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Today Julian Assange walked out of the Federal Court Building in Saipan, North Marianas Islands, a free man. He pleaded guilty to one count of breaching the US Espionage Act.

With the court accepting his 62 months already spent in Belmarsh Prison as a sufficient sentence, he has no more case to answer, and no more sentence to serve.

However, this case leaves behind it a trail of unanswered legal questions and unresolved controversies. In particular, there are questions of fundamental human rights that can only now be addressed in future cases, if ever.

Julian Assange’s Path to Freedom

Since founding WikiLeaks 18 years ago, Julian Assange has endured legal wranglings, arrest warrants, political asylum, incarceration and the threat of extradition to the US. Here’s a timeline of the major events.

Chart: The Conversation

Can Freedom of Speech Concerns Stop Extradition?

Once Assange had formally pleaded guilty, the US government’s lawyers announced they would immediately withdraw the request to extradite Assange from the UK.

That means the appeal that would have been heard later this year will not go ahead.

To recap, in May the UK High Court gave Assange the right to appeal the UK Home Secretary’s order for his extradition. This was granted on two grounds, both related to free speech.

The first ground of appeal accepted by the court was that extradition would be incompatible with Assange’s right to freedom of expression, as guaranteed in the European Convention on Human Rights.

The second ground, related to the first, is that he would be discriminated against on the basis of his nationality because he could, as a non-citizen of the US, be unable to rely on First Amendment freedom of speech rights.

But as this appeal is no longer proceeding, the issue of whether a threat to the accused’s freedom of expression can stop extradition will therefore not be argued or decided. The European Court of Human Rights and other human rights bodies have never addressed this point. It’s unlikely to arise again soon.

An Espionage Precedent?

Also on freedom of expression, the relationship between the US Espionage Act and the First Amendment of the US Constitution remains an open question.

In today’s pleadings, Assange and the US government took different views on whether the exercise of freedom of expression should constitute an exception to the offences under the Espionage Act. Nonetheless, Assange accepted that no existing US case law established such an exception.

This leads to the question of whether today’s guilty plea establishes a precedent for prosecuting journalists for espionage.

In the strict legal meaning of precedent in common law, which refers to a binding judicial interpretation, it does not.

The judge made no determination on whether Assange or the US government was legally correct. However, the US government can now point to this case as an example of securing a conviction against a journalist under the Espionage Act.

The question of how much a non-national of the US can rely on the First Amendment likewise continues to be on the table. This issue would also have been addressed in the extradition appeal, as a question of whether Assange would be discriminated against on the basis of his nationality.

Detention or Confinement?

Finally, today’s hearing revived the question of whether the time Assange spent in the Ecuadorian embassy between 2012 and 2019 counts as detention.

As the judge moved to determine whether the sentence of “time served” was a sufficient penalty for his offence, the US government insisted the judge could only consider the 62 months in Belmarsh.

Assange’s lawyers argued he had been detained for 14 years, including the period claiming asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy. In 2016, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention found Assange was arbitrarily detained in the embassy, largely because of the disproportionate length of time between his initial arrest and the date of the working group’s opinion, over five years.

The UK and Sweden both rejected the working group’s findings, which they do not regard as binding. Furthermore, the findings went beyond the established case law on arbitrary detention, which usually focus on issues of legality and fair process rather than duration. Only the dissenting member of the Working Group analysed the impact of Assange’s voluntary conduct on the length of his stay in the embassy.

In today’s hearing, the judge referred to Assange’s “14-year ordeal” but accepted the time in Belmarsh alone was sufficient penalty. The judge considered this period, just over five years, comparable to the seven years served by Chelsea Manning, who had provided the documents to Assange.

It is also worth noting that Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles, speaking on ABC Radio National, described Assange as “confined” in the Ecuadorian embassy, avoiding the legally significant term “detained”.

The legal status of Assange’s period in the embassy therefore remains ambiguous, despite the UN Working Group’s 2016 findings.

Today, the main story is that Assange no longer faces prosecution for espionage and is now free to return to his family. However, some of the legal issues emerging from this case remain tantalisingly unresolved.


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 is Adjunct Professor in Law, The University of Western Australia.

Brain Damage Caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

June 26th, 2024 by Dr. William Makis

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Study #1: (2024 May 28, Jee Hoon Roh et al) 

Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano Alarmed at Explosive Dementia Surge Amongst COVID Vaccinated Individuals: Massive Study of ~600,000 Reveals

In a recent episode of Masako Ganaha’s Channel posted on June 16th, 2024, Professor Dr. Hiroto Komano, a renowned neuroscientist and professor in the Department of Neuroscience at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Iwate Medical University, shared his serious concerns about the link between COVID-19 vaccination and a increase in dementia cases.

Dr. Komano has an impressive academic pedigree. After graduating from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Tokyo, he served as an assistant at the university and held research positions at Stanford University and the University of Michigan Medical School in the United States. He also served as a laboratory director at the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology in April 2007. His primary research focuses on understanding the molecules involved in the onset and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

During the interview, Dr. Komano talked about a study from South Korea, recently published in the International Journal of Medicine by Roh et al. on May 28, 2024.

This study looked at health data of 519,330 people who got two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. and they compared these vaccinated individuals to about 38,687 people who didn’t get the vaccine.

Dr. Komano highlighted several troubling findings:

Firstly, it showed that the incidence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), an early stage of dementia, more than doubled among vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated (+140% increase).

Furthermore, within three months post-vaccination, the number of vaccinated people who developed dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, increased by 23% compared to unvaccinated.

He emphasized the concerning rise in dementia cases, stating, “An increase in dementia would be disastrous. The elderly who survive but are left with a higher risk of developing dementia.” Currently, “one in five people over the age of 65 already have dementia.” The situation could worsen dramatically, with Dr. Kamano cautioning, “This means it could become two in five people.” If vaccination continues unchecked, the number of dementia cases will only rise, posing a significant public health challenge.

In addition to the findings on the potential link between COVID-19 vaccination and dementia, Dr. Komano expressed grave concerns about the broader implications of administering such vaccines. He warned, “Administering this vaccine, whether it’s a COVID-19 vaccine or a replicon vaccine, leads to weakened immune systems due to the induction of IgG4, and people die from other diseases.” Dr. Komano also highlighted the potential detrimental effects on children and birth rates.

Criticizing the experimental nature of the COVID-19 vaccine, Dr. Komano expressed his belief that the risks associated with the vaccine are considerable. He warned that dementia cases are likely to increase significantly if vaccination continues, especially among the elderly. Dr. Komano stressed the importance of further research to understand the long-term effects of the vaccine on cognitive health.

Dr. Komano also highlighted the critical need to investigate the issue of vaccine/spike protein shedding, expressing profound disbelief at the current situation: “None of this has been properly studied, and yet they are developing the next replicon (mRNA) vaccine. It’s unbelievable that they’re also developing other vaccines with messenger RNA.

Joining the discussion, eminent molecular biologist Dr. Hiroshi Arakawahighlighted the systemic issues in the research community. He pointed out that for many researchers, the focus is on securing funding and career advancement, which often means avoiding topics that don’t attract monetary support or lead to high-profile publications.

He noted, “Moreover, making such announcements can get researchers reprimanded by their institutions,” drawing parallels to a recent incident in the Netherlands where the Princess Maxima Centre attempted to censor and reprimand the lead author of a BMJ article that urged governments to explore potential mRNA gene therapy harms.


Study #2: (2024 June 4, Hong Jin Kim et al)

This study is aimed to investigate the psychiatric AEs after COVID-19 vaccination from a large population-based cohort in Seoul, South Korea.

We recruited 50% of the Seoul-resident population randomly selected from the Korean National Health Insurance Service (KNHIS) claims database.

A total of 4,348,412 individuals living in Seoul, South Korea, constituting 50% of the population, were included and investigated

The cumulative incidences per 10,000 of psychiatric AEs were assessed on one week, two weeks, one month, and three months after COVID-19 vaccination.


Cumulative incidence of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, sleep disorders, and sexual disorders at three months following COVID-19 vaccination were higher in the vaccination group than no vaccination group.

  • Depression +68%
  • Anxiety, dissociative, stress, somatoform +44%
  • sleep disorders +93%

Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders showed lower cumulative incidence in the vaccination group than in the non-vaccinated group.

Fig. 2


Study #3: (2024 Apr. 11, Lazareva et al) 

Our systematic review aimed to examine cases of new-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination.

We conducted a systematic review of case reports and case series on new-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination from December 1st, 2019, to November 21st, 2023

A total of 21 articles described 24 cases of new-onset psychotic symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination

54% were female, mean age 34 years, mean onset time was 6 days.

Duration of psychotic symptoms ranged between 1 and 2 months with a mean of 52.48 days.

Blood test abnormalities were noted in 50% of cases, mainly mild to moderate leukocytosis and elevated C-reactive protein (sign of inflammation).

Magnetic resonance imaging results were abnormal in 20.8%.

Overall 50% of patients achieved full recovery (50% didn’t).

CONCLUSION: “Data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, and viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis within 7 days post-vaccination.”

“Collecting data on vaccine-related psychiatric effects is crucial for prevention, and an algorithm for monitoring and treating mental health reactions post-vaccination is necessary.”


My Take…

Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cross the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).

We are now starting to get solid evidence of BRAIN DAMAGE caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

To Summarize, if you get COVID-19 Vaccinated:

  • at 3 months: +140% had mild cognitive impairment
  • at 3 months: +23% had Alzheimers Dementia
  • at 3 months: +68% had Depression
  • at 3 months: +44% had Anxiety, dissociative, stress, somatoform disorders
  • at 3 months: +93% sleep disorders
  • within 7 days: increased risk of psychosis, highest risk age 34, with only 50% chance of recovery

These are massive studies and the evidence of BRAIN DAMAGE is undeniable.

Have you noticed: two studies from South Korea and one from Latvia, where doctors can still be doctors, apparently.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.   

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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George Orwell was spot on when he wrote that “who controls the past controls the future.” The remarkable advances of Artificial Intelligence technology appear to bear him out. But they confirm also the correctness of the rest of his prescient remark, which is cited less often, that “who controls the present controls the past.” That also seems confirmed, as we shall see presently.

Artificial intelligence has rightfully become the subject of great controversy, even though it is still early to fully assess its impact. Yet with each passing day the problematic, and some would even say nefarious, aspects of its uses are becoming increasingly evident.

One of the chief concerns regarding Artificial Intelligence is its pretension to supersede and consign to a state of permanent subservience its human counterpart. Another is the danger it poses to workmen. Their jobs will become largely obsolete and incomes will diminish or disappear once employers discover that the operations human workers were performing for a salary can be done at minimum or no expense by the entity we are becoming accustomed to call Artificial Intelligence, or AI.

Clearly, the uncontrolled spread of AI is taking humanity to uncharted waters.

A bizarre illustration is the recent candidacy of an AI entity for mayor of Cheyenne in the US state of Wyoming. Good luck to the good and supposedly conservative people of Cheyenne if they do not have a qualified human candidate amongst them to vote for.

This is just one of the levels where common sense should dictate extreme caution before uncritically engaging some of the potential AI applications. There is however another and more ominous application that is proliferating on the internet. Unlike the previous example, it is not in the least entertaining but should cause alarm and intense unease.

That is the emergence of “deep fakes,” masterful distortions of reality so convincingly executed that even the most advanced forensic tools, let alone the unaided human faculties, would find it nearly impossible to detect the deception.

Within the genus of what has come to be known as deep fakes a specific and sinister class has emerged that is saturating the internet. It does not aim to inflict the usual annoyances such as altering an individual’s appearance, making him do or say things that in real life he never would, or depicting him credibly in a compromising situation for the purpose of discreditation. Instead of generating banal personal fakes, it does something that causes incomparably more harm. It deliberately falsifies the historical record by erasing the distinction between fact and fiction, truth and falsehood. It misleads the uninformed and the gullible by manufacturing events that theoretically could have, but never did happen.

The phony “October 1963” CBS news report about the supposed outbreak of the German civil war is a case in point. Everything about it is impressively realistic but it is false history, a fabrication cut from whole cloth. The underlying message of the “news broadcast” read by legendary CBS announcer Walter Cronkite is that Germany was not defeated in World War II but achieved its major war aims, including control of Europe, substantial conquests in the East, and the restoration of its African colonies. According to this false scenario in World War II it is Russia that was defeated and compelled to withdraw to the east, perhaps to the other side of the Urals since Moscow is mentioned as a district under German rule. After Hitler’s death, presumably of natural causes, a power struggle ensues amongst his lieutenants. The “victorious” Germany is portrayed as a robust nuclear power that even the United States fears to antagonise.

Adding an intriguingly realistic touch to this fabricated scenario, as the leader of Germany Hitler dies in the early 1960s, at roughly the time that he should have died in exile in South America if one of the versions of his escape were to be believed. For the historically challenged, further details about the fictitious 1964 German civil war are provided here.

This writer recalls CBS news broadcasts from the 1960s when Walter Cronkite was at the height of his influence as the “most trusted journalist” in America. In addition to having a solid knowledge of contemporary history, I also recall Cronkite’s appearance and delivery style, as well as the distinct timbre of his voice. In all those respects, this fake video clip is unnervingly realistic. The flaws it and others similar to it might still have will be successfully resolved by further improvements in Artificial Intelligence technology.

But how many 20 year-olds today with a degraded education would be able to recognise the fake, based on their knowledge of historical facts? Or even adults, for that matter? In viewer comments, there are quite a few who admit being impressed by the fake “newscast” and who even claim to remember having watched it when supposedly many decades ago it was originally emitted. But all that is, of course, complete nonsense. It is groupthink false memory. Mass formation is what Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet calls it.  They could not possibly have watched this in the 1960s. The events that Artificial Intelligence makes Cronkite appear to announce never actually took place and he in fact never reported them.

Expanding on the themes established in the previous fake report, the false Cronkite generated by AI reports in another phony “newscast” that defeated Russian forces have rallied back under the leadership of a fictional general and are invading German held territory. Film footage shows the resurgent Russian army of the sinister-sounding “National Reclamation Government,” equipped with nuclear weapons, attempting to occupy territories to the West claimed by Russia. A Russia laid low but regaining its former strength under a revanchist new government and reclaiming its assets to the west – could this be a predictive programming allusion to some current events?

In this instance also the ridiculousness of this fictitious scenario was not immediately recognised by all the viewers. Apparently it again jarred some false memories. A viewer wrote: “I remember where I was when this happened. It was right before I graduated from high school. It was a scary time. Glad it’s over.”

But this is rubbish of course. He could not have remembered it because it never happened.

Germany and Russia are by no means the sole subjects of this rampant fakery. The reach of maliciously recomposed history is sweeping and it ruthlessly distorts and falsifies everything in its path. Here Field Marshal Montgomery is poignantly announcing the surrender of the Allied Powers to the Axis at the end of World War II, President Reagan is dissolving the United States, and even the Italo-Turkish war is featured in these historical travesties.

To dismiss such realistic falsifications of the historical record as harmless entertainment would be a grave mistake. It is an attack on the integrity of the human mind. This brutal recomposition of the past serves to reconfigure the awareness and to reorient the perceptions of those living in the present.

The ranks of the older generation, who might be capable of detecting these falsehoods either from direct experience or with the help of the solid education that they were fortunate to receive, are thinning rapidly. Traditional mechanisms of cultural transmission to the successor generation are effectively blocked. Few resources are at hand today to counterbalance the vacuity and intellectual impotence of the manipulable progeny, raised purposefully to be uneducated, ignorant, and dangerously vulnerable to this or any other rubbish to which they happen to be exposed.

Would any of these pathetically lost young people, whose natural milieu are not books but video games and iPhones, ever manage to marshal the necessary facts and arguments to detect and counter the lies, including history crudely rewritten, that the unseen masters of Artificial Intelligence have decided to distract and enslave them with?


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image is from Wikimedia Commons

Rethinking Srebrenica eBook : Karganovic, Stephen, Simic, Ljubisa: BooksRethinking Srebrenica

By Stephen Karganovic

Rethinking Srebrenica examines the forensic evidence of the alleged Srebrenica “massacre” possessed by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague. Even though the ICTY created more than 3,500 autopsy reports, many of these autopsy reports were based on bone fragments, which do not represent complete bodies. An examination of the matching femur bones found reveals that there were only about 1,900 complete bodies that were exhumed. Of these, some 1,500 autopsy reports indicated a cause of death consistent with battlefield casualties. Only about 400 autopsy reports indicated execution as a cause of death, as revealed by ligatures and blindfolds. This forensic evidence does not warrant the conclusion of a genocide having taken place.

Karganovic examines the events that took place in Srebrenica in July 1995 in a wholistic manner instead of restricting it to a three-day event. The ten chapters cover:

1) Srebrenica: A Critical Overview;

2) Demilitarization of the UN Safe Zone of Srebrenica;

3) Genocide or Blowback?;

4) General Presentation and Interpretation of Srebrenica Forensic Data (Pattern of Injury Breakdown);

5) An Analysis of the Srebrenica Forensic Reports Prepared by the ICTY Prosecution Experts;

6) An Analysis of Muslim Column Losses Attributable to Minefields, Combat Activity, and Other Causes;

7) The Genocide Issue: Was there a Demonstrable Intent to Exterminate All Muslims?;

8) ICTY Radio Intercept Evidence;

9) The Balance Sheet; and

10) Srebrenica: Uses of the Narrative.

  • ASIN:‎ B0992RRJRK
  • Publisher: ‎Unwritten History, Inc.; 2 edition (July 8 2021)
  • Language: ‎English

Click here to purchase.

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“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”—George Orwell

No matter what carefully crafted sound bites and political spin get trotted out by Joe Biden and Donald Trump in advance of the 2024 presidential election, you can rest assured that none of the problems that continue to undermine our freedoms will be addressed in any credible, helpful way by either candidate, despite the dire state of our nation.

Certainly not if doing so might jeopardize their standing with the unions, corporations or the moneyed elite bankrolling their campaigns.

Indeed, the 2024 elections will not do much to alter our present course towards a police state.

Nor will the popularity contest for the new occupant of the White House significantly alter the day-to-day life of the average American greatly at all. Those life-changing decisions are made elsewhere, by nameless, unelected government officials who have turned bureaucracy into a full-time and profitable business.

In the interest of liberty and truth, here are a few uncomfortable truths about life in the American police state that we will not be hearing from either of the two leading presidential candidates.

1. The government is not our friend. Nor does it work for “we the people.” Our so-called government representatives do not actually represent us, the citizenry. We are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and corporate interests whose main interest is in perpetuating power and control.

2. By gradually whittling away at our freedoms—free speech, assembly, due process, privacy, etc.—the government has, in effect, liberated itself from its contractual agreement to respect our constitutional rights while resetting the calendar back to a time when we had no Bill of Rights to protect us from the long arm of the government.

3. Republicans and Democrats like to act as if there’s a huge difference between them and their policies. However, they are not sworn enemies so much as they are partners in crime, united in a common goal, which is to maintain the status quo.

4. Presidential elections merely serve to maintain the status quo. Once elected president, that person becomes part of the dictatorial continuum that is the American imperial presidency today.

5. The U.S. government is spending money it doesn’t have on foreign aid programs it can’t afford, all the while the national debt continues to grow, our domestic infrastructure continues to deteriorate, and our borders continue to be breached. What is going on? It’s obvious that a corporatized, militarized, entrenched global bureaucracy is running the country.

6. Forty years past the time that George Orwell envisioned the stomping boot of Big Brother, the police state is about to pass off the baton to the surveillance state. 1984 has become an operation manual for the omnipresent, modern-day surveillance state. For all intents and purposes, we now have a fourth branch of government. This fourth branch came into being without any electoral mandate or constitutional referendum, and yet it possesses superpowers, above and beyond those of any other government agency save the military. It is all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful. It operates beyond the reach of the president, Congress and the courts, and it marches in lockstep with the corporate elite who really call the shots in Washington, DC. The government’s “technotyranny” surveillance apparatus has become so entrenched and entangled with its police state apparatus that it’s hard to know anymore where law enforcement ends and surveillance begins. They have become one and the same entity.

7. When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals. In the current governmental climate, obeying one’s conscience and speaking truth to the power of the police state can easily render you an “enemy of the state.” The government’s list of so-called “enemies of the state” is growing by the day. What we are dealing with is a government so power-hungry, paranoid and afraid of losing its stranglehold on power that it is conspiring to wage war on anyone who dares to challenge its authority.

8. If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it. Americans only think they’re choosing the next president. In truth, however, they’re engaging in the illusion of participation culminating in the reassurance ritual of voting. It’s just another manufactured illusion conjured up in order to keep the populace compliant and convinced that their vote counts and that they still have some influence over the political process.

9. More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than gun violence and organized crime, the U.S. government has become a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.

10. The government knows exactly which buttons to push in order to manipulate the populace and gain the public’s cooperation and compliance. This draconian exercise in how to divide, conquer and subdue a nation is succeeding. This is how you use the politics of fear to persuade a freedom-endowed people to shackle themselves to a dictatorship.

11. The government long ago sold us out to the highest bidder. The highest bidder, by the way, has always been the Deep State. America’s shadow government—which is comprised of unelected government bureaucrats, corporations, contractors, paper-pushers, and button-pushers who are actually calling the shots behind the scenes right now and operates beyond the reach of the Constitution with no real accountability to the citizenry—is the real reason why “we the people” have no control over our government.

12. Every U.S. citizen is now guilty until proven innocent.

13. “We the people” are no longer shielded by the rule of law. While the First Amendment—which gives us a voice—is being muzzled, the Fourth Amendment—which protects us from being bullied, badgered, beaten, broken and spied on by government agents—is being disemboweled.

14. Privacy, as we have known it, is dead. Every second of every day, the American people are being spied on by the U.S. government’s vast network of digital Peeping Toms, electronic eavesdroppers and robotic snoops. Government eyes are watching you. They see your every move: what you read, how much you spend, where you go, with whom you interact, when you wake up in the morning, what you’re watching on television and reading on the internet. Every move you make is being monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to form a picture of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line. Beware of what you say, what you read, what you write, where you go, and with whom you communicate, because it will all be recorded, stored and used against you eventually, at a time and place of the government’s choosing.

15. Private property means nothing if the government can take your home, car or money under the flimsiest of pretexts, whether it be asset forfeiture schemes, eminent domain or overdue property taxes. Likewise, private property means little at a time when SWAT teams and other government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, wound or kill you, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family.

16. If there is an absolute maxim by which the federal government seems to operate, it is that the American taxpayer always gets ripped off. The government’s schemes to swindle, cheat, scam, and generally defraud taxpayers of their hard-earned dollars have run the gamut from wasteful pork barrel legislation, cronyism and graft to asset forfeiture, costly stimulus packages, and a national security complex that continues to undermine our freedoms while failing to making us any safer. Americans have also been made to pay through the nose for the government’s endless wars, subsidization of foreign nations, military empire, welfare state, roads to nowhere, bloated workforce, secret agencies, fusion centers, private prisons, biometric databases, invasive technologies, arsenal of weapons, and every other budgetary line item that is contributing to the fast-growing wealth of the corporate elite at the expense of those who are barely making ends meet—that is, we the taxpayers.

17. From the moment they are born to the time they legally come of age, young people are now wards of the state. Parents no longer have the final say over what their kids are taught, how they are disciplined, or what kinds of medical care they need.

18. All you need to do in order to be flagged as a suspicious character, labeled an enemy of the state and locked up like a dangerous criminal is use certain trigger words, surf the internet, communicate using a cell phone, drive a car, stay at a hotel, purchase materials at a hardware store, take flying or boating lessons, appear suspicious, question government authority, or generally live in the United States.

19. The government is pushing us ever closer to a constitutional crisis.

20. Our freedoms—especially the Fourth Amendment—continue to be choked out by a prevailing view among government bureaucrats that they have the right to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation. Forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, and forced inclusion in biometric databases are just a few ways in which Americans continue to be reminded that we have no control over what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials.

These are not problems that can be glibly dismissed with a few well-chosen words, as most politicians are inclined to do.

No matter which candidate wins this election, the citizenry and those who represent us need to own up to the fact that there can be no police state—no tyranny—no routine violations of our rights without our complicity and collusion—without our turning a blind eye, shrugging our shoulders, allowing ourselves to be distracted and our civic awareness diluted.

Likewise, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, these problems will continue to plague our nation unless and until Americans wake up to the fact that we’re the only ones who can change things for the better and then do something about it. After all, the Constitution opens with those three vital words, “We the people.”

There is no government without us—our sheer numbers, our muscle, our economy, our physical presence in this land.

We are the government.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Selected Articles: Israel and Hezbollah on the Brink of War

June 26th, 2024 by Global Research News

Israel and Hezbollah on the Brink of War

By Steven Sahiounie, June 25, 2024

The Middle East is sitting on a powder keg, and every minute that passes brings heightened tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. Canada, the U.S., Great Britain and Kuwait have all warned its citizens in Lebanon to evacuate.

The Release of Julian Assange: Plea Deals and Dark Legacies

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 26, 2024

The plea deal makes a mockery of arguments and effusive declarations that the arrangement is somehow a victory for press freedom.  It suggests the opposite: that anyone publishing US national security information by a leaker or whistleblower is imperilled. 

War on Gaza: Hunger ‘Worse Than Bombings’ for Starving Palestinians

By Lubna Masarwa and Rayhan Uddin, June 26, 2024

The UN’s hunger monitoring system, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), released another report on Tuesday showing that a “high risk of famine persists across the whole Gaza Strip”.

How Will Russia Respond to NATO Sponsored Terror Attacks? The Attack Against Sevastopol, Crimea

By Drago Bosnic, June 25, 2024

The attack was closely coordinated with NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets, including those flying over the Black Sea. At least four civilians, including two children, were killed, with another 150+ people reporting injuries.

BlackRock — No Compromise with Evil. Allied to Israel’s Weapons Industry

By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 25, 2024

BlackRock has extensive investments in companies closely allied to Israel’s arms industry. It has a 7.4% stake in Lockheed Martin, a defence contractor that has played a critical role in arming the Israeli military. This is why Lockheed has been accused of complicity in the barbaric genocide in Gaza which is now in its eighth month.

American Pravda: JFK, LBJ, and Our Great National Shame. Ron Unz

By Ron Unz, June 25, 2024

Although America has had many conspiratorial controversies over the last one hundred years, I think that the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy has received more attention than any other.

Kenyan Police Under Scrutiny After Crackdown on Demonstrations Opposing Tax Hikes

By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 24, 2024

Police in Nairobi utilized water cannons and live ammunition to disperse peaceful activists concerned about the impact of the government’s policies on their current livelihoods and futures.

The Release of Julian Assange: Plea Deals and Dark Legacies

June 26th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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One of the longest sagas of political persecution is coming to its terminus.  That is, if you believe in final chapters.  Nothing about the fate of Julian Assange seems determinative.  His accusers and inquisitors will draw some delight at the plea deal reached between the WikiLeaks founder’s legal team and the US Department of Justice.  Others, such as former US Vice President, Mike Pence, thought it unjustifiably lenient.

Alleged to have committed 18 offences, 17 novelly linked to the odious Espionage Act, the June 2020 superseding indictment against Assange was a frontal assault on the freedoms of publishing and discussing classified government information.  At this writing, Assange has arrived in Saipan, located in the US commonwealth territory of Northern Mariana Islands in the Western Pacific, to face a fresh indictment.  It was one of Assange’s conditions that he would not present himself in any court in the United States proper, where, with understandable suspicion, he might legally vanish.

As correspondence between the US Department of Justice and US District Court Chief Judge Ramona V. Manglona reveals, the “proximity of this federal US District Court to the defendant’s country of citizenship, Australia, to which we expect he will return at the conclusion of proceedings” was also a factor.

Before the US District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, he will plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information under the Espionage Act of 1917, or section 793(g) (Title 18, USC).  The felony carries a fine up to $10,000 and/or up to 10 years in prison, though Assange’s time in Belmarsh Prison, spent on remand for some 62 months, will meet the bar.

The felony charge sheet alleges that Assange knowingly and unlawfully conspired with US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, then based at Operating Base Hammer in Iraq, to receive and obtain documents, writings and notes, including those of a secret nature, relating to national defence, wilfully communicated those documents from persons with lawful possession of or access to them to those not entitled to receive them, and do the same from persons unauthorised to possess such documents.

Before turning to the grave implications of this single count and the plea deal, supporters of Assange, including his immediate family, associates and those who had worked with him and drunk from the same well of publishing, had every reason to feel a surreal sense of intoxication.  WikiLeaks announced Assange’s departure from London’s Belmarsh Prison on the morning of June 24 after a 1,901 day stint, his grant of bail by the High Court in London, and his release at Stansted Airport.  Wife Stella regularly updated followers about the course of flight VJ199.  In coverage posted of his arrival at the federal court house in Saipan, she pondered “how overloaded his senses must be, walking through the press scrum after years of sensory depravation and the four walls” of his Belmarsh cell.

As for the plea deal itself, it is hard to fault it from the emotional and personal perspective of Assange and his family.  He was ailing and being subjected to a slow execution by judicial process.  It was also the one hook upon which the DOJ, and the Biden administration, might move on.  This being an election year in the US, the last thing President Biden wanted was a haunting reminder of this nasty saga of political persecution hovering over freedom land’s virtues.

There was another, rather more sordid angle, and one that the DOJ had to have kept in mind in thinning the charge sheet: a proper Assange trial would have seen the murderous fantasies of the CIA regarding the publisher subject to scrutiny.  These included various possible measures: abduction, rendition, even assassination, points thoroughly explored in a Yahoo News contribution in September 2021.

One of the authors of the piece, Zach Dorfman, posted a salient reminder as news of the plea deal filtered through that many officials during the Trump administration, even harsh critics of Assange, “thought [CIA Director Mike] Pompeo’s extraordinary rendition plots foolhardy in the extreme, and probably illegal.  They also – critically – thought it might harm Assange’s prosecution.”  Were Pompeo’s stratagems to come to light, “it would make the discovery process nightmarish for the prosecution, should Assange ever see trial.”

From the perspective of publishers, journalists and scribblers keen to keep the powerful accountable, the plea must be seen as enormously troubling. It ultimately goes to the brutal exercise of US extraterritorial power against any publisher, irrespective of outlet and irrespective of nationality.  While the legal freight and prosecutorial heaviness of the charges was reduced dramatically (62 months seems sweetly less imposing than 175 years), the measure extracts a pound of flesh from the fourth estate.  It signals that the United States can and will seek out those who obtain and publish national security information that they would rather keep under wraps under spurious notions of “harm”.

Assange’s conviction also shores up the crude narrative adopted from the moment WikiLeaks began publishing US national security and diplomatic files: such activities could not be seen as journalistic, despite their role in informing press commentary or exposing the venal side of power through leaks.

From the lead prosecuting attorney Gordon Kromberg to such British judges as Vanessa Baraitser; from the national security commentariat lodged in the media stable to any number of politicians, including the late California Democrat Dianne Feinstein to the current President Joe Biden, Assange was not of the fourth estate and deserved his mobbing.  He gave the game away.  He pilfered and stole the secrets of empire.

To that end, the plea deal makes a mockery of arguments and effusive declarations that the arrangement is somehow a victory for press freedom.  It suggests the opposite: that anyone publishing US national security information by a leaker or whistleblower is imperilled.  While the point was never tested in court, non-US publishers may be unable to avail themselves of the free speech protections of the First Amendment.  The Espionage Act, for the first time in history, has been given a global, tentacular reach, made a weapon against publishers outside the United States, paving the way for future prosecutions.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Featured image: STOP THIS – by Mr. Fish

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A high risk of famine persists across the Gaza Strip as almost the entire population faces high levels of acute food insecurity or worse, including half a million suffering starvation, according to a global hunger monitor. 

The report by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) published on Tuesday found that over 20 percent of Gaza’s 2.2 million population households go entire days and nights without eating, amid the eight-month Israeli war and siege on Gaza. 

More than half of Palestinian households have exchanged their clothes for money to buy food, while a third have had to pick up trash to sell, the UN-backed report added. 

In March, the IPC warned that famine was imminent in Gaza, projecting it could happen by the end of May. 

The report piled pressure on Israel, which had for months imposed a tight siege on the Palestinian enclave blocking the delivery of basic life-saving food and medical items. 

Independent UN investigators say Israel used starvation of the Palestinian population as a weapon of war as part of a policy that amounts to collective punishment of civilians. 

Amid international outrage, Israeli authorities “slightly” improved food access in some areas, alleviating the threat of imminent famine projected in March, according to the IPC. 

However, the situation has deteriorated in recent weeks with residents saying severe Israeli restrictions are back, escalating the starvation crisis again. 

Israel’s ground invasion of Rafah, in southern Gaza, including its seizure of the Rafah crossing, has choked off the few routes into the enclave for humanitarian aid lorries. 

The IPC said the improvements observed after the March report should not “allow room for complacency” about the risk of famine potentially occurring in the coming weeks and months.

“The situation in Gaza remains catastrophic and there is a high and sustained risk of famine across the whole Gaza Strip,” the report said. 

It added that the “humanitarian space in the Gaza Strip continues to shrink and the ability to safely deliver assistance to populations is dwindling,” warning that the “recent trajectory is negative and highly unstable”. 

‘Extreme Lack of Food’

The IPC does not gather data, but relies on humanitarian partners on the ground to produce information regarding food security, nutrition, mortality and calorie intake. It then analyses that data.

According to the latest projections, the IPC report said 96 percent of Gaza’s population face at least high levels of acute food insecurity through September. 

Of those, more than 495,000 face “an extreme lack of food, starvation, and exhaustion of coping capacities”.

In addition to widespread Israeli destruction of homes, markets and civilian infrastructure, nearly 60 percent of Gaza’s agricultural land has been destroyed or severely damaged, which has significantly impacted the food system, according to IPC. 

The risk of disease outbreaks is increased by the “concentration of displaced populations into areas with significantly reduced water, sanitation, hygiene (WASH), health and other essential infrastructure,” it added. 

Nearly 70 percent of hygiene facilities across Gaza were damaged or destroyed by the end of May. 

According to the report, Gaza’s health systems also face complete collapse in the coming months, increasing the “likelihood of an epidemic outbreak” and the possibility of a “catastrophe of unprecedented magnitude compared to the suffering already witnessed in Gaza since October”. 

The IPC considers sustained hostilities and displacement, as well as restricted humanitarian access over the past months, to be key drivers of the situation.

“Only the cessation of hostilities in conjunction with sustained humanitarian access can reduce the risk of a famine.”

In a response to the report, chief executive of Oxfam UK, Halima Begum, said: “The slight improvement of conditions in the north of Gaza shows that Israel can end human suffering when it chooses – but just as quickly those gains can vanish when access is again constrained, as the report warns is happening now. 

“Yet again Oxfam urgently calls on the UK government to do more to put pressure on Israel to allow aid to reach more than two million people living in these intolerable conditions, and to stop adding fuel to the fire by allowing the sale of arms to Israel to continue.”


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Featured image: Trucks with humanitarian aid waiting to cross from Egypt into the Gaza Strip (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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Ali, in northern Gaza, goes out every day, in the midst of persistent Israeli bombs and shelling, looking for food for his family.

“My family, the kids, all of them wait for me to come and say ‘there is food’ or ‘I brought vegetables’,” the Palestinian man tells Middle East Eye. 

But most days, he says, he comes back empty-handed and despondent.

“We stopped talking about ‘When will the war be over?’ and started talking about ‘When will the food come in?’” he added. 

Ali and all Gaza residents MEE spoke to about the worsening starvation crisis, caused by the ongoing Israeli siege blocking the delivery of basic life-saving food and medical items, preferred not to use their real names. 

Rania, in Gaza City, also goes to the market daily in search for food. What she finds is either unaffordable or extremely limited in range. 

“There are no vegetables, fruits or milk in the markets. Nothing that has any nutritional value,” she tells MEE. 

Rania says she received a food basket from the World Food Programme (WFP) over a month ago, containing halva, beans, hummus, peas and cold cuts. She’s still holding on to those items now. 

“I’ve been rationing them because if I run out I will have nothing to eat,” she says. “I feel dizzy and weak. My face is pale and I’ve lost a lot of weight.”

Rania’s and Ali’s experiences are similar to those of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, particularly in the north.

For over eight months, the Israeli military has imposed a tight siege on the Gaza Strip, severely limiting the flow of life-saving essential food and medical items. 

The siege has been even tighter on northern Gaza, an area Israel attempted to empty of its more than one million residents at the start of the war in October. 

Along with the relentless bombardments and deliberate targeting of hospitals, and as part of a policy that amounts to collective punishment of civilians, the Israeli military has used starvation of the population as a weapon of war, according to independent UN investigators.

The hunger crisis peaked in March, with dozens of children dying of malnutrition and residents being forced to eat grass as Israeli forces repeatedly killed aid-seeking people.

Under mounting international pressure, Israel “slightly” improved food access in some areas after its forces killed several foreign aid workers and a UN-backed report warned famine was imminent

However, residents say Israeli authorities are now severely restricting life-saving food deliveries again, bringing back the extreme conditions experienced in March, leading to the death of at least four children from malnutrition just last week. 

Looming Famine 

The UN’s hunger monitoring system, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), released another report on Tuesday showing that a “high risk of famine persists across the whole Gaza Strip”.

The report said more than 20 percent of the Palestinian enclave’s population, over 495,000, are now facing “catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity” involving “an extreme lack of food, starvation, and exhaustion”.

Almost everyone else faces “high levels of acute food insecurity” or worse.

The IPC found that while aid deliveries to northern Gaza increased in March and April, and found their way to the south too, the situation had deteriorated in recent weeks. 

Israel’s ground invasion on Rafah, in southern Gaza, including its seizure of the Rafah crossing, have choked off the few routes into the enclave for humanitarian aid trucks. 

The report found that over half of households in Gaza reported that they often have no food to eat in the house, and over 20 percent go entire days and nights without eating.

“The humanitarian space in the Gaza Strip continues to shrink and the ability to safely deliver assistance to populations is dwindling,” the report said.

“The recent trajectory is negative and highly unstable.” 

‘Hunger Is Worse Than Bombings’

For Ali, there are no words to describe the hunger that people are enduring in Gaza. 

“It is worse than all of the bombing and the noise and the horror we live through, and it is even worse than the famine that we’ve lived through the first time,” he said, referring to the March starvation crises. 

Ali explains that at the beginning of the war, when people in northern Gaza were forcibly ejected by Israeli authorities to the south, those who remained were left in conditions akin to famine due to a complete blockade on food and resources.

“But some people had stored some food or legumes from before. Also, then, the atmosphere and temperature would help grow some herbs or plants which we would use as alternatives to food.”

Now, he says, with soaring temperatures in Gaza, it has become increasingly difficult to store food. 

Some canned foods that have made it to northern Gaza via aid trucks are inedible. Exposure to the sun during the journey has meant much of the stock is spoilt before it reaches starving Palestinians.  

“We have witnessed in Gaza City more than one case of poisoning due to the spoilage of this canned food,” says Ali. 

According to the Gaza-based government media office, there have been many cases of food poisoning from eating expired canned food in recent days, espeically among children. 

Many Palestinians in Gaza are now attempting to plant food in their homes to circumvent their hunger. They attempt to plant things that might grow quickly, such as zucchinis, cucumbers and tomatoes. 

But plants require water – something that is also in immensely short supply in Gaza.

Before Israel’s war on Gaza began on 7 October, 96 per cent of the enclave’s water was already unfit for human consumption due to 17 years of Israeli blockade.

Now the situation is worse, with water, sanitation and hygiene systems entirely defunct, according to a UN report last week on the environmental impact of Israel’s war. 

“We don’t know how much more can we endure of this,” says Ali.

“Every day we fall apart and break down. Every day is worse than the day before it.”


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In the broadest sense of the word, terrorism is usually defined as the use of extremely violent and/or deadly methods (essentially any sort of illegal warfare) against a certain group of people to coerce them into submission, destroy them or simply achieve any other political or ideological goal. Non-combatants are particularly affected by terrorist attacks, as extremist groups operate outside of the norms of international law and consider anyone or anything to be a “legitimate” target, especially if they believe that terrorist activity will produce the desired result – the feeling of terror most people have in the aftermath of such attacks.

There are many forms of it, but perhaps the most dangerous kind is state-sponsored terrorism. As countries have far more resources than the vast majority of non-state actors, it’s usually the case that a nation or group of nations stand behind certain terrorist groups.

A prominent example of this is the so-called “Kosovo Liberation Army”, a NATO-backed, Al Qaeda-linked Albanian terrorist organization espousing a volatile mix of Islamic radicalism and narco-terrorism. The organization wasn’t only supported by the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel during its aggression against Serbia/former Yugoslavia, but was actually transformed into a quasi-state actor as the illegal military force of the so-called “Kosovo”, a NATO-backed “state-like” illegal entity situated on the territory of the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia. This is one of the most disturbing examples of how the political West can use its so-called “rules-based world order” to transform some of its most violent terrorist proxies into “states”. NATO has done similar things all across the globe, as its methods are regularly recycled everywhere it wants to project power.

After all, it was precisely through terrorist methods that the United States and its vassals and satellite states installed the illegal Neo-Nazi junta in power in Ukraine over a decade ago. However, what’s particularly disturbing came in the aftermath of the special military operation (SMO), when Russia launched its strategic counteroffensive to finally stop the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. Namely, as the Kiev regime’s performance on the frontlines keeps deteriorating, its henchmen (fully supported by the political West) resort to launching terrorist attacks within Russia to both shift its attention away from the SMO and cause religious divisions and hatred. On March 22, one such horrendous terrorist attack occurred at the Crocus City Hall, when four terrorists brutally murdered nearly 150 and wounded over 550 civilians. Russian services soon found evidence of the Neo-Nazi junta’s direct involvement.

The very fact that terrorists were caught trying to reach the border with Ukraine should be more than enough, but in the following days and weeks, more and more evidence appeared, clearly showing that both the Kiev regime and its NATO overlords were involved.

Many believe that the goal was to provoke Moscow’s reaction on a geopolitical level, so it could then be accused of supposed “aggression against NATO”, an excuse that could then be used to get the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel directly involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

However, although furious (understandably so), the Kremlin didn’t take the bait.

Still, that doesn’t mean the political West is showing any signs of stopping. On the contrary, it keeps escalating its crawling aggression against Russia. In addition to long-range strikes within the country, it also promised even more terrorist attacks.

Namely, on June 8, the British Daily Express openly discussed the prospect of more terrorist attacks on Russian civilians, including public schools,

if the Neo-Nazi junta continues suffering defeats on the battlefield. Only two weeks later, a coordinated terrorist attack took place in the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala in the southern Republic of Dagestan.

The Islamic radicals were once again used to foment religious hatred, as the terrorists targeted an Orthodox church and a synagogue, killing at least 20 people, including an Orthodox priest, Father Nikolai Kotelnikov, who had served in Derbent for more than 40 years.

The terrorist attack had all the hallmarks of the one that took place in the Crocus City Hall. However, while proxies were used in Dagestan, on the same day, over 1100 km to the west, NATO and the Kiev regime launched a direct terrorist attack on hundreds of Russian civilians in Crimea.

Depending on the source, the Neo-Nazi junta forces launched anywhere between four and eight US-made ATACMS missiles at Sevastopol.

The attack was closely coordinated with NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets, including those flying over the Black Sea. At least four civilians, including two children, were killed, with another 150+ people reporting injuries. The Russian military used its air and missile defense systems to shoot down the NATO-sourced missiles. This is the sole reason why there weren’t hundreds of dead, as it was later established that the US-supplied missiles were equipped with banned cluster warheads primarily used to maximize infantry casualties. The vast majority of the victims were beachgoers. The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed direct NATO involvement in the terrorist attack, stressing that all targeting data for the ATACMS is based on US space-based ISR.

“This should not be happening. Imagine if Russia using a Russian satellite, fired cluster munitions on a Florida beach. The only border our American military should be defending is our own border and the constitution mandates the federal government to defend the states,” American Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene stated the following day.

Such well-coordinated terrorist attacks simply cannot be considered separate incidents, particularly when it comes to the choice of targets.

Having Islamic terrorists target Orthodox Christian and Jewish temples clearly shows that the goal is to foment religious hatred and divisions, while direct attacks on civilians in Crimea are to instill terror in people and portray the Kremlin as “incapable of defending its citizens”. But it was precisely thanks to the Russian military that hundreds of deaths were avoided.

However, it’s impossible to keep defending perpetually. At some point, a single ATACMS armed with a cluster warhead could squeeze through air and missile defenses, jeopardizing the lives of hundreds. Thus, the Russian military will need to respond directly by shooting down any and all NATO ISR assets over the Black Sea (and beyond, if necessary). This could include both manned and unmanned systems.

