“Regime Change” in Britain’s Labour Party? The Ashcroft Opinion Poll – Is This Why Jeremy Corbyn Must Go?
Jeremy Corbyn is right to urge us to see through the media’s attempts to divide us. The media has encouraged those who voted to Remain see Leave voters as, at worst, a venal mob and at best misguided and stupid enough to think a government under the likes of Boris Johnson or Nigel Farage would be an improvement.
Against the wishes of many Labour MPs who hope to find a way to delegitimise the referendum and remain in the EU, Jeremy Corbyn has given a clear commitment to invoke Clause 50.
Anger did indeed motivate some Leave voters. During membership of the EU the division between rich and poor has increased, with the poorest suffering a fall in living standards. A UCL study has shown that the poorest 20% of British workers have indeed been affected adversely by immigration (1), so it was easy for the Leave campaign to focus discontent on this point instead of giving a voice to constructive and positive reasons people had for wanting to leave. Polling showed that support for UKIP actually fell during the referendum campaign (2).
Lord Ashcroft’s recent poll (3) is considered more accurate than most. A larger number of people than usual were interviewed. Asked which of the following they considered to be forces for good, a considerable proportion of leave voters expressed support for multi-culturalism (29%), social liberalism (32%), globalisation (49%), the green movement (38%), feminism (40%) and even immigration (21%).
About half of the voters, whether leave or remain, felt capitalism was a force for ill rather than a force for good (51%:49%).
This, then, could be the reason why the Parliamentary Labour Party is so keen to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn.
The majority of the population, across all the political parties, want nationalisation of key industries and around half think capitalism is a force for ill. Because of the lack of proportional representation, when there is any choice at all in a constituency it is between three neo-liberal parties, all of which represent the moneyed classes and support free market capitalism.
Lord Ashcroft’s poll found the majority of those who voted to remain believe life is better today than it was for their parents’ generation. The majority of those voting to leave remember their lives before membership of the EU and believe life is now worse for their children. So both groups are voting for what they perceive to be a better future for the rising generation.
As far as interest in politics is concerned, both remain and leave voters shared similar levels of interest. However, 77% of those who voted to remain thought “the decision we make in the referendum could have disastrous consequences for us as a country if we get it wrong”, whilst 69% of leave voters thought the decision “might make us a bit better or worse off as a country, but there probably isn’t much in it either way”.
Leave voters have good reason to think that whatever the outcome the status quo is likely to continue, since all major parties support the current system of voracious capitalism.
The media as well as the official Leave campaign aim to minimise the debate to maintain the status quo. As Corbyn has pointed out, they are doing everything they can to divide us, especially pitting young against old. However, there is much in common between the voting choices across the generations.
The turnout for young people was only around 30% (4), meaning only a quarter of young people felt strongly enough to vote to remain in Europe. Therefore, as a proportion of their age group, less young people voted to remain than all other age groups.
So the ‘generation gap’ has to a large extent been manufactured, with the help of the usual suspects, including Change.org, (an American corporation with 100 million users which is now running a petition for London to secede from England) and other US organisations backed by George Soros, such as Avaaz. The day after the referendum I received this from sumofus.org, yet another American ‘organisation for change’ with connections to Soros: “I woke up tired, shocked and a little scared”. People have been stirred up by social media to express themselves in this way and to feel that only the feelings of the Remain supporters are legitimate.
Analysis of the 3.5 million signatories to the much touted petition requesting a 2nd Referendum has shown only 353,000 are from Britain, and many of these may be fake (5).
The following 27 minute video about how Colour Revolutions are manufactured gives vital insight in to ‘mass’ movements for social change: The Revolution Business
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpXbA6yZY-8 (6)
Based on theories formulated by CIA asset Gene Sharp, and supported by Soros organisations which stir up vocal groups of mostly young people who are unrepresentative of the population as a whole, demonstrations and petitions are presented by international media as the voice of the people. Opposition from the majority of the population is demonised and foreign military intervention often follows. Weight of Chains (7), about how Yugoslavia was broken up in this way by the US and organisations funded by Soros, is another very watchable film, and the points made are very applicable to many situations and pretty well every country in which the USA has an interest in shaping politics.
