Central Banks Have Become a Corrupting Force

August 24th, 2015 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Are we witnessing the corruption of central banks? Are we observing the money-creating powers of central banks being used to drive up prices in the stock market for the benefit of the mega-rich?

These questions came to mind when we learned that the central bank of Switzerland, the Swiss National Bank, purchased 3,300,000 shares of Apple stock in the first quarter of this year, adding 500,000 shares in the second quarter. Smart money would have been selling, not buying.

It turns out that the Swiss central bank, in addition to its Apple stock, holds very large equity positions, ranging from $250,000,000 to $637,000,000, in numerous US corporations — Exxon Mobil, Microsoft, Google, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, Procter & Gamble, Verizon, AT&T, Pfizer, Chevron, Merck, Facebook, Pepsico, Coca Cola, Disney, Valeant, IBM, Gilead, Amazon.

Among this list of the Swiss central bank’s holdings are stocks which are responsible for more than 100% of the year-to-date rise in the S&P 500 prior to the latest sell-off.

What is going on here?

The purpose of central banks was to serve as a “lender of last resort” to commercial banks faced with a run on the bank by depositors demanding cash withdrawals of their deposits.

Banks would call in loans in an effort to raise cash to pay off depositors. Businesses would fail, and the banks would fail from their inability to pay depositors their money on demand.

As time passed, this rationale for a central bank was made redundant by government deposit insurance for bank depositors, and central banks found additional functions for their existence. The Federal Reserve, for example, under the Humphrey-Hawkins Act, is responsible for maintaining full employment and low inflation. By the time this legislation was passed, the worsening “Phillips Curve tradeoffs” between inflation and employment had made the goals inconsistent. The result was the introduction by the Reagan administration of the supply-side economic policy that cured the simultaneously rising inflation and unemployment.

Neither the Federal Reserve’s charter nor the Humphrey-Hawkins Act says that the Federal Reserve is supposed to stabilize the stock market by purchasing stocks. The Federal Reserve is supposed to buy and sell bonds in open market operations in order to encourage employment with lower interest rates or to restrict inflation with higher interest rates.

If central banks purchase stocks in order to support equity prices, what is the point of having a stock market? The central bank’s ability to create money to support stock prices negates the price discovery function of the stock market.

The problem with central banks is that humans are fallible, including the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and all the board members and staff. Nobel prize-winner Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz established that the Great Depression was the consequence of the failure of the Federal Reserve to expand monetary policy sufficiently to offset the restriction of the money supply due to bank failure. When a bank failed in the pre-deposit insurance era, the money supply would shrink by the amount of the bank’s deposits. During the Great Depression, thousands of banks failed, wiping out the purchasing power of millions of Americans and the credit creating power of thousands of banks.

The Fed is prohibited from buying equities by the Federal Reserve Act. But an amendment in 2010 – Section 13(3) – was enacted to permit the Fed to buy AIG’s insolvent Maiden Lane assets. This amendment also created a loophole which enables the Fed to lend money to entities that can use the funds to buy stocks. Thus, the Swiss central bank could be operating as an agent of the Federal Reserve.

If central banks cannot properly conduct monetary policy, how can they conduct an equity policy? Some astute observers believe that the Swiss National Bank is acting as an agent for the Federal Reserve and purchases large blocs of US equities at critical times to arrest stock market declines that would puncture the propagandized belief that all is fine here in the US economy.

We know that the US government has a “plunge protection team” consisting of the US Treasury and Federal Reserve. The purpose of this team is to prevent unwanted stock market crashes.

Is the stock market decline of August 20-21 welcome or unwelcome?

At this point we do not know. In order to keep the dollar up, the basis of US power, the Federal Reserve has promised to raise interest rates, but always in the future. The latest future is next month. The belief that a hike in interest rates is in the cards keeps the US dollar from losing exchange value in relation to other currencies, thus preventing a flight from the dollar that would reduce the Uni-power to Third World status.

The Federal Reserve can say that the stock market decline indicates that the recovery is in doubt and requires more stimulus. The prospect of more liquidity could drive the stock market back up. As asset bubbles are in the way of the Fed’s policy, a decline in stock prices removes the equity market bubble and enables the Fed to print more money and start the process up again.

On the other hand, the stock market decline last Thursday and Fridaycould indicate that the players in the market have comprehended that the stock market is an artificially inflated bubble that has no real basis. Once the psychology is destroyed, flight sets in.

If flight turns out to be the case, it will be interesting to see if central bank liquidity and purchases of stocks can stop the rout.


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We are living in a (western) world dominated by neoliberal dictators, criminals and crooks. And many of us, impregnated with the human idiocy, as so well described by  Andre Vltcheck (The West Spreads Intellectual Idiocy) are every day deeper and deeper immersed into fear – fear of action, fear of what’s next – fear of losing our comfort zone. The western propaganda machine paid for by the corporate and financial oligarchy through the presstitute media is constantly indoctrinating the little we have left of our free-thinking brains.

Fear is everywhere. People who are afraid can easily be manipulated. People who are afraid obey. The system needs people who don’t resist. Renegades are potential drone targets. The Big Constant that pervades our western world with ambitions to also infiltrate Asia – is terrorism. Man-made terrorism – or better – elite-made terrorism; George Orwell would have called it Big Brother-made terrorism; terrorism with a particular purpose: spreading fear and submission.

Anthony Freda: War Mind

On Friday, 21 August 2015, on a train from Amsterdam to Paris, according to the New York Times, “a heavily armed gunman opened fire aboard a packed high-speed train, traveling from Amsterdam to Paris [….] wounding several passengers before he was tackled and subdued” by two American military servicemen (on leave), who were helped by a third American. According to French officials, they “averted a mass killing.”- The gunman was armed with an automatic pistol, an AK47 and a knife (NYT annotation: AK47 is Al Qaeda’s preferred weapon). The Americans were coincidentally and suitably near to subdue the shooting 26 year-old Moroccan, a convenient Arab, who was taken into custody when the train stopped in Arras, France, just beyond the French-Belgian border. No doubt, he will be squeezed for confession. He may try to escape – and then may be shot death. Amen.

The French anti-terrorist unit took immediately charge of the investigation. The unit is known to work in utmost secrecy. Whatever news comes out of it is most likely ‘cooked’ to suit the system.

The NYT proclaims that the three Americans saved the train from a massacre. Nobody was killed. Just one of the American heroes was injured. Hollande thanked Obama for the brave Americans’ exemplary behavior and for preventing a train carnage. Propaganda all over. In America we trust – is dogma number one; dogma number two is – there is no save place on earth.

Fear everywhere, but America is there to help. Danger lingers at every corner. A terrorist may be just next door. Just give yourself up to Big Brother and he won’t let you down.

The first step towards sub-doing fear is asking yourself: Who invented and fabricated terrorism in the first place? In countries and entire regions ravaged by Washington incited wars and conflicts, terrorism is the expression of hopelessness, of wrath – of fighting back, when there is nothing left to lose. Look at the Middle East. A battlefield of nations destroyed by years of war – people living in ruins, in miserable squalor; some escape – and become the endless and EU loathed stream of refugees. According to the UN High Commissioner, there are more than 50 million refugees worldwide.

People take-up arms in self-defense. The west calls them terrorists. A term popularized by the media. A term that instills fear. – Imagine a world where the Judo-Christian aggressors would suddenly see the light and stop spreading wars and conflicts and subjugating the world – peace would break out and settle in – terrorism, one of the key reasons for fear, would have no purpose to persist – fear would die, trust and solidarity would grow. The empires worst enemy: solidarity, friendship, and trust among people.

All wars and conflicts are multi-purpose. They boost the elite-dominated war industry; in the US more than 50% of GDP; they help dominate and subjugate people, exploit their resources, and are trailblazing a path towards Full Spectrum Dominance – world hegemony. They also help one of the ‘elite’s’ key objective – depopulating the world, so the elite may live longer with the ever scarcer resources of our gradually depleted planet. Reducing world population is a key objective of the Bilderberg Society – voiced by Henry Kissinger already in the 1960s. Recently I overheard one buddy telling another: I hate wars; but the only good thing about wars is – they reduce world population.

That is the horrendous level of immorality and greed to which humanity has sunk. – We the over-fed west may not get enough in an ‘overpopulated world’ (sic), therefore let’s reduce the human stock by killing off the under-people.

According to FAO – the UN Food and Agriculture Organization – with the current available agricultural technology Mother Earth could aliment at least 12 billion people, almost double of today’s world population. Fear and greed decimate our rational thinking. The me-me-me of abject western consumerism – and the fear of losing it – overwhelms our innate sense of human solidarity.

Remember the infamous Christmas Day 2009 ‘underwear bomber’ on a Northwest Airliner approaching Detroit wanting to detonate a plastic bomb sewed into his undies? He was suitably identified as a Nigerian Al Qaeda fighter and also conveniently and par hazard filmed by a passenger in the back row — This was such an amateurish attempt to spread fear, that after a short while even the media didn’t want to lose their ‘credibility’ (sic) and shut up.

Is there ever a thought among the fearful that such terrorists might be ‘planted’ by those who are served by the fear they cause?

A former CIA official recently admitted that virtually all so-called terror acts in the US and most of those in other parts of the world since (and including – added by me) 9/11 are false flags. With every false flag, the system can tighten its grip on the population under the pretext of ‘protection and security’. The populace literally asks for it – please protect us, please come to our houses, put them upside down and see whether there are terrorists hiding in our closets… that’s how the Boston people reacted after the April 2013 false-flag Marathon bombing.

Since 9/11 US citizens have lost more than 90% of their civil rights; first through the Patriot Act, then by subsequent extensions of police ‘protective measures’. Most US citizens are not even aware of the power they gave up to the police which has now the authority to invade people’s homes at will, without search warrant or explanation and then find anything justifying the arrest and indefinite confinement without trial of an inconvenient person. The ‘suspects’ are mostly Moslems. These days it’s easy selling to the brainwashed western world a Moslem as a criminal or terrorist.

Yet, the Boston Marathon false flag was of such low grade that anybody with a little bit of reason left, could recognize that the bombs were detonated by special forces with the mere purpose of implanting the notion that even a relatively progressive thinking university town like Boston is in danger of terrorism. Therefore let’s control the people, let’s not this ‘intellectual Boston crowd’ choose its own ways, abandoning the sinking ship. All sheep must be kept together in false solidarity, of course.

The two Chechnyan brothers were pre-identified, they had no clue what may eventually happen to them. They conveniently had a police record, maybe fabricated, to also hurt Russia, hitting two flies with the same stone. The Chechnyan ‘malfeasance’ could easily be sold to the public. One of the two alleged suspects was killed – and silenced – in an artificially created ‘shootout’. The other one is in solidarity confinement and is not allowed to talk, not even in court – condemned to die – soon to be silenced too.

Public events henceforth project fear. – People, please stand up against police and state-sponsored violence and terrorism! – Analyze for yourselves! Don’t believe the lies spread by the mainstream media. Yes, it takes a little effort, seeking out the truth and reading the news on internet – Global Research, Information Clearing House, Sputnik News, VNN, RT, TeleSUR, PressTV, CounterPunch, New Easter Outlook, The Saker – and many more – but it is one of the few chances you have to see the light and stand up for your rights – and get rid of fear.

The Boston false flag bombing, was followed by a similar horror event in Paris, in January this year. The Hebdo Charlie and related supermarket assault killed 17 people. It was opportunely planned at a notoriously anti-Muslim cartoon magazine, executed by CIA-Mossad forces in full connivance with the French secret service

(see http://www.globalresearch.ca/paris-charlie-the-shock-doctrine-par-excellence/5424960).

Two plus one ‘suspects’ with previous police records, were pre-identified. One of them ‘forgets or loses’ casually his ID in the get-away car – the only link the police has to the ‘terrorists’ – they find two, kill them at sight – so they won’t talk anymore. – The third related alleged assassin of a Jewish supermarket at the outskirts of Paris awaited the same fate: death by a police barrage of bullets. A blurred amateur video (maybe by now taken off internet) shows how a hand-cuffed individual is thrown before the wolves outside of the supermarket, to be riddled mercilessly with bullets. Nobody to talk. The truth remains ugly propaganda – propaganda for the system – a system that prevails over and feeds on terrorism. Millions of people, dulled by the event, walked the streets of European cities, solemnly parading placards lettered with “I am Charlie” — millions of people submitted – and still do – to a miserable lie – spreading and perpetuating fear.

Hollande had a justification to tighten the grip around France and within Paris – police everywhere, reducing civil liberties just a tad more – orders from the Washington masters. Being a nominal ‘socialist’ (sic), the emperor doesn’t quite trust him – as he may resent having been forced by the White House to abrogate his country’s lucrative sale of two Mistral type amphibious assault ships to Russia. To dampen any lingering sympathy for Russian President Putin, Hollande had to be reined in; and the spineless French leader (sic) did indeed cave in.

Fear is everywhere. European politicians are all afraid they may be in the crosshairs of the CIA or Pentagon or other US mercenary hit men if they don’t behave. A couple of days ago it was reported that Hollande is now also planning preventive drone assassinations, mimicking his brother-in-crime, Peace Nobel Laureate, Barack Obama. Imagine! – How far can you sink to lick – ehhh – the naked toes of the naked emperor. How far has our western civilization sunk in only the last 30 years – the onset of neoliberalism!

Fear commands everyone – almost. Fear is the public enemy number One – but it can be overcome – with courage, an open mind and foremost an awakened consciousness.

People feel reasonably happy. They feel protected. They gladly trade their civil rights for police and military protection. Terrorism is horrible and it is so unpredictable. It lurks everywhere. And nobody dares to question these bloody fabricated horror events. Nobody dares ask: what motivates the terrorists? How come their number has increased exponentially in the last 15 years? Terror sows more terror. Fear disseminates more fear. More fear facilitates more oppression and manipulation of people – and eventually more terrorism.

Take the massive flood of refugees engulfing Europe. The EU laments the ‘refugee crisis; seemingly not realizing that they helped making it. The Eurocrats cannot deal with the overwhelming influx of refugees. They use the bought media to make people afraid of them. The refugees come from these Arab countries the west is fighting for ‘freedom and democracy’. They are dark-skinned, poor and no-good. They steal our jobs, food and women. The human touch and solidarity of westerners has been annihilated long ago – by the neoliberal doctrine – that knows no mercy, only profit and power. Western powers don’t want these poor homeless beggars within their frontiers. What to do with them? They are a costly nuisance. Most of them are Moslems anyway. There is no space for them.

Would it ever occur to one of those high-flying, arrogant never elected Maastricht politicians to ask ‘why is this onslaught of refugees increasing by the day?’ – They may find the answer in front of their nose, in case they still have some left-over ticking brains. We, Europeans, in full complicity with war-mongering hegemonic Washington have helped destroy their countries, their economies, their jobs, torn apart their families, killed their children, have bombed their very homes to ashes – now they come to seek help from us. These poor people have no choice but asking their hangmen for a bit of mercy, for some crumbs of bread, for some rudimentary shelter. The raped seeks alms from the rapist. It’s the Stockholm syndrome. – Its fear from dying. Maybe the criminals who almost killed them have some humanity left, a bit of mercy – please.

What makes them tick – these criminal hegemonic politicians? Why are they so inhumanly selfish, greedy and violent? The public at large is afraid to even ask. Asking could produce answers that may derange one’s comfort zone. Better don’t ask and follow the rules. Let fear continue to rule.

The NYT also reports, “Stock prices around the world continued to plunge on Friday, threatening to end one of the longest bull runs in the history of the United States stock market.” Fear of losing money is spread. Such ‘market’ fluctuations, as most of us know, have little to do with ‘markets’, be it share or money markets. Money is fabricated by a mouse-click of a bank dishing out debt. Markets are manipulated by banks and political powers for monetary profit and political gains – and to sow fear – fear that something horrendously drastic may happen, may affect our fragile economy – and may foremost affect our stolen well-being. Yes, stolen. Our western riches have been stolen during hundreds of years of abject, murderous colonization of the southern hemisphere. And we continue colonizing them with our modern weapon – MONEY. When banks spread fear, it is to steal the money, pension funds, social systems from us, their faithful clients. Stealing from abroad is not enough.

Rather than fearfully shutting up – wake up! Dare stand up fellow citizen – against the white collar onslaught of fraud and exploitation, against corruption of our elitist neoliberal system! Get rid of those deceiving politicians – the scum of greed and power. Expose them. Neutralize them.

The US as well as the European Commission just enacted laws, allowing banks, effective immediately – to ‘rescue’ themselves by so-called ‘bail-ins’ – meaning, a bank that has overstretched and over-speculated itself into bankruptcy may literally save itself by stealing the money from its depositors and shareholders. – Why does such an edict – not really a law because those who designed the rule are unelected Eurocrats – not prompt an immediate run on the banks? – Why does nobody even protest? – Because people don’t know? Maybe. But Fear – sheer fear from being punished for ‘disobedience’ – is a better explanation.

Instead, our fear makes us trust that such ‘bail-ins’ will always happen to others. We so easily forget what happened only two years ago, in March 2013 to the people of Cyprus, when their deposits were decimated by the infamous ‘haircut’, administered by the highly indebted Cypriot banks, by order of the BCE, with full complicity of the Cypriot elites, who first transferred their fortunes abroad. It was like a trial run. How much would the populace swallow without (too much) protesting? – It worked. The rule is now institutionalized – and nobody says beep. – For fear that worse may follow? – Or for sheer comfort of not moving our butts.

The famous late Howard Zinn said civil disobedience is our – as in ‘we the people’ – strongest weapon against corporate and state injustice and abuse. Today’s version of this wisdom might be for the 99.99% of us, the people, to organize and infiltrate the reigning criminal system and breaking it down from within. Much like did and do the State Department funded Washington-based thinktanks (sic) – initiating the deadly and destructive ‘Arab Spring’, intruding and subverting the European Parliament with bought proxies and fake NGOs – and what they attempt to do in Russia and China, albeit unsuccessfully.

Back to the NYT article on the plunge of the US stock exchange. Finger-pointing of the guilty is of the order. The fear factor has to be substantiated and enhanced by fault of an ‘outsider’ – in this case China – which according to the NYT has ‘unexpectedly’ devalued its currency, a sign of a troubled economy and a bleak outlook for the economy of other large ‘developing countries’.

Let’s fear the Evil East. – No good may come from the east. The NYT has of course no explanation of truth. Namely that the Chinese Yuan had been artificially over-valued under pressure of the US, and kept within a 2% band of fluctuation by the Chinese authorities. This was also in line with China’s huge dollar reserves, some 1.6 trillion dollars. Relaxation of the fluctuation – letting the rate slide naturally to an expected 3% margin, would not only make China more competitive, but might enhance the currency’s international standing to eventually becoming a new currency in the IMF’s basket constituting the SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights. The SDR is an international virtual money that may be lent to countries which so desire, hence, better balancing the currency exchange risk of the loan. The current SDR basket is composed of only four ‘world’ currencies; the US dollar, the British Pound, the Euro and the Japanese Yen.

If the Yuan can keep its own by floating against other major currencies, chances are it may be admitted by the west-dominated IMF as the fifth currency to the SDR basket, thereby opening the door for the Chinese Yuan to become a major official world reserve currency. Washington may not like it, but may have little choice preventing the currency of the world’s strongest economy to become an officially admitted reserve currency.

Fear may also be the main reason for the Greek Tsipras Government 180 degree U-turn after the 62% NO vote on July 5 – No to austerity, No to more strangulation by the infamous troika – European Central Bank (ECB), European Commission (EC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Not Germany, not the troika, are Greece’s strongest enemies; fear is. The Syriza government was pressured, blackmailed, coerced – and possibly even corrupted – into accepting an even more nefarious austerity package than the one against which Greeks voted with an overwhelming NO. If indeed enacted, the new debt commitment of € 86 billion will drive Greece’s debt to GDP ratio way above 200 % – and not one euro will flow into Greece’s economy, her social system, fighting unemployment, bringing back public hospitals, schools, water and electricity.

The Syriza Tsipras Government has committed an illegal act against Greece’s own Constitution which puts the people above parliament and above the executive – as a true democracy should. Tsipras’ anti-democratic act could be undone any time by a simple decision of the Supreme Court. According to international standards, Greece’s accumulated debt is fully illegal and could be erased by a mouse click, the same way it was created. Any contract – in this case debt – concluded under duress, coercion, corruption and / or blackmail does not stand up before an international court of law. This must have been known to the Tsipras government. Yet, Tsipras and his inner circle went to Brussels to ‘negotiate’ ignoring this chance. Instead they sold out their country to the banksters, let themselves be humiliated, ridiculed in the face of their own people, let alone the rest of the world.

Fear was most likely the engine for Tsipras’ behavior. Many of his Syriza colleagues left the government coalition. Ministers who didn’t agree with his politics were fired. He preferred succumbing to fear – fear of the potential wrath that might emanate from the corrupt and criminal EU; from greedy Germany whose neoliberalism is rapidly taking on the colors of Nazism. – German supremacy over Europe – again? – Maybe there were death-threats involved, who knows. It is common practice when power and resources are at stake.

However, a true leader has no fear. He or she stands tall with the moral and ethical obligation to defend the interests of the people who elected him or her. As did Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Cristina Kirchner, Lula, Dilma Rousseff and many more.

Traveling recently all over Greece fear was visible everywhere. When asked, why their inaction in the face of this shameful treason of their PM – no protests, the streets remained calm – the answer was almost uniformly – we are afraid. Afraid of what? Of the police; they shoot at us with rubber bullets, with water cannons – and we don’t know when the military will intervene.

In Delphi, the very town where democracy was born some 2,500 years ago, a shop owner confessed, democracy is dead, not only in Greece – but in Europe, in the world. With this backdrop, a new military takeover was according to him not far-fetched. The Tsipras betrayal was a boon for the rightwing, the Nazi-like ‘Golden Dawn’ – a perfect backing for a new military regime.

After the 1967 US-supported so-called Coup of the Colonels, Greece suffered seven years of a most repressive right wing military dictatorship, where full obedience was of the order, where people disappeared, where the communist party was forbidden and communists were prosecuted and killed, where anything resembling left-wing literature was censured, during which miniskirts, pop-music, long hair, the peace sign and the like were prohibited. This repressive regime has deeply marked the Greek population. They are afraid it may return. They are aware of their country’s vulnerability due to its importance for Washington, hosting the southern-most strategic NATO base. Any deviation of the Washington made and EC imposed rule may bring back the military horror – reminiscent of Costa Cavras’ 1969 extraordinary docudrama “Z”.

Now, the Tsipras Government has resigned – for fear of the domestic consequences of its actions? – A new interim government is to be prepared before the announced 20 September election. Will the radical break-away Syriza faction, the new Unity Party, be able to form a viable coalition and gather the necessary trust to win the coming September elections?

Will Greece after all be able to break the paralyzing streak of fear?

Will Greece set the new standard of fearlessness for the rest of Europe to follow? – Will Greece dare to go the only practical way – exit the unviable euro – go back to her drachma and revamp their economy with public banking for the benefit of the Greek people? – I trust Greece will dare take back her sovereignty, breaking the all-permeating Fear Factor and become a flagship of courage for Europe and for the world.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik News, TeleSur, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance . 

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As World Water Week kicks off in Stockholm  with a theme of ‘Water for Development’, the drought being deliberately inflicted on Palestinians is firmly on  the agenda, writes Laith Shakir. While Israelis water their lawns, irrigate crops and swim in Olympic-sized pools, Palestinian communities a few kilometers away are literally dying of thirst.

California is in the midst of one of the worst droughts in the state’s history, prompting Governor Jerry Brown to declare a water “state of emergency.”

Ordinary Californians are bearing the brunt of this disaster. While the governor has imposed restrictions to reduce residential water consumption, businesses in the fields of agriculture and hydraulic fracturing have been largely exempt.

Palestinian water tanks vandalized by Israeli settlers in Hebron. (Photo: ISM Palestine / Flickr)

Palestinian water tanks vandalized by Israeli settlers in Hebron. (Photo: ISM Palestine / Flickr)

Brown’s unwillingness to take on these gargantuan corporate water-wasters lends a sharp political element to an otherwise natural disaster.

There’s another region in the world, however, where access to water isn’t just decided on the whims of politicians dealing with natural disasters. In fact, the very existence of water crises is official state policy for one country: Israel.

Dying of thirst

Despite its location in a region thought to be perennially dry, the Holy Land actually has ample natural freshwater resources – namely in the form of underwater aquifers and the Jordan River. Palestinians in the West Bank and Israeli settlers live in roughly equal proximity to these resources, which theoretically would allow for equal consumption.

Israeli water policy, however, has made this prospect virtually impossible. In fact, there’s a shocking disparity.

report from the United Nations found that the average Israeli settler consumes 300 liters of water per day – a figure surpassing even the average Californian’s 290. But thanks to Israeli military action and legal restrictions on access, the average Palestinian in the occupied West Bank only gets about 70.

And for the tens of thousands of Palestinians who live off the water grid altogether, daily consumption hovers at around 30. That’s just 10% of the Israeli figure.

Both figures are well below the minimum 100 liters per day recommended by the World Health Organization. While Israelis are watering their lawns and swimming in Olympic-sized pools, Palestinian communities a few kilometers away are literally dying of thirst.

Weaponizing water

This inequality has deep roots – and it’s no accident.

Almost immediately after the creation of Israel in 1948, the fledgling country took comprehensive action to secure control of the region’s water. These policies were ramped up again following the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, when Israel first assumed control of the Palestinian territories.

That year, the Israeli armed forces issued Military Order 92 – an initiative that put Palestinian water resources under Israel’s military jurisdiction. This was shortly followed by Military Order 158, which required Palestinians to obtain permits from the military in order to build new water infrastructure.

If they built new wells, springs, or even rain-collecting containers without Israeli permission, soldiers would confiscate or destroy them, often without prior notification.

These orders, among others, remain on the books to this day. They form the basis for the administration of water access for nearly 4.4 million Palestinians. Although control of water resources is now officially the domain of Mekorot, Israel’s national water company, Israeli forces routinely perform operations with the explicit intent of destroying Palestinian water infrastructure.

A veneer of legality

Decades of peace negotiations have done little to grant Palestinians sovereign control over their resources.

Even after the Oslo Accords of the early 1990s, which were supposed to grant the Palestinians some semblance of political agency in the territories, water access remains limited. In fact, the accords simply codified the unfair distribution of water in the region, imbuing these flagrantly harmful practices with a veneer of legality.

Even in Palestinian-administered portions of the West Bank, Israeli troops regularly demolish rain cisterns, pipelines, and agricultural water structures. The Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq has meticulously documented a number of these instances, compiling them in a report examining the extent of the hardship these operations cause to West Bank residents.

One case study detailed the destruction of a farmer’s well in a village east of Jenin. His well, along with five others in the area, was destroyed by the military under the pretext that it had been built without proper authorization by Israel – despite the fact that an Israeli permit is supposedly not needed in the Palestinian-administered Area B of the West Bank, where these villages are located.

These operations showcase the coordination between civil and military channels to restrict Palestinian access to water, a system that’s been startlingly effective in its goal.

Even when Palestinians attempt to go through the ‘proper’ Israeli channels, they’re met with innumerable obstacles. Two regulatory organizations – the Joint Water Commission (JWC) and the Israeli Civil Administration – have created a bureaucratic nightmare for West Bank residents attempting to acquire permits to either build new instillations or repair the region’s floundering infrastructure.

Both organizations are capable of vetoing petitions without explanation, creating a system that prevents Palestinians from maintaining consistent and comprehensive water access.

Meanwhile, access is severely curtailed even where Palestinians have permission to pump water. The most striking inequality lies in the division of the Mountain Aquifer, the only underground aquifer that Palestinians in the West Bank are allowed to access. Despite being the sole source for the territory, Palestinian extraction is limited to 20% of the aquifer’s total capacity.

Israel, on the other hand, has access to 80% of the aquifer’s water – a stunningly unequal distribution, considering it also has unfettered access to the region’s remaining aquifers and the Jordan River.

A worsening crisis

California’s drought has captivated US audiences, sparking concern and calls to action to prevent ecological disaster in the face of natural causes. On the subject of Israel’s deliberate drought, however, media attention has been virtually nonexistent.

This crisis has become the norm for Palestinians for decades now, though its severity continues to increase as water becomes more scarce. The UN estimates that due to Israel’s siege, the Gaza Strip will be uninhabitable by the year 2020. Though the West Bank is relatively well-off in comparison, the water crisis there has resulted in severe economic hardship for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, a situation that’s not conducive to long-term stability in the region.

This water disparity is emblematic of the power disparity between Israel and Palestine – a gulf that seems wholly unrecognized during regional peace talks. In order to have a diplomatic solution to the Israeli-Palestinian question, both parties must enter negotiations on an equal playing field.

This is only possible once Israel’s occupation in the West Bank is dismantled, and Palestinians are given access to the water resources they need in order to live their lives with dignity.

Laith Shakir is a fellow of the Next Leaders program at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC. 


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A January 2015 report from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health reveals that forty four percent of children (those under 18) are living in de facto poverty. The Federal Government issues an artificially low annual official poverty level that radically understates the real level of US poverty. For 2015 the official level of poverty for a family of four, for example, is roughly an income $24,000 a year or less. This is for a family with 2 adults and 2 children.

This income figure, however, does not reveal the true level of poverty in the US The National Center for Children in Poverty, located at Mailman, states that it would take twice that amount, or about $48,000 to cover just the “basic expenses” of a family of four.

Now, any family that can’t pay for its basic expenses is a family living in poverty, therefore any such family of four that has a yearly income of less than $48,000 is, despite what the U.S. government says, poor and living in poverty.

The government likes to make a distinction between “poor” and “low income” but this is just a semantic game to try and hide the true level of economic deprivation Washington is willing to inflict on millions of children in order to avoid comprehensive welfare reform and realistic taxation polices directed at Wall Street and the 1 percent.

These figures for the four person family can be extrapolated across the board to all families of whatever composition to arrive at realistic figures regarding the number of children under 18 who are suffering in poverty. There are over 30 million such children living in poverty.

Scientists have determined that children living in poverty are liable to suffer permanent physical and mental handicaps which children who are not poor will not have to face. This means it is a national crisis when 44% of the nation’s children are not getting their basic needs met and face permanent life long damage due to the policies of their own government.

These facts are well known to our elected leaders and other policy makers in the government yet public awareness does not seem high. In the recent televised debate of the Republican presidential candidates, for example, this national disgrace wasn’t even mentioned.

Due to the institutional racism perpetuated by the present economic and political system some minorities are disproportionately affected by these figures. According to Science Daily over 60 percent of Hispanic, Black, and Native American children are living in de facto poverty. [“Four in 10 American children live in low-income families, new report shows,” SD 1-21-2015]. Reflecting on these figures SD quotes Renée Wilson-Simmons, National Center for Children in Poverty director, as saying “Far too many American children live in economically insecure families, and this serious threat to our nation’s future does not get the attention it deserves.”

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The following article is the English translation of a report  that appeared on the French website LaDepeche.fr, stating that investigators who have been examining the flaperon of a plane  found on Reunion have been unable to find any evidence linking it to MH370.

Experts from the Directorate General of Armaments have finished surveying the flaperon found on Reunion Island. Nothing certifies that it belongs to MH370!

In Balma, near Toulouse, technical analysis of the wing flaperon that is believed to belong to the Malaysia Airlines Boeing has ended. Engineers from Toulouse have brought forth their conclusions to the Paris Prosecutor’s Office, in charge of the judicial inquiry. At the moment, none of their observations have been linked. “The team, tasked by French officials with examining the flaperon, concluded the first phase of its inspection work”, announced the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) located in Sydney.

Circumustantial evidence:

“French authorities, in consultation with Malaysia, will give updates on progress when the time is right”, added the ATSB. The judicial authorities are in fact  remaining silent and refusing to comment on anything. According to our sources, the experts found no irrefutable technical elements that would allow to us to certify 100% that this piece belongs to flight MH370. “The experts’ conclusions are the only technical part of the criminal investigation, which is still going on”, says an insider of the investigation. As of now, the only certitude is that the flaperon that was tranfered from the Reunion Island  to Toulouse on August 5 corresponds to a moving part of the wing of a Boeing 777. If the deputy prosecutor of the Republic of Paris has stated that there was a “very strong supposition” that the piece belonged to the plane of flight MH370, which disappeared 18 months ago, that statement is based on circumstantial evidence.

First, the piece belongs to the aircraft model corresponding to that of Malaysia Airlines, a Boeing 777. In addition, no other aircraft of this type except that of the Malaysian company were reported missing.

Also, the trajectory of the wing piece that ran aground on a beach in Reunion matches the sea currents that link the search area of the wreckage of the plane to the French overseas department. Finally, the shells found attached to the flaperon belong to a species endemic to the southern Indian Ocean where the unit is believed to have disappeared.

According to a Toulouse aeronautics expert who requested anonymity, the element of the wing would not have floated for several months at the water’s surface but would have drifted underwater a few meters deep.

According to Jean-Paul Troadec, former chairman of the Bureau of Investigation and Analysis (BEA), the state of flaperon, even if it is not intact, indicates that there was no violent impact with the ocean surface. “If this had been the case with the MH370, one would expect much smaller debris than a flaperon,” said the expert.

Translated by Jeff Wise


Minor edits by Global Research

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By now it is nearly commonplace that the specific American system of capitalist governance has resulted in a hollowing-out of U.S. democracy, which now serves the interests of economic elites rather than the people. One of the primary examples of this is how the Obama administration is handling the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): a top-secret process that will affect the lives of each individual living in the countries which agree to it, yet the negotiators are a few government officials (i.e. the Office of the United States Trade Representative) and 600 corporations,excluding Congress, and with no voice from or for the people themselves, nor any concern involving the citizens (see Paul Craig Roberts, “TTIP: The Corporate Empowerment Act”).

One of the sad but important consequences for our system of government, in the face of such a process, is that not only do the economic elites now control the system, but more importantly, our elitist-backed politicians have no vision beyond the self-interestedness of catering to the money the elites use to support them. The people are out; the future is irrelevant; the leaders are now co-participants in servicing an institution that lives by a single infallible rule: the degree to which they seek to increase their power is in direct proportion to their size. The result is that the U.S. government has now become an authoritarian state. It is the structure of the authoritarian state that requires as its sole mandate its ever-increasing power over its citizens, the very people it was originally designed to serve, with no limit to its ends or means. Thus, those who run for office from within the system all are necessarily supporters of this authoritarian-corporate-military-state, even if they advocate tinkering with its internal mechanisms a bit. A politician with a vision, and thus a true leader, will by necessity have to alienate themselves from the system, even if they attempt to function within it. Such is the intrinsic contradiction of the capitalist democracy we have today.

Related to that, the main method of consolidating power in a governing structure is to keep the masses in servitude to the corporate state and its interests. This is why such institutions are prone to ignore or reject the demands of justice. Thus, although it is fairly clear that nearly every person individually has a sense of ethical right and wrong, when politicians immerse themselves in a distinctly corporate-government institution and thus seek to ensure social structures and practices that do not engage primary ethical values such as equality or fairness—i.e. practices that are frequently directly inimical to their citizens—they surrender their ethics, sometimes consciously, sometimes not, in favor of taking on a public role as caretakers of their special-interest groups: the elites.

That is why true progressives understand that the voice of conscience, of value, of what is right (and wrong), must come from outside of the institutions. Even President Obama, a voice of the institution of capitalist government and its values par excellence, stated that change must come from outside of government. Voices that are raised from within are soon swallowed up in acquiescence to institutional demands or alienated from the culture of which they are a functioning agent (e.g. Edward Snowden). Socrates understood that fact long ago, when he said at his trial that agents of justice must operate from outside government institutions, or they would die young. Institutional acolytes simply do not concern themselves with issues of justice, fairness, or equity: only the appearance of being just counts, as Machiavelli observed in the 16thcentury. This idea was stated most succinctly by the classical defender of Realpolitik (i.e. politics is only about power), Hans Morgenthau, who argued that “loyalty to the nation requires the individual to disregard universal moral rules of conduct” (Politics Among Nations, Chapter XVI).

Another way to put the Socratic wisdom is this: if the normative standard one uses to assess institutional actions is objective (i.e. standards that apply to everyone for the prupose of fair and just governance), and if the choice one has to make is between being an agent of the institution or an advocate of justice, then one must stand outside of the institution and advocate justice. The choice has become an exclusive disjunction in our fading American democracy. It is what the participants of the Occupy Movement knew, and what many college students today intuitively know.

The mistake made by supporters of standard “insider” party politics is to believe that their candidate could be an “agent of change” in office. Obama, for example, never was—and never would be—such an agent, because he was a full participant in the capitalist-governmental institutional processes that brought him to power. So are most elected individuals on Capitol Hill today, Democrat or Republican. True rebels from within are rare, as we can see today: the Elizabeth Warrens, Bernie Sanders, and Alan Graysons compare with 532 other members of Congress.

The problems of creating change from within are illustrated by the Bernie Sanders candidacy for President. Mr. Sanders has some interesting ideas in his 12-point program (such as rebuilding our infrastructure, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, and raising the minimum wage, etc.), but in order to get them heard and get the support of the economic elite, he has had to co-opt with the corporate-based Democratic Party. This makes him susceptible to a move by front-runner Hilary Clinton to neutralize him by agreeing “in principle” with his ideas, and then changing the subject. If this happens, Sanders will be the proverbial “runner-up” in a party that became a corporation in its own right a long time ago.

Thus, the only solution is to create the change we seek for ourselves. But the key question now is: “How?”

First, we have to re-learn how to form alliances with other progressives in order to support visionaries running for office. Even if we do not agree with every position someone might take, if they have a progressive vision that is based on equality and fairness, we need to put aside any minor differences and support those visionaries, particularly if they have a track record of acting on the basis of their vision. That is something that many progressives have forgotten how to do, succumbing as they have to the myth of American capitalist individualism, and forgetting that change at this time in our political system will be incremental and slow, and not a quick revolution. But only by creating unified groups with unified goals can we the people once again become significant enough to replace the finance-government ministers with (small-d) democrats.

Second, engage in acts of civil disobedience and prepare for the consequences. For example, anti-war voices, no matter how loud and large in number, will never drown out the sound of cash-registers ringing for the military state agents who continue to make a financial killing by getting nations and peoples to kill each other. Just like the 1960’s civil rights struggles, the state will not hesitate to use its massive violent mechanisms of violence to put an end to counter-movements and dissent. Since the Patriot Act was put into play in 2001, all the government has to do is to brand civil disobedience as “terrorism,” and any act they take against dissent after that would be legally justified. Such is the state of the State we live under today. Further, with the critical importance of geo-political control and access to now limited natural resources such as water and oil that can be turned into a profit for the corporate elites that run the state, and with American political leaders drunk on the hubris that they can actually militarily govern the world, it is unlikely that we can expect much change to the institution unless this economic-military-government marriage is broken apart by a divorce.

Third, we need to think outside the current financial-governmental-military institutional complex to a new government order. But how far must we go, and in which direction? And what kind of system? One proposal for a first step toward a solution of the current governmental-financial institutional situation in America is that business ownership needs to change, and the workers need to become the owners of the places in which they work. Those in control of capital control the Capitol, and a new worker ownership movement, which could be done in conjunction with the “raise the minimum wage” movement, will go very far in creating the change that is past due to the current political system.

