The commander of NATO armed forces said Tuesday that Russia, Syria and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) were using the refugees streaming out of Syria into Europe as weapons against European countries.

Using more restrained language than Donald Trump or European neo-fascists attacking refugees from Syria, US General Philip Breedlove voiced a similar opinion, declaring, “Europe faces the daunting challenge of mass migration spurred by state instability and state collapse, a migration that masks the movement of criminals, terrorists, and foreign fighters.”

“Within this mix,” he continued, ISIS “is spreading like a cancer, taking advantage of paths of least resistance, threatening European nations and our own with terrorist attacks.”

No evidence has actually been provided of refugees from Syria engaging in terrorist actions within Europe. Most of those who staged the terrorist attacks in Paris last November, for example, were citizens of Belgium and France, some of them returned from fighting as part of US-backed forces in the Syrian civil war.

Breedlove discussed this movement of European-born Islamists from their home countries to the Syrian civil war and back again, saying, “As many as 9,000 fighters have gone, and as much as 1,500 fighters have returned back to Europe.”

But he made no reference to the fact that these Islamists went to fight on the side of the US-backed insurgency against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, most of them with the encouragement of their own governments, and in some cases with the active collaboration of the intelligence services.

Breedlove was appearing at the Pentagon after testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, where he warned that Russia posed an “existential threat” to the United States, reviving language not used in public discussion by the US military since the height of the Cold War. In his remarks, both to the Senate panel and to the Pentagon press corps, Breedlove accused Russia and Syria of “deliberately weaponizing migration in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve.”

He claimed that the unguided “barrel bombs” used by the Syrian military had no military usefulness, but were intended to spread fear and drive local populations out of targeted Syrian towns and cities. “It is a weapon of terror, and it is a weapon to get people out of a location, on the road moving, somewhere else, and make them someone else’s problems,” he said.

In answer to follow-up questions at the press conference, Breedlove claimed that there were three dangerous components within the refugee flow from Syria to Europe, “criminality, terrorists and foreign fighters,” the last referring to European citizens who fought in Syria and then returned to their own countries.

In an unusual detour into American politics, Breedlove was asked about the furor over the open defense of torture by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his call for the resumption of waterboarding and “much more.” Several retired military commanders, including the former head of the National Security Agency, General Michael Hayden, said last week that the military would have to refuse orders to carry out torture in violation of international law and the Geneva Conventions.

General Breedlove declined to respond directly on the torture issue, but he said there was widespread discussion in NATO circles about the US elections. “I would just tell you that I get a lot of questions from our European counterparts on our election process this time in general,” he said. “And I think they see a very different sort of public discussion than they have in the past, and I think I’ll just leave it at that.”

When a journalist asked directly who these “counterparts” were, he acknowledged they included military officers from other NATO member countries.

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In the lead-up to the National People’s Congress (NPC) starting on Saturday, the Chinese government has announced massive layoffs in state-owned enterprises in coal and steel. Further sackings in other basic industries are being foreshadowed in moves that will result in millions of workers losing their jobs and heightened political and social tensions.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership has delayed taking steps to deal with huge overcapacities in heavy industry and so-called zombie companies—state-owned enterprises (SOEs) kept on life support via low-interest bank loans—for fear of triggering widespread social unrest. However, amid a slowing economy and concerns about mounting debt, the regime has signalled a swathe of sackings.

Premier Li Keqiang told top economic advisers in December: “We must summon our determination and set to work. For those ‘zombie enterprises’ with absolute overcapacity, we must ruthlessly bring down the knife.” Li will present his yearly work report to the NPC which will also deliberate on the 13th Five-Year Plan that sets the economic guidelines for the government.

On Monday, the employment and welfare minister Yin Weimin announced that capacity in the coal and steel industries would be drastically reduced with 1.8 million workers losing their jobs—1.3 million coal miners and 500,000 steel workers. The figure was a sharp increase from just a few days before when industry minister Miao Wei declared that one million jobs would go in coal and steel.

A Reuters report on Tuesday based on unnamed government sources indicated that the government is planning to slash capacity in as many as seven sectors, including cement, glassmaking and ship building leading to around six million jobs being destroyed in the next three years.

The emergence of huge overcapacities in China’s basic industries is intimately bound up with the continuing worldwide economic slump that has followed the 2008-09 global financial crisis. The CCP leadership reacted to the collapse of exports and the loss of 20 million jobs with massive stimulus packages and a flood of cheap credit that fuelled a speculative property bubble.

Like governments around the world, Beijing calculated that the crisis was temporary and export growth would resume once the major capitalist economies recovered. Basic industry expanded, spurred on by infrastructure projects, construction and a continuous supply of cheap credit. However, export markets have stagnated, property and infrastructure investment is slowing and the much vaunted “transition” to a service economy has failed to prop up growth rates.

The slowing Chinese economy, now the world’s second largest, is already reverberating internationally. Falling Chinese demand for basic industrial inputs has contributed to the collapse in world commodity prices which is now severely impacting on commodity exporting countries such as Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Australia and Canada.

The excess capacities in China are enormous. Estimated steel overcapacity jumped from 132 million tonnes per year in 2008 to 327 million tonnes in 2014—a figure that is more than three times greater than the total output of Japan, the world’s second largest producer. Over the same period, overcapacity for cement nearly doubled from 450 to 850 million tonnes, for oil refining leapt from 77 to 230 million tonnes and for flat glass jumped from 76 million to 215 million weight cases.

According to the Financial Times, 42 percent of all SOEs lost money in 2013. Total profits for such groups fell in absolute terms last year for the first time since 2001. The gap in return on assets between SOEs and private firms is now the largest in two decades. Government intervention to slash overcapacity could place further stresses on the financial and banking system as SOEs account for an estimated 50 percent of all commercial debt.

Already there are deep concerns about mounting bad loans. A report last month by the European Chamber of Commerce in China stated that non-performing loans (NPLs) had risen by $US76 billion during the first ten months of 2015 to about $291 billion, a 35 percent increase.

The Chinese government’s plans to slash overcapacities and jobs will hit some areas of the country much harder than others, exacerbating regional tensions. Provincial and local governments have often kept “zombie” SOEs afloat through the provision of loans so as to avoid mass layoffs and rising social unrest. The so-called rust-bucket region in the northeast of the country where unemployment is already high will be particularly badly affected.

The CCP is seeking to forestall widespread resistance in the working class by providing funds for retraining and job seeking. Industry minister Miao Wei announced last week that 100 billion yuan ($US15.3 billion) would be provided to support displaced steel and coal workers. However, steel worker Gao Jianqiang told the China Daily last week: “There are just too many factories that are not doing well. One-hundred billion yuan sounds like a huge sum, but I do not think it will solve problems for everyone.”

Many of those who lose their jobs will simply not find work elsewhere. In January, China International Capital Corp (CIIC), the country’s largest merchant bank, predicted that 30 percent of the 10 million people employed in the coal, steel, electrolytic aluminium, cement and glass industries would lose their jobs in the next two years.

The CIIC report concluded that a million of these workers would not find a new job. That estimation was based on the results of the last round of mass job losses in SOEs in the late 1990s when 21 million workers were sacked. Only two thirds found work or were transferred to other jobs.

China’s growth rate in the 2000s, however, averaged 10 percent and peaked at over 14 percent in 2007. Now, however, it is officially 6.9 percent and slowing. Jobs are being destroyed not only in heavy industry but also in the manufacturing export sectors. The official unemployment rate is 4 percent but some estimates, such as research by the National Bureau of Economic Research, put the real figure at close to 10 percent.

The Business Insider last week reported that millions of migrant workers were returning after the New Year break to an uncertain future, “as smaller factories in particular struggle to cope with anemic orders and rising inventories.” Exports from Guangdong province, one of China’s major manufacturing hubs, are predicted to grow by just 1 percent this year.

There are already signs of growing opposition among workers to plans for mass retrenchments. Figures produced by the Hong Kong-based China Labour Bulletin have shown a sharp rise in the number of strikes for 2015 to 2,774, twice as many as for 2014. In January, 504 strikes were recorded. The statistics are only a partial record as they rely on media and social media reports as well as local contacts.

Significantly on Tuesday, the day after the announcement that 1.3 million mining jobs would be destroyed, hundreds of coal miners in Anyuan in southeastern China marched through the city of Pingxiang. The local state-owned mining company has cut back production, laid off workers and told others to stay home on drastically reduced pay. As reported by the Washington Post, up to 1,000 workers from three mines carried banners declaring: “Workers want to survive, workers need to eat.”

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Europe is continuing to get bogged down in a political swamp. Contradictions between the national interests of the EU member states and the political course of a supranational bureaucracy have turned into a phase of sharp struggle.

Today the EU gets struck by:

Huge immigration flow from Arab countries, North Africa, Eastern Europe and the Balkans;

The economic and trade crisis, which has caused unemployment and the reduction of incomes;

US political pressure and the financial dictate of the US-controlled international financial institutions;

Threats to basic civil rights and freedoms.

However, EU citizens are being intentionally misguided and mislead in both identifying and dealing with all of these challenges by their governments.

In the pursuit of upholding the interests of the international banking cartel and the geopolitical machinations of a few in the US elite, the Euro bureaucracy leads the EU to an inevitable collapse.

Calls for reasonable policies and the step-by-step development of the EU espoused by a number of European political forces cause only a hysterical reaction by Brussels and fierce criticism from the European mainstream media.

Critics are marginalized as a minority, meanwhile, real social and economic situations are suppressed.

The next striking example of the conflicts of interests of European peoples and the supranational European bureaucracy is the case of the Dutch referendum on the approval of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, which will be held in the Netherlands on 6 April 2016.

Recently a similar Association Agreement was signed with Moldova. The economic and social situation in the country has deteriorated dramatically after the signing of the agreement. After the EU visa-free regime was proclaiming, every third adult citizen of Moldova went to work in EU countries or had already done so prior to the agreement. Almost all of them are employed in unskilled labor.

The current migration situation in the EU is disastrous, both because of the mass influx of refugees from the Middle East and North Africa, and the flow of migrants from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

Meanwhile Brussels aggressively promotes an Association Agreement with the Ukraine, where more than 42 million live with an average monthly wage of $ 120, and monthly pension of $ 40. Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Hungary have already faced the problem of an acute influx of Ukrainian migrants.

When a visa-free regime is adopted, a large mass of working age Ukrainian people will rush to Western Europe to find any opportunity of a better living. If we look at the Moldovan precedent, where the standard of living is higher than in the Ukraine, it is possible to predict the flow of Ukrainian immigration at the level of 5-8 million people in the first 3 years after the visa free regime is established.

This fact is well understood by a number of social and political movements of various European countries.

Maybe the European Union bureaucracy is striving to replicate the US immigration experience, and we are observing the conscious behavior aimed at bringing into the EU as many able-bodied immigrants as possible, in effect a kind of social global engineering program.

Dutch civil society has risked an initiative to contest the issue through a public discourse, its passage dependent upon the results of a national referendum. In the event of a valid vote against the Association Agreement, the Netherlands Parliament has to enact a new law to repeal the Agreement or provide for its entry into force.

Opinion polls in the Netherlands show that between 50% and 75% of pollees are against a hasty border opening for one more depressed Eastern economy.

In its turn, the European bureaucracy, which has taken the full political responsibility for the fate of the Ukrainian regime, has no other way but to push the Association Agreement with Ukraine.

The situation becomes more complicated, because the Ukrainian regime has shown a complete failure over the past 2 years.

  • No signs of a crackdown on corruption. The state and law enforcement bodies are still unreformed.
  • Ukrainian authorities demonstrate total ineptitude in foreign policy.
  • The economic crisis has put the country on the brink of default, despite the multimillion-dollar infusions from numerous sources. The EU money was simply stolen through various corruption schemes
  • A “worm’s-eye-view” in resolving issues of fuel and energy acquisition have endangered the security of the European energy supply.

Under these ambiguous circumstances, the European authorities have found only one way out – to launch a broad propaganda campaign in the Netherlands against the referendum with the full complicity and resources of the mainstream media. They refused to listen to the masses of the people, and thus propose a phased plan for EU integration with the Ukraine, taking into account the existing unsolved problems, whether they be in the Ukraine or the EU.

Pro-referendum rights activists are unable to express their views in any of the mainstream or state-backed media. The referendum initiators are under stiff psychological and physical pressure, however; the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2017 in the Netherlands, as well as a tough stance on the part of the referendum activists, are stifling European Union bureaucracy initiatives.

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Video: Fierce Fighting in Syria

March 3rd, 2016 by South Front

According to reports, about 400 ISIS terrorists were killed and many injured during the clashes in the area of Khanasser and along the supply road linking Hama and Aleppo. In turn, the Syrian forces have reportedly lost some 87 fighters in this area. Such difference in casualties has become possible due to the pro-government forces’ advantage in fire power, intelligence, coordination and logistics grounded of the Russian military grouping in Syria.

The control off the Aleppo-Khanasser road allows the Syrian forces to continue anti-terrorist efforts in the area of Aleppo City and press the advance in the direction of Raqqa.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have reportedly captured the hilltop of Tal Musharafah in the Aleppo province. Tal Musharafah is located along the road of Al-Castillo which is used by the militant groups to resupply their fighters inside Aleppo City. Thus, Al Nusra and its allies are no more able to use this supply route.

About 80 militants formerly fighting in the al-Ghadam region of the Damascus province surrendered to the Syrian government on Mar.1. The Syrian Air Force has been dropping leaflets over the militant-held part of Eastern Ghouta giving the militants a chance to lay down arms and surrender to the government forces.

We remember, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has offered amnesty and an opportunity to return to peaceful life to militants of the opposition groups who lay down the arms.

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President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria declined business overtures from former Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Tony Blair, an extract from the explosive new biography by investigative journalist, Tom Bower has revealed.

According to the book, Blair benefited from classified British security information while touting for lucrative business contracts from foreign governments.

Bower, whose account is based on exclusive interviews with Cabinet ministers, mandarins and other senior sources, said Blair made an attempt to sell Israeli drones to Nigeria.

Tony Blair and President Muhammadu Buhari during his visit to Nigeria

Tony Blair and President Muhammadu Buhari during his visit to Nigeria

“Upon leaving office in 2007, Mr Blair set up several charities, including the Faith Foundation and the Africa Governance Initiative (AGI),” the book said.

In May 2015, Mr Blair flew to Nigeria to meet the new president, Muhammadu Buhari, on a jet chartered by Evgeny Lebedev, the son of a former KGB colonel who owns the London Evening Standard newspaper.

The next day, he visited the British High Commissioner for a comprehensive security briefing on the threat posed by the Islamic terror group Boko Haram.

Tony Blair shake hands with vice president, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo as President Muhammadu Buhari looks on

Armed with this secret information, Mr Blair then visited Mr Buhari’s offices, ostensibly for AGI to set up a so-called Delivery Unit for the president.

But at one stage, Mr Blair told everyone in the room: “Could you all leave us alone now? I have a personal message for the president from David Cameron.”

In fact, says Bower, he spent 20 minutes touting for business on behalf of his private company, Tony Blair Associates – offering to sell the president Israeli drones and other military equipment to help defeat Boko Haram. Mr Buhari is said to have complained: “Blair is just after business”.

Mr Blair is said to have als

Tony Blair shake hands with vice president, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo as President Muhammadu Buhari looks on

Tony Blair shake hands with vice president, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo as President Muhammadu Buhari looks on

o sought security briefings in other British embassies – as well as accommodation for the night.

Last night a spokeswoman for Mr Blair said the claim he used classified security information to tout for business was “utterly without substance”.

She said Mr Blair’s work in Nigeria was for his charities, adding that: “He has never sought a business contract from the government of Nigeria.

“Yes, he certainly has had briefings on Boko Haram. He is very interested in Boko Haram because it concerns directly the work of his foundation which is about countering extremism.

“He didn’t “demand” a salary from J P Morgan. His work as chairman of their International Advisory Council is a matter of public record.

“It is true that some of those around the Palestinian leadership have been critical of Mr Blair. That is because he disagrees strongly with them over their political strategy. However, there are many other Palestinians with whom he works closely and well.

“He has said exactly why he tried to bring about a peaceful resolution of the Libya crisis – to avoid the danger of chaos after Gaddafi fell.”

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“Israeli” Channel 10 reported in its night news bulletin that a high-level Zionist delegation, led by a top official figure, visited the Saudi capital city of Riyadh some weeks ago.

It further noted that the visit is not the first. It is rather one of a series of other previous ones. The channel further added that the Zionist military censorship bans talking about the visit, its content and goals.

Channel 10 stressed that Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and the surrounding princes are not embarrassed of the current relations with “Israel”, yet they consider it necessary to keep them low and within closed rooms as long as the occupation authorities don’t attempt to solve the Palestinian cause.

According to the channel, “Israeli” authorities succeeded in building friendly relations with other Arab countries, including Gulf countries, describing them as “very good”.

It quoted some Saudi princes as telling the Zionist leaders during the meetings that they don’t care to what the occupation is doing with the Palestinians, and that they rather want “Israel” next to them in all what is related to Iran!


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Hillary Clinton’s Fraudulent Actions in Haiti

March 2nd, 2016 by Other Worlds

Missing from the discussion of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s record has been her work in Haiti, where she blatantly manipulated and threatened Haitian government officials to control electoral outcomes. In that country, too, she and her husband have led the way in promoting a sweatshop-led development model.

Other Worlds has compiled a list of articles that take a closer look into Clinton’s work in Haiti and what her Presidency could portend for other nations.

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The FDA Now Officially Belongs to Big Pharma

March 2nd, 2016 by Martha Rosenberg

It is hard to believe only four senators opposed the confirmation of Robert Califf, who was approved today as the next FDA commissioner. Vocal opponent Bernie Sanders condemned the vote from the campaign trail. But where was Dick Durbin? Where were all the lawmakers who say they care about industry and Wall Street profiteers making money at the expense of public health?

Califf, chancellor of clinical and translational research at Duke University until recently, received money from 23 drug companies including the giants like Johnson & Johnson, Lilly, Merck, Schering Plough and GSK according to a disclosure statement on the website of Duke Clinical Research Institute.

Not merely receiving research funds, Califf also served as a high level Pharma officer, say press reports. Medscape, the medical website, discloses that Califf “served as a director, officer, partner, employee, advisor, consultant or trustee for Genentech.” Portola Pharmaceuticals says Califf served on its board of directors until leaving for the FDA.

In disclosure information for a 2013 article in Circulation, Califf also lists financial links to Gambro, Regeneron, Gilead, AstraZeneca, Roche and other companies and equity positions in four medical companies. Gilead is the maker of the $1000-a-pill hepatitis C drug AlterNet recently wrote about. This is FDA commissioner material?

Califf has gone on record that collaboration between industry and regulators is a good thing. He told NPR, “Many of us consult with the pharmaceutical industry, which I think is a very good thing. They need ideas and then the decision about what they do is really up to the person who is funding the study.” What?

He is known for defending Vioxx which is reported to have caused at least 50,000 heart attacks and events before its withdrawal. (Merck is said to have known about Vioxx’ cardio effects but marketed the blockbuster drug anyway.)

Califf was instrumental in the Duke drug trial of the blood thinner Xarelto and a cheerleader of the drug despite medical experts’ objections to its approval and 379 subsequent deaths. Xarelto’s serious and foreseeable risks were back in the news this week.

Duke, where Califf directed clinical research, is still recovering from a major research fraud scandal that resulted in terminated grants, retracted papers and a “60 Minutes” special. It is the least appropriate place from which to choose an FDA commissioner.

Many had high hopes for the FDA when Margaret Hamburg was confirmed as commissioner in 2009 because of her public health background. But she swiftly moved to loosen conflict-of-interest rules governing those who can serve on FDA expert advisory committees and appointed Califf the FDA deputy commissioner for medical products and tobacco as she was leaving.

Califf was also Obama’s choice for FDA Commissioner.

This is not the first time the FDA has brought in a Big Pharma cheerleader to lead the agency that regulates Big Pharma.

In 2005, a 33-year-old Wall Street insider known for recommending hot medical stocks, Scott Gottlieb, was named FDA deputy commissioner for medical and scientific affairs. When a multiple sclerosis drug trial was stopped because three people lost blood platelets and one died, Gottlieb called it “an overreaction” because the disease, not the drug, might be to blame. He rushed Chantix, Pfizer’s stop-smoking drug, varenicline, to market, which was linked to a string of 2006 suicides and the violent death of Dallas musician Carter Albrecht. Gottlieb was forced to recuse himself from planning for a possible bird flu epidemic because of his financial ties to Roche and Sanofi-Aventis and had to bow out of work related to Eli Lilly, Proctor & Gamble and five other drug companies.

Even without a Pharma-funded FDA commissioner, many dangerous drugs approved by the agency have been withdrawn due to great harm. Who remembers Vioxx, Bextra, Baycol, Trovan, Meridia, Seldane, Hismanal, Darvon, Mylotarg, Lotronex, Propulsid, Raxar or Redux?

Califf’s confirmation amounts to a handover of the agency to Big Pharma.

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A Republican Win Could Lead to a Likud Dominated Congress

March 2nd, 2016 by Anthony Bellchambers

The Republican Party has long endorsed Likud Zionism with its economic blockades and military occupations and has accepted the influence of Netanyahu and the Israel lobby over Congress. However, what would that mean, in reality, in the event of a Trump presidency?

It would almost certainly embolden Israel to unilaterally annex the occupied Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan Heights in gross violation of international law and in contempt of the United Nations.

It would allow Netanyahu to claim American endorsement to the whole of Jerusalem being declared the capital of the Israeli state and for the Holy City to be subject to military control.

It would resurrect the proposal of Israel being declared the 51st state of the Union with all the consequences that would flow from an American province located in the Muslim Middle East.

It would increase the likelihood of a global war between the US and Russia, and their respective allies, together with the uncontrolled proliferation of nuclear weapons throughout the Middle East and Asia, plus the threat of a regional war with Mexico.

A Trump-­Netanyahu alliance would mean a very dangerous world dominated by nuclear­-armed submarines in the Dardanelles, the Pacific, the Mediterranean and the North Sea with their control centres in New York and Tel Aviv.

Another consequence would be a weakened European Union subject to the military and economic superiority of a belligerent and enlarged union of the United States of America and Israel.

The alternative is a Democratic Party President of America whose long experience and integrity as an elder statesman of the US Senate is widely respected and whose demand for a more just and fair society is acknowledged as being the best agenda for a prosperous, safer and more equal United States.

[email protected]

London 02/03/2016

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Bill Clinton’s Dubious Economic Legacies

March 2nd, 2016 by Dr. Jack Rasmus

With every televised U.S. presidential debate, listeners are fed a line of bull by candidates about how great previous United States presidents were and how the country needs to return to their policies in order to “make America great again!”

All that’s needed, the Republican candidates say, is to resurrect Reagan policies and today’s U.S. problems will be solved. “Vote for me, and I’ll return to Reagan and restore U.S. greatness,” we’re told.

With the Democrats, it’s a bit more subtle but the underlying message is the same. Under Hillary’s hubby, Bill Clinton in the 1990s, the U.S. created a record number of jobs, incomes were rising, the healthcare crisis was contained, and the U.S. had achieved a “new economy” of prosperity that would only improve further in the 21st century. Under Bill, we were on the right track. George W. Bush screwed it up by reversing course. All we need then is to get back to that “Clinton track” and good times will return again.

But what are the facts? Were Clinton policies a diversion from Reagan? A continuation? Worse?

About Incomes?

During Bill Clinton’s two terms in office, 1992-2000, 45 percent of all the income growth during the period went to the wealthiest 1 percent of families in the US, according to IRS data gathered by economist, Emmanuel Saez, of the University of California, Berkeley.

The S&P 500 stock index rose 234 percent, providing the wealthiest 1 percent households most of that 45 percent gain. Bill’s big tax cut handout to the 1 percent enabled that income growth by reducing capital gains taxation in 1997 from 28 percent to 20 percent. Executives’ direct pay also rose — on average from US$4.5 million in 1992 to US$11.1 million by 2000, for a 342 percent increase. CEO pay was equal to about 90 times the pay of the averaged paid worker; by the end of his second term, CEO pay had risen to more than 300 times the average worker’s pay.

How did the average worker do over the same period? Adjusted for inflation, in 1982 real dollars, average hourly pay rose by a paltry 5.8 percent over eight years. At the bottom of the work force, the minimum wage, measured in real terms, rose by a mere 4 cents an hour to US$5.50. The 5.8 percent and 4 cents an hour were more than offset by workers’ rising contributions to continue their pensions and healthcare insurance coverages.

Tax Rip-Offs

Apart from reducing capital gains taxes for wealthy stock and bond owners, Clinton exempted the top 10 percent households from tax hikes in 1993. Thereafter, in his big tax cut act of 1997, he raised the threshold for paying any estate tax, cut gift taxes (so the rich could give more to relatives), repealed the alternative minimum tax for small businesses and reduced it for larger corporations. Meanwhile, the effective corporate tax rate — i.e. the rate at which they actually paid a percent of their profits — fell from 18 percent in 1995 to 12 percent. In his second term, 1996-2000, no fewer than 63 percent of all corporations in the U.S. paid no corporate income tax whatsoever, amounting to a US$2.5 trillion tax windfall.

Income inequality trends, topical in the U.S. and the current 2016 presidential campaign today, actually accelerated under Clinton, and even more than under Reagan.

Job Creation

OK, so the rich got significantly richer on Bill Clinton’s watch. But at least U.S. workers were able to enjoy significant job creation, according to the Clinton camp.

