Red Alert: WHO Pandemic “Treaty” Is Now an “Agreement”

This makes all the difference in the world! We’ve been fooled


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I’ll give you the bottom line. A TREATY needs the signature of the US President plus a 2/3 vote of approval in the Senate.

An AGREEMENT only needs the President’s signature, and America is committed to go along with the document.

I’ve been communicating with a media person at the World Health Organization (WHO). It took several exchanges to clarify what’s going on here.

What we’ve been told is the WHO Pandemic Treaty is actually labeled an Agreement.

This is dire.

When Biden signs it, American sovereignty is suddenly placed under the WHO.

The WHO can declare a global health emergency whenever they want to, for any reason, and all the rules and restrictions they lay down can be invoked. Here in America.

For instance, lockdowns, mandated vaccines.

America is suddenly a colony of the World Health Organization.

No date has been set for WHO submitting the Agreement to the US and other countries, but it could be soon.

A sword is hanging over our heads.

We need massive refusal, despite Biden imminently signing our sovereignty away.

We need Senators rebelling in large numbers.

We need state governors pledging to ignore all WHO dictates.

We need the American people refusing to go along with the WHO.

Here is the document the WHO media person sent me, showing that this so-called Treaty is actually an Agreement.

Screenshot from this document

Here is the article I published recently that goes into depth on Treaty vs. Agreement. It explains that these international agreements are illegitimate and should never be honored. They’re unconstitutional, and have always been a con and hustle designed to inflate the power of the President and the Executive Branch.

Get the word out, far and wide.

We’re being taken for a ride.

A bad nightmare ride.

P.S. Having read the WHO document I linked to above, my impression is this: the WHO Agreement is designed for “collective unity” among member nations.

It’s similar to the early stages of the European Union, whose message was, “We’re all in this together.” But gradually, the consensus approach vanished, and the EU emerged as a super-government.

In this case, the WHO wants “input” on pandemic measures from all member nations. The WHO even insists that the sovereignty of each nation will never be disturbed and encroached upon by the Pandemic Agreement.

BUT the goal is making the WHO the leader of the pack.

The WHO will say it’s acting and running the show on behalf of its members, but that façade will vanish in due time.

The WHO will turn into a global health government, issuing orders and driving tyranny…

In the same way that US health agencies—the FDA, the CDC, the EPA—design sets of regulations that impose de facto laws no legislators have ever voted on.


We’re frogs in the pot, and the heat is on.


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Featured image is from Reclaim the Net

Articles by: Jon Rappoport

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