Political Upheaval in the United Kingdom

Here in these beautiful isles there are many good people.  Those not affected by class or university ‘education’ say ‘We should have been out of the EU within a few weeks of the vote.  The EU is a racket.  We know there will be pain but there was from 1939 and for years after that ‘war to end all wars.’

Instead the Tories who do not know the word equity or the ‘love thy neighbour of the OT’! are hanging on by their finger nails, conceit riding over a hidden fear that they will be in the wilderness for decades. 

Those that are life-denying shrivel in death eventually.  The beauty parade for leader following PM May’s slow motion and tearful ‘retirement’ has today been joined by an eleventh candidate, all with millimetre insight. 

On the opposition side, there is division upon division.  This has been started and kept fresh by the large Zionist faction led by the likes of Lady Hodge.  A majority of its MPs are Blairites and share some of his many psychopathic traits. Northern Labour MPs are scared they will lose their seats, their constituencies being stout for ‘Leave’. (Was the word ‘Brexit’ coined by the Remainers to drive the population mad?).   They are torn between joining the mangle lead by Sir Keir Starmer, the former Director of Public Prosecutions.  Keir, a barrister by trade, is far removed from the Keir Hardie who founded the Labour party.  Instead of pupillage and dry sherry, the latter started working at the age of seven, and from the age of 10 worked in the South Lanarkshire coal mines.

At the head of this centrifugal party is a kindly man who is human and who has voted against the Labour whip over 130 times.  Some of these motions would have been for mass killing, and specifically for things like handing over the Chagos Islanders to the evil empire, whilst ‘cleansing’ its small population of this remote paradise in the Indian Ocean to slums in Mauritius.  The British saw to the shooting of the islanders’ dogs.  (Read John Pilger, the courageous beacon) 

This leader is Jeremy Corbyn. That there is any blood left within him is beyond belief.  He has been stabbed in the back day after day and the BBC has broadcast most of the knifing and character assassination.  Chief among the back stabbers have been the deputy leader Tom Watson and the FCO shadow and Zionist Ms Thornberry.  The former was VP of the Trade Union Friends of Israel, an irony beyond belief, given that the main Israeli trade union only let in Arab workers in recent years.  The latter is often on the panels of the the BBC Propagandare Nero (PN) ‘shows’.  She of course is parroting for a second vote, or more votes pehaps, until the downtrodden British revolt, which is very unlikely or until they vote to remain in the neo-liberal, gravy sodden club.  Unfortunately, Corbyn is trapped and ends consorting with the rabbis we are told. 

The ‘Liberal Democrats’ came a good second after Farage’s newborn party.  Those who flocked to this party had forgotten that it had coalesced with the Conservative and Unionist party and happily supported Lord Lansley’s Health and Social Security, jokingly tabled 1st April 2012.  This was designed to put OUR NHS in the mortuary and so far it is succeeding. Its leader with Cameron was Clegg. He has slid sideways to Facebook and digs in LA.

All the horse trading, stabbing, actual blackmail etc. has been reported in a ‘steady as she goes’ style by the PN broadcaster.  It is at once extraordinary that a vast political upheaval is taking place but also no surprise that the PN department of the BBC with its linguists, requests from No 10 and from the SIS etc should be attempting to hide the Queen’s naked state.

These are a few fragments of the minute by minute PN of ‘’Auntie’’ BBC.  Readers foreign to “This royal throne of kings, this sceptered isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, ……” will not know that the Director-General, Lord Tony Hall, Baron Hall of Birkenhead, CBE, as befitting his responsibility, receives a salary said to be in the £450,000 and £499,999 bracket, along with disc jockey Chris Evans and Come Dancing presenter Claudia Winkelman.  This comes from the £5 billion of licence fees.

The attempt to completely assassinate the character and political potency of the Labour leader was loudly echoed by the BBC yesterday.  It spoke of Corbyn’s ‘anti-semitic crisis’.  This man is not an ‘anti-semite’ be that towards an Arab, the semite, or a Jew.  The Tory party, in its dying gasps, fears a Labour victory if the likely General Election happens soon.    Labour must be decimated by whatever means, and the BBC will be the sword.

The bagman for Blair, Alistair Campbell, was described on the BBC ‘News’ bulletin at 7am yesterday as a ‘spin doctor’.  He was more than that.  He was instead a dossier doctor.  The pretext for the removal of Saddam Hussein was that Iraqi WMD threatened Britain itself. He was said to have ‘sexed’ it up, whereas Dr David Kelly** and other weapons experts had corrected factual errors within it.  Kelly had been 37 times to Iraq with UNSCOM, which no doubt contained some CIA personnel who ‘cased the joint’.  Campbell’s efforts for the threatened ‘supreme war crime’ (Nuremberg) reflected the PN (black propaganda) coming from the Project of the New American century and its Zionist members. This was pumped through to the British and the world by the BBC, the Speak Truth to Nations megalith and megaphone.  To promote and to conspire for aggressive war is forbidden in the Charter of the UN, but Auntie never lets on. 

Stephen Sackur is most often the interviewer of a chosen guest on the BBC’s HARDtalk. He is assertive and well briefed. Last week he had Julie Hambleton on. She had lost a sister among the 21 killed in the ‘Birmingham’ pub bombings in 1974, for which 5 Irish men were jailed until their convictions were quashed by the Court of Appeal in 1991. She has been the lead campaigner for a second inquest with 11 others and has never given up.  Although he tried to damp her startling account a little, extraordinary facts emerged.  These are not extraordinary for the author who tried with a few others, for years, to get an inquest which had never happened on the unnatural death of Dr David Kelly 17/18th July 2003.  

High Court Kelly  19 December 2011.  She told Sackur that the coroner had excluded references to the police and SIS investigation of the bombing and that all West Midlands Police, MoJ, MoD, MI5, MI6 written evidence was ‘closed’ for 70 years, as with most of the evidence re. Kelly’s death.  Chris Mullin, ex-MP, who was known for uncovering wrong doing, has important evidence which he has refused to divulge to the canpaigners over years. 

The BBC online report is worse than anodyne by being apparently selective in its quotations and in its ommissions, a ubiquitous tactic, of the closed evidence above.  Thornton – “We always expect our emergency services, particularly the police and firefighters to be there for us at the time of disaster and they were.”  Quite so!  It omitted ex-MP Chris Mullin’s silence.

This was a very revealing interview and of the best.  There was another Sackur interview since on the 27th (see thisof Hisham Matar, whose father had been ‘disappeared’ by the Ghaddafi ‘regime’.  Sackur relayed evidence of mass torture and killing.  He has not yet interviewed or expressed his equal concern for the thousands of disappeared Palestinian fathers and sons by another regime.

Zion, that little hill in Jerusalem, towers over government and media in Britain.  Here is a good but foul example – a letter from Conservative Friends of Israel which is said to contain 80% of Tory MPs.  Incest and gross, racist bias would be euphemisms.


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David Halpin FRCS has written of the BBC often, its part in generating wars, and much else.  These are two contemporary links:




**There are many on Dr Kelly and the lightning start to the cover up of this unnatural death.  This is the first of six by him – this a short interview outside the High Court by Press TV

Featured image is from Media Lens

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Articles by: Dr. David Halpin

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