Hillary and Democrats like to talk a lot about the jobs created in Bill’s second term. Admittedly, jobs were created, but they were mostly in low pay service occupations. Meanwhile, higher paid manufacturing jobs were being lost in the millions as a result of Bill Clinton free trade policies alone. Clinton proved an even fiercer “free trader” than Reagan. In 1993, he rammed through Congress legislation to expand the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to include Mexico. One million, higher paid U.S. manufacturing jobs were lost due to NAFTA on Clinton’s watch, another 880,000 lost to China due to Clinton giving that country what is called “preferred nation trading rights” (PNTR), and another 1.2 million due to the U.S.’s exploding trade deficit in general — according to research by the Economic Policy Institute in the U.S. Corroborating the Institute, the U.S. Commerce Dept. in the 1990s estimated that 13,000 jobs are lost for every US$1 billion trade deficit — and that trade deficit rose from US$118 billion in 1993 to US$436 billion by 2000 under Bill Clinton.

Another problem with jobs during Bill’s term in office was the rise in what is called ‘contingent’ jobs, which means part time, temp, contracting, and other “alternative” forms of employment that typically pay 60 percent of full time regular jobs and very few benefits. Considering just part time and temp agency jobs, such low paid, tentative employment rose from about 22 million in 1995 to 27 million by 2000. In other words, when and if jobs were created on Bill’s watch, they were often low paid contingent jobs.

Healthcare and Health Insurance

Then there’s health care. The Clintons like to brag about how Hillary’s 1995 reforms, called “managed health care” (MHC), were successful in keeping healthcare costs down. Health care spending cost increase slowed a little in the 1990s. Instead of a 400 percent increase, as during the 1980s, health spending rose by only 60 percent from 1990 to 2000. However, that slower rate of increase was likely because the percent of corporations providing health insurance declined from 63 percent to 45 percent. Obviously, with 18 percent fewer companies offering health insurance, without coverage many workers had no choice but to forego spending on health care. The U.S. Census population survey shows that 31 million citizens lacked any health insurance in 1987. By 1998, this had grown to 44 million — a total which was then “redefined” by Clinton thereafter and reduced to “only” 39 million uninsured by 1999.

Pension Plans

Retirement benefits fared no better under Clinton. True pension plans, called Defined Benefit Plans, which guarantee retirement payments, were abandoned by the tens of thousands by companies in the 1990s. They were replaced by pseudo pensions called “401k” plans, under which workers may lose every penny of their contributions. As companies dropped defined benefit for 401k plans, enrollment in 401ks rose from 18 to 42 million workers . In addition, Clinton also allowed corporations to declare “pension contribution holidays,” during which they need make no mandatory contributions to their pension funds. Another Clinton move was to allow corporations to withdraw cash from their pension funds to cover 20 percent of their, the corporations’ share of the cost of health care insurance.

The Clinton campaign’s frequent claims today that Bill’s two terms in office were days of exceptional economic good times for U.S. workers is just plain false. On several policy fronts, Bill Clinton was actually worse than Reagan — especially with regard to free trade and benefits like health care and pensions. At best, Bill Clinton’s presidency and legacy therefore represents a continuation of Reagan’s — not a shift from his predecessor.

We shouldn’t expect anything less from Hillary — i.e. her continuation of Obama’s economic policies, which have brought very little benefit to U.S. workers while providing massive income shifts even more generous to the wealthiest 1 percent and their corporations.

During Bill Clinton’s term in office, 45% of all the income gains went to the wealthiest 1%. But under Barack Obama, 97% of all income gains went to the wealthiest 1%, according to IRS data. And Hillary says she wants to continue BO’s work as well as Bill’s.

Reagan, the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama–they’re all representatives of the two wings of the Corporate Party of America–aka Republicans and Democrats. Time to end the one party system in the USA don’t you think?

Jack Rasmus is author of the recently released book, “Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy,” Clarity Press, January 2016, which is available on Amazon, in bookstores, and from the publisher, Clarity Press.

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Everybody should be aware by now of the large amount of control that for-profit multinational corporations have over both state and federal legislative bodies and most of our congressional and presidential politicians (except for Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein). But they also have a lot of control over the major media, the “defense” spending priorities at the Pentagon, America’s educational institutions, many of our medical schools and even what constitutes post-graduate medical education for physicians.

For-profit corporate influences on for-profit medicine and for-profit “blue ribbon panels” explains much of what is regarded as the very profitable “standard of care” in medicine today. It also explains the prescribing habits and politics of many of us physicians.

Indeed, there has been a crisis of confidence among a small minority (as usual, a minority) of conscientious physicians, citizens, voters and employees of those institutions. Some of the folks that have become aware of what is happening may eventually rise up to blow a whistle on the creeping corporate domination of what is left of free, democratic America.

One only has to consider the corporate intrigue that has allowed the emergence of the anti-democratic, pro-corporate agendas of NAFTA, ALEC, Citizens’ United, the PATRIOT Act, the Homeland Security Act, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, PNAC, the National Defense Authorization Acts, the endless war agendas, etc, etc.

Most of my readers see the evidence of that assertion on a daily basis. It is everywhere. It is blatantly evident when listening to politicians, watching the news on TV, reading the newspaper, paying for our unaffordable health insurance (that has unaffordable co-pays) and inaccessible health care (with large, unaffordable deductibles) or when filling our next unaffordable prescription at the pharmacy. Everywhere you look, Big Business is extracting money from our pockets. Big Pharma and Big Insurance don’t even try to hide their nefarious agendas anymore. They, like most powerful, wealthy, sociopathic organizations, seem to have no shame.

Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Insurance and Big Medicine Aren’t Necessarily Good for Your Health

In medicine, the mark of corporate dominance is obvious in the drug commercials on TV and in the silencing of the voices of conscientious science-based drug and vaccine skeptics.

It has increasingly come to my attention that institutions such as the CDC, the FDA, the AMA, the AAP, the AAFP and even the prestigious Mayo Clinic (perhaps to keep competitive with other for-profit, corporate-influenced medical institutions) have begun taking money from corporations interested in selling their products and services at a high profit.

In the case of Big Medicine and Big Pharma, this money-influencing takes the form of pharmaceutical company-generated “unrestricted” grants, speaker’s bureau fees, advertising income in medical journals, funding for drug-related research and the granting of stock options for being helpful to the corporations. Those institutions, once supposedly non-profit institutions that were independent of outside corporate influences, now often act as spokespersons for the multinational pharmaceutical and vaccine industries.

To their shame, these organizations often act like Big Pharma lobbyists and often ignore (and even suppress) a lot of the new evidence-based medical research data that may contradict the established, sometimes out-of-date medical dogmas that most well-off establishment groups adhere to. Ignoring or repressing new research and ostracizing conscientious researchers is bad medicine and bad science.

Some Unwelcome Truths About Gardisil

A case in point is the widespread, premature acceptance of Big Pharma giant Merck & Company’s genetically-engineered, human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardisil, a vaccine blockbuster that has been on the market since 2006.

That multibillion dollar/year vaccine is advertised to (theoretically) prevent cancer of the cervix (which normally takes 20 – 30 years to develop, and therefore the alleged protection against cancer has NOT YET BEEN PROVEN – because the FDA allowed the vaccine to be fast-tracked!). Gardisil costs patients $130 – $150 for each of the three recommended shots (not including office calls). Merck, the obscenely wealthy and powerful Big Pharma corporation recommends that the three shots be given over a 6 month period in order to obtain sufficient immunoglobulin levels to render the patient temporarily resistant to only four strains of HPV or two strains in the case of Glaxo’s Cervarix HPV vaccine).

But any protection obtained from Gardisil applies to only four of over a hundred known strains of HPV that aren’t in the vaccine, some of which also have a correlation with cervical cancer and genital warts. In addition, because of individual variations in immune response to vaccination (which the vaccine companies admit perplexes them), a number of patients will still not obtain serologic “immunity” to the handful of viral strains even after three inoculations. Furthermore, it is still not known how many booster shots will eventually be recommended over the years before the risk of cervical cancer finally emerges.

No Guarantee of Vaccine Efficacy and Lots of Risks

Just two years after Gardisil’s introduction into the US, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reported the following HPV vaccine-related problems, including 32 deaths (that were more or less equally distributed following either the first, second or third inoculation). The median interval from vaccination to death was 14.5 days.

HPV vaccine-related problems that were reported on the VAERS site included

autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, lymphadenopathy, pulmonary embolus, nausea, pancreatitis, vomiting, asthenia (weakness), chills, death, chronic fatigue, malaise, autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity reactions (including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, bronchospasm, and urticaria), arthralgia, myalgia, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, dizziness, Guillain-Barré syndrome, headache, motor neuron disease, paralysis, seizures, syncope (sometimes resulting in falling with injury), transverse myelitis, and deep venous thrombosis.

But contrast what Mayo Clinic’s 2016 website says about adverse reactions to HPV vaccines:

“may cause soreness at the injection site (the arm), headaches and low-grade fever. Sometimes dizziness or fainting occurs after the injection… Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline’s bivalent HPV vaccine) might also cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal pain.”

For some reason (corporate interests being served?), Mayo’s website fails to mention ANY of the serious adverse effects that were reported on VAERS. The principle of informed consent is being shamefully side-stepped by the Mayo Clinic. Not giving adequate information about the risks and benefits of a treatment makes a health provider liable to a malpractice lawsuit if adverse outcomes occur, notwithstanding the 1986 law.

As of January 2015 VAERS revealed that there had been 220 reported HPV vaccine-related deaths, 1,283 reported disabled patients, 3,945 reported hospital admissions, 12,305 reported admissions to an emergency room, 595 reported abnormal Pap smears, 262 reported cases of cervical dysplasia and 100 reported cases of cervical cancer! It is important to mention that the FDA admits that as few as 1% of adverse reactions to drugs or vaccines are ever reported by patients or physicians, so these numbers are likely to be falsely low. In other words, the real number of adverse events related to HPV could be as much as 100 times higher than the reported 38,217!

Despite their “confidence” in the efficacy of the vaccine, Merck and Glaxo still advise that inoculated patients follow the same schedule of regular Pap smears that unvaccinated women are advised to follow. In other word, there is no guarantee the shots will work.

Of course, ever since the outrageous, pro-Big Pharma, Reagan-era National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, nobody in America can sue vaccine companies (or their physicians or clinics apparently) for deaths, injuries, diseases or disabilities caused by vaccines. There is a separate vaccine-injury court for that, and it has a huge backlog of cases. The program is called The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program of 1988 (VICP).

The VICP was set up two years after the NCVIA Act, but it is not financed by the vaccine industry. Rather, it is paid for entirely by a surcharge that patients have to pay each time they get a vaccination. Many roadblocks are set in place on the path to compensation that prevents justice from being granted to the vaccine injured. Most applicants that appear before that VCIP court are harassed and traumatized by delays, and every recipient who is finally awarded compensation is angry at the stingy level of payment, which never takes into account the lifelong cost of being permanently disabled.

According to the following list of VICP claims (posted at the website of just one law firm), most permanently injured patients (most of them are permanent neurological injuries) are awarded la small fraction of what is needed to sustain life for the rest of their lives.

This list only represents a fraction of the claims that were paid out in 2015. Read it and weep. And then, after also considering the fact that there are 271 new vaccines in the Big Pharma developmental pipeline (to perhaps be mandated by the CDC), reassess what corporate-influenced, for-profit medical institutions are telling us about the safety of America’s over-vaccination program.

For more about other warnings about the HPV vaccinations, see:

American College of Pediatricians Latest to Warn of Gardasil HPV Vaccine Dangers”



(For another view about the dangers of HPV vaccines, as well as a discussion on the debatable science of HPV-related cervical cancer, check out Dr Russell Blaylock’s viewpoint at:

Compensation for Vaccine Injuries: From a Single Law Firm (


Vaccine Name

or Symptoms

Amount Compensated


Influenza Vaccine

Transverse Myelitis



Influenza Vaccine





Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Acute Demyelinating Encephalomyelitis ADEM

$497,000 + Lifetime Annuity


Flu Vaccine




Influenza Vaccine

Transverse Myelitis



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration



Flu Vaccine

GBS and/or CIDP



Influenza Vaccine

GBS, Miller Fisher Syndrome, AIDP



Influenza Vaccine




Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Flu Vaccine

Chonic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy CIDP



Brachial Plexitis

Hepatitis B Vaccine







Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Flu Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Rotavirus Vaccine




Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Shoulder Injury



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA)



Influenza Vaccine

Transverse Myelitis



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Miller Fisher Syndrome; GBS



Flu Vaccine

Shoulder Injury



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Flu Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza Vaccine




Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Psoriasiform Dermatitis



Influenza Vaccine




Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Flu Vaccine

Arm Injury




Brachial Neuritis



Influenza Vaccine

Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP)



Influenza Vaccine

Transverse Myelitis



Flu Vaccine

Transvese Myelitis



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Tdap, Menactra

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)



Influenza Vaccine

Brachial Neuritis, Inflammatory Polyarthritis, Inflammatory Reactive Tissue around Rotator Cuff, Inflammatory Tendinitis




Guillain Barre Syndrome



Flu Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Flu Vaccine

Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA)



Trivalent Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)




Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Transverse Myelitis, Multiple Sclerosis



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Flu Vaccine

Demyelinating Polyneuropathy



Flu Vaccine




Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Tdap, Menactra

Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Tdap, Menactra

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Neurological Injury; Significant Aggravation



Influenza Vaccine, TDaP

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Demyelinating Polyneuropathy



Flu Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Flu Vaccine

CIDP, Transverse Myelitis



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA)



Influenza Vaccine

Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA)



Flu Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza (Flu) Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



TDaP Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome



Influenza (Flu) Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)







Influenza (Flu) Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS)



Influenza Vaccine

Guillain Barre Syndrome


Dr Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. He writes a weekly column for the Reader, Duluth’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns mostly deal with the dangers of American fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, malnutrition, psychiatric drugging, over-vaccination regimens, Big Pharma and other movements that threaten the environment or America’s health, democracy, civility and longevity. Many of his columns are archived at

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Alwaght- Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir [pictured left] accompanied by the Saudi intelligence chief Khaled al-Hamidan made a secret visit to Israel during the past few days.

Elsewhere other reports indicate that the visit was meant to discuss joint Israeli-Saudi military operations against Syria and Lebanon. During the clandestine visit, Adel al-Jubeir met with officials of the Israeli regime’s spy agency Mossad.

He also met with the regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu and urged Tel Avivi regime to intensify military operations against Syria with the aim of overthrowing President Bashar al-Assad.

Elsewhere, high-ranking Israeli regime officials visited the Saudi capital, Riyadh, in the last few weeks to plot against Iran.

In a report, Israeli regime’s channel 10 added that said that the delegation was headed by a prominent Israeli official.

The visit was not the first one to the Kingdom, but the Israeli regime’s Military Censor prohibits the reports talking about such visits, according to Channel 10.

King Salman Bin Abdulaziz and the Saudi princes are not embarrassed by having ties with the Israeli regime. However, they prefer they remain confidential, the report added.

Meanwhile, the Israeli channel 10 quoted Saudi officials as saying during the meetings that they are not interested in solving the Palestinian cause. However they want the Israeli regime to stand by Saudi Arabia against Iran.

Mid-February Netanyahu said it was time for Tel Aviv make public its close ties with some Arab countries.

Speaking during the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Netanyahu said that the so-called moderate Arab countries see Israel as their ally, not their enemy, as they share a common struggle against Iran among others.

Netanyahu’s remarks came the same day as the regime’s War Minister Moshe Ya’alon said there were open channels between Israel and other Arab states, but the “sensitive” situation prevents him from shaking hands with Arab officials in public. He later publicly shook the hand of Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal al-Saud.

Representatives from the Israel regime and Saudi Arabia secretly met several times in 2014-15 to discuss their positions against Iran.

According to a Bloomberg report early June last year, five bilateral meetings were held over the a 17 month period in India, Italy, and the Czech Republic.

Reactionary Arab states have established close ties with the Israeli regime unmindful of its unprecedented war crimes, genocide, atrocities against Palestinians and occupation of Palestinian territories especially the third holiest Islamic site, the Al Aqsa Mosque.


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The news has been abuzz before and during the ceasefire announced amid Syria’s conflict about Saudi Arabia’s possible intervention. Saudi Arabia has threatened to intervene amid incomprehensible, contradicting rhetoric, claiming that it would enter Syrian territory to “fight” IS (the Islamic State), but would do so only now because the Syrian government has refused to step down.

Of course, the only coherent forces on the ground fighting IS now are the Syrian government’s troops and Kurdish fighters who now appear to be working with Damascus. Saudi Arabia’s intervention to remove President Bashar al Assad from power would seem to work in IS’ favor, not against it. To give Saudi Arabia’s confusing threats some teeth, Riyadh announced its “Northern Thunder” military exercises which it claimed would be one of the largest military exercises ever held. The United Arab Emirates’ “The National,” would report in an article titled, “Saudi Arabia hosts joint military exercise,” that:

Armed forces from 20 countries have begun manoeuvres in northeastern Saudi Arabia, described by the official Saudi Press Agency as one of the world’s biggest military exercises.

Troops from the other five Gulf Arab states – the UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar – as well as Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan and Sudan are among those participating in the Ra’ad Al Shamal, or Northern Thunder, exercise, Spa agency reported.

The military drill – which began on Saturday and involves ground, air and naval forces – will be “one of the world’s most important military exercises based on the number of forces participating and the area of territory used”, the agency said.

While that sounds impressive, with Saudi news outlets claiming some 350,000 troops were expected to participate, not a single photo or video has surfaced so far showing this impressive force in action. The entire point of mounting such monumental military exercises is to show off one’s military power to the world, not merely write about it in news articles. And more specifically, in Saudi Arabia’s case, such exercises are meant to show those nations it is trying to coerce by threat of military force just what it faces if concessions are not made.

The National Interest in an article titled, “Saudi Arabia Goes to War,” points out some obvious shortcomings of Saudi Arabia’s military that, even at face value, undermine Riyadh’s threats before they left the mouths of its diplomatic corps. In the article it states:

Tanks, combat aircraft and missiles are only as powerful as the people operating, maintaining and supporting them. And in this domain, Saudi Arabia has a very long way to go.

Not much is known about the proficiency of Saudi Arabia’s military as a fighting force. The only real war the Saudis have taken part in was Operation Desert Storm in 1991; and most of the fighting there was done by the US. More recently Saudi Arabia has been fighting in Yemen, but unsuccessfully so far. Foreign advisers speak about the difficulties in bringing Saudi Arabian soldiers to the desired combat readiness and proficiency.

The article also mentions another key shortcoming, Saudi Arabia’s overdependence on foreign soldiers filling its ranks and the high number of contractors it relies on, as illustrated in its ongoing war with neighboring Yemen.

Multiplying Complications

There are several complications that immediately undermine Saudi Arabia’s threats. It’s one thing to have an army, but it’s another thing to actually get it into another theater of war that isn’t bordering your own nation. Moving troops into Syria will require the cooperation and complicity as well as additional logistical expertise of other nations to move troops from Saudi Arabia either through Jordan and into Syria, or in large numbers to Turkey by sea and then onward to Syria.

And, it is one thing to have such capabilities to move enough troops for any sort of meaningful incursion into Syria, and quite another thing to be able to keep them armed, fueled and otherwise supplied, especially during sustained combat operations.

However, this last point could be addressed by Saudi troops simply latching on to the supply lines already in place for Al Qaeda and IS, lines likely already very familiar to planners in Riyadh, since they have helped underwrite them to begin with. Still, the unique requirements for a modern, mechanized army would need these lines expanded and augmented, something Saudi Arabia has little experience doing.

And experience is perhaps a third failing Saudi Arabia brings with it when it tries to threaten other nations of invasion. Entering into the Syrian conflict and doing anything more than seizing a buffer zone at the edge of Syria’s territory would be the first “rodeo” of its kind for Riyadh. And if such a move was considered a “rodeo,” its move into Yemen next door could be considered a “junior rodeo,” and one Riyadh has yet to finish.

Saudi Arabia’s Threat of Invasion is Cover For Something Else…

If Saudi Arabia cannot even win on the battlefield in neighboring Yemen, with fighting even spilling over the border into Saudi territory, it is unlikely it will do any better against the battle-hardened, better organized and better equipped forces of the Syrian Arab Army, let alone Russia’s presence in the country. Clearly Saudi Arabia’s phantom military exercises and posturing are cover for something else. It is likely that anything that goes over the border into Syria under the Saudi flag will be anything other than actual Saudi forces. Remember those Al Qaeda and IS supply lines mentioned earlier? What if the fighters and equipment pouring into Syria simply changed their black flags to Saudi Arabia’s?

And though Saudi Arabia’s demands for “democracy” in Syria despite the fact that Saudi Arabia itself is an absolute monarchy devoid entirely of elections, staged or otherwise, are particularly discredited, an undeserving air of legitimacy still surrounds the regime in Riyadh, perhaps enough to make it difficult for Syrian or Russian forces to attack terrorists flagged as Saudis. Consider also that while moving thousands of additional troops into the theater may be difficult, moving Saudi warplanes is not. Many are already reportedly in Turkey, standing by for operations. Saudi-flagged terrorists backed by Saudi airpower would be a particularly potent mix that could keep supply lines to terrorists fighting in Syria’s interior open long enough to break Syrian-Russian operational momentum and create a stalemate only tough concessions made by Moscow and Damascus could break.

With this possibility, it would benefit Syria and its allies to begin considering a true no-fly-zone over the country, excluding from Syrian airspace all nations (especially the Saudis and Turks) not given authorization by Damascus. The matter could be brought before the UN under the plausible pretext that Syrian troops are closing in on IS positions in Al Raqqa and the chance of mishaps are growing by the day. This is not even a ploy, because in fact, Syrian forces are closing in on Al Raqqa. Now would be as good a time as any to begin closing off Syrian airspace and helping the US and its allies back down from increasingly desperate options, saving them from themselves and their demonstrably bad judgement.

Ulson Gunnar, is a New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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Image: Women protest outside the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday against “sham” abortion laws that have threatened their health and autonomy. (Photo: NARAL Pro-choice NC/Twitter)

The U.S. Supreme Court, with one vacant seat, heard oral arguments on Wednesday in what is widely believed to be the most consequential reproductive rights case since Roe v. Wade, one which observers warn could dramatically alter abortion access for women across the country.

“The Supreme Court, and this nation, is at a crossroads,” Ilyse Hogue, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, declared Wednesday ahead of the court hearing.The case, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, questions whether a Texas law that set stringent requirements for abortion clinics, with the intention of forcing the shutdown of women’s health providers, is actually legal. Observers say that a high court ruling on the law could set a binding precedent as similar Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers, or TRAP, laws have been implemented by Republican governments in a number of states.

“Either we will empower women and families by protecting and expanding reproductive freedom, including the right to an abortion, or we will all but eliminate access to abortion in many states across this country,” Hogue continued. “With access to abortion gone, women also lose the ability to determine our families, our lives, and our destinies.”

The Wall Street Journal provided live updates on the court hearing Wednesday.

The law, HB2, has already forced the closure of more than 40 abortion providers in Texas, and is poised to leave the nation’s second-largest state with 10 or fewer clinics. It stipulates that clinics meet the standards of ambulatory surgical centers, where outpatient operations are performed, and requires that doctors performing abortions hold admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of a clinic.

“These sham regulations are designed to do one thing, and one thing only: shut down clinics. And when clinics close, women suffer,” said Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights.

“At its heart,” Northup continued, “this case is about a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her health and family and the politicians who are using underhanded schemes to take that right away.”

Following the morning’s arguments, Amy Hagstrom Miller, CEO of Whole Woman’s Health, the lead plaintiff in this case, sent an emailed statement warning against the implications of the case—for women across Texas and the nation.

“We’re fighting a harsh, cruel law that does nothing to promote women’s health,” Hagstrom Miller said.

“Today we stood up for the woman from Lubbock who will drive over 250 miles one way to end her pregnancy. We stood up for the mom from Laredo who will look through her cabinets, hoping to find something that will end her own pregnancy because she can’t afford the travel, the child care or the multiple days off work that have become part of getting an abortion in Texas.”

However, she added that the case

“isn’t about one clinic or even one state. It is about every single one of us. Because we all should expect equality, dignity, and justice in making our own health decisions. At Whole Woman’s Health we know we’re on the right side of history—and we’re hopeful that the court will be as well.”

The Supreme Court is expected to issue its ruling in the case by the end of June.

In the wake of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, with one vacant seat and thus an ideologically split court, all eyes are focused on Justice Anthony Kennedy as the deciding voice in this case. A deadlocked vote will leave the Texas law in place. However, if Kennedy does not side with the conservative bloc, the decision “will determine the future of abortion regulation,” wrote New York Times‘ Supreme Court expert Linda Greenhouse.

Greenhouse explains:

The emphasis on women’s health is a reflection of the evolution of the anti-abortion movement during the years since the court, in its 1973 Roe v. Wadedecision, declared a constitutional right to abortion. The movement’s original emphasis on the fetus failed to achieve the goal of overturning Roe either by constitutional amendment or by changing the direction of the court. Groups including Americans United for Life, a strategic and highly effective policy generator for the movement, began to urge sympathetic politicians to invoke women’s welfare as the reason for imposing new restrictions on abortion.

Hellerstedt marks the first occasion for the U.S. Supreme Court to examine the legality of TRAP laws.

Indeed, according to reporting, much of the discussion during Wednesday’s hearing revolved around whether the spate of clinic closures in Texas is directly tied to the introduction of HB2, which the plaintiffs argue has placed an “undue burden” on abortion.

During the hearing, U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, who is supporting the challengers on behalf of the Obama administration, said that the ultimate question in this case is whether the right to abortion established in prior Supreme Court cases still “contains any real substance,” WSJ reports. If it does, Verrilli reasoned, “then the Texas law cannot stand.”