Finally, we need to increase our awareness of the populist rhetoric politicians use to jockey into positions of power. In this day and age, with politicians on both sides of the aisle using the motto “take back power” in order to secure their own interests in being added to the current power structure, we the people need to redefine what “take back power” means—i.e. to take money and governing power away from big business and thus reduce its powerful role in government by engaging in worker-owned business.

The vision we need from our leaders must be one of equity, fairness, and elimination of the current rule of the rich. Without such a unified vision, at least with these basic values, the institutional rule of ongoing power-consolidation and economic elite self-interest will continue unabated. Although true leaders are hard to find today within the system, it nonetheless remains true, as the Book of Proverbs said so long ago: “When there is no vision, the people perish.”

Dr. Robert Abele (www.spotlightonfreedom.com) holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Marquette University and M.A. degrees in Theology and Divinity. He is a professor of philosophy at Diablo Valley College, in California in the San Francisco Bay area. He is the author of four books, including A User’s Guide to the USA PATRIOT Act, and The Anatomy of a Deception: A Logical and Ethical Analysis of the Decision to Invade Iraq, along with numerous articles. His new book, Rationality and Justice, is forthcoming (2016).

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Britain’s Prime Minister an enthusiastic purchaser of Israeli arms and drugs

The British government treats international law and the Geneva Conventions with contempt as it ignores the petition of an expected 100,000 signatories to bring a suspected war criminal to justice apparently because of Britain’s dependency on Israeli arms manufacturers and the supply of cheap generic drugs to the UK’s National Health Service.

The fact that Israel is the only undeclared nuclear weapons state in the world and is outside the inspection of the IAEA and a non-signatory to the internationally agreed nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) plus one that also refuses to endorse the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is, astonishingly, of no concern to Mr Cameron who is a staunch supporter of the Conservative Friends of Israel – the British arm of AIPAC, the American Zionist pressure group that admits to be financed from the gambling profits of American casinos.

This action of immunity taints the current British government as one that is willing to collude in the alleged war crime of the killing of over 2000 civilians in Gaza. It is an act of political expediency that devalues international law and implicitly condones Israel’s illegal settlement of over 500,000 of its citizens on occupied Palestinian land.

The British electorate will, no doubt, question Mr Cameron’s integrity and competence as he dangerously supports a state with a German-built, nuclear-armed submarine fleet that could blow Britain out of the water in five minutes, should the Israeli Prime Minister snap his fingers.

How politically insignificant has former ‘Great’ Britain become under a Conservative government that acts as a compliant lapdog to an undeclared nuclear state with a population just one tenth that of the UK that is not even a member of NATO?

What a complete reversal of political power from the head of what was once the greatest commonwealth of nations in the world to a subservient state that wines and dines an alleged war criminal who oversees the persecution, and killing, of the majority indigenous people of Palestine in his quest for regional power.

This is a story of covert deals and hidden loyalties that will eventually end in a regional war that will spread to and engulf Europe unless the EU acts decisively to stop AIPAC-funded Israeli plans to dominate the Middle East and the Gulf.



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Syrian Army Shoots Down Israeli Fighter Jet over Quneitra

August 23rd, 2015 by Fars News Agency

The Syrian air defense system shot down an Israeli warplane violating the Arab country’s air space.

The Israeli fighter jet was targeted over the city of Al-Quneitra on Friday.

Israel regularly violates the Syrian airspace and it launches missile attacks against the Arab country.

On Friday, the Israeli Air Force resumed airstrikes on Western Syria, targeting Brigade 68 Base in Khan Al-Sheih in Damascus province and Brigade 90 Base in the al-Quneitra province after a six hour halt in attacks that followed their multiple air raids over the Golan Heights.

The Brigade 68 Base has no heavy weaponry that can reach Israel’s borders and the soldiers inside its parameters have been under siege by the al-Qaeda-linked group of  al-Nusra Front and their allies from Ajnad al-Sham and Jeish al-Islam.

According to a military source in Damascus, the Israeli aircraft were identified as helicopters that crossed into the Syrian Golan Heights before midnight on Thursday night.

In mid-July, Israel launched missile attacks against an army base in Syria’s Southeastern Suweida province.

The Syrian dissidents were quoted by Qassioun news website as claiming that Israel fired several missiles at the base of the Syrian army’s division 150 in Suweida in which the SAM-5 anti-aircraft missiles are stocked up and is 20km away from Khalkhala airport.

Qassioun claimed that it was a deterrence measure to prevent the access of armed groups to the long-range missiles with high destructive power.

“These claims are raised as Israel is everyday increasing its assistance and supports for the terrorist groups in Syria and the terrorists have not even once attacked Israel and its interests in the region,” political analyst Seyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm said.

Reports in January said that Israeli hospitals continue admitting the terrorists who are wounded in Syria.

The terrorists wounded in fierce clashes with the Syrian army are currently undergoing treatment in the Israeli hospitals, according to the Israeli media outlets.

The admittance of a growing number of Syrian militants in the Israeli medical facilities is a clear indication of the continuing support being offered by the Tel Aviv to the terrorists who are fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

About 465 terrorists, who were wounded in Syria, have received treatment only at the Israeli Nahariya hospital in Galilee, according to reports published by the Israeli Walla website.

In December, a terrorist who had been wounded in the military operations in Syria was admitted to the Israeli Poriya hospital in Tiberias in Israel.

The Walla website reported that the injured terrorist, who had been admitted to the Poriya hospital, was 37 and had a leg wound, noting that Poriya Hospital has so far treated up to 130 wounded terrorists.

Israeli forces have already moved hundreds of terrorists who were wounded while fighting the Syrian army and people, in clear violation of the UN and Security Council resolutions.

Giving medical treatment to wounded terrorists is only one aspect of the Israeli unlimited support provided to the terrorist organizations fighting the Syrian army and attacking civilians.

This support has amounted to no less than Israeli warplanes launching attacks against sites inside the Syrian territory, proving Israel’s undoubted involvement in the internationally-devised terrorist war still raging in Syria since 2011.

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Obama’s war on Yemen with Saudi proxies may kill millions before it ends. Official reports way understate mounting casualties – from war, untreated diseases and wounds, especially threatening famine.

On August 19, the World Food Program warned of a growing catastrophic food crisis. War and US/Saudi blockade prevents distributing enough to sustain life for millions of Yemenis.

WFP’s Erthanin Cousin warned of likely famine if it’s not lifted along with providing unhindered access to starving people.

“Right now, the conflict-driven convergence between the lack of staple food, access to clean water, and a diminished fuel supply create the dawn of a perfect storm for the most vulnerable Yemeni people,” she explained.

The disruption in the commercial food sector creates significant reductions in imports which causes an inflationary effect on market prices for food and other basic commodities.

As a result, we are starting to see a double effect of the conflict as even the people who could previously afford to meet their food needs are today unable to buy food.

Six million Yemeni children alone are at grave risk of starving to death for lack of enough food to eat. Malnutrition reached epidemic proportions.

“The damage to Yemen’s next generation may become irreversible if we don’t reach children quickly with the right food at the right time. We must act now before it is too late,” said Cousin.

An earlier article said Obama wants Yeminis starved to death or perishing from untreated diseases and wounds – part of his genocidal war on humanity for unchallenged US global dominance.

Food emergency crisis conditions exist in conflict affected governorates. WFP called it “one step away from famine levels.”

The ICRC said five months of conflict created equivalent devastation to four-and-a-half years of war in Syria. President Peter Maurer said images he saw in Sanaa and Aden reminded him of Syrian catastrophic conditions.

“The firepower with which this war is fought on the ground and in the air is causing more suffering than in other societies which are stronger and where infrastructures are better off and people are wealthier and have reserves and can escape,” he explained.

UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien told Security Council members:

Saudi-led terror bombings are “in clear contravention of international humanitarian law and are unacceptable.”

I am extremely concerned that the damage to the port of Hodeida could have a severe impact on the entire country, and would deepen humanitarian needs, making more people food insecure, leaving them without access to water or medicines, which could also mean the spread of disease.

Saudi promised humanitarian aid was a duplicitous PR stunt. Nothing arrived or will it. Nor from America. Both countries want maximum pain and suffering inflicted on millions of Yemenis in danger of perishing without vital aid soon.

Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres – MSF) President Joanne Liu was appalled at what she saw during two weeks spent in war-torn areas.

“What shocked me was the number of war-wounded (hospital) patients…with very complex injuries. It was total carnage,” she said.

I’ve never seen such a high number of war-wounded patients with really awfully graphic and complicated war wounds. We’re close to 9,000 in less than five months. This is a record number of war-wounded in a conflict for MSF that we have taken care of. It’s highly traumatizing.

This has been a very, very violent conflict. We can do the first phase surgery, but some patients need reconstructive surgery…Right now these kind of facilities do not exist in the country.

She explained willfully terror bombing civilian areas unrelated to conflict with devastating results.

She denounced blockade conditions preventing vital aid getting in. Everything is in short supply or nonexistent. It’s causing otherwise preventable deaths. MSF’s staff are in harm’s way – in danger like vulnerable civilians they came to help when wounded or ill.

Terror bombing and shelling go on every day and night without relief. “It’s living in a world of uncertainty,” said Liu. “It’s living each day not knowing what the next day will bring.”

On August 19, Sputnik News reported Washington doubled its number of advisors providing Riyadh with intelligence – identifying terror bombing sites and other targets, civilians most of all affected.

Obama wants Yemen returned to US client state status – no matter the genocidal toll on millions of ordinary people in harm’s way suffering horrendously, out of sight and mind as Western media largely ignore them.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.

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In this 7.5° view of Afghanistan, captured from an Airfield guard tower, we can see several less auspicious elements of the ISAF invasion and occupation:

  • Corruption
  • Duplicity
  • Heroin Production
  • Incompetence

The photograph shows five men harvesting opium a couple of hundred metres from Camp Bastion perimeter defences, seen in the foreground.

Not only was this illegal drug production being carried out in the shadow of ISAF’s Main Operating Base, it was being done under the protection of British soldiers. Her Majesty’s Armed Forces (Army and RAF) were protecting this man’s cash crop from illicit ‘taxation’ by the Afghan National Police or Army.

The duplicity is in what the Ministry of Defence tell people we are doing, and what we are actually doing. As this photo was taken there was a World Service edition of ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ playing. The particular BBC correspondent, Quentin Sommerville, was ‘embedded’ with British soldiers in Helmand, who were assisting in the destruction of poppy fields. This must raise the question as to why poppy fields on the edge of Bastion’s airfield were protected whilst another farmer’s crop in a neighboring valley was destroyed?

The land in the once barren valley was now watered by the effluent of the 30,000 people living in Camp Bastion, creating a mini property boom for the owner of the land, a Mohammad Daoud. The valley bordering Camp Bastion’s airfield had become a busy agricultural area, with parcels of land rented out to tenant farmers, migrant farm laborers camping a hundred metres from the defences, plus all the associated traffic. Whether this is the same Mohammad Daoud as former Governor of Helmand Province Mohammad Daoud is yet to be confirmed. If confirmed, the irony of former Governor Daoud having previously championed British poppy eradication efforts would illustrate our corruption accurately.

To quote former Governor Daoud:

Unless the international community includes poppy eradication and fighting drugs in their list of ways to fight terrorism, they will not succeed in this fight because it (the drug trade) is the fuel in the machine of terrorism.

Our incompetence is best ‘illustrated’ by the deaths of two US Marines, Sergeant Bradley Atwell and Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Raible, and the destruction of £200+ million worth of equipment, in the Taliban’s audacious airfield raid of 2012. The attackers of 14th September launched the raid from this same valley, where despite it’s proximity to £££Billions of aircraft across the airfield, the Command appeared to assess the risk there as minimal to non existent. This ‘lax’ attitude (criminal negligence in my eyes) reportedly extended to not providing any night vision equipment to soldiers guarding the airfield on a moonless Afghan night. To describe this as simple ‘incompetence’ is being very generous indeed to those responsible.

Two men are dead because the British Army and Royal Air Force failed to protect a stationary target – an airfield. I can only apologize for my part in that.

Author: Anthony C Heaford, Craftsman / Vehicle Mechanic in British Territorial Army 2009 to 2013, No.30088729. Six month tour of Afghanistan, April to October 2012. Based in Camp Bastion.


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GR Editor’s Note:

The shooting down of an Israeli warplane by Syria has not been reported by Western and Israeli media sources. According to Sputnik, on August 21, “the Israeli Air Force resumed airstrikes on Western Syria, targeting a government army base at Khan Al-Sheih in Damascus province and another in the al-Quneitra province after a six-hour halt in attacks that followed their multiple air raids over the Golan Heights.”

Fars News Agency (FNA) also confirmed the Israeli attacks and the shooting down of an Israeli fighter plane

The Syrian air defense system shot down an Israeli warplane violating the Arab country’s air space.

The Israeli fighter jet was targeted over the city of Al-Quneitra on Friday.

Israel regularly violates the Syrian airspace and it launches missile attacks against the Arab country.

On Friday, the Israeli Air Force resumed airstrikes on Western Syria, targeting Brigade 68 Base in Khan Al-Sheih in Damascus province and Brigade 90 Base in the al-Quneitra province after a six hour halt in attacks that followed their multiple air raids over the Golan Heights.

*     *     *

Yesterday, Friday, August 21, 2015 in the early hours, Damascus time, an Israeli US made F-16 fighter-bomber, flew into Syrian airspace brazenly and fired at Brigade 68 and, then, turned and flew back toward Brigade 90 in Qunaytra in order to insure a safe landing in occupied Palestine if the aircraft was struck.  It was struck.  An SA-9 from the Iftiraas Air Defense Base and an SA-2 near the Khalkhaala AB were fired.  But, the technical wizardry was most on display when an S-300 (SA-10 “Grumble) super-air-defense missile was fired from the Republican Guard base near the Mazza AB at the foot of Qaasiyoon Mountain west of Damascus.  This was done so that the F-16’s electronic countermeasures would first fix on the SA-2 and SA-9 while the S-300 plowed forward to exterminate the vermin inside the Israeli aircraft.   The S-300 vaporized the Israeli bomber.  No evidence was seen of the pilot ejecting.  Instead, eyewitness accounts described a ball of fire over the Golan and the remains scattering into the air over the Huleh Valley in Palestine.

Also, the Israelis lost 2 helicopters while flying missions over the Golan Heights in an effort to bolster the sagging morale of the Takfiri rats of Nusra/Alqaeda and Al-Ittihaad Al-Islaami li-Ajnaad Al-Shaam.   The 2 helicopters went down over the area near Qunaytra City and were reportedly shot down by shoulder fired, heat-seeking missiles deployed throughout the Syrian Army.

Syria’s Right to Self Defense

It had to happen, sooner or later.  The seeming diffidence of the Syrian brass had to transform into a bolder and more pugnacious articulation of Syria’s right to self-defense.  With Russia now inevitably bound to the Syrian government for reasons discussed at length on our website; and Iran, now dazzled by a new role to play in regional politics;  the green light turned on, finally, with Moscow withdrawing all restrictions on the use of advanced weaponry sold to the Syrian military.  If you want to know what the former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, Martin Dempsey, meant when he told Congress Syria had a “robust air defense system”, the Zionists just found out for themselves.

Yesterday, there was despondence after Israel assaulted Qunaytra and killed civilians seated in a public vehicle.  The Israelis also killed one Syrian soldier and wounded several others in the Brigade 68 base.

Via Wikimapia: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33.080898&lon=36.612282&z=12&m=b

But, the Syrian Army Chief of Staff, in consultation with the president and the Defense Minister, had no intention of letting this episode slide by especially in light of President Putin’s recent meeting with the Turkish ambassador in Moscow during which he flatly told the diplomat that relations with Turkey would be severed if Erdoghan did not stop supporting terrorism.  It also came just after Sergei Lavrov called the Saudi foreign minister an “imbecile” just as the latter was renouncing any intention to treat with the Syrian government.  There is a new belligerency in both Moscow and Teheran and it is being translated into action over Syria.

Ziad Fadel, Attorney for 35 years and Supreme Court Certified Interpreter for Arabic/English

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Ireland: Obesity, the “Western Diet” and the Global Food Challenge

August 23rd, 2015 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

Recent reports have suggested that Ireland is set to become the most obese country in Europe. 

Estimates of obesity, projected out to 2030, are part of the World Health Organisation’s Modelling Obesity Project and were presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Prague, Czech Republic during May 2015. The figures for Ireland have huge implications for the seriously financially-squeezed Irish health system:

In terms of obesity alone, the estimates show a big jump for women in the Irish Republic, soaring from 23 per cent to 57 per cent. The proportion of obese Irish men was expected to increase from 26 per cent to 48 per cent, while the figure for those either overweight or obese rises from 74 per cent to 89 per cent.

According to a combination of statistics from WHO, OECD and Eurostat Ireland is third in obesity levels in Europe after Hungary and Great Britain.

There is no doubt that there is a link between levels of obesity and what is known as the Western pattern diet. The Western diethas been characterised ‘by high intakes of red meat, sugary desserts, high-fat foods, and refined grains. It also typically contains high-fat dairy products, high-sugar drinks, and higher intakes of processed meat.’ However, there is a certain smugness in the mainstream media which points at fast food restaurants as the source of all food evils in society yet on a recent visit to a ‘good’ restaurant Dublin I noticed that at least 80% of the clientele were overweight and about 20% were grossly overweight.

Yet, in all fairness, it is almost impossible to avoid fatty foods when you go to these restaurants because the ‘vegetarian’ section of the menu can be just as rich as the carnivore sections, for example, salads with salad cream and oil, ‘creamy’ mash made with cream and butter, ‘Mediterranean’ roasted vegetables roasted in oil, grilled aubergine covered in oil and mozzarella etc.

There is also the global cost of the Western diet with the increased demand for red meat and meat products. According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations):

Meat consumption in developing countries has been continuously increasing from a modest average annual per capita consumption of 10 kg in the 1960s to 26 kg in 2000 and will reach 37 kg around the year 2030 according to FAO projections. This forecast suggests that in a few decades, developing countries’ consumption of meat will move towards that of developed countries where meat consumption remains stagnant at a high level.

It is estimated that the 70 billion farm animals raised globally contribute to 51% of all anthropogenic greenhouse emissions found in our atmosphere. According to ScienceDirect, agriculture globally ‘accounts for 92% of the global freshwater footprint; 29% of the water in agriculture is directly or indirectly used for animal production’ and according Livestock Exchange ‘Livestock systems occupy 45% of the global surface area’. The FAO also states that ‘almost 50 percent of the grains produced in the world are fed to livestock, yet there remain about 800 million people suffering from hunger and malnutrition mostly in the developing countries.’

Richard Oppenlander notes, in his book Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work, that ‘one cow will provide 300 pounds of meat, which results in 120 pounds per 1 acre of land used in one year. For reference, an organic vegetable farm […] produces on average 5,000 to 10,000 pounds per 1 acre of food, such as tomatoes, fast-growing greens, and herbs that are infinitely healthier for us to consume. (pps 85-86)

In Ireland, a government fact sheet on agriculture shows that ‘81% of agricultural area is devoted to pasture, hay and grass silage (3.63 million hectares), 11% to rough grazing (0.47 million hectares) and 8% to crops, fruit & horticulture production (0.38 million hectares).’ In other words, 92% of all agricultural land goes towards the raising and feeding of cattle and 8% to plant-based food.

As Oppenlander also notes:

Of the four leading causes of death and disease in the U.S. today, animal products and animal protein are implicated in all four – coronary heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes, as well as their precursors, hypertension and obesity. (p.256)

The research work of biochemists, doctors and surgeons (such as T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, John McDougall, Neal Barnard etc) into the relationship between nutrition and disease has been met with industry opposition yet they have provided clear evidence of vastly improved health with dietary change away from the Western diet pattern. Their collective pursuance of a whole food, plant-based diet leads the way to a more enlightened understanding of diet and food production.

Countries like Ireland have a huge investment in cattle and dairy production but a new mindset will have to be developed both by farmers and consumers alike. It has often been said that Ireland has ‘forty shades of green’ yet in reality there is only one shade – the colour of grass – and this needs to be changed to a landscape of multi-varied crops instead.

If people change their dietary habits (in clear knowledge of the relationship between their diet and their overall health) then farmers will also be able to gradually move away from meat production and towards more tillage with huge benefits to our collective health and the environment.

[For a collection of resources compiled by the author on the whole food, plant-based diet, food and food production documentaries, etc. see here.]

Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin is an Irish artist who has exhibited widely around Ireland. His work consists of paintings based on cityscapes of Dublin, Irish history and geopolitical themes (http://gaelart.net/). His blog of critical writing based on cinema, art and politics along with research on a database of Realist and Social Realist art from around the world can be viewed country by country at http://gaelart.blogspot.ie/.

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See: Third-Reich-sur-Seine: the French collaborationist tradition  

You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war. (Statement of Winston Churchill, after the Munich Agreement, denouncing the abandonment of Czechoslovakia by France and UK.)

The obscene project of the celebration of the terrorist state of Israel on the banks of the Seine, just a year after the latest massacre in Gaza, was conceived of in May 2015 by the mayors of Paris and Tel Aviv, and was prepared with the active support of French and Israeli governments. Revealed to the public one week before it would take place, scheduled as August 13th, 2015, it unleashed such a storm of indignation in France – political, media, society, etc. – that it quickly became clear that the atmosphere of this event would be rather explosive than festive. So that less than 48 hours before the event, a collective of organisations supporting the Palestinian people [1] was received by the Prefecture of Police of Paris, and was able to obtain a space immediately adjacent to Tel-Aviv-sur-Seine and of equal length to organize a similar event called Gaza-sur-Seine, at the same time as the project supported by the city of Paris.

What are the lessons to take from this memorable day?

By imposing a real balance of power, civic resistance was able to obtain, in record time, the equivalent of what had been planned for months at the highest levels in two capitals, and thus two states. Several factors must have come into play. For the police force responsible for the security of the event, it was certainly preferable to bring together the largest number of protesters in a confined and known space, rather than take the risk of seeing them arise on all sides and at all hours to disturb the “festive atmosphere” of Tel-Aviv-sur-Seine, ready to annoy the Paris mayor by greatly diminishing the scope of her privileged tribute to Israel – a just return for the security nightmare in which it had engaged them: a conflict of jurisdiction is not ruled out. Such disturbances arose all the same throughout the day, called for notably by  BDS [2] but were it not for Gaza-sur-Seine, it is certain that a significant number of the thousands of participants of this counter-event would have expanded their ranks.

Thus, it is demonstrated once again that militant action in the service of just causes can produce dramatic results that can match, parasitise, eclipse and even sink the efforts of the most powerful French lobby – the Zionist lobby – and its countless lackeys to the highest levels of civil society and the state. Far from being an ethereal and outrageously deceitful celebration of the State of Israel, Tel-Aviv-sur-Seine transformed the very heart of Paris into a real fortified camp with a huge deployment of police, blocked roads, obstructions to traffic, checkpoints, etc. There was a half hour wait for access to Israeli banks, followed by a thorough search, so that even mainstream newspapers could question “Tel Aviv-sur Seine? No, Police sur Seine” (Le Point) or “More journalists and policemen than holidaymakers” (Le Monde). Especially since next door, Gaza-sur-Seine was freely accessible to all, with a much less tense and more festive atmosphere that was not ruined by the many one-finger-salutes and other Zionist provocations – let us note an “epic” struggle between two flag bearers: while the Palestinian flag flew almost constantly from 12am to 9 pm in the hands of a single young Franco-Lebanese, Israelis who wanted to measure up to him could hold for up to 4 minutes… ; indeed, against a master in kung-fu, the Krav Maga heresy had no chance).

Tourists on the barges could contemplate this eloquent face-to-face, and any objective observer could only emphasize the warmth and characteristic enthusiasm with which they exchanged greetings with Gaza-beach, contrasting with the coldness of their mutual interactions with Tel-Aviv-sur-Seine. This is also explained by the fact that on the Israeli side, it was more a case, for the participants, of renewing their allegiance to their Lord – the Zionist lobby – than a tourist outing or in defence of a humanitarian cause. But in any case, that gripping and unmistakable contrast provided a very eloquent image of the Israeli apartheid regime and the struggle of the Palestinian people. And predictably, Israel has thus been represented in a manner much more in line with reality, namely as a militaristic, colonial and racist state.

This is certainly not what the organisers wanted, aspiring to identify Tel Aviv as some kind of Tahiti with fine sand and ukuleles (or rather techno music: Israel is not quite a well-refined society…) and finally favoured the awakening of the population to the Palestinian cause, welcomed by the participating organizations who have touched many consciences and made a number of new recruits throughout the day. A new pearl for the annals of disastrous advertising campaigns – a veritable sabotage.

And much more, the obscenity of the organisation of such an event and the extraordinary means which were granted it will undoubtedly permit many citizens to open their eyes to the unacceptable power of the Zionist lobby, and the humiliating subservience of the French state to it. Today, it is no longer necessary to be a reader of sources such as Panamza or other alternative media to know that it is the Jewish Defense League, a terrorist organization banned as such in the US and in Israel itself, which ultimately granted or refused visitors access to Tel-Aviv-sur-Seine, despite the presence of police forces who should have been solely responsible: we can clearly read that in mainstream sources such as LibérationLe Point or Les Inrockuptibles, which emphasise with more or less force the outrageousness of this.

It is therefore attested that a part of the territory of Paris has indeed been privatised and occupied by an extremist militia in the service of Tel Aviv which was allowed to proceed with, in the territory of the Republic, the ethnic filtering in vigour in Israel. The communist newspaper L’Humanité, which has distinguished and honoured itself by denouncing vehemently in many articles the indecency of Tel-Aviv-sur-Seine, including publishing an article requesting the dissolution of the JDL, was even the victim of a false biological attack , one of the many specialties of French-Israeli criminal Ulcan – but we must wait for themainstream media to break the censorship, reflect current tastes and report these things in more detail.

Let us recall that the dissolution of the JDL had been promised by the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve in July 2014 – in a moment of madness, no doubt, but he would have made (dis)honourable amends – after inconceivably violent acts of aggression of this militia against pro-Palestinian protesters during which it was once again proved that the police was under their heel, their brutality and  total impunity being exposed in bright daylight in the most explicit videos. And it was this very event that was used by the French government as a pretext to ban all protests of support for Gaza in Paris, the only place in the world to issue such a decision. The depths of vileness and submission in which the French elites buried themselves, combined with the boundless arrogance and even blindness of their Zionist Lords, contributed, again, to bringing to light that which until then, was reserved for those with access to so called “conspiracy” sources. So this day was, in every way, an undeniable success for citizen resistance and the Palestinian cause.

To conclude, I wish to relate an anecdote that is personal but, I think, highly significant.

As I announced, I myself made an act of civil disobedience by trying to disrupt the Tel-Aviv-sur-Seine event. I intended to infiltrate it alone and to brandish a burnt doll while chanting “Israel Terrorist! Paris Accomplice! / Hidalgo Collabo!”, but when I saw the thoroughness of searches, I realised that I would have no chance of passing with this artefact. So I contented myself with carrying out my protest along the queues that led to it.

As expected, I was greeted very aggressively by some of the people queuing. One of them even hit me and tried to tear my doll away – a man in his fifties. Having resolved to be irreproachable, I did not react and continued in an impassive manner, receiving many words and hostile glances but also signs of support from passersby. Then, as I expected, a hand landed on my shoulder, that of a uniformed police officer. Without excessive violence, he pushed me back against the wall and asked me to stop, and as I opposed no physical resistance but continued chanting slogans and waving my doll, he led me towards police vans. Passersby protested that I had done nothing wrong, that I had the right to demonstrate, and at least one of them followed us all the way, constantly negotiating diplomatically with the forces of order and expressing support to me.

A previous experience had led me to expect the worst: having been seriously assaulted following a demonstration after the episode of the Freedom Flotilla, subjected to 48 hours of particularly difficult custody and falsely accused by three police officers who formally claimed to recognise me as having thrown them a stone (a blatant lie; I will tell this story later and give their names), I had firmly believed that the majority of police officers were rotten swine. But I must confess that with only one exception, the ten or so policemen and CRS who I met with were extremely correct, and, even more, seemed if not to completely sympathise, at least to be very understanding towards my undertaking. While I did not cease to chant my slogans despite their polite but firm invitations to silence, attracting a small group of bystanders (including one woman angrily waving a flag of Israel), they behaved irreproachably to me (one of them had suggested putting me to the ground to silence me, but nobody went along with him), and they even let me drink “until my thirst was quenched” when I asked for it (while refusing me this could have been a way to silence me).

What’s more, when the referent police officer came to interrogate me (I had finally been put in a van), and I explained to him the nature and the reasons for my action in insisting that I had fully cooperated with the police (except for the slogans), he again asked for my identity card that had remained with the police. He left, and when he returned, he told me he had to take me to the police station for disturbing public order, in a way that seemed to express regret or discomfort. I replied with confidence that he needed to do his work, and I knew perfectly what I was exposing myself to before coming. He asked me what I did for a living, and I told him I was a teacher, showing him my state official card, which seemed to pleasantly surprise him. He asked me if I had consumed alcohol or any illegal substance before coming to demonstrate, and I replied that being a practising Muslim, I had never consumed the like. He left, and when he returned, he told me that in the end I had done nothing to justify my arrest, I had the right to express my opinion, and that they would simply take me away from this place and release me without consequences. Which they did immediately, depositing me at Bastille Square. I told them of my desire to return to Gaza-beach to protest there peacefully, and they told me that they saw no problem in that, only advising me to hide my doll so as not to be recognised on the way. And we parted, shaking hands – at my request, after I told them they had really changed my perception of the police, who were clearly not composed only of bastards. I regretted that the woman with the Israeli flag had not witnessed this outcome.

It is only an anecdote, but given the highly virulent tone I had used to describe the police in my previous article –“ we must know that we are dealing with unscrupulous people without honour (they handed over the Jews and hunted and tortured the Resistance fighters with zeal to please the occupier, and if needed will do it again), but hardly shining lights… – , I had to highlight this major correction and apologise to the police for this rush to judgement. And I happily recognise my fault, because this professionalism and faculty of discretion in the application of laws – technically, I should clearly have been led to the station and charged with disturbing public order – is something very encouraging for future: it would seem that the people can increasingly count on the understanding and even the assistance of a number of state agents who will be willing to overlook certain regulations, preferring the voice of their moral and professional conscience.

Moreover, it confirms a trend that appeared as stigmata on various occasions in the press, that one might characterize as events of exasperation or even acts of insubordination on the part of the police forces, tired of having to repress legitimate actions or being deployed for the protection of insignificant persons or events, especially when it comes to the all-powerful Zionist lobby (by protesting officially, calling in sick, etc.). And one can hope that when the French people finally rise against the stateless financial oligarchy that oppresses and destroys its nation, the police will be in significant numbers on the side of those they are meant to protect, be it only by refusing to suppress them. From Tuileries to Montmartre and up to Béziers, it has been seen many times in the history of France, constituting its most authentically glorious pages. When will the next mutiny be?

The France of Munich has always made the choices that are the vilest and the most damaging to the people, and it has always suffered the most humiliating setbacks and the worst failures, contributing to the decay, to the decadence of the nation. And even today, it is this same stateless “Republican” elite which governs France and daily flouts its strategic interests in the service of foreign interests. That the current government is the most discredited in the history of the Fifth Republic is an eloquent sign of the growing awareness of the French people, but there is still a long way to go. Must we, like Greece, reach the bottom of the abyss before awakening? Let us dare to believe that France is capable of better, and that by drawing on its rich past and its forces, it will truly reconnect with a national pride which De Gaulle, to whom no one would ever have deigned to submit such infamy, was the last incarnation of.


[1] CAPJPO-EuroPalestine, Droits Devant, Children of Palestine, PALMED France, the Association of Palestinians of Ile-de-France, Friends of Al-Rowwad, Nanterre Palestine, Saint-Ouen Palestine, Muslim-Mag, Judeo-Arab Collective and Citizen for Palestine, Collective against Racism and Islamophobia.

[2] To which answered these associations and political parties: Ensemble, PIR, NPA, PG, Solidaires, CNT, Les Désobéissants, UJFP, etc.

Translated from French by Jenny Bright

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One Year since the outset of the US bombing campaign “against ISIS” in Syria and Iraq. August 8, 2014 marked the onset of the bombing campaign.

This article was first published in February 2015.

UPDATE (August 22, 2015) 

According to figures released by U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), “the U.S. and its coalition partners have struck 10,684 targets including 3,262 [so-called] ISIS buildings, 119 commandeered tanks, 1,202 vehicles and 2,577 fighting positions.” The term “ISIS buildings” is a fake concept. Those buildings (including residential areas) are part of the civilian infrastructure of Iraq and Syria. The number of  targets struck suggests an intense carpet bombing campaign geared towards the destruction of both Iraq and Syria.

Official figures confirm that over a period of one year (August 8, 2014 to July 31, 2015)  approximately “20,000 airstrikes — close air support, escort, and interdiction — have been launched; about 5,200 of those involved the release of at least one weapon.” The cost of Operation Enduring Freedom, which has resulted in countless civilian deaths is officially of the order of 3.5 billion dollars. The overall budget of the DoD is of the order of 650 billion dollars.

Meanwhile, the ISIS which is construct of US intelligence, trained and financed by the US and its allies (including Saudi Arabia, Turkey) has  not been defeated. On the contrary it has extended its grip throughout the Middle East.

The bombing raids in Syria, Iraq and more recently Yemen have not been the object of protests by the anti-war movement, nor has been considered a criminal undertaking under international law . The bombing raids have been portrayed by the media as part of a counterterrorism operation.  The “Global War on Terrorism” has been accepted as a humanitarian undertaking.

*      *      *

Since August 2014, the US Air Force with the support of a coalition of 19 countries has relentlessly waged an intensified air campaign against Syria and Iraq allegedly targeting  the Islamic State brigades.  

According to Defense News, over 16,000 airstrikes were carried out from August 2014 to mid January 2015.  Sixty percent of the air strikes were conducted by the US Air Force using advanced jet fighter and bombing capabilities  (Aaron Mehta, “A-10 Performing 11 Percent of Anti-ISIS Sorties”Defense News, January 19, 2015.)

The airstrikes have been casually described by the media as part of  a “soft” counter-terrorism operation, rather than an act of all out war directed against Syria and Iraq.  

Aerial view of jet aircraft, carrying cylindrical fuel tanks and ordnance, overflying desert

F-16 Fighting Falcon

This large scale air campaign which has resulted in countless civilian casualties has been routinely misreported by the mainstream media. According to  Max Boot, senior fellow in national security at the Council on Foreign Relations. “Obama’s strategy in Syria and Iraq is not working… [ because] the U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS has been remarkably restrained”.  (Newsweek, February 17, 2015, emphasis added).

Americans are led to believe that the Islamic State constitutes a formidable force confronting the US military and threatening Western Civilization. The thrust of media reporting is that the US Air Force has failed and that “Obama should get his act together” in effectively confronting this  “Outside Enemy” of America.

According to CFR Max Boot, military escalation is the answer: what is required is for the president “to dispatch more aircraft, military advisers, and special operations forces, while loosening the restrictions under which they operate.” (Ibid)

What kind of aircraft are involved in the air campaign? The F-16 Fighting Falcon,(above right),  The F-15E Strike Eagle (image below) , The A-10 Warthog, not to mention Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Raptor stealth tactical fighter aircraft.

Question for Our Readers

Why has the US Air Force not been able to wipe out the Islamic State which at the outset was largely equipped with conventional small arms not to mention state of the art Toyota pickup trucks?

F-15E Strike Eagle.jpgFrom the very outset, this air campaign has NOT been directed against ISIS.  The evidence confirms that the Islamic State is not the target. Quite the opposite.

The air raids are intended to destroy the economic infrastructure of Iraq and Syria.

The USAF-15E Strike Eagle

We call on our readers to carefully reflect on the following image, which describes the Islamic State convoy of pickup trucks entering Iraq and crossing a 200 km span of open desert which separates the two countries.

This convoy entered Iraq in June 2014.

What would have been required from a military standpoint to wipe out an ISIS convoy with no effective anti-aircraft capabilities?

Without an understanding of military issues, common sense prevails.

If they had wanted to eliminate the Islamic State brigades, they could have “carpet” bombed their convoys of Toyota pickup trucks when they crossed the desert from Syria into Iraq in June. 

The answer is pretty obvious, yet not a single mainstream media has acknowledged it.

The  Syro-Arabian Desert is open territory (see map right). With state of the art jet fighter aircraft (F15, F22 Raptor, F16) it would have been  –from a military standpoint–  “a piece of cake”, a rapid and expedient surgical operation, which would have decimated the Islamic State convoys in a matter of hours.

Instead what we have witnessed is an ongoing drawn out six months of relentless  air raids and bombings, and the terrorist enemy is apparently still intact.

(In comparison, the NATO bombing raids of Yugoslavia in 1999 lasted about three months (March 24-June 10, 1999).

And we are led to believe that the Islamic State cannot be defeated by a powerful US led military coalition of 19 countries.

The air campaign was not intended to decimate the Islamic State.

The counter-terrorism mandate is a fiction. America is the Number One “State Sponsor of Terrorism”.   

The Islamic State is not only protected by the US and its allies, it is trained and financed by US-NATO, with the support of Israel and Washington’s Persian Gulf allies. 


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The Age of Imperial Wars

August 22nd, 2015 by Prof. James Petras

2015 has become a year of living dangerously.

Wars are spreading across the globe. 

Wars are escalating as new countries are bombed and the old are ravaged with ever greater intensity.

Countries, where relatively peaceful changes had taken place through recent elections, are now on the verge of civil wars.

These are wars without victors, but plenty of losers; wars that don’t end; wars where imperial occupations are faced with prolonged resistance.

            There are never-ending torrents of war refugees flooding across borders.  Desperate people are detained, degraded and criminalized for being the survivors and victims of imperial invasions.

            Now major nuclear powers face off in Europe and Asia:  NATO versus Russia, US-Japan versus China.  Will these streams of blood and wars converge into one radiated wilderness drained of its precious life blood?

Living Dangerously: The Rising Tide of Violent Conflicts

            There is no question that wars and military threats have replaced diplomacy, negotiations and democratic elections as the principal means of resolving political conflicts.  Throughout the present year (2015) wars have spread across borders and escalated in intensity.

            The NATO allies, US, Turkey and the EU have openly attacked Syria with air strikes and ground troops.  There are plans to occupy the northern sector of that ravaged country, creating what the Erdogan regime dubs a ‘buffer zone’ cleansed of its people and villages.

            Under the pretext of ‘fighting ISIS’, the Turkish government is bombing Kurds (civilians and resistance fighters) and their Syrian allies.  On Syria’s southern border, US Special Forces have accelerated and expanded operations from their bases in Jordan on behalf of the mercenary terrorists – funded by the monarchist Gulf States.

            Over 4 million Syrians have fled their homes as refugees and over 200,000 have been killed since the US-EU-Turkey-Saudi-sponsored war against the secular Syrian government was launched four years ago.

            Dozens of terrorist, mercenary and sectarian groups have carved up Syria into rival fiefdoms, pillaged its economic and cultural resources and reduced the economy by over ninety percent.

