The Prime Minister, The Rt.Hon, Gordon Brown, 10 Downing Street, London SWI.
Dear Prime Minister,
Re:Criminals’ literary profits.
I note you are considering legislation which will outlaw those who have broken the law, from profiting from the books they have written, based around their illegal actions.
I take it that there will be no exception for your predecessor Anthony Lyndon Blair QC., who, on the basis of a ten year old thesis taken off the internet and ‘sexed up’ dossiers, committed the ‘supreme international crime’, under the Nuremberg Principles, an act of aggression against a country which posed no threat to Britain and America and the overthrow and lynching of members of a sovereign government, whose ‘sovereignty’ was guaranteed by the United Nations. I assume this will also include yourself, who, as Chancellor, wrote the cheques and your colleagues in Cabinet who also voted for this crime of historic enormity.
I look forward to your assurances on this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Felicity Arbuthnot.
The original source of this article is Global Research
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