
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
China’s exit in October 1949, from the sphere of US control, was perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American post-World War II global hegemony. China’s successful drive for independence had been anticipated in Washington for many months.
In Korea, Planning for the Worst: Mass Evacuation By Global Research, December 31, 2010
2011: U.S. And NATO To Extend And Expand Afghan War By Rick Rozoff, December 25, 2010
The Other Face of the Global Economic Crisis: Debt Driven Suicides in India By Kavaljit Singh, December 23, 2010
War and the Global Economic Crisis: Blame America’s War Economy rather than China By Paul Kellogg, December 23, 2010
US plans to expand raids in Pakistan By Vladimir Gladkov, December 22, 2010
Foreign mining in Mongolia: Western Deceptions and the Extinction of the Nomads By Keith Harmon Snow, December 21, 2010
Tensions Rise In Korea As South Puts Planes On Standby, UN Emergency Meeting Expected By Global Research, December 19, 2010
Stop the War on the Korean Peninsula: US-South Korea War Games Could Lead to an All Out War By Mike Whitney, December 19, 2010
CIA chief in Pakistan flees after suspected ISI exposure By Narayan Lakshman, December 18, 2010
US-China tensions mount amid widening war exercises By Bill Van Auken, December 12, 2010
Korea: Washington is Playing a Dangerous Game By Mike Whitney, December 09, 2010
Fact Sheet: West Sea Crisis in Korea, Military Escalation By Global Research, December 09, 2010
Pentagon Lies and Afghan Civilian Deaths: The Unspoken Truth By Marc W. Herold, December 08, 2010
A Second Korean War would become a Sino-American War By Tim Beal, December 08, 2010
Seed Aid is Big Business By Grain, December 07, 2010
The Cheonan Incident: Pretext for Threatening North Korea By Gregory Elich, December 06, 2010
NATO Troops Raid Home Of Afghan Reporter, Arrest Four By Javed Hamim Kakar, December 06, 2010
Spiralling out of Control: The Risk of a New Korean War By Gregory Elich, December 04, 2010
Vietnam: The Last Battle By John Pilger, December 04, 2010
North Korea As Pretext: U.S. Builds Asian Military Alliance Against China And Russia By Rick Rozoff, December 03, 2010
U.S., Japan Launch Largest-Ever Joint War Games By Global Research, December 03, 2010
North Korea: A convenient threat for US-Japan alliance By Feng Zhaokui, December 02, 2010
Pushing to brink of war: U.S. sends warships, jets to Korea By Deirdre Griswold, December 02, 2010
Threatening North Korea: US and Japan to conduct massive military drill By Global Research, December 02, 2010
Escalation in the Korean Peninsula? US and South Korea plan more war games By Vladimir Fedoruk, December 01, 2010
Extension of Afghan Military Deployment By Tim Kennelly and Roger Annis, December 01, 2010
Afghan Trainee Kills Six US Troops By Bill Van Auken, December 01, 2010
India: Linchpin In U.S. Plans For Asia-Pacific NATO By Vladimir Radyuhin, November 30, 2010
Is a War Looming on the Korean Peninsula? By Global Research, November 29, 2010
US Stages Show of Force as China Calls for Crisis Talks on Korea By Bill Van Auken, November 29, 2010
NATO incursions of Pakistani airspace continues despite U.S. denials By Global Research, November 28, 2010
The dangerous “Great Game” : A global economic system erected on inhuman and predatory values By Prof. Mujahid Kamran, November 27, 2010
Pyongyang sees US role in Cheonan sinking By Kim Myong Chol, November 27, 2010
Reviewing the Evidence of DPRK Culpability for the Cheonan Warship Incident By Mark E. Caprio, November 27, 2010
North Korea: Who Sank the Cheonan? By Tanaka Sakai, November 27, 2010
KNOW THE FACTS: North Korea lost close to 30% of its population as a result of US bombings in the 1950s By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 27, 2010
New Korean war could ensnare Canada, documents suggest By Mike Blanchfield, November 27, 2010
Dangers of Military Escalation: Russian, Chinese foreign ministers discuss Korean conflict By Global Research, November 27, 2010
The Threat of War in Korea: Philippines prepares for possible mass evacuation from S.Korea, requests Japan’s aid By Global Research, November 27, 2010