            The US-EU-Turkish military intervention extends the war into Iraq, Lebanon and…. Turkey – attacking secular governments, ethnic minority groups and secular civil society.


The feudal, monarchist Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have invaded Yemen with tanks, launching air strikes against a country without any air defenses.  Major cities and towns are devastated.  Saudi ground troops and armored carriers are killing and wounding thousands – mostly civilians.   The brutal Saudi air and sea blockade of Yemen’s ports have led to a humanitarian crisis, as ten million Yemenis face starvation deliberately imposed by a grotesque and obscenely rich monarchy.

The Yemeni resistance fighters, driven out of the major cities, are preparing for prolonged guerrilla warfare against the Saudi monsters and their puppets.  Their resistance has already spread across the frontiers of the absolutist Saudi dictatorship.

The brutal Israeli occupation troops, in collaboration with armed ‘settler’ colonists, have accelerated their violent seizure of Palestinian lands.  They have stepped up the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, Bedouins, Druze and Christian inhabitants replacing their communities with racist ‘Jews-only’ colonial settlements.

Daily assaults against the huge ‘concentration camps’ of Gaza accompany an armed blockade of land, air and water, preventing the reconstruction of the tens of thousands of homes, schools, hospital, factories and infrastructure, destroyed by last year’s Israeli blitzkrieg.

Israel’s continued annexation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian territory precludes any diplomatic process; colonial wars have been and continue to be Israel’s policy of choice in dealing with its Arab neighbors and captive populations.

Africa’s wars, resulting from earlier US-EU interventions, continue to ravage-the Continent.  Somalia, Sudan, Kenya, Libya are riven by bloody conflicts between US-EU backed regimes and armed Islamic and nationalist resistance movements.

Throughout North and Sub-Sahara Africa, US-EU backed regimes have provoked armed upheavals in Libya, Nigeria (Boko Harem), Egypt (ISIS, Moslem Brotherhood et al), Chad, Niger, South Sudan, Somalia and elsewhere.

Imperial client Egyptian and Ethiopian dictators rule with iron fists – financed and armed by their EU and US sponsors.

Imperial wars rage throughout the Middle East and South Asia.  Hundreds of experienced Baathist Iraqi military officers, who had been expelled or jailed and tortured by the US Occupation army, have now made common cause with Islamist fighters to form ISIS and effectively occupy a third of Iraq and a strategic swath of Syria.

There are daily bombings in Baghdad undermining its US client.  Strategic advances by ISIS are forcing the US to resume and escalate its direct combat role

The US-Baghdad retreat and the defeat of the US-trained Iraqi military in the face of the Baathist-Islamist offensive is the opening salvo of a long-term, large-scale war in Iraq and Syria.  The Turkish air-war against the Kurds in Iraq will escalate the war in Northern Iraq and extend it into southeast Turkey.

Closer to ‘home’, the EU-US-backed coup (‘regime change’) in Kiev and the attempt to impose dictatorial-pro-West oligarchic rule in Ukraine have detonated a prolonged civil-national war devastating the country and pitting NATO’s proxies against Russian-backed allies in the Donbas.

US, England, Poland and other NATO powers are deeply committed to pushing war right up to Russia’s borders.

There is a new Cold War, with the imposition of wide-ranging US-EU economic sanctions against Russia and the organizing of major NATO military exercises on Russia’s doorsteps.  It is no surprise that these provocations are met with a major counter-response – the Russian military build-up.  The NATO power grab in Ukraine, which first led to a local ethnic war, now escalates to a global confrontation and may move toward a nuclear confrontation as Russia absorbs hundreds of thousands of refugees from the slaughter in Ukraine.

The US puppet regime in Afghanistan has faced a major advance of the Taliban in all regions, including the capital, Kabul.

The Afghan war is intensifying and the US-backed Kabul regime is in retreat.  US troops can scarcely advance beyond their bunkers.

As the Taliban military advances, its leaders demand total surrender of the Kabul puppets and the withdrawal of US troops.  The US response will be a prolonged escalation of war.

Pakistan, bristling with US arms, faces a major conflict along its borders with India and permanent war in its semi-autonomous Northwest frontier states with Islamist and ethnic Pashtu guerrilla movements backed by mass regional political parties.  These parties exercise de facto control over the Northwest region providing sanctuary and arms for Taliban militants operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Armed ethno-religious conflicts persist in western China, Myanmar and northern India. There are large-scale popular resistance movements in the militant northeast Thailand opposed to the current military-monarchist dictatorship in Bangkok.

In the 21st century, in South and Southeast Asia, as in the rest of the world, war and armed conflicts have become central in resolving ethnic, social, tribal and regional differences with central states: diplomacy and democratic elections have been rendered obsolete and inefficient.

Latin America – On the Verge

Burgeoning violent extra-parliamentary right-wing movements, intent on overthrowing or ‘impeaching’ elected center-left Latin American governments face major confrontations with the state and its mass supporters.

In Ecuador, Venezuela and Brazil, US-backed opposition groups are engaged in violent demonstrations, directed toward ousting the elected regimes.  In the case of Ecuador, ‘popular sectors’, including some indigenous leaders and sectors of the trade union movement, have called for an ‘uprising’ to oust President Correa.   They seem oblivious of the fact that the hard-right oligarchs who now control key offices in the three principal cities (Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca) will be the real beneficiaries of their ‘uprisings’.

The resurgent Right envisions violent ‘regime change’ as the first step toward ‘wiping the slate clean’ of a decade of social reforms, independent regional organizations and independent foreign policies.

Civil war’ may be too strong a word for the situation in Latin America at this time – but this is the direction which the US-backed opposition is heading.  Faced with the mess and difficulty of dislodging incumbent regimes via elections, the US and its local proxies have opted for the choreography of street violence, sabotage, martial law and coups – to be followed by sanitized elections – with US-vetted candidates.

War and violence run rampant through Mexico and most of Central America.  A US-backed military coup ousted the popularly elected, independent President Zelaya in Honduras.  The ensuing US-proxy regime has murdered and jailed hundreds of pro-democracy dissidents and driven thousands to flee the violence.

The 1990’s US-brokered ‘Peace Accords’ in El Salvador and Guatemala effectively blocked any agrarian reform and income redistribution that might have led to the rebuilding of their civil societies.  This has led to over two decades of mass disaffection, the rise of armed ‘gangs’ numbering over 100,000 members and an average of six to ten thousand homicides a year with El Salvador becoming the ‘murder capital of the hemisphere’ on a per capita basis.  The annual murder toll under the US-brokered ‘Peace Accords’ now exceeds those killed each year during the civil war.

The real ‘carnage capital’ of the hemisphere is Mexico.  Over 100,000 people have been murdered during the decade-long, US-backed ‘war on drugs’ – a war which has become a state-sponsored war on the Mexican people.

The internal war has allowed the Mexican government to privatize and sell the crown jewels of the national economy – the petroleum industry. While thousands of Mexicans are terrorized and slaughtered, the US and EU oil companies are curiously shielded from the drug lords.  The same Mexican government, its police, officials and military, who collaborate with the drug lords in dividing up the billions of drug dollars, protect foreign oil companies and their executives.  After all, narco-dollars are laundered by banks in New York, Miami, Los Angeles and London to help fuel the speculation!

From Regional to Nuclear Wars

Regional and local wars spread under the shadow of a looming world war.  The US moves its arms, planes, bases and operations to the Russian and Chinese borders.

Never have so many US troops and war planes been placed in so many strategic locations, often less than an hour drive from major Russian cities.

Not even during the height of the Cold War, did the US impose so many economic sanctions against Russian enterprises.

In Asia, Washington is organizing major trade, military and diplomatic treaties designed to exclude and undermine China’s growth as a trade competitor.  It is engaged in provocative activities comparable to the boycott and blockade of Japan which led to the Second World War in Asia.

Open ‘warfare by proxy’ in Ukraine is perhaps the first salvo of the Third World War in Europe.  The US-EU-sponsored coup in Kiev has led to the annexation of Western Ukraine.  In response to the threat of violence toward the ethnic Russian majority in Crimea and the loss of its strategic naval base on the Black Sea, Russia annexed Crimea.

In the lead-up to the Second World War, Germany annexed Austria.  In a similar manner the US-EU installed a puppet regime in Kiev by violent putsch as its own initial steps toward major power grabs in Central Asia.  The military build-up includes the placement of major, forward offensive military bases in Poland.

Warsaw’s newly elected hard-right regime of President Andrzej Duda has demanded that Poland become NATO’s central military base of operation and the front line in a war against Russia.

Wars and More Wars and the Never-ending Torrents of Refugees

The US and EU imperial wars have devastated the lives and livelihoods of scores of millions of people in South Asia, North and Sub-Sahara Africa, Central America, Mexico, the Balkans and now Ukraine.

Four million Syrian refugees have joined millions of Afghan, Pakistani, Iraqi, Yemeni, Somali, Libyan, Palestinian and Sudanese refugees fleeing US-EU bombs, drones and proxy mercenaries ravaging their countries.

Millions of war refugees escape toward safety in Western Europe, joining the millions of economic refugees who have fled free market destitution in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, the Balkans and other EU satellites.

Panic among the civilian population of Western Europe sets in as hundreds of thousands cross the Mediterranean, the Aegean and the Balkans.

Droves of refugees perish each day.  Tens of thousands crowd detention centers.  Local labor markets are saturated.  Social services are overwhelmed.

The US builds walls and detention camps for the millions trying to escape the harsh consequences of imperial-centered free markets in Mexico, narco-terror and the fraudulent ‘peace accord’-induced violence in Central America.

As Western wars advance, the desperate refugees multiply.  The poor and destitute clamber at the gates of the imperial heartland crying: ‘Your bombs and your destruction of our homelands have driven us here, now you must deal with us in your homeland’.

Fomenting class war between the refugees and ‘natives’ of the imperial West – may not be on the agenda . . . for now, but the future for ‘civil’ society in Europe and the US is bleak.

Meanwhile, more and even bigger wars are on the horizon and additional millions of civilians will be uprooted and face the choice of starving, fleeing with their families or fighting the empire.  The ranks of seasoned and infuriated resistance fighters are swelling in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Ukraine and elsewhere.

The US and EU are becoming armed fortresses.  US police deal with the marginalized citizenry as an occupying army, assaulting African-Americans, immigrants and dissidents – while looting poor communities . . . and protecting the rich…


War is everywhere and expanding:  No continent or region, big or small, is free from the contagion of war.

Imperial wars have spawn local wars . . . igniting mass flights in a never-ending cycle.  There are no real diplomatic success stories!  There are no enduring, viable peace accords!

Some pundits may protest this analysis:  They point to the recent US – Cuba rapprochement as a ‘success’.  They conveniently forget that the US is still subverting Cuba’s biggest trading partner, Venezuela; that Washington’s major regional proxies are demanding regime change among Cuba’s allies in Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia and that Washington is increasingly threatening Cuba’s alternative markets in Russia and China.  The vision of the US flag flapping in the breeze outside its embassy in Havana does little to cover Washington’s iron fist threatening Cuba’s allies.

Others cite the US – Iran peace accord as a major ‘success’.  They ignore that the US is backing the bloody Saudi invasion of neighboring Yemen and the massacre of Shiite communities; that the US has provided Israel with a road map detailing Iran’s entire defense system and that the US and EU are bombing Iran’s Syrian ally without mercy.

As for the US – Cuba and Iranian agreements– are they enduring and strategic or just tactical imperial moves preparing for even greater assaults?

The war epidemic is not receding.

War refugees are still fleeing; they have no homes or communities left.

Disorder and destruction are increasing, not decreasing; there is no rebuilding the shattered societies, not in Gaza, not in Fallujah, not in the Donbas, not in Guerrero, not in Aleppo.

Europe feels the tremors of a major conflagration.

Americans still believe that the two oceans will protect them.  They are told that placing NATO missiles on Russia’s borders and stationing warships off China’s shores and building electrified walls and laying barbed wire along the Rio Grande will protect them.  Such is their faith in their political leaders and propagandists.

What a packet of lies!  Inter-continental missiles can ‘rain down’ on New York, Washington and Los Angeles.

It is time to wake up!

It is time to stop the US – EU headlong race to World War III!

Where to start?  Libya has been irrevocably destroyed; it is too late there!  Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are aflame.  We are being plunged deeper into war while being told we are withdrawing!  Ukraine sucks in more guns and more troops!

Can we really have peace with Iran if we cannot control our own government as it dances to the Israelis tune?  And Israel insists on war – our waging war for them!  As the Israeli war criminal General and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon once told some worried American Zionists: “Trouble with the US?  We lead them by the nose…!” 

Just look at the terrified families fleeing carnage in the Middle East or Mexico.

What is to be done?

When will we cut our losses and shake off the bonds of these war makers – foreign and domestic?

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Today’s Most Popular Stories on Global Research

August 22nd, 2015 by Global Research News

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GR’s Ukraine Report: 800+ articles

August 22nd, 2015 by Global Research News

Five GMO Myths Debunked by Vandana Shiva

August 22nd, 2015 by Dr. Vandana Shiva

1. Myth of the Green Revolution

I wrote a book for the United Nations University, “The Violence of the Green Revolution,” (1991) which has been republished by many publishers globally:

“As the agricultural systems of many countries are poised, as a result of the recent advances in biotechnology for what may soon come to be called the Second Green Revolution, this book is particularly appropriate. Vandana Shiva examined the impact of the first Green Revolution on the breadbasket of India. In a cogent empirical argument, she shows how the ‘quick fix’ promise of large gains in output pushed aside serious pursuit of an alternative agricultural strategy grounded in respect for the environmental wisdom of peasant systems and building an egalitarian, needs-prientated agriculture consistent with the village-based, endogenous political traditions of Gandhism. Dr Shiva documents the destruction of genetic diversity and soil fertility that resulted and in highly original fashion shows how the Green Revolution also contributed to the acute social and political conflicts now tearing the Punjab apart.

Set in the context of a sophisticated critique of the privileged epistemological position achieved by modern science, whereby it both aspires to provide technological solutions for social and political problems while at the same time disclaiming responsibility for the new problems which it creates in its wake, the author looks to the future in an analysis of a new project to apply the latest Gene Revolution technology to India and warns of the further environmental and social damage which will ensue.” Amazon.

My study was reinforced by the study done by Dr. Jatindar Bajaj, with whom I did MSc Hons in Physics from Punjab University in 1973. His study comparing pre and post Green Revolution performance showed that the rate of growth of aggregate crop production was higher in the years before the Green Revolution was introduced (1967-68) than after it.

Aggregate crop production was higher before the introduction of the Green Revolution in 1967-68. Photo credit: Dr. Vandana Shiva
Aggregate crop production was higher before the introduction of the Green Revolution in 1967-68. Photo credit: Dr. Vandana Shiva


 The Green Revolution did not save India from famine, as the proponents of Industrial Agriculture and GMO technology would argue, in fact the Green Revolution reduced India’s production. For more information about the Green Revolution read, Nothing Green in the Green Revolution in India Today.

2. Myth of GMO Golden Rice as a Solution to Malnutrition

Here is our analysis establishing that our indigenous biodiversity and knowledge is far superior than Golden Rice to address malnutrition. Syngenta owns Golden Rice. It’s promotion as the fruits of public sector research are a blatant lie and an attempt to mislead people across the world.

Further, the Golden Rice paper had to be retracted, any fabricated claims made based on the paper do not stand.

3. Myth that Obesity is the Only Disease Related to Food

The epidemic of cancer has affected the farmers of Punjab because of pesticides. It has affected farmers of West UP. In a single village, our recent field survey revealed that there were 100 cancer victims. The farmers are getting into debt and committing suicide buying the pesticides and the citizens are dying of cancer because of the same poisons.

This is why we started the Anna Swaraj Abhiyan 2020 from Meerut, the sacred land of our first movement of independence.

Our book Health Per Acre shows we can feed two India’s with nourishing, poison free food through organic.

Our book Wealth Per Acre, for which the Forward was written by the Hon Agriculture Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh, shows how the negative externalities of farming with poisons are costing the country $1.26 trillion annually.

4. Myth of Safety 

While the literature on biosafety is vast and I was appointed as a member of the expert group on biosafety by UNEP to create the framework for the International Law on Biosafety, two recent publications show that the assumption of safety and “substantial equivalence” is false.

One study is from the Norwegian Government, another by an Indian scientist from MIT who invented email.

New research is showing that there is no evidence of GMO safety.

Research is also showing the falseness of the assumption of substantial equivalence.

5. Myth of the GMOs Story as One of Science

The GMO story is not one of science, but of an unscientific and illegal takeover of our seeds and food.

Dr. Vandana Shiva is trained as a Physicist and did her Ph.D. on the subject “Hidden Variables and Non-locality in Quantum Theory” from the University of Western Ontario in Canada. She later shifted to inter-disciplinary research in science, technology and environmental policy, which she carried out at the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore, India. In 1991, she founded Navdanya, a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of living resources, especially native seed, the promotion of organic farming and fair trade. For last two decades Navdanya has worked with local communities and organizations serving more than 5,00,000 men and women farmers. For more information, visit www.navdanya.org.

Nearly 2,000 refugees and migrants have reportedly been stranded during a rainy night in a border area between Greece and Macedonia, with hundreds more arriving there in the hope of reaching Western Europe.

War refugees, mostly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, who have remained in the no-man’s land at the border area since Thursday, slept the night on Friday in open space despite heavy rain and declining temperatures, AFP reported.

This is while Macedonian army soldiers were deployed throughout the wooded area that lines the 50-kilometer border, the report added citing army spokesman colonel Mirce Gjorgoski, who did not offer further details.

Meanwhile, Macedonia declared a state of emergency on Thursday and sealed off its border for 24 hours.

However, following clashes between police and migrants that left at least eight refugees injured, Skopje decided to allow in a limited number of the migrants so that they could continue with their journey to Western Europe.

Macedonian security forces began allowing several dozens of refugees to cross the border and take a train to the north late on Friday in their efforts to reach the European Union zone.

Moreover, hundreds more migrants were also reported to be heading towards the border from the Greek side on foot or arriving on buses from the direction of the northern Greek port of Thessaloniki.

According to figures released by the UN refugee agency, thousands of migrants pour into Greece every week in an effort to travel through Macedonia and Serbia to reach the European Union.

While the scandal surrounding the emails sent and received by Hillary Clinton during her time as U.S. secretary of state continues to grow, Clinton has resorted to laughing it off.

This past weekend she told an audience of Iowa Democrats that she loves her Snapchat account because the messages automatically disappear. No one in the audience laughed.

Clinton admits deleting 30,000 government emails from her time in office. She claims they were personal, and that because they were also on a personal server, she was free to destroy them. Yet, federal law defines emails used during the course of one’s work for the federal government as the property of the federal government.

She could have designated which of the government’s emails were personal and then asked the government to send them to her and delete them from government servers. Instead she did the reverse. She decided which of her emails were governmental and sent them on to the State Department. Under federal law, that is not a determination she may lawfully make.

Yet, the 55,000 emails she sent to the feds were printed emails. By doing so, she stole from the government the metadata it owns, which accompanies all digital emails but is missing on the paper copies, and she denied the government the opportunity to trace those emails.

When asked why she chose to divert government emails through her own server, Clinton stated she believed it would enable her to carry just one mobile device for both personal and governmental emails. She later admitted she carried four such devices.

Then the scandal got more serious, as Clinton’s lawyers revealed that after she deleted the 30,000 emails, and printed the 55,000 she surrendered to the feds, she had the server that carried and stored them professionally wiped clean.

She had already denied routing classified materials through her server: “I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. … (I) did not send classified material.”

Then, the inspector general of the State Department and the inspector general of the intelligence community, each independent of the other, found four classified emails from among a random sample of 40.

Then the State Department inspector general concluded that one of the four was in fact top secret. Since it discussed satellite imagery of a foreign country and since it revealed intercepts of communications among foreign agents, it received additional legal protections that were intended to assure that it was only discussed in a secure location and never shared with a foreign government, not even an ally.

When Clinton was confronted with these facts, she changed her explanation from “I did not send classified material” to “I never sent or never received any email marked classified.” Not only is she continually changing her story, but she is being deceptive again. Emails are not “marked classified.” They are marked “top secret” or “secret” or “confidential.” Her explanations remind one of her husband’s word-splitting playbook.

Last weekend the State Department located 305 of her undeleted emails that likely are in the top secret or secret or classified categories.

What should be the consequence of her behavior with the nation’s most sensitive secrets?

If Clinton is indicted for failure to secure classified information, she will no doubt argue that if one of the above markings was not on the email, she did not know it was top secret. If she does make that incredible argument – how could satellite photos of a foreign country together with communications intercepts of foreign agents possibly not be top secret? – she will be confronted with a judicial instruction to the jury trying her.

The judge will tell the jury that the secretary of state is presumed to know what is top secret and what is not. The only way she could rebut that presumption is to take the witness stand in her own defense and attempt to persuade the jury that she was so busy, she didn’t notice the nature of the secrets with which she was dealing.

Not only would such an argument be incredible coming from a person of her intellect and government experience, but it begs the question. That’s because by using only her own server, she knowingly diverted all classified emails sent to her away from the government’s secure venue. That’s the crime.

Will she be indicted?

Consider this. In the past month, the Department of Justice indicted a young sailor who took a selfie in front of a sonar screen on a nuclear submarine and emailed the selfie to his girlfriend. It also indicted a Marine who sent an urgent warning to his superiors on his Gmail account about a dangerous Afghani spy who eventually killed three fellow Marines inside an American encampment. The emailing Marine was indicted for failure to secure classified materials. Gen. David Petraeus stored top-secret materials in an unlocked desk drawer in the study of his secured and guarded Virginia home and was indicted for the same crimes. And a former CIA agent was just sentenced to three years in prison for destroying one top-secret email.

What will happen if the FBI recommends that Clinton be indicted and the White House stonewalls? Will FBI Director Jim Comey threaten to resign as he threatened to do when President George W. Bush wanted him to deviate from accepted professional standards? Will Clinton get a pass? Will the public accept that?

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. Judge Napolitano has written seven books on the U.S. Constitution. The most recent is Suicide Pact: The Radical Expansion of Presidential Powers and the Lethal Threat to American Liberty. To find out more about Judge Napolitano and to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visithttp://www.creators.com.

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We witnessed something truly historic happen on Friday.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 530 points, and that followed a 358 point crashon Thursday.  When you add those two days together, the total two day stock market crash that we just witnessed comes to a grand total of 888 points, which is larger than any one day stock market crash in U.S. history. 

This is the first time that the Dow has dropped by more than 300 points on two consecutive days since November 2008, and we all remember what was happening back then.  Overall, this was the worst week for the Dow in four years, and there have only been five other months throughout history when the Dow has fallen by more than a thousand points (the most recent being October 2008).  Of course we still have six more trading days left in August, so there is plenty of time remaining for even more carnage.

By itself, the 530 point plunge on Friday was the ninth worst stock market crash in all of U.S. history.  The following list of the top eight comes from Wikipedia

#1 2008-09-29 −777.68

#2 2008-10-15 −733.08

#3 2001-09-17 −684.81

#4 2008-12-01 −679.95

#5 2008-10-09 −678.91

#6 2011-08-08 −634.76

#7 2000-04-14 −617.77

#8 1997-10-27 −554.26

The financial carnage that we witnessed on Friday was truly global in scope.  On a percentage basis, Chinese stocks crashed even more than U.S. stocks did.  Japanese stocks also crashed, so did stock markets all over Europe, and emerging market currencies all over the planet got absolutely destroyed.

The following is how Zero Hedge summarized what went down…

  • China’s worst week since July – closes at 5 month lows
  • Global Stocks’ worst week since May 2012
  • US Stocks’ worst week in 4 years
  • VIX’s biggest weekly rise ever
  • Crude’s longest losing streak in 29 years
  • Gold’s best week since January
  • 5Y TSY Yield’s biggest absolute drop in 2 years

Even though I specifically warned that this would happen, and have been explaining why it would happen on my website in excruciating detail for months, the truth is that I didn’t expect stocks to start crashing this quickly or this ferociously.

Normally, August is a fairly slow month in the financial world.  As I have discussed previously, most of the really noteworthy stock market crashes throughout history have taken place during the months of September and October.  So I thought that things wouldn’t start getting really crazy for another few weeks at least.

Financial markets tend to fall much faster than they go up, and I believe that we are moving into a time of extraordinary volatility.  There will be huge down days, and there will also be huge up days.  In fact, the three largest single day rallies in Dow history happened right in the middle of the financial crisis of 2008.  So don’t let what happens on any one particular day fool you.

An absolutely gigantic global financial bubble is beginning to burst, and stocks could potentially fall a very, very long way.  For instance, just consider what MarketWatch columnist Brett Arends has just written…

I don’t mean to be alarmist or to induce panic, but someone needs to tell the public that there is a plausible scenario in which the U.S. stock market now collapses by another 70% until the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls to about 5,000.

It is important to keep in mind that Arends is not a “bear” at all.  He is a very level-headed analyst that tries to objectively look at all sides of things.

I sincerely hope that global financial markets will stabilize for at least a couple of weeks.  But there is absolutely no guarantee that will happen.

So many of the things that I have been warning about on this website and on End of the American Dream are starting to unfold right in front of our eyes.  If I am right, this is just the beginning.  I believe that we are moving into a time of unprecedented chaos, and our nation is about to be shaken to the core.

Hopefully you have been preparing for the storm that is coming for quite a while and you will not be surprised by what is about to happen.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the vast majority of Americans.  Most of them are totally unprepared for what is coming, and they are going to be completely blindsided by the events that will unfold in the months ahead.

The relative calm of the past few years has lulled millions into a false sense of complacency.

If you are one of those that have dozed off, I have a word of warning for you…

Wake up and get ready. It’s starting.

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Financial penalties expected to hit British banks for Forex rigging will do little to tackle financial crime in the City of London as regulators continue to prioritize high finance over ordinary citizens, experts warn.

British banks could be fined billions in coming months as investors pursue them for rigging foreign exchange (Forex) rates, following a landmark US settlement on Friday.

RBS, Barclays, HSBC and Goldman Sachs were among nine global banks that agreed to the £1.3 billion (US$2 billion) settlement with irate investors who had been affected by the market manipulation.

The New York case is expected to unleash a further flood of claims in London, the largest foreign exchange trading hub in the world. Lawyers say the UK settlements could total tens of billions of pounds.

New Economics Foundation (NEF) Senior Economist Josh Ryan-Collins said rogue conduct within the financial sector is “driven by the need to make very high short-term returns to shareholders.”

He expressed little hope that financial penalties for Forex rigging will breed the root-and-branch reform that is required to clean up Britain’s banking sector.

Ryan-Collins, whose work focuses on financial reform, said rogue financiers should face imprisonment.

“To embed real change, management as well as ‘rogue traders’ themselves need to be held accountable for persistent manipulation activity of the type we have seen in Forex and Libor markets, including the threat of imprisonment,” he told RT.

“Unless there is structural change to the banking system to reduce the need for very high returns, for example by breaking up very large banks that have been persistent offenders, the problems we currently have are likely to return.”

Joel Benjamin, a research assistant at Goldsmiths University’s Political Economy Research Centre, told RT UK fines for Forex rigging will drive financial crime deeper into the shadow banking sector.

“Goldman Sachs and other banks are now moving to more sophisticated, chat room functions after trader chat incriminated traders with the Libor and Forex scandals,” he added.

Benjamin, who is also a campaigner for Debt Resistance UK, said the City of London’s regulatory climate is the least robust of all major global financial centers.

“Even though talk has shifted towards holding senior bankers accountable for failures, the scapegoating prosecution of Tom Hayes as the ‘ringleader’ of the Libor scandal does not bode well as a yard stick of regulatory endeavor by authorities,” he said.

Benjamin stressed that fines leveled at banks fail to tackle white collar crime, and hit shareholders as bankers remain unfazed.

He called for senior bank managers to be held accountable for financial crime, emphasizing such an approach would “send a clear message to the industry that fraud is no longer tolerated.”

Forex rigging was the most recent in a series of rate-rigging scandals to engulf the global financial sector. Criminal traders at some of the world’s biggest banks conspired to manipulate the $5.4 trillion-a-day market, while making handsome profits in the process.

They rigged the foreign currency trades via email and online chat rooms to the detriment of the companies and investors who had placed trust in them. The rogue traders then relayed instances where they bolstered their profits, while lobbying their managers for bigger bonuses.

British and American regulators have thus far fined banks over £6 billion for Forex rigging.

It has been suggested that hedge funds, pension funds and other investors could also launch cases against banks found guilty of Forex rigging in Singapore and Hong Kong.

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Natural gas has limited and expensive transport options. As a result, natural gas pipelines are constantly used as a tool of  political pressure and bargaining.

One of the most notable battlefields is the European continent, where Russia has exerted its influence through an intricate network of pipelines.

This article presents information on fourteen European pipeline networks.  

A gas pipeline network of the European continent

Click to see the full-size high resolution map (3000×3000)


Capacity: 55 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: Gazprom, Wintershall, E.ON, Gasunie, Engie.

The Nord Stream pipeline became operational in 2011. First proposed in 1997, disputes between Kiev and Moscow in 2006 and 2009 prompted Russia to stop natural gas flows through Ukraine, depriving Europe of natural gas and accelerating Nord Stream construction. The pipeline enables Russia to deliver energy directly to Germany and parts of Central Europe.


Capacity: 20 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: Gazprom, Wintershall, E.ON, Gasunie, Fluxys.

The NEL pipeline is complementary to the OPAL project and connects Nord Stream to existing gas infrastructure in western Germany.


Capacity: 35 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: Wintershall, Gazprom, E.ON.

The German-built OPAL pipeline came operational in 2011 and connects Nord Stream to the gas infrastructure in eastern Germany and Central Europe. The EU Third Energy Package limits how much Gazprom can use OPAL. The European Commission was expected to increase exemption by 50 percent in March 2014, allowing Gazprom to use the pipeline to full capacity. However, the commission postponed its plans because of Ukraine crisis.


Capacity: 84 bilion cubic meters per year. Partners: Gazprom, Beltrangaz, PGNiG.

The Northern Lights and Yamal-Europe pipelines are two major systems that deliver Russian gas to Eastern Europe. Poland depends on the pipeline system and lacks good alternatives. In an attempt to become less reliant on Russian energy, Warsaw seeks to develop an LNG import facility on the Baltic Sea.


Capacity: 26 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: Gazprom, Ukrtransgaz.

The Soyuz and Brotherhood pipelines are Gazprom’s major export routes for delivering gas to Europe through Ukraine. They have a total capacity of over 150 billion cubic meters. In an effort to avoid using Ukraine as a transit state, Gazprom is seeking alternative routes from 2019 onward.


Capacity: 132 bilion cubic meters per year. Partners: Gazprom, UkrTransGaz.

Together with the Soyuz pipeline, the Brotherhood and Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline systems are Gazprom’s major export conduits, delivering gas into Europe through Ukraine. Russia has been trying to reduce its reliance on Ukraine as a transit state.


Capacity: 16 bilion cubic meters per year (expanding to 19 bcm). Partners: Gazprom, BOTAS, Eni.

One of two major pipeline systems that Gazprom uses to deliver natural gas to Turkey. Gazprom can deliver about 16 bcm to Turkey via Ukraine, and another 16 bcm directly to Turkey via Blue Stream. At the moment, neither pipeline alone has the capacity to meet Turkey’s energy demands. In 2014, Turkey and Russia agreed to expand the capacity of Blue Stream by 3 bcm.


Capacity: 16 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: BOTAS, Transgaz, Bulgartransgaz.

The Russian Gas-West pipelines deliver gas to Turkey through Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria. In the future Turkish demand will exceed both the existing pipelines’ capacity and a third will be needed.


Capacity: 55 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: Gazprom, Shell, OMV, E.ON.

Gazprom signed a memorandum of understanding with Shell, OMV, and E.ON at the 2015 St Petersburg International Economic Forum to build the Nord Stream-2 pipeline. As proposed, Nord Stream-2 would be the same size as the original pipeline and go operational in late 2019. The pipeline will increase capacity over time to balance out reduced North Sea production.


Capacity: 63 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: BOTAS, Gazprom.

The pipeline is designed to provide an alternative route to deliver natural gas into southern Europe, bypassing Ukraine. Gazprom signed a deal with Greece for the Southern European Pipeline connector that would linkup with TurkStream at the Turkey-Greece border to move supplies into Europe. Gazprom and Turkey have yet to finalize an agreement on the TurkStream pipeline itself. One of Ankara’s biggest incentives to support TurkStream would be to remove its own reliance on Ukraine-transited gas.


Capacity: 20 billion to 40 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: Eustream, Transgaz, Bulgartransgaz.

Eastring would connect infrastructure in Slovakia to Romania and Bulgaria. Slovakia has taken the lead on the project and even suggested connecting to TurkStream. Bratislava wants to be part of Gazprom’s plans to diversify transit options away from Ukraine because Slovakia is the critical link between pipelines in Ukraine and central Europe.


Capacity: 10 bilion cubic meters per year. Partners: BP, SOCAR, Statoil, Fluxys, Enegas, Axpo.

TAP is one of the EU’s South Corridor projects designed to move gas from the Caspian Sea region to Southern Europe through Turkey as a way to reduce reliance on Russia. The TAP pipeline would connect with the TANAP pipeline at the Turkey-Greece border and send gas to Italy through Albania. Construction on the project is expected to begin in 2015.


Capacity: 16 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: SOCAR, BP, BOTAS.

TANAP is designed to move gas from Azerbaijan’s to Turkey, where it will connect to markets in Europe. TANAP will send 16 billion cubic meters of gas into Turkey where it will connect with the TAP pipeline to send 10 bcm onward to Europe. The TANAP and TAP projects are cornerstones of the European Union’s Southern Gas Corridor energy projects to bring Caspian-sourced gas into Europe to counteract dependence on Russia. Construction on TANAP is expected to be complete by 2018.


Capacity: 63 billion cubic meters per year. Partners: Gazprom, Eni, others.

South Stream was a pipeline system that would have sent gas from Russia to Bulgaria across the Black Sea and then onward through Serbia into Central Europe. Gazprom canceled the project in December 2013 and is pursuing the TurkStream pipeline project instead, hoping to achieve the same strategic goal of bypassing Ukraine. The European Commission opposed South Stream and contributed to Gazprom’s cancellation of the project.

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Jenan Moussa of Al-Aan TV is the first journalist to get an interview with the lieutenant in charge of Division 30, the 54 fighter force trained and funded by the United States with the ‘stated’  objective of fighting ISIS.

A lot of ridicule has surrounded the formation of this group. In September 2014, congress approved a budget of $500 million to train & equip a force of 5000 “moderate” Syrian rebels . To the amusement of everyone it took 10 months to train a mere 54 rebels. It proved very difficult for the Americans to find them because the majority of the anti-government rebels on the ground  in Syria are Salafists and Takfiris whose priority is to remove Assad rather than fight ISIS. This difficulty was also due to the fact that most “moderate” Syrians actually supported the president.

On July 12, 2015 the 54 members of Division 30 entered Syria. As soon as they crossed the border a number of them were kidnapped by Jabhat al-Nusra, a Syrian rebel group affiliated with Al-Qaeda. When the remainder of the group reached their base, they were attacked by al-Nusra. There was a lot of speculation in the media over how many were killed and captured. In this interview 1st Lieutenant Abou Iskandar of Division 30 tells his version of events.

emphasis added

Abou Iskandar: When we entered Syria on July 12, at around 6 am, there had been previous coordination with the FSA who were providing us with groups of troops that would protect us. We headed towards our base where we were fully provided with weapons. At the time of the Nusra attack only 10 of the 54 fighters were at the base as the rest were away on a rest break. Our entry into Syria and our presence at the base had previously been coordinated with Jabhat al-Nusra. Nusra was being targeted by the coalition for 2 years before our arrival so the accusation that we were the arm of the US and that we were providing the coalition with their locations is not true.

Jabhat al-Nusra and all the other groups on the ground are our brothers and we are basically FSA and we’ve been fighting Assad for 4 years so we were surprised by their attack on us. Before the attack Colonel Nadim Hassan was kidnapped. Nadim Hassan is a very decent person and an honorable officer who only wants to serve his country. They said we are agents of the west. We are agents of our country, our nation and our people, nothing more. I want to convey a message: we serve the interests of our country. We are agents of every child in the refugee camps. We are agents of every person who tried to escape to Europe by sea only to die by drowning. We are here to fight oppression and we hope the people will stand by us. So Colonel Nadim was kidnapped by a group of Nusra rebels and we were surprised and don’t know why they did this.

Then Nusra attacked us. There were about 40 FSA troops protecting us. Nusra claimed that coalition planes participated in our defense but that wasn’t true initially. We had excellent weapons and our training is excellent. So we are able to inflict losses on any enemy who would come at us. Five of the protective troops who were with us got martyred as well as several Nusra fighters. Now, both of these are our sons and should not die like this. They should be martyred either fighting Assad or Baghdadi’s men who are killing Sunnis. I want to tell everyone, we Sunnis are not terrorists. The sunnis are peaceful and would like to live in peace with all the other sects: the Druze and even the Alawites. We have a lot of Alawite friends. Our fight is with Bashar. Our problem is not training. Our problem is the lack of a no fly zone. Give us that and we will not need training from any outside country. And we will not go back to Europe. We thank all the countries that helped us.

Jenan Moussa: When you say you coordinated with Jabhat al-Nusra what does that mean? How did you make sure that that they would not attack you? Also was Colonel Nadim Hassan kidnapped at the border crossing as soon as he entered Syria or later?

Abou Iskandar: We are required to coordinate with all the fighting groups. There were contacts made with Nusra a week before we entered. Four months ago, Nusra expressed that they are all for our program. They said : go get arms and come and fight Daesh. You will relieve some of the pressure that’s on us. So we were surprised by what they did and we still don’t know why they kidnapped Colonel Hassan who is a very decent man with not one black spot in his revolutionary life.We are willing to fight anyone who attacks Division 30 and no one should say that the coalition is with us. Just our men who were trained in the program who acquired great expertise. Don’t underestimate the number 54. Besides we are not 54. There are thousands of us. There are many who are helping us on the ground.

Jenan Moussa: Tell us about the training of the 54 and what kind of weapons they have. A lot of people are saying that your weapons were seized by Jabhat al-Nusra. And what is left? And regarding the 54, where are they? How many are left? And also there are reports that Nusra released 7  men? What is your comment?

Abou Iskandar: All our weapons are still with us. Nusra never reached our base so they did not get any of them. As for the 54, they are not all here now but all are well. The men who died in the attack were of the protective troops not of the 54. There are 33 here now. Five were were kidnapped by Nusra but have now been released. So all 54 who were trained in the program are alive.

Jenan Moussa: How did the release of the five come about.

Abou Iskandar: I believe it was through negotiations with their families.

Jenan Moussa: As for the strike that the coalition made to help you at the time of the attack did you request it?

Abou Iskandar: The coalition have tracking equipment and can tell where every one of us was during the attack. Naturally they helped us. Its normal. They promised that they will aid us in case anybody attacks us, even the regime.

Jenan Moussa: Don’t you consider that the Americans throwing the 54 of you here was wrong? What can 54 men do in view of the large number of extremist groups on the ground? Just by the fact that you were trained by the Americans, you have been branded and have become a target for these groups. Wouldn’t it have been a good idea to wait? Do you hold any grudges against the Americans for this?

