NATO Article 4 calls for members to “consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of any” is threatened.

Article 5 considers an armed attack (real or otherwise) against one or more members, an attack against all. Collective self-defense is called for – perhaps in the wake of the Paris incident all-out war on humanity, risking global escalation if confrontation is provoked with Russia or China.

Unleashing US-led NATO’s killing machine could become the war to end all wars, risking world peace and humanity’s survival.

Republican presidential aspirant Marco Rubio called for “invok(ing) (NATO’s) Article 5,” requiring all 28 Alliance nations to defend a member under (alleged) attack.

On ABC’s Sunday morning program, Rubio lied, calling what happened in Paris “an act of war and an attack on one of our NATO allies, and we should invoke Article 5 of the NATO agreement, and bring everyone together to put together a coalition to confront this challenge.”

His rant followed French President Francois Hollande calling the incident “an act of war,” automatically blaming ISIS despite no evidence proving it.

Fellow presidential aspirant Jeb Bush on CNN Sunday urged “conven(ing) the North Atlantic Council to discuss” invoking Article 5, adding:

“If that’s what the French want, then, our longest and strongest and most loyal ally over our entire history, we should certainly consider it.”

The only previous time Article 5 was invoked was after the 9/11 attacks.

Bush called the Paris incident “a threat to western civilization, and we should consider it that way.”

Obama’s deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes called what happened “an act of war,” a clear indication of what’s coming. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said member states are ready to assist France.

“We stand strong and united in the fight against terrorism,” he blustered, a near declaration of all-out war.

Former NATO commander, retired Admiral James Stavridis, wrote a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) controlled Foreign Policy op-ed, calling the Paris attacks “an act of war…waged by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, by Daesh, against France…”

“The Islamic State is an apocalyptic organization overdue for eradication,” he ranted – ignoring his full knowledge of it being a US creation, used as proxy foot soldiers.

Netanyahu took full advantage of the Paris incident, saying “(t)he time has come for countries to condemn terrorism against us to the same degree that they condemn terrorism everywhere else in the world.”

“The terrorists who attack us have the same murderous intent as those in Paris” – ignoring his all-out terror war on Palestine and possible complicity with almost certain state-sponsored terrorism against Parisian civilians.

Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon blustered: “This must be a time of reckoning,” suggesting the worst to come against Palestinian civilians, defenseless against Israel’s rampaging killing machine.

New York Times editors headlined “What Will Come After Paris,” saying Friday Paris attacks “along with twin bombings in Beirut on the day before and the downing of a Russian jetliner over the Sinai Peninsula on Oct. 31, show a new phase in the Islamic State’s war against the West, a readiness to strike far beyond areas it controls in Iraq, Syria, and increasingly, Libya.”

“The challenge for threatened countries is huge,” Times editors barely stopping short of urging greater US-led war on humanity than already – never explaining ISIS is a US creation, used to wage war on Syria, Iraq and other targeted countries, heading for Russia if not stopped.

“France must take measures to protect its citizens, as must the United States” and other countries, Times editors blustered, ignoring what’s most important to explain to readers.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at 
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Selected Articles: “Steering The Masses Towards Total War”

November 16th, 2015 by Global Research News

terroriste-passeport-syrien-attentats-ParisMilitary Escalation in the Middle East: “France Strikes Back” against the Islamic State, Bombs Syria in Retribution for Paris Terrorist Attacks, Deploys Naval Power

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 16 2015

Are the Paris terrorist attacks being used as a pretext and justification by France to intervene militarily in Syria in violation of international law.

By Nick Beams, November 16 2015

The G-20 summit of world political leaders being held in Turkey to discuss the economic issues impacting on the world economy has been turned into a council of war. The major imperialist powers are moving rapidly to escalate their military intervention in Syria in the wake of Friday night’s terror attack in Paris.

sandersflagBernie Sanders Mentioned the Military Budget. The Insanity of US Foreign Policy

By David Swanson, November 16 2015

At the moment, about half of federal discretionary spending is spent on one thing, militarism.

putinVladimir Putin Quoting Russian Intelligence: The Islamic State (ISIS) is Financed from 40 Countries, including G20 Members

By RT, November 16 2015

President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.

Militant Islamist fighters take part in a military parade along the streets of RaqqaSteering The Masses Towards Total War

By Larry Chin, November 16 2015

Just it was in the wake of 9/11, the people of the world are being provoked, agitated and mobilized; the fear, horror, rage and shock channeled and shaped into wave of collective vengeance and hatred. Hatred towards what and whom?

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The SAA, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) made several advances in the northern of the Dara’a province after making another push to reenter the town of Sheikh Miskeen on Saturday. According to the field reports, the Syrian forces captured the northern farms of Sheikh Miskeen, and the Water Resource Facility after a series of intense firefights against of the vestiges of the Free Syrian Army’s “Southern Front Brigades”. Now, the government’s forces are in position to launch an advance on the town of Sheikh Miskeen. The town of Nawa will likely become the next target of the SAA if Sheikh Miskeen is captured.

The Syrian forces are continuing operations in Southern Aleppo. Considering the reinforcements noted by SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence on Nov. 13, the government’s spearhead at the sector consists of the SAA, Hezbollah, the NDF, the Ba’ath Battalions, the Iraqi paramilitary groups of Harakat Al-Nujaba and Kataeb Hezbollah, and a joint Iranian and Afghani paramilitary force of Firqa Fatayyemoun.

Over the last 3 days, the joint pro-government forces have captured the towns of Al-Hadher and Tal Al-‘Eiss aiming to approach the Damascus-Aleppo highway from the eastern flank. They captured approximately 408 square kilometers of territory in southern Aleppo. The SAA and their allies are now approaching the northeastern part of the Idlib province. The Syrian government lost this area during the militants’ offensive in summer 2012.

On Saturday Syrian moderate terrorists’ sources claimed that they had killed Iranian al Qods chief, the commander of Iranian forces in Iraq and Syria, Gen. Qassem Soleiman, in the fighting east of Aleppo. This statement isn’t confirmed by any other sources. The terrorists say they located the Iranian general’s movements by means of intelligence and struck his car with a TOW missile, killing him and three other Iranian commanders, Masoud Askari, Mahmud Dahakan and Ahmed Rajai. If it’s confirmed it would count as a significant lose for the pro-government’s officer personnel at the battlefield.

The US think tanks argue that the “Syrian Democratic Forces” offensive along the Syria-Iraq border, toward the town of al-Hawl has become an epic success for the US-backed forces. Accordin to them, the SDF captured more than 36 villages and six border posts and partially surrounded al-Hawl. The push toward al-Hawl is part of a broader attempt by U.S.-backed forces to squeeze ISIS out of large swaths of the border region and reduce the number of border crossings in the group’s control. The effort should complicate ISIS logistics.

Considering the so-called “Syrian Democratic Forces” is, de-facto, Syrian Kurds partly supported by separate US-backed Sunni units, it becomes hard to confirm the victorious statements which support the Kurds offensive. In previous reports, SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence noted that the White House urgently needs a significant success at the Syrian-Iraq battlespace. So, we should expect some “extravagance” in description of the US-backed efforts by main stream media and think tanks.

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While global demand for the world’s most popular metal – aluminium – continues to rise, it is critical that the aluminium industry address its environmental and social impacts, particularly in indigenous peoples’ territories, according to new report published today by Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), Forest Peoples Programme (FFP) and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

With many of the world’s bauxite mines, and the rivers used to generate power for its processing, located in or near indigenous peoples’ territories, the aluminium industry needs to ensure the rights of indigenous peoples are respected and protected, as outlined in the UN Declaration of on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, said the authors, who are participating in the UN Business and Human Rights Forum taking place here from 16-18 November.

The report, Mining, the Aluminium Industry and Indigenous Peoples: Enhancing Corporate Respect for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, provides a global overview of the challenges facing indigenous peoples, and presents five case studies from Australia, Cambodia, Guinea, India and Suriname.  The case studies reveal that indigenous communities are affected by primary production activities, such as mining and associated infrastructure (Australia, India, Guinea, Suriname), and by secondary processes such as smelting and energy production used to sustain operations (India, Suriname).

The publication is intended to inform the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative’s new voluntary industry standard, which includes requiring certified companies to adhere to key principles concerning the rights of indigenous peoples, including obtaining Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) “where new projects or major changes to existing projects may have significant impacts on the Indigenous peoples associated culturally with and living on the relevant lands.”
“The lack of respect for indigenous peoples’ rights particularly to their lands, territories and resources, and to decide on the development that they want, is found in all stages of the mining and hydroelectric projects — from initial project planning to concession insurance, operations and project closure. In areas where there is an ongoing conflict, these injustices are often magnified,” said Joan Carling, Secretary General of AIPP. “Indigenous communities must be able to define the terms and conditions of their engagement with the industry as well as develop their own technical capacity.”

FFP Director Joji Cariño added:

“As many indigenous territories are located in areas of rich biodiversity and natural resources, governments have often neglected indigenous peoples’ rights in the name of externally defined ‘national interest’, which makes the ASI’s inclusion of a requirement to obtain the consent of indigenous peoples particularly welcome. Going forward, governments must create a more secure, enabling environment that supports the right of indigenous peoples to self-determined development, including full control over sub-soil resources and full participation in any discussions regarding the development of such resources.”

“This report underscores the serious challenges facing the aluminium industry – and mining in general – by examining its historical legacies with regard to indigenous peoples and identifying some positive steps that can be taken across the sector,” said Giulia Carbone of IUCN, which also contributed to the study. “By creating a consistent approach to indigenous peoples’ rights, the ASI Standard can help companies improve their environmental and social impacts in areas that are most at risk.”

For more information or to set up interviews, please contact:


Helen Tugendhat, Policy Advisor, FPP – Tel: 07551 493783, Email: [email protected]

Prabindra Shakya, Coordinator of the Human Rights Programme, AIPP – Email: [email protected]


Joan Carling, Secretary General, AIPP – Tel: +66 5338 0168, Email: [email protected]

James Harvey, Communications Manager, FPP – Email: [email protected]

To download the report, click here.

Funded by the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI), the report is one of the main outcomes of an Indigenous Peoples’ Expert Meeting on the ASI Performance Standard, held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in August 2015, where participants recommended publishing their experiences with the aluminium industry, along with guidance on FPIC and the identification of indigenous peoples.

ASI was launched in 2012 by key players in the aluminium industry. For two years until August 2015, IUCN served as a coordinator of a multi-stakeholder process that involved representatives from industry and NGOs, including FFP, and led to the creation of the first ASI Performance Standard.  ASI is now an independent organisation. For more information, see:

About Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)

AIPP is a regional organization founded in 1988 by indigenous peoples’ movements and is committed to the cause of promoting and defending indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights and articulating issues of relevance to indigenous peoples. AIPP has 47 members from 14 countries in Asia with 14 National Formations, 15 Sub-national Formations and 18 Local Formations. Of this number, six are Indigenous Women’s Organizations and four are Indigenous Youth Organizations.

About Forest Peoples Programme (FPP)

FPP was founded in 1990 in response to the forest crisis, specifically to support indigenous forest peoples’ struggles to defend their lands and livelihoods. FPP supports the rights of peoples who live in forests and depend on them for their livelihoods and works to create political space for forest peoples to secure their rights, control their lands and decide their own futures.

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If the U.S. President were not a mythical position but a serious job, the job interview would include asking the candidates their basic plans of action. This would start with, “What will you encourage Congress to spend a couple of trillion dollars on each year?”

At the moment, about half of federal discretionary spending is spent on one thing, militarism. A basic budget proposal from each candidate would tell us whether they think military spending should go up or down. Some of the Republicans have blurted out that they want it increased. Marco Rubio has lamented a failure to spend $100 billion more, suggesting that he would push for that increase. Rand Paul has denounced that idea, suggesting that he’d maintain or reduce military spending. But none of them has actually laid out a proposed budget in even the roughest terms.

The Democrats have avoided the subject even more. When forced to talk about the military, Senator Bernie Sanders has talked about waste and audits but left us completely in the dark as to what level he thinks spending should be. This is odd, because he talks about creating significant new spending all the time, for things like free college. But he never proposes to pay for such projects by pinching a bit from the military; he always proposes to tax billionaires — which is always criticized by the media as severely and nonsensically as a proposal to cut the military would be.

CBS hosted a debate this weekend, and I thank them for actually posting a full transcript and a full video that can be fast-forwarded. This allows an interested person to not actually watch the god-awful thing, but to read it and watch the bits that the transcriber marked “unintelligible” or the bits that require particular attention.

Here are a few segments worth paying attention to:

SANDERS: “I think we have a disagreement. And– the disagreement is that not only did I vote against the war in Iraq, if you look at history, John, you will find that regime change– whether it was in the early ’50s in Iran, whether it was toppling Salvador Allende in Chile or whether it was overthrowing the government [of] Guatemala way back when– these invasions, these– these toppling of governments, regime changes have unintended consequences. I would say that on this issue I’m a little bit more conservative than the secretary.”

That’s new and useful. If the U.S. were to stop overthrowing governments, most of the U.S. military could be dismantled. Here’s where Sanders finally mentions the military budget:

SANDERS: “Let me pick up an issue that– a very important issue that we have not yet discussed. This nation is the most powerful military in the world. We’re spending over $600 billion a year on the military. [He means just in the Department of so-called Defense alone, not counting Homeland Security, State, Energy, etc.] And yet significantly less than 10% of that money is used to be fighting international terrorism. We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars maintaining 5,000 nuclear weapons. I think we need major reform in the military making it more cost effective but also focusing on the real crisis that faces us. The Cold War is over and our focus has got to be on intelligence, increased manpower, fighting international terrorism.”

The upside here is that Sanders pointed out the military price-tag — and perhaps the idea of reducing or eliminating the nukes. The downside is that he didn’t suggest cutting militarism. He didn’t suggest moving money away from militarism. He only proposed to move money, from place to place, within the field of militarism. When asked later about taxing people to pay for college, Sanders failed to mention cutting military spending.

Wanting “cost-effective” military spending, of course, means getting good killing power for your buck. Sanders wants to kill; he just wants to spend as little on it as possible. Whether he ultimately wants military spending reduced, increased, or kept at its current level we just don’t know. He talks up foreign evils and the need to fight them enough that one could as reasonably guess he wants an increase as a decrease. But one way in which Sanders wants to be “cost-effective” is by getting other nations to fight wars. Since most of these other nations are armed largely with U.S. weapons, he may also think this is good for business:

“The– the secretary’s obviously right. It is enormously complicated. But here’s something that I believe we have to do is we put together an international coalition. And that is we have to understand that the Muslim nations in the region, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, all of these nations, they’re gonna just have to get their hands dirty, their boots on the ground. They are gonna have to take on ISIS. This is a war for the soul of Islam. And those countries who are opposed to Islam, they are gonna have to get deeply involved in a way that is not the case today. We should be supportive of that effort. So should the UK, so should France. But those Muslim countries are gonna have to lead the efforts. They are not doing it now.”

Elsewhere in the debate he said the U.S. should “lead.” Here he wants the “Muslim nations” that “are opposed to Islam” to “get their hands dirty.” Saudi Arabia is slaughtering children in Yemen with U.S. weapons, beheading children at home, funding the terrorists Bernie wants it to take the lead in destroying, and shipping poison to the world in the form of oil that will render Saudi Arabia uninhabitable this century. That’s not “dirty” enough?

The potential plus side of Sanders always saying he wants someone else to fight wars, even if he doesn’t understand who would fight on which side, is that it suggests he might not want the U.S. to fight as many wars. If you contrast that with Hillary Clinton’s eagerness to be the toughest militarist on the planet, Bernie wins. If you contrast it with a sane sustainable foreign policy, he loses. If you try to figure out what he actually wants to do in any sort of detail, you clearly have not understood what the point of these horrible debates is.

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Tragedy in Paris. Terrorism and the Politics of Hegemony

November 16th, 2015 by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

Image: Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

There has been a massive outpouring of sympathy for the victims of the dastardly, heinous massacre in Paris on 13 November 2015. Once again, with the help of the media, the whole of the human family has come together to grieve with the bereaved in France.

I only wish there was a fraction of that sympathy for the hundreds of thousands of victims of acts of terrorism right across West Asia and North Africa (WANA) in the last few decades. In many instances these innocent men, women and children were also the targets of the terrorist group, the Islamic State (IS), the alleged mastermind behind the Paris carnage, and other equally vicious perpetrators of violence. But IS terrorism in WANA is seldom analyzed to its roots in the mainstream global media because it would reveal the ugly truth about the hidden hands that manipulate so much of the murder and mayhem in that region.

To understand the IS’s role today, one has to go back to the Anglo-American invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, the second greatest calamity to befall WANA, after the imposition of the entity called Israel upon the region in 1948. The occupation of Iraq and the ouster of Saddam Hussein was followed by the dismantling of the country’s security apparatus which deprived tens of thousands soldiers and police personnel of their livelihood who later became a fertile recruitment base for Al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Their anger and resentment peaked when parliamentary elections in December 2005 produced a Shia-led government (the Shias are the majority community in Iraq) which was perceived by many Sunnis as biased against them. Sunni terrorist activities spearheaded by Al-Qaeda received covert support from individuals and groups in other WANA states such as Saudi Arabia who feared growing Shia, and therefore, Iranian influence in the region. Israel, which since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran was totally antagonistic towards Iran for whom the liberation of the Palestinian people was a foreign policy priority, was also determined to curb the rise of Iran. Given Israel’s position, it was not surprising that the US which a few years earlier had overthrown a Sunni leader was now quietly aiding and abetting Sunni insurgents. It is worth noting that under Saddam there was not a single Al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Iraq.

It was a breakaway group from Al-Qaeda in Iraq motivated by anti-Shia sentiments that moved into Syria in 2011 to reinforce the armed rebellion against President Bashar Al-Assad, a member of a Shia minority sect ruling a Sunni majority population. The group morphed into IS. The IS and other terrorist outfits such as the Jabhat al-Nusra receive overt and covert support from Sunni states and non-state actors within and without WANA. Apart from arms and money, recruitment networks established in a number of countries from Europe to Africa and to Asia have facilitated the flow of foreign fighters from more than 80 countries into Syria in the last 3 or 4 years. In creating and sustaining this flow, it is alleged that CIA operatives, Mossad infiltrators and M16 agents have played a significant role. They are involved “in overseeing the conduct of terrorist operations on the ground together with Turkish and Qatari special forces, as well as thousands of mercenaries recruited from Muslim countries…”

How does one explain the involvement of so many different groups and states in what are clearly terrorist activities aimed at overthrowing a legitimate government?  For many foreign fighters, the visceral hatred for the Shia sect cultivated by Sunni ulama (religious personalities) appears to be a driving force. If anything, Bashar’s brutal suppression of dissent in some situations has intensified this hatred. In the case of the Saudi elites, antagonism towards the Shia is intertwined with resentment against what they perceive as Iran’s growing political clout in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain and Yemen. 15% of the Saudi population itself living mostly in the country’s oil rich province is Shia. Bashar, they know, is Iran’s staunchest ally in the region. In order to stem Iranian influence, some Saudi elites depict their opposition to Iran as an attempt to curb Persian penetration of the Arab heartland. While Qatar may share some of these sentiments, it turned against Bashar partly because he refused to acquiesce with the former’s proposal to build a gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe via Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey which would have impacted adversely upon Russia’s supply of gas to Europe.

Turkey from the Ottoman period has regarded Syria as vital to its own security and would have been more comfortable with a leader in Damascus who would willingly share power with the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood with which the present Justice and Development (AKP) rulers in Ankara enjoy some affinity. More than Turkey, it is Israel that wants a regime change in Damascus — a change which would lead to the termination of Damascus’s close ties with Iran, on the one hand, and Hezbollah in Lebanon, on the other, the two forces in WANA that remain opposed to Israel’s hegemony over the region. At the same time, it hopes that the exit of Bashar would make it easier for Israel to gain complete control over the strategic Golan Heights which it captured in the 1967 Israel-Arab War.  Israel’s agenda has shaped to an extent the US and Western approach towards Syria and the region.

The Obama Administration is determined to get rid of Bashar because it is aware of the role he plays in perpetuating the three way resistance to US and Israeli dominance of WANA expressed through the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah link. What piques Obama even more is that Syria is a strategic ally of Russia which has special naval access to the Mediterranean port of Tartus. In recent months, the Syria-Russia bond has become even stronger.

It is obvious that there is a set of complex factors ranging from the religious to the geopolitical that is responsible for the opposition to Bashar, a significant part of which is related to the politics of hegemony. It is not just in relation to terrorism in Syria that the politics of hegemony is critical. If we examined the three real reasons behind the invasion of Iraq in 2003 which sired the current pattern of terrorism in WANA they are all connected to hegemony — the US desire to control Iraqi oil; Iraq’s strategic location in WANA; and Israel’s desire to eliminate an Arab leader who was not only passionately committed to the Palestinian cause but also uncompromisingly opposed to Israeli hegemony. Indeed, hegemony is at the root of the chaotic mess that prevails in yet another Arab country today. It was because of the West’s quest for control over Libyan oil and to thwart Muamar Gaddafi’s plan for economic self-reliance and political integration for Africa that NATO chose to liquidate him in 2011. His liquidation has opened the way to intense competition for power among contending terrorist groups. If we go back in history it was the contest for hegemony between the US and the demised Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) over Afghanistan in the nineteen eighties that gave birth to terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda.

Even if we took another in-depth look at the Paris carnage it is undeniable that France has become a target of the IS because of its military interventions in a number of states from Syria, Iraq and Libya in WANA to Chad, Mali and Ivory Coast. It appears that France wants to play a more dominant role in both West Asia and Africa in pursuit of its own hegemonic agenda. This has earned it the ire of a lot of Muslims and Africans.

This is why it will not be possible to eliminate terrorism unless there is a concerted attempt to overcome hegemony at the global level. Citizens within the hegemonic centres of power in particular will have to stand up and demand that their governments cease overt and covert military operations in other countries. Government leaders should know that they cannot denounce terrorism at the rhetorical level and yet hobnob with terrorist organizations in terms of realpolitik.  They should be persuaded through the democratic process to abandon their hegemonic agendas forever. Respecting the independence and sovereignty of other nations and peoples should be a principle that is put into practice rather than preached from a rostrum.

This does not mean that if global hegemony ends, terrorism will disappear altogether. There are many other causes of terrorism which will have to be combatted with resolute vigour. Nonetheless, a global movement against global hegemony with the focus upon terrorism is the need of the hour.

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is the President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

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Key points:

  • Farmland fund investing in Brazil is managed by TIAA-CREF of New York City
  • Farm acquisitions tied to Brazilian businessman accused of violent land grabbing and involvement in money laundering scheme
  • Farms acquired in Brazil by way of a company structure that evades regulations on foreign investment
  • TIAA-CREF and pension fund investors contravening the international principles of farmland investment that they developed

A New York company managing the retirement savings of workers in Sweden, the US and Canada is evading Brazilian laws on foreign investment to acquire farmlands from a businessman accused of violently displacing local communities, according to a new report, released today by Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, GRAIN, Inter Pares, and Solidarity Sweden – Latin America.

The investigative report, entitled “Foreign Pension Funds and Land Grabbing in Brazil,” exposes how Swedish, US and Canadian pension funds have acquired farmlands in Brazil by way of a local businessman accused of using violence and fraud to displace small farmers.

The pension funds have been investing in Brazil through a global farmland fund called TIAA-CREF Global Agriculture LLC (TCGA). The fund is managed by the New York-based Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association – College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF). Those investing in the fund include TIAA-CREF, the Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) and the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDP) and the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (bcIMC) of Canada.

Instead of supporting Omot, his former employer the World Bank has said little about his case and continues to bankroll the Ethiopian government, as do the governments of the US, UK, Germany, Switzerland and Canada.

“For years these pension funds have refused to provide specifics on their land deals in Brazil, saying that we should trust in their due diligence procedures,” says Annelie Andersson of Solidarity Sweden – Latin America.

“It took three years of investigative work to find the location of some of the farms the pension funds acquired, and what we found contravenes the principles for responsible farmland investment that these companies claim to follow.”

TIAA-CREF is a founder of the Principles of Responsible Investment in Farmland and the largest institutional investor in farmland globally. It claims to follow strict procedures to verify the title of the lands it acquires and it says that all of its farm properties in Brazil were acquired in compliance with federal and local laws protecting aboriginal heritage and indigenous community rights.

The report; however, shows how TIAA-CREF and the other pension funds acquired several farms in the southern parts of the states of Maranhão and Piauí, where land conflicts and land grabbing are rife, and that these acquisitions were made from a businessman accused of using force and assassinations to acquire lands in the area.

“Through our research into official documents and interviews with local authorities and communities where the pension funds have acquired farms, we were able to determine that these foreign pension funds acquired several farms by way of a businessman who is accused of illegally acquiring large areas of land in the area,” says Fábio Pitta of the Brazilian organisation, Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos. “This businessman is known to use falsified documents and violence to evict local residents, and federal authorities have connected him to a multi-million dollar system of money laundering and land grabbing.”

Brazilian legislation was developed to prevent foreign investment in farmland on this scale. The report; however, details how the pension funds used a complex company structure and system of debentures that allows them to evade Brazilian regulations.

“People’s hard earned savings in Sweden, Canada and the US are being used to grab lands from small farmers in Brazil and to set up massive industrial farms that poison the local communities with pesticides and rob them of their local water sources,” says Devlin Kuyek of GRAIN. “The communities get nothing in return: no decent jobs, no compensation, and no food because all of it is exported elsewhere.”

“We are deeply disturbed to see the pension funds of workers being used to fund the expansion of a model of industrial agriculture that is so destructive of family farms,” says Kathy Ozer of the National Family Farm Coalition in the US. “This kind of financial speculation is also displacing family farms here in the US and Canada, and it needs to be stopped.”

“The pension funds have deceived the people whose money they manage into believing that they are making socially responsible investments,” says David Bruer of Inter Pares. “They should immediately divest from their farmland investments and ensure that any lands they have acquired illegally or through processes of land grabbing be returned to the local communities.”

GRAIN is a small international non-profit organisation that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems

The report is available in English here and in French here.

A version of the report in Portuguese produced by Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos is available here.

A call-in press conference is scheduled for November 17 at 9:00 am EST.

To participate in the press conference, please use the following information:

US/Canada: 1.800.704.9804

Access code: 982173#

 Media contacts:

Maria Luisa Mendonça, Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, +1 510 283 8374, [email protected]

Fábio Pitta, Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos, +1 510 283 8374, [email protected]

Kathy Ozer, National Family Farm Coalition, +1 202 421 4544, [email protected]

Annelie Andersson, Solidarity Sweden – Latin America, +46 73 903 10 17, [email protected]

David Bruer, Inter Pares, +1 613 563 4801, [email protected]

Devlin Kuyek, GRAIN, +1 514 571 7702, [email protected]

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U.S. Demands There Be No Democracy in Syria

November 16th, 2015 by Eric Zuesse

All of the available polling that has been done by Western polling firms in Syria has indicated strongly that the current President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, would easily win any free and fair election in that country. In  fact when the question was directly put to Syrians by a Western polling organization, Assad got 55%, which wouldn’t leave much for each of the opposing candidates in any election, the candidates who would be splitting the residual 45%. And this poll was taken shortly after the Arab Spring demonstrations against him — those demonstrators actually possessed little support from most Syrians.

So, the United States Government demands that Assad be simply removed from office, and not allowed on the ballot, if an election for President is to be held at all in Syria.

U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have repeatedly stated that the ouster of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad is a prerequisite for stopping the invasion of Syria by U.S. bombers, and by other forces from the U.S. coalition. That’s a coalition of (besides the U.S.) Sunni Islamic regimes (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey) that are likewise demanding removal of President Assad of Syria, before they will cease their invasions of Syrian territory, and their supplies of weapons to the “jihadist” fighters who are trying to take over Syria.

Agence France Presse reported, on Thursday November 12th, that, though ‘peace’ talks about Syria, between the U.S.-allied nations and the Russia-allied nations, were planned to occur on November 14th, “the US warned a deal is unlikely without agreement over the fate of President Bashar al-Assad.” In other words: a “deal” must be reached to remove Assad, before the various invasions of Syria will stop.

AFP then noted that, “Moscow has put forward a peace proposal for the talks, which calls for elections after an 18-month constitutional reform process, but Western officials have dismissed the plan as it does not ensure that Assad will be removed from power.”

In other words: the United States government demands its right to veto, from any elections, the participation of the candidate that the polls clearly show the majority of Syrian citizens want to be their President.

The anti-Russian propaganda site, Vox, headlined regarding this matter, on November 13th, “The very simple reason why Syria peace talks are probably doomed”, and Max Fisher laid out “the very simple reason,” by implicitly and unquestioningly accepting as true U.S. government lies that Syria instead of U.S.-backed forces perpetrated the August 2013 sarin gas attack (which Fisher referred to as “chemical weapons”), which attack the U.S. President, Mr. Obama, has since used as his excuse for invading Syria. Fisher said:

Syria’s opposition, after years of enduring Assad’s barrel bombs and chemical weapons, and the forced disappearances and torture chambers before them, have said over and over they could never accept that Assad stay in office.

The US, too, has repeatedly insisted that Assad must go, correctly concluding that Assad and his policies are such a driver of sectarianism that he makes the country ungovernable and that peace is simply impossible while he remains in office. Sunni states in the region that fund the opposition, such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia, would also require that Assad leave power.

The two big question marks, then, are Russia and Iran, Assad’s two foreign backers who are deeply involved in the war and who would thus need to agree to any peace deal in order for it to work. It is just not clear that they would be willing to part with him.

He blames Russia and Iran as being the reason why the talks would be “doomed.” However, if the Syrian people do not want to part with Assad, then why should Russia and Iran not also support his being on the ballot?  If that’s what the Syrian people want  (as polls indicate they clearly do), then why should the United States have any right or authority, at all, to block it from happening?

Instead of Vox being truthful to say that “Assad and his policies are … a driver of sectarianism,” the opposite has actually been the case: the secularism of Assad’s government, and its clear wall of separation between church and state, has been what held off sectarian conflict in that nation as long as it did, which was until the Arab Spring 2011 ‘democracy’ demonstrations, which, in Syria, were largely Sunni Islamic state proponents trying to bring down the government of Syria’s secular Shiite President and replace it with a Sunni Islamic government and constitution — not any sort of ‘democracy.’

The United States government insists upon overthrowing Syria’s existing non-sectarian government and replacing it by its opponents, virtually all of whom are actually supporters of a Sunni Islamic state.

Though the Vox report said that, “Syria’s opposition … have said over and over they could never accept that Assad stay in office,” the question will arise in the mind of any intelligent reader: why is the United States government automatically taking their  side in this, since those people are only such a small minority of Syrians? Mr. Fisher blames Assad as being “such a driver of sectarianism that he makes the country ungovernable,” but Assad was actually the exact opposite of that. Assad’s adamant non-sectarianism is what had been holding the entire country together. Yet, the United States is determined to end it.

Though the United States is taking the side of some Sunnis in Syria, those happen to be Sunnis who seek an Islamic constitution for Syria, to replace the existing non-religious constitution. However, it is not clear, based upon existing polling, that those Syrian Sunnis, the Islamists, constitute even a majority of the Sunnis  in Syria — they certainly do not constitute the majority of Syrians, which is the reason why all existing polling shows that Assad would likely win any free and fair election in Syria. But that’s likewise the reason why the United States government is so determined that there be no democracy in Syria. If there is to be democracy in Syria, then the United States would lose that election.

If there were any doubt about this before, there couldn’t be any doubt about it after a Gallup-affiliated British polling organization, ORB International, found in July 2015 that 82% of Syrians agree with the statement that “IS [Islamic State] is a US and foreign made group,” and only 22% agree with the statement that “IS is a positive influence,” and only 21% agree with the statement that they “prefer life now than under Assad.”

In other words: The U.S. and other invaders of Syria are decidedly unwelcomed by the vast majority of Syrians; and yet, the United States government, which the vast majority of Syrians blame for ISIS there, insists that it has some right to dictate who must not be on the ballot in a Syrian Presidential election — and that person turns out to be the very same person whom the vast majority of Syrians in any free and fair election there would be voting for to be their President.

It would seem that any remaining respect for the United States government as being a supporter of democracy, will have to be qualified by the proviso: if, and only if, the U.S. government happens to favor the person who will win. Because, otherwise, the evidence is clear that the U.S. will instead assert its supposed right to prevent that person from being on the ballot in such a ‘democratic’ election.

The old ideological view, that the U.S. supports democracy, and that its opponents do not, seems to have been turned upside-down, today. It’s the exact opposite of the truth.