In order to avoid immediate escalation, Moscow could first down the USAF’s Northrop Grumman RQ-4B “Global Hawk” and its naval version, the MQ-4C “Triton”. This could serve as a warning shot, followed by manned aircraft such as the US Navy’s Boeing P-8A “Poseidon” in case the war criminals in Washington DC refuse to back down and stop with their terrorist attacks. While it may seem like an extreme measure, when dealing with entities that freely use terrorism as a military tactic, then they should be treated precisely as terrorists and given no quarter.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Exploding the Spanish Flu Myth

June 25th, 2024 by Health Freedom Defense Fund

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Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past. —George Orwell, “1984”

Type “Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918” into any search engine or head to your local library to research historical references on the topic and you’ll inevitably and universally get a story that goes something like this

The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919 was the deadliest pandemic in world history, infecting some 500 million people across the globe—roughly one-third of the population—and causing up to 50 million deaths, including some 650,000 deaths in the United States alone. The disease, caused by a new variant of the influenza virus, was spread in part by troop movements during World War I. With no vaccines or effective treatments, the pandemic caused massive social disruption: Schools, theaters, churches and businesses were forced to close, citizens were ordered to wear masks and bodies piled up in makeshift morgues before the virus ended its deadly worldwide march in early 1920.

Conventional explanations found in the standard literature are perfunctory, uniform and lacking in forensic analysis of causal factors for this cataclysmic historical event. 

The immortalized history of the improperly named “Spanish Flu” is regularly used like a sword of Damocles as justification for all manner of government health policy responses – “If we don’t do X we may see the horrors of the Spanish Flu again.” 

The story of an alleged pathogen sweeping across the globe and causing a mass death event has been ingrained in the public psyche through generational repetition and is now uncritically accepted despite numerous inexplicable anomalies in the official narrative. 

When looked at without pre-established sentiments the entire story of this cataclysmic health catastrophe being caused by some microscopic superbug seems rather unreasonable.

When looked at in the context of the devastation produced by World War 1, with the backdrop of a nascent Pharmaceutical/Chemical Industry in search of its raison d’etre, this seminal human catastrophe develops a logical coherence that defies the standard assumptions of infectious disease.

This rapidly expanding scientific and medical industry, being assembled by the wealthiest men in the world, stood in direct opposition to research that investigated the relationship of social factors to health and disease. Instead, resources would be focused only on chemistry, pathology, bacteriology, physiology and pharmacology, ignoring the impact of the mental, emotional, social, economic, and physical environment on disease and health. 

The Conditions of World War I

The trench was a horrible sight. The dead were stretched out on one side, one on top of each other six feet high. I thought at the time I should never get the peculiar disgusting smell of the vapour of warm human blood heated by the sun out of my nostrils. I would rather have smelt gas a hundred times. I can never describe that faint sickening, horrible smell which several times nearly knocked me up altogether. —British Captain Leeham

Fighting in World War I went from July 1914 – November 1918 and took place throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of Asia, resulting in one of the deadliest wars in history. 

Multiple distinguishing and brutal features of World War 1 turned the conditions of everyday life into an environment where death, destruction and rampant illness became normal features of life for millions of people, particularly for the young men involved in the violent battles.

A distinctive characteristic of WW 1 was the extensive use of animals such as horses, mules and camels. Getting such a large number of animals to the battlefield entailed a colossal project of logistics and mass transport. 

The US alone transported around 1 million animals across the Atlantic Ocean in boats with horrible ventilation. These animals were traveling long distances in a high humidity environment and were malnourished- many perished from the rigors and deprivations of this long-distance maritime journey. The death of the animals during transport would become known as “the shipping flu.”

Troops that were being transported on the same ships were suffering from the same stressful and unsanitary conditions. 

Another distinguishing and severe feature of WW1 was trench warfare in which soldiers lived their lives in a world of mud, death and despair. Soldiers in the trenches lived in a constantly cold and damp environment, eating canned food and drinking dirty water to survive. The trenches themselves were unsanitary trash dumps of ammunition boxes, empty cartridges, soiled bandages, shrapnel balls, bone fragments and the assorted detritus of war. 

Soldiers fighting in close proximity in these unsanitary conditions were commonly subject to diseases such as dysentery, cholera and typhoid fever. Soldiers in the trenches were plagued by sore throats, colds, flu, lice infested clothing which caused ‘trench fever’ and typhus and suffered from exhaustion and sores as regular aspects of their lives.

Effectively trapped in the trenches for long periods of time, under nearly constant bombardment, many soldiers suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The soldier’s physical and mental health were severely impacted by these conditions while medical facilities were far from the front lines and mental health support was nonexistent. The devastating effects of the war on the human psyche and body would create conditions which would foster immediate and lasting breakdown of all facets of the human condition. 

The trenches on the Western Front would become poisonous pits as soldiers fell victim to gas attacks as early as 1915.

Chemical/Gas Warfare

When the gas attack was over and the all clear was sounded I decided to go out for a breath of fresh air and see what was happening. But I could hardly believe my eyes when I looked along the bank. The bank was absolutely covered with bodies of gassed men. Must have been over 1,000 of them. And down in the stream, a little bit further along the canal bank, the stream there was also full of bodies as well. —British sapper, Lendon Payne

Perhaps sitting at the top of the list of overwhelming assaults on biological and environmental systems pertaining to WW1 was the radical new chemical and gas warfare that was used extensively by all forces in the European war theater.


Seattle policemen wearing cloth face masks handed out by the American Red Cross during the Spanish flu pandemic, December 1918 (From the Public Domain)

The following excerpts come from the Leavenworth Papers, “Chemical Warfare in World War 1: The American Experience, 1917-1918.” This lengthy paper gives insights into the widespread usage of chemical warfare and vivid accounts of its devastating impacts:

The war gases [sic] and chemicals were grouped according to their effects on the human body. The most widely used by both sides, the one that had the most harmful and deadly effects, was mustard gas. It was said to be responsible for 1,205,655 non-fatal injuries and 91,198 deaths. 

Strictly speaking, mustard gas is not a gas, but a liquid, which slowly evaporates at normal ambient temperatures. 

“The person felt no discomfort when exposed to the gas but hours later, would experience choking, severe burning, and mucosal blistering. Mustard gas penetrated all types of ‘protective’ clothing and wasremarkably persistent over time in the environment – soil, leaves, and grasses.[Bold Added.]

“With the use of heavy artillery, soldiers didn’t have to rely on the direction of the wind to deliver the payload correctly or rely on ‘direct hits’ to be effective. For example, in May 1916 they began to use shells filled with diphosgene, a strong lung irritant.” [Bold Added]

By July 1917, both sides were using three different mixtures of phosgene, diphosgene, and diphenylchlorosine, a chlorine powder laced with arsenic dust. In field trials, arsenic powder proved extremely effective because it penetrated all types of filters used in the rudimentary masks. But it was the “Yellow Cross” (mustard gas) that gave the Germans a distinct advantage in chemical warfare. When mustard gas was coupled with explosives, it spread over wide areas and remained airborne for an extended time. [Bold Added]

As noted in the Leavenworth Papers attempts at personal protection were nominal and ineffectual resulting in large numbers of casualties and mass poisonings:

On 6 April 1917, when the U.S. declared war on Germany, the Army not only lacked defensive equipment for chemical warfare, but also had no concrete plans to develop or manufacture gas masks or any other defensive equipment.

While impossible to accurately assess the total amount of poison gasses and toxic chemicals that were used in WW1, much of the European continent was bombarded and saturated for three years with heavy doses of these toxic and persistent compounds.

A Strange Blue Flu 

One of the oft-cited symptoms of the Spanish Flu, different from all other flus before and since, was a strange bluish-gray discoloration of the skin. It was noted that as victims lungs would fill with fluid their skin would turn grayish-blue. 

When cadavers were examined and the cause of death registered, victims who died suddenly and had a bluish-purple discoloration to their lips or skin were automatically registered as having died from the Spanish Flu. 

Another unique feature of this flu’s clinical profile was how the victims could die within hours or days of developing symptoms, their lungs filling with fluid causing them to suffocate. 

While these extraordinary symptoms don’t fit the classical clinical profile of the flu, they do fit descriptions of chemical warfare during WW1.

Witness accounts of chemical attacks describe French soldiers, “stumbling off the battlefield blinded, coughing, chests heaving, faces an ugly purple color, lips speechless with agony.” 

Another report by a British soldier described survivors of a poison gas attack: “Complexion here was an ashed blueish grey, the expression most anxious and distressed with the eye-balls staring, and the lids half closed. Respiration was extremely laboured and noisy with frequent efforts to expel copious amounts of tenacious yellowish green frothy fluid which threatened to drown them, and through which they inhaled and exhaled air into and out of their lungs with a gurgling noise.”

An Unusual Flu That Kills the Young and Strong and Spares the Old

The illness traditionally designated as ‘the flu’ has historically been noted to place certain groups at higher risk of developing serious complications if afflicted. At the top of this list, as it is with most illnesses, are older adults. Oddly, this was not the case with the Spanish Flu. 

Unique to all of epidemiological history the Spanish Flu was said to have an “unprecedented age-specific mortality pattern, in which young adults were at extraordinarily high risk of dying, a feature not observed in influenza outbreaks before or since.” [Emphasis added]

The mortality profile of the 1918 epidemic was exceptional in many ways.The age-specific mortality pattern for this flu was radically different from the traditional U-shaped patterns, meaning high mortality in the very young and the very old, and low mortality in the in-between age groups, as seen in all previous influenza outbreaks.

In contrast with past influenza mortality patterns the Spanish Flu produced a peculiar W-shaped mortality age profile, meaning that the age groups 15–24, 25–34, and 35–44, experienced the highest rates of mortality.  

Also of note is that the male death rates for influenza in 1918 far exceeded the female death rates among adults.

This depicted an unprecedented age-specific mortality pattern, in which young adult males were at extraordinarily high risk of dying, a feature not observed in influenza outbreaks before or since.

The young males who were most severely impacted by this ostensible illness were by and large precisely those who were involved in WW1 combat, “The first of three waves hit soldiers in France early in 1918. But the flu soon spread from there, in two subsequent and far more virulent waves, to sicken soldiers and civilians almost everywhere.”

Explanations for these uncanny deviations from all known medical history were perfunctory, insufficiently explained and usually came with qualifiers, “Elders may have acquired immunity from exposure to a previous flu outbreak” or “The less than predicted mortality in the elderly conceivably could be attributed to 19th century exposure either to then-prevalent influenza A viruses containing H1 or N1 surface proteins.”


Public health recommendations from the Illustrated Current News (From the Public Domain)

Another stab at explaining away this mortality mystery suggested, “the disproportionate increase in frequency of secondary bacterial pneumonias in healthy young adults might be an additional manifestation of viral virulence associated with differential host immune responses.”

With no definitive explanations ever offered some experts would admit, “The extreme virulence of the fall wave has never been explained”, while obliquely suggesting, “Both the nature of the virus itself and accompanying bacterial pneumonias may be involved.”

In 2008 researchers at the National Institute of Health (NIH) concluded that bacterial pneumonia was the killer in 92% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919. Their research looked at 8,398 autopsies from 15 countries. Virtually all of the lung tissue examinations showed, “compelling histologic evidence of severe acute bacterial pneumonia, either as the predominant pathology or in conjunction with underlying pathologic features now believed to be associated with influenza virus infection,” including damage to the bronchial epithelium.

Ignored in this profusion of conjecture, research and speculation were the concrete realities of the mass amounts of toxins, stressors and non-stop biological assaults being confronted on a daily basis by the group most heavily afflicted by this mysterious flu.

No matter how obvious it was that the victims of this alleged disease were under the most violent of assaults in multiple ways, officialdom only allowed for ‘the pathogen’ to be considered as the explanation for these illnesses and deaths.

The Military Vaccine Campaign

As everyone knows, the world has never witnessed such an orgy of vaccination and inoculation of every description as was inflicted by army-camp doctors upon the soldiers of the [First] World War. —Annie Riley Hale, “The Medical Voodoo”

Between Jan. 21 and June 4 of 1918, Dr. Frederick L. Gates reported an experiment in which soldiers at Camp Funston located at Fort Riley in Kansas. were given three doses of a bacterial meningitis vaccine. 

Fort Riley was a massive complex which housed 26,000 men, a place where soldiers complained of “bone-chilling winters, sweltering summers and blinding dust storms.” 

Living alongside the soldiers were thousands of horses and mules that produced nine tons of manure each month. The method of manure disposal was to burn it, sending the burning manure into the driving wind.

While up for debate, Fort Riley is considered by “official” sources as the most likely site of the origin of the historic ‘influenza pandemic’ of 1918, later called the Spanish Flu.

The experimental vaccines given to the soldiers were dosages of a vaccine serum derived from horses. The vaccine used was made in the laboratory of The Rockefeller Institute.

Soon thereafter, the vaccine would be offered by the Division Surgeon to the camp at large. 

On the morning of March 4 Private Albert Gitchell of the U.S. Army reported to the hospital at Fort Riley, Kansas, “complaining of the cold-like symptoms of sore throat, fever and headache.” 

Right behind him came Corporal Lee W. Drake voicing similar complaints.

By noon, camp surgeon Edward R. Schreiner had over 100 sick men on his hands, all apparently suffering from the same malady.

The Gates’ report chronicled near immediate illnesses suffered by the injected troops:

“Careful inquiry in individual cases often elicited the information that men who complained of the effects of vaccination were suffering from mild coryza, bronchitis, etc., at the time of injection.” 

“Sometimes the reaction was initiated by a chill or chilly sensation, and a number of men complained of fever or feverish sensations during the following night. Next in frequency came nausea (occasionally vomiting), dizziness, and general “aches and pains” in the joints and muscles, which in a few instances were especially localized in the neck or lumbar region, causing stiff neck or stiff back. A few injections were followed by diarrhea. “

“The reactions, therefore, occasionally simulated the onset of epidemic meningitis and several vaccinated men were sent as suspects to the Base Hospital for diagnosis.”

The Rockefeller Institute triumphantly stated that they had formulated three different kinds of what they called “curative serums” and that these serums, antimeningococci, antipneumococcic Type I, and antidysenteric (polyvalent)”, were manufactured in large quantities.

Use of these experimental injections was not unique to the United States as noted by The Rockefeller Institute, which boasted that before the United States entered the war they had, “resumed the preparation of antimeningococcic serum, in order to meet the requests from England, France, Belgium, Italy, and other countries.”  

Of Electromagnetic Poisoning and the Rosenau Experiments

In Arthur Firstenberg’s groundbreaking book, “The Invisible Rainbow꞉ A History Of Electricity And Life”, he examines the impacts of electricity and its interaction with living organisms. 

Firstenberg’s seminal work suggests a wide range of illnesses and metabolic disorders can be attributed to exposures to pulsed and alternating electromagnetic fields in the environment which interfere with electric currents used by our biological systems. 

A distinct feature of the late 19th century and early 20th century was the mass electrification of urban areas. This period saw the emergence of the first stray currents to which living beings were exposed and saw the initial appearance of diseases such as neurasthenia. 

Some have suggested that this mass electrification program, accelerated during WW1 as governments installed antennas which created strong radio signals, was yet another contributing factor to the innumerable maladies that impacted soldiers during this time.

In 1918 researchers for the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy conducted human experiments in order to determine the cause of the Spanish flu and the reason for what was thought to be its extraordinary contagious qualities. 

Milton J. Roseneau supervised this landmark study, “Experiments to Determine Mode of Spread of Influenza,” which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1919.

The experiments were conducted at Gallops Island, the quarantine station in Boston Harbor.

Quoting directly from the study:

“The experiment began with 100 volunteers from the Navy who had no history of influenza. Rosenau was the first to report on the experiments conducted at Gallops Island in November and December 1918. 

His first volunteers received first one strain and then several strains of Pfeiffer’s bacillus by spray and swab into their noses and throats and then into their eyes. When that procedure failed to produce disease, others were inoculated with mixtures of other organisms isolated from the throats and noses of influenza patients. 

Next, some volunteers received injections of blood from influenza patients. Finally, 13 of the volunteers were taken into an influenza ward and exposed to 10 influenza patients each. 

Each volunteer was to shake hands with each patient, to talk with him at close range, and to permit him to cough directly into his face. 

None of the volunteers in these experiments developed influenza. Rosenau was clearly puzzled, and he cautioned against drawing conclusions from negative results.” [Bold added.

In the JAMA article Roseneau concluded: 

As a matter of fact, we entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease. [Emphasis added]

A companion study done at the same time at Angel Island in San Francisco produced similar negative results. Both studies concluded that what was considered to be one of the most contagious of communicable diseases in history could not be transferred under experimental conditions.

As well as challenging the contagion orthodoxy the results of the Roseneau experiments repudiate yet another pillar of the Spanish Flu mythos.


The Spanish Flu horror story has been planted in the collective consciousness and few have taken the time to inspect its veracity. When brought to our attention the story is always broadcast as an apocalyptic health disaster caused by an otherworldly and fatal microbe and this is accepted as an incontrovertible truth.

While debates around the margins are allowed, those come with an unspoken contract that there must remain an intractable belief in the fundamental “truths” of the prevailing narrative. 

How many did ‘It’ actually kill? Was it 20 million? Was it 50 million?

Where did ‘It’ originate? From a US military base? From France? From China?

How exactly did ‘It’ spread so widely and quickly? Did ‘It’ move through the population through train travel? Was it due to massive military movements?

What was so unique and deadly about this pathogen? Was ‘It’ enhanced with novel deadly features? Was the antigenic composition particularly virulent?

These types of questions are allowed and, circa 2024, all too familiar.

What’s not allowed is to question the core assumptions of this earth shaking historical event- even if those assumptions defy all logic.

What’s emphatically not to be questioned is that ‘It’ actually existed. What’s demanded by the established order is that all other plausible explanations are dismissed from the outset.

What’s not to be considered is the possibility that this tragedy has been completely mischaracterized. 

So if not a unique pathogen that spread like wildfire across the globe, what did kill all these people?

A look at history books and statistics shows that epidemics always developed where human biological systems had been weakened, primarily due to lack of food and water, poor sanitary conditions, toxic overload and immense social stressors. This description defines the world of 1918 and the social conditions of “The Great War.” 

Deconstructing these social conditions leads to a fistful of profound questions surrounding the established history of the Spanish Flu.

How was it that this flu and only this flu ambushed young healthy adults and not young children and older adults with weaker systems?

How was it that this flu and only this flu turned people’s faces blue, their lips purple and caused people to collapse within a matter of hours, and even dying the same day?

Is it such a stretch to believe that thousands of tons of war chemicals including chlorine gas, phosgene, mustard gas and thirty-odd other chemicals released into the environment during three years of daily explosions would create the conditions that would lead to biological breakdown and mass fatalities in both the short and long-term? 

What about the training for chemical warfare and exposure to these chemicals and the harm these men incurred as a result of this exposure even before landing on the battlefield? 

Is it really a controversial belief that thousands of tons of explosives used to send millions of pounds of toxic liquids and poisonous gasses into the air across an entire continent would create an environment that would create mass casualties?

Is it revisionist history to ask basic questions about how often the soldiers were able to bathe and change clothes in order to get the toxic residues off of their bodies?  

Is it preposterous to point out that chemical residues remain in the lungs and in the environment for prolonged periods and will inevitably cause lethal outcomes?

Wouldn’t it be logical to consider maritime transportation issues for soldiers, animals and goods during WW1, where soldiers were crammed together on ships with lots of horses and mules in very humid conditions, horrendous sanitary conditions, onerous nutritional deficiencies, limited hygienic repositories for human and animal waste? Wouldn’t these conditions be a guaranteed recipe for disease, including respiratory problems?

Is it really far-fetched to suggest that using millions of soldiers in crude experimental mass injection campaigns might have had detrimental, even deadly, outcomes for the subjects?

Is it really so fantastical to mention that socially and economically devastated towns and cities in physically devastated areas throughout Europe would create the perfect conditions for disease? 

Is it forbidden to ask how it was that the ‘global pandemic’ ended and the alleged illness “mysteriously” disappeared at the same time WW1 ended? 

Is it really unreasonable to suggest that the primary cause of deaths attributable to the Spanish Flu was all things related to WW1 and not a pathogen?

Now more than ever it’s important to pursue these questions, to have knowledge of this history, and to get that history right in order to understand the verifiable origins of the event and who the false narrative serves.


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Featured image: Beds with patients in an emergency hospital in Camp Funston, Kansas, in the midst of the influenza epidemic. (From the Public Domain)

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My Take…

Keith Duncan lived in Phoenix, Arizona. He was a single father.

He was a US Airforce Pilot. Most recently, he was a pilot for JetBlue.

He died suddenly while snorkeling in Curacao during a layover. He suffered a medical emergency.

This is the seventh pilot to die suddenly in the past two months.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from COVID Intel

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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The International Movement for a Just World (JUST) empathizes with the concerns expressed by several NGOs and public figures in Malaysia over the involvement of the fund manager, BlackRock, in Malaysia’s infrastructure development.

BlackRock has extensive investments in companies closely allied to Israel’s arms industry. It has a 7.4% stake in Lockheed Martin, a defence contractor that has played a critical role in arming the Israeli military. This is why Lockheed has been accused of complicity in the barbaric genocide in Gaza which is now in its eighth month. The CEO of BlackRock, Larry Fink, is known to be a staunch supporter of Israel in its colossal massacre of Palestinians.

BlackRock has earned the wrath of former Federal Ministers such as [Malaysian] Khairy Jamaluddin and Saifuddin Abdullah and a former Menteri Besar, Mukhriz Mahathir, on the one hand, and the head of the Malaysian branch of the global, Palestine based Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, Dr Nazari Ismail, on the other, mainly because it is now the owner of Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), a partner in a consortium to manage Malaysia’s 39 airports. Though GIP holds only 30% of shares in the consortium — Khazanah Nasional, the government’s investment arm, and the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) own 70% — GIP, given its expertise in airport management, will inevitably play a significant role.

Is it because of this expertise that GIP was brought into the partnership? There are other firms with a comparable level of expertise that could have been considered. Why should we collaborate with a company owned by an entity that has such close ties to the Israeli and US military establishments? It is a matter of serious concern because it is airports — not restaurants or supermarkets — that are now being managed by GIP owned by BlackRock. Because it is airport management with all the data at the command of its managers — some of which will be highly sensitive — which is at stake, that the Malaysian authorities should have realized at the very outset that ownership of GIP can never be a mere economic proposition. To put it bluntly, it is a transaction that has profound security ramifications.

What makes BlackRock’s purchase of GIP and ipso facto its status now as partial owner of Malaysian airports, all the more bizarre is the fact that Malaysian Airports Berhad (MAHB) which hitherto managed our airports had no sound financial reason to sell off its shares to a US based fund manager with intimate ties to Israel. It was reported in February 2024 that MAHB recorded “a net profit of RM 543.2 million for the financial year ending December 31, 2023. This is a huge jump from the previous year, when the company made a profit of RM 187.2 million, and also higher than the profit it made in 2019 before the Covid-19 pandemic paralysed the aviation sector worldwide.” 

That there was no financial justification for the sale of MAHB shares is further reinforced by the excellent management performance of MAHB. As its acting CEO Mohamed Rastam Shahrom put it,

“We have worked hard to deliver value to our stakeholders in the past year. Amidst improved operating conditions we have managed to deliver improved financial performance, and we are making good progress in our airport modernisation, digitalisation and commercial rejuvenation programmes.” ( MalaysiaNow June 20)  

Some supporters of the move to bring in BlackRock and GIP opine that the real reason is linked to geopolitics. Since we have strengthened our relations with China in recent years, our leaders feel that we should also develop further our ties to the US. Balancing relations with the two superpowers does not mean a readiness to sacrifice principles. If Malaysia which has often adhered to ethical concerns in regional and international politics, now deviates from such norms and tries to please one superpower or the other, it will tarnish its reputation and lose credibility. 

As a nation, we should never be perceived as colluding with entities that are complicit in one of the most inhuman and cruelest genocides in history. When the moral dimensions of a conflict are so stark, we must make sure that we are not dismissed as a bunch that “hunts with the hounds and runs with the hares.”  Our commitment to principles and ethical values in a catastrophe like Gaza should be demonstrated through deeds — deeds that prove over and over again that we will not compromise with evil.


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Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Malaysia. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Israel and Hezbollah on the Brink of War

June 25th, 2024 by Steven Sahiounie

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The Middle East is sitting on a powder keg, and every minute that passes brings heightened tensions between Israel and Hezbollah.

Canada, the U.S., Great Britain and Kuwait have all warned its citizens in Lebanon to evacuate.

The impending war is caused because Israel refuses to a ceasefire in Gaza. Hezbollah says they will continue to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians of Gaza as the continuing genocide is perpetrated by Israel, but as soon as a ceasefire begins, Hezbollah’s response will cease.

Hezbollah is a Lebanese resistance group which is heavily armed. Most experts agree that the military might of Hezbollah and Israel are quite comparable on many levels, but Israel has air superiority.

Israel has a sophisticated air defense system, the ‘Iron Dome’. However, this system can be overwhelmed by Hezbollah if they were to launch a massive amount of missiles at Israel, and all agree that Hezbollah has a huge arsenal of missiles.

If the ‘Iron Dome’ was inundated by missiles launched from Lebanon, the effectiveness of the Israeli defenses would stop, and Israel could suffer destruction on a scale it has never experienced before. We have witnessed the destruction of Israeli missiles on Gaza, and homes and buildings across Israel could face a similar disaster.

Hezbollah demonstrated it has an air defense system, but it has been secretive in showing the capabilities of its defense from Israeli jets; however, on at least one occasion Hezbollah utilized their air defenses to repel an Israeli jet flying over Lebanon.

Amos Hochstein, the U.S. special envoy dispatched recently to Israel and Lebanon in hopes of averting a war between Israel and Hezbollah, came back empty-handed. Hochstein had been successful in a negotiation between Israel and Lebanon in 2022 over the maritime borders, but this time he was not negotiating with the Lebanese government alone, but with the most powerful resistance group in the Middle East.

The root cause of all conflicts in the Middle East emanate from the brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine, which has stripped away all human rights, and civil rights, from about six million Palestinians, while the six million Jews in Israel live in a quasi-democracy with human rights and civil rights comparable to most western democracies.

U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken have repeatedly told Israeli officials the U.S. does not want to see a wider war in the Middle East, where other nations could be involved should Lebanon face destruction.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned Israel would “turn Beirut into Gaza” in the event of a war.

Experts agree that Biden would continue to support Israel even in the face of a war on Hezbollah. The international community has come out against Israel and its genocide on Gaza, but Biden continues to support war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel.

Biden has sponsored a ceasefire plan, but Israel refused it, and experts suggest that the Biden plan was not designed by Washington to succeed, but was drafted only as an exercise in buying time for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Israeli public and military are divided on the war on Gaza. Many are demanding Israel stop the war and get the hostages out after almost 9 months of captivity. Others support the war on Gaza as part of the Zionist plan to eliminate all non-Jews and create one Jewish nation from the ‘river to the sea’.

Netanyahu firmly demands the continuation of the war on Gaza and demands that Hamas be destroyed, but his military leaders have said that is an impossible task, as Hamas is an ideology, that of resistance to occupation, which is guaranteed to all people through the Geneva Convention.

On June 18, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said plans for an attack in southern Lebanon had been approved and steps had been taken to “accelerate readiness in the field.” The statement came from Major General Ori Gordin, the head of IDF Northern Command, and Major General Oded Basiuk, who heads the IDF’s Operations Division.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz threatened Hezbollah that they faced “destruction” amid “all-out war” at the Israel-Lebanon border.

Katz’s threat came after Hezbollah published a surveillance video that it took by a drone over various Israeli military, infrastructure and civilian installations, including some in the Israeli port city of Haifa.

“In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon will be severely hit,” Katz wrote on X.

On June 21, Hezbollah said it fired dozens of rockets into northern Israel in retaliation for a deadly air strike in south Lebanon that Israel said killed one of the group’s operatives. Hezbollah also claimed several other attacks on Israeli troops and positions over the course of the day.

In a meeting with visiting Israeli officials in Washington, Blinken underscored “the importance of avoiding further escalation in Lebanon and reaching a diplomatic resolution that allows Israeli and Lebanese families to return to their homes”, according to a statement.

Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah had warned “no place” in Israel would “be spared our rockets” if a wider war began, in a TV address on Wednesday. He also threatened Cyprus if it opened its airports or bases to Israel “to target Lebanon”. Cyprus houses two British bases, including an airbase.

Israel invaded and brutally occupied Lebanon from 1982 to 2000. Its withdrawal was a victory for Hezbollah. In 2006, Israel launched a second war on Hezbollah which saw Israel prevented from invading by the might of Hezbollah, and in the following years the resistance group has gotten much stronger militarily.

Dozens of Israeli towns are now deserted, with around 60,000 Israelis evacuated to temporary accommodation, while about 90,000 have also fled from southern Lebanon.

Israel has launched roughly four times as many attacks as Hezbollah over the course of the conflict, according to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, a Wisconsin-based research group specializing in conflict data analysis. Last week, Israel made its deepest attack yet into Lebanon, striking 75 miles north of the border.

Israeli troops have also deployed white phosphorus in Lebanon, a substance that burns at high temperature and can be used to create smokescreens to obscure troop movements, but can cause respiratory damage and deadly burns. Its use near civilian areas is a violation of international humanitarian law.

“It’s not a question of if it will happen but when it will happen,” Avichai Stern, the mayor of Kiryat Shmona, the largest town in Israel’s north, said in an interview, and added, “We have to wipe them out.”

The war between Israel and Lebanon can be avoided if Israel will stop the unrelenting attacks on Gaza, which have resulted in over 36,000 deaths, mostly women and children.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Back in 2019 a prominent public figure—whose name is widely known—came to Palo Alto to have a private dinner with me. Apparently he’d become aware of my controversial writings the previous year on the JFK Assassination and in the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein revelations, he’d concluded I was probably correct that Israel and its Mossad had likely been heavily responsible for the death of our 35th president. As we discussed the issue that evening, I endorsed elements of his reasoning and explained that the Mossad had also played the central role in the 9/11 Attacks, something that greatly surprised him since he’d apparently never looked into those matters.

But although I emphasized that there was very strong evidence implicating the Mossad in the 1963 events in Dallas, a possibility still only whispered about in most JFK Assassination circles, I felt that that the strongest evidence of all implicated President Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy’s own immediate successor and the most obvious beneficiary of the crime.

The continuing near-total silence surrounding the probable role of Mossad is hardly surprising given the momentous geopolitical consequences if such a belief in Israeli guilt became widespread among Americans. Recent months have demonstrated the staggering political and media power of the Israel Lobby and there would surely be very severe repercussions for anyone who leveled such incendiary charges against the Jewish State.

By contrast, LBJ has long since passed into history, dying more than 50 years ago in 1973, and nearly all of his committed partisans have also long since departed the scene, often decades ago. For most Americans today, Johnson is probably just a name in the history books, a political figure more like a McKinley or a Coolidge rather than someone who arouses any fierce present-day emotions. So the near-total unwillingness to consider the very strong evidence of his guilt in the death of his predecessor must be due to other factors.

Although America has had many conspiratorial controversies over the last one hundred years, I think that the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy has received more attention than any other.

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Perhaps a thousand or more books have been published on that topic, the vast majority of them challenging the official narrative, and many of those works have become bestsellers, sometimes even reaching the #1 spot on the national lists. Oliver Stone is regarded as one of our greatest directors and his star-studded 1991 film JFK devoted more than three hours to presenting the story of that alleged conspiracy, winning an Oscar and drawing huge audiences. Across the last three decades, his gripping drama has surely been seen by many tens of millions in this country and around the world. Years earlier when our House Select Committee on Assassinations issued its 1978 final report, that official document proclaimed that Lee Harvey Oswald had not acted alone, thereby declaring that our 35th president had died at the hands of a conspiracy.

Despite all of this, the establishment media blockade against such theories has remained in place for more than six decades.

Tucker Carlson was the most popular host in the history of cable during late 2022 when he declared to his millions of viewers that JFK had indeed died in a conspiracy heavily involving elements of the CIA, a presentation that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. immediately praised as the most courageous newscast in 60 years. But despite Carlson’s stellar ratings, he was purged by FoxNews a few months later, with many suspecting that his JFK segment had been an important contributing factor.

There are numerous historical controversies today that are harshly stigmatized as “conspiratorial” by the media, but I can think of no other example that has been so widely promoted across mainstream channels of information while also receiving an official government endorsement. So although adherence to a JFK Assassination plot is regularly pilloried as the stereotypical example of “conspiratorial” thinking, it is unique in having received such major distribution and authoritative endorsements.

Yet oddly enough, until just a dozen years ago, I never suspected that any such serious historical controversy even existed, having spent my entire life completely ignorant of the issue.

I’d obviously known that JFK had been assassinated and also that some people claimed a conspiracy had been responsible. But I’d always regarded those latter individuals as merely cranks and crackpots lacking any evidence for their strange beliefs, fringe activists similar to those obsessed with UFOs or Scientology or ESP, and I’d never paid the least attention to them.

The reason for such decades of my total unawareness was the mainstream media cocoon in which I existed, one that only provided very limited or distorted facts, while always seeming to snicker at such conspiratorial beliefs and their deluded advocates. I’d always known that the media was dishonest about certain matters, but I had never imagined that such dishonesty extended to those fatal 1963 events in Dallas, which I had always assumed were too important to have long remained hidden.

Others have probably been far less naive over the years, though they cautiously remained silent. A couple of months ago I was having a cup of coffee with a mainstream academic friend of mine who was quite aware of the many “conspiratorial” articles I had published in recent years and he casually remarked that he’d always been extremely skeptical of the official JFK Assassination story. One of his secondary school textbooks had included the famous photo of Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby in a Dallas police station, and even as a high school student he’d concluded that the killing of the supposed presidential assassin soon after his capture and under the very noses of the local police seemed obvious evidence of a plot. By contrast, I’d probably just gullibly nodded my head when I came across such facts in my schoolbooks and then merely turned the page to the next subject.

Shrewd observers have emphasized that people are much more likely to fall for big lies than smaller ones, and this was certainly part of the reason that I’d never questioned the official JFK narrative. The early 1960s marked the High Noon of the American Century, as our national power and prosperity seemed to reach a peak, with no major domestic storm clouds on the horizon. JFK had become the youngest President in our history and with his attractive young wife Jackie, they were almost a movie star couple compared to the dowdy Eisenhowers, while greatly benefitting from the powerful new medium of television and the colorful spreads they received in influential photograph-laden weeklies such as Life Magazine. The violent death of an American President seemed almost unimaginable at that time, with the last such case having been when an anarchist had slain William McKinley in 1901, more than sixty years earlier at the very dawn of the twentieth century. When I later came of age, I’d always vaguely regarded the Kennedys as America’s own royal family, so it seemed unthinkable to me that the entire American media could have long concealed the fact that his death had been the result of a conspiracy.

Once I discovered that the universally-portrayed reality of Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi WMDs had merely been a media hoax, I became much more suspicious of other matters, and the growth of the Internet had made me aware of many conspiratorial claims, whose reality I gradually began to suspect. But the possibility of an actual JFK Assassination plot was not one of these, and that became among the last of the major modern conspiracies that I eventually concluded might be true.

Even when I finally moved in that direction, I found it difficult to accept such a possibility. After stumbling across some anomalous facts that raised my suspicions, I carefully read Brothers by David Talbot and JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglass, which provided a great wealth of persuasive evidence. But I still found it difficult to absorb the possibility that such an enormous historical fact had remained hidden in plain sight throughout my entire life.

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DINA: Pinochet’s Directorate for Murder and Torture

June 25th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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“There are three sources of power in Chile: Pinochet, God and DINA.” — Chilean intelligence officer, remarks to a US military attaché, 1974

Decree 521 of the Chilean government of June 18, 1974, was a chilling moment in the country’s convulsed history.  With the state now in the pathologically disturbed hands of a military dictatorship steered by coup leader and usurper General Augusto Pinochet, the measure saw the creation of the Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional (DINA), the clandestine agency responsible for a good share of the mutilations and murders that came to typify the Cold War atrocities of the period.

DINA was, according to the decree, created for “the purpose of producing intelligence collection requirements for the formulation of policies, plans and adoption of measures required for the security and development of the country”.  The initial impression is a military wing bureaucratically inclined, dedicated to the mundane task of producing “intelligence collection requirements; for the formulation of policies, plans and adoption of measures required for the security and development of the country.”

Three secret articles supplied the bloody spears to what reads like a superficially benign enterprise, a fact revealed in 1975 by José “Pepe” Zalaquett, a lawyer and member of the human rights organisation known as the Committee for Peace.  DINA would run as a clandestine police force empowered to conduct surveillance, initiate arrests, torture detainees and liquidate individuals deemed hostile to the regime both within and outside its borders.

Pinochet and Kissinger (1974)

On August 8, 1975, the US Ambassador to Chile, David Popper, drinks the usual Cold War draught: the country positively teams with dangerous left-wing types who, while being necessarily done away with for reasons of security, are being done so in circumstances of dissimulation and deception.  The cable to Washington is dismissive of death and duly cognisant of deception on the part of the Pinochet regime:

“We conclude that reports describing deaths of disappearances of 119 Chilean extremists outside of Chile are probably untrue, though most or all concerned are probably dead.  Most probable explanation we can piece together for what will probably remain something of a mystery is that GOC Security Forces acted directly or through third party, planted reports in obscure publications to provide some means of accounting for disappearance of numerous violent leftists.”

The cable notes disinformation reports that “60 Chilean extremists had been killed outside of Chile as a result of internal purges in extremist groups arising out of conflicts over money, ideology, etc.”  There is even a nodding acceptance that a publication running material on the deaths in question, the Argentinean magazine Lea, is one “obscure”, probably running for one issue, and “may have used false publishing address, and appears to be tied to Lopez Rega and Right-wing Argentine groups.”  Even at the time, this account was found by such reports as John Dinges of Time magazine to be false.

In October 1975, the directorate’s overly enthusiastic director, Colonel Manuel Contreras, sought to harmonise efforts between his various secret police counterparts in Latin America in efforts to eliminate designated dissidents and leftwing targets.  They included Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Bolivia.  An invitation to Paraguayan General Francisco Britez that month supplies the first trace of a process that led to the creation of the murderous enterprise known as Operation Condor, arising from a Working Meeting of National Intelligence that took place in Santiago, Chile between November 25 and December 1.

The invitation also sports various attachments that document the bleak and bloody nature of what awaits.  In keeping with the temperament of all police chiefs, secret or otherwise, the enemy lurks and can be found everywhere.  South America is rife with “subversion” that was borderless in nature, featuring “infiltration” at all levels of society.  The Left was on its continental march, typified by such gatherings as the Tricontinental Conference in Havana.  To combat such a force required “an effective coordination” of timely exchange of information and experience.

By 1977, the human rights abuses of the regime by DINA were such as to deserve mention in an analytical report from the US Central Intelligence Agency.  It stood to reason, given that the directorate had, at that point, burgeoned to an organisation of 38,000 personnel underwritten by a $27 million budget.  Such agents of cruelty had to fulfil some role.

The tone of the report is one of regret, given Washington’s backing for the junta in its quest to quash the Left.  It notes how such violations had “nearly ceased earlier this year” but were “again on the rise.”  It further notes that the Pinochet regime was “reverting” back to those old practices that had affected “its international standing since the 1973 coup.”  The culprit for the spike in human rights abuses, involving instances of torture, illegal detentions, and “unexplained ‘disappearances’”: DINA.

The view of Contreras, as expressed in a press interview, was that his organisation had played a “decisive role” in reining in “extremism”.  As the Colonel was a Pinochet confidant and answering directly to him, it was “unlikely that he would act without the knowledge and approval of his superior.”

DINA’s murderously disruptive role in the hemisphere received greater scrutiny in 1979 with a Top-Secret Senate Staff Report “concerning activities of certain foreign intelligence agencies in the United States” authored for the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on International Operations.  Chile receives a notable, if far from honourable mention. 

As of January 1979, there was, as such, no Chilean intelligence officers stationed in the US but visits had been previously made using “false identification, and their activities were not known.”  The description is frank about Chile’s intelligence role in Operation Condor, one marked by assassinations and surveillance of “anti-regime activists”.  The intelligence services are also picked up on their “close liaison with the German Nazi colony of La Dignidad in Southern Chile, which makes its substantial resources available to it.”  A charming lot indeed.

With chilling revelation, the document mentions the directorate’s initial role in eliminating “subversives” in Chile proper, a task it had largely succeeded in doing by 1976.  The task then shifted beyond the borders, the focus being on Chilean dissidents in Europe and the rest of the Americas.  Victims of that effort were such notables as former Chilean ambassador to the United States, Orlando Letelier, brazenly killed in the US capital with a car bomb alongside his assistant Ronni Moffit in September 1976.

As the Senate Staff Report goes on to discuss, DINA was dissolved in August 1977, most likely under pressure from Washington “where sensitivity to Chilean repression was heightened by the assassination of Orlando Letelier, and also of pressure from within Chile.”  The official reason was that DINA had done what it set out to do.  A legacy most cruel and foul had been left, leaving a thickened trail of blood from Santiago to Washington.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

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If the news report from Sky News that reached me early this morning is not a hoax, the US government, increasingly regarded worldwide as a criminal organization, could not convince British courts to extradite Julian Assange. Washington was unable or unwilling to provide the British assurances that Assange would not be abused and denied his rights.

Many of us think Assange has been abused enough by the British government which held him in solitary confinement for 62 months, a massive violation of habeas corpus, as a favor to Washington.

Perhaps “British justice” grew tired of the shame of serving as Washington’s jailer and imprisoning a man who has not been convicted of anything. The brownie points that the British were earning from Washington were offset by the appearance of complicity in Washington’s act of vengeance against a journalist who published leaked information embarrassing to Washington.

Perhaps the British judges decided that the 13 years Washington stole from Assange’s life and the life of his wife and children was enough.

Perhaps Washington decided that 13 years of Assange’s incarceration in one form or another sufficed to serve as a warning to all journalists within Washington’s reach not to blow the whistle on Washington’s crimes. For whatever the reason, Washington crafted a face-saving plea deal to end the persecution that destroyed the First Amendment. In exchange for Assange pleading guilty to one count of “conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information” Assange’s sentence will be time served in the British prison.

Thus ends for Assange one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the US government.

Americans will never be able to live down this shame heaped upon them by Washington, because the US Department of Justice (sic) continues to practice it on American citizens themselves.

The corrupt Biden regime, using wrongful conviction and coerced guilty pleas, has sentenced 1,000 Americans who exercised their constitutionally protected rights to protest to prison as “insurrectionists.”

The same corrupt regime is prosecuting a former, and many believe current, American President, including his attorneys, on false charges. This tells Americans that if a president can be abused in this way, they haven’t a chance. The consequence is that fear causes Americans to give up their rights and submit to Washington’s growing tyranny.

My country today is entirely different from what it was when I was born into it. University and public education is focused on teaching the replacement generations that America is a white racist exploiter and that people can be born into the wrong body, with a person’s gender now determined by self-declaration. The Democrats in the US and the ruling parties in Europe are committed to replacing their ethnic populations with immigrant-invaders. This, together with what is indoctrinated in schools, destroys Western civilization. Already there is very little commitment to it politically and intellectually. White universities are the most rabid denouncers of Western civilization.

By November we should know three things that, depending on how they turn out, will speed up or slow down our demise.

One is that we will know what the Democrats are going to do to Trump, and if it is an outrage whether the people will accept it from fear of being treated as January 6 protesters were treated.

Another is we will know whether the repudiation of ruling European parties in the recent European parliamentary elections carries over into the national French election. If it does, it will signal the return of European nationalism and the beginning of the breakup of NATO and US warmongering.

The third is that we will know if Washington and its European puppets are sufficiently insane to deploy NATO soldiers in Ukraine and to continue to target missiles on Russian civilians as Israel does on Palestinians. If Putin accepts these provocations, as he has previous ones, we could be faced with the rise of a Russian war leader who terminates our existence and that of Europe.

The fact that these three are not focus points in Western discussion means a lack of awareness and preparedness should events develop badly.

Meanwhile American youth facing conscription and deprogramming as citizens of Western civilization scroll their cell phones in the constant search for entertainment.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

“Wiki-Gate”: Julian Assange Was Framed by the People Who Supported Him

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 25, 2024

The five major news media which were instrumental in the release and “redacting” of the WikiLeaks documents issued in 2019 a somewhat contradictory joint statement (open letter) requesting the release of Julian Assange.

British Imperialism and the Opium Wars: The Kuomintang’s Narco-State

By William Walter Kay, June 24, 2024

Opium beguiled Sumer, earned infamy among Greco-Romans, yet never charmed China until 700 CE. Earliest Chinese records trace the poppy’s westward roots. After tobacco arrived, around 1600, smoking tobacco-opium mixtures gained popularity until 1800, when straight opium smoking took-off.

‘Julian Assange Is Free’: WikiLeaks Founder Strikes Plea Deal with US

By Common Dreams, June 25, 2024

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday reached a deal with the U.S. government, agreeing to plead guilty to one felony related to the disclosure of national security information in exchange for his release from Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom.

