22, 2018
Canada’s Adventures in Neoliberal Imperialism Continue By Jim Miles, May 22, 2018
The Great March of Return and Israel’s Attack on Gaza: Canadian Opposition By Socialist Project and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, May 21, 2018
Canada’s NDP MPs Must Stop Being ‘Friends’ with Israel By Yves Engler, May 21, 2018
The Dispossession of Canada’s First Nations and the Kinder Morgan Pipeline By Kim Petersen, May 20, 2018
Welcome Home! Canada’s Trudeau Government Welcomes Confessed ISIS Terrorist back to Toronto By Mark Taliano, May 14, 2018
Long Past Time for Canada to Exit NORAD By Yves Engler, May 12, 2018
Free and Accessible Transit in Toronto. Towards the Transformation of Urban Life and the Social System By Free Transit Toronto, May 08, 2018
The Hassan Diab Extradition: Calling for a Public Inquiry, Reforming Canada’s Extradition Law By Hassan Diab Support Committee, May 05, 2018
Species at Risk: Canada’s Boreal Caribou Habitat Unprotected By Greenpeace, May 04, 2018
Aboriginal Rights and the Proposed Pipeline Corridor: Why Are Canadian Governments Doing the Kinder Morgan Kowtow? By David Orchard, May 03, 2018
The Facebook Data Scandal: How Protected Are Canadians? By Victoria Henry, May 02, 2018
No More Crimes Against Peace: Why Canada Must Leave NATO Now By Prof. John McMurtry, May 01, 2018