Perhaps, now that the Soviet Union has ended, in 1991, the United States, 24 years later, has taken its place. Certainly, there are now many indications that the U.S. is a dictatorship; but few if any appear to be as glaring as is U.S. policy toward Syria, in 2015.

 Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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President Vladimir Putin says he’s shared Russian intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues: the terrorists appear to be financed from 40 countries, including some G20 member states.

During the summit, “I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are some of the G20 members among them,” Putin told the journalists.

Putin also spoke of the urgent need to curb the illegal oil trade by IS.

I’ve shown our colleagues photos taken from space and from aircraft which clearly demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil and petroleum products,” he said.

The motorcade of refueling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000 to 5,000 meters they stretch beyond the horizon,” Putin added, comparing the convoy to gas and oil pipeline systems.

It’s not the right time to try and figure out which country is more and which is less effective in the battle with Islamic State, as now a united international effort is needed against the terrorist group, Putin said.

Putin reiterated Russia’s readiness to support armed opposition in Syria in its efforts to fight Islamic State.

“Some armed opposition groups consider it possible to begin active operations against IS with Russia’s support. And we are ready to provide such support from the air. If it happens it could become a good basis for the subsequent work on a political settlement,” he said.

“We really need support from the US, European nations, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran,” the president added.

Putin pointed out the change in Washington’s stance on cooperation with Moscow in the fight against the terrorists.

We need to organize work specifically concentrated on the prevention of terrorist attacks and tackling terrorism on a global scale. We offered to cooperate [with the US] in anti-IS efforts. Unfortunately, our American partners refused. They just sent a written note and it says: ‘we reject your offer’,” Putin said.

But life is always evolving and at a very fast pace, often teaching us lessons. And I think that now the realization that an effective fight [against terror] can only be staged together is coming to everybody,” the Russian leader said.

According to Putin, first of all it should be decided which groups in Syria can be considered terrorist organizations and which can be attributed to an armed, but still legitimate part of the Syrian opposition.

Our efforts must be concentrated on the battle with terrorist organizations.

Putin also disagreed with Western criticism of Russia’s actions in Syria, where the country has been carrying out a large-scale air campaign against Islamic State and other terror groups since September 30.

“It’s really difficult to criticize us,” he said, adding that Russia has repeatedly asked its foreign partners to provide data on terrorist targets in Syria.

“They’re afraid to inform us on the territories which we shouldn’t strike, fearing that it is precisely where we’ll strike; that we are going to cheat everybody,” the president said.

“Apparently, their opinion of us is based on their own concept of human decency,” he added.

Putin told the media that Russia has already established contact with the Syrian opposition, which has asked Moscow not to carry out airstrikes in the territories it controls.

Still no conclusion on what caused Sinai plane crash

It’s too early to make conclusions about the reasons for the crash of the Russian A321 jet over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula in late October, as all possible reasons are still being considered by the investigators, Putin said.

“We know about all the possible scenarios, all of the scenarios are being considered. The final conclusion can only be made after the implementation and completion of the inspection,” he stressed.

“If there was an explosion, the traces of explosives would have remained on the liner’s cover and on the belongings of the passengers. It’s inevitable. And we have enough equipment and skilled, world class experts, capable of finding those traces. Only then would it be possible to speak about the reasons for this tragedy,” the president added.

With 224 people dying in the crash, Putin said that “it’s a huge emotional pain for all of us; for all Russian people, no matter what the cause of the crash was.”

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The atrocities in Paris, killing more than 120 people, have brought forth the usual condemnations against terrorism and expressions of sympathy for the victims, but the larger question is whether this latest shock will finally force Western leaders to address the true root causes of the problem.

Will President Barack Obama and other leaders finally level with the American people and the world about what the underlying reasons for this madness are? Will Obama explain how U.S. “allies” in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, have been fueling this Sunni extremism for years? Will he dare recognize that Israeli repression of the Palestinians is a major contributing factor, too?

On a practical level, will Obama finally release those 28 pages from the congressional 9/11 report that addressed evidence of Saudi support for the hijackers who attacked New York and Washington in 2001?

Does he have the courage to explain how this scourge of Sunni terrorism can be traced back even further to the late 1970s when President Jimmy Carter started a small-scale covert operation in Afghanistan to destabilize a Moscow-backed secular regime in Kabul and that President Ronald Reagan then vastly expanded the program with the help of the Saudis, pouring in a total of $1 billion a year and giving rise to Saudi militant Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda?

President Obama and King Salman Arabia stand at attention during the U.S. national anthem as the First Lady stands in the background with other officials on Jan. 27, 2015, at the start of Obama's State Visit to Saudi Arabia. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza). (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Image: President Obama and King Salman Arabia stand at attention during the U.S. national anthem as the First Lady stands in the background with other officials on Jan. 27, 2015, at the start of Obama’s State Visit to Saudi Arabia. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza). (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Can Obama be convinced that telling hard truths to the American people is not only vital to a democratic Republic in a philosophical way but can have the practical effect of creating crucial public support for rational policies? Will he realize that propaganda schemes or “strategic communications” may be clever short-term tricks to manipulate the American people but they are ultimately counterproductive and dangerous?

Will Obama finally take on Official Washington’s well-entrenched neoconservatives and their “liberal interventionist” junior varsity by challenging their innumerable false narratives? Will he pointedly blame the neocons and the liberal hawks, including those who run the editorial pages of The Washington Post and The New York Times, for the disastrous Iraq War? Will he take on the “deep state” dug in at the big-name think tanks, not just at neocon havens like the American Enterprise Institute but at the center-left Brookings Institution?

Can the President muster the courage to ally himself with the American people, arming them with real information, so they can act like true citizens in a Republic rather than cattle being herded toward the slaughterhouse? Can he shake his own elitism or his fear of social ostracism to somehow become a true leader in his last year in office, rather than a timid follower of the prevailing “group think”?

Just because the “important people” have fancy credentials and went to the “right” schools, doesn’t mean that they have any monopoly on wisdom. Indeed, in my nearly four decades covering Official Washington, these “smart” folks have been wrong a lot more than they have been right. A leader of historic dimensions recognizes that reality and takes on the know-it-alls. In this case, a leader who enlists the American public by giving them reliable information could change this depressing dynamic.

If Obama could muster such courage and show trust in the people, he could bend the prevailing false narratives in the direction of truth and reality. On a practical level, he could help make the current Syrian peace talks succeed by stopping his endless repeating of the neocon/liberal-hawk mantra blaming President Bashar al-Assad for the entire mess and insisting that “Assad must go.” [See’s “Hidden Origins of Syria’s Civil War.”]

Twist Some Arms

Instead, Obama could twist the arms of his Saudi, Qatari and Turkish “friends” to get them to halt their financing and military support for Sunni jihadists associated with Al Qaeda and its various spin-offs, like the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front. And he could work cooperatively with Russian President Vladimir Putin to squeeze concessions out of both the Assad regime and the U.S.-financed “moderate” opposition so a unity government can begin to restore order in Syria and isolate the extremists.

Once some security is achieved, the Syrian people could hold elections to decide their own future and pick their own leaders. That should not be the business of either Obama or Putin.

As part of this effort, Obama could finally release the U.S. intelligence analyses on both jihadist funding and the circumstances surrounding the lethal sarin attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013, which the Obama administration hastily blamed on Assad’s regime although later evidence pointed toward a likely a provocation by Sunni extremists. [See’s “The Collapsing Syria Sarin Case.”]

To create crucial space for cooperating with Putin, Obama also could let the American people in on the reality about the Ukraine crisis in 2014, which was used by the neocons and liberal hawks to drive a wedge between Obama and Putin. [See’s “What Neocons Want from Ukraine Crisis.”]

U.S. intelligence analysts know a lot about key turning points in that conflict, including the Feb. 20, 2014 sniper attacks, which set the stage for ousting elected President Viktor Yanukovych two days later, and the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which was used to build an anti-Putin hysteria. [See’s “MH-17: The Dog Still Not Barking.”]

I’m told that these tragedies became propaganda weapons to deploy against Assad, Yanukovych and Putin rather than horrific crimes that deserved serious investigation and accountability. But whatever the ultimate conclusion about who is to blame for these crimes, why has Obama withheld from the American people what U.S. intelligence analysts know about those three incidents?

It was Obama, after all, who talked so much about “transparency” and trusting the American people as a candidate and during his first days in office. But since then, he has conformed to the elitist Orwellian approach of managing our perceptions rather than giving us the facts.

Yet, if Obama could get his cooperation with Putin back on track – recognizing how useful it was in 2013 when Putin helped Obama get Assad to surrender all his chemical weapons and assisted in wresting important concessions from Iran about its nuclear program – then the two powers could also weigh in on securing a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, another major irritant to peace in the region.

Indeed, it appears that the possibility of Obama and Putin working together to force the Israelis to make meaningful concessions for peace was a factor in the neocon determination to turn an eminently manageable political dispute in Ukraine – over the pace of its integration into Europe without rending its ties to Russia – into the dangerous frontlines of a new Cold War.

The neocons and liberal hawks outmaneuvered Obama who fell in line with the Putin-bashing, all the better to fit within Official Washington’s in-crowd.

Thus, the Syrian crisis was left to fester with Obama acquiescing to neocon/liberal-hawk demands for arming and training “moderate” rebels although the President recognized that the idea was a “fantasy.” He also resisted some of the more extreme ideas, like an outright U.S. military invasion of Syria framed as a humanitarian “safe zone.”

But the Paris tragedy is another reminder that it is well past time for Obama to resurrect his helpful relationship with Putin and restore the teamwork that held such promise toward settling conflicts through negotiations, along the lines of the Iran nuclear deal.

If Obama were to choose that route – which could be implemented through a combination of truth-telling to the American people and pragmatic big-power diplomacy with Russia – he could at least start addressing the underlying causes of the violence tearing apart the Middle East and now spreading into Europe.

Or will Obama’s reaction to the Paris attacks be just more of the same – more tough-guy talk about “resolve,” more “targeted” killings that slaughter many innocents as “collateral damage,” more tolerance of Saudi-Turkish-Qatari support for Sunni militants in Syria and elsewhere, more acceptance of hard-line Israeli repression of the Palestinians, more giving in to neocon/liberal-hawk demands for “regime change” in the neocons’ preferred list of countries?

If the history of the past seven years is any guide, there’s little doubt which direction President Obama will choose. He will go with Official Washington’s flow; he’ll worry about what the editorialists at the Post and Times might think of him; he’ll accommodate the neocons and liberal hawks who remain influential inside his own administration. In short, he’ll continue down the road toward destruction.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and You also can order Robert Parry’s trilogy on the Bush Family and its connections to various right-wing operatives for only $34. The trilogy includes America’s Stolen Narrative. For details on this offer, click here.

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The Syrian peace talks in Vienna, over the weekend, produced an agreement between all parties, and it constitutes a major defeat for the United States, because the result is entirely in accord with the longstanding Russian position, which the U.S. government has consistently opposed, that only the Syrian people should have the right to determine who will, and who won’t, be able to run in Syrian elections. 

The AP headlined on Sunday, November 15th, “Syrian Legislator Praises Aspects of Plan to End War,” and quoted Syrian parliamentarian Omar Ossi, head of the parliament’s reconciliation committee, as telling the AP that “the plan has many points that ‘run in harmony’ with Assad’s position.” What Ossi objected to was that some nations are “betting on the issue of toppling the Syrian regime by military force,” instead of by allowing democracy to determine the result.

On Saturday, November 14th, the crucial second round of the Vienna talks on resolving the crisis in Syria ended with a joint statement in which all 17 of the participating countries agreed that in six months, Syria must have a transitional government, and that 12 months after that, there will be a Presidential election to determine the country’s leader.

The key sticking-point until this weekend had been whether Syria’s current President, Bashar al-Assad (whom even Western polls show to be overwhelmingly supported by Syria’s population) would be allowed to be a candidate in this election. The U.S. said no, Russia said yes.

Up to that time, the U.S. had consistently insisted that Assad must be removed from office. However, after the Paris terrorist bombings on Friday the 13th, Secretary of State Kerry indicated that the United States might cease to insist on Assad’s removal. Russia, and its allies, Iran and Syria, had already made clear, and they continued to hold, that there be simply no agreement if the U.S. and its allies (including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE — all very active participants in that war to overthrow Assad) continued insisting on having a right to dictate who may and who may not run in this election. Russia and its allies insisted that only the Syrian public has a right to determine Syria’s leader — that no foreign powers do.

Though the United States position had continued to be supported by America’s allies, the U.S. Secretary of State himself finally decided to accept the position of Russia and its allies, Iran, and Syria, so that the more pressing issue of terrorism may be addressed, in the wake of the Paris bombings.

In recent weeks, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has repeatedly condemned the U.S. position as “disrespect on international law,” and saying that it “is not acceptable. It’s not fair.” That’s how blatant America’s opposition to democracy in Syria had been (until now): blatant enough to cause even a person in his position to condemn it in public.

This Vienna agreement was signed by representatives of all of the 17 countries, the UN, the EU and the Arab League. Its text has not yet been published. The terms of the agreement are currently known only by statements about it from participants at the talks.

Specifically, the agreement is said to specify that, by 14 December 2015, diplomats will reconvene to discuss any residual issues.

On 1 January 2016, the UN will then convene formal negotiations between the Syrian government and its political opponents who are not involved in terrorist activities. Obviously, defining who those parties are will be highly contentious between the U.S. and its allies, and Russia and its allies.

On 14 May 2016, free elections will be held in Syria, administered by the UN.

The agreement specifies that the war against jihadist groups, all of which have been trying to bring down the Syrian government, will continue. This provision of the agreement recognizes the unacceptable role that these groups, such as Al Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria) and ISIS, play in bombings not only in France but throughout Europe and the Middle East. The agreement won’t say whether those groups may participate in the elections, but it will specify that the war against those groups can continue, even while the peace process in Syria is being implemented. The “ceasefire” won’t apply to efforts to wipe out those jihadist groups, which are illegal in Syria.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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How do you continue to push GM crops on a population that has overwhelmingly voted against them in poll after poll? You start a campaign similar to the one the tobacco industry began in the 1920’s with the help of Edward Bernays to discredit any naysayers and even put doctors in commercials smoking cigarettes. You also do whatever it takes to buy out ‘real’ scientists and call those into question who inquire about the true safety of GM foods. You label them anti-science and discredit their credentials.

As states:

“First, there has been a tendency to label anyone who dislikes GMOs as anti-science — and put them in the anti-antibiotics, anti-vaccine, even Luddite category. There is, of course, nothing scientific about the comparison. Nor is the scholastic invocation of a “consensus” a valid scientific argument.

Interestingly, there are similarities between arguments that are pro-GMO and snake oil, the latter having relied on a cosmetic definition of science. The charge of “therapeutic nihilism” was leveled at people who contested snake oil medicine at the turn of the 20th century. (At that time, anything with the appearance of sophistication was considered “progress”.)”

Just like with tobacco, the government agencies which are meant to police our food and water supply have been infiltrated with biotech interests. Bernays, and propaganda theorist Walter Lippman were members of the U.S. Government’s Committee on Public Information (CPI) that helped to promote cigarettes, especially to women, through a war-like propaganda campaign. This is so similar to what Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, Syngenta, Cargill, etc. do now. It seems biotech has looked at the Marlboro Man playbook for tips. [1]

So who does the PR?

  • Hugh Grant, the CEO
  • Janet M Holloway, Sr. VP, Chief of Staff of Community Relations
  • Kerry J Preete, Sr. VP of Global Strategy
  • And others

Grant recently said the following to CNBC:

Twenty years since the first crops were planted in ’96, the intensity and use of chemistry has actually declined during that time so growers now are applying less. The next turn in this, the next breakthrough is how you apply less than an acre, how you apply it much more precisely. And I think the Monsanto Syngenta combination completely redefines the industry one more time in how we use chemistry and link it much more intimately to seed.”

Too bad that merger failed, and farmers are having to resort to more toxic versions of herbicides to try to get their jobs done. Monsanto is spending another $1 billion on a new dicamba herbicide after the WHO declared the best-selling product, Roundup, was probably carcinogenic.

Alas, are we to be lemmings, led off the edge of the cliff, and forced to jump off while Monsanto, just like in old cigarette ads, assures us all these chemicals and GMOs are safe?

Forgive me, but it doesn’t take a scientist to figure out this insanity. I can be called anti-science all day long, but at this point it boils down to some simple common sense.


[1] TheSocietyPages

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The G-20 summit of world political leaders being held in Turkey to discuss the economic issues impacting on the world economy has been turned into a council of war. The major imperialist powers are moving rapidly to escalate their military intervention in Syria in the wake of Friday night’s terror attack in Paris.

Yesterday evening French fighter jets carried out their biggest raid on Syria. It was launched simultaneously from the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, dropping 20 bombs on the Syrian city of Raqqa, reportedly targeting an Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) command centre, a munitions depot and a training camp. The operation was carried out in coordination with US forces.

Earlier, Ben Rhodes, the US deputy national security adviser, said he was confident that in the “coming days and weeks” the US and France would “intensify our strikes against [ISIS] … to make clear there is no safe haven for these terrorists.”

Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Rhodes said there would be an “intensification” of US military efforts and “what we are doing here at the G-20 is seeking to gain additional contributions from some of our partners so we can bring more force to bear on that effort.”

Demands are being brought forward from within the American military and political establishment for a major escalation in US action, regardless of the consequences.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican candidate for president, said that ISIS would “not be deterred by targeted air strikes with zero tolerance for civilian casualties, when the terrorists have such utter disregard for innocent life.”

His call for vastly stepped-up US military action, without any regard for the consequences for the civilian population already devastated by the US-inspired civil war, were echoed by California Democrat, Dianne Feinstein, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

“It has become clear,” Feinstein said, “that limited air strikes and support for Iraqi forces and the Syrian opposition are not sufficient to protect our country and our allies.”

Retired Navy admiral John Stavridis, who served as NATO’s top commander in Europe from 2009 to 2013, called for direct NATO intervention in Syria and Iraq.

“Soft power and playing the long game matter in the Middle East, but there is a time for the ruthless application of hard power. This is that time, and NATO should respond militarily against the Islamic State with vigor,” Stavridis said.

During the first day of the G-20 summit, US President Barack Obama held a 35-minute discussion with Russian President Vladimir Putin in what the White House described as “constructive” talks.

The meeting followed an agreement by a meeting of the foreign ministers of the 17-member International Syria Support Group in Vienna on Saturday to work towards a ceasefire in Syria and the holding of elections under United Nations auspices within two years. The group, which includes the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, issued a statement that a “common understanding” had been reached in key issues.

The subsequent discussions between Obama and Putin at the G-20 were held as part of the US objective of sidelining, if not completely removing, Russian support for the Syrian regime of president Bashar al-Assad.

Under the agreement, following a ceasefire, a process would be set in motion to establish “inclusive and non-sectarian” governance, the drafting of a new constitution and the holding of elections under UN supervision within 18 months.

However, the crucial sticking point remains the future of Assad. In an interview on the eve of the G-20 summit, Putin said other nations had no right to demand that Assad leave office and that “only those who believe in their exceptionality [a thinly-veiled reference to the US] allow themselves to act in such a manner and impose their will on others.”

The US has been waging a campaign since 2011 for the overturn of the Assad government as part of its regime-change operations in the Middle East, in order to bring the region under its control. Russia has backed Assad in order to protect its strategic interests in the region, including a naval facility in Syria.

The US has made clear that as far as it is concerned there can be no resolution without Assad’s ouster—a position repeated by Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice. She said a “transition regime” had to come to power “and it’s very hard to envision how that could be accomplished with Assad still in power.”

These remarks make clear that while the stepped up military offensive is being conducted under the banner of a “war” against ISIS, the real target is the Assad regime, which both the US and France want to see overturned.

Other imperialist powers are also preparing to intervene. British Prime Minister David Cameron indicated his intention to seek parliamentary backing for the US of British forces. The UK refused to back the US in August–September 2013 over plans to attack Syria, causing Obama to pull back and accept a Russian intervention to destroy Syrian chemical weapons.

“It’s becoming even more clear that our safety and security depends on degrading and ultimately destroying Isil [ISIS] whether it’s in Iraq or Syria,” Cameron said.

Following the talks with Obama at the G-20, a spokesman for Putin said that, while it was too early to speak of a rapprochement, there was need for “unity” in the fight against terror.

This was met with what the Financial Times described as “thinly disguised scorn” on the part of EU Council President Donald Tusk. “We need not only more co-operation but also more goodwill, especially from Russian action on the ground in Syria. It must be focused more on Islamic state and not … against the moderate Syrian opposition,” he said.

The “moderate Syrian opposition” is a mythical being created by imperialist politicians and a compliant media. The forces opposed to the Assad regime are dominated by groups such as Al Nusra, spawned by Al Qaeda, from which ISIS also developed. The fictional character of the so-called “moderates” was exposed earlier this year when it was revealed that, despite an expenditure of millions of dollars for the purpose of military training, the US was only able to find four or five people who could fall into that category.

The Paris terror attack is a terrible blow-back consequence of US operations in the Middle East. The statements emanating from imperialist world leaders and the discussions at the G-20 make clear that terror attacks resulting from yesterday’s crimes are rapidly being employed for the commission of new ones.

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A number of French deputies and politicians called on the French government to alter its foreign policy and correct its course immediately and reconsider its relations with Syria following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.

Deputy Jacques Myard said that there’s a need for revising France’s foreign policy, particularly in regards to Syria, voicing belief that France adopted an erroneous policy towards Damascus, asserting that France’s enemy today is ISIS and Al Qaeda, not President Bashar al-Assad.

Likewise, deputy Jean-Frédéric Poisson said that there’s need to revise France’s foreign policy and to become closer to those who are fighting ISIS, in addition to calling on his government to reconsider its relations with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, something that fellow deputy Bruno Le Maire also called for.

That sentiment was also echoed by president of the National Front (FN) party Marine Le Pen who said that there is need to specify who are France’s allies and who are its enemies, and that states that sponsor extremism are supposed to be France’s enemies along with states that have a vague position toward terrorist organizations, while those who fight terrorism are France’s allies and should be treated as such.

For his part, deputy Gérard Bapt voiced regret over the fact that the French Interior Ministry had ignored his advice to cooperate with Syria, noting that after his visit to Syria, he informed the Ministry that Syria is prepared to cooperate in exchanging information if France agrees to reopen its embassy in Paris.

Bapt asserted that France must stop its policy of ostracizing Syria and lift the diplomatic embargo imposed by the French Foreign Ministry.

In turn, deputy and former Prime Minister François Fillon said that French authorities should have worked with Russia rather than stop cooperation with it, and that they should have also worked with Iran and to accept a degree of cooperation with Damascus, asserting that the war on terrorism cannot be won without cooperating with Damascus.

In the same context, former Prime Minister Alain Juppé said that priorities now dictate that ISIS must be crushed, and afterwards one can see how to carry out reconciliation among Syrians, stressing the need to clarify the goals of the international alliance fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq, describing the alliance’s performance thus far as ineffective.

Hazem Sabbagh

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Damascus – President Bashar al-Assad received on Saturday a French delegation, including a number of parliamentarians, intellectuals, and media men, headed by member of the French National Assembly Thierry Mariani.

President al-Assad affirmed that the terrorist attacks which targeted Paris couldn’t be separated from those that took place in Beirut, and what has been happening in Syria since 5 years and in other regions, adding “terrorism is one field in the world and terrorist organizations don’t recognize borders.”

“Wrong polices adopted by western states, particularly France, towards events in the region, and its ignorance of the support of a number of its allies to terrorists are reasons behind the expansion of terrorism,” President al-Assad said, pointing out to the importance of adopting new policies and taking active procedures to stop support for terrorists logistically or politically in order to overcome terrorism.

For their part, members of the visiting delegation underlined that the terrorist attacks in France yesterday proved that there is no state which would be safe from terrorism, expressing belief in the importance of unifying efforts of regional and international sides to combat it and stop this phenomenon which poses threat to the peoples of the region and world.

They showed sympathy with the suffering of the Syrian people who are subjected to a fierce terrorist war, affirming their determination to convey what they have really seen during their visit to Syria in a way that could form a French public opinion, based on realities, not on fabricated images.

In statements to the journalists following the meeting, President al-Assad said, in response to a question about his reaction on what happened in Paris on Friday “First of all, we offer our condolences to the French families that lost dear members yesterday, and we are the closest people to this situation to understand what happened yesterday in France, because we have been suffering from this kind of terrorism for the last five years in Syria.


“And what happened in France yesterday cannot be separated from what happened in Beirut two days ago, because this is terrorism. That’s why you shouldn’t look at terrorism as separate arenas, like looking at Syria’s arena, Yemen, Libya, France. Actually, it’s one arena all around the world.”

Asked about where the Syrian intelligence services have any indication or information that either the people who committed this act came from Syria or were in contact with any group in Syria, the President said “No, we don’t have any information about what happened, but it’s not about the names, and who went and who didn’t. We warned about what’s going to happen in Europe three years ago, and we said don’t mess with the fault line in Syria.

It’s going to be like an earthquake that will reverberate around the world, and unfortunately the European officials didn’t pay attention to what we said. They thought that we are threatening, and they didn’t learn from what happened at the beginning of this year, from Charlie Hebdo.”

He added “Just giving statements that you are against terrorism means nothing. You have to go and fight terrorism, you have to pursue the correct and right policies, that’s what they have to do.”

In his response to a question whether Syria is ready to fight with France against terrorism if they ask and help the French intelligence services, President Assad said

“They don’t have to ask; they only have to be serious. This is where we are ready to fight terrorism with them.”

“We are ready to fight terrorism with whoever wants to really fight terrorism, and the French government is not serious yet,” he added.

al-Assad- French delegation6 al-Assad- French delegation5 al-Assad- French delegation4 al-Assad- French delegation3 al-Assad- French delegation2  al-Assad- French delegation

In a message he was asked to send to the French President Francois Hollande, President al-Assad said

“Work for the sake and the interest of your people. And the question that any Frenchman would ask today: did the French policy during the last five years do any good to the French people? Actually, no. So, the first thing I’ll ask is to work for the interest of the French people, and if he wants to do that, he has to change his policy.”

Asked about the condition for the Syrian government and the French government to work together, or for the Syrian intelligence services to work with the French intelligence services, President Assad said

“You cannot talk about intelligence cooperation without political cooperation. You cannot talk about intelligence cooperation in order to fight terrorism while at the same time your policies, the policies of the same government, are going in the direction of supporting terrorism. That’s what I meant by being serious.”

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Syrian army forces entered Marj al-Sultan military airbase in Eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside while heavy clashes are underway between them and the terrorists in the region, the second airport taken back by the pro-government troops in the last 3 days.

The Syrian army troops and National Defense Force (NDF) broke through Jeish al-Islam’s defenses at the Marj al-Sultan Military Airbase and reportedly entered the airbase in the East Ghouta region of Damascus province.

According to a military source, the Syrian Armed Forces launched large-scale attack on Jeish al-Islam’s defenses on the army base located at the Western sector of Deir Salman and took full control over this military installation at the Southern perimeter of the Marj al-Sultan Airbase.

Following the capture of the army base, the Syrian soldiers and their allies pushed towards the army terrain that is situated to the South of the helicopter fields, capturing half of the area

According to latest report, Syrian forces are now making a push towards the helicopter fields.

The Syrian army launched operations on Wednesday to win back control over Marj al-Sultan airbase after 3 years of siege by terrorists following its groundbreaking victory in the battle against ISIL in Aleppo that ended up with the removal of a 2.5-year-long siege of the Kuweires airbase on Tuesday.

The military operations started on Tuesday when the Syrian army advanced against the Takfiri terrorists in Eastern Ghouta and retook strategic areas from the foreign-backed militants.

The Syrian troops took full control over al-Mahalej area, to the South of Marj al-Sulatn, and the farms surrounding it.

The Syrian army, popular forces and Hezbollah forces, backed up by Syrian and Russian air force, lifted the two and a half-year-long siege of Kuweires military airbase after killing hundreds of ISIL terrorists on Tuesday.

The Syrian troops and Hezbollah forces rolled into the Kuweires airport at the end of their daylong last phase of massive operations.

The Syrian army, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah combatants, backed up by Russian warplanes, launched the last round of their over one-month-long joint operations against the ISIL terrorists’ positions in Eastern Aleppo near the Kuweires airbase Tuesday morning, and won full control over the strategic Aleppo-Raqqa Highway.

The attack started from multiple directions and ended up in cleaning up several villages from ISIL. Hundreds of the ISIL militants were killed or wounded in the operations.

In the next stage, Syrian and Russian Air Forces massively targeted the last strongholds of the ISIL militants around the Kuweires airbase.

In addition to the Syrian and Russian airstrikes, the artillery and mortar units of the army also shelled the ISIL strongholds to weaken their defense lines as much as possible to lay the ground for the combatants of Hezbollah, the army soldiers and the National Defense Forces to launch the final phase of their joint operations to lift the siege on Kuweires airbase.

Intelligence sources said hundreds of ISIL militants were fleeing the Kuweires region to safer areas to save their lives after suffering heavy casualties in the joint massive attack of the Syrian Army and Hezbollah with the Russian air backup.

After cleaning the region, the pro-government troops had to defuse a minefield planted by the ISIL before they could reach the gates of airbase.

Hundreds of Syrian forces were under a tight siege at the airbase as a result of the occupation of vast areas surrounding the airport by the terrorists.

When under the siege, the Syrian army’s helicopters supplied foodstuff and other needs to the Syrian troops defending the airport.

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Steering The Masses Towards Total War

November 16th, 2015 by Larry Chin

It goes without saying that the atrocities of Paris on November 13, 2015 were unspeakable and sickening. But what is not being said in the wake of the incident—what has been ignored by the mass media—is predictably telling and ominous.

As in the wake of 9/11, the people of the world are being provoked, agitated and mobilized; the fear, horror, rage and shock channeled and shaped into wave of collective vengeance and hatred. Hatred towards what and whom?

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks. But what is the Islamic State?

The fact that remains willfully unacknowledged is that Islamic State is the guided military-intelligence and political apparatus of the West, created, trained, financed, advised and protected by the West and NATO—including France.

The Islamic State and Islamic extremism, including Al-Qaeda, functions on behalf of NATO and Western geostrategic interests.

The intelligence agencies of the West and NATO, led by the CIA, MI-6, the Mossad, the Pakistani ISI, etc. run the Islamic State terrorists.

Jihadist terrorism would not exist without the nurturing of the West, which started with the Cold War, continued into the conflicts in the Balkans, and exploded with 9/11 and the “war on terrorism”, and continues to metastasize with the so-called war on the Islamic State, a rebranded continuation of the same fabricated criminal war of deception.

The West and its architects of war are ultimately responsible for all acts of terrorism perpetrated by their own terrorist shock troops.

As noted by Michel Chossudovsky,

“the notion that the Paris attack was an act of retribution and revenge directed against France is questionable and contradictory inasmuch as the evidence confirms that France has been channeling weapons to jihadist rebels in Syria including Al Nusrah and ISIS.”

What if it was “blowback”? What if the Paris terrorists went “rogue” and attacked their own sponsors? What if these terrorist cells were “out of control”? What if these and other groups are simply “going berserk” for “inexplicable reasons”? What if one accepts the (highly unlikely) notion that the CIA, the NSA, French intelligence, the Mossad, etc. —agencies with the most sophisticated spying capabilities on the planet—suddenly and simultaneously lost track of everything? There are red herrings. The West is still responsible for the actions of its assets. The West has not “lost control” of the Islamic State. In fact, the terrorists are being run with remarkable efficiency and effectiveness. The chaos and plunder are not random. The atrocities are designed. Were it not for unwelcome Russian “interference”, the Anglo-American empire would now control more geography than it already does. The Syrian regime arguably might have fallen.

Anglo-American war policy is what has set terrorism loose. It continues to sow, foment and expand terrorism in an unimaginable scale, with no end in sight. The trail of blood leads back to the policy, and its policy makers.

This apocalyptic crisis is not a war “on” terror, but a war “of” terror, committed by terrorists, guided by terrorists, and psychopathic war criminals that operate beyond the reach of law.

Stopping terrorism is not the real agenda. In fact, the opposite: the West’s terrorist armies are key assets used to infiltrate and destabilize, to topple the regimes that NATO seeks to co-opt, invade and conquer. One by one they fall in this manner, from Iraq and Libya to what is unfolding now in Syria, towards the even greater agenda.

The “war on the Islamic State” is not even about the Islamic State, no matter what horrific acts are committed by the ISIS/ISIL killers themselves. The war is, and has always been, a superpower world war pitting the West against Russia and China, everywhere Western geostrategic/resource/corporate interests dictate.

