
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
China’s exit in October 1949, from the sphere of US control, was perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American post-World War II global hegemony. China’s successful drive for independence had been anticipated in Washington for many months.
All of the Countries which the U.S. “Regime Changed” – Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya – Have Descended into Brutal Chaos By Washington's Blog, July 29, 2014
Is Israel’s Assault on Gaza a Response to Hamas Rockets? Would Cessation of Rockets from Gaza Stop the Atrocities? By Steven Chovanec, July 28, 2014
China-South Korea Relations: “Xi Jinping Visits Seoul: The Bigger Picture” By Prof. Mel Gurtov, July 28, 2014
The Japan-China Confrontation Over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands – Between “shelving” and “dispute escalation” By Reinhard Drifte, July 28, 2014
GMO Food Crops in India: BJP Government Grants the “Green Light” to Monsanto and the Biotech Conglomerates By Colin Todhunter, July 25, 2014
In the Wake of Fukushima: “Why I Left Tokyo”? Eastern Japan Contaminated with Radiation. “Metro Tokyo Should no Longer be Inhabited” By Global Research News, July 24, 2014
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and “Police Militarization”: The Coming Calamity, The Coming Resistance By Devon Douglas-Bowers, July 23, 2014
Fascist Dictatorships and the Unspoken Atrocities of US Imperialism: Chile and Indonesia By Andre Vltchek, July 20, 2014
“Development Banks” Are Ruining the Philippines: Billions of Dollars Deeper in Debt with the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank By Global Research News, July 17, 2014
Indefinite Military Presence in Afghanistan: U.S. Wants Compliant Client Regime In Kabul By Rick Rozoff, July 17, 2014
Interview with Latin American and Caribbean Media By Xinhua, July 17, 2014
Witness to an International Crime: Israeli State Terrorism in Gaza By Ajamu Baraka, July 16, 2014
Students Offered Grants if they Tweet Pro-Israeli Propaganda By Ben Lynfield, July 16, 2014
American and Israeli War Crimes By Margaret Kimberley, July 16, 2014
Israel’s Illegal Separation Wall Still Standing 10 Years After International Court of Justice Called for Dismantlement By Matthew Vickery and Sheren Khalel, July 16, 2014
In the Wake of Fukushima: Stigmatized Nuclear Workers Quit TEPCO By Yuri Kageyama, July 16, 2014
Global Biotechnology’s “Golden Rice”: GMO “Super Gruel” for the Masses By Tony Cartalucci, July 16, 2014
Global Financial Meltdown? Bank for International Settlements Chief Sounds the Alarm Bell on “Quantitative Easing” Policies By Nick Beams, July 16, 2014
‘Building a BRICS Wall’: Stopping the Western Juggernaut By Adrian Salbuchi, July 16, 2014
After Phony Cease-fire, Israel Vows to Intensify Gaza Bloodbath By Bill Van Auken, July 16, 2014
In Photos: Worldwide Protest Against Israeli Attack on Gaza By Annie Robbins, July 16, 2014
“Jews against Genocide” Protest Gaza Attack at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. Light Children’s Dolls on Fire By Neta Golan, July 16, 2014
How Many People have Died from Gaza Rockets into Israel? By Global Research News, July 16, 2014
BRICS Against Washington Consensus By Pepe Escobar, July 16, 2014
Anti-Dollar Alliance Prepares Launch of BRICS Bank By Zero Hedge, July 15, 2014
Stop Israel’s Genocide! Demand Netanyahu’s Arrest for Crimes against Humanity By Jay Janson, July 15, 2014
Gaza’s Ark Totally Destroyed by Direct Hit from Israeli Occupation Forces By Gaza Ark, July 15, 2014
Urgent Call from Gaza Civil Society: Act Now! By Socialist Project, July 15, 2014
UNITE: Statement of Solidarity with the Palestinian People By Socialist Project, July 15, 2014
Coca-Cola Forced to Shut Bottling Plant in India because of its “Unsustainable Water Extraction Practices” By Fatima Hansia, July 15, 2014
Monsanto’s Herbicide Linked to Fatal Kidney Disease Epidemic: Could It Topple the Company? By Jeff Ritterman, July 15, 2014
Brics to Open Alternatives to World Bank, IMF By Valentina Pop, July 15, 2014
Japan’s “Collective Self-Defense” and American Strategic Policy: Everything Starts from the US-Japan Alliance By Magosaki Ukeru and John Junkerman, July 15, 2014
Israel “Defends” Itself by Destroying Gaza Home for Handicapped By James M. Wall, July 14, 2014
Israel-Palestine: The Abnormal Normality of the Occupation and its ‘Escalations’ By Mya Guarnieri, July 14, 2014
Israel’s Incremental Genocide in the Gaza Ghetto By Ilan Pappe, July 14, 2014
Did Anyone Live In Palestine Prior to the Formation of Israel? By Washington's Blog, July 14, 2014
Israel’s Atrocity and the West’s Ignorance. The Tide of Media Lies By Jamal Kanj, July 14, 2014
