
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
China’s exit in October 1949, from the sphere of US control, was perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American post-World War II global hegemony. China’s successful drive for independence had been anticipated in Washington for many months.
Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM) “Concerned” about China’s “Belt and Road” (BRI) By Andrew Korybko, March 12, 2019
The Media’s 6 Biggest Lies About North Korea By Mike Whitney, March 12, 2019
Poetry from Fukushima on the 8th Anniversary of the Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Meltdown By Lit by IMAGINATION, March 12, 2019
The Belt and Road Initiative: Chinese Agribusiness Going Global By Grain, March 12, 2019
Washington Is Waging a New Dimension War Against China – And Will Lose Out Bitterly By Peter Koenig, March 12, 2019
US Negotiations: Masters of Defeats By Prof. James Petras, March 11, 2019
Intelligence Contractors Make New Attempt to Provoke Tensions with North Korea By William Craddick, March 11, 2019
Marco Polo Is Back in China – Again By Pepe Escobar, March 11, 2019
Eight Years Ago: The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Perspective By Dr. Helen Caldicott, March 10, 2019
A Fancy Hypocrisy: China, Australia and Coal Mania By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 10, 2019
A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Demonetization Project By Norbert Haering, March 10, 2019
Monsanto, Bayer, Cargill and India’s Prime Minister Modi: Doing Business or Corporate Imperialism? By Colin Todhunter, March 10, 2019
Pakistan: The Global Pivot State By Andrew Korybko, March 09, 2019
Has Trump Gone Full Neocon?? By Mike Whitney, March 09, 2019
Commemorating the Vietnam War, 8 March 1965: US Government Sanitizes Vietnam War History By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 09, 2019
India’s Taking a Page from Its American Ally by Accusing Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan of “Meddling” By Andrew Korybko, March 08, 2019
Cover-up in India’s 1984 Golden Temple Massacre? British Involvement Revealed By Phil Miller, March 08, 2019
March 8, 1965: How LBJ Was Deceived on Gulf of Tonkin. War Pretext Incident to Justify Vietnam War By Gareth Porter, March 08, 2019
India’s State of Sikkim Banishes All Pesticides and GMO, Watches Both Wildlife and Tourism Flourish By Nick Meyer, March 08, 2019
The Latest Kashmir Crisis: Momentous Shift in Pakistan-India Relations By Andrew Korybko, March 07, 2019
Kim-Trump Hanoi Summit: Failure? Sabotage? What Has Happened? What Will Happen? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, March 07, 2019
Militarised Conservation: “Paramilitary Rangers” and the World Wild Life Fund (WWF) By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 06, 2019
Rebranding Made in China 2025? Ongoing US-China Trade War By Stephen Lendman, March 06, 2019
Pakistan’s Indian Submarine Interception By Andrew Korybko, March 06, 2019
The Trump-Kim Summit: What Really Happened in Hanoi? By Mike Whitney, March 05, 2019
Pakistan-India Crisis: The Machinery of Images and the (Post-)Modern War By Ayyaz Mallick, March 04, 2019
The Trump – Kim Summit in Hanoi: Was Trump Forced to Walk? By Peter Koenig, March 04, 2019
Did Bolton Blow North Korea? By Rep. Ron Paul, March 04, 2019
Abe’s Military Base Plan for Okinawa Sinking in Mayonnaise: Implications for the U.S. Court and IUCN By Hideki Yoshikawa, March 02, 2019
Canada Extradition of Huawei CFO to US? Politicized Indictment, Economic Warfare against China? By Stephen Lendman, March 02, 2019
Russia Officially Returns to South Asia by Offering to Host Indo-Pak Peace Talks By Andrew Korybko, March 01, 2019
Video: Are India and Pakistan on Brink of All-out Military Conflict? By South Front, March 01, 2019
Pakistan Didn’t Violate the Geneva Convention, It Confirmed Its Adherence to It By Andrew Korybko, March 01, 2019
China Sees Some Light in the Failure of the Hanoi Summit By Tom Clifford, March 01, 2019
India’s Prime Minister Modi’s Conversations with Russia’s President Putin By Andrew Korybko, March 01, 2019
Walkout in Hanoi: The Second Trump-Kim Summit By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 01, 2019
“Killer Diplomacy”: The Kim-Trump Summit in Hanoi, Sabotaged by Mike Pompeo? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 01, 2019
Kim Meets Trump in Hanoi. Failure of Second US-DPRK Summit By Stephen Lendman, February 28, 2019
2019 Science Award Retracted Amid Controversy Over Glyphosate’s Danger By Dr. Joseph Mercola, February 28, 2019
As Tensions Rise, UK Criticised for Arming Both India and Pakistan By Joe Lo, February 28, 2019