The “spectacular” bloodshed—the unspeakable scale and intensity of the murder—will only become more outlandish and “creative”, as the war planners become increasingly desperate to keep the easily distracted masses in home countries galvanized and fearful, and militantly supportive of the larger war agenda, and deepening involvement on the front lines.

Who benefits? Who benefits from weaponizing France and its people? The same forces that have benefitted from all such atrocities since 9/11. All of the governments that are aiming to destabilize, invade, and conquer the Eurasian subcontinent, including the Middle East and Central Asia, and beyond. All of the governments seeking regime change in Syria: NATO.

The operatic expressions of remorse on behalf of officials hide the realpolitik; the cold, calculating sociopathy that views war as industry, mass murder as a means to “victory”, and slaughter of innocents as “necessary collateral damage”. Three thousand dead on 9/11. A jetliner full of Russian tourists. Tens of thousands across the killing fields of the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa. More than one hundred snuffed out in Paris. All in a day’s work.

The current line justified by the bloody headlines and propaganda is that even more endless “total war” must be waged. President Hollande now channels Dick Cheney’s “war that will not end in our lifetimes”, and George W. Bush’s “with us or against us”.

Paris proves, according to the propaganda, that time is overdue for regime change in Syria. Syria, the “hotbed” of terrorism, where the Islamic State is “out of control”. The Assad regime has “failed to stop it”; therefore the Assad regime must be “taken out” along with the “terrorists”.

It is no coincidence that Paris has prompted President Barack Obama to promise an escalation of military involvement in Syria. More accurately, the justification to openly invade Syria has been given the green light. The “boots on the ground” invasion of Syria, which is already underway, is now accelerated. Obama undoubtedly wants to finish the job before he leaves office in 2016. A new series of air strikes on Raqqa, Syria began less than 48 hours after the Paris attacks.

What of the Paris attacks themselves? The official narrative is being created. Although it is early in the process, questions about the Paris attack are mounting. The similarities to the false flag operation of 9/11 are abundant.

Quoting the New York Times, it “remains unclear how a plot of such sophistication and lethality escaped the notice of intelligence agencies, both in France and abroad.” But emerging evidence suggests that the intelligence agencies not only knew, but knew enough to prepare for the attacks, which suggests that they were allowed to happen.

France had foreknowledge of imminent attacks and preparations were underway weeks before November 13th, including emergency meetings with CIA director John Brenanan, and unusual advanced preparation of first responders—who happened to be ready in Paris on November 13th.

A massive cyberattack—one beyond the capabilities of the terrorists–took down French security systems prior to and during the incident.

French officials knew the attackers and were tracking them continuously for a significant period, yet did nothing to stop them.

From the orchestration and execution of the atrocities themselves, to the response, to the reaction, the signs of long planning, scripting, choreography, and calculation are evident.

There will be incompetence excuses (“we were caught off guard”), hopelessness and chaos excuses (“we cannot predict nor stop anything”), and other variations. But they fail to explain evidence to the contrary.

According to the CIA operatives, think tank “terrorism experts”, and other warmongering blowhards that spewed nonsense nonstop on CNN all day and all night following the Paris attacks, another “new normal” has been set.

All such brainwashing must be resisted.

The larger context must not be lost amidst chaos and panic.

It is the war itself—its architects as well as its murdering operatives—that must be condemned.

The killers who coldly executed innocent people acted on orders from handlers. The handlers themselves had handlers. And they in turn took orders from individuals occupying high positions of power. It is these individuals who must be identified and exposed; their war agenda resisted and stopped. For the sake of what is left of humanity.

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Are the Paris terrorist attacks being used as a pretext and justification by France to intervene militarily in Syria in violation of international law.

According to French President François Hollande, the Paris terrorist attack was “prepared, organized and planned from outside the country by the Islamic State”, which has it’s command centres in Syria and Iraq. 

On Sunday, twelve French warplanes were dispatched on orders of President Hollande. Their target was Al-Raqqa, the so-called de facto capital of the Islamic State inside Northern Syria.

France is acting allegedly in “self defense”.

In liaison with the US -which has provided France with intelligence regarding ISIS targets– the French Air Force has initiated a series of bombing raids against ISIS terrorist positions in retribution for the alleged role of the Islamic State in the Paris terror attacks.

President Hollande is “Beating the Drums of War”. There is no evidence that the Paris terror attacks were coordinated out of Syria. Nor is there evidence that the Paris terrorist attacks constitute an “act of war” directed from abroad against France.

The airstrikes were carried out on Sunday, two days after the Paris attacks, some 20 bombs were reported to have been dropped on alleged terrorist positions.

Obama’s air campaign against ISIS is fake. This is not a war against the Islamic State, it is a war against Syria. The “war on terrorism” is a smokescreen.

According to the Independent (November 15): “Sunday’s bombing was the biggest French air raid that has taken place in Syria so far.” According to the French defence ministry, “the first target that the planes destroyed was a command post, which housed a recruitment centre and arms and munitions depot.”

What the reports fail to mention is that from the outset of Obama’s bombing campaign in August-September 2014, the US led coalition has  not bombed ISIS rebel positions.

Quite the opposite, the ISIS has been protected  by the Western Military alliance. The US led air raids have been used to channel weapons and ammunition to the terrorists.

Most of the press reports are based on information emanating from France’s Ministry of Defense. At the time of writing there is no firm independent confirmation that the French Air Force operating in liaison with the US has a meaningful way bombed ISIS positions in Raqqa.

The bombings are also for “domestic consumption”. They are used to harness social support for the State of Emergency, not to mention the suspension of civil liberties in the Paris metropolitan area.

Military Escalation in the Middle East

It is worth noting that this scenario of military escalation directed against Syria in which France is actively participating was planned before the November 13 terrorist attacks. Announced on November 5 one week before the Paris attacks, the Council of Ministers confirmed that France had decided to dispatch the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier group to the Middle East to “Fight the Islamic State”.

France’s Charles de Gaulle only aircraft carrier is slated to leave for the Mediterranean “to join the fight against the Islamic State in the region” on November 18.

 “The deployment of the battle group alongside the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier has been undertaken in order to participate in operations against Daesch [ISIS] and its affiliate groups” the French president’s office said in an issued statement. (quoted by RT, November 5, 2015)

“The aircraft carrier will enable us to be more efficient in coordination with our allies” President Francois Hollande said, adding that it will “bolster Paris’ firepower in the region amid international efforts to launch Syrian peace talks.” (Ibid)


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Another terrorist attack in France, and another opportunity for moral signaling on social media and more self-righteous bloviating for the media operatives at CNN. But before everyone gets ahead of themselves and dives head first into the pre-fabricated media narratives and the trendy, therapeutic social media #hashtags and Facebook profile picture filters, now is a good time to stop for a few moments and take a serious look at some of the news items surrounding the the Paris terrorist attacks that probably won’t get prime time on Anderson Cooper 360.

By now many of us will have already heard that the passport of one of the alleged attackers has been magically recovered [1], but what other chestnuts are waiting to be discovered behind the shifting, incoherent mainstream narrative?

The appearance of a certain Dr. Patrick Pelloux on the scene certainly should peak our curiosity. Pelloux is now an old hat when it comes to terrorist attacks in France, having previously been a “survivor” of the Charlie Hebdo shootings earlier this year. This time around Dr. Pelloux, already dubbed a hero by the media, was on the scene of the attacks to supposedly acting in his medical capacity as a ‘first responder’.

Now, his appearance may not be all that interesting in and of itself, but the comments he gave to the French media certainly are. Though a self-described leftist, Pelloux gave some vague statements that seemed to indicate his desire to see the French national security state expanded, with presumably more powers being granted to the police and the intelligence services to surveil and detain suspects.

The fact that these ever more expansive state powers never seem to stop the threats they’re supposed to seems lost on Mr. Pelloux. But even more interesting are comments Pelloux made on France Info radio, admitting that a “multi-site attack exercise” (i.e. a drill) was already ongoing prior to the attacks.

[correction; the multi-site terrorist drill was undertaken under the auspices of the Ile de France emergency services (SAMU) involving medical personnel, first responders, fireman, police. it was not a military exercise, GR editor]

This is the same scenario on display during the London 7/7 bombings which transpired on the same day and hit the exact same targets as those being ‘practiced’ in that government-sanctioned terrorism drill. Who knew?

Listen to Patrick Pelloux’s incredible slip here:

Sadly, we cannot expect the crack journalists at CNN, MSNBC, BBC, The Guardian, or France 24 to follow up on the claim made by Mr. Pelloux.

The continuous presence of drills along side terrorist attacks and mass shootings is as interesting to the mainstream media as the tuna sandwich you ate for lunch yesterday.

But moving on from that, the details surrounding the alleged suspects is something that can also shed some light on the nature of this event. If you guessed that those fingered for the attack (all now conveniently dead) were known to French and other European domestic intelligence agencies then you would be right.

According to news reports, one of the identified suspects was a 30-year-old French national that was “known to police” for his links to radical Islamic circles. What exactly did police know and what steps did they take, or fail to take, based on their knowledge of the suspects’ radical activities? Answers are not likely to be forthcoming. But it’s important to note, that in all too many previous attacks or attempted attacks involving radical Muslims – from the staged spectacle at Garland, Texas last spring, to the Charlie Hebdo shootings last January, the suspects were well known to domestic intelligence agencies and police, a telltale sign of a false flag operation according to writer Jay Dyer.

Finally, it should be noted that approximately two weeks before last Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris, CIA director John Brennan met with France’s security chief Bernard Bajolet, alongside former ranking spooks from Britain and Israel, for a forum discussing cyber and “homeland” security. It may very well be a coincidence in timing, but it would certainly be interesting to know what conversation went on between the two men in private.

Now the significance of any one of the items mentioned here is certainly up for debate, and certainly as new details come out over the few days and weeks we may be able to get a better idea of what transpired last Friday. But a critical debate is exactly what we won’t get, at least not from the mainstream media and political establishment, which will be more interested in peddling cynical narratives that serve their particular agendas relating to domestic surveillance and theirforeign policy shenanigans toward Syria.

[1] Greek authorities are reporting that the Syrian passport allegedly found at one of the attack sites was used by a Syrian refugee who passed through Greece on his way into Western Europe. If one of the Paris suspects is identified as having come with the recent and highly politicized ‘Migrant Crisis’ wave of Middle Eastern refugees and migrants into Europe this will have a serious political impact on countries like Germany and Sweden where leaders have enacted increasingly unpopular policies of resettling large numbers of migrants in their countries. Poland’s incoming president as already cited the Paris attacks as justification to refuse EU-quotas for refugee resettlement.

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In recent months, U.S. and South Korean military officials have signed agreements that heighten the risk of conflict on the Korean Peninsula. In June, the two sides established a new operations plan named OPLAN 5015. For the most part, details of the plan remain under wraps, but the little information that has been revealed is sufficient to raise concern.

OPLAN 5015 is said to lay out the approach the U.S. and South Korea will take in limited war scenarios, and calls for a preemptive strike on North Korea, taking out its strategic targets and launching “decapitation” raids to kill North Korean leaders. There is an apparent contradiction in the use of the term ‘preemptive’ as a response to conflict, and implies that the aim is to carry out attacks that are out of proportion to the triggering event.

Just how much or how little it would take to put OPLAN 5015 into effect is not publicly known. Would an exchange of fire between North Korean and South Korean vessels be enough to set events into motion? Or what about an incident such as took place in 2010 when artillery shells hit Yeonpyeong Island?

Regardless, OPLAN 5015 is a disturbing recipe for an escalation of conflict. Indeed, it is impossible to imagine North Korea submitting to the assassination of its leaders and the destruction of military sites without responding in kind, with full-scale war ensuing.

Asahi Shimbun reports that sources indicated the plan “deals with surprise military provocations by Pyongyang through the use of its special forces.” That seems rather a narrow focus to develop a major operations plan around, and an unnamed source told Hankyoreh that Oplan 5015 “outlines how U.S. and South Korean forces would operate during the outbreak of war or some other crisis.” That wording, particularly the last three words, would appear to indicate that the plan has much broader coverage than reported by Asahi Shimbun.

The 47th annual Security Consultative Meeting was held on November 2 in Seoul, where U.S. and South Korean military leaders ratified their plans. The two sides warned that “any North Korean aggression or provocation is not to be tolerated,” and agreed to implement the 4D Operational Concept, which stands for detect, disrupt, destroy, and detect.

The 4D Operational Concept relies upon South Korea’s Kill Chain, which is an integrated system for tracking and carrying out preemptive strikes on North Korean missile sites, based on the perception of a possible North Korean missile launch. The Kill Chain is slated for completion about a decade from now, after which the plan will be fully capable in operational terms.

OPLAN 5015 is said to adopt a far more aggressive approach than OPLAN 5027, which it replaces. According to one source, “As far as I know, the new plan seeks for a victory in the early stage to keep war damage in the South to a minimum.” That objective is based on the questionable presupposition that assassinating North Korea’s leaders would lead to a quick surrender. That is a thin premise on which to gamble hundreds of thousands of lives.

In the context of hostile U.S. policy, in which any engagement with North Korea is ruled out, and the only language Washington can speak is that of sanctions and threats, the adoption of OPLAN 5015 and the 4D Operational Concept risks regional stability in Northeast Asia. It should also be recalled that in 1993-1994 and again in 2006, before he became U.S. Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter advocated attacking North Korea. Given the proclivity of U.S. leaders to condemn nearly every North Korean action as a “provocation,” the unanswered question is what level of ‘provocation’ would trigger a preemptive attack on North Korea and plunge the Korean Peninsula into war?

Gregory Elich is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and the Advisory Board of the Korea Policy Institute. He is a columnist for Voice of the People, and one of the co-authors of Killing Democracy: CIA and Pentagon Operations in the Post-Soviet Period, published in the Russian language.

On Saturday morning, the Syrian Arab Army’s 105th Brigade of the Republican Guard – in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Damascus City and the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) – continued their large-scale offensive in the East Ghouta region of rural Damascus, targeting this Jaysh Al-Islam stronghold at the Marj Al-Sultan Military Airbase.

The Republican Guard and their allies began their assault at the southern perimeter of the Helicopter Airfield inside the Marj Al-Sultan Military Airbase, striking the Islamist rebels from Jaysh Al-Islam (Army of Islam) with a powerful ground and aerial assault.

Accordng to a military source with the Republican Guard, the Syrian Armed Forces imposed full control over the strategic helicopter airfield that is situated to the south of the Marj Al-Sultan village, following an intense series of firefights with the Islamist rebels from Jaysh Al-Islam.

The military source added that Jaysh Al-Islam was fighting alongside the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” and a number of small Islamist rebel groups that are operating in the East Ghouta region of the Rif Dimashq Governorate.

With helicopter airfield under their control, the Syrian Armed Forces are on the brink of capturing the entire military airbase; this would mark the first time since the summer of 2012 that the pro-government forces have advanced this deep in the Marj Al-Sultan Military Airbase.

If the Marj Al-Sultan Military Airbase is captured the Syrian Armed Forces, they will be in position to attack several untouched villages in the East Ghouta.

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France is at war! – Exclaimed President Hollande several times in each of his three what appeared like scripted speeches he gave within 12 hours after the attack. He knew the names of the attackers and where they were from, while police was still struggling to put the puzzles together, and news reporting was sketchy, confusing and chaotic. He accused Daesch (the Islamic State) as the perpetrator before anyone claimed responsibility for the attack. That supposed ‘claim’ from ISIS came much later in the course of Saturday morning, the morning after.

France is at war – words reminiscent of George Bush and his clan after 9/11. President Hollande declared a state of emergency not unlike Bush’s state of emergency after 9/11 – and the new Homeland Security / Patriot Act, waiting in the drawers to be quickly ratified after 9/11. Hollande also decreed three days of national mourning.

Similar rules are in place in France since this blood-soaked Saturday morning – a swat of civil rights suspensions, including searches without warrants, curfew, government control of media, increased surveillance, strict border controls, road blocks and traffic control, suppression of protests and manifestations – and more.

Early Saturday afternoon, the media reported that a Syrian passport was found at one of the shooting places. This was a false flag give-away. As people started making the connection with the ‘lost ID’ of one of the ‘terrorists’ in the Charlie Hebdo get-away car, and the intact Saudi passport in the rubbles of the 9/11 twin-towers, and in an attempt to save some of the credibility of these made-up stories, the Syrian passport trove was downgraded as having been found on the body of a Syrian refugee.

Later in the evening, the police also suitably traced three of the 7 killed terrorists to cells in Belgium. Similarly, Charlie Hebdo ‘terrorists’ also had apparently connections to Belgian Jihadists; later the links even stretched further north to Denmark, another right wing, neoliberally managed country. The European Union with the non-transparent, secretive European Commission is headquartered in Brussels, where a clamp-down of liberties and people’s demonstrations, especially anti-TTIP protests, will soon be needed. Let’s see where the next links to Saturday’s attacks will suddenly appear.

Hollande called for revenge. France is strong. France may be hurt, but never conquered. France will fight back even stronger than before. Hollande at his best, blood revenge.

The western world is living in a blood cult. Killing is the order of the day. Blood must flow.

Is the French President seriously hoping that blood revenge will bring peace? That it will increase security in France, or throughout the world for that matter? –

Revenge is but business for the war industry – never mind innocent human lives lost, and human misery caused by the seeded wars and conflicts, all for greed and power – and paradoxically under the pretext of seeking peace. How brainwashed must people be to believe it and go along with it.

Back to France and Paris. France is at war, is not an insignificant statement by the President. It implies that France can retaliate. What that means is that France, or any other NATO member for that matter, can call on NATO for its defence (

This act of terror of 13 November could be a precursor to NATO intervening in Syria and the Middle-East at large, leading to a confrontation with Russia.

It might be the beginning of WWIII – being played out primarily in the Middle-East, to spare Europe from a third devastation in the span of 100 years, though that is an illusion in the age of nuclear arms.

Europe is needed by the Washington-Wall Street led financial and industrial empire as a trading partner – TTIP – and as a stooge for promoting the master’s agenda around the world. The suddenly ‘found’ Syrian passport clearly indicates the target for a possible NATO intervention.

Incidentally, as reported by RT on 13 November, France’s only aircraft carrier and Europe’s largest, the Charles de Gaulle, is scheduled to leave Toulon on November 18 for the Persian Gulf.

“The aircraft carrier will enable us to be more efficient in coordination with our allies”, said François Hollande, and it will “bolster Paris’ firepower in the region amid international efforts to launch Syrian peace talks.”


Just the right approach for peace: ‘bolstering fire power’ – in a lead-up to ‘peace talks’.

No wonder, with so much demonstrated aggression by France towards Syria, and now also Iraq – and certainly everywhere the Washington masters point their blood-finger – that people in the Middle-East are getting angry – and, according to Washington, Jihadists take it a step further, namely to retaliate on innocent French people. Innocent are also the bombarded populations in the Middle-East – in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine – and the list is almost endless, who are mercilessly slaughtered and their livelihoods destroyed by the criminal alliance within which French Rafale and Mirage fighters combat.

Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad in a brief interview after the Paris attacks, after expressing his condolences to the French people, he appropriately said that such terror is what Syria is living day-by day.

Nevertheless, when such well organized and superbly coordinated terror attacks occur, one should first ask, whom do they serve and why. Cui Bono?

Of course, it could be a blowback by Jihadist warriors for France’s continuous aggression in the Middle East. France was first along with the UK in allying with Washington in fighting the Assad regime in Syria – and shortly after the Charlie Hebdo attack in January 2015, the French air force was joining the US and the Brits in Iraq. Earlier France had sent troops to Mali and Central Africa – responsible for killing hundreds if not thousands of innocent people.

In the meantime, it has become known that at least since mid-August there were warnings that a public place, like a music hall, might be singled out for a terrorist attack. Early October this year, Paris Match repeatedly warned from a 9/11 French-style


This leads to conclude that the French authorities were at least warned. Now, the police say some of the dead terrorists were known to them, had a police record – but not necessarily linked to jihadism. The father and brother of one of the dead had been arrested. What for? – How phony does this sound? – People wake up! – Please!

They are brainwashing us into fear – ‘if we don’t protect you by increased control over your movements, you’ll risk more attacks, more bloodshed.’ – That’s what they are saying. And People go along – worse, they are even grateful for more ‘protection’. It’s the typical ‘Shock Doctrine’ moment, when authorities can do whatever they want, taking people’s civil rights away, even their human rights – and when finally we discover that there are almost none left – it’s too late. Such shocks are often provoked (false flags) so that civil rights infringing measures can be easily implemented without popular resistance. The Patriot Act and its various updates since 9/11 have erased some 90% of citizen’s civil rights in the United States.

And why is that necessary in Europe? – Because much worse may be coming. People may wake up, take to the streets, making implementation of dictatorial measures more complicated, like the secretly negotiated TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Pact) – which would turn Europe into a wasteland of educated serfs for the corporate and financial elite, directed by Zionist-Washington, surveyed and enforced by its army and NATO. A European Patriot Act might prevent such troubles.

A peace-hungry (versus blood-thirsty) President Hollande could come forward turning the knife around – seeking reflection on France’s aggressive actions, on France’s vassalage vis-à-vis Washington. During the three days of morning such reflection could be promoted with the French people. Surely, France has plenty of intellectuals who could organize and lead groups of people to foster dialogue and discussions about France’s – and Europe’s for that matter – political stance in the world, about her interference in other countries’ sovereignty.

Instead of seeking more blood, Hollande could take the lead in setting up a European panel for discussion and reflection with common people participating – a step towards the old concept of Democracy.

If Mr. Hollande were serious about peace and security, he could use this attack on Paris and play a pivotal role in Europe in helping to bring these senseless and criminal wars and Jihadist terror to an end – marking a European difference against the will of Washington and NATO. He could help give back Europe its lost dignity, autonomy and national sovereignties – which the unelected Brussels clan gave away – or sold out – to the Anglo-Saxon masters that manage the One World Order on behalf of corporate finance and industrial conglomerates. – It’s never too late. Peace is patient – to a point.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, CounterPunch, TeleSur, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance

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The only aircraft carrier in the French Navy’s fleet, the Charles de Gaulle, will leave for the Persian Gulf on November 18, to join the fight against Islamic State in the region, Paris has confirmed.

“The naval group will leave Toulon (a major French naval base) in a few days, on November 18, to arrive in the Persian Gulf in mid-December,” government spokesman Stephane Le Foll said, as cited by Le Figaro.

France announced the deployment of its only aircraft carrier against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) on November 5. [one week before the Paris terror attacks]

“The deployment of the battle group alongside the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier has been undertaken in order to participate in operations against Daesch [ISIS] and its affiliate groups” the French president’s office said in an issued statement.

“The aircraft carrier will enable us to be more efficient in coordination with our allies” President Francois Hollande said, adding that it will“bolster Paris’ firepower in the region amid international efforts to launch Syrian peace talks.”

France started its airstrikes in Syria in September, a year after it launched similar operations in Iraq. It is now using six Rafale multirole fighter aircraft stationed in the United Arab Emirates and six Mirage 2000 fighters deployed in Jordan.

France carried out about 1,300 aerial missions in Iraq with 271 airstrikes destroying more than 450 terrorist targets. Only a few airstrikes have been carried out in Syria.

The Charles de Gaulle is the biggest European aircraft carrier. It is also the only nuclear-powered vessel of this nature outside the US. The vessel can deploy up to 40 fixed wing jets and helicopters including 12 Rafales. The Charles de Gaulle has already been used against the IS militants in Iraq – in February and in April, 2015.

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We are bringing to the attention of our readers four important events which preceded the Paris attacks.

1. The French media had already predicted a terrorist attack more than a month before the actual occurrence.

2. The head of France’s external intelligence was in Washington for consultations with CIA Chief John Brennan two weeks before the attacks.

3. On November 5 (one week before the Paris terrorist attacks), the Council of Ministers announced its decision to send France’s aircraft carrier group Charles de Gaulle to the Middle East, with a mandate to “fight against the Islamic state”.

4. On the morning of November 13, an emergency scenario of a multi-site terrorist attack is conducted in Paris, involving first responders, medical personnel, police and firemen. 

At this early stage, it is impossible to confirm whether these events bear a relationship to the dramatic events of November 13th.  What they do convey, however, is that France was on a “war footing” against the Islamic State prior to the events of November 13th.

War preparations allegedly against the Islamic State were ongoing prior to the official announcement by president Hollande that the Paris terrorist attacks of November 13 constituted “an act of war” against the French Republic.  

The decision to dispatch the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier together with its GAN carrier group to the Middle East is of utmost significance. It constitutes a formidable force which will be joining its US and coalition partners. 

This deployment of France’s naval and air power points to a strategy of military escalation directed against Syria and its allies. It is not intended to go after the Islamic State, which is protected by the US led coalition.  

France claim’s the right to defend itself, intimating that the French Republic has been attacked from outside the country.

Are the Paris terrorist attacks being used as a pretext and justification to intervene militarily in Syria in violation of international law. According to French President François Hollande, the terrorist attack was “prepared, organized and planned from outside the country by the Islamic State, but with help from inside.” 

1. October 2: Paris Media Predicts a French Style 9/11, “un 11 septembre à la française”.

The threat is real, according to Judge Trévédic in an interview with Paris Match.

 ”The attacks in France will be on  a scale comparable to 9/11″

“Intelligence services fear a 9/11 French Style”

”impossible a dejouer”, suggesting that French intelligence is inept and unable to prevent a forthcoming terrorist attack, if and when it occurs

2. October 27:  CIA Director John Brennan receives French External Intelligence (DGSE) Director Bernard Bajolet in Washington

On their Agenda: How to Fight the Islamic State, including Threats to National Security emanating from the Islamic State

News reports confirm that two weeks before the November 13 attacks, Bajolet arrived in Washington “for urgent meetings with his counterparts at the CIA and other agencies”. The meetings pertained to the war in Syria and the “threat from outside” emanating from the Islamic State.

CIA director, John O. Brennan and DGSE director Bernard Bajolet also participated in a panel (October 27) at George Washington University. The Panel was part of a Conference sponsored by the CIA and George Washington University.

In his presentation at George Washington University, Bajolet pointed to the “inside threat” of young radicalized Frenchmen, while intimating there was also:

“a threat from outside…  either through terrorist actions which are planned [and] ordered from outside or only through fighters coming back to our countries.”

In the wake of the Paris attacks, President Hollande –who had been briefed by Bajolet– went on record: “This is an Act of War” -i.e. the Islamic State is waging war on France. Hollande’s words were very similar to those of Bajolet. According to president François Hollande, the Paris terrorist attack was “prepared, organized and planned from outside the country by the Islamic State, but with help from inside.”

3.  November 5: Council of Ministers decides to Dispatch Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier Group to the Middle East to Fight the Islamic State

Announced on November 5 (one week before the Paris attacks), the Council of Ministers confirmed that France had dispatched the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier to the Middle East to “Fight Daesch (aka the Islamic State).  France’s Charles de Gaulle only aircraft carrier is slated to leave for the Mediterranean “to join the fight against the Islamic State in the region” on November 18.

 “The deployment of the battle group alongside the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier has been undertaken in order to participate in operations against Daesch [ISIS] and its affiliate groups” the French president’s office said in an issued statement. (quoted by RT, November 5, 2015)

“The aircraft carrier will enable us to be more efficient in coordination with our allies” President Francois Hollande said, adding that it will “bolster Paris’ firepower in the region amid international efforts to launch Syrian peace talks.” (Ibid)


4. Morning of November 13, An Emergency Exercise based on a Multi-site scenario of  Terrorist Attacks was held in Paris, on the Same Day as the Attacks

Patrick Pelloux revealed on national radio on Saturday that SAMU conducted a “multi-site” counterterrorism emergency exercise in Paris on the same day as the Paris attacks.

It should be emphasized that this was not a military style exercise, it involved first responders, medical personnel and police. 

He said that the Paris emergency services were so well prepared, because “by chance” they had been planning for a similar scenario to what actually ocurred.

TV Broadcast

The nature of this exercise which preceded the attacks were revealed in an interview with  Thomas Loeb, responsible for medial services of SAMU at Garches.

The interview was conducted by

Relevant excerpts of interview

The eight SAMU Ile-de-France met on Friday [13 November] for an exercise pertaining to the simulation of a terrorist attack in Paris. What was the precise purpose of this initiative?

We gathered in the Coordinating meeting room of the defense area Ile-de-France, that morning, to work on the hypothesis [scenario] of an armed group involved in attacks in several locations Paris. This is what we call a tabletop exercise to consider the coordination of our actions.

It is an astonishing coincidence. Was this the first time you worked on this type of scenario?

No, this is a very clear working hypothesis for months, the idea of multiple simultaneous attacks. In the 2000s, we worked more on dirty bombs and risks called NRBC (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological, Chemical). Then it evolved to the risk of people being wounded by gunfire or explosion.

Interview by Kira Mitrofanoff

Translation by the author

To read the complete interview in French click

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French soldiers at the Eiffel Tower after the Paris shootings. Photo: ReutersFrench Security Left Blind During November 13 Paris Terror Attacks

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 15 2015

I have received a report from European security that there was a massive cyber attack on French systems 48 hours prior to and during the Paris attacks.

Peace-for-Paris-738x57513/11 Paris Massacre: Cui Bono?

By Pepe Escobar and Oriental Review, November 15 2015

Yesterday night things changed in an instant in Paris. The available evidence suggest that the assaults were carried out by a professional killer group who used live bombs among other weapons.

By legitgov, November 15 2015

The White House correspondent for French television network Canal+, Laura Haim, reported an interesting tidbit during a live report with MSNBC’s Brian Williams Friday evening. Haim stated that Central Intelligence Agency director, John O. Brennan, recently met with his counterpart, French intelligence (DGSE) director Bernard Bajolet.

gaza-destruction1Palestine Burns While Parisians Mourn. Israel is Guilty of Premeditated State-Sponsored Terrorism

By Stephen Lendman, November 15 2015

Israel murders, brutalizes, mass imprisons and tortures Palestinians daily – ignored by Western and Israeli media, blaming victims for state-sponsored high crimes.  Parisians justifiably mourn their dead. Worldwide sympathy supports their family members and an aggrieved nation. Palestinians suffer isolated…

"Peace for Paris" by Jean JullienSelective Empathy: Terrorist Attacks Rock Paris, Public Response to Tragedy Is Typically Disproportionate

By Daniel DeLafe, November 15 2015

In light of the Paris terror attack that killed at least 126, I have some observations to share regarding the social media response to such a tragedy.

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French Security Left Blind During November 13 Paris Terror Attacks

November 15th, 2015 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

I have received a report from European security that there was a massive cyber attack on French systems 48 hours prior to and during the Paris attacks.

Amongst other things, the attack took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance. The attack was not a straightforward DDOS attack but a sophisticated attack that targeted a weakness in infrastructure hardware.

Such an attack is beyond the capability of most organizations and requires capability that is unlikely to be in ISIL’s arsenal. An attack on this scale is difficult to pull off without authorities getting wind of it. The coordination required suggests state involvement.

It is common for people with no experience in government to believe that false flag attacks are not possible, because they think the entire government would have to be involved and not everyone would go along with it. Someone would talk. However, if the report I have received is correct, hardly anyone has to be involved, and security forces are simply disabled.

Remember the reports that during 9/11, a simulation of the actual events that were occuring was being conducted, thus confusing responsible parties about the reality.

I am unable to reveal any further information.

If security experts find the information credible, they should direct their inquiries to the French authorities.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

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Patrick Pelloux revealed on national radio on Saturday that a  “multi-site” emergency exercise was held in Paris on the same day as the Paris attacks on November 13.

[This exercise pertains to an emergency scenario of a terrorist attack. It involves first responders, police, emergency services and medical personnel. Organized by SAMU. It is not a military exercise, GR ed.] 

He said that the Paris emergency services were so well prepared, because “by chance” they had been planning for a similar scenario.


“By chance”, (le hasard a fait”) in the morning at the Paris SAMU (EMT), a multi-site attack exercise had been planned.”

“So we were prepared. What needs to be known is there was a mobilisation of police forces, firemen, EMTs, associations who came [to participate] and we tried to save as many people as possible.”

TV Broadcast

Original French transcript:

Le hasard a fait, pour vous dire, c’est que le matin au SAMU de Paris, avait été organisé un exercice sur des attentats multisites. Donc on était préparés. Donc ce qu’il faut voir c’est que vous aviez une mobilisation des forces de police, des pompiers, des SAMU, des associatifs qui sont venus et on a essayé de sauver le plus de monde possible.

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A Spanish court has issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials for their role in the 2010 attack on the Freedom Flotilla heading to Gaza, local media reported on Friday.

Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights said that the Supreme Court in Madrid ordered the arrest of ex-foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman, ex-defence minister Ehud Barak, the then-deputy prime ministers Moshe Ya’alon and Eli Yishai, and former state minister Benny Begin, as well as Netanyahu. It also ordered the arrest of Israeli Navy Commander Eliezer Marom, who is among the co-defendants found guilty by the Spanish judge.

According to YaniSafak website, the investigation into this case was launched after Spanish activists on board the main vessel in the flotilla, the Turkish-registered Mavi Marmara, filed a criminal complaint against Israeli officials involved in the raid. YaniSafak said that in June a Spanish court dropped a five-year-old investigation into the raid, but it left open the possibility that the case could be reopened if the specified Israeli officials visited Spain.

Although the case was sent to the Supreme Court, continuous Israeli pressure slowed down the investigations. Nevertheless, said the news website, the judge has sent the list of defendants to the Spanish police, demanding the start of the legal process to issue a red notice for their arrest.

Israeli naval commandos killed nine Turkish peace activists, including one with dual American citizenship, and injured dozens more on board the Gaza-bound Mavi Marmara. Spanish activists also took part in the flotilla, which was attempting to break Israel’s illegal blockade of the territory.

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In light of the Paris terror attack that killed at least 126, I have some observations to share regarding the social media response to such a tragedy. First, I want to share this particular story to help make a point: New evidence emerges showing the US deliberately attacked the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan.

…the Associated Press published a report providing further confirmation that the facility was targeted and bombed by US military personnel with full knowledge that it was a functioning hospital. The attack lasted for an hour, destroying the building and killing 30 people, including at least 13 MSF staff members and 10 patients.

The report follows a previous article citing a former intelligence official who said special operations analysts had mapped the entire area and drawn a circle around the hospital.

The new report adds to the growing body of evidence demonstrating that US forces knowingly and deliberately destroyed a hospital that was performing civilian functions, a grave violation of the Geneva Conventions and a violation of the US War Crimes Act. According to the latter, those found guilty of committing such a crime can be subject to life imprisonment or death.

Among the possible motivations for the attack is the fact that the hospital was the only major medical center in northeastern Afghanistan, and it provided aid to all those injured in the escalating conflict between US forces and the Taliban-led insurgency. Beyond those immediately killed, hundreds or even thousands will die as a result of their loss of access to medical care.

In a statement released on October 23, which reported an increase in the death toll from 22 to 30, MSF noted that the destruction of the hospital “will have a huge impact on access to surgical care for hundreds of thousands of people in the region… Last year, more than 22,000 patients received care at the hospital and more than 5,900 surgeries were performed.”

This is only one example among countless others I could use (many much worse), but it’s recent and I only need one to make this point. Where were all the “prayers” and “thoughts” for any of these people from most of you posting your condolences about what just happened in Paris? I’m sorry if this offends anyone, or if you feel like I’m trying to take attention away from the lives lost and disrespecting those grieving, but that is the opposite of what I’m doing. I’m trying to honor them.

I’m simply trying to get you to think and to feel deeper, and to expand your circle of empathy beyond Paris in order to grasp the bigger picture of why these attacks happen. This opinion piece gets to the core of some of those reasons: The Age of Despair: Reaping the Whirlwind of Western Support for Extremist Violence. A larger game is at work, one we often do not see.

Let’s start by asking: Why are you more upset over one group of people being murdered and not another group? Or is the bombing of a hospital not terrorism? Do Afghan lives not mean as much as Parisian lives?

The events yesterday in Paris are heartbreaking and disturbing. What I find more disturbing is how easily people ignore why these things are even happening and who actually arms and funds Islamic extremists. How many just swallow the mainstream media propaganda and are therefore oblivious to history? Most disturbing is that 90% of the people that send their prayers and condolences online to those who died in Paris (as good as their intentions are), never seem to bat an eye at, or send a single prayer to, the millions of people slaughtered by the U.S./EU/Israeli/Saudi war machine, which created these extremist groups in the first place through direct and indirect results of Western foreign policy and Western proxy armies.

When an attack like this happens in the West, everyone is so, so sad – yet when hundreds of homes are leveled in Gaza, or elsewhere in the Middle East, there is relative silence! We should be equally upset about all of this senseless killing orchestrated by psychopaths in the highest echelons of society, not just what our TVs tell us we should be upset about. We should be sending our thoughts and prayers everyday to all the innocents murdered with our tax dollars, not just when an attack occurs in Europe or the U.S. Such events are also used as a fear-monger tactic and fuel to continue the very same policies and wars-for-profit that result in such attacks, whether orchestrated by extremists or by intelligence agencies.

© Reuters
The biggest terror attack in Lebanon for 25 years. 41 people were killed in 2 suicide bombings on November 12, the day before the Paris attacks.

To those who expressed themselves over the Paris attacks, yet remained silent over countless similar atrocities, I ask: where were your condolences, your “thoughts”, your “prayers” for those killed in the attack on the Afghan hospital by US forces, or any other war crime committed by or supported by your own government? What determined your care for one group of people and not another? Was it your attitude? Your popularity? Maybe it was the type of information you are exposed to, or deliberately expose yourself to? Was it your beliefs?

Most likely it’s all of that – and more. The main question here is: Do you really have control over what you pay attention to and care about?

I guess terrorism is only what our psychopathic leaders and their media moguls tell us it is, and only then when it happens to us in the West, not when we’re the perpetrators. It seems that a lot of people only take the time to share their condolences about a tragedy when it’s trending and trendy to do so, and such trends are not only tracked and played upon by the power brokers in society, but are also manufactured and directed for larger political purposes. When Gaza was getting bombed to smithereens in summer of 2014, I didn’t see half the response I saw over this recent attack on social media and in conversation.

I’m sad for Paris today. I’m thinking about it a lot. I know this article, or a Facebook post, or a Tweet, won’t change anything in the grand scheme of things, but such things may do more than we think, and can plant seeds in people’s minds, just like the TV does. It helps to vent our frustration with all the lies, and to counter them even just a little bit. Many people decided to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media to voice their concerns, their “thoughts and prayers” about Paris, and I completely understand why you did this.

You cared that people got killed for no reason. I get it. I feel that way everyday. But this is also a sinister manipulation of the public at large, and anyone who is familiar with Edward Bernays knows that powerful people put lots of time, money, and research into figuring out how to control what people think, like, and care about (I highly recommend the documentary series The Century of the Self). We all must understand how and why we are programmed by psychopaths in power, the richest of whom are in control of our own countries here in the West, and how these same people influence us to be selective with our conscience, with our caring.

Every single day, even my best and happiest days (like right now – I’m on tour with a band called The Gray Company, staying in a beautiful home in North Carolina with amazing friends, and having a blast!) I set some time aside to think of all the others dying at the hands of our government and the Secret Government, the National Security State, and its military industrial complex. I devote some time to reading and studying, and I try to post and disseminate information. I don’t wait for the mainstream media to tell me when to be upset and when to care, and what is true and what isn’t. I try to look and work it out and hold off on concluding. I choose to care because I value Truth, and I understand Truth hurts us in the process of seeking Her, and I’m willing to endure the pain of knowing for a chance to dance with Truth.

I wasn’t always like this though. It takes hard work and effort to Love and to seek the Truth, to draw up Her bitter-sweet water and drink it and to be changed by Her – it’s a constant effort to care and know how crazy the world really is while at the same time allowing yourself to be happy when necessary, and to appreciate your own life, and to strive in such a crazy world without letting it get to you and still succeed. I understand why so many shut this stuff out and just want to focus on their own life and success, or only spare a thought or condolence when it’s trendy to do so, especially when it’s shoved in our faces, while other events get downplayed or ignored. It’s easier to believe the lies and watered-down truth when it’s spoon-fed to us – it’s more comfortable and takes no effort. But will it help us grow?

I wasn’t always like this. You also don’t have to be the way you may be, to be manipulated by powers you don’t understand. But only if you really want to seek knowledge, to objectively Love, to seek Truth – if you truly want to care MORE. Take the feelings you get from the Paris attacks, the sadness for those lives lost in the middle of a grander chess game, and use it as motivation to learn and to speak – to try and follow the moves on the board by unseen hands. Post your thoughts and feelings every single day about ALL the innocents dying, not just for one day – because such things happen every day, and we all carry the responsibility for it and for doing something about it. The least we can do is make an effort to really understand it, to pay attention and speak out as much as possible, rather than blindly accepting what the talking heads tell us is going down and whose deaths we should or should not care about.

Dr. Martin Luther. King, Jr. once said “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” Of course, once you are aware of that decision, it’s then up to you to choose. Choose wisely.

Daniel DeLafe 

An ambivalent student of life, self-proclaimed symbologist and writer, born September 9th, 1990, and raised in Elizabeth, New Jersey, where I still reside. I have a B.A degree (a piece of paper in a frame) which certifies that I studied English & Writing at Kean University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

An information junkie, social critic, and independent researcher with an interest for a variety of subjects, from comparative religion, mythology, mysticism, esotericism, the occult, and UFOs, to science, archaeology, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, politics, activism, literature, and history.

A musician with over a decade of self-taught drum set dabbling under my belt. Lover of smart and creative friends, silky cats, delicious coffee and tea, cooking concoctions, robust pipe tobacco, abstract and allegorical art, drawing and painting, traveling, museum time machines, library arsenals, big book bullets, forests, parks, profound poetry, alliteration, intellectually stimulating conversations, rhyming, dining, people-watching, live concerts, a tasty array of music, the Oxford comma, and listing stuff.

My first collection of poetry is available on Amazon:

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Finally, events have converged to mobilize our new leaders—young Americans. Who are students but the very women and men who will lead this country spiritually, economically, politically? We press them into college to imbibe progressive ideals, to hone their communication skills, to learn about justice (and injustice), to build enduring personal networks—i.e. to prepare for active participation in society. Hopefully while bettering themselves they enhance our culture, our government, and our values?

Yet look what this generation is faced with:–years of student debt, weary-part-time-underpaid adjunct lecturers, increasing dormitory fees, skyrocketing book prices, administrations that protect campus rapists, brutish fraternity practices, and racial bias overseen my presidents with million dollar salaries.

Some say the current uprisings on campuses beginning at University of Missouri were aroused in part by the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, and the Black Lives Matter movement in cities across the nation. Thankfully.

Who better to have led this revolt than Black football heroes who for too long have been compromised by glory and monetary rewards for athletic achievements? (“Our star basketball team is multi-racial; that should be sufficient.”) Whatever the inspiration, voices of students in the forefront of political demands for change are overdue. When can we remember the last campus-based revolt? (It was another generation when it probably focused on overseas wars that overshadow daily injustices at home.)

$1.2 trillion is said to be the total accumulated student debt in the USA today. Without this staggering statistic, we live personal stories and conditions in our own family, our students and classmates, our co-workers and their children. On the one hand we learn about abuse on campus and wild student behavior on spring-break; on the other side, there’s the single mother holding down a job while she pursues her degree. This is American university culture! So is the common practice of underpaid college workers–adjunct teachers and other employees. Many professors who enjoy abundant privileges ignore staff inequalities around them just as they overlook racist practices that today’s students are bringing to public attention due to their raised intolerance of innuendo which, like as gender and religious insults, is simply unacceptable. Thus their multiple demands.

The The case of Steven Salaita who was denied his appointment at U. Illinois ended in success with a substantial financial settlement. It’s a new victory in an American community of scholars who stood by as many more colleagues saw contracts cancelled because their political beliefs were seen as a threat to university vested interests and the status quo.

The current campus uprisings are significant because these youths are exercising nascent leadership, also because the university had perhaps lost its place in American society as the arena where ideals of equality and free speech are held most sacred. Where else do we expect vigorous debate if not here; where else do we expect parity if not here; where can we challenge the status quo if not here? Where else should social media be an effective political tool? Where can we expect hopes to be planted and nourished if not here?

Finally, although it’s not been cited as factoring into these revolts, there’s the current national election campaign underway. Surely that ‘circus’ disturbs many would-be first time voters anticipating next November. Either they are watching in disgust or cynicism and thinking: “None of these guys is going to stop police violence, cancel our debts or assure us jobs. Let’s move it ourselves”. The November 12 nationwide march is well timed.

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The White House correspondent for French television network Canal+, Laura Haim, reported an interesting tidbit during a live report with MSNBC’s Brian Williams Friday evening.

Haim stated that Central Intelligence Agency director, John O. Brennan, recently met with his counterpart, French intelligence (DGSE) director Bernard Bajolet.

The French equivalent of MI6 and CIA is the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure. See: CIA-GW Intelligence Conference: Panel on The Shared 21st Century International Mission –GW Center for Cyber and Homeland Security 29 Oct 2015 Panel on “The Shared 21st Century International Mission” featuring CIA Director John Brennan, former UK MI6 Chief John Sawers, Director of the French Directorate for External Security Bernard Bajolet, and former Israeli National Security Advisor Yaacov Amidror.

Held as part of the 2nd Annual Ethos and Profession of Intelligence Conference, co-hosted by the Central Intelligence Agency and the George Washington University. Held on October 27, 2015.

Also, see: “Le Moyen-Orient d’avant ne reviendra pas” 28 octobre 2015

Le chef du renseignement extérieur français, Bernard Bajolet, a laissé entendre que des pays comme l’Irak ou la Syrie ne retrouveraient jamais leur ancienne physionomie. “Le Moyen-Orient que nous avons connu est fini et je doute qu’il revienne”, a déclaré, en anglais, le directeur de la DGSE (Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure), dans une conférence mardi sur le renseignement à laquelle participait également le directeur de la CIA John Brennan.

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“This is not my victory, this is your victory.” This sentence uttered by the elated Trudeau on the election night is not a compliment to the millions of Canadians who voted strategically to bring about change but a call for continuing engagement. Civil society’s engagement must not end in the wake of the Liberals’ victory and the swearing in of a truly rainbow cabinet. It must remain consistent throughout the new government’s mandate. Trudeau articulated the simple truth that the government needs civil society to pursue change in the face of powerful opposition.

Canadians have different, sometimes divergent and at times opposing interests. For example, the top 1% of our compatriots, who appropriate over one third of the country’s cumulative income, promote policies that are likely to clash with the aspirations of our middle class, let alone of our poor (the word rarely uttered by our politicians, including Trudeau). All these groups provide their input and lobby the government in order to advance their interests.

Yet, the playing field is not level. Those with greater resources maintain professional lobbyists. Their work does not begin, nor stop on election night. Civil society cannot compete with their financial and personnel resources. But it can exercise pressure on the government through a range of other peaceful means, such as mobilization of citizens and an established capacity to ensure transparency of government actions. After all, the top 1% and the rest of us want to preserve social peace and forestall endemic violence plaguing more unequal societies.

It is in this context that citizens must redefine our country’s governance. The Liberal mandate promises to meet their deepest needs. But even with the best of sincere intentions, the government must be helped to make its mandate come true. François Hollande, Barak Obama, Alexis Tsipras – were all elected thanks to a widespread yearning for change. All three could not overcome the redoubtable forces of corporate community and transnational financial capital. Whatever their progressive credentials and discourse, their policies have come to resemble those of their right-wing predecessors.

One of us was in Greece on the eve of the September polls. Tsipras, elected earlier in the year to protect the country from foreign financial interests, had by then given in to the immense pressure from the creditors who imposed drastic austerity measures on his compatriots and severe limitations on his government’s independence. “What sense does it make to vote again if promises cannot be kept anyway?” we asked a Greek colleague. “Oh, we just love voting. It is like routing for the favourite soccer team: one is so happy when it wins even though it has no effect on our lives”.

Trudeau’s victory will not breed this kind of cynicism if civil society promptly uses the opportunity of the change of government to engage with it constructively and on a regular basis. The Liberal cabinet wants to put an end to the previous government’s practice of excessive control and opacity. This opens doors in the halls of power. The question is who is going to enter those doors: only corporate lobbyists or activists of civil society as well. These doors may not remain open for long, and it is essential for the middle and poor classes, the majority of our country’s citizenry, to make their voice heard insistently and clearly, to formulate and table constructive proposals and to follow through to their implementation.

If, in four years from now, the control of the social and economic agenda is, once again, in the hands of the corporate community, then our collective electoral efforts will have been in vain. If that happens, we cannot chastise our government; we will have only ourselves to blame.

The authors are, respectively, former CEO of the Canadian Council for International Cooperation and Oxfam Quebec and Professor of History at the Université de Montréal

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Israel murders, brutalizes, mass imprisons and tortures Palestinians daily – ignored by Western and Israeli media, blaming victims for state-sponsored high crimes. 

Parisians justifiably mourn their dead. Worldwide sympathy supports their family members and an aggrieved nation.

Palestinians suffer isolated on their own. The world community ignores their horrific ordeal. Jewish rights alone matter.

Since October 1, Israel killed 86 Palestinians, the vast majority extrajudicially executed in cold blood. Clear evidence exposed the myth of knife-wielding terrorists. Over 8,000 Palestinians were injured, scores arrested daily, children treated as brutally as adults, women the same as men.

Israel is guilty of premeditated state-sponsored terrorism. Soldiers and police use live fire against defenseless people, wanting long denied freedom, resisting largely with their bare hands against one of the world’s most ruthless regimes, generously supported by Washington, both nations partnering in each other’s high crimes.

Multiple independent daily reports indict Israel for state-sponsored terrorism. Unaccountability denies Palestinians justice they deserve.

The world community stands in solidarity with Parisians, mourning for their loss – at the same time, letting Israel continue murdering and brutalizing Palestinians with impunity. Longstanding torment of millions of defenseless people goes largely ignored.

Palestinian suffering is longstanding – since losing 78% of their nation in 1948, the rest in June 1967, suffering horrifically under Israel’s repressive boot, obligated the way Jefferson explained to resist for freedom.

Parisians deserve world support in the aftermath of Friday attacks. Palestinians deserve it far more after nearly 70 years of tyrannical Israeli oppression.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at[email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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The UAF is continuing its rotation and heavy weapons withdrawal from the front line in anticipation of the winter. Thus the UAF “lost” a T-64B tank after the truck towing the tank-bearing flatbed trailer broke down. The tank sat in the middle of Kharkov entirely unattended for several hours before another truck showed up and towed it away.

We reported last week that the Ukrainian military had, by the most optimistic estimate, 19 operational Su-25 attack aircraft. Now that number has been reduced to 18 following the crash of an Su-25 near Dnepropetrovsk.

Ukrainian authorities are still trying to come to grips with the causes of ammunition storage explosion in Svatovo reported last week. The military prosecutor general Anatoliy Matios believes the cause was carelessness of the officers responsible for the facility …while the occupied Lugansk Region governor Georgiy Tuka believes it was a terrorist attack.

Well, why not both? A terrorist attack by the careless officers responsible for the facility?

There are also news concerning the Ukrainian naval forces.

The country has received the first new-construction naval vessel since it became “independent” a quarter of a century ago. The ship, to be sure, is not overly impressive–it is the Gyurza-M 51-ton coastal/riverine gunboat apparently armed with two weapon modules sporting a 30mm automatic cannon and anti-tank guided missile launchers. The vessel’s construction actually began during the rule of President Yanukovych.

Meanwhile, the Malyshev plant in Kharkov is officially hoping to win the Pakistani contract for some 300 MBTs, the slow pace of deliveries of Oplot-M tanks to Thailand (average of 6 per year!) could well become a major problem for Malyshev’s further export prospects. Furthermore, there are credible reports that, following the scandal with the sub-standard armor plating on armored vehicles supplied by Ukraine to Iraq, Thailand requested that its Oplots be made with Russian armored steel.

The number of UAF soldiers who have defected to Novorossia is continuing to grow, and the defectors are now engaging in media operations to try to convince soldiers still in UAF’s ranks to follow in their footsteps.

This report would not be complete without providing some idea as to the propaganda to which the Ukrainian public is being exposed to. In a recent UNIAN report, a Ukrainian soldier was reported heavily wounded while…fighting in the vicinity of the Donetsk Airport. Evidently the fact the airport and all the adjacent territory were liberated by Novorossia’s armed forces some 9 months ago still has not fully sunk in…

The news from the “western front” are also fairly dismal. Even though the joint US-Ukrainian training mission that began back in April of 2015 has just concluded, it received practically no coverage within the Ukrainian media. Likewise the US has not trumpeted this huge “breakthrough” in bilateral relations.

The reasons for this interesting development are open to speculation. In all likelihood, the US side was not overly impressed with the quality of Ukrainian participants and has decided not to continue the practice which is very costly to the US and is yielding no practical results.

Instead, US “aid” programs to Ukraine seem to be mainly oriented to benefit US defense contractors, not the UAF. Since the Humvees supplied to Ukraine by the US now turned out to be over 20 years old, the US is now offering Ukraine a modernization program whose cost would be comparable to the value of the vehicles when they were brand new! Naturally, the modernization program would come out of the US aid budget for Ukraine and would be spent entirely on US defense firms qualified to repair these elderly vehicles.

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Imagine that you despised your brother-in-law and wanted to kill him. But you didn’t have the guts to do it yourself so you hired a hit-man to do the job for you.

Would you still be guilty of murder?

You’re darn right, you would be. So let’s apply this same rule to US foreign policy: Would it be just as wrong to invade a country, kill its people and topple its government with militants that you funded, armed and trained as it would be with your own US troops?

Yep, it sure would be. So while some people might think that it was smarter for Obama to use a proxy-army in Syria instead of US soldiers, morally or legally speaking, there’s really no difference between what he did and what Bush did in Iraq. A US invasion is a US invasion. Period. It doesn’t matter if you use for-hire killers or your own guys. It’s all the same. Obama is just as guilty as Bush.

Why does it matter?

It matters because Obama’s Syrian policy has resulted in the deaths of 250,000 people and created 11 million refugees. That’s more refugees than Iraq. And the funny thing is, the media doesn’t even talk about it, in fact, there’s not one major media outlet in the entire country that has stated what everyone knows to be the obvious truth; that the United States is 100 percent responsible for the refugee crisis. 100 percent! Assad had nothing to do with it. US policy and our buck-passing president are entirely to blame.

The point is, the Democrats pursue the same policies as the GOP with some minor-tweaking at the edges. So if the hard-charging, but dimwitted Republicans decide to drag the country to war on a pack of lies, then the shifty Dems will try to be smarter about it; they’ll try to micromanage the public relations, preempt antiwar marches in US cities and avoid US casualties at all cost. Obama has succeeded in all of these things. There’s nobody in the streets protesting, the media has convinced most people that Syria is in the throes of a civil war, and there have been no flag-draped coffins returning to Andover Airbase because their are no US boots on the ground.  For all practical purposes, the Democrats have created our first completely invisible war. That’s quite an accomplishment, don’t you think?

The only glitch is that, after 4 years, Obama’s plan for toppling Bashar al Assad has failed. True, he’s destroyed the world’s oldest civilization and condemned its people to a hardscrabble existence for the next 20 years or so, but he’s failed in his primary objectives; to remove Assad, partition the country, and secure the territory he needs for vital pipeline corridors. So, you see, all the sneaky, underhanded methods the Democrats have used to secretly prosecute their war on Syria have backfired because the US is going to lose the war anyway.

Why is the US going to lose the war?

Because the Russian-led coalition has stopped Washington dead-in-its-tracks and sent the terrorist vermin fleeing for cover, that’s why.

On Tuesday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and fighters from the feared Lebanese national militia, Hezbollah,  recaptured  the strategic Kuweires military airbase in North Syria killing hundreds of ISIS terrorists and liberating 250 Syrian soldiers who had been holding out at the base for more than two and a half years. The battle was downplayed in the western media mainly because it represents a critical turning point in the conflict. The Russian-led coalition is now the drivers seat while the “US-backed” jihadis are on the run.   The war’s momentum has totally shifted in Putin’s favor which means that Putin’s going to win and Obama’s going to lose.

Kuweires is Syria’s Stalingrad, the famous WW 2 siege which lasted from August 1942 to February 1943 when the German Wehrmacht was repelled by the ferocious Red Army in the largest and bloodiest battle in the history of warfare. While the scale of Kuweires is smaller by many orders of magnitude, it’s importance can’t be overstated. It wasn’t ISIS that was defeated at Kuweires; it was US foreign policy, a policy which has reduced a large swathe of the planet, extending from North Africa, across the Middle East and into Central Asia, into smoldering rubble. Kuweires was a key node in Washington’s plan to topple Assad and plunge Syria in failed-state anarchy. That strategy has now been rolled back, not by people waving signs in the streets or politicians appealing for peace and sanity, or diplomats at the UN “talking shop” who have become the de facto rubber stamp for US aggression. No. US policy was rolled back by Russian warplanes, heavy artillery, armored vehicles and highly-motivated, stiff-neck fighting grunts who put their country before their own personal safety. Get the picture?

For the last 15 years, the US has ruled the world through force of arms. Well, guess what; other people have weapons too, and they’re ready to use them. That’s the meaning of Kuweires. Other nations are refusing to accept a model of global world disorder where one country unilaterally arms, trains and deploys homicidal jihadi psychopaths to achieve its own narrow geopolitical goals. That’s a model that is seriously broken and needs to be replaced ASAP.  This is the task to which Putin and his fellow terror-liquidators have applied themselves, and they’re doing a pretty fair job of it too.

In the last week, the Russian-led coalition has made great strides in ending this madness and turning the tide on the imperial project.   As a result, Washington has been forced to rethink its approach and adapt to the rapidly-changing conditions on the ground. The evidence of this is everywhere, like this goofy article which ran at Huffington Post on Thursday. Check it out:

Supported by U.S.-led airstrikes, Kurdish Iraqi troops on Thursday seized part of a highway that is used as a vital supply line by the Islamic State group, a key initial step in a major offensive to retake the strategic town of Sinjar from the militants….

Hours into Thursday’s operation, the Kurdish Regional Security Council said its forces controlled a section of Highway 47, which passes by Sinjar and indirectly links the militants’ two biggest strongholds — Raqqa in Syria and Mosul in northern Iraq — as a route for goods, weapons and fighters….

“By controlling Highway 47, which is used by Daesh to transport weapons, fighters, illicit oil and other commodities that fund their operations, the coalition intends to increase pressure … and isolate their components from each other,” a coalition statement said.

(“U.S.-Backed Kurds Launch Offensive To Retake ISIS-Held Iraqi Town Sinjar”, Huffington Post)

So they launched a major ground offensive and cut off ISIS vital supply lines?

What a novel idea? Too bad no one in Washington thought about that before wasting the last 18 months blowing up camels in the dessert or whatever the hell they were doing.   And why has the Pentagon been playing circlejerk for the last year and a half while these freaks raped women, lopped off heads and wreaked havoc across the countryside when they could have pulled the plug on them long ago?

“Why”? Let me explain “why”?

It’s because ISIS is Washington’s favorite windup toy. They just let these hooligans “Do their thing” as long as they advance US geopolitical goals and, when they’ve served their purpose,  they stomp them out like a stag beetle. That’s the basic program. That’s how it works. Only now that Putin has been mowing down these gobshite takfiris like a combine-harvester slashing thorough the corn patch, the Obama crew has had to move on to Plan B: Liquidate ISIS and hold-on to those areas that were under ISIS control. That will give Uncle Sam the territory he’s going to need to set up his “safe zones” that’ll be protected by US aircover and serve as sanctuaries for  more troublemaking sociopaths who can be deployed back into Syria to perpetuate the conflict deep into the future. That’s the US strategy in a nutshell.

Washington knows now that the war is lost, so it’s looking for a way to keep a foothold in Syria for future mischief. The same is true on the Turkish-Syrian border where Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdogan is conspiring with Obama to set up a buffer zone on Syrian territory. Check this out in Today’s Zaman:

In the run-up to the Nov. 1 election, signals were given that if the Justice and Development Party (AKP) won, Turkey might well start up a land military operation in Syria….

Looking at statements from top Ankara officials in the days prior to the upcoming G-20 summit in Antalya, it does appear that we’ll have action in Syria sometime soon. No matter how often government officials signal Ankara’s desire to cooperate in air operations over Syria, the real fact of the matter is, Ankara would like to see Turkish troops enter Syria by land in warfare situation….

Signals are now coming in fast and furious that Turkey will enter into this war. What’s more, the signals are not limited to AKP statements; the assumption is spreading in the West, too, that this will be Ankara’s course. (“Is war on the horizon?“, Today’s Zaman)

Erdogan is a megalomaniac and a menace which is why Putin  had better keep an eye on him. And the same goes for Obama too. Obama may be down, but he’s not out just yet. He still has a few more tricks up his sleeve and he’s sure to use them before this thing is over.  Even so,  the advantage definitely goes to Putin at this point. He took on the entire Washington braintrust and beat them at their own game.

Like him or not, you got to tip your hat to a guy like that.

Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Close Guantanamo and Return It to Cuba

November 15th, 2015 by Prof. Marjorie Cohn

President Obama has the constitutional power to shut down the prison there and return Guantanamo to Cuba.

Obama has yet to fulfill the promise he made in his January 22, 2009 executive order to shutter Guantanamo “no later than one year from the date of this order.” Any individuals remaining there at the time of closure, Obama wrote, “shall be returned to their home country, released, transferred to a third country, or transferred to another United States detention facility in a manner consistent with law and the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States.”

After threatening to veto the final draft of the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) partly because it forbids the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to the United States and tightens barriers to sending them to other countries, Obama caved. A White House spokesperson said Obama would sign the legislation, which passed overwhelmingly in the House and Senate. Bernie Sanders was one of three senators to vote against the bill.

Nearly seven years after Obama’s promise, 112 men remain at Guantanamo, half of whom have been cleared for release. Obama has released 54 prisoners and is reviewing the cases of others still being held.

In March 2011, Obama designated 46 men to remain in indefinite detention without trial, but promised periodic review of their cases. Arbitrary detention violates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a treaty the United States has ratified, making it part of U.S. law under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. constitution.

The periodic reviews didn’t start until November 2013, spurred by hunger strikes at the prison. The reviews continue to be conducted. As a result of those reviews, 14 additional men were cleared for release and five of them have been released.

In April 2013, Obama said, “I think it is critical for us to understand that Guantanamo is not necessary to keep America safe . . . It hurts us in terms of our international standing . . . It is a recruitment tool for extremists. It needs to be closed.” Yet it remains open.

One of the transfer restrictions required the secretary of defense to notify Congress 30 days before transfer that it would be good for national security. But to avoid being personally responsible if a detainee were to become a terrorist, former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel hesitated to allow transfers. Actually only seven percent of the detainees released during Obama’s tenure returned to terrorist activity as compared with 19 percent during Bush’s presidency.

Obama is reportedly preparing a plan to speed up transfers of half the remaining Guantanamo prisoners to their home countries or other willing nations. The plan will also set forth new security protocols to prevent detainees from returning to terrorist activities once released.

Military experts are conducting surveys of prisons in the United States for possible transfer of detainees. They include the military prison at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas; the Naval Consolidated Brig in Charleston, South Carolina; and the US supermax prison in Florence, Colorado.

In spite of the NDAA, Obama has the power to close Guantanamo. Former White House counsel Gregory Craig and Cliff Sloan, former special envoy for Guantanamo closure, maintain, “the president does not need Congress’s authorization to act.” They wrote in the Washington Post, “Under Article II of the Constitution, the president has exclusive authority to determine the facilities in which military detainees are held . . . The determination on where to hold detainees is a tactical judgment at the very core of the president’s role as commander in chief.”

According to Craig and Sloan, “Congress’s purported ban on funding any movement of detainees from Guantanamo Bay to the United States restricts where ‘law-of-war’ detainees can be held and prevents the president from discharging his constitutionally assigned function of making tactical military decisions. Accordingly, it violates the separation of powers.”

Lt. Col. David Frakt, who has represented Guantanamo detainees before the military commissions and in federal habeas corpus proceedings, concurs. “When the Obama administration really wants to transfer a detainee, they are quite capable of doing so,” Frakt wrote in JURIST. He said Obama should direct his attorney general to inform the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals that the Department of Justice no longer considers the cleared detainees to be detainable.

Col. Morris Davis, former Chief Prosecutor for the Terrorism Trials at Guantanamo, personally charged Osama bin Laden’s driver Salim Hamdan, Australian David Hicks, and Canadian teen Omar Khadr. All three were convicted and have been released from Guantanamo. “There is something fundamentally wrong with a system where not being charged with a war crime keeps you locked away indefinitely and a war crime conviction is your ticket home,” Davis wrote to Obama.

Of the 780 men held at Guantanamo since 2002, only eight were tried and convicted of war crimes. Of those, just three remain at Guantanamo.

Many of the detainees reported being assaulted, prolonged shackling, sexual abuse, and threats with dogs. Australian lawyer Richard Bourke, who has represented several Guantanamo detainees, charged they have been subjected to “good old-fashioned torture.” Detainees who engage in hunger strikes are subjected to force-feeding, a practice the UN Human Rights Council has called torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. At least seven men have died at the prison camp.

