
In the late 1920s, Washington formulated a top secret plan to invade Canada, entitled “Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan — Red”. The plan was approved by the US War Department under the presidency of Herbert Hoover in 1930.
What is shocking is that Celine Dion had been a tenacious advocate of the vaccine to the point of imposing the vax on her concert audience. She really believed in it and was a victim of her belief!
The Trudeau regime has become the most dangerous, lawless government in Canada’s 155-year history as an independent nation. Over the past two years, it has displayed a wanton disregard for the rule of law and the legislative process.
Trade War
The unspoken US policy objective behind the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou on trumped up charges, consists in breaking China's technological lead in wireless telecommunications. What is at stake is a coordinated US intelligence initiative to ban China from playing a strategic role in the 5G global mobile phone network.
Disabled People Under Attack By John Clarke, January 24, 2020
Canada Opposed Iranian Democracy By Yves Engler, January 17, 2020
Canada’s Media and Political Establishment Endorse Illegal Assassination of Iranian General Suleimani By Roger Jordan, January 17, 2020
Persian Peril: The Assassination of Qasem Soleimani and the Prospect of War with Iran By Michael Welch, Glenn Michalchuk, and Pepe Escobar, January 15, 2020
Homelessness and Social Dislocation Across Canada. If Housing Is a Right We Should Take It By John Clarke, January 07, 2020
Canadian Peace Congress Condemns Imperial War Crimes By Laura Savinkoff and Christopher Black, January 07, 2020
On Canadian Diplomatic Complicity with the Assassination of Qasem Soleimani By Stefan Christoff, January 06, 2020
Venezuela: Disturbing Echoes of History – A Presentation by Maria Páez Victor By Michael Welch and Dr. Maria Páez Victor, January 05, 2020
Canada, Israel and the UN Security Council By Hanna Kawas, January 02, 2020
The Case for Free Public Transit in Toronto By Saron Gebresellassi and Matt Fodor, December 26, 2019
#WouldYouShootMeToo Hashtag Trends After Reports Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Asked Snipers to Target Indigenous Protesters By Eoin Higgins, December 23, 2019
The Trudeau Government Joins the Global Majority on Israel-Palestinian Relations By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, December 23, 2019
Media Ignores Explosive Revelations About Chemical Weapons in Syria By Yves Engler, December 23, 2019
Defying Pressure, Canada Backs UN Resolution on Palestinian Self-determination By Middle East Monitor, December 22, 2019
Ontario Teachers Ramp Up the Pressure on the Tories By Dudley Paul, December 16, 2019
NAFTA 2.0: Revising the 1994 Agreement By Stephen Lendman, December 14, 2019
Award-Winning Journalist Vanessa Beeley Faces “Deplatforming” at Six Canadian Venues By Michael Welch, December 12, 2019
U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement—Weak Tea, at Best By Thea M. Lee and Robert Scott, December 11, 2019
More Canadian Unions Denounce the Coup Against Evo Morales: But the Deafening Sound of Corporate Media Continues By Arnold August, December 10, 2019
Union Challenges the Canadian Government to Visit Evo Morales in Mexico! By Arnold August, December 10, 2019
Sun Never Sets on Canadian Military By Yves Engler, December 08, 2019
Evo Morales and Eduardo Galeano in … Quebec! By Arnold August, December 08, 2019
Canadian Unions Condemn Bolivia Coup By Arnold August, December 06, 2019
The Pro-Evo Upheaval in Bolivia: How Is It Affecting the Canadian Political Scene? By Arnold August, December 02, 2019
The War on Syria: Vanessa Beeley’s Lecture Tour in Canada By Ken Stone and Vanessa Beeley, November 27, 2019
New Poll Reveals Majority of Canadians Believe Our Country Ranks in Top 10 for Children’s Well-Being. In Reality, Canada Ranks 25th By Children First Canada, November 19, 2019
A History of U.S. Economic Warfare, from WWII to the Present By Michael Welch and Prof Michael Hudson, November 18, 2019
“Unearthing Justice”: Canada’s Mining Industry, Environmental and Social Impacts By Richard Fidler, November 18, 2019
Time to Change Canadian Policy Towards Haiti By Marie Dimanche, Frantz André, and Yves Engler, November 17, 2019
Another Johnson Brexit Lie – The ‘Super Canada Plus’ Deal By True Publica, November 14, 2019
In Need of a Responsible Agriculture By Prof. Jacques Prescott, November 12, 2019
Never Again? Can We Stop the War When Big Business Profits from it? By Michael Welch, Ajamu Baraka, and Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, November 09, 2019
Defeating the US / EU / NATO Axis of Domination: A Global De-Colonial Imperative By Canadian Peace Congress, November 09, 2019
From Canada’s Election to Public Action: Beyond the Moral Tumor of Alberta Tar-Sands By Prof. John McMurtry, November 06, 2019
Latin America: Is Canada Trying to Create Another “Illegitimate” Government? By Nino Pagliccia, November 01, 2019
