People Are Crazy and Times Are Strange


The title’s lyrics are from one of Bob Dylan’s greatest songs of social commentary, “Things Have Changed “.

Actually, to this writer the lyrics are about the empire we live under and how it has adversely affected our lives.

Just recently, The American Psychological Association conducted a survey and found that 2/3 of Americans feel stress about the future of our country. Why not? Where shall I begin?

Well, random acts of murder are on the rise, and not just the fake ‘talking points finger pointing’ at so called terrorists. No, too many mass murders are committed by obviously stressed out and emotionally disturbed people from a wide spectrum of demographics. It is easy to pin the blame on foreign terrorist groups for the craziness of domestic killers. Maybe if more of our national treasure was spent on psychological therapy and not on warrior therapy….

People are crazy and times are strange

I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range

I used to care, but things have changed

This place ain’t doing me any good!

We have the ‘masters of the empire’ who control the corporations, the Pentagon, the mainstream media and of course our phony 2-Party/One-Party political system. They mesmerize most of the public into thinking that it is OK to become mega rich… after all the mega rich all worked hard for it (sic), and used ingenuity and creativity with long hours to succeed (sic). They sell you the doctrine of the ‘Free Market’ and the allure of ‘Flipping houses’ and ‘Rental property’ as a means of financial success. They pin white working stiffs against black and Latino working stiffs… with ALL against the ‘sleeper cell jihadists’ who also live here. They give you a Donald Trump to demagogue and phony populist away the phony and warmongering Mrs. Clinton.

Some things are too hot to touch

The human mind can only stand so much

You can’t win with a losing hand

The masters of empire create and handle every president that they allow to win office. They give you the Chinese restaurant choice of column A) the predatory Republican Party and column B) the ‘I feel your pain’ hypocritical Democrats. Column A will go backwards faster to a feudal America with ‘dog eat dog’ economic and racial polarization. Column B will suck up to the corporations while saying they don’t. And of course both sides of the empire’s menu will give away our federal revenues to the War economy in the name of ‘defense of the realm or homeland’. They all thank our soldiers for their ‘service to our country’ when in reality they do NOT serve you and me, but the War Empire.

Standing on the gallows with my head in a noose

Any minute now I’m expecting all hell to break loose

People are crazy and times are strange

I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range

I used to care, but things have changed

This place ain’t doing me any good!

When the mass of we working stiffs finally reject the political system, turn off our boob tubes from the mainstream phony news and commentary, stand tall to pull back this military empire and say ” Enough is enough” with peaceful street corner protests and viable economic boycotts ….

This article was originally published by OpEdNews.

Featured image is from the author.

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Articles by: Philip A Farruggio

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