Phony Kiev Day of Silence. Threatening “Total War” on Russia

In-depth Report:
Russian Federation Council

Last week, illegitimate/oligarch Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko declared December 9 a “day of silence.”

Ahead of Human Rights Day. On December 10. This year’s theme: Human Rights 365.

Longstanding Western tool Kan Ki-moon “call(ing) on states to honor their obligation to protect human rights every day of the year.”

“I call on people to hold their governments to account.” Ban is an imperial apologist. Supporting US-led Western wars on humanity.

Doing nothing responsible to denounce them. Demand US and coalition partners be held accountable. Israel for its high crimes against peace.

Kiev putschists for usurping power. Governing illegitimately. Waging dirty war on their own people.

Poroshenko’s so-called “day of silence” is meaningless. He violated agreed on Geneva and Minsk ceasefire terms straightaway.

Why expect anything different this time? Donbas leaders agreed to halt fighting. Doubt Poroshenko’s intentions. Will only “return fire” in self-defense. If attacked.

Day of silence agreement was reached with no preconditions. Ceasefire terms to be discussed in Geneva. Originally scheduled for December 9. Now postponed.

Provisionally rescheduled for December 12. Subject to approval by both sides.

Any time is OK, according to Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) leader Igor Plotnitsky. “(S)ilence…is being observed and has not been violated so far,” he said.

“There was shelling in the morning. Now (silence is) holding, but we will see whether it will last. At the moment, there is no shelling.”

Nor in Donetsk, according to its defense ministry. DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko saying ceasefire terms were declared on September 5.

“We didn’t violate (them) on a single occasion. All the violations (were) committed by the Ukrainian Army. If (it) doesn’t open fire, we won’t open it either.”

DPR Vice Chairman/ceasefire talks representative Denis Pushilin said “(l)et’s hope some kind of ceasefire will begin indeed.”

Hold the cheers. In early November, Poroshenko reneged on Donbas self-rule status. After legislation granted it on September 9.

At the time, state-controlled Ukrainian News Agency reported it as follows:

“The Verkhovna Rada has set special status for some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions for the period of three years…Respective draft law No. 5081 was registered by President Petro Poroshenko at the Verkhovna Rada on September 16. Under the document, bodies of local governments are allowed to create voluntary people’s militia units to protect order on the territory of the said regions. …(L)ocal governments there are able to take measures on assistance in use of Russian and other languages in education, mass media organizations, judicial system, and other sectors of public life. …(T)he law envisions provision of state assistance to socioeconomic development of some districts via the introduction of special economic regime for rendering economic and investment activity aimed at restoration of industry, infrastructure, housing stock and creation of new jobs.”

After enactment, Poroshenko said Donbas will remain part of Ukraine. Federalization won’t happen. Ukraine’s territorial integrity won’t be compromised.

He called naked aggression “an anti-terrorist operation. (F)ully compl(ying) with the United Nations Charter and meets Ukraine’s liabilities under international law, including human rights norms, refugee rights and international humanitarian law.”

Threatened “total war” on Russia. (F)ull-scale war” on Donbas. “Better prepared than five months ago,” he said.

Mobilized Ukrainian forces aggressively. Perhaps intending greater than ever mass slaughter and destruction.

Wants hardline rule replacing Donbas democracy. At the same time claiming he wants people. Fascists operate this way.

Self-rule status legislation wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. Poroshenko wants Donbas freedom fighters crushed.

In mid-November, imposed economic blockade conditions on Donetsk and Lugansk. At the same time claiming a possible Russian attack.

Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) leader Igor Plotnitsky called blockading Donbas “an act of genocide designed to impoverish and destroy our people.”

“We are not going to sheer away from our path.” he said. “We are going to live better than Ukraine for which the power of the oligarchs will turn out to be worse and more destructive than any blockade.”

Donetsk People’s Republic (DRP) Vice Chairman Denis Pushilin calling Poroshenko’s decree “another example of the crudest violation of the Minsk protocol.”