Meanwhile, outside the Supreme Court, women of all ages protested for their right to a safe and healthy abortion with a rally to denounce “sham” laws, like HB2. And for passersby, an interactive, multimedia exhibit was erected this week on the National Mall by the women’s advocacy group UltraViolet showcasing how women “really experience abortion care throughout the country” to show “what’s at stake” with Hellerstedt.

Protest pictures and updates are being shared on Twitter under the hashtag #StoptheSham.

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Originally published in January 2013:

Many tourists from the US and around the world visit Hawaii for its beautiful islands and its beaches covered with white sand. It is known for its food and traditional luau celebrations, its native people and its culture. When you vacation in Hawaii it offers surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, hiking and many other activities. It has been the 50th State of the United States since August 21st, 1959. Since statehood, tourism has been the main industry followed by Education, Government and the Military. However, Hawaii was a country whose government of Queen Lili’uokalani was overthrown more than 120 years ago on January 17th, 1893, when Hawaii was actually known as the Kingdom of Hawaii. It is a part of history that needs to be told.

Hawaii has experienced a transformation of its culture and politics into a Western-style democracy that has seen a steady decline in the indigenous Hawaiian population. In a US Census Bureau of 2011 reported that native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders accounted for only 10.1% of the total population.

Hawaii has also experienced a militarization of its country since President William McKinley; a veteran of the American Civil War expanded the US military on Hawaii with several bases. Military expansion continued under President Theodore Roosevelt. After the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 the US military expanded its power and declared Martial Law until October 24th, 1944. Since then Hawaii has been turned into a major strategic location for the US military. Since January 1st, 1947, the U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM) was established after World War II with its headquarters based in Aiea, a small Hawaiian town on the island of Oahu, near the community of Halawa Heights. The story of Hawaii is tragic and the world needs to know exactly what happened to the sovereignty of this nation. It is not just an island where you can have an adventurous vacations, because the truth is that Hawaii was systematically stolen from its native population by an imperial power, one that it was setting its horizons towards the rest of the world, but this time through the Pacific Ocean.

Before the American Occupation

The Kingdom of Hawaii had been an independent Chiefdom since 1810 with smaller independent chiefdoms of O’ahu, Maui, Moloka’i, Lana’i, Kaua’i and Ni’ihau that were unified by the chiefdom of Hawaii under King Kamehameha I or “Kamehameha the Great”. Hawaii had its own culture and political systems for at least 2,000 years before the unification of Hawaii in 1810. There were two families who ruled the Kingdom of Hawaii, the House of Kamahameha who ruled from 1810-1872 and the Kalakaua Dynasty from 1873-1893.

King Kamehameha I

King Kamehameha I

Kamehameha I ruled from 1810 until 1819, the year he died. His son King Kamehameha II was his successor and ruled Hawaii from May 8, 1819 until July 1824 the day he died of measles in London.Then King Kamehameha III, the second son of Kamehameha I, was the successor to the throne. The Hawaiian Kingdom was governed independently until 1838. It was based upon a system of common law, which included the ancient kapu (taboo) and the traditions of the Chiefs. King Kamehameha III initiated and influenced the Declaration of Rights and signed it on June 7, 1839. It was the first step into a modern democracy, one that did not follow the ancient ways of life that the people of Hawaii were accustomed to. It offered protections to all classes of people, Government, Chiefs and Native tenants.

King Kamehameha II

King Kamehameha II (right)

The Declaration of Rights opening statement read as follows:“God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the earth,” in unity and blessedness. God has also bestowed certain rights alike on all men and all chiefs, and all people of all lands. These are some of the rights which He has given alike to every man and every chief of correct deportment; life, limb, liberty, freedom from oppression; the earnings of his hands and the productions of his mind, not however to those who act in violation of the laws”. On October 8, 1840, King Kamehameha III voluntarily relinquished his powers and created a constitution that recognized three divisions of a civilized monarchy that included the King as the Chief Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary. The King represented the Government class, the House of Nobles represented the Chiefly class and the House of Representatives represented the Tenant class (Native Hawaiians). The Hawaiian Government’s function was to protect the rights that were already established by the 1839 Declaration of Rights. King Kamehameha III introduced Hawaii’s first constitution as a constitutional monarchal system modeled after the Declaration of Independence of the United States. The Constitution defined the duties of each branch of government through laws stated that protected the rights and maintained the duties with respect for better relations between all three classes of people.

King Kamehameha III

King Kamehameha III

The new constitution encouraged the development of the country with industry and commerce. The Constitution granted land tenure which protected the rights of landowners as to promote the cultivation of soil modeled after feudalism in Medieval Europe where tenants were allowed to occupy lands in exchange for their service or labor. However, such arrangements under the revised constitution did not require a vassal-style service by both the Chiefly and Tenant classes to the King as in medieval times.By 1843, King Kamehameha III sent delegations to the United States and Europe to settle differences and negotiate treaties for recognition of Hawaii’s Independence. That same year, the success of the delegations meetings with the US and Europe acknowledged Hawaii’s call for their recognition as an independent nation. Many nations recognized Hawaii’s claim of sovereignty by 1843 and signed on to numerous Treaties and Conventions over the years including Denmark (1846), Great Britain (1851), Sweden and Norway (1852), France (1857), Belgium (1862), Netherlands (1862), Italy and Spain (1863), Russia (1869), Japan (1871), Austria-Hungary (1875), Hamburg and Bremen (now Germany in 1879), Portugal (1882) and many others. Ironically, the United States which recognized Hawaii’s claim to sovereignty and signed numerous treaties and conventions in 1849, 1870, 1875, 1883 and 1884.On December 15, 1854 King Kamehameha III had died, his successor, King Kamehameha IV born Alexander ʻIolani Liholiho Keawenui was assumed office of the Constitutional Monarch. He died of chronic asthma on November 30, 1863. Lot Kapuaiwa, a former Premier became King Kamehameha V under constitutional law of 1852. He was the architect behind the 1864 Constitution or the ‘Kamehameha Constitution’ that did not relinquish more power to the Monarch, because the power of the Monarch it once had, was now limited.

King Kamehameha IV

King Kamehameha IV (right)

It was also law that the Monarch had to take an oath of office to serve the people. The new constitution also removed the office of the Kuhina Nui (Premier) because it interfered with the duties of the Minister of Interior. On December 11, 1872, King Kamehameha V died. He did not name a successor to the throne. On January 8, 1873, William Charles Lunalilo of the Kalakaua Dynasty was elected successor to King Kamehameha V. One year later on February 3rd, 1874, King Lunalilo died without naming a successor. The Hawaiian Legislature then elected David Kalakaua on February 12th, 1874 in a special session. His first act was to nominate and confirm his younger brother, William P. Leleiohoku, as successor, but on April 10, 1877, William P. Leleiohoku had died. King David Kalakaua publicly announced Lydia Kamaka’eha Dominis to be his successor who was later called Queen Lili’uokalani. By 1887, turmoil erupted when the Bayonet Constitution was imposed on Hawaii by a small group of American, European and Hawaiian nationals called the “Honolulu Rifles” which had more than 1,500 armed men. They had a meeting and planned to take away the political rights from the native population. They threatened King David Kalakaua with death if he did not accept their demands. One of the demands was for a new Cabinet Council, so on July 7, 1887 the new “Bayonet Constitution” was forced upon the King by the newly imposed members of his cabinet.

King Kamehameha V

King Kamehameha V

However, the Legislative Assembly had been adjourned since October 16, 1886 making the new constitution illegal because it did not obtain the consent or the necessary ratification of the Legislative Assembly. The new constitution forced voters including foreign nationals (who were considered aliens and first time voters) to swear an oath to support the constitution before they could vote in any election. The “Honolulu Rifles” used the vote to disenfranchise the majority vote of the native Hawaiian population so that “White” foreign nationals can gain control of the Legislature and it also provided a loophole that benefited the self-imposed Cabinet Council to control the Monarchy. Hui Kalai’aina or the Hawaiian Political Party was an organization that protested against the constitution of 1887. Hui Kalai’aina consistently petitioned King David Kalakaua to bring back the legitimate 1864 constitution.

The Overthrow of Queen Lili’uokalani

Queen Lili'uokalani

Queen Lili’uokalani

The Annexation of Hawaii was a result of a planned Coup d’état by a group of Christian Missionaries who came from Boston, Massachusetts called the Committee of Safety, a 13-member group of the Hawaiian League or ironically known as the Annexation Club composed of American, Hawaiian, and European citizens who were also members of the Missionary Party. The Coup also involved American and European residents who supported the Reform Party of the Hawaiian Kingdom.On January 16, Charles B. Wilson a Marshal of the Kingdom was told that a planned coup was taking place by Hawaiian detectives. Wilson requested warrants to arrest members of the Committee of Safety and called for martial law. But the members were politically connected to United States Government Minister John L. Stevens so the requests were denied by Attorney General Arthur P. Peterson and members of the Queen’s cabinet to avoid any violence if they issued the arrest warrants.The planned Coup was led by Lorrin A. Thurston, a grandson of American missionaries and future President of the Provisional Government of Hawaii, Sanford B. Dole. He was supported by American and European business interests that were living in Hawaii. Thurston was also supported by the Reform Party of the Hawaiian Kingdom who registered voters and delivered voter turnouts for political candidates in their favor. After Wilson tried to negotiate with Thurston which failed, he began a mobilization of armed men for a confrontation with the Committee of Safety with Captain Samuel Nowlein of the Royal Household Guard and accumulated a force of about 496 men to protect the Queen.

Lorrin A. Thurston

Lorrin A. Thurston

The Coup began on January 17, 1893 when a local police officer was shot and wounded trying to stop a wagon carrying weapons to the Honolulu Rifles. The Committee of Safety organized the Honolulu Rifles to position themselves at Ali’olani Hale, right across the street from Iolani Palace (the Queen’s residence) and waited for her response to the Coup.The overthrow of Queen Lili’uokalani took place on January 17, 1893. The Committee of Safetyremoved the queen, overthrew the entire monarchy, and led the charge for Hawaii’s annexation to the United States. What prompted the actions undertaken to overthrow the Queen? Three days prior to the Coup, which was on January 14, 1893, Queen Lili’uokalani drafted a new constitution that carried the principles and the laws of the Constitution of 1864. During the Coup, the Committee of Safety was concerned that American citizens could have possibly been in danger of retaliation from the Native population, so the United States government Minister John L. Stevens called for US Marines and sailors from the USS Boston to protect the Consulate, Arion Hall and the US Legation. The Queen was deposed and the Kingdom of Hawaii was under the control of the US military.

Sanford B. DoleSanford B. Dole

U. S. Marines and sailors who were ordered to land in Hawaii at the conspirators request contributed to the success of the coup. Queen Lili’uokalani was placed under house arrest at the Iolani Palace. It led to the formation of the Republic of Hawaii for a short time. In order to avoid bloodshed Queen Lili’uokalani temporarily relinquished her throne and issued the following statement to the United States Government:

I, Liliuokalani, by the grace of God and under the constitution of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen, do hereby solemnly protest against any and all acts done against myself and the constitutional Government of the Hawaiian Kingdom by certain persons claiming to have established a Provisional Government of and for this Kingdom. That I yield to the superior force of the United States of America, whose minister plenipotentiary, His Excellency John L. Stevens, has caused United States troops to be landed at Honolulu and declared that he would support the said Provisional Government.Now, to avoid any collision of armed forces, and perhaps the loss of life, I do, under this protest and impelled by said forces, yield my authority until such time as the Government of the United States shall, upon the facts being presented to it, undo (?) the action of its representative and reinstate me in the authority which I claim as the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands.

Done at Honolulu, this 17th day of January, A. D. 1893.

A provisional government was established and assumed power until the annexation of Hawaii took place with the United States. On February 1, 1893, the US Minister (ambassador) John L. Stevens proclaimed Hawaii a protectorate of the United States. A treaty of annexation was submitted to the United States Senate, on February 15, 1893 but the newly elected U.S. President Grover Cleveland, withdrew the treaty of annexation and appointed former Democratic congressman from Georgia, James H. Blount, as Special Commissioner to investigate the illegal intervention by U.S. diplomatic and military personnel on behest of the business elites. Although Blount did not interview any of the conspirators for the report, he concluded that the United States legation and the US Marines and Navy were responsible for the overthrow of Queen Lili’uokalani’s government as an illegal act that violated international laws.

On November 16, 1893, President Cleveland proposed to return Queen Lili’uokalani to the throne if she granted amnesty to those responsible for the Coup. She refused the offer. It was then reported that Queen Lili’uokalani would have the conspirators “beheaded”, but she denied the accusation. She did admit however that she intended the Coup plotters to suffer the punishment of banishment. In her book, Hawaii’s Story by Hawaii’s Queen by Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii (1838-1917) clearly stated her position on beheading her opponents and how the media misinformed the public on what she actually said:

I well knew, and it has been conclusively shown in this history, that my actions could not be binding or in any way recognized unless supported by the ministers in cabinet meeting. This was according to law, and according to the constitution these very persons had forced upon the nation. Perhaps Mr. Willis thought that all he had to do was to propose, and then that my place was to acquiesce. But he asked again for my judgment in the matter as it stood, and seemed determined to obtain an expression of opinion from me. I told him that, as to granting amnesty, it was beyond my powers as a constitutional sovereign. That it was a matter for the privy council and for the cabinet. That our laws read that those who are guilty of treason should suffer the penalty of death.

He then wished to know if I would carry out that law. I said that I would be more inclined personally to punish them by banishment, and confiscation of their property to the government. He inquired again if such was my decision. I regarded the interview as an informal conversation between two persons as to the best thing for the future of my country, but I repeated to him my wish to consult my ministers before deciding on any definite action. This terminated the consultation, excepting that Mr. Willis specially requested me not to mention anything concerning the matter to any person whomsoever, and assured me he would write home to the government he represented.

He did so. It was a long month before he could receive any reply; but when it came he communicated the fact to me, and asked for another interview at his house. This time he also inquired if there was any other person I would like to have with me. I suggested the name of Mr. J. O. Carter, at which the American minister seemed to be highly pleased. So at the stated hour we met. This time Mr. Willis had present as his stenographer Mr. Ellis C. Mills, afterward American consul-general at Honolulu. He first read me what he said were some notes of our former interview. From whence did these come? By Mr. Willis’s own proposition we were to be entirely alone during that interview, and to all appearance we were so. Was there a stenographer behind that Japanese screen? Whatever the paper was, Mr. Willis finished the reading of it, and asked me if it was correct. I replied, “Yes.”

Doubtless, had I held the document in my hand, and had I been permitted to read and examine it, for the eye perceives words that fall unheeded on the ear, I should then have noticed that there was a clause which declared that I was to have my opponents beheaded. That is a form of punishment which has never been used in the Hawaiian Islands, either before or since the coming of foreigners. Mr. Willis then asked me if my views were the same as when we met the first time; and I again said “Yes,” or words to that effect. Mr. Carter inquired if I rescinded so much of Mr. Willis’s report as related to the execution of the death penalty upon those in revolt. To this I replied, “I do in that respect.”

Yet, notwithstanding the fact was officially reported in the despatches of Mr. Willis, that I especially declared that my enemies should not suffer the death penalty, I found to my horror, when the newspapers came to Honolulu from the United States, that the President and the American people had been told that I was about to behead them all! There is an old proverb which says that “a lie can travel around the world while the truth is putting on its boots.” That offensive charge was repeated to my hurt as often as possible; although I immediately send my protest that I had not used the words attributed to me by Mr. Willis in our informal conversation, and that at my first official interview with him I had modified (so far as my influence would go) the law of all countries regarding treason.

The American government and media were demonizing the Queen by misreporting what she was saying about the death penalty. It made the Hawaiian Kingdom look like a barbaric society when it came to law and order. President Cleveland sent the issue of reinstating Queen Lili’uokalani to the United States Congress with a referral for a US Senate investigation. But later the Queen changed her position on the issue of punishment. So on December 18, 1893, US Minister Willis demanded that the Queen should be returned to the throne by the Provisional Government without knowing that President Cleveland had already sent a referral to Congress. So the Provisional government flatly refused the demands of US Minister Willis knowing that the issue was out of the President’s hands. The US Congress commissioned John Tyler Morgan, a known racist and a supporter of Hawaiian Annexation to investigate the Hawaiian revolution.

John Tyler Morgan

John Tyler Morgan

The Morgan Report was produced on February 26, 1894 found all parties involved in the coup “NOT GUILTY”. Shortly after the Morgan Report was released, President Cleveland changed his position and ignored the Queen’s demands upon the US government to intervene on Hawaii’s political situation concerning her reinstatement of her throne. President Cleveland resumed normal diplomatic relations with the Provisional Government of the Republic of Hawaii. On July 4, 1894, Sanford B. Dole became the President of the Republic of Hawaii and was recognized by the United States government as a protectorate. The Republic continued to govern Hawaii but was unpopular among the country’s residents who were against annexation, so voting rights became limited to only 4,000 people who were eligible to the Republic’s standards; most of them were politicians that were already in power.

The US government did not reinstate the constitutional government of the Hawaiian Kingdom after it was clear that the Provisional government was fully responsible for the political dilemma.Then a resistance took place between January 6th and January 9th, 1895 on the island of Oahu, Hawaii by Royalists who opposed the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii, known as a Counter-revolution. The Counter-revolution was led by Robert Wilcox, Joseph Nawahi, a former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Charles T. Gulick, an advisor to both Kalākaua and Queen Liliʻuokalani and other members of the former Royal Guard who were disbanded in 1893.

They recruited native Hawaiians who were willing to fight, but were inexperienced and their numbers were small in comparison to the Provisional government’s forces who were well armed and funded through Hawaii’s treasury. The plan was to restore Queen Liliuokalani to the throne. The rebels had smuggled arms from California and sent to a secret Honolulu location. Three separate battles took place on Oahu, but the rebels lost the fight. After the battles, arms were found at Washington Place; Queen Lili’uokalani was convicted of treason and was under house arrest at ‘Iolani Palace. She formally abdicated on January 24, 1895, and eventually won clemency for the rebels.The US government’s non-action on Hawaii’s political status continued after the rebellion. The US government waited for five years until President Cleveland left office on March 1897.

Then a new President of the United States was elected and it was non-other than Republican William McKinley who defeated Democrat William Jennings Bryan. One of President McKinley’s campaign planks was that “The Hawaiian Islands should be controlled by the United States and no foreign power should be permitted to interfere with them.” President McKinley entered a second treaty of annexation with the same group of men of the U.S. legation that was involved in the overthrow of the Constitutional Monarchy on June 16, 1897. However, due to the protests submitted by Queen Lili‘uokalani and more than 21,169 signature petitions by Hawaiian Nationals against annexation, the treaty could not be ratified by the US Senate.

On December 1897, the U.S. Battleship Maine was sent to Havana Harbor to “protect U.S. citizens and property” during the Cuban War of Independence, the road to war with Spain was in the making.On February 15th 1898, The USS Maine exploded and sunk killing more than 260 sailors. The US Naval Court of Inquiry created the Sampson Board to investigate the incident and declared that the incident occurred by a submerged explosive mine, but no blame was put on a particular country at the time. “Yellow” journalism of William Randolph Hearst blamed the attack on Spain (In 1969, the U.S. Navy determined that the USS Maine exploded due to a defective boiler). However, the American public and congress along with the Republican Party wanted war with Spain, thanks to the propaganda by the media who published headlines such as “Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain” brought war fever to the people and won popular support.

President McKinley continued negotiations with Spain for Cuba’s Independence with a three-point plan that called for a cease-fire for at least six-months, allow civilians the freedom to return to their homes and communities and allow US Ambassador Steward Woodford to have Spain agree if peace is not achieved by October 1st President McKinley would then find a solution to the crisis, but it was unsuccesful. McKinley sent the matter to Congress. Congress declared war and McKinley sent a list of demands through US Ambassador Steward Woodford for the immediate cease-fire with the Cuban rebels and the withdrawal of Spain from Cuba since the Cuban War of Independence was ongoing.

Spain agreed to U.S. demands on April 10, but before McKinley received Spain’s response he had reversed his position on war with Spain and called for “forcible intervention” to bring peace to Cuba. On April 20, 1898, Congress passed a joint resolution which McKinley signed and called for the recognition of Cuba’s Independence; the withdrawal of Spain from Cuba authorizes the President to use the military to meet its demands and denied any intention of occupying Cuba after Spain withdrew its forces which the Teller Amendment attached to the Joint resolution had implied. The resolution was received by Spain with an ultimatum that the US would use military force if Cuba’s independence was not recognized.

On April 21st Spain broke diplomatic relations with the US and on the following day the US implemented a naval blockade of all Cuban ports. On April 24th Spain declared war on the US. The next day, the US formally declares war on Spain by Act of Congress although the US had declared war by its blockade of the Cuban ports.On May 4th, 1898 Representative Frances G. Newlands of Nevada introduces Joint Resolution of Annexation known as the Newlands Resolution in House of Representatives regarding Hawaii’s political situation. Part of the resolution said:

Whereas the Government of the Republic of Hawaii having, in due form, signified its consent, in the manner provided by its constitution, to cede absolutely and without reserve to the United States of America all rights of sovereignty of whatsoever kind in and over the Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies, and also to cede and transfer to the United States the absolute fee and ownership of all public, Government, or Crown lands, public buildings or edifices, ports, harbors, military equipment, and all other public property of every kind and description belonging to the Government of the Hawaiian Islands, together with every right and appurtenance thereunto appertaining;

Therefore Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled, That said cession is accepted, ratified, and confirmed, and that the said Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies be, and they are hereby, annexed as a part of the territory of the United States and are subject to the sovereign dominion thereof, and that all and singular the property and rights hereinbefore mentioned are vested in the United States of America.

In a Secret Debate on the Annexation of Hawaii on May 31st, 1898, Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge saw the Annexation of Hawaii as a Military strategic location concerning the Spanish-American War:

“Mr. President, if I had been permitted to continue I could have finished in ten minutes. I have really made the argument which I desire to make. If it had not been that it would have precipitated a protracted debate, I should have argued then what has been argued ably since we came into secret legislative session, that at this moment the Administration was compelled to violate the neutrality of those islands, that protests from foreign representatives had already been received, and complications with other powers were threatened, that the annexation or some action in regard to those islands had become a military necessity”

On June 15th, The House of Representatives passed the resolution. Then on July 6th in a 42-21 vote with the absence of 26 Senators passed the resolution. Present McKinley signed the Newlands Resolution the next day on July 7th. By August 12th, 1898, Hawaii is a US territory.

A ceremony took place that removed the Hawaiian flag and replaced it with an American flag. It also established Hawaii as a US military base to fight Spain in the Pacific Ocean notably, Guam and the Philippines. It was a plan by the US government to annex Hawaii as a military strategic location recommended by Alfred T. Mahan.Mahan was considered an important strategist on the issue of “Sea Power”. His strategies influenced Navies from Great Britain, Germany, Japan and the United States. He wrote a letter to the New York Times which was published back on January 31st, 1893 caught the attention from the editor of ‘The Forum’ and asked him to state his case to the military on the importance of Hawaii called Hawaii and Our Future Sea-power.” It was published in the March-August 1893 issue. In the letter Mahan wrote:

To the Editor of the “New York Times”:–

There is one aspect of the recent revolution in Hawaii which seems to have been kept out of sight, and that is the relation of the islands, not merely to our own and to European countries, but to China. How vitally important that may become in the future is evident from the great number of Chinese, relatively to the whole population, now settled in the islands.

It is a question for the whole civilized world and not for the United States only, whether the Sandwich Islands, with their geographical and military importance, unrivalled by that of any other position in the North Pacific, shall in the future be an outpost of European civilization, or of the comparative barbarism of China. It is sufficiently known, but not, perhaps, generally noted in our country, that many military men abroad, familiar with Eastern conditions and character, look with apprehension toward the day when the vast mass of China—now inert—may yield to one of those impulses which have in past ages buried civilization under a wave of barbaric invasion. The great armies of Europe, whose existence is so frequently deplored, may be providentially intended as a barrier to that great movement, if it come. Certainly, while China remains as she is, nothing more disastrous for the future of the world can be imagined than that general disarmament of Europe which is the Utopian dream of some philanthropists.

China, however, may burst her barriers eastward as well as westward, toward the Pacific as well as toward the European Continent. In such a movement it would be impossible to exaggerate the momentous issues dependent upon a firm hold of the Sandwich Islands by a great, civilized, maritime power. By its nearness to the scene, and by the determined animosity to the Chinese movement which close contact seems to inspire, our own country, with its Pacific coast, is naturally indicated as the proper guardian for this most important position. To hold it, however, whether in the supposed case or in war with a European state, implies a great extension of our naval power. Are we ready to undertake this?

A.T. MAHAN, Captain, United States Navy

 Hawaii was annexed because it was a strategic location for imperial reasons. One of them was to have a military presence on the Pacific ocean in close proximity to East Asia which includes China, Japan, North and South Korea, Mongolia and Taiwan. The other reason was to have access to Asian markets for American Corporate interests.

The Territory of Hawaii and the “Big Five” Corporate Monopoly

Under President McKinley, Americans fought against Spain in 1898 in the Caribbean (Cuba and Puerto Rico), and in the Pacific (The Philippines, and Guam). Hawaii’s strategic location for warfare in the Philippines was vital to American interests. President McKinley also signed the Hawaiian Organic Act of 1900. It established the Office of the Territorial Governor, a control mechanism that allowed the Governor of Hawaii to be dictated by the President of the United States. The Territorial Governor can be removed at any time without the consensus of the Hawaiian people. Since then Hawaii’s tourism industry expanded. The US Military also expanded under American Presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt with several bases on the island of Oahu. By 1906, the island of Oahu was fortified as a “Ring of Steel,” with gun batteries pointed outwards towards the Pacific Ocean mounted on steel coastal walls. Today there is even a Hawaii Army Museum.