The United States has illegally occupied Guantánamo since 1903, after Cuba’s war of independence against Spain. Cuba was forced to include the Platt Amendment in the Cuban constitution. The amendment granted the United States the right to intervene in Cuba as a prerequisite for the withdrawal of US troops from the rest of Cuba. That provision provided the basis for the 1903 Agreement on Coaling and Naval Stations, which gave the United States the right to use Guantánamo Bay “exclusively as coaling or naval stations, and for no other purpose.”

President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a new treaty with Cuba in 1934 that allows the United States to remain in Guantánamo Bay until the US abandons it or until both Cuba and the United States agree to modify their arrangement. According to that treaty, “the stipulations of [the 1903] agreement with regard to the naval station of Guantánamo shall continue in effect.” That means Guantánamo Bay can be used for nothing but coaling or naval stations. Article III of the 1934 treaty also says that Cuba leases Guantánamo Bay to the United States “for coaling and naval stations.” Nowhere in either treaty did Cuba give the US the right to utilize Guantánamo Bay as a prison camp.

Former Cuban president Fidel Castro has long maintained that Guantanamo is part of Cuba and that the US illegally occupies it. One of Cuban President Raul Castro’s requirements for normalization of relations with the United States is the return of Guantanamo to Cuba.

If there is probable cause to believe a detainee committed a crime, he should be sent to the United States for trial in federal court. The remaining detainees should be returned to their countries of origin or third countries if that is not feasible. After shuttering the prison camp, Obama should return Guantanamo Bay to Cuba, its rightful owner.

Marjorie Cohn is a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. Her most recent book is “Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues.” See


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We, the West, overthrew Saddam by violence. We overthrew Gadafy by violence. We are trying to overthrow Assad by violence. Harsh regimes all — but far less draconian than our Saudi allies, and other tyrannies around the world. What has been the result of these interventions? A hell on earth, one that grows wider and more virulent year after year.

Without the American crime of aggressive war against Iraq — which, by the measurements used by Western governments themselves, left more than a million innocent people dead — there would be no ISIS, no “Al Qaeda in Iraq.” Without the Saudi and Western funding and arming of an amalgam of extremist Sunni groups across the Middle East, used as proxies to strike at Iran and its allies, there would be no ISIS. Let’s go back further. Without the direct, extensive and deliberate creation by the United States and its Saudi ally of a world-wide movement of armed Sunni extremists during the Carter and Reagan administrations (in order to draw the Soviets into a quagmire in Afghanistan), there would have been no “War on Terror” — and no terrorist attacks in Paris tonight.

Again, let’s be as clear as possible: the hellish world we live in today is the result of deliberate policies and actions undertaken by the United States and its allies over the past decades. It was Washington that led and/or supported the quashing of secular political resistance across the Middle East, in order to bring recalcitrant leaders like Nasser to heel and to back corrupt and brutal dictators who would advance the US agenda of political domination and resource exploitation.

The open history of the last half-century is very clear in this regard. Going all the way back to the overthrow of the democratic government of Iran in 1953, the United States has deliberately and consciously pushed the most extreme sectarian groups in order to undermine a broader-based secular resistance to its domination agenda.

Why bring up this “ancient history” when fresh blood is running in the streets of Paris? Because that blood would not be running if not for this ancient history; and because the reaction to this latest reverberation of Washington’s decades-long, bipartisan cultivation of religious extremism will certainly be more bloodshed, more repression and more violent intervention. Which will, in turn, inevitably, produce yet more atrocities and upheaval as we are seeing in Paris tonight.

I write in despair. Despair of course at the depravity displayed by the murderers of innocents in Paris tonight; but an even deeper despair at the depravity of the egregious murderers who have brought us to this ghastly place in human history: those gilded figures who have strode the halls of power for decades in the high chambers of the West, killing innocent people by the hundreds of thousands, crushing secular opposition to their favored dictators — and again, again and again — supporting, funding and arming some of the most virulent sectarians on earth.

And one further cause of despair: that although this historical record is there in the open, readily available from the most mainstream sources, it is and will continue to be completely ignored, both by the power-gamers and by the public. The latter will continue to support the former as they replicate and regurgitate the same old policies of intervention, the same old agendas of domination and greed, over and over and over again — creating ever-more fresh hells for us all to live in, and poisoning the lives of our children, and of all those who come after us.

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Outrage at Paris Terrorist Attacks Masks Our Racism

November 15th, 2015 by Jonathan Cook

An article in the Australian publication New Matilda gets to the real point about last night’s attacks in Paris – one that no one wants to talk about. What westerners feel right now is a powerful and very selective outrage that identifies with the suffering of people “like us”. We mourn the deaths in Paris while not even noticing those killed in Lebanon a day earlier and almost certainly by the same fanatics that launched the attacks in France.

Lots of westerners like to dismiss such observations as “whataboutery”. It is natural, they say, to care more about people we know and who are similar to us. That knee-jerk reaction may be comforting, but it is precisely the problem.

After all, what drives our selective outrage if not selective compassion? But our selective compassion is what got us into this mess in the first place. As Europeans we have always viewed ourselves as fully human, but seen those in the Middle East and much of the rest of the world as slightly less than human, and not quite as deserving of our sympathy. It is such feelings that allowed Europe to colonise, abuse and exploit brown people.

The historic racism that we Europeans are all too ready now to acknowledge, and that we understand fed western colonialism, is not a thing of the past. It still thrives deep in our souls. Where once we felt the white man’s burden, we now feel his outrage. Both depend on the same arrogance, and the same ascription of lesser human qualities to those we see as different from us.

We are still trying to civilise brown people. We still think we have the right to change them, bend them to our will, improve them by force. We still want to lecture them, condemn them, threaten them, overturn their elections, arm their oppressive leaders, plunder their resources.

And after we have destroyed their societies, we expect to be able to shut our borders to them as they make desperate journeys to find some peace, some safety away from the war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and elsewhere we either created directly or supported with our money and arms.

Our racism has not changed. It is alive and creating new justifications for our selective compassion every day.

What has changed is that technological advances have made weapons of death and destruction ever easier and cheaper to acquire. Those we once oppressed with impunity and far from our homes, out of sight, can now find us and give us a taste of our own medicine.

If we want to stop the attacks, and avoid turning our own societies into the oppressive dictatorships we have supported across much of the rest of the globe, then we need to stop interfering, pillaging, manipulating and abusing. And we have to start by refusing to allow ourselves to identify more with the victims in Paris than those in Beirut. If we were really as civilised as we believe, we would understand that both are equally deserving of our compassion.



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13/11 Paris Massacre: Cui Bono?

November 15th, 2015 by Oriental Review

Yesterday night things changed in an instant in Paris. The available evidence suggest that the assaults were carried out by a professional killer group who used live bombs among other weapons. Today’s post by Pepe Escobar on his Facebook page sheds some light on symbolism and timimg of the massacre:

Scouring a ton of reports, I found a Danish citizen describing one of the attackers to a Paris café; ultra-pro, black-clad head to toe, AK-47, very well trained. These are not your usual al-Zawahiri underwear bombers; these are precision killers. This one left the scene undisturbed, and contrary to French police, may not have been captured. He wore no suicide vest.

French intel swears they are monitoring at least 200 nationals who came back from “Syraq”. Talk about a lousy job. Paris is hyper-policed. The mind boggles thinking of at least 8 jihadis promenading at will on a Friday night dressed as pro killers.

They picked a mix of heavily symbolic venues. You have a France-German match witnessed by the President in a stadium where all barriers – ethnic, religious – dissolve, a true symbol of multiculturalism. You have a gig by an American band in a concert hall filled with young people. You have your average, cool, neighborhood cafés in the 10eme and 11eme, young, hip, secular, bobo Paris hoods.

This points to a calibrated conceptual spectrum – carefully mapped out by French insiders; perhaps those “Syraq” returnees. This also points to a monumental fail by French intel and the Ministry of Interior.

Timing: crucial. Just as the US/Brits announce they “may” have evaporated with Jihad John. And a few hours before the Vienna talks are supposed to come up with an official Top Ten terrorist list in Syria.


As always, the honest response to the question cui bono might be the last (and perhaps major) victim of the 13/11 tragedy in Paris.

Several strong voices in favor of internal false flag version have already appeared, while the weak French government and secret services totally relying on ‘American partners’ are hardly possessing enough resources to orchestrate the drama of such scale.

The underline reading of the hot-caked Stratfor report on the Paris attacks (certainly presuming undoubtful and entire Islamic State involment) suggests that the American neocons want to see a bigger French boot on the ground in Syraq. (More elaboration on NATO’s mobilization as a result of 13/11 is done by Patrick Henningsen from 21st Century Wire .)  They were also not satisfied by the French resilence to fully tumble into the pan-European refugee turmoil and general public indifference to anti-Islamic provocateurs from Charlie Hebdo. The only side effect bothering Stratfor analysts is the apparent rise of Marine Le Pen which, according to them, should be nipped by setting Nikolas Sarkozy at the same electoral field.

As a matter of fact, the bloody night in Paris was launched to definitely bury the European project as it was originally seen in Paris and Berlin – economically powerful and politically sovereign concert of nations. The symbolism of attacks’ initiation near Stad du France during the France-Germany friendly match is obvious. We will not be surprised if the French investigation of the attack would discover a clear German trace of the perpetrators. The rules of the genre demand such storyline.

Very few in Europe are still taking seriously the immutable fact that the European Union allied with the Eurasian resourse base is even a bigger nightmare for the Wall Street owners than the established Russia-China alliance (please read more on the issue in our yesterday’s update Grandmaster Putin’s Trap-2). The incumbent Wall Street-controlled EU bureaucracy is rapidly loosing not only public support in the European countries (it is mauvais ton in Brussels to raise this question for long already), but of the local business elites and other power groups. Replacement of the old EU bureacracy by new representatives who would take the way of sovereignization of Europe was at the public request in the continent and seriously challenged the transatlantic partnership (didn’t you forget French trade minister Matthias Fekl threat to quit TTP talks last month?). Reinforcing the latter was the urgent task of the Wall Street political stooges on both sides of the ocean. Once the Ukrainian project factually failed and due to the notable shift in French approach towards the European Eastern policy, a foundation of the new transatlantic concensus was desperately needed. Black banner nearby Eiffel was virtually hoisted  on the screens to disguide people from much more acute issues: what is the real agenda behind destabilization of the Middle East and where do the European interests rest in this regard?

So cui bono from this attack? Pour quel profit, France?

The propaganda cartoon, distributed on Saturday by the USA Today confirms the conclusions of this commentary.

The propaganda cartoon, distributed on Saturday by the USA Today confirms the conclusions of this commentary.

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1-Hollande-ScandalThe Paris Terrorist Attacks, “9/11 French-Style”, “Le 11 septembre à la française”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 14 2015

Within minutes following the attacks, France’s media went into overdrive. News commentators and intelligence analysts on network TV stated with authority that the attacks emanated from Syria and Iraq.

message-francois-hollandeParis Terror Attacks: Blowback or False Flag? France Declares a State of Emergency

By Stephen Lendman, November 14 2015

Multiple likely well-planned Friday night attacks in Paris had a disturbing aroma to them – including France’s knee-jerk police state reaction. Here’s what happened.

Paris Attack NovemeberCONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Paris Terrorist Attack

By Tony Cartalucci, November 14 2015

The Terrorists who took part in an unprecedented attack in the center of Paris killing over a 100, were well-known to French security agencies before the attack took place.

libya_rebels-tankUnder the Disguise of The “Battle against Terrorism”: The U.S., Britain and France Support “Al Qaeda in Syria”

By Phil Greaves, November 14 2015

This article first published in May 2013 documents France’s role in supporting terrorist formations in Syria.

ISIL invasionTwenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIL) that Obama Does Not Want You to Know About

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 14 2015

The US led war against the Islamic State is a big lie. Going after ”Islamic terrorists” is used to justify a military agenda. The Islamic State is a creation of US intelligence. Washington’s “Counter-terrorism Agenda” in Iraq & Syria consists in Supporting the Terrorists.

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Within one hour of the Paris attacks and without any evidence, the story was set in stone that the perpetrator was ISIL. This is the way propagada works.

When the West does it, it always succeeds, because the world is accustomed to following the lead of the West. I was amazed to see, for example, Russian news services helping to spread the official story of the Paris attacks despite Russia herself having suffered so often from planted false stories.

Has the Russian media forgotten MH-17? The minute the story was reported that the Malaysian airliner was hit by a Russian missile over eastern Ukraine in the hands of separatists, the blame was ascribed to Russia. And that is where the blame remains despite the absence of evidence.

Has the Russian media also forgotten the “Russian invasion of Ukraine”? This preposterous story is accepted everywhere in the West as gospel.

Has the Russian media forgot about the book by the German newspaper editor who wrote that every European journalist of consequence was an asset of the CIA?

One would have thought that experience would have taught Russian media sources to be
careful about explanations that originate in the West.

So now we have what is likely to be another false story set in stone. Just as a few Saudis with box cutters outwitted the entire US national security state, ISIL managed to acquire unacquirable weapons and outwit French intelligence while organizing a series of attacks in Paris.

Why did ISIL do this? Blowback for France’s small role in Washington’s Middle East violence?
Why not the US instead?

Or was ISIL’s purpose to have the flow of refugees into Europe blocked by closed borders? Does ISIL really want to keep all of its opponents in Syria and Iraq when instead it can drive them out to Europe? Why have to kill or control millions of people by preventing their flight?

Don’t expect any explanations or questions from the media about the story that is set in stone.

The threat to the European political establishment is not ISIL. The threats are the rising anti-EU, anti-immigrant political parties: Pegida in Germany, the UK Independence Party, and the National Front in France. The latest poll shows the National Front’s Marine Le Pen leading as the likely French president.

Something had to be done about the hords of refugees from Washington’s wars, or the establishment political parties faced defeat at the hands of political parties that are also unfriendly to Europe’s subservience to Washington.

EU rules about refugees and immigrants and Germany’s acceptance of one million of the refugees, together with heavy criticism of those governments in Eastern Europe that wanted to put up fences to keep out the refugees, made closing borders impossible.

With the Paris terror attacks, what was impossible became possible, and the President of France immediately announced the closing of France’s borders. The border closings will spread. The main issue of the rising dissident political parties will be defused. The EU will be safe, and so will Washington’s sovereignty over Europe.

Whether or not the Paris attacks were a false flag operation for the purpose of obtaining these results, these results are the consequences of the attacks. These results serve the interests of the European political establishment and Washington.

Is ISIL so unsophisticated not to have realized that? If ISIL is that unsophisticated, how did ISIL so easily deceive French intelligence? Indeed, can French intelligence be intelligent?

Can Western peoples be intelligent to fall for a story set in stone prior to any evidence? In the West, facts are created by self-serving statements from governments. Investigation is not part of the process. When 90 percent of the US media is owned by six mega-corporations, it cannot be any different.

As The Matrix grows in the absurdity of its claims, it nevertheless manages to become even more invulnerable.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books areThe Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

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We’ve heard this one before, but this time they are doubling down on this all-too familiar set piece.

Details are emerging after last night’s horrific events in Paris, and one particular item of investigation is all too familiar.

AFPRTReutersITVSky NewsAPFox News and Sputnik, are all reporting that a Syrian passport was found either on, or near, the body of one of the suicide bombers in Paris.

For those of you unaware, this story is a mirror image of another that surfaced on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

Watch a video of this report here:

Apparently, according to CBS, “a passerby found the passport of one of the hijackers” on the street just hours after the 9/11 attacks.

Interestingly, in the same breath, a FOX News reporter speaking about the story says that the building it supposedly came from was completely engulfed in fire.

How would a passport survive the ordeal of being crashed into a building while inside a plane loaded with jet fuel?

This story was eventually buried and given very little coverage at all by media outlets.

This theme was repeated last January in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo Attack, when one of the alleged gunman’s ID card was magically left on the seat of their ‘get-away’ car. This convenient placement was used to establishment the ‘terrorists link’ to Yemen and the illusive “al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula”.

However, with events in Paris, mainstream media seems to be doubling down on this latest ‘magic passport’ story.

Chaos on the streets last night.

Chaos on the streets last night.

With ISIS already allegedly claiming responsibility, and Hollande saying this is an act of war, this supposed Syrian passport will probably be used as the physical evidence required to condone an attack on Syria.

Instead of blindingly accepting this story from French authorities, mainstream media would do themselves far better by asking the following questions:

Was the passport found on, or nearby, the suicide bomber? If it was not physically on their person, it is possible that is did not belong to them.

Speaking of not belonging to them, just because someone is in possession of an object does not necessarily make them the owner of it.

Who exactly found this passport? Is the passport real? If it is real, is it valid?

When was the passport last used to make entry into France?

What condition is the passport in?

Is it possible that the passport was planted by a third party?

Could the passport have ever survived in the conditions under which it was supposedly exposed to?

These are all questions that any real investigator should, and hopefully will, be asking. The consequences of this alleged Syrian passport being used as evidence can only be dire.

With Russian operations intensifying in Syria, any Western escalation could have serious ramifications and heightens the potential for wider, if not global, conflict.

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A huge fire has broken out at the vast ‘Jungle’ refugee camp near the French port of Calais, just hours after a string of bloody attacks struck Paris, leaving over 100 dead. The Calais deputy mayor told RT that the authorities are trying to tackle the blaze.

“There’s about 10,000 square meters on fire. We don’t know the origin of the fire yet…” Phillipe Mignonet said. “The fire brigades are fighting to reduce the fire, but because of the wind it is very difficult.”

Refugees have reportedly been trying to flee the scene. According to the deputy mayor, the number of those evacuated from the camp roughy matched the number of inhabitants who were at the site when the blaze started.

It is unclear if there were any casualties following the fire. “We don’t know yet, because the rescue services are unable to get into the places, because of the intensity of the fire. And because of the wind and bottles of gas it is still quite dangerous,” Mignonet said, as he referred to any possible victims.

There had been immediate speculation that the camp was set on fire in retaliation for the Paris attacks, which left over a hundred dead. However, Mignonet refuted these allegations.“That is two separate things, and the fire there has nothing to do with the attacks in Paris tonight,” he told RT.Over the past week, the infamous Jungle refugee camp has been engulfed in clashes between law enforcement officers and migrants. The camp has become a temporary home for thousands of asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa as they flock to Calais. For the majority it is just a pit stop as they hope to make it to the UK via the Channel Tunnel.

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 As predicted and previously reported, terrorists who took part in an unprecedented attack in the center of Paris killing over a 100 and injuring hundreds more, were well-known to French security agencies before the attack took place.

The UK Daily Mail reported in its article, “Hunt for the Isis killers: One terrorist identified as ‘young Frenchman known to authorities’ – another two found with Syrian and Egyptian passports,” that:

One of the terrorists involved in last night’s attacks in Paris has been officially identified as a Parisian, according to local media reports.

The man, who was killed at the Bataclan, was identified using his fingerprints and was from the southern Parisian neighbourhood of Courcouronnes.

French reports say that the man, who was around 30 years old, was already known to French anti-terrorist authorities prior to last night’s attacks. (emphasis added)

Similarly in January 2015 in the wake of the “Charlie Hebo attack” which left 12 dead, it was revealed that French security agencies tracked the perpetrators for nearly a decade beforehand, having arrested at least one terrorist a total of two times, incarcerating him at least once, tracked two of them overseas where they had trained with known terrorist organizations and possibly fought alongside them in Syria, before tracking them back to French territory.Astoundingly, French security agencies never moved in on the terrorists, claiming that after a decade of tracking them, they had finally decided to close their case for precisely the amount of time needed for them to plan and execute their grand finale.

More Wars and More Surveillance Can’t Help  

With a similar scenario now emerging, particularly in the wake of the “Charlie Hebo attack,” where French security agencies knew about extremists but failed to stop them before carrying out yet another high-profile attack, even with enhanced surveillance powers granted to them by recent legislation, it appears that no amount of intrusive surveillance or foreign wars will stem a terrorist problem the French government itself seems intent on doing nothing to stop.The problem is not France’s immigration laws. Dangerous people are in France, but they are being tracked by French security agencies. The problem is not Syria. Terrorists have left to fight there, acquired deadly skills and affiliations before returning to France, but have likewise been tracked by French security agencies. Instead, the problem is that French security agencies are doing nothing about these dangerous individuals knowingly living, working, and apparently plotting in the midst of French society.In the coming hours and days, the French government and its various co-conspirators in their proxy war against Syria will propose a plan of action they claim will stem the terrorist threat France and the rest of Europe faces. But the reality is, the problem is not something the French government can solve, because the problem is clearly the French government itself.

ISIS is Behind the Paris Attacks, But Who is Behind ISIS? 

With the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) emerging as being behind the attack, the question that remains is, who is behind ISIS itself? While the West has attempted to maintain the terrorist organization possesses almost mythological abilities, capable of sustaining combat operations against Syria, Iraq, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, support from Iran, and now the Russian military – all while carrying out large-scale, high-profile terrorist attacks across the globe – it is clear that ISIS is the recipient of immense multinational state-sponsorship.

The rise of ISIS was revealed as early as 2007 in interviews conducted by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh in his 9-page report “The Redirection.” The interviews revealed a plan to destabilize and overthrow the government of Syria through the use of sectarian extremists – more specifically, Al Qaeda – with arms and funds laundered through America’s oldest and stanchest regional ally, Saudi Arabia.

A more recent Department of Intelligence Agency (DIA) report drafted in 2012 (.pdf) admitted:

If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).

The DIA report enumerates precisely who these “supporting powers” are:

The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition; while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime.

And to this day, by simply looking at any number of maps detailing territory held by various factions amid the Syrian conflict, it is clear that ISIS is not a “state” of any kind, but an ongoing invasion emanating from NATO-member Turkey’s territory, with its primary supply corridor crossing the Turkish-Syrian borderbetween the Syrian town of Ad Dana and the western bank of the Euphrates River, a supply corridor now increasingly shrinking.

Image: ISIS-held territory seen in dark grey forms a corridor directly up to the Syrian-Turkish border – or more accurately, begins at the Turkish-Syrian border. In recent days, this corridor has faced being completely cut off by joint Syrian-Russian gains in and around Aleppo and toward the western bank of the Euphrates River. East of the Euphrates is already held by Kurds and Syrian forces. NATO is clearly providing ISIS’ primary support, and yet ISIS is alleged to have been behind an attack on a NATO member.


In fact, the desperation exhibited by the West and its efforts to oust the Syrian government and salvage its proxy force now being decimated by joint Syrian-Russian military operations, is directly proportional to the diminishing size and stability of this corridor.

Just last week, Syrian forces reestablished firm control over the Kweyris military airport, which was under siege for years. The airport is just 20 miles from the Euphrates, and, as Syrian forces backed by Russian airpower work their way up toward the Turkish border along the Syrian coast, constitutes a unified front that will essentially cut off ISIS deeper inside Syria for good.

Should ISIS’ supply lines be cut in the north, the organization’s otherwise inexplicable fighting capacity will atrophy. The window for the West’s “regime change” opportunity is quickly closing, and perhaps in a last ditch effort, France has jammed the spilled blood and broken bodies of its own citizens beneath the window to prevent it from closing for good.

The reality is that France knew the “Charlie Hebo” attackers, they knew beforehand those involved in the most recent Paris attack, and they likely know of more waiting for their own opportunity to strike. With this knowledge, they stood by and did nothing. What’s more, it appears that instead of keeping France safe, the French government has chosen to use this knowledge as a weapon in and of itself against the perception of its own people, to advance its geopolitical agenda abroad.

If the people of France want to strike hard at those responsible for repeated terrorist attacks within their borders, they can start with those who knew of the attacks and did nothing to stop them, who are also, coincidentally, the same people who helped give rise to ISIS and help perpetuate it to this very day.

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This article first published in May 2015 is of significance in relation to the Paris terror attacks.

Did France’s new surveillance laws adopted in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks set the stage for the enactment by President Hollande of a State of Emergency suspending fundamental civil rights on November 13th, 2015. 

Can a new surveillance law help stop terrorists the government is already tracking and simply choosing not to stop? 

France has announced that in the wake of the so-called “Charlie Hebdo Shooting,” it will be passing a controversial new bill granting security agencies unprecedented powers to tap the communications of France’s population without judicial overview.

Impossible to pass without having first provoked fear, hatred, division, and hysteria across the French population, and still facing stiff resistance from civil liberty activists, the bill’s passage raises further suspicions regarding the fatal January 2015 shooting in regards to who organized the incident and who stood most to benefit.

The Guardian in its article, “France passes new surveillance law in wake of Charlie Hebdo attack,” would report:

The French parliament has overwhelmingly approved sweeping new surveillance powers in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris in January that killed 17 people at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery in Paris.

The new bill, which allows intelligence agencies to tap phones and emails without seeking permission from a judge, sparked protests from rights groups who claimed it would legalise highly intrusive surveillance methods without guarantees for individual freedom and privacy.

The Guardian would also claim that:

The French prime minister, Manuel Valls, defended the bill as “necessary and proportionate”, saying that to compare it to the mass surveillance Patriot Act introduced in the United States after the 9/11 attacks was a lie.

He said that the previous French law on wiretapping dated back to 1991, “when there were no mobile phones or internet,” and the new bill was crucial in the face of extremist threats.

Not a Lack of Surveillance 

As seen in nearly every recent terror attack both in Europe and North America including the “Charlie Hebdo shooting” and the more recent Garland, Texas attack, the alleged suspects behind the attacks all have one thread in common – they were all already under the watch of security agencies for years, some even imprisoned one or more times for terror-related and/or other violent offenses, some even having traveled overseas to fight alongside Western-backed terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and beyond.

The Guardian itself admits that the French government alone has over 1,400 people under watch, including hundreds of terrorists who have recently returned from fighting alongside Western-backed terrorists including Al Qaeda and its regional franchise, the “Islamic State” (ISIS) in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. Among these monitored potential risks were in fact the suspects behind the “Charlie Hebdo shooting.”

Slate Magazine would report in their article, “The Details of Paris Suspect Cherif Kouachi’s 2008 Terrorism Conviction,” that:

Kouachi was arrested in January 2005, accused of planning to join jihadists in Iraq. He was said to have fallen under the sway of Farid Benyettou, a young “self-taught preacher” who advocated violence, but had not actually yet traveled to Iraq or committed any acts of terror. Lawyers at the time said he had not received weapons training and “had begun having second thoughts,” going so far as to express “relief” that he’d been apprehended.

Kourachi and his brother would be reported to have traveled to the Middle East to receive training from Al Qaeda, then to have fought in Syria in a war backed in part by France, before returning home and carrying out their grisly terror attack, all while being tracked by French intelligence.

If Kouachi previously could be arrested for “association with wrongdoers with the intention of committing a terrorist act,” why wasn’t he arrested immediately upon his return to France for having received and employed military training by a terrorist organization?

CNN would report in an article titled, “France tells U.S. Paris suspect trained with al Qaeda in Yemen,” that:

Western intelligence officials are scrambling to learn more about possible travel of the two Paris terror attack suspects, brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, with new information suggesting one of the brothers recently spent time in Yemen associating with al Qaeda in that country, U.S. officials briefed on the matter told CNN. Additional information from a French source close to the French security services puts one of the brothers in Syria.

To explain how terrorists well-known to France’s legal system and intelligence community could simply “disappear,” the Wall Street Journal in an article titled, “Overburdened French Dropped Surveillance of Brothers,” would attempt to claim:

The terror attacks in Paris that have killed 17 people over three days this week represent one of the worst fears—and failures—of counterterrorist officials: a successful plot coordinated by people who had once been under surveillance but who were later dropped as a top priority.

The U.S. provided France with intelligence showing that the gunmen in the Charlie Hebdo massacre received training in Yemen in 2011, prompting French authorities to begin monitoring the two brothers, according to U.S. officials. But that surveillance of Said and Chérif Kouachi came to an end last spring, U.S. officials said, after several years of monitoring turned up nothing suspicious.

It is a narrative that begs to be believed – considering the brothers had already tangled with the law, already traveled to Yemen to receive training from Al Qaeda, and with evidence suggesting they were indeed still being tracked since it is now known they have recently returned from Syria. The Wall Street Journal would also claim that France depends heavily on US intelligence, contradicting US intelligence officials who have said their information came from their French counterparts.

France reportedly has over 1,000 citizens under surveillance who have recently traveled to Iraq and Syria, believed to have fought alongside terrorists France itself has been arming. In an NBC article titled, “French Intelligence Is Tracking 1,000 Who Have Been to Iraq, Syria: Expert,” it is reported that:

“French intelligence is mostly focused today on more than 1,000 French citizens that traveled to Syria and Iraq since 2012,” said Jean-Charles Brisard, the author of “Zarqawi: The New Face of Al-Qaeda.”

He added that one-fifth of them were being tracked around the clock. “This is a problem of resources,” he added. “We cannot follow everyone.”

Brisard said the brothers had been “well known to French intelligence [for] several years now.”

The problem that led up to the “Charlie Hebdo shooting” was clearly not a lack of intelligence or surveillance. French security agencies more than adequately identified the “Charlie Hebdo shooting” perpetrators as potential threats and tracked them for years beforehand. The problem was what appears to be a deliberate effort to keep these terrorists roaming freely among society. Free to join French-backed mercenary forces abroad, and free to commit heinous acts of terror at home, both serving the singular agenda of expanding Western hegemony abroad while preserving the primacy of select special interests at home.

New Surveillance is For Crushing Freedom, Not Terror

As already explained in painstaking detail, had the French government been interested in actually stopping terrorism, including the flight of its own citizens to the Middle East to participate in a war the French government itself is backing, it could have done so easily. Existing laws and France’s current security agencies successfully identified the impending threat that led to the “Charlie Hebdo shooting,” but willfully failed to stop it – with certain factions of French intelligence having even played a potential role in executing it.Therefore, clearly the solution to stopping terrorism is in fact evicting the criminal special interests occupying power throughout the French government, and more broadly, from across the Western World. However, such an eviction will now become exponentially more difficult to execute, thanks to France’s new surveillance laws that give them virtually unhindered access to their citizenry’s data, granting them an unparalleled strategic advantage.

Indeed, France’s new surveillance laws will not stop terrorism at home nor quell the legions of terror they are backing, ravaging lands abroad – instead – they will ensure the uncontested expansion of terror used to coerce the French population at home while justifying and carrying out extraterritorial conquest abroad.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.
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The November 13 Paris Terrorist Attacks. An Overview

November 14th, 2015 by South Front

On November 13, a series of terror attacks in the heart of Paris left at least 153 dead and paralyzed the French capital with fear. 200 people were wounded. From 8 to 10 extremists dead following the attack.

The attacks were clearly coordinated, took place in multiple locations and involved different methods:

  • Two suicide bombers detonated their explosives at locations near the Stade de France, where a soccer match between France and Germany was taking place. French President Francois Hollande was at the stadium at the time of the attack.
  • Gunmen opened fire on a Cambodian restaurant in a drive-by shooting.
  • Shots were also fired at the Bataclan concert hall, where terrorists held up to 100 hostages.
  • Then, gunmen also opened fire on Rue de Charonne.
  • About an hour after the initial attacks, attacks by other terrorist cells took place at the Louvre and Les Halles.

French President Francoise Hollande declared a national state of emergency and shut its borders. Special police units, including RAID, a police intervention unit, and French military have been rapidly mobilized and deployed in the Greater Paris area.

When the Paris police stormed the Bataclan concert hall, three of the attackers were killed after letting off their suicide belts, while the fourth was shot and killed by police. According to media reports, over 100 people died and at least a dozen suffered injuries as a result of the siege.

On Saturday, Paris closed down its public spaces in response to terror attacks.

Though shocking, the attacks are not completely surprising. Multiple individuals from France and other European countries have joined terrorist groups to Syria and Iraq. The attacks have demonstrated there is a constant risk of terrorist attacks within Europe.

The Friday’s carnage was likely well coordinated and planned. Thus, the attackers could receive instruction or assistance from groups such as ISIS or al Qaeda.

Furthermore, the recent migration crisis in Europe highlights the risk that jihadist groups could have placed some of their members among the large refugee flow to conduct attacks in Europe.

From a social perspective, the attacks could lead to rising domestic tensions between French nationals and migrants.  Just hours after the Friday attacks, a huge fire broke out at the ‘Jungle’ refugee camp near the French port of Calais.

The origin of the fire is unknown. No deaths were reported.

With the media largely focusing on the Paris attacks, this tragic event has not been the object of significant news coverage.