Biden’s Last Ditch Effort to Avoid Full-scale Middle East War

By Steven Sahiounie, June 24, 2024

US special envoy Amos Hochstein arrived in Beirut on Tuesday morning with a packed schedule of meetings. He is the special presidential coordinator for global infrastructure and energy security, and was successful in brokering a maritime border deal between Israel and Lebanon in 2022, but on this trip he is attempting to make a deal to avoid war between Israel and the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah.

Julian Assange Is Finally Free!

By Joe Lauria, June 25, 2024

The New York Times reported that Assange agreed to the one count of the Espionage Act — “conspiracy to disseminate national defense information” —  in exchange for a five year sentence, which the U.S. agreed had already been served on remand in Belmarsh.

Former PM Azarov Says Ukraine Has No Opposition: ‘They are in prison or abroad’

By Ahmed Adel, June 25, 2024

Currently, in Ukraine, there is no opposition and politicians challenging Volodymyr Zelensky as they are either in prison or abroad, according to the country’s former prime minister, Mykola Azarov. He also highlighted that Kiev would be forced to accept any agreement between Russia and the United States.

Пакс Россия: “Pax Rossiya” Versus “A New American Century”

By Peter Koenig, June 24, 2024

Russia-China relations were poor throughout the Cold War until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. In 1992, then Russian President Boris Yeltsin made a first post-USSR visit to China which led in 1996, when then Chinese Premier Li Peng visited Moscow, to a joint communiqué pledging to build an “equal and reliable partnership.”

Julian’s Freedom is Our Freedom

June 25th, 2024 by Wikileaks

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Julian Assange is free. He left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June, after having spent 1901 days there. He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grass-roots organisers, press freedom campaigners, legislators and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations. This created the space for a long period of negotiations with the US Department of Justice, leading to a deal that has not yet been formally finalised. We will provide more information as soon as possible.

After more than five years in a 2×3 metre cell, isolated 23 hours a day, he will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars.

WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people’s right to know.

As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.

Julian’s freedom is our freedom.


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Julian Assange Is Finally Free!

June 25th, 2024 by Joe Lauria

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Julian Assange has agreed to a plea deal with the United States. He left Belmarsh on Monday and is headed to Australia, WikiLeaks said.

“He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK,” WikiLeaks said in a tweet early Tuesday morning London time.   

Stella Assange, tweeted: “Julian is free!!!! Words cannot express our immense gratitude to YOU- yes YOU, who have all mobilised for years and years to make this come true. THANK YOU. tHANK YOU. THANK YOU.”

Assange was released as a result of a plea deal with the United States, the BBC reported. The British national broadcaster said:

“According to CBS, the BBC’s US partner, Assange will spend no time in US custody and will receive credit for the time spent incarcerated in the UK.

Assange will return to Australia, according to a letter from the justice department.

The deal – which will see him plead guilty to one charge – is expected to be finalised in a court in the Northern Mariana Islands on Wednesday, 26 June.” 

The New York Times reported that Assange agreed to the one count of the Espionage Act — “conspiracy to disseminate national defense information” —  in exchange for a five year sentence, which the U.S. agreed had already been served on remand in Belmarsh.

WikiLeaks released this video of Assange walking onto the pane on his way out of London, where he was imprisoned for five years. 

The Sydney Morning Herald reported: “A court filing outlines a single criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified US national defence documents.” 

The newspaper said Assange pleaded “guilty to an Espionage Act charge of conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified national defence information, the Justice Department said in a letter filed in court.” 

Bruce Afran, a U.S. constitutional lawyer, told Consortium News that a plea deal does not create a legal precedent. Therefore Assange’s deal would not jeopardize journalists in the future of being prosecuted for accepting and publishing classified information from a source because of Assange’s agreeing to such a charge. 

The Mariana Islands are a U.S. territory where Assange will complete the deal in a U.S. federal court on Tuesday.

“Technically, he is coming to the U.S., [on the Mariana Islands] but not to the district where he was indicted,” Afran said. “And he could be taken into custody, but we assume the U.S. will act in good faith.”

Assange walking free at Stansted Airport in London. (WikiLeaks video via X)


Assange discusses plea deal with his lawyer Gareth Pierce. (WikiLeaks via X)

Aitor Martinez, a lawyer for Assange, released the charges that Assange apparently pled guilty to. He wrote: “Julian Assange has agreed a deal with the DoJ so he is finally FREE.” The document Martinez attached to his tweet reads:



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Joe Lauria is editor-in-chief of Consortium News and a former U.N. correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and other newspapers, including The Montreal Gazette, the London Daily Mail and The Star of Johannesburg. He was an investigative reporter for the Sunday Times of London, a financial reporter for Bloomberg News and began his professional work as a 19-year old stringer for The New York Times. He is the author of two books, A Political Odyssey, with Sen. Mike Gravel, foreword by Daniel Ellsberg; and How I Lost By Hillary Clinton, foreword by Julian Assange.

Featured image: Assange. boards plane at Stansted Airport in London a free man after striking a deal with the U.S. government. (WikiLeaks video via X)

The Devastating Impacts of the Covid Crisis on Mental Health

June 25th, 2024 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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“If we don’t stand up against this lockdown madness right now, we are complicit in the soul murder of our children! Yet the majority of parents and educators in kindergartens and schools … silently accept that corrupt governments are driving their children into madness or even suicide and thus strangling the future of all of us. –Rudolf Haensel,  September 2021

“Smiling as a facial expression has existed since the dawn of mankind. It is an inherent feature of human beings. Coupled with mandatory social distancing, the Covid mask hides our faces and prevents us from expressing our feelings while meeting and interacting with our fellow human beings. The mandates create an aura of social despair. Smiling and laughter reduces stress, encourages dialogue, exchange, solidarity, conflict resolution. Smiling also constitutes a means to confronting the Covid-19 fear campaign.” –Michel Chossudovsky, May 2022

“There has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than there are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose,” –Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the CDC, July 14, 2020


The coronavirus mental health predicament of several billion people worldwide is the result of

  • social engineering including confinement, isolation, social distancing and the mask,
  • the incessant 24/7 fear campaign waged by the media and the governments,
  • the spike in unemployment, mass poverty and despair triggered by the worldwide destabilization of national economies.

Image: Pixabay License/No attribution required

Physical Distancing, Corona, Covid-19

Psychiatrists have addressed the “negative impacts” on mental health pertaining to the factors mentioned above. Confirmed by peer-reviewed reports, the lockdowns have also been conducive to triggering depression, uncertainty, and anxiety.

“There is concern the Coronavirus Disease (COVID)-19 pandemic is having a negative impact on the mental health of the general population through a range of suggested mechanisms: fear, uncertainty, and anxiety; social distancing/isolation; loneliness; and economic repercussions.”1

The overall picture of the impacts of the corona crisis on mental health is yet to be fully addressed. Our analysis will focus on the following issues for which data is available:

  1. the dramatic increase in suicides worldwide in countries where the lockdown was imposed,
  2. the increase in mortality attributable to drug overdose (cocaine, opioids),
  3. the rise in alcoholism resulting from a hike in alcohol consumption.

Worldwide Rise in Suicides

The WHO has failed to report on suicide deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. Similarly, at the time of writing, the reported suicide statistics in the US pertaining to 2021-22 are not available. Our analysis is largely based on case study reports.

Suicides in the US

In 2019, suicides were the tenth leading cause of death in the US, 47,511 Americans died by suicide.2 The estimated number of suicide attempts in 2019 was of the order of 1.38 million.3

The evidence is scanty.

A CDC-sponsored peer-reviewed report (Mark É. Czeisler, Rashon I. Lane, Emiko Petrosky, et al.) confirms that the loss of employment and purchasing power in the immediate aftermath of the March 2020 lockdown played a key role specifically  among “vulnerable” social and low income groups, in triggering a wave of depression and anxiety, which resulted in what they describe as “suicide ideation” (thinking about different ways to die).4

The authors confirm that:

Symptoms of anxiety disorder and depressive disorder increased considerably in the United States during April–June of 2020 compared with the same period in 2019 (1,2). ….

The percentage of respondents who reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the survey (10.7%) was significantly higher among respondents aged 18–24 years (25.5%), minority racial/ethnic groups (Hispanic respondents [18.6%], non-Hispanic black [black] respondents [15.1%]), self-reported unpaid caregivers for adults (30.7%), and essential workers (21.7%).5

Another study confirms that ‘social distancing/isolation and loneliness‘ resulting from the lockdown policies are factors which may have contributed to suicide:

“Secondary consequences of social distancing may increase the risk of suicide,” researchers noted in an April 10, 2020 paper published by the American Medical Association.6

“It is important to consider changes in a variety of economic, psycho-social, and health-associated risk factors.” (See FEE)

Essentially, researchers warned forced isolation could prove to be “a perfect storm” for suicide. (emphasis added)7

The central issue — which is not addressed by the peer-reviewed reports — is how the engineered loss of employment and purchasing power resulting from the lockdown coupled with confinement leads to depression and despair.8

Anxiety and depression resulting from unemployment and loss of income is a worldwide phenomenon, unprecedented in world history. Country by country, one can observe similar tendencies. Low-income developing countries such as India are experiencing a situation of total despair affecting large sectors of an impoverished population.

Suicides in India

The lockdown in India has been conducive to a spike in suicides which is a consequence of “severe hardship … as entire livelihoods have come undone, amid an escalating job crisis”.9

“It should come as little surprise then that the spectre of suicide has raised its ugly head, with spikes in reports of people, who see no change in fortune on the horizon, taking their own lives.”

The Brookings Institute has also addressed the role of the corona crisis in triggering suicides in India:

Anecdotal evidence for India, meanwhile, suggests increases in rural suicides. India instituted one of the world’s strictest lockdowns amidst high rates of poverty. … Lockdowns resulted in millions of more Indians entering poverty and exacerbated one of the highest suicide rates in the world. The additional numbers of suicides are estimated to be well into the thousands.10

Suicides in Japan

While the overall number of suicides had declined steadily in recent years, 2020 marked the first time within the past decade that suicide numbers were rising again. (Statista)11  

Notice the surge in suicide rates immediately following the lockdown (Source: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor/Graphic: Jason Kwok and Natalie Croker, CNN)


This sudden upward trend was triggered by COVID-19 lockdown policies. In 2020, approximately 21,000 people committed suicide in Japan,12

“Far more Japanese people are dying of suicide, likely exacerbated by the economic and social repercussions of the pandemic, than of the COVID-19 disease itself. …  Provisional statistics from the National Police Agency show suicides surged to 2,153 in October [2020] alone, marking the fourth straight month of increase.” CBS November 2020 report (emphasis added)13

The above report confirms that suicides among women in Japan increased dramatically in the wake of the March 2020 lockdown. In October 2020 (compared to October of the previous year), female suicides had increased by 83% (in comparison to male suicides which increased by 22% over the same time period).14

Suicides Among Japan’s Schoolchildren

A 2021 report by Japan’s Ministry of Education confirms that suicide among Japanese schoolchildren had hit a record high during the 2020 school year.

“Japan recorded 415 suicides among schoolchildren aged 6 to 18 during the 2020 school year — the highest number since records began in 1974…. The figure was 31% higher than the previous school year, when 317 schoolchildren died.”15 

The report from the Ministry of Education suggests that “the pandemic has caused changes in the school and family environment and had an impact on children’s behavior”.

Deaths Resulting from Drug Overdose

The main drug opioid categories (CDC) are as follows:

  • illegal heroin
  • synthetic opioids such as fentanyl
  • so-called “pain relievers” including oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®)
  • codeine
  • morphine
  • etc. 

The drugs listed above are “chemically-related and interact with opioid receptors on nerve cells in the body and brain” (CDC).

Recorded in 2020, the corona crisis has contributed to a significant increase in both opioid and cocaine sales in the US. 

According to the CDC:

Synthetic opioids ([categorized by the CDC as] primarily illicitly manufactured fentanyl) appear to be the primary driver of the increases in overdose deaths, increasing 38.4 percent from the 12-month period leading up to June 2019 compared with the 12-month period leading up to May 2020.  …

Overdose deaths involving cocaine also increased by 26.5 percent. … Overdose deaths involving psychostimulants, such as methamphetamine [produced by GSM], increased by 34.8 percent. The number of deaths involving psychostimulants now exceeds the number of cocaine-involved deaths.16 (CDC December 2020 Report) (emphasis added)

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in December 2020 that the pandemic may have contributed to “a rise in deadly drug overdoses.” While the data is incomplete, the CDC report confirms a sizeable increase in the number of deaths attributable to drug overdose (related to consumption of cocaine and opioids):

Drug overdoses were linked to more than 81,000 people’s deaths between June 2019 and May 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, jumping 18 percent compared to the previous 12-month period. Such deaths rose 20 percent or more in 25 states and the District of Columbia, the report said.17 (PBS report)

The  CDC graph based on both the predicted as well as reported values (i.e. numbers) of deaths attributed to drug overdoses reveals that the monthly count started to accelerate in February 2020.18

Screenshot from CDC


In April, 2020, 2,146 people died of opioid overdose, followed by 3,388 deaths in May 2020 marking the largest monthly increases since 2015 when the federal government began collecting this data.17 (Quoted in PBS report)

The following graph indicates the US monthly data. In the months prior to the corona crisis (July 2019 to January 2020), the monthly drug overdose death count was substantially below 1,000.

The hike starts in February (coinciding with the financial crash). Following the mid-March lockdown, drug overdose deaths went fly high.

In May 2020, the overdose death count was in excess of 3,000, i.e. a more than three-fold increase in relation to the drug overdose deaths recorded prior to the corona crisis. In the US, the recorded monthly drug overdose deaths in 2020 have more than tripled.17

Graph based on CDC data quoted above. Source: PBS

More recent CDC data confirms that the increase in deaths attributable to drug overdose has continued to increase:

From 71,130 deaths in 2019 (end of December 2019) to 92,478 in 2020 (end of December 2020), namely an increase of 21,348 deaths in the course of 2020 in relation to 2019.19

This upward trend has continued in the course of 2021.

In the twelve-month period finishing in June 2021, the number of recorded drug overdose deaths reached almost 100,000 fatalities (end of June 2021: 98,022).20

Opioid-related Deaths in Canada

The tendency in Canada is consistent with that observed in the US. A dramatic increase in opioid-related deaths was recorded in Ontario following the March 17, 2020 lockdown emergency which was coupled with unemployment following the closing down of economic activity:

The number of opioid-related deaths increased quickly in the weeks following the state of emergency declaration in Ontario on March 17, 2020. Overall, there was a 38.2% increase in opioid-related deaths in the first 15 weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic (695 deaths; average of 46 deaths weekly) compared to the 15 weeks immediately prior (503 deaths; average of 34 deaths weekly).21

It is worth noting that in the course of the pandemic, fentanyl (pharmaceutical opioid) accounted for 87% of opioid-related deaths (87.2% [N=538 of 617]) compared to the pre-pandemic cohort (79.2% [N=399 of 504]).22

Source: Public Health Ontario

The following graph provides a clear-cut picture of the dramatic rise in opioid overdose emergency visits in Ottawa starting from January 2020 through December 2020.

 Source: Public Health Ontario

The Production and Trade in Opioids

According to UN sources, Afghanistan currently produces 94% percent of the world’s opium supply, which is transformed into heroin, morphine as well as pharmaceutical opioids. The heroin trade is protected.23 US military presence in Afghanistan plays a key role. It’s a multi-billion dollar operation involving both the drug cartels (illegal heroin) and (indirectly) Big Pharma which is involved in the sale and distribution of pharmaceutical opioids.24

Several Big Pharma companies involved in the marketing of the COVID-19 vaccine including Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson are also involved in the highly profitable (and legal) sale of pharmaceutical opioids, which in the course of the corona crisis (2020-2021) have become one of the main sources of drug overdose.

Corrupt Big Pharma Companies

Local communities across America took a stance against the Pharma giants with regard to opioids. In 2019-20, a multi-billion dollar opioid settlement was reached with Purdue Pharma on behalf of thousands of US cities and counties. 

“In October [2020], Oxycontin-maker Purdue admitted to enabling the supply of drugs “without legitimate medical purpose”, paying doctors and others illegal kickbacks to prescribe the drugs, among other claims. It agreed to pay $8.3bn.” (BBC, February 4, 2021)25

At the height of the corona crisis (November 2020):

“Four major Big Pharma distributors (Johnson & Johnson, McKesson, Cardinal Health, Amerisource Bergen) involved in the production (J&J) and distribution of prescription opioids “reached a tentative multi-billion settlement with counties and cities that sued them for damages”.26 

The settlement was referred to as the “Opioid Epidemic.” What is its relationship to the corona crisis? In a bitter irony, Johnson & Johnson, which has been the object of a prescription opioids class action lawsuit, is also a major distributor of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

These same Big Pharma distributors benefited from the spike in the sales of opioids resulting from the lockdown, which in turn contributed to a significant increase in drug overdose deaths in the course of 2020-2021 (see graphs above).

In a bitter irony, the spike in drug overdose has led to increased profits for Big Pharma.

While Big Pharma is the object of a multi-billion dollar civil lawsuit on the fraudulent distribution of prescription opioids, several of these corrupt companies are now entangled in promoting the COVID-19 vaccine initiative. According to Bloomberg, “more than 400,000 Americans have died over the last two decades from [drug] overdose”.27

And now, since the onset of the corona crisis in February 2020, monthly deaths resulting from drug overdose have more than tripled (see graph above). 



Drug abuse and alcoholism are often related.

Drug and alcohol abuse have increased with COVID, and so has suicide. Help hotlines are flooded and certain statistics — online alcohol sales increased in the U.S. by over 200% — paint a dark picture.”

“Addiction is skyrocketing,” says addiction therapist Cindi Brand, who worked formerly with CAMH.

The pandemic has increased all forms of anxiety and stress even … Social distancing means people with addiction issues “can’t possibly get the help they need right now,” she says. (emphasis added)28

Increase in Sales of Alcohol

An upward trend in alcoholism during the corona crisis in the US is confirmed by a significant increase in the sale of alcohol. According to a Nielsen study, the stay at home orders in March 2020 resulted in “a 54% increase in national sales of alcohol for the week ending March 21, 2020, compared with one year before; online sales increased 262% from 2019.”29

A RAND corporation sample survey study conducted with the support of the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) consisted in comparing adults’ drinking habits in 2019 with those prevailing during the corona crisis (2020):

“American adults have sharply increased their consumption of alcohol during the shutdown triggered by the coronavirus pandemic, with women increasing their heavy drinking episodes (four or more drinks within a couple of hours) by 41%

A national survey found that the overall frequency of alcohol consumption increased by 14% among adults over age 30, compared to the same time last year. The increase was 19% among all adults aged 30 to 59, 17% among women, and 10% among for non-Hispanic white adults.” (Rand Corporation)30

While the Rand Corporation study on drinking habits reveals an increase in the consumption of alcohol, the results must be interpreted with caution. The recorded increase in the actual sale of alcohol (54%) was significantly higher than the estimated increase in drinking, based on the Rand sample survey. Concurrently, however, during lockdown, consumption of alcohol has largely been taking place in homes, rather than in (closed) bars and restaurants.31 

According to Michael Pollard, lead author of the study at RAND, “People’s depression increases, anxiety increases, [and] alcohol use is often a way to cope with these feelings.”32


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1 Stefania Chiappini,  Amira Guirguis, et al., July 29, 2020. COVID-19: The Hidden Impact on Mental Health and Drug Addiction.

2 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, n.d. Suicide Statistics.

3 National Institute of Mental Health, n.d. Suicide.

4 Mark É. Czeisler, Rashon I. Lane, et al., August 14, 2020. Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, June 24–30, 2020.

5 Ibid.

Mark A. Reger, Ian H. Stanley, et al., April 10, 2020. Suicide Mortality and Coronavirus Disease 2019—A Perfect Storm?

7 Jon Miltimore, November 24, 2020. Suicide Claimed More Lives in October Than 10 Months of COVID-19 in Japan, Report Shows.

Mark A. Reger, Ian H. Stanley, et al., April 10, 2020. Suicide Mortality and Coronavirus Disease 2019—A Perfect Storm?

9 Times Now Digital, September 14, 2020. Amid COVID-19 outbreak, India’s suicide epidemic remains unaddressed – these graphs show how.

10 Carol Graham, November 17, 2020. The human costs of the pandemic: Is it time to prioritize well-being?

11 Statista, March 2021. Total number of suicides committed in Japan from 2011 to 2020.

12 L. Kettenhofen, November 30, 2021. Suicide in Japan – statistics & facts.

13 Lucy Craft, November 13, 2020. Suicide claimed more Japanese lives in October than 10 months of COVID.

14 Ibid.

15 Emiko Jozuka, October 14, 2021. Child suicides in Japan are at a record high.

16 CDC, December 17, 2020. Overdose Deaths Accelerating During COVID-19.

17 Laura Santhanam, December 28, 2020. What’s behind the historic spike in drug overdose deaths under COVID-19.

18 CDC, January 12, 2022. Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts.

19 Ibid.

20 Deidre McPhillips, November 17, 2021. Drug overdose deaths top 100,000 annually for the first time, driven by fentanyl, CDC data show.

21 Ontario Drug Policy Research Network, The Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario/Ontario Forensic Pathology Service, et al., November 2020. Preliminary Patterns in Circumstances Surrounding Opioid-Related Deaths in Ontario during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

22 Ibid.

23 Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 14, 2005. The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade.

24 MarketWatch, January 13, 2022. Opioids Drugs Market Size, Share 2022 Global Analysis Covers COVID-19 Impact | Detailed Insights on Upcoming Trends, Growth Rate and Future Forecast to 2025.

25 BBC, February 4, 2021. McKinsey agrees $573m opioid settlement in US.

26 KHN Morning Briefing, November 6, 2020. 4 Drug Companies Agree To $26 Billion Opioid Settlement.

27 Jef Feeley, February 4, 2021. McKinsey to Pay $573 Million to Resolve U.S. Opioid Claims.

28 Liz Braun, October 1, 2020. Drug and alcohol use rising during COVID.

29 NielsenIQ, May 7, 2020. Rebalancing the ‘COVID-19 effect’ on alcohol sales.

30 RAND, September 29, 2020. Alcohol Consumption Rises Sharply During Pandemic Shutdown; Heavy Drinking by Women Rises 41%.

31 Sasha Pezenik, September 30, 2020. Alcohol consumption rising sharply during pandemic, especially among women.

32 Ibid.  

Michel Chossudovsky’s Message

Dear Readers,

We stand in solidarity Worldwide. My thanks for your support in the course of more than twenty years.

You are welcome to download (free of charge) my Book (15  chapters) which provides a detailed analysis of a crisis which is still ongoing.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Currently, in Ukraine, there is no opposition and politicians challenging Volodymyr Zelensky as they are either in prison or abroad, according to the country’s former prime minister, Mykola Azarov. He also highlighted that Kiev would be forced to accept any agreement between Russia and the United States.

“There is no opposition in Ukraine now. [Pyotr] Poroshenko or [Yulia] Tymoshenko are not opposition. Their policy was no different from the current policy of the Kiev regime. The real opposition was eliminated. Some were killed, others are in prison, and some were forced to go abroad,” Azarov said in an interview with the newspaper Argumenty i Fakty published on June 24.

According to the former prime minister, the left-wing parties and opposition forces in Ukraine now do not exist.

“In addition, trade unions are absent, and there is strong persecution of the Church. The current conflict is often presented as a confrontation between Russia and Ukraine, but this is not true,” he added.

Azarov also mentioned that some people want to oppose Zelensky in Ukraine but do not speak out.

Zelensky was elected in 2019, and his first term was supposed to have ended in May. However, the regime introduced a new martial law, saying no election could be held during the war. The Ukrainian president is consolidating his power and has even purged political opponents.

It is recalled that the former head of Ukraine’s armed forces, Valeriy Zaluzhny, was appointed as the country’s ambassador to the UK only a few months ago after being touted as a potential rival to Zelensky. After being removed from Ukraine, Zaluzhny has now stayed quiet on the political front. The case of the former general is just one of many examples of individuals purged in Ukraine if they threatened Zelensky’s power.

The Ukrainian president has also jailed his political rivals, even Petro Poroshenko, shut down independent media outlets, such as ZIK, NewsOne and 112 Ukraine, and used the SBU state security agency to go after his critics, like Gonzalo Lira.

Azarov also stated that the US understands that the world cannot be subjected to the risk of a nuclear war, and Washington can start an informal dialogue with Moscow on this issue and influence Kiev.

“On the other side [USA], there are still some sensible ideas that the world cannot be subjected to the risk of a nuclear war. There are hopes that an informal dialogue could emerge that would result in some kind of concrete agreement,” he said.

According to the former prime minister, Zelensky’s regime will have to comply with this agreement between Moscow and Washington.

“There is no way around this. The Americans have one hundred percent influence over the current leadership of Ukraine. Just stop providing funding and weapons, and the regime will literally fall and physically disintegrate. The regime cannot exist without money when salaries are not paid to soldiers and the security service,” Azarov explained.

His comments on the nuclear issue come following a Ukrainian attack on the Raduga substation of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant on June 21.

“As a result of the attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Raduga substation of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, work on the infrastructure facilities was interrupted,” the press service of the nuclear plant published on its Telegram channel.

Compounding the nuclear issue, Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed on the same day as the attack the intentions to modernise the nuclear triad, the three components of the country’s atomic arsenal, by adding the nuclear-capable Sarmat (RS-28) intercontinental ballistic missiles, with a range of 18,000 kilometres, to its arsenal.

“We plan to continue improving the nuclear triad as a guarantee of strategic deterrence,” Putin said, adding that the advances in the land, air and naval components of the nuclear forces guarantee balance in the world.

“Taking into account the difficult international situation, the emergence of new challenges and risks, we will continue to improve our Armed Forces,” he said.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on June 24, citing Putin’s statement, told a briefing that “work is underway to bring the doctrine in line with current realities.”

This was the inevitable course of action after the US allowed the Kiev regime to use American-made weapons to strike inside Russian territory. Besides the attack on the nuclear power plant, there was also the brutal attack with ATACMS missiles on civilian infrastructure in Crimea that left four people dead and 153 seeking medical help on June 23.

The Kremlin previously vowed to respond to any Ukrainian attacks with US-made weapons, and Azarov’s assessment that Kiev may be forced to accept any agreement made between Moscow and Washington could eventuate if the Americans feel that the situation is escalating in a way that cannot be controlled. Meanwhile, despite the escalation, the US will continue to hypocritically overlook that Zelensky is heading a regime that has subverted democracy and human rights whilst lying that liberalism and Western values are being defended in Ukraine.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Author’s Note and Update

1. Julian Assange is Free, but “Freedom of Speech has Passed”

Julian Assange left Belmarsh maximum security prison on the morning of 24 June.  He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK.

We must acknowledge the “dodgy nature” of the negotiations with the US DOJ: The deal reached on June 24, was that Assange:

“agrees to plead guilty to ONE felony related to the disclosure of national security information in exchange for his release from Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom” (Common Dreams, June 24, 2024) 

Holding the Assange Court Case in a  Remote “Territorial Court” in the Northern Mariana Islands. Why?

The Northern Mariana are remote islands of 50,000 inhabitants in the Pacific North of Guam which belong to the U.S. Commonwealth. 

NOAA CoRIS - Regional Portal - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands


Confirmed by media reports (CBS, BBC): Assange will not spend time in US custody. He will receive “credit for the time spent incarcerated in the UK”.

“Assange will return to Australia, according to a letter from the Justice Department”.

His guilty plea to only ONE charge is slated to be finalized in the “Remote” “District Court” of  the Northern Mariana Islands on June 26. 



The Criminalization of Justice? Threat to the First Amendment

What is the End-Game of Assange’s “guilty plea” to be decided upon at the hearings of the “Territorial Court’ of the Northern Mariana Islands? 

Assange had agreed to plead guilty to “one felony for conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified information related to U.S. national defense”, as outlined in a DOJ Letter together with other documents (filed in the District Court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory in the Pacific)

Below is the letter of the US Department of Justice (National Security Division) addressed to Hon. Judge Ramona N. Manglosa

This letter dated June 24, 2024 (FILED on the District Court on June 25, 2024) reads as an Instruction to the Judge prior to the actual Court Procedure on June 26, 2024.

The Court hearings were pre-determined by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) Instructions contained in the Letter.

American Jurisprudence requires a Court Judge who is independent and cannot under any circumstances be receiving instructions from the DoD prosecutors. 

The DoD Letter Overrides the Responsibility of the District Court Judge. It scraps the fundamental premise of Judicial Independence. Moreover, the Judge is NOT ALLOWED to make a statement or judgement in Support of Free Speech. Nor does it have the right to make an observation on the DoJ accusation against Assange. 

It’s the criminalization of Justice.

See here for supporting legal documents  (Document 1 Pages 1-4)


Julian Assange Takes The World's Longest Day TripEstablishing a Legal Precedent? Demise of the First Amendment

Is the objective of the federal court hearing in Saipan to establish a legal PRECEDENT, whereby both mainstream as well as independent journalists can be prosecuted for “conspiring to unlawfully obtain and disseminate classified information related to U.S. national defense.” 

There was a prior commitment to the effect that the Saipan NMI Judge would approve Assange’s plea in accordance with the terms set out in the letter of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) (National Security Division)

“You will be able to walk out of this courtroom a free man,” said Hon Judge Ramona Manglona upon approving your plea.

The terms of the deal were discussed. The Judgment was predetermined, decided in Washington.

Addressing the court, “Assange said he believed the Espionage Act under which he was charged contradicted First Amendment rights in the US Constitution, but that he [WAS FORCED TO] accept [in his plea] that encouraging sources to provide classified information for publication could be unlawfulAs a condition of his plea, he will be required to destroy information provided to WikiLeaks.”

Image right. Saipan District  Court 

The Legal Status of the Saipan “Territorial District Court”

Bear in mind the Northern Mariana Islands District Court which was chosen by the US Department of Justice. is not an Article III U.S. District Court: 

—Article III District Courts:The 13 United States courts of appeals and the 91 United States district courts (including the districts of D.C. and Puerto Rico.

— Article IV Territorial Courts:  The territorial district courts of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, and the Virgin Islands

While Assange did not want a court procedure on U.S. territory, choosing the Saipan “District Court” was no doubt intentional on the part of the U.S. DoJ.  Whereas judgments can be appealed (Ninth Circuit), the Article IV territorial Courts are NOT “De Jure” Federal District Courts.

Does this not open up a Pandora’s box regarding the legality of the June 26 “Fake Judgment” pertaining to Julian Assange, all of which emanates from a DoJ Letter? I should mention, that the DoJ had forced Assange to “plead guilty” for an alleged crime which he did not commit.  In the words of Scott Ritter: 

“By allowing the US government to compel Julian Assange to plead guilty to a crime he did not commit, America has condemned itself to be a land where telling the truth is a crime.” (Scott Ritter) 

See the procedures of the Mariana Islands District Court

2. History: Assange was betrayed and misled by those who allegedly supported him. 

In October 2021, the U.S. government began a legal challenge to extradite Julian Assange from the U.K. “to face charges of violating the Espionage Act”.

The U.K.  Supreme Court turned down Assange’s appeal to “prevent his extradition to the United States”.

On April 20, 2022, a U.K magistrates court formally approved the extradition of Julian Assange to the US “on espionage charges”.

According to Paul C. Roberts: 

The most extraordinary thing about Julian Assange is that he is being treated as if he were an American citizen.

“Treason” was the original cry, now converted to “espionage.”

There was no espionage. Wikileaks published, and made available to the New York Times, The Guardian, and other media organizations leaked information. The media organizations published the information, just as did Wikileaks, but they are not charged.”

In February 2024 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) confirmed that “the prosecution of Assange represents a global threat to media freedom.”

“The ongoing prosecution of Julian Assange jeopardizes media freedom everywhere in the world,” the IFJ and EFJ said in a joint statement.

That statement is contradictory. The mainstream media continues to be the source of extensive media disinformation.

It sustains the lies concerning the Covid crisis and the mRNA vaccine, which has resulted in an upward trend of excess mortality.

It routinely endorses the US-NATO war agenda, while describing the Neo-Nazi Kiev regime as a flourishing democracy.

And now they allegedly come to his rescue.

3. Julian Assange’s Relation with the Mainstream Media

Julian Assange was initially lauded and supported by the mainstream media. In 2008  The Economist, which is partly owned by the Rothschild family granted Assange The New Media Award.  

Was this a genuine endorsement of  Assange’s commitment to “freedom of the press”? Or was it a public relations ploy? 

Assange was  framed by those who supported him:

The Guardian, The New York Times, The Economist, Vaughan Smith, George Soros, the Rothschilds, the Council on Foreign Relations, et al.

Assange has been accused by the same corporate media which praised his achievements.

In retrospect, it was a carefully planned operation. The Wiki “Leaks” were selectively “overseen”.  

Here are details regarding some of the key players. Below is my 2019 article entitled “Wiki-Gate”: Julian Assange Was Framed, by the People Who Supported Him

4. Henry Vaughan Lockhart Smith

Vaughn Smith is a former British Grenadier Guards captain who came to his rescue.  Assange was provided refuge at his house in Norfolk. They had a close friendship. 

Vaughn Lockhart Smith was the founder of the London based Frontline Club (A Media entity supported by George Soros’ Open Society Institute).

In 2010, the Frontline Club served as the de facto U.K “headquarters” for Julian Assange. 

Vaughan Smith is not an “independent journalist”, He actively collaborated with NATO, as an embedded reporter and cameraman in several US-NATO war theaters including Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, and Kosovo 

 In 1998 –prior to the onslaught of NATO’s war on Yugoslavia– he worked as a video journalist in Kosovo in a production entitled The Valley, which consisted in “documenting” alleged Serbian atrocities against Kosovar Albanians on behalf of US-NATO which invaded Yugoslavia on March 24, 1999. 

The video production was carried out with the support of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), whose leader Hashim Thaci became president of Kosovo. In 1998, Thaci was on the Interpol list. Twenty-two years later, Thaci was indicted by the ICTY Hague Tribunal for crimes against humanity including “murder, enforced disappearances, persecution and torture”.

5. David E. Sanger, New York Times

The New York Times was complicit: David E Sanger, Chief Washington correspondent of the NYT was involved in the redacting of Wikileaks in consultation with the US State Department:

“[W]e went through [the cables] so carefully to try to redact material that we thought could be damaging to individuals or undercut ongoing operations. And we even took the very unusual step of showing the 100 cables or so that we were writing from to the U.S. government and asking them if they had additional redactions to suggest.” (See PBS Interview; The Redacting and Selection of Wikileaks documents by the Corporate Media, PBS interview on “Fresh Air” with Terry Gross: December 8, 2010, emphasis added).

David  E. Sanger is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)  and the Aspen Group. The NYT also has links with  U.S. intelligence.

It is worth noting that several American journalists, members of the Council on Foreign Relations had interviewed Wikileaks, including Time Magazine’s Richard Stengel (November 30, 2010) and The New Yorker’s Raffi Khatchadurian. (WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange : The New Yorker, June 11, 2007)

6. The Insidious Role of the U.S. State Department 

In a February 20, 2024 report: 

“The United States’ bid to prosecute Julian Assange is “state retaliation”, the High Court has heard in his final bid to escape extradition.

The Wikileaks founder faces extradition to the US over an alleged conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information following the publication of hundreds of thousands of leaked documents relating to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

In a January 2021 ruling, then-district judge Vanessa Baraitser said that Assange should not be sent to the US, citing a real and “oppressive” risk of suicide, while ruling against him on all other issues.”

The New York Times redaction of classified material was carried out in close consultation with the U.S. State Department (See David Sanger’s statement above).

It’s a bombshell: The State Department was collaborating with the NYT in facilitating the release of classified documents. This in itself raises  legal issues.

In a February 21, 2024 report: 

“The United States’ bid to prosecute Julian Assange is “state retaliation”, the High Court has heard in his final bid to escape extradition.

The Wikileaks founder faces extradition to the US over an alleged conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defence information following the publication of hundreds of thousands of leaked documents relating to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

In a January 2021 ruling, then-district judge Vanessa Baraitser said that Assange should not be sent to the US, citing a real and “oppressive” risk of suicide, while ruling against him on all other issues.”

From a legal standpoint, it is not “State Retaliation”, quite the opposite, it’s “State Collusion”:

The U.S. State Department is on record: It provided a green light to the NYT for the release of redacted classified documents.

Was there not a conflict of interest somewhere? From a legal standpoint, the U.S. State Department was in violation of the Espionage Act. 

7. The Open Letter by the NYT, Guardian, Der Spiegel, Le Monde, El Pais 

The five major news media which were instrumental in the release and “redacting” of the WikiLeaks   documents issued in 2019 a somewhat contradictory joint statement (Open letter) requesting the release of Julian Assange.

They accuse Assange for releasing classified documents on corruption and US government fraud, while acknowledging their role in releasing redacted texts of classified documents. Are they not also in violation of the Espionage Act.

Below is the text of the letter.

An open letter from editors and publishers: Publishing is not a Crime

8. Who are the criminals?

Those who leak secret  government documents which provide irrefutable evidence of extensive crimes against humanity or the politicians in high office who order the killings and atrocities?

What is unfolding is not only “the criminalization of the State”, the judicial system is also criminalized with  a view to upholding the legitimacy of the war criminals in high office.

And the corporate media through omission, half truths and outright lies upholds war as a peace-making endeavor.

When the lie becomes the truth there is no moving backwards

We stand in solidarity with Julian Assange.


The following article  first published in April 2019, 2022 focusses on how Julian Assange’s was betrayed by the mainstream media.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 3, 2022, February 21, 2024, Updated on June 26, 2024




“Wiki-Gate”: Julian Assange Was Framed

by the People Who Supported Him


Michel Chossudovsky

April 2019


Julian Assange’s arrest (after almost seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy) constitutes a hideous and illegal act. He is imprisoned in Britain’s Belmarsh maximum security prison, pending his extradition to the United States. 

Statements by US prosecutors suggest that Assange would not be charged under the 1917 Espionage Act. What is contemplated are accusations of conspiring “to commit unlawful computer intrusion based on his alleged agreement to try to help Ms. Manning break an encoded portion of passcode that would have permitted her to log on to a classified military network under another user’s identity.” (NYT, April 11, 2019).

The charges can of course be changed and shifted around. Bolton-Pompeo will no doubt play a role. In a 2017 statement when he was CIA Director Mike Pompeo “referred to WikiLeaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence service,” which needed to be eradicated.”  

Assange is relentlessly accused by the corporate media of treason, acting on behalf of the Kremlin. An indictment invoking the 1917 Espionage Act remains a distinct possibility with a view to overriding The First Amendment of the US Constitution which guarantees Freedom of Expression.

Assange constitutes a new Russia-Gate media narrative? His arrest coincides with the release of the redacted version of the Mueller report.

Prepare for Wiki-Gate: a long and drawn-out legal procedure which will be the object of extensive media coverage with a view to ultimately misleading the public.  

The unspoken objective of Assange’s indictment is to  create a legal precedent which will enable Washington and its allies to arrest independent and anti-war journalists indiscriminately.

What is at stake, –revealed by Wikileaks– is that politicians in high office are the architects of war crimes. To protect them and sustain their legitimacy, they require the suppression of  freedom of expression, which in turn requires “the criminalization of justice”.

Ironically, from the very outset (over a period of more than 12 years) there has never been a concerted effort on the part of Washington (and its national security intelligence apparatus) to suppress the release of classified US government information or to close down the Wikileaks project. In fact, quite the opposite.


Because the carefully selected and redacted Wikileaks quotes by the mainstream media have been used to provide legitimacy to US “foreign policy” as well as obfuscate (through omission) many of the crimes committed by US intelligence and the Pentagon.

Wikileaks and the Mainstream Media

It is important to note that Julian Assange from the outset was supported by the mainstream media, which was involved in releasing selected and redacted versions of the leaks. And despite Assange’s arrest and imprisonment, Wikileaks continues to release compromising US diplomatic cables, the latest of which (reported by McClatchy, April 17, 2019) pertains to “evidence that US troops executed at least 10 Iraqi civilians” including a 5 month old infant. 

At the outset of the Wikileaks project, the mainstream media including the New York Times, The Guardian and the Economist praised Julian Assange. The British elites supported him. Assange became a personality. It was a vast Public Relations campaign. It was a money-making undertaking for the corporate media.

In 2008  The Economist (which is partly owned by the Rothschild family) granted Assange The New Media Award.

About-turn?  Shift in the Mainstream Media Narrative.

Today, ironically  these same corporate media which praised Assange are now accusing him (without a shred of evidence) of being involved in acts of conspiracy on behalf of  the Kremlin. According to John Pilger:

“The Guardian has since published a series of falsehoods about Assange, not least a discredited claim that a group of Russians and Trump’s man, Paul Manafort, had visited Assange in the [Ecuadorian] embassy. The meetings never happened; it was fake.”

Assange has been the object of an all out smear campaign by those who supported him.

According to Pilger:

“A plan to destroy both WikiLeaks and Assange was laid out in a top secret document dated 8 March, 2008 [by] the Cyber Counter-intelligence Assessments Branch of the US Defence Department… Their main weapon would be personal smear. Their shock troops would be enlisted in the media.”

The Economist which granted Assange the New Media Award in 2008 now intimates that he is an enemy agent responsible for “information anarchy … culminating in the destabilization of American democracy”.

Others think it a long-overdue reckoning with justice for a man who had unleashed information anarchy upon the West, culminating in the destabilisation of American democracy. Is Mr Assange a heroic journalist, reckless activist or even an enemy agent? (The Economist, April 12,2019, emphasis added)

The smear operation is ongoing:

Screenshot Economist headline, April 17, 2019

Starting in early 2017, coinciding with RussiaGate, Assange is depicted as a  “Putin Stooge” working for the Kremlin, Why?

In 2016, some of Mr. Assange’s former American sympathizers turned sharply against him after he made WikiLeaks into an enthusiastic instrument of Russia’s intervention in the American presidential election, doling out hacked Democratic emails to maximize their political effect, campaigning against Hillary Clinton on Twitter and promoting a false cover story about the source of the leaks. (NYT, April 2019, emphasis added)

And then The Guardian, (April 20) with which Assange actively collaborated goes into a high-gear smear operation and  character assassination: “cheap journalism” by the Guardian (read excerpt below):

Was Julian Assange Framed by the People Who Supported Him? 

The latest from the New York Times April 15, 2019, which previously collaborated with Assange, describes him as a threat to National Security, working on behalf of the Russians.

Flashback to 2010:

WikiLeaks published a series of controversial intelligence leaks including some 400,000 classified Iraq war documents, covering events from 2004 to 2009 (See Tom Burghardt, The WikiLeaks Release: U.S. Complicity and Cover-Up of Iraq Torture Exposed, Global Research, October 24, 2010).

These revelations contained in the Wikileaks Iraq War Logs provided “further evidence of the Pentagon’s role in the systematic torture of Iraqi citizens by the U.S.-installed post-Saddam regime.” (Ibid).

The Role of the Frontline Club. Assange’s Social Entourage

While Assange was committed (through the release of leaked government documents) to revealing the “unspoken truth” of corruption and war crimes, many of the people (and journalists) who “supported him” are largely “Establishment”: Upon his release from bail in December 2010 (Swedish extradition order over allegations of sexual offenses) Henry Vaughan Lockhart Smith, a friend of Assange, a former British Grenadier Guards captain and a member of the British aristocracy came to his rescue.  Assange was provided refuge at Vaughan Smith’s Ellingham Manor in Norfolk.

Vaughn Lockhart Smith is the founder of the London based Frontline Club (which is supported by George Soros’ Open Society Institute). In 2010, the Frontline Club served as the de facto U.K “headquarters” for Julian Assange.

Vaughan Smith is a journalist aligned with the mainstream media. He had collaborated with NATO, acted as an embedded reporter and cameraman in various US-NATO war theaters including Afghanistan and Kosovo. In 1998 he worked as a video journalist in Kosovo in a production entitled The Valley, which consisted in “documenting” alleged Serbian atrocities against Kosovar Albanians. The video production was carried out with the support of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Upon Assange’s arrest on April 10, 2019 Vaughn Smith, while acknowledging his disagreements with Assange, nonetheless expressed his unbending support and concern for Assange:

Smith said that while he didn’t agree that everything Assange released should have been released, he did think the Wikileaks founder “triggered a discussion about transparency that is incredibly important.”

“I support Julian because I think his rights as an individual reflect on us, his fellow citizens,” he told Tremonti.

“I think how we treat somebody who we may not agree with, that tells us truths that we may not wish to know … is a great comment on us.” (CBC, April 10, 2019)

The Role of the Corporate Media: The Central Role of the New York Times

The New York Times, the Guardian, Der Spiegel and El Pais (Spain) were directly involved in the editing, redacting and selection of leaked documents.

