
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
China’s exit in October 1949, from the sphere of US control, was perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American post-World War II global hegemony. China’s successful drive for independence had been anticipated in Washington for many months.
Black Sea Crisis Deepens As US-NATO Threat To Iran Grows By Rick Rozoff, September 16, 2009
Poverty and Destitution in India: Farmers sell wives after crops fail By Dielle D'Souza, September 13, 2009
China’s immense, and growing, impact on the global gold market By Lawrence Williams, September 12, 2009
‘Taliban hold sway over in 97% of Afghanistan’ By Global Research, September 11, 2009
Derivatives Collapse and the China Gold and Silver Markets By Bob Chapman, September 10, 2009
Escalation of the Afghan War? US-NATO Target Russia, China and Iran By Rick Rozoff, September 10, 2009
US will not abandon Afghanistan and Pakistan again, says Gates By Global Research, September 10, 2009
US Braces for Possible Nuclear War With North Korea By Jung Sung-ki, September 10, 2009
Will not surrender nuclear rights: Iran By Atul Aneja, September 08, 2009
In the wake of the Afghan Election: NATO Intensifies Military Deployments, Carnage By Rick Rozoff, September 06, 2009
Afghanistan strategy must change, US commander McChrystal says By Mark Tran, August 31, 2009
The U.S. Invades and Occupies Pakistan By Talha Mujaddidi, August 31, 2009
Philippines: Senate calls for Cancellation of Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) with Washington By Rolly T. Carandang, August 30, 2009
US troops ordered out of Kyrgyzstan after Russia deal By Adrian Blomfield, August 30, 2009
War to escalate after Afghan election By James Cogan, August 24, 2009
Drones and Democracy in Afghanistan By Ramzy Baroud, August 21, 2009
Both Karzai and Abdullah claim victory By Global Research, August 21, 2009
AFGHANISTAN: Karzai and Warlords Mount Massive Vote Fraud Scheme By Gareth Porter, August 21, 2009
Top US general visits Uzbekistan for security talks By Global Research, August 19, 2009
McCain calls for more US troops in Afghanistan By Nahal Toosi, August 19, 2009
The Secrets of China’s Economy: The Government Owns the Banks rather than the Reverse By Ellen Brown, August 18, 2009
Troop rise in Afghanistan still option for US: Gates By Global Research, August 14, 2009
Ex-ISI Chief Says Purpose of New Afghan Intelligence Agency RAMA Is ‘to destabilize Pakistan’ By Jeremy R. Hammond, August 14, 2009
Vietnam: Chemical companies, US authorities knew the dangers of Agent Orange By Jon Dillingham, August 10, 2009
Afghan War: NATO Builds History’s First Global Army By Rick Rozoff, August 09, 2009
India, US planned to carry out an “anti-China campaign” through Nepal: Prachanda By Global Research, August 07, 2009
North Korea and Iran: So what does the West want? By William Bowles, August 06, 2009
Vietnam: unexploded air bombs, shells and mines By Global Research, August 01, 2009
The Pentagon’s 21st Century Counterinsurgency Wars: Latin America and South Asia By Rick Rozoff, August 01, 2009
Bombshell: Bin Laden Worked for US Until 9/11 By Lukery, August 01, 2009
Britain’s propaganda offensive on behalf of Afghan war By Chris Marsden, July 28, 2009
Afghanistan: Training Ground for War on Russia By Rick Rozoff, July 26, 2009
China, Russia launch large-scale war games By Global Research, July 22, 2009
History Too Long Denied: Japan’s Unresolved Colonial Past and Today’s North Korea Problem By Gavan McCormack, July 22, 2009
US Bases and Empire: Global Perspectives on the Asia Pacific By Prof. Catherine Lutz, July 21, 2009
US commander in Afghanistan lobbies for more troops By James Cogan, July 14, 2009