Abou Iskandar: You in the media keep saying the Americans. You should say coalition. The Americans are merely part of the coalition. The coalition has provided us with so much. At this point, Bashar is the enemy and he’s going to fall, but who is the alternative? Who will take his place? He is going to fall. If we had a strong army with unified command we could remove him in 48 hours. But presently who is the alternative? Can we hand over the coastal area to Daesh? We can’t accept such a thing. We came here to fight Daesh and relieve the people from its oppression. Raqqa. Women are being sold in auctions. Yazidi women are Syrians.

Jenan Moussa: How were the 54 chosen? Why you specifically?

Abou Iskandar: We applied for the training. The program was supposed to graduate 54 men every month and we are the first group. We were supposed to come and fight Daesh and we had no idea anyone else would attack us. Some people belittle the number 54. Some of us are excellent snipers. Other groups specialize in live contacting and specifying targets against Daesh. The 54 of us are going to work with the FSA’s operation room. Besides, we ourselves are FSA.

Video of original interview in Arabic:

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US orchestrated plans to topple Ecuador’s Rafael Correa continue. On August 17, Telesur reported disruptive elements attacked Ecuadorian soldiers and police with live fire. Eleven injuries were reported.

Last week, violence rocked Quito. Dozens of police and several journalists were injured. Correa blasted opposition elements trying to destabilize Ecuador.

“I’ve never seen them so violent, so aggressive,” he said. “Those who used violence will be punished with the full vigor of the law.”

Ecuarunari (movement of Ecuadorian indigenous people of Kichwa nationality) leader Carlos Perez was videotaped encouraging violence. Attacks on police followed.

Conaie indigenous leader Jorge Herrera called on National Assembly members to reject constitutional amendments being considered – including scrapping presidential term limits, letting Correa run again in 2017. Perez demands he resign.

He publicly urged insurrection, saying “I call on the military (and) police (to) rebel. You cannot blindly follow an illegitimate act. You cannot do this. If I go to prison for saying this, I welcome this.”

Correa enjoys strong popular support. He blasted both opposition figures for their disruptive actions.

He said opposition groups turned to violence because their general strike called last week failed. It drew little support.

Ruling PAIS Alliance party Secretary-General Doris Soliz said “(t)he Ecuadorian people turned their backs on this strike. There was no strike.”

This is very important to point out, for there to be a strike that means that you need to shut down factories, halt economic activities, but there was not a single strike in any factory in the country. Workers, business owners, people in the transportation sector, economic sectors did not go on strike.

Political analyst Isabel Ramos said opposition forces “want to show their political strength through violence, not through popular support, not through organization, not through legitimate forms of social protest. Social protest is profoundly democratic. But what is going on here is what actions they are taking and what interests are at play.”

Expect no letup in US-orchestrated anti-Correa violence and destabilization any time soon.

It remains to be seen what opposition forces plan next. Right-wing extremism doesn’t back down easily.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro expressed solidarity with Correa and Brazilian leader Dilma Rousseff – her country wracked by what analyst Joao Feres calls right-wing media orchestrated protests.

Her supporters call demands she step down a coup plot. Washington’s dirty hands may be involved. Feres believes protests will fade. Support for reconciliation and dialogue are strong, he said.

Maduro denounced “US imperialism (and national) oligarchies.” He accused them of “sabotaging” left and center-left governments throughout Latin America.

He praised Correa as an “undefeated leader” – victorious in three presidential elections. He denounced indigenous leaders “bought by NGOs” to appear Ecuadorians “are against Correa.”

He said Brazil’s far right “has not stopped conspiring against Dilma.” He ordered Venezuela’s border with Colombia closed in response to paramilitary violence – at least for 72 hours, maybe longer.

He acted after paramilitaries from Colombia ambushed and injured three Venezuelan soldiers in Tachira state.

“It’s outrageous,” he said. “Everyone should show solidarity with the armed forces, the military personnel who are at the border to defend the homeland.”

“Enough of paramilitary terrorism! It’s time for justice for Tachira.” Its local government expressed support for border closure.

Maduro has called on Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos to cooperate in cracking down on cross-border crime.

He warned about numerous paramilitary groups operating in Venezuela – vowing to deal with them harshly saying “(w)e will capture all paramilitary groups who want to hurt Venezuela.”

Washington’s dirty hands are involved in all Latin American violent and destabilizing activities – part of US policy aiming to establish client states throughout the region.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.


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This week marks the second anniversary of the infamous chemical weapons attack on the Damascus suburb of Ghouta.

What makes that incident significant, both politically and historically, is the fact that, despite the evidence of Syrian government involvement being non-existent, the Obama administration nearly began a war with Syria using Ghouta as the pretext.

As the months have passed however, scientific studies amassing an impressive body of evidence have shown that, not only were Washington’s claims of “certainty” that Assad’s forces had used chemical weapons in their war with extremist fighters utterly baseless, but in fact the reality was quite the opposite – the rebels were the most likely culprits of the attack.

Additionally, in the year since the Ghouta attack, the nature of the war in Syria, and specifically the way in which it is understood in the West, has changed dramatically. The so-called rebels have been defeated in regular battles and skirmishes with Syrian military forces, while the specter of ISIS has emerged as the embodiment of evil in the eyes of the Western public.

While ISIS (now the Islamic State, or IS) was summarily executing Syrian civilians in Aleppo and smaller towns in Syria, they were no threat. While they were merely destroying Christian and Shiite shrines, crucifying prisoners, and sowing terror throughout Syria, they did not constitute a serious problem.

However, now that the IS has emerged on the world stage, controlling parts of Syria and Iraq, and expanding into Lebanon, the equation on the ground in Syria has changed. With the West, in particular the United States, desperately seeking to reestablish a politically dominant position in Syria and delegitimize Assad and his government, the pretext for aggression has shifted from chemical weapons and Assad’s ‘butchery’ to the inescapable need to combat the IS.

Though conditions on the ground have changed in the last 12 months, the West’s agenda for Syria has changed very little. Regime change is still the name of the game.

AFP Photo / HO

Ghouta: Washington’s lies debunked

By the morning of August 22, 2013 – mere hours after the incident – the Western media had already tried and convicted Syrian President Bashar Assad for the chemical attack on Ghouta, which allegedly killed roughly 1,300 Syrians. Headlinesaround the world, such as “Syria’s darkest day? Opposition blames Assad forces as up to 1,300 killed in ‘poison gas attacks’”had already convinced the world that Damascus was behind the attack, that Assad was obviously a war criminal with a lust for blood, and that Western intervention was both necessary and morally justified.

Such was the tone of political discourse and rhetoric in the West following the attack. But then, a funny thing happened…people began questioning the validity of the claims and demanding irrefutable evidence.

I am happy to say that I was one of those people demanding that the US-NATO version of events be scrutinized carefully. In an article dated August 30, 2013, and titled ‘Debunking the US Government Assessment of the Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013’ I examined carefully the claims made by Washington that purported to establish undeniable proof that Assad’s forces carried out the attack. In the article, which provided a point-by-point refutation of Washington’s allegations, I wrote:

Any critical reading of this document [the US Assessment] must begin with the notions of ‘human intelligence’ and ‘witness accounts’. Such terminology indicates that the US is simply basing pre-conceived conclusions on rebel sources and the much touted ‘activists’ who seem to always be the sources quoted in Western media reports. Secondly, it is obvious that US officials have cherry-picked their eyewitness accounts as there are many, from both sides of the conflict, which directly contradict this so-called high-confidence assessment.

Just by examining the conclusions drawn by Washington at the time, it was abundantly clear that a political, rather than a forensic and evidenced-based, account of the events was being presented by the White House. However, the attempt to make war on Syria ultimately faltered for political reasons, and so, the story mostly fell away from the public spotlight.

In the subsequent months, multiple studies were in fact carried out to try to firmly establish the truth of what happened in Ghouta. In a comprehensive report released in January 2014 (more than four months after the incident), former UN weapons inspector Richard Lloyd and Prof. Theodore Postol of MIT effectively debunked the claims of the US government (along with Human Rights Watch and a number of other organizations), showing conclusively that US intelligence and conclusions regarding the incident were grossly inaccurate. The report, entitled Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013, notes that:

The Syrian improvised chemical munitions that were used in the August 21 nerve agent attack in Damascus have a range of about 2km…[The evidence] indicates that these munitions could not possibly have been fired at East Ghouta from the ‘heart’, or from the eastern edge, of the Syrian Government-controlled area shown in the intelligence map published by the White House on August 30, 2013…The UN independent assessment of the range of the chemical munitions is in exact agreement with our findings…this mistaken intelligence could have led to an unjustified US military action based on false intelligence.

A handout image released by the Syrian opposition's Shaam News Network shows people inspecting bodies of children and adults laying on the ground as Syrian rebels claim they were killed in a toxic gas attack by pro-government forces in eastern Ghouta, on the outskirts of Damascus on August 21, 2013. (AFP/Shaam News Network)

And so, once an honest, scientific investigation was conducted, the entire fabricated narrative with which Washington sought authorization to go to war in Syria was exposed as fraudulent. Unfortunately, by that point most of the world was no longer paying attention.

A few months later, in April 2014, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh published his absolutely critical pieceThe Red Line and the Rat Line in which he wrote:

The American and British intelligence communities had been aware since the spring of 2013 that some rebel units in Syria were developing chemical weapons…Defense Intelligence Agency issued a highly classified five-page ‘talking points’ briefing… which stated that Al-Nusra maintained a sarin production cell: its program, the paper said, was ‘the most advanced sarin plot since Al-Qaeda’s pre-9/11 effort…Previous IC [intelligence community] focus had been almost entirely on Syrian CW [chemical weapons] stockpiles; now we see ANF attempting to make its own CW … Al-Nusra Front’s relative freedom of operation within Syria leads us to assess the group’s CW aspirations will be difficult to disrupt in the future.’ The paper drew on classified intelligence from numerous agencies: ‘Turkey and Saudi-based chemical facilitators,’ it said, ‘were attempting to obtain sarin precursors in bulk, tens of kilograms, likely for the anticipated large-scale production effort in Syria.’

So Hersh’s reporting finally firmly established the fact that the rebels were indeed capable of carrying out the attack on East Ghouta, and that they had help from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and possibly other regional actors. And so, not only did they have the motive (to blame Assad for using chemical weapons while international investigators were in Syria, thereby justifying a military intervention and regime change), but also the means and opportunity. This is an essential point because the entire ‘case’ against Assad relied on the fact that only Damascus was technologically and logistically capable of carrying out such an attack. On the contrary, evidence has since come to light substantiating the claim from Damascus all along that the rebels indeed carried out the attack.

Why go into this history with the first anniversary upon us? Because it provides observers with a case study in how Western propaganda operates, how it works in synchronicity with the policy agendas of the Western powers, how it serves to suppress and/or distort facts in order to shape them to fit a pre-conceived narrative. They did, and continue to do, it in Syria. They’re doing it in Ukraine. They’re doing it in Iraq (not for the first time). It is predictable yet, sadly, many still fall for it.

AFP Photo / HO

How ISIS changed conversation, but not agenda

In the year since the Ghouta attack, the war in Syria has taken on a new dimension. With the rise to public infamy of the IS, the conversation around Syria has changed drastically. Before, the warmongers such as John McCain and others argued that the US must bomb Syria in order to effect regime change, ousting the ‘butcher’ Assad and replacing his government with one more amenable to Washington. Today, the same warmongers make the same tired arguments about the necessity of using military ‘intervention’ to fight the menace of the IS, an organization now controlling vast swaths of Iraq and Syria.

The gruesome video allegedly depicting American journalist James Wright Foley being executed by members of the IS has predictably elicited bellicose rhetoric from seemingly every corner of US political life. The unabashedly right-wing New York Post published an editorial entitled Time to Bomb ISIS in which the authors wrote, “[This incident] puts President Obama in a difficult spot. But the president must do whatever it takes to counter this vicious savagery: that is, launch full-throttled airstrikes against ISIS and its ‘caliphate’ in Iraq and Syria – until the threat is gone…With American lives now being taken and even more at risk, America is now directly involved. No more playing footsie with butchers.”

The editorial offers insights into the thinking of US imperialists who have been calling for US military action against Syria for more than a year, who supported the illegal US war on Iraq, and seemingly every instance of US aggression throughout the world, especially when initiated by Republican presidents. Indeed, a close reading of the above excerpt makes it clear that many in the US feel that the IS should be used as a pretext to ‘finish the job’, so to speak. “No more playing footsie with butchers” is a revealing statement, showing clearly that the vilified Assad must be destroyed via an operation against the IS.

Notice also that the authors make the appallingly ignorant statement that “America is now directly involved.” Naturally, these political observers must have been asleep for the past three years, as the US has been intimately involved in every phase of the destabilization of Syria. As the NYT reported back in June 2012, the CIA has been working extensively with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood to funnel weapons, communications equipment, and other material support to the extremists in Syria fighting against the government of Assad.

Naturally, those weapons and materiel have been used to create and expand the terror group we now call the IS. And so, in a very direct way, the cancer spreading through Iraq and Syria is a US-NATO-GCC creation. But of course, according to the eminent American analysts at the NY Post and elsewhere, the US has been merely a sideline cheerleader, totally uninvolved in the chaos in the region. Whether these ‘experts’ are willfully ignorant, deliberately deceitful or genuinely stupid is certainly up for debate.

But, a look at the media coverage of the IS and the region in recent weeks does not bode well for the millions around the world who have simply had enough of US ‘interventions’ in the Middle East and beyond. The drumbeat for war is once again audible, as it was exactly one year ago with the incident in Ghouta. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Yesterday’s chemical weapons have become today’s IS threat.

Conveniently for Washington, no matter which way the menu is written, war is the main course.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

Eric Draitser is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City and the founder of StopImperialism.com. He is a regular contributor to RT, Counterpunch, New Eastern Outlook, Press TV, and many other news outlets. Visit StopImperialism.com for all his work.

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The two big surprises of the 2016 presidential race so far are Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Two dark horse candidates opposed by party insiders, each began a substantial surge in campaign polls around the beginning of July. In Real Clear Politics‘ average of polls, Sanders has gone from 12.7 percent to 25.0 percent since July 1, while Trump has gone from 6 percent to 22 percent.

Yet corporate media show a fascination with just one of these characters. Is it the self-described socialist senator from Vermont, who has focused his campaign on combating the US’s rising inequality? Or is it the billionaire real-estate developer who blames America’s economic troubles on foreigners and calls for massive deportations?

Trump, Trump, Trump Sanders (Trump photo: Gage Skidmore)

The approximate ratio of Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders corporate media think you need in your campaign coverage. (Trump photo: Gage Skidmore)

Unsurprisingly, corporate media are mainly interested in Cinderella stories when they don’t question the wealth of the class that owns and advertises in media outlets.

Trump Sanders Chart

Stories mentioning Bernie Sanders as a percentage of those mentioning Donald Trump in selected news outlets (7/1/15-8/21/15)

We used the Nexis database to see how often various news outlets had mentioned Sanders and Trump since July 1. The biggest gap we found was in the medium that reaches the most voters: broadcast network TV. On average, ABC, CBS and NBC named Sanders in their news stories 17 percent as often as they named Trump–roughly one story that included the senator for every six with the developer.

Leading newspapers–the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, LA Times and USA Today–ran three times as many Trump stories as Sanders stories: Sanders was mentioned 34 percent as often as Trump in these papers. (The Journal‘s articles are available as abstracts, not full text, on Nexis.) The New York Times had the highest ratio of Sanders to Trump mentions, at 49 percent; the Journal had the lowest, with 22 percent.

All the cable news channels talked about Trump more often than Sanders–even MSNBC, which often caters to a progressive audience. MSNBC did come closest to parity of any outlet we looked at, however, with 67 percent as many Sanders as Trump stories. Fox News also had relatively frequent references to Sanders, 53 percent as many as its Trump references. CNN was the most Trump-heavy of the cable networks, mentioning Sanders only 33 percent as often. Overall, cable news referred to Sanders an average of 51 percent as often as Trump.

Public broadcasting didn’t pay more attention to Sanders than did for-profit cable. OnNPR, Sanders came up 39 percent as often as Trump on NPR, and 56 percent as frequently on PBS NewsHour–averaging to 48 percent.

On average, the 13 outlets we surveyed had 36 percent as many references to Sanders as to Trump. While these candidates are backed by roughly as many voters in their own parties, among the general public Sanders is far more popular; in recent polls, 59 percent express a negative opinion of Trump, with about half as many liking him, whereas Sanders is one of the rare politicians who is viewed more often favorably than unfavorably. On the rare occasions when pollsters match up Republican hopefuls with anyone besides Clinton, Sanders trumps Trump.

So why should news outlets think voters need to hear about Trump about three times as often as they hear about Sanders?

Jim Naureckas is the editor of FAIR.org. Research assistance: Michael Tkaczevski

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DPR Intelligence has released a plan of Kiev to break the Minsk agreements and start a full-scale military operation in Donbass. After artillery preparation fire against positions of the DPR Armed Forces, Kiev military will start an offensive from the Mariupol and Debaltsevo sectors in the direction of the Uspenka settlement to take control of the border with Russia and prevent locals’ from fleeing to Russia.

At the very same moment, Kiev forces will advance in the direction of Ilovaisk to encircle Donetsk from the South and North.

In the Lugansk direction, pro-Kiev militants are planning to exercise separate military actions against LPR Armed Forces. The aims are to move to block the border with Russia and exclude capacity of LPR military to provide support in the DPR battle ground. Kiev strategists hope to defeat the defenders of Donbass and to destroy people’s republics on account of these actions.

On August 20, 3 Kiev cutting edges of military power were formed and established at the contact line. There are 5 separate mechanised brigades, 2 separate batte tank brigades, 1 artillery brigade and 1 group of military rocket launchers systems in the Mariupol sector. The cutting edge includes over 22 000 of the military personnel, more than 130 battle tanks, 560 APCs, 55 MLRS units, 200 artillery guns and mortars, 720 armor-defeating weapons.

5 separate mechanised brigades, 1 separate battle tank brigade, 2 airmobile infantry brigades, a rocket brigade Tochka U and a brigade of MLRS. In this sector, Pro-Kiev forces include more than 15000 of the military personnel, 110 battle tanks, 430 armored personnel carriers, 5 units of Tochka U, 50 units of MLRS, 220 artillery guns and mortars, 620 armor-defeating weapons.

In the Debaltsevo sector, Kiev concentrated 5 separate mechanised brigades, 1 separate battle tank brigade, 3 artillery brigades and a brigade of MLRS. The Debaltsevo cutting edge includes more than 19000 of the military personnel, 70 battle tanks, 580 armored personnel carriers, 45 units of MLRS, 230 artillery guns and mortars, 910 armor-defeating weapons.

4 separate mechanised brigades, 2 artillery brigades and a brigade of MLRS are at the LPR direction. This cutting edge includes more than 18000 of the military personnel, 60 battle tanks, 530 armored personnel carriers, 30 units of MLRS, 230 artillery guns and mortars, 1000 armor-defeating weapons.

On reserve Kiev has 2 separate battle tank brigades, 4 airmobile infantry brigades, an airborne brigade, 3 artillery brigades and a brigade of MLRS. Totally, the reserve includes 14200 of the military personnel, 70 battle tanks, 450 armored personnel carriers, 50 units of MLRS, 175 artillery guns and mortars, 350 armor-defeating weapons.

Thus, Kiev has finished the preparations for an all-out military operation in Donbass. The future developments depend on the reaction of people’s republics, internal political developments and the international diplomatic situation.

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Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was widely expected to call snap elections – Greece’s fifth general election in six years.

Twenty-nine anti-austerity SYRIZA party members bolted. They’ll challenge Tsipras despite virtually no chance to prevail. They formed a new Popular Unity party headed by former energy minister/vocal Tsipras critic Panagiotis Lafazanis.

They call it a “wide, anti-memorandum (austerity), progressive democratic front that will go to the elections with the agenda to cancel all memoranda,” a statement they issued said.

They accused Tsipras of breaching his anti-austerity campaign pledge. He signed a new austerity memorandum without approval of other SYRIZA members, they explained. They continued saying:

The snap elections Alexis Tsipras decided, will be held in order to bury the proud ‘no’ of the referendum. To bury the anti-memorandum struggles and anti-memorandum expectations of the people, Greek people are asked to put a noose around their necks and approve a new memorandum.

The Left Platform, faithful to the SYRIZA commitments, consistent with the ‘no’ of the Greek people, carries the flag of the struggle to get out of the crisis, for productive reconstruction and progress…

The Left Platform will immediately form a wide, anti-memorandum, progressive democratic front that will go to the elections with the agenda to cancel all memoranda.

To move toward the write-off of the biggest part of the debt…To cancel austerity in wages, pensions and social spending. To stop the sellout of Greece’s state property. To put the country on a new path of national independence, sovereignty, recovery and a new progressive course.

Lafazanis said “(a) new power is coming to the fore…(W)e will not fall victim to blackmail. We want to become a great movement that will sweep the bailouts aside.

The country cannot take more bailouts. We will either finish off the bailouts, or the bailouts will finish off Greece and the Greek people. The country cannot breathe and stand on its feet unless a big part of the debt is cancelled.

Popular Unity’s stated objectives are canceling Greece’s three bailouts, writing down or renouncing its odious debt, and leaving Eurozone bondage “if necessary” to regain Greek sovereignty and help it recover and grow.

It remains to be seen how voters react to this message. With snap elections a month away, there’s precious little time to enlist enough support to matter.

Candidate Tsipras made glowing pledges. Straightaway in office he breached them. Are Popular Unity members different? Politicians of all stripes notoriously make promises they systematically compromise or violate if elected.

It’s hard imagining anything in prospect able to end Greece’s long nightmare. Its political class is beholden to Troika monied interests running things.

No party is strong enough to win majority control. SYRIZA will likely retain enough support to govern with one or more coalition partners.

Popular Unity has no chance to change bailout terms or end what Paul Craig Roberts calls Greece’s “foreign occupation.”

Western monied interests intend looting the country, pillaging its crown jewels, keeping it debt entrapped, exploiting its people more than already, destroying its sovereignty, and making it a dystopian Troika controlled colony.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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Closing Guantanamo is not something that we should leave for the next president, but Obama is running out of time, said Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. The Pentagon’s process of moving the camp to inside US borders is proving to be difficult.

As long as this detention facility remains open, it will remain a rallying cry for jihadi propaganda,” Carter told reporters on Thursday. Obama promised to close the notorious prison, presently holding 116 detainees, at the beginning of his tenure and has been reiterating the pledge through his time in the office.

Closing the detention facility in Guantanamo is not something, in my judgment, that we should leave to the next president, whether Republican or Democrat,” he said, adding that he strongly supports President Obama’s plan for bringing a“responsible end” to ending detention at Guantanamo.

“It’s expensive for this department and not something the president wants to leave for his successor,” he said.

Out of 116 detainees some are eligible for transfer to other countries, and the defense secretary said that he approved the transfer of several detainees and “will continue to do so when appropriate.”

The second category of detainee includes those who are not eligible for transfer, and Carter insisted that Guantanamo cannot be closed until a solution for these detainees is found. He said that these detainees should remain held within the“law of war detention” in the interest of national security. Carter said that he therefore wanted to complete a “responsible, realistic and security-focused plan for an alternative detention facility” for this second group of detainees.

The defense secretary added that he made a “concrete step” in the direction of fulfilling this plan by ordering the evaluation of potential sites for relocation in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and Charleston, South Carolina for the detention of prisoners and that other sites would be examined in coming weeks.

Carter ended his oration by calling on Congress to give the Department of Defense “budget certainty” when they vote on the national budget in September.

While the defense secretary focused on the administration’s progress in fulfilling the promise of closing the camp, there is new opposition against the plan to close Guantanamo on the state level.

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley held a news conference to announce her opposition to any plans to bring Guantanamo detainees to her state. The governor mentioned that South Carolina would do whatever it takes to stop the relocating, adding that the transfer “is a violation of federal law.”

Kansas lawmakers also voiced their opposition, pushing back against any plan that would use the Fort Leavenworth military prison to house detainees. Kansas Senator Pat Roberts said in a statement that he considers the shutting down of Guantanamo bay an “egregious overstep” by the Obama administration.

He will hold up the nomination for the next secretary of the Army, like he did in 2009, if the administration begins to make plans to bring Guantanamo detainees to Fort Leavenworth.

“I shut down this administration’s nominee for secretary of the Army in 2009 to prevent moving any detainees to Kansas and will do it again if necessary,” Roberts said. “Not on my watch will any terrorist be placed in Kansas.”

The Guantanamo Bay detention camp was opened in 2002 to hold suspected terrorists and is located outside of the US border in a US Navy-controlled part of Cuba. It has faced criticism for the treatment of the detainees, who are held without trial indefinitely and often face torture. Current and former detainees have made allegations of practices such as forced drugging and sexual humiliation. President Barack Obama’s promise to close the camp was a part of his 2008 campaign.

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In 1991, UN Security Council Resolution 678 under Chapter VII led to the “destruction of the infrastructure necessary to support human life in Iraq.” (Quote from Report by Marti Ahtisaari)

In 2011, UN Security Council Resolution 1973 under Chapter VII led to the destruction of Libya, now a terrorist infested failed state.

Will another Security Council Resolution under Chapter VII lead to the destruction of Russia?

When the following five words are heard at the UN Security Council: “Resolution Adopted Under Chapter VII,” be afraid, be very afraid! For the second time in 21 days, Russia vetoed a US-NATO sponsored draft resolution, the most recent one invoking Chapter VII. Russia’s veto helped avert the risk of a major war.

The agenda of the Malaysia draft resolution S/2015/562 was transparent, and any suggestion of impartiality was ludicrous. The war drums were beating, and without trial, without the presumption of innocence, and without any impartial investigation into the actual perpetrators of the internecine warfare which is now destroying Ukraine, Russia is condemned as the guilty party, though the facts reveal that Russia is the victim of intrigues so Byzantine that even Russia may not be able to withstand them.

Although the responsibility for the downing of Malaysia Airline Flight MH17 on July 17, 2014 has never been established, nor, indeed, has it been established if the downing of the flight was an accident, a mistake, or an act of premeditated murder, the Malaysia draft resolution vetoed by Russia, with abstentions by China, Angola and Venezuela, has prejudged, tried, convicted, condemned and sentenced to imprisonment or death parties which are the victims of one of history’s most venal acts of geopolitical engineering, the destabilization and overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President Yanukovich, an action masterminded by US Assistant Secretary of State Nuland, on behalf of the US-NATO neo-conservative agenda.

The consequences of this destabilization of Ukraine have been described in detail by the Russian Ambassador one year ago, during Security Council meeting 7231 on July 30, 2014, as follows:

“The cruelty of the Kiev authorities’ attacks have simply spiraled. Donetsk, Luhansk, Horlivka and many other residential areas have suffered massive bombardments, including indiscriminate firing of Grad rockets and aerial bombing. Strikes are hitting civilian targets, including transport and public routes, hospitals and residential areas. In Horlivka alone, dozens of civilians have died. And in most cases there are no militias to be found anywhere near. Does the information that we have been seeing on the use of Ukrainian military ballistic missiles not speak to rampant military escalation? All of this fully supports our description of the Kiev authorities’ actions as a punitive operation against its own people. A stream of refugees continue to arrive on Russian territory, with more than 150,000 so far seeking temporary asylum, residence permits or citizenship.

The number of those who are crossing the border and staying in the Russian Federation has reached the hundreds of thousands. Rockets launched by Ukrainian forces continue to fall on Russian territory. On 29 July, Russian customs personnel at the Gukovo border crossing were again deliberately fired on. It appears that Kiev does not want the OSCE observer mission to conduct its normal work monitoring the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border. We demand that Kiev stop firing on Russian territory and ensure the international observers’ safety.”

In this year’s UN Security Council Meeting 7498 the Russian Ambassador further affirmed:

In Resolution 2166 (2014) we insisted on the inclusion in the text of provisions concerning the immediate cessation of all military activities in the area directly adjacent to the crash site. It was the Russian Federation that raised in the Security Council the issue of Kiev’s violation of that provision in August, when the Ukrainian authorities unilaterally declared they would no longer adhere to the ceasefire agreement, as a result of which the joint investigation team was forced to suspend its work for a lengthy period. Within the framework of the technical investigation, pursuant to annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Russian experts transferred to the Dutch side all the information requested of us, including data from the Rostov radar station of the air traffic control system. A few days after the crash, the Russian Ministry of Defence held a briefing during which it released all Russian satellite data, which were also sent to the Dutch side. Analysis and calculations regarding one version of the catastrophe –that the flight was shot down by a surface-to-air Buk-type missile—were also sent to the Netherlands by experts of the Russian manufacturer Almaz-Antey. To that end, data concerning the technical characteristics of such missiles was declassified. Russia was the only country to make public such data.”

Unfortunately, a year after the adoption of resolution 2166, serious issues remain as to how the investigation has been conducted. Russian experts were not provided equal access to the various aspects of the technical investigation. They unilaterally provide their data and calculations, but remain unaware of what then happens to the information. We have repeatedly offered to provide qualified experts and equipment to carry out complicated work, for example, metallurgical analysis, which would have enabled us, by testing pieces of the wreckage, to determine the type of missile that brought down the plane. All that remains unanswered.

Turning to criminal investigations, they are being carried out by members of the joint investigation team in a closed fashion. It was reported that an agreement had been reached by the five countries not to disclose information. Given this case, what grounds are there to be assured of the impartiality of this investigation? Can the investigation stand up to the backdrop of aggressive propaganda from the media? Can it withstand the pressure of an obvious political put-up job when the causes of the disaster and those responsible are announced in advance? Moreover such statements are being made by a number of the leaders of States that make up the joint investigation team.

The Russian Federation was the only country to point out that resolution 2166 provides for comprehensive United Nations assistance for the investigation. We offered to consider the creation of the post of a Special Representative of the Secretary General, which would have helped to ensure a truly international and transparent investigation. However, our proposal was not accepted… What did we get instead? We got something that was summarily prepared outside the Security Council, without thoughtful consideration of the available options for a criminal investigation: a draft resolution under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. Our position that this was a premature, ill-defined and legally untenable step was not heeded.

We have repeatedly stated that we do not support the idea of setting up a tribunal under Chapter VII of the Charter. There are no grounds for it, given that in Resolution 2166 the Security Council did not classify the Boeing tragedy as a threat to international peace and security. It is difficult to explain how this event, which a year ago was not considered to be a threat to international peace and security, now suddenly becomes one. In principle, issues pertaining to organizing a criminal investigation do not fall under the remit of the Security Council…..No precedent in principle exists for the establishment by the Council of international tribunals to bring to justice those responsible for transportation disasters. This is something that has also happened in Russia, of course. In 2001, a Siberia Airlines flight was shot down over the Black Sea by Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles. There was also the incident involving the Iran Air flight shot down over the Strait of Hormuz in 1988 by a missile fired from an American destroyer. National investigations were carried out at the time in Ukraine and in the United States, but no determination was made that a crime had been carried out. However, resolution 616 (1988) adopted following the deadly downing of the Iranian airliner, did not qualify the incident as a threat to international peace and security….We must therefore note that the draft resolution (S/2015/562) that was put to the vote today lacked any legal basis or precedent…the authors of the draft resolution have refused to act in a spirit of cooperation and put it to a vote, knowing that it would not lead to a positive outcome. In our view, this points to the fact that political aims were more important to them than practical objectives. This is regrettable.

The Chinese Ambassador stated:

“Under circumstances in which some members of the Council still have major concerns about the draft resolution, to forcibly push forward a vote could only result in division among the States members of the Council. It will not help to ease the grief of the bereaved families of the victims of the crash of Flight MH-17, nor will it help to establish the facts or bring the perpetrators to justice. For these reasons, China abstained in the voting on the draft resolution.”

The Venezuelan Ambassador stated:

“ We believe that the reference in the draft resolution to Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations goes beyond the political and legal framework set out in resolution 2166 –which established the objective of determining the path to take in adopting the relevant measures on this issue within the Security Council. The description of this incident as a threat to international peace and security is untimely and politicizes the handling of this case, which is in the technical phase of investigation—making it a criminal matter. On that basis, we believe that the Security Council does not have the competence to establish an ad hoc international criminal tribunal.”

In no circumstances would we like to see this deplorable incident and the suffering of the victims be politically used as part of the conflict affecting this region of Ukraine. Our country condemns this attack against civil aviation. Such acts are inadmissible and must not go unpunished. On this occasion, we would like to recall the highjacking of the Cubana de Aviacion flight in 1966, which resulted in deaths of 73 innocent civilians. The perpetrators of that heinous act still enjoy impunity…..Let us not prejudge or reach conclusions that are unfounded. We must avoid the politicization of this affair within the Security Council and continue with the investigations, which we hope will produce results enabling us to determine the causes of this deplorable incident and the responsibility for it.

The following statements by Mr. Albert Koenders, Foreign Minister of the Netherlands, and Ms. Julie Bishop, Foreign Minister of Australia were noteworthy for their venomous and enraged attack demonizing Russia, and their hysteria is suggestive of a preconceived agenda, a kangaroo court fabricating a bogus case against the East Ukranians, contriving biased, politicized accusations and convictions, with the intent of using the proposed resolution under Chapter VII to authorize and attempt to justify a US-NATO attack on East Ukraine. Their verbal violence suggests the possibility that the Russian veto had frustrated an aggressive and deadly agenda that reached far beyond concern for bereaved families, or concern for accountability.

Mr. Koenders stated:

“On behalf of the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium and Ukraine, Malaysia presented to the Council a thorough and carefully drafted proposal for an international criminal tribunal, to be established under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations…..I express my deep disappointment that Russia has used its veto to stop the Council from actively ensuring that justice is served. My thoughts go out to the families of the victims who had placed their hope on the resolve of the Council to set up this tribunal….I find it incomprehensible that a member of the Security Council obstructs justice in a tragedy that has affected so many. Impunity will send a very dangerous signal and will threaten the safety of civil aviation –the safety of all of us, the safety of Council members.”

Julie Bishop’s verbal onslaught against Russia is alarming. It verges on a declaration of war. She states:

In a world with an increasing number of violent terrorist groups and other non-State actors, many with sophisticated military capabilities, it is inconceivable that the Security Council would now walk away from holding to account those who brought down a commercial aeroplane.

The veto only compounds the atrocity. Only one hand was raised in opposition, but a veto should never be allowed to deny justice. The recital of discredited contentions and the anticipated excuses and obfuscations of the Russian Federation should be treated with the utmost disdain. The exercise of the veto today is an affront to the memory of the 298 victims of Flight MH17 and their families and friends. Russia has made a mockery of its own commitment to accountability enshrined in resolution 2166. If Russia has evidence relevant to this matter, surely Russia would want it heard by a wholly independent and impartial tribunal set up by the Security Council, of which it is a member, and with a registrar, prosecutor and judges appointed by the impartial Secretary General. The tribunal would have operated in accordance with the highest international standards under the auspices of the Security Council, of which Russia is a member…..It has been alleged that our request for the Council to act is premature, but the establishment of a prosecution mechanism before the completion of a criminal investigation is wholly in keeping with the Council’s own practice….In unanimously adopting resolution 2166 last year, the Council demanded that those responsible be held to account and that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability. Resolution 2166 sent a definitive message that there would be no impunity for those responsible. Today one member has prevented the Council from fulfilling its commitment to the friends and families of the victims of Flight MH-17 and to the international community. Those responsible may believe that they can now hide behind the Russian Federation veto. They will not be allowed to evade justice…..Twelve months ago, the tragedy of MH-17 shocked the world. Russia has used today’s vote to seek to politicize our quest for justice and should rightly be condemned. In defiance of today’s veto, we will ensure that the demand in resolution 2166 for accountability and the cooperation of all States is implemented in full.

Mr. Klimkin, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister, disqualified himself, as he is revealed to be incapable of impartiality, or objectivity. He stated:

“More than anyone, we want the perpetrators to be arraigned and tried by a public international court. There can be no reason to oppose that, unless you are a perpetrator yourself….Our aim here is to create an effective, transparent, unbiased and independent vehicle to bring to justice those responsible for the crime. It is about the individual criminal responsibility of the murderers, and it is not about politics. That is why it is particularly disappointing that one country –Russia, to be precise—still mixes two completely separate issues: its responsibility for aggression against Ukraine and its continuous support for terrorism, on the one hand, and the individual responsibility of the perpetrators of the tragedy, on the other….The role of Russia in the conflict is absolutely clear and well known. Thousands of Russian soldiers and mercenaries and tanks and every type of heavy weaponry have been delivered across the border, that is simply impossiblel to hide…When I look at the Russian delegation today, I feel pity. It dared to dampen the aspirations of the entire world, especially those of the families of the victims. It has aligned itself with the thugs who committed this atrocious crime.”

The Ukranian Foreign Minister’s statement is not merely irresponsible, partisan and unfounded; it is reckless and dangerous, and an incitement to escalation of the fratricidal war in Ukraine. He states: “If you know the truth, the truth will set you free,” attributing this homily to the Gospels. This motto is also the motto of the CIA.

It is only the Russian Ambassador who raises the obvious question of identifying the root cause of the crash of the Malaysian jet, and exposing the perpetrator who must be held responsible: the Kiev authorities. Ambassador Churkin stated:

“Today’s meeting was a very emotional one, which is understandable. At times it gave rise to this question: are there any limits to the political exploitation of the feelings of the families of the victims who perished and who are experiencing a living horror? A number of accusations were levelled at the Russian Federation that I consider insulting and not worthy of diplomats.. We made, and reaffirm, a proposal to consider various formats for judicial proceedings. Among them are simpler ones that are more effective, and appropriate and certainly less politicized, these are the ones on which we should focus.”

The Russian Ambassador continued:

“In his statement, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister attempted to speak from a moral and religious position of superiority. He referred to the unacceptability of impunity and the need to cooperate. I have only two questions for him: why were civilian airliners sent to areas where military activities were under way, areas where the Ukrainian forces were fighting using military aircraft? Why were civilian flights sent through that airspace? The passengers on that airliner simply could not have known that a military conflict was under way there. But Kiev knew it. Why did it do this? Why has it thus far not provided the recordings of its military air dispatchers? That is impunity. Did Kiev punish anyone in Ukraine for this? We hope that the investigation will shed light on both that and on impunity. We too will punish those who sent the aircraft into a military zone and those who shot it down.”

Two crucial questions demand an answer: what is the identity of the person or persons or authority responsible for directing the civilian airline to fly over Ukranian territory at war, and what was their motive? Was it mere negligence and incompetence, or something more sinister? The possibility cannot be excluded that the Kiev authorities deliberately martyred the 298 human beings aboard Malaysian flight MH-17, with the malicious intent to further demonize the East Ukranians, and implicate Russia in the tragedy, thereby concocting the “justification” to crush East Ukraine beneath the weight of a Chapter VII UN Security Council resolution authorizing “all necessary means” for NATO to destroy the East Ukranians’ anti-nazi struggle for dignity. This would make it impossible for Russia to avoid direct military involvement, and would constitute a provocation detonating a major war.