Russia, Japan and the USA: The Unfinished Business of War By Christopher Black, February 28, 2019
China’s Discovery of Major Gas Reserves in the Bohai Sea: How Will it Affect LNG Gas Imports from the US? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 27, 2019
US Troops Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Underlying Cause of Friction Between India and Pakistan? By Nauman Sadiq, February 27, 2019
Does Pakistan Have the Capability to Eradicate Terrorism? By Nauman Sadiq, February 27, 2019
India’s “Surgical Strike 2.0” against Pakistan or Big Bollywood Spectacle? By Andrew Korybko, February 27, 2019
The Conservatives, “Nam-Nam Friction” and Nuclear Crisis in South Korea By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, February 26, 2019
Dangerous Escalation Between Nuclear-armed Rivals India and Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, February 26, 2019
City of Xi’an and Why the New Chinese Silk Road Terrifies the West? By Andre Vltchek, February 25, 2019
Turning Screws: China’s Australian Coal Ban By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 23, 2019
Iran’s Turning into India’s Proxy by Taunting and Threatening Pakistan? By Andrew Korybko, February 22, 2019
Saudi Crown Prince MBS’ Asia Tour Is Much More than a Post-Khashoggi Photo-Op By Andrew Korybko, February 22, 2019
War with China? It’s Already Under Way By Michael T. Klare, February 22, 2019
Imran Khan’s “Socialist Revolution” in Pakistan By Nauman Sadiq, February 20, 2019
Challenging Dollar Hegemony: Russia and China Are Containing America’s Attempts to “Reshape the World Order” By Federico Pieraccini, February 19, 2019
Suicide Bombings in India and Iran By Great Game India, February 19, 2019
Who’s Behind the Attacks in Iran? Pakistan Has to Choose Between Saudi Arabia and Iran By Sami Karimi, February 19, 2019
Iran Is Being Tricked into Making Balochistan the New Kurdistan By Andrew Korybko, February 19, 2019
Pakistan’s War on Terror and Ouster of Nawaz Sharif By Nauman Sadiq, February 18, 2019
South China Sea, the Geopolitical Pivot to Control Asia By Ulises Noyola Rodríguez, February 16, 2019
Jammu and Kashmir: The Political Consequences of the Pulwama Attack By Andrew Korybko, February 15, 2019
China Cancels Trade Talks with UK in Protest over Defence Secretary Williamson’s Speech By The Straits Times, February 15, 2019
Pakistan: Is Imran Khan’s ‘Movement for Justice’ a Liberal Political Party? By Nauman Sadiq, February 15, 2019
US Navy Challenges China in the South China Sea By Peter Symonds, February 13, 2019
Rule Britannia against China: New UK Aircraft Carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth into the South China Sea in 2021? By Tom Clifford, February 13, 2019
Kashmir Insurgency: The Spillover of the Soviet-Afghan Jihad By Nauman Sadiq, February 13, 2019
Freedom of the Press in Japan: PM Staff ‘Restrict’ Reporter, Accuse Her of ‘Spreading Misinformation’ About Environmental Impact of New US Military Base By Nevin Thompson, February 13, 2019
Is America’s “Deep State” Divided over the Taliban Peace Talks? By Andrew Korybko, February 12, 2019
Football, Refugee Rights and Hakeem al-Araibi By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 12, 2019
Who Is Right on America’s Enemies? The “Worldwide Threat Assessment Report” By Philip Giraldi, February 11, 2019
Is Debt China’s Achilles Heel? The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Internal Debt Trap By F. William Engdahl, February 10, 2019
War after War: Will the US “Pull Out” of Afghanistan to Strike a New War Elsewhere? By Sami Karimi, February 09, 2019
Peace in Afghanistan? The Taliban’s Moscow Travels Have Turned Them into Seasoned Diplomats By Andrew Korybko, February 08, 2019
Meeting in Moscow: The Taliban Meets the Afghan Opposition By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 07, 2019
Reading Between the Lines: India Has Sour Grapes over America’s Afghan Peace Talks By Andrew Korybko, February 07, 2019
Afghanistan: From “Soviet” Occupation to American “Liberation” By Nauman Sadiq, February 04, 2019
Mahathir Mohamad
As Malaysia and Ireland Find Out, You Stand Up for Palestinian Rights at Your Peril By Miko Peled, February 04, 2019
John Bolton: “The Most Dangerous American”. Would Risk Military Conflict with China to Achieve Goals By Zhenhua Lu, February 04, 2019
China Creates, Macau Burns and Robs By Andre Vltchek, February 03, 2019
Does the US Provide Covert Support to the Islamic State in Afghanistan? By Nauman Sadiq, February 03, 2019
The Monitoring Game: China’s Artificial Intelligence Push By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 03, 2019