From July 7, 1898 until August 21st, 1959 the “Big Five” were multi-million dollar corporations that operated during the Kingdom era until Hawaii became the 50th state. The “Big Five” benefited from the annexation and became dominate power in the Hawaiian economy. The “Big Five” were Castle & Cooke, Alexander & Baldwin, C. Brewer & Co., American Factors (who was later renamed to Amfac) and Theo H. Davies & Co. Sugarcane plantations gained investments by eliminating tariffs imposed on the sugarcane that was sent to the United States which benefitted them with extra money to spend on new equipment, acquire more land and hire more cheap labor. The companies did not compete with each other because they joined forces by working together to keep the prices on their goods and services relatively high. This allowed them to gain enormous profits. The executives of the “Big Five” collaberated on all issues even as board of directors for all of their companies. They gained political power since their corporations dominated all of Hawaii. They controlled the labor force and even steered the labor force to vote in their favor. Hawaii was effectively ruled by the “Big Five” as an oligarchy. They backed only white candidates who were Republicans to run the government. Democrats were not popular among the Oligarchs.

A signature produce from Hawaii that is known and sold in many countries around the world today was Pineapples. The Pineapples industry was started by Sanford B. Dole’ s cousin, James Drummond Dole known as the Hawaiian Pineapple Company, today it called the Dole Food Company. James Dole arrived around 1899 and started the first Pineapple Plantation. Around that same time on August 8, 1899, Hurricane San Ciriaco struck Puerto Rico followed by another hurricane which severely damaged the agricultural industry that left more than 3,000 dead and left thousands of people without food or shelter. The Hurricanes also destroyed more than 80% of Puerto Rico’s coffee crop. It contributed to the shortage of sugar produced in the Caribbean. A demand for the sugar from Hawaii and other sugar producing countries needed more workers in the labor force. Puerto Rican laborers were recruited to meet the world market demands of sugar. Other immigrants including Koreans, Filipinos, Japanese, Portuguese and the Chinese were recruited to work on plantations in Hawaii as well since the early 1850’s.

The Attack on Pearl Harbor and FDR’s Role

Pearl Harbor Attack on December 7, 1941

Pearl Harbor Attack on December 7, 1941

It is now known that by 1941, the US government decrypted Japanese military and Diplomatic codes before the attack on Pearl Harbor took place according to World War II veteran and Author Robert Stinnett who wrote ‘Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor’ . Stinnett’s obtained documents related to intelligence gathering of intercepted codes that proved President Franklyn Delano Roosevelt and at least 35 other people in the top levels of the US government and the military knew that an imminent attack on Pearl Harbor was going to take place through the Freedom of Information Act.

A photograph of letter written to President Roosevelt’s high-level military advisors Captains Walter S. Anderson and Dudley W. Knox by Lt. Commander Arthur H. McCollum of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) was discovered on January 24, 1995. In the letter, an 8-point plan to lure Japan into attacking US ships. The 8-point plan read as follows:

It is not believed that in the present state of political opinion the United States Government is capable of declaring war against Japan without more ado; and it is barely possible that vigorous action on our part might lead the Japanese to modify their attitude. Therefore, the following course of action is suggested:

A. Make an arrangement with Britain for the use of British bases in the Pacific, particularly Singapore.

B. Make an arrangement with Holland for the use of base facilities and acquisition of supplies in the Dutch East Indies.

C. Give all possible aid to the Chinese Government of Chiang-Kai-Shek

D. Send a division of long range heavy cruisers to the Orient, Philippines’, or Singapore.

E. Send two divisions of submarines to the Orient.

F. Keep the main strength of the U.S. fleet now in the Pacific in the vicinity of Hawaiian Islands.

G. Insist that the Dutch refuse to grant Japanese demands for undue economic concessions, particularly oil.

H. Completely embargo all U.S. trade with Japan, in collaboration with a similar embargo imposed by the British Empire. 10.

If by these means Japan could be led to commit an overt act of war so much the better. In any case we should be prepared to accept the threat of war.

President Roosevelt seized on the opportunity. Author Robert Stinnett links the connection between the attack on Pearl Harbor and FDR’s ambitious plan to bring the US into war with Japan in six actions of the McCollum’s 8-point:

“President Roosevelt can be directly linked to ..six of McCollum’s proposed actions: namely Actions B and G, curtailing Japanese access to natural resources of Southeast Asia – for he met with Dutch officials and received Japanese intercepts concerning Japan- Dutch negotiations in 1940-41; Action C, aid to China: FDR directed the Administration’s China strategy which antagonized Japan’s leaders who were engaged in war with China. On September 25, 1940, the administration approved a $25 million loan to China’s U.S.-recognized government headed by Generalissimo Chiang-Kai-Shek. …

The conclusive evidence that links FDR or high-level administration officials to the eight action proposals is as follows: Action A: Arrange for U.S. use of British Pacific Bases. Arrangements were made for U.S. use of Rabaul’s Simpson Harbor, a British possession in New Britain in South Pacific, as USN Advance Pacific Base F. Orders came from Admiral Harold Stark, FDR’s Chief of Naval Operations

One of the most stunning comments that FDR was quoted as saying was “I just want them to keep popping up here and there and keep the Japs guessing, I don’t mind losing one or two cruisers, but do not take a chance of losing five or six.” Stinnett further wrote that “from March through July 1941, White House records show that FDR ignored international law and dispatched naval task groups into Japanese waters on three such pop-up cruises.” Stinnett makes the case that prove that one of FDR’s actions were deliberate by sending US Navy cruisers to Japanese waters to create a response from the Japanese by way of a military attack:

Documentation that directly links FDR with McCollum’s Action D – sending US Navy cruisers in provocative moves against Japan includes the following first discussion in the White House Feb 10, 1941. Present were President Roosevelt, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of Navy Frank Knox, General George Marshall, Army Chief of Staff and Admiral Harold R. Stark, Chief of Navy Operations. Stark warned FDR that the cruises “will precipitate hostilities”

The plan was to lure the US into a war with Japan. What were the benefits of such actions by the US government? So that the US can justify to the American people that Japan is a threat to the US population. It was also a boost to the Military-Industrial Complex by creating a war economy that provides jobs to produce weapons that benefit American corporations. It allowed the US to expand its Imperial agenda in the Pacific Region and it allowed the US to expand its bases on the Territory of Hawaii. Japan finally attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 following provocative acts by the US which left 2,403 US military personal dead and 1,178 injured. Japan suffered 64 deaths from their attack. On that day President Roosevelt delivered “The Day of Infamy Speech” and congress declared war on Japan shortly after. America entered World War II.

Martial Law in Hawaii 1941-1944

Martial Law Declared

Martial Law Declared

After the Attack on Pearl Harbor, a dark moment in Hawaii’s history occurred. Martial Law was declared on December 7th, 1941 until October 24th, 1944. The US declared Hawaii a war zone that can be a potential target for invasion and infiltration by its enemies. The territorial governor of Hawaii Joseph Boyd Poindexter suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus meaning that the military can detain you without no judge or jury and signed a declaration of martial law prepared by the US army. Army commander General Short stationed on Oahu declared he was the military governor in charge until he was relieved of command on December 17th 1941. Martial Law continued until October 24, 1944. It was legally justified under the Hawaiian Organic Act of 1900 that made Hawaii a US territory in which section 67 of the Organic act stated:

That the governor shall be responsible for the faithful execution of the laws of the United States and of the Territory of Hawaii within the said Territory, and whenever it becomes necessary he may call upon the commanders of the military and naval forces of the United States in the Territory of Hawaii, or summon the posse comitatus,or call out the militia of the Territory to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion, insurrection, or rebellion in said Territory, and he may, in case of rebellion or invasion, or imminent danger thereof, when the public safety requires it, suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, or place the Territory, or any part thereof, under martial law until communication can be had with the President and his decision there on made known.

According to Joseph Garner Anthony, a prominent Lawyer who was based in Honolulu, Hawaii and served as Attorney General in the Territory of Hawaii from October 1942 until December 1943 stated that Martial law in Hawaii was unconstitutional. On May 31st, 1942 Anthony published an article in the California Law Review called ‘Martial Law in Hawaii’ described what the orders of the military governor were:

The general orders of the Military Governor cover a wide range of subjects, the jurisdiction and powers of all civil courts, the creation of military tribunals for the trial of civilians, regulation of traffic, firearms, gasoline, liquor, food stuffs and feed, the possession of radios, the censorship of the press, communications by wireless, cable and wireless telephone, the freezing of wages for all persons employed on the Island of Oahu, and the regulation of the possession of currency.

Martial law was intentionally directed at the Japanese population, but it targeted all Hawaiian residents. Anthony describes that the military controlled all aspects of civilian life. It controlled all government functions and the judicial system which was replaced with a military tribunal. Constitutional rights were suspended. All civilians were forced to submit to curfews and blackouts, fingerprinting, food and gas rationing. Martial Law censored the news personal communications. Personal mail was screened and read by the army. Foreign languages were banned for telephone calls, newspapers, and radio. All Hawaiian residents were required to carry Identity cards by law. The Japanese population were highly restricted and oppressed by the military in every aspect of their lives. J. Garner Anthony was proven correct because after the war, the United States Supreme Court found that martial law in Hawaii had been unconstitutional in a Supreme Court decision based on the Duncan v. Kahanamoku case. Kahanamoku was a military police officer who arrested Lloyd C. Duncan, a civilian employed as a ship fitter for public intoxication during the war.Hawaii under Martial Law

Hawaii under Martial Law

Hawaii was not a state, but still was administered under the Hawaiian Organic Act of 1900 which instituted martial law. Duncan was therefore tried by a military tribunal but appealed to the Supreme Court for a Writ of Habeas Corpus or for a person who was arrested to be brought before a judge or a court jury to decide the fate of the defendant. The Supreme Court ruled in Duncan’s favor on February 25, 1946 stating that Duncan v. Kahanamoku case did not give the military any authority to try civilians in military tribunals because it was unconstitutional therefore Martial Law in the state of Hawaii was not different than other US states of the union. Justice Hugo Black declared in an opinion that law and policy is as follows:

It follows that civilians in Hawaii are entitled to the constitutional guarantee of a fair trial to the same extent as those who live in any part of our country. We are aware that conditions peculiar to Hawaii might imperatively demand extraordinarily speedy and effective measures in the event of actual or threatened invasion. . . . Extraordinary measures in Hawaii, however necessary, are not supportable on the mistaken premise that Hawaiian inhabitants are less entitled to constitutional protection than others. For here Congress did not in the Organic Act exercise whatever power it might have had to limit the application of the Constitution [citation omitted]. The people of Hawaii are therefore entitled to constitutional protection to the same extent as the inhabitants of the 48 states.

The case was finally declared that the military tribunals were unconstitutional.

“Our system of government clearly is the antithesis of total military rule and the founders of this country are not likely to have contemplated complete military dominance within the limits of a Territory made part of this country and not recently taken from an enemy. They were opposed to governments that placed in the hands of one man the power to make, interpret and enforce the laws. Their philosophy has been the people’s throughout our history. For that reason we have maintained legislatures chosen by citizens or their representatives and courts and juries to try those who violate legislative enactments. We have always been especially concerned about the potential evils of summary criminal trials and have guarded against them by provisions embodied in the constitution itself.

Legislatures and courts are not merely cherished. American institutions, they are indispensable to our government. Military tribunals have no such standing. For as this Court has said before, ‘…the military should always be kept in subjection to the laws of the country to which it belongs, and that he is no friend to the Republic who advocates the contrary. The established principle of every free people is, that the law shall alone govern, and to it the military must always yield.”

J. Garner Anthony published an article in the Yale Law Journal titled “Hawaiian Martial Law in the Supreme Court,” on November 1947. He wrote:

It will probably be years before the historian of the future can clearly appraise the motives and causes that led the Army to pursue the course it did in Hawaii. It is inconceivable that those in high places in the War Department were not cognizant of the fact that the regime erected in Hawaii superceding the civil Government was not only illegal but contrary to our most cherished traditions of the supremacy of the law. It is readily understandable that military personnel not familiar with the mixed peoples of Hawaii should have certain misgivings concerning them. However, the conduct of the populace on December 7 and thereafter should have put these military doubts at rest. To be sure it took some time for the military authorities to assure themselves that the civil population was all that it seemed–a loyal American community. What is not understandable is why the military government was continued after several years had elapsed and the fears of the most suspicious had been allayed.

It was dark moment in Hawaii’s history that signifies what a military dictatorship is capable of. The Hawaiian population experienced Martial law and its oppressive tactics first hand.

Hawaii Statehood 1959

In 1959, Hawaii had a Plebiscite vote that allowed residents to vote on whether to become a State or remain as a territory of the United States. Independence was not on the ballot. Non-native Hawaiians (Whites) outnumbered the Native-Hawaiians who were in favor of Statehood, won the majority vote. Native Hawaiians (the Kanaka Maoli) were disenfranchised again so they were denied the right to decide the which path their country would take. With the United States and Hawaii’s state legislature in control of the vote, it was no surprise what outcome would be produced. According to International Human Rights attorney and advocate in the 1993 People’s International Tribunal in Hawaii Jose Luis Morin wrote an essay in 1997 for NACLA Report on the Americas titled “Hawaii: Stirrings in the Colony” wrote:

As it had done with Puerto Rico in 1953, the United States used the 1959 plebiscite to declare to the United Nations that the people of Hawaii had attained full self-government through the exercise of self-determination. Based on this misrepresentation, and without further investigation or monitoring of the election, Hawaii-together with Alaska- was removed from the UN list of Non-Self-Governing territories. Thereafter, the Kanaka Maoli have been hindered in their ability to use international law in the struggle for their rights.

The vote took Hawaii off the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories of the United Nations that included Alaska, Guam, the Panama Canal Zone and others who were controlled by colonial powers had under international law the right to decide self-determination through a fair and peaceful de-colonization process. Hawaii was denied that right through fraud. It happened again in the 1996 Native Hawaiian vote. The state of Hawaii –sponsored a vote with a question. “Shall the Hawaiian People elect delegates to propose a Native Hawaiian government? According to Morin “All told, 60% did not participate, while 10% voted against the measure. These figures are due in large part to the success of a boycott against the plebiscite organized by Stop the State-Sponsored Plebiscite-a coalition of Kanaka Maoli organizations that refused to legitimate the vote with their participation” It was a protest against the fraudulent nature of the vote. Morin continued:

As with the 1959 statehood plebiscite in Hawaii, the outcome of the Native Hawaiian vote was orchestrated through various Legislative maneuvers and fraudulent electoral practices. The entire enterprise was created and financed by the state legislature-a body not representative of the Kanaka Maoli people. The state legislature dictated the time, manner, process and ballot question. It also granted itself the power to accept or reject the results of the vote as well as the outcome of the “Hawaiian Constitutional Convention” that would allegedly follow the vote, by making explicit that no legal changes were possible without state approval.

Hawaii’s fight for independence will continue despite the fact that the voting system is fraudulent. The world one day will recognize the injustice committed against the Hawaiian people. They will demand an end to the colonial dilemma by demanding free and fair elections for the Hawaiian population. The Hawaiian people deserve better. They have been victims of US imperialism for more than 120 years.

Hillary Clinton’s “America’s Pacific Century”

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote an article entitled “America’s Pacific Century” based on the need to expand America’s power into the Pacific region on the November 2011 issue of Foreign Policy Magazine. Clinton clearly defined the US role in the region:

Harnessing Asia’s growth and dynamism is central to American economic and strategic interests and a key priority for President Obama. Open markets in Asia provide the United States with unprecedented opportunities for investment, trade, and access to cutting-edge technology. Our economic recovery at home will depend on exports and the ability of American firms to tap into the vast and growing consumer base of Asia. Strategically, maintaining peace and security across the Asia-Pacific is increasingly crucial to global progress, whether through defending freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, countering the proliferation efforts of North Korea, or ensuring transparency in the military activities of the region’s key players.

Clinton talk’s about a regional strategy that would dictate to key Asian states in the Pacific how they will work with Washington concerning American interests.

A strategic turn to the region fits logically into our overall global effort to secure and sustain America’s global leadership. The success of this turn requires maintaining and advancing a bipartisan consensus on the importance of the Asia-Pacific to our national interests; we seek to build upon a strong tradition of engagement by presidents and secretaries of state of both parties across many decades. It also requires smart execution of a coherent regional strategy that accounts for the global implications of our choices.

WHAT DOES THAT regional strategy look like? For starters, it calls for a sustained commitment to what I have called “forward-deployed” diplomacy. That means continuing to dispatch the full range of our diplomatic assets — including our highest-ranking officials, our development experts, our interagency teams, and our permanent assets — to every country and corner of the Asia-Pacific region. Our strategy will have to keep accounting for and adapting to the rapid and dramatic shifts playing out across Asia. With this in mind, our work will proceed along six key lines of action: strengthening bilateral security alliances; deepening our working relationships with emerging powers, including with China; engaging with regional multilateral institutions; expanding trade and investment; forging a broad-based military presence; and advancing democracy and human rights.

The Regional Strategy Clinton is describing is to support regimes in Asia that comply with Washington’s demands with her Bilateral Security alliances, for example the Prime Minister of Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra and his sister Yingluck who the Obama administration supports. According to the Agence France-Presse (AFP) on November 15th, 2011 regarding Clinton’s trip to offer assistance to a flood ravaged Thailand with a commitment to support Shinawatra politically with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and militarily

“One of the messages that the secretary will bring directly to the Thai people and the government is that we believe it is in the national security and political interest of the United States to have this government succeed” according to a Senior State Department official.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

The comment on what Clinton’s message will be coincides with what she wrote in her article:

Our treaty alliances with Japan, South Korea, Australia, the Philippines, and Thailand are the fulcrum for our strategic turn to the Asia-Pacific. They have underwritten regional peace and security for more than half a century, shaping the environment for the region’s remarkable economic ascent. They leverage our regional presence and enhance our regional leadership at a time of evolving security challenges.

The United States is preparing a plan that would engage with China militarily and economically. It will take place from the Hawaii, where the United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) is located at Camp H. M. Smith, a town of Aiea on the island of Oahu. Hawaii is the main place where all operations of the US government to destabilize, launch a war, or threaten China, North Korea and any other nation who does not cooperate within Washington’s Imperial agenda for the next 100 years.

The 2011 APEC Leader’s Meeting was held at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawaii from November 12–13 of 2011. In the press conference about talked about the economic impact of the Asia-Pacific will have on the US economy. President Obama said

“Now, the single greatest challenge for the United States right now, and my highest priority as President, is creating jobs and putting Americans back to work. And one of the best ways to do that is to increase our trade and exports with other nations” which highlighted the economic importance of the meeting. However, as Obama continued his speech he said that “No region will do more to shape our long-term economic future than the Asia Pacific region. As I’ve said, the United States is, and always will be, a Pacific nation.”

Back on July 11, 2011 The Global Times of China reported that Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Renmin University of China in Beijing stated in a speech to the “Cooperative Security and Regional Stability in Asia” meeting that “Now, more than ever, the US is a Pacific nation. It is clear that our military interests and economic well-being are tied to Asia.” The US is positioning itself to counter China’s influence in the world and Hawaii is the strategic location to do it from.

President Obama mentioned that his priorities are bringing jobs to America. His actions proved correct. According to former Democratic Senator Daniel K. Inouye’s website who passed away on December 17, 2012, an article titled “Hawaii to Receive More Than $366 Million for Military Construction, Support for Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs” confirmed that starting in 2013, the Senate Committee on Appropriations had approved more than $366 million would be allocated for construction projects and support for the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The Senate Committee on Appropriations approved $366,099,000 for military construction projects in Hawaii including $181 million to build new housing at Schofield Barracks and Wheeler Army Airfield, $5 million for a C-130 rinse facility at U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Barbers Point and $24 million for a waterfront operations center at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, Chairman Daniel K. Inouye, Senator Daniel K. Akaka, U.S. Representative Mazie K. Hirono and U.S. Representative Colleen Hanabusa announced today.

Hawaii’s largest industry is government, which includes local, state and federal departments. It also includes the Military-Industrial Complex and other federal agencies including Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Transportation Security Agency (TSA). According to Senator Inouye:

“Today, as America’s defense posture shifts to account for the challenges in the Asia Pacific, the military’s mission in this region is as important as it was when I served in the Army many years ago,” said Senator Inouye. “These measures provide the funding necessary to build the infrastructure and housing we need in Hawaii to support our men and women in uniform. I will see to it that the government continues to provide whatever the military needs to perform their duties and return home safe to their families and loved ones. The construction projects included in these bills will also create much needed jobs for Hawaii’s construction industry. The Committee’s action on the Department of Veterans Affairs budget continues our efforts to improve care for our veterans, many of whom will be returning to Hawaii as we wind down the war in Afghanistan. Finally, I am pleased the Department of Homeland Security bill supported requests which will help keep our communities in Hawaii safe by supporting the Coast Guard’s many missions and preserving Federal Emergency Management Agency grants for the state and county governments in Hawaii. I would urge my colleagues in the Senate to quickly approve these measures,” said Chairman Inouye.

Hawaii has been turned into a vacation destiny as well as a military strategic location for the United States of America. Hawaii has economic problems and over the years, an increase of homeless people according to an Associated Press article published before the APEC meeting titled ‘Hawaii grapples with homelessness as summit nears’ reported that “Hawaii has the third-highest ratio of homeless people to residents of any state, better only than Nevada and Oregon, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness.” But the Military-Industrial Complex takes precedence over any other issue that involves the Hawaiian population and their well-being.

Hawaii has been occupied since 1893 and continues to be exploited for its location and its agricultural resources that include pineapples. Hawaii’s future will be difficult with a US military presence that dominates the politics, culture and economy. With Hawaii’s independence movements, environmentalists and anti-war activists continue to protest the occupation. However, US Imperial ambitions will continue expand over the Asia-Pacific region until China and North Korea give in to Washington’s demands. But do not expect China or North Korea to back down from US aggression anytime soon.

The fact that President Clinton signed United States Public Law 103-150 that acknowledged the illegal actions committed by the United States government and that the Hawaiian people did not surrender their sovereignty or that in 1999, the United Nations stated that the plebiscite vote that led to Hawaii’s statehood was a direct violation of article 73 of the United Nations’ charter only confirms that the Hawaii statehood vote was illegal and even non-binding. Hawaii’s struggle for independence will continue for years to come because the people are on the right side of history.

Timothy Alexander Guzman is an independent researcher and writer with a focus on political, economic, media and historical spheres. He has been published in Global Research, The Progressive Mind, European Union Examiner, News Beacon Ireland,, EIN News and a number of other alternative news sites.  He is a graduate of Hunter College in New York City.

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Between 2008 and 2015, central banks pretended that they had fixed the economy.

In 2016, they’re starting to admit that they haven’t fixed much of anything.

The current head of the Bank of England (Mark Carney) said last week:

The global economy risks becoming trapped in a low growth, low inflation, low interest rate equilibrium.  For the past seven years, growth has serially disappointed—sometimes spectacularly, as in the depths of the global financial and euro crises; more often than not grindingly as past debts weigh on activity ….

This underperformance is principally the product of weaker potential supply growth in virtually all G20 economies.  It is a reminder that demand stimulus on its own can do little to counteract longer-term forces of demographic change [background] and productivity growth.

In most advanced economies, difficult structural reforms have been deferred  [trueindeed]. In parallel, in a number of emerging market economies, the post-crisis period was marked by credit booms reinforced by foreign capital inflows[including from central banks themselves], which are now brutally reversing….

Since 2007, global nominal GDP growth (in dollars) has been cut in half from over 8% to 4% last year, thereby compounding the challenges of private and public deleveraging ….

Renewed appreciation of the weak global outlook appears to have been the underlying cause of recent market turbulence.  The latest freefall in commodity prices – though largely the product of actual and potential supply increases – has reinforced concerns about the sluggishness of global demand.

Necessary changes in the stance of monetary policy removed the complacent assumption that “all bad news is good news” (because it brought renewed stimulus) that many felt underpinned markets [Zero Hedge nailed this].

As a consequence of these developments, investors are now re-considering whether the past seven years have been well spent.  Has exceptional monetary policy merely bridged two low-growth equilibria?  Or, even worse, has it been a pier, leaving the global economy facing a global liquidity trap?  Can more time be purchased?  If so, at what cost and, most importantly, how would that time be best spent?

Despite a recent recovery, equity markets are still down materially since the start of the year.  Volatility has spilled over into corporate bond markets with US high-yield spreads at levels last seen during the euro-area crisis.  The default rate implied by the US high-yield CDX index is more than double its long-run average [background here and here].  And sterling and US dollar investment grade corporate bond spreads are more than 75bp higher over the past year.

Similarly, the former head of the Bank of England (Mervyn King) is predicting catastrophe:

Unless we go back to the underlying causes [of the 2008 crash] we will never understand what happened and will be unable to prevent a repetition and help our economies truly recover.

The world economy today seems incapable of restoring the prosperity we took for granted before the crisis.

Further turbulence in the world economy, and quite possibly another crisis, are to be expected.

Since the end of the immediate banking crisis in 2009, recovery has been anaemic at best. By late 2015, the world recovery had been slower than predicted by policymakers, and central banks had postponed the inevitable rise in interest rates for longer than had seemed either possible or likely.

There was a continuing shortfall of demand and output from their pre-crisis trend path of close to 15pc. Stagnation – in the sense of output remaining persistently below its previously anticipated path – had once again become synonymous with the word capitalism. Lost output and employment of such magnitude has revealed the true cost of the crisis and shaken confidence in our understanding of how economies behave [Right].

Almost every financial crisis starts with the belief that the provision of more liquidity is the answer, only for time to reveal that beneath the surface are genuine problems of solvency [We told you].