In the case of the New York Times, coordinated by Washington Bureau Chief David Sanger, the redacted versions were undertaken in consultation with the US State Department.

Even before the Wikileaks project got off the ground, the mainstream media was implicated. A role was defined and agreed upon for the corporate media not only in the release, but also in the selection and editing of the leaks. The “professional media”, to use Julian Assange’s words in an interview with The Economist, had been collaborating with the Wikileaks project from the outset.

Moreover, key journalists with links to the US foreign policy-national security intelligence establishment have worked closely with Wikileaks, in the distribution and dissemination of the leaked documents.

In a bitter irony, The New York Times, which has consistently promoted media disinformation was accused in 2010 of conspiracy. For what? For revealing the truth? Or for manipulating the truth? In the words of Senator Joseph L. Lieberman:

“I certainly believe that WikiLleaks has violated the Espionage Act, but then what about the news organizations — including The Times — that accepted it and distributed it?” Mr. Lieberman said, adding: “To me, The New York Times has committed at least an act of bad citizenship, and whether they have committed a crime, I think that bears a very intensive inquiry by the Justice Department.” (WikiLeaks Prosecution Studied by Justice Department –, December 7, 2010)

This “redacting” role of The New York Times was candidly acknowledged by David E Sanger, Chief Washington correspondent of the NYT:

“[W]e went through [the cables] so carefully to try to redact material that we thought could be damaging to individuals or undercut ongoing operations. And we even took the very unusual step of showing the 100 cables or so that we were writing from to the U.S. government and asking them if they had additional redactions to suggest.” (See PBS Interview; The Redacting and Selection of Wikileaks documents by the Corporate Media, PBS interview on “Fresh Air” with Terry Gross: December 8, 2010, emphasis added).

Yet Sanger also said later in the interview:

 “It is the responsibility of American journalism, back to the founding of this country, to get out and try to grapple with the hardest issues of the day and to do it independently of the government.” (ibid, emphasis added)

“Do it independently of the government” while at the same time “asking them [the US government] if they had additional redactions to suggest”?

David  E. Sanger is not a model independent journalist. He is member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Aspen Institute’s Strategy Group which regroups the likes of Madeleine K. Albright, Condoleeza Rice, former Defense Secretary William Perry, former CIA head John Deutch, among other prominent establishment figures.

It is worth noting that several American journalists, members of the Council on Foreign Relations had interviewed Wikileaks, including Time Magazine’s Richard Stengel (November 30, 2010) and The New Yorker’s Raffi Khatchadurian. (WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange : The New Yorker, June 11, 2007)

Historically, The New York Times has served the interests of the Rockefeller family in the context of a longstanding relationship. In turn, the Rockefellers have an important stake as shareholders of several US corporate media.

Concluding Remarks 

Who are the criminals?

Those who leak secret  government documents which provide irrefutable evidence of extensive crimes against humanity or the politicians in high office who order the killings and atrocities.

What is unfolding is not only “the criminalization of the State”, the judicial system is also criminalized with  a view to upholding the legitimacy of the war criminals in high office.

And the corporate media through omission, half truths and outright lies upholds war as a peace-making endeavor

see below 

Globe and Mail 

Business Insider

Washington Post

And Many More…


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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday reached a deal with the U.S. government, agreeing to plead guilty to one felony related to the disclosure of national security information in exchange for his release from Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom.

A related document was filed in federal court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth. Under the plea agreement, which must still be approved by a judge, the Department of Justice (DOJ) will seek a 62-month sentence, equal to the time that the 52-year-old Australian has served in the U.K. prison while battling his extradition to the United States.

Assange faced the risk of spending the rest of his life in U.S. prison if convicted of Espionage Act and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act charges for publishing classified material including the “Collateral Murder” video and the Afghan and Iraq war logs. Before Belmarsh, he spent seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London with asylum protections.

“Julian Assange is free,” WikiLeaks declared on the social media platform X, confirming that he left Belmarsh Monday “after having spent 1,901 days there,” locked in a small cell for 23 hours a day.

“He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stanstead Airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the U.K.,” WikiLeaks said. “This is the result of a global campaign that spanned grassroots organizers, press freedom campaigners, legislators, and leaders from across the political spectrum, all the way to the United Nations.”

“He will soon reunite with his wife Stella Assange, and their children, who have only known their father from behind bars,” the group continued. “WikiLeaks published groundbreaking stories of government corruption and human rights abuses, holding the powerful accountable for their actions. As editor-in-chief, Julian paid severely for these principles, and for the people’s right to know. As he returns to Australia, we thank all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom. Julian’s freedom is our freedom.”

The news of Assange’s release was celebrated by people around the world, who also blasted the U.S. for continuing to pursue charges against him and the U.K. for going along with it.

“Takeaway from the 12 years of Assange persecution: We need a world where independent journalists work in freedom and top war criminals go to prison—not the other way around,” the progressive advocacy group and longtime Assange supporter RootsAction said on social media.

Seth Stern, advocacy director at the Freedom of the Press Foundation, said that

“it’s good news that the DOJ is putting an end to this embarrassing saga. But it’s alarming that the Biden administration felt the need to extract a guilty plea for the purported crime of obtaining and publishing government secrets.”

“That’s what investigative journalists do every day,” Stern noted. “The plea deal won’t have the precedential effect of a court ruling, but it will still hang over the heads of national security reporters for years to come. The deal doesn’t add any more prison time or punishment for Assange. It’s purely symbolic.”

“The administration could’ve easily just dropped the case but chose to instead legitimize the criminalization of routine journalistic conduct and encourage future administrations to follow suit,” he added. “And they made that choice knowing that [former U.S. President] Donald Trump would love nothing more than to find a way to throw journalists in jail.”

Leftist Colombian President Gustavo Petro said in a statement:

“I congratulate Julian Assange on his freedom. Assange’s eternal imprisonment and torture was an attack on press freedom on a global scale. Denouncing the massacre of civilians in Iraq by the U.S. war machine was his ‘crime’; now the massacre is repeated in Gaza I invite Julian and his wife Stella to visit Colombia and let’s take action for true freedom.”

Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt, who represents Melbourne in Parliament, said on social media that

“Julian Assange will finally be free. While great news, this has been over a decade of his life wasted by U.S. overreach.”

“Journalism is not a crime,” Bandt added. “Pursuing Assange was anti-democratic, anti-press freedom, and the charges should have been dropped.”

The women-led peace group CodePink said in a statement:

Without Julian Assange’s critical journalism, the world would know a lot less about war crimes committed by the United States and its allies. He is the reason so many anti-war organizations like ours have the proof we need to fight the war machine in the belly of the beast. CodePink celebrates Julian’s release and commends his brave journalism.

One of the most horrific videos published by WikiLeaks was called “Collateral Murder,” footage of the U.S. military opening fire on a group of unarmed civilians—including Reuters journalists—in Baghdad. While Julian has been in captivity for the past 14 years, the war criminals that destroyed Iraq walked free. Many are still in government positions today or living off the profits of weapons contracts.

While Julian pleads guilty to espionage—we uphold him as a giant of journalistic integrity.

Vahid Razavi, founder of Ethics in Tech and host of multiple NSA Comedy Nights focusing on government mass surveillance, told Common Dreams that

“they took a hero and turned him into a criminal.”

“Meanwhile, all of the war criminals in the files exposed by WikiLeaks via Chelsea Manning are free and never faced any punishment or even their day in court,” he added. “You can kill journalists with impunity, just like Israel is doing right now in Gaza.”

Former United Nations human rights official Craig Mokhiber, who resigned from his job last year over the world body’s refusal to prevent Israel’s slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, said on social media that “political prisoner Julian Assange, persecuted for years for the crime of journalism, simply for telling the truth about U.S. war crimes, is free.”

Mokhiber hailed what he called “a moment of light in an age of darkness.”

British journalist Afshin Rattansi said,

“Let no one think that any of us will ever forget what the British state did to the most famous journalist of his generation.”

“They tortured him—according to the United Nations special rapporteur on torture—at the behest of the United States,” Rattansi noted.

Andrew Kennis, a professor of journalism and social media at Rutgers University, told Common Dreams that

“Julian Assange is nothing less than the Daniel Ellsberg of our time.”

“His journalism revealed more war crimes by the U.S. than any other publisher in the world, and far more extensively than what Ellsberg was able to pull off with a photocopy machine,” he added. “But as opposed to receiving a deserved pardon… the persecution of Assange has been indicative of the guiding principle of U.S. foreign policy these days: Prosecute the whistleblowers exposing war crimes while funding Israeli war criminals in an ongoing attempt at genocide against occupied Palestine.”

[From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.]


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G7 ITÁLIA: Uma cúpula de guerra

June 24th, 2024 by Manlio Dinucci

O mainstream apresentou a cúpula do G7 na Apúlia, sob a presidência italiana, como uma espécie de grande evento social, ignorando o Comunicado Final: um documento de cerca de 40 páginas no qual o G7 – composto pelas seis principais potências da OTAN mais o Japão, principal parceiro da OTAN no Leste Asiático – definiu sua agenda. Eles denunciam a Rússia por “sua brutal e injustificável guerra de agressão contra a Ucrânia e por sua flagrante violação do direito internacional e dos princípios fundamentais que sustentam a ordem internacional”.

Em seguida, eles anunciam que “o G7 lançará empréstimos extraordinários para disponibilizar aproximadamente US$ 50 bilhões em financiamento adicional para a Ucrânia até o final do ano, e que esses empréstimos serão pagos com as receitas da imobilização dos ativos soberanos russos mantidos na União Europeia”. Em seguida, o G7 declara que “o apoio contínuo da China à base industrial de defesa da Rússia está permitindo que a Rússia mantenha sua guerra ilegal na Ucrânia” e pede que a China “pare de transferir materiais de uso duplo para a Rússia”.

Ao mesmo tempo, o G7 acusa a China de implementar “políticas e práticas não mercadológicas que estão levando a repercussões globais e prejudicando o excesso de capacidade em uma gama crescente de setores, prejudicando nossos trabalhadores, nossas indústrias, nossa resiliência econômica e nossa segurança”. Essas e outras passagens do Comunicado da Cúpula demonstram claramente o que está em jogo nas guerras e nos preparativos de guerra que os EUA e outras grandes potências do Ocidente estão travando na Europa, no Oriente Médio e no Leste Asiático, na África e na América Latina.

Com essa estratégia, o Ocidente busca preservar o domínio que está perdendo diante do surgimento de um mundo multipolar. Basta lembrar que a dívida nacional dos EUA ultrapassou 34 trilhões de dólares e ultrapassará 56 trilhões de dólares nos próximos dez anos. O Bulletin of the US Atomic Scientists (Boletim dos Cientistas Atômicos dos EUA) adverte, com base em dados precisos, que estamos diante de “uma reconstrução maciça de todo o arsenal nuclear dos EUA, incluindo novos mísseis terrestres de longo alcance, novos submarinos, novos bombardeiros furtivos de longo alcance que transportam mísseis de cruzeiro e grandes atualizações dos mísseis que transportam submarinos. O custo total de tudo isso, mantendo os armamentos existentes, será de mais de US$ 1,2 trilhão”.

Manlio Dinucci

Artigo em italiano :

G7 ITALIA: Un Vertice di Guerra

Tradução : com DeepL

VIDEO (italiano):

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Opium beguiled Sumer, earned infamy among Greco-Romans, yet never charmed China until 700 CE.

Earliest Chinese records trace the poppy’s westward roots. After tobacco arrived, around 1600, smoking tobacco-opium mixtures gained popularity until 1800, when straight opium smoking took-off. (1)

In 1729 Emperor Yongzheng banned non-medicinal opium in an edict eliciting laws against mass delusion. (2) Imports of medicinal opium continued, upon payment of duties. Portuguese, perched at Macao, plied the trade with Turkish product.

Pre-1767 Indian opium exports never exceeded 200 chests. (One chest equals 60 kilos.) Brits tried smuggling Indian opium into China in 1773, but in vain.

An armed opium ship faired better in 1781. A decade later the British quit Macao for Canton. As the East India Company (BEIC) monopolized Indian opium they delegated smuggling to third parties; albeit only those carrying exclusively Company dope. (3)

Emperor Jiaquing re-affirmed the ban in 1799, bemoaning opium smoking’s climb from vagabonds to notables. Pervasive corruption and feeble policing vitiated the ban. In 1800 the British off-loaded 2,000 chests at Canton. (4)

Pre-1800 British imports of Chinese silk and tea exceeded in value British exports to China. Silver poured east. Brits reversed this flow with opium smuggling. In 1839 China imported 40,000 chests. (5)  

Silver depletion, coupled with opium’s obvious ills, compelled Emperor Daoguang to solicit Mandarin advice.

Responses included “Proposing to Legalize Its Importation” by Xu Neij, Vice President of Canton’s Sacrificial Court. Xu argued:

“…smokers of opium are idle, lazy vagrants, having no useful purpose before them, and are unworthy of regard, or even of contempt. Although there are some smokers to be found who have overstepped the threshold of age, yet they do not attain to the long life of other men.” (6) 

Opium shortens bums’ lifespans. Bring it on.

Anti-opium hardliners overrode Xu. One claimed 75% of men in his area smoked the Western poison. (7)

In December 1838 Chinese officers crucified an opium smuggler in front of Canton’s warehouses. In March 1839 British wholesalers watched their opium troves burn.

April-to-September saw furious diplomatic efforts and parliamentary debates culminating in an October 1, 1839 declaration of war.

China’s Century of Humiliation began with British warships sinking China’s navy in a nine-minute battle.

The First Opium War ended with the August 29, 1842 Treaty of Nanking.

China relinquished 21 million one-ounce silver dollar coins, ceded Hong Kong, and opened 5 ports to Western trade and residence, notably Shanghai. (British merchants griped about negotiators’ failure to legalize opium.)

Henceforth, opium sales more than covered British imports from China. Into the 1860s opium sales underwrote the Empire; yielding a quarter of British India’s revenues. (8)

Early Opposition

British criticism of the opium trade surfaced in the 1840s; one pamphleteer inveighing:

“…the ‘slave trade’ was merciful compared to the ‘opium trade’. We did not destroy the bodies of the Africans… the opium seller slays the body” (9)

Others noted opium so impoverished the Chinese they couldn’t afford British manufactured wares. A Society for the Suppression of the Opium Trade coalesced in 1874 around the journal, Friends of China.


The East India Company iron steam ship Nemesis, commanded by Lieutenant W. H. Hall, with boats from the Sulphur, Calliope, Larne and Starling, destroying the Chinese war junks in Anson’s Bay, on 7 January 1841. (From the Public Domain)

Scolds also denounced domestic use. Consequently, the 1868 Pharmacy Act restricted opium selling to chemists. Previously, grocers’ mongered opium potions and stockpiled laudanum for Saturday nights. Crusaders tolerated high society dabblers but not working class imbibers. Medics re-defined opium abuse as self-induced insanity. (10)

China 1859-1931

In 1859 Chinese opium imports hit 75,822 chests. (11)

The Second Opium War climaxed in 1860 with British soldiers torching Emperor Xianfeng’s palace – roasting 300 non-combatants.

Post-war sales proceeded apace with one Westerner observing:

“In Beijing there are opium shops in almost every lane, and two or three in the larger ones.” (12)

Opium smoking spread from coastal cities into the interior. In 1878 another Westerner noted:

“Over the past thirty to forty years smokers have become as common in the remote countryside as they used to be in the cities. These days a town spends more money on opium than it does on rice.” (13)

China imported 84,528 chests in 1879. (14)

Circa 1880-1900, the market flourished despite Britain’s exit – which resulted from China’s switch to home-grown opium, and from Chinese merchants connecting with Persian suppliers.

A 1906 Chinese polemic claimed opium addiction afflicted 70% of Chinese men:

“Their lives fall drop by drop into the opium box, and their souls flicker away in the light of the opium lamp… When stung they feel no pain; when kicked their wilted bones fail to rise.” (15)

During the Warlord Era (1916-27) opium formed both currency and tax-base for a hundred tyrants and their drug-addled troops. The Kuomintang (KMT) took this modus operandi national. (16)

“By 1928, opium had penetrated every aspect of Chinese life. The Kweichow Chamber of Commerce even adopted the drug as the official standard of exchange. In Yunnan, one of many major growing areas… 90 percent of the adult males smoked, and many new-born infants were addicts having acquired their dependency in the wombs of addicted mothers.” (17)

To the KMT “opium suppression” meant “opium taxation.” KMT’s Anti-Opium Bureau coordinated heroin trafficking. (18)  

In 1931 the League of Nations voted to restrict heroin to medicinal purposes. In that year, Tu Yueh-sheng threw a three-day temple inauguration gala. After 80,000 revellers departed the temple transformed into the world’s largest heroin factory. (19)

The Role of Tu Yueh-sheng

Image: Du Yuesheng (From the Public Domain)


Orphaned in Shanghai’s worst slum, Tu Yueh-sheng became a juvenile hitman. After taking over the Green Gang,

Tu monopolized opium and heroin trafficking across the Yangtze basin.

By 1927 Tu raked every dope deal in China netting several million silver dollars monthly. (20)

Tu was Earth’s biggest heroin dealer. Tu was China’s de facto head of state:   

  • May-ling Kai-shek (nee Soong) badgered her husband, Commander-in-Chief Chiang Kai-shek, into not paying protection money to Tu. When the payment deadline passed, (21)
  • Ai-ling Kung (nee Soong) gave Tu currency secrets gleaned from her Finance Minister husband. Miscommunication cost Tu dearly. When Tu’s demands for reimbursement went unheeded he sent a custom-built coffin to Kung’s mansion. China’s Central Bank reimbursed Tu.
  • Tu demanded Premier T.V. Soong return a $6 million bribe. When T.V. paid Tu in bonds, not coin, Tu had T.V.’s secretary shot dead in front of T.V. 
  • When opium supplies tightened, T.V. arranged delivery of 700 chests of Persian opium to Tu.
  • As Shanghai’s Chief Communist Suppression Agent, Tu murdered tens of thousands.
  • Opium suppression agents dared not tax Tu’s personal operations.
  • Tu planted Green Gang loyalists atop China’s opium monopoly.
  • Tu donated 120 US-made warplanes to China’s Air Force.
  • Tu was a French Concession Councillor and President of two major banks. He sat on the board of two other large banks, several big businesses, and China’s Chamber of Commerce.
  • Philanthropy gave Tu control of hospitals, orphanages and Great China University. (22)

USA 1903-45. America’s Opium Imports

Shorn of China trade lucre, British hostility toward opium hardened. In 1908 the British Medical Association debated classifying opium addiction a committal-worthy mental disease. Others feared opium dens might migrate from China.

Yellow Peril phobia proved overwrought. Britain’s Chinese hoards, numbering 1,100 in 1911, sustained 6 dens. (23)

America did receive numerous Chinese migrants and through them tonnes of opiates.

In 1903 student Ai-ling Soong sailed to America in a liner “with a cargo of 538 chests of strong smelling black opium tar packed in her hold, and on deck a cargo of freshly scrubbed missionaries.” (24)

In 1905 Ai-ling’s brother-in-law, Sun Yat-sen, disembarked at San Francisco onto carpet laid by the Chih Kung Tong fraternity – a US-wide narcotics syndicate. (25)

After Congress banned heroin in 1924, mobsters jumped in. While (non-French) European syndicates preferred Persian opium, Americans bought Chinese. Heroin entered through Chinese diplomatic channels. Tu provided “bodyguards” for dignitaries like Ai-ling’s brother, T.V. Soong.

One bodyguard, Tommy Tong, moonlighted as Shanghai’s Customs Chief. The US Treasury Department considered Tommy Tong the mastermind behind US heroin imports. (26) Tommy’s customers included Lucky Luciano:

“Luciano forced many small-time pimps out of business as he found that addicting his prostitute labor force to heroin kept them quiescent, steady workers, with a habit to support and only one way to gain enough money to support it. This combination of organized prostitution and drug addiction, which later became commonplace, was Luciano’s trademark in the 1930s. By 1935 he controlled two hundred New York City brothels with twelve hundred prostitutes, providing him with an estimated income of $10 million a year.” (27)

When his luck ran out Luciano caught a 35-year sentence for forced prostitution.  

Mafioso so diluted heroin, addicts had to inject. (28)

“Italians adulterated the heroin far more than their Jewish predecessors had. As purity dropped to 27.5 percent by 1938, heroin sniffing was no longer effective, and addicts were forced to use hypodermic injection.” (29)

America’s heroin problem so worsened in the late-1930s prominent Chinese-Americans, diplomatic connections notwithstanding, got indicted, including Chih Kung Tong members.

Heroin’s scarcity during WWII reflected deals between T.V. Soong and FDR discontinuing heroin shipments in exchange for aid. Writing in the 1980s, Seagrave encountered ongoing cover-ups of 1940s-era China-US negotiations. (30)

The French Connection

Indochina’s French overlords partnered with Vietnam’s Chinese merchants. Sino-French mercenaries prowled rivers along China’s southwestern border, smuggling opium and buying more from hill tribe farmers.

The French safeguarded their profits through ties with secret societies in Shanghai’s French Concession. Tu distributed substantial stipends to Concession officials. French agents gave Tu’s Green Gang 5,000 firearms to exterminate Chinese leftists. (31)

Tu captured France’s heroin market through an alliance with the Corsican syndicate, Union Corse, who secured Marseilles’ ports. Tu’s “diplomats” bribed Parisian politicos. (32) Union Corse thugs liquidated leftists in Marseilles.

Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang’s (KMT) Narco-state

From the moment the KMT christened Nanking its capital (1927) the Republic of China was a narco-state.

“Keeping in mind that Green Gang domination of the Chinese underworld originated in its virtual monopoly of opium traffic, and that Shanghai itself had been founded on a great brown swamp of opium tar, and that the only exportable resource for some provinces like Yunnan was opium, it can come as no surprise that Nanking was quietly paying many of its bills with narcotics revenues.” (33)

Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek amassed mounds of money from narcotics.

The Farmers Bank (a.k.a. Opium Farmers Bank) held his illicit cash-stash. When Western advisors, hired to modernize Chinese finance, suggested auditing Farmers Bank, Chiang shrieked. (34)

In the 1920s Japan exported billions of heroin doses to China. In the 1930s Japan overran northern China’s lush poppy fields. This cut Chiang’s income but didn’t disrupt production. KMT Generals, many of them Green Gang members, eagerly traded with Japanese invaders. (35)

China far out-produced Japan. In 1937, due to Tu’s hold on French and US markets, China supplied 85% of global heroin demand. (36)

China’s addicts swallowed their heroin. Pure pink pills pitched on every patio left little impetus to inject. Heroin pill-popping’s displacement of opium smoking didn’t happen overnight:

“Morphine had been widely used by Western missionaries in the late 1800s to cure Chinese opium addicts; …the drug became known as “Jesus opium.” Then heroin… showed promise as a treatment for morphine addicts. Chinese first became opium addicts, then graduated to morphine, then to heroin.” (37)

The League of Nations Sends Ilona Raif Sues to “Interview” Tu Yueh-sheng

The League of Nations’ Anti-Opium Information Bureau dispatched Ilona Ralf Sues to study China.

Sues secured the only Occidental interview of Tu, during which Tu toed the KMT line:

a) a state opiate monopoly is necessary;

b) only state-licensed merchants should sell opiates; and,

c) addicts must be registered and rationed. After Tu spoke favourably of the British India model, Sues retorted that the British leeched 23% of India’s revenues; reminding Tu:

“India is ruled by white men who consider themselves superior to every other race and sell the drug exclusively to natives and to local Chinese. No white man can be registered as a smoker! From their point of view, they are selling poison to an inferior race.” (38)

The KMT’s Tai Li. China’s Himmler

The KMT’s most intriguing figure, Tai Li, was also their most obscure. Seagrave sheds glimpses.

Drawing the curtain on the Warlord Era meant coopting regional potentates like Manchuria’s Chang Hsueh-liang. Chang was addicted to the opiate, Pavemal.

“There were indications that his (Chang’s) drugs might have been doctored to demoralize him, the sort of thing at which Chiang’s secret police chief, Tai Li, was expert. (39)

Tai Li’s skullduggery punted Chang into such oblivion he resigned all posts. With help from Western friends Chang fled China; returning a sober champion of allying with Mao. For this Chiang Kai-shek sentenced Chang to life-long house arrest, watched over by Tai Li: “who followed the usual procedure of acquainting the captive with heroin.” (40)

Obsessed with anti-communism, the KMT never seriously fought Japan. Wholesale embezzlement of American aid ensconced the Soongs as the world’s richest dynasty. With corruption immiserating the middle classes many educated Chinese protested:

“…the regime did not fight the war but dragged into Tai Li’s headquarters any loyal subjects who dared to criticize. They were beaten, beheaded, starved or turned into heroin addicts at KMT concentration camps run by Tai Li.” (41)  


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William Walter Kay is a regular contributor to Global Research.


1.       Lovell, Julia. The Opium War, Picador, London, 2011 p. 21-3.

2.       Ibid, p. 24 and 35.

3.       Marx, Karl. Trade or Opium?, New York Daily Tribune, September 20, 1858

4.       Ibid.

5.       Seagrave, Sterling. The Soong Dynasty, Harper & Row, New York, 1985, p 4; and Lovell, p. 2.

6.       Baumler, Alan. Modern China and Opium, Michigan University Press, 2001, p.6-11.

7.       Lovell, p. 53.

8.       Ibid, p. 250-1.

9.       Marx, (quoting Montgomery Martin).

10.   Lovell, p. 269-70.

11.   Ibid, p. 270.

12.   Ibid, p. 270.

13.   Ibid, p. 270.

14.   Ibid, p. 270.

15.   Lovell, p. 303.

16.   Baumler, Alan. The Chinese and Opium under the Republic, State University of New York Press, 2007, p. 89-110; see also Seagrave p. 331.

17.   Seagrave, p. 331.

18.   Ibid, p. 345.

19.   Ibid, p. 334-5.

20.   Seagrave, p. 150 and 338.

21.   Ibid, p. 269-70.

22.   Ibid, p. 330-7.

23.   Lovell, p. 271-4 and 280-1.

24.   Seagrave, p. 101.

25.   Ibid, p. 87.

26.   Ibid, p. 334.

27.   McCoy, Alfred. The Politics of Heroin, Lawrence Hill Books, Brooklyn, 1991 p. 29.

28.   Seagrave, p. 335.

29.   McCoy, p. 29-30.

30.   Seagrave, 368.

31.   Ibid, p. 91 and 222.

32.   Ibid, p. 335.

33.   Ibid, p. 330.

34.   Ibid, p. 330.

35.   Ibid, p. 363-4.

36.   Ibid, p. 334 and 344.

37.   Ibid, p. 334.

38.   Ibid, p. 340.

39.   Ibid, p. 347.

40.   Ibid, p. 357-8.

41.   Ibid, p. 395-6.

Featured image: Cousin-Montauban leading French forces during the 1860 campaign (From the Public Domain)

Il Governo Finanzia il Piano per i Vaccini on Africa

June 24th, 2024 by Andrea Murgia

Centocinquanta milioni di euro dal governo per aumentare la produzione di vaccini in Africa. È l’annuncio del vicepresidente del Consiglio e ministro degli Esteri, Antonio Tajani, che ha preso parte a un evento che si è tenuto a Parigi.

Vaccini in Africa: 150 milioni dal governo nel piano di GAVI

Proteggere il nostro futuro – Il forum globale per la sovranità e l’innovazione dei vaccini, è questo il nome della conferenza organizzata da Francia, Unione Africana e GAVI. Quest’ultima è l’alleanza pubblico-privata finanziata da governi, istituzioni e dall’immancabile Fondazione Bill e Melinda Gates.

Il principale obiettivo dichiarato da GAVI è quello di espandere l’accesso ai vaccini per le nazioni più povere e in via di sviluppo. Ecco perché all’evento a cui ha preso parte Tajani si è parlato del continente: l’alleanza ha infatti lanciato l’iniziativa chiamata Acceleratore della produzione di vaccini in Africa (AVMA).

Un miliardo di dollari nei prossimi dieci anni per acquistare oltre 800 milioni di vaccini. Questa è la cifra complessiva per produrre il 60% delle dosi richieste in Africa entro il 2040.

L’Italia contribuirà con 150 milioni di dollari, risulta essere tra i principali finanziatori e avrà un ruolo di primo piano, fa sapere il governo.

Tajani: nostro dovere rafforzare sanità Africa

“La recente pandemia dimostra quanto sia essenziale poter contare ovunque nel mondo sull’equo accesso ai vaccini, dice Tajani.

“È nostro dovere salvare vite umane e rafforzare i sistemi sanitari nei Paesi africani, aggiunge il ministro che cita anche il cosiddetto Piano Mattei.

“Il governo italiano sta rafforzando la propria sovranità nazionale in campo sanitario, farmaceutico e dei vaccini, conclude il vicepresidente del Consiglio.

Gli interessi dei privati per i vaccini in Africa

Al di là delle dichiarazioni di Tajani va ricordato che il piano per i vaccini in Africa rappresenta un business per i privati, si vedano le multinazionali del farmaco come la tedesca Biontech, anche tramite la costruzione di laboratori nei vari Paesi per la produzione delle dosi.

Poi ci sono soggetti privati come la già citata Fondazione Gates. GAVI non è infatti finanziata solo da governi e istituzioni ma anche dall’imprenditore che risulta anche essere tra i contribuenti dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità.

Andrea Murgia



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US special envoy Amos Hochstein arrived in Beirut on Tuesday morning with a packed schedule of meetings. He is the special presidential coordinator for global infrastructure and energy security, and was successful in brokering a maritime border deal between Israel and Lebanon in 2022, but on this trip he is attempting to make a deal to avoid war between Israel and the Lebanese resistance group, Hezbollah.

After the October 7 attack on Israel, the conflict in Gaza began. Hezbollah began strikes on October 8 in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance, and call for the end of Israeli military occupation.

The south of Lebanon was occupied by the Israeli military from 1985 to 2000. Israel had ruled the Lebanese with an iron fist, imprisoning hundreds of Lebanese in the infamous Khaim prison, including women and children. Hezbollah successfully brought about the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon.

On the latest leg of Hochstein’s regional de-escalation tour, he met with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati at noon, after a morning meeting with both Parliamentary Speaker Nabih Berri, and Lebanese Army head Joseph Aoun.

Hochstein was in Israel yesterday, where he met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has dissolved his war cabinet after key members had resigned. Netanyahu is shackled by the extreme right-wing Jewish fanatics who prop-up his government, and refuse to consider any ceasefire in Gaza. Their only goal is the total extermination of the Palestinians in Gaza.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during a tour of the Middle East that a cease-fire in Gaza was the best way to end the violence between Hezbollah and Israel, and President Biden has pushed for a ceasefire proposal to end the suffering in Gaza.

UN officials have warned of a possible ‘miscalculation’ along Israel-Lebanon border which could erupt into a full-blown war between Lebanon and Israel, and likely opening a wider regional conflict which could be the end of Israel.

Israeli defense minister Gallant complained to Hochstein about Hezbollah’s almost daily attacks on Israel’s northern towns.

Israel has conducted targeted assassinations of top Hezbollah commanders in air raids across southern Lebanon and on Baalbek in the east. The continuing Israeli attacks on Lebanon have killed civilians as well, and caused many communities to leave their homes.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Hochstein is holding indirect talks with Hezbollah through Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who is the leader of another Lebanese resistance group, Amal, which is allied with Hezbollah.

Berri is a dual Lebanese-American citizen and has been the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament for the past three decades. He and Hochstein are discussing a possible agreement to end hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has stated a ceasefire in Gaza would bring a halt to attacks on the north of Israel. However, Israel’s refusal of the ceasefire proposal supported by Biden has kept the conflict ongoing.

US President Joe Biden stressed on Monday that he does not want to see escalation at the Lebanon-Israel border and suggested that the US is advancing a proposal to avert a large-scale conflict.

While Hezbollah has attacked mainly military targets, Israel responded by bombing villages across southern Lebanon and targeting Hezbollah positions.

Israeli officials have promised to push Hezbollah back from their country’s northern borders, after about 5,000 rockets have fell across the north and driven Israelis from their homes.

Some Israeli officials have been calling for a more forceful response to Hezbollah’s attacks and some have called for the destruction of the airport and port in Beirut. The Lebanese public are split over the support of Hezbollah, with a small minority against the resistance group, and aligned with the US and France.

Last week, Gallant rejected a French proposal for Israel, France and the US to form a working group to help avoid war at the Lebanese border. Gallant represents those who support the total annihilation of the Palestinians in Gaza as the only goal.

Global protests against the genocide in Gaza have had a massive effect on mobilizing the call for the end of the occupation of Palestine, and a demand for the UN resolution calling for a two-state solution to the conflict lasting 70 years.

However, Biden had continued to send weapons and cash to Israel in direct conflict with the US State Department regulations preventing US weapons being sent to countries likely to break humanitarian laws. The UN and others have accused Israel of apartheid, war crimes, and genocide.

Biden has proposed a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas; however, the extremists in the Netanyahu government have rejected the ceasefire. It appears that the Jewish feel they can defy and disappoint the White House without any repercussions.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Arms and munitions exports from Israel are reported to have hit a record high with $13 billion sales. Annual figures have broken all sales records for the third consecutive year, in 2023, according to Israeli Defence Ministry figures released this week. Israel’s SIBAT has reported arms exports have doubled in the last five years to $13billion in 2023.  This is an increase from $12.5billion in 2022 and from about $8 billion from period 2018-2020.

The Defence Ministry proudly proclaimed that

“the defence exports of the State of Israel succeed in continuing to break records. This fact is a certificate of honour, first and foremost, for our defence industries and the creative and talented minds that work in them and drive them to the heights of breakthrough innovation. This year’s figures show that even though our defence industries are committed… to the war effort, they continue to sign more and more significant export deals, thus enabling the realisation of the effort led by the Defence Ministry to increase defence exports while opening them to new markets.”

Asia-Pacific was the largest region to purchase Israeli ‘defence’ exports with 48 per cent followed by 35 per cent from the Europe. The UAE, Bahrain and Morocco were also customers.

NOTE: ‘Defence industries’ is a tongue-in-cheek pseudonym as with the misnamed IDF in Gaza that has now taken 37,000 lives, mainly women and children in its genocidal revenge drive against the Hamas insurgents, and Palestinian civilians, in Gaza and the West Bank.  

Currently, the United Kingdom is host to a plethora of such Israeli ‘defence industry’ manufacturers.   


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Hans Stehling is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Elbit Systems, Israeli surveillance software, 6 December 2017 [Tangopaso/Wikipedia]

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The economy has always been a crucial aspect of military power. With adequate industrial output, a country could drastically enhance its military might and that has been the case since the dawn of warfare. This is particularly true nowadays when the human factor is increasingly less relevant than was the case just a few decades ago. While militaries required millions of soldiers until relatively recently, the era of ever-evolving modern warfare brought tectonic changes. Nowadays, a heavily armed military force of just a few hundred thousand men could defeat an entire nation with four or five times as many troops (if not more). This is putting a lot more emphasis on the economic performance of any given country. A good example of that is the ever-growing importance of various unmanned systems that now act as force multipliers.

All this requires drastic improvements in production, technological innovations and logistics, among numerous other things. Another important aspect is the simplification of bureaucratic procedures that are often slowing down the process and generally making it less efficient than it could be. In the aftermath of the special military operation (SMO), Russia initiated a number of reforms in order to harness its growing economic might. This made it possible for the Russian military to dominate in Ukraine, despite always being massively outnumbered by the combined forces of the Kiev regime and its NATO overlords. The belligerent alliance itself now has up to half a million soldiers just waiting to engage in the US/EU-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. This fact alone is more than enough for the Kremlin to realize it needs to further increase the efficiency of its military.

With that in mind, it’s certainly not a coincidence that President Vladimir Putin chose former First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov to lead the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD). Belousov has been at the helm of the country’s most prominent ministry for over a month and his appointment also coincides with a massive increase in Russian defense spending, now slated to exceed half a trillion dollars in real (GDP PPP) terms. The new Defense Minister immediately decided to streamline his department’s leadership, reshuffling positions to accomplish maximum efficiency. President Putin agreed to the shakedown (no doubt, thanks to Belousov’s suggestions), which now includes not only changes in the MoD’s leadership, but also an increase in the number of deputies from ten to twelve, of which four have already been replaced.

Thus, Nikolai Pankov, Ruslan Tsalikov, Tatyana Shevtsova and Pavel Popov are being replaced by Leonid Gornin, Anna Tsivileva, Oleg Savelyev and Pavel Fradkov. This suggests that Defense Minister Belousov plans to continue strengthening the economic aspects of the MoD.

Each of the appointed deputies is expected to improve the efficiency of the distribution of state funds allocated for defense. Belousov’s first deputy, Leonid Gornin, previously served as first deputy minister of finance and his entire career has been in economics. He will oversee an entire range of budgetary aspects for the MoD, including the increase in transparency of financial flows and efficiency in defense spending. It could be argued that Gornin’s appointment also suggests that the Kremlin is now actively taking the war economy route, although the process is still in its initial stage.

This is completely understandable given the simple fact that Russia needs to maintain normal economic activity for as long as possible. However, the leadership realizes that NATO’s escalating enmity leaves them with no other choice but to be prepared. And the populace also understands this fully. On the other hand, social security remains an important aspect for the MoD, which is why Anna Tsivileva will be appointed as the deputy responsible for ensuring the social protection of military personnel. She also heads the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, which provides assistance to veterans and active duty personnel alike. Her colleague Oleg Savelyev is the new Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense, a position he will take after previously serving as an auditor for the Accounts Chamber. His appointment suggests that stamping out corruption is a top priority.

In order to strengthen other aspects of the MoD’s resource allocation, Defense Minister Belousov appointed Pavel Fradkov to oversee the management of property, land resources and construction of facilities. Fradkov’s significant professional experience, accumulated during his tenure at the Federal Property Management Agency and the Presidential Office, will help the MoD increase efficiency in this regard. All of these measures will improve the general state of the Russian government’s most important department, particularly now that it’s getting the largest share of the state budget. Making sure that the funds are allocated in the most efficient way possible means that the military will be getting what it needs to complete the SMO and prepare the country for a possible confrontation with the perpetually warmongering US/EU/NATO.

Increasing the production efficiency of the most important military enterprises is another top priority for the MoD, which is why it will be directly involved in the manufacturing of drones and other unmanned systems. The military and the MoD are determined to use the invaluable experience accumulated during the SMO to further improve not only the weapons, but also the logistics and other aspects that can accelerate the procurement process and get such systems to the troops as fast as possible. While the pro-Western liberals are extremely displeased with these changes, the vast majority of the population supports such initiatives, including prominent military experts and milbloggers. Vasily Dandykin, a combat veteran (also a captain in the reserve), reiterated Belousov’s plan to ensure that “every penny works for the needs of the military and the front”.

“All appointments fit into this program of action,” Dandykin told Izvestia, adding: “To do this, we need to streamline expenses. The new minister knows the situation; he was involved in this when he oversaw the defense-industrial complex. He saw how things were going, there’s no doubt about it. He had time to draw conclusions and understand what was happening.”

The military expert recalled that the MoD was previously criticized for the lack of efficiency in certain aspects such as housing. The appointment of new deputies is expected to resolve these issues. Still, the proper allocation of state funds and resources takes priority and will be the main concern of the MoD’s new leadership. Other prominent Russian experts support Dandykin’s assessment.

“It seems to me that the main thing [MoD] should do today is to increase the efficiency of using each budget ruble,” geopolitical expert Konstantin Kalachev told Izvestia, adding: “Secondly, it is necessary to create such conditions for military personnel to feel they are truly cared for, that their needs and aspirations are the focus of the state’s attention, that they are a real priority in everything from ammunition to the technical re-equipment of the military with the most modern weapons systems.”

Military sources also told Izvestia that the new appointees are expected to improve budgetary efficiency, particularly as Belousov’s first deputy, Leonid Gornin, has extensive experience in overseeing inter-budgetary relations. According to Izvestia, an unnamed source said that Gornin also worked in control and legal departments, but revealed that he’s neither a bureaucrat nor a technocrat.

“[Gornin] always gave the impression of a military man; in his environment and secretariat there was precisely military discipline, clarity and scrupulousness. We can say that this is a person who understands finance, but with military precision and efficiency,” the source stated.

Such changes are of the utmost importance and serve to prepare Russia for any eventuality, including the worst one.

This is only one segment of the general trend in the Kremlin, which is now also revamping the country’s nuclear doctrine to improve its deterrence capabilities.

With the political West’s incessant aggression against the world leading to more global instability than seen in decades, Russia is positioning itself as the leading counterweight to this highly exploitative system. President Putin’s Asian tour is a good example of this, with the visit to North Korea yielding excellent results that the MoD itself will greatly benefit from. As NATO continues spreading its malignant influence (mostly through endless proxy wars and constant meddling in other countries’ affairs), Russia and its allies are streamlining their military spending and coordinating joint projects.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Andrei Belousov (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

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For those who are less familiar with the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), since the media abstained from mentioning it lately, PNAC was officially created in 1997 in Washington DC, by the cream of the crop of the then new neoliberal elite, William Kristol and Robert Kagan

The PNAC’s declared objective is to:

“Fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars”.

This statement indicates that the US plans to be involved simultaneously in several war theaters in different regions of the World.


William Kristol is the son of Irving Kristol, who founded “Neoliberalism” in the 1970s, first propagated by his book, “The Neo-conservatives: The Men Who Are Changing America’s Politics”. This book and the ideology that grew after its publication, including the infamous Washington Consensus, were the precursors of PNAC.

In brief, Irving Kristol defined a neoliberal as: “A liberal who has been mugged by reality”. This concept includes ultra-free market policies, supply-side economics, and tariff protection for international trade, as well as a universally offensivedefense apparatus. These ideas lie at the core of the neo-conservative philosophy to this day.

It is one more step for Zionists to dominate the US and the world.

Remember Madame Victoria Nuland, the engineer of Ukraine’s Maidan Coup, which led to the current proxy war of the US against Russia, with Ukraine as platform, where millions of Ukrainians are sent to the front to die for the US hegemon against Russia. They are killed on behalf of Washington. Well, Victoria Nuland is Robert Kagan’s wife.

Neoliberalism and igniting wars and aggressions seems the be their family project, as the PNAC’s mission statement reads:

“American leadership is good both for America and for the world”.

This says it all – either you accept our goodness, or else…. A clear message to the world.

Image: First Left: Leader of the Svoboda Neo-Nazi party. 

Indeed, that has happened and continues as of this day. Although PNAC was officially dissolved in 2006, it was recreated and reorganized in 2009 with the same co-founders, Kristol and Kagan, under the name of “Foreign Policy Initiative”, which in turn was officially dissolved in 2017. However, in spirits and deeds, the PNAC ideology – neoliberalism – and related international aggressions continue as of this day.

Juxtapose the PNAC to the new-sounding “Pax Rossiya”, which may easily be expanded to include China as well, to be renamed to “Pax Rossiya-China”. Both Russia and China are faced with a common aggressor, the United States.

For Russia, it is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Europe; for China, it is Washington’s network of bilateral defense treaties in the Indo-Pacific region. Both countries are surrounded by more than 700 US military bases.

The cooperation between the two countries has started already in the early 1990s, shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Russia-China collaboration was the result of the two countries’ mutual desires to balance the influence of the US hegemony and establish a multipolar international system.

Since then, the cooperation has gradually progressed by a multi-front strategy, economically, militarily and by trade.

The China-Russia partnership has been further enhanced by a strong personal bond between Presidents Putin and Xi.


Russia-China relations were poor throughout the Cold War until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. In 1992, then Russian President Boris Yeltsin made a first post-USSR visit to China which led in 1996, when then Chinese Premier Li Peng visited Moscow, to a joint communiqué pledging to build an “equal and reliable partnership.”

In 2001, the close relations between the two countries were formalized with the Treaty of Good Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation.

Shortly before this 20-year strategic, economic, and military treaty was signed, Russia and China, joined by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, created the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

The SCO has since expanded and become an important strategic multi-country force to counter the US / NATO influence in the region. In the meantime, SCO was joined by another growing block of economic and monetary strength, the extended BRICS, comprising today ten countries (Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Araba Emirates). At the October 2024 BRICS Summit, hosted by Russia, most likely another six to eight nations will be added.

This is part of the multi-branched approach for a new multipolar world.

On another level in 2013, President Xi Jinping organized the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also called the New Silk Road.

The BRI, currently with six to eight international “roads” spanning the globe (land, air, and sea), is yet another means of peacefully coordinated economic development, basically through joint infrastructure projects, but including also collaboration in research, education, and cultural exchange programs.

For many years, Russia, China, and other BRICS members have worked towards a multipolar world, in finance trade and ever stronger military alliances.

Last week has culminated in that multipolar cooperation emerging into a multi-country defense pact by President Putin’s visit to both North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)), followed by a visit to Hanoi.