Alternatively, or in tandem, a review of the “Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH-17,” reveals a grotesque travesty of any legitimate search for justice, and makes obvious the trap set for Russia, and, indeed for President Putin, himself. The entire Statute is a blatant and infamous connivance to falsely accuse Russia, facilitating what in US law is described as “malicious prosecution,” a deliberately false accusation and a fabricated prosecution. It is brazen, to the point of notoriety, in view of the fact that the pro-nazi Kiev authorities have already, without due process, condemned Russia for instigating the current internecine war. At no point is the role of the US in initiating and instigating the current Ukranian crisis ever mentioned – nor is prosecution of those agents of the US government who instigated the destabilization of Ukraine and the coup d’etat which overthrew democratically elected President Yanukovich ever mentioned, although no one could possibly have forgotten the US Assistant Secretary of State’s immortal comment: “F**ck the EU.” Article 7 of the Statute is obviously intended to include only the prosecution of Russian President Putin, who is accused of supporting the anti-nazi East Ukranian rebels.

Article 7 of the Statute states: “irrelevance of official capacity.

1. This statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a Head of State or Government, a member of a government or parliament, an elected representative or a government official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility under this Statute, nor shall it, in and of itself constitute a ground for reduction of sentence.

SECTION III: Article 13: A person shall be criminally responsible and liable for punishment for war crimes if that person:

a)      Commits such a crime, whether as an individual, jointly with another or through another person, regardless of whether that other person is criminally responsible

b)      Orders, solicits or induces the commission of such a crime which in fact occurs or is attempted

c)       For the purpose of facilitating the commission of such a crime, aids, abets or otherwise assists in its commission or its attempted commission, including providing the means for its commission:

d)       In any other way contributes to the commission or attempted commission of such a crime by a group of persons acting with a common purpose. Such contribution shall be intentional and shall either:

e)      i. Be made with the aim of furthering the criminal activity or criminal purpose of the group, where such activity or purpose involves the commission of a crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal; or

f)        ii. Be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the crime

Russia has been framed and demonized for aiding the anti-nazi East Ukranians. Evidently the capacity for relatively short-term memory has atrophied within the brains of the representatives of the states supporting this Statute, (or perhaps they have been manipulated), those who attribute blame to Russia, and, inevitably, as the Russian Ambassador describes it, implementation of this Statute will be a “put-up job.” Have all of these Russophobic Security Council governments forgotten the BBC News report of 7 February, 2014, which quotes U.S. Ambassador Geofferey Pyatt saying:

“Yeah, I guess,… in terms of him not going into the government, just let him stay out and do his political homework and stuff”

Nuland (Breaks in) “I think Yats is the guy who’s got the economic experience, the governing experience. What he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week, you know. I just think Klitsch going in…he’s going to be at that level working for Yatseniuk, it’s just not going to work.”

Pyatt: “Yeah, no. I think that’s right. OK. Good Do you want us to set up a call with him as the next step?”

Nuland. “ My understanding from that call – but you tell me- was that the big three were going into their own meeting and that Yats was going to offer in that context a..three-plus-one conversation or three-plus-two with you. Is that not how you understand it?”

Pyatt: “No I think…I mean that’s what he proposed but I think, just knowing the dynamic that’s been with them where Klitschko has been the top dog, he’s going to take a while to show up for whatever meeting they’ve got and he’s probably talking to his guys at this point, so I think you reaching out directly to him helps with the personality management among the three and it gives you also a chance to move fast on all this stuff and put us behind it before they all sit down and he explains why he doesn’t like it.”

Nuland: “OK good. I’m happy. Why don’t you reach out to him and see if he wants to talk before or after.”

Nuland: “OK…one more wrinkle for you Geoff.. I can’t remember if I told you this, or if I only told Washington this, that when I talked to Jeff Feltman (UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs) this morning, he had a new name for the UN guy Robert Serry did I write you that this morning?”

((Jonathan Marcus of the BBC interjects here:’ An intriguing insight into the foreign policy process with work going on at a number of levels. Various officials attempting to marshal the Ukranian opposition, efforts to get the UN to play an active role in bolstering the deal, and – as you can see below – the big guns waiting in the wings – US Vice-President Joe Biden clearly being lined up to give private words of encouragement at the appropriate moment.)

Nuland: “OK. He’s now gotten both Serry and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to agree that Serry could come in Monday or Tuesday. So that would be great, I think, to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, you know, Fuck the EU.”

The atrophied brains of the UN Security Council supporters of this “Statute” have also forgotten the conversation between the EU’s Catherine Ashton and Urmas Paet, Estonian Foreign Minister who states: “There is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”

Ashton replies: “I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh.”

Paet visited Kiev on February 25, 2014 after the crisis of clashes between the pro-EU protesters and security forces in the Ukranian capital…….. Paet spoke with a doctor who treated the sniper victims. She said that both protesters and police were shot at by the same people…All the evidence shows that the people who were killed by snipers from both sides, among policemen and then people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened.” The doctor who treated the sniper victims turned down the position of Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for Humanitarian Affairs offered by the coup-appointed regime.

The Estonian Foreign minister stated that the whole sniper issue “already discredits from the very beginning the new Ukranian power.”

And who could forget Ms. Julia Tymoshenko stating: “Ukranians must take up arms against Russians so that not even scorched earth will be left where Russia stands – it’s time to grab guns and kill damn Russians” She also called for the “nuclear slaughter of the eight million Russians who remain on Ukrainian territory.” “I hope I will be able to get all my connections involved. And I will use all of my means to make the entire world raise up, so that there wouldn’t be even a scorched field left in Russia” she declared.

With the exception of China, Venezuela and Angola, it is clear that the propagandizing of the UN Security Council has proceeded seamlessly. The Russian veto of the Malaysian draft resolution S/2015/562 prevented a lethal and deliberate miscarriage of justice, and a probable escalation of the crisis in Ukraine, and the vote on this scandalous resolution was forced to embarrass Russia and create the illusion of Russian recalcitrance. But be afraid, be very afraid. There will be more conniving and barely disguised draft resolutions under Chapter VII to come in the UN Security Council. The target is Russia, and the pathological goal is regime change or world war.

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“War is peace” at least according to a Sid Miller, a Texas official for the Department of Agriculture and former state representative posted a facebook comment suggesting that the atomic bombs dropped in two Japanese cities during World War II killing and permanently injuring tens of thousands of people should be used again, this time against the Muslim world according to RT news. The facebook post read “Japan Has Been at Peace with the U.S. Since August 9, 1945, It’s Time we Made Peace with the Muslim World” with a picture of a mushroom cloud from an atomic explosion.

RT News reported that “A Texas official will not apologize for a shared post on his Facebook page that insinuates an atomic bomb should be dropped on “the Muslim world.” 

Although the Department of Agriculture “claimed he did not personally share the post” it has undoubtedly caused a backlash against Miller. Manny Garcia, the deputy executive director of the Texas Democratic Party released a statement and said “It is unacceptable for Republican Sid Miller to be promoting such disgusting rhetoric.

Sadly, this kind of racist, xenophobic hate speech qualifies you for higher office with Republicans’ Tea Party fringe base” according to RT. The Associated Press said that Miller’s post was removed on Monday. On April, 2015, The Pew Research Center published a survey regarding the U.S. military dropping atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima with more than 140,000 casualties and Nagasaki with 70,000 casualties during World War II found that the “share of Americans who believe the use of nuclear weapons was justified is now 56%, with 34% saying it was not.” The fact is that the bombing of the Japanese cities did not bring peace as The Telegraph, a British main-stream news source titled ‘Evidence that the atomic bomb did not win the war against Japan.’ It stated the following:

As an instance of dozens of pieces of evidence, intercepted diplomatic cables of July 12-13 1945 show that Japan’s Emperor had intervened to attempt to end the war prior to the use of the atomic bombs. Subsequent intercepted cables showed Japan responding positively to a US offer of a surrender based on the Atlantic Charter as put forward in an official US government radio broadcast on July 21 1945.

In his memoirs, Admiral William D Leahy, the President’s chief of staff and the top official at meetings of American and British chiefs of staff, minced few words, writing: “The use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender”

Sid Miller is not alone

In 2013, a psychopath Republican and U.S. representative from California Duncan D. Hunter was quoted as saying on a C-Span interview “If you have to hit Iran, you don’t put American boots on the ground, you do it with tactical nuclear weapons and you set them back a decade or two or three.” Another psycho politician and Henry Kissinger worshipper is a Republican senator from Arizona John McCain who famously was quoted as saying “That old, eh, that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran,” laughing with the crowd “Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway, ah …” as the audience laughed with him. The Times of Israel reported in 2013 that American Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson had called for the U.S. to “detonate a nuclear bomb in the Iranian desert to display toughness” at a conference at New York’s Yeshiva University and said “What are we going to negotiate about?” concerning Iran’s nuclear program at the time, Adelson continued:

What I would say is, ‘Listen. You see that desert out there, I want to show you something.’ …You pick up your cellphone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, ‘OK let it go.’ And so there’s an atomic weapon, goes over ballistic missiles, the middle of the desert, that doesn’t hurt a soul. Maybe a couple of rattlesnakes, and scorpions, or whatever. And then you say, ‘See? The next one is in the middle of Tehran.’ So, we mean business

Adelson’s statement was absurd and idiotic. If the U.S. were to drop a nuclear bomb in Iran’s dessert to show its “toughness” would affect millions of people in the Middle East as a nuclear fallout or radioactive dust would spread throughout the region and beyond causing such illnesses as cancer. Findings by the Preparatory Commission for theComprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) regarding the Nevada test site where nuclear weapons testing took place in the desert areas in the state of Nevada:

Between 1951 and 1958, around 100 nuclear weapons tests were conducted in the atmosphere at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Located about 100 km northwest of Las Vegas, the NTS was larger than many small countries, offering some 3,500 square km of undisturbed land. The average yield for the atmospheric tests was 8.6 kilotons (kt). The fallout from the tests contained radionuclides and gases which were transported thousands of miles away from the NTS by winds. As a result, people living in the United States during these years were exposed to varying levels of radiation

The Arab world including Israel would be exposed to the nuclear fallout in some point in time. Todd Smith, a political consultant said that it is the Islamic state, Iran and U.S. president Barack Obama (who actually made a “willful decision” to support the Islamic state as former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Michael T. Flynn admitted) who need to apologize, not Miller.  According to RT News:

Todd Smith, a political consultant for Miller, said he didn’t know why the post was scrubbed. He added that Miller’s critics should demand an apology from Islamic terrorists, Iran and US President Barack Obama. “We think those are all issues that deserve an apology and are much more serious than a thought-provoking Facebook post,” Smith said

Using nuclear weapons against the Middle East is absolute madness. It will ignite a war that would last for decades. A nuclear war against the Arab people will not bring peace; it will create hatred against the West.  A message to Sid Miller, U.S. Representative Duncan D. Hunter, Sheldon Adelson and every other warmonger including the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu who want to use nuclear weapons against the Arab people, no one will win.

History will reveal that Washington and Tel Aviv were the ultimate enemies of the human race and will be seen in the same light as the Nazi’s, the pariah states that committed genocide against the Arab people.

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North and South Korea: Inching Closer to the Brink of War?

August 22nd, 2015 by Korea-Asia Pacific Exchange

GR Editor’s Note

We bring to the attention of our readers the following report by the Korea-Asia Pacific Exchange, a Pyongyang based NGO. It presents a North Korean perspective of what is happening on the border between the two Koreas. It points to acts of provocation by the ROK military and the US.

It provides a different perspective to the coverage in the mainstream press. It points to the dangers of an all out war and the role of the US in triggering conflict in the Korean Peninsula.  This article is  for informational purposes only.  Global Research does not necessarily endorse the views presented in this article. 

*      *     *

On August 20th the south Korean puppet military cooked up a case of “shell fired by the north” and under that pretext, committed a reckless military action of firing 36 shells on the posts of the Korean People’s Army. South Korea is clamoring without evidence that this firing of shells was in response to a shell which had been fired by the North.

On Aug. 20 there was not a single shell nor bullet fired by us against the south, and even accidental firing did not happen. The unilateral firing of the south Korean puppet military is neither contingent nor accidental but a pre-calculated plot of provocation.

They first set up a case of “mine explosion” and then under that pretext, resumed their psychological warfare of anti-DPRK broadcasting in all sectors of the front and frantically scaled up the leaflet scattering operation against the DPRK. 

Then they embarked on a subsequent stage of military provocation by firing 36 shells against the DPRK. Their resumed psychological warfare and military actions against the DPRK was instigated at a time when the “Ulji Freedom Guardian” [US-ROK war games] were in full swing in south Korea. This large scale joint military nuclear-war exercise led by the US started on August 17. What it shows is that the south Korean puppet was closely cooperating with the US with a view to triggering a disastrous war which will engulf the entire Korean nation by imputing the DPRK’s responsibility pertaining to current tensions between north and south and by creating a good reason to justify fratricidal confrontations [between the two Koreas]. 

In response to this grave situation, an enlarged emergency meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Workers’ Party of Korea was convened in the evening of  August 20.  

At this meeting,  an order of the Supreme commander of the Korean People’s Army was issued to the effect that the extended frontline combined units of the KPA should enter a wartime state to be fully battle ready to launch surprise operations. Moreover, an order was issued to the effect that the area along the front was to be put in a semi-war state from 17:00 hours on August 21. 

The situation of the Korean peninsula is inching close to the brink of a war due to the reckless provocations by the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces.

The current situation once again clearly shows that the US and its follower south Korean puppet regime, is intent upon exacerbating the tension on the Korean peninsula and breaking peace and stability in the region.  

We firmly believe that world peace and justice loving people and international organizations will correctly understand the nature and dangers underlying the current situation on the Korean peninsula and will act accordingly to support to the Korean people in their struggle for safeguarding their national sovereignty.

Societies for Friendship with the Asia Pacific People

Korea-Asia Pacific Exchange. Pyongyang

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A Petition has been launched under the auspices of the British parliament calling for the arrest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu upon his official state visit to the United Kingdom scheduled for September.   

The text of the petition is published on the UK Parliament website,

TO SIGN THE PETITION (British Citizens and UK Residents)

It demands Netanyahu’s arrest upon his arrival in the UK on an official visit scheduled for September:  

Benjamin Netanyahu to be arrested for war crimes when he arrives in London

Benjamin Netanyahu is to hold talks in London this September. Under international law he should be arrested for war crimes upon arrival in the U.K for the massacre of over 2000 civilians in 2014.

The petition procedure under the auspices of the British parliament requires the government to respond to petitions which have more than 10,000 signatures.

When it has more than 100,000 signatures it is referred for debate in the House of Commons.

At the time of writing, the petition has more than 74, 000 signatures.

Below is the Cameron government’s response, which is published on the website of the British parliament as well as our comments. (highlights by GR)

Government responded

Under UK and international law, visiting heads of foreign governments, such as Prime Minister Netanyahu, have immunity from legal process, and cannot be arrested or detained.

Read the response in full below

The British Government has invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as head of the Israeli Government, to visit the UK in September. Under UK and international law, certain holders of high-ranking office in a State, including Heads of State, Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs are entitled to immunity, which includes inviolability and complete immunity from criminal jurisdiction.

We recognise that the conflict in Gaza last year took a terrible toll. As the Prime Minister said, we were all deeply saddened by the violence and the UK has been at the forefront of international reconstruction efforts. However the Prime Minister was clear on the UK’s recognition of Israel’s right to take proportionate action to defend itself, within the boundaries of international humanitarian law. We condemn the terrorist tactics of Hamas who fired rockets on Israel, built extensive tunnels to kidnap and murder, and repeatedly refused to accept ceasefires. Israel, like any state, has the right to ensure its own security, as its citizens also have the right to live without fear of attack.

The UK consistently urged Israel to do everything possible to avoid civilian casualties, to exercise restraint, and to help find ways to bring the situation to an end. The UK continues to urge the parties to give priority to reaching a durable solution for Gaza which addresses the underlying drivers of conflict, and to take the necessary practical steps to ensure Gaza’s reconstruction and economic recovery.

We welcome the fact that Israel is conducting internal investigations into specific incidents during Operation Protective Edge. Where there is evidence of wrongdoing those responsible must be held accountable whatever their position in society. Both parties must also demonstrate robust and credible internal investigations which are in line with international standards. We have also encouraged the Israeli authorities, as we do all countries, to cooperate with the independent Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding the preliminary examination into the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 13 June, 2014, whilst noting that Israel is not a State Party to the ICC.

The UK is a close friend of Israel and we enjoy an excellent bilateral relationship, built on decades of cooperation between our two countries across a range of fields. Our priority for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict remains the achievement of a two-state solution, based on 1967 borders. We continue to believe that negotiations will be necessary in order to achieve this, and that both parties need to focus on steps that are conducive to peace. The UK Government will reinforce this message to Mr Netanyahu during his visit.


Prime Minister Cameron is totally ignorant regarding the tenets of  international humanitarian law. Let us refresh his political mind:

“A major part of international humanitarian law is contained in the four Geneva Conventions of 1949. …  The Conventions have been developed and supplemented by two further agreements: the Additional Protocols of 1977 relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts.

Other agreements prohibit the use of certain weapons and military tactics and protect certain categories of people and goods.”

Also of relevance is Article 38 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified and violated by Israel.

Amply documented and known to the British government, Israel is routinely involved in killing Palestinian children. The CRC Convention  “requires state parties (including Israel) to take “all feasible measures to ensure protection and care of children who are affected by an armed conflict.” 

Prime Minister Cameron acknowledges the so-called “terrible toll”, a rather ambiguous term which in relation to Gaza (in plain English)  consisted in deliberate acts of killing and destruction directed against civilians.

But then Cameron casually accuses the victims.

“Saddened by the violence” ordered and instigated by Netanyahu, who was, according to Cameron is rightfully  “defending Israel” within the “boundaries of  international humanitarian law”.

Those boundaries have been broken. the Geneva Conventions are explicit in this regard: Israel has committed extensive crimes against humanity, and Britain is complicit:

International humanitarian law protects those who do not take part in the fighting, such as civilians  and medical and religious military personnel. …

These categories of person are entitled to respect for their lives and for their physical and mental integrity. They also enjoy legal guarantees. They must be protected and treated humanely in all circumstances, with no adverse distinction.

More specifically: it is forbidden to kill or wound an enemy who surrenders or is unable to fight; the sick and wounded must be collected and cared for by the party in whose power they find themselves. Medical personnel, supplies, hospitals and ambulances must all be protected.

The Petition will  soon be reaching 100,000 signatures. Will parliament accept to debate the issue?

Whatever the outcome, my advice to Netanyahu, think twice before coming to London.

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The problem of Donbass residents’ legal status is serious. While Ukraine no longer recognizes them,  procedures to acquire Russian citizenship are now envisaged. 

Denis Pushilin, Vice Chairman of the People’s Council of the Donetsk People’s Republic suggested that a procedure to issue passports similar to those in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transnistria is envisaged. 

Vladimir Karasyov, an economist and political scientist from Lugansk, commented on the issue to Pravda.Ru.

”This initiative was launched long ago, and many proposals have been put forward so far. The President [Putin] also signed a law in August, allowing those born in Russia to receive citizenship at once. Those who studied or graduated in Russia can also use this opportunity.”

1.5 – 2 million refugees are reported to have fled to Russia so far.

As for those staying behind in the territory of Ukraine, according to Karasyov, they can receive Russian citizenship under certain conditions.

”One of the conditions to gain Russian citizenship is te renounce Ukrainian citizenship.  But Ukraine does not have a procedure of renunciation. People solve this issue in private in Kiev,” Karasyov said.


Pravda: Young people who turn 16, the age of obtaining a passport in Ukraine, do they get this document now?

Karasyov: No, Donbass residents can only receive citizenship of Donetsk or Lugansk People’s Republics. But these documents are not valid to enter the Russian Federation.

So, Kiev abandoned its citizens? 

Yes, the only way for them is to go to the Ukrainian consulate in Rostov and pay a lot of money to receive a Ukrainian passport. Not everyone can afford it. Thus, it turn out that young people do not have a possibility to study in Russian colleges, or just leave Donbass. …

Eight million people living in Donbass are “all ours”, as President Putin used to say many times. I hope that other top Russian politicians, as well as Foreign Minister Lavrov, who always stands for Donbass residents, will also get involved.

Do Donbass residents have the possibility to acquire the relevant Ukrainian documents, information, or is everything closed?

Ukrainian government entities closed everything long ago. There is nothing there. And the new Republics are recognized only by some states. That is why any Republican documents even notarized and certified with LPR or DPR seals will not be accepted in Russia. I believe Ukraine faces collapse and a parade of sovereignties in the near future. Then these new entities will be recognized by other states.

Donetsk and Lugansk regions are historical territories of the Russian Federation. They even used to be part of the Rostov region. So, we’ll have to carry out a referendum once again. Then it will be not only possible to enter Russia, but to adhere to the Rostov region.

Donbass may also enter the Russian Federation as a single entity. It is evident that about 95 per cent will vote in favor at the referendum, as it was shown in the Crimea. Present Ukraine demonstrated that it can only annihilate people.

Those living in Donbass are very hard-working people, hard labour in metallurgy, coal and chemical industries have marked their presence there for generations.

Donbass will boost the Russian economy, as it used to be a fount of minerals and ore minerals in the former Soviet Union. Ukraine just did not have money and technologies, as well as any desire to develop Donbass. In Russia it is possible.

From the very outset, people in Donbass believed that they would proceed in the same way as Crimea, but it did not happen, the Americans hindered them.

Nevertheless, people still believe that the militants will liberate Donbass from the Kiev sponsored Nazis, then the referendum will take place, and they will “return back home to their Motherland.”

And their Motherland is Russia, this territory was transferred to Ukraine [during the Soviet period], and people living there were not asked of their opinion.

At the beginning of the 20th century, when there was famine in Russia, the people of Lugansk mobilized and sent aid [to the affected areas]. There are even appropriate posters of those times in Russian museums.

Donbass came to the rescue of poor, starving and struggling regions. It was in 1915, just 100 years ago. We have always been a part of Russia and lived for Russia.’

Interview conducted by Lyuba Lulko

Minor editing by Global Research

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The Hidden Truth Behind The High Cost of Hepatitis C Drugs

August 21st, 2015 by Prof Peter Erlinder

Contrary to health executives’ views, treating this epidemic is a medical — not access or ethical — decision, and it is cost-effective. 

Last week’s commentary “Who gets hepatitis C drugs? Who pays?” (Aug. 10) by North Memorial Health Care CEO Kevin Croston and Medica vice president Robert Longendyke responded to a first-in-the-nation class-action lawsuit seeking the new U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “breakthrough” cure for life-threatening hepatitis C infections.

Brought by 1,500 Minnesota Department of Corrections prisoners, the lawsuit was first reported by Christopher Snowbeck of the Star Tribune.

Croston and Longendyke wrote that the prisoners’ suit (filed by the International Humanitarian Law Institute that I founded and direct) started a statewide “conversation” about “ethics, costs and access” because the drugs are a 95 percent effective cure, but cost $90,000 for the 12-week course of daily oral medication.

It’s gratifying that respected health care executives acknowledge that this prisoners’ lawsuit has encouraged a statewide health policy “conversation.” But a meaningful “conversation” about either the lawsuit or about treating the hepatitis C epidemic is not possible without providing facts the authors left out.

“Who gets treated for hepatitis C?” is a medical decision for infectious-disease specialists, not a question of “ethics, costs or access” for well-meaning executives. “Who pays?” depends on measuring the real social costs of failing to treat a national epidemic. It cannot be measured through the limited considerations of private entities and public agencies in a single state, or even several states.

Hepatitis C infects some 4 million Americans, most of whom don’t know they are infected. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that more die from the hepatitis C virus than from HIV/AIDS every year. As with polio, the nation’s bloodstream has to be cleared of the hepatitis C virus for Minnesotans to be clear of the infection. This epidemic does not respect borders.

The Minnesota lawsuit was filed after the FDA approved the breakthrough drugs and professional associations issued standard-of-care protocols for all physicians for the hepatitis C virus (HCVguidelines.org). The Minnesota suit has been followed by similar suits in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania; other states will follow.

As of June 2015:

• All patients infected with the hepatitis C virus should be treated immediately with the most recent FDA-approved breakthrough drugs (Harvoni and Viekira-Pak).

• All prior treatments (using interferon) are not medically recommended.

• Only health care providers lacking financial resources may triage treatment of patients, giving priority to those with more serious symptoms (such as cancer, fibrosis or cirrhosis).

Prisons and jails must provide the current medical standard of care for serious illness irrespective of cost, according to the Supreme Court. Some government providers may triage services. But private health care providers must also provide the current standard of care, because their doctors cannot provide less, so the authors’ employers are bound by it, too.

The $90,000 figure is the retail price the patient/consumer pays, not health care providers. The authors don’t mention that UnitedHealth Group, private pharmacy wholesalers, the Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) and other health care providers already have reduced their wholesale costs nearly 50 percent by negotiating with AbbVie and Gilead Sciences, the two U.S. manufacturers. Forbes reports that generic versions of the same drugs sell for $900 overseas and that the cost of production is about $1 per dose. The cost would be much less than $90,000 if retailers passed wholesale prices along to patient/consumers.

 The monopoly prices are likely to come down. In addition to the two manufacturers now in the U.S. market and generic suppliers overseas, two additional manufacturers are in FDA trials. Gilead Sciences has been sued for monopoly pricing. Both the California state Senate and the U.S. Senate have held hearings into unreasonable pricing for hepatitis C breakthrough drugs. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has called for a repeal of the patent, in part, because the V.A. cannot afford to treat all of the infected veterans, which could prevent 5,000 infections and 500 liver transplants a year.

Treating hepatitis C is cost-effective overall, even at retail pricing. As the authors point out, the costs of not treating the national hepatitis C epidemic are staggering, with a liver transplant costing upward of $500,000.

“Managing costs” requires re-examining how those costs are allocated in the first instance and whether there are social costs and benefits that don’t appear in a single company’s income statement. Americans have already made the long-term public investment to create the educational/scientific/technological infrastructure that made the breakthrough drugs possible, and they have long been bearing the cost of a “silent” epidemic that could be cured using the model of low-cost mass treatment pioneered by eliminating other formerly fatal infectious diseases, such as polio.

This is not the first time science has promised to transform the health of the nation by taming a potentially fatal disease. It did so with the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines; insulin; penicillin, and the flu vaccine. Of course, in those days such pharmacological miracles were considered part of the social wealth of the nation and “consumers” were not forced to pay $1,000 a dose, because back then one or two manufacturers were not permitted to control the market for lifesaving medications needed by the whole population.

That was then and this is now, when market-oriented thinking so dominates health care policy “conversations” that the actual medical standard of care required to cure all patients infected with hepatitis C is not even on the agenda. The authors are correct when they write that responses to the hepatitis C epidemic are ideological, and their own op-ed is a good example.

Peter Erlinder is director of the International Humanitarian Law Institute in St. Paul

The Age Of Transition And Scientistic Fraud

August 21st, 2015 by Jay Dyer

Ours is the great transition age. For the masses, the glowing assumption is that the transition and transformation age we are undergoing is the work of a long, evolutionary process of “natural” “progress.” Wandering about their bubbles, these presuppositions never go challenged or examined, having dobbed their cafeteria plate lives from a long string of newsbite phrases and empty slogans overheard in establishment schooling. “We are evolving,” and “We live in an era of change,” and numerous other advertising blurbs that underlie modernity’s plastic ideology actually form the basis for most of humanity’s worldview. Yet are any of these assumptionsactually true? Are we in living in an era of “progress” and “human ascent”?

I answer in the negative and the reasons for my dark assessment are many. Listening to a recent interview between someone of a truly skeptical bent with a figure in the scientism/skeptical crowd, I was irked to hear a bevy of fallacies and incongruences and unexamined assumptions that will here be analyzed with scalpel-like precision. As mentioned above, what precisely is meant by the terms “evolution,” “change,” “progress” and “Nature”? According to those in the ranks of establishment scientism, these are givens, terms of brute factuality and reason, all of which mystically coalesce to give us the “best possible model” of the world under the new grand narrative mythos of “science.”

What is meant by “evolution”? According to modern scientism, the observation of small-scale changes in a species that appear to aid in the species’ extension into the future through reproduction is the basic understanding of evolutionary adaptation. Thus, because certain breeds of animals can be bred with fitter members of the species, we can extrapolate that large-scale aeons of time resulted in the origins of all life from a single amoeba. When it is pointed out thataeons – millions of years – of adaptation and change are not observed, the reply is that bacteria purportedly adapt under conditions of pressure. Thus, it follows that all life mutated under conditions of pressure to “evolve” into what we see today.

On the surface, this has an appearance of being reasonable. Almost no one denies micro-evolutionary adaptation and change, that within the mechanics of various organisms there resides the DNA programming to adapt to environmental circumstances. Where the bait and switch comes is the dogmatic assertion that from this observation, it is certain that all life originated from a single cell millions of years ago, following billions of years of “Big Bang” expansion. The evidence for these theories nowadays is, of course, taken as dogmatic fact, with any dissension on these matters scorned and mocked. Why? Because religion is irrational and “unscientific” and cannot be tested. Yet can these assertions be tested as scientific?

The reply is that they are proven by carbon dating and observing various UV rays that appear to “expand” from the presumed “singularity” point. There are numerous problems with these claims, but the most glaring will suffice in illustration. First, carbon dating is notoriously unreliable, with examples of testing on recent artifacts showing outrageous time stamps for items that are manifestly not ancient. Further, the carbon dating itself works on the assumption of millions of years of evolutionary, chaotic flux, which begs the question. In other words, if your testing methods already operate on the assumption that matter is aeons in age, then the results of the tests are obviously predetermined.

Second, the appearance of light expanding from some locale is only as coherent as the assumption that it comes from some point of singularity, of which there is absolutely no observable evidence. As you point these facts out to those enmeshed in the religion of scientism, many will admit these are “theories,” but they are “the best models we have.” Says whom? Why does the scientism crowd never admit they are subject to biases and greed (for grants)? How is it that science or the lab is magically averse to the failings of the rest of human endeavors? “Ah, well, yes, it is subject to those things, but that is the beauty of science, we are always changing and adapting our theories to fit the evidence,” the general response comes.

To a degree, this is true. Science does posit new theories and does refine its previous analyses as new data emerges. Yet as I’ve pointed out many times, for this methodology to be consistent, they would have to also conduct scientific experiments into the question of the empirical scientific method itself, as well as its governing assumptions. This is never, ever done, aside from one establishment-funded study that tried to implicate lab bias into a ridiculous Marxist framework. On the contrary, there is a motivating impetus to not conduct this kind of investigation, because it would expose much of scientism’s fraud and deception, where we would discover the scientific establishment is the servant of the same master as the banking, economic and entertainment fields, all of which operate under the (fallacious) umbrella of consensus reality.

The scientific establishment is a hierarchy that operates just like any other corporation of government entity, where knowledge is apportioned on a need-to-know basis. Biologists are afraid, for example, to speak on the matter of physics because they aren’t “physicists,” while mathematicians are afraid to speak on the matter of astronomy because they aren’t “astronomers.” This ridiculous segmentation of knowledge (and there is nothing wrong with specialization) is itself also predicated on the presupposition of scientism, that reality is not a meaningful, coherent universe, but a random, chaotic mutation of accidental consequence. “It just is,” becomes the scientistic refrain, and if you don’t accept that premise and consider any other options, you are a fool.

What begins to become clear is that this is a weighted game that has nothing to do with discovering what is true, objective and “factual” in the “natural world,” but rather a realm of gatekeepers that demand adherence to a predefined set of orthodoxies that determine who is a “scientist” and who is worthy of “peer review.” Furthermore, scientism is entirely grounded in an old, outdated epistemology known as empiricism which has been dissected, refuted and annihilated so many times by cogent philosophers and logicians its continued existence is ironically miraculous. Of all the persons who ought to adhere to their much-touted “logic” and “reason,” these fools are the most irrational, incoherent and nonsensical of all, as they perpetually melt under the 100 degree flame of foundational presuppositional inquiry (and that’s a lab test I’ve done many times that appears to always hold true).

Scientism is your friend!

Scientism is your friend!

Arrogantly assuming they know, when in fact they do not (having a gadfly appearance of knowledge), scientism likes logic when it suits, quickly to discard and dispense with such rigors when the heat comes. “All human knowledge comes through sense experience” begins their assumptions, yet when pressed as to whether this proposition itself is a fact of sense data (which it obviously is not), universal claims suddenly dissipate and this great commandment is hailed as an obvious given. It’s a new maxim, a new commandment from the gods of the Enlightenment, and you daren’t ask such questions. Yet if science is so groundbreaking and revolutionary in character, why is it so afraid of these basic questions of epistemology?

The general reply at this stage is that science cannot, should not and will not answer such absurd “metaphysical” questions. Now wait a minute here – on what basis did this suddenly get shelved into the “metaphysical” category? Says whom? By what standard does the individual scientist know that asking questions of this nature are “metaphysical,” as opposed to questions concerning lab data? You begin to see how many and multifaceted the mere assumptions are for scientism to operate. Despite the fact that their starting point is a foundational contradiction, the rest of the world is expected to gaze in awe upon the entire edifices that are constructed upon these fallacies, with rational inquiry unwelcomed. This, you see, is the role of philosophy, and is quite clearly the reason true philosophical inquiry it is hated by scientism (as Tyson recently demonstrated).

Also crucial to note is the structure of scientism and the establishment, whose fraudulent bases are continuously exposed openly, with the public becoming none the wiser. This year alone papers were produced from peer review that give the appearance of black holes being both impossible and non-existent, as well as existing. “Dark matter” pervades our universe, yet, wait, no it’s back to ancient conceptions of aether. Quantum physics is real, yet wait, it is pseudo-science theory. In other words, “science,” like all the other industries, operates under the public’s naïve assumption that it is a unified, governing body of non-biased, neutral geniuses, engaged in the noble endeavor of furthering the “progress” of human “knowledge.” Again we see those amorphous, undefined, inchoate terms.

Simple philosophical questions should come to bear on these multitudes of theories, and were “scientists” better trained in logic and metaphysics(which they are not), we might avoid many of these ridiculous pitfalls. For example, if Einstein’s relativity is true, there is no fixed point of reference from which to determine which stellar bodies are orbiting which, nor the theory that the universe expanded from a single, compressed atomic mass. This preposterous notion is a clear signpost of the irrationality of scientism, as is the popular theory of how planets formed – that random chunks of space dust got caught in orbits, started spinning, and over billions of years, like bellybutton lint, congealed into a sphere from which life happened to spring forth from primal sludge. Truly it is the case that only academics could believe such fairy tales which are far more laughable than religious creation narratives.

And so the age of transition is not the transition into the era of utopian scientific progress, transhumanism, technological immortality and United Nations kumbaya most think, it is the age of transitioning away from all traditional forms of culture. It is the age of transition into a new global mythology that is created and manufactured in the same way the culture industry creates cultures in various regions and nations. It is a scientific dictatorship that is not scientific, but dogmatic, fascist and hierarchically structured on a need-to-know basis that blatantly hides, obfuscates and rejects actual data and information about human origins and life, only to be replaced by the most preposterous theories of primal sludge, lint ball planets and imagined aeons of unobserved billions of years, meaninglessly exploding forth from the universe’s (Fantasia level) singularity point.

This is not progress, these retarded theories are a regress into explanatory models with no explanatory power. They need to be called out for what they are – replacement mythologies – that are rehashed forms of ancient atomism, dressed up in scientistic garb. It is time to reject these phonies, liars, dupes and establishment hacks, and recognize they suppress real science and inquiry for the purpose of control. Their control is not about human progress, but the Orwellian opposite, the dysgenics plan of destroying man. We need only think of the Lancet, Oxford’s most prestigious medical journal, whose editor recently stated in a matter-of-fact tone that half the world’s scientific literature is fraudulent:

Dr. Horton recently published a statement declaring that a lot of published research is in fact unreliable at best, if not completely false.

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” (source)

This is quite disturbing, given the fact that all of these studies (which are industry sponsored) are used to develop drugs/vaccines to supposedly help people, train medical staff, educate medical students and more.

It’s common for many to dismiss a lot of great work by experts and researchers at various institutions around the globe which isn’t “peer-reviewed” and doesn’t appear in a “credible” medical journal, but as we can see, “peer-reviewed” doesn’t really mean much anymore. “Credible” medical journals continue to lose their tenability in the eyes of experts and employees of the journals themselves, like Dr. Horton.

He also went on to call himself out in a sense, stating that journal editors aid and abet the worst behaviours, that the amount of bad research is alarming, that data is sculpted to fit a preferred theory. He goes on to observe that important confirmations are often rejected and little is done to correct bad practices. What’s worse, much of what goes on could even be considered borderline misconduct.

Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), which is considered to another one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world, makes her view of the subject quite plain:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine” (source)

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The Czech government is set, in the event of an emergency situation, to send 2,600 servicemen to strengthen border patrols intended to counter a large-scale influx of refugees, Czech Defense Minister Martin Stropnicky said Thursday.

Earlier in August, Czech President Milos Zeman said up to 1,500 soldiers could be sent to patrol the Czech borders.

“The Defense Ministry is ready to allocate a maximum of 2,600 soldiers [for protection of borders against undocumented immigrants] in case of further requests from the police,” Stropnicky told reporters.

Due to the inflow of migrants, the Czech Republic set the security threat at the first level. Should it rise to the third level, military forces will be deployed to protect the national frontiers.

Europe is now facing a major migrant crisis, with thousands of undocumented asylum seekers from conflict-torn countries of North Africa, the Middle East, Central and South Asia arriving to the European bloc with hopes for a better life.


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The August 16, 2015 attack on a market in the Syrian town of Douma, just outside the capital Damascus, has caused international outrage. Condemnations of the Syrian government have poured in from seemingly all corners of the globe as President Assad and the Syrian military have been declared responsible for the attack, convicted in the court of media opinion. Interestingly, such declarations have come well before any investigation has been conducted, and without any tangible evidence other than the assertions of the rebel spokespersons and anti-government sources. Indeed, there has been an embarrassing dearth of investigative questions asked as corporate media, who have been far from objective these last four and half years, have rushed to fit the facts to their long-standing narrative of “Assad the Butcher.”

This author fully understands that, in asking difficult questions, he will be called an “apologist,” an “Assad propagandist,” or some other such nonsense. Frankly, such name-calling means very little when compared to the suffering of Syrian people, and the untold brutality that will be visited upon them if the western corporate media and warmongers get their way and yet another imperialist so-called intervention is carried out in the name of “humanitarianism.” The goal is to ask the right questions, to cast doubt on the already solidifying propaganda narrative that will undoubtedly be used to justify still more war.

Those who work for peace must be prepared to interrogate the received truths of the media machine, to confront head on that which is uncomfortable, and to do so knowing that their motives are just. The victims of this war, both past and future, deserve nothing less.

Questioning the Douma Narrative

When carefully scrutinizing the documentary evidence of the attack, and comparing that to the claims made throughout western media, some troubling irregularities emerge. Not only do the claims seem to be exaggerated, but when placed within the historical context of this war, they seem to fit into a clear pattern of distortion and misinformation disseminated for political purposes, rather than objective reportage. Indeed, the raw footage taken on the scene goes a long way to contradicting some of the claims made by witnesses and “activists” (an interesting term in itself) often quoted in the media.