VIDEO: CIA linked to Benazir Bhutto’s assassination? By Global Research, July 14, 2009
Japan’s Weapons Industry By Gavan Gray, July 13, 2009
Washington is Playing a Deeper Game with China By F. William Engdahl, July 11, 2009
Military Escalation: From Afghanistan To the Caspian Sea and Central Asia By Rick Rozoff, July 10, 2009
China: Xinjiang crisis deepens By John Chan, July 09, 2009
Obama sends marines to suppress population of southern Afghanistan By James Cogan, July 04, 2009
Corrupt election campaign unfolds in US-occupied Afghanistan By James Cogan, July 03, 2009
100,000 Western Troops: US Shifts Counterinsurgency To Asia By Global Research, July 03, 2009
Whistleblower Who Linked “Taliban” Leader To US Intelligence Is Assassinated By Steve Watson, July 01, 2009
UN team begins probe into Bhutto’s killing By Global Research, July 01, 2009
The Geopolitics of the US-North Korea Standoff By Tim Beal, June 29, 2009
China Mega-trend Stocks Stealth Bull Market Update, SSEC Up 47% By Nadeem Walayat, June 29, 2009
Wary of dollar, China wants super-sovereign currency By Global Research, June 26, 2009
EU to help China test carbon capture By Global Research, June 26, 2009
Baitullah Mehsud’s Taliban rival shot dead in Pakistan By Isambard Wilkinson, June 23, 2009
National Security Adviser General James Jones to Visit Afghanistan, Pakistan, India By Global Research, June 22, 2009
North Korea: “Sanity” at the Brink By Michael Parenti, June 20, 2009
Taliban defectors: US, Israel funding militants By Global Research, June 19, 2009
Towards a China Russia Axis? Medvedev, Hu sign joint statement, several coop agreements By Global Research, June 17, 2009
Agent Orange Continues to Poison Vietnam By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 14, 2009
De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire By Prof Michael Hudson, June 13, 2009
Has the Chinese Economy Really Recovered? The Signs are Mixed. By Washington's Blog, June 06, 2009
Towards a “Democratic Dictatorship” in The Philippines? By BAYAN, June 05, 2009
Japan’s Embrace of a Phony War on Terror By Maidhc Ó'Cathail, June 05, 2009
China Corners Over 90% of Market for Rare-Earth Metals By Washington's Blog, June 04, 2009
Biopiracy, GM Seeds and Rural India By Priya Kumar, June 02, 2009
US-NATO Agenda: The Destabilization of Pakistan. By Gary Leupp, May 30, 2009
US Dollar Hegemony over China and Russia By Bob Chapman, May 30, 2009
Extended AfPak War under Obama: Slouching towards Balkanization By Pepe Escobar, May 23, 2009
The War in Sri Lanka and the Left By Noaman Ali and Fathima Cader, May 20, 2009
New commander for same Afghan force By Global Research, May 20, 2009
Pakistan government prepares for long-term war By Peter Symonds, May 14, 2009
Afghanistan-Pakistan. The Drones Are Coming: New War on Civilians By Ramzy Baroud, May 14, 2009
VIDEO: Pakistani President: Osama Bin Laden: “We Knew He was Your Operator” By Global Research, May 13, 2009
Pentagon changes Afghanistan commander as military’s crisis deepens By Bill Van Auken, May 13, 2009
Half a million flee Swat valley as Pakistan faces months of fighting By Andrew Buncombe, May 12, 2009
Afghan president demands an end to air raids on Taliban amid claims of 130 civilian deaths By Global Research, May 12, 2009
Ugly truth about foreign aid in Afghanistan By Global Research, May 12, 2009
Pakistan war fuels international tensions By Peter Symonds, May 12, 2009
Sri Lankan government defends army massacre By Sarath Kumara, May 12, 2009
India Cheap Labor Garment Export Industry By Suhasini Singh, May 07, 2009
The myth of Talibanistan By Pepe Escobar, May 05, 2009
What is the United States preparing in Pakistan? By Keith Jones, May 05, 2009
US Drone Attacks in Pakistan “Backfiring” By Global Research, May 03, 2009