During Mr. Putin’s meetings with the Heads of State of DPRK and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, strategic partnerships were agreed upon beyond joint military defense and security pacts, are also promoting partnerships for mutual development of trade, technology, and science.

These peaceful developments, prepared by long-term-thinking strategists, by both Russia and China, may fall under a new Pax Rossiya-China. They are not only a serious contender for Pax Americana, also called A New American Century, but more importantly, they are Peace Initiatives spread around the globe, for common sharing of wealth, to bring more equilibrium and Peace to Humanity.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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Uma agência reguladora do Reino Unido descobriu que os principais funcionários da Pfizer “trouxeram descrédito” à indústria farmacêutica quando fizeram alegações enganosas promovendo um “medicamento não licenciado” em tweets sobre a vacina COVID-19, informou o The Telegraph no domingo.

A Autoridade do Código de Prática de Medicamentos Prescrição (PMCPA), um órgão independente e autorregulador estabelecido pela Associação da Indústria Farmacêutica Britânica, decidiu que a empresa violou cinco regras em seu Código de Prática para publicidade.

O órgão de vigilância da indústria farmacêutica do Reino Unido, UsForThem, apresentou a queixa à PMCPA em fevereiro de 2023. A queixa referia-se a tweets de 2020 dos principais executivos da Pfizer, incluindo o diretor médico do Reino Unido, Berkeley Phillips. Os tweets ainda estavam visíveis nas redes sociais quando a denúncia foi registrada.

A organização alegou que a Pfizer “promoveu de forma enganosa e ilegal a sua vacina contra a COVID-19”, ao reportar taxas de eficácia relativa muito elevadas, sem fornecer informações sobre taxas de eficácia absolutas ou informações necessárias sobre segurança.

A UsForThem disse que era importante apresentar esta queixa dois anos depois porque “tal mau comportamento era ainda mais generalizado” do que se pensava anteriormente, estendendo-se “até ao topo” da operação da Pfizer no Reino Unido e “aparentemente continuava até hoje”.

Comentando sobre a importância das descobertas, Daniel O’Conner do Trial Site News, que também cobriu a história, disse ao The Defender: “O comportamento da Pfizer durante a pandemia foi verdadeiramente ultrajante. E, claro, o objetivo é: muito dinheiro.”

O’Connor disse que o “comportamento corporativo da Pfizer durante a pandemia”, conforme revelado por esta e outras decisões da PMCPA, é “tão insidioso” quanto os problemas com as vias regulatórias dos medicamentos e as principais falhas nos próprios ensaios clínicos que Trial Site News vem rastreando.

A Pfizer tem um histórico claro de agir como uma “empresa lucrativa inaceitável durante a pior pandemia em um século”, acrescentou. “A questão que temos é quem os capacitou no governo.”

Censura séria por trazer ‘descrédito’ à Big Pharma

A reclamação se concentrou em um tweet que Phillips da Pfizer compartilhou no Twitter, agora X, originalmente feito por um funcionário da Pfizer residente nos EUA. O tweet afirmava:

“Nossa vacina candidata é 95% eficaz na prevenção da COVID-19 e 94% eficaz em pessoas com mais de 65 anos. Arquivaremos todos os nossos dados às autoridades de saúde dentro de alguns dias. Obrigado a todos os voluntários em nosso teste e a todos que estão lutando incansavelmente contra esta pandemia.”

O painel de investigação da PMCPA descobriu que quatro funcionários da Pfizer no Reino Unido retweetaram a postagem e outros “gostaram” dela. Eles disseram que era provável que membros do público e profissionais de saúde tivessem visto o tweet.

O painel concordou com as alegações do UsForThem de que a mensagem tinha informações de eficácia limitadas e nenhuma informação de segurança, em violação das regras sobre enganar o público e fornecer dados de segurança precisos.

O painel salientou também que os códigos de conduta existentes proíbem a promoção de medicamentos antes da sua autorização de comercialização. No entanto, em violação direta dos códigos, os tweets dos funcionários da Pfizer resultaram na “disseminação proativa de um medicamento não licenciado no Twitter para profissionais de saúde e membros do público no Reino Unido”, concluiu o painel.

Os tweets também violaram a própria política da Pfizer que proíbe os funcionários da Pfizer de interagir com as redes sociais relacionadas aos medicamentos e vacinas da empresa.

O painel da PMCPA concluiu que “a Pfizer trouxe descrédito e reduziu a confiança na indústria farmacêutica”, o que considerou ser uma censura séria que reserva para violações graves como esta, em que uma empresa promoveu um medicamento antes mesmo de este ter sido autorizado.

Os casos que trouxeram descrédito à indústria são divulgados na imprensa médica, farmacêutica e de enfermagem.

Um porta-voz da Pfizer no Reino Unido disse que a empresa “reconhece e aceita totalmente as questões destacadas por esta decisão da PMCPA” e que “lamenta profundamente”, de acordo com o The Telegraph.

A Pfizer também disse que revisaria o uso das mídias sociais por seus funcionários para garantir que eles cumpram os códigos atuais e para evitar tais problemas no futuro.

O jornal também informou que Phillips, cujo retuite estava principalmente em questão, disse que a postagem foi “acidental e não intencional”. Ele acrescentou: “Dito isso, aceitamos imediatamente a decisão do caso e fazemos tudo o que podemos para garantir que nossos funcionários cumpram nossa rigorosa política de mídia social e o Código de Prática do setor ao usar suas redes sociais pessoais”.

Cinco outras reprimendas relacionadas à promoção da vacina COVID

A Pfizer foi repreendida seis vezes pelo regulador pela promoção antiética da vacina COVID-19.

Em 4 de março, poucos dias depois de a PMCPA anunciar sua decisão sobre os tweets de 2020 promovendo a vacina, a agência também anunciou uma segunda decisão, concluindo que a Pfizer violou outra cláusula do código de conduta em um tweet de 2022 da Pfizer UK que “não conseguiu manter padrões profissionais.”

Essa decisão, também emitida em resposta a uma reclamação apresentada pela UsForThem, referia-se a uma série de três tweets publicados no feed do Twitter da Pfizer UK que incluíam um link para um artigo do Pulse Today.

Esse tweet dizia:

“À medida que o Reino Unido entra no seu primeiro ‘inverno desbloqueado’ desde 2019, o nosso [nomeado funcionário médico sênior da Pfizer] explica o impacto devastador que as doenças respiratórias podem ter durante os meses mais frios. Leia mais @PulseToday #WinterPressures.”

O tweet estava vinculado a um artigo promocional – republicado aqui – encomendado pela Pfizer em um site para profissionais de saúde, mas não estava claramente marcado como conteúdo promocional pago pela Pfizer.

A PMCPA, neste caso, disse estar preocupada com o fato de os tweets estarem disponíveis ao público em geral quando o material do artigo do PulseToday se destinava a profissionais de saúde. Isto violou os elevados padrões criados pelos códigos de conduta, disseram os reguladores.

Em fevereiro de 2023, a agência descobriu que o CEO da Pfizer, Albert Bourla, Ph.D., fez comentários “enganosos” e “não qualificados” promovendo o uso de vacinas de mRNA COVID-19 para crianças pequenas durante uma entrevista na BBC.

Nesse caso, UsForThem acusou o editor médico da BBC, Fergus Walsh, de conduzir a entrevista “como um bate-papo amigável ao pé da lareira”, dando a Bourla “uma oportunidade promocional de passe livre que o dinheiro não pode comprar”, permitindo-lhe promover a adesão à vacina, especialmente entre as jovens crianças para as quais a vacina nem sequer tinha sido autorizada.

Na altura, nenhuma vacina contra a COVID-19 tinha sido aprovada pela Agência Reguladora de Medicamentos e Produtos de Saúde do Reino Unido para crianças menores de 12 anos, pelo que o painel concluiu que os comentários de Bourla violavam o código.

Duas das outras decisões da PMCPA sobre a Pfizer estavam relacionadas com publicações no LinkedIn e uma dizia respeito a afirmações feitas num comunicado de imprensa.

A pena pela série de violações, informou o The Telegraph, é uma multa de 34.800 libras.

Ben Kingsley, chefe de assuntos jurídicos da UsForThem, disse ao The Telegraph: “É surpreendente quantas vezes os executivos seniores da Pfizer foram considerados culpados de infrações regulatórias graves – neste caso, incluindo a infração mais grave de todas ao abrigo do Código de Prática do Reino Unido.”

“No entanto, as consequências para a Pfizer e os indivíduos envolvidos continuam a ser irrisórias. Este sistema desesperador de regulação para uma indústria multibilionária de vida e morte tornou-se uma farsa, necessitando urgentemente de reforma”, disse Kingsley.

“É desesperadamente necessária uma revisão abrangente da estrutura regulatória e legal sob a qual esta indústria falida e corrupta pode operar”, tuitou UsForThem .

Os críticos nos EUA pediram que os reguladores nacionais responsabilizassem a Pfizer aqui. Em um tweet, Jay Bhattacharya, MD, Ph.D. de Stanford, apelou à Food and Drug Administration dos EUA para o fazer.

James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., escreveu que a Comissão Federal de Comércio e a Comissão de Segurança e Câmbio tomam medidas semelhantes.

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Kenyan President William Ruto unleashed riot police against largely youthful demonstrators who are demanding the withdrawal of legislative proposals which would drastically increase taxes on consumer goods in this East African state.

Police in Nairobi utilized water cannons and live ammunition to disperse peaceful activists concerned about the impact of the government’s policies on their current livelihoods and futures.

These demonstrations, which erupted first on June 18, have been labelled as “Occupy Parliament.” Thousands of young people have been brought into the latest round of protests denouncing the economic policies of the current administration.

Over the last few years, Kenya has experienced deep disaffection from the youth. Suffering from widespread joblessness and economic distress, many have refused to participate in national elections.

Journalists and human rights organizations in Kenya said that over 200 people were arrested and at least one person was killed due to police actions. 29-year-old Rex Kanyike Masai was wounded in the thigh by police on June 20. He later bled to death as a result of the failure of the authorities to rapidly transport him to a reputable hospital in Nairobi.

In the aftermath of Masai’s death, social media was trending with denunciations of the police shootings. Several other people were wounded, some of whom remain in a critical condition.

Although the economy of Kenya is rated as the largest in the East African region, recent reports indicate that the government is facing a monumental surge in the national debt. The Ruto administration has prompted profound opposition as a result of its policies which stem from adherence to the austerity demanded by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

As a way of passing on the burgeoning economic crisis to the workers, farmers and youth inside the country, the parliament had proposed a series of increases in taxes to boost government revenue. As a result of the international media coverage of the police actions beginning on June 20, some of the bills were taken off the agenda for the present period.

According to the website which tracks governmental debt internationally:

“The national debt in Kenya was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total 38.6 billion U.S. dollars (+40.95 percent). After the tenth consecutive increasing year, the national debt is estimated to reach 132.83 billion U.S. dollars and therefore a new peak in 2029. Notably, the national debt was continuously increasing over the past years. According to the International Monetary Fund, the general government gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future.” 

However, it remains unclear whether the tax bills will be rewritten and then reintroduced in parliament. Demonstrators took to the streets initially in the capital of Nairobi between June 18-20. By the following days, rallies and marches were held in 19 out of the 47 counties in the country.

Kenya demonstration against tax bill (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

These new taxes were placed inside the national budget for the coming fiscal year. The Ruto government must raise an additional $US2.7 billion in an attempt to ease the growing deficit.

A report in the East African newspaper said of the current situation:

“Protesters want the government to completely abandon the finance bill, saying it will choke the economy and raise the cost of living for Kenyans who are already struggling to make ends meet. The International Monetary Fund says, however, that the government needs to increase revenues to reduce the budget deficit and state borrowing. Earlier this week the government softened its position a little, with President William Ruto endorsing recommendations to scrap some of the new levies, including on car ownership, bread, cooking oil and financial transactions.” 

As in many other states across the continent, the reliance upon western Foreign Direct Investment has only worsened the plight of the majority of people. The failure to meet the terms of repayment for loans has prompted the imposition of austerity measures.

Opposition Activists Being Targeted by Police

On June 24, a high-profile organizer involved in the “Occupy Parliament” demonstrations was reportedly abducted at a shopping mall in Nairobi. Shad Khalif, who has been active on social media and in the streets, was last seen being trailed by two vehicles and later forced into one of them.

Kenya Star emphasized on their website that:

“Khalif has been vocal in opposing the bill. He even held interviews explaining how he got himself and his friends in the drive. He said he has no financier and leader in the protests insisting the movement is organic. Police did not respond to inquiries on the incident. His abduction came hours after medic Dr. Austin Omondi who was also in the protests was abducted and released. He was released at the Parklands police station on Sunday evening after persistent online protests. This also came hours after Attorney General Justine Muturi’s son Leslie was also abducted and released. Leslie is believed to have been among those targeted to distract the protests. He was detained at the Anti-Terror Police Unit offices for hours before his father went to pick him up. The motive for the move is yet to be disclosed. Earlier on, social media influencer Billy Simani, better known as Crazy Nairobian, was on Saturday evening released from police custody following his arrest on Friday. His release came after over 50,000 Kenyans joined an X Space on Saturday, calling for his release.” 

Despite the repressive measures taken against the demonstrations, President Ruto announced on June 23 that he is willing to hold discussions with youth representatives. In his statement he characterized the demonstrators as “peaceful.”

However, many youth organizers are skeptical of his appeal for talks. Many want to know why he is deploying riot police rather than withdrawing the Finance Bill from consideration by parliament.

Hanifa Adan, one of the organizers, told the French Press Agency (AFP) that she is in hiding to avoid arrest. She urged the president to publicly rebuke the proposed tax hikes as a means of restoring trust in the country.

Adan told AFP in regard to her concerns:

“President Ruto can’t claim to support us while his police brutalize peaceful protesters. We’re past the talking stage and won’t be silenced. We demand an end to police violence, respect for our constitutional rights, and the freedom to speak up without fear of arrest or harm.” 

The Kenyan president recently visited the United States at the invitation of the White House. President Joe Biden gave Ruto a red-carpet reception as he praised the relationship between Nairobi and Washington.

Biden is desperate to make it appear as if his government wants good relations with leaders on the African continent. Biden, after being in office for nearly four years, has not visited any African Union (AU) member-state.

The current administration in Washington has failed miserably in all of its diplomatic initiatives while igniting wars in Ukraine and Palestine. The president has garnered widespread opposition to his foreign policies towards Palestinians who are being subjected to an eight-month-long genocidal onslaught by the Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

In several West African states, governments backed by their populations have demanded the exodus of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) troops from their territories. Also, within the continent, there is broad support for the cause of Palestinian liberation.

Kenyan Police Cannot be Trusted in Planned Deployment to Haiti

In addition, there is opposition to the U.S.-engineered plan to send 1,000 Kenyan police to Haiti ostensibly to serve as a stabilizing force. Within Kenya itself, many members of parliament and the judiciary at the highest level have rejected the scheme which is slated to be funded by the Biden administration to the tune of $109 million.

Delays in the deployment only highlight the potentially disastrous situation which would arise if the project was to move forward. Many Haitians have warned that the presence of U.S.-backed police units from Kenya will only worsen the political crisis plaguing the Caribbean-island nation.

However, the White House and the Ruto government have indicated that the deployment will begin on June 25. This approach to U.S.-Haitian relations is a reflection of the imperialist militarization which characterizes the Biden administration. (See this)

These developments in Kenya reveal that many AU member-states cannot follow the foreign policy imperatives of imperialism. Any orientation in this regard will only bring about greater instability and internal divisions within these states.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: Kenya demonstrators confronted by riot police (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

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What is causing “unexplained” deaths?

An Injection of Truth Press Conference June 18, 2024 with Dr. Mark Trozzi, Dr. William Makis, Darrell Komick, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. David Speicher.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is unhappy.  Not so much with the Palestinians, whom he sees as terroristic, dispensable and a threat to Israeli security.  Not with the Persians, who, he swears, will never acquire a nuclear weapon capacity on his watch.  His recent lack of happiness has been directed against the fatty hand that feeds him and his country’s war making capabilities.

On June 18, the Israeli PM released a video decrying Washington’s recent conduct towards his government in terms of military aid.  It was “inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel.”  Having claimed such an idea to be inconceivable, Netanyahu proceeded to conceive.  He stated that US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken had “assured” him “that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks. I certainly hope that’s the case.  It should be the case.”

The release coincided with efforts made by President Joe Biden’s envoy, Amos Hochstein, to cool matters concerning Israel-Hezbollah hostilities, a matter that threatens to move beyond daily border skirmishes.  It was also a pointed reference to the halt in a single shipment of 2000 pound (900kg) bombs to Israel regarding concerns about massive civilian casualties over any planned IDF assault on Rafah.

The White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was uncharacteristically unadorned in frankness.  “We genuinely do not know what he is talking about.”  Discussions between US and Israeli officials were continuing.  “There are no other pauses – none.”  It fell to the White House National Security Communications advisor, John Kirby, to field more substantive questions on the matter.

On June 20, Kirby admitted to being perplexed and disappointed at Netanyahu’s remarks, “especially given that no other country is doing more to help Israel defend itself against the threat by Hamas”.  As he was at pains to point out, the US military industrial complex had enthusiastically furnished “material assistance to Israel” despite the pause on the provision of 2,000-pound bombs.  The notion “that we had somehow stopped helping Israel with their self-defense needs is absolutely not accurate”.  Netanyahu, in other words, was quibbling about the means of inflicting death, a matter of form over substance.

Blinken confirmed as much, stating that the administration was “continuing to review one shipment that President Biden has talked about with regard to 2000-pound bombs because of our concerns about their use in densely populated areas like Rafah.”  All other matters were “moving as it normally would move.”

These remarks are unequivocally true.  Annual military assistance to Israel from US coffers totals $3.8 billion.  In April, President Joe Biden approved the provision of $17 billion in additional assistance to Israel amidst the continued pummelling of Gaza and the starvation of its thinning population.  The Biden administration has also badgered Democratic lawmakers to give their blessing to the sale of 50 F-15 fighters to Israel in a contract amounting to $18 billion.  But this, according to accounts from Israel’s Channel 12 and the German paper Bild, has been less than satisfactory for Israel’s blood lusting prime minister.

The disgruntled video precipitated much agitation among officials in the Biden administration.  In an Axios report, three, inevitably anonymised, offer their views.  One found it “hard to fathom” how the video “helps with deterrence.  There is nothing like telling Hezbollah that the US is withholding weapons from Israel, which is false, to make them feel emboldened.”

The interviewed officials all admitted to Netanyahu’s inscrutability. 

A half-plausible line was ventured: running up points on the domestic front ahead of a visit to Washington from Israel’s defence minister, Yoav Gallant.  Not that the strategy was working for opposition leader, Yair Lapid, who found Netanyahu’s effort damaging in its reverberating potential.  From Moscow to Tokyo, “everyone is reaching the same conclusion: Israel is no longer the closest ally of the US.  This is the damage Netanyahu is causing us.”

Kirby’s remarks deserve scrutiny on another level. For one, they suggest a rationale that would have done much in flattening Israeli egos.  “The president put fighter aircrafts up in the air in the middle of April to help shoot down several hundred drones and missiles, including ballistic missiles that were fired from Iran proper at Israel.”

Here arises an important omission: the intervention by the US was part of a coordinated, choreographed plan enabling Iran to show force in response to the April 1 Israeli strike on its ambassadorial compound in Damascus while minimising the prospect of casualties.  Accordingly, Tehran and Washington found themselves in an odd, unacknowledged embrace that had one unintended consequence: revealing Israeli vulnerability.  No longer could Israel be seen to be self-sufficiently impregnable, its defences firmly holding against all adversaries.  In a perverse twist on that dilemma, a strong ally providing support is bound to be resented.  Nothing supplied will ever be, or can be, enough.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

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The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, have led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.


We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included. Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.


We initially identified 678 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 44 papers that contained 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case. The mean age of death was 70.4 years. The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination, of which the primary causes of death include sudden cardiac death (35%), pulmonary embolism (12.5%), myocardial infarction (12%), VITT (7.9%), myocarditis (7.1%), multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%), and cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).


The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.



As of May 31st, 2023, SARS-CoV-2 has infected an estimated 767,364,883 people globally, resulting in 6,938,353 deaths [1]. As a direct response to this worldwide catastrophe, governments adopted a coordinated approach to limit caseloads and mortality utilizing a combination of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) and novel gene-based vaccine platforms. The first doses of vaccine were administered less than 11 months after the identification of the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence (in the United States, under the

Operation Warp Speed initiative), which represented the fastest vaccine development in history with limited assurances of short and long-term safety [2]. Currently, roughly 69% of the global population have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine [1].

The most frequently utilized COVID-19 vaccine platforms include inactivated virus (Sinovac – CoronaVac), protein subunit (Novavax – NVX-CoV2373), viral vector (AstraZeneca – ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, Johnson & Johnson – Ad26.COV2.S), and messenger RNA (Pfizer-BioNTech – BNT162b2, Moderna – mRNA-1273)[3]. All utilize mechanisms that can cause serious adverse events; most involve the uncontrolled synthesis of the Spike glycoprotein as the basis of the immunological response.

Circulating Spike protein is the likely deleterious mechanism through which COVID-19 vaccines produce adverse effects [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [11], [12].

Spike protein and/or subunits/peptide fragments can trigger ACE2 receptor degradation and destabilization of the renin–angiotensin system (RAS), resulting in severe thrombosis [4]. Spike protein activates platelets, causes endothelial damage, and directly promotes thrombosis [5].

Moreover, Immune system cells that uptake lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) from COVID-19 vaccines can then systemically distribute Spike protein and microRNAs via exosomes, which may cause severe inflammatory consequences [5]. Further, long term cancer control may be jeopardized in those injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines because of interferon regulatory factor (IRF) and tumor suppressor gene dysregulation [5]. Moreover, a possible causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and various diseases has been found, including neurological disorders, myocarditis, blood platelet deficiencies, liver disease, weakened immune adaptability, and cancer development [5]. These findings are supported by the finding that recurrent COVID-19 vaccination with genetic vaccines may trigger unusually high levels of IgG4 antibodies which can lead to immune system dysregulation, and contribute to the emergence of autoimmune disorders, myocarditis, and cancer growth [6].

Neurotoxic effects of Spike protein may cause or contribute to the post-COVID syndrome, including headache, tinnitus, autonomic dysfunction, and small fiber neuropathy [7]. Specific to the administration of viral vector COVID-19 vaccines (AstraZeneca; Johnson and Johnson) a new clinical syndrome called vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) was identified in 2021 and characterized by the development of thromboses at atypical body sites combined with severe thrombocytopenia after vaccination [9].

The pathogenesis of this life-threatening side effect is currently unknown, though it has been proposed that VITT is caused by post-vaccination antibodies against platelet factor 4 (PF4) triggering extensive platelet activation [9]. mRNA-based vaccines rarely cause VITT, but they are associated with myocarditis, or inflammation of myocardium [10].

The mechanisms for the development of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination are not clear, but it has been hypothesized that it may be caused by molecular mimicry of Spike protein and self-antigens, immune response to mRNA, and dysregulated cytokine expression [10]. In adolescents and young adults diagnosed with post-mRNA vaccine myocarditis, free Spike protein was detected in the blood while vaccinated controls had no circulating Spike protein [11]. It has been demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 Spike mRNA vaccine sequences can circulate in the blood for at least 28 days after vaccination [12]. These data indicate that adverse events may occur for an unknown period after vaccination, with Spike protein playing an important potential etiological role.

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document obtained from the Australian Government, titled Nonclinical Evaluation of BNT162b2 [mRNA] COVID-19 vaccine (COMIRNATY), shows systemic distribution of the LNPs containing mRNA after vaccine administration in rats, concluding that LNPs reached their highest concentration at the injection site, followed by the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, ovaries (females), and bone marrow (femur) over 48 hours [13].

Further, LNPs were detected in the brain, heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys, bladder, small intestine, stomach, testes (males), prostate (males), uterus (females), thyroid, spinal cord, and blood [13]. This biodistribution data suggests that Spike protein may be expressed in cells from many vital organ systems, raising significant concerns regarding the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines. Given the identified vaccination syndromes and their possible mechanisms, the frequency of adverse event reports is expected to be high, especially given the vast number of vaccine doses administered globally.

Through May 5th, 2023, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) contained 1,556,050 adverse event reports associated with COVID-19 vaccines, including 35,324 deaths, 26,928 myocarditis and pericarditis, 19,546 heart attacks, and 8,701 thrombocytopenia reports [14]. If the alarmingly high number of reported deaths are indeed causally linked to COVID-19 vaccination, the implications could be immense, including: the complete withdrawal of all COVID-19 vaccines from the global market, suspension of all remaining COVID-19 vaccine mandates and passports, loss of public trust in government and medical institutions, investigations and inquiries into the censorship, silencing and persecution of doctors and scientists who raised these concerns, and compensation for those who were harmed as a result of the administration of COVID-19 vaccines. Using VAERS data alone to establish a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death, however, is not possible due to many limitations and confounding factors.

In 2021, Walach et al. indicated that every death after COVID-19 vaccination should undergo an autopsy to investigate the mechanisms of harm [15]. Autopsies are one of the most powerful diagnostic tools in medicine to establish cause of death and clarify the pathophysiology of disease [16]. COVID-19 vaccines, with plausible mechanisms of injury to the human body and a substantial number of adverse event reports, represent an exposure that may be causally linked to death in some cases. The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.

Click here to read the full report.


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For around two decades after the (First) Cold War Russia tried building close ties with the European Union, the United States and other countries of the political West. Obviously, ties to its old friends never died, but were essentially reduced in terms of practicality. Moscow didn’t want any sort of enmity with NATO, seeking to build a mutually beneficial relationship that would defuse tensions and create an atmosphere of peace and cooperation. However, the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel had other plans. The NATO-orchestrated Georgian War of 2008 was the first direct clash between a Western proxy and the Russian military on the territory of the former Soviet Union. It opened a Pandora’s Box that escalated into another all-out war, this time in former Ukraine, one of the most prominent republics of the USSR that got hijacked by NATO back in 2014.

Since then, the Kremlin fully focused on building an alternative system that would give the world a chance to choose a far more sovereigntist path. However, even after 2014, Russia tried to ensure peace by promoting the Minsk Accords, but this too turned out to be yet another attempt to trick Moscow, as per the admissions of various EU “leaders” at the time, who openly stated that the goal was to give the Neo-Nazi junta enough time to prepare for a full-scale war with Russia. The rest is history (still in the making). Realizing that it cannot trust a single word coming from the mouth of any Western “leader”, the Kremlin launched a full-scale strategic counteroffensive on February 24, 2022. The special military operation (SMO) became a sort of litmus test of who exactly are Moscow’s friends and allies. And they certainly did not disappoint the Kremlin, on the contrary.

Apart from the multipolar world which officially remained neutral, but continued (or even strengthened) economic ties with Russia, the Eurasian giant rekindled ties with its old friends from the (First) Cold War. This is particularly true for North Korea, effectively a “pocket superpower” and the world’s only relatively small country that can obliterate large chunks of the US if the latter is ever foolish enough to try and attack it. However, Pyongyang is far from the only ally Russia could count on. President Vladimir Putin’s recent Asian tour showed that Moscow could count on others as well, as evidenced by his visit to Vietnam, where a number of important agreements were signed, effectively reestablishing the alliance between the two countries. Hanoi’s rapidly growing economy makes it one of the most prominent nations in Southeast Asia and the premier regional power.

Close ties with Iran also keep growing in virtually all aspects, be it economy, military, science and even space cooperation. The massive growth of the BRICS+ format further strengthens this process, while also promoting regional stability in the Middle East, which stands in stark contrast to the policies of the US-led political West. The continued bloodshed in the region is a direct consequence of decades of NATO aggression on any remotely sovereign country in the Middle East. Precisely because of this many are waking up and forming closer ties with Russia, be it Sudan, Egypt or numerous other countries across the region. This is also true for many other nations in Africa, where the “Wagner” PMC (private military company) is working closely with at least half a dozen countries, with the main focus on fighting NATO-backed terrorist groups.

The Kremlin is also rebuilding alliances in Latin America, which is now starting to push back against US (neo)colonialism. Recent visits of a world-class Russian nuclear-powered submarine (specifically the Yasen-M class K-561 “Kazan” SSGN) and hypersonic missiles-armed surface combatants to Cuba demonstrate that Moscow is still very much capable of projecting power in the vicinity of US shores, a stark reminder to war criminals in Washington DC that they will have nowhere to hide if things ever escalate. Obviously, apart from Cuba, Russia also maintains close ties with Venezuela, another Latin American country that the US has tried invading on multiple occasions (all unsuccessful, luckily). The Kremlin’s supply of advanced fighter jets and long-range SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems gave all these countries an important asymmetric advantage.

However, what really sent shockwaves across the political West is the new agreement that Russia signed with North Korea. The full text of the agreement includes 23 articles that deal with close economic, diplomatic, scientific and military cooperation between the two countries. However, what really caught the attention of the US and its vassals and satellite states were Articles 3 and 4. Namely, these two clauses effectively and legally turn Moscow and Pyongyang into full-blown military allies, an agreement the Kremlin has with nobody else outside of the CSTO. According to Article 3, in case of “an immediate threat or an act of armed aggression [against either country]”, Russia and North Korea will “coordinate their positions and agree on possible practical measures to assist each other to help eliminate the emerging threat”. But Article 4 is even more direct:

“If one of the Parties is subjected to an armed attack by any state or several states and thus finds itself in a state of war, the other Party will immediately provide military and other assistance with all means at its disposal [!] in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and in accordance with legislation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation.”

This unprecedented development means that, thanks to its patently idiotic (to put it mildly) foreign policy, the US has now managed to create the outlines of a new military alliance of nuclear-armed states. While this includes only two countries at the moment, it could easily be expanded to others in the region, with China being an obvious candidate, as it’s also faced with incessant US aggression. However, this alliance could soon go well beyond East Asia and include numerous other countries around the globe. Apart from military cooperation, the said agreement between Moscow and Pyongyang also includes coordinated diplomatic efforts and geopolitical initiatives. Namely, according to Article 5, the two countries agree not to enter into agreements with third parties directed against the interests of either, which means Russia will block UN initiatives aimed against North Korea.

In practical terms, the agreement will also allow Moscow to tap into Pyongyang’s massive stockpile of conventional weapons (particularly cheap artillery munitions, rockets and missiles), while North Korea will get access to Russia’s latest military technologies, including electronic warfare (EW), SAM systems, space-based weapons, as well as its world-class fighter jets. All this will significantly expand both countries’ capabilities. It’s critically important for the Kremlin to be able to finish the SMO and get ready for a possible confrontation with NATO, while Kim Jong Un aims to ensure the latest capabilities for his troops. Although North Korea has made tremendous strides in acquiring advanced weapons systems, including hypersonic missiles (an area in which it eclipsed even the US itself), it still needs certain technologies it doesn’t have access to.

Either way, US/NATO aggression against the world is finally starting to yield positive results, as numerous countries are starting to push back. Joint efforts of Russia and North Korea will serve as an example to many others that only a united world can ensure the end of the political West’s (neo)colonialist system that’s not only deeply exploitative, but is now entering its most repugnant stage of all-encompassing moral degeneracy and societal decay, destroying everything it touches.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Russian President Vladimir Putin in June, during the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. (Ramil Sitdikov, RIA Novosti Host Photo Agency, Kremlin)

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The modern green movement is far removed from the original principles of environmentalism.

Fake sustainability is the political agenda designed and pushed by the United Nations, implemented by subservient governments, and which serves the aims of the private banking and mega-corporate super-entity. Central to this agenda is the climate change deception and other false UN narratives, as described in the book Transcending the Climate Change Deception Toward Real Sustainability.

Under ‘FAKE sustainability’ we may consider points including:

  • Manmade climate change is a convenient lie it is not caused by CO2 or by methane from livestock, such as cows. Temperatures were higher in the 1930s than today, but the UN ignores that data. A UN IPPC committee chairman actually resigned in protest at UN IPPC lies and false information. Most of the scientists that say climate change is a problem are on perpetual government grants. The UN IPCC cherry picks data, uses flawed modelling and scenarios not remotely related to the real world
  • Geo-engineering under the guise of combatting climate change, and the technology they use to pollute the skies

Central bankers are entirely funding the advancement of the worldwide climate change ‘project’. Central bankers hijacked the real environmental movement in 1992 creating the fake climate change agenda. Amongst other financial ulteriors, the Rockefeller banking dynasty promoted the climate alarmism agenda. The Chicago Climate Exchange is a trillion-dollar money-generating hoax.

  • Renewable energy is not a viable solution to the world’s energy problems. This is evidenced by the work of David MacKay, (1967 – 2016) former Regius Professor of Engineering at Cambridge University and former Chief Scientific Advisor to the UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change, in his book Sustainable Energy without Hot Air, see Endnote . His analysis shows that an area twice the size of the entire country of Wales would need to be completely covered with wind turbines to meet the energy demand in the U.K., based on average energy consumption per person. The following is an extract from his book:

“First, for any renewable facility to make an appreciable contribution – a contribution at all comparable to our current consumption – it has to be country-sized. To provide one quarter of our current energy consumption by growing energy crops, for example, would require 75% of Britain to be covered with biomass plantations… Someone who wants to live on renewable energy, but expects the infrastructure associated with that renewable not to be large or intrusive, is deluding himself… we are forced to conclude that current consumption will never be met by British renewables… The windmills that would be required to provide the UK with 20 kWh/d per person amount to 50 times the entire wind hardware of Denmark; 7 times all the wind farms of Germany; and double the entire fleet of all wind turbines in the world… The solar power capacity required to deliver this 50 kWh per day per person in the UK is more than 100 times all the photovoltaics in the whole world…”

  • The nonsense of electric cars – see this article Driving an Electric Car Is Fake Environmentalism – Elon Musk Debunked
  • The nonsense of plastic bottles and plastic packaging that leach health-harming microplastics into food for human consumption 
  • The failure of the industrial agriculture ‘green revolution’ which degrades soil quality and fertility via use of vast quantities of chemical-based herbicides and pesticides.
  • Desertification – the UN incorrectly states that animal livestock is a cause, but it is actually a solution
  • Real environmentalism was hijacked by the deceptive UN sustainable development goals – see the article Decoding the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Indoctrinating Your Children Into the New “Fake Sustainable” World Order
  • 30 years of UN-defined sustainable development has not solved the real environmental and human wellbeing problems. UN Agenda 21/2030 and the deceptive World Economic Forum reset agenda are agendas of control, and are the opposite of real sustainability. UN Agenda 2030 smart cities are smart for the so-called ‘new world order’ controllers, but are not smart for you. UN sustainable development is a problem wrapped up as a solution
  • The trick of world heritage sites and ‘rewilding’ involves moving independent farmers and local peoples off the land and into smart cities where they cannot grow much food.
  • Mega-corporate globalisation is a destructive paradigm. It is a design for mega-corporate rule of the world’s resources, and the world food supply. Insane development policies cannot produce a sane society. The tragedy of the commons and the privatization of everything should be noted – see also this article The World Bank and the IMF are organisations that have devastated the developing world by chaining so-called developing countries (and even so-called first world countries) to unpayable debt.
  • The word ‘sustainable’ was hijacked by financial/political forces decades ago. The deceptive Brundtland definition of Sustainable Development influences political sustainable development strategies. The false dawn / failure / flaws of decoupling, resource substitution and eco-efficiency strategies should be noted. 
  • International policies for ‘sustainable development’ incorrectly endorse polluting forms of GDP growth; and incorrectly endorses usury and the current debt-money-based financial orthodoxy. UN policies will never rock the orthodoxy, in fact the central direction of UN policies is aligned with, and designed by, the orthodoxy. 
  • Green economy/green growth strategy is destructive globalisation painted green. The UN incorrectly promotes ‘polluting forms of GDP growth’, thus causing environmental impact. Beyond a certain point, GDP growth does not increase human wellbeing, it impoverishes it. Contemporary economics is a flawed ideology it is not a scientific discipline. There are systemic problems in the current economic system of globalisation – see also the book Demonic Economics
  • Who does the really UN serve? The shocking truth about communism, capitalism and WW2 – see also the book Censored History
  • All governments pushing the fake sustainability agenda are registered corporations in perpetual debt to privately-owned mega-banks and are designed to tax and control you – see also the book Demonic Economics 

Under ‘REAL sustainability’ we may consider points including:

  • What about the real sustainability challenge? The Earth we all depend on – what about real pollution to land, air and water?
  • It is incorrect to blaming population growth for sustainability problems rather than addressing the root causes in the financial and corporate system.
  • The way forward to a ‘real’ sustainable and a resilient thriving worldwide human society involves reality distinguished from illusion. In the current system the economic world is ruled by the ulteriors of debt-money creation and their tentacles of mega-corporate control. It involves bypassing the WEF/UN technocratic world reset of unelected one world totalitarian government. It involves bypassing fake science in which ‘science’ has been co-opted and adjusted to act as a stick with which to beat you into compliance – see also the book Godless Fake Science 
  • The scientific precautionary principle to protect human life and nature has been largely ignored in this system of corporate globalisation. This principle should be utilised to prevent unknowable potentially unwanted long-term effects of technologies that have not been tested over an extended time span, such as new GMOs, new manmade chemical compounds, and nanotechnologies. 
  • Modern era attempts to scientifically define ‘real’ sustainability involve balancing material flows with nature’s capacity via sustainable design. These attempts include: Cradle to Cradle design, sustainable design, and efficiency. However, these strategies by themselves will never offset the damage of the polluting system of corporate globalisation. The root drivers of globalisation: the debt-money system that leaves all governments in vast unpayable debt; usury that demands GDP at all costs from governments; and increasing corporate control of the world resources need to be addressed. 
  • A sustainable retreat from a flawed system of globalisation involves creating resilient local systems and discarding false narratives, such as the manmade climate alarmism. Currently, we live in a system dependent on oil, gas and coal (note that the gimmick of electric cars are dependent on electricity created mostly from oil and coal). There is a risk of societal collapse if the energy returned on energy invested for these fuels becomes too low, and if the cost of these fuels increases beyond that which people can afford to pay. To avoid dependency there is a need for intermediate technologies as defined by authors such as E.F. Schumacher.
  • The importance of organic agriculture and food free from toxins and manmade chemical compounds. 

In the world of conventional production, a farmer can spray his crops with pesticides, these chemicals can have devastating effects on the biodiversity requisite for healthy soil fertility. The reality of conventional vegetable production is the routine use of herbicides, such as glyphosate, pesticides and fungicides. In generations past all the food produce was “organic”, now chemicals are routinely used in food production. A massive industry makes vast profits from selling chemicals that are used in the corporate-controlled food system, some of these chemicals are actually toxic to humans and the biodiversity that soil health depends upon.  Chemicals do not belong in our food system or in the soil. When organic farmers seek the organic label certification, the produce may be checked for over 800 chemicals that could possibly be on the produce! The mind boggles at this reality. 

“How different the supermarket landscape would look, if instead of looking for “certified organic” all produce that had been sprayed had to have a label outlining the chemical treatments it received on its journey from seed to supermarket. How different then would our food system be? Imagine your carrot bag labelled with the following which were the top 10 applied chemicals on carrots grown in Ireland in 2015, the last year where there is data available. Lambda-cyhalothrin, Linuron , Metribuzin, Azoxystrobin , Difenoconazole, Pendimethalin, Prothioconazole, Boscalid, Pyraclostrobin, Tebuconazole” – Irish organic farmer, Green Earth Organics

  • See also the bio-char solution to soil management and desertification. Stop GMO food production – no one knows the long-term effects on humans and natures produce. God gave us all the natural foods we need to live healthily – do not mess with God’s design. Be aware of the ingredients in vaccines – why inject farm animals, such as chickens, with toxin-containing vaccines, the science of which is highly debatable to say the least. Also be aware of the toxins in fluoridated water.
  • The importance of cows in self-sufficient communities is in sharp contrast to the bogus UN/political agenda to reduce cow numbers, and, in effect, hinder local people worldwide from producing their own raw healthy milk by keeping cows in local communities. Re-discovering the power and dynamics of horses is also an option for resilient rural communities. Rediscovering the splendour of ancient forest villages and forest farming for fruits, herbs, and building materials etc., can also be explored.
  • With numerous ludicrous government-imposed farming regulations, many of which are based on the bogus science of manmade climate change, there is a need for traditional farming to be decoupled from a government-controlled system.
  • Natural house construction using natural materials and without the use of chemical-based products, paints, and furnitures (including wall-pumped insulations) that offgas into your home can be explored.
  • There are countless ways in which free people can easily work for the mutual benefit of themselves and society without governments getting in the way by imposing their fake sustainability policies. The only real authority is God, not the flawed corrupted manmade corporate and political power systems that push the UN ‘fake sustainability’ agenda to further their own aims.


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Mark Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research. He is author of the following books available on

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[Updated on 24 June 2024.]

It has been a few heady months in the epic battle to end the slaughter in Gaza. College students launched protests in support of the Palestinians at Harvard, Colombia, Berkeley, UCLA and elsewhere in defiance of the college administrations. The Green Party candidate Jill Stein was arrested at a protest and the alternative media tells us that the anti-war movement is spreading like wildfire. And now, in response to South Africa’s formal charges of genocide, the International Court of Justice has issued an arrest warrant for Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Now the Democrats face a “never Biden” insurgency, will be forced to rethink its support for the Israeli assault on Gaza, and even embrace a “ceasefire.”

One cannot help but be caught up in the excitement of what appears to be a revival of the Vietnam War protests of the 1960s, and even start humming nostalgically Crosby Stills and Nash’s “Four Dead in Ohio.”

And yet, something is not right with this picture. As soon as arrest warrant for Netanyahu is issued, he is invited to address both houses of the US Congress in July in what could well be a declaration of war on Iran.

Note that the protests are fueled by the microscopic reporting in the New York Times and Washington Post, and other establishment media, of the operations of the Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza: killings of individual families, attacks on hospitals and marketplaces, and cruelties at border crossings are described in detail. 

But let us remember that those same journals were silent about murder of hundreds of thousands in Iraq (most of which took place without a single photograph anywhere), accepted at face value the ridiculously low numbers for American soldiers killed in these foreign wars, and asked no questions about the mysterious absence of American prisoners of war. Nor are those newspapers, or most of the alternative media protesters quote, discussing the brutal special operations of the United States in Haiti, throughout South America, and in Africa, let alone reporting on the horrific treatment of Americans held in prisons (where they are beaten, attacked by dogs, tortured, drugged, and murdered) which reaches a cruelty equal to that shown for Palestinians. The role of Israeli military and intelligence contractors like Elbit Systems or Magal Security Systems in all of those horror shows is completely ignored even by the most anti-war media sources. 

The narrative advanced by the students opposing the Gaza massacre relates how Israeli soldiers are cruel to Palestinians because their minds are possessed by a racist, apartheid ideology. True though this tale may be in the narrow sense, the resulting debate excludes any discussion of international class conflict (how the extreme concentration of wealth has led the billionaires to fund experiments in using extreme brutality against working people for which the slow division of Palestine with walls, and the use of the military to control all infrastructure, is a trial run), the control of capital (Israel’s role as a clearinghouse for a new generation of private equity merged with IT giants like Google, Oracle, and Apple who are using digitalization and “AI” as a means to seize control of literally everything) or technology (how the surveillance, social control, disinformation campaigns, and tracking and intelligence convergence programs run by satellites, robots, and drones are being developed in Israel for use against all of us—not just Palestinians).    

The more carefully you look at the actions taken by the IDF in Gaza, the less sense they make as strategy or policy for the citizens of Israel. The resulting anger at Israel around the world, and in the United States, makes Israel’s citizens far less safe and drastically reduces their options. In fact, the Netanyahu administration is bending over backwards to cultivate relations with antisemitic groups. 

As we know from the close friendship of Kurt Tuchler of the Zionist Federation of Germany with Leopold von Mildenstein of Jewish Desk at the security service of the SS, in Zionist politics, antisemitism is good for business.  

The attacks in Gaza are carried out in slow motion and broadcast to the entire world through the mainstream news in spite of the strangle hold of Israel lobbyists, intelligence operatives, and investment bankers on American corporate media. The truth is that the powers that be want Americans to know just how brutal the Israeli soldiers are. We are forced to reach to the conclusion that the establishment wants to make Gaza the center of attention on purpose. As J. P. Morgan noted, “Everything in politics has two reasons: a good reason and a real reason.” That reality is ignored by the critics of genocide.

The Three Taboos for the Protestors and the “Truth Tellers”

For all the good intentions of the students, and of the “independent’ journalists covering the Gaza slaughter as part of this anti-genocide movement, the whole effort is painted in the phosphorescent paint of historical nostalgia—which is smeared all over the supposed “alternative” candidates Jill Stein, and Cornel West as well (Robert Kennedy is in the blood of the Gaza up to his elbows). 