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The human rights and Palestine solidarity organisation BDS South Africa is greatly shocked and saddened by the horrific attacks in Paris and Beirut. The attacks have shaken not just France and Lebanon, but the whole world.

BDS South Africa have begun to communicate and convey its condolences with counter parts in France and Lebanon. BDS South Africa has recent fond memories of the love, warmth and solidarity shown by the French when one of our BDS SA leaders recently visited, toured and addressed university students during the 2015 Israeli Apartheid Week campaign.

We have also communicated our solidarity and condolences to our French volunteers in South Africa who have added greatly to our local solidarity work for Palestine, especially in Cape Town.

It is a terrible day for the world and for humanity. BDS South Africa joins the peoples of the world in calling for peace and justice. We condemn extremism and barbarity, be it the extremism and barbarity of Netanyahu and Israel or that of ISIS and Boko Haram.

BDS South Africa sends its deepest condolences to the families and friends of those brutally murdered and to the people of France and Lebanon.

We mourn with you our dear friends and comrades in Lebanon and France.



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Far-right, former IDF colonel, racist MK Moti Yogev wants family members of Palestinians accused of attacking Jews (true or false) placed in internment camps.

Will death camp recommendations follow? He claims punishing families will deter their children from allegedly harming Jews.

“There are (various) means of deterrence, such as banishing families of murderers to the Judean Desert – something that’s possible by law – and the creation of a type of Holot (internment camp) run by the military police,” he blustered.

It would be understood by every son that he doesn’t want this to happen to his father, mother, sisters and brothers. I have no doubt that this could be a very big deterrent.

Yogev is one of many lunatic fringe Israeli politicians, racist Arab haters. During earlier Israeli instigated Al-Aqsa Mosque violence, he was filmed screaming at a Palestinian woman, telling her to “go to the grave. You will not pass here, only Jews!”

He vowed Israel will “deal with the terror (sic) with an iron fist.” He’s a vocal advocate of unlimited settlement construction.

Following Israel’s High Court ruling upholding the demolition of two illegally built settler West Bank buildings, he railed against the decision, saying “(w)e have to take the (oversized) blade of a (Caterpillar) D9 (bulldozer used for illegal Palestinian home demolitions) to the High Court of Justice” building.

We as a legislative system (must) rein in judicial rule (to show) the Knesset and government…rule(s) in Israel (and) the judiciary will know its place.

Numerous other Israeli officials match Yogev’s extremism. Ultranationalist education minister Naftali Bennett approves of settlers shooting Palestinians, saying “(a)gainst the cowardly Arab terrorism, a wave of Jewish courage is rising to defeat it.”

Bennett once notoriously bragged about “kill(ing) lots of Arabs in my life. There’s no problem with that,” he said. Justice minister Ayelet Shaked openly endorsed genocide in June 2014, calling “the entire Palestinian people (Israel’s) enemy.” She demanded Palestinian mothers be massacred to prevent them from giving birth to “little snakes.”

She encouraged settlers to “eliminate the enemy.” Deputy defense minister, settler rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan called Palestinians “beasts. They are not human,” he railed.

Deputy foreign minister Tzipi Hotovely says all parts of historic Palestine belong to Israel. “This land is ours” exclusively. “All of it is ours.”

MK Yinon Magal says it’s “important to make an effort so that terrorists (sic) who carry out (alleged) attacks are not left alive.” Netanyahu openly urges “a fight to the death against Palestinian terror” – defined as anyone openly resisting Israeli ruthlessness.

Israel’s Muslim hating culture of violence is capable of most anything. Defense Minister Ya’alon wants Gaza turned into an island, isolated, besieged and surrounded on all sides by water.

His scheme involves digging a deep trench along the Israeli/Gaza border, filling it with seawater, preventing nonexistent infiltration into Israel.

Around 150 heavy duty bulldozers are involved in the project, Israel’s “groove to be connected to the Egyptian” one when completed, encircling Gaza on all sides by water, destroying choice Palestinian farmland in the process.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at[email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.


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Multiple likely well-planned Friday night attacks in Paris had a disturbing aroma to them – including France’s knee-jerk police state reaction. Here’s what happened.

At least seven apparently well-coordinated attacks occurred, gunmen with automatic weapons and suicide belts killing over 150 victims. Many others were injured. Stade de France stadium was struck during a football (soccer) match between France and Germany.

So was the Bataclan theater during a concert, restaurants full of patrons, a cinema, and pedestrians on Bichat Street, the Avenue de la Republique and Boulevard Beaumarchais.

Reports indicated other Paris locations were attacked, including the Forum des Halles shopping area attracting an estimated 150,000 daily visitors.

The predictable aftermath so far includes French President Francois Hollande declaring a state of emergency – effectively suspending constitutional rights under martial law.

“Two decisions will be taken,” Hollande announced. “The state of emergency will be decreed, which means several places will be closed off, and traffic will be limited in certain areas.”

The state of emergency will apply across the country. The second decision I have taken is to close the borders, so that the people who have committed these crimes can be apprehended.

We know where this attack came from. We must show compassion and solidarity, but we must also show we are united. There is much to fear, but we must face these fears as a nation that knows how to muster its forces and will confront the terrorists.

Heavily armed French soldiers were deployed around key Parisian locations. Five metro lines were shut. Orly airport flights were suspended. All city schools and universities were closed.

De facto martial law legitimizes repressive police state powers. Constitutional protections are suspended. Following the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, a no-fly zone was ordered over a 3.5 mile radius of the incident.

Swat teams conducted pre-dawn raids throughout the greater area. Residents were terrorized. Helicopters patrolled overhead. Police and FBI operatives were everywhere. Managed news misinformation substituted for accurate reporting.

Post-9/11, Bush claimed unconstitutional “unitary executive” authority to govern extrajudicially in the name of national security.

He declared (phony) war on terror and hot war on Afghanistan. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Donbass and Yemen followed. Police state laws were enacted – still in force. Repressive National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directives were announced.

Hollande cancelled his G-20 summit participation, scheduled for November 15 and 16 in Turkey. It’s unclear if Obama will attend. The world’s leading perpetrator of state terrorism offered France “full support,” duplicitously saying America shares the bonds of “liberte, egalite and fraternite.”

US post-9/11 knee-jerk reaction blamed bin Laden and Al Qaeda for the attack – the mother of all Big Lies, we now know.

ISIS was automatically blamed for the Paris attacks – despite no evidence so far establishing responsibility. Official statements, actions and media hype created an atmosphere of fear, a likely public willingness to sacrifice freedom for so-called security, a rationale for harsh measures to try stemming the human refugee flood caused by US-led imperial wars, and a desire for revenge.

Perhaps the stage is set for escalated Western wars OF terror instead of unity to battle the scourge of ISIS and likeminded groups. Were Friday attacks state-sponsored terrorism – a carefully staged false flag for whatever may follow?

Herman Goering once explained how easy it is to get people to go along with “the bidding of the leaders…All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country,” he said.

Friday Paris attacks were either blowback for Western wars on Islam or a state-sponsored false flag. Odds strongly favor the latter. Western history of false flags for subsequent planned events suggests it.

On September 20, 2001, George Bush lied to Congress and the public, claiming America was attacked because we are “a beacon of freedom.” The attackers were “evil. This is civilization’s fight.” He suppressed Washington’s direct responsibility for what happened, perhaps complicit with Israel’s Mossad.

The aftermath of 9/11 is clear – endless US-led imperial wars, a phony Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), an assault on fundamental human and civil rights, police state harshness replacing them, an America unfit to live in.

Will France and other European countries become more belligerent and repressive than already in response to Friday’s incident?

Were Washington and perhaps Israel’s dirty hands involved in what happened?

Daesh (ISIS/ISIL/IS) is such an easy target to blame. It’s simple getting most people to believe it unquestionably.

The Big Lie repeated often enough works the same way every time. ISIS is the new “Enemy Number One.” Its creation by Washington and use as proxy foot soldiers is suppressed.

Was Friday’s Paris incident prelude to something similar planned for New York, Washington, and/or other US cities?

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.

It airs three times weekly: live on Sundays at 1PM Central time plus two prerecorded archived programs.


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Israel Stakes Claim to Golan After Oil Find

November 14th, 2015 by Jonathan Cook

Netanyahu sounds out Obama on recognising annexation of Syrian territory as test drill promises energy independence

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took advantage of a private meeting this week with Barack Obama – their first in 13 months – to raise the possibility of dismembering Syria.

According to Israeli officials, Netanyahu indicated that Washington should give its belated blessing to Israel’s illegal annexation of the Golan Heights, captured from Syria during the 1967 war.

Sources close to the talks told the Haaretz daily that Netanyahu claimed Syria was no longer a functioning state, allowing “for different thinking”. Since 2011 the government of Bashar al-Assad has faced off against rebel factions that include al-Qaeda-affiliated groups and the Islamic State (IS).

On Wednesday an unnamed White House official confirmed that Netanyahu had raised the matter. The official said: “I think the president didn’t think it warranted an answer. It wasn’t clear how serious he [Netanyahu] was about it.”

However, it appears Netanyahu’s comments to Obama are part of a coordinated effort by Israeli officials over several months to shift thinking in Washington.

The day before Netanyahu’s meeting at the White House, Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to the US, published a commentary on CNN’s website urging Obama to consider Israeli sovereignty over the Golan.

Had Israel handed back the area to Syria in earlier peace talks, he wrote, it “would today have placed [the Lebanese militia] Hezbollah directly above Israeli cities and villages in northern Galilee” and Islamic State (ISIS) “would be dug in on the Sea of Galilee’s eastern shore”.

Neither Oren nor presumably Netanyahu highlighted another reason why Israel might be anxious to gain US approval of its annexation of the Golan, which it imposed in violation of international law in 1981.

‘Billions of barrels’

Last month Afek, an Israeli subsidiary of Genie Energy, a US oil company, announced that it had found considerable reserves of oil under the Golan. Genie’s chief geologist in Israel, Yuval Bartov, said the company believed the reservoir had the “potential of billions of barrels”.

International law experts say any proceeds from such a find in the Golan should revert to Syria, but Israel has so far indicated it will ignore its legal obligations.

The Israeli energy and water ministry has licensed Afek to drill 10 experimental wells over three years in a 400-square kilometre area, about a third of the Golan’s total territory.

Afek claims that the discoveries it has identified in its first year could make Israel energy independent, satisfying Israel’s consumption of 100 million barrels a year for the foreseeable future.

That would be on top of Israel’s recent finds of huge quantities of natural gas off its Mediterranean coast, offering it the chance to become a gas exporter.

Were the US to recognise Israel’s illegal annexation of the Golan, it would likely clear the way for Israel to plunder any economically viable reserves located there.

Netanyahu appears to have long harboured an interest in tapping the Golan’s potential for oil.

In 1996, in his first term as prime minister, he granted approval for drilling in the Golan by the Israeli National Oil Company. International pressure meant the permit had to be withdrawn soon afterwards.

Resources plundered

Today, 22,000 Syrian Druze live in five villages, alongside a similar number of Jews in 30 illegal settlements.

A 2010 investigation by the Haaretz newspaper revealed that Israel had carried out systematic expulsions of some 130,000 Syrians in 1967 and destroyed 200 villages. The Druze alone were allowed to stay so as not to upset Israel’s own Druze citizens.

Nizar Ayoub, director of Marsad, a Druze human rights centre based in the Golan, said Israel had long taken resources from the Golan.

“Israel has always treated the Golan as a territory to be exploited and plundered, from its water to farming and tourism,” he told Middle East Eye. “Israel has simply ignored its obligations under international law.”

Rainwater from the Golan feeds into the Jordan River, supplying a third of Israel’s needs. The fertile volcanic soil allows Israel to cultivate vineyards and orchards, and graze cattle. And the mountain terrain has also made it a magnet for holidaying, including skiing on Mount Hermon.

In recent years Israel has approved the construction of a series of large wind farms.

Ayoub said Israel had taken advantage of the conflict in Syria to advance oil exploration in the Golan, but such a move was rejected by the local Druze population.

“Even if Netanyahu could persuade the Americans to agree [about recognition], it is not their decision to make. The only people who can decide to change the sovereignty of the Golan are the Syrian people,” he said.

Quadrupling Jewish settlers

Officials close to Netanyahu have been promoting a change of status in the Golan’s since the early summer.

In June Naftali Bennett, leader of the pro-settler party Jewish Home and the education minster in Netanyahu’s current coalition, raised the question of the Golan’s future at the Herzliya conference, an annual meeting of Israel’s political, academic and security elites. The conference is also attended by senior US officials.

Bennett urged the international community “to demonstrate their ethics” by recognising Israeli sovereignty in the Golan.

He added: “To this day, no state in the world has recognised the Golan as part of Israel, including our friend, the United States of America. It is time the world stand by the right side – Israel’s side.”

Israel would try to quadruple the Golan’s settler population to 100,000 using financial incentives, he said.

A month later Zvi Hauser, Netanyahu’s former cabinet secretary, wrote a commentary in Haaretz arguing that Israel should seize its first chance since 1967 “to conduct a constructive dialogue with the international community over a change in Middle Eastern borders”.

Recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Heights could, he said, be presented as serving a “global interest in stabilising the region”.

Hauser added that Israel should demand the Golan as “compensation” for Obama’s recent nuclear agreement with Iran. Such a claim could be based, he said, on a 1975 “pledge” from US President Gerald Ford recognising Israel’s “need to remain on the Golan Heights, even in peacetime”.

In his CNN piece last Sunday, Oren, a widely respected figure in Washington, asserted that, without Israeli sovereignty over Golan, Iran and Hezbollah would become a base from which to launch armed attacks on Israel.

“For the first time in more than 40 years, the Golan could again become a catalyst for war,” he wrote.

He added that Israel had “transformed this once-barren war zone into a hub of high-tech agriculture, world-class wineries and pristine nature reserves”. He did not mention the recent oil find.

Israel’s ‘solidified grip’

Before fighting took hold in Syria, polls showed between 60 and 70 percent of Israelis rejected returning the Golan to Syria, even if doing so would secure peace with Damascus. The percentages are likely to be higher now.

The White House official told Haaretz that recognition of Israel’s annexation would disrupt US policy by suggesting that Syrian opposition forces supported by the US were “allies with people who want to give up the Golan”.

However, a recent commentary by Frederic Hof, a Syria expert in the State Department under Hillary Clinton, hinted that US officials might yet change their view.

He said US efforts before 2011 and the outbreak of fighting to pressure Israel to give up the Golan, as part of talks over a peace treaty with Assad, had been proven “so wrong”. Instead, the war in Syria had “solidified Israel’s grip” on the Golan.

On its website, Genie’s subsidiary Afek claims that its drilling in the occupied Golan Heights will extract “Israeli oil”.

The two companies include figures who have close personal ties to Netanyahu and high-level influence in Washington.

Genie’s founder, Howard Jonas, an American Jewish millionaire, made political contributions to Netanyahu’s recent campaign for the Likud party’s primaries.

Its “strategic advisory board” includes Dick Cheney, the US vice-president under George Bush and widely regarded as the architect of the American invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch is also an adviser. He controls large sections of the rightwing English-language media, including his most influential outlet, the US TV news station Fox News.

In September, Genie added Larry Summers, a senior official under Democratic Presidents Bill Clinton and Obama, and James Woolsey, a former CIA director who became a neo-conservative cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq.

The chairman of Afek, Genie’s Israeli subsidiary, is Effi Eitam, a far-right former general and cabinet minister who lives in an illegal settlement in the Golan.

His far-right views include demands to expel both Palestinians from the occupied territories and the large minority of Palestinian citizens from Israel.

After Eitam exited the Israeli parliament in 2009, Netanyahu sent him as a “special emissary” to US campuses as part of a “caravan for democracy”.

International law violated

Hala Khoury Bisharat, an international law professor at Carmel Academic College, near Haifa, said it would be hard to persuade the US to recognise Israel’s illegal annexation of the Golan.

“International law is clear that it is never admissable to acquire territory through war,” she told MEE. “It would be very problematic for the US to do this.”

She added that Israel, as an occupier, was obliged by the 1907 Hague regulations to “safeguard the capital” of the occupied party’s natural resources and was not entitled to exploit any oil in the Golan for its own benefit.

The prime minister’s office was unavailable to comment about Netanyahu’s discussions with Obama, or respond to accusations that the operations in the Golan were violating international law.

Since its establishment, Israel has drilled some 530 exploratory wells, but none has produced commercially viable quantities of oil.

Israel briefly had access to significant quantities of oil after the 1967 war, when fields it occupied in the Sinai supplied two-thirds of domestic needs. Israel was eventually forced to hand the wells back to Egypt.

Meanwhile, Israel has discovered large natural gas deposits in the Mediterranean, stoking tensions with neighbouring countries, especially Lebanon, which has claimed that Israel is drilling in areas where maritime borders are disputed.

The Israeli courts are unlikely to place any obstacles in the way of drilling operations in the Golan.

In a ruling in late 2011, Israel’s supreme court created a new principle of “prolonged occupation” to justify the theft of Palestinian resources, such as quarried stone, in the West Bank. The precedent could be extended to the Golan.

The only opposition so far has come from Israeli environmental groups. They have expressed concern that extraction of the oil, especially if fracking is used, could pollute aquifers or trigger earthquakes in a seismically unstable region.

Yuval Arbel, a ground water expert with Friends of the Earth Israel, said the Golan’s deposits were likely to be in the form of “tight oil,” making it difficult to extract. Israel would probably have to set up a grid of drills every half kilometre.

He told MEE that would increase the chances of oil spillages that could leak into the nearby Sea of Galilee, threatening Israel’s main source of drinking water.


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Ukraine asks the United Nations to send its peacekeepers to Donbass. “Ukraine has moral grounds to count on aid from the United Nations in such a difficult period of time,” Leonid Golopatyuk, the head of the main department of military cooperation and peacekeeping operations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff said during his working visit to the United Nations headquarters in New York. The moral ground hasn’t helped the Ukrainian official to get an affirmative response.

The reconnaissance service of Donetsk People’s Republic has detected redeployment of Ukrainian army’s combat helicopters, artillery and tanks to the conflict zone near Gorlovka, DPR defense spokesman Eduard Basurin told a briefing on Tuesday. Two squadrons of combat helicopters arrived to the Konstantinovka settlement. Presence of battle tanks and artillery were observed in the Zhovanka and Novoselovka settlements.

On Monday, the parliament of Catalonia passed a resolution to begin the secession process from Spain. Under the resolution, the separation process is expected to be completed by 2017 and it stipulates for the formation of the government and other state structures, as well as a constitution. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has repeatedly said that independence referendums as well as other secessionist steps are unconstitutional and therefore are illegal. Thus, the Spanish government doesn’t want even to pretend that the Catalon people’s attitude is important for it.

To restart cooperation between Russia and the EU, European mass media must stop their Russophobe campaign, which causes “deep emotional waves” and divides people, Russian envoy to the EU Vladimir Chizhov has said said on Tuesday at the Berlin security forum. “The current dissemination of primitive Russophobia makes deep emotional waves between Russians and other Europeans. As the situation remains it only becomes harder to repair,” Chizhov said.

Washington needs “boots on the ground” in Syria in addition to its air campaign against ISIS, which is not fruitful despite some progress. US Air Force secretary has admitted that “ground forces” is a must in order to “occupy” and “govern” parts of Syria. “Air power is extremely important. It can do a lot but it can’t do everything,” Secretary Deborah Lee James said and then complained that “Ultimately it cannot occupy territory and very importantly it cannot govern territory”. So, the US does need to have ground forces to do this.

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The decision by the Knesset comes the same day as an EU requirement to label goods made in the occupied territories.

The Israeli Knesset is one step closer to approving a bill prohibiting activists in the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) from entering the country. The move comes the same day as the European Parliament passed a measure requiring all products produced in the occupied territories to be labeled, which could help the BDS movement.

The bill, proposed by the right-wing Jewish Home party, says that, “Anyone who calls for a boycott of Israel is engagning in terrorism and must not be allowed to travel the country freely.” The BDS movement, which is a growing form of nonviolent protest against Israeli occupation, is described as “a new front of war against Israel.”

A similar bill in 2011, criticized by civil rights organizations, allows those targeted by the boycott to sue BDS activists without proof of damage. In response to the EU decision, though, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that boycotts affect Palestinians, not Israelis, pointing out that, “The Israeli economy is strong and will withstand this, those who will suffer will be the Palestinians who are employed in Israeli factories.”

The BDS movement began in 2005 after a Palestinian civil society call until Israel ends its occupation, recognizes the equal rights of Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel and respects the right to return of Palestinian refugees. Its academic, consumer and cultural boycott has been gaining increased attention recently, and United Nations figures show that foreign direct investment in Israel dropped by 46 percent last year.

While some BDS activists target only businesses in the occupied territories, others include any Israeli company with the logic that any investment in Israel directly or indirectly funds the occupation. The bill also joins the Israeli economy with that of its occupied territories, defining boycott as, “economic, social or academic ties or ties to a person or other body just because of his connection to the State of Israel.”

Hundreds of Israelis signed a petition lauding the EU requirement on labels, which separates the occupied territories from the rest of the state, a “step that could help promote a peace agreement … and will undermine attempts to delegitimize it.”

Still, the bill that would “prevent individuals or representatives of companies, foundations or organizations that call for boycotting Israel from advancing their ideology on Israeli soil” is supported by the governing coalition and 25 other representatives. Though the draft may still undergo revisions, it currently allows the interior minister special authority to issue visas or permits in exceptional cases.

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Why is Canada transferring Russian or Iraqi knock-offs of Russian machine guns with silencers to somewhere in Iraq from outside Iraq? It makes you wonder…Why weren’t they using Canadian-made automatic weapons? They’re using Russian-made ones! Is that so that the Russians are going to then be accused of putting these weapons in the hands of certain people?” -Richard Sanders (from this week’s interview)




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Less than a day after being elected to power, newly minted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced to the U.S. President that he would be withdrawing from the war theatre against the militant group ISIL in Iraq and Syria. [1]This move was consistent with an election promise, and in fact messaging he has relayed for over a year. [2][3]

Trudeau had vowed instead to focus contributions to the international effort on “training of local forces (in Iraq), while providing more humanitarian support and immediately welcoming 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada.” [4]

During the recently concluded election campaign, Trudeau also pledged to cancel the purchase of the 65 Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter bombers his predecessor had committed to in principle. Instead the Liberal leader would commit to a process for replacement of existing CF-18s that was “open and transparent” and would “exclude requirements that do not reflect Canada’s interests, such as first-strike stealth capabilities.” [5]

Harper for his part scorned the Liberal policy, mostly citing economic arguments and calling Trudeau’s stance “incomprehensible.”[6]

Do these departures from the previous Harper government’s agenda represent a fundamental change in Canada’s foreign and military policies?

Not according to long-time anti-war activist and researcher Richard Sanders. Sanders has long believed that the Canadian government’s involvement in the international arms trade and fueling of wars around the globe has been fairly consistent across party lines. [7][8]

In a feature length interview for this week’s Global Research News Hour, Sanders takes a deeper look at Canada’s role in militarism and military profiteering. He discusses the contract to sell armoured vehicles to human rights scofflaw Saudi Arabia, and the recent discovery of Russian-made arms being shipped illegally by Canada to the Kurds. He addresses the parties’ disappointing commitment to maintaining or increasing military spending, even among the supposedly progressive NDP and Green parties. He talks about how the decade old election-financing law may have strengthened the influence of military companies like Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics in Ottawa. And he proposes a theory as to why the anti-war movements in Canada and around the world have proven to be such a dismal failure when it comes to confronting  the increasing militarization of foreign policy.

Richard Sanders is the coordinator of the Ottawa-based Coalition Opposed to the Arms Trade, and editor of its magazine, Press For Conversion. For more information visit




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  1. AFP October 20, 2015), “Canada withdrawing fighter jets from Iraq, Syria, Trudeau tells Obama”;
  3. Campbell Clark (September 11, 2014), Globe and Mail, “Canadians don’t want combat role in Iraq, Trudeau says”;
  5. ibid
  6. Kathleen Harris (September 21, 2015), CBC, “Liberals ‘living in a dream world’ on F-35 cancellation, Stephen Harper says”;

Attack in France = State Sponsored Terror, But Which State?

November 14th, 2015 by Tony Cartalucci

Reports indicate an unprecedented terrorist attack has unfolded in France, with over 150 dead, many more injured and reports still trickling in regarding the full-scale of the violence. The  BBC in its report, “Paris attacks: Bataclan and other assaults leave many dead,” stated:

France has declared a national state of emergency and tightened borders after at least 120 people were killed in a night of gun and bomb attacks in Paris. 

Eighty people were reported killed after gunmen burst into the Bataclan concert hall and took dozens hostage. 

The siege ended when security forces stormed the building. 

People were shot dead at bars and restaurants at five other sites in Paris. Eight attackers are reported to have been killed.

The BBC has also released a graphic indicating at least 5 separate locations where the attacks unfolded, while other media organizations have reported that both bombs and small arms were employed, including military rifles.

How Did France’s Expanding Surveillance State Miss This? 

On a scale significantly larger than the previous Paris terror attack carried out against several targets across the capital in January of this year ending in the death of 12, the Western media is already assigning blame to the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS/ISIL) or those “inspired” by ISIS.

It was in the wake of the January attacks that France expanded its already towering surveillance state. The Guardian in an article titled, “France passes new surveillance law in wake of Charlie Hebdo attack,” reported:

The new law will allow authorities to spy on the digital and mobile phone communications of anyone linked to a “terrorist” inquiry without prior authorisation from a judge. It forces internet service providers and phone companies to give up data upon request.

Intelligence services will have the right to place cameras and recording devices in private homes and install so-called keylogger devices that record every key stroke on a targeted computer in real time. The authorities will be able to keep recordings for a month and metadata for five years.

One of the most contentious elements of the bill is that it allows intelligence services to vacuum up metadata, which would then be subject to analysis for potentially suspicious behaviour. The metadata would be anonymous, but intelligence agents could follow up with a request to an independent panel for deeper surveillance that could yield the identity of users.

Despite having allegedly lacked these capabilities before the “Charlie Hebo attack,” it would be revealed shortly after that indeed, French security agencies were extensively familiar with the attackers years beforehand – letting the suspects “drop from their radars” just 6 months before the attack occurred, precisely the amount of time generally required for planning and executing such an attack.

Slate Magazine would report in their article, “The Details of Paris Suspect Cherif Kouachi’s 2008 Terrorism Conviction,” that:

Kouachi was arrested in January 2005, accused of planning to join jihadists in Iraq. He was said to have fallen under the sway of Farid Benyettou, a young “self-taught preacher” who advocated violence, but had not actually yet traveled to Iraq or committed any acts of terror. Lawyers at the time said he had not received weapons training and “had begun having second thoughts,” going so far as to express “relief” that he’d been apprehended.

CNN would report in an article titled, “France tells U.S. Paris suspect trained with al Qaeda in Yemen,” that:

Western intelligence officials are scrambling to learn more about possible travel of the two Paris terror attack suspects, brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, with new information suggesting one of the brothers recently spent time in Yemen associating with al Qaeda in that country, U.S. officials briefed on the matter told CNN. Additional information from a French source close to the French security services puts one of the brothers in Syria.

The Wall Street Journal would reveal in an article titled, “Overburdened French Dropped Surveillance of Brothers,” that:

The U.S. provided France with intelligence showing that the gunmen in the Charlie Hebdo massacre received training in Yemen in 2011, prompting French authorities to begin monitoring the two brothers, according to U.S. officials. But that surveillance of Said and Chérif Kouachi came to an end last spring, U.S. officials said, after several years of monitoring turned up nothing suspicious.

It is abundantly clear that the “Charlie Hebo attack” suspects were dangerous terrorists, tracked by the government because of this fact, but inexplicably allowed to continue on with their activities until they inevitably carried out a deadly act of terrorism on French soil – an act of terrorism quickly exploited to ramrod through unpopular security bills and further perpetuate France’s unpopular role in America’s various extraterritorial military adventures abroad, including the West’s proxy war in Syria.

Images: The “Charlie Hebo attack” suspects, were tracked by French security agencies for a decade before the attack unfolded – with the suspects dropping off French authorities’ radar for precisely the 6 months they needed to plan and carry out their grand finale. 


Those involved in this most recent attack will also likely be revealed to have been tracked by French security agencies long before the attacks – this is because the attacks will, by necessity, need to be linked to the Syrian conflict to justify the recent appearance of France’s largest warship, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, off the coast of Syria, and the much larger Western military intervention needed in order to save a proxy war that has been all but lost by the West.

State Sponsorship – But Which State? Gladio Extra 

As the refugee crisis expanded in Europe, it was warned that it would be purposefully manipulated to create maximum hysteria to justify more direct military intervention in the West’s losing proxy war in Syria.

In a previous report titled, “Can Pan-European Hysteria Save NATO’s Syrian War?,” it was warned that:

What is taking form is a controlled strategy of tension, where far-right groups are being arrayed against the migrants and their European supporters, to create hysteria and eventually violence that will be leveraged by those who orchestrated it. 

Permissive immigration policies and self-imposed quotas ensured a virtual tidal wave of migrants coming into Europe, while long-cultivated racist and xenophobic political groups – holdovers from NATO’s notorious “Gladio” Cold War stay-behind networks – attempted to create backlash and hysteria in the streets regarding a migrant “invasion.”

Image: ISIS is clearly state-sponsored, but not by any of the nations the West seeks to overthrow in the wake of terrorist attacks carried out on Western soil. Likely the terrorists who spilled blood on Parisian streets this week were armed, trained, and funded by the West itself and its own allies in the ongoing proxy war in Syria. 

All that was left to complete the equation was an incredible act of galvanizing violence that would create the long-absent public support the West needed to justify further meddling in Syria – public support that the narratives of “helping freedom fighters,” recycled lies regarding “weapons of mass destruction,” and tales of “barrel bombs” failed to generate.

Among the targets in this most recent attack was a football stadium hosting a French-German match attended by French President François Hollande himself – which is particularly important to note since foreknowledge of Hollande’s location would have required significant planning and preparations. The choice of attacking a football stadium is also significant, considering that undoubtedly the primary demographic attending the football match would have been those most vocally opposed to the expanding refugee crisis.

Image: Conveniently, the French flagship, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle seen in this file photo, was just sent to Syria’s coast last week. It is now poised to take part in any expanded military campaign predicated on the attacks that just unfolded in Paris, by attackers likely funded, armed, and trained by the West itself.  

In other words, it was an attack designed specifically to provoke French public opinion into supporting action.

The scale of the attack is that of a military operation. It would have required a large group of well trained militants, well armed and funded, with experience in planning and executing coordinated military operations, moving large amounts of weapons clandestinely, experts in the use of weapons and explosives, as well as possessing intelligence capabilities used to somehow circumvent France’s increasingly colossal surveillance capabilities.

Like the terrorists and their supply lines pouring out of NATO-territory into Syria itself, clearly with immense state sponsorship behind them, those involved in the most recent attacks in Paris are also clearly the recipients of state-sponsored funding and training.

While France will undoubtedly try to use this attack to justify further intervention in Syria to topple the government in Damascus, it was most likely France’s own allies in Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and even Paris itself who were directly or indirectly involved in the training, arming, and funding of those who spilled blood on Parisian streets this week.

The first and most important question in examining any great crime is “cui bono?” or to whose benefit? Attacking Paris, and in particular a football match full of nationalists already increasingly violent and hysterical seems to only benefit a government seeking further justification to wage wider war abroad – a war it is currently losing and a war it currently lacks wide public support to continue fighting.

It now, all so conveniently, has the support it was looking for.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazineNew Eastern Outlook”.
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Paris is once more the victim of a criminal terrorist attack resulting in more than 140 deaths. Our thoughts are with families of the victims.

To fully comprehend these tragic events,  we bring to the attention of our readers our coverage of the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo Attacks.

This article was first published on January 9, 2015

Amply documented, the French Republic under the helm of president Francois Hollande is supporting as well as funding Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists.  

“The forbidden truth” which the French public should address is that their government together with the US, NATO and Israel –while waging a self-proclaimed “Global War on Terrorism”– routinely provide covert support to the same terrorist entities which are the object of their “humanitarian wars” and “counter-terrorism operations”.  

While the French media in chorus point to the jihadist threat to “Freedom of Expression”, not a single French media has had the courage of raising the broader issue of State sponsorship of terrorism and the insidious role of the French government and its intelligence apparatus in supporting Al Qaeda affiliated entities not only in the Middle East and Africa but also in France. 

In a bitter irony, the campaign following the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo has not contributed to sustaining “Freedom of Expression”.  In fact quite the opposite. It has contributed to a new wave of media censorship.

