
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
China’s exit in October 1949, from the sphere of US control, was perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American post-World War II global hegemony. China’s successful drive for independence had been anticipated in Washington for many months.
The ICC and Afghanistan: The “War Crimes Game” Continues By Christopher Black, November 08, 2016
China Rebuilds Its Military: Naval Power in South and East China Seas. Growing Amphibious Capabilities By South Front, November 03, 2016
South Korea’s President in Crisis Over Corruption Scandals By Ben McGrath, November 03, 2016
ICC to Investigate US War Crimes in Afghanistan? Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2016
Wall Street and the Pentagon: Pre-Mature Political and Military Ejaculations By Prof. James Petras, November 03, 2016
U.S. Imperial Wars: Militarism in West Asia and the Horn of Africa: The Need for Antiwar Solidarity By Abayomi Azikiwe, November 01, 2016
China’s Economic Relations with Latin America By Ulises Noyola Rodríguez, November 01, 2016
Crossing the Acheron: “The American War in Vietnam: Crime or Commemoration?” By Luciana Bohne, October 29, 2016
Preparing for War with Russia and China: America’s Quest for Global Domination Depends on Space Technology By Bruce K. Gagnon, October 29, 2016
Myanmar: “Human Rights Champion” Aung San Suu Kyi Jails Dissidents By Tony Cartalucci, October 29, 2016
Avoiding Conflict In Asia Pacific’s Waters By Ulson Gunnar, October 27, 2016
Lower Yields And Chemical Agro-poisons: What Is The Point Of GM Mustard In India? Money Spinner for Bayer-Monsanto By Colin Todhunter, October 26, 2016
US Attempts to Shame Asia for “Caving in to China” By Tony Cartalucci, October 24, 2016
Video: The Building Storm Against The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Agreement By The Daily Conversation, October 23, 2016
US Seeks to Exploit Thailand’s Political Transition to Destabilize Asia By Tony Cartalucci, October 22, 2016
Vietnam War and Yemen False Flags. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident vs. The Alleged Missile Attack on USS Mason off the Coast of Yemen By Joe Clifford, October 22, 2016
Contemporary Political Dynamics Of Japanese Nationalism By Nakano Koichi, October 21, 2016
Women Peace Activists Peace Treaty Initiative To End Korean War By Ronda Hauben, October 21, 2016
Vietnam Backs US ‘Intervention’ In Pacific Amidst Dwindling Asian Pivot By Sputnik, October 21, 2016
Why Okinawa Matters: Japan, The United States And The Colonial Past By Prof. Richard Falk, October 20, 2016
Pakistan TV Exposes Osama bin Laden Killing Hoax, Documentary Debunks 9/11 Official Story By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 18, 2016
The Passing of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej By Tony Cartalucci, October 17, 2016
Hybrid Warfare and US Geostrategy A Conversation with Andrew Korybko. Global Research News Hour Episode 155 By Michael Welch and Andrew Korybko, October 16, 2016
Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan Exposed By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 16, 2016
Kashmir: ‘Pivoting’ Toward War between India and Pakistan? By Junaid S. Ahmad, October 14, 2016
US Hypocrisy: Preaching Human Rights, Inviting Mass Murderers As Guests By Joseph Thomas, October 13, 2016
Hybrid Wars and “Color Revolutions”: The US Could Manufacture A Mess In Myanmar By Andrew Korybko, October 12, 2016
Why the New Silk Roads Terrify Washington By Pepe Escobar, October 12, 2016
Fifteen Years after the Invasion, Afghanistan Is a Mess Nobody Talks About By Bob Hennelly, October 12, 2016
Fifteen Years of Occupation: Afghanistan Since the Invasion By Michael Skinner, October 10, 2016
The West’s “Weaponization” Of Corruption Indexes: Thailand Categorized as a Corrupt Failed State By Joseph Thomas, October 09, 2016
Seeds of Occupation and India’s “Stockholm Syndrome”: GMO and Monsanto-Bayer’s “Strategic Presence in India” By Colin Todhunter, October 09, 2016
Who is Driving Tensions on the Korean Peninsula? By Joseph Thomas, October 08, 2016
The Eurasian Century Is Now Unstoppable By F. William Engdahl, October 07, 2016
Taiwan’s “Green Shift” – Green Energy Prospects and Challenges By Mei-Chih Hu and John A. Mathews, October 06, 2016
Directed against China: New Site for U.S. THAAD Missile Deployment in South Korea By Zhong Sheng, October 04, 2016
Gandhi Jayanti
October 2: Nonviolence Day, Gandhi’s Birthday.”The Story of My Experiments with Truth” By Antonio Carlos Silva Rosa, October 04, 2016
Pentagon Announces “Third Phase” of Military Build-Up Against China. U.S. Economic Hegemony under TPP Supported by Military Might By Peter Symonds, October 04, 2016
India and Pakistan Teeter on the Brink of War: Bellicosity Encouraged by Washington… By Keith Jones, October 03, 2016
Rising Tension between India and Pakistan. Military Escalation? Diplomacy at a Standstill By, October 02, 2016