Israeli Interior Minister: “The Goal of the Operation Is to Send Gaza Back to the Middle Ages”, “Destroying All the Infrastructure Including Roads and Water” By Washington's Blog, July 14, 2014
The Apartheid Wall: Israel Continues to Defy the International Court of Justice (ICJ) with Impunity By Hassan Ould Moctar, July 11, 2014
Israel, the Land of Smoke and Mirrors: IDF Appoints New Commander of Elite Forces By Richard Silverstein, July 11, 2014
US Withdrawal from Afghanistan not to be Peaceful By Rick Rozoff, July 10, 2014
Barack Obama Writes Exclusive Article for Israeli Media: “Our Commitment to Israel’s Security remains Ironclad” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 10, 2014
War Drums Beat Louder Against China as Japanese Imperialism Re-emerges By Nick Beams, July 10, 2014
U.S. Caving In to Israeli Intransigence By Prof. Stephen Zunes, July 09, 2014
Washington’s Corporate Media and the Imperial War on Korea By Danny Haiphong, July 09, 2014
Gaza Death Toll Reaches 40 in Day Two of Israeli Assault, Mostly Women and Children By al Akhbar, July 09, 2014
Israel-Palestine: Netanyahu Government Knew Kidnapped Teens were Dead as it Whipped Up Racist Frenzy By Max Blumenthal, July 09, 2014
Israel’s “Blood Diamonds” Boost Jeweller Profits as Gaza Bleeds By Sean Clinton, July 09, 2014
Cultures of Hate: Israelis, not Palestinians, Excel at Vengeance By Jonathan Cook, July 09, 2014
The UK Insults the Memory of Gandhi By CHS-SACHETAN, July 08, 2014
In the Wake of Fukushima: What Role for Nuclear Power in Japan? By Christopher Hobson, July 08, 2014
Gaza: Exports of Palestinian Goods Challenge the Illegal Israeli Blockade from the Inside By Gaza Ark, July 07, 2014
Understand the Israeli – Palestinian Apartheid In 11 Images By Thrival Room, July 07, 2014
Palestinian-Israeli Relations”: Sacred Treason” and “Resistance to the Enemy By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, July 07, 2014
north korea flag
Federalizing the Korean Peninsula: North Korea Calls for Unifying Confederation with South Korea By Xinhua, July 07, 2014
US Media Framing Israel’s Attacks on Palestinians as Retaliation By Peter Hart, July 04, 2014
Were the Three Settler Kidnappings an Israeli “False Flag” Operation? By Karin Brothers, July 04, 2014
Israel Bombs Gaza Strip, Masses Army on Border By Patrick Martin, July 04, 2014
Linguistic Terrorism: Somebody Buy Israeli Politicians a Dictionary By Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, July 03, 2014
The Re-emergence of Japanese Militarism By Peter Symonds, July 03, 2014
Some Deaths Really Matter: The Disproportionate Coverage of Israeli And Palestinian Killings By Media Lens, July 03, 2014
UN Report Shows Israelis Responsible for Most Violence Against Children in Israel-Palestine Conflict By Interventions Watch, July 03, 2014
One Palestinian Child has been Killed by Israel Every 3 Days for the Past 13 Years By Middle East Monitor, July 02, 2014
Israeli Government prepares Onslaught Against Palestinian People By James Cogan, July 02, 2014
From Cold War Thaws to the Arctic Thaw: The Changing Arctic and Its Security Implications for East Asia By Kimie Hara, July 01, 2014
Threat to China: Pressure on South Korea to Join U.S. Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense System By Gregory Elich, July 01, 2014
The Search for Malaysian Airlines MH370. Unanswered Questions. Wreck of Unidentified Aircraft in Bay of Bengal? Crucial Information Withheld By GeoResonance, June 30, 2014
Another Global Financial Crisis in the Making By Nick Beams, June 30, 2014
Political Warfare and the History of Terrorism: The CIA’s Phoenix Program By Kevin Ryan, June 26, 2014
Evo Morales: “Our Liberation is for the Whole of Humanity”. For a Global Brotherhood Among The People By Evo Morales Ayma, June 26, 2014
Israel’s Collective Punishment of Palestinians in Operation Brother’s Keeper – Lawyers Ask for British Intervention By Jews for Justice for Palestinians, June 26, 2014
UNESCO Supports Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Destruction of Historic Muslim Cemetery in Jerusalem By Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), June 25, 2014
Palestine: Israeli Occupation Forces Raid Publishing Companies and Violate Freedom of Speech By Sani Paul Meo, June 25, 2014
GMO Crops in India, The Profit Driven Destruction of Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, June 24, 2014
From Orwell’s “1984”: Color Revolutions and Irregular Warfare Against Eurasia By Wayne Madsen, June 24, 2014
Human Rights Violator Israel will Lead UN Committee on Decolonization and Palestinian Refugees By Ali Abunimah, June 20, 2014
Criminalising Dissent in India against GMOs and Monsanto By Colin Todhunter, June 20, 2014
Antagonizing Palestinians, Australia’s Linguistic Blunder Snowballs By Nicola Nasser, June 18, 2014
Mystery Surrounding The Bilderberg Group Conclave By Russ Baker, June 17, 2014