There is a gruesome political agenda behind these attacks which must be the object of public debate. Who are the terrorists? Those who commit terrorist acts or those who control and finance the terrorists?  

Israel to the Rescue of the Kosher Grocery Store in Paris Vincennes

According to reports, French police have launched raids “on two separate sieges”  at a kosher grocery in a Jewish neighbourhood in Paris and at Dammartin en Goële, a small town 30 km. northeast of Paris “where the Charlie Hebdo suspects have reportedly been killed” (Daily Telegraph, January 9, 2015).

Unconfirmed reports suggest that there were up to 10 hostages inside the kosher grocery.

Hours before the Jewish Sabbath, the street is usually especially crowded with shoppers – French Jews and tourists alike.

The Vincennes region of eastern Paris in which the second, grocery hostage situation is taking place has a large Jewish population. (Daily Telegraph, January 9, 2015)

Because the Jewish community is allegedly threatened, Israel was to come to the rescue of the kosher grocery store. This was confirmed in an official statement by the Israeli government.

In this regard, Prime minister Netanyahu confirmed on January 9, the dispatch of  an Israeli Police SWAT team unit which would be working in liaison with its French counterparts.  The Israeli  SWAT unit “specialising in siege situations and rescues is on standby ready to travel to Paris to assist the French authorities resolve the siege of the kosher grocery store.” according to Haaretz (emphasis added).

It should be noted that the entire French police apparatus is mobilized.  What would be the role of the Israeli police forces? Political propaganda? Bear in mind: president Francois Hollande is scheduled to make a major political statement in the wake of the police operation.

Foreknowledge of  the Charlie Hebdo Attack?

The suspects were known to French intelligence.

Media and intelligence sources confirm that “the French authorities had been warned about Said and Cherif Kouachi ahead of this Wednesday’s initial attack on Charlie Hebdo” (Daily Telegraph, January 9, 2015, emphasis added), pointing  to possible foreknowledge of the attacks.

If they had been duly warned, why did they not act to prevent the attack from occurring?

The Role of Mossad

In addition to the Israeli SWAT team, Prime minister Netanyahu “has ordered Mossad to provide French officials for all the assistance they need in tackling the ongoing terror situation in and around Paris” (Daily Telegraph, emphasis added).  What this suggests is that Mossad agents would be operating on French soil in partnership with France’s  Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure formerly known as Le Deuxième Bureau.

According to Israel’s prime minister Netanyahu,  (January 9)

“[the attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Paris kosher grocery store] are a microcosm of of a greater battle against jihadists  …

This is a global struggle. Bringing to justice the Paris murderers is just the beginning,…

And all of them seek to destroy our freedoms and to impose on all of us a violent, medieval tyranny. They might have different names, but all of them are driven by the same hatred and blood-thirsty fanaticism.”

They bomb churches in Iraq; they slaughter tourists in Bali; they rocket civilians from Gaza; and strive to build nuclear weapons in Iran…we have to fight these enemies of our common civilization” (quoted in Times of Israel, January 9, 2015)

What the Times of Israel report fails to mention is that Netanyahu has been actively supporting Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Nusrah terrorists out of the occupied Golan heights.  While coming to France’s rescue,  Netanyahu does not deny his government’s support of the jihadists in Syria.  The IDF top brass has acknowledged that  “global jihad elements inside Syria” are supported by Israel:

Netanyahu toured the Golan Heights with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz.

At a lookout point overlooking the Syrian border, OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Yair Golan briefed Netanyahu on the presence of global jihad elements inside Syria, as well as on the work being done to fortify the Israeli-Syrian border fence. (Jerusalem Post, February 19, 2014)

Inline images 1Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Shakes Hand with an Al Qaeda Terrorist. Is the wounded terrorist an Israeli intelligence asset? 

“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon next to a wounded mercenary, Israeli military field hospital at the occupied Golan Heights’ border with Syria, 18 February 2014″ (ibid, emphasis added)

Ironically, the State of Israel is collaborating with the French authorities in the Charlie Hebdo counterterrorism operation,  while also supporting the two main terrorist entities in Syria: the Islamic State (ISIS) and Al Nusrah.

While there is no evidence of  Mossad presence prior to the Charlie Hebdo attacks, it should be noted that France and Israel have  a longstanding bilateral relationship in military and intelligence affairs. The fact that the Israeli government announced its intention to dispatch Mossad officials to Paris might suggest that Israeli intelligence officials were in Paris at an earlier date, prior to the January 9 official announcement by PM Netanyahu.

State Sponsorship of Terrorism

Amply documented, the French Republic under the helm of president Francois Hollande is supporting as well as funding Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists in the Middle East and North Africa in liaison with the US, NATO and Israel:

France, as part of a NATO-led coalition, has been arming, funding, aiding, and otherwise perpetuating Al Qaeda terrorists for years, beginning, on record in Libya with the overthrow of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and continuing until today with NATO’s arming, harboring, and backing of Al Qaeda terrorists including the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) within and along Syria’s borders.

With the recent attack in Paris likely the work of the very terrorists France has been arming and backing across North Africa and the Middle East, the French government itself stands responsible, guilty of the continued material support of a terrorist organization that has now killed French citizens, including two police officers, not only on French soil, but within the French capital itself. (Tony Cartalucci, Global Research, January 8, 2015)

“The forbidden truth” which the French public should address is that Western governments including US, UK, France, NATO and Israel –while waging a self-proclaimed “Global War on Terrorism”– routinely provide covert support to the same terrorist entities which are the object of their “humanitarian wars” and “counter-terrorism operations”.

While the French media in chorus point to “Freedom of Expression” in journalism, not a single French media has had the courage of pointing to the issue of State sponsorship of terrorism.  


Charlie Hebdo Timeline

by the Daily Telegraph Online

January 9, 2015

We are posting below the timeline of the Daily Telegraph pertaining to the Attack on Charlie Hebdo as well as the police operation which was launched in the wake of the attack on Wednesday January 7. The timeline is in reverse chronological order. 

(Copyright Daily Telegraph, 2015). 

We have highlighted a number of paragraphs which shed reveal the nature of this operation.  

Latest, January 9, 2015 (Paris time) 

17.18 Paris: TFI is reporting that some people stayed safe during the grocery siege by hiding in the cold store. The gunman didn’t know they were there, because they kept silent, according to the report.

17.13 Francois Hollande to address the nation after two sieges end.

17.12 Paris: Four people critically wounded after grocery siege.

17.05 Paris: Reports now saying that there were up to 10 hostages inside the kosher grocery. Earlier reports had said six.

Four of the hostages have been killed, police state.

17.03 Dammartin: Harriet Alexander reports:

QuoteTwo RAID police have been injured in the conclusion of the Dammartin siege – one critically, the other shot in the leg. 

The CIGN are still inside the print works, checking for booby traps and explosives.

17.02 Paris: A security officer directs released hostages:

Michel Euler/AP

16.55 Paris: French police announce four hostages killed in kosher grocery siege.

16.51 Paris: The one unaccounted suspect is the girlfriend of the grocery gunman, Hayat Boumeddiene. The gunman, Amedy Coulibaly, is thought to have been killed when police raided the store.

The explosion at the Paris kosher grocery

16.43 Dammartin: The two Charlie Hebdo massacre suspects apparently came out shooting before being killed by security forces.

16.40 It is not clear why there was a delay of between 10 and 20 minutes between the two raids. The grocery gunman had reportedly demanded that the Dammartin gunmen be freed.

Members of the French police special forces evacuate the hostages after launching the assault (THOMAS SAMSON/AFP)

16.36 Paris: French security source says the Paris supermarket hostage-taker has been “neutralised”.

16.35 Paris: Henry Samuel reports:

16.29 Paris: Amedy Coulibaly, the suspect who is thought to have shot dead a policewoman yesterday and took up to six people hostage at a kosher grocery this afternoon in east Paris has reportedly also been killed.

French police at the kosher grocery

16.28 Paris: Patrick Sawer reports from the scene:

QuoteAt around 5.10pm at least three loud explosions were heard from the Hypercacher supermarket, followed by what sounded like bursts of rapid gunfire. 

Police were reported to have stormed the building, at Porte de Vincennes. The climax to the siege came around 10 to 15 minutes after similar scenes at the siege outside Paris, where the two Charlie Hebdo gunmen had taken hostages. 

There had earlier been reports of two people killed inside the supermarket, with surviving hostages ringing relatives to say they feared they would be killed next. 

At 5.23 what sounded like another gunshot was heard as the operation to bring the Vincennes siege to an end continued. 

At around 5.25 at least two ambulances were seen pulling up to the supermarket, apparently to retrieve any casualties resulting from the siege and it’s violent climax. 

An assault group attack the CTD printing building in Dammartin

16.26 Dammartin: So the reports coming through in French media is that the hostage taken by the Charlie Hebdo gunmen in Dammartin and several hostages at the kosher grocery in eastern Paris have been freed.

16.24 Dammartin: Charlie Hebdo hostage freed in Dammartin – Kouachi brothers both killed, AFP reports.

16.22 Paris: Several hostages apparently freed at the kosher grocery.

16.18 Dammartin: The Charlie Hebdo suspects have been killed, AFP reports.

16.18 Paris: People are running away from the kosher grocery.

16.15 Paris: The Telegraph’s Robert tait reports from Jerusalem:

QuoteAn Israeli SWAT team unit specialising in siege situations and rescues is on standby ready to travel to Paris to assist the French authorities resolve the siege of the kosher grocery store, Haaretz website has reported. 

16.13 Paris: Six explosions at the Paris siege.

16.12 Paris: Four loud explosions heard at the kosher grocery, in Paris.

16.09 Dammartin: Video of the French security services breaking the siege at Dammartin:

16.06 Reports that police had been preparing the assault for around an hour before shooting began. Security forces also apparently put surveillance equipment through the roof of the building.

16.04 Martin Evans near Dammartin:

QuoteLoud explosions echoing around the countryside North East of Paris

16.02 Two more explosions have been heard in the last few minutes, after a period of silence.

Local residents tried to come out of their homes to see what was happening but were angrily ordered back into their homes by police, reports Harriet Alexander from Dammartin.

16.01 There had been a major build up of forces including commandos at the siege in the moments before the apparent attack.

15.57 A burst of gunfire lasting 10 seconds, followed by four or five explosions and then by puffs of smoke, at the Dammartin seige situation

15.55 We are getting reports of heavy gunfire and explosions in Dammartin-en-Goele, where the seige involving Said and Cheif Kouachi and one hostage has been ongoing for most of today.

15.53 Prince Harry has visited the French embassy here in London to express his condolences for the victims of the Paris attacks, tweets Clarence House:

15.44 Vincennes gunman suspect Amedy Coulibaly reportedly met Nicolas Sarkozy in 2009, writes Bruno Waterfield:

 Twitter has unearthed an unlikely encounter between Nicolas Sarkozy, the then French President and Amedy Coulibaly, the gunman suspected of killing a police woman and of taking five hostages at a kosher grocery in eastern Paris today. 

The meeting took place in 2009 in the Élysée Palace when Mr Sarkozy met nine young French men who got just jobs in a local factory. They were all from Grigny, a tough Parisian suburb torn by riots 10 years ago. 

“Sarkozy is not truly popular with the youth in the estates. But that is nothing personal. In fact it is the case for most politicians,” said Coulibaly. “The encounter really impressed me. Whether I like him or not, he is the president after all.” 

15.30 The Vincennes gunman has threatened to kill his hostages if police at the other seige in Dammartin attempt to storm the building where Said and Cheif Kouachi are holding their hostage.

A woman in the Vincennes grocery seige has managed to call her daughter:

Police mobilise for hostage situation at Port de Vincennes (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

15.27 More reports from various sources that the French authorities had been warned about Said and Cherif Kouachi ahead of this Wednesday’s initial attack on Charlie Hebdo, including a specific tip-off from the Algerian intelligence services: [G.R this report points to possible foreknowledge of the attacks]

15.23 Harriet Alexander is in Dammartin-en-Goele, where the seige involving Said and Cheif Kouachi and one hostage has been ongoing for six hours.

 around 300m from the factory where Said and Cherif Kouachi are holed up, I spoke to Miloud Belall, who lives a stone’s throw from the site. 

Mr Belall, a plumber, arrived home from his night shift at 10am and met the gendarmes. 

“They asked me to leave – there was no negotiation, it was: ‘You will leave now,'” he said. 

“But they did a thorough search of my house for journalists, because I have an excellent view across to the factory.”

He knows the site of the print works well, and said it was a modern, family-owned factory with lots of large machinery. It has mirrorised windows in the office section – meaning that the terrorists can see those that survey them, but not vice versa. 

“I reckon it’ll be over soon,” said Mr Belall, hopefully. “I guess we’ll hear some explosions and then that’ll be it.”

15.21 French president Francois Hollande is holding a crisis meeting with French prefects at the Interior Ministry in Paris with Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve


15.19 Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has spoken out against the Charlie Hebdo attack:

QuoteI think it is a challenge to all of us to maintain the values on which we have lived over the years, which we have developed out of years of censorship and oppression and religious violence, and to say that the way we live, with the confidence that enables us to satirise, to mock, is a good and important value in our society. 

It doesn’t mean that we will always agree with the satirising, but we have to be confident that our values are good values in this. 

They enable oppression and cruelty to be challenged, whether it is coming from the Church or anywhere else and we must not be afraid. 

This is a moment for courage.

15.16 The police have just lifted the roadblock on the road that runs through the forest where the Kouachi brothers were thought to have been hiding out overnight and then hijacked a car.

15.09 Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has ordered Mossad to provide French officials for all the assistance they need in tackling the ongoing terror situation in and around Paris:  

 [There is no evidence that Mossad was present in France prior to the attacks. But this statement by Israel’s PM should be carefully analysed]

14.59 Paris police fear more attacks on Jewish neighourhoods and have ordered shop closures, according to AP

The mayor’s office in Paris announced the closures Friday of shops along the Rosiers street in Paris’ Marais neighborhood, in the heart of the tourist district and about a kilometer away from the offices of newspaper Charlie Hebdo where 12 people were killed on Wednesday.

Hours before the Jewish Sabbath, the street is usually especially crowded with shoppers – French Jews and tourists alike.

The Vincennes region of eastern Paris in which the second, grocery hostage situation is taking place has a large Jewish population.

There has also been speculation that the attack in which a policewoman was killed yesterday in Montrouge was an aborted attempt to attack a Jewish school there.

 [ the underlying assumption of this report is that the Jewish community in Paris is threatened, justifying the decision by the state of Israel to send in Mossad officials]


People are led away from the scene as Police mobilize with reports of a hostage situation at Port de Vincennes (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

14.50 French police have released mugshots of Amedy Coulibaly and Hayat Boumeddiene, in connection with yesterday morning’s murder of a policewoman in southwestern Paris. Coulibaly is now believed to be the gunman at the grocery in eastern Paris’s Port de Vincennes

The Telegraph’s Henry Samuel explains the suspects’ backgrounds:

 Coulbaly, a Frenchman of Senegalese descent from Juvisy in the Essonne area outside Paris, was part of the now notorious Buttes-Chaumont network that sought to recruit and sent radicalised French youths to Iraq in the early 2000s. 

The Koachi brothers were also part of the network, based in Paris’ 19th arrondissement. 

One of 10 children and the only boy, Coulibaly became a delinquent at 17, and a repeat offender for petty thefts and drugs crimes, moving onto an armed bank robbery in September 2002 in Orleans, in the Loiret, before radicalising. 

In 2013, he was convicted to five years in prison for his involvement in a botched prison break-out of Smain Ali Belkacem, a former member of the Algerian Islamist group GIA and the author of a 1995 attack on the Paris transport system that killed eight people and wounded 117. 

The Koachi brothers were arrested and detained for involvement in the Belkacem breakout, but later released due to lack of evidence. 

According to Le Monde, the Coulbaly and Boumeddiene were already in a relationship in 2010, when he was arrested over the jailbreak attempt. She reportedly waited for her boyfriend to be released from prison this Spring after four years in detention, and he lived with her after that in a Paris suburb. 

The pair reportedly visited Beghal in 2010 in Cantal, southern France, where he was under house arrest. That year, French surveillance officers photographed Beghal playing football with Cherif Kouachi and two other convicted terrorists, Ahmed Laidouni, a jihadi recruiter, and Farid Melouk, an Algerian member of the GIA terror group. 

Quizzed by French intelligence agents at the time, Boumeddiene told them that she and Coulbaly had gone there to practice “crossbow shooting”

Amedy Coulibaly and Hayat Boumeddiene

14.37 Researcher Myriam Benraad at the Paris Science Po university, who has studied terror cells in Paris, is warning a renowned terror cell in the city has reawoken and to expect more attacks. Nicola Harley reports:

QuoteMs Benraad researched Paris’ Buttes-Charmont terror cell, named after the park where they trained, which was created by Farid Benyettou who befriended and recruited the Kouachi brothers and others at the city’s Addawa mosque. 

The latest wanted suspect Amedy Coulibaly, who is allegedly involved in a shooting at a grocers in Paris’ Port de Vincennes where two people have died and behind yesterday’s killing of a policewoman, was part of the same terror cell. 

She said: “Coulibaly is part of the same group as the Kouachi brothers. They were part of the same neighbourhood. 

“This would confirm this has not been a lone wolf attack. It is the awakening of the terror cell of an old network to jihadi calls to wage war against France. I believe it is in response to calls by Isil for French extremists to carry out attacks on their home soil. 

“I think this is just the start. 

“I studied Farid Benyettou’s cell in 2005 when Cherif Kouachi failed to get to Syria. 

“This cell consisted of no more than 20 people, three others have been imprisoned, not included these three men. 

“The leader of the mosque would have guided them initially before they came under Benyettou’s charismatic spell. He was the first major influence for Cherif and the second was meeting terrorist Djamel Beglal while in prison. 

“He really radicalised him and he then influenced his brother and others. 

“The Buttes-Charmont network shows a profile of similar radicalised young men. The members mainly from the neighbourhood and the local mosque. 

“These attacks mean they had a plan for waging attacks in the country. 

This network sent men to Syria and Iraq in 2005 and has remained dormant until now and reawoken. It never disappeared. These are boys from the ghetto who have been ostracised from society and felt deprived and unwanted and have been vulnerable to being radicalised and being promised a better life. Like the Kouachi brothers they were abandoned by their parents or neglected and did feel integrated into society and have felt stigmatised as Muslims in France. 

“Cherif was obsessed with jihad and kept that obsession for 10 years before this week.”

Police arrive with guns at Port de Vincennes (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

14.31 Rory Mulholland is at Dammartin-en-Goele, where the seige involving Said and Cheif Kouachi and one hostage has been ongoing for six hours.

QuoteThe only people in the streets of Dammartin are heavily armed police officers and journalists and photographers trying to get a closer view of the building where the Charlie Hebdo massacre suspects are holed up. 

The stand-off has been going on for six hours now and there is no sign of any development in the crisis that has left this normally sleepy town looking like a war zone. 

The accused brothers have reportedly said they want to die martyrs and will not surrender, so it may now be just a question of how long the police will wait before storming the family print company where they are said to be holding a hostage. 

In the meantime Dammartin has battened down the hatches and most people are staying safely indoors until it is all over. 

Those with children in local schools have been told that their kids will be taken by bus to the town of Mitry, where they should come this afternoon to pick them up. 

Andriamanga Raveloharijaona, a pensioner whose house lies just 300 yards from where the siege is taking place, said he was terrified this morning when he suddenly hear three helicopters roaring in the sky above his home. 

“It was just after my daughter brought the kids to school. I’m worried about them,” he said. 

Snipers stand on the top of a building close to the CTD printing building (YOAN VALAT/EPA)

14.25 Amedy Coulibaly in the kosher grocery siege in eastern Paris is reportedly demanding through hostage negotiators that the Kouachi brothers – currently part of a siege in Dammartin-en-Goele – be “freed”.

14.23 Reports of a third incident at Trocadero near to the Eiffel Tower are a false alarm, the interior ministry says.

A policeman was photographed drawing his gun at the scene, but officials say activity at the site is normal.

A police officer with his weapon drawn at the entrance to the Trocadero Metro station in Paris (Julian Escro)

14.08 Florian Martin, a journalist, lives nearby. He told RTL radio:

QuoteI walked in front of that grocery 10 minutes before the shooting. It’s not far from the synagogue. I then heard the shooting, which carried on for 20-30 seconds.

14.04 One person has been seriously wounded in the hostage-taking incident at a kosher supermarket in eastern Paris on Friday, a police union source said.

The interior ministry denied press reports that two people had been killed.

13.55 Tensions are high in Vincennes – French police stop young people on a scooter as they ride near the scene at the kosher grocery:

Youssef Boudlal/Reuters


Emergency services workers arrive at a hostage-taking situation at a kosher grocery in Paris

13.43 Patrick Sawer reports from the scene of the Paris siege:

QuoteDozens of police vans and cars have formed a barricade to block access or escape. 

Authorities are preparing their next step, knowing that a false move could lead to more innocent casualties.


13.36 Boumeddiene is apparently the girlfriend of Coulibaly.

13.32 The French police press release also details a woman called Hayat Boumeddiene. They describe both as armed and dangerous and have asked for anyone who recognises them to come forward:


13.28 French media have published a picture of what they are saying is the suspect, Amedy Coulibaly in the kosher grocery siege, who is thouhgt to have been the gunman who shot dead a policewoman yesterday morning:

Police create a road block close to the kosher grocery in Paris

13.24 Patrick Sawer reports from the scene:

QuoteArmed police threw a cordon across Cours de Vincennes at the junction with Avenue du Doctoeur Arnold Netter as high pitched sirens once again echoed across the city. 

As a gunman apparently takes hostages at a Jewish grocery store in the area, a helicopter flew over a four block section of the district. 

Police reinforcements in bullet-proof clothing and protective equipment arrived at around 2pm local time, with at least two ambulances seen shuttling to and from the scene of the latest drama. 

One fire engine was also seen heading towards the hostage scene, lights flashing. 

A heavily armed detachment of officers marched through the cordon before regrouping to await their orders. 

Perplexed Parisians stood huddled in groups near the police cordon, trying to come to terms with the latest twist in their city’s agony, while others tried simply to get on with their daily lives.

13.22 RTL saying that two people have died during the hostage-taking at the kosher grocery in eastern Paris.

13.20 Here is an updated Telegraph graphic detailing the two attacks and two sieges:

13.15 An aerial photo of the scene of the kosher grocery siege:

Guillaume Lo Re/Rex

13.14 This is where the siege is taking place in eastern paris:

Police units moving towards to the scene of the Jewish shop shooting in Paris (PHOTO: France 2)

13.05 Schools near the kosher grocery are in lockdown.

13.04 Police near the Jewish grocery in Porte de Vincennes:


13.00 Latest Telegraph video from the Dammartin siege:


12.57 Picture from the scene of the kosher grocery siege:

Guillaume Lo Re/Rex

12.56 Harriet Alexander reports:

QuotePolice are saying there are five hostages being held in Vincennes. 

“I can see the police in front of the grocery,” said a neighbour, speaking to RTL. 

“One of them has a megaphone and is ordering people away from the scene. There are no cars on the roads – they have all been stopped.”

The grocery is reportedly on the ground floor of the building, making the situation somewhat easier – although there are flats above.

12.55 Unconfirmed pictures on Twitter from david_dlr apparently taken at the scene of the kosher grocery siege:



12.53 Vincennes is noted for its large Jewish community, and the number of Kosher shops in the district.

12.52 The Telegraph’s Henry Samuel tweets:

12.48 Harriet Alexander says:

QuoteRTL are reporting that a woman and a child may have been taken hostage in a Jewish grocery in the Porte de Vincennes area of Paris. 

The hostage taker was carrying a Kalashnikov. 

RTL repeat their initial assertion – that it is thought this is the same man who killed a policewoman yesterday – and who is an associate of the Kouachi brothers, from the same 19th arrondissement jihadi group. 

“All the area has been shut off,” said their reporter. “Five or six fire engines have arrived. Two helicopters are overhead. There is an impressive number of police.”

12.42 Police are apparently evacuating the area around the Kosher grocery:

12.28 An armed man has apparently taken a hostage in a kosher grocery in Porte de Vincennes, eastern Paris. Reports that one person wounded in a shootout at the shop.

It is thought that it is the gunman who shot dead a policewoman, Clarissa Jean-Philippe, yesterday morning.

12.27 New shooting breaks out in eastern Paris, reports say.

12.25 Harriet Alexander reports:

QuoteA convoy of perhaps half a dozen empty buses has just been driven up the road towards Dammartin. It’s thought that police are increasingly concerned for the safety of the residents, and so perhaps the buses will be used to evacuate the village.

12.20 Rory Mulholland with more from the scene:

QuoteOne of the children evacuated from the Lycee Dammartin said that many of the children were scared. “Yes it’s very scary, it’s happening just down the road,” he said.

11.57 The surviving staff of Charlie Hebdo have arrived at the offices of the French newspaper, Liberation, at rue Beranger in Paris, writes Holly Watt: 

QuoteThey are putting together the next publication, which will come out next Wednesday. In defiance of the attack, they plan to print a million copies. Wednesday’s edition will be only eight pages long – and is being put together with the help of many French media outlets. Le Monde is lending the staff computers, for example. The Charlie Hebdo arrived by foot, with a police escort. 

Workers install a poster reading ‘Je suis Charlie’ on the Palais des Festivals facade in Cannes (SEBASTIEN NOGIER/EPA)

11.45 Rory Mulholland reports from the scene:

QuoteWe have been allowed much closer to where the siege is underway. 

Around 1,000 children have been evacuated from the nearby two primary and two secondary schools and taken to a nearby town. Some were heard shouting: “Charlie! Charlie!”

Locals say the building where the siege is taking place is a small family printing firm and there were around five people working there, although it is unclear how many were in the building at the time the attackers arrived around 9am. 

It remains unclear how many if any hostages are in the building.


11.38 Phone contact has made with terror suspects holding hostage northeast of Paris, a police official has told AP.

Meanwhile, a man claiming to have been inside the printing company building when the suspects entered has given his account of how he inadvertantly “shook hands” with one of the magazine massacre suspects:

QuoteDidier, a salesman, told France Inter radio how he came face-to-face with one of the suspects holed up in the small CTD office in Dammartin-en-Goele, about half-an-hour north of the capital. 

“When I arrived my client came out with an armed man who said he was from the police. My client told me to leave so I left,” Didier said, identifying the man he was to meet with as Michel. 

“I was in front of the door. I shook Michel’s hand and I shook the hand of one of the terrorists.”

He said the black-clad man who was wearing a bullet-proof vest and carrying what looked like a Kalashnikov rifle told him: “‘Leave, we don’t kill civilians anyhow’. That really struck me, so I decided to call the police. I guess it was one of the terrorists.”

Didier said Michel had closed the door behind him. 

The salesman told the radio station he had not recognised the man. 

“It could have been a policeman if he hadn’t told me ‘we don’t kill civilians’. They were heavily armed like elite police.”


11.24 Sky are reporting shouting from the industrial complex.

11.20 Police are now officially linking the Charlie Nebdo shooting to the attack in which a policewoman was killed in southwestern Paris yesterday morning.

11.04 Police are now taking press away from the industrial complex, into the siege village of Dammartin-en-Goële in car convoys, ahead of an expected statement.

10.59 Michel Dutruge, the mayor of Dammartin-en-Goële, said all schools in the area were being guarded and the children kept inside, although arrangements were being made to allow them to leave soon.

He said his daughter was at her office opposite the company where one hostage is being held. All staff of companies in the area have been told to stay indoors for the time being.

10.44 There are unconfirmed reports that the hostage taken is a woman, and that the suspects pretended to be policemen when they entered the industrial building.

10.35 Said and Cherif Kouachi are believed to be holed up in this building, on an industrial complex near Dammartin-en-Goele with one hostage:


10.34 Extra resources including special forces as well as gendarmarie – and a tank – are still arriving at the hostage scene, around 40 miles northeast of Paris

10.28 At least one police sniper is in position on a roof opposite the printing works in which the hostage situation is taking place.

10.27 Hollande has called for an international response to the ongoing terror situation:

QuoteWe must react on a European Union level. We have been in touch with Interior Ministers across the Union. 

Our capacity is great, to come together, to live in security and to have confidence in our safety.

10.25 This map shows where the hostage situation is taking place, and where Said and Cherif Kouachi are believed to have stolen a car earlier this morning:

“All residents are requested to remain at home. Children are to be kept safe in school,” the local municipal website said.

10.21 A former tactical and firearms officer explains the tactics police will use to end the hostage situation in the small town of Dammartin-en-Goele:

10.17 Francois Hollande is giving a live statement from Paris while the hostage situation is still ongoing:

QuoteIt is a test when a magazine is attacked because it is a symbol of freedom 

We decided to enter into a coalition in Iraq to fight against terrorism 

Everything is being done for our fellow citizen [the hostage] 

10.13 President Francois Hollande has headed to the Place Beauvau crisis centre to oversee the ongoing operation, accompanied by the Prime Minister and other senior officials

10.11 Contact has been made with the gunmen brothers, who say they want to “die as martyrs”, says Yves Albarello, MP of Seine-et-Marne.

Nicolas Naudin, head of a company on the estate north-east of Paris, said he had seen policemen descending from helicopters on ropes.

10.08 Eyewitnesses and a local MP have given their account of what has happened so far this morning. The Telegraph’s David Chazan, in nearby Charleville-Mezieres, writes:

QuoteA woman barricaded inside her workplace within sight of the CTD printing company where the two suspected Charlie Hebdo gunmen are believed to be holding a hostage described the scene by telephone. 

Christelle Alleaume told the i-Tele TV channel that she could see about 15 policemen in front of CTD’s premises on an industrial estate in Dammartin-en-Goële. “They’re heavily armed and wearing helmets,” she said. “I can see four helicopters overhead. The police have cordoned off the whole area. They came and told us to stay inside as we’re right in the middle of it and there’s a hostage situation. We heard three or four shots fired.”

A local MP, Yves Albarello, said one hostage was being held. He said the gunmen had indicated to negotiators that they wanted to “die as martyrs”. 

The public prosecutor’s office denied a report that two people had been killed in an exchange of fire between the gunmen and police earlier this morning.

10.05 Meaux hospital has sent a medical team to the reported hostage scene in Dammartin-en-Goele, northeast of Paris, the hospital spokesman told CNN on Friday. He said there were no wounded at the hospital yet, but that might change.

Police officers gather in Dammartin-en-Goele (ETIENNE LAURENT/EPA)

10.03 French prime minister Manuel Valls has just spoken, as police corner two suspected Islamist gunmen near Paris.

QuoteWe are in a war against terrorism. We are not in a war against religion, against a civilisation”


09.58 While police negotiate with the terrorists, a journalist who was in the Charlie Hebdo editorial meeting has described the moment when the suspects opened fire two days ago.

Laurent Leger, 48, an investigations correspondent at the satirical weekly, told Le Parisien – where he previously worked – about Wednesday’s meeting:

QuoteThe conference was about to break up when they heard what they thought were firecrackers in the street below. 

“We didn’t pay any more attention than that,” he said. “We were just happy to see each other again.”

It was at that point that the door to the meeting room was thrown open. 

“A man dressed in black with a uniform like that worn by police or gendarmes appeared just behind me,” said Mr Leger, who was seated with his back to the door. 

“I turned around. He was big, hefty, and had an assault weapon in his hands. 

“We still thought it was a joke. The atmosphere was still joyous. But then we smelt the strong odour of gunpowder in the corridor, and we all realised that this wasn’t a joke at all.”

Mr Leger said the gunman opened fire immediately. 

The journalist threw himself into the air, he said, and then crouched on the floor by a small table. He said he survived because the killer didn’t notice him. 


09.52 Latest from the Telegraph’s Rory Mulholland, speaking over the phone from the police barrier around the hostage site:

QuotePress have been moved far away from the scene, to a hill on a roundabout a few kilometres away from the complex. We can’t see anything due to the fog, which means visibility is about 300m. There are about 100 journalists standing here. 

There’s a frenzy of police activity, with dozens of vans arriving, sirens blazing, weaving among traffic on the busy N2 dual carriageway. 

It’s a very wet, rainy, windy day.

People inside the other buildings in the industrial complex have been told to stay inside, pull down shutters and stay away from windows.


09.50 We are now hearing the runways at Charles de Gaulle airport are all open, but that flight patterns have been adapted due to the hostage incident involving helicopters close by:


09.39 We’ve just received this close-up image of a gendarmarie helicopter over the hostage site.

You can view the all the latest images from the scene here: Gunmen take hostage as police close in, in pictures

09.36 A helicopter air ambulance has been stationed near to the scene of the siege amid fears of further serious injuries, say reports.

