Psychiatric Drugs: Create Violence and Suicide, School Shootings and Other Acts of Senseless Violence
What Every Nurse and Journalist Needs to Know About American's Mass Shooting Epidemic: New CCHR Report About Psychiatric Drugs and Mass Violence
De-mystifying the uniquely American epidemic of mass shootings:
This extensive CCHR report is the very best I have read concerning psychoactive drugs and drug-induced violence, suicidality and irrational behaviors.
Note especially the latter pages that will enforce the notion that it isn’t so-called mental illnesses that need addressing, it is the brain-altering effect of the dependency-inducing (so-called) psychiatric drugs that are given out like candy by physicians for the normal emotions of sadness, nervousness, insomnia, low self-esteem, social anxiety, brain malnutrition, etc, all of which are NOT mental illness but rather normal human realities. Please spend a lot of time studying this well-documented treatise.
Note: Psychiatrist Peter Breggin (google him and watch his powerful videos on YouTube) has always said that people diagnosed with so-called mental illnesses (usually false diagnoses) are never violent UNTIL they start taking the brain-altering, addictive psych drugs or are going through withdrawal syndromes from the drugs!
Dr. Gary G. Kohl
Introductory Text of CCHR Report
A lthough there can be numerous reasons for mass murder, violent crime and suicide,
with just as many solutions proposed to curb it and funding poured into its prevention, senseless acts of violence continue unabated, with more than 80 dead and 500 injured between the Las Vegas concert shooting on October 1, 2017 and Texas church shooting on November 5, 2017 alone. Then the shocking Parkland, Florida school shooting on February 14, 2018, left 17 dead and some 15 injured.
Media quote experts saying that such individuals are “mentally disturbed,” or have “untreated mental illness,” but that doesn’t explain the level of violence we are seeing or what drives a person to pull a trigger or intentionally crash an airplane, killing all 150 people on board. The facts paint a disturbing picture. A review of scientific literature published in Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry regarding the “astonishing rate” of mental illness over the past 50 years revealed that it’s not “mental illness” causing the problem; rather, it’s the psychiatric drugs prescribed to treat it. 1 Mental disorder is not a predictor of aggressive behavior, but rather the adverse effects of the drugs prescribed to treat it. Whatever psychiatric assessment, “treatment,” including the drugs reportedly given the teen charged over the Parkland school massacre, all failed to predict or prevent the murderous outcome and potentially exacerbated his troubled mental state.
Since the introduction of antipsychotic drugs in 1955 and the newer Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants, like Prozac, in 1987, both are documented to be linked to violent effects in a percentage of the people taking them.
“The irritability and impulsivity [from antidepressants] can make people suicidal or homicidal.” 2
– Joseph Glenmullen Harvard Medical School Psychiatrist
“The link between antidepressants and violence, including suicide and homicide, is well established.” 3
– Patrick D. Hahn Affiliate Professor of Biology, Loyola University Maryland
“Violence and other potentially criminal behavior caused by prescription drugs are medicine’s best kept secret.” 4
– Professor David Healy Leading Psychopharmacology Expert and Professor of Psychiatry in Wales
Drug proponents argue that there are many shootings and acts of violence that have not been correlated to psychiatric (psychotropic) drugs, but that is exactly the point. It has neither been confirmed nor refuted, as law enforcement is not required to investigate or report on prescribed drugs linked to violence, and media rarely pose the question.