
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
China’s exit in October 1949, from the sphere of US control, was perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American post-World War II global hegemony. China’s successful drive for independence had been anticipated in Washington for many months.
9/11 and the Trans Afghan Pipeline Project (TAPI): The Invasion of Afghanistan Had Been Planned Prior to 9/11. The Missing Enron Link By Karin Brothers, September 13, 2022
State-level High Court to Indian National Disaster Response Agency: Set Up COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Framework ASAP By TrialSite, September 13, 2022
Kabul Confronts Washington: Presence of US Drones in Afghan Airspace By Farshad Daryosh, September 12, 2022
The China-India Disengagement Decision, A Direct Result of the Ukrainian Conflict By Andrew Korybko, September 09, 2022
Pakistan Floods – A Warning or Pre-Emptive Geoengineering? By Peter Koenig, September 09, 2022
UN Backs US Propaganda of Chinese Abuses Against Uyghurs By Peter Symonds, September 08, 2022
Daesh Terrorists Attack Russian Embassy in Kabul Amid Wave of Violence Against Russians By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 07, 2022
100 Years of Russian Gas for India By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 05, 2022
Hungary and China. Mutually Beneficial Cooperation. Undermines the Globalist Agenda By Konrad Rękas, September 04, 2022
The Indo-Pacific Command Is All About “Containing” China Through India By Andrew Korybko, September 04, 2022
6 Million Afghans Facing Famine as US Refuses to Return $7 Billion in Seized Funds By Brett Wilkins, September 02, 2022
Video: Afghanistan: Extreme Poverty and Despair: Child Malnutrition, Six Million “at Risk of Famine.” U.N. Security Council Meeting By United Nations, September 01, 2022
The Drumbeats of War and US-NATO Propaganda: “China Is Bad” and “They Are Coming to Enslave Us” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 31, 2022
Washington Recruiting Afghan Pilots to Fight in Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 30, 2022
“U.S. Out of Korea”: Joint Military “Decapitation Drill” against North Korea. DPRK Missile Launch Is “Self-defense” By Sara Flounders, August 30, 2022
Liz Truss to Declare China a ‘Threat’ to National Security as PM and Give Beijing a Similar Status to Vladimir Putin’s Russia By Greg Heffer, August 29, 2022
China Is Deploying Two Huge Drones to Seed Rain Amid a Record Drought that Has Taken Over Half the Country and Hit Economic Activity By Huileng Tan, August 29, 2022
Afghanistan Central Bank Assets Cannot be Seized by 9/11 Victims, US Judge Says By Middle East Monitor, August 29, 2022
Genocide of Millions of Indians During the British-Raj. 31 Famines under British Colonial Rule By Chaitanya Davé, August 29, 2022
Protests Threaten Biden Administration’s Plans for a New Golden Era in U.S.-South Korean Relations By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 29, 2022
What China’s Worst Drought on Record Looks Like By BBC, August 27, 2022
US Pressures Japan to Cancel Constitution’s Peace-Clause. China and Japan Must Thus Finally Agree Now, to Avoid a War. By Eric Zuesse, August 26, 2022
US Pressures India to Imitate Europe’s “Self-sabotaging Energy Policy” By Ahmed Adel, August 26, 2022
South Korea, “This Land is Not a U.S. Base”: US Media Ignores Major Anti-US Military Protest in Seoul By Tim Shorrock, August 26, 2022
The Nancy Pelosi Conundrum: Another Missed Opportunity in US-China Relations By Prof. Mel Gurtov, August 26, 2022
India’s Mood of the Nation Survey Has Three Messages for Modi Government, Opposition—Economy, Economy, Economy By Yogendra Yadav, August 26, 2022
China Drought Causes Yangtze to Dry Up, Sparking Shortage of Hydropower By Helen Davidson, August 25, 2022
Droughts in China By Facts and Details, August 25, 2022
Inspector General: The U.S. Government Left More Than $7 Billion in Military Equipment to the Taliban By Jonathan Turley, August 24, 2022
Vietnam’s War Remnants Museum By Aaron Monopoli, August 24, 2022
US Space Force Wants to Disrupt Russia-China Space Cooperation By Drago Bosnic, August 23, 2022
The Only Thing Keeping US and China From War Is Running Dangerously Thin By Scott Ritter, August 23, 2022
After Nuking Japan, US Government Lied About Radioactive Fallout as Civilians Died By Ben Norton, August 23, 2022
NATO: By Making China the Enemy, the Alliance Is Threatening World Peace By Jonathan Cook, August 22, 2022
The Destabilization of Pakistan: The Media Regulator’s Ban on Imran Khan’s Live Broadcasts By Andrew Korybko, August 22, 2022
Amidst Uproar Over Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan, Media Ignores Aggressive U.S. Navy Action in South China Sea By Sara Flounders, August 19, 2022
China Record Heat Wave and Drought: Yangtze River Begins to Dry Up, Shooting Iodide Rods Into Sky to Increase Rains By Anwesha Majumdar, August 19, 2022