First, there is the allegation that more than 100 civilians were killed in an airstrike carried out by the Syrian military. There are certainly plenty of pictures that seem to bolster that claim, with debris scattered everywhere, aid workers carrying victims, and frightened civilians rushing around the destroyed marketplace. However, when one looks at the videos, even those provided by outlets such as The Guardian in the above linked article, one curious thing seems to be missing: bodies.

Indeed, it does seem odd that an airstrike could obliterate a crowded market on a Sunday, killing over a hundred people, and no videos or images would show bodies torn apart by the blast? One would expect to see mangled corpses, limbs scattered on the ground, pools of blood, etc. None of that seems visible.

Compare the Douma videos to those from Gaza on July 30, 2014 during Israel’s vicious war. An Israeli airstrike, which killed 15 people and injured more than 150, also hit a crowded market and caused horrific destruction. And in the videos, one sees bloodied bodies missing limbs, pools of blood on the street, and other gut-wrenching images. Or compare the Douma videos to those of the Christmas 2013 bombing of a crowded Baghdad market. The videos of that attack are gruesome, showing victims with heads partially blown off their bodies, legs attached to bodies by skin alone, lifeless corpses of children and other truly disturbing images.

All of these are conspicuously absent from any of the footage of the airstrike on Douma. Why? The various footage from the scene, repeated on both anti-Assad media (as seen here), and on mainstream western media (as seen here), shows no such images. Raw videos taken in the immediate aftermath of the attack also show no bodies (as seen here and here). There is footage showing bodies, however there is no discernible evidence that they were victims of the airstrike. Interestingly, all the victims shown in this video were military age males, rather curious if indeed this was an attack on a crowded market where presumably women and children would have been present. Indeed, in the midst of the ongoing war, there are fighters being killed on a daily basis, and it is entirely plausible that the wrapped bodies shown were fighters killed in some other fashion and simply presented to the camera as if they were victims of the airstrike.

To be fair, hours of research did uncover a total of one video, taken after the blast, showing the bodies of a handful of male victims. However, none of the signs of death by airstrike are visible; the bodies are all whole, no missing limbs, very little blood (unlike in the Gaza and Baghdad videos). A logical conclusion based on the available evidence would be that the men seen in the video died from the collapse of a building, presumably the destroyed building behind them.

While impossible to say exactly what happened, there is certainly no definitive evidence of an airstrike as a “deliberate massacre,” the argument trumpeted by western media and their Saudi- and Qatari-funded counterparts in the region. An objective examination of the evidence yields the distinct possibility that an airstrike was carried out on a building adjacent to the market. And yet, within hours of the attack, the narrative was seemingly already written: Assad carries out retribution against innocent civilians – a clear war crime.

Another important question that bears close scrutiny has to do with the victims themselves. Naturally, one does not want to make light of anyone killed or wounded in a war, but in trying to discern what is real and what is not, one must closely examine all evidence. And the victim list, as well as the treatment of the bodies raises more questions than it answers.

According to a list of victims names published in Arabic by the Doumaa Coordinating Committee, a pro-rebel group, there were 102 victims of the airstrike. After a translation, it is clear that the list reveals a grand total of three women among the 102 victims. It strains credulity that in a crowded market on a Sunday, with an alleged airstrike that could not distinguish between genders, there would be only three women among the dead. How is this possible? It seems likely that, as mentioned above, the list includes dead fighters who may have been killed in some other fashion – in battle, targeted by the Syrian military, etc. – who have simply been added to the list in order to bolster the narrative of a “massacre” in the market.

Additionally, we hear of the burial of victims in mass graves, still another puzzling development. As Reuters reported the day after the incident:

Sixty bodies were buried on Sunday night in two mass graves, said a spokesman for the Syrian Civil Defense force in Douma, a rescue service operating in rebel-held areas. Another 35 were buried on Monday, and the death toll was over 100, he said. “It was really difficult to identify the bodies of the martyrs. Some of them were burned to the bone, so we couldn’t add them to the documented list,” said the 28-year-old spokesman, who declined to give his real name for security reasons. His house was destroyed in the bombing, he added.

Naturally, the grizzly description given in the article elicits a strong emotional and visceral response. However, there is the troubling question as to why, if the Doumaa Coordinating Committee was able to compile a list of all the victims with their names, so many were still buried unceremoniously in mass graves. Even assuming that the number killed was correct, if it was difficult to identify the bodies with some so badly burned, they still managed to somehow identify them. If one accepts that this is true, then surely these bodies would have been given to the local families for burial. Yet they were not. Why not?

Typically the use of mass graves indicates a desire to quickly hide bodies which, if the media narrative on Douma were true, would seem unnecessary. At the very least, a real investigation into this incident would probe into the use of mass graves for the purposes of hiding key information, namely the identities of those killed.

An alternative theory, one which is supported by the evidence available, is that the Syrian military carried out an airstrike in the rebel stronghold town of Douma, and that the strike hit its target, a building housing a terrorist faction long since known to be in the city. This would explain the preponderance of men among the dead, the need for secrecy in burying the bodies, and the motive for the Syrian military striking the target.

Moreover, it is no secret exactly who has been operating in Douma and why they would be targeted. As the Carnegie Endowment noted in 2013:

The city of Douma has long been a stronghold of the insurgency, and several armed factions are active in the area, many of them with an Islamist bent. One, the Islam Brigade of the Alloush family, has over time grown quite a bit bigger than the others, particularly after it claimed responsibility for theJuly 18, 2012 attack against the National Security Office in Damascus, which killed several leading Syrian security figures. In March 2013, the main factions of the area joined forces in a local body called the Douma Mujahedin Council. The new group included the Islam Brigade, the Douma Martyrs’ Brigade, the Ghouta Lions Brigade, the East Ghouta Revolutionaries’ Brigade, the Lions of God Brigade, the Tawhid al-Islam Brigade, the Farouq Brigade [Liwa al-Farouq], the Shabab al-Hoda Brigade, the Seif al-Omawi Battalions, the Military Police Battalion, the Regime Protection Battalion, and the al-Ishara Battalion.

This key information is entirely omitted from the western media narrative about what happened in Douma, for obvious reasons. Namely, it undermines the meme that Assad’s forces carried out a criminal massacre of civilians as a form of collective punishment. Instead, it bolsters the claims by Syrian military spokespeople that the military targeted terrorist elements inside the city, just as they had done on a number of previous occasions, including as recently as June 2015. This point is critical because it demonstrates that this latest incident is part of an ongoing battle with these Douma factions, one which has seen countless rockets fired at Damascus from Douma and other surrounding suburbs.

Furthering this point is the fact that this attack in Douma was by no means the only incident of the day. There were in fact a series of clashes throughout the Damascus suburbs on Sunday August 16, the day of the incident. According to military sources, there were fierce clashes in East Ghouta with both Jaysh al-Islam (Army of Islam) and Faylaq al-Rahman (Al-Rahman Corps) which resulted in 11 Syrian soldiers killed and 21 militants killed. In addition, the city of Harasta, adjacent to Douma, was the scene of major clashes between the army and rebels.

Were one to present all these facts clearly, it becomes inescapable that whatever happened in Douma was part of an ongoing battle between the Syrian military and anti-government “rebels” in control of the town. But that fact is not at all convenient for the war narrative. It presents no justification for an expansion of the international campaign against Syria; it provides no pretext for the US or its allies to invoke their wretched, and utterly discredited, “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine. And ultimately that is the goal.

Exposing the “Humanitarian” Warmongers

The sad fact is that the dead in Douma are little more than props for those who would attempt to orchestrate yet another US-led war in the Middle East. These purported humanitarians would like to transform the incident into viable political currency to expand the war already raging in order to achieve the longed for regime change in Syria that thus far has been unattainable.

Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, has been vocal in his support for a full scale war on Syria in the name of humanitarianism. Roth has repeatedly called for intervention against the legal government of Syria, having recently tweeted statements such as “Like Sarajevo, could Douma market slaughter finally force Assad to stop targeting civilians?” (@KenRoth, Aug 16). The implication of the statement is quite clear: there should be military intervention, such as the US-NATO war on Yugoslavia and later Serbia, in order to stop the “slaughter” of civilians. It should be noted that this tweet was posted within hours of the news of the incident in Douma long before any investigation.

Roth, and by extension his organization Human Rights Watch, further discredits whatever vestiges of impartiality he and HRW might have had with inane tweets such as “Douma market killings show how Assad chooses to fight this war: deliberately against civilians,” (@KenRoth, Aug 16), an obviously biased, and utterly unsubstantiated allegation. Roth could have absolutely no knowledge of either the identities of the dead, or the Syrian government’s motives, when he released the tweet the same day as the attack. He reveals himself here to be little more than a lackey for imperialism, a war hawk masquerading as a human rights defender.

Such dishonesty is nothing new for Roth and HRW however. As this author has previously argued, HRW is an utterly discredited organization that has on multiple occasions published blatantly false allegations about the war in Syria in order to justify a US-NATO intervention. One should of course recall the laughable, and now completely debunked, 2013 report from HRW entitled Attacks on Ghouta: Analysis of Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria, which falsely claimed that the Syrian government carried out the infamous chemical weapons attack of August 21, 2013.

The report, cited by many of the leading warmongers itching for intervention in Syria, has since been thoroughly discredited by the work of former UN weapons inspector Richard Lloyd and Prof. Theodore Postol of MIT who published their findings in a report entitled Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013 which demonstrated unequivocally that the Syrian government could not have carried out the attack.

Additionally, Roth and HRW’s false narrative was again obliterated when Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh published his exposé The Red Line and the Rat Line which firmly established the fact that the rebels were indeed capable of carrying out the attack on East Ghouta, and that they had help from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and possibly other regional actors. This critical fact completely contradicted the assertions by Roth, HRW and the chorus of others who emphatically declared that only Assad’s forces were capable of carrying out the attack. Oops. Sorry Kenny, but your war pretext fell flat that time. One can only hope that it will once again.

But Roth and HRW are not the only ones making spurious claims in pursuit of the war agenda. Leave it to the Nobel Peace Prize winner President Obama and his White House to never let any tragedy go to waste. The day after the attack, National Security Council spokesperson Ned Price, speaking on behalf of the President, issued an official statement which “strongly condemns the deadly airstrikes yesterday by the Asad regime on a market in the Damascus suburb of Douma, where more than 100 people were killed and hundreds more injured, including scores of innocent women and children… These abhorrent actions underscore that the Asad regime has lost legitimacy and that the international community must do more to enable a genuine political transition.”

It is interesting to note here that the White House had already determined that “scores of innocent women and children” had been killed or injured. Where did this information come from? Certainly the casualty list released by the anti-Assad rebels did not indicate scores of dead women and children, nor did any of the videos of incident. It seems that, rather than conveying factual information, the White House was merely using the emotionally charged phrase “women and children” for propagandistic purposes, in order to be able to justify a possible military escalation against Damascus.

It is equally interesting to recall that just like Roth and HRW, the White House attempted to similarly capitalize on the August 21, 2013 chemical weapons attack for the purposes of pushing the US into war on Syria. In its now also debunked U.S. Government Assessment of the Syrian Government’s Use of Chemical Weapons on August 21, 2013, the White House stated that “The United States Government assesses with high confidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs on August 21, 2013. We further assess that the regime used a nerve agent in the attack.”Oops again.

But why should this author pick on the August 21, 2013 chemical weapons incident in attempting to critically examine the recent attack on Douma? Because it was at that moment, in the late summer of 2013, exactly two years ago, that the United States was on the verge of all out war against Syria and the Syrian people; because a narrative built on lies and distortions almost, yet again, pushed the US into war. Because this author marched in Times Square, New York City demanding that there be no war on Syria, then or ever. And because today, with so many lives already lost over these last four and half bloody years in Syria, peace-minded people cannot sit by and allow the US-NATO war machine and its human rights complex toadies to drag us into war.

It is clear that the Douma incident has been portrayed as an “official massacre” not because of any aspect of the attack itself. Rather, it has been presented this way in order to justify a pre-conceived war narrative, one that has repeatedly collapsed in the past, but one which the rapacious warmongers and strategic planners refuse to give up on. It’s not about the dead, nor is it even really about Assad. It is about destroying Syria and achieving geopolitical objectives which have been thus far unattainable due to the stubborn resolve of Damascus and its military. Ultimately, this war is about remaking the Middle East, no matter how many bodies it takes. Sadly, the dead of Douma are little more than tinder to those desperate to set Syria and the region ablaze.

Eric Draitser is the founder of StopImperialism.org and host of CounterPunch Radio. He is an independent geopolitical analyst based in New York City. You can reach him at [email protected].

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The Seamless Web Of Liberty

August 21st, 2015 by Rep. Ron Paul

Many people think the Internal Revenue Service was violating civil liberties when it harassed tea party groups. After all, the groups were targeted because they wanted to exercise their civil liberty to challenge government policies. However, the specific issue in the IRS case was the groups’ application for tax-exempt status, which seems to be an aspect of economic liberty. In fact, the IRS case demonstrates that there is no meaningful distinction between civil and economic liberties. A true friend of the free society defends both civil and economic liberties.

Many “civil libertarians” who oppose government laws interfering in the personal choices of consenting adults support laws preventing consenting adults from working for below the minimum wage. Other civil libertarians support government programs forcing consenting adults to purchase health insurance. Many liberals who join libertarians in opposing the NSA’s warrantless wiretapping fail to protest Obamacare’s assault on medical privacy. Even worse are those “First Amendment defenders” who cheer on government actions preventing religious individuals from operating their businesses in accord with the teachings of their faith.

The hypocrisy of left-wing civil libertarians is matched by the hypocrisy of many “economic conservatives.” Too many conservatives combine opposition to high taxes and Obamacare with support for authoritarian measures aimed at stopping individuals from engaging in “immoral” behavior. These conservatives do not understand that using force to stop people from engaging in nonviolent activities that some consider immoral is just as wrong as using force to make people purchase health insurance. Obamacare and the drug war both violate individual rights, and neither has any place in a free society.

In a free society, individuals must respect the right of others to make their own choices free from government coercion. However they do not have to approve of those choices. Individuals are free to use peaceful persuasion to stop others from engaging in immoral or destructive behavior. They can also avoid associating with individuals or businesses whose actions they find immoral or simply distasteful.

Many civil and economic libertarians also mistakenly believe that they can defend liberty while supporting an imperialist foreign policy. It is impossible to be a true civil libertarian, or a true fiscal conservative, and support the warfare state.

America’s imperialist foreign policy is the underlying justification for the rise of the modern surveillance state, and the reason Americans cannot board an airplane without being harassed and humiliated by the Transportation Security Administration. The warfare state is also the justification for the government’s greatest infringement on personal liberties: the military draft.

The United States government’s militaristic foreign policy costs taxpayers over $1 trillion a year. The costs of empire are major drivers of the American debt. Yet many of the most fervent opponents of domestic spending oppose even minuscule cuts to the defense budget. The government’s budget will never be balanced until conservatives give up their love affair with the welfare state and military Keynesianism.

Scholars, commentators, and other public figures who defend liberty in some areas and authoritarianism in other areas — or combine a defense of economic or civil liberty with a defense of the warfare state — undermine the case for the liberties they claim to cherish. Restoring the link between economic liberty, civil liberty, and peace is a vital task for those seeking to restore a society of liberty, peace, and prosperity. I examine the link between an interventionist foreign policy and a loss of our civil and economy liberties in my new book Swords into Plowshares. here

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity is a project of Dr. Paul’s Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (F.R.E.E.), founded in the 1970s as an educational organization. The Institute continues and expands Dr. Paul’s lifetime of public advocacy for a peaceful foreign policy and the protection of civil liberties at home.

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On Thursday, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras resigned and announced snap elections, likely in late September – a ploy hoping for enough voter support to remain in power before ordinary Greeks feel the pain of greater austerity he agreed to after pledging no more in January.

His SYRIZA-led coalition holds a slim majority. Polls astonishingly show he remains popular – at least compared to alternative choices.

Greece is like most other nations. Monied interests rule. Ordinary people have no say. Tsipras and most SYRIZA officials proved they’re as supportive of monied interests as opposition parties PASOK and New Democracy.

Announcing his decision to step down on national television, Tsipras said “(t)he political mandate of the January 25 elections has exhausted its limits, and now the Greek people have to have their say.”

Tsipras, like Obama, promised hope and change. They delivered worse than ever business as usual. Nothing in prospect suggests relief for millions of ordinary Greeks deserving better than crushing austerity gravely harming their welfare, security and futures.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PMCentral time plus two prerecorded archived programs.


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America: A Land Where Justice Is Absent

August 21st, 2015 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Obama has permitted the corrupt US Department of Justice (sic), over which he wields authority, to overturn the ruling of a US Federal Court of Appeals that prisoners sentenced illegally to longer terms than the law permits must be released once the legal portion of their sentence is served. The DOJ, devoid of all integrity, compassion, and sense of justice, said that “finality” of conviction was more important than justice. Indeed, the US Justice (sic) Department’s motto is: “Justice? We don’t need no stinkin’ justice!”

Alec Karakatsanis, a civil rights attorney and co-founder of Equal Justice Under Law, tells the story here:


The concept of “finality” was an invention of a harebrained Republican conservative academic lionized by the Republican Federalist Society. In years past conservatives believed—indeed, still do—that the criminal justice system coddles criminals by allowing too many appeals against their unlawful convictions. The appeals were granted by judges who thought that the system was supposed to serve justice, but conservatives demonized justice as something that enabled criminals. A succession of Republican presidents turned the US Supreme Court into an organization that only serves the interests of private corporations. Justice is nowhere in the picture.

Appeals Court Judge, James Hill, a member of the court that ruled that prisoners did not have to serve the illegal portion of their sentences, when confronted with the Obama/DOJ deep-sixing of justice had this to say:

“A judicial system that values finality over justice is morally bankrupt.”

Obama’s DOJ says that there are too many black prisoners illegally sentenced to be released without upsetting the crime-fearful white population. According to Obama’s Justice (sic) Department, the fears of brainwashed whites take precedence over justice. Judge Hill said that the DOJ “calls itself, without a trace of irony, the Department of Justice.”

Judge Hill added: We used to call such systems as people sitting in prison serving sentences that were illegally imposed “gulags.” “Now we call them the United States.”

America is a gulag. We are ruled by a government that is devoid of all morality, all integrity, all compassion, all justice. The government of the United States stands for one thing and one thing only: Evil.

It is just as Chavez told the United Nations in 2006 referring to President George W. Bush’s address to the assembly the day before: “Yesterday, at this very podium, Satan himself stood speaking as if he owned the world. You can still smell the sulfur.”

If you are an American and you cannot smell the sulfur, you are tightly locked down in The Matrix. God help you. There is no Neo to rescue you. And you are too brainwashed and ignorant to be rescued by me.

You are part of the new Captive Nation.

 Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

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August 21, 2013: Obama’s insidious and criminal objective in August 2013 was to use these attacks with a view to justifying a humanitarian war against Syria.

This GRTV report was first broadcast in September 2013 in the month following the East Ghouta Chemical Attacks

In the wake of the Syrian chemical weapons attack, shocking footage of the victims of that attack were widely circulated in an effort to raise the ire of the public and spur support for military intervention.

Now, a new report on that footage finds troubling inconsistencies and manipulation with the video that calls the official narrative of the attack and its victims into question.

This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.

Earlier this week, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon submitted the findings of the UN chemical weapons inspection team dispatched to Syria last month to gather evidence on the August 21st chemical weapons attack in Ghouta.

The report has been used as justification for the US and UK’s allegations that the attack originated from the Syrian government, but it does not in fact reach this conclusion. The inspection team’s mandate was limited to determining if an attack took place, not where it originated from, limiting their findings to a simple statement of fact:

“On the basis of the evidence obtained during our investigation of the Ghouta incident, the conclusion is that, on 21st August 2013, chemical weapons have been used in the ongoing conflict between the parties in the Syrian Arab Republic, also against civilians, including children, on a relatively large scale.”

The determination of where the attacks originated from is of course the key issue geopolitically speaking. If the attack originated with the Syrian government it would mark a serious escalation in the conflict, but if the weapons were launched by the terrorist insurgency it would mean the attack was a false flag provocation, designed to draw the US and its allies into armed military intervention in the country.

As analysts have been at pains to point out, the motive for such an attack has always suggested that it was more likely that the terrorists were the culprits in Ghouta, not the Syrian government. They have been losing the ground war against Syrian government forces for months, and they knew that the use of chemical weapons was the “red line” that Obama had set as the threshold for military intervention. Those who argue Assad’s culpability have to believe that not only did he suddenly and inexplicably resort to using chemical weapons on his own people for no strategic military reason, but that he waited until UN chemical weapons inspectors arrived in the country before doing so.

The background and history of the conflict also provide ample evidence that the terrorists have chemical weapons in their possession, and are trained and motivated to use them. Last December it was reported that US forces were training the terrorist forces in the the handling of chemical weapons. Also last December the insurgents released a video showing their chemical weapons operations and threatening to use them against government supporters. And in July of this year, Russia submitted an exhaustive 100-page report to the UN outlining how the terrorist insurgency was in fact to blame for the March 19th chemical weapons attack in Khan al-Asal on the outskirts of Aleppo.

But in the light of this latest chemical weapons attack, the UK, the US and France have all released their own intelligence studies blaming Assad for the incident and calling on the “international community” to increase pressure on the Syrian government. The reports, however, contradict each other in numerous places, with wildly different estimates of casualties in the events suggesting that the intelligence agencies that produced the report cannot even agree on the most basic details of the attack.

Now, new evidence is emerging that the attacks were used and manipulated by the terrorists in order to provoke the US and its allies into armed intervention in Syria. This evidence suggests that the videos used by the US and its allies to conclude what happened in Ghouta were in fact carefully stage managed to portray a narrative that would pin the blame for the attacks on Assad.

The first indications of this plot emerged early on, when expert analysis of the videos suggested inconsistencies in the footage itself.

That analysis was later expanded on by a report from ISTEAMS, a Syria-based human rights group working in conjunction with the International Institute for Peace, Justice and Human Rights. In this thorough report, published on GlobalResearch.ca on September 16th, numerous discrepancies and inconsistencies in the footage are documented.

The report documents through eyewitness testimony and video evidence that the affected areas had been largely abandoned by local residents in the days prior to the attack. Yet in the footage of the aftermath, there are large numbers of child victims who are portrayed. There exists very little footage of parents with their children, and what little footage exists portrays some of the parents apparently “discovering” their children on multiple occasions in different locations. Other footage shows the same children arranged in different formations in geographically distant neighborhoods. The report concludes that the footage was carefully stage managed to create the greatest emotional impact on foreign audiences. These videos were then used by the Obama administration to convince the Senate of their case for military intervention.

ISTEAMS President and one of the key researchers on the report, Mother Agnes Mariam, joined The Corbett Report to discuss the problems with the official narrative of the chemical weapon attack emanating from Washington and its allies last month.

The ISTEAMS report raises many troubling questions about the scenes in the Ghouta videos. Were the victims of the attack local children? If so, why were they there after these areas had been largely abandoned? Where are their parents? In the days after the attack, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, an advisor to the Assad government, provided an equally troubling answer to these questions to Sky News.

These reports dovetail with videos posted by the Mujahedeen Press Office to YouTube just six days before the attack confirming that the terrorists had kidnapped hundreds of women and children from the rural villages of Alawite stronghold Lattakia to use as bargaining chips in the conflict. Were these kidnap victims moved to Ghouta to be killed in the chemical weapons attack? Is this why so many children were there in these largely-vacated areas, and why so few parents appear on video mourning their children?

Although further research and investigation is urgently needed by third-party organizations to establish the identity of the Ghouta attack victims and the whereabouts of the kidnapped Lattakian families, the reports, if true, are evidence of the most disgraceful war crimes imaginable and the most cold-blooded manipulations of evidence to suit an agenda. Earlier this month, Global Research Director Michel Chossudovsky appeared on GRTV to discuss the nature of the terrorist insurgency.

Now, the US and its allies are trying to use the UN’s new report in combination with the video “evidence” of the attack’s aftermaths to justify the use of military force to back up the Syrian chemical disarmament process. Some are even calling for Assad to face war crimes prosecution on the back of this and similarly manipulated evidence.

In order to prevent this war agenda from proceeding any further or these propaganda images from being used in the pursuit of military intervention, it is vital that this latest ISTEAMS report is downloaded from Global Research, widely disseminated, and thoroughly investigated.

Complete Report of the ISTEAM: The Chemical Attacks in East Ghouta Used to Justify a Military Intervention in Syria (pdf)

See also:

The Chemical Attacks in East Ghouta Used to Justify a Military Intervention in Syria By Mother Agnes Mariam, September 16, 2013

Syria: Fabricating Chemical Lies. Who is Behind the East Ghouta Attacks?By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 17, 2013

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Could any dictator desire more? Almost the entire population of the Empire is now thinking the same way!

The populace is “educated” at schools and the universities staffed with submissive, and cowardly teachers and professors.

The populace is “informed” by hundreds of thousands of servile journalists and “analysts”. There is almost no deviation from the official narrative.

Congratulations, Western Empire! You have succeeded where others tried but failed. You have achieved almost absolute obedience and discipline, a total servility.

And more than that most of the people actually think that they are free, that they are in control. They believe that they can choose, that they can decide. They are confident that theirs is the greatest civilization ever built on Earth!

Tens of millions are lining up, voluntarily, asking to get “educated”, and eventually to get one of those official Imperial degrees. They want to be accepted, certified and praised by the rulers.

People are offering their own bowed heads to a complex and protracted act of lobotomy. In exchange for stamped pieces of papers called diplomas, men and women lose, forever, their ability to think independently, to analyze and to see the world with their own individual set of eyes. As a reward for their submissiveness, their chances to get prestigious positions in the regime’s elite corporate, academic, and other battalions, dramatically increase.

The extreme degree of compliance of the majority of men and women living in our societies makes old books like “Fahrenheit 451” and “1984” only moderately disturbing. Our reality of “2015” is much more psychedelic, bizarre and appalling… as well as shameful!

Most of the citizens are now even willing to pay for those “educational” and propaganda brain surgeries from their own (or from their family’s) pocket; they are keen to get into deep debts in order to get thoroughly programmed and indoctrinated. Several years later, when it’s all over and nothing is left of their individuality, their chests swell with pride, and they frequently cry when they receive that stamped piece of paper, which in fact means only one thing: “Passed, accepted and certified – ready to serve and to be used by the Empire and its fascist regime”.

Millions of foreigners are lining up for this lobotomy too. Those coming from the colonized and destroyed countries are often the most eager. Children of the elites are excited to receive the stamp of approval from the Empire, to be molded, to blend with the masses in Europe or North America. After “graduating” and after returning “home”, they hang their diplomas on the walls, add titles all over their name cards, increase their fees, and demand respect for their Western ways and their intellectual collaboration with the Empire. Then many of them get busy robbing and further indoctrinating their fellow-citizens on behalf of the West.

In many countries there is no reason to even leave home. Western brainwashing is readily available through countless private Christian and “international” schools, through churches, “cultural institutions”, and of course, through the “entertainment”.

Even such countries like China that can count on much greater and older cultures than that of the West, are now being dreadfully influenced by its own sons and daughters who have been programmed to believe in the greatness of the Western civilization. They were either indoctrinated at the Western “educational” facilities abroad, or by the armies of Western “educators”, “scholars” and preachers who are increasingly busy travelling and spreading their toxic gospel all over the World.

Instead of being given multifaceted and multicultural knowledge, pupils and students have been receiving precisely calculated indoctrination doses, well tested during the centuries of imperialism and colonialism. By now, the Empire knows extremely well how to manipulate human minds. Those who are raped are forced into believing that they are being made love to. Those indiscriminately robbed are taught to praise the colonial powers for building their administrative buildings and railroads and people “at home” are instructed to feel no shame for their past and present.

Instead of being encouraged to think independently, instead of being asked to revolutionize their thinking itself, the people are being tied, restrained by austere intellectual straightjackets.

Courage and independent-mindedness are systematically vilified and belittled. Rebellious souls are marked as “unemployable”, almost as antisocial.

Cowardice, submissiveness and mediocrity are promoted and marketed by the extremely complex and multi-faceted system of propaganda, advertising, “cultural and entertainment events” and media.

In a fully uniform world where even “culture” and media are serving the Empire and its neoliberal business interests, the New Men and the New Women are being shaped from intellectual clay, then put on massive pedestals: all of them tall and slim, all articulately and loudly regurgitating clichés, carefully avoiding real issues, intensively communicating with each other about nothing, while remaining shockingly ignorant about the world.

The New Humans – they are all smiling, all very cool looking. They drive the latest cars and hold modern gadgets in their hands. They are self-confident and endlessly selfish. Their buttocks are increasingly and stereotypically “perfect”.

Many of them are on sedatives, on anti-depressants or on drugs, most of them are miserable, unsure of themselves, unhappy with their jobs, miserable with their families, unable to find or keep their second halves. All this, of course, does not show! On the surface, countless Western men and women look ravishing!

The Italian and German fascists tried, desperately to create this sort of confident looking but obedient breed of super-humans.

They failed.

But this Empire is succeeding! For the first time in human history there is a chance that the Robots will actually replace human beings. Not Robots manufactured from plastic and metals, but humans re-conditioned, recycled into Robots.

Italian Fascism, German Nazism, the corporatism of the United States, imperialism, racism, colonialism, exceptionalism, propaganda, advertising, “education” – they have all been expertly intertwined.

Congratulations, Empire! You are the first one who managed to standardize human beings and their thinking!


It is not easy to fight such an Empire, intellectually.

It is not just logic or philosophy that have to be confronted, to be challenged.

There are also thousands of perceptions, dogmas, codes, all of them serving the same purpose – to keep people away from reality, and from independent thinking and analyses.

Most citizens of the Western Empire are actually much more indoctrinated than the members of such groups as the Taliban or ISIL because the Empire works very hard and employs millions of professionals who create extremely effective concepts designed to control human minds: from ideologues to psychologists, propagandists, educators, artists, journalists and other highly specialized beings.

From social media to soap operas, Hollywood films, pop music and television networks, almost everything leads to the same direction – dragging people away from the basic principles of humanism. Forcing them not to think as a group of rational, caring, compassionate beings.

Reality is either trivialized, or brought to some phantasmagorical levels from where no logic can be effectively applied.

The most important course of human thought – the thinking of, the dreaming of and the designing of new, and much better and more gentle forms of human society – is totally missing from the narrative with which the men, women and children of the Empire and its colonies, are confronted on a daily basis.

The citizens of the Empire are being prevented from thinking and acting in a natural way. As a result, they are frustrated, depressed, and confused. But instead of rebelling (most of them are not capable of it, anymore), they become increasingly aggressive. While the victims of the Empire, all over the world, are being murdered, exploited and humiliated, the arrangement of the world brings actually very little joy (although many material benefits) to the citizens of the Empire – the Europeans and North Americans.

At the other “extreme”: billions of people in former colonies and in neo-colonies are also bombarded, constantly, by the same twisted, recycled and modified messages. They face a perpetual avalanche of propaganda (slightly modified for each particular region), streaming day and night from the Empire’s indoctrination outlets: be the soap operas, the lowest grade of movies and video games (the same thing, really), pop music with repetitive brain-dead lyrics, toothless decorative “art”, or the “news” broadcasts and reports carried by the mainstream press agencies. These messages are disseminated via local mass media outlets that are in turn mainly controlled by the business interests, which are determinedly collaborative with the global, Western regime.

The Empire and its arrangement of the world are outrageously racist and brutal, but most of its citizens, even its subjects in looted lands, are forced to believe that it is actually the most “tolerant” and “progressive” system on Earth.


Is there any hope that humanity will survive this mass-produced idiocy?

Yes, of course there is!

The fight is on.

It is not only Russian, Chinese and Iranian NAVY maneuvers that are now challenging Western imperialism.

It is not only the Latin Americans and South Africans who have made determined efforts to rewrite history and to arm people with knowledge, instead of diplomas.

Perhaps the greatest living European filmmaker, Emir Kusturica, recently wrote, sarcastically, that: “World War III will start with Pentagon bombing of RT”, referring to the powerful television network “Russia Today”. RT commented:

“RT is a real threat to US state propaganda as it reaches Americans “in their own homes, in perfect English, better than they use on CNN.” And that is why, according to the director, Washington could get fed up and seek to silence RT by force – much like NATO did to Serbian state TV in April 1999.

In turn, Kusturica predicts, Moscow would destroy CNN, which he considers the flag-bearer of pro-American propaganda: “CNN in direct transmissions assures that since the 1990s America has been leading humanitarian actions, and not wars, and that its military planes rain angels, not bombs!”

Although some of the greatest thinkers confronting the Empire – Saramago, Galeano and Pinter – have recently passed away, there are still many of those who are managing to escape indoctrination. Some are regrouping around new non-Western television networks like TeleSUR, RT and PressTV.

It is like Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451”, all over again. Some people, stubbornly, refuse to burn their books.

Even in the West, some powerful media outlets – CounterPunch, Dissident Voice, ICH, VNN, Global Research, and others – are holding the line. They are not yet winning, far from it, but they are not dying, either!

As long as the independent thought is alive, not everything is lost.

“I rebel; therefore we exist”, wrote French philosopher Albert Camus. He also added: “The feeling of rebellion is born in oppression”.

The Empire denies that it oppresses the world. It indoctrinates both oppressors and the oppressed, re-defining, in fact “re-branding” oppression as freedom.

Those of us, who are managing to escape its indoctrination, are now rebelling. Therefore – humanity still exists.

The battlefield is becoming very well defined: it is now mainly about information, and about knowledge.

The deeds, the tricks, performed by the Empire are dirty, horrendous, but very transparent. They can be accepted or tolerated by billions only because of the constant repetition of the lies, and because of the twisted concepts hammered into the people’s brains through the “mainstream education”.

The war for survival of humanity is already being fought. It is “The Great Humanistic War” – the war over people’s brains and hearts, not over the territory. It can be also called the “information war”, a “detox” war, or a war to bring human beings back to life from their intellectual intoxication, from their slumber and servility, a war for much better world, a war that would put knowledge above diplomas and stamps, human warmth and kindness above violence and aggression, and human beings above profits and money.

The victory can only arrive accompanied with knowledge, with independent thought, with rational humanism, with compassion and solidarity, and human warmth.


Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and Fighting Against Western Imperialism. Discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western Terrorism. Point of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania – a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.

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The head of Hamas’ Political Bureau rejected the offer, which was apparently made with the knowledge of the British Prime Minister

Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas’ Political Bureau, has turned down, for now, the offer made by Tony Blair, the former Middle East envoy for the Quartet, of an official visit to London to continue negotiations about a long term ceasefire in Gaza.

Blair and Meshaal have met four times in Doha and the proposed visit to London was not discussed at their last meeting. But the offer of a visit was firm and a specific date in June was proposed, informed sources told Middle East Eye.

Senior Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal greets people in the city of Konya during
a recent visit to Turkey (AFP PHOTO/HO/PM OFFICE/HAKAN GOKTEPE)

Blair and the officials accompanying him left Meshaal with the understanding that the offer of a visit to London was an official one, with the knowledge of the British Prime Minister David Cameron and the Americans.

MEE first reported the ongoing meetings between Blair and Meshaal in June.

An Israeli official involved in the Doha dialogue told Haaretz that before his first meeting with Meshaal, Blair “invited himself” to a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who made clear that he was not authorising him to convey messages to Hamas. But Netanyahu saw Blair’s talks as a feasibility study.

Other Israeli officials told Haaretz that Blair had made no progress in the talks. The ideas raised – a five year cease-fire, an international plan to rebuild Gaza, opening a port in Gaza, or using a port in Cyprus under international supervision – “had all been raised before”.

The offer divided Hamas, according to informed sources. There were those who believed that the visit in itself would have marked a major propaganda coup for the organisation, and would have been the prelude to removing Hamas from the European Union list of terrorist organisations.

Others, however, argued that the visit was a trap that would suck Hamas into the failed Oslo process, exchanging an end to the armed resistance to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories for a sea and airport in Gaza.

There were also doubts about Blair’s motives, his personal and business contacts in the Middle East, his association with the United Arab Emirates, which is sheltering the former Fatah strongman Mohammed Dahlan, and his consultancy work for the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Azzam Tamimi, who is a personal friend of Khaled Meshaal, told Al-Risalah Net that Hamas had requested a delay until a clear formulation of the ceasefire proposal was formed. He said Hamas did not want these talks to be an extension of the Oslo process, or an attempt to revive an agreement that had already failed.

Tamimi, who has been briefed on the ongoing discussions, argued that the visit should have gone ahead. He said it was in the interests of the movement to accept the offer irrespective of the results. What was going on at the moment was nothing more than an “exploration of and search for possibilities of resolving the current crisis in the Strip”.

Added complications

He said that of all the interested parties, the Palestinian Authority was the most opposed to these talks because it considered itself the sole party authorised to conclude international agreements on the Palestinian issue.

“Israel wants an agreement that intensifies the split between Gaza and the West , and that is what Tony Blair is doing,” Hanan Ashrawi, a veteran Palestine Liberation Organisation legislator and senior spokeswoman, told The Independent. “Maintaining and intensifying the split would spell the end of a unified, viable Palestinian state.”

Of the former Prime Minister, she added: “Blair is the last person qualified to be a mediator. We know whose side he is on and has been from the beginning. I don’t believe he moves without [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s approval. He’s looking after Israel’s interests.”

Tamimi said the central logjam in the talks was Blair’s wish for the process to result in a Hamas statement that acknowledges, directly or indirectly, the importance of going back to negotiations.

Hamas refuses to do this, saying it had nothing to do with Oslo, but would be willing to reach an understanding about the lifting of the siege in return for a truce.

A truce in Gaza could be used as a template for an Israeli unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank.

News of the offer of a London visit will further complicate the long-delayed publication of the report by Sir John Jenkins into the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain.

The report is understood to reject the claim of any link between the Brotherhood and terrorist acts in Egypt, but is expected to argue that its network of organisations in Britain is not conducive to the public good.

Much of that argument will be based on support the Brotherhood in Britain gives to Hamas, according to a well-informed source.

The revelation that Blair, with the full knowledge of Cameron, has invited the political head of Hamas to Britain will complicate the British prime minister’s attempts to fold the Jenkin’s report into a package of anti-extremist measures in September.

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While the large industrial complexes in northern Syria were once reminders of the strong economic ties between Ankara and Damascus, Aleppo’s businessmen now hold Turkey responsible for the destruction and looting of their factories.

It may not be a bright idea to introduce yourself as from Turkey to people you meet in the areas controlled by the Syrian army. Alevi, Sunni or Christian, it doesn’t make a difference. They are all enraged. But I always introduced myself as a Turk in my travels from Damascus to Aleppo, from Homs to Tartus and from Latakia to Kesab. Almost everybody I met started the conversation, “We like Turkey and Turkish people,” but inevitably ended it with critical remarks against the Ankara government, particularly President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Many leveled serious charges against Turkey, including supporting terror and plundering.

I listened to a Syrian army commander in the rubble of centuries-old historic buildings in divided Aleppo say, “The basic reason for the fall of Aleppo and Idlib to armed groups is the terrorists sent from Turkey and the support Turkey gives to them.” At Sheikh Najjar Industrial City I heard even more damning accusations that may take Turkey to The Hague. Aleppo industrialists say more than 300 factories were plundered and their equipment sold in Turkey, hence their decision to settle their accounts with Turkey at the International Court of Justice.

