
The official story is that a dangerous new coronavirus was detected in Wuhan, PRC. It had not been isolated, it's identity had not been confirmed. And then in February, the name of the "new virus" was changed to SARS-CoV-2, a virus first detected 20 years ago in 2003.
Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
“Covid Tolerance Zero” has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai’s financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.
China’s exit in October 1949, from the sphere of US control, was perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American post-World War II global hegemony. China’s successful drive for independence had been anticipated in Washington for many months.
Washington Seeks to Overturn Indonesia’s Traditionally Non-aligned Position By Ahmed Adel, July 17, 2024
India-Russia Ties Take a Quantum Leap in the Fog of Ukraine War By M. K. Bhadrakumar, July 16, 2024
NATO Reinforces Its War Plans During Washington Summit By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 15, 2024
China’s Soft Power By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, July 14, 2024
NATO Wants Permanent Footprints in the Indo-Pacific, with Talks About Opening an Office in Japan By Uriel Araujo, July 12, 2024
Narendra Modi Strengthening Russian-Indian Partnership: Implications and Perspectives in Multipolar World By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 12, 2024
Modi’s Visit to Moscow Debunks Myths About Putin’s So-called Isolation By Ahmed Adel, July 11, 2024
Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign By Megan Russell, July 10, 2024
Reviving Abandoned and Depopulated Rural Communities By Bharat Dogra, July 09, 2024
An Honest Witness: John Pilger on Truth-Telling in the Era of Mainstream Media ‘Fake News’ By Michael Welch and John Pilger, July 09, 2024
“The Three Brothers”: Turkey’s Alliance with Azerbaijan and Pakistan, Expands Ankara’s Influence in Caucasus-Central Asia By Ahmed Adel, July 05, 2024
Realism and Ipse Dixit: Prof. John J. Mearsheimer on China as US Adversary By Kim Petersen, July 04, 2024
COVID-19 Vaccine Victims, Japanese Families Speak Out, Doctors Warning About mRNA Dangers, Speeches and Japanese TV Spots COVID-19ワクチンの犠牲者、日本の家族が発言し、医師がmRNAの危険性、スピーチ、日本のテレビスポットについて警告する By Dr. William Makis, July 02, 2024
From Prison, Imran Khan Says Top Pakistani General Betrayed Secret Deal to Stay Out of Politics By Ryan Grim and Murtaza Hussain, July 01, 2024
Trade War Between Europe and China Is Creeping Closer By Marc Vandepitte, June 26, 2024
BlackRock — No Compromise with Evil. Allied to Israel’s Weapons Industry By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 25, 2024
British Imperialism and the Opium Wars: The Kuomintang’s Narco-State By William Walter Kay, June 24, 2024
Пакс Россия: “Pax Rossiya” Versus “A New American Century” By Peter Koenig, June 24, 2024
The Russia-Vietnam Strategic Partnership, Affects US Influence in Southeast Asia. “New Cold War Moves East” By Andrew Korybko, June 24, 2024
With Ray McGovern for the Community Church of Boston By Ray McGovern and Edward Curtin, June 24, 2024
Bombshell: ‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones’. Japan’s Former Minister of Internal Affairs Apologizes to the Unvaccinated By Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 23, 2024
Video: U.S. Crimes of Genocide against Korea: “We Killed Off – What – 20% of the Population. We Burned Down every Town in North Korea…” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 21, 2024
Russia’s Mutual Defense Pact with North Korea Is a Geopolitical Game-Changer By Andrew Korybko, June 20, 2024
America’s “Ethics” of Bombing Civilians After World War II: Massive Casualties and the Targeting of Civilians in the Korean War By Sahr Conway-Lanz, June 20, 2024
The Real Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan. It Was Not To End the War Or Save Lives. By Washington's Blog, June 20, 2024
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EU Again Shooting Itself in the Foot by Joining US Sponsored Trade War Against China By Ahmed Adel, June 19, 2024
From Okinawa to Palestine: How the US Military Machine Connects Occupied Territories By Prof. Adam Miyashiro and Prof. Nozomi Nakaganeku-Saito, June 17, 2024
Russia Overtakes Japan as World’s Fourth Largest Economy By Drago Bosnic, June 13, 2024
In Spite of Geography: “A Window to Europe” For Russia Becomes a Gateway to Asia By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin, June 12, 2024
Instigation of Rebellions in Tibet By Shane Quinn, June 11, 2024
Elections in India, Modi’s Comeuppance: The Waning of Hindutva By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 10, 2024
American Mainstream Expert Calls for Global War in Three Continents By Uriel Araujo, June 07, 2024
US Will Not Help South Korea Build Nuclear Submarines Despite Ruining Ties with Russia By Ahmed Adel, June 04, 2024
Video: Whispers of Power: U.S. Wargaming in Taiwan By Liu Xin, June 03, 2024
The War Is Widening Into Armageddon By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 30, 2024
Nuclear Pakistan’s Comprador Cowardice. The Imbecilic Republic … of Pakistan By Junaid S. Ahmad, May 30, 2024