The analogy to the anti-Vietnam War protests we are force-fed is intentionally misleading. We are facing the spread of totalitarian governance around the world just has happened under the name of “fascism” in the 1930s. That global transformation of the political economy is fundamentally different than the limited anti-imperialist movement found in the protests against the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 1970s. Perhaps the powerful want us to be historically confused. 

Three events that made the current Gaza massacre possible are left out of the discussion among the protesters. As uncomfortable as the truth may be, failure to address the real origins of this campaign in Gaza means that activists cannot comprehend the manner in which the institutional decay of Israel’s government has resulted its complete absorption into a global war against humanity that headed by the billionaires, a war that is not limited to nation states or to ethnic groups. To focus on racial animosity in Palestine is to miss the whole point.

First there is only silence on campus concerning the central role of Israeli intelligence (along with American, British and Saudi intelligence) in the execution of, and the cover up of, the 9.11 incident, a massive false flag attack designed to drag the United States into numerous foreign wars and to establish a system of secret governance in Washington that is still in place and that makes this level of US government support for Israel’s military killings possible. 

If the protesters cannot mention a single word about this central event in American history, one that resulted in a horrific fusing together of unaccountable intelligence factions in Washington and Tel Aviv which are leading the current drive for global totalitarianism, then perhaps the protests are not quite as brave, or as truthful, as they claim to be.

Another taboo topic for the protesters is the role of global pharmaceutical and IT firms, all deeply connected to Israel’s military-intelligence-technology complex, in planning and carrying out the COVID-19 operation along with partners in Mossad, in the US intelligence community, at DARPA, in private equity and investment banks, and other secret partners in Australia, Germany, Australia, China, and South Korea. Israeli companies and government institutions played key roles in brokering these contracts, and pushing through classified contracts between nation states and companies like Pfizer that made the COVID reign of terror possible.  

That is right, the most dangerous actions undertaken by Mossad and the IDF in the history of Israel, which have left millions dead and tens of millions crippled by vaccines, are not even mentioned by the protesters. Some of the Harvard protesters even posed wearing COVID-era facemasks for the photos in front of Widner Library that appeared in the New York Times. 

Finally, the deafening silence about the true nature of the October seventh “Hamas attack” among the protesters sadly revealed that the protesters are merely regurgitating establishment propaganda about the key event. (1)

Protesters accept the bankrupt argument that the problem is Israel’s “disproportionate response” to the October 7th killings of Israelis by Hamas. But evidence is piled up to the sky that the entire attack was a false flag orchestrated by factions of Israeli intelligence, with their partners in the military, industry, civil society, and yes, even some parts of Hamas, so as to justify the Gaza campaign. (2)

Moreover, the false flag attack on Israeli citizens was carried out in an intentionally sloppy and heavy-handed manner so as to permanently corrupt the political discourse in Israel and the United States by forcing citizens to embrace assumptions that they know full well were false. When Secretary of State Anthony Blinken stated on June that after the bogus peace talks with a puppet regime Hamas that responsibility for further fighting was “on them” he opened up the door to an Alice in Wonderland post-truth diplomacy. If those seeking peace must accept the bogus tale of hostage exchanges made up by the backroom boys before they can be a part of any political debate, then the whole purpose of these discussions with “Hamas” is to degrade, to reduce to junk, all discourse.

The brutal killing of Palestinians is not simply the result of racist soldiers following orders from cruel generals, but rather the natural consequence of an Israeli government that follows orders from the agents of private equity that have taken control of the governments of Israel, the United States, and Great Britain (and other nations) and who wish to destroy civil society and to force citizens to accept a brutal new form of politics—starting with Israel and Palestine. Framing the problem as simply a result of a racist Israel creates an intellectual dead end that is designed to trap the well-meaning, but cowardly, in a hall of mirrors that paralyzes and ends political action. 

Is not the myopic focus on Gaza is the geopolitical equivalent of a “get your hand out my pocket” moment that is perfectly timed to distract us during the seizure of control of the United States, and other nations of the world, by a handful of private equity firms using IT giants to assume all regular functions of government while preparing another international security crisis that will allow them to spring the trap?

Israel is quite helpful for the super-rich, always willing to play the bad cop and offer up private intelligence firms and mercenary teams that are happy to do just about anyone’s dirty work. Israel also a great prize because it offers up negative headlines that draw attention away from greater evils. That is right, one of Israel’s propaganda roles is making the criminal and unaccountable US military appear good by comparison.  

The Treason of the Intellectuals

You might think that in a crisis of this scale that American intellectuals would be rising to the occasion, denouncing these deep crimes. You would be wrong. 

Most everyone who is presented as anti-establishment and anti-war has signed a secret contract with the devil. 

They embrace a reductionist narrative of the Gaza attacks focused on how Israel as a nation state is being unfair to Palestinians. 

The real agenda is swept under the carpet by these accomplished scholars. 

The real agenda is the stealthy militarization of the economy, the controlled demolition of the courts, the destruction of money, the takeover of agriculture and water by multinational corporations, the establishment of an armed monopoly of distribution and logistics, the secret control of hospitals and universities through classified directives from the NSA, and other preparations for the complete control of all economic and political activity. 

That is precisely what Cornell West and Chris Hedges are not talking about. 

Erudite public intellectuals like John Mearsheimer at University of Chicago, Jeffery Sachs at Columbia University, General Douglas McGregor, or Scott Ridder, push a Gaza-centric narrative that is not technically wrong. The account they give of what Israel is doing on the ground in Gaza, and its geopolitical implications is accurate, but woefully incomplete. These experts are silent as the tomb about Israel’s role in facilitating the takeover of all the major governments of the world by Oracle, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, or how Israeli private intelligence works with those companies to take down whole nations, to allow for the converts control food and medicine, education and journalism, water and energy, by a handful of trusts that cannot be named. This is a global project for which Israel serves as the battering ram.

Tellingly, there is not a word in the debate on Israel at Ivy League campuses that is based on the fine analysis of Jeff Halper, a scholar active in Israel and the United States who demonstrates in his article “We are all being Palestinized” (3) how Israel serves as a clearing house for new weapons, and social control systems, that are being marketed around the world to just about any government or corporation that will pay. 

Students protesters do not quote Antony Loewenstein’s book The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World (4) which limns the commercialization of the Israeli pacification techniques, from surveillance to lawfare, by corporations and nations of all shapes and sizes, as part of a global takeover which ultimately has little to do with Palestinians.

Nor do those standing in solidarity with the Palestinians showing much interest in Said Saddiki’s book World of Walls: The Structure, Roles and Effectiveness of Separation Barriers (5) that dissects the profitable business of creating strategic separations in communities based on the techniques developed in the occupied territories using walls, biometric IDs and surveillance, and how those same firms are also successfully bidding for Homeland Security contracts to build high-tech barriers US-Mexican border, as well as bidding for the security and surveillance contracts at your local shopping mall or power plant.

Wall surrounding Gaza

Wall on US-Mexican border built by Israeli firm

The Israeli military intelligence complex has perfected the techniques developed by the US in the Phoenix Program in Vietnam for brutal social control (which was based on techniques taken from British East India Corporation). They are perfecting the techniques in Gaza, but their work on the 9/11 incident and the COVID-19 operation were also critical to the project. To leave those two operations out of the equation is to paint a one-dimensional Israel that makes no sense.

Remember the excitement about a great victory over the globalists whipped up in the days before the WHO meetings to approve amendments to the infamous pandemic treaty at the beginning of this month. The alternative media was filled then with reports that the WHO’s bid to seize control of our bodies of all of humanity had been thwarted by protests. Peter Koenig’s article in Global Research declared on June 3, “WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now.”  (6) But it was all a big fake out, one launched at precisely the moment that national leaders had been cowed into silence by the near successful assassination of Robert Fico of Slovakia and by threats behind the scenes against other public figures.

Now that same alternative media, is telling us that Israel is on the ropes and the anti-globalists are winning in Europe. But those new leaders of the so-called “conservatives” have not promised to take any meaningful steps against the reign of terror by multinational corporations—they have only made vague anti-vaccine declarations and will double down on enforcement of secrecy, give the government extraordinary martial powers, privatize police functions, and gear up for world war.

Israel as the engine driving the bio-nano-IT juggernaut against humanity is not on the ropes; the business for using bio-surveillance and the next-generation of vaccines employing advanced nano-technology to mow down the citizens of the earth is booming.

The critiques of these public intellectuals are focused on Netanyahu and Biden, but they never admit that these two sad old men are but the patsies in the plans of the big boys. They purposely kept both in power past their expiration dates, rendering them as lame politicians, hated by their own citizens, who can be removed from power at any time.

The Netanyahu and Biden administrations are designed to allow immunity from all accountability for the consulting firms actually directing the puppet show.

We must face the bitter truth that the partial truth tellers, limited hangout self-promoters, like Tucker Carson, Scott Ritter, and Larry Johnson generously provide us with a false narrative that is sweetened by a thin topping of anti-establishment rhetoric. They are intentionally covering up the most serious threat of all: the unlimited class warfare of the billionaires against all of humanity.

A Final Solution with a Human Face?

The super-rich have pulled out all the stops, and called in all their puppets, whether progressive or conservative, black or white, Christian or Muslim. We are being prepped to accept that a group of fascistic politicians in Europe and the United States groomed by the bankers were somehow our choice.

The struggles between nation states and ethnic groups are real; the massacres in Gaza are no show. Moreover, the crackdowns on student protests at Harvard and Columbia are an attack on due process meant as blatant intimidation for all citizens. At the same time, all these events are but one part of a larger struggle that has been purposely highlighted at the expense of even more dangerous transformations. 

There are two kinds of wars taking place today in precisely the same way that there were two kinds wars waged during the 1940s. 

Today we are treated to an unending narrative about Israel’s crimes in Gaza that leaves no space for a deeper consideration of how Israel functions in the global economy, or how it plays the central role in assisting IT corporations, private intelligence firms, and mercenaries to plan and enforce the great lockdown of humanity from Shanghai to Istanbul, from London to Melbourne, from Seoul to Chicago.

Similarly, newspaper headlines screamed out about Germany’s military incursions on the Eastern front against Russia, and on the Southern and Western fronts against Great Britain and the United States, during the Second World War, grabbing the public’s attention. But at that very moment, the governments of America and Britain were mum about the final solution, the quiet war against unarmed citizens undertaken by Germany’s operatives in central and eastern Europe.

In spite of public demonstrations at home, and the presentation to the British and American governments of carefully documented materials by refugees that proved without a doubt that the campaign was real, Roosevelt and Churchill remained silent (7) about the plans to secretly kill off tens of millions of people in Eastern and Central Europe, starting with Jews, Gypsies, and other ethnic minorities, and extending to Russian prisoners of war. Move over, those killings were just the start of a larger plan for depopulation that would be implemented as soon as Russia had been conquered.   

Just as Amazon and Google stand to make untold fortunes for the rich from the current final solution against humanity using vaccines, nano-weapons, and the internet of distraction and confusion which is designed to dumb down and pacify the population, so also IBM and Ford Motor Company had their fingers deep the Nazi project of invisible warfare against the people, and would have been part of the profitable plan to liquify tens of millions more in Russia, and elsewhere, if Germany had been successful.

If Google obtained Homeland Security contracts for contact tracing so as to enforce COVID-19 vaccines, so also did IBM obtain contracts with the SS to use its punch card computers to keep track of the secret German cattle cars that dashed between European capitals and death camps. (8) Just as Apple uses the slave labor made available by the COVID-19 biomedical regime to assemble Apple Watches cheaply in Thailand, so also Ford Motors used the slave labor of the death camps for its assembly lines. (9)

The hidden war in Europe from the formation of a chain of command for the Einsatzgruppen in 1939 to the Wannsee Conference of 1942 that systematized the existing plans for mass killings of unwanted people, was plenty real, even if invisible. A similar biomedical system for global genocide coordinated by factions at Mossad and DARPA, and their allies in IT and the pharmaceutical industry, is being constructed behind walls of secrecy as we speak today.

The blank-face horror of the moral and ideological collapse of the 1940s was best articulated by the slogan placed at the entrance to the deathcamp Auschwitz, “Arbeit macht frei” (work will set you free), that welcomed those getting off the trains in expectation of employment into a slaughterhouse.

In the current war on humanity, the innocuous equivalent for the youth who are being led to the slaughter by mind-numbing video games, pornography and Instagram behavior modification projects, and next-generation vaccines, is Apple’s “Think different.”  

When George Orwell wrote that “history stopped in 1936,” he was referring to the devastatingly complete victory of “politics over truth,” as Hannah Arendt put it, in Europe. The complete breakdown of a journalistic and intellectual discourse rooted in reality that Orwell witnessed then was not different from the web of lies produced by the COVID regime that has caught intellectuals like flies in a spider’s web.

For Orwell, that death of truth and history made possible the fascist attack on Guernica on April 26, 1937. And that, in turn, made the invasion of Russia and the final solution acceptable, or at least bearable, for the general population. Deep psychological trauma opened the gates to hell.

Similarly, the genocide in Gaza is not simply an emotional attack on the Palestinians by irrational racist Jews, but is a strategic show of contempt for moral norms and international law identical to the attack on Guernica by the Fascists in 1937. Guernica allowed for the testing of new incendiary explosives, and dive bombers, that would later be put to use in the invasion of Poland and the campaign towards Moscow. The attack on Gaza serves a similar purpose. 

As fantastic as the concept of killing off entire populations for profit may sound to us, this business model is nothing new. It was carried out against the native peoples of North and South America from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries, including the use of biological weapons and information warfare to confuse and divide the resistance. It was carried out in the Congo by Belgium financial interests, and in Turkey and in Eastern Europe, and it has been tried elsewhere.

The plan for “Greater Israel” is not merely an extension of political and territorial control from Tel Aviv, to Jerusalem, to the entirety of Palestine, and beyond to Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. Greater Israel extends beyond the region to include the control of electric grids in Shanghai and New Orleans, the management of safety systems for power plants throughout the Middle East, the security software (and perhaps even the launch codes) for the US Strategic Command, and the databases of the Sandia National Laboratories by agile Israeli-based IT firms that constantly change their camouflage. 

Brutal at the Gaza cleansing may be, there is nothing emotional or ideological about it. It is but a cold calculation made by the predatory financial-technological system that controls Israel’s government completely, but that also has its fingers in the endowments of Harvard and Columbia, and that is designing health care centers, charter schools, AI-based safety protocols, innovative prisons and corrective facilities, and military bases and immigrant detention facilities across the country in preparation for something unspeakable, something coming very soon, something still hidden behind classified directives and nondisclosure agreements as it slouches towards Bethlehem to be born.


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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


(1) Red Pill Expo “Gaza: The Astounding Parallels with 9.11” Richard Gage 9/11

(2) “Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag?” Philip Giraldi and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 01, 2024

(3) “We are all being Palestinized” Jeff Halper, Covert Action Magazine, December 27, 2023

(4) The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World Antony Loewenstein, Verso Books, 2023

(5) World of Walls: The Structure, Roles and Effectiveness of Separation Barriers Said Saddiki, Open Edition Books, 2017

(6) “WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now.”   Peter Koenig, Global Research, June 3, 2024

(7) “Witness to the Persecution: The Allies and the Holocaust: A Review Essay” Deborah E. Lipstadt, Modern Judaism (Oxford University Press) Vol. 3, No. 3 (Oct., 1983), pp. 319-338

(8) IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America’s Most Powerful Corporation, Edwin Black, Cambridge University Press, 2011

(9) “Documents Reveal Ford Was Part of the Auschwitz Industrial Complex” Jewish Telegraphic Agency, August 23, 1999

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Russia is indirectly lending a helping hand to China as the center of the New Cold War moves from Europe to Asia.

The speculation among some about Vietnam’s future role in the US’ regional campaign to contain China was quashed as a result of President Putin’s visit to that Southeast Asian country. The Russian leader and his counterpart To Lam rejected the policy of creating “selective military-political blocs” in an allusion to AUKUS+/“The Squad”, which refers to the US’ emerging NATO-like network that includes Australia, Japan, the Philippines, and (informally) Taiwan. South Korea is expected to join them soon too.

President To Lam also pledged to peacefully resolve regional disputes without the use of force and threats, with the innuendo being that Vietnam won’t be the first to rekindle tensions with China over the East Sea/South China Sea. Likewise, he and President Putin reaffirmed that “We will not enter any unions or treaties with third countries hurting independence, sovereignty or territorial ties with each other”, thus hinting that Russia’s “no-limits” partnership with China does indeed have some very real limits.

It was therefore predictable that these decades-long strategic partners promised to “step up defense and security cooperation, and together we will fight challenges, new and old [to international stability].” The significance of these military-strategic statements is that they keep the US’ Southeast Asian influence in check since they show that there’s no longer any reason to speculate that Vietnam will ever request its assistance in balancing China since Russia will now be fully relied on to that end.

To be absolutely clear, Russia isn’t “against China” or even indirectly seeking to “contain” it via Vietnam, but it’s a matter of diplomatic fact that Moscow supports Hanoi over Beijing in their maritime dispute.

This long-time policy was most recently confirmed in a very diplomatic way when the two countries referenced the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 a total of three times in their “Joint Statement on 2030 Vision for Development of Viet Nam-Russia Relations” from December 2021.

This isn’t Russia and China’s only disagreement over a very sensitive issue, however, sine they also have completely opposite approaches towards India’s claims to Kashmir and particularly Delhi’s ones over the Beijing-controlled region of Aksai Chin. They’ve nevertheless responsibly managed them in pursuit of the greater multipolar good and won’t let these issues be exploited by the US for divide-and-rule purposes. Russia’s strategic partnerships with China, India, and Vietnam do a lot to avert that scenario.

Moscow can always be called upon by both conflicting parties in any dispute to mediate between them in the event of a crisis if they have the political will to seek its recourse. Furthermore, from China’s perspective, it’s better for Russia to be India and Vietnam’s top military-technical partner than the US, whose intention in selling high-end equipment to its partners is always to disrupt the balance of power. By contrast, Russia’s is to maintain that balance in order to promote dialogue, which is always preferable.

As regards the Sino-Vietnamese maritime dispute, there was always the chance during the nadir of Russia’s power after the Soviet Union’s dissolution that the US would replace Moscow’s role for Hanoi, but the Socialist Republic proudly retained its strategic autonomy and avoided that temptation. Its leadership knew better than to rely on their wartime enemy for security and correctly feared that coming under its influence would lead to the gradual erosion of its hard-earned sovereignty.

The problem though was that China became more assertive in its claims to the East Sea/South China Sea from the mid-2010s onwards, thus heightening Vietnam’s threat perception. Beijing’s behavior was driven by its belief that Washington was about to make a major move there as part of its “Pivot to Asia”, which had to be preempted, but this inadvertently worsened relations with Hanoi for obvious reasons. It was around that time that speculation grew about Vietnam requesting the US’ military aid against China.

Russia hadn’t yet regained its lost strength but was well on the path to doing so, with this being apparent by the time that President Putin visited Vietnam in 2017 to attend that year’s APEC Summit. Flash forward four years to former Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s trip to Moscow where they agreed to the aforementioned 2030 partnership development plan and then to the present day where these two countries celebrated their newly reinvigorated strategic partnership.  

This sequence of events shows that while Vietnamese-US relations greatly improved over the last three decades, with this process culminating in their strategic partnership that was clinched during Biden’s visit last September, Vietnam never became a US vassal. It always kept the Pentagon at arm’s length, and for good reason when remembering the countless war crimes that it committed, which created the opportunity for Russia to finally restore its traditional role in Vietnam’s balancing act.

Vietnam’s political and economic ties with the US will remain strong, notwithstanding Washington’s ridiculous rebuke of Hanoi for hosting President Putin, but there’s no longer even the remotest possibility that it’ll ever rely on its new strategic partner’s armed forces for balancing China. Russia will once again be fully relied on to that end, which should make Sino-Vietnamese tensions much more manageable than if Vietnam became the new Philippines by relying entirely on the US instead.

In the context of the US’ “Pivot (back) to Asia”, which is unfolding ahead of the inevitable end of the Ukrainian Conflict and the US’ subsequently renewed focus on containing China, this outcome precludes Vietnam’s cooperation with AUKUS+/“The Squad”. That’ll importantly help relieve some pressure along China’s southern front so long as Beijing doesn’t saber-rattle against Hanoi, which it’s not expected to anyhow since its hands are already full with the Philippines and possibly soon with Northeast Asia too.

By checking US influence in Southeast Asia through the new invigoration of its strategic partnership with Vietnam, Russia is therefore indirectly lending a helping hand to China as the center of the New Cold War moves from Europe to Asia. Although not coordinated with China, this can still be regarded as yet another manifestation of the Sino-Russo Entente, albeit with very well-defined limits seeing as how President Putin reaffirmed that he won’t enter into agreements with others that could harm Vietnam.

In practice, this means that while Russia’s military relations with China will continue to grow, under no circumstances will Moscow betray Hanoi by taking Beijing’s side in their dispute. The Kremlin also won’t ever commit to a mutual defense treaty with China like the one that it just clinched with North Korea, which would obligate Russia to support China if it clashes with Vietnam. The Sino-Vietnamese balance of power will consequently be maintained and hopefully lead to a future political solution to their dispute.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Licence of Sask. Doctor Who Prescribed Ivermectin for COVID-19 to be Suspended

Dr. Tshipita Kabongo faced two sets of charges relating to unprofessional conduct, brought by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan.

By Brandon Harder, Regina Leader Post

Regina doctor Tshipita Kabongo has admitted to unprofessional conduct in relation to two sets of charges brought against him by the oversight body for Saskatchewan physicians.

That’s according to Bryan Salte, associate registrar for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS).

Kabongo had one such charge brought against him in March of 2023 in relation to his failing to know and/or follow the CPSS Policy on Complementary and Alternative Therapies when he prescribed Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug, to treat COVID-19.

He also faced four additional professional charges, brought against him in March of 2024. Of those, three pertained to his work with specific patients, alleging he “failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession,” while the fourth charge was in relation to billing for his services.

The 2024 charges also made reference to inappropriate prescription of Ivermectin, as well as cannabinoids, benzodiazepines, Vitamin B12, and supplements.

Charges brought by that oversight body are not criminal charges but pertain to conduct that does not comply with the rules that govern its members.

Salte advised, via email, that a hearing was held with regard to Kabongo’s matters in June, and a penalty was imposed on him.

With regard to penalty, the CPSS council decided Kabongo is to receive a written reprimand.

In addition, his licence is to be suspended for one month, starting Aug. 1, 2024.

He is to practice only under the supervision of “a duly qualified medical practitioner approved by the Registrar.”

“The requirement for supervision will continue until the Registrar concludes that Dr. Kabongo is no longer required to practise under supervision,” the council decision states.

The supervisor is to provide the CPSS with reports as to the status of Kabongo’s practice.

Kabongo is also directed to pay costs associated to the investigation and the hearing in the amount of $44,783.72. This amount is to be paid in 24 equal instalments, beginning August 1.

If he fails to pay these costs as required, his licence is to be suspended until he pays in full.

— with files from Pam Cowan

[email protected]


Regina Doctor Suspended for Prescribing Ivermectin for COVID 

Saskatoon / 650 CKOM

By Lisa Schick, Jun 18, 2024 

A Regina doctor has been suspended from practicing for a month this summer for prescribing Ivermectin for COVID-19.

The Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons found that over two years, between April 2020 and March 2022, Tshipita Kabongo prescribed the drug as either a treatment or to prevent COVID-19 at his practice in Regina

He was found to have engaged in unprofessional conduct.

In a decision released this month, the college said Kabongo failed to follow the its policy on alternative therapies, which says patients have a right to make decisions about their health care but doctors who choose to use complementary or alternative therapies have to do so in a way that’s informed by medical evidence and science.

“It is unethical to engage in or to aid and abet in treatment which has no acceptable scientific basis, may be dangerous, may deceive the patient by giving false hope, or which may cause the patient to delay in seeking conventional care until his or her condition becomes irreversible,” the policy states.

The college’s decision on Kabongo said one or more of the prescriptions he gave out weren’t medically necessary, he failed to recommend other evidence-informed treatment options, and he didn’t properly document the prescriptions in medical records.

As a result, Kabongo will be suspended from practising for one month in August. He’ll have to have someone supervise him when he returns to practising, and he’ll have to pay the cost of the investigation and hearing, which added up to $44,783.72.

Ivermectin is a drug meant to treat parasites as an oral medicine and rosacea as a topical medication. However, some on social media promoted it as a cure for COVID during the pandemic which began in 2020.

In the fall of 2021, Health Canada and several medical groups in Saskatchewan put out public messages warning people against the use of Ivermectin for COVID, particularly the stronger and more dangerous veterinary formulation.

“There is no evidence that Ivermectin works to prevent or treat COVID-19 and it is not authorized for this use. To date, Health Canada has not received any drug submission or applications for clinical trials for Ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19,” explained a public notice from Health Canada issued in October, 2021.

A memo issued around the same time by the College of Physician and Surgeons, along with several other Saskatchewan medical groups, said that while there have been studies on Ivermectin, the study limitations like sample sizes and confounding factors mean that conclusions couldn’t be drawn, and so Ivermectin was disapproved of for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.


My Take…

This is yet another example of criminal behavior by a College, this time by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan.

It is time to start filing criminal charges against College Officials.

These Colleges, through their actions, have killed thousands of Canadians already and if Canadians don’t take the Colleges back, the Colleges will continue to take many more lives in the future.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Global great power competition has a concrete geopolitical and economic infrastructure. At the same time, there are ideological and cultural infrastructures that are effectively used in this competition.

The West used this very well during its 300-year global hegemony. It skillfully applied the accumulation of the Renaissance and scientific and ideological enlightenment revolutions as a soft power when it reached the imperialist level.

All states and societies in the world looked at Europe with admiration and tried to idealize the West and take it as an example.

Since the 18th century, when Europe focused on industrialization and colonialism, it has created an ancient Greek myth that claims to be the center and origin of civilization.

However, what is called Ancient Greek civilization was the accumulation of culture and humanity based mainly on ancient Egypt, Phoenicia, Ionian, Hittite and Phrygian Anatolia, Ancient China and Central Asia on the Silk Road, and from Sumer to Babylon in Mesopotamia.

Western civilization, with all its imperialist intentions in its background, was ‘sold’ as the highest point reached by humanity and civilization in particular. It was marketed to the world in the packaging of capitalism with human rights and democracy, as if it were a great invention patented by the West. We saw the peak of this in the theses of the famous neo-conservative ideologue Samuel Huntington at the end of the Cold War. After the end of the Cold War, American values ​​entered a period of domination by Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” theory.

In 1993, Professor Samuel Huntington from Harvard University put forward this thesis in an article published in Foreign Affairs magazine, the organ of the American State Department.

On the one hand, Huntington accepted the diversity of world cultures by dividing civilizations into eight types (Bon Pour Orient), but he put Western values ​​above all of them and assigned them a savior and tutelage role. Huntington’s so-called Western values ​​of “democracy and freedom”, which included discrimination between races and religions, were essentially propaganda created to consolidate the West’s domination over the world. For a long time, it was supported by powerful Western-funded media and collaborative academia. This ideology, which is identity-oriented rather than class-oriented (in terms of nationality, gender and religion), is the product of neoliberalism, which aims for the absolute dominance of the capital sector in the post-Cold War world. The famous French intellectual historian Emmanuel Todd calls this neoliberal nihilism.

However, after the bloody wars under the guise of the war against terrorism and the economic destruction caused by western-based neoliberalism, it has become clear that the dominant international relations discourse is essentially controlled by the West through “proxy and power”. Of course, rising Asia would also have an answer to the clash of civilizations. Russia, an advocate of multipolarity and one of the founders of BRICS+, questions the West’s uniform superiority theory on this issue. China, with its five thousand years old culture, is in a similar position.

The People’s Republic of China launched the Global Development and Global Security Initiatives in 2021 and 2022.

In 2023, the Global Civilization Initiative was declared. Yang Chen and Ma Jinting from Shanghai University describe these three initiatives with the following expressions in ancient Chinese culture: “Making conscience destined for heaven and earth ; to secure life and prosperity for the people and ensure peace for all future generations.”

The global civilization initiative involves “making conscience destined for heaven and earth.”

According to Chinese writers; The Global Civilization Initiative broke the Western monopoly on international relations theory, and in the process, moral realism and Chinese international relations theories pioneered by the Shanghai School became more influential. A concrete example of this is the Iran-Saudi Arabia peace talks, which took place under the mediation of China.

China’s 12-article Russia-Ukraine peace proposal is also included in these principles. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in November 2023 published the “Position Document of the People’s Republic of China on Resolving the Palestine-Israel Conflict”. China sees the multi-country and geographical Belt and Road Initiative as the most important pillar of the Global Civilization Initiative with its philosophy of human-to-human contact.

In short, it can be said that, against the Collective West’s post-Cold War supremacist understanding of globalization, developing countries put forward a peaceful, pluralistic and equality-based world order as a new dialogue of civilizations. Different civilizations can co-exist without conflict and can change, develop with their own free will.


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This article was originally published on ATASAM.

Hasan Erel is a Turkish journalist-writer. He worked as a diplomacy and foreign news reporter and editor in TRT and other media for 30 years. He is a frequent commentator of Sputnik News radio and CRI Turk in Turkiye.  

Featured image is from ATASAM

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Zelensky’s only use right now is to legitimize radical policies and he’ll then be cast aside once he’s done what’s needed of him, though it’s unclear when that’ll be since everything depends on whether NATO conventionally intervenes in Ukraine.

President Putin shared his view during a press conference in Hanoi that the US will replace Zelensky during the first half of next year after they use him to make unpopular decisions such as further lowering the draft age. His prediction coincided with Russia’s foreign intelligence service publishing its latest such report about this scenario, which claimed that Zaluzhny is being seriously considered by the US as his replacement and is also deemed to be more suitable for negotiating peace with Moscow than others.

It was explained last month how “Russia Hopes To Influence Ukraine’s Possibly Impending US-Backed Regime Change Process” after that same service released a related report about this at the time. This strategy continues unfolding as evidenced by President Putin declaring two weeks ago that the Rada Speaker is now the legitimate leader of Ukraine if the Constitution is still being followed. Accordingly, he said that Russia could negotiate with him or someone else if Kiev is interested in peace, but not Zelensky.

As regards the conflict’s military-strategic dynamics, they continue trending in Russia’s favor and won’t be changed by minor adjustments to US policy such as letting Ukraine use its arms to hit any targets across the border that are allegedly planning to cross the frontier. The only variable that can make a meaningful difference at this point in time is if NATO stages a conventional intervention, but that would spike the risk of World War III by miscalculation.

Returning back to President Putin’s prediction about Zelensky being replaced in the first half of next year, he’s either assuming that no such conventional intervention will occur or that the subsequent escalation would remain manageable instead of spiraling into the apocalypse. Regarding the first possibility, there’s a chance that this won’t happen since it’s dependent on Russia achieving a military breakthrough across the front lines, which NATO could then exploit to justify directly involving itself in this conflict.

That might either not happen and thus rule out this scenario, or it’ll unfold and then set that sequence of events into motion, therefore leading to the second possibility of them managing this escalation. In that case, Russia might either eschew striking NATO units so long as they don’t cross the Dnieper and pose a credible threat to its new regions, or they’ll engage in controllable tit-for-tat strikes before freezing the conflict. No matter what happens, however, Zelensky’s political future is set in stone.  

The first possibility is actually much worse for him since he’ll be pressured like never before to lower the draft age as soon as possible in order to replace all the meat that’ll have to be ground to prevent a Russian breakthrough across the front lines. It’s impossible to predict the timing with which he’d then be replaced since it depends on when that policy is implemented and whether (and how long) the secret police can control the public’s furious reaction to sending their young adult males to the slaughter.

If NATO conventionally intervenes in Ukraine but the escalation doesn’t spiral into World War III by miscalculation, which of course can’t be taken for granted, then the bloc might keep Zelensky in place only until they reach a deal with Russia for comprehensively managing Europe’s “new normal”. Once that’s achieved, whenever it may be, he’ll then be pushed aside in order to herald the coming of the so-called “new Ukraine” under these new circumstances and turn the page on this dark period.

Just like in the first possibility, he’d only remain in power long enough to make unpopular decisions, albeit under totally different circumstances in that case. Nevertheless, the writing is on the wall, and it’s that his political career is drawing to a close either way. Zelensky’s only use right now is to legitimize radical policies in either scenario. He’ll then be cast aside once he’s done what’s needed of him, though it’s unclear when that’ll be since everything depends on whether NATO conventionally intervenes.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the Public Domain

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As NATO and its Neo-Nazi proxies coordinate their long-range strikes with terrorist attacks deeper within Russia (a threat they’ve already made on several occasions and are now fulfilling, as evidenced by the latest events in Dagestan), the belligerent alliance’s eastern member states are preparing to effectively enter the conflict, albeit not officially. Namely, just like NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets are used for long-range attacks on the Russian military in an “unofficial” capacity, the political West is hoping to get the chance to use F-16 fighter jets from airbases in Eastern Europe, where they would be “safe” from Russian counterattacks. In theory, of course, because nobody can really guarantee that Moscow will tolerate such actions. And yet, nobody in Europe is asking the most obvious question – what happens when the Kremlin does react?

Many NATO countries have F-16s in their inventories, but of all operators of the US-made jet,

Poland and Romania are the closest to Ukraine. They also have the largest territories and the most important NATO installations in Eastern Europe. Along with a strong pro-US (geo)political stance, the combination of these factors makes them the most logical candidates for the basing of the Kiev regime’s F-16s. Poland has two major airbases housing these US-made jets – the 31st and 32nd, located in Poznan and Lask, respectively. These areas are in western and central Poland, both crucial for the country. Allowing the Neo-Nazi junta to operate F-16s from there would make both cities prime targets for retaliation by the Russian military, putting civilians in those areas in harm’s way. This is particularly true for Poznan, the fifth largest city in Poland, with a population of at least half a million.

It’s not impossible that some other, less important airfields in eastern Poland could be used instead, but that still doesn’t remove the danger of a direct NATO-Russia clash, because Moscow will not tolerate the usage of airbases outside Ukraine for strikes on the Russian military. The same goes for Romania, another F-16 operator in Eastern Europe. Bucharest operates its US-made jets from the town of Fetesti in southeastern Romania, where the country’s 86th Air Base is located. This NATO airbase with F-16s is the closest to Ukraine and could be used as the staging ground for operations against Russian forces in the southern Kherson oblast (region) and Crimea. This is a particularly dangerous prospect, as these areas have been under near-constant joint long-range drone and missile strikes by the Neo-Nazi junta forces and NATO, with both Russian air defense assets and airbases being the primary targets.

It’s only logical to assume that such attacks are meant to weaken Russian defenses in Crimea, particularly the SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems, possibly opening the way for F-16s to strike targets deeper within Russia. Obviously, on their own, these jets have little chance of survival. However, if Moscow’s world-class air superiority fighter jets and long-range air defenses are neutralized by drones and missiles first, F-16s could then be used to launch strikes virtually unopposed. Once again, this is all in theory, as the political West is counting on the Kremlin to budge and eventually fold under pressure. However, this dangerous gambit could spark the fuse of something far bigger and far deadlier. Russia has repeatedly warned against such escalation, but nobody in the political West seems to be listening. In much simpler terms, there are countless ways in which all this could go sideways.

This is particularly dangerous as some of the F-16 donors are countries with nuclear capabilities. If such jets appear in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict, what is Moscow supposed to make of it? What message is being sent in that case? As previously mentioned, recent threats of escalating terrorist attacks in Russia are being executed in very close coordination with the aforementioned long-range strikes on Crimea and elsewhere in the country. The only logical conclusion for the Kremlin (or anyone with two half-functioning brain cells) is that all this is planned and executed by the same people. The frustration and anger are building up in Russia (and rightfully so, because nobody sane would react otherwise). A moment will come when Moscow will simply be left with no choice but to strike back. And when it happens, it will be quite painful for everyone on the receiving end, whoever that may be.

The populace in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, is extremely worried about this prospect (and understandably so). The consequences of Russian retaliation will be felt all across the increasingly volatile region, regardless of whether the affected country houses the Kiev regime’s jets. The disruption to normal economic activity alone would be a disaster for them, let alone a direct confrontation between military superpowers. It’s very difficult for most people to even grasp the sheer speed of modern warfare. A previously peaceful situation could turn into a bloodbath in mere hours, with entire areas becoming unrecognizable virtually overnight. Those who support such escalation should be treated as nothing less than unadulterated war criminals. Unfortunately, the political West’s vaunted “democracy” is a myth, meaning there are little to no control mechanisms to stop them.

Recent seemingly tectonic changes on the European Union’s political scene cannot be counted on to reset its collision course with Russia, as the creators of foreign policy in Western countries are quite resilient to any political shifts. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is a good example of this. While she came to power as a supposed “anti-establishment” candidate, it turned out she’s anything but. Worse yet, she’s now threatening Russia, a country that sees Italy as nothing more than a speck in its global military strategy. The danger of similar right-wing governments continuing the same or similar foreign policy toward Russia is present everywhere in Europe. This means that Moscow is left with virtually nobody to talk to in the political West. If this situation persists, what is the alternative? If a country with around 6000 thermonuclear warheads is pushed to the edge, what could we possibly expect?


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

It’s the End of the World As We Know It. The American-NATO Rush Toward Nuclear War with Russia. Scott Ritter

By Scott Ritter, June 24, 2024

Last month, on May 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it would, on the orders of Russian President Vladimir Putin, conduct exercises involving the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. According to Russian officials, the exercises were a response to “provocative statements and threats from certain Western officials directed at the Russian Federation.”

The AI Bubble “Makes AI Bubble”, AI = Deficient Technology

By Karsten Riise, June 24, 2024

The CEO Sam Altman from OpenAI travels the World to ask for $7 trillion for investment into AI and related technologies, including new chip factories, humongous datacenters, land, and even nuclear power to run AI’s insatiable appetite for energy. Yes, $7 trillion. This is more than the entire US federal budget in 2023, which at “only” $6 trillion is already too big to finance sustainably for the USA, the biggest economy in the World (measured in GDP).

Playing God: An Investigation Into “Medical Democide” in the UK

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, June 24, 2024

The documentary features testimonials from families affected by these dangerous practices, as well as analyses from medical professionals and legal experts, aiming to shed light on “medical democide,” — death or harm caused by government policies or health care practices. The film suggests that systemic issues deeply ingrained in the NHS hinder the delivery of humane care, from birth to the end of life.

Why Does the Government Borrow When It Can Print?

By Ellen Brown, June 24, 2024

It is cheaper to print money outright than to borrow money at interest that is never repaid. The Greenbackers who marched on Washington in 1897 were right. We should be printing the money – not for speculative ventures (“unearned income”) but for productive endeavors.

Ukrainians Dying in Their Hundreds of Thousands So US Weapon Manufacturers Can Profit

By Ahmed Adel, June 24, 2024

Washington has spent $1.8 trillion over the 20-year failed military campaign in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban, whilst aid to Ukraine in just a little more than two years has already reached $175 billion dollars, according to a Council on Foreign Relations report published on May 9.

Washington Faces Defeat in Red Sea Donnybrook

By Mike Whitney, June 24, 2024

The Houthis have agreed to end their attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea if Israel allows the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. This is not just a reasonable proposal, it’s a policy that is supported by the vast majority of people around the world.

G7 Italy: A Summit of War. Manlio Dinucci

By Manlio Dinucci, June 24, 2024

They denounce Russia for “the brutal and unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine, and for the blatant violation by it of international law and the fundamental principles that underlie the international order.”

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South Africa held its seventh national and provincial elections in late May where approximately 58 percent of the eligible voters cast ballots.

The democratic breakthrough of 1994 led to the first non-racial elections since the establishment of the racist settler-colonial system of apartheid.

Nelson Mandela, the then president of the African National Congress (ANC), won the elections 30 years ago creating the first Government of National Unity (GNU) which lasted from 1994-1997.

In the 1994 elections, the ANC secured nearly two-thirds of the votes after waging decades of mass and armed struggles aimed at the destruction of the unjust and exploitative social order.In the most recent elections, the ANC acquired 40 percent of the votes with the Democratic Alliance (DA) coming in second, attaining 21 percent. Following the DA was the MK Party which was only formed in the lead up to the May elections. Coming in fourth was the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). The MK attained nearly 15 percent and the EFF 9 percent.

Both the EFF and MK are breakaway groupings from the ruling ANC. Combined these three parties could have easily secured 64 percent of the votes. With the failure of the ANC to achieve in excess of 50 percent, the largest party was compelled to select other parties to form a unity administration.

After intensive internal discussions within the National Executive Committee (NEC), the ANC in consultation with its allies in the South African Communist Party (SACP), Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the South African National Civic Organizations (SANCO), decided to form the GNU. Several other parties were approached to join the GNU. Eventually agreements were reached with the DA and the Inkhata Freedom Party (IFP) to serve as the major anchors for the GNU.

Later two other small parties, the Patriotic Alliance (PA) based in the Western Cape, and the GOOD Party, headed by the Minister of Tourism, Patricia de Lille, joined the GNU. At present this alliance of five political parties represents 68 percent of the National Assembly in Cape Town. De Lille has undergone several political transformations since 1994. She first entered parliament as a representative of the Pan-Africanist Congress (PAC). In subsequent years she formed the Independent Democrats (ID) which eventually merged with the DA. She was forced to resign from the DA under allegations of concealing corruption and later accepted a cabinet position in the ANC government in May 2019.

At present negotiations are underway to determine allocations of cabinet positions. The ANC’s Ramaphosa was elected as president by the National Assembly along with Deputy President Paul Mashatile, also of the ANC. The ANC will retain its leadership role as Speaker of the National Assembly under Thoko Didiza. The Deputy Speaker is a DA member Annelie Lotriet.

Of the nine provinces in the Republic of South Africa, the ANC will control the premierships within seven. The DA maintained its control of the Western Cape while the IFP, after forming alliances with the ANC and the DA, took control of the KwaZulu Natal provincial premiership.

In a statement issued by the ANC on June 17, it states the objectives of the party within the GNU, noting:

“The GNU’s priorities and minimum program are fully aligned with the ANC’s longstanding commitments and policies. We are dedicated to achieving rapid, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, job creation, land reform, industrialization, and infrastructure development. Our objective is to create a just society that addresses poverty, spatial inequalities, food security, and the high cost of living, while protecting workers’ rights and delivering quality basic services. The GNU will ensure representation in government and legislatures by all participating parties, making decisions by consensus, with mechanisms for conflict resolution where necessary. The President will exercise the prerogative to appoint the Cabinet, in consultation with leaders of GNU parties, adhering to existing protocols on government decision-making and budgeting. All political parties represented in legislatures remain welcome to join the GNU even after its formation as its very ethos is a spirit of inclusivity.”

Not the First GNU

Mandela and many other ANC members spent decades in apartheid prisons prior to their release during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Other liberation and anti-colonial movements also faced severe consequences for their activities which extended back to the mid-17th century when the Dutch settlers entered the Cape area in 1652. Later during the 18th and 19th centuries, the British and the French colonialists fought for the control of this important territory in attempts to dominate the strategic trade routes along the Indian Ocean coastlines.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the British and Boer settlers fought a war over which colonial entity would control the country. Although the British won the Anglo-Boer War of 1898-1902, the Union of South Africa which was established in 1910 represented the consolidation of white domination.

By 1948, the Boer-dominated Nationalist Party (NP) became the leading force under the colonial system. The creation of the apartheid system after 1948 was designed to divide and maintain control over the majority African, Colored (mixed race) and Indian population groups.

Nonetheless, the mass struggle to end institutional racial domination accelerated during the 1950s with the Defiance Against Unjust Laws campaign. A coalition between the vanguard organizations among the African, Colored and Indian populations, known as the National Action Council, drafted the Freedom Charter in June 1955 at the Congress of the People in Kliptown.

The apartheid regime sought to imprison and drive into exile the leadership of these organizations by leveling charges of treason. A trial went on for four years which resulted in the acquittal of these leaders in 1960.

However, the escalating repression by the apartheid government culminated in the Sharpeville massacre of March 21, 1960, when dozens were killed and injured by the police. In 1961, Um Khonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) was formed as a guerrilla force which waged an armed struggle against the racist system between December 1961 and August 1990.

What is important to acknowledge is that this is not the first GNU formed since the overthrow of the apartheid regime. During the early years of the National Democratic Revolution, the ANC shared power with the Nationalist Party (NP), the ruling entity under apartheid. This arrangement was carried out to ensure the political transition to majority rule.

According to the South Africa History online website:

“From 27 April 1994 to 3 February 1997, South Africa was governed by a Government of National Unity (GNU) under the leadership of African National Congress (ANC). Clause 88 of the interim Constitution of South Africa provided for the establishment of the Government of National Unity. After the first democratic election in 1994, 19,726,579 votes were counted and 193,081 were rejected as invalid. The African National Congress (ANC) in alliance with the labor confederation COSATU and the South African Communist Party (SACP) fell slightly short of a two-thirds majority. The Government of National Unity was established and headed by Nelson Mandela as a president and FW De Klerk as his deputy president. Mandela’s cabinet included ministers from other political parties as well as members of the National Party and Inkatha Freedom Party.” 

