Pick Up the Baton: The Fight to Restore Freedom in Canada has only just Begun”
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Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I believe millions of Canadians feel as though they have been sucker punched by their government again, and again, and again over the last two years.
On January 15, 2022, the Trudeau Liberals went one step too far, and we are now seeing the ramifications of a government thinking it could get away with its insanity indefinitely.
When the Prime Minister decided to bring greater restrictions by forcing vaccine mandates on essential workers as a requisite for crossing the border, he unleashed his personal hell in the form of a freedom movement driven by hundreds of thousands of Canadians across the country.
As most other jurisdictions in the country and around the world were loosening restrictions, Justin Trudeau was mandating more. Whoops!
What has emerged out of the increasingly oppressive state control has been glorious. The effects of which may not be fully visible for weeks or even months to come. There has been a transformation in the spirit of the people where hope and joy has replaced fear and sorrow.
As the largest convoy in history rolled across the country, the Canadian people were filled with hope for tomorrow. Men, women and children cried tears of joy and relief waiving their hands and our flag as the convoy drove past them responding with loud, resounding and assuring blasts of their horns.
As photos, videos, art and music of the Freedom Convoy filled our social media pages, an uncontrollable sense of expectation and anticipation began to mount for its eventual arrival in our nation’s capital.
I live in downtown Ottawa. From the very first moment the trucks arrived, I went outside almost every single day to walk around, speak to the demonstrators and to capture footage of what I was witnessing.
I have been so moved and impacted by these heroes. These men and women have ignited a spirit of unity, hope and peace with their love for our country, its and people and freedom.
As I would walk through the streets lined with massive semis covered in signs declaring freedom, I could not wipe the smile from my face.
What took place over these last three weeks in Ottawa was a celebration by the people and for the people. The Freedom Convoy was a symbol of the nation’s unwillingness to let the government continue to infringe on Charter rights and freedoms unjustifiably.
One night, I walked up to the Wellington St. to the intersection right in front of the Peace Tower. The trucks were blowing their horns continuously for about ten minutes. Many of the people around me were crying, some were pacing and waving the Canadian flag as the horns continued to blow. It was emotional. It felt as though the truck horns were sending off a cry and interceding for the millions of Canadians who have felt voiceless, ignored and abused by their government over the last two years. I will never forget that experience.
When I walked around during the day, I could actually see full smiling faces. It was beautiful. There were more Canadian flags on the streets and on Parliament Hill in the last three weeks than I have seen during any Canada Day celebration.
The truckers would walk around at night picking up garbage, they shovelled snow off of the sidewalks, they stood guard around the National War Memorial to ensure no one disrespected it with foolish actions. I have never before witnessed such honour and respect for this city from a mass demonstration.
At night, it was a party. A party for freedom. Music would play, people would dance and there was a tangible sense of joy in the air.
Over the weeks, the demonstration grew, multiplying in size on the weekends as Canadians traveled to Ottawa to witness and take part in this epic stand for freedom.
I believe the Prime Minister and his advisors felt things shifting. As more and more Canadians began to vocalize their opposition to the government’s unjustified prolonging of pandemic mandates, Justin Trudeau got scared. He knew that in order to save face, he had to shut down the surging display of dissent.
He vigorously attempted to shut the protest down with the help of state sponsored broadcasters by maligning and name-calling the protestors very early on, characterizing them as a “fringe minority” with “unacceptable views.” After coming out of hiding, he and his party tried to paint a picture of the entire group as racists and white supremacists who were terrorizing the city and holding its residents hostage. Nothing could have been further from the truth. And because the truth does prevail, his attempts to quell the demonstration verbally, failed.
I do believe the Prime Minister was strategically and intentionally trying to get a visceral reaction. He wanted to provoke and build upon the division he had already fostered in the country, but thankfully, the truckers never took the bait. They responded continuously with peace, love and resolve.
So, what else could the Prime Minister do to quash this movement? Declare a state of emergency in order to bring down the hammer.
As of right now, most of the trucks have moved out of the downtown core. People continue to gather to peacefully protest in opposition to the incredible amount of state force, which has descended upon the city.
By invoking the Emergencies Act, Trudeau isn’t stopping a crisis, he’s creating one.
Hundreds of heavily armed police officers are lined up in streets ready to use force on any protestor who pushes it too far. Images of masked up and helmeted police standing face to face with freedom protestors are making their way around the world, and the responses have largely been of shock, horror and ridicule.
It never had to get to this point. All they wanted was to be heard and to have the constitutionally protected rights and freedoms of Canadians restored. But, the Prime Minister had his mind made up about these freedom loving Canadians before they even arrived. These truckers are literally the backbone of our economy and he wouldn’t even give them the time of day. Instead, he ridiculed, demonized, slandered and targeted them with vile words of hate and derision.
To my fellow Canadians, the trucks may be gone from the streets of Ottawa, but the . It is up to us, the people, to pick up the baton and run with it. This is our country. It does not belong to a few politicians. We have the right to express ourselves, to speak, assemble and protest peacefully.
Though it may look like Justin Trudeau is getting away with authoritarian actions right now, he will not. Truth and justice will prevail; it is only a matter of time. He turned against his own people in order to protect his image and seat of power. But something has changed in this country. The people have stepped out of isolation and have stood together as a force to be reckoned with.
I am so filled with hope and optimism about the future of this nation in the hands of a freedom loving people.
Good days are ahead. Keep pushing and keep standing together. You are being seen and heard, not only in Canada, but around the world.
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