In his earlier life, Jeremy Corbyn was against membership of the EU. As leader of a party whose parliamentary representatives voted overwhelmingly to remain, Jeremy Corbyn supported this view. However, he explained that because of major faults in the EU his support for the EU project was only 7 – 7.5%. Not surprising when one of his major commitments is to attempt to renationalise the railways, which is prohibited under EU legislation.
Corbyn, like most of the population, is against rule by corporations. The economic power of the top 200 global corporations is twice that of 80% of all humanity and yet they employ just 18.8 million, 0.3% of the people in the world. Corporate lobbyists now termed “expert committees” meet daily with EU Commission officials to hammer out trade deals such as TTIP (Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership which will enable governments to be sued if they don’t open everything to privatisation, or attempt to protect their environment against corporate interests). The European Parliament, consumer and environmental organisations have no say in this deal (8).
Corbyn is for transparency and accountability. The European Parliament cannot propose any legislation at all. Legislation is formulated by the 5 unelected presidents of the European Commission, which includes ex-Goldman Sachs alumnus Mario Draghi. If our political representatives in the European Parliament make any decisions that conflict with the wishes of the EU Commission, they are simply over-ruled.
Corbyn is against militarism. He has chosen Clive Lewis as Shadow Defence Secretary. Lewis is against renewing Trident, which will cost up to £300bn, most of which will be transferred to the US, and simply guarantees the UK’s destruction in event of war (9&10).
As CIA documents from the US National Archives make clear (11&12) the EU was a CIA initiative, the purpose of which is to make it easy for Washington to exercise political control over Europe. It is much easier for Washington to control the EU than 28 separate countries. Currently, US Special Operations Forces employ ‘military capabilities’ to achieve military and/or economic objectives in 134 countries (13&14). The EU is primed to form a EU army and paramilitary police force to suppress civil unrest and help the US to achieve objectives such as the dangerous game of baiting Russia by placing missiles in the EU countries bordering Russia – which has the added bonus of providing a useful buffer for the US should the US then initiate a war.
The UK is currently committed to switching to the euro. It is impossible to be a financial centre unless a country has its own currency and central bank. If the Brexit referendum is defeated the UK will be forced to accept the euro, enabling US financial dominance (15).
Corbyn knows that within the EU there is no way to stop these events unfolding.
There will be many Labour supporters who voted to remain in the EU whilst sharing Corbyn’s doubts. In addition, there are the 38% of Labour voters who voted to leave, which leaves them feeling unrepresented by only 2% of Labour MPs who share their concerns.
By refusing to give a voice to the majority of leave voters, and presenting the false analysis of young versus old and enlightened versus racist, remain voters are therefore incredulous that such a thing could have happened and many feel justified in ignoring a democratic vote. As Ashcroft’s results show, there is in fact little difference between the values of those who voted. People in both groups voted for a brake on rampant capitalism and a better, fairer, future.
The Establishment is preparing to maintain the status quo by offering either a post-Corbyn neo-liberal Labour Party that indefinitely postpones the signing of Article 50, or a Conservative party led by Boris Johnson, a Europhile until the conversion that increased his chances of becoming prime minister. Boris Johnson can also not be trusted to invoke Article 50. Neither party will represent the 50% of both remain and leave voters who believe capitalism is a force for ill.
At the current time, Jeremy Corbyn is the only chance we have of a prime minister who will represent the wishes of a majority of both leave and remain voters. That is why he is hanging on and that is why it is so important for the media, establishment and his own party to oust him. As Ghandi said, “the truth is still the truth even if you are in a minority of one”. I, for one, would be happy to see all of Corbyn’s detractors resign.