The NP under the leadership of F.W. De Klerk announced their intentions to withdraw from the GNU in June 1996 citing its disagreements with the ANC over major policy issues. De Klerk then retired from politics leaving the NP in disarray. The NP was later dissolved while the DA was later formed and became the major opposition party to ANC rule.


In regard to the present GNU, COSATU and the SACP have issued statements on the outcome of the elections. COSATU said in a press release on June 19 that:

“The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) congratulates President Cyril Ramaphosa on his inauguration for a second term as head of state of South Africa. Admittedly, this was a difficult election for our Alliance Partners, the African National Congress (ANC), the South African Communist Party (SACP) and ourselves, however, we are grateful that millions of ordinary South Africans have entrusted the ANC to be leader of government nationally and across provinces.” 

Just four days earlier, the SACP emphasized in a statement:

“The South African Communist Party (SACP) welcomes the democratic return of the African National Congress (ANC) as the leader of our government, with President Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected on Friday night, 14 June 2024, and Thoko Didiza elected as the Speaker of the National Assembly. The balance of political forces under which this happened, measured by the distribution of seats and conduct of a number of political parties prior to the first sitting of and in the National Assembly following the May 2024 elections, was characterized by precarity.” 

These developments in South Africa will be watched closely both inside the country as well as internationally. Undoubtedly, the struggle for a genuinely revolutionary democratic South Africa will continue.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

G7 Italy: A Summit of War. Manlio Dinucci

June 24th, 2024 by Manlio Dinucci

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The mainstream has presented the G7 summit in Puglia, under Italian chairmanship, as some kind of grand social event, ignoring the Final Communiqué: a document of about 40 pages by which the G7 – composed of the 6 major NATO powers plus Japan, NATO’s main partner in East Asia – set out their agenda.

They denounce Russia for “the brutal and unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine, and for the blatant violation by it of international law and the fundamental principles that underlie the international order.” They then announce that

“the G7 will launch extraordinary loans in order to make approximately $50 billion in additional financing available for Ukraine by the end of the year, and that these loans will be repaid by revenues from the immobilization of Russian sovereign assets held in the European Union.”  

The G7 then declares that

“China’s continued support for Russia’s defense industrial base is enabling Russia to maintain its illegal war in Ukraine” and enjoins China to “cease transferring dual-use materials to Russia.” 

At the same time, the G7 accuses China of implementing “non-market policies and practices that are leading to global spillovers and harmful overcapacity in a growing range of sectors, undermining our workers, our industries, our economic resilience and our security.”

These and other passages of the Summit Communiqué clearly demonstrate what is at stake in the wars and war preparations that the United States and other major powers of the West are waging from Europe to the Middle East and East Asia, from Africa to Latin America. 

With such a strategy, the West seeks to preserve the dominance it is losing in the face of the emergence of a multipolar world. Suffice it to recall that the U.S. national debt has exceeded $34 trillion and will exceed $56 trillion in the next ten years.  

Manlio Dinucci (right)

The Bulletin of the U.S. Atomic Scientists warns, based on precise data, that

we are facing “a massive reconstruction of the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal, including new long-range land-based missiles, new submarines, new long-range stealth bombers that will carry the new stealth cruise missiles, and major upgrades to submarine-carried missiles. The total cost of all this, maintaining existing armaments, will be more than $1.2 trillion.”


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This article was originally published in Italian on Grandangolo, Byoblu TV.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Featured image: Attribution: European Union

Gaza and Gazans Can’t Disappear

June 24th, 2024 by Barbara Nimri Aziz

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Do you sense that there is less and less news reaching us from the occupied Palestinian territories, expressly from Gaza? 

Do you feel what I fear: – that moral outrage by the world public has been spent?

That those millions of creative, passionate calls for a ceasefire have been exhausted? Or, that there’s simply nothing new to report, nothing that could possibly supersede the last massacre, the last failed negotiation, the last thwarted aid delivery?

Or is it simply our urgent summer plans with the family, school graduations, respite from blistering cities, finding a job or keeping this one, repairing the patio? College students who challenged our morality with determined demands, who remained steadfast when our endurance waned, are absent.

Police forces who brutalized and arrested protesters have shown their worth to their bosses. Colleagues fired for their audacity to support Palestinian rights are hardly mentioned. University presidents who survived political assaults and humiliation must feel relieved that nothing worse happened. Pro-Israel thugs who assaulted university encampments have slunk back to their dens. Alarmed Jewish citizens are assured of their safety, especially with a spate of new regulations speedily devised by companies and legislators to protect Israeli interests. While elsewhere lawsuits aim to smother activism by Palestinian and Muslim organizations in our democratic havens.

Some may be heartened by the resolve of nations outside the Israel-US-Europe axis. Scores of countries have stepped up to endorse the ICC’s decision to arrest Israeli leaders. South Africa and others press for compliance on ICJ’s ruling regarding Israel’s genocidal actions. In late May, BRICS+10 voted to sponsor a world conference on Palestine. A few governments newly recognize the nationhood of Palestine.

As for the besieged, bleeding, grieving and terrorized Palestinian camps and towns, far less news is seeping out from their shredded dwellings. Forget about mainstream media. If they are moved at all to report on Gaza, it will brief, and then only for another ghastly massacre —was it Nuseirat, Al-Shifa Hospital, the UN school, or a breadline waiting for precious food crumbs?

Increasing absence of information stems from Israel’s genocide agenda itself. Israeli forces have assassinated Palestinian journalists and threatened the staff of media companies, with many eventually withdrawing their correspondents from the field. Where Israel cannot censor foreign reporters, it bans them. For many months, live-feeds transmitted through Palestinians’ phones overcame barriers. Today, they are far fewer, probably because those citizen-journalists have vanished. Or Wi-Fi access from ‘Gaza’s killing fields’ is impossible.

While we desperately search for fragments of daily conditions of Palestinians, UN and other rights agencies offer synopses of their research:– hundreds of pages of data coldly summarizing deaths and deprivations, the breakdown of civil order, Israeli crimes of increasing magnitude and audacity, including how Israel tortures Palestinian prisoners. Among films documenting the past months’ torment is The Night Won’t End, a moving account by Al-Jazeera’s Laila Al-Arian. It captures what we already know but must re-know.

Official documentation of past crimes is surpassed by today’s revelations. Could conditions possibly worsen? Yes they could, and did.

American and European governments, despite mouthing justice and peace efforts, continue their wholehearted support of Israel.

Promises of aid are pulverized into Gaza’s blood-soaked desert.

The latest outrage: the Rafah crossing, Gaza’s thin lifeline for aid via Egypt, closed by Israel in May, as of this week is rendered non-functional due to massive Israeli military actions there. Israeli civilians have blocked other access routes and ransacked aid trucks. The US-constructed pier meant to deliver aid to Gazans by sea is broken and useless; there’s no information if it will ever be functional; it could be dismantled. As for the successive UN resolutions, passed with great effort and compromise, to censure Israel and force a ceasefire, we are told they are unenforceable. Look how the Israeli ambassador to the UN tore up the UN Charter inside the exalted chamber itself! As the majority of the world condemns it, Israel seems to double down, emboldened by the impotence of public protests globally, confident of their international backers. Israel seems more empowered than ever to heighten its campaign against Palestinians – apparently unrestrained. Except perhaps by Hamas fighters within Gaza who somehow manage to inflict serious casualties on Israeli troops and destroy tanks and personnel carriers.


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Barbara Nimri Aziz whose anthropological research has focused on the peoples of the Himalayas is the author of the newly published “Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”, available on Amazon

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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According to German media, Ukraine is close to receiving German “Frankenstein tanks.” The weapons are said to be hybrid arms, featuring elements from different operational systems. On the one hand, the move shows how Berlin remains committed to supporting the Kiev regime despite all the losses; on the other, it shows how the German defense industry is unable to meet Ukrainian military demands.

German military company Rheinmetall is expected to soon supply Kiev with air defense systems capable of shooting down Russian drones and missiles. These systems, however, are not being manufactured in a conventional way, following existing models of military equipment. Instead, parts from different weapons are being used to form a kind of “hybrid system” – nicknamed as a “Frankenstein tank.”

According to preliminary information, the “new” weapon is being developed with elements of the Skyranger anti-aircraft system, adding hulls from the Cold War-era Leopard 1 tanks. Furthermore, it is believed that the “Frankenstein tank” will be capable of hitting short-range targets, with the main focus being to shoot down enemy drones and missiles.

“There are still a lot of Leopard 1 battle tanks on whose chassis we could put the Skyranger turret with the 35 mm machine gun (…) Highly mobile, modular and scalable ground-based air defense systems are becoming increasingly important as NATO forces refocus on national and alliance defense,” Rheinmetall said in a press release.

A precise date has not yet been given for Kiev to receive the equipment, but operations to develop the weapons are believed to be taking place at Rheinmetall’s recently announced secret facility in western Ukraine. Given the logistical difficulties of sending weapons to Ukraine and the high amount of equipment damaged on the battlefield, the German company has decided to start operating inside Ukraine itself, focusing primarily on repairing weapons hit by Russian forces.

To date, at least 100 German Leopard 1 tanks have been delivered to Ukraine. Many, if not most, of them were quickly destroyed by Russian forces, which maintain control of airspace over most of the battlefield. Using low-cost drones, Moscow has been able to inflict irreversible damage on key Western weapons in Ukraine. With high manufacturing and maintenance costs, equipment such as Leopard and other NATO tanks have proven useless in the high-intensity conflict zone.

Of course, Western propaganda will try to report the “Frankenstein tank” news as something positive for Ukraine. According to Western newspapers, Kiev is receiving advanced and modern equipment capable of damaging Russian forces and promoting Ukrainian advances on the battlefield. But this is a baseless lie. In practice, the German measure is due to two specific factors: Germany’s inability to continue producing new equipment and the country’s distrust in supplying the Kiev regime with recent and technologically advanced weapons.

In a serious process of deindustrialization due to the energy crisis, Germany is having difficulties to maintain its military production at normal levels. The current conflict demands a constant high military production, since Ukraine loses hundreds of pieces of equipment every day. Therefore, instead of manufacturing new weapons, Germany is focusing on alternative strategies, such as repairing damaged arms and producing hybrid equipment from the parts of old weapons.

In the same vein, Kiev has been putting strong pressure on Germany and other NATO countries to provide more modern weapons with high destructive capacity and advanced technology. Berlin, however, does not seem to trust the Nazi regime, and has several objections to sending technologically advanced equipment. In addition to sending older weapons, mainly from the Cold War era, Berlin frequently sabotages military equipment sent to “help” Ukraine, reducing its technological capacity to prevent Ukrainian forces from stealing software. Since Kiev continues to insist on sending new materials, creating hybrid weapons, mixing old and new equipment, seems like an alternative for Germany to “please” Ukraine without giving it relevant military technology.

In the end, what Germany wants with these “Frankenstein tanks” is to find a cheap and safe way to continue helping Ukraine, even in the face of the severe losses it has recently suffered on the battlefield. Rather than a good gesture of support for Kiev, the move looks like an act of desperation – which will become increasingly frequent, given that the Ukrainian army is on the verge of collapse and European countries keep committed to systematically sending arms, regardless of the actual situation on the battlefield.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Why Does the Government Borrow When It Can Print?

June 24th, 2024 by Ellen Brown

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In the first seven months of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, net interest (payments minus income) on the federal debt reached $514 billion, exceeding spending on both national defense ($498 billion) and Medicare ($465 billion). The interest tab also exceeded all the money spent on veterans, education, and transportation combined. Spending on interest is now the second largest line item in the federal budget after Social Security and the fastest growing part of the budget, on track to reach $870 billion by the end of 2024. 

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the federal budget deficit was $857 billion in the first seven months of fiscal year 2024. In effect, the government is borrowing at interest to pay the interest on its debt, compounding the debt. For the lender, it’s called “the miracle of compound interest” – interest on interest compounds exponentially. But for the debtor, it’s a curse, compounding like a cancer to the point of devouring assets while still growing the debt. As Daniel Amerman, a chartered financial analyst, writes in an article titled “Could A Compound Interest Wildfire Threaten U.S. Solvency?”:

[T]he greatest debt-related threat to the solvency of the United States government and the value of the dollar could be the fact that the U.S. isn’t actually making any net principal or interest payments on its debt. 

That is, the U.S. government is borrowing money to make the interest payments, even as it borrows to roll over the principal payments – even as it borrows still more to fund the general spending which is in excess of taxes collected.

This creates the risk of a potential compounding and acceleration of interest payments on that debt. …

In other words, the US government is effectively insolvent, absent some major changes. Which is exactly why we need to anticipate that there will be major changes.

The Committee for a Responsible Budget similarly concludes, “Without reforms to reduce the debt and interest, interest costs will keep rising, crowd out spending on other priorities, and burden future generations.” In fact, we are that future generation. The chickens have come home to roost. According to, the debt is now $34.8 trillionEstimates are that we would need to tax everyone at a rate of 40%, without deductions, to balance the budgets of our federal and local governments, an obvious nonstarter. Reforms are necessary, but of what sort?

Why Does the Government Borrow Its Own Currency?

This question was asked of economist Martin Armstrong, who responded:

The theory was that if you borrowed rather than printed money, you were NOT increasing the existing money supply, and therefore, in theory, it would not be inflationary. 

That would be true if the debt were paid back, but today the government does not repay the debt but just keeps rolling it over, paying off old bonds as they come due with new bonds – currently at higher interest rates. Armstrong concludes:

We borrow, which is worse than printing because we have to pay interest on constantly rolling the debt. This year, we will spend about $1 trillion on interest, the total national debt when Reagan took office in 1981 .…    

Had we printed the money instead of borrowing, it would have been less inflationary and the capital would have created more jobs instead of investing in government debt which has only funded the Neocons’ wildest dreams [which he explained as “establishing military bases everywhere”]. [Emphasis added.]

report issued by the Grace Commission during the Reagan Administration concluded that at that time, most federal income tax revenues went just to pay the interest on the government’s burgeoning debt. A cover letter addressed to President Reagan stated that a third of all income taxes were consumed by waste and inefficiency in the federal government. Another third of any taxes actually paid went to make up for the taxes not paid by tax evaders and the growing underground economy, a phenomenon that had blossomed in direct proportion to tax increases. The report concluded: 

With two-thirds of everyone’s personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government.  

As Thomas Edison observed in 1921:

If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good, also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%, whereas the currency pays nobody but those who contribute directly in some useful way.

It is absurd to say that our country can issue $30 million in bonds and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one promise fattens the usurers and the other helps the people.

It is cheaper to print money outright than to borrow money at interest that is never repaid. The Greenbackers who marched on Washington in 1897 were right. We should be printing the money – not for speculative ventures (“unearned income”) but for productive endeavors. The Greenbackers sought a return to the system in which Lincoln’s government issued U.S. Notes or Greenbacks directly, in order to avoid a crippling debt to British bankers. They were marching for the economic producers — the farmers and factory workers, represented by the Scarecrow and Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz, which took its plot from that first-ever march on Washington.  

Won’t just printing the money result in hyperinflation? Not necessarily. Price inflation results from too much money chasing too few goods. When the money is used to create new goods and services, prices remain stable. This was demonstrated by the Chinese when they increased the money supply by a factor of 1800% (18 times) in the 23 years between 1996 and 2020. The new money went toward infrastructure and other forms of productivity, increasing GDP at the same rate; and price inflation remained consistently low during that period.

But hindsight is 20/20. What can be done now about the ballooning federal debt and interest bill? 

Possible Treasury Solutions

Hypothetically, the Treasury could buy back its debt. But under our current system, this would have to be done with more debt, at even higher interest rates. In fact the Treasury is doing that now, but in modest  proportions and for a different purpose. Its goal is to create a liquid market in long-term Treasuries, the sort of bonds that Silicon Valley Bank was forced to sell at a deep discount, generating insufficient funds to ward off the massive run on its deposits in March 2023. Nearly 200 banks were found to be in similar straits and equally vulnerable to runs. However, it would be counterproductive for the Treasury to buy back major portions of its debt with more debt at higher interest, which would just compound the debt and the interest burden. 

Alternatively, it could issue 35 trillion-dollar coins. 

The idea of minting large denomination coins to solve economic problems was evidently first suggested by a chairman of the Coinage Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives in the early 1980s. He pointed out that the government could pay off its entire debt with some billion-dollar coins – effectively just “printing” or “coining” the money.  The Constitution gives Congress the power to coin money and regulate its value, and no limit is put on the value of the coins it creates. Of course, today these would need to be trillion dollar coins.

In legislation initiated in 1982, however, Congress chose to impose limits on the amounts and denominations of most coins. The one exception was the platinum coin, which a special provision allowed to be minted in any amount for commemorative purposes. 

In 2013, an attorney named Carlos Mucha, blogging under the pseudonym Beowulf, proposed issuing a platinum coin to capitalize on this loophole; and with the endless gridlock in Congress over the debt ceiling, it got picked up by serious economists as a way to checkmate the deficit hawks. Philip Diehl, former head of the U.S. Mint and co-author of the platinum coin law, confirmed that the coin would be legal tender:

In minting the $1 trillion platinum coin, the Treasury Secretary would be exercising authority which Congress has granted routinely for more than 220 years … under power expressly granted to Congress in the Constitution (Article 1, Section 8).

Minting trillion dollar coins evokes images of million-mark notes filling wheelbarrows. But as economist Michael Hudson observes:

Every hyperinflation in history has been caused by foreign debt service collapsing the exchange rate. The problem almost always has resulted from wartime foreign currency strains, not domestic spending.

Prof. Randall Wray explained that the coin would not circulate but would be deposited in the government’s account at the Fed, so it could not inflate the circulating money supply. The budget would still need Congressional approval. To keep a lid on spending, Congress would just need to abide by some basic rules of economics. It could spend on goods and services up to full employment without creating price inflation (since supply and demand would rise together). After that, it would need to tax — not to fund the budget, but to shrink the circulating money supply and avoid driving up prices with excess demand. 

If issuing 35  coins worth a trillion dollars each seems too radical, the Treasury could issue just one trillion-dollar coin annually, earmarked specifically to cover the interest. A similar hybrid approach worked for the Pennsylvania colonists when they formed their first government-owned bank in the early 18th century. Other colonies were issuing “Colonial scrip,” but it was easier to issue the scrip than to tax it back, and they typically issued too much, inflating the money supply and devaluing the currency. The Pennsylvania colonists formed a “land bank” and issued money as loans to the farmers at 5% interest. To cover the interest not created in the original loans, the government was able to issue paper scrip directly to fund its own budget. As a result, Pennsylvania became the most productive economy in the colonies. 

What About Tapping Up the Federal Reserve?

The Fed is in a position to issue money interest-free, not as the bank-created deposits circulating as our M2 money supply, but as the reserves needed by banks to meet interbank transfers and withdrawals. When the Fed buys federal securities, it is mandated to return the interest to the Treasury after deducting its costs. 

In 2011, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul proposed dealing with the debt ceiling by simply voiding out the $1.7 trillion in federal securities then held by the Fed. As Stephen Gandel explained Paul’s solution in Time Magazine, the Treasury pays interest on the securities to the Fed, which returns 90% of these payments to the Treasury. Despite this shell game of payments, the $1.7 trillion in U.S. bonds owned by the Fed is still counted toward the debt ceiling. 

Paul’s plan: “Get the Fed and the Treasury to rip up that debt. It’s fake debt anyway. And the Fed is legally allowed to return the debt to the Treasury to be destroyed.”

Congressman Alan Grayson, a Democrat, also endorsed this proposal.

But since June 2022, the Fed has not been buying securities but has been selling those it already has, reducing its balance sheet in an effort to fight price inflation by shrinking the money supply through “quantitative tightening.” The central bank is considered “independent” of Congress, but arguably Congress could revise the Federal Reserve Act to require the Fed to buy federal securities.

A Financial Transaction Tax

Barring those alternatives, another possibility is a very small financial transaction tax. In a 2023 book titled A Tale of Two Economies: A New Financial Operating System for the American Economy, Wall Street veteran Scott Smith argues that we are taxing the wrong things – income and physical sales. In fact, we have two economies – the material economy in which goods and services are bought and sold, and the monetary economy involving the trading of financial assets (stocks, bonds, currencies, etc.) – basically “money making money” without producing new goods or services. 

Drawing on data from the Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve, Smith shows that the monetary economy is hundreds of times larger than the physical economy. The budget gap could be closed by imposing a tax of a mere 0.1% on financial transactions, while eliminating not just income taxes but every other tax we pay today. For a financial transactions tax (FTT) of 0.25%, we could fund benefits we cannot afford today that would stimulate growth in the real economy, including not just infrastructure and development but free college, a universal basic income, and free healthcare for all. Smith contends we could even pay off the national debt in 10 years or less with a 0.25% FTT.  

Are these proposals too radical? Perhaps, but existential crises call for radical solutions.


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Ellen Brown is an attorney, co-chair of the Public Banking Institute, and author of thirteen books including Web of DebtThe Public Bank Solution, and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age. She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called “It’s Our Money.” Her 400+ blog articles are posted at

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Washington has spent $1.8 trillion over the 20-year failed military campaign in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban, whilst aid to Ukraine in just a little more than two years has already reached $175 billion dollars, according to a Council on Foreign Relations report published on May 9. The American military-industrial complex is rejoicing at the rate of weapons being given to Ukraine as contracts for military orders to replace outdated weapons with new ones are being secured for many years to come. However, the profiteering of American weapon manufacturers is coming at an immense human cost in Ukraine.

The huge expenses in Afghanistan were attributed to the fact that tens of thousands of American troops were stationed in the landlocked country and fought there directly. However, in the current conflict, Ukrainian soldiers continue to die in a futile war with Russian forces and are merely being used as cannon fodder in Washington’s indirect war with Russia so American troops do not have to die like they did in Afghanistan.

Although the situation is desperate on the battlefront for Ukraine, the US military industrial complex will continue profiting after the Biden administration on June 20 allowed for air defences to be swiftly delivered to Ukraine by delaying certain weapons shipments to other countries, which White House spokesman John F. Kirby admitted was a “difficult but necessary decision” given Russian rapid advances.

Kirby explained that Ukraine had a critical need for Patriot interceptor missiles as Russia has accelerated attacks, adding that the “decision demonstrates our commitment to supporting our partners when they’re in existential danger.”

He clarified that Israel and Taiwan would not be affected by the redirected weapons shipments.

In effect, American weapons manufacturers have secured further contracts whilst countries that have made orders are forced to wait, demonstrating that the US cannot be trusted in such deals and that the situation for Ukraine is desperate. Yet, even as Ukraine economically struggles and suffers from a manpower shortage due to the hundreds of thousands that have been killed and the millions that have fled the country, US companies seek making further profit off the Ukraine war by building manufacturing plants in the country.

It is recalled that the US recently signed a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine and pledged to bolster the country’s defence industrial base, “including through cooperative defense research and development.”

Only earlier this month, Ukraine’s state-owned Ukroboronprom signed a memorandum with US-based Amentum Services to set up a joint enterprise to restore and maintain American-made armoured vehicles. Meanwhile, the Breaking Defense magazine reported on June 18 that American weapons manufacturer Northrop Grumman announced intentions to produce ammunition in Ukraine.

“We’ve been working, as you know, in Ukraine to produce medium (calibre munitions). That’s our first project that’s paid for with Ukrainian dollars,” said David Bartell, the company’s director of international business, during the Eurosatory arms show in Paris (June 17 to 21). “We are looking to expand that into tank ammo, 155 mm (artillery shells), others as we find innovative processes.”

Moscow estimated in February that the Ukrainian military had lost over 444,000 troops since the beginning of the special military operation, meaning that the number has easily surpassed half a million in the time since then. In effect, the Kiev regime is being drip fed weapons by Washington so that American weapon manufacturers can continue to profit off the war. The weapons received is never enough to be able to pushback Russian forces, even if manpower was not an issue, but is just enough so that the war can be prolonged and profited from.

The devastating loss of life Ukraine has experienced is the reason why the war is now futile, no matter which weapons arrive, and even efforts to mobilise hundreds of thousands of men have failed. The Conversation highlighted on June 13 that the plan to mobilise “hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian men” has been met with “public skepticism, draft dodging and opposition to unpopular, heavy-handed attempts to root out those not heeding the call to sign up,” which has “left Ukraine struggling to fill the positions officials say are needed to beat back the invading army.”

Despite the Kiev regime committing demographic suicide by continuing the war, there is evidently greater interest in enriching the American military industrial complex. Although the positives can be propagated as job opportunities for desperate Ukrainians, Bloomberg on June 1 pointed out “Ukraine’s manpower shortage is beginning to bite” and is “sapping the productivity of the war-battered nation’s factory floors, construction sites, mines and restaurants.” Ukraine just simply does not have enough people to win the war or to run its economy and industry, but this issue has not stopped American weapon companies from signing contracts and making great profit.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The official Swiss-sponsored “Ukraine Peace Conference” took place on the lush Swiss Burgenstock Resort on the Lake of Lucerne, to which deliberately Russia, one of the two most important “players” was not invited. That is unforgivable.

Indeed, the result was a total failure. Two days after the Burgenstock Meet, the media were silenced – not a word anymore about the Burgenstock event.

Switzerland was warned about not inviting Russia by several influential countries, and their leaders, including Brazil’s President Lula da Silva and Saudi’s de facto ruler, Mohammed bin Salman – and others – that they would not attend the Swiss event, since nothing constructive could come of it, without Russia being at the table.

See this for more details. 

On 12 June, three days before the start of the official Summit, we, a group of friends and peace activists, friends of Real Peace, organized an informal but REAL Peace Conference in Flühli, Switzerland. We called it “Mutual Peace Engagement – Conference” (MPEC).

Image: Alec Gagneux, conference organizer (Screenshot from the video below)

In the MPEC participated international experts with ample experience on the ground in Ukraine, as well as in Russia. They included a Russian-Swiss Journalist, representing Russian interests; a former US CIA agent, with decades of international experience and representing US interests, as well as retired high-level Swiss and German army officers, who had years of on-the-ground knowledge, in the region, especially in Ukraine and Russia.

Interestingly, the MPEC participants attempted to invite also a representative from Ukraine, but were unlucky. All potential candidates declined, answering almost unanimously: Too dangerous for potentially expressing an opinion which may not be in line with the Zelenskyy policy. They mentioned possible reprisals against themselves and / or their families.

The participants at the MPEC also were aware of history, what led to the Maidan Coup in 2014, who orchestrated it – and that, indeed, the war started already in 2014, what Mr. Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General said on several occasions, thereby admitting that it was not Russia’s interference – NOT invasion – in the Donbass Region of Ukraine, that prompted the current war.

This historic point was clearly made by the US representative who spoke to the Conference by Zoom from the United States.

This sort of momentous perspective was not even discussed at the official Swiss-sponsored conference, let alone taken into account, in the summits conclusions.


The MPEC does not pretend having the perfect solution. Such may never exist, but the MPEC worked towards a proposal that may come close enough that with compromises a Peace Accord could be achieved.

For example, in April 2022, Turkey sponsored a Peace Conference at which all parties were present, including Ukraine, represented by President Zelenskyy, a potential Peace Agreement was reached, where all parties were ready to sign, including President Putin and President Zelenskyy. In a last-minute intervention, Boris Johnson, then PM of the UK, called Zelenskyy not to sign the accord.

It was then clear; the West was not interested in Peace, and President Zelenskyy was not autonomous, was not leading a sovereign country.

The same today – the West is not interested in Peace. The West wants to continue what they believe and wish, weakening Russia, for eventually taking over the largest (surface) and richest (resources) country of the world. Ukraine is the perfect platform for this proxy-war of the US against Russia.

Maybe more important, or equally important, is this:

“WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.” —quote from a 1935 speech by Smedley D. Butlera retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient.

This is as true today as it was then. Killing is the most profitable business, just ahead of drug trading and human trafficking.

During the recent SPIEF (St. Petersburg International Economic Forum) Conference in St. Petersburg, a journalist asked President Putin, what it would take to come to a Peace Agreement in Ukraine. Mr. Putin replied something to the effect that the agreement reached in April 2022 in Istanbul, boycotted by Boris Johnson, would be a good basis; of course, many things have happened since then, and a potential agreement would have to be updated accordingly.

Part of the update might probably include the four Russian / Russian-speaking territories currently under Russia’s protective control. Let us not forget, since the Maidan Coup on 22 February 2014, Kiev’s Azov battalions, also called the “Right Sector”, have killed about 14,000 to 17,000 Russians (17,000 is the latest Russian figure) in these areas, mostly women and children.

See this 12 minute-video composite summary of the most crucial points made at the MPEC meeting in Flühli.

The MPEC looked at the 2022 Istanbul draft agreement and conditions, which were found quite reasonable by all participants, including representatives of Russia and the US. The MPEC then came up with the following key points be necessary to achieve Peace:

1. An immediate Ceasefire – along the current frontier lines – towards a lasting Peace Agreement. The latter could be brokered by a neutral country – China has offered her diplomatic services. Other alternatives, might include, Hungary, Serbia, the Check Republic, others….or a committee of a combination of several countries.

2. Establishment of a buffer zone along the Russian – Ukraine border.

3. Autonomy of the new Russian-controlled territories, possibly incorporation into the Russian Federation for Donbas Region, as well as newly gained predominantly Russian / Russian-speaking territories; possibly another referendum of the people of these territories.

4. No further discussion about Crimea and the port city of Sevastopol. They voted in March 2014 overwhelmingly (over 90%) to become part of the Russian Federation which the Duma (Russian Parliament) ratified.

5. No NATO or other foreign troops in Ukraine.

6. Demilitarization of Ukraine – no more Western weapon deliveries.

7. No nuclear war heads in Ukraine, ever.

8. Denazification of Ukraine – Azov and related “Bandera-type” groups, the “Right Sector”, are to be forbidden. Just as a reminder, Ukraine Nazi troops fought with Hitler during WWII against Russia and are responsible for hundreds of thousands of Russian deaths.

9. No “land-grabbing” by Western corporations, so that Ukraine, once free and autonomous from any occupation, will be a sovereign Ukraine for sovereign Ukrainian people.

10. Neutrality for Ukraine – a sovereign state, free to deal and have relations with East and West.

11. Bringing war crimes / criminals to justice.

12. Establishment of a multi-national supervisory commission – suggested 5 years, renewable, if necessary.

13. Creation of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission – for the people to be sociologically and psychologically able to deal with the damages of the conflict.

The MPEC suggests on purpose NOT to engage the political UN in matters of Peace Agreement and / or its supervision, as the UN is, at present, not neutral, but in the hands of Big Finance and in an alliance with the WEF – which is in turn controlled by Big Finance and elite billionaire oligarchs.


In addition, the MPEC formulated suggestions for long-term Peace enhancement.

Preamble: All political big shots, financial oligarchs and other power-brokers calling for war – should first, before anybody else – go to the front and fight as soldiers – taking and experiencing the risk of being maimed or killed. That rule might stop ALL WARS for good.

i) An immediate and supervised Ceasefire is precondition for a lasting “Mutual Peace Agreement”.

ii) Internationally observed ban of weapon deliveries to warrying parties – worldwide; enhancement of Rule 70, of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL), which is part of international law; the body of rules governing relations between Nation States.

iii) War propaganda must be banned – EVERWHERE – schools, media, governments…under application of existing international laws (1992).

iv) UN-organized (type UNWRA) food and medical assistance to war-suffering populations, as well as UNHCR-facilitated repatriation of refugees.

v) Lifting of and banning ALL sanctions worldwide. Sanctions are weaponized trade and travel restrictions. Sanctions violate the rules of International Law (see 1, above).

vi) (a) Setting up a War Crimes Tribunal for prosecuting war criminals, and (b) no immunity for war crimes for ANYBODY, including politicians.

vii) Establishment of a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” – like others created in conflict areas, to reconcile grievances.

viii) Abolish NATO and its sub-organizations. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was created in 1949 in Washington DC, with the US, Canada, and several European countries to provide collective security against the Western “perceived” threat from the Soviet Union. At best, NATO could be justified during the post-WWII, as counterpart of the USSR-established Warshaw Pact, until 1991, when the Soviet Union was collapsed, and the Warshaw Pact dissolved.

After this date, the continuation of NATO cannot be justified by any means. Therefore, NATO has become and acts like a Western war-driving machine, an aggressor, not a defense organization. NATO has long ago trespassed its transatlantic borders, as it creates conflicts and aggression around the world with impunity.

ix) Working out an economic- and monetary system, which enhances PEACE instead of WARS. Remember – “WAR is a racket.” – see above, by Smedley D. Butler.

x) [Foreign] land grabbing must be prohibited. A new sovereign Ukraine belongs to the free and sovereign Ukrainian population.

xi) Environmental protection: The 2015 Paris Environment / Climate Accord, in a semi-clandestine rule, exempts CO2 exhausts and other pollutants from military (and four other economic sectors) to be considered in the Accord’s targets. War and other military / conflict activities are arguably by far the largest the world’s polluters and creators of greenhouse gases. So, this rule must be brought to light and abandoned.

If the thus revised environment and climate rules would apply, wars would disappear.

xii) Germany and most European countries are by their Constitution prohibited to associate with NAZI-Regimes. Germany, as of this date, has no Peace Agreement with the Allies after WWII, but is still an occupied country under an Armistice Agreement. Germany has therefore no Constitution per se, but a “Grundgesetz” – a national Basic Law which bans Germany from associating locally and internationally with Nazism.


This list of suggestions for enhancement of lasting Peace, may not be complete, and the items may not appear in order of priority. Some of them appear as repetitions of points mentioned for a Ukraine-Russia Peace Agreement. They are merely an enhancement of these Peace conditions.

It is the Mutual Peace Engagement – Conference’s believe that adhering to the Peace Agreement Conditions, and the suggested enhancement rules – might lead to a lasting Peace.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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“Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK” is a documentary film investigating allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the U.K. health care system

The film critically examines the unethical and potentially deadly use of medical protocols and medications in the National Health Service (NHS), suggesting they have led to patient harm and deaths under the guise of government policies

The documentary features testimonials from families affected by these dangerous practices, as well as analyses from medical professionals and legal experts

“Medical democide,” — death or harm caused by government policies or health care practices — appears widespread in the NHS

The film suggests that systemic issues deeply ingrained in NHS protocols hinder the delivery of humane care, from birth to the end of life


“Playing God: An Investigation into Medical Democide in the UK” is a documentary film that explores allegations of harmful medical practices and policies in the U.K. health care system.

Directed by Ash Mahmood and Naeem Mahmood, and co-produced by Phil Graham and investigative journalist Jacqui Deevoy, the film critically examines the unethical and potentially deadly use of medical protocols and medications in the National Health Service (NHS), suggesting they have led to patient harm and deaths under the guise of government policies.

The documentary features testimonials from families affected by these dangerous practices, as well as analyses from medical professionals and legal experts, aiming to shed light on “medical democide,” — death or harm caused by government policies or health care practices. The film suggests that systemic issues deeply ingrained in the NHS hinder the delivery of humane care, from birth to the end of life.

NHS Has Become a ‘Killing Machine’

“In the last 30 years,” says Kevin Corbett, Ph.D., in the film, “you can see good evidence that the National Health Service has become the killing machine.”1 He explains:2

“Toward the end of the 1980s, in medical, nursing and health care practice, the development of evidence-based medicine was seen as very positive. And evidence-based medicine sounded really good, because the idea was doctors, nurses and health care practitioners are not basing their clinical practice on much evidence or the best evidence or any evidence.

So, hey, let’s make some evidence, let’s look at what really works and apply it. It sounds so believable and so benign.

And, hey, presto, by the 1990s, doctors, nurses and all health care professionals practice was being geared by protocols and shaped by protocols. And once those protocols were instituted, it became very difficult for doctors, nurses and other health care professionals to use their own clinical acumen with patients.

The had to follow protocols, and in those protocols you’ve seen the administration of drugs like midazolam in dosages that are potentially lethal.”

Nurse Elena Vlaica details how her husband, Stuart, was “euthanized in hospital in November 2021” after going in for shortness of breath and a possible chest infection. She believes he was punished for not receiving a COVID-19 shot and put on an end-of-life care pathway that led to his death, instead of being provided with proper medical care.

In addition to withdrawing his blood pressure medications and antidepressants, Stuart was denied food or water for 11 days.3 Vlaica told Magzter:4

“I found out later, he’d had a DNR [do not resuscitate order] put on him. The reason given for that in his notes, which I managed to get with the help of a solicitor, was that he possibly had COVID and was unvaccinated. He’d also been put on midazolam and morphine without either of our consent.

I only discovered this later, when I saw his notes, and also found out that he’d been put on ‘fast-track end of life care,’ which was introduced at the start of the pandemic and allowed a consultant to decide whether a patient lives or dies.”

Because of COVID-19 restrictions, Vlaica wasn’t allowed to visit and didn’t know Stuart was put on the end-of-life care pathway. She later learned that he had tried to escape from the hospital four times, put medics pinned him down and sedated him using midazolam, a sedative drug often used in the U.S. for execution via lethal injection.5 Because it doesn’t relieve pain, an opioid such as morphine is usually added in. Deevoy wrote:6

“The day of Stuart’s death is the stuff of horror movies. On November 6, 2021 at 1 p.m., Elena had a call from the hospital to let her know that her Stuart was dying. When she arrived, Elena could see he was heavily sedated. ‘He looked like he was in a coma. I know now he was in a midazolam coma. I was kissing him and I could see his saturation levels improving.

He knew I was there and I knew he was fighting for his life. When the junior doctor saw me looking at the monitor, she switched it off. At that moment a nurse appeared with five 10ml syringes on a blue tray. She pushed two of them into Stuart’s canula, he took three breaths, then died in my arms. I shouted, ‘She’s killed him!’ then broke down. I don’t remember getting home that night.’”

Man Who Died From COVID-19 Shot Was Told He Had a Migraine

Another tragic story from the documentary is told by Vikki Spit, whose partner Zion died from a brain bleed caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot. His symptoms — an excruciating headache — started just eight days after he received the shot. After calling paramedics and being told Zion had a migraine, his condition worsened.

Spit called paramedics again two days later when Zion couldn’t get out of bed and began slurring his speech. He suffered a seizure and, at the hospital, was found to have a brain injury caused by a hemorrhage due to the COVID-19 shot.

“The neurosurgeon rang me and said they’d had to remove a massive piece of skull because the pressure on his brain was enormous,” Spit said. “They said they’d never seen anything like it — they didn’t expect him to wake up, and if he did he’d be in a vegetative state. And they said they thought it was caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine … If they had recognized what it was when I called them the first time, he would still be alive.”7

Medical Mistakes, Coverups Resulted in Avoidable Deaths

Other stories, including from Anne and Graeme Dixon, recount serious medical mistakes and coverups by NHS staff, including the death of Elizabeth Dixon at just 11 months old. In addition to misdiagnosing and managing Elizabeth’s high blood pressure, which led to permanent brain damage, she died from asphyxiation after her tracheostomy tube wasn’t cleared properly.8 Speaking to The Independent, Anne Dixon said:9

“Along our 19-year journey to find the truth, we have been failed by every agency possible. We have had to spend many years working tirelessly ourselves to gather and piece together the evidence of what happened to Lizzie and the 19-year cover-up that ensued. It is inconceivable to us that not one of these earlier agencies knew, or suspected, the truth. The evidence was there. We have been treated appallingly.”

Another mother, Joan Bye, whose daughter Helenor died after being treated for misdiagnosed epilepsy, stated, “She suffered much, she died needlessly, she could have been saved, but she was murdered by the state.”10

The Liverpool Care Pathway Is a ‘Pathway to Euthanasia’

Anna De Buisseret, a UK lawyer who used to work for Pfizer as an external management consultant, said, “The moment they go into hospital they’re being put on to these hospital protocols, which dictate which drugs, which treatment, they’re going to receive. And it’s a one-size-fits-all blanket policy.”11

It’s also a pathway to euthanasia for many. Deevoy previously ousted the scandal in another documentary film, “A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders.” She realized something was wrong when a DNR was put on her dad while he was in a care home.

“So, I spoke to a whistleblower doctor,” Deevoy said. “She told me they were being put on people who were over 60 — they were classed as elderly. She told me they were being put on people with mental health issues, people with physical disabilities, even on children with autism.”12

Continuing a death protocol put in place by the Liverpool Care Pathway, victims’ families allege the NHS is responsible for the involuntary euthanasia of up to 457 people per day, without the consent of patients or their caregivers — deaths often attributed to COVID pneumonia.13

The Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying Patient (LCP) was a government protocol used in England and Wales to “improve end-of-life care.”14 Developed in the 1990s, the protocol was meant to provide best practice guidelines during a patient’s final days, and included guidance on symptom control, discontinuation of treatments and psychological, social and spiritual care.15

What occurred instead was a “pathway to euthanasia,” during which patients were drugged and deprived of food, water and medical treatments, even in cases when recovery may have been possible. The LCP was abolished in 2014, following public uproar and a government-commissioned review, which criticized its practices.16

End-of-Life Pathway ‘Has to Stop’

Even after LCP was abolished, however, reports continued from families who said their loved ones were put on the pathway and died as a result.17 Father Patrick Pullicino, retired neurologist and Catholic priest, states in “Playing God,” “We need patients to be able to face death in a natural way and not in a manufactured way.” Regarding the end-of-life pathway, Pullicino says:18

“It’s undermining medical ethics, because you have doctors who subscribe to the Hippocratic Oath and who would in no way voluntarily kill somebody, allowing these pathways to be used on their patients because they are ‘end of life.’ They used to audit the pathway very carefully, and they found that the average time to death from the time starting the pathway to the time the person died was about 39 hours. It really has to stop.”

The film gives a voice to the victims and their families, Deevoy says, but, ultimately, she hopes it will serve as a wake-up call to prompt change:19

“’Playing God’ serves as a wake-up call, urging society to stand against medical democide. It aims to raise awareness, encourage dialogue and demand accountability from those responsible … the film strives to create a lasting impact and initiate positive change within the U.K. healthcare system.”

Watch the documentary film below.


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1, 2, 11 Children’s Health Defense, Playing God Movie April 17, 2024, 24:17

3, 4 Magzter July 2023

5 The New York Times March 8, 2022

6 Jacqui Deevoy, July 24, 2023

7 Chronicle Live June 26, 2021

8 BBC November 26, 2020

9 Independent November 26, 2020

10 The Solari Report April 20, 2024

12 Rumble, A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders, 1:11

13 Rumble, A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders, 14:06

14 Version 2. Wellcome Open Res. 2018; 3: 15., Abstract

15 Br J Gen Pract. 2013 Oct; 63(615): 509–510

16 The Guardian July 15, 2013

17 Daily Mail December 16, 2015

18 Children’s Health Defense, Playing God Movie April 17, 2024, 55:00

19 Children’s Health Defense April 22, 2024

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

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“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

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America’s addiction to nuclear weapons does not lend itself to deterrence-based stability. It only leads to war.

“That’s great, it starts with an earthquake…”

There’s nothing like a classic 1980’s rock song to get one’s blood up and running, and REM’s 1987 classic, It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine), fits the bill just right on this hot and muggy summer day.

The only problem is, the song might as well be prophesy, because from where I sit, taking in the news about the rapidly escalating nuclear arms race between the United States and Russia, it very much looks like the end of the world as we know it.

And I don’t feel fine.

The news isn’t good. Last month, on May 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it would, on the orders of Russian President Vladimir Putin, conduct exercises involving the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. According to Russian officials, the exercises were a response to “provocative statements and threats from certain Western officials directed at the Russian Federation.”

The Russians were responding to statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron to The Economist on May 2, where he declared that

“I’m not ruling anything out [when it comes to deploying French troops to Ukraine], because we are facing someone [Putin] who is not ruling anything out.” Macron added that “if Russia decided to go further [advancing in Ukraine], we will in any case all have to ask ourselves this question (whether to send of troops).”

While Macron described his remarks as a “strategic wake-up call for my counterparts,” it was clear not everyone was buying into what he was selling. “If a NATO member commits ground troops [to Ukraine],” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said after Macron’s words became public, “it will be a direct NATO-Russia confrontation, and then it will be World War III.”

The Russians conducted their exercises in two phases, with the first taking place in late May. There, the tactical missile forces of the Southern Military District practiced “the task of obtaining special training ammunition for the Iskander tactical missile system, equipping them with launch vehicles and secretly moving to the designated position area to prepare for missile launches.”