China’s Rejection of Unipolar New World Order, Beijing’s Focus on Cooperation with Developing Countries By Yang Ziman, Zhang Yunbi, and Wang Ying, October 01, 2016
US Empire’s Interest in Afghanistan – It’s the Heroin, Stupid! By Pepe Escobar, October 01, 2016
US Backs India’s Military Strikes against Pakistan By Keith Jones, October 01, 2016
Bayer-Monsanto’s Trojan Horse: Criminal Prosecution Required To Stop GM Food Crops Fraudulently Entering India By Colin Todhunter, October 01, 2016
India Launches Military Attacks Against Pakistan By Keith Jones, October 01, 2016
Japan: Radioactive Cesium Builds Up In Fukushima Dams, Contamination of Water and Agriculture By Mainichi, September 28, 2016
China’s Solution to the Restructuring of the World Economy’s Unbalanced Architecture By Carla Stea, September 28, 2016
Flood Damage in North Korea Prompts International Calls for Assistance By Zoom in Korea, September 25, 2016
Beijing’s “Pivot to the Middle East”: China Joins Russia in Syria, Shaping New “Anti-Terrorist Alliance” Against Washington? By Andrei Akulov, September 24, 2016
America’s Quiet “Cultural Colonization” of Southeast Asia: State Department’s “Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative” (YSEALI) By Joseph Thomas, September 22, 2016
Kashmir: “We The People” Should Stand Up By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, September 21, 2016
Afghanistan 2.0. Will Uzbekistan Survive the Death of President Islam Karimov? By Brian Kalman, September 20, 2016
US-China Relations and the North Korean Nuclear Crisis By Christine Hong and Paul Liem, September 20, 2016
Genetically Modified Seeds, Global Agribusiness and the Destruction of Farming: Is India about to Make a Catastrophic Mistake with GM Mustard? By Colin Todhunter, September 20, 2016
America in Asia: Arrogant, Unapologetic, and Ready for More Conflict By Tony Cartalucci, September 20, 2016
The “So-Called China Threat”: Japan’s Attempts to Instigate Conflict and Undermine Regional Stability By Zhong Sheng, September 19, 2016
Monsanto Merges with Bayer, “Their Expertise is War”. Shady Historical Origins, IG Farben, Part of Hitler’s Chemical Genetic Engineering Cartel By Dr. Vandana Shiva, September 18, 2016
With the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) on Ropes, It’s Corporate Power vs. People Power on Capitol Hill By Deirdre Fulton, September 17, 2016
North Korea’s Nuke Test Sparks Calls for Diplomacy over Sanctions By Hyun Lee, September 17, 2016
Fukushima Backlash Hits Japan Prime Minister. Fukushima is NOT under Control By Robert Hunziker, September 14, 2016
Transforming a Country into “Collateral Damage”: US Cluster Bombs Killed Children for Decades in Laos, and Now Yemen By William Boardman, September 12, 2016
India: We Must Reclaim Our Freedom from Monsanto Like We Did From the British By Dr. Vandana Shiva, September 12, 2016
US Proxies and Regional Rivalries By Prof. James Petras, September 11, 2016
US-Asia Geopolitical Realignment: Major US-India Defense Agreement, US Militarization of Asia-Pacific, Erosion of India’s National Sovereignty By Niloufer Bhagwat, September 11, 2016
China Challenges US Dollar Hegemony, Seeks New Global Financial Order By Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, September 08, 2016
Obama and the US Secret War in Laos By Peter Symonds, September 08, 2016
Philippine president declares “State of Lawlessness” after Bomb Blast. “Not Martial Law” By Joseph Santolan, September 07, 2016
Japan’s Problematic Prefecture – Okinawa and the US-Japan Relationship. “Japan’s Defence moves closer to Full Integration with that of the US” By Gavan McCormack, September 07, 2016
Australia: Opponents of War with China Labelled “Rats, Flies, Mosquitoes and Sparrows” By James Cogan, September 06, 2016
China’s Continuing Renewable Energy Revolution – Latest Trends in Electric Power Generation By John A. Mathews, September 06, 2016
Those of You From Fukushima… The Next Step: Despair and Truth By Norma Field, September 06, 2016
Behind the RAND Corporation’s US Plan to Wage War on China By Joseph Thomas, September 05, 2016
Putin at G-20 Summit in China. Meets Xi Jinping and Erdogan Behind Closed Doors By Stephen Lendman, September 05, 2016
US Presidential Visit to Laos is About Confronting China By Tony Cartalucci, September 05, 2016
Trade Liberalization in India and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement. By Kavaljit Singh, September 04, 2016
China’s President Xi Jinping’s Opening Address of G20 Summit: A New Blueprint for Global Economic Growth By Bingxin Li, September 04, 2016
In China, Fraudsters Prepare Fake Defectors from North Korea By Oleg Kiryanov, September 04, 2016
US “Cultural Colonisation” in Asia Pacific By Joseph Thomas, August 30, 2016
Does the U.S. “Support Terrorism” and “Regime Change” in Thailand? US Embassy Dismisses the Evidence… By The New Atlas, August 30, 2016
China Threatens “US Primacy in Asia”? Hague Tribunal Ruling on South China Sea Falls Short By Tony Cartalucci, August 28, 2016