A reluctance to admit that the issue is solvency rather than liquidity – even if the provision of liquidity is part of a bridge to the right solution – lay at the heart of Japan’s slow response to its problems after the asset price bubble burst in the late 1980s, different countries’ responses to the banking collapse in 2008, and the continuing woes of the euro area.

Over the past two decades, successive American administrations dealt with the many financial crises around the world by acting on the assumption that the best way to restore market confidence was to provide liquidity – and lots of it.

Political pressures will always favour the provision of liquidity; lasting solutions require a willingness to tackle the solvency issues.

Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said today that the Dodd-Frank financial bill didn’t fix anything [d’oh!], that we’re in real trouble, and that he’s been pessimistic for a long time:

We’re in trouble basically because productivity is dead in the water…Real capital investment is way below average. Why? Because business people are very uncertain about the future.

The [Dodd-Frank] regulations are supposed to be making changes of addressing the problems that existed in 2008 or leading up to 2008. It’s not doing that. “Too Big to Fail” is a critical issue back then, and now. And, there is nothing in Dodd-Frank which actually addresses this issue.

 I haven’t been [optimistic on the economy] for quite a while.

And the world’s most prestigious financial agency – called the “Central Banks’ Central Bank” (the Bank for International Settlements, or BIS) – has consistently slammed the Fed and other central banks for doing the wrong things and failing to stabilize the economy.

If the central bankers’ words aren’t clear enough for you, their actions reveal their desperation.

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In an interview with Reuters, an aide to Saudi Arabia’s Defense Minister, Brigadier General Ahmed Asseri, confirmed that not only have the Saudis considered a direct military invasion of Syria but that they have done so in collaboration and discussion with the 49 other nations making up the U.S.–led coalition “against ISIS.” The aide has confirmed the “political discussion” about thepossibility of a ground troop deployment to Syria that was explored during a coalition ministerial meeting that took place in Brussels last month.

Asseri himself confirmed that the discussions took place. “It was discussed two weeks ago in Brussels,” he said, although he clarified that the discussions were only on the “political” level as opposed to a detailed “military mission.”

The general made a point to state that, if the decision to invade is made, Saudi Arabia would be ready and willing to contribute troops to the mission. He also admitted publicly that Saudi Arabia has been working on military plans for the potential invasion of Syria.

“Once this is organized, and decided how many troops and how they will go and where they will go, we will participate in that,” he said. “We need to discuss at the military level very extensively with the military experts to make sure that we have a plan.”

The United States has also confirmed the Saudi intentions with U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby even stating that the United States would welcome the cooperation of the KSA.

“But there’s a lot that needs to be discussed in terms of what they would do, what their makeup would be, how they would need to be supported by the coalition going forward. So there’s a lot of homework that needs to be done,” Kirby said.

For its part, the Syrian government, via an official source at the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry told SANA news agency that Saudi Arabia is hurting any chances of peace in Syria and that it is playing a “destructive role” in the process as well as “threatening the security and stability” of the world.

The source further argued that the UN Secretary-General should immediately form a committee to examine the possibility of “crimes that were committed and are still being committed by the Saudi regime and in the Arab world.”

In addition, a U.S. official has stated that its coalition will continue to provide arms and equipment to “moderate terrorists” in Syria despite the peace agreement.

“We will continue to provide equipment packages to vetted leaders and their units so that over time they can make a concerted push into territory still controlled,” the official said. “As a matter of policy, we won’t comment or speculate on potential future operations.”

The confirmation of the Saudi and U.S.-led coalition’s intentions and the statements by both the Saudis and the Americans come only weeks after a warning was issued by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of the potential for “sparking a world war” if peace negotiations were not conducted and relevant parties did not conduct themselves appropriately.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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Primary Election Results Highlight US Political Crisis

March 2nd, 2016 by Patrick Martin

Billionaire demagogue Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took significant leads in the contests for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations, based on results of primaries and caucuses held in 12 states on Tuesday.

Trump won seven of the 11 states with Republican contests, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia, with Senator Ted Cruz carrying his home state of Texas and neighboring Oklahoma, and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida winning the caucuses in Minnesota. The outcome of the Alaska caucuses was still undetermined as of this writing.

Clinton took seven out of 11 states where Democrats went to the polls, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders won his home state as well as Colorado, Minnesota and Oklahoma.

NBC News projected that Clinton would win 525 delegates and Sanders 335, bringing their total of elected delegates to 641 and 401 respectively. Clinton has a huge lead of 425 to 22 among so-called super delegates—members of Congress, state officials and members of the Democratic National Committee—giving her a combined total of 1,066, about half way to the total required for nomination.

The delegate totals in the Republican race showed a less decisive lead for Trump, but over a highly fragmented opposition. The belief is growing that even if Trump fails to win a majority of delegates in the primary contests, no other candidate will, and the nomination will be decided at the Republican National Convention in July.

With the nomination contest in the big business parties now close to the one-third mark, with primaries or caucuses having been held in 15 of the 50 states, the US political system has clearly entered into an historic crisis, marked by unprecedented political polarization.

The Republican Party is revealed as the incubator of a fascistic movement. The Trump campaign represents the union of reactionary, racist and militaristic politics and the gangster economics personified by the real estate speculator-turned politician. More important than any of the specific policies he advocates is his promotion of authoritarianism: Trump as the great man who will call the shots in Washington.

This was symbolized on the night of the March 1 primaries when Trump discarded the usual victory rally, where the candidate thanks his supporters, in favor of a press conference, staged in quasi-presidential style in front of a bank of American flags and held in the ballroom of Trump’s own luxury hotel in Palm Beach, Florida.

He was introduced by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who has made the degrading transition from campaign rival to cup bearer and court jester.

Trump was asked about criticisms from Republican congressional leaders of his refusal to promptly disavow the support of Ku Klux Klan figure David Duke. He replied by dismissing the criticism, then warning House Speaker Paul Ryan that if he crossed President Trump, he would “pay a tremendous price.”

As one observer, former House Republican Whip Tom Delay, commented on MSNBC, Trump appeared ignorant of the constitutional separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches, and seemed to be running for king rather than president.

While Trump represents the rise of a personalist, authoritarian movement on the right, broad sections of the population have given their support to the campaign of Bernie Sanders, demonstrating that there are large numbers of people who are moving to the left and inclined towards socialism, but who are trapped in the Democratic Party for lack of a visible alternative.

More than two million votes were cast on March 1 for Sanders, a self-described “democratic socialist.” On top of this, the Sanders campaign reported that in the month of February it raised $42 million, virtually all of it from small donations coming over the Internet. This is more than double the amount raised in January and a record sum for any US presidential campaign.

The United States is becoming politically polarized to an extraordinary degree. The danger is that while the millions backing Sanders are sincerely looking for an alternative to the domination of Wall Street, Sanders is not. He functions as a longtime trusted agent of the Democratic Party, seeking to trap this broad movement to the left and keep it confined within the political straitjacket of the two-party system.

If Clinton and Trump become the nominees of the Democratic and Republican parties, the candidates of both capitalist parties will be deeply unpopular. A CNN/ORC poll published Monday found that Trump was regarded unfavorably by 59 percent of those polled, while 53 percent had a negative view of Clinton. A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll found 49 percent “very negative” towards Trump and 39 percent “very negative” towards Clinton—triple the level of such feelings toward the Democratic and Republican candidates in 2008.

Trump makes an appeal, in a very right-wing form, to the tremendous sense of frustration and anger building up among workers and sections of the middle class after years of economic stagnation, financial crisis, the loss of jobs, and the deterioration of social services and infrastructure, through both Republican and Democratic administrations.

At his press conference Tuesday night, he denounced what he called “Third World” conditions in the United States, while indicting Hillary Clinton as sharing the responsibility, as part of the Obama administration, for the deteriorating conditions of life in America.

Sanders offers no alternative because, in the final analysis, he is committed to the Democratic Party and supporting its presidential nominee, whether Clinton or someone else, and its right-wing, pro-Wall Street program. He defends the Obama administration, which has presided over an intensification of social inequality at home while expanding the military operations of American imperialism around the world.

Trump faces many obstacles to his rise to power. The initial success of his campaign has brought the political crisis in the Republican Party to a head, with leading figures denouncing him and declaring they could not support him as the nominee. At the same time, he has received his first top-level endorsements, beginning with Christie and including two governors, a senator and four congressmen, with more likely to come after his Super Tuesday victories.

Whatever the immediate outcome of the Trump campaign, however, it is the inevitable byproduct of the decay of the political culture in America, embracing both capitalist parties and the entire political, media and corporate establishment.

Since the 1960s, when Nixon sought to co-opt the Southern segregationists and the George Wallace movement, the Republican Party has encouraged and drawn sustenance from the most reactionary, racist and chauvinist tendencies in American society.

The growing intimacy between the Republican Party and semi-fascist elements has long been the dirty secret of official American politics. Both the Democratic Party and the corporate-controlled media have sought to cover this up, downplaying periodic eruptions such as the presidential campaigns of Patrick Buchanan, the close ties between Southern Republicans and white supremacist groups, and, more recently, the rise of the Tea Party and the “birthers” (those, Donald Trump most prominent among them, who claimed that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and therefore not eligible to become president).

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On the Sunday television talk show hosted by Anne Will, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated her opposition to a change in course on refugee policy. A “national solution” was not in Germany’s interests. Freedom of movement within the Schengen zone had to be maintained. Instead of national borders, the European Union’s external borders had to be secured. Intensified efforts to this end were required, she said.

Sunday’s broadcast was deliberately arranged to give Merkel the opportunity to respond to her critics. For months, right-wing Christian Social Union (CSU) chairman Horst Seehofer has been insisting on stricter restrictions on the number of refugees at the national borders.

At the beginning of the year, Seehofer demanded an upper limit on refugees of 200,000 per year. At the frontier, “relations determined by law [had] to be reestablished rapidly”, he asserted. Otherwise, the Bavarian state government (in which he is Minister-President) would file a complaint against the federal government in Germany’s Constitutional Court, Seehofer threatened, even though the CSU is itself a part of the federal government coalition.

The German government has come under immense pressure following the implementation of strict border controls by the Austrian government and others over the past week, and the decision by one Balkan country after another to shut its borders to refugees.

“Germany divided, isolated in Europe—when will you make an about-turn, Mrs. Merkel?” Will headlined her programme and called upon the chancellor to respond to the attacks on her policy. Merkel, who often argues in careful and compromising diplomatic tones, was clear and categorical on Sunday. Responding to the question, “When will you change course?”, she answered bluntly, “I will not change course”. In answer to the question, “Do you have a plan B?”, the response was even more succinct, “No!”

Then Merkel explained that she shared the goal of her critics of sharply reducing the number of refugees. In the summer, she did not “open the borders”, as she was often accused of doing, she had merely not closedalready open borders. Today, she also wanted to defend open borders within the Schengen zone [the area comprising the more than two dozen European countries that have abolished passport and other border controls]. This was because the ending of freedom of movement within Schengen would mean the end of the common European economic market and, very rapidly, the end of the European single currency. “From the standpoint of German interests, nobody can seriously want that”, Merkel stated.

Therefore, instead of strengthening the European Union’s internal borders, the external ones had to be secured. This would not be easy, and required “difficult and sometimes very drawn-out” negotiations, but there was no way around that. The European Union [EU] had to learn to effectively protect its external borders, she declared, adding, “That’s why I’m for NATO intervention in the Aegean”. NATO units would support Frontex [the EU agency that patrols its borders] and the Turkish army in “the struggle against smugglers”, and secure the maritime border between Greece and Turkey.

Collaboration with the Turkish government was thus indispensable, she continued. Much had been achieved in talks with the Turks. After the €3 billion [$US 3.26 billion] agreed upon by the EU had been made available, the building of mass internment camps for refugees on the Syrian border was proceeding apace. Germany was also directly involved. The German technical assistance unit (DTW) had been deployed to aid Turkish emergency services with providing for refugees.

Merkel attempted to conceal her support for the sealing off of “fortress Europe” with humanitarian phrases. In Greece, one could currently see that the closure of the Balkan route did not “lead to the desired aim”, but had catastrophic consequences. Since Greece’s border was difficult to secure due to its many islands, refugees were arriving every day who could go no further and were massing in a country that is highly indebted, she said.

The Greek government could not be left alone precisely at this moment, Merkel stated, noting she was in close contact with Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras. Clearly the German government fears Greece could collapse under the pressure of the refugees––with 100,000 having arrived since the beginning of the year––with incalculable consequences for the finances and continued existence of the EU.

The German government is therefore concentrating on militarily patrolling and securing the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey. At a meeting of NATO members in Brussels last week, details about the NATO deployment in the Aegean were discussed and finalised. German naval units have been operational since Saturday and are carrying out surveillance on the refugee routes around the clock. Their task is to punish “people smugglers” (i.e., target refugee boats) who were “similar to terrorists” and bring back refugees “rescued” at sea directly to Turkey.

The “European solution” to the refugee crisis demanded by Merkel is increasingly assuming a military form. An emergency EU summit with Turkey is planned in Brussels next Monday, at which the cooperation on deterring refugees will be concretised. Ankara is demanding financial support for this.

While the most prominent issues are financial support and visa relaxation for Turkish citizens, Turkey’s intervention in the Syrian war, where Ankara is determined to topple the Assad regime and prevent the emergence of a Kurdish state, will be discussed behind closed doors. Merkel has repeatedly spoken out in favour of the establishment of a “security zone” in Syria, a demand also raised by Turkey. This would necessitate a direct military intervention by NATO.

In this context, an article published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung more or less simultaneously with Merkel’s talk show appearance Sunday was significant. Two leading representatives of economic think tanks, Michael Hüther (Cologne Institute of Economic Research) and Hans-Werner Sinn (longtime president of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research in Munich), demanded the construction of a “joint, European army”.

The full-page piece began with a very sober assessment of the situation in Europe. Faced with financial problems and the unresolved refugee crisis, the EU is threatened with a break-up. “European politics has never appeared so worn out, disillusioned, divided and clueless as today”, the authors claimed.

The refugee crisis made clear how deep the crisis of leadership in Europe was. A leading European power was missing. “The leading power in Europe in practice, Germany”, could no longer evade its responsibility. It was wrong to rely upon the borders being secured by Turkey. Instead, the creation of a “comprehensive European defence community” had to be adopted as a clear goal.

Hüther and Sinn wrote, “Faced with the military flash-points in Europe’s environs, we consider it an unsustainable anachronism that the 28 EU states control 25 separate armies with their own general staffs, even though they are bound together in emergencies via NATO”.

Europe needed a new project to maintain its unity. “Before the euro zone states involve themselves even more in a union of financial liabilities”, the Schengen zone states or the euro zone should come together to form a kind of “European defence community”. “A new, sustainable pillar of European cooperation [would be] based” on joint units and a command structure, “which gives the political union a solid basis and has a logic of political order”.

With Merkel’s refugee policy increasingly assuming the form of sealing off Europe militarily, and with conflicts growing in NATO over the war in Syria, the demand is being raised for a European army under German leadership.

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Moscow, Rampart against the “Jihadists”

March 2nd, 2016 by Thierry Meyssan

Since 2012, Moscow has been trying to rally the Western powers to its cause – to defend civilisation against jihadism, as the world was once united against Nazism. In order to do so, it first of all dissociated the White House from the combatants that the United States call « rebels », and whom Moscow regards as «jihadists». Today, it is trying to isolate Turkey. Far from being a diplomatic epiphenomenon, the cessation of hostilities in Syria marks an about-face. Washington has just admitted that there are no « moderate » armed groups, or none left. 

We are wrong to analyse Russian politics from the Arab or Western point of view. Russia has its own view of jihadists, with whom it is familiar since 1978, when they [sponsored by the CIA] came to lend a helping hand to the Afghan Pashtuns against the Communist government in Kabul.

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Demonstration at the Russian embassy in Damascus.

Vladimir Putin personally fought the jihadists from the Caucasus, in particular the Islamic Emirate of Itchkeria (the second Chechen war 1999-2000), and beat them. At the time, the Arabs claimed to support tbe Russian Muslims, although they did not understand what was happening there, while the West, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, applauded any group who attempted to pursue the movement of the dislocation of Russia. However, on the ground, there was no difference between yesterday’s Emirate and today’s Caliphate. The charia was still applied, and heads were chopped off in Grozny just as they are today in Rakka.

Atrocities by the jihadists of the Caucasus. Here in Dagestan, 1999.

Today, despite propaganda claiming that the war in Syria is a war against Islam, or that the Syrian Arab Republic is an « Alawite (sic) dictatorship (re-sic) » which massacres Sunnis, the facts remain – the Syrian Arab Army currently fighting the jihadists is composed of 70 % Sunnis.

In 2012, which is to say almost at the beginning of the war, at the moment when the United States DIA warned the White House against the force that was to become Daesh, Vladimir Putin declared that Syria had become a « Russian interior question ». Since then, he has been trying to create an international Coalition with the West against the jihadists.

Russia remembers how the world changed in the 1930’s. At that time, the King of England, Edward VIII, was a public supporter of Nazism. Montagu Norman, the governor of the Bank of England, financed Adolf Hitler’s accession to power with the Crown’s money [1]. The British thought that in this way, they were supporting a state capable of overthrowing the Soviet Union, which had eliminated Tsar Nicolas II, and was a threat to their capitalist interests. However, during the Second World War, they allied with Stalin and Mao against Hitler.

In these archive documents, revealed by the Sun, the future King of England, Edward VIII, teaches the future Queen Elizabeth II — then aged 6 — to make the Nazi salute.

Vladimir Putin hopes to be able to overturn today’s alliances, as was the case in the period 1936-39. This is why, over the last few years, he has been working to treat the United States as « partners », even while Washington was stabbing him in the back, organising demonstrations in Moscow against his governement (2011-12) and mounting a coup d’État in Ukraine (2013-14).

On the 10th February, Russian ambassador Vitali Tchourkine distributed to all the members of the Security Council an intelligence report concerning the activities of Turkey in support of the jihadists [2]. This two-page document presents ten indisputable facts. It attests to the fact that Turkey is a gangster-state which for many years has been deliberately violating a quantity of UN Resolutions. Each of these facts connects to networks and agents who once supported the Chechen jihadists. In those days, the Turkish state as such was not implicated, but the Welfare Party (Refah). Today, Refah has been disbanded and replaced by the AKP. Since the AKP is now in power, the Turkish state is now implicated [3].

Today, the resolute Russian bear is attempting to separate Turkey from NATO. The future of humanity depends on this operation. Either Turkey stays in the Atlantist Alliance, thus able to support the jihadists, not only in Syria, but also in Iraq and Libya, and, finally, all over the world. Or else NATO distances itself from Turkey, in which case the United States and Russia would effectively be allied to fight the jihadists efficiently, wherever they may be.

It seems that on the 12th February, the Russians were able to separate the White House from the neo-conservatives and liberal hawks who support Turkey and the jihadists. Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry agreed to create two work groups, which they co-preside, which relegates the UNO to the role of simple clerk [4]. In other terms, Jeffrey Feltman, who has been using his functions as United Nations number 2 to sabotage all efforts for peace over the last three and a half years, has now been benched [5]. The result ? In only 10 days, Russia and the United States have been able to conclude the conditions for a cessation of hostilities which has been awaiting finalisation since 2012 [6].

President Putin decided to announce personally on TV the conclusion of the agreement with the United States for the cessation of hostilities.

This cessation of hostilities was firmly rejected by the « National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces », whose President, the Turco-Syrian Khaled Khoja, commented in a letter to the Security Council – « It is absolutely scandalous to conclude bilateral agreements with Russia on a “cessation of hostilities”, when these agreements do not concern one of the main killers of civilians in Syria, the Russian Federation. It is high time for Russia to leave Syria and end the brutal war that it is waging against our fellow country-men » [7].

This agreement is in reality a trap aimed at destroying the whole system created by the neo-conservatives and the liberal hawks. Already, during the Genève 3 negotiations, Russia had patiently revealed the bad faith of the « opposition » supported by Saudi Arabia and Turkey. This opposition had already discredited itself without any help by its procrastination. The question is not so much the representativity of the opposition, but to show that it has no desire to improve the living conditions of the Syrian people, only to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic. The comment quoted above is convincing enough, since, contrary to M. Khoja’s allegations, the cessation of hostilities does in fact concern Russia, but not the groups listed as terrorists by the United Nations.

The cessation of hostilities is aimed at facing the armed groups with their responsibilities. All they had to do was sign up with Washington or Moscow to avoid being bombed by the Russians or the Syrians, but in this case, they would have been obliged to renounce their project for the overthrow of the Syrian Arab Republic, and join a political process in favour of a secular, democratic Syria, in other words, to abandon the dream of an Islamic state. Only 97 Katibas of the thousand in existence would have dared to engage in a process which makes them « traitors » to the Turkish cause, and marks them as the next victims of their jihadist ex-comrades.

Moreover, the Western powers could not have dreamed of a better outcome. On the 15th December 2015, during a Senate hearing, General Didier Castres, responsible for French external operations assured that the total number of combatants susceptible of being moderates did not exceed 20,000 [8]. While in January 2016, a German intelligence report affirmed that the proportion of Syrian combatants participating in all the armed groups in Syria would not exceed 5 % [9].

This is exactly the result that Kerry and Lavrov were looking for when they spoke of a cessation of hostilities and not a cease-fire – the second expression being the only one with legal consequences.

This enables us to understand John Kerry’s answer to the question posed by a senator during a parliamentary hearing concerning an eventual « plan B » for use, if necessary, as a get-out clause. If the cessation of hostilities fails to work, there could be no partition of Syria, simply because the plan for the cessation of hostilities will have shown that the choice is not between Damascus and the « rebels », but between Damascus and the « jihadists ».

For President el-Assad’s advisor, Kerry’s « plan B » should be aimed at fighting the jihadists.

By the same logic, the Luxembourg Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jean Asselborn, declared to Der Spiegel that NATO would not allow itself to get dragged into a war started by Turkey against Russia [10]. Article 5 of the NATO Alliance provides for the support of a member state only when it is directly attacked, not when it initiates a conflict [11]. Comments confirmed by Germany to the Daily Mail [12].

As from now, the White House is preparing to sacrifice Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who will probably be held responsible for everything that has gone wrong in the region. The Turkish President may be assassinated, like his predecessor Turgut Özal, in 1993, or else be overthrown by those close to him. Failing that, the war will be displaced from Syria to Turkey, and Vladimir Putin will have won his bet – to shift the front lines in such a way as to cause the Western powers to fight alongside him against the jihadists that they themselves created.

Keep in mind :
- Russia did not go to war in Syria to defend economic interests or resuscitate a Cold War alliance, but to fight the jihadists.
- Since 2012, Russia has been trying to split the Western powers from the jihadists, whom they created and have supported since 1978.
- By conluding the Munich agreement, John Kerry has accepted to relegate Jeffrey Feltman, the leader of the neo-conservatives in the UNO, to a subordinate role. By proposing a cessation of hostilities, he has made it possible to separate the reasonable Syrian combatants from the jihadists.

Thierry MeyssanFrench intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference. His columns specializing in international relations feature in daily newspapers and weekly magazines in Arabic, Spanish and Russian. His last two books published in English : 9/11 the Big Lie and Pentagate.

Translation from French
Pete Kimberley


[1] “Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II”, by Valentin Katasonov, Strategic Culture Foundation (Russia) , Voltaire Network, 7 May 2015.

[2] “Russian intelligence report on Turkey’s current assistance to Daesh”,Voltaire Network, 18 February 2016.

[3] “How Turkey supports the jihadists”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 22 February 2016.

[4] “Statement of the International Syria Support Group”, Voltaire Network, 12 February 2016.

[5] “Germany and the UNO against Syria”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Al-Watan (Syria) , Voltaire Network, 28 January 2016.

[6] “Cessation of Hostilities in Syria”, Voltaire Network, 22 February 2016.

[7] « Letter dated the 18th February 2016, addressed by the representative of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces ». UNO Document S/2016/165.

[8] « Audition au Sénat du général Didier Castres sur Daesh », Réseau Voltaire, 15 décembre 2015.

[9] “Asian rebels in Aleppo, Western blind spot”, Christina Lin, Asia Times, February 8, 2016.

[10] « Syrienkonflikt: Warnung aus der Nato an die Türkei », Der Spiegel, 19. Februar 2016.

[11] « Traité de l’Atlantique Nord », Réseau Voltaire, 4 avril 1949.

[12] « NATO warns Turkey it can’t count on support in a conflict with Russia as tensions escalate », Gianluca Mezzofiore, Daily Mail, February 20, 2016.

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The Advocates for the families of the victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 that disappeared almost two years ago cry foul over the Malaysian government’s use of an Act of Parliament to suspend and / or deny the bereft existing rights in law, including access to justice mechanisms, for the benefit of Malaysian Airlines System Berhard (MAS).

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared in early March 2014 on a flight bound from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China. The disappearance of the Boeing 777-200 with 239 souls on board has since been riddled with inconsistencies in statements, inconsistencies in the search and investigation into the disappearance and with what according to many amounts to an international cover-up of the facts behind the tragedy.

Relatives to Flight MH370 passengers, fearing the worst. A nightmare that has come true. Photo, courtesy of H2O on Twitter.

Relatives to Flight MH370 passengers, fearing the worst. A nightmare that has come true. Photo, courtesy of H2O on Twitter.

The scandal surrounding the fateful flight has now flared up again as the so-called National Flag Carrier, Malaysian Airlines Systems Berhad (MAS) which was obliterated by the Malaysian Airline System Berhad. (Administration) Act 2015 [hereinafter Act 765]. The company is now known as Malaysian Airlines Berhad (hereinafter MAB), a wholly-owned private company. MAS also operated the fateful Flight MH17 the was shot down over Ukraine.

