Political Uncertainty and the Financial Crisis. Global Research Lead Articles

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Citigroup posts another loss amid credit woes
– 2008-10-16

Iran Falling into the “Net” of a “Worldwide Policy”: On the U.S. Foreign Policy Doctrine and Its Present Dangers
Exclusive Interview with William R. Polk
– by Ali Fathollah-Nejad – 2008-10-16

CIA Tactics Endorsed In Secret Memos
Waterboarding Got White House Nod
– by Joby Warrick – 2008-10-16

U.S. Stocks Drop Most Since Crash of 1987 on Recession Concerns
– by Lynn Thomasson – 2008-10-16

Zionism, Militarism, and the Decline of US Power
Review of James Petras’ book
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How the Nobel Peace Prize was Won
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Financial Hurricane Batters World Capitalism
System Failure and the Need for Revolution
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Curbing Social Protest in America: Microwave “Non-lethal” Weapons to be used for “Crowd Control”
Just in Time for the Capitalist Meltdown: Army, Justice Department to Field ‘Pain Ray’.
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Ecology and Indian Movements: “Diversity with Inequality is Not Social Justice”
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Can Congress Bail Out of the Bailout?
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The Prosecution for War Crimes of President Bush
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GOP attacks on American voters turn desperate, ugly and dangerous
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Where’s Palestine in the Canadian Elections?
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Global Financial Meltdown and the Demise of Neoliberalism
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Refounding Bolivia: Morales Calls for Vote on a New Democratic Constitution
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The Capitalist Shakedown
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The October Surprise: Global Panic
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America’s Quest for Hegemony
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Spying on Activists
Wrongly classified as “terrorists”
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Draft: Europe would guarantee inter-bank loans
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Anatomy of the American Financial Crisis: How It is Turning into a Worldwide Crisis
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Lehman’s London office was a center of sale for its toxic derivative products all over Europe.

The Canadian Election and the War in Afghanistan
– by Michael Skinner – 2008-10-12

The Next Derivatives Bloodbath: Insurance Companies and Auto Makers
– by George Washington’s Blog – 2008-10-12

Militarizing the “Homeland” in Response to the Economic and Political Crisis
NORTHCOM’s Joint Task Force-Civil Support
– by Tom Burghardt – 2008-10-11

Pentagon finishes off Iraq with nukes?
US war veteran has accused Pentagon of launching nuclear attack on southern Iraq in final day of 1991 Gulf War
– 2008-10-11

Iraq: US dropped nuclear bomb near Basra in 1991, claims veteran
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VIDEO: The Third Nuclear Bomb? Was a Nuclear bomb detonated during the 1991 Gulf War?
Desert Storm Veteran Accuses US Administration
– by Maurizio Torrealta – 2008-10-11

Who is Behind the Financial Meltdown?
Market Manipulation and the Institutional Speculator
– by Michel Chossudovsky – 2008-10-11

The financial market is heavily manipulated. Triggering market collapse can be a very profitable undertaking.

Palin abused power, probe finds
– 2008-10-11

The Palin- Biden Debate: High Time to Move Beyond Clichés
– by Ramzy Baroud – 2008-10-11

Economic Chaos and Political Survival
– by William Cox – 2008-10-11

Impact on Human Rights of Private Military and Security Companies’ Activities
– by José L. Gómez del Prado – 2008-10-11

“Set up to steal it again.” Is 2008 already fixed?
– 2008-10-10

A Possible Solution to the Economic Crisis
What Is to be Done?
– by Paul Craig Roberts – 2008-10-10

Change Triumphs in Ecuador’s Constitutional Referendum
– by Eduardo Tamayo G., Helga Serrano Narváez – 2008-10-10

VIDEO: Martial Law. U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.
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US stocks extend huge losses over credit concerns
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Stocks are on track for their worst year since 1937
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Spreading NAFTA’s Love Across The Atlantic
– by Dana Gabriel – 2008-10-10

Another Israeli West Bank Land Grab Scheme
– by Stephen Lendman – 2008-10-10

How to Save the U.S. Economy
– by Richard C. Cook – 2008-10-10

The Financial Woes Signal the Death of the Dollar?
– by Rev. Richard Skaff – 2008-10-09

Afghan Civilians killed by U.S/NATO Actions since 2006
The Matrix of Death: (Im)Precision of U.S Bombing and the (Under)Valuation of an Afghan Life
– by Prof. Marc W. Herold – 2008-10-09

Obama and McCain propose dusty death without end in Afghanistan.

The Wall Street Bust
– by Doug Noland – 2008-10-09

FEMA sources confirm coming martial law
– by Wayne Madsen – 2008-10-09

UN and NATO sign Secret Military Cooperation Agreement in Violation of UN Charter
Ban Ki-moon acting beyond his powers
– 2008-10-09

Dangerous Shift in Sino-US Relations: China Severs Diplomatic, Military Ties With US Over Taiwan Missile Deal
– 2008-10-09

Dow industrials fall over 600 points, below 9,000
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Maryland Police Put Activists’ Names On Terror Lists Surveillance’s Reach Revealed
– 2008-10-09

The Edge of the Abyss: As Economic War Threatens
It’s Time to Fight Back. Let’s Start With National Teach-ins
– by Danny Schechter – 2008-10-09

Behind the Panic: Financial Warfare and the Future of Global Bank Power
– by F. William Engdahl – 2008-10-09

Europe’s Response to a Financial Crisis “Made in the USA”

“To the Bunkers!”: Central banks slash rates in emergency “midnight” meeting
– by Mike Whitney – 2008-10-09

Deconstructing The Power of the Global Elite: Brute Force, The Power to Hurt, and Psychological Control
– by Judith H. Young – 2008-10-09

Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out “Crowd Control”
– by Naomi Wolf – 2008-10-08

VIDEO: Are Stephen Harper’s Speeches Drafted in Washington DC?
Australia and Canada: exactly the same speeches
– 2008-10-08

Israeli best seller breaks national taboo
– by Jonathan Cook – 2008-10-08

Who Owns The Federal Reserve?
The Fed is privately owned. Its shareholders are private banks
– by Ellen Brown – 2008-10-08

The woman who nearly stopped the war
– by Martin Bright – 2008-10-08

Stephen Harper: Bulking up Pentagon North
– by Linda McQuaig – 2008-10-08

Accused of “providing material support for Al Qaeda”: Justice for Yemini Sheik
– by Stephen Lendman – 2008-10-08

How to Train Death Squads and Quash Revolutions from San Salvador to Iraq
Released by Wikileaks: Sensitive 219 page US military counterinsurgency manual.
– 2008-10-08

Iran ‘forces down foreign plane’
– 2008-10-07

European stock markets in freefall following Paris financial summit
– by Peter Schwarz – 2008-10-07

Panic grips global financial markets
– by Barry Grey – 2008-10-07

The Ultimate 9/11 ‘Truth’ Showdown
David Ray Griffin vs. Matt Taibbi
– 2008-10-07

Evolution of the Apocalypse: Empire’s Demise, ­Human Renaissance
– by Carole Brouillet – 2008-10-07

Financial Meltdown: We’re on “the Edge of the Abyss”
– by Mike Whitney – 2008-10-06

Thursday is D-Day
Thursday’s auction for Lehman’s credit default swaps (CDS)
– by George Washington Blog – 2008-10-06

Secret Bush Administration Plan to Suspend US Constitution
“Continuity of Government” (COG) Provisions activated in 2001
– by Tom Burghardt – 2008-10-06

Exercising sweeping emergency powers, unelected officials could suspend the Constitution, declare martial law and create an Executive Branch dictatorship that rests solely on the power of the U.S. military.

Surveillance Program to Begin Despite Privacy Concerns
Controversial Homeland Security satellite-surveillance program
– by Siobhan Gorman – 2008-10-06

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