Normally, it takes 20 minutes to reach Sheikh Najjar from Aleppo. But as it was impossible to pass through the area controlled by the opposition militants, it took me an hour. The army checkpoint and a military outpost at the entrance of Sheikh Najjar are always standing by to prevent a repeat of the December 2012 raid by the opposition that seized the industrial city. It looks like a ghost city with hundreds of razed, burned or plundered buildings, among them the International Islamic Bank of Syria, the Bank of Syria and Overseas, and the Delil Battal yarn-spinning factory.

I met the commander at the military outpost. He explained how they took back Sheikh Najjar in July 2014.

“They had occupied 80% of the factories. We launched the operation from Hanasir and fought in an area of 100 square kilometers [62 square miles]. It took us 48 hours to take back Sheikh Najjar. They destroyed most businesses by setting off their booby traps as they were fleeing.”

On buildings groups used as military posts during the 2012-2014 occupation, one can still see slogans of groups like Jabhat al-Nusra.

My next meeting was with Hazim Accan, the director general of the Sheikh Najjar Industrial City. He told me,

“One hundred forty-five billion Syrian pounds were invested here in the year 2000. Activities began in 2005. There are 963 production facilities, mostly textiles, food, chemicals, medicines, aluminum, iron and plastics. Today 366 of them are operational. They were badly damaged. Electricity and water systems collapsed. Half of the non-operational facilities were dismantled and taken to Turkey. We don’t know who plundered it, but Turkey is the responsible party. This is why the Aleppo Chamber of Industry and Commerce is taking the issue to international courts.”

A businessman from Aleppo had told me in a private gathering in Damascus that some of the army personnel who had expelled the opposition forces out of Sheikh Najjar in July 2014 had taken part in looting. This man, who is close to the regime, added, “First the opposition looted. When the army took over control, soldiers were told to remove what they could. If you ask me, both the opposition and the army were the thieves.”

When I related this conversation to Accan, he was irate. “This is a lie. Factories today are operating with the fuel provided by the army. Nobody can even remove a nut or bolt from here without our permission. We are guarding the factories whose owners have escaped.”

Kurdish businessman Muhammed Seydo’s four-story denim factory was burned to the ground in the clash between the rival groups. The looting is not confined to Sheikh Najjar. For example, Halabi Textile Factory on the Damascus-Aleppo highway was set on fire after its machinery was dismantled and taken away.

Deputy President of the Aleppo Chamber of Industry and Commerce Bassil Joseph Nasri first denied the accusations against the soldiers, but when I persisted, he replied,

 “I must first tell you that those machines cannot be sold in Syria. Their owners will trace them and we will catch the culprits. The only exit route for the looted assets is through Turkey. Yes, among the soldiers there [are] those who stole computers, printers and sometimes cash from safes but not machinery. They were all identified and punished. Their number was not more than your fingers.”

Nasri said his organization is holding Turkey responsible for its support of armed groups, for letting stolen goods cross its borders and allowing their sale inside Turkey. He added that after they went to the International Court of Justice, the number of complaints against Turkey has increased significantly. “We set up a special team to work on the court case. The owners of stolen goods are trying to trace them. Some of their serial numbers were erased. But these are special, advanced machinery. It is not difficult to track them down. For example, a Chinese company producing the machinery knows who bought them. There are some businessmen who have located their stolen machinery. One of them even tracked down his machines and brought them back. We know these machines were sold mostly in Kilis, Gaziantep and Hatay provinces. The looters even brought engineers from Turkey to identify the most valuable parts. Sometimes they removed the entire machine, sometimes selected parts. We are pursuing the thieves and new court cases will follow,” said Nasri.

Nasri’s own factory is in Leyramun, which is now controlled by the opposition. “I worked with chemicals. I had 100 workers. I don’t know what happened to it except what I see from Google space photography. Let this terror end. I will immediately rebuild.”

At his office, the site of frequent rocket strikes by the opposition, I met Gov. Muhammed Merwan al Ulabi. He showed mortar shells fired at his building with the inscription, “Our gift to Shabbiha,” the term for pro-government militias. He too blamed the Turkish government for the looting in Aleppo.

Ulabi said,

“Some 6.3 million people lived in Aleppo and in its rural fringes. It is one of the oldest settlements in the world, famous for its historic bazaars and mosques. Emewiye Mosque is 900 years old. Aleppo is going through extremely tough times because of the terror by armed groups supported by the West, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Before the crisis, Aleppo had very close geographical and blood ties with neighboring Turkey. Turkey’s [Justice and Development Party] government provided all kinds of support to terrorists who came from all corners of the world to fight against the Syrian people. They stole most of the industrial plants of Aleppo and carried them off to Turkey. Everybody saw that looting and how they were carried to Turkey. We respect Aleppo’s traditionally close relations with the Turkish people. But we oppose the policies of the Erdogan government. Many times they said they were sending food and medicine to Syria, but they shipped in weapons concealed under medicine crates. If Turkey really wants to fight terror, as it claims, then it has to end this endless support from its borders. If neighboring states stop their logistical and arms support, our people are strong enough to take care of these terrorists. Syria was developing economically and was a safe country before they sent their terrorists.”

Actually, Sheikh Najjar Industrial City was once a symbol of the relations Turkey had developed as part of its “zero problems with neighbors” policy. Many Turkish companies had formed partnerships with Syrians. People remember these partnerships and then recount how machinery and goods were loaded on trucks and carried off to Turkey through the Cilvegozu and Ceylanpinar crossings. Unfortunately, “plundering” and “terror” have become permanent parts of the Syrian lexicon when explaining their saga.

Translator: Timur Göksel

Fehim Taştekin is a columnist and chief editor of foreign news at the Turkish newspaper Radikal, based in Istanbul. He is the host of a fortnightly program called “Dogu Divanı” on IMC TV. He is an analyst specializing in Turkish foreign policy and Caucasus, Middle East and EU affairs. He contributes to Al-Monitor’s Turkey Pulse as a columnist. He was founding editor of Agency Caucasus. On Twitter: @fehimtastekin.

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On Friday, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported Israeli warplanes bombed a military post near Quneitra in Syrian controlled Golan killing one soldier, wounding eight others.

The pro-NATO London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported two deaths – possible military officials close to Assad. It indicated raids struck other targets outside Damascus, including a weapons depot. [this source is generally unreliable]

Israel said the IDF “targeted 14 Syrian military posts in the Syrian Golan Heights” – without further explanation. Israeli media reported artillery batteries, army outposts and communications antennae struck.

The attack was perhaps the largest one since the 1967 Six Day War. Is it a possible prelude to US/Israeli/Turkish full-scale war on Assad? Things have been heading toward it for many months.

Israel has multiple objectives – eliminating Syria as a rival regional state, balkanizing the country for easier control, blocking the Iran nuclear deal, blaming nonexistent Tehran-orchestrated rocket fire on northern Israel to influence Congress, and ultimately replace Islamic State sovereignty with pro-Western governance.

Israeli officials outrageously blamed Syria and Iran for alleged rocket fire they had nothing to do with if it occurred at all. SANA said Israel bombed Syrian territory “(i)n a bid to support the armed terrorist organizations and boost their low morale…”

(A)n Israeli helicopter fired rockets on Quneitra (earlyThursday evening) targeting the Transport Directorate and the Governorate’s Building…caus(ing) material damage only.

Unnamed Israeli sources irresponsibly blamed Iran and Syria for allegedly planning rocket attacks on northern Israel carried out by Damascus-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad elements. The organization denied any involvement in what allegedly happened.

Hawkish Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon claimedThursday’s incident was a “coming attraction” of more to come – from “a richer and more murderous Iran” aided by sanctions relief.

“This is the intention of the bloody regime from Tehran, and the Western world cannot just sweep that fact under the rug,” he blustered.

Israel’s campaign to undermine the Iran nuclear agreement and eliminate its two main regional rivals includes concocting fabricated accusations only morons or liars would accept.

Iran and Syria didn’t attack Israeli territory – not now or earlier. Nor will they except in self-defense.

Separately, Obama told congressional Democrats he’ll continue economic pressure on Iran, maintain the military option, and increase missile defense and other aid for Israel if the nuclear deal is approved next month.

The World Bank weighed in claiming oil prices will drop another $10 a barrel if Iranian sanctions are lifted – while providing an economic boost, saying:

Just as the tightening of sanctions in 2012 led to a sharp decline in Iran’s oil exports and two years of negative growth, we expect the removal of sanctions to boost exports and revive the economy.

Foreign investors are eager to do business in Iran. German vice chancellor/energy and economics minister Sigmar Gabriel visited Tehran – pledging to restore economic ties. He led a delegation of 60 German corporations eager to gain entry to Iran’s market.

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius came for the same reason. The Hollande government intends sending a delegation of 80 French companies to Tehran in late September.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is expected to come. Britain, Spain, Sweden and other European countries plan visits.

Israel is going all-out to keep Iran isolated. Expect more baseless accusations ahead.

Maybe Netanyahu has a major false flag attack in mind next – anything to keep demonizing Iran, block the nuclear deal, as well as maintain pressure against Western investment and trade.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PMCentral time plus two prerecorded archived programs.


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South Korean sources claim there is evidence that North Korea is about to test-fire short and medium-range missiles, a source said. It comes a day after the two rival nations exchanged artillery fire across the border.

“The North is showing signs of deploying a Scud missile near Wonsan and a Rodong missile in the North Pyeongan Province,”a government source told the Yonhap news agency, citing data from a radar system that South Korean and US military operate jointly.

“It seems that (the North) is weighing the timing of the firing under its strategic intention to increase military tension on the Korean Peninsula to the highest level,” the source noted.

Pyongyang uses missile tests to demonstrate resilience in standoffs with Seoul, for instance during South Korea’s regular and large military drills with US troops.

The North Korean ambassador to China believes tensions on the Korean peninsula are close to war due to continuous S. Korean political and military provocations.

The leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un has ordered frontline combined forces to enter a state of war from 5:00p.m. (0830 GMT) on Friday, the official KCNA news agency reports.

The order was issued during an emergency meeting of the central military commission of the ruling party, Xinhua reports. The announcement comes after an exchange of fire between the rivals on Thursday.


South Korean military fired dozens of artillery shells across the border on Thursday, the Yonhap news agency reported. The attack came in response to apparent shelling of the southern part of the border area by the North’s military.

“A barrage of supposedly North Korean military shells was detected by (South Korea’s) anti-battery radar” at 3:52pm, a ministry official said as cited by the agency.

Earlier the South Korean Defense Ministry said shelling from across the border was detected by counter-battery radar, but that the South didn’t return fire.

READ MORE: N. Korea threatens to ‘invade US’ unless S. Korean military exercises aren’t halted

No casualties or damage on the ground was reported after the alleged shelling from the North. However, South Korea ordered the evacuation of civilians from the border area to the west of the Korean Peninsula, where the incident happened.

According to the KBS broadcaster in South Korea, the North’s shells targeted a military loudspeaker that has been broadcasting anti-Pyongyang propaganda across the border. North Korea has repeatedly demanded the removal of such loudspeakers, calling them provocative.

In the wake of the fire exchange, North Korea reiterated its demands, saying propaganda must cease within 48 hours or military action will ensue, according to the South Korean Defense Ministry.

Relations between North and South Korea are tenser than usual at the moment in the wake of a land mine incident this month. Two South Korean troops were hit by a primitive landmine explosion, with Seoul blaming Pyongyang, an accusation the North denied. Mounting propaganda loudspeakers along the borders was the South’s response to the incident.

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NHS For Sale: Myths, Lies and Deception by Tamasin Cave, Jacky Davis, Paul Evans, John Lister, Martin McKee, Harry Smith, and David Wrigley (Merlin Press, 2015) argues that the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 is a government policy whose component parts are together a significant step toward the privatization of Great Britain’s National Health Service (NHS). John Lister and six co-authors demonstrate that the British reform debate about healthcare is polluted with myths about the performance of the NHS, how capitalist economies work, the proper economic and social role of government in them, and what conditions are required to maximize political freedom.

These discourses are related and the mainstream views are used to justify and in the hands of some seek to even deny the existence of the expanding role of capitalist businesses, motivated fundamentally by profits, who want the production and distribution of healthcare to be determined by them. While economists advocating privatization argue that markets are more effective at compelling cost efficiency than the government can, critics have responded by pointing to the lack of evidence that markets are more efficient in healthcare. In particular, there are many properties of health services that make it unique compared to commodities that capitalists normally produce.

The privatization of public healthcare and other goods and services associated with basic needs such as education and utilities has been part of a general trend of neoliberal public policy. The neoliberal restructuring of healthcare has been occurring in Canada and the U.S. in addition to Britain, taking different forms.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed in U.S. Congress in 2010 (or ‘Obamacare’) has survived two U.S. Supreme Court challenges and has to do most with affecting the financing of healthcare and increasing patient access to health services. Obamacare expands the pre-existing system, in which corporations involved in health and life insurance, medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and so on will continue to play key roles in the delivery of healthcare.

In Canada, the refusal to renew the Health Accord of 2004 last year within the Harper government is a major neoliberal precedent with respect to the public commitment to financing healthcare. Materially, this is playing a role in creating pressure within provincial budgets that invites austerity policies and privatization through expansion of controversial public-private partnerships (“P3s”).

Because the forces seeking privatization are global, the struggle for public healthcare in Britain, Canada, the U.S., and other places has great political potential if these movements unify.

Robin Chang is in the Department of Political Science at York University, where he studies Marxian political economy and is writing his dissertation on the political economy of healthcare in Canada and the USA.

Robin Chang (RC): How did the book originate locally in terms of social justice activism in Britain with respect to contesting austerity in the neoliberal reform of the economic and social role of the state by defending government spending in health, education, and social welfare?

John Lister (JL): The book flows out of the active campaigning that has taken place over many years, with a number of local and national groups that have sprung up in England to challenge the various aspects of privatization of the provision of publicly-funded healthcare, the increasing rationing and restriction of services available through the NHS in various areas.

An additional focus of vigorous campaigning has been fighting local cutbacks and closures, especially since the election of the Conservative-led coalition government in 2010 which imposed a five year freeze on funding, now followed by a further five years of virtually flat-line funding while pressures on services continue to increase.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, has made it clear that the government’s ambition is to reduce spending on public services in general as a share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in pursuit of the neoliberal ideal of a ‘small state’ exercizing minimal control over free markets. The spending squeeze on the NHS is also intended to drive spending back down to the level it was at in the 1990s.

The major piece of legislation driven through by the Conservative-led coalition, the Health and Social Care Act of 2012, also embodied a neoliberal approach: it severed the formal link of responsibility on the elected government to provide a universal, comprehensive healthcare system delivering services funded from general taxation, free to all at point of use.

Instead the duty has been transferred to an arm’s-length national commissioning board, known now as NHS England, with a network of 211 local commissioning groups – each of them required to open up an increasingly broad range of services to competitive tender, making space for the private sector to bid for the services it sees as profitable. This has further opened up a competitive market in healthcare provision, potentially reducing the NHS to little more than a fund to purchase services.

Simon Stevens, formerly a senior executive with the U.S. insurance giant UnitedHealth, has been appointed to chief executive of NHS England, the senior commissioning body, and published a 5-Year Forward View which called for an “extra £8-billion” of government spending over the five years from 2015 – alongside a commitment to generate a staggering £22-billion of “efficiency savings” to balance the books.

In response to this growing squeeze on budgets, in the last few years many of the local commissioners (Clinical Commissioning Groups – CCGs) holding NHS budgets have begun grouping together to plan far-reaching “reconfiguration” of services, involving closures of Accident and Emergency departments together with cutbacks in other services – and potentially closures of whole hospitals. The commissioners hope in this way to save money, primarily by hacking back on the provision of services, reducing the caseload of patients using hospital services, and treating and supporting more patients “in the community,” “closer to home.”

These policies, driven by management consultancies such as McKinsey, PwC (or PricewaterhouseCoopers), Ernst and Young, and others, rest on wishful thinking and not much else: not only does most recent evidence and research refute the underlying assumptions behind these proposals, but almost no concrete plans have been developed or resources allocated to developing the promised alternative services out of hospital. So each proposed cutback is exactly that – a reduction in care available to a growing population.

In researching and writing the book, our objective was to give campaigners an easily accessible and evidence-based overview of the developing situation, and an analytical steer to understand the significance of particular policies. From the beginning we planned for it to be published ahead of the first general election that has ever been timetabled in advance: we wanted to give campaigners the tools to make the NHS a key issue in the election debates.

Sadly, there has been little comparable campaigning on many of the other attacks on education, for example, or social welfare, with the exception of a short-lived campaign around the imposition of what has been termed a “bedroom tax” – cynically described by the Tories as a “spare room subsidy” – for people on benefits occupying slightly larger houses or flats.

The huge onslaught on social care, a desperately underfunded duty of local government to provide some support for frail elderly patients and people with severe mental health problems, has been met by no substantial resistance at all – partly because so many of the services have already been outsourced by councils to private companies, and partly because the families and carers who are having to cope with the problems have remained a largely scattered, atomised group rather than a coherent body of angry campaigners. As a result social care in almost every part of England has now been reduced to a last-gasp final resort for those with the most severe problems, with little or no support for people assessed as having “moderate” needs.

David Cameron’s government has set itself the challenge of completing Thatcher’s privatization of public services and reduction to a bare minimum of public spending on health and social welfare. We hope to be helping to build a movement big enough to force some retreats, but also raise public awareness of the offensive that is being waged against services many take for granted.

RC: The Introduction says that capitalists are primarily concerned with profits, which are the “bottom line” for any business. Opponents of public healthcare include many mainstream or “neoclassical” economists who have argued for years that competitive markets are superior mechanisms for allocating resources than government. Britain remains one of the most efficient systems in the world, and is unique for having been set up originally to be a public system in both delivery and financing. The evidence seems to show that private systems are in fact more expensive because of the level of administration needed to coordinate such a decentralized and as a result complex system. Is Britain any different in this respect, and if so, shouldn’t it be likely that the level of spending will rise in coming years?

JL: Yes, as the U.S. graphically demonstrates, private provision of healthcare is more expensive, less efficient, and less effective in tackling ill-health than universal healthcare systems. As the U.S. shows us, private systems also bring with them more fraud, more temptations to over-treat, more obstacles for the poor and those with chronic health problems to access healthcare, and more bureaucratic waste of resources – on advertizing and marketing, on administration and financial services, and on lobbying to secure competitive advantage.

But the U.S., spending around 18 per cent of its GDP on a healthcare system that still excludes around 20 million Americans and leaves tens of millions of low-paid Americans seriously under-insured, also shows that it’s not the amount of money spent on healthcare which troubles neoliberals: it’s the level of public spending, collective coverage which annoys them.

Of course, they are not even very consistent in this, because when the Medicare system that cares for much of the cost of health services for older Americans, and the Medicaid system that subsidizes states in supporting families on low income, are taken into account, along with the hefty tax concessions for larger companies offering health insurance for their staff, it has been calculated that even in the U.S. public spending accounts for half the health budget. So 9 per cent of GDP is spent on healthcare by government (state and Federal) in the U.S. – about the average for European countries. The difference is that for the same amount in most European countries offer universal healthcare to their population.

In Britain all of the moves toward creating a market in healthcare have been more expensive: the contracts negotiated by Tony Blair’s Labour government with overseas private companies to perform elective operations funded by the NHS offered generous start-up subsidies, plus an average of over 11 per cent higher payment per patient than the current NHS payment.

But the costs are much higher than this – because to move from a universal, unified system that allocated resources at local level and provided care all within the public sector, to a complex and fragmented system in which varying packages of care are opened up at local level for competitive bids from public and private sector providers – carries a huge cost. Vast extra layers of bureaucracy have sprung up from the separation between purchasers (now described as “commissioners”) and providers, tendering processes have diverted countless NHS managers from their main task of delivering quality care to patients: new private providers have to be monitored – and in many cases have failed to deliver specified services, posing new bureaucratic problems in how to respond.

Our book details a series of private sector failures, including the spectacular failure of the first attempt at getting a private company (Circle) to run Hinchingbrooke Hospital, a small NHS District General Hospital – which ended in total failure, with debts increased, performance and quality of care falling, and staff driven away by bullying management.

One big problem for private sector providers that win bids on the basis of “loss leaders” to under-price potential NHS bids, is that they wind up carrying losses – unless they resort to diluting the skill mix of staff or otherwise reducing the quality of care. The latest reports suggest that all of the major companies that have won contracts are losing money – and one early market leader, Serco, has withdrawn from any further tendering for NHS contracts after heavy losses and reputational damage on failed contracts for primary care and community healthcare.

Estimates for the House of Commons Health Committee suggest that the marketization of the NHS has more than doubled overhead costs of management and administration, and driven it up to around 14 per cent of turnover – still short of the absurd levels of U.S. bureaucracy, but still growing as the market is widened. All of this excess money is wasted – and an especially heavy burden now that NHS funding is in the midst of a decade-long freeze in real terms.

Claimed cutbacks in the overt costs of NHS management are more than outweighed by the level of external work taken on by management consultants, who charge exorbitant rates for proposals of dubious value – safe in the knowledge that there is no independent scrutiny of the quality of their work.

RC: Your previous research on the privatization of healthcare argues that private versus public systems are very different. Among other things, the more that the private sector is involved, the more that the quality of care tends to decrease. Healthcare seems to be labour intensive, and what capitalists would essentially like to see in healthcare is the expansion of management that attempts to squeeze more labour from medical doctors, nurses, technicians, and assistants. But in general, patients seem to prefer longer consultations with doctors, feeling that visits are often rushed. Does the care-giving aspect of it, and the high-skill prerequisite, mean that normal capitalist techniques to lower cost cannot apply? Are there intrinsic limits to using technology to produce more healthcare?

JL: I see no difference between the findings we describe in this book and previous work I have done on the impact of the private sector on the availability and quality of healthcare.

In Britain, the NHS, despite its occasional well-publicized failures, remains hugely popular, and this has always been an obstacle to privatization along the lines of the public sector utilities sold off by the Thatcher and Major governments. The NHS also handles a substantial caseload of emergencies, complex and costly treatment, chronic disease and other services which the private sector has shown itself reluctant to take on in any country.

The failure of privatized management at Hinchingbrooke is a reminder that the expertise of the private health sector in providing services in Britain is almost entirely confined to the operation of small private hospitals, average size just 50 beds, dealing exclusively with elective patients, mainly well-to-do, requiring relatively minor treatment. Any complications are normally dealt with by calling an NHS emergency ambulance and dispatching the unfortunate patient to the nearest NHS hospital.

The private sector does next to no research of general benefit, and trains no staff in England. It depends on recruiting NHS-trained nurses and professionals, and in general private hospitals have no full time medical staff, but simply bring in moonlighting NHS consultants to carry out specific treatments, and then go away again. In effect, the private sector is covertly subsidized by the public sector, since it could not function properly without the NHS.

The operation of healthcare as a regular commodity in a completely free market remains impossible in any developed country, simply because of the most universal working of the “inverse care law”: most people who require the most substantial healthcare are least in a position to pay the market price of delivering it. Some subsidy from the public sector is vital to make any “private” system work. Most healthcare is required by the very young, the elderly, the poor and those with mental health problems – none of whom are well placed to pay fee for service or get insurance cover.

So rather than risk the overt privatization of the entire NHS, the strategy has always been to allow the private sector to pick and choose which services it wants to provide – safe in the knowledge that the public sector will have to cope with all the rest, while the bills will always be paid from the large pool of taxpayers’ money, with no need to check if each patient can afford to pay.

Within these privatized services the new private sector management does often seek to maximize profits by old fashioned techniques – employing fewer doctors, or less qualified doctors, or fewer nurses and support staff. Transferred staff may swiftly be offered terms and conditions inferior to the NHS – but these moves can easily backfire. With the NHS so much bigger than the private sector, and present in every area, there are always options for trained health staff to leave a penny pinching private contractor and rejoin the public sector.

There’s an example of this in Nottinghamshire, where recently a contract for dermatology services awarded to Circle resulted in the departure of seven of the eight consultants who should have transferred to the company. Stories of Circle’s bullying regime at Hinchingbrooke may have been a factor in them deciding they would not work for the company: whatever the reason they went to work elsewhere, leaving Nottingham’s specialist dermatology services a tiny fraction of what they were, and forcing patients to travel to distant hospitals in other countries to access treatment.

RC: The NHS was established through an intense political struggle in 1948. Because of it, healthcare was transformed from an industry tiered in terms of quality, composed of charities, nurses, midwives, and mostly self-employed doctors and surgeons akin to small crafts, to a uniform, high technology system of hospitals and clinics on a large scale, whose plant and equipment are constantly compared against the most cutting edge medical technology scientifically possible. If proletarianization of healthcare work is actually entailed in the design of these reforms, is the quality of care likely to decline considering that capitalist control of other workplaces and productivity considerations depend on deskilling work?

JL: The question implies a misunderstanding of the reforms that established the NHS in 1948. Prior to the launch of this new trailblazing experiment in universal healthcare free to all at point of use and funded from general taxation the healthcare system in Britain had been much as you describe – fragmented, divided between municipally owned and run hospitals for infectious disease, mental health, learning difficulties and other services the private sector chose not to offer, on the one hand, private hospitals, charitable hospitals, teaching hospitals and a random allocation of local hospitals built through general subscription to serve particular communities.

In addition, the wartime bombing and the needs of the military had brought a variety of military hospitals and a new Emergency Medical Service, providing free care to all. About half the British population was covered by compulsory health insurance, with many of the other half unable to afford medical treatment. Many of the hospitals were saddled with debts.

If viewed as a commodity, healthcare was in desperately short supply, unaffordable in price and with many providers in serious financial problems.

The fragmentation meant that there was no real links between the different hospitals in a locality. The buildings themselves were generally old, dating back to or before the turn of the century, and small – with an average size of 68 beds, and many were in a state of disrepair. The architect of the NHS, Labour’s Health Minister Aneurin (Nye) Bevan decided that rather than try to patch and mend this shambolic system he would nationalize the entire hospital network and bring the system under the control of the new NHS.

The combination of public ownership of the means of “production” – through contracts with general practitioners (GPs), and nationalized hospitals, with the promise of treatment for all without fee, effectively decommodified healthcare. There were still shortages as a result of the economic problems facing the country in the post-war period, and lack of adequate productive capacity (factories making spectacles which had been geared to the pre-war market were suddenly unable to cope with the need to correct the sight of millions of people who had struggled through without because of the cost). The sheer scale of what had previously been unmet need put the system under pressure and it had remained under some strain for most of its 67 years.

But the new system brought other advantages: it made it possible to have a national career structure and training system for doctors and for nurses, who had previously worked in separate institutions. The NHS could group local hospitals together, and encourage staff to collaborate together, to provide consultant cover over a number of hospitals instead of one at a time.

The public funding also meant that resources could for the first time be allocated rationally to meet local health needs rather than hospital buildings depending on local community appeals and occasional cheques from local wealthy individuals.

From the 1960s onward, a hospital building plan set out to replace local hospital groups with a new network of larger District General Hospitals to cover populations of 150,000 to 300,000, and bringing specialists together in the same buildings. The early work on this was begun under a Conservative government – with not a moment spent discussing whether or not the government should pay for the new buildings.

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Introducing Neoliberal Policies

For 30 years the NHS operated within pretty much of a consensus between the two main political parties, but from 1979 onwards the Thatcher government as a precursor to the current neoliberal consensus brought a confrontational approach. From 1984 onwards hospital support services were increasingly opened up to competitive tender, with cut-price low-quality companies taking over cleaning services, catering, laundry and portering services from in-house teams. The government began freezing and squeezing health budgets during the mid-1980s, and from 1989 onwards made the first steps toward a competitive market, initially through separation of purchasers and providers and the creation of competition within the NHS – a so-called “internal market.”

This began the recommodification of healthcare: already many non-clinical (“hotel”) services had been separated off and privatized. Now competition between rival NHS providers over contracts to treat patients began once more to turn healthcare into a commercial transaction – and each patient into a cost centre.

New teams of accountants and clerical staff began to estimate the price of each episode of healthcare, so that bills could be submitted for patients treated by hospitals away from their own area of residence. This later formed the basis for a national tariff, which is now used to calculate the payment each acute hospital gets for each treatment delivered. Debates began over how hospitals could reduce their costs so as to undercut the opposition to win a contract.

Under Tony Blair’s government from 2000, this internal market was increasingly transformed into an open, competitive market, offering up contracts for diagnostic services, and for “independent sector treatment centres” – in which only private sector firms were allowed to bid, against each other, for contracts to treat uncomplicated cases – cataract, hip replacements, general surgery.

The Blair government’s Department of Health even recruited U.S. and other private sector “experts” to staff a new Commercial Directorate with the task of kick-starting the sponsored expansion of a new private sector, offering clinical services (paid for by the NHS) for the first time since 1948.

In addition, Blair’s government made use of a Conservative policy, making new hospital building projects an opportunity for the private sector to bid for contracts to finance, design, build and operate the new hospital – often providing the non-clinical support services as part of the “unitary charge” and an additional profit stream for the private consortium. As a result over 90 per cent of new hospital developments were funded through the “Private Finance Initiative” (PFI) from 1997 onwards, resulting in over 100 new hospitals being built at a capital cost of £11-billion, but a repayment cost under PFI of upwards of six times as much – far more expensive than the old system of government borrowing the money at lower rates to fund new hospitals.

Patient care was now increasingly a commodity with a cash value, quite possibly delivered by a private contractor under the guise of an NHS logo in a privately-owned building leased to the NHS on highly profitable terms. The NHS had shiny new hospitals – at a price.

But whether the changes within the NHS have successfully proletarianized the medical workforce is an unresolved question. The hospital consultants remain very powerful with the hospital trusts, and they are still in short supply – and take a very long time to train, giving them far greater bargaining power than other health professionals.

Since the election in May, Conservative ministers have attempted to force those hospital consultants who don’t already cover seven days a week to agree to a new contractual commitment to 7/7 working – despite the questionable logic of attempting to run the NHS on a full 24-hour a day level.

Experiments in providing family doctor services across weekends have resulted in large numbers of unused appointments and wasted time for doctors – leading the British Medical Association to call for an end to the project. Supporters of the idea boast that the increased GP services in one area of Manchester cut use of adult and elderly by 3 per cent – but the cost of the primary care was more than three times the cost of the services that had been reduced.

Efforts to proletarianize GPs have been even less successful than with hospital staff. But even nurses and other health professionals have begun to recognise that as qualified staff their services are in demand – and essential for some healthcare.

So where bullying or other pressures have got too great to bear, thousands of them have left their staff jobs in the NHS and signed up instead for agencies which allow them to pick and choose which shifts and how many days they want to work. It seems that these staff too have to some extent escaped the proletarianization, and used the new “market” to their advantage, and the financial detriment of NHS hospitals, whose pay bills have been inflated by high-cost agency staff.

The most systematic attempt to raise the level of exploitation of hospital medics and nursing staff proved to be a spectacular and high-profile failure ten years ago, with ongoing implications. The hospital trust under pressure was Mid Staffordshire Hospitals, whose management had to show it could balance its books, and eliminate a £10-million deficit in order to attain “Foundation Trust” status from the regulator, Monitor.

The route chosen to “save” the £10-million consisted in running down levels of nursing and medical staff to below the danger levels, triggering a major deterioration in the quality of care for patients on wards and in the busy adult and elderly department. Eventually the complaints of patients’ relatives, taken up by the local press, forced the issue of the scandalous poor care into the public domain, resulting eventually in the removal of the managers responsible and the establishment of a major public inquiry headed by Robert Francis. This hit national headlines as it exposed the ghastly quality of care in Mid Staffordshire, condemned the bullying regime, and called for basic minimum staffing levels to be stipulated for every part of the NHS.

Healthcare is not like any other economic activity in that it has so many interactions with a wider public, so many emotional echoes that can result in press coverage and national notoriety. No equivalent can be found in any other equivalent-sized factory or workplace: it is a special industry which seems to defy any standard definition or rules.

RC: The book argues that the main advocates for NHS restructuring are not large parts of the British population but a distinct set of politicians, lobbyists, and corporations attempting to speak about these reforms in terms of benefitting everyone. Is it possible to generalize in class terms the relationship between the profitability of the capitalist system and those interests associated with the capitalist class who want the NHS to be privatized? More specifically, are there important relationships between the low employment and investment levels and the pressure on state budgets created by the financial and economic crisis of 2008, and the motivation for and timing of the Health and the Social Care Act’s passing in 2012?

JL: The broader population of England (where the marketization experiments have been pushed most vigorously, after the 1999 devolution to Scotland and Wales gave them their own control over health services, allowing them to unpick what market mechanisms had been put in place and reintegrate health as a public service) has never been asked its view on the market reforms, except a few opinion polls, in which even a substantial majority of Conservative voters oppose privatization of the NHS.

Politicians and NHS bureaucrats know full well that neoliberal policies on health do not enjoy popular support. That’s why wherever possible plans are pushed through with little or no public consultation – another reason for pursuing the piecemeal approach to privatization rather than concerted push across England.

The fact that only the NHS offers emergency services, so that even the wealthiest and most heavily insured individual would necessarily depend on local NHS care to deal with a major accident or cardiac arrest involving them or their families, in theory should mean that everyone recognises their common interest in well staffed, well-resourced local hospitals. But the illusions created by slick private sector advertizing, along with the tantalizing hopes of some profits eventually to be generated from the privatization of service provision seem to have distorted the opinions of key sections of the ruling rich. So it’s true to say that the privatization process is supported only by a small portion of the ruling class.

However the big money from privatization is unlikely to come from any of these relatively small-scale contracts to provide healthcare services from a frozen and inadequate budget. The real hope for profits would be for insurers to cash in on the fears of large sections of the middle class and ruling rich that the free access public healthcare system will in future not offer the treatment they need, or will levy charges so substantial as to persuade them into taking out insurance.

In other words the big pickings in terms of profits could only materialize the other side of the complete discrediting of the NHS as a system funded collectively through general taxation. And because in the immediate short term it would be electoral suicide for any government to declare the end of the NHS as we know it, and turn the clock back to the 1930s and a new fee for service model, possibly based on demeaning means-tests, the process toward a U.S.-style insurance-based system is likely to be a long drawn-out one.

In the meantime a relentless cacophony of neoliberals and “realist” pundits, academics and politicians egged on by a largely right-wing media keep up the refrain that the NHS we know and love is “not sustainable,” insisting that there are “compelling arguments” for new ways of levying charges – through for example scraping the wide range of exemptions to prescription charges which mean that a mere 10 per cent or so of prescriptions are paid for – while imposing a reduced charge on everyone needing medicines.

Calls for charges to see a GP, charges for adult and elderly, charges for outpatient appointments, or for spending a night in a hospital bed are all among the various zombie ideas that have resurfaced yet again: each of them has been shown in the past to be an obstacle to improving public health. Charges to see a GP for example would deter many of the poorest and elderly patients who most need primary care (as happens often now in the U.S.) – or be limited with so many exemptions that they would only raise significant sums if the charges were relatively high – or drive increasing numbers of patients to postpone treatment until illness gets worse – or divert millions of patients with minor symptoms to use adult and elderly instead, and so on and so forth.

The combined objective of this many-pronged attack is to fragment the NHS, scale down its services to create local crises, while hinting that a better system could be brought in on the back of charges for treatment.

As the propaganda war and attempted brainwashing steps up a notch, the cuts are beginning to bite, undermining the quality of services, bringing back longer delays and queues which were reduced to low levels by investment from 2000-2010. The combined objective of this many-pronged attack is to fragment the NHS, scale down its services to create local crises, while hinting that a better system could be brought in on the back of charges for treatment.

The really stupid aspect of this neoliberal project is that nobody in their right mind would really want to go from a relatively cheap, popular and efficient system like the NHS to a costly, wasteful, shambolic U.S.-type healthcare system. Even the Americans have been looking for ways to escape, having failed to follow Canada’s break for universal health coverage in the 1970s. They know the U.S. system exhibits all the flaws and failings of our NHS but costs more than twice as much and leaves millions unprotected.

But for those who live and breathe the neoliberal dream, the U.S. system is a Shangri-La of happy shareholders, well-paid consultants, obedient premium payers – and telephone number salaries for chief executives of insurance companies. Only the smallest, wealthiest and most pampered minority elite could cherish aspirations as impractical and politically naïve as this.

Meanwhile on the ground in real life David Cameron’s Tories, with a narrow Tory majority of just 12 in the House of Commons, is making its halting, piecemeal, sometimes ambiguous and contradictory way along this route, while reiterating again and again to their supporters, opponents and themselves empty assurances of their commitment to the NHS.

Our book does not argue that there is one overarching plot or conspiracy to privatize the NHS: we trace the practical steps that have been taken, inspired by the predominant neoliberal ideology, to smash up a healthcare system that was scoring record levels of public approval in 2010, open it up as a competitive market to private providers, and open it up further to U.S. multinationals through the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership which Cameron is personally pushing within the E.U., while scaling back the funding as demographic pressures force costs upwards.

Exactly which way it will go from here is not certain. At present there is little or no concerted response from the main opposition party, Labour, in the throes of a leadership contest. But as our book warns, without a strong united fight to save it, the NHS could be damaged beyond recovery by 2020. We need to fight as never before to stop the neoliberals putting our NHS up for sale. •

John Lister, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Department of Media and Communication at the Coventry University, where he teaches health journalism. He is also the founder and director of the London Health Emergency, a pro-NHS public interest group.

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New records obtained by DeSmog shed further light on the role the U.S.government has played to help implement the privatization of Mexico’s oil and gas industry, opening it up to international firms beyond state-owned company PEMEX (Petroleos Mexicanos).

Obtained from both the City of San Antonio, Texas and University of Texas-San Antonio (UTSA), the records center around the U.S.–Mexico Oil and Gas Business Export Conference, held in May in San Antonio and hosted by both the U.S.Department of Trade and Department of Commerce, as well as UTSA.

They reveal the U.S. government acting as a mediator between Mexico’s government and U.S. oil and gas companies seeking to cash in on a policy made possible by the behind-the-scenes efforts of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s U.S. State Department. State Department involvement was first revealed here on DeSmog, pointing to emails obtained via Freedom of Information Act and cables made available via Wikileaks.

The records also call into question the claim made by Mexico’s Energy Secretary, Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, that the privatization policy was “100 percent made in Mexico.” Coldwell said this in reaction to DeSmog’s investigation showing heavy State Department involvement in ushering in the policy.

“It is absolutely false that Hillary Clinton or any other United States government entity had anything to do with the Mexican energy reform,” Coldwell stated.

If the U.S. government had nothing to with creating the policy architecture to begin with, and its own records tell the opposite story, then it sure is shocking how involved it is now in the attempt to help U.S. companies build their profits from the new policy regime.

“Want to Grow Your Business?”

Indeed, event organizers boasted of the convening as a business opportunity for U.S. companies.

“The conference is a one-day seminar for U.S. exporters who want to take advantage of the energy reform in Mexico’s oil and gas industry,” explained a press release ahead of the event. “The conference will bring together experts from government, business, and academic sectors to discuss the opening markets in Mexico. Experts will show companies in Texas what they can do to position themselves to get in on the ground level of new market opportunities.”