The advocacy group for the bereft families and loved ones of those who “disappeared” along with the Boeing 777-200 on Flight MH30, Voice370, responded with sharp criticism and dismay to the government’s and parliaments act. Voice370 issued a press release, noting MAS was, as is the similar sounding MAB, owned by Malaysia’s Khazanah Nasional Berhad, a sovereign fund.

The advocacy group stressed that the government and parliament adopted Act 765 with great speed. The Act came into force on February 20, 2016. Voice370 denounced the Act as most unjust to the next of kin of those on board the missing MH370 as well as those who perished on board flight MH17 in Ukraine.

The Act, in section 11, states that “…on the appointment of the Administrator, a moratorium shall take effect during which… (e) no proceedings and no execution or other legal process in any court or tribunal may be commenced or continued with, and no distress may be levied, against the Administered Companies or their property except with the prior written consent of the Administrator;” – whereby the Administered company includes MAS, its wholly owned subsidiaries and some partially owned subsidiaries.

Days after the disappearance of Flight MH370, and people continue to write encouraging messages to display at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.  Newzulu, Zaki Sulfadi.

Days after the disappearance of Flight MH370, and people continue to write encouraging messages to display at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Newzulu, Zaki Sulfadi.

This basically means the Next of Kin cannot sue MAS /MAB without their permission. The Administrator was appointed on or about 25th May 2015, and the period of administration can last for a maximum period of two years commencing from the date of the appointment of the Administrator. When the administration and moratorium ends, all monies, assets and business of MAS would most likely be transferred to the new legal entity MAB. Therefore will be nothing left in MAS when said moratorium ends.

The bereft also stress that no notice was given to the families of the missing on MH370 about what they denounce as the planned asset looting, gutting, delisting, and death of MAS. Selective payments or transfers of assets were made to creditors deemed by MAS and/or the Malaysian government to be “relevant” and no passengers or families of passengers of MH370 were included among the creditors.

Voice370 stresses that there are currently cases which have been initiated and filed against MAS as the carrier by Next of Kin (NOK), now pending before the courts, awaiting access to justice, claiming wrongful death and/or other causes of action. The effect of the moratorium is that all these actions and cases will stop, and not proceed further until administration of MAS ends. In effect, at the en, when the moratorium is lifted, MAS would most likely be an empty shell with no assets or money.

The next of kin (NOK) will suffer, stressed Voice370. NOKs do not just lose their right to legal recourse against the original entity and thereby justice, but also will have to shoulder additional losses, including all the monies utilized for lawyers and court fees, time and above all additional emotional heartache over and above what we have been enduring for almost 2 years now.

Kuala-Lumpur_airport_child_AAP-Newzulu-Safiyan-SalimThe NOK perceive this to be MAS’s ploy to shield itself from liability of negligence or other claims, which may not be covered by their liability insurance. Voice370 denounced this as a blatant and despicable act of irresponsibility and cowardice by MAS, openly aided and abetted by the Malaysian Government. Moreover, the NOK complain that this is merely an extension of the poor treatment of MH370 NOKs by Malaysia Airlines and the Authorities from Day 1. They have now effectively set it up in such a way that the NOKs can only obtain relief from the insurers, Allianz and their co-insurers or re-insurers. The insurers must now be banking on getting away on the cheap and are thus offering a pitiful compensation despite the complete mishandling of the incident and mistreatment the NOKs have subjected to for almost two years now.

The advocacy organization stressed that usually, when the entity intended to be sued or the intended defendant has lost the ability to provide remedies, damages or compensation to satisfy the claims of the claimant, to ensure justice, the claimant can proceed with an application to sue other parties, for example the new MAS or the owners thereof (Khazanah Nasional Berhad) Considering that Khazanah Nasional was the sole owner of the old MAS, and now the new company, MAB, it can be seen very clearly that what is really happening is an elaborate name changing exercise. In such a case, legally the new entity MAB or the owner, Khazanah, should be justly taking over all the obligations and responsibility of MAS especially for incidents like the unresolved disappearance of MH370 but instead they are cherry picking desirable assets of MAS and leaving behind unwanted liabilities.

MH17 crash site in Ukraine.

MH17 crash site in Ukraine.

Moreover, the bereft stress that they have irresponsibly ensured they get the best of both worlds with little to no risk of any repercussions, to the detriment of the families of the victims onboard flights MH370 and MH17. Further evidence to support the notion that the conversion of MAS to MAB was an elaborate name changing exercise is that Christoph Mueller, the chief executive of MAS, who was appointed on 1/5/2015, later assumed the same position with MAB. MAB also re-hired 14,000 of the 20,000 employees MAS terminated. Effectively MAS and MAB share not only the same owners but the same CEO and a majority of the staff too.

Voice370 notes that it is very obvious that all the legal gymnastics is merely to escape responsibility and liability towards those it is owed to by going so far as to pass legislation preventing / severely limiting rights to sue in Malaysia (Section 33 Act 765) or anywhere else in the world and even going the extra mile to ensure no judgement, order obtained, either in Malaysia or anywhere else in the world be enforceable (Section 34 Act 765). This would also effectively shield those criminally complicit for the disappearance of MH370 – a state sponsored mechanism to protect criminals if this is eventually established.

The NOK stress that all this is done by a Government claiming to be a champion of democracy that also flatly denies being a party to any human rights abuses. Voice370 stresses that the next of kin appeal to the world at large to take note and condemn what they decry as an undemocratic action and to open avenues for them to seek remedies in other jurisdictions where rule of law prevails”.

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Haitian People: Let Us Recover Our Dignity

March 2nd, 2016 by Michel-Ange Cadet

Translated from the French by Dady Chery for Haiti Chery

Several Haitian cities rose up under strong tension in December 2010. The sky was black with smoke. The burning tires, the deafening noise of protesters in a common refrain of anger raged on the streets. The results of the presidential contests had just been announced. The word was that the people were demanding their legitimate right to vote. This thunder also rumbled in some provincial towns.

A community of foreign countries, which, due to their funding, lacked any respect and could not be bothered, entered peremptorily into the deepest bowels of the nation. These so-called Friends of Haiti expressed clearly and without diplomatic tact their hostility against the regime in place, which they accused of all the possible and conceivable ills of the degrading situation in which people lived, and the fraudulent nature of the elections. And this international community, did it not impose its own results on the Republic of Haiti? After this, we all saw the great benefits enjoyed by the high-level international staff in the country. For example, the illegal exploitation of the gold mines in the northeast region allowed us to see the meteoric speed at which various economic liberalization plans were effected. We all wondered where the reconstruction funds collected under the auspices of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) had gone. And none of us ever got an answer.




Five years later, the same characters are on the other side of the barricade. The political atmosphere is no longer that of an antipathy toward a regime in place. It is no longer the determination to oust a candidate from the government. Just the opposite! It is an international community that wants, for the supposed stabilization of political life and the well-being of the Haitian people, to make the population swallow, at all costs, the fraudulent elections to maintain an illegitimate regime. We find in 2016 an international community that wants by all means to maintain the status quo. The election process went well, it wants us to believe. All the troubles of August 9 and October 25, 2015 were the mere schizophrenic visions of a press eager for scoop and a sick population of “renmen zen” (gossips) and morons. But really, why are these countries so keen on these elections? Why do they want, at any price, the parliament, government, or president to issue from all these shenanigans?


Some Arab countries recently experienced turmoil and changes of autocratic regimes. Tunisia, Egypt, and Iraq successively experienced drastic swings of political regime in virtually no time. I am speaking, of course, of the Arab Spring. It is clear, however, that the famous invisible hand, of which Adam Smith spoke in his various economic theories, is no longer invisible today. For many decades everybody has been seing it in every corner of political and economic life. The world has become aware of the roles of the imperialist powers from their interference in the internal politics of countries. Nowadays, to colonize people, one must first mentally colonize their leaders, those authorities who will hold the reins of power.

Everything happens under the cover of a kind of imposed democracy. The new form of colonization of the people passes through their representatives. When resistance is in order, their version of democracy and political and economic stabilization is at the cost of political turmoil, economic crisis, and bloodshed under various forms and pretexts. Syria can attest to this. Why couldn’t Saudi Arabia, a powerful ally of the United States and the West, have its own Arab Spring? In reality, everything is a matter of self interest, manipulation of public opinion and exploitation of wealth.


Since the 1980-1981 extermination of the creole pig, known as the “Pè APADEP” the imperialist powers have followed a strategy of systematic destruction of the Haitian economy. The US and Canada have gradually substituted their production of meat for that of Haiti. They have struck at the heart of the actual capacity of the domestic production, to weaken the peasantry, the main engine of the economy.

Our small farmers have been those most affected by this slaughter of the pigs. In 1988, it was the turn of the rice sector to suffer the consequences of this economic policy of US and Canadian dominance. The productions of rice, milk, cereals and many other foods were literally dismantled by unfair competition, with a requirement for an excessive relaxation of trade barriers. Farmers in the Artibonite Valley, the producers of creole rice, protested, fought, cried out against this dumping and predicted the imminent economic catastrophe, the destruction of the Haitian rice market and many other food products. Unfortunately the farmers have never had the support of Haiti’s elites. Intellectuals, universities, and civil society were too busy accounting for their purse, and they did not have their eyes sufficiently wide open to avoid the stampede on the country, concocted mainly by Uncle Sam’s most sordid misery and exploitation industry. Today, we can barely find creole varieties of rice like Madan Gougous, Rèpsoro, and Riz Soleil.


Under the pretext of a return to constitutional order, democracy, and economic reform, in 1995 a second opening of the Haitian market was imposed on various state structures of the Republic: the executive and parliament. We witnessed the free fall of almost all tariffs, the privatization of public enterprises, a program of voluntary departure of several public officials. Let us just say that this was a pure implementation of neoliberalism that exposed our economy to another economy that was more powerful and heavily subsidized. This was in compensation for the return from exile of a president who had been the victim of a coup fomented by these same imperialist powers. And we are still there today. A little history will not kill us; rather, it allows us to understand and see who are our real enemies and who cleared their path to our destruction.


All this was only possible, however, because of the incompetence, carelessness, or cowardice of those who monopolized the highest offices in the nation: our presidents, our governments and legislators, who have never defended the republic. These kinds of men and women are needed to save the time, account, and expense that any direct war of occupation would cost. These people do not want to displease the white man. the white man is always a powerful ally, especially when they lack popular legitimacy. He is an asset for back-up power, calm and laisser faire when the clouds come to darken a political regime.


Joseph Arthur Gobineau was right about one thing. All men are not created equal. There is actually a hierarchy in the human species. It does not rely simply on skin pigmentation or region of origin. Everything is mental. Everything lies within the human subconscious. Some people are born with a mental condition of inferiority, and they spend their lives crawling on their knees. They believe in their subconscious that there is a class of men that is better, smart, and infallible. They do not esteem those of their own race, their compatriots, or even their own person. This inferiority complex prevents constructive judgment. They are those that history does not want to expose, for fear of infecting positive thinking in contemporary minds, except to show the kinds of men and women to avoid in any high office of a country.


On the other hand, there are those who refuse to believe that their destiny is tied to the existence of a chain of subservience, and that they should fear in their flesh the lash of the master. They are those who are born and live upright, stand and fight against all forms of adversity, who do not believe in the existence of a superior race, but that we are all people of flesh and blood. These are the Haitians who know that genius comes from this land as well as anywhere else, and that it is no coincidence that Toussaint L’Ouverture was able to dazzle a Napoleonic army, and it is natural that the genius of Dessalines defeated the French troops of Saint Domingue. The fact that Antenor Firmin became a major writer, by any world standard, proves that we are also worthy beings.


It is a shame that nowadays those who lead Haiti base all their hopes, all important decisions and directions of the republic on a community of foreign countries. Self-determination is nothing but an illusion. What happened to our dignity as a people? This community of countries, the so-called Friends of Haiti, say they understand the misery and problems of our people, even though our people have never seen the color of the support funds that these countries claim to have granted us. To the extent that the figures express a whopping support, the social and economic conditions of the people follow the opposite trend. We become more impoverished, generation after generation. Many of those who still decide to promote honesty have only poverty to pass on to their offspring. The country is becoming poorer and the people more miserable, to the point that today an estimated 78 percent live below the poverty line. And so goes the country. It is in the midst of this economic and social contrast that the international stabilization boasts of its achievements on Haitian soil. To survive, the people practice the policy of the ostrich and get stuck in a series of popular aphorisms like: “Pito nou lèd nou la” (Better ugly than gone). Or better yet: “Lespwa fè viv” (Hope brings life).

Date: March 25, 2011 Place: Washington, DC Credit: Juan Manuel Herrera/OAS

In fact, what hope? What life? Why couldn’t we live in all beauty as a people, as a nation? We have seen very little in the last popular street protests about problems other than politics. Yet the crisis in Haiti is more social than political. On the sidelines of the political crisis is a major problem of social and economic class. It is not politics that creates the corrupt politicians, those butlers who destabilize republican institutions. We have issues of civic education, fueled by an unprecedented economic crisis. Politics appears to be the only way out for many. Some of those who were ruined in the last US subprime crisis came out well from their slump while the duped people were left to their daily lives of disarray. And the gap is increasingly widened between the people and the oligarchy. Observations of the recent months also express the bitterness from the lower middle class and poor. We see very little expression about the social divide that exists in the society.


Unfortunately the state, in its regal comportment through his officials, no longer serves the function of redistributing wealth, but instead teams up with the oligarchy and the imperialists to pull what it can out of the game. This makes the rich much richer, the poor much poorer, the imperialists more satisfied with their policy of exploitation, and the country much more confrontational. Victims of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 and a disastrous economic policy in the last five years, and to top it all, an arbitrary increase of the tax burden on its back, the Haitian middle class hardly exists anymore. We can say that today our country taxes poverty. So goes the Republic! The statistics show how difficult the economy was for the Haitian people in 2015. These data are not satisfactory at all. In fact, they are catastrophic, especially considering the great social disparity in the distribution of wealth in the country, where 78 percent of the population live below the poverty line, and 58 percent are in extreme poverty. Only 20 percent of the population owned 63 percent of the country’s wealth, while the economy’s growth rate was 3.6 percent for 2015.


Growth Rate of Economic Activities

Indicators Change in %
Primary Sector 22
Secondary Sector 21
Tertiary Sector 57
Agriculture / Forestry / Livestock and Fisheries -3.5
Mining 3.8
Manufacturing 4.5
Electricity and Water -0.2
Public Works 2.3
Trade / Restaurant and Hotel 3.5
Transport et Communication 0.5
Other Merchant Service 2.1
Non-Merchant Service 3.0


Many have given up the ship, become fringes of our red-and-blue all over the world, fleeing poverty as the Jews fled Hitler’s fury. Those who still have the courage or have no other choice still fight for a better future. So goes their lives, and the fates of their children and grandchildren.


 Michel-Ange Cadet is an economist based in Haiti and member of the Research Group on Economic and Social Development of Haiti (GREDESH). |

Data for the table from IHSI | Photos one and two by Blue Skyz Studios; three from Ministerio das Relacoes Exteriores; four and eleven from the OAS; five by Nick Hobgood; six from BBC World Service; eight, nine, and ten by Jean-Jacques Augustin; twelve by James Emery; thirteen from Mediahacker; and fourteen by cplbasilisk.

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In my opinion, Hillary Clinton will be President in 2017. Yes, Donald Trump will most likely be the Republican presidential nominee but the Presidential elections are still 9 months away and anything can happen. You see, whoever occupies the White House will have to follow the blueprint supplied by a political machine or the system.

What is the “machine”? 

John F. Kennedy’s address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 when he spoke about how the system operates 

“It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.” 

Where does Hillary Clinton fit in? Kennedy went on to mention

“Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Mistakes are buried, its dissenters are silenced and no secret is revealed (except for Hillary’s Email-Gate which revealed numerous secrets), it does sound like Hillary Clinton may qualify for all of the above just mentioned. Make no mistake; Hillary Clinton is a candidate for the political machine. Here are a few reasons why I believe Hillary Clinton can possibly become the U.S. president come this November.

Hillary’s ‘Benghazi-Gate’ and why she will NOT go to Prison

No charges of supporting terrorist cells with high-grade weaponry will be brought against Hillary Clinton. No prosecution, no jail time, nothing. Clinton was summoned to testify before a congressional committee and was questioned on her role as the Secretary of State during the Benghazi attack which left 4 Americans and close to a dozen injured. Pulitzer-prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh published an in-depth report exposing the reasons behind the Benghazi attack in the London Review of Books titled ‘The Red Line and the Rat Line’:

The full extent of US co-operation with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar in assisting the rebel opposition in Syria has yet to come to light. The Obama administration has never publicly admitted to its role in creating what the CIA calls a ‘rat line’, a back channel highway into Syria. The rat line, authorised in early 2012, was used to funnel weapons and ammunition from Libya via southern Turkey and across the Syrian border to the opposition. Many of those in Syria who ultimately received the weapons were jihadists, some of them affiliated with al-Qaida. (The DNI spokesperson said: ‘The idea that the United States was providing weapons from Libya to anyone is false.’)

In January, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the assault by a local militia in September 2012 on the American consulate and a nearby undercover CIA facility in Benghazi, which resulted in the death of the US ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and three others. The report’s criticism of the State Department for not providing adequate security at the consulate, and of the intelligence community for not alerting the US military to the presence of a CIA outpost in the area, received front-page coverage and revived animosities in Washington, with Republicans accusing Obama and Hillary Clinton of a cover-up. A highly classified annex to the report, not made public, described a secret agreement reached in early 2012 between the Obama and Erdoğan administrations. It pertained to the rat line. By the terms of the agreement, funding came from Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar; the CIA, with the support of MI6, was responsible for getting arms from Gaddafi’s arsenals into Syria. A number of front companies were set up in Libya, some under the cover of Australian entities. Retired American soldiers, who didn’t always know who was really employing them, were hired to manage procurement and shipping. The operation was run by David Petraeus, the CIA director who would soon resign when it became known he was having an affair with his biographer. (A spokesperson for Petraeus denied the operation ever took place.)

The operation had not been disclosed at the time it was set up to the congressional intelligence committees and the congressional leadership, as required by law since the 1970s. The involvement of MI6 enabled the CIA to evade the law by classifying the mission as a liaison operation. The former intelligence official explained that for years there has been a recognised exception in the law that permits the CIA not to report liaison activity to Congress, which would otherwise be owed a finding. (All proposed CIA covert operations must be described in a written document, known as a ‘finding’, submitted to the senior leadership of Congress for approval.) Distribution of the annex was limited to the staff aides who wrote the report and to the eight ranking members of Congress – the Democratic and Republican leaders of the House and Senate, and the Democratic and Republicans leaders on the House and Senate intelligence committees. This hardly constituted a genuine attempt at oversight: the eight leaders are not known to gather together to raise questions or discuss the secret information they receive.

The annex didn’t tell the whole story of what happened in Benghazi before the attack, nor did it explain why the American consulate was attacked. ‘The consulate’s only mission was to provide cover for the moving of arms,’ the former intelligence official, who has read the annex, said. ‘It had no real political role.’

Washington abruptly ended the CIA’s role in the transfer of arms from Libya after the attack on the consulate, but the rat line kept going. ‘The United States was no longer in control of what the Turks were relaying to the jihadists,’ the former intelligence official said. Within weeks, as many as forty portable surface-to-air missile launchers, commonly known as manpads, were in the hands of Syrian rebels. On 28 November 2012, Joby Warrick of the Washington Post reported that the previous day rebels near Aleppo had used what was almost certainly a manpad to shoot down a Syrian transport helicopter. ‘The Obama administration,’ Warrick wrote, ‘has steadfastly opposed arming Syrian opposition forces with such missiles, warning that the weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists and be used to shoot down commercial aircraft.’ Two Middle Eastern intelligence officials fingered Qatar as the source, and a former US intelligence analyst speculated that the manpads could have been obtained from Syrian military outposts overrun by the rebels. There was no indication that the rebels’ possession of manpads was likely the unintended

Judicial Watch announced on May 18, 2015 that they obtained documents from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) regarding actions by the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of State from a 2014 court order through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit is clear evidence that weapons were being shipped to Syria VIA Libya:

Weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the Port of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The weapons shipped during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s, and 125 mm and 155mm howitzers missiles.

During the immediate aftermath of, and following the uncertainty caused by, the downfall of the ((Qaddafi)) regime in October 2011 and up until early September of 2012, weapons from the former Libya military stockpiles located in Benghazi, Libya were shipped from the port of Benghazi, Libya to the ports of Banias and the Port of Borj Islam, Syria. The Syrian ports were chosen due to the small amount of cargo traffic transiting these two ports. The ships used to transport the weapons were medium-sized and able to hold 10 or less shipping containers of cargo.

The weapons shipped from Syria during late-August 2012 were Sniper rifles, RPG’s and 125mm and 155mm howitzers missiles. The numbers for each weapon were estimated to be: 500 Sniper rifles, 100 RPG launchers with 300 total rounds, and approximately 400 howitzers missiles [200 ea – 125mm and 200ea – 155 mm.]

There was evidence that the Obama administration with Hillary Clinton as the U.S. Secretary of State at the time was shipping weapons from Libya to the Syrian rebels which cost the lives of 4 Americans including U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and left several others injured. After all, “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?” Hillary Clinton adamantly told the Select Committee on Benghazi in a hearing last October regarding the Benghazi attacks. There is no difference because Hillary Clinton will not be prosecuted nor will she face any charges for any war crimes she committed during her position as Secretary of State. If Hillary can get away with supporting terrorists, she can get away with anything regardless what federal agencies who are investigating Hillary’s actions including the FBI will not charge the former first lady and Secretary of State who is on the road to the Whitehouse. You can forget the “Hillary for Prison” slogan, it will not happen. She is powerfully connected to big money and power just like the bankers who never go to prison.

Follow the Money

Citigroup Inc, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Co, Lehman Brothers and Morgan Stanley are major banking institutions who contributed to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. DLA Piper and Skadden, Arps et al are major corporate law firms who represent corporate interests also contribute to Hillary. The Soros Fund Management run by billionaire Zionist George Soros is a major contributor to Hillary Clinton. Speaking of Zionist influence, major Zionist contributors to Hillary’s campaign is Republican and Casino owner Sheldon Adelson, Media Mogul Haim Saban who also sponsors AIPAC and owns Univision, a Spanish-language “propaganda” Media Company, Herbert M. Sandler (known for his role in the 2008 subprime mortgage meltdown). Influential people in Hollywood support Hillary Clinton including Jeffrey M. Katzenberg, CEO of Dreamworks SKG, and director Steven Spielberg who are also Zionists. Between major corporations, Hollywood and pro-Israeli billionaires, Hillary Clinton will not fall short on cash donations to continue her campaign for the White House. In Washington D.C., money is power which Hillary has plenty of. 90% percent of Hillary Clinton’s contributions are from corporations or law firms that provide services to major corporations. The rest are influential Zionists who run the entertainment industry and major corporations. U.S. elections are dominated by money (although Trump has his own money) and that is something Hillary Clinton can take to the bank.

The Main-Stream Media Supports Hillary

The Main-Stream Media (MSM) supports Hillary Clinton and that is an important fact to consider. Time Warner has contributed more than $500,000 to Hillary Clinton’s campaign for some time according to Time Warner owns New Line Cinema, HBO, Turner Broadcasting System, CNN and Castle Rock Entertainment to name a few.

The editorial board of The New York Times endorsed Clinton this past January:

For the past painful year, the Republican presidential contenders have been bombarding Americans with empty propaganda slogans and competing, bizarrely, to present themselves as the least experienced person for the most important elected job in the world. Democratic primary voters, on the other hand, after a substantive debate over real issues, have the chance to nominate one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history.

Hillary Clinton would be the first woman nominated by a major party. She served as a senator from a major state (New York) and as secretary of state — not to mention her experience on the national stage as first lady with her brilliant and flawed husband, President Bill Clinton. The Times editorial board has endorsed her three times for federal office — twice for Senate and once in the 2008 Democratic presidential primary — and is doing so again with confidence and enthusiasm

The New York Times admits Clinton’s hawkish stand although they are a propaganda mouthpiece for the establishment:

Mrs. Clinton can be more hawkish on the use of military power than Mr. Obama, as shown by her current call for a no-fly zone in Syria and her earlier support for arming and training Syrian rebels. We are not convinced that a no-fly zone is the right approach in Syria, but we have no doubt that Mrs. Clinton would use American military power effectively and with infinitely more care and wisdom than any of the leading Republican contenders

Mrs. Clinton will use “more care and wisdom” with America’s military power? I guess Libya and Syria is a good example for the New York Times where death, destruction and chaos are out of control. The online political news source published an interesting article titled ‘Is the mainstream media in the tank for Clinton?’ which states that in The Times, Clinton was praised while Sanders was criticized:

The Times’ main news story called it “a dominant performance.” The story commended Clinton’s “agility” and her “assertiveness” and found her critique of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) “forceful,” her assessment of his logic “stinging.” Plus, she laughed, smiled and joked, which never hurts, especially when there are concerns about a candidate’s “likability.” The accompanying “News Analysis” characterized Clinton’s performance as “commanding” and said she was “blunt” and “effective.” Even the adverbs in the two reports favored Clinton: “aggressively,” “crisply,” “emphatically,” “energetically.” Sanders, by contrast, was “exasperated,” “unsure,” “sheepish” and “reactive.” One of his only positive moments was when he “zestfully defended” Clinton against attacks on her use of private email while secretary of State. Over on the op-ed side, meanwhile, columnist Frank Bruni described Clinton as “energetic,” “buoyant,” “effervescent” and “poised.”