Afghanistan is About Perpetual War By Harvey Wasserman, November 26, 2010
NATO and South Asian security: NATO Plants Itself In South Asia For The Long Haul By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 26, 2010
Pentagon flexes muscles in Korea: US Threatens China and North Korea By Konstantin Garibov, November 26, 2010
US-South Korea military drills. China opposes any military acts in exclusive economic zone without permission By Global Research, November 26, 2010
Urgent: Stop the U.S./S Korean Attack – Know the Facts and take action By International Action Center, November 25, 2010
Dennis Kucinich: Fake Taliban Leader, Fake Elections, Fake Deadline, Real Trouble By Dennis Kucinich, November 24, 2010
Rising Tensions. Korea-stone Cops: The Shelling of One of 30 Disputed Islands By Eric Walberg, November 24, 2010
VIDEO: South Korea Admits to Firing Shells at North Korea By Global Research, November 24, 2010
Skirmish between North and South Korea: South Korea Fired the First Shot By Global Research, November 23, 2010
Pentagon Ratchets Up Korea Tensions Over Nuclear Facility By Bill Van Auken, November 23, 2010
“Die for a Tie” — How the Korean War Began By David Swanson, November 23, 2010
Afghanistan: What next? By Samson Simon Sharaf, November 22, 2010
Quantitative Easing: Blaming China For the Failures of US Monetary Policy By Prof Michael Hudson, November 22, 2010
NATO summit to embrace indefinite Afghan war By James Cogan, November 21, 2010
Encircling Russia, Targeting China, NATO’S True Role in US Grand Strategy By Diana Johnstone, November 18, 2010
Global Warfare: After NATO Summit, U.S. To Intensify Military Drive Into Asia By Rick Rozoff, November 18, 2010
Turkey Deepens Strategic Relationship with China By Global Intelligence Report, November 16, 2010
VIDEO: Beneath the Surface: Investigating the Sinking of the Cheonan By Global Research, November 16, 2010
Horn Of Africa: Japan’s First Post-WW II Military Base Abroad By Global Research, November 16, 2010
Karzai Calls for Reducing US Military Operations in Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, November 15, 2010
Russia, India, China: New Security Architecture in Asia and the Pacific By Global Research, November 15, 2010
G20 summit fails to resolve global trade, currency conflicts By Barry Grey, November 14, 2010
US-China Confrontation: Beware of US ‘smart power’ in Asia By Global Research, November 10, 2010
Is China’s Renminbi Already The New Reserve Currency? By Zero Hedge, November 09, 2010
Asia-Pacific Military Dominance: U.S. Makes Waves In South China Sea By Liu Feitao, November 08, 2010
Indian boots in Afghanistan? By Ali K Chishti, November 08, 2010
US to build super base on Pacific island of Guam By Global Research, November 08, 2010
Obama, Gates And Clinton In Asia: U.S. Expands Military Build-Up In The East By Rick Rozoff, November 07, 2010
China Russia Japan: Japan Meets Its Match in Territorial Disputes By Sonu Jong, November 06, 2010
Washington-Tokyo Axis: U.S. Supports Japan, Confronts China And Russia Over Island Disputes By Rick Rozoff, November 04, 2010
China Japan Dispute: Beijing opposes US idea for three-way island talks By Global Research, November 02, 2010
U.S. backs Japan on islands dispute with Russia: State Department By Global Research, November 02, 2010
U.S. Prepares China As Next Global Villain By Global Research, November 02, 2010
Is talk of secession sedition? Arundhati Roy responds to charges By Rady Ananda, October 30, 2010
China’s Creative Accounting: Using Debt as an Instrument of Economic Development By Ellen Brown, October 30, 2010
Towards Military Escalation? U.S. And NATO Drag Asia Into Afghan Quagmire By Rick Rozoff, October 29, 2010
9 million Afghans live in extreme poverty By Global Research, October 28, 2010
Obama Visit To Consolidate U.S.-Indian Strategic Military Ties By Global Research, October 26, 2010
Invasion of Pakistan imminent By Global Research, October 26, 2010
Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West’s 21st Century War By Rick Rozoff, October 25, 2010
The Kurdish National Question By Salah Bayaziddi, October 25, 2010