Abolishing human rights protections. Imposing economic blockade conditions. Suspending state services. Including for schools, hospitals and emergency needs.

Telling his cabinet “to terminate the activities of state enterprises, institutions and organisations in the various territories where anti-terrorist operations are being conducted.”

Ordering Ukraine’s central bank to suspend operations in Donbas. Freezing individual and company accounts.

Subjecting local power plants to “special procedure(s) for accounting supplies of fuel.” Potentially suspending them altogether for plants unable to pay.

Cutting off heat as winter approaches. A survival issue for many. Putin called Poroshenko’s decree “a big mistake.”

On December 9, Sputnik News reported Washington “working together with Ukraine to broaden US military, financial and economic assistance…”

A previous article discussed Washington arming Ukraine covertly. Supplying heavy weapons and munitions.

Brazenly violating Geneva and Minsk agreements. Stipulating all sides refrain from violence, intimidations and provocations. Mandating an immediate ceasefire.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich warned about supplying weapons and munitions.

Doing so sends “a very serious signal,” he said. In “direct violation of agreements.” Including those achieved in partnership with Washington.

At Geneva and Minsk. UN pledges. Kerry promises to Sergey Lavrov during bilateral meetings.

Washington says one thing. Does another. Rogue states operate this way. Directly aiding Kiev’s naked aggression.

Poroshenko’s declared day of silence is head-fake deception. Sergey Lavrov expressed concern about Kiev operating extrajudicially.

Calling lack of “a constitutional process (a) systematic problem.” Changing things “needs to be done immediately.”

Lavrov urges Council of Europe (CE) involvement. “Russia would like the CE to pay greater attention to extremism and exert more active efforts for the protection of rights of minorities,” he said.

“(W)e believe that the CE should be more actively involved in legal monitoring in Ukraine. A nationwide dialogue on a constitutional reform is needed. (It’s) most pressing for people to stop being killed.”

Lavrov remains cautiously hopeful for peace. At the same time saying “(t)his is not the first time truce was declared.”

In early September, Kiev announced plans for wall construction on Russia’s border. Stretching 2,300 km. Ludicrously claiming to protect against Russian invasion.

Defensive structures including ditches, test-track lanes, vehicle-barrier trenches and optical surveillance towers to detect Russian troop and vehicle movements.

Construction expected to take about four years. Costing an estimated $517 million. For a country effectively bankrupt. Unable to pay bills without financial help.

In late November, Council of Europe Secretary-General Thorbjorn Jagland reacted harshly.

Saying “(t)he wall destroys the fate of people and their families. This is unacceptable. It is necessary to strengthen an idea of ‘Common European Home.’ ”

Federal Agency for the Development of State Border Facilities (Rosgranitsa) head Konstantin Busygin believes Kiev’s wall won’t last long,” saying:

“At a certain point, Germany was divided by a wall. And this one, even if it’s built, it’s all the same temporary. It will be broken sooner or later. Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Secretary-General Nikolai Bordyuzha called Kiev’s wall project “worthless. (A) monument to human stupidity. Russian upper house Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko called Kiev’s “step…a very odious, half-baked, unprofessional, and populist manifestation.” Offensively anti-Russian. “(W)hen borders are being wiped off, when more and more countries sign agreements on visa-free travel, on free movements within the framework of globalization processes, the idea to dig up a pit and to build a wall sounds like savagery for me. (W)e should build bridges rather than build a wall or dig up a pit.”

Millions of Ukrainians work in Russia. During times of peace and stability. Another 800,000 or more fled Southeastern Ukraine for safety.

Fascist putschists govern Ukraine. Washington’s newest colony. Threatening regional peace and stability.

Waging war on their own people. Challenging Russia irresponsibly. Risking direct confrontation. Poroshenko’s threatened “total war.”

Bluster and bravado substituting for good sense, rationality and reason. Rule of law principles mean something.

Rogue states operate extrajudicially. Possible full-scale war looms.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 

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Articles by: Stephen Lendman

About the author:

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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