The MSM will continue to promote Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be criticized heavily as his popularity continues to dominate the campaign trail. The MSM is a weapon that will push the Clinton agenda while propagandizing the masses and that is something that the MSM is very good at. Look for the MSM to demonize Donald Trump as Clinton’s “mistakes are buried, not headlined.”

Robert Kagan and the Neocons

The New York Times published an opinion piece in 2014 claiming that there is a strong possibility that the “Neocons” are ready to support a Hillary Clinton Presidency. The article titled ‘The Next Act of the Neocons: Are Neocons Getting Ready to Ally with Hillary Clinton?’ about Robert Kagan’s support for Hillary Clinton. Kagan is the Husband of Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State under the Obama administration who was responsible for the Coup that took place in the Ukraine in 2014:

After nearly a decade in the political wilderness, the neoconservative movement is back, using the turmoil in Iraq and Ukraine to claim that it is President Obama, not the movement’s interventionist foreign policy that dominated early George W. Bush-era Washington, that bears responsibility for the current round of global crises.

Even as they castigate Mr. Obama, the neocons may be preparing a more brazen feat: aligning themselves with Hillary Rodham Clinton and her nascent presidential campaign, in a bid to return to the driver’s seat of American foreign policy

According to The New York Times, the article claims other Neocon psychopaths followed Mr. Kagan’s lead to back Clinton due to her hawkish stance:

Other neocons have followed Mr. Kagan’s careful centrism and respect for Mrs. Clinton. Max Boot, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, noted in The New Republic this year that “it is clear that in administration councils she was a principled voice for a strong stand on controversial issues, whether supporting the Afghan surge or the intervention in Libya.”

And the thing is, these neocons have a point. Mrs. Clinton voted for the Iraq war; supported sending arms to Syrian rebels; likened Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, to Adolf Hitler; wholeheartedly backs Israel; and stresses the importance of promoting democracy

Kagan recently made it official in a Washington Post article by supporting Hillary Clinton and at the same time criticizing Trump as the “GOP’s Frankenstein Monster” when he said “For this former Republican, and perhaps for others, the only choice will be to vote for Hillary Clinton. The [Republican] party cannot be saved, but the country still can be.” The Neocons in Clinton’s corner does solidify support from pro-Israel organizations and lobbyists including AIPAC with various warmongers from the Bush administration. Clinton will also gain support from the Israeli-government including its Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu who she promised that she will meet in her first month in office. Zionist power in America (New York, Illinois and California) supports Hillary Clinton and that is a force that can put her into the Whitehouse.

U.S. President Hillary Clinton?

I hope I am wrong about Hillary Clinton becoming U.S. President because she would no doubt lead the World towards more war and poverty, but to set the record straight, I don’t think Donald Trump would make a better president either although he is less hawkish than Hillary. But Hillary Clinton has the support from powerful people in Hollywood, banking institutions; the Military-Industrial Complex, Women’s rights organizations, AIPAC, Israel and multinational corporations to elevate her to the throne. Trump will most-likely be the Republican nominee (if of course, Michael Bloomberg or Mitt Romney don’t enter the race and steal Donald Trump’s votes) and that won’t change a thing when the elections take place in November. The establishment is looking to stop Donald Trump at any costs which I believe can happen, even if it means stealing the election through fraud.

So to the Alternative media including citizen journalists, bloggers and to the rest of the world, Hillary Clinton, a war hawk and a Neocon has a real good chance of becoming the first female U.S. president. A Clinton presidency will bring more wars, corporate power and more government control over the American people and to the rest of the world.

So is the world ready for Hillary Clinton presidency that will run a collapsing empire that will stop at nothing to maintain its imperial power?

Just the thought of it, America has a pretty bleak future if another Clinton is elected to the White House and not that “Freebee” Bernie Sanders would be any better although he is somewhat the lesser of two evils in at least in terms of U.S. foreign policy to a point. Trump the torturer and his two Latino (Marco Rubio is a full blooded Cuban born in the U.S. and Ted Cruz is half Cuban and American from Canada) rivals or any other GOP nominee will not win. The MSM and all of Hillary’s supporters will make sure of that. With major backers controlling the media, Hillary Clinton’s chances are pretty strong.

Hillary Clinton as U.S. President is an idea that the world might have to get used to. I really hope that I am wrong.

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Warning: Saudi Arabia, although a signatory to the Nuclear Weapons Non- Proliferation Treaty has just, in violation of its pledge, acquired atomic bombs from Pakistan.

“We have nuclear bombs”: this is what was said on February 19 on Russia Today by the Saudi political analyst, Daham al-Anzi, de facto spokesman for Riyadh.

He repeated it on another Arab channel. Saudi Arabia had already declared [1] its intention to acquire nuclear weapons from Pakistan (not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty), of whom it finances 60% of the military nuclear program. Now, through al-Anzi, the Saudis have indicated that they started buying them two years ago. Of course, for Riyadh, this is to confront the “Iranian threat” in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, where “the Russians aid Assad.” That is to say, where Russia supports the Syrian government to free the country from Daesh (Islamic state) and other terrorist groups, financed and armed by Saudi Arabia as part of the US / NATO strategy.

Riyadh has over 250 fighter-bombers with dual conventional and nuclear capability, provided by the US and by the European powers. Since 2012, Saudi Arabia is part of the “Nato Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency,” the NATO agency that manages European Eurofighter and Tornado fighters, of which Riyadh bought from Britain twice the number of that of the whole Royal Air Force.

In the same context, enter the imminent 8 billion EUR maxi contract – thanks to Minister Roberta Pinotti, efficient sales representative for the supply of weapons – to supply Kuwait (ally of Saudi Arabia) with 28 Eurofighter fighter Typhoons, built by a consortium including Finmeccanica with British, German and Spanish industries. This is the largest order ever obtained by Finmeccanica whose coffers will absorb half the 8 billion. Guaranteed with 4 billion in funding by a pool of banks, including Unicredit and Intesa Sanpaolo, and the group Sace Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

And thus accelerates the conversion of military Finmeccanica, with outstanding results for those who enrich themselves with war: in 2015 Finmeccanica share value grew by 67%. Right in the face of the “Arms Trade Treaty” ratified by parliament in 2013, which states that “no State Party shall knowingly authorize the transfer of arms if the weapons could be used for attacks against civilian targets or subjects, or for other war crimes. ” Faced with the denunciation that the weapons provided by Italy are used by Saudi and Kuwaiti air forces for the massacre of civilians in Yemen, Minister Pinotti replies: “Let us not transform the states that are our allies in the battle against Daesh into enemies. This would be a very serious mistake. ”

This would be especially a “mistake” to allow it to be known who are our “allies” Saudi and Kuwaiti: absolute monarchies, where power is concentrated in the hands of the ruler and his family circle, where parties and trade unions are banned; where immigrant workers (10 million in Saudi Arabia, about half of the labor force; 2 million to 2.9 million people in Kuwait) live in conditions of exploitation and slavery, where those who call for the most basic human rights are hanged or beheaded.

In these hands, “democratic” Italy places bombers capable of carrying nuclear bombs, knowing that Saudi Arabia already has them and that they can also be used by Kuwait.

At the “International Humanitarian Law Conference,” minister Pinotti, after stressing the importance of “respecting the norms of international law,” concluded that “Italy is a immensely credible and respected country.”

Manlio Dinucci, Geographer and geopolitical scientist. His latest books are Laboratorio di geografia, Zanichelli 2014 ;Geocommunity Ed. Zanichelli 2013 ; Escalation. Anatomia della guerra infinita, Ed. DeriveApprodi 2005.

Roger Lagassé

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[1] “Iran nuclear talks : Prospect of deal with Iran pushes Saudi Arabia and Israel into an unlikely alliance”, Kim Sengupta, The Independent, March 30, 2015.

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Finance ministers and central bankers from the world’s biggest economies met in Shanghai, China over the weekend to discuss many of the problems for which they alone are responsible. Leading the list of issues, was the steady deceleration in global growth which, to great extent, is the result of experimental monetary policies central banks implemented following the recession in 2009.

Surprisingly, the group admitted that their “easing strategies” had failed to produce the durable recovery that they sought, but at the same time,  they made virtually no effort to correct their mistake by making the changes necessary to shore up flagging global output. Here’s a brief recap from Bloomberg:

Finance chiefs from the world’s top economies committed their governments to doing more to boost global growth amid mounting concerns over the potency of monetary policy.

In a pledge that will prove easier to write than deliver and may disappoint investors looking for a coordinated stimulus plan, the Group of 20 said “we will use fiscal policy flexibly to strengthen growth, job creation and confidence.” After a two-day meeting in Shanghai, finance ministers and central bank governors also doubled down on a line from their last gathering that “monetary policy alone cannot lead to balanced growth.

This is complete gibberish. Finance chiefs from the world’s top economies did not commit their governments to do more to boost global growth. Quite the contrary, they didn’t lift a finger to change anything.  That’s why Wall Street has its knickers in a twist, because they didn’t get the lavish handouts they were hoping for. You see, now that stocks are on the ropes and corporate profits have been dropping for two consecutive quarters (which is a sign of impending recession), the big money guys want more favors from Uncle Sugar, this time in the form of fiscal stimulus and “structural reforms”  which is an opaque “pro-business” buzzword that refers to the further slashing of workers wages, additional tax cuts for voracious corporations, and more lifting of government regulations to make it easier for Wall Street to fleece We the People.

What the markets were hoping for was some indication that more government freebies were on the way. But the finance ministers couldn’t agree about anything, so the whole issue of stimulus was scrapped. In other words, Wall Street got zilch. That’s why they’re so upset.   Check this out from Financial Review:

Investors burned by turmoil in global markets are looking for signs the world’s top finance officials are ready to take action to bolster growth and calm currency moves…. Citigroup’s Steven Englander said a failure to include more explicit support for fiscal stimulus in the closing statement from policy makers would be taken badly by investors. For Andrew Brenner, head of international fixed income at National Alliance Capital Markets in New York, a commitment to fiscal expansion and clarity on China’s currency policy will send equities higher next week, while stocks will slide if those issues aren’t addressed….

Keeping the previous language would be very disappointing and would be viewed as either complacent or reflecting policy paralysis,” Englander, Citigroup’s head of currency strategy for major developed economies, said in a February 25 report. He urged the G-20 to “man up and tell member countries that monetary policy should be accompanied by fiscal expansion. (“G-20 needs to ‘man up’ to avert more market turmoil, says Citigroup’s Englander“, Financial Review)

Can you see what’s going on? There is general acceptance of the fact that monetary policy has lost its effectiveness, so now Wall Street wants fiscal giveaways. And they don’t care how they get them either. Notice how carefully Mr Englander phrases his comments: “Keeping the previous language would be very disappointing and would be viewed as either complacent or reflecting policy paralysis.” In other words, if Wall Street doesn’t get more government handouts it’s going to stomp its feet and have another big hissyfit.

Reuters tells the same story. Check it out:

Investors could trim back positions on equities given a failure by a weekend meeting of the G20 group of leading economies to come up with concrete, new measures to boost growth, analysts said…..

The fact that the G20 is going to do more of the same is likely to be greeted with a big yawn and a likely fall on stock markets,” said Richard Edwards, managing director at trading and research firm HED Capital.  Others felt equally discouraged.

“Some people will be disappointed that there are no concrete measures,” said Francois Savary, chief investment officer at Geneva-based investment and consultancy firm Prime Partners.” (Reuters)

“Some people will be disappointed”, says Savary?? Well, boo-fu**ing-hoo!  I mean, how long are we going to continue to shape policy so it suits the exclusive needs of the bloodsuckers on Wall Street? It’s insanity!

Central banks and finance chiefs don’t give a rip about growth, jobs or even the overall state of the economy. It’s a joke. What matters them is profits and stock prices. That’s it. All this rubbish about “doing more to boost growth”  or “using fiscal policy to increase job creation and confidence” is enough to make you puke.  Here’s a short clip from the G-20 communique:

The global recovery continues, but it remains uneven and falls short of our ambition for strong, sustainable and balanced growth….While recognising these challenges, we nevertheless judge that the magnitude of recent market volatility has not reflected the underlying fundamentals of the global economy.

Fundamentals? What fundamentals? Global central banks have purchased more than $10 trillion in various distressed assets since the end of the recession in 2009. Do you think that that reduction in supply might have a affected the price of stocks and bonds a bit?  Maybe just a titch?

Investors know its all a mirage. They know that soaring stock prices are strung together with chewing gum and duct tape. That’s why they’re on bailing out at the first sign of trouble. And that’s what makes the G-20 confab a such momentous occasion, because the finance honchos and bank brainiacs brought nothing to the table. They basically told Wall Street to “pack sand”. They even shrugged off an emotional appeal from the IMF to take “bold action” to stimulate growth and avoid more damage to the fragile financial system.

Here’s what the IMF said:

“The G20 must plan now for co-ordinated demand support using available fiscal space to boost public investment and complement structural reforms…a comprehensive approach is needed to reduce over-reliance on monetary policy. In particular, near-term fiscal policy should be more supportive where appropriate and provided there is fiscal space….The global economy needs bold multilateral actions to boost growth and contain risk.”

That’s quite a turnaround for the austerity-promoting IMF, don’t you think?

But the fund is just being pragmatic. Now that monetary policy is kaput, fiscal stimulus is the only game in town. That’s just the way it is. Either the finance ministers accept that fact and push for additional government spending on infrastructure programs and the like, or stocks and profits are going to face a savage reckoning. It’s that simple.

Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Hillary Clinton: A Bigger Warmonger Than Bush/Cheney?

March 2nd, 2016 by Washington's Blog

Bush and Cheney launched two disastrous and totally unnecessary wars which increased terrorism and undermined America’s standing in the eyes of the world.

Hillary Clinton is at least as bad …

She is largely responsible for the war in Syria, which is plunging the Middle East and Europe into chaos.

The New York Times confirms that Clinton is responsible for the violent regime change in Libya, which was also completely unnecessary.

Hillary is largely responsible for the bombing of Yugoslavia … another wholly unnecessary war.  Diana Johnstone writes:

In her star-struck biography of the First Lady, Hillary’s Choice, Gail Sheehy reported Hillary’s plea in favor of bombing Yugoslavia in 1999 as a major point in her favor. According to Sheehy’s book, Hillary convinced her reluctant husband to unleash the 78-day NATO bombing campaign against the Serbs with the argument that: “You can’t let this ethnic cleansing go on at the end of the century that has seen the Holocaust.”

This line is theatrical and totally irrelevant to the conflict in the Balkans. As a matter of fact, there was no “ethnic cleansing” going on in Kosovo at that time. It was the NATO bombing that soon led people to flee in all directions – a reaction that NATO leaders interpreted as the very “ethnic cleansing” they claimed to prevent by bombing.

Joshua Marshall notes:

At least 15,000 Kosovars gathered in the central square of Pristina, the country’s capital, to demand the government’s resignation. In January, thousands of protesters clashed with police, hurling Molotov cocktails, setting a major government building and armored police cars on fire, and wounding 24 police officers.

The aim of this protest was to overthrow the government with violence, as the government said in a statement. The U.S. ambassador chimed in, “Political violence threatens democracy and all that Kosovo has achieved since independence.”

This violence gets little attention from the American media in part because, unlike the Ukrainian demonstrators who overthrew their democratically elected government in 2014, Kosovo’s protesters are targeting a pro-Western government that eagerly seeks membership in the European Union.

But it’s no wonder that Kosovo’s political fabric is so rent by violent confrontations. The rump state was created by a violent secessionist movement led by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). That guerrilla band of Albanian nationalists was covertly backed by the German secret service to weaken Serbia. Its terrorist attacks on Serbian villages and government personnel in the mid-1990s prompted a brutal military crackdown by Serbia, followed by NATO’s decisive intervention in 1999.

During the fighting the KLA drove tens of thousands of ethnic Serbs from Kosovo as part of an ethnic cleansing campaign to promote independence for the majority Albanian population. It recruited Islamist militants – including followers of Osama Bin Laden – from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan and other countries.

President Bill Clinton’s special envoy to the Balkans, Robert Gelbard, called the KLA “without any question, a terrorist group,” and a Council on Foreign Relationsbackgrounder added, “most of its activities were funded by drug running.”

None of that, however, stopped Washington from embracing the KLA’s cause against Serbia, a policy spearheaded by the liberal interventionist First Lady Hillary Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Without authorization from the United Nations, NATO began bombing Serbia in March 1999, killing some 500 civilians, demolishing billions of dollars’ worth of industrial plants, bridges, schools, libraries and hospitals, and even hitting the Chinese embassy. (“It should be lights out in Belgrade,”demanded New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. “Every power grid, water pipe, bridge, road and war-related factory has to be targeted. Like it or not, we are at war with the Serbian nation.”)

Following Serbia’s capitulation, according to Human Rights Watch, “elements of the KLA’€ engaged in “widespread and systematic burning and looting of homes belonging to Serbs, Roma, and other minorities and the destruction of Orthodox churches and monasteries. This destruction was combined with harassment and intimidation designed to force people from their homes and communities. By late-2000 more than 210,000 Serbs had fled the province . . . The desire for revenge provides a partial explanation, but there is also a clear political goal in many of these attacks: the removal from Kosovo of non-ethnic Albanians in order to better justify an independent state.”

Former KLA leaders, including its political head Hashim Thaqi, went on to dominate the new Kosovo state. A 2010 report by the Council of Europe declared that Thaqi, who was then Kosovo’s prime minister, headed a “mafia-like” group that smuggled drugs, guns and human organs on a grand scale through Eastern Europe. The report’s authoraccused the international community of turning a blind eye while Thaqi’s group of KLA veterans engaged in “assassinations, detentions, beatings and interrogations” to maintain power and profit from their criminal activities.


In 2012, Madeleine Albright and a former Clinton special envoy to the Balkans bid to take control of the country’s state-owned telecommunications company despite widespread allegations of corruption, the attempted assassination of the telecommunications regulatory chief, and the murder of the state privatization agency’s chief.


In 2014, a three-year E.U. investigation concluded that “senior officials of the former Kosovo Liberation Army” should be indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including “unlawful killings, abductions, enforced disappearances, illegal detentions in camps in Kosovo and Albania, sexual violence, other forms of inhumane treatment, forced displacements of individuals from their homes and communities, and desecration and destruction of churches and other religious sites.”

Under tough pressure from the United States and E.U., Kosovo’s parliament finallyagreed last summer to permit a special court to prosecute former KLA leaders for war crimes. The court will begin operating this year in The Hague.

“The sad thing is that the United States and European countries knew 10 years ago that Thaqi and his men were engaged in drug smuggling and creating a mafia state,” said one European ambassador last year. “The attitude was, ‘He’s a bastard, but he’s our bastard.’”

Hillary also backed coups against the democratically-elected leaders of Haiti, Honduras and other countries.

And she helped create the idea of “humanitarian war”, where the U.S. brutally overthrows a government by military force … justifying the action by falsely claiming that otherwise civilians will be.

Hillary has also literally supported Islamic jihadis with arms, money and logistical support.

For example, the U.S. under Clinton supported Al Qaeda (and see this) so that it could overthrow Libya’s government.

And the U.S. under Clinton supported Islamic jihadis so that they would overthrow Syria’s government.


  • The U.S. started plotting regime change and arming jihadis in Syria – in an effort to topple Assad – adecade ago
  • Hillary Clinton – as secretary of state – admitted that arming the rebels would strengthen Al Qaeda

So while Bush and Cheney’s foreign policy was utterly despicable,  Hillary Clinton has wreaked havoc on the world stage on a scale which is comparable … if not worse.

Postscript: It’s telling that the Neoconservative hawks – the same people who brought us the fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan (which Hillary also supported) – HATE Trump and LOVE Hillary.

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Many who defend the use of GMO crops and foods claim that there is no evidence that any GMO is harmful to health or the environment. But this is wrong. There is plenty of sound empirical evidence of such harm, presented by qualified scientists in peer-reviewed literature. This book is a succinct summary and documentation of that evidence. – Richard Jennings, PhD, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, UK

GMO Myths and Truths: A Citizen’s Guide to the Evidence on the Safety and Efficacy of Genetically Modified Crops and Foods,

3rd Edition, by Claire Robinson Mphil, Michael Antoniou PhD and John Fagan PhD

Before the internet, you had to head down to the library and try to access certain books and journals to get the information you required. If you were lucky, the publications were in stock and not out on loan; if not, you would have to go on a waiting list or search through what was available on the shelves. And the fact it took months or even years for a text to finally end up in print often meant certain information could already be outdated as soon as it hit the shelves. What now takes two minutes to access on the web, could have taken weeks to access before.

Yet, even with all the information readily available at the fingertips courtesy of the internet, it can still be difficult to find exactly what you want. It can be a case of spending half a day moving from site to site but not really accessing the precise bit of information required or finding everything you need in one place.

Certain fields of knowledge can be wide-ranging and draw from so many disciplines that it can be difficult to know where to begin. And what can be more confusing and indeed controversial than the area of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), food and agriculture?

There is a good deal of misinformation surrounding GMOs, and the enormous wealth of the pro-GMO lobby oils a massive PR machine that clouds the issues and presents GM in a wholly positive light. This wealth is moreover translated into political clout whereby governments and the GM biotech sector conspire to mislead the public and promote this technology.

The industry and its supporters say the technology is safe, increases yields, is better for farmers and the environment, uses less chemical inputs and is necessary to feed the world. They also say critics are ideologically driven, deal in pseudoscience and are Luddites who are stealing food from the bellies of the poor by campaigning against GMO. Such attacks have no basis in reality. But spin and smears are what the industry and its supporters have increasingly come to rely on. It reflects their failure to force GM onto the public and into the fields across most of the world.

A one-stop resource for all things GMO

If ever a comprehensive, one-stop resource were needed to counter the disinformation of the powerful, well-funded pro-GMO lobby, it is now. GMO Myths and Truths is a new book that does just that by presenting the scientific case against genetically modified (GM) crops and foods and deconstructing the propaganda and myths of the pro-GMO lobby. Originally published online in 2012 (second in 2014, also online), it has to date been available to the public as a free pdf download on the Earth Open Source website.

The new printed edition was produced in response to requests for a shorter publication in book form that could be easily read and passed on to others, including policy makers. It was recognised that some find it difficult to read a long document on a computer.

I for one have found the web version of GMO Myths and Truths to be an invaluable one-stop resource over the years. For the layperson, it explains in easy-to-understand terms and steps what genetic engineering is and how it is carried out. It describes and provides access to important scientific studies carried out into the safety and efficacy of GM and looks at the environmental impacts of the technology.

GMO Myths and Truths adopts a comprehensive approach to GM by moving beyond science to address wider issues related to intellectual property rights and seed patenting, alternative models of farming that are more productive and sustainable, food security, hunger and poverty. By addressing these issues, the authors demonstrate that GM is not needed and is being offered as a proxy solution for more deep-seated structural factors.

The conclusion to be drawn is that GM is a convenient diversion from the root causes of inequality, poverty and food insecurity across the globe. GM first and foremost serves the commercial interests of the biotech companies themselves.

The book itself may be described as ‘grey’ literature, in terms of it not being a peer-reviewed publication. But this in itself certainly should not (peer review has become increasingly politicised and open to corporate influence, not least where GM is concerned) and does not detract from its credibility or the validity of the arguments presented. There are in fact more than enough references to official reports, documents and peer-reviewed studies and papers for the reader to check.

New information

Like the pdf version, the book has a convenient layout, making it easy for the reader to locate specific themes and issues. What’s more, it also contains a fair amount of new information that does not appear in the previous editions. It provides updated evidence to dismiss the industry claim of a scientific consensus on GM food safety and new data that further outlines the risks that GMOs pose for health and the environment.

For example, there is information about a peer-reviewed publication by over 300 scientists that declares there is no scientific consensus that GM crops and foods are safe. The ‘trillion meal study’, so often touted by pro-GMO activists, is also deconstructed. The authors show why it fails to provide any credible evidence for GMO safety.

Other information not contained in previous versions sets out why the temporary increase in India’s cotton yield from 2003 to 2011 was not due to GM Bt cotton and why the current (2011 onward) decline is. The book also exposes how the GMO biotech industry’s own tests showed Bt eggplant was toxic and deconstructs the spin surrounding the crop in Bangladesh to show how it has pretty much been a failure.

The authors describe why the US government’s approval of GM crops engineered to resist the herbicides dicamba and glyphosate will create problems for farmers and health risks for consumers, and how a peer-reviewed paper shows claims that GM crops have reduced insecticide use are unreliable because they fail to consider escalating insecticide seed treatments in their calculations

Another new addition describes how a peer-reviewed gene expression analysis confirms that rats fed an ultra-low dose of Roundup (within permitted regulatory limits) suffered liver and kidney damage.

GMO Myths and Truths addresses the concerns that many ordinary people have about the technology. Although it deals with complex issues, it uses simple language and explains the issues in a comprehensible way that appeals to both layperson and professional alike.

To all those concerned citizens, policymakers, journalists, researchers and students who have missed a reliable, unbiased, comprehensive and readable account of plant genetic engineering and its unpredictable consequences: Here it is, and it is a splendid piece of work! – Terje Traavik, PhD, Professor of Virology and Professor Emeritus of Gene Ecology, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway; and Scientific Director Emeritus, Gen.k – Centre for Biosafety, Norway

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Why should we be troubled by this?  An inside job, and inside appointment, and a person and trained lawyer and football administrator called Gianni Infantino.  It reeks of the familial, the comfortable and a distinct desire not to change.  To almost everybody else outside this debased organisation we know as FIFA, things might look sordid.  Within it, it seems tempered, even and consistent.