09.34 The latest reports suggest the suspects have one hostage inside a building – thought to be a printing business called CTD [Création Tendance Découverte] – in the industrial complex:

09.31 The exit to the industrial complex off the N2 has been closed by gendarmarie as police rush to the scene where the Charlie Hebdo attack suspects are believed to have taken at least one hostage:

09.29 Charles de Gaulle airport, around 5 miles from the hostage scene, is at least partially closed:


09.28 Members of the French gendarmerie intervention forces have arrived at the scene of the hostage taking at an industrial zone in Dammartin-en-Goele:

Christian Martmann/Reuters

09.22 The Paris prosecutor has denied reports that at least one person had been killed in a shootout preceding the hostage-taking.

Earlier, RTL radio said at least one person had died and several were injured in a shoot-out. Other reports stated two were dead and 20 injured.

The Interior Ministry could not immediately confirm whether there were victims.

A Eurocopter EC 145 helicopter of the French gendarmerie flies over Dammartin-en-Goele where shots were fired (DOMINIQUE FAGET/AFP/Getty Images)

09.18 The Telegraph’s Rory Mulholland is at the police barrier surrounding the scene:

QuoteThere is a huge massive police presence. Dozens of vehicles are arriving. We’re at an industrial zone just off the N2 motorway 40km NE of paris just after Charles de Gaulle airport. There’s a helicopter hovering over the scene. Police are blocking all routes. It’s pouring with rain and thick clouds are limiting visibility. 

Reports suggests the business at which the gunmen have taken a hostage has between four and 10 employees.

09.15 Europe 1 reports a very violent exchange of fire between the suspects and Gendarmes with their vehicles hit. But despite ricochets, no genermarmes have been reported killed or wounded

09.10 ‘Christine’, a witness in Dammartin-en-Goële, told Europe 1

QuoteI saw the GIGN [counter-terror special forces] and the Gendarmerie getting in position. I had the impression that they [suspects] were there. They arrived at 9am and it was very stressful.

09.06 Negotiations with the suspects are now underway, according to Le Figaro.

09.05 Two people are reportedly dead and 20 injured in an initial Kalachnikov gunfight, RTL is claiming in unconfirmed reports. Henry Samuel writes:

QuoteBefore the hostage taking, the brothers stole a Peugeot 206 at Montagny-Sainte-Félicité (Oise)from a woman who formally identified them to police. 

The hostage taking is thought to be taking place a printing business called CTD [Création Tendance Découverte]. 

“There is no certitude about the number of people inside,” a police source told AFP.

09.04 The firm where a hostage has reportedly been taken is a small public works company with five employees

09.03 This is reportedly the industrial complex in which the suspects took their hostage:

08.58 Police are establishing a ring of steel around Dammartin-en-Goele with armed officers forcing the public and journalists away from the area

08.57 “The two individuals have been localised. We are moving towards a denouement,” Paris’s public prosecutor has said.

08.56 RTL is reporting that at least two people were seriously injured in a shooting incident prior to the hostage taking.

Police sending journalists away (SKY NEWS)

08.55 To recap, the two suspects this morning appear to have stolen a car in Montagny Sainte Felicite, 30 miles northeast of Paris, before proceeding to a location close to Dammartin-en-Goële where they have taken one or more hostages.

It is not clear whether they are on the move with these hostages or have remained in a static stand-off, but a heavy police presence is moving up the N2 toward the situation.

Police helicopter flying over the area

08.54 Henry Samuel reports from Paris:

QuoteBrothers believed to have stolen car overnight four kilometres from current zone where they are holed up. Helicopters stationary overhead.

08.53 A witness in Dammartin-en-Goele says the area is “like a war zone”

08.52 Hostages are believed to have been taken in a public works company in the Près-Boucher industrial zone off the N2 road some 30 minutes from Dammartin-en-Goële, says iTele.

08.51 We are now receiving reports that the hostage situation could now be a static situation in an industrial complex near to Charles de Gaulle airport.

08.50 Five helicopters are now in the air above Dammartin-en-Goele, assisting with the search.

08.48 Picardy region has followed Ile-de-France and declared an ‘attack alert’, according to Europe 1 radio


08.45 France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has just said:

“We have indications that the terrorists are within our perimeter.

“The national police and the gendarmerie are working to locate them.

“The GIGN is is place and the operation is being conducted minute by minute, led by the director general of the gendarmerie and the national police, the counter terror authorities and the Interior Ministry.

“An operation is underway.”

08.44 Three helicopters have been mobilised.

08.39 The suspects reportedly stole a Peugeout in Montagny Sainte Felicite, 30 miles northeast of Paris.


08.35 More on the hostage rumours – Europe 1 radio reports that a hostage has been taken inside a business in Dammartin-en-Goële, and could be in the car with the gunmen.

08.33 The car chase is reportedly taking place on the N2 road, which leads from the region in which the manhunt was taking place toward Paris.

Reports suggest the chase is going on in the direction of Paris, close to the Charles de Gaulle airport.

08.31 The suspects appear to have seized another car.

The area the gunfight has been reported is 20mins from the forest where police were searching for the Kouachis last night.

Residents of Dammartin-en-Goële have been told to stay indoors.

08.28 Hostage-taking under way, according to RTL at place where gunfire heard. This has not been confirmed.

08.27 A car chase is believed to be under way.

08.24 Breaking : Gunfight reportedly underway with individuals in Seine-et-Marne near Dammartin-en-Goële, where French police had been searching for the Kouachi brothers



08.19 European Union’s next scheduled summit on February 12 will focus on how to boost anti-terror efforts in the wake of the deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo, the bloc’s leader Donald Tusk says.

“I intend to use the meeting… on 12 February to discuss more broadly the response the EU can bring to these challenges,” following the “barbaric attacks in Paris,” Tusk said in Riga.

07.55 As day breaks in Longpont, French police have resumed their hunt in the picturesque village and the vast tracts of nearby woods for the two Parisian brothers suspected of the deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine, writes Rory Mulholland.

QuoteHelicopters and hundreds of police – including black-uniformed officers from the elite counter-terrorist unit RAID – had scoured nearby woods and gone house to house in the village until late on Thursday. 

They appeared to have halted their search overnight. A convoy of dozens of polie vehicles was seen leaving the area and heading in the direction of Paris, presumably to return to barracks for the evening before a fresh deployment on Friday. 

Roads to the village and into the huge forest of Retz remained closed by police checkpoints, and police vehicles were again seen congregating on the area about 60 miles northeast of Paris.

07.49 A sister of the Kouachi brothers is currently being questioned by police along with their two wives, says France Info.

07.42 French author Michel Houllebecq has postponed the promotional tour of his new book, Submission, and is currently “in a secret location”, according to France Info. Houellebecq was on the front cover of this week’s Charlie Hebdo. His book, out on Wednesday, the day of the attack, is a political fiction in which a conservative Muslim becomes French president in 2022, beating far-Right leader Marine Le Pen.

07.25 Harriet Alexander in Paris rounds up how the French newspapers are covering yesterday’s events this morning:

 Liberation has a two-word headline: “The Hunt.” It recounts in detail the search for the Kouachi brothers, as told in this morning’s Telegraph. 

But it also has an interesting article on how France has 152 Islamist terrorists in its prisons, and how the authorities are trying to prevent radicalisation behind bars. A pilot programme in Fresnes prison saw known jihadists separated from other prisoners, to prevent contagion. 

Le Figaro has the headline: “France overwhelmed with emotion”, and features images of a crowd holding up “Je suis Charlie” signs. 

And amid coverage of Thursday’s minute’s silence and the continuing hunt for the attackers, the paper says that today Imams have vowed to preach against violence and terrorism, at Friday prayers. 

At the 2,400 Muslim places of worship across France, they will “condemn in the strongest possible terms violence and terrorism, wherever it originates, during the prayer meeting,” said Dalil Boubakeur, rector of Paris’s Grand Mosque. 

Le Parisien features an array of survivors stories – from the comedian who should have been in the Charlie Hebdo meeting but realised he had arranged for someone to come to fix his television at home, to the writer who hid in a corner and escaped unharmed. 

They also spoke to Patrick Pelloux, a surgeon who writes for the paper, who was one of the first on the scene and telephoned his friend Francois Hollande to alert him. 

“I couldn’t save them,” he told the paper.

The partners of two of the cartoonists – Charb and Wolinski – have also given interviews.

“I was frightened for his safety,” said Maryse Wolinski. “He wasn’t.”

07.00 The Telegraph’s Rory Mulholland and Heathcliff O’Malley are at the Forest of Retz this morning.

The heavy police presence sped off back to Paris late last night, and we are awaiting confirmation as to whether they will return to the area this morning, or shift their focus elsewhere, with still no confirmed sightings of the suspects since they held up a petrol station in Villers-Cotterets yesterday morning.

06.30 Terror suspect brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi have yet to be caught, and are still believed to be in a forest the size of Paris around 50 miles northeast of the capital.

A huge armed police presence descended on the villages of Longpont and Crepy-en-Valois, and the town of Viller-Cotterets, after the suspects were first spotted holding up a petrol station in the area, before abandoning their hijacked car and fleeing on foot.


06.00 Good morning and welcome back to our live coverage of the hunt for the Charlie Hebdo terrorists.

According to French broadcaster, TF1, police have suspended the manhunt for the night at around 1.30am GMT last night.

Overnight, details have emerged of the two killers had reportedly spared the lives of two women during the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

Sigolene Vinson told Radio France International how one of the killers pointed a gun at her, but then had a change of heart.

She told the station that he said “I’m not killing you because you are a woman and we don’t kill women, but you have to convert to Islam, read the Koran and wear a veil.”

Meanwhile, it was reported in the US that the two brothers suspected of killing 10 staff at the Paris satirical magazine’s headquarters – as well as two police officers – were on the terrorist “no fly” list. David Millward, US Correspondent, writes:

According to the New York Times, Said Koauchi, 34 and his 32 year old brother Chérif had both been identified as security threats. 

One official said Said Kouachi also spent a “few months” training with an al-Qaeda in Yemen, learning an array of skills including marksmanship and small arms combat. 

Marie Harf, the State Department spokesman, gave further credence to the reports when she appeared on on CNN. 

“Clearly they were very well trained as we could see from the video,” she said. 

Pointedly mentioning Yemen, she added the US was trying – with some success – to combat terrorist activities across the world. 

The precision of Wednesday’s shooting in Paris has led to the strong belief that the brothers had been given military style training before embarking on their murderous assault. 

According to US media reports, Said Kouachi travelled to Yemen in 2011, possibly inspired by Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born cleric who by 2011 had become a senior operational figure for the terrorist group, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

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This article first published in May 2013 documents France’s role in supporting terrorist formations in Syria.

The UK Foreign secretary William Hague, and his French counterpart Lauren Fabius, are leading an isolated charge within the EU to lift a supposed arms embargo to self-described ‘rebels’, hitherto destroying Syria for over two years. Several underlying factors need to be addressed before these diplomatic (some would say military) manoeuvres are put into context.

Firstly, the most obvious issue with allowing the UK and France to freely arm ‘rebels’ of their choosing inside Syria is that this policy is against all international law, and will, as proven already to be the case, continue to vastly exacerbate the growing death toll and displacement in Syria. As the head of arms control at Oxfam noted:

“Transferring more weapons to Syria can only exacerbate a hellish scenario for civilians. If the UK and France are to live up to their own commitments – including those set out in the new arms trade treaty – they simply must not send weapons to Syria.”

Acting under the auspices, or “consultation” of Western intelligence services, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and non-state actors sending thousands of tonnes of arms and funds to extremist militants in Syria; is directly synonymous with both a huge increase in casualty numbers and civilian displacement; and the huge rise and proliferation of extremist militants operating in Syria. This highlights, as previous conflicts in the region have shown; that further Western military intervention is not about to bring peace and harmony to a nation already engulfed in the throes of war (much of which western powers promoted and enabled).

But peace and harmony are not on either France, nor the UK’s list of priorities in the region; removing President Assad and weakening the state of Syria, Iran’s staunch ally, most certainly are. It seems the less Imperial-minded states of the EU, and indeed, those less attached to US militarism and designs for the Middle East, were incensed by Hague and Fabius’ stubborn attempts to stifle the popular opinion within the EU that sending yet more military equipment to a disparate melee of extremist rebels may be of dire consequence. Hague, with his vast intellect, failed to acknowledge this most obvious of pitfalls, and seems more eager than war-mongerer/profiteer US Senator John McCain is to feed into the western public the idea that ‘moderate’, or ‘secular’ minded ‘rebels’ in Syria actually exist.

To quote an equally moral and intelligent Western statesman, the UK is acting on the policy of “unknown unknowns”. Hague et al claim to know of ‘moderate’ and ‘secular’ fighting forces wishing to take up arms against the Syrian Government; yet literally no one in Syria or analysing the conflict from afar is able to find them. As the weapons flow increased and the funds from Gulf donors magnified, it has been the most extreme sectarian elements of militia that have been bolstered by such support, and indeed, further encouraged by Western diplomatic cover and the dutiful Western mainstream media’s glowing appraisals of freedom fighters and ‘rebel’ propaganda.

This has only enabled the Jihaddi/Salafist elements hell-bent on sectarian violence and destruction to gain in recruits and popularity. As in Central America, Afghanistan, Libya, Serbia, Kosovo, etc: these extremist elements form the ‘Shock Troops’ of a Western designed subversion model; used to great effect by Western powers to enable the social and structural destruction of a nation “outside the West’s sphere of influence”, in order to bring about regime change.

Libya, again, provides us with a recent, and very much relevant example of how the UK and France are free to manipulate what are, when first employed, supposedly ‘humanitarian’ measures to fit their own military and Imperial advantage. When the No Fly Zone resolution over Libya was first passed in the UN, it was designed to enable ‘rebel’ forces in Libya to “protect the civilian population” from air and armour attacks from the Libyan Army. What ensued almost immediately after the resolution passed was nothing of the sort: the UK and France – under US direction – took it upon themselves, in almost 10,000 airstrike sorties within six months, to not only destroy all of Libya’s meagre air-force and armour, but destroy the vast majority of the infrastructure Gaddafi had built. This ran alongside a targeted assassination campaign against Gaddafi himself to bring about the desired regime change, which just by chance, also happens to be completely against international law. The results of which were neither in the interest of civilians or humanitarianism. As former MI5 officer Annie Machon put it:

“They’ve had free education, free health, they could study abroad. When they got married they got a certain amount of money. So they were rather the envy of many other citizens of African countries. Now, of course, since NATO’s humanitarian intervention, the infrastructure of their country has been bombed back to the Stone Age,”

This “bombing back to the stone age” is what Imperialist apologists might term: holding down the competition. As previously noted by many a statesman and scholar, the last thing any Western government desires is the self-determination and independence of resource-rich, strategically placed nations.

Furthermore, as candidly revealed by Hague himself, the UK and France’s pressure to lift the embargo is solely designed to pressure the Assad government to meet their demands, stating: (my emphasis)

“[it is] important for Europe to send a clear signal to the Assad regime that it has to negotiate seriously, and that all options remain on the table if it refuses to do so”.

One thing is certain, Hague does not speak for Europe. 25 of the 27 European nations were against the lifting of the embargo. The French and British refusal to accept the popular consensus meant that no decision or required extension of the current embargo could be made, resulting in its expiration. This in turn allows EU states to act as they please, as Hague said himself, this was the exact outcome the UK was hoping for. Once more, Hague is speaking with no authority, only 16% of the UK population agree to sending arms to ‘rebels’ in Syria: UK democracy in action.

The desired outcome of the lifting of the EU embargo will be increased military support to what the CIA, and NATO aligned governments describe as “vetted moderate” rebel forces. Which for all intents and purposes, simply don’t exist. The more likely outcome will be to create further reluctance of the Syrian ‘opposition’ elements within the SNC to negotiate with the Assad Government; further encouraging them and the extremist elements on the ground in Syria to continue their futile quest for a military solution. This policy will embolden extremist rebels fighting the Syrian Army in the hope they are to receive further Western support, with the ultimate desire of Western intervention just around the corner.

As Hague warns of “conflict spread”, which is evidently already occurring in Northern Lebanon, and inextricably linked to increased sectarian strife in Iraq; his Orwellian mindset seems unable to realise that adding more arms to this conflict ridden region will result in anything other than further destabilization. Surely Western powers cannot uphold this pretence any longer, it is glaringly obvious to many that Western involvement and “concern” over Syria has nothing to do with the civilian population and everything to do with regime change by all means necessary, including  the tacit arming, funding and diplomatic support of extremist Al Qaeda affiliated ‘rebels’.

Furthermore, while the UK was desperate to lift the arms embargo on Syrian ‘rebels’. It was at the forefront of attempts to uphold the crippling economic sanctions put in place against the Syrian Government. These sanctions, as applied to devastating effect many times before, are again, solely designed to punish the civilian population in attempts to create civil unrest and discord against the Syrian government to bring about regime change, a wholly illegal act in itself. Hague, in another world-class show of diplomatic cognitive dissonance, candidly admitted the failure of these sanctions as a reason to lift the arms embargo, stating: “The EU arms embargo must be lifted because the current economic sanctions regime is ineffective.” If the economic sanctions aren’t working, yet evidently punishing the civilian population, why is the EU keeping them in place? Simply as a tool to further pressurize the Syrian Government and push the civilian population into chaos, poverty and revolt.

Whilst the UK government declares a “battle against terrorism” on its own soil, its Foreign Policy willfully follows the Western trend of fomenting, arming and supporting the very same ideologues abroad. All to suit the pernicious Western establishment agenda of economic and military dominance throughout the Greater Middle East and beyond.

Phil Greaves is a UK based writer/analyst, focusing on UK/US Foreign Policy and conflict analysis in the Middle East post WWII.

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Oil and gas fields in the Falkland Islands: Will Britain Become New Kuwait?US Warplanes Avoid Bombing ISIS Held Syrian Oil Fields

By Stephen Lendman, November 13 2015

They provide a key source of ISIS income, millions of dollars through an illegal pipeline to Turkey where it’s sold, according to Turkish journalist Alptekin Dursunoglu, Sputnik News reported.

Greek Lessons: Democracy versus Debt-BondageShocking, Little-Known Facts About Debt. Private Debt Exploding

By Washington’s Blog, November 12 2015

Both liberals and conservatives assume they have a rough idea of how much “the debt” is.  But the real numbers are shocking …

Looming Crisis: America's Credit Card Debt Bubble-BurstDebt Serfdom in America: Spiralling Household Debts, Mortgages, Credit Cards, Student Loans

By Liaquat Ali Khan, November 13 2015

As of October 2015, American consumers owe $8.17 trillion in mortgages, $900 billion in credit cards, and $1.19 trillion in student loans. Home mortgages, credit cards, and student loans occupy the most of the consumer credit market. The consumer credit…

Federal-Reserve-EconomyFederal Reserve Admits It Has No Idea What It’s Doing

By Washington’s Blog, November 13 2015

AP reports today: Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen is stressing the need to review the unconventional monetary policies that central banks around the world deployed in response to the 2008 global financial crisis.

portugalNew Socialist Government Keeps Portuguese People Under The “Neoliberal Economic Whip”

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 13, 2015

The new government means that for the first in a long time there is a government in Portugual that possibly could represent the people rather than Washington and the One Percent. However, if the new government leaves the banks in charge and remains committed to the EU, the current president, previous prime minister, and previous finance minister, Maria Luis Albuquerque, will continue to work to overthrow the people’s will as occurred in Greece.

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Washington has new job openings according to the Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter.

If you are willing to fight ISIS with U.S. supplied weapons, Uncle Sam wants you. U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter told ABC news that Washington was willing to recruit “additional groups” who will supposedly fight the Islamic State after President Obama announced that U.S. Special Forces will be sent to Syria to advise the “moderate Rebels.” Carter said:

In order to have victory stick, you have to have local forces involved who can keep the peace after you’ve helped them win the peace.” Carter also said that “If we find additional groups that are willing to fight ISIL and are capable and motivated, we’ll do more. The president has indicated a willingness to do more, I certainly am prepared to recommend he do more, but you need to have capable local forces — that’s the key to sustainable victory.

Carter mentioned that recruiting new “groups” to supposedly fight the Islamic State although the same strategy has deliberately failed. I say “deliberately failed” because the ultimate goal was to remove President Assad not to fight ISIS.

Since Russia got involved militarily and has been dismantling the Islamic State, the plan to remove Assad has ultimately failed. Carter was also asked if U.S. ground troops will be on the ground in Syria and he replied with“Absolutely.” So, the U.S. government has job openings for more groups committed to fight ISIS or will they attempt to remove Assad from power with the support of U.S. ground troops? It is just like a bad Hollywood movie where scenes are predictable. The hypocrisy in fighting the terrorists they created with more terrorists is obvious. The world is clearly seeing what Washington is capable of by funding and arming terror groups that has already has devastated many parts of the Middle East.

What does Vietnam and now Syria have in common? Vietnam started with advisors on the ground which resulted in a major loss for the U.S. government. So the Obama administration has ordered Special Forces on the ground to fight their very own Frankenstein, the Islamic State? Washington wants U.S. troops on the ground in Syria but that will eventually lead to an unwinnable war. It will lead to more devastation. For Washington, a Syrian quagmire will sow the seeds of chaos for years to come, and they know this. Their experiences in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan serve as a history lesson in what not to do. But they will do it. They will enter Syria and create another quagmire.

The New York Times reported that “President Obama announced on Friday that he had ordered several dozen Special Operations troops into Syria for the first open-ended mission by United States ground forces in that country” An “open-ended mission”? Obama is committing U.S. troops to a war that would last for years although he promised repeatedly not to place boots on the ground. The Obama administration’s support of the“moderate rebels” who defected into numerous terrorist organizations in the past has provided the Pentagon ammunition to commit U.S. troops to the already volatile situation and will become cannon fodder in an already complex civil war. The New York Times article quoted White House press secretary Josh Earnest who said “The mission has not changed,” said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary. “These forces,” he added, “do not have a combat mission.” Earnest continued “the responsibility that they have is not to lead the charge to take a hill, but rather to offer advice and assistance to those local forces about the best way they can organize their efforts to take the fight to ISIL or to take the hill inside of Syria.” The mission for these advisors is to take the fight to ISIS or is it really to direct the rebels to target Syrian government forces by taking “the hill inside of Syria”?

Washington and the Pentagon know that the wars they wage are unwinnable. The real strategy is to create never-ending wars for corporate profits whether for the military-industrial complex, big oil corporations and for the expansion of the state of Israel (The Yinon Plan) at the expense of their troops. Once a nation is devastated through a foreign intervention, the nation-state becomes divided (Iraq is an example). Once division becomes a reality, Western involvement in the political and economic sphere becomes apparent. Keep all sides divided and Western corporate vultures descend on its natural resources including its vast oil reserves and natural water supplies (water will be the next hot commodity in the future).

America spreading democracy was never about democracy, it’s about hegemonic control over every nation on earth. Napoleon Bonaparte, amilitary and political leader during the French revolution obviously understood what chaos can accomplish for the ruling elite when he said “The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies.” Washington is seeking to control that chaos that will enrich their corporate and military partners and satisfy their Zionist and Turkish allies in the region. Chaos in a strange fashion is profitable for the West. It is a cynical policy which creates death and destruction at the expense of the people of the Middle East so that Western corporate powers can benefit from the misery it causes. More war equals more weapons production.

Tanks, guns, rifles, rocket-launchers, drones, bombs and bullets are big business for weapons manufacturers. Those who are leading their troops into the battlefield from their air-conditioned offices drinking a fresh brewed cup of coffee never step foot in a war zone, but they have a lot at stake with the decisions they make. Those decisions are made to ensure corporate profits find its way into the pockets of bankers and private investors who are normally based on Wall Street, London and elsewhere.

It is a fact that “chaos” is profitable. America’s “democratic ideals and values” has destroyed many countries since its rise to superpower status through chaos. They achieved that rise not through “peace and Prosperity” but by war. Hiring terrorists is as diabolical as you can get.

Placing U.S. soldiers on the ground is called “mission creep”. The U.S. military is on the road to another war, but for Washington’s insiders it is just business as usual. Create the chaos; sell it as democracy and everyone within the circle of influence in Washington wins. Global hegemony through chaos is a strategy that works for political power and profits. For them if complete victory is unachievable, chaos is the next best thing.

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As of October 2015, American consumers owe $8.17 trillion in mortgages, $900 billion in credit cards, and $1.19 trillion in student loans. Home mortgages, credit cards, and student loans occupy the most of the consumer credit market.

The consumer credit market is the dream paradise of money merchants, known as moneylenders. Just as pharma companies sell drugs to make money by way of profit, money merchants sell money to make money by way of interest. Note again, money merchants sell money to make money. They sell money to millions of American consumers needing to buy houses, cars, or home appliances. They sell money to millions of American students becoming physicians, lawyers, managers, as well as to college students. Big operators set up banks, brokerage houses, and credit unions. Small operators run payday loans and pawnshops. The rich and the wretched, the lord and the tenant, teachers and students, men and women, all this and all that, except the privileged few, are obligated, in one form or the other, to money merchants.

Carrying debt has become a quintessential attribute of American life. And creditworthiness, the ability to borrow money, is the most valued personal asset an individual may garner. Credit monitoring companies gather information about an individual’s “bill payment history, loans, current debt, and other financial information.” Credit reports also inform money merchants where the individual works and lives and whether the individual has been “sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy.” Losing creditworthiness can have more severe consequences for an individual than losing liberty, even body limbs.

Interest rates ranging from 3% to 30% lie at the core of the credit market. After nullifying laws against usury, federal and state legislatures have rewarded money merchants with handsome legal names, such as creditors, mortgagees, card issuers, and secured parties. In turn, money merchants use various “credit products” to compose the ensemble of interest rates. They sell money for fixed periods with structured payments, such as a 30-years mortgage. They sell money as endlessly spinning Ixion wheels, known as credit cards. These credit spinning wheels could carry an interest rate over 30% for individuals with questionable credit. Occupying all nooks and crannies of American life, the money merchants have unbolted an ever-expanding credit juggernaut, much larger than equity markets. The Federal Reserve Board controls the interest-rate push button to modify the behavior of Pavlovian money merchants.

Credit products are sold as fantasies of power, comfort, and freedom. Owning a home has become the most heavily debt-infested American dream. Living modestly with a less ambitious spouse in a little prairie house (nondescript apartment) warmed with children’s love is old-fashioned foolery that might make sense in Bangladesh or Kenya. Not here, not in credit-driven America. Here, while the family is shattered beyond definition and while many children putrefy in unsafe homes, money merchants keep enticing Americans to dream big: Get it now and pay later. The virtues of mortgage have been sold hook, line, and sinker -making breathing difficult. Many people, by no means hypochondriacs alone, live in enormous homes but fear homelessness, an eventuality that can befall if you lose employment or medical bills pile up over and above a life-threatening illness.

Credit cards are designed with much deliberation as attractive nuisance – an object that attracts but hurts gullible trespassers – as consumers wander into spending money they do not have and might not have in the foreseeable future. Money merchants want you to pay as little as possible, ideally no more than the minimum payment due each month, so that the interest levied on a larger unpaid balance may generate more money for money merchants. Smartasses who pay off the entire monthly balance without giving a single penny in interest defy the objectives of the credit market. Money merchants want you to spend, hoard debt, and pay back on time but only a little. The credit card ensnarement remains open for one-way entry for the carefree, the underemployed, the young, and the desperate.

The federal government itself becomes the supreme money merchant when it comes to funding higher education. Student loans are available from the Federal Student Aid (FSA), “proud sponsor of the American mind,” a slogan the U.S. Department of Education has trademarked with propagandistic audacity and the FSA displays on its website. Student loans are not interest-free, even though the federal government has unlimited power to create interest-free money for students, as it does for money merchants.

Currently, the FSA charges 4.20% interest rate on undergraduate studies loans and 5.84% interest rate on graduate and professional studies (law, medicine) loans. With college and university tuitions climbing sharply, students are signing pricy debt notes to obtain higher education and thus mortgaging future wages for a significant part of life. Money merchants, whom law permits to create interest-free money and who take hard-earned money from depositors by paying marginal (0.02%) interest rate, also fund the American mind by charging interest rates much higher than does the FSA. The bankruptcy laws have been modified so that students cannot discharge their student loans.

Higher education in many countries is free or almost free. Germany provides tuition-free higher education, as does Denmark and Sweden. India, which will be producing most college graduates in the world in the near future, heavily subsidizes college and university studies. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which President Jimmy Carter signed in 1977, but which the Senate refuses even to consider for ratification, obligates signatory states to provide higher education “by every appropriate means, and in particular by the progressive introduction of free education.” The United States, under the influence of money merchants, is moving in the opposite direction of the Covenant making it difficult for Americans to dream of becoming doctors, engineers, lawyers, and even plain college graduates without signing a promissory note of debt serfdom.

Liaquat Ali Khan is a Professor of Law at Washburn University School of Law

(to be continued)

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US Rejects Russia’s Syrian Peace Proposal

November 13th, 2015 by Stephen Lendman

Throughout four-and-a-half years of conflict, Russia has gone all-out to resolve it diplomatically – in stark contrast to Washington, wanting endless war continued, no matter the devastating human toll.

Obama bears full responsibility for horrific carnage and mass displacement, using ISIS and other takfiri terrorists, imported foot soldiers from scores of countries, supplemented since September 2014 by US air attacks on Syrian infrastructure and other government targets, aiming to replace Assad with a Western-controlled puppet, eliminate an Israeli rival and isolate Iran.

Washington rejected earlier Russian peace proposals, again its latest effort, claiming so-called opposition figures dismissed it. It’s unclear who they are or if a legitimate non-terrorist opposition exists.

A Russian text  published by Reuters includes  an eight-point proposal titled “Approach to the Settlement of the Syrian Crisis” – prepared ahead of more international talks in Vienna on Syria this week.

Two days of earlier ones in late October went nowhere. It’s hard imagining a different outcome this time. The full Russian text is as follows:

1. List ISIL (Islamic State) as a terrorist organisation by the UNSC (UN Security Council).

2. Agree on the additional list of terrorist groups.

3. Adopt a UNSC resolution in support of the efforts against ISIL and other terrorist groups, providing legal framework for cooperation of all participants of counter-terrorist actions among themselves and with respective governments.

4. Block channels of supply of ISIL and other terrorist groups; stop illegal trade in oil by ISIL in accordance with UNSCR 2199; prevent control of oil fields by terrorists.

5. When considering the issue of a ceasefire in Syria, operations against ISIL and other terrorist groups must be excluded.

6. Launch under the auspices of the UN special envoy political process on the basis of the Geneva communique of June 30, 2012 between the Syrian Government and a united delegation of the opposition groups. The composition of the opposition delegation has to be agreed beforehand, including on the basis of readiness of respective groups to share the goals of preventing terrorists from coming to power in Syria and of ensuring sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Syria, as well as secular and democratic character of the state.

7. The Syrian parties at the proposed conference are invited to agree on the following steps.

  • Launch a constitutional reform, to take up to 18 months, to guarantee sustainable security and fair balance of interests, rights and obligations of all ethnic and confessional groups in structures of powers and state institutions.
  • For the purpose, to form a constitutional commission to embrace the entire spectrum of the Syrian society, including domestic and outside opposition. The president of Syria will not chair the constitutional commission; a candidature of its head will be agreed by all the participants.
  • Draft constitution will be submitted to a popular referendum. After its approval an early presidential elections will be called.
  • Parliamentary elections planned to take place in the spring of 2016, will be, in the light of a constitutional reform, postponed and will be held simultaneously with the presidential election on the basis of the new constitution of Syria.
  • Syrian Government will be formed on the basis of a party/electoral block which receives a majority of the popular vote and will possess full executive authority.
  • Popularly elected president of Syria will have the functions of commander-in-chief of the armed forces, control of special services and foreign policy.

8. Convene a Syria Support Group (SSG) to help prepare the conference and assist Syrian parties during its work in reaching a mutual consent. The SSG could include members of P-5, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, UAE, Iraq, Lebanon, Germany, Italy, UN Special Envoy, Arab League and OIC, European Union.

Each point makes sense. Defeating ISIS and other terrorists requires unity against a common scourge vital to eliminate.

Steps include stopping US and other nations from providing support to terrorists – supplying heavy weapons, munitions and other supplies.

Assad is agreeable to further constitutional changes in addition to earlier ones overwhelmingly approved by popularly supported national referendum.

He said many times he only wishes to remain president as long as Syrians want him. He’ll likely have no objection to another round of internationally monitored open, free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections.

His only stipulations are wanting Western and regional acceptance of their results, along with insisting on prioritizing war on terrorism. Peace won’t come unless it’s neutralized or eliminated.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected].

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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