Thomas Tunstall, researcher at UTSA and author of a recent report on the economic impacts of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in the Eagle Ford Shale funded by lobbying powerhouse America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA), echoed these comments in a quote he provided ahead of the event.

“Not only is this an opportunity for companies in Mexico,” said Tunstall, “but this prospect for shale oil and gas exploration and production represents an export opportunity for U.S. companies that have pioneered the unconventional techniques in use now.”

An email blasted out to conference invitees by the U.S. Commercial Service, a wing of the U.S. Department of Commerce, shows how the event was pitched to those invited and what business opportunities it could present.

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Tensions have risen sharply on the Korean Peninsula, with North Korea and South Korea trading artillery fire across the border on Thursday. The hostilities follow weeks of accusations and counter-accusations since landmines maimed two South Korean soldiers along the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on August 4, for which Seoul blamed Pyongyang.

Yesterday, North Korea reportedly fired a single 14.5mm anti-aircraft shell before firing several more shots from a 76.2mm gun. The South Korean Defense Ministry claimed the first shot landed on an uninhabited hill on the southern side of the border, 60 kilometers north of Seoul.

The South responded by shooting dozens of 155mm rounds in the direction from which the first shell came. Colonel Jeon Ha-gyu, a spokesman for South Korea’s Joint Chief of Staff, told the media:

“Our military immediately raised our security posture to the top-level, while closely monitoring the North Korean military’s movement and maintaining full readiness to respond robustly and firmly to any further provocation.”

President Park Geun-hye called on the military to “react firmly” to future provocations, raising the risk of a larger conflict. During a cabinet meeting on Monday, she asserted: “The foundation for a peaceful unification with the North could be established behind a strong military readiness.”

The artillery exchange is the first since October 2014. It was sparked by the resumption on August 10 of South Korean propaganda broadcasts across the border, for the first time in 11 years. Pyongyang labeled the broadcasts a “declaration of war” and threatened to destroy the broadcast speakers. Shortly after the exchange of fire, the North demanded the propaganda cease within 48 hours or it would undertake further military action.

The broadcasts were Seoul’s response to the August 4 incident that wounded two South Korean soldiers. Identified only by their surnames, Ha and Kim, the two were on what Seoul claimed was a routine patrol when three landmines detonated near a gate. Ha lost both his legs at the knees, while Kim lost his right foot at the ankle. While the South Korean government initially ruled out North Korean involvement, it changed its position on August 10 and, without providing concrete evidence, accused Pyongyang of planting the devices.

The North denied involvement. On August 14, it issued a statement asserting: “If South Korea wants to keep insisting this was our army’s act, then show a video to prove it. If you don’t have it, don’t ever say ‘North Korean provocation’ again out of your mouth.”

Despite having cameras and thermal sensors monitoring the DMZ, South Korea claims it was unable to pick up any North Korean intrusion across the border to place the mines. Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min Seok stated: “The detonation spot is surrounded by a dense forest in summer and located over a hill, so it is not easy for thermal observation devices to detect movement.” A video camera was nevertheless able to record the explosions.

South Korea, along with the US-led United Nations Command (UNC), declared that its investigations discovered fragments from wooden box landmines, which North Korea typically uses.

There are an estimated one million mines within the DMZ, planted there since the Korean War. In the past, landmines have been washed away in rainstorms and later discovered in civilian areas, causing casualties. The UNC, however, ruled out such a possibility.

It was already known that North Korea was placing additional landmines in the DMZ, in an attempt to prevent defections across the border. In June, a young North Korean soldier managed to make his way across the zone and surrender to a South Korean guard post. It is possible that the mines, if placed by North Korean troops, were aimed at preventing additional crossings, rather than at disrupting South Korean patrols.

It cannot be excluded that North Korea did plant the mines with the intention of stoking an incident on the DMZ. Pyongyang has a history of carrying out provocations, in order to direct its internal crises outward. These include three nuclear weapon tests and threats of a fourth, as well as rocket and missile tests, and the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island in 2010, which killed four South Koreans.

Unconfirmed reports emerged recently that suggest immense divisions in the North Korean regime. Seoul’s National Intelligence Service claims that some 70 senior officials have been executed since Kim Jong-un came to power in December 2011, including his uncle Jang Song-thaek, a figure close to Beijing, and Defense Minister Hyon Yong-chol.

On August 11, South Korean government sources stated the North’s vice-premier, Choe Yong-gon, was executed in May after a disagreement with Kim. On Wednesday, the South alleged that Won Tong-yon, the North’s vice chief of the United Front Department of the ruling Workers Party, was purged and sentenced to manual labor.

Primary responsibility for the flare-up of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula lies with the United States. The Obama administration has consciously sought to intensify military and economic pressure on North Korea over recent years, as part of its broader “pivot to Asia,” aimed, above all, against China. US forces are being concentrated and upgraded in the region to militarily encircle and threaten China, in an effort to compel Beijing to submit to Washington’s economic and geopolitical dictates.

On Monday, the US and South Korea began their annual military exercises, dubbed “Ulchi-Freedom Guardian,” which are slated to run through to August 28 and involve some 50,000 South Korean and 30,000 US troops.

North Korea threatened earlier this week to “take intense and appropriate counter-attack measures” against the exercises, which it denounced as a war threat. While the North is the ostensible target, such operations by Washington and one of its key Asian allies also enable their militaries to rehearse for a potential conflict with China.

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U.S. jets are bombing Syria again this month, part of an overall pattern of military expansion during the Obama administration that’s seen military involvement in dozens of conflicts.

As the United States renews a bombing campaign against ISIS forces in Syria, it seems like America’s penchant for waging war knows no bounds. During the first seven years of Barack Obama’s presidency, the U.S. bombed seven countries while supporting other destabilizing military actions throughout the Middle East.

Here’s a look at these seven countries and the effects of bombing:

  • Libya — While the European Union and its allies carried out many of the airstrikes during Libya’s civil war, the U.S. was instrumental in destabilizing that country through both military aid and direct support, especially during the lead up to Gen. Moammar Gadhafi’s overthrow in 2011. Now ISIS is also gaining a stronghold here and the country has been described as a failed state.

“US bombing raids in Yemen are almost solely carried out by drones and they have been increasing in intensity in recent years. … A report by Human Rights Watch in 2013 analyzed six airstrikes in Yemen carried out since 2009. The organization found that out of the 82 people who died in the airstrikes, 57 were civilians.

In all, the U.S. has bombed 14 predominantly Muslim countries since 1980. The death toll from all modern wars in the Middle East may be as high as 4 million dead Muslims and Arabs. Repeated military campaigns have destabilized the Middle East, giving rise to terror groups like ISIS, allowing for sectarianism to blossom, and necessitating further bombing, in what Ron Fullwood, writing for MyMPN, called a “perpetual protection racket.”

Global Markets Plunge amid Signs of Deepening Slump

August 21st, 2015 by Andre Damon

Global stocks plunged Thursday as fears of a world economic slowdown mixed with concerns over a destabilization of global exchange rates and mounting geopolitical tensions.

US stocks staged their sharpest one-day selloff since February 2014, hitting six-month lows and wiping out all their gains over the past year. Shares in emerging markets, meanwhile, fell for the fifth day in a row, hitting the lowest levels since 2011.

Markets in China led Thursday’s selloff, falling 3.18 percent. This brings total declines since June to 29 percent, despite an extraordinary series of cash injections by the Chinese central bank, which intensified following the country’s currency devaluation last week. The stock market drop has been accompanied by a sharp decline in economic growth.

The most immediate trigger for Thursday’s selloff appeared to be a gloomy assessment of the global economy by the US Federal Reserve in the minutes just released for its July 28-29 policy meeting.

In recent years, the ruling class had treated reduced growth predictions by the Fed as a positive sign, signaling further infusions of cash to prop up financial markets.

But Thursday’s negative response to the figures may point to fears that, after nine years without a rate increase by the US central bank, global central banks may be running out of ammunition to combat a crisis that is increasingly affecting every corner of the globe.

Markets in the rest of Asia, Europe and North America followed the Chinese markets downward. In the US, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell more than 350 points, closing down by 2 percent. The S&P 500 fell by 2.1 percent, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq plunged by 2.8 percent after the release of negative technology sales figures on both sides of the Pacific.

A number of industries have now officially entered stock corrections. Bloomberg reported,

“The Nasdaq Biotechnology Index…entered a correction, falling more than 10 percent from a record set a month ago. The Philadelphia Semiconductor Index slid into a bear market, plunging more than 20 percent from a June peak.”

The selloff was concentrated in the stocks that have risen most sharply this year, with Netflix Inc. falling 7.8 percent in a single day. One analyst told Bloomberg, “You’re finally starting to see the untouchable stocks—some of the biggest weighting of the market—get touched.”

In addition to the negative prognosis by the Federal Reserve, markets were responding to the persistent slump in commodities prices amid a continuing fall in global demand due to the world economic slowdown.

The underlying significance of the commodities selloff was noted by theFinancial Times, which pointed out, paraphrasing a securities analyst, that “at face value, the slide in commodity prices over the past year was consistent with a global recession as severe as that in 2008-09.”

The fall in commodities prices is transmitting the recessionary tendencies of the real global economy into financial markets. Reuters noted that the two-week correlation between the US stock market and oil prices is at the highest level in five months.

Prices for Brent Crude oil, a benchmark for international oil prices, fell 1.2 percent Thursday, hitting a 7-month low of $46.62. Despite staging a small recovery earlier in the day, US crude prices hit six-year lows. This puts them on track to fall as low as $30 per barrel by the fall, which would be the lowest price since the 2008-2009 financial crisis.

The global selloff in markets has been compounded by increasing turbulence in global exchange rates following last week’s surprise devaluation of the Chinese yuan. Kazakhstan’s tenge fell by more than 20 percent after the country announced that it would stop defending its currency peg and allow the currency to float freely, following a similar move by Vietnam. The national currencies of Turkey, Russia and Colombia also saw sharp declines.

Worries over these currency devaluations were accompanied by growing fears over the destabilizing effects of a series of intensifying geopolitical conflicts, including recent military flare-ups between Russia and Ukraine, Turkey and Kurdish militias, North and South Korea, as well as India and Pakistan.

In the eight years since the US Fed began cutting its federal funds rate, the global economy has been characterized by a tug-of-war between extraordinarily accommodative monetary policies by US, Asian, and European central banks on one hand, and the persistently moribund state of the real economy.

Since the eruption of the 2008 crisis, every indicator of a global downturn was met by an overwhelming infusion of cash from global central banks. This process has succeeded in producing an enormous increase in social inequality, along with a massive speculative financial bubble that has grown increasingly divorced from real economic activity.

The measures taken by the central banks have been dictated by the interests of the financial aristocracy, and have been accompanied by unrelenting austerity and attacks on wages and working conditions.

But there are increasing indicators that the ability of world central banks to contain the swelling economic crisis has broken down. As one analyst at Société Générale told the Financial Times, “The threat of Fed tightening may be perceived to have diminished but the threat from weaker Chinese growth and falling global commodity prices isn’t going away any time soon.” The latter tendencies certainly predominated in Thursday’s selloff.

At the beginning of the year, the WSWS noted that “the contradictions of the capitalist system” are increasingly

“acquiring an acute character. The ‘peaceful’ intervals between the eruption of major crises—geopolitical, economic and social—have become so short that they can hardly be described as intervals. Crises, on the other hand, appear not as isolated ‘episodes,’ but as more or less permanent features of contemporary reality.”

This prognosis is increasingly being borne out as the global economic slump, the destabilization of international currency markets, and growing geopolitical conflicts are combining into a generalized crisis to which the world’s ruling classes can offer no solution.

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2015: The Global Financial Crash Won’t Happen

August 21st, 2015 by Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB)

We could have also headed our article : “No, the inflating of the Chinese stock exchanges isn’t a bubble”. The Shanghai stock exchange’s exuberant 100% increase in one year is certainly frightening, but it reflects a real dynamic (or rather a correction) of the country’s economic development. One really has to wonder how real money (Chinese savings) invested in real needs (infrastructure, social systems, decontamination, Silk Road…) could create a bubble.

Our team wants to pick up on the inconsistency that there is of being afraid of the financial centres’ gain in value in the obvious economic development zones like China whilst, for years, the whole world must marvel at the Western stock exchanges’ numbers, in particular in the US, in complete contradiction to the economic fundamentals of the areas concerned. Yes, the US stock exchange is in a full bubble (as well as, to a lesser extent, Japan and Europe). But the freeing up of the emerging nations’ dynamics, equipping themselves with infrastructure tools according to the size of their revenue streams, is on the point of absorbing all these bubbles to finance business development on a scale never seen before. The global crash won’t happen therefore because “planet finance” has only just been born.

Sub-parts of this article :

  1. Chinese stock market : a well-prepared opening
  2. Silk Road : China has just launched a global New Deal
  3. The BRIICS and BAII are releasing the power of emerging economies
  4. From globalization to globality: the plumbing problem has been solved !
  5. An open but not wide open world
  6. Towards a Western crash… or not

Our team has decided to make public the part of the Perspectives section named ” From globalization to globality: the plumbing problem has been solved !”

From globalization to globality: the plumbing problem has been solved !

It’s only up to the West to grasp this great opportunity. On one side there is the insurmountable mountain of US problems : an economy which is going into recession once again[1], insecurity which is reaching its highest[2], the poorest 80%’s incomes which have already been falling for the last two years[3], a never-ending drought in California, the spectre of a new government shutdown in November[4] with the possibility of payment default into the bargain, an overheating stock market[5], etc.


Figure 5 – Incomes by quintile, between July 2012-July 2013 and July 2013-July 2014. Source : Bloomberg.

On the other side, there are the BRIICS’ promising prospects in a rationale of global collaboration.

Our readers well know how worried we were last year over the risk of the West shutting down on itself. Over the last three months we have again picked up the thread of our anticipations over the emergence of a multi-polar world, the challenges laid down by its organization, the obstacles in the way of its implementation and the pitfalls to its development as well. With the Iranian agreement, the world has suddenly become exciting again… because the problems on display are just so many challenges to rise to and no longer death threats. The solutions exist.

These problems are numerous : there is the damage of the global systemic crisis to repair as much as structural problems to resolve together. But the machine has been restarted and for the first time in history it’s global. This passing from a Western to a global world has in the end caused plumbing problems especially : a single currency resting on a small national US economy, financial markets not adapted to the size of money flows, international institutions unable to incorporate the new global realities… Whilst the BRICS have rolled up their sleeves and created the conditions to reinvent a multi-monetary international monetary system, truly global financial markets (through innovations such as connecting their two financial centres of Shanghai and Hong Kong[6], not to mention the Yuan direct settlement network which now spans the globe), multi-polar or global banks like the BRICS bank or the brand-new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, to which the European countries, after having frowned at the BRICS Bank, are now rushing at the Chinese invitation (London first, then Paris, Rome and Berlin)[7]…  to the extent that the US, after having “scolded” the Europeans for their enthusiasm[8], finds itself obliged to show a certain willingness to cooperate[9].

Even Israel, which has been courted by the AIIB, coincidently during the negotiations with Iran, decided to apply[10].

All this engineering lacked the field of application. The Silk Road provides the first basic outline. The multi-polar world is yet to be built; the trillions floating in the air of the Western financial markets will once again find where to touch down. It’s a true New Deal that the Chinese are offering us, we have seen, but this time it’s global. The West invented globalization but its China, and the BRICS, who have completed the process and put globality in place… To read more, subscribe to the GEAB


[1] Source : Business Insider, 02/04/2015.

[2] According to a 2013 study (already) 80% of Americans have already been an unemployed during their working lives, or for at least a year, have depended on state aid, or have lived on incomes 150% below the poverty line. Source : Associated Press, 28/07/2013.

[3] Source : Bloomberg, 02/04/2015.

[4] Source : CNBC, 16/03/2015.

[5] Source : MarketWatch, 25/03/2015.

[6] Source : China Stock Markets web

[7] Source : Le Monde, 17/03/2015

[8] Source : The Guardian, 13/03/2015

[9] Source : Xinhuanet, 30/03/2015

[10] Source : Japan Times, 02/04/2015


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Refugees fleeing war zones, persecution, or poverty and unemployment are the world’s least welcome people. America bears full responsibility for millions leaving Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Donbass and elsewhere – seeking safe havens in Europe or countries bordering their own.

Hungary deployed thousands of police to its border with Serbia. It’s “under attack (by) increasingly aggressive migrants,” according to Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s chief of staff. Around 130,000 arrived this year so far – triple 2014’s number.

Over 160,000 arrived in Greece – about 50,000 in the last month alone. Welcome mats don’t greet them. Conditions are deplorable.

Families sleep outside because of overcrowding.

Sanitation is lacking. Little medical care or nutritious food is available. Babies are given sugar water instead of milk.

A UNHCR report said 60 million people were forcibly displaced by end of 2014. Globally one in every 122 people are asylum seekers, refugees or internally displaced persons. More than half the world’s refugees are children.

Last month, Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said Greece’s Dodecanese Islands reception center is on the verge of collapse.

Thousands of migrants sleep outside or in abandoned buildings for lack of accommodations. They haven’t enough food, clean water, medical care, and basic sanitation.

In Kos, hundreds sleep on floors “amidst rubble and shattered glass in an overcrowded, dilapidated building.” MSF teams do their best “treating conditions linked to unhygienic living conditions, including scabies and skin infections.”

Desperately needed humanitarian aid isn’t available in amounts needed. MSF’s Stathis Kyroussis called the situation “a violation of Greece’s and the EU’s obligations toward asylum seekers and migrants…”

Given Athens’ struggling economy, it can’t cope on its own. Help from EU member states is needed. MSF’s Lesvos emergency coordinator said “(l)eaving people to fend for themselves in a field full of garbage or in an abandoned building where there is hardly any water or latrines is simply unacceptable and is putting people’s health at risk.”

Growing thousands needing shelter, toilets, organized food distribution, access to medical treatment and other essentials aren’t getting it.

Despite urgent calls for help, there’s been little or no improvement. Migrants are increasingly on their own to survive. Thousands perish at sea from drowning, starvation, thirst or weather conditions en route to safe havens. Arrivals don’t find it.

A July Amnesty International report said: “migrants heading for Europe fac(e) abuse and extortion in the Balkans…at the hands of the authorities and criminal gangs…”

They’re abandoned by EU policymakers – left “trapped without protection Serbia and Macedonia…” Deplorable conditions await them wherever they arrive. According to AI’s Europe and Central Asia deputy director Gauri van Gulik:

“Refugees fleeing war and persecution make this journey across the Balkans in the hope of finding safety in Europe only to find themselves victims of abuse and exploitation and at the mercy of failing asylum systems.”

“Serbia and Macedonia have become a sink for the overflow of refugees and migrants that nobody in the EU seems willing to receive.”

Both countries “have to do much more to respect migrants and refugees’ rights. But it is impossible to separate the human rights violations there, from the broader pressures of the flow of migrants and refugees into and through the EU, and a failed EU migration system.”

“As increasing numbers of vulnerable refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants become trapped in a Balkan no-man’s land, the pressures on Serbia and Macedonia are mounting.”

“These stresses, like those on Italy and Greece, can only be resolved by a much broader rethink of EU migration and asylum policies.”

Migrants come from the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey after arriving by sea, then to Greece followed by land travel to Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and other EU destinations.

They endure nightmarish conditions along the way and after arriving – including beatings, financial extortion and other abuses.

A previous article discussed Britain’s appalling centers for refugees and asylum seekers. They’re locked up indefinitely like criminals with no concern for their welfare or right of appeal. They endure torture and other forms of abuse.

Conditions are so bad, some migrants attempt suicide. Detainees are left to rot. Some give up in despair.

A separate article discussed Syria’s refugee crisis – the gravest since WW II, nearly half the nation’s population internally or externally displaced, fleeing Obama’s war to hellhole refugee camps, largely on their own with minimal lifeline help.

RT International interviewed Dr. David Isaacs. He faces possible prison for exposing Australia’s horrific mistreatment of migrants on Nauru island 3,300km northeast of Brisbane, he explained.

“I am breaking the law by talking to you about this, and I could even go to prison for doing this,” he said. “Anyone who works there – doctors, teachers, nurses – could go to prison for two years for telling the truth about what is happening.”

Things are so bad, he felt he had no choice. One young girl “tr(ied) to hang herself,” he said. Many children developed PTSD. Migrants endure “mental torture.” Conditions are hellish.

Letters written by children said they live in dirty tents, flooded during rainstorms. Officers “treat (them) like animals.”

Isaacs compared Nauru  detention centers to “prisons.” A former employee responsible for security speaking on condition of anonymity said waterboarding and other forms of torture are used.

A May Australian parliamentary inquiry found rampant child abuse. Many detainees complained of sexual assault. No one was held accountable. No changes in deplorable conditions were made.

Refugees and asylum seekers increasingly are unwanted – especially as their numbers grow exponentially from mostly US-devastated war-torn countries and others where they’re abused. The end of their long anguished nightmare is nowhere in sight.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].  His new book as editor and contributor is entitled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” Read more about his book hereYou can also visit his blog site here, where you will find hyperlinks to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio Network’s ‘Progressive Radio News Hour’. It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs. 

Porter Goss, CIA Director from 2004 to 2006, has agreed to sell his soul and possibly U.S. national secrets for a fistful of Turkish Liras.

Thousands of articles have been published worldwide in recent weeks exposing Turkey’s strategic trickery — using the pretext of fighting ISIS to carry out a genocidal bombing campaign against the Kurds who have courageously countered ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

The Wall Street Journal reported on August 12 that a senior US military official accused Turkey of deceiving the American government by allowing its use of Incirlik airbase to attack ISIS, as a cover for President Erdogan’s war on Kurdish fighters (PKK) in northern Iraq. So far, Turkey has carried out 300 air strikes against the PKK, and only three against ISIS! Erdogan’s intent in punishing the Kurds is to gain the sympathy of Turkish voters in the next parliamentary elections, enabling his party to win an outright majority and establish an autocratic presidential theocracy.

To conceal its deception and mislead the American public, within days of starting its war on the Kurds, Ankara hired Squire Patton Boggs for $32,000 a month, as a subcontractor to the powerful lobbying firm, the Gephardt Group. Squire Patton Boggs includes former Senators Trent Lott and John Breaux, and retired White House official Robert Kapla. The Gephardt lobbying team for Turkey consists of subcontractors Greenberg Traurig, Brian Forni, Lydia Borland, and Dickstein Shapiro LLP; the latter recently added to its lobbying staff former CIA Director Porter Goss. Other lobbying firms hired by Turkey are: Goldin Solutions, Alpaytac, Finn Partners, Ferah Ozbek, and Golin/Harris International. According to U.S. Justice Department records, Turkey pays these lobbying/public relations firms around $5 million a year. Furthermore, several U.S. non-profit organizations serve as fronts for the Turkish government to promote its interests in the United States and take Members of Congress and journalists on all-expense paid junkets to Turkey.

Among the U.S. lobbyists for Turkey, perhaps the most questionable is Porter Goss.

It is noteworthy that in a report Mr. Goss filed with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, he avoided answering the question regarding his compensation from the Turkish government. He simply wrote: “Salary not based solely on services rendered to the foreign principal [Turkey]”!

In the same form, filed on April 23, 2015, Mr. Goss described his services for Turkey as follows:

1) Provide counsel in connection with the extension and strengthening of the Turkish-American relationship in a number of key areas that are the subject of debate in Congress, including trade, energy security, counter-terrorism efforts, and efforts to build regional stability in the broader Middle East and Europe;
2) Educating Members of Congress and the Administration on issues of importance to Turkey;
3) Notifying Turkey of any action in Congress or the Executive Branch on issues of importance to Turkey;
4) Preparing analyses of developments in Congress and the Executive Branch on issues of importance to Turkey.

It is significant that Dickstein Shapiro LLP, Mr. Goss’s employer, misled the Justice Department, by reporting two days prior to the start of his employment and three days before the Armenian Genocide Centennial, that the former CIA Director had already met on behalf of his lobbying firm with nine members of Congress to discuss “US-Turkish relations.”

Most probably, hiring Porter Goss as a lobbyist for Turkey was a reward for his staunch support of Turkish issues, while serving as a Republican congressman from Florida from 1989 to 2004. During the October 2000 debate on the Armenian Genocide resolution in the House International Relations Committee, Cong. Goss, the then Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, testified against the adoption of the resolution, using the excuse that it would harm U.S.-Turkey relations. Nevertheless, the genocide resolution was adopted by a vote of 24 to 11.

It is bad enough that former Members of Congress are selling themselves to anyone who is willing to pay them. But, the former director of the CIA…? This is more than unethical; it is a grave risk to U.S. national security. The American government must not allow the sale of its top spymaster to the highest bidder! What if North Korea offered him a higher price? Would Mr. Goss jump ship and lobby for an enemy state just to make a few more dollars?

Harut Sassounian is the publisher of The California Courier, a weekly newspaper based in Glendale, Calif. He is the president of the United Armenian Fund, a coalition of the seven largest Armenian-American organizations. He has been decorated by the president and prime minister of the Republic of Armenia, and the heads of the Armenian Apostolic and Catholic churches. He is also the recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.

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Commemorative Museum In Palestine To Open On Nakba Day 2016

August 21st, 2015 by Palestinian Museum

Ramallah (19/8/2015) – May 15, 2016 has been confirmed as the opening date for the Palestinian Museum.  The Museum, which will be located in Birzeit (25 km north of Jerusalem), is to act as a link between Palestinians in historic Palestine and those living in the diaspora. It will be dedicated to preserving and celebrating the culture, society and history of Palestine over the past two centuries.

The Museum’s director, Jack Persekian, has issued a general invitation to Palestinians living in historic Palestine and the diaspora to join with the Museum in producing and presenting new narratives of the Palestinian people, encompassing its history of dispersion, resistance, steadfast and hope.

The opening date coincides with the 68th anniversary of the Nakba, the watershed event that led to the displacement and dispossession of over 60% of the Palestinian population. According to Persekian, “The decision to open the Museum on the 15th of May is designed to underline the enduring importance of the Nakba to the Museum’s work”. The Museum, a flagship project of the Welfare Association (an independent non-profit organisation committed to providing development and humanitarian assistance to Palestinians), was first conceived of in 1998 as an institution that would commemorate the Nakba, documenting this tragedy and its pivotal role in recharting the course of modern Palestinian history. “Although this original concept has since been considerably modified,” Persekian added, “the Nakba still has a central role to play in the Museum’s work,”

“More than half of the Palestinian population currently resides in the diaspora, and what makes the Palestinian Museum different from any other institution of its kind is that it is located in Palestine, where many will be unable to reach it,” he went on to observe. “It is for this reason that its digital presence and international partnerships are so important. These networks and branches are the backbone of the Museum, and are just as important as its hub in Birzeit.”

“The Museum refuses to be constricted by geographical and political borders; rather, it is to be an institution capable of traversing such boundaries, and overcoming the obstacles to free movement faced by so many. To this end, it is working to establish a whole network of partnerships around it, as well as using its digital platforms and networks to connect with its publics wherever they are in the world,” Persekian added.

The Museum team is currently working out of temporary offices in Ramallah to prepare a full programme of exhibitions and projects, both within historic Palestine and in several other parts of the world, which will coincide with the opening of the physical Museum in May. Also underway is the establishment of a digital archive, and a series of educational programmes. These projects, all of which seek in different ways to challenge and diversify the prevailing Palestinian historical narratives, will be implemented via partnerships across major cities including: Jerusalem, Haifa, Nazareth, Gaza, Amman, Beirut, Dubai, London, San Diego, Santiago, and Cape Town.

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Islamic State militants beheaded a renowned antiquities scholar in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra and hung his mutilated body on a column in a main square of the historic site because he apparently refused to reveal where valuable artefacts had been moved for safekeeping.

The brutal murder of Khaled al-Asaad, 82, is the latest atrocity perpetrated by the jihadi group, which has captured a third of Syria and neighbouring Iraq and declared a “caliphate” on the territory it controls. It has also highlighted Isis’s habit of looting and selling antiquities to fund its activities – as well as destroying them.

Syrian state antiquities chief Maamoun Abdulkarim said Asaad’s family had informed him that the scholar, who worked for more than 50 years as head of antiquities in Palmyra, was killed by Isis on Tuesday.

Asaad had been held for over a month before being murdered. Chris Doyle, director of the Council for Arab-British Understanding, said he had learned from a Syrian source that the archaeologist had been interrogated by Isis about the location of treasures from Palmyra and had been executed when he refused to cooperate.

Isis captured the city from government forces in May but it is not known to have damaged its monumental Roman-era ruins despite a reputation for destroying artefacts it views as idolatrous.

“Just imagine that such a scholar who gave such memorable services to the place and to history would be beheaded … and his corpse still hanging from one of the ancient columns in the centre of a square in Palmyra,”

Abdulkarim said. “The continued presence of these criminals in this city is a curse and bad omen on [Palmyra] and every column and every archaeological piece in it.”

Palmyra-based activists circulated an unverified, gruesome image on social media of Asaad’s beheaded body, tied to a pole on a street in the city.

A board in front of the body set out the charges against him, which accused him of loyalty to the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, maintaining contact with senior regime intelligence and security officials and managing Palmyra’s collection of “idols”.

Isis, which follows a puritanical interpretation of Islam, considers maintaining such ancient statues to be apostasy.

According to Syrian state news agency Sana and the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Asaad was beheaded in front of dozens of people on Tuesday in a square outside the town’s museum. His body was then taken to Palmyra’s archaeological site and hung from one of the Roman columns.

Amr al-Azm, a former Syrian antiquities official who ran the country’s science and conservation labs and knew Asaad personally, said the “irreplaceable” scholar was involved in early excavations of Palmyra and the restoration of parts of the city.

“He was a fixture, you can’t write about Palmyra’s history or anything to do with Palmyrian work without mentioning Khaled Asaad,” he said. “It’s like you can’t talk about Egyptology without talking about Howard Carter.”

He added:

“He had a huge repository of knowledge on the site, and that’s going to be missed. He knew every nook and cranny. That kind of knowledge is irreplaceable, you can’t just buy a book and read it and then have that.

“There’s a certain personal dimension to that knowledge that comes from only having lived that and been so closely involved in it and that’s lost to us forever. We don’t have that anymore.”

Before the city’s capture by Isis, Syrian officials said they moved hundreds of ancient statues to safe locations out of concern they would be destroyed by the militants. Isis was likely to be looking for portable, easily saleable items that are not registered.

Azm said Asaad had played a role in evacuating the contents of the museum before Isis took control, which meant he faced certain arrest. “He’d been there for so long and been part of that city for so long, maybe he figured he lived there all his life and he would die there too, and that’s unfortunately what happened,” he said. “It’s terrible.”

Fakhreddin’s Castle (top), is pictured in the historical city of Palmyra, Syria (Reuters / Nour Fourat)

Historian Tom Holland said the news was distressing.

“For anyone interested in the study of the ancient world, it comes as – to put it mildly – a shock to realise that ideologues exist who regard the curating of antiquities and the attendance of international conferences on archaeology as capital offences.”

Palmyra flourished in antiquity as an important trading hub along the Silk Road. Asaad had worked over the past few decades with US, French, German and Swiss archaeological missions on excavations and research in Palmyra’s famed 2,000-year-old ruins, a Unesco world heritage site that includes Roman tombs and the Temple of Bel.

The Sana news agency said he had discovered several ancient cemeteries, caves and a Byzantine graveyard in the garden of the Palmyra museum. He was also a scholar of Aramaic, the lingua franca of the area before the rise of Islam in the seventh century.

“Al-Asaad was a treasure for Syria and the world,” his son-in-law, Khalil Hariri, told the Associated Press. “Why did they kill him?

“Their systematic campaign seeks to take us back into pre-history. But they will not succeed.”

In June, Isis did blow up two ancient shrines in Palmyra that were not part of its Roman-era structures but which the militants regarded as pagan and sacrilegious. In early July it released a video showing the killing of 25 captured government soldiers in the Roman amphitheatre.

Unesco warned last month that looting had been taking place on an “industrial scale”. Isis advertises its destruction of sites such as Nimrud in Iraq but says little about the way plundered antiquities help finance its activities. Stolen artefacts make up a significant stream of the group’s estimated multi-million dollar revenues, along with oil sales and straightforward taxation and extortion.

Archaeological experts say Isis took over the already existing practice of illegal excavation and looting, which until 2014 was carried out by various armed groups, or individuals, or the Syrian regime.

Isis initially levied 20% taxes on those it “licensed” to excavate but later began to hire its own own archaeologists, digging teams and machinery. The group invested more when the US-led coalition began to bomb oil fields and other targets and enforced punishments for looting without a licence.

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As thousands flock to hear Jeremy Corbyn in England, Scotland and Wales (before the Bristol meeting, above), OurKingdom, a section of Open Democracy which focusses on the crisis of democracy in Britain, addresses mainstream devaluation of his economic proposals, which would be of benefit to the 99%.

It sees the recent statement by Jeremy Corbyn that “austerity is a policy choice not economic necessity” as providing a welcome return to serious discussion in the Labour leadership debate.

Economists from several countries and those named below have welcomed Corbyn’s proposals as opening up fruitful new areas for public discussion on the economy.

Many of Corbyn’s policies are advocated by prominent economists and commentators. One example is his proposal to fund public investment by the sale of bonds to the Bank of England. Yet, until now, politicians competing to hold the centre ground have largely ignored such policies or cast them as unthinkable.

Corbyn’s proposals should also be welcomed by his opponents for stimulating serious discussion of crucial issues such as the role of the public sector in investment, management of debt and money, and how to tackle inequality.

It is to Corbyn’s credit that he has broadened the policy discussion so that the shared assumptions behind the narrow range of policies advocated by both  the Conservative government and the other Labour leadership candidates are now being debated.

American Nobel prize-winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman have sent messages of support, and in British universitiesthe following teachers and researchers in economics signed this statement:

Victoria Chick, University College London

Susan Himmelweit, Open University

Malcolm Sawyer, Annina Kaltenbrunner, Gary Dymski, Ruth Pearson and Hugo Radice, University of Leeds

Ann Pettifor and Jeremy Smith, Prime Economics

Steve Keen, Eva Karwowski and Engelbert Stockhammer, Kingston University

Alfredo Saad, Guy Standing, John Weeks, Carlos Oya, George Irvin, Ioana Negru, and Chris Cramer, School of African and Oriental Studies

Jo Michell, Susan Newman, Daniela Gabor, Andrew Mearman,  University of the West of England

Ozlem Onaran, Jeff Powell, Mehmet Ugur, Giovanni Cozzi and Maria Nikolaidi, University of Greenwich

Simon Mohun, Queen Mary University

Neil Lancastle, DeMontfort University

James Meadway, City University

John Grahl, Middlesex University

Rhys Jenkins, University of East Anglia

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Pedophile Scandals in the U.K.

August 20th, 2015 by Steven MacMillan

Britain has been rocked by incessant pedophile scandals since the revelations that the former DJ and BBC television presenter, Jimmy Savile, was involved in widespread child sex abuse. Even though the full scale of Savile’s crimes will never be known, it is thought that he raped and sexually assaulted up to 1,000 girls and boys on the BBC’s premises alone, with many accusing BBC executives of turning a blind eye to his nefarious activities.  Savile, a man who looked as much like a pedophile as one possibly could, was also known for his connections to Prince Charles, raising serious questions as to the British royal family’s knowledge of Savile’s behaviour.

The crimes of the former presenter of ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ are only the tip of the iceberg however, as the pedophile epidemic clearly permeates into the highest echelons of the British establishment. The UK’s Home Secretary Theresa May stated in March that pedophilia is “woven, covertly, into the fabric of our society,” a harrowing truth that the people of Britain will have to confront if a microcosm of justice is to be delivered to the victims of such malevolent crimes.

It seems every passing month brings a new revelation pertaining to alleged crimes committed against children by leading political figures and a subsequent cover-up by the establishment. The month of July was no different, as evidence surfaced which indicates that MI5 covered up for members of Margaret Thatcher’s government who were accused of abusing children.

Newly released documents show that the Director General of MI5 from 1985 to 1988, Anthony Duff, told Thatcher’s Cabinet Secretary  that an unnamed MP had a “a penchant for small boys”. Duff’s 1986 letter to the Cabinet Secretary reveals that he accepted the MP’s denial of any wrongdoing largely on the basis that: “At the present stage… the risks of political embarrassment to the government is rather greater than the security danger.”

The former MI5 boss clearly writes that the “political embarrassment” of such a revelation being released to the public is more important than protecting innocent children from harm. Can you think of a more repugnant act than covering up for alleged pedophiles who inflict so much pain, suffering and psychological trauma on their victims?

MI5 is also accused of being complicit in covering up rampant sexual abuse at the Kincora children’s home in the North of Ireland, in what Amnesty International called “one of the biggest scandals of our age”. As the Belfast Telegraph reported last year, at least three men who were opposed to the crimes informed MI5 that children were being abused at the Kincora home in the 1970’s, yet nothing was done.

The security organisation is alleged to have turned a blind eye to the child abuse and blocked police investigations into the home. Many have asserted that British intelligence blackmailed child sex abusers as opposed to prosecuting them, using information about pedophilic activities as leverage to control high-level political figures.

Former UK Prime Minister, Edward Heath, is the latest figure to be accused of being involved in child abuse, after the news emerged that he is being investigated by five police forces.

Attempts to set up an objective investigation into the true scale of pedophilia in Britain’s leading institutions are in disarray, with two previous chairs of the so-called independent inquiry into child sex abuse forced to step down due to links to the establishment. Justice Lowell Goddard, a New Zealand judge, is now leading the inquiry, a job which is reported to come with a salary of close to £500,000 a year.

In a nation where high-level corruption is the norm and so many within the establishment have their hands dirty with the cover-up of crimes, can we really expect any semblance of justice to arise from this investigation?

“Normalizing Pedophilia”

 While most ordinary people consider pedophilia to be one of the most repulsive acts imaginable, there are some perturbed individuals who are trying to rebrand the perversion as a normal sexual practice. At a conference held by the University of Cambridge in the summer of 2013, certain academics reportedly argued that pedophilia is a “natural and normal” practice for males to engage in. The repugnant conference illustrates the fact that some within the top stratum of academia are set on pushing the boundaries of what most people would consider normal behaviour.

Calls for normalizing pedophilia are not confined to the UK however, as last year an Australian judge sparked outrage when he stated that society may come to view sexual relations between adults and children as acceptable and no longer “unnatural” or “taboo”.  The judge added that “a jury might find nothing untoward” about incest in future years.

With certain individuals pushing for such predatory and disturbing behaviour to be considered acceptable, it is essential that people around the world stand up and protect innocent children in the years to come.

From the UK’s pedophile epidemic to its repugnant foreign policy, it is clear that the British establishment is rotten to the core with corruption and is in need of urgent reform. Westminster should spend less time destabilizing and destroying other nations around the world, and dedicate more time to prosecuting pernicious individuals who have been (or are) involved in child abuse. It is also time for the ordinary people of Britain to stand up and demand our morally-bankrupt political class be held accountable for their crimes!

Steven MacMillan is an independent writer, researcher, geopolitical analyst and editor of  The Analyst Report, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

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