The Iskander-M is the nuclear-capable version of the Iskander family of missiles and can carry a single nuclear warhead with a variable yield of between 5 and 50 kilotons. (By way of comparison, the American atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima had a yield of 15 kilotons.) The single-stage solid rocket missile flies at high hypersonic speeds, and possesses a maneuvering warhead, making it virtually impossible to shoot down. With a range of 500 kilometers, the Iskander-M, when fired from locations in Crimea, would be able to reach French bases located in Romania, which ostensibly would be used to surge forces into Ukraine.

The second phase of the exercises took place on June 10, when the Russian and Belorussian forces practiced the transfer of Russian nuclear weapons to Belorussian control as part of the new Russian nuclear sharing doctrine put in place by Vladimir Putin and his Belorussian counterpart, Alexander Lukashenko, earlier this year. The weapons involved included the Iskander-M missile and gravity bombs that would be delivered by modified Belorussian SU-25 aircraft. The weapons would put all of Poland and the Baltic States under the threat of nuclear attack.

Belorussian SU-25 aircraft

Around the same time that Russia was carrying out its tactical nuclear drills, several NATO nations, including Germany, announced that they had given Ukraine the green light to use weapons it had provided to strike targets inside Russia. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking on the sidelines of a NATO foreign ministers meeting in Prague on May 29, said Ukraine had the right to strike legitimate military targets inside Russia.

“Ukraine has the right for self-defense,” Stoltenberg declared, adding that “we have the right to help Ukraine uphold the right for self-defense, and that does not make NATO allies a party to the conflict.”

Putin took time from his visit to Uzbekistan to reply, warning that NATO members in Europe were playing with fire by proposing to let Ukraine use Western weapons to strike deep inside Russia. Putin said Ukrainian strikes on Russia with long-range weapons would need Western satellite, intelligence and military assistance, thus making any Western help in this regard a direct participant in the conflict.

“Constant escalation can lead to serious consequences,” Putin said. “If these serious consequences occur in Europe, how will the United States behave, bearing in mind our parity in the field of strategic weapons? It’s hard to say,” Putin said, answering his own question. “Do they want a global conflict?”

On June 5, speaking to an audience of senior editors of international news agencies while attending the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, Putin observed that,

“For some reason, the West believes that Russia will never use it [nuclear weapons]. We have a nuclear doctrine,” Putin noted. “Look what it says. If someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we consider it possible for us to use all means at our disposal. This should not be taken lightly, superficially.”

But the US and NATO were doing just that. In an interview to the British Telegraph newspaper given at NATO’s headquarters building in Brussels, Belgium, Stoltenberg said that NATO members were consulting about deploying more nuclear weapons, taking them out of storage and placing them on standby in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China.

“I won’t go into operational details about how many nuclear warheads should be operational and which should be stored, but we need to consult on these issues,” Stoltenberg said.

American technicians with a pair of B61 nuclear bombs

The only nuclear weapons currently in the NATO system are some 150 US-controlled B61 gravity bombs stored at six NATO bases: Kleine Brogel in Belgium, Büchel Air Base in Germany, Aviano and Ghedi Air Base in Italy, Volkel Air Base in the Netherlands and Incirlik in Turkey. NATO officials later clarified Stoltenberg’s remarks, saying there were no significant changes to the NATO nuclear posture, noting that Stoltenberg’s comments referred to the modernization of NATO’s nuclear deterrent, including the replacement of F-16 jets with F-35 stealth fighters, and the modernization of some of the B61 bombs currently deployed in Europe.

Stoltenberg’s comments to the Telegraph came 10 days after Pranay Vaddi, the senior director for arms control at the National Security Council, announced a “new era” for nuclear arms in which the US would deploy nuclear weapons “without numerical constraints.”

Stoltenberg’s statements, when viewed in the context of Vaddi’s declaration, points to a dangerous shift in focus within both NATO and the US away from the concept of nuclear weapons representing a force of deterrence, and instead increasingly being seen in the West as a usable weapon of war.

The concept of deterrence as the sole justification for the existence of nuclear weapons dates back to 1978, when the United Nations General Assembly held its first Special Session on Disarmament. One of the main ideas to emerge from this event was the notion of so-called negative security assurances, or NSAs, in which the declared nuclear-armed states committed to not using nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states that were in good standing with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and not otherwise aligned with a nuclear-armed state.

These NSAs furthered the notion of nuclear deterrence as a formal binding doctrine among nuclear-armed states, operating on the idea that since nuclear weapons could only be used against a nuclear-armed state, and that any such use would lead to the mutual destruction of the involved parties, therefore the only rational purpose for the existence of nuclear weapons was to deter those nations that also possessed them from ever using them in the first place.

From this foundational understanding emerged modern concepts of nuclear disarmament which framed the arms control policies of the United States and the Soviet Union that emerged in the 1980’s and 1990’s—since the sole purpose of nuclear weapons was deterrence, it was in the best interest of all parties to a) significantly reduce their respective nuclear arsenals and b) implement policies designed to normalize relations to the point that nuclear arsenals became moot.

Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev sign the New START Treaty in 2010

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, however, ushered in a new post-Cold War reality which saw the notion of a nuclear “balance” where the US and Soviets operated as equals being replaced by a doctrine of “managed supremacy” which saw the US use the mechanisms of arms control and disarmament to promote and sustain its position as the world’s dominant nuclear power. Arms control ceased being a concept premised on equitable deterrence, and instead became a tool designed to subordinate the nuclear capabilities of the Russian Federation that emerged from the ashes of the Soviet Empire to those of the newly-minted American hegemon.

The US began deconstructing the foundation of arms control treaties that had been negotiated on the premise of sustaining a nuclear deterrence-based balance of power, first by using the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) process as a mechanism to promote the unilateral disarmament of the Russian strategic arsenal, and later by withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty that had served as the foundational agreement around which the concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) was framed.

Deterrence theory is viable only so long as MAD is viewed as the inevitable outcome of any nuclear conflict. By re-embracing the notion of viable ballistic missile defense, the US undermined the premise enshrined in MAD, namely that to use nuclear weapons was to invite your own demise. The US now operated in a world where it embraced deterrence theory only in so far as it deterred other nations from attacking the US with nuclear weapons. From the US perspective, assured destruction was a dated notion, one that was replaced by the concept of a “winnable” nuclear war.

The proactive utility of nuclear weapons form the standpoint of US nuclear doctrine, as expressed in the US Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) of 2010, where the US, while continuing to commit not to “use, or threaten to use, nuclear weapons against [NPT-compliant] non-nuclear-weapon states,” declared that “there remains a narrow range of contingencies in which US nuclear weapons may still play a role in deterring a conventional or [chemical and biological weapons] attack.”

Subsequent NPRs have expanded on this notion, incorporating the possibility of US nuclear retaliation against cyber attacks and other non-WMD linked events. The proactive nature of the US nuclear posture was such that when a senior Trump administration official involved in making nuclear policy declared that the goal of the administration of President Donald Trump was to have the Chinese and Russians waking up every morning not knowing whether of not “this was the day the US nuked them,” one simply could not write off the statement as ill-conceived hyperbole, but rather recognize it as part and parcel of ill-conceived nuclear policy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, is not one to wake up in the morning afraid of a potential US nuclear attack. Speaking recently from Hanoi, Putin said “They [the US and NATO] seem to think that at some point we will get scared. But at the same time, they also say they want to achieve a strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield.” Putin then ominously remarked that, “It means the end of the 1,000-year history of the Russian state. I think this is clear to everyone. Isn’t it better to go all the way, until the end?”

Accusing the West of “lowering the threshold” for the use of nuclear weapons against Russia, Putin declared that Russia must now reconsider its own nuclear posture considering NATO’s apparent willingness to make operational tactical nuclear weapons—a clear reference to Jens Stoltenberg’s June 16 comments. Russia last published its nuclear weapons doctrine, formally known as “Basic Principles of State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence,” in 2020. This doctrine declares that Russia could use nuclear weapons if an enemy “threatened the existence of the Russian state” in response to an enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction against Russia or its allies, or if Russia received credible information that a nuclear strike was being planned or about to take place.

Putin, in his Hanoi remarks, downplayed the notion of Russia embracing a policy of nuclear preemption. “We don’t need a preventive strike,” Putin said, “because with a retaliatory strike the enemy is guaranteed to be destroyed.”

When asked by reporters whether Ukraine’s use of Western long-range weapons against Russian territory could be considered an act of aggression and a direct threat to the Russian state, Putin replied “This requires additional research, but it’s close.”

Too damn close.

The United States and Russia are drifting closer and closer to all-out nuclear war. It is high time that the people who would pay the ultimate price for such folly decide, to borrow from the poetry of Dylan Thomas, if they want to go “gently into the night” of nuclear Armageddon, or instead “rage, rage against the dying of the light” by demanding better policy from their respective governments.

As for me, I choose rage.

There will be an event dedicated to stopping this mad rush toward on September 28, in Kingston, New York. Gerald Celente is putting this together, along with a coalition of like-minded citizen patriots.

We hope to organize sister events in cities across the country.

We want to put more than a million Americans into the streets that day, focused on one thing and one thing only—stop the madness of nuclear war.

Will you join us?

Or will you stay at home and listen to the music of the collective versions of modern-day Nero’s, fiddling while America and the rest of the world burns.

You vitriolic, patriotic, slam fight, bright light

Feeling pretty psyched

It’s the end of the world as we know it…

But not if I can help it.


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Featured image: Russian Iskander-M nuclear missile (Source: Scott Ritter Extra)

WWIII ScenarioTowards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102

PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute    

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A Bubble

The AI Bubble is in full swing, sucking all attention and trillions of dollars into itself.

The CEO Sam Altman from OpenAI travels the World to ask for $ 7 trillion for investment into AI and related technologies, including new chip factories, humongous datacenters, land, and even nuclear power to run AI’s insatiable appetite for energy. Yes, $ 7 trillion. This is more than the entire US federal budget in 2023, which at “only” $ 6 trillion is already too big to finance sustainably for the USA, the biggest economy in the World (measured in GDP).

The stock value of NVIDIA, the leading designer of number-crushing chips for AI in a matter of months just tripled its value to $ 2 trillion.

The $ 2 trillion is more than the GDP of most countries, and NVIDIA makes only chips – in fact, NVIDIA primarily makes only one kind of chips, which dominating use js for AI. Something is clearly out of proportion here. Microsoft has reached a market value of $ 3 trillion, also mostly based on Microsoft’s connection with OpenAI and investors’ hopes and dreams that Microsoft’s world-conquering program to build AI data centers to control the Globe will become profitable. And so we can go on. Amazon. Meta-Facebook. Google. Oracle. IBM. Their stock values all ride the AI bubble – promising trillions and trillions at the end of the rainbow.

What we see before our eyes is an investment bubble of historic proportions, all driven by the AI narrative.

The AI narrative is that AI is a wizard technology which is going to grow at unprecedented speed – and grow forever – to make everybody extremely rich (except those who lose their jobs, of course).   

AI = Deficient Technology

AI can do a lot of things, and often surprisingly so.

But the positive surprises brought by AI hide the fact, that AI is a completely deficient technology today.

You just cannot trust AI in a professional context for a lot of purposes, probably even for most purposes.

Who cares greatly about AI suggesting you a cookbook recipe, a workout program, or a little short story? You can get this in so many other ways, including by using the internet already available and your own imagination. The big promise of AI is the tantalizing narrative that it will revolutionize EVERYTHING – especially everything in technology, business, military etc. And in that – so far – AI falls far from the mark.

Let’s just pick a few of the grotesque examples how AI underwhelms and becomes even dangerous if you trust it.

We could start softly with the image generator of Microsoft’s Bing. Ask it to “paint an image of French President Macron as a French king in the style of Picasso”.

Immediately, the “liberal” nanny & censorship state running the US and Microsoft kicks in and finds that your request is “offensive”.

Come on, this is clearly within the freedom of speech allowed by the US Constitution – and actually, it is only a very mild irony, perhaps not even negative, but tongue-in-cheek.

But nope, AI decides that YOU are not allowed to do it.

Okay, ask Microsoft’s image creator to draw other things – and you find out at every turn and bend of the road, that the AI image creator draws grotesque features into every image, spooky hands, elements that don’t belong, faces which are twisted etc. All things, which you sometimes can be lucky to fix manually in an image editor, but then, after all, what’s the point of AI image creation in a professional context, if you always have to fix the obvious errors it makes?

Then personal assistant? I subscribed as a test-user of the AI-assistant of Excel spreadsheet, but it never worked.

It now turns out, that even though it doesn’t work, Microsoft wants to charge massively for this AI assistant feature. This is outrageous – especially given the fact that Microsoft for decades charges an exaggerated annual fee for its Office Package without adding any significant new features whatsoever. A functionable AI assistant as a free addition to Excel would only have been a small compensation for all the excess money I have had to spend over the past decades for Microsoft’s passive monopoly rent on owning the Office franchise.

Then take something like AI research.

Perplexity has been hailed as the next big thing to replace Google.

Perplexity builds on OpenAI’s system supported by Microsoft, purportedly the best in the World. Well, probably Perplexity is the best AI application of its kind, but as it turns out, that doesn’t say anything. You can be lucky, of course.

I asked Perplexity to research the background of a new person appointed to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It couldn’t.

Only because I kept driving Perplexity on and on with follow-up questions, Perplexity finally coughed-up with some very useful information in the form of a Curriculum Vitae for the person I was researching. I couldn’t have gotten that information any other way, but getting there with AI was not easy either, so this was only half-a-point scored by AI. But then, Perplexity fell completely flat. I recently asked Perplexity about who presented the Arab League case at the ICJ hearings on Israel’s occupation of Palestine. First, Perplexity denied that there was any such person or information existing. Upon my insistence that this was false, Perplexity then came up with the wrong name, a barrister at the ICJ, but one I found out was not representing the Arab League. As Perplexity failed completely, Google fortunately could quickly help me find the right name of the person representing the Arab League at the ICJ, it was Prof. Ralph Wilde. A friend of mine has had similar problems with Perplexity AI. He asked Perplexity for all investment-grade low-income and lower-middle-income countries. It gave a partial list. He said, “How about Indonesia?” It apologized and said “Yes, also Indonesia.” If a human assistant was as incompetent and inconsistent as Perplexity with OpenAI, that person would be fired. Perplexity, while occasionally giving very useful results, should also be fired as an advisor to be even half-way trusted. Use Perplexity sometimes, but don’t trust it.

What about AI in war?

Well – AI may in many instances be extremely dangerous in war, but not to the enemy, only to the army using it.

Palantir is perhaps the leading US company in AI for use in military and policing.

Palantir’s CEO Alex Karp boasts a high level of reliability for Palantir’s military and police products.

Palantir has military planning and execution systems which you feed with operational information (aka “intelligence”) and whoops, out pop ready-made plans and orders for your troops to follow – just let an officer sign off on it, and off they go to victory.

Well, in reality, troops guided by AI may go off, but not to victory. Palantir boasts that its military connections trust it enough to give it “access to the battlefield”. Early into the Ukraine war, Palantir’s CEO Alex Karp went to Kiev and signed a cooperation agreement with President Zelenskyi personally. Palantir then boasted about assisting Ukraine’s troops in their military endeavors in southern Ukraine – endeavors better know as Ukraine’s “counteroffensive” of 2023, which was nothing but a huge military disaster for Ukraine. And we speak not just of one single “mishap” of AI supported military operations by Ukraine. We probably talk about ALL of these Ukrainian operations in the South. AI designed by Palantir “assisted” Ukraine’s military forces on the ground, and this AI led to nothing but endless Ukrainian losses of lives – and defeat.

Trust AI, and pay with losing your fortune, your country  – and your life.

I will strongly recommend all governments and companies, big corporations and down to small entities, to NOT invest too much into AI for the foreseeable future. Perhaps China is underinvesting, but the US is definitely overinvesting. And contrary to primitive logic, gross overinvestment may not result in any safe margin but only in hugely added risks.

AI Bubble Makes AI Bubble

With this kind of fundamental and serious problems in AI, it will take years – not months – for a reliable and thus useful AI to emerge in a lot of fields.

Yes, trillions are being invested into AI. Huang Jensen, the CEO of NVIDIA, speaks of $ 1 trillion already being invested into AI related computing services. And that amount being doubled with another $ 1 trillion soon. The resulting computer centers consume electricity at an unimaginable (and seeming unsustainable rate). In Ireland, cloud computing already consumes more electricity than all private households combined.

The dot-com bubble of 2000 comes to mind.

The narrative about the ever-expanding internet drove the shares of technology to ever higher levels. Just like with AI, the internet is a reality, and like the internet, AI is also going to expand and expand.

But as we saw with the 2000 dot-com bubble, the fantasies about technological expansion soon overtook reality by several orders of magnitude. The expansion of the internet and the profitability of the technology just couldn’t even remotely honor the deluded fantasies about how much it would all be worth. That is where a bubble starts to make its own bubble.

This is where we seem to be with AI today.

AI is a potentially an immensely powerful technology.

AI is also a technology, which will keep expanding enormously.

But where are we actually?

How fast will this happen? And with which big setbacks on the road?

The examples above indicate beyond doubt, that AI is not going to be as transformative as believed for the next couple of years.

Even a corporation like Microsoft may still get itself seriously burned.

Microsoft is executing plans for billions if not more than a trillion dollars to expand its global AI cloud computing centers beyond belief.

What if private enterprise loses billions of dollars on AI investments which even incur insane losses? Widespread disappointment with AI can soon kick-in and result in a serious global backtrack on AI. As fast as customers were attracted to AI and wanted to ride the AI-wave to be safe with the “development”, even faster private and public customers may decide to skip lots of huge AI programs (and skip AI stocks) for a significant period to be on the safe side, not to risk the farm for a failed AI venture.

If that happens, many if not most of Microsoft’s AI cloud computing centers may become worthless – not useable and after a while obsolete and overtaken by the next new chips technology. In that scenario, which is absolutely possible, even Microsoft could get itself into deep financial trouble with AI. And not only Microsoft – the whole IT and AI industry could be sucked down in an enormous AI-maelstrom as well.

In the long term, in spite of booms and busts, AI will continue – but not all corporations and investors involved may survive.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Ray McGovern is a former CIA officer for 27 years. He is an expert on Russia and beyond. He is a man with conscience. Since his retirement, he has become a prominent spokesperson for the cause of peace. 

Watch our conversation below on Russia, China and Gaza.


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This article was originally published on the author’s website, Behind the Curtain.

Edward Curtin is a prominent author, researcher and sociologist based in Western Massachusetts. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

Washington Faces Defeat in Red Sea Donnybrook

June 24th, 2024 by Mike Whitney

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The Houthis have agreed to end their attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea if Israel allows the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. This is not just a reasonable proposal, it’s a policy that is supported by the vast majority of people around the world.

In June, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released a report highlighting the impact of Houthi attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea. The report is a devastating account of Washington’s failure to protect critical transit corridors in one of the world’s most important waterways. The Biden administration’s makeshift naval coalition, dubbed Operation Prosperity Guardian, has not only been unable to ensure safe passage for commercial carriers in the Red Sea, it’s actually made matters worse. The Houthis have fine-tuned their military operations while adding more lethal weapons to their arsenal. In short, the Houthis have shown that a disparate group of militants can impose costly penalties on their enemies by implementing asymmetrical strategies that undermine the “rules-based order”. Here’s an excerpt from the DIA’s report:

As of mid-February, container shipping through Red Sea had declined by approximately 90% since December 2023; shipping via the Red Sea typically accounts for approximately 10-15% of international maritime trade….

Alternate shipping routes around Africa add about 11,000 nautical miles, 1-2 weeks of transit time, and approximately $1 million in fuel costs for each voyage. For many shipping companies, the combined costs of crew bonuses, war risk insurance (roughly 1000% more than pre-war costs)…

As of mid-February, insurance premiums for Red Sea transits have risen to 0.7-1.0% of a ship’s total value, compared to less than 0.1% prior to December 2023 Houthi Attacks Placing Pressure on International Trade, DIA

This is a shocking report. According to the Government’s own analysis, Biden’s Red Sea policy has been an abject failure. Container shipping is down by 90 percent while insurance premiums, fueling costs and ‘extra miles sailed’ have skyrocketed. There’s not a trace of optimism in the entire report. The Houthis have basically achieved all of their strategic objectives while Washington’s meddling has accomplished nothing.

Surprisingly, the journalists at Business Insider have drawn the same conclusion as the DIA, that the Houthis have out maneuvered Uncle Sam at every turn. Here’s a clip from a recent BI article:

The Houthis have proven to be a wily and formidable foe. Five months after rounds of US-led coalition airstrikes to “disrupt and degrade” their capabilities, the militants continue to wreak havoc. They’re routinely forcing the US-led task force to intercept their missiles, bomb boats, and flying drones that have turned shipping lanes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden into a dangerous — and deadly — corridor.

The Houthis have struck multiple ships in the last week, and US officials say these attacks are unlikely to end anytime soon, raising concerns the US is stuck in a costly and unsustainable standoff.

The Houthis have managed to drag Washington into a prolonged, expensive, resource-depleting conflict and driven shipping costs much higher. While no American warships have been hit, the US must bear the growing financial costs and wear and tear to its warships. US Navy warships are stuck in a Red Sea battle they can’t fight forever, Business Insider

The Houthis have essentially closed commercial shipping through one of the world’s most important transit chokepoints and the US is unable to do anything about it. Couldn’t someone have anticipated this scenario before Biden impulsively deployed a naval flotilla to the Red Sea?

There were plenty of skeptics who knew the Biden strategy had no chance of succeeding, but their voices were drowned-out by the armchair warriors who always set the policy. These are the senior members of the foreign policy establishment who invariably ignore the facts and charge ahead with their “shoot first and ask questions later” philosophy. In the present case, these tenacious uber-hawks simply couldn’t accept that an upstart battery of sandal-clad militants could deliver a blow to US interests by launching missile and drone attacks on merchant ships protected by US destroyers. But that is precisely what happened and—as we said earlier—Biden was warned that such a result was likely. This is from an article at Responsible Statecraft:

a number of realist voices are decrying the folly of once again falling into a spiral of retaliatory violence that will likely lead to a real military crisis, even the death of U.S. service members, before it is done.

“They (strikes) won’t work. They won’t sufficiently degrade Houthi capability or will stop their attacks on shipping,” says Ben Friedman, senior fellow of Defense Priorities. “Why do something that is so evidently reckless? Restraint reminds us that no such law says we must conduct airstrikes that won’t work. We always have the option not to employ pointless violence.” US strikes Yemen again, but Houthi attacks keep coming, Responsible Statecraft

“Restraint”? The author thinks the US foreign policy establishment is capable of restraint?

Unfortunately, all of the capable, sober-minded realists who once played a role in shaping US foreign policy have long-since been replaced by armchair warriors who reflexively respond to every crisis with the same counterproductive application of military force. We have no doubt that these same warhawks will escalate once again in Yemen as they have in Ukraine, dragging the country deeper into a conflict is has no chance of winning. Check out this revealing excerpt from Biden’s 2022 National Security Strategy:

…the United States will not allow foreign or regional powers to jeopardize freedom of navigation through the Middle East’s waterways, including the Strait of Hormuz and the Bab al Mandab, nor tolerate efforts by any country to dominate another—or the region—through military buildups, incursions, or threats.”

There you have it: The Houthis represent a clear and present danger to US national security by merely asserting control over their own territorial waters. Does that mean escalation is inevitable?

It does. The excerpt above is tantamount to a declaration of war. We should expect that Biden will act accordingly by increasing the bombardment of Yemeni cities and infrastructure, tightening the economic blockade and, eventually, deploying combat troops to conduct a ground offensive on the Arabian peninsula. Judging from past experience, the decisions on these matters have probably already been made.

By the way, Biden’s naval operation—Operation Prosperity Guardian—was never approved by the UN Security Council, the US Congress or the American people. It is another unilateral, fly-by-night intervention that precludes a diplomatic solution and guarantees the US will face another humiliating defeat at the hands of its enemies sometime in the future. Here’s more from energy studies fellow Jim Krane who helps explain the global impact of the Houthi attacks:

The Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping present a new phenomenon in geo-economic conflict: a non-state actor using asymmetric warfare not just to fight conventional armed forces, but to also impose targeted economic sanctions by selectively attacking international shipping. The Houthis have made this leap by combining two factors: inexpensive and high-tech weaponry that can threaten—even sink—oceangoing ships and control over strategic coastal territory overlooking one of the world’s busiest maritime chokepoints: the Bab al-Mandab Strait….

The siege on Red Sea shipping has re-oriented trade between Asia and Europe in an uneven way. Shipping firms based in countries where governments have spoken out against the Israeli offensive in Gaza have received exemptions from Houthi attacks, resulting in cost advantages and higher profits. Conversely, shippers based in countries supporting Israel, along with those carrying Europe- or US-bound cargoes, have lost access to the Red Sea shortcut between Asia and Europe. As a result, cost and voyage duration have increased together with demand for vessels, which helped push up cargo fees, including on routes that do not travel via the Red Sea.

The skewed disruption to global shipping suggests that the Houthis have succeeded in meeting their objective of imposing costs on supporters of Israel… Houthi leaders have reportedly cemented competitive advantages for Chinese and Russian shippers …. The selective strategy employed by the Houthis is imposing economic penalties resembling economic sanctions that disproportionately affect EU-based firms … Indeed, the added supply chain costs are weighing heavily on already pessimistic economic forecasts for the European Union and Egypt. The longer the attacks continue, the greater the residual impact, dampening the prospects for growth.

The Houthi campaign in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea has produced a new form of global economic disruption based on grievances with Israel, and is proving difficult to deter or counter….The Houthi campaign has also exposed ineffective countermeasures by the United States and its NATO allies...

US and British attacks on Houthi sites inside Yemen have created new grievances and a rationale for a potential extension of the Red Sea attacks beyond a ceasefire in Gaza.... Houthi attacks on shipping actually intensified after the onset of US-UK retaliatory strikes….

The emboldened militant group announced on March 14 that it would extend attacks beyond the immediate Bab al-Mandab area to the broader Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean to target Israel- and allied-linked shipping diverted via the Cape of Good Hope. … Houthi Red Sea Attacks Have Global Economic Repercussions, Arab Center

Okay, let’s summarize: Houthi attacks on the Red Sea have…

  1. Created new opportunities for non-state actors to conduct asymmetric warfare on conventional armed forces.
  2. Imposed targeted economic sanctions on backers of Israeli genocide
  3. Re-oriented trade between Asia and Europe in a way that provides competitive advantages for Chinese and Russian shippers
  4. Helped the Houthis succeed in meeting their objective of imposing costs on supporters of Israel
  5. Added supply chain costs have negatively impacted already pessimistic economic forecasts for the European Union and Egypt… dampening the prospects for growth.
  6. Set the stage for the expansion of Houthi operations beyond the Red Sea to the broader Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean

Which of these outcomes advance US interests or strengthen US national security?

None of them, which is why we will ask a second question:

Do the people who make these short-sighted decisions ever wonder about the impact their choices have on the country or on the American people?

Probably, not.

And, please, let’s not blame the Houthis for a conflict for which the Biden administration is 100 percent responsible. No one put a gun to Joe Biden’s head and forced him to deploy the US Navy to the Red Sea to engage in pointless fracas in order to defend Israel’s right to murder women and children in Gaza. That’s a decision that Biden made unilaterally while disregarding the groundswell of international condemnation, the blistering rulings of the ICC and the ICJ and virtually every human rights organization on Planet Earth. Biden chose to ignore the moral judgement of the entire world to promote the sordid agenda of the Jewish state. That’s on him! In contrast, the Houthis are just doing their bit to stop Israel’s genocide. They weren’t itching for a war with the United States. That’s not it at all. They’re just trying to get the Israelis to lift their blockade, so more people don’t die of starvation. Is that too much to ask? Here’s how Houthi leader Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti summed it up:

Taking action to support the oppressed… is a true test of morality… and whoever does not take action to stop the crime of genocide… has lost his humanity.

Moral… values.. do not change with the race and religion of the person… If another group of humans were subjected to the injustice that the Palestinians are subjected to, we would take action to support them, regardless of their religion and race.

… the Yemeni people (are committed) ​​… to achieve a just peace that guarantees the dignity, safety and security of all countries and peoples Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti @M_N_Albukhaiti

Al-Bukhaiti’s statement might sound odd to people in the West who find it hard to believe that any leader would put moral convictions above their own self-interest or accumulation of more power. But that’s what energizes the Houthi movement; their determination to put their religious beliefs into practice. The Houthis have nothing to gain by fighting the United States. They are doing it because they oppose the sadistic brutality and homicidal violence of the IDF. That’s why they have put themselves at risk of serious injury or death. It’s because they believe it is the ‘right thing to do’; because justice is worth dying for, and because –as Al-Bukhaiti says—Taking action to support the oppressed is the true test of morality.

Ironically, the views of the American people align more closely with those of the Houthis than they do with their own government. The majority of Americans support justice for the Palestinians, support a sovereign Palestinian state, support a permanent ceasefire, and support an end to the violence and bloodshed. It is only our government (and Israel) that want the bloodbath to continue.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

Featured image is from TUR

Segundo a mídia alemã, a Ucrânia está perto de receber “tanques Frankenstein” alemães. As armas seriam armas híbridas, apresentando elementos de diferentes sistemas operacionais. Por um lado, a medida mostra como Berlim continua empenhada em apoiar o regime de Kiev, apesar de todas as perdas; por outro lado, mostra como a indústria de defesa alemã é incapaz de satisfazer as exigências militares ucranianas.

Espera-se que a empresa militar alemã Rheinmetall forneça em breve a Kiev sistemas de defesa aérea capazes de abater drones e mísseis russos. Esses sistemas, porém, não estão sendo fabricados de forma convencional, seguindo modelos existentes de equipamentos militares. Em vez disso, peças de diferentes armas estão sendo usadas para formar uma espécie de “sistema híbrido” – apelidado de “tanque Frankenstein”.

De acordo com informações preliminares, a “nova” arma está sendo desenvolvida com elementos do sistema antiaéreo Skyranger, acrescentando cascos dos tanques Leopard 1 da época da Guerra Fria. Além disso, acredita-se que o “tanque Frankenstein” será capaz de atingir alvos de curto alcance, tendo como foco principal abater drones e mísseis inimigos.

“Ainda existem muitos tanques de batalha Leopard 1 em cujos chassis poderíamos colocar a torre Skyranger com a metralhadora de 35 mm (…) Os sistemas de defesa aérea terrestre altamente móveis, modulares e escaláveis ​​estão a tornar-se cada vez mais importantes à medida que as forças da OTAN se voltam a concentrar na defesa nacional”, disse Rheinmetall em comunicado à imprensa.

Ainda não foi dada uma data precisa para Kiev receber o equipamento, mas acredita-se que as operações para desenvolver as armas estejam a decorrer nas recentemente anunciadas instalações secretas da Rheinmetall, no oeste da Ucrânia. Dadas as dificuldades logísticas de envio de armas para a Ucrânia e a elevada quantidade de equipamentos danificados no campo de batalha, a empresa alemã decidiu começar a operar dentro da própria Ucrânia, concentrando-se principalmente na reparação de armas atingidas pelas forças russas.

Até o momento, pelo menos 100 tanques alemães Leopard 1 foram entregues à Ucrânia. Muitos deles, se não a maioria, foram rapidamente destruídos pelas forças russas, que mantêm o controle do espaço aéreo sobre a maior parte do campo de batalha. Utilizando drones de baixo custo, Moscou conseguiu infligir danos irreversíveis às principais armas ocidentais na Ucrânia. Com elevados custos de fabrico e manutenção, equipamentos como o Leopard e outros tanques da OTAN revelaram-se inúteis na zona de conflito de alta intensidade.

É claro que a propaganda ocidental tentará relatar a notícia do “tanque Frankenstein” como algo positivo para a Ucrânia. Segundo jornais ocidentais, Kiev está a receber equipamentos avançados e modernos capazes de danificar as forças russas e promover os avanços ucranianos no campo de batalha. Mas isso é uma mentira infundada. Na prática, a medida alemã deve-se a dois fatores específicos: a incapacidade da Alemanha de continuar a produzir novos equipamentos e a desconfiança do país em fornecer ao regime de Kiev armas recentes e tecnologicamente avançadas.

Num grave processo de desindustrialização devido à crise energética, a Alemanha enfrenta dificuldades para manter a sua produção militar em níveis normais. O conflito atual exige uma produção militar elevada e constante, uma vez que a Ucrânia perde centenas de equipamentos todos os dias. Portanto, em vez de fabricar novas armas, a Alemanha está a concentrar-se em estratégias alternativas, como a reparação de armas danificadas e a produção de equipamento híbrido a partir de peças de armas antigas.

Na mesma linha, Kiev tem colocado forte pressão sobre a Alemanha e outros países da OTAN para fornecerem armas mais modernas com elevada capacidade destrutiva e tecnologia avançada. Berlim, no entanto, não parece confiar no regime nazista, e tem diversas objeções ao envio de equipamento tecnologicamente avançado. Além de enviar armas mais antigas, principalmente da época da Guerra Fria, Berlim sabota frequentemente equipamento militar enviado para “ajudar” a Ucrânia, reduzindo a sua capacidade tecnológica para evitar que as forças ucranianas roubem software. Dado que Kiev continua a insistir no envio de novos materiais, na criação de armas híbridas, misturando equipamentos antigos e novos, parece uma alternativa para a Alemanha “agradar” a Ucrânia sem lhe dar tecnologia militar relevante.

No final, o que a Alemanha pretende com estes “tanques Frankenstein” é encontrar uma forma barata e segura de continuar a ajudar a Ucrânia, mesmo face às graves perdas que sofreu recentemente no campo de batalha. Mais do que um bom gesto de apoio a Kiev, a medida parece um ato de desespero – que se tornará cada vez mais frequente, dado que o exército ucraniano está à beira do colapso e os países europeus continuam empenhados em enviar armas sistematicamente, independentemente da situação real no no campo de batalha.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida


Artigo em inglês : Germany betting on ‘hybrid weapons’ to disguise its inability to keep arming Ukraine, InfoBrics, 19 de Junho de 2024.


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: e

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Introductory Note by Michel Chossudovsky

In Japan, the mRNA vaccine was launched in February 2021 allegedly as a means to protect the Japanese people against a non-existent “killer virus”.

More than 206 million doses had already been administered. The Japanese population was not informed regarding the dangers of the mRNA vaccine.

In December 2021, Japan’s Ministry of Health authorized booster shots of  Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, pointing to the “low rate of side effects such as myocarditis”. 

According to Japan’s Ministry of Heath’s early advisory (which was similar to that applied in numerous countries):

“The Government recommends that people get vaccinated because the benefits of vaccination are greater than the risk of side reactions.” (emphasis added)

The foregoing is misleading as pointed out in Kazuhiro Haraguchi’s courageous statement:

“‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones”


“They are trying to block our freedom, our resistance, our power. But we will never lose.”

Haraguchi issued a rallying call for action.

He urged the people to stand united in challenging the government and its questionable decisions.

“Let’s overthrow this government,”

he proclaimed, emphasizing the need for change and accountability.

He called on legislators to continue fighting for the people’s lives and freedoms, “Let’s make it happen,” he concluded.

Excess Mortality (Japan) (2020-2022)

In Japan, the vaccine was launched in early 2021.

Suicides in Japan Resulting from Lockdown (2020)

Notice the surge in suicide rates immediately following the March 2020 lockdown (Source: Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor/Graphic: Jason Kwok and Natalie Croker, CNN)

“Far more Japanese people are dying of suicide, likely exacerbated by the economic and social repercussions of the pandemic, than of the COVID-19 disease itself. …  Provisional statistics from the National Police Agency show suicides surged to 2,153 in October [2020] alone, marking the fourth straight month of increase.” CBS November 2020 report (emphasis added)

Suicides Among Japan’s Schoolchildren

A 2021 report by Japan’s Ministry of Education confirms that suicide among Japanese schoolchildren had hit a record high during the 2020 school year.  The report from the Ministry of Education suggests that

“the pandemic has caused changes in the school and family environment and had an impact on children’s behavior”. (For details see chapter 6 of  Michel Chossudovsky’s book)

A  note on my book entitled: 

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity 

first published in Japanese in April 2022.

In English it is available in E-book form. (See below).

I remain indebted to the Japanese publisher which brought out and promoted my book despite political pressures  and an atmosphere of censorship.  My thanks to both the Publisher and to the Translator.

The fraudulent narrative concerning the Covid “Vaccine” is collapsing in different parts of the World.

In California, 9th Circuit Court Rules that COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not “Vaccines”.  

In Germany, the Health authorities  have acknowledged the devastating nature and impacts of the Covid lockdowns, the mandatory wearing of the face mask, and the experimental mRNA “vaccines”.

Global Research has from the outset provided an extensive daily coverage of the devastating impacts of the “vaccine”. Our objective is to SAVE LIVES. 

In solidarity with the people of Japan.

In solidarity with people all over the World. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 11, June 24, 2024


Kazuhiro Haraguchi, the former Japanese Minister for Internal Affairs, has become the first major politician to apologize to the unvaccinated for the tsunami of deaths occuring among the vaccinated population.

His presentation  starts 7’o”

Earlier this week, huge numbers of Japanese citizens took to the streets to protest against the crimes against humanity perpetrated by globalist organizations such by World Health Organization (WHO) and World Economic Forum (WEF) during the pandemic.

During an opening speech at the protests, Haraguchi delivered a powerful and emotional apology for the huge numbers of deaths now occurring as a result of the deadly mRNA roll-out.

Haraguchi began by addressing the grief and loss felt by families who have lost loved ones who were coerced into taking the COVID jab. With a deep sense of sincerity, he extended his condolences and took responsibility for the failings of those in power. I apologize to all of you. So many have died, and they shouldn’t have,” he said. reports: One of the key points in Haraguchi’s speech was his criticism of the ban on Ivermectin, a drug developed by Dr. Satoshi Omura, which he believed could have played a significant role in combating the pandemic. Haraguchi questioned the motives behind the ban, suggesting that economic interests were prioritized over public health. “Why? Because they are cheap. They don’t want it because it will interfere with the sales of the vaccines,” he argued. This statement drew loud applause from the crowd, many of whom felt that corporate profits had taken precedence over human lives.

Haraguchi then shared a deeply personal story about his own health struggles. After receiving vaccines, he developed a severe illness, specifically a rapidly progressing form of cancer. “This time last year, I had neither eyebrows nor hair. Two out of the three supposed vaccines I received were lethal batches,” he revealed. This candid account of his battle with cancer, which included significant physical changes like hair loss, struck a chord with the audience. He recounted an incident where his appearance became a point of distraction in the Diet, with an opponent focusing more on his wig than the issues at hand.

Adding to the conversation, Haraguchi disclosed that he was not the only member of Japan’s National Diet (legislature) to suffer adverse effects from vaccines. He mentioned that three of his colleagues had been severely affected, with some even hospitalized. “They are falling to pieces, some hospitalized. But they don’t speak up,” he explained. This revelation underscored a broader issue: the reluctance or inability of public figures to discuss their personal health challenges openly.

Haraguchi was particularly passionate about the attempts to silence those who question current policies and government actions. He recounted a recent incident where he was banned from speaking on Channel 3 after an interview with its president. 

The other day, I spoke with the President of Channel 3, and I was banned. They are trying to silence our voices,” he stated. This attempt to censor dissenting voices highlighted a critical concern about freedom of speech and expression. Haraguchi urged the audience to remain steadfast in their resolve, saying,

“They are trying to block our freedom, our resistance, our power. But we will never lose.”

In the conclusion of his speech,

Haraguchi issued a rallying call for action. He urged the people to stand united in challenging the government and its questionable decisions. “Let’s overthrow this government,” he proclaimed, emphasizing the need for change and accountability. He called on legislators to continue fighting for the people’s lives and freedoms, “Let’s make it happen,” he concluded.

The protest that is happening right now (31st May 2024), which aims to draw tens of thousands of participants, marked a significant moment in the global discourse about pandemic management and health policies. Haraguchi’s speech, filled with personal anecdotes and strong criticisms, resonated deeply with the attendees.

Read this



Introductory Note by Michel Chossudovsky

私の著書『 世界的なコロナ危機、人類に対するグローバルクーデター』  は、2022年4月に日本語で初めて出版されました。英語版は電子書籍の形で入手できます。




すでに2億600万回以上が投与された。日本 国民はmRNAワクチンの危険性について知らされていなかった。

2021年12月、 日本の厚生労働省は 「心筋炎などの副作用の発生率が低い」ことを指摘し、モデルナ社とファイザー社のワクチンの追加接種を承認した。


「ワクチン接種のメリットは副反応のリスクよりも大きいため、 政府は人々にワクチン接種を推奨しています。」 (強調追加)




カリフォルニア州の 第9巡回裁判所は、COVID-19 mRNA注射は「ワクチン」ではないとの判決を下した。

ドイツ では 、保健当局が、新型コロナウイルス対策のロックダウン、マスク着用義務、実験的なmRNA「ワクチン」の壊滅的な性質と影響を認めている。



ミシェル・チョスドフスキー、グローバル・リサーチ、2024 年 6 月 11 日






原口氏はまず、新型コロナウイルスのワクチン接種を強制され愛する人を失った遺族が感じている悲しみと喪失感について語った。 氏は心から哀悼の意を表し、権力者の失策の責任を認めた。  「皆さんにお詫びします。多くの人が亡くなりましたが、亡くなるべきではなかったのです」と氏は述べた。 の報道によると、原口氏の演説の要点の一つは、 大村智博士が開発した イベルメクチンの禁止に対する批判だった。同氏は、この薬がパンデミック対策に大きな役割を果たせたと考えていた。原口氏は禁止の背後にある動機に疑問を呈し、公衆衛生よりも経済的利益が優先されたと示唆した。「なぜかって? 安いからだ。ワクチンの売り上げに支障が出るから嫌がるんだ」と同氏は主張した。この発言は、企業の利益が人命よりも優先されたと感じていた聴衆から大きな拍手を浴びた。

原口氏はその後、自身の健康問題に関する非常に個人的な話をした。 ワクチン接種後、深刻な病気、具体的には急速に進行する癌を発症した。 「去年の今頃は、眉毛も髪の毛もありませんでした。私が受けた3つのワクチンのうち2つは致死的なワクチンでした」と彼は明かした。脱毛などの著しい身体的変化を含む癌との闘いについてのこの率直な話は、聴衆の共感を呼んだ。彼は、国会で彼の外見が気を散らす原因となり、対立候補が目の前の問題よりも彼のかつらに注目したという出来事を語った。

会話に加えて、原口氏は、 ワクチンによる副作用に苦しんだ日本の国会議員は自分だけではないことを明らかにした。同氏は、同僚3人が重篤な影響を受け、中には入院した人もいると述べた。 「彼らはバラバラになっていて、中には入院している人もいる。しかし、彼らは声を上げません」と彼は説明した。この暴露は、公人が個人の健康問題について公然と話し合うことに消極的である、あるいはそれができないという、より広範な問題を浮き彫りにした。

原口氏は、現在の政策や政府の行動に疑問を抱く人々を黙らせる試みに特に情熱を注いだ。同氏は、チャンネル3の社長とのインタビュー後にチャンネル3での発言を禁止された最近の出来事について語った 。  「先日、私はチャンネル 3 の社長と話をしましたが、私は禁止されました。彼らは私たちの声を黙らせようとしている」と彼は述べた。反対意見を検閲するこの試みは、言論と表現の自由に対する重大な懸念を浮き彫りにした。原口氏は聴衆に対し、「彼らは私たちの自由、私たちの抵抗、私たちの力を阻止しようとしている。しかし、私たちは決して負けません。」

原口氏は演説の最後に、行動を起こすよう呼びかけた。 政府とその疑わしい決定に異議を唱えるために国民が団結するよう促した。  「この政府を打倒しよう」と宣言し、変革と説明責任の必要性を強調した。議員らに国民の命と自由のために戦い続けるよう呼びかけ、「実現させよう」と締めくくった。






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Having cut his teeth in the mainstream media, including stints at the BBC, Sean witnessed the corruption within the system and developed a burning desire to expose the secrets that protect the elite and allow them to continue waging war on humanity. Disturbed by the agenda of the elites and dissatisfied with the alternative media, Sean decided it was time to shake things up. Knight of Joseon (

Featured image is from TPV

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

My thanks to the Publisher and to the translator Tatsuo Iwana.






第1章 市民社会の破壊と恐怖をあおる政策
第2章 コロナ危機の時系列による経緯
第3章 Covid-19とは何か――どうやって検査・測定されるのか?
第4章 仕組まれた経済不況
第5章 大富豪をさらに富裕化する富の収奪と再配分
第6章 心の健康を破壊する
第7章 大手製薬会社のコロナ「ワクチン」
第8章 豚インフルエンザの世界的流行は本番前の舞台稽古だった?
第9章 「社会を乱すもの」と攻撃される抗議運動
第10章 世界規模のワクチン接種作戦は集団殺戮だ
第11章 世界規模のクーデターと「世界全体の初期化」
第12章 これからの道――「コロナを利用した専制政治」に反対する世界的な運動の構築