Reckless Anti-China Escalation: Taiwan Trade Talks the Latest Front in Washington’s Anti-China Offensive By Liberation, August 19, 2022
China’s Insight Into the “Kabul Moment”. “U.S. Invading Countries and Spreading Democracy” By Andrew Korybko, August 18, 2022
US to Curb China’s Semiconductor Technology Development By Ahmed Adel, August 18, 2022
Washington’s Fear of Non-Existent Chinese Bases By Daniel Larison, August 18, 2022
Washington’s Sanctions on Chinese Solar Panels: US Domestic Deployment Falls by 50% – Global Prices Up by 30-40% By China Environment Net, August 18, 2022
Family Members of 9/11 Victims Tell Biden to Return Frozen Funds to Afghans By Dave DeCamp, August 18, 2022
Filipino Vice-Presidential Candidate Arrested Just Days After Secretary of State Antony Blinken Traveled to the Philippines To Pledge Greater U.S. Military Support By Jeremy Kuzmarov, August 18, 2022
Will China Mess with US Warships Headed for Taiwan Strait? By Ray McGovern, August 17, 2022
Vietnam Marks 61 Years Since U.S. Military’s Agent Orange Attacks By Amiad Horowitz, August 17, 2022
Richest Country on Earth to One of Its Poorest: We’re Keeping the Money We Stole From You By Julia Conley, August 17, 2022
Semiconductor Crisis: China-Taiwan Standoff Might Increase Global Chip Shortage By Lokesh Choudhary, August 16, 2022
Korea as Commons. Where is the Peninsula heading in the Political, Economic and Cultural Senses By Layne Hartsell and Emanuel Pastreich, August 16, 2022
White House Says US to Conduct ‘Air and Maritime Transits’ in the Taiwan Strait By Dave DeCamp, August 15, 2022
Over 70 Economists Call for Biden Administration to Return Afghanistan’s Central Bank Reserves By Center for Economic and Policy Research, August 15, 2022
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US Warns of South China Sea ‘Provocations’ – But Who Is Provoking Whom? By Mark J. Valencia, August 15, 2022
US Commits a Perfect Murder in Kabul. “The Reliability of Biden’s Version” By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 14, 2022
India Dumps US Dollar for UAE Dirham, Chinese Yuan in Russian Coal Trade: Report By The Cradle, August 12, 2022
Xi Pleaded with Biden “Now Is No Time for a Crisis” Just Ahead of Pelosi Taiwan Visit By Zero Hedge, August 12, 2022
‘Stunning’ Link Between Pfizer Vaccine and Myocarditis in Teens, Study Shows By Megan Redshaw, August 12, 2022
China’s Second Spaceplane Launch Solidifies Its Near-peer Status with America By Drago Bosnic, August 11, 2022
How the Globalist Agenda Impinges on Animal Rights: ‘Chased from Every Side’: Sumatran Elephants Pinned Down by Forest Loss By Dyna Rochmyaningsih, August 11, 2022
A Looting Matter: Cambodia’s Stolen Antiquities By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 11, 2022
Will New Zealand be the Next Member of AUKUS? Towards the Formation of An “Asia-Pacific NATO”? By Andrew Korybko, August 10, 2022
Taiwan Dominates the World’s Supply of Computer Chips – No Wonder the US Is Worried By Prof. Maria Ryan, August 10, 2022
For US, Confronting China Is More Important than Fighting Terrorism By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 10, 2022
America’s Media Focusses on Nancy Pelosi, Omits Coverage of U.S. Military Threats Directed against China By Sara Flounders, August 10, 2022
US-China Chip War Continues. Geopolitics and the Semiconductor Industry By Prabir Purkayastha, August 09, 2022
Pelosi Plays with Fire Like a Bull in a China Shop By Ed Rampell, August 09, 2022
Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Exposes Foolishness of Interventionism By Rep. Ron Paul, August 09, 2022
Commemorating Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Blaming Russia for U.S. War Crimes By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 09, 2022
上海、平壌の市民とともに立ち上がろう By Emanuel Pastreich, August 08, 2022
How Russian Oil Is Making Its Way From Europe to Asia By Irina Slav, August 08, 2022
Pelosi the Provocateur: Fracturing the One China Policy By Donald Monaco, August 08, 2022
The Hiroshima Myth By John V. Denson, August 08, 2022
Winds of War in Eurasia By Manlio Dinucci, August 08, 2022
Invitación a conferencia – Confrontación China-EE.UU. Peligro de una Tercera Guerra Mundial. Crisis económica. Michel Chossudovsky By Global Research News, August 07, 2022
Video: America Is Preparing for Confrontation with Russia and China By Manlio Dinucci, August 07, 2022
South Korean President Avoids Meeting Pelosi on Official Visit to Seoul By Alvaro Escalonilla, August 05, 2022
US Risks Provoking North Korea’s Kim By Holding Drills Simulating His Assassination By Dave DeCamp, August 05, 2022
Pakistan Stands in Solidarity with China Amid the Recent Events Around Taiwan By Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, August 04, 2022
Another War? History of US-China Relations. The One China Policy and the 1972 Shanghai Communiqué By Sara Flounders, August 04, 2022
Biden Orders Drone Assassination of al-Zawahiri in Afghanistan. “Deeply Involved in Planning 9/11” By Kevin Reed, August 04, 2022