The China-Pakistan CPEC Nightmare: Attacks, Sabotage, Poverty and Squandered Resources By Ahmed Adel, May 28, 2024
Two Extremely Rich Countries—Norway and Japan—Continue Horrible Cruelty to Whales By Bharat Dogra, May 28, 2024
Japan’s Most Senior Cancer Doctor: COVID Shots Are ‘Essentially Murder’ By Emily Mangiaracina, May 27, 2024
The Blood-Red Sunset of the West. Strengthening of the Sino-Russian Relations By Manlio Dinucci, May 20, 2024
China-Russia Far East Development By Karsten Riise, May 19, 2024
Why China Has Little Reason to Trust the U.S. By Paul Atwood, May 17, 2024
US Expands Production of 15-ton Bombs to Target Nuclear Facilities By Al Mayadeen, May 15, 2024
Indonesia is not “Giving up” the Su-35 “Flanker-E” Deal with Russia By Drago Bosnic, May 14, 2024
Serbia’s Geopolitical Position: Close Ties with China. President Xi Jinping Visit to Belgrade. Serbia’s Future Lies in BRICS+? By Drago Bosnic, May 10, 2024

“Napalm Girl – 
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Anti-Doping: Western Media Ignites War on China in Sports By Rick Sterling, May 08, 2024
How China’s Naval Strategy Exposes Decades of America’s Sinophobic Lies By Drago Bosnic, May 06, 2024
U.S. vs. China: Who Really Stands for Peace? By Megan Russell, May 06, 2024
Winston Churchill: Hero for the Western World, Racist Criminal for the Rest of the World By Chaitanya Davé, May 03, 2024
Video: Japanese Oncology Professor Fukushima Condemns mRNA Vaccines as “Evil Practices of Science” By Aussie17, May 03, 2024
Secretary of State Blinken Barfs U.S. Hubris All Over Beijing Officials By Joachim Hagopian, May 01, 2024
Why India and the Global South Should Firmly Reject the Technology of Genetically Modified Insects By Bharat Dogra, May 01, 2024
Is US Officialdom Insane? The U.S. Is Trying to Bully China By Kim Petersen, April 29, 2024
The U.S. Against the “New Axis of Evil”. Military Aid to Three War Theaters. “It is a Good Day for World Peace” says Biden, “Makes America Safer”. $60.8 billion for Ukraine, $26.4 billion for Israel, and $8.1 billion for Taiwan By Manlio Dinucci, April 28, 2024
Excess Deaths in Japan Hit 115,000 Following Third COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why By Dr. Joe Wang, April 26, 2024
Blinken’s Failed Diplomacy: Feeble and Hostile American Threats against China by Top-ranking US Officials Visiting Beijing By Drago Bosnic, April 25, 2024
What Is Bill Gates Up To? Irregularities in the Conduct of Studies Using HPV Vaccines in India By Colin Gonsalves, April 19, 2024
US Moves Previously Banned Missiles Closer to China and Russia By Drago Bosnic, April 17, 2024
Former US Officials Calling for Regime Change in China and “Greater Friction” Thus Risking World Peace By Uriel Araujo, April 17, 2024
Biden Reaches Out to Xi Jinping with Eye on Financial Stability By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 15, 2024
President Xi and President Biden Exchanged Views on Tele-con By Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan, April 15, 2024
Dangerous Steps Towards Space Warfare. “The World’s Newest Fighting Domain” By Bharat Dogra, April 12, 2024
Japanese Professor’s Message to the World: “Fraudulent use of gene therapy in healthy people. An extreme Violation of Human Rights” By Masayasu Inoue, John Leake, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 11, 2024
Afghanistan: Denied Self-Determination by Washington. Subject to Destabilization Efforts by U.S. By Black Alliance for Peace, April 11, 2024
Containing China’s Development: “U.S. Funds Wars, China Funds Development” By Simplicius, April 10, 2024
North Korea Ahead of US in Hypersonic Weapons? Analysis By Drago Bosnic, April 05, 2024
The Baltimore Bridge Collapse and Its Impact on Global Trade By Khushboo Razdan, April 05, 2024
Bad Developments for US Chip-making Dreams By Karsten Riise, April 05, 2024
National Elections in India Are Good Time to Consider a Path Based on Justice, Peace, and Environment Protection By Bharat Dogra, April 02, 2024
US Troops on Taiwan’s Kinmen: A Powder Keg By Karsten Riise, March 21, 2024
What Are US Green Berets Doing Less Than 10 km Away From Mainland China’s Coast? By Drago Bosnic, March 19, 2024
China’s Two Sessions Plenary: Outstanding Socioeconomic and GDP Performance in 2023. Most of the West is Stagnating By Peter Koenig and ShenzhenTV, March 16, 2024
Is China a Communist or a Capitalist Country? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 15, 2024
Remember March 11. 2011. Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War. Worldwide Nuclear Radiation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 13, 2024
Tigers and Goats — Protection of Wildlife Can be in Harmony with Sustainable Livelihoods of Villagers By Bharat Dogra, March 13, 2024
Women’s Day 2024: America’s “Just War” against Afghanistan: Women’s Rights “Before” and “After” America’s Destructive Wars By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 08, 2024
US Lawmakers Urge Biden Not to Recognise New Pakistan Government By Anwar Iqbal, March 03, 2024
India-Russia Relations: A Wealth of Opportunities to Deepen Economic Engagement and Foster Enduring Partnerships By Sammy Kotwani and Kester Kenn Klomegah, February 26, 2024