Pathetic: New York Times “Twisted Fairy Tale”: Ukraine Bombed the Nord Stream Pipeline


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The New York Times is so pathetic.

US President Biden is in deep sh*t because of Seymour Hersh’s detailed revelation of how Joe Biden ordered the bombing of the Nord Stream, how it was done, and who did it.

In order to save face for the boss Joe Biden who runs the party behind the New York Times, the NYT suddenly brings up a big lie that “Ukraine” bombed the Nord Stream.

And the New York Times wants the public to believe that the US “just found out” about this today.

WASHINGTON — New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukrainian group carried out the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last year, a step toward determining responsibility for an act of sabotage that has confounded investigators on both sides of the Atlantic for months.

U.S. officials said that they had no evidence President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine or his top lieutenants were involved in the operation, or that the perpetrators were acting at the direction of any Ukrainian government officials.

The brazen attack on the natural gas pipelines, which link Russia to Western Europe, fueled public speculation about who was to blame, from Moscow to Kyiv and London to Washington, and it has remained one of the most consequential unsolved mysteries of Russia’s year-old war in Ukraine.

The New York Times’ fake story has not even a sketchy content, no details, no description how Ukraine should have managed this, and got away with it. Or who participated. No nothing.

Oops, The story was picked up by Reuters (Where are the Reuters Fact-checkers?)

WASHINGTON, March 7 (Reuters) – (This March 7 story has been corrected to clarify that German media reported that the alleged perpetrators of the attacks used a yacht hired by a Poland-based company, in paragraph 16)

New intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials suggests that a pro-Ukraine group – likely comprised of Ukrainians or Russians – attacked the Nord Stream gas pipelines in September, but there are no firm conclusions, the New York Times reported on Tuesday.

It was picked up by major TV News Channels.

This is so gross – only stupid people will believe the New York Times and its twisted fairy tale story about “Ukraine done it”.

With help from the US deep-state including its organs like CIA and the FBI, the New York Times has managed to conjure a reputation for “accuracy” – and the New York Times is now callously abusing that false reputation in its Democrat political project for power.

Western “media freedom” is a US lie made to create a global “truth” monopoly.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Articles by: Karsten Riise

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