Open Letter Calling on the Canadian Government to Stop Backing a Corrupt, Repressive and Illegitimate Haitian President By Yves Engler, October 29, 2019
Controlling the Narrative on Syria: Turkish Aggression, Kurdish Independence, and Honouring the White Helmets By Michael Welch, Vanessa Beeley, Laith Marouf, and Chris Cook, October 27, 2019
Canada’s Seizure, Sale and Disbursement of Iranian Assets Are Acts of a Hooligan and Wrecker of International Law By Steve Rutchinski, October 24, 2019
Hashtag Politics: “Brand Trudeau” Wins a Second Term By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 23, 2019
Canada’s Elections Campaign 2019: The Issues Nobody is Talking About By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Ken Stone, and Joyce Nelson, October 19, 2019
Crisis in Venezuela: Guaidó Coup Also Fails in Montreal By Global Research News, October 11, 2019
STAR WARS Revisited: Trump’s Plans to Make Space the Ultimate Battleground By Michael Welch, Bruce Gagnon, and Tamara Lorincz, October 11, 2019
A Million-Mile Electric Car Battery? Musk Wasn’t Lying By Irina Slav, October 07, 2019
Canadian Imperialism in Haiti in the Spotlight By Yves Engler, October 06, 2019
“Viva la Revolución”! Will the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Survive the Empire’s War? By Michael Welch, Dr. Maria Páez Victor, Yves Engler, and Nino Pagliccia, October 06, 2019
Bringing SNC-Lavalin to Mind in this Uninspiring Federal Election By Leo Panitch, October 06, 2019
Privatizing Canada’s Water Infrastructure Should be an Election Issue By Joyce Nelson, October 04, 2019
Lawless Trump-Canada Connections By Prof. John McMurtry, October 04, 2019
Peace and Justice in the Middle East. Canadian Federal Parties’ Positions on the Middle East By CJPME, October 02, 2019
#IVotePalestine: For Freedom, Justice and Equality By Canadian BDS Coalition, October 02, 2019
“Justice Dies in the Darkness”: The Hassan Diab Illegal Extradition to France By Michelle Weinroth, October 01, 2019
Leonard Cohen: Songs of Longing for “Social Beauty”? By Dr. Robert Rennebohm, September 30, 2019
Toronto Climate Strike: Let a Hundred Posters Bloom. Corporate Society Gone Mad By Eric Walberg, September 29, 2019
Pension Plans Should Not Invest in Companies That Harm Working People By Prof. Steven Tufts, September 25, 2019
American Torture Techniques Were Developed At McGill University By Edward McCary, September 24, 2019
Blackface / Brown Face of the Past: Is Justin Trudeau a Racist? By Kim Petersen, September 23, 2019
Canadian Media Attacks Labour Leader for Syria Solidarity By Dave McKee, September 23, 2019
Take the General Motors Oshawa Plant, “Save the Planet” By Russ Christianson, September 22, 2019
5G and the Wireless Revolution: When Progress Becomes a Death Sentence By Michael Welch and Dr. Martin Pall, September 22, 2019
Canada’s Arctic Initiative in the Geopolitical Crucible By Alex Foster, September 19, 2019
Common Pesticide Makes Migrating Birds Anorexic By Elizabeth Pennisi, September 16, 2019
Canada’s Auto Workers: GM Closure and the Struggle for “Green Energy”. The Production of Electric Utility Vehicles By Linda McQuaig, September 16, 2019
9/11, Drug Money, Oil Resources and the Invasion of Afghanistan: Michael Ruppert Refutes the Official 9/11 Story By Michael Welch and Michael Ruppert, September 05, 2019
Ottawa Goes to Havana to Talk Venezuela. Returns Empty-handed By Nino Pagliccia, September 03, 2019
G7 – The Cost of Uselessness By Peter Koenig, August 30, 2019
If Trudeau Cared About Environment He’d Stop “Making Nice” with Brazilian President Bolsonaro By Yves Engler, August 26, 2019
Indigenous People’s Rights and Canada’s ‘Vampire’ Pension Plan By Prof. James K. Rowe, August 23, 2019
A Nightmare of Homelessness: A Knapsack Full of Dreams By John Clarke, August 21, 2019
Canada Oil Pipeline Contract Threatens Integrity of Mother Earth’s Native Peoples By Jerome Irwin, August 18, 2019
Media Can’t Even Tell the Truth About Canada’s Foreign Policy History By Yves Engler, August 16, 2019
Justin Trudeau and the Ethics of Interference. The SNC Lavalin Affair By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 15, 2019
Freedom or Repression of Speech at Alberta’s Universities? A Point of Contention Between the NDP and the UCP By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, August 13, 2019
The World Financial Order: An Instrument of the US Empire By Prof Michael Hudson and Michael Welch, August 04, 2019
The Myth of a Racist Quebec By Nadia Alexan, August 02, 2019
Report on Hassan Diab’s Illegal Extradition from Canada. The Segal Report By Hassan Diab Support Committee, July 27, 2019
Imperialist Made Crisis of Migrants and Refugees By Alison Bodine and Tamara Hansen, July 23, 2019
Venezuela and Imperialist Confrontation in Latin America By Alison Bodine, July 22, 2019
US Says Trudeau Adopts “America First” Foreign Policy, Media Ignores It By Yves Engler, July 21, 2019
“Global Order” Equals the “New Fascism” By Mark Taliano, July 21, 2019
Why the Canadian Government Is Confronting Venezuela By Arnold August, July 18, 2019