Some members of the football commentariat, including Australian football columnist Craig Foster, are none too pleased with the election by 115 votes of Infantino to the mantle of FIFA President. FIFA, argues Foster, “should have been forced to introduce governance reforms via an independent body in lieu of a later decision under a transparent system with greater representation from other stakeholders.”[1]

Such views hardly counted.  The machine was making its own exorable move towards reconciliation after the blood-letting that had been precipitated by US and Swiss investigations into the organisation.  (These investigations, even as the electoral circus was being conducted, continue.)

More general outlets did not feel a need to go too deeply into the story. Infantino’s election, according to Reuters:

“[S]hould give football’s governing body the time it needs to begin tackling the corruption and other problems that have dragged it into the worst crisis in its 112-year history, current and former officials said.”

A false reality has been created, suggesting that genuine change is happening on the mountain of ruin.  For one, the Infantino strategists had been banking on votes from Concacaf, South America and Africa in the hope of showing Europe’s football establishment as stuffy and all-controlling.  Never mind the fact that Infantino is much of that same ilk, a creature of money-bags land.  “Gianni started from nothing four or five months ago.  What he’s done is go and meet people and sell himself.”  Accurate words, in indeed, from David Gill, former Manchester United chief executive and occupant of both the FIFA and UEFA executive committees.

The campaigning, which drained some 500,000 euros from UEFA funds, was not something that went unnoticed.[2]  Jérôme Champagne, suffering from a bout of sour grapes, did remark that much of this campaigning was basic Twitter feed, involving a private jet and the taking of pictures. Infantino’s justification?  Such money was needed for “logistics”.

Infantino’s coming to power seems to have pulled the wool over the eyes of many in footballing officialdom.  His administrative skills have been noted, though much of this, argues Foster, is largely because the Swiss “is not Sheikh Salman”.

FA Board Chairman Greg Dyke, for one, confirmed his support for the UEFA general secretary and subsequent pleasure on hearing the election result.[3]  Others concurred.  “This will be a new era for FIFA despite the problems it faces,” proclaimed Per Ravn Omdal, former president of the Norwegian FA.

Scepticism for such a view comes immediately on realising that Omdal was a FIFA executive committee member during the Blatter years.  “He has a massive task of course, but he can start work in a totally different atmosphere than the one surrounding FIFA for the last few years.”  It will take more than a cleaner atmosphere to develop change.

It merely scant comfort that another contender, Sheikh Salman bin Ibrahim al Khalifa of Bahrain of the Asian Football Confederation, did not net more votes.  It has been alleged by various human rights organisations that Sheikh Salman identified athletes engaged in pro-democracy demonstrations in 2011 in his home country, for which they paid dearly.

Gulf researcher at Human Rights Watch, Nicholas McGeehan, made the rather grim observation that the al-Khalifa family had, since 2011, “overseen a campaign of torture and mass incarceration that has decimated Bahrain’s pro-democracy movement.”[4]  This, it would seem, is a suitable FIFA President’s resume: anti-democratic, suspicious of change, and decidedly paranoid.  Bahrain’s non-record on human rights, and FIFA’s indifference to transparency, provide a match made in heaven.  Better luck next time.

The Infantino show has not come without some suggestion of reform, though it is not one that will disturb either the 2018 or 2022 decisions.  “It’s now necessary to organise the best World Cup in history in Russia in 2018 and in 2022 in Qatar.”[5]

The reform package consists of several modest ameliorations.  A limit to the FIFA presidency of three four-year terms will be introduced.  Salaries to key figures in the organisation will be disclosed. (We have yet to find out what disgraced former FIFA President Sepp Blatter received).  A new elected FIFA council will replace the current executive committee, and the gender calculators will be out to make sure that a female representative from each federation will be joining the administrative party.

Even if the rot may not deepen under Infantino, joy at his election is hardly a suggestion that any broom is going to get truly busy.  Acting FIFA president Issa Hayatou described the illusory sentiment with unintended accuracy.  “We stand united in our determination to put things right, so that the focus can return to football once again.”  It has been some years since football was the focus of FIFA, an organisation as divorced from the game as a Thatcherite hospital from suffering patients.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]



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Selected Articles: Canada is Deeply Corrupt

March 1st, 2016 by Global Research News

halaMiss Canada Finalist Boycotts Israel

By Julie Lévesque, March 01 2016

You think beauty pageants have no content? Well, think again. The next Miss Canada could soon be parading her crown to protest against the Israeli apartheid and occupation.

Andriy Parubiy, Image by Revent (CC BY 3.0)An Appeal to Canada’s Parliament: Visit to Ottawa of Andriy Parubiy, Leader of Ukraine Neo-Nazi Party

By Russian Congress of Canada, February 28 2016

We would like to share some troubling information with you that comes from those who sincerely desire to help Ukraine to become a prosperous and democratic country.

BDS-Logo-Israel-BoycottAnti-BDS Motion – Why Does Canada Sanction Other Countries for Human Rights Violations but Not Israel?

By Julie Lévesque, February 26 2016

The international community, speaking through the United Nations, has identified three regimes as inimical to human rights – colonialism, apartheid and foreign occupation… Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem contains elements of all three of these regimes”. – John Dugard, UN’s former Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

poverty9Poverty in Canada: Toronto’s Homeless Shelters Bursting at the Seams

By John Clarke, February 26 2016

On February 17, a mass delegation of members and supporters of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) marched to Toronto City Hall.

TrumpWhen Canadians Become Alarmed, It’s Serious.

By Barbara Nimri Aziz, March 01 2016

My sister phoned me from Canada this morning. I can’t remember her being so upset. It’s not about the grandchildren; it’s not anything I said, not a recurrence of her cancer, not winter’s icy roads or frozen pipes.

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Microparticles containing substantial amounts of radiocesium collected from the ground in Fukushima were investigated mainly by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray microanalysis with scanning TEM (STEM). Particles of around 2 μm in diameter are basically silicate glass containing Fe and Zn as transition metals, Cs, Rb and K as alkali ions, and Sn as substantial elements. These elements are homogeneously distributed in the glass except Cs which has a concentration gradient, increasing from center to surface. Nano-sized crystallites such as copper- zinc- and molybdenum sulfide, and silver telluride were found inside the microparticles, which probably resulted from the segregation of the silicate and sulfide (telluride) during molten-stage. An alkali-depleted layer of ca. 0.2 μm thick exists at the outer side of the particle collected from cedar leaves 8 months after the nuclear accident, suggesting gradual leaching of radiocesium from the microparticles in the natural environment.


Although almost five years have passed since the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP), radioactive contamination in the surrounding area is still a serious problem in Japan. The largest radionuclide deposition event occurred on March 15–16 and the second largest on 21–23, 2011. Wet deposition was a major source of radiocesium contamination of terrestrial environment1, while contribution of dry deposition was larger near the FDNPP2. In order to understand and predict the fate of radioactive materials contaminating the terrestrial environment, it is important to clarify the physicochemical properties of the deposited materials. From previous cases of radionuclide release, it is known that the chemical species of released radiocesium is monovalent cation (Cs+) which is soluble3. Deposition of radiocesium as insoluble particles has also been pointed out. Autoradiography analyses using imaging plate (IP) showed spots of particulate materials on plant tissues collected from Fukushima4,5,6. On the aerosol filter collected from March 14–15, 2011 in Tsukuba, 170 km south-southwest of FDNPP, Adachi et al.7 discovered spherical particulate radiocesium of 2.0–2.6 μm in diameter, with particles insoluble in water having a glass-like structure8. These microparticles contain several fission products of U-235 other than radiocesium, and Fe and Zn which are also used in nuclear reactors8. Hence, they were considered to be released directly from nuclear reactors.

Kaneyasu et al.9 suggested that vaporized radiocesium was transported with sulfate aerosol in the air, dissolved to cloud droplets and fell as rain. On the aerosol filter collected on March 20–21, 2011, rainy days in Tsukuba, the majority of radiocesium was in water-soluble form7. Such water-soluble radiocesium that reached the ground surface as a solute was fixed to soils, especially to clay minerals10. In the terrestrial environment, the majority of radiocesium is present in solid form regardless of the initial form of deposition. However, compared to clay minerals originally contaminated by soluble radiocesium in soil, the solid radiocesium, which was initially deposited as radioactive microparticles, had stronger radioactivity. Although the contribution or percentage of such radioactive microparticles in the contamination level of Fukushima has not been evaluated, its influence on human health may be serious in terms of its intense radioactivity. Moreover, the structural detail of the microparticles may give insights into the state of the broken reactor and fuel debris.

In the present study, we investigated radioactive microparticles, similar to those reported by Adachi et al.7, but collected from the ground, by observing their internal structure with transmission electron microscopic (TEM) techniques.


Read full article here

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Hillary Clinton refuses to make public the transcripts of her speeches to big banks, three of which were worth a total of $675,000 to Goldman Sachs. She says she would release the transcripts “if everybody does it, and that includes Republicans.” After all, she complained, “Why is there one standard for me, and not for everybody else?”

As the New York Times editorial board pointed out,

“The only different standard here is the one Mrs. Clinton set for herself, by personally earning $11 million in 2014 and the first quarter of 2015 for 51 speeches to banks and other groups and industries.”

Hillary is not running in the primaries against Republicans, who, the Times noted, “make no bones about their commitment to Wall Street deregulation and tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.”

She is running against Bernie Sanders, “a decades-long critic of Wall Street excess who is hardly a hot ticket on the industry speaking circuit,” according to the Times.

Why do voters need to know what Hillary told the banks? Because it was Wall Street that was responsible for the 2008 recession, making life worse for most Americans. We need to know what, if anything, she promised these behemoths.

I Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine

Hillary has several super PACs, which have recently donated $25 million to her campaign, $15 million of which came from Wall Street.

Big banks and large contributors don’t give their money away for nothing. They expect that their interests will be well served by those to whom they donate.

Hillary recently attended an expensive fundraiser at Franklin Square Capital, a hedge fund that gives big bucks to the fracking industry. Two weeks later, Hillary’s campaign announced her continuing support for the production of natural gas, which comes from fracking.

Bernie opposes fracking. He said, “Just as I believe you can’t take on Wall Street while taking their money, I don’t believe you can take on climate change effectively while taking money from those who would profit off the destruction of the planet.”

Bernie’s “Political Revolution”

Bernie has no super PACs. His campaign has received 4 million individual contributions, that average $27 each. Perhaps Rupert Murdoch multiplied that amount by $100 in setting $2700 a head as the entrance fee for Hillary’s latest campaign gala?

Bernie has called for a “political revolution” that “takes on the fossil fuel billionaires, accelerates our transition to clean energy, and finally puts people before the profits of polluters.” He would retrain workers in the fossil fuel industries for clean energy jobs.

Bernie reminds us that the top one-tenth of 1% owns nearly as much wealth as the bottom 90%, and 99% of all new income goes to the top 1%. Unlike Hillary, he says healthcare is a right – not a privilege – and college and university tuition should be free.

Bernie and Congressman John Conyers introduced legislation to allocate $5.5 billion to states and communities to create employment programs for African-American youth. They say, “instead of putting military style equipment into police departments . . . we [should] start investing in jobs for the young people there who desperately need them.”

How will we pay for all that? “If we cut military spending and corporate welfare, we would have more than enough money to meet America’s needs,” Bernie wrote in his 1997 book, Outsider in the House. “This nation currently spends $260 billion a year on defense, even though the Cold War is over,” not counting “$30 billion spent annually on intelligence or the $20 billion in defense-related expenditures hidden away in our federal spending on energy,” he added. Today, with all the wars our government is prosecuting, that figure is nearly $600 billion.

With Bernie Sanders, we have a unique opportunity to reverse long-standing priorities that favor the few at the expense of the many. Let us seize the time.

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Featured image: ELN Troops (courtesy of nsnbc archives)

The Colombian government and the FARC-EP continue the talks in the Cuban capital Havana despite a recent setback after an unannounced visit of FARC negotiators in northern Colombia. Meanwhile, troops of the country’s second-largest leftist guerrilla, the ELN, have allegedly been spotted in traditionally FARC-controlled areas. The ELN and the government have been holding preliminary peace talks to bring the 51-year-long civil war to a complete end as the administration of President Juan Manuel Santos comes under increased pressure from the Democratic Center party for making too many concessions to the guerrilla.

Colombia’s National Indigenous Organization ONIC stated on Sunday, that troops from Colombia’s National Liberation Army (Ejército de Liberación Nacional – ELN) have been spotted in areas controlled by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP). ONIC notes that the ELN increased its presence in FARC controlled areas after the FARC-EP, in June 2015, declared a unilateral ceasefire and after the Colombian government, in return vowed to end its air strikes against FARC-EP positions. ONIC Chief Councilor Luis Fernando Arias noted that “while the presence of the FARC has diminished, the presence of the ELN increased in some of the country’s regions.” The FARC-EP and the government have implemented a bilateral ceasefire that officially came into effect on January 1, 2016.

Arias noted that the ELN’s presence had been reported in Valle del Cauca and Cauca, two provinces in the west of Colombia and home to important drug routes to the Pacific. The Office of Colombia’s Ombudsman also noted that ELN attacks as well as non-violent manifestations had been observed in areas where the ELN has no traditional presence. The development has led to some speculations about whether or not some FARC-EP fighters have joined the ELN, as the FARC-EP and the government are expected to sign a final peace agreement this year. The signing of the peace accord would lead to the decommissioning of the FARC’s weapons, monitored by international observers, and the transformation of the FARC-EP into a non-militant political organization.

Allegations about FARC-EP fighters “swapping sides” and joining the ELN could not be independently verified by nsnbc international. The possibility that this happens in isolated incidents, however, cannot be excluded. This is particularly so because many of the underlying socio-economic and political factors that prompted many to join the ranks of the FARC-EP have not yet been mitigated. These include, unemployment, the need for rural and political reform, access to education, the mitigation of extreme poverty and others.

Ivan Marques and other negotiators address troops and the people in La Guajira province Photo courtesy FARC-EP

Ivan Marques and other negotiators address troops and the people in La Guajira province
Photo courtesy FARC-EP

The ELN and the Colombian government have been holding preliminary peace talks. The ELN also issued an official statement, declaring its readiness to take the talks from the preliminary stage to the official stage; that is to the negotiating table in Havana, Cuba, where the FARC-EP and the government have held peace talks since 2012. The ELN also issued an official statement in which it complained about the fact that the government’s contact had not provided a new date and time for a new meeting, as usual.

Lack of progress with regard to the government’s slow pace with regard to include the ELN in the official peace talks has resulted in some attacks, signaling that the ELN still is “present” as an armed force to be reckoned with.  Not all of the attacks attributed to the ELN could, however, be confirmed as such. It is, for example, questionable whether the ELN was responsible for the mortar attack against the barracks of the Colombian Army’s 18th Brigade in Arauca, earlier in February, or whether the attack was a “provocation” organized and carried out by elements who want to derail the peace process.

It is noteworthy that Colombia’s Democratic Center party, led by former president Alvaro Uribe called for a march on April 2, to protest what Uribe described as the Santos administration’s excessive concessions to the FARC-EP. Meanwhile, the FARC-EP and the government continue peace talks in Havana despite a recent setback.

Courtesy the Office of the Ombudsman.

Courtesy the Office of the Ombudsman.

The setback came when FARC-EP negotiators including Chief Negotiator Ivan Marquez paid a visit to some 500 FARC-EP soldiers and the population in Colombia’s northern La Guajira province.

The government blasted the FARC-EP for violating agreements about negotiators refraining from public outreach initiatives. The presence of some 500 FARC-EP soldiers at the event also put the local military commander in a quagmire.

The government and the FARC-EP have since then discussed the need for FARC negotiators to convey some of the progress that is made at the negotiating table directly to the people and to local FARC-EP commanders. It is noteworthy that the FARC-EP, only days after the event, relieved the first of an estimated 2,000 child soldiers from his military service.

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Severe health risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are not new. Studies by scientists among others in France, Germany, Austria, since at least the 1990s, pointing to several levels of health dangers to mankind abound. A recent study released by Egyptian researchers found that rats fed a GMO diet suffer from infertility, among other health issues. In the US similar studies were muzzled by Monsanto and the Monsanto staffed FDA. In a 2011 paper the Institute for Responsible Technology – IRT refers to 19 animal studies linking GMOs to mostly liver and kidney organ disruption.

In the early 2000 the first Russian studies revealed reduction in fertility and birth defects in hamsters and rats. In a 2013 Russian study, scientist have discovered that mammals that eat GMO foodstuffs have difficulties to reproduce. The study concluded that “Campbell hamsters that have a fast reproduction rate were fed for two years with ordinary soya beans which are widely used in agriculture and those contain different percentages of GMOs. Another group of hamsters, the control group, was fed with pure soya [found in Serbia, as 95% of soya in the world is transgenic].”

According to Dr. Alexei Surov, who led the study on behalf of the National Association for Gene Security,

“We selected several groups of hamsters, kept them in pairs in cells and gave them ordinary food as always. We did not add anything for one group, but the other was fed with soya that contained no GMO components, while the third group [was fed] with some content of GMOs and the fourth one with increased amounts of GMOs….. Originally everything went smoothly. However, we noticed quite a serious effect when we selected new pairs from their cubs and continued to feed them as before. These pairs’ growth rate was slower, and [they] reached their sexual maturity slowly. When we got some of their cubs, we formed the new pairs of the third generation. We failed to get cubs from these pairs which were fed with GMO foodstuffs. It was proven that these pairs lost their ability to give birth to their cubs.”

Sterilization from GMOs is not an accident. Henry Kissinger, the protégé of the Rockefeller Foundation and one of the driving forces – still today – of the Bilderberg Society, not only is the author of the infamous proclamation in the early seventies:

‘Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; and who controls money can control the world;’

he also said,

‘Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World.’

This is still a (mostly unspoken) key objective of the elite, associated through different semi-secret organizations like the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the British Chatham House, the Economic Forum (Davos), and others.

GMO Seeds

GMOs are based on two strands; one involves insect resistance, the other is herbicide resistant and more dangerous, because it is glyphosate-tolerant. Glyphosate, known under its trade name ‘Roundup’, is however absorbed in the food fibers and has devastating health effects. The herbicide is an endocrine-disruptor, a chemical that at certain doses can interfere with the hormone system of mammals. These disruptions may cause cancer, infertility, miscarriage, birth defects and full sterility by the third generation, as the Russian study clearly demonstrated.

In his eye-opening 2007 book Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, F. William Engdahl points to food control and depopulation as the strategic key objectives of GMOs as put forward by Henry Kissinger already half a century ago. A less populated Third World will give the US and world elite easier and cheaper access to needed raw materials, allowing the ‘chosen few’ to maintain a lifestyle of exuberant luxury and resources abuse.

Ellen Brown, referring to Gary Null’s documentary Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs, quotes Dr. Bruce Lipton,

“We are leading the world into the sixth mass extinction of life on this planet. . . . Human behavior is undermining the web of life.”.

Worse is to come, if and when the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is ratified by the US and its eleven Pacific partners. The TPP – much like the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, linking the US with the 28 EU countries) – is negotiated behind closed doors. The chief agricultural negotiator for the US is the former Monsanto lobbyist, Islam Siddique. The two monster trade agreements would deprive governments from regulating transnational corporations’ activities, to the point where the rights of corporations would supersede sovereign nations laws. Corporations would be able to set up private courts that may rule a country liable for lost profit due to legislation that may interfere with their activities.

This would particularly apply to biotech agriculture. GMOs could no longer be forbidden by individual countries. They are integral parts of the two giant trade agreements which the US is attempting to ram down the throats of their ‘partners’ – and may do so in the general realm of vassalage which has been cultivated by Washington’s threat and sledgehammer politics – “You are either with us or you are against us” – and the latter is usually punished with devastating sanctions, if not with death of errant, non-compliant leaders.

The objective of depopulation is alive and well – and being implemented under our eyes; and We, The People, are blinded by the steady drop-by-drop of propaganda that makes us believe that these trade agreements will resolve the world’s food problems, will eliminate famine. What they will eliminate after a few generations is peoples’ fertility. This, coupled with the constant and continuous wars on terror and financial assassinations of entire countries (see Greece) by the so-called Bretton Woods Organizations, IMF and World Bank, working hand-in-hand with the FED and Wall Street, may eventually succeed in drastically reducing world population – if We, The People, do not wake up.

Waking up to a new form of agriculture is crucial. Back to nature and earth-friendly farming, as well as away from globalization to the notion of ‘local production for local consumption’. Russia has a strict ban on GMOs. Russia is producing about 40% of its food by permaculture methods on simple garden plots. According to Natural Living, 80% of the country’s fruit and berries, and 66% of vegetables and about 50% of the nation’s milk are produced on dacha-type plots.

It is not too late to get away from GMOs, from planned sterility and from depopulating the globe for the benefit of a tyrant elite. But, We the People, have to wake up, take back the sovereign control of our nations from the vassal leadership which Washington has discretely, almost imperceptibly placed at the helm of the 11 TPP and the 28 TTIP nations by stolen or manipulated elections or outright ‘regime change’. The breaking up of the Eurozone and the European Union – both of which are in dire straits – might be the beginning of a new era of self-determination.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, CounterPunch, TeleSur, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.

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Featured image: US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a news conference after an international conference on Syria.  EPA/HANS PUNZ

Following the signing of the Syrian ceasefire agreement by the 17-countries International Syria Support Group, (ISSG), U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced that time was essential with regard to the implementation of the ceasefire if Syria’s territorial integrity was to be preserved. Syria could indeed fragment, and the United States are not the only player with a Plan B. Others with a Plan B include Russia, Turkey, Israel, and Iran.

All members of the ISSG agreed on the implementation of a ceasefire in Syria, to begin next week. The group, jointly chaired by Russia and the USA, also agreed that the ceasefire would not include the self-proclaimed Islamic State (a.k.a. ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh), as well as Jabhat Al-Nusrah and other Al-Qaeda franchises.

A coordination hotline is being established at the Hmeinim Air Base from where the Russian Air Force is conducting operations in Syria. The hotline will be operated by Russian military personnel and serve primarily as a means for all of the belligerent parties in Syria to have a contact point to coordinate the ceasefire, to avoid unintended confrontations, and to de-escalate situations in cases where clashes erupt. The Syrian government fully endorses the agreement but stresses that it would not allow terrorists to take strategic or tactical advantage of the ceasefire.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry briefed the press on the agreement and warned that time was of the essence if the territorial integrity of Syria should be preserved. The statement has been ill received in Russian media. The United States, however, is not the only international or regional player with a Plan B up the sleeve.

Washington, NATO and the Kurdish Corridor Plan

The establishment of a Kurdish State with breathing straw access to the Mediterranean. Map plottings by Major (r) Agha H. Amin.

The establishment of a Kurdish State with breathing straw access to the Mediterranean. Map plottings by Major (r) Agha H. Amin.

The United States and NATO have long considered the establishment of a so-called Kurdish Corridor (see map) as a prime objective. The plan aims at the fragmentation of Syria, Iraq, and ultimately northern Iran. Military and Security analysts, such as Pakistani Major (r) Agha H. Amin noted that the long-term objective is the establishment of a belt of low-intensity conflicts from the Mediterranean, and along Russia’s soft and resource-rich underbelly to Pakistan and beyond.

Hence the deployment of U.S. Special Forces to aid Syrian – Kurdish YPG / PYG fighters. The YPG / PYG is not (yet) officially calling for the establishment of a separate Kurdish State on Syrian territory. The Syrian government has, however, made considerable concessions to the YPG /PYG with regard to regional self-determination. The YPG / PYG is a traditional ally of the Turkish Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is designated as a terrorist organization by Turkey, and most NATO member States.

Turkey’s “Yes” to NATO’s Kurdish Corridor, but not at Turkey’s Southern Border

NATO member Turkey has been and continues to play along with NATO’s long-term strategy with regard to the Kurdish Corridor in Iraq. Ankara’s and NATO’s overall strategy concur as long as the Kurdish Corridor does not involve Turkish territory or Syrian territory along Turkey’s southern and especially Turkey’s southwestern border.

Turkey fears that the establishment of a semi-autonomous or autonomous Syrian – Kurdish region will lead to the destabilization of eastern Turkey and the strengthening of the PKK. Hence Turkey’s recent shelling of Kurdish YPG / PYG positions in Syria and the crackdown against the PKK. Turkey’s Plan B involves the continued support of ISIL and Jabhat Al-Nusrah to eventually pass “Turkmen Rebels” in north-western Syria off as “moderates”.

Russia’s Plan B and the PKK

Image: The UNDOF withdrawal leaves a 12 – 16 km wide corridor uncontrolled by the UNDOF. In 2013 it transpired that Israel is providing support for Jabhat al-Nusrah, which includes a joint intelligence and military operations room in the Israeli occupied Golan, logistic support, weapons, field hospitals, and direct combat support. (Map plotting by Christof Lehmann) Click on map to view full size.

Image: The UNDOF withdrawal leaves a 12 – 16 km wide corridor uncontrolled by the UNDOF. In 2013 it transpired that Israel is providing support for Jabhat al-Nusrah, which includes a joint intelligence and military operations room in the Israeli occupied Golan, logistic support, weapons, field hospitals, and direct combat support. (Map plotting by Christof Lehmann) Click on map to view full size.

Moscow, aware of NATO’s long-term strategy has supported the PKK since the mid-1980s. The PKK also enjoys the support of Venezuela’s governing PSUV and of Cuba. NATO is neither the first nor the only one to invent or use the principle of “Stay Behind” armies and proxies.

Strategists in Moscow have to consider the secular PKK as an asset that can provide a buffer against NATO’s expansion towards Russia in the region. Hence Moscow’s ardent criticism of Turkey’s crackdown against the PKK and the shelling of YPG / PYG positions in Syria. The YPG / PYG is in a position where it can freely negotiate with Damascus, with Moscow, and with Washington. Ironically, Turkey’s NATO partner Washington and Russia may both consider the fragmentation of Turkey as part of a viable Plