
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
China’s exit in October 1949, from the sphere of US control, was perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American post-World War II global hegemony. China’s successful drive for independence had been anticipated in Washington for many months.
Sane Voices Urge Diplomacy with North Korea After ‘Lunatic’ Trump Threatens ‘Fire and Fury’ By Julia Conley, August 09, 2017
US to Terror-Bomb the Philippines? By Stephen Lendman, August 09, 2017
Is America Trying to Start a World War? This Is How It Would Happen By Darius Shahtahmasebi, August 09, 2017
Afghanistan: Why Counterterrorism Combat Has Failed By Sami Karimi, August 09, 2017
Narmada Valley: Indian Authorities Accused of ‘Drowning the Homes of 40,000 Families’ By Nick Meynen, August 09, 2017
Thailand’s “Color Revolution”: US Meddles Abroad, Accuses Others of Meddling at Home. By Joseph Thomas, August 08, 2017
The Cold War and Its Origins. History of the Soviet Union. World War II, Colonialism, Independence and Counter-revolution By Hugo Turner, August 08, 2017
Asia Farmers’ Network Resounds Strong Call to Stop Golden Rice By Grain, August 08, 2017
On the Anniversary of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki By H. Patricia Hynes, August 07, 2017
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: From a Sunday to a Monday in August, the Sixth Day By Dr. T. P. Wilkinson, August 07, 2017
Why China and Russia Agreed to Tough New Sanctions on North Korea By Stephen Lendman, August 07, 2017
South Korea’s New Progressive ‘Candlelight Revolution’ Party By Kim Jong-hoon and Zoom in Korea, August 07, 2017
Neocons Leverage Trump-Hate for More Wars By Robert Parry, August 06, 2017
Hiroshima Marks 72nd Anniversary of Atomic Bombing By Japan Today, August 06, 2017
McMaster: U.S. Preparing for “Preventive War” with North Korea By Zero Hedge, August 06, 2017
Remembering the Gulf of Tonkin, and the Consequences of Wanting to Believe By Janine Jackson, August 06, 2017
South Korean Progressives Launch New Party to Complete ‘Candlelight Revolution’ By Kim Jong-hoon and Zoom in Korea, August 05, 2017
Apple’s China Surrender By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 05, 2017
North Korea’s Offer to Freeze Its Nuclear Program By Zoom in Korea, August 05, 2017
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Our Government Has Never Apologized By Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World, August 05, 2017
US War Crimes against North Korea: Sinchon Massacre by U.S. Military Exposed By Jack Willey, August 05, 2017
Thailand: West Prepares Ground For Regime Change By Tony Cartalucci, August 04, 2017
Women’s Art and Other Work in Nepal’s Hill Country By Barbara Nimri Aziz, August 04, 2017
Hiroshima – A Criminal Enterprise From Which Nothing Has Been Learned By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 03, 2017
“Mother of All Bombs”: The Dark Sides of Afghanistan’s MOAB Tragedy are Unfolding By Sami Karimi, August 03, 2017
Afghanistan Is Right Here! Lies, Myths and Legends By Andre Vltchek, August 02, 2017
Sen. Graham: Trump Says Destroying North Korea Is ‘Good Military Option’ By Jason Ditz, August 02, 2017
Trump Intel Chief: North Korea Learned From Libya War to “Never” Give Up Nukes By Jon Schwarz, August 01, 2017
Endangered Species: The Beauty of the Snow Leopard Can be Lost Forever By Marianne de Nazareth, July 31, 2017
Nepal Hill Art and Women’s Traditions By Barbara Nimri Aziz, July 31, 2017
Bolivia Declares Freedom From Central Bankers. Can India Do the Same? By Shelley Kasli, July 31, 2017
CNN Crashes and Burns with ‘Exclusive’ Report on Russia Arming the Taliban By Veterans Info Source, July 31, 2017
North Korea or Iran…Where Will President Trump Attack First? By Rep. Ron Paul, July 31, 2017
North Korea Would Hold Talks if South Korea Supports Peace Treaty with US By Hong Soon-do, July 31, 2017
Fukushima, Tell the Japanese Government: Don’t Dump Radioactive Nuclear Waste into the Ocean! By Sum Of Us, July 30, 2017
North Korea’s Deterrent and Trump’s Options By Tim Beal, July 30, 2017
Japan’s Prime Minister Abe on the Ropes – Sagging Popularity, Contentious Legacy By Andrew Korybko, July 30, 2017
Indian Independence: Forged in Washington? By Colin Todhunter, July 30, 2017
Sanctions against China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Part of a Global Military Agenda. Pentagon’s World War III Scenario By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 29, 2017
US Military Declares “Time Is Running Out” Before War with North Korea By James Cogan, July 29, 2017
The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki By Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, July 28, 2017
France Questions Legality of New US Bans on Iran, Russia, North Korea By Press TV, July 27, 2017
Escalation of India-Pakistan Conflict ‘Threatens World with Nuclear Catastrophe’ By Sputnik, July 27, 2017
Philippines: Western Media Is Distorting Reality, People and Army Unite to Battle “ISIS” By Andre Vltchek, July 26, 2017
Truth of Ukraine War Revealed: Watchdog Media Releases Timeline Video of Ukrainian War From Euromaidan to MH-17 By Clarity of Signal, July 24, 2017
China and Russia: The Bilateral Relationship That Matters By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, July 24, 2017
When Will America’s Crime Spree in Afghanistan End? “Punitive Raids” under the Cloak of “Humanitarian” Warfare By Jean Périer, July 24, 2017
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness: Through the Eyes of an Activist for Palestine By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, July 23, 2017
Empire of Destruction By Tom Engelhardt, July 23, 2017
Murder, Spies and Weapons – Three Fascinating ‘Deep State’ Stories By Moon of Alabama, July 23, 2017
Codex Alimentarius and Monsanto’s Toxic Relations By Colin Todhunter, July 21, 2017
Afghanistan: A Morally Corrupting War By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, July 21, 2017
Japan Plans to Expose Its People and 2020 Tokyo Olympians to Fukushima Radiation By Dahr Jamail, July 20, 2017
Tibet Rises From Poverty: Fantasy and Reality By Caleb T. Maupin, July 18, 2017
The Logic in North Korean ‘Madness’ By Colonel Ann Wright, July 18, 2017
US-Linked Terrorism in Southeast Asia. Where US Interests are Threatened, ISIS Coincidentally Appears… By Tony Cartalucci, July 18, 2017
US Missile Defense Will Protect You From North Korea By Jim Naureckas, July 18, 2017
Japan’s Legacy of War Crimes in China By Kim Petersen, July 18, 2017
Brzezinski Wanted NATO to Become the “Hub of a Globe-Spanning Web” of Security Pacts By Steven MacMillan, July 17, 2017
One Year Later, South Korea’s Anti-THAAD Fight Continues By Zoom in Korea, July 15, 2017
Trump’s ASEAN Policy Isn’t “Confused,” It’s a Continuation of Decades of Coercion By Joseph Thomas, July 15, 2017
U.S. Peace Delegation Heads to Seongju, South Korea By Zoom in Korea, July 15, 2017
US Intends New Illegal Sanctions on China. For “Doing Business” with North Korea By Stephen Lendman, July 14, 2017
Political Prisoners in South Korea: Amnesty International Demands the Unconditional Release of Lawmaker Lee Seok-ki By Korean Committee to Save Rep. Lee Seok-ki of the Insurrection Conspiracy Case, July 14, 2017
North Korea’s ICBM and ROK President Moon Jae-in’s Confusing Response By Hyun Lee, July 13, 2017
The Spread of the Mers-CoV Virus: The Black Death of the XXI Century Waiting to Pounce By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, July 12, 2017
US to Act Alone on North Korea. Strangle Pyongyang Economically By Stephen Lendman, July 12, 2017
Russia Plans to Create a Joint Investment Forum with the Bank of China By The Brics Post, July 12, 2017
Video: Challenging the U.S: China Makes First Step in Shifting Naval Balance of Power in Pacific By Brian Kalman, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, July 12, 2017
In India, Ditching Science for Corporate Inspired Spin in Push for Genetically Modified Mustard By Colin Todhunter, July 12, 2017
North Korea Does Not Threaten World Peace, the US Does By William Boardman, July 12, 2017
Who Is the Real Enemy? By Philip Giraldi, July 12, 2017
US Strategic Bombers Conduct Provocative Drill Near North Korea By Peter Symonds, July 11, 2017
The Farmers’ Crisis in India By Dr. Vandana Shiva, July 10, 2017
Russia and China: Challenging a Divided West By Federico Pieraccini, July 10, 2017
The China-India Sikkim Border Dispute By Sun Hongnian, July 10, 2017
The World Economy and China’s “Belt and Road” Project, President Xi Jingping at G20 By Pres. Xi Jinping, July 10, 2017
US B-1 Bombers Challenge Chinese Claims in South China Sea By Peter Symonds, July 09, 2017
The DPRK Has No Obligation to Bow to US Nuclear Demands By Jason Unruhe, July 09, 2017
Putin and Trump Stage-manage a Win-win Meeting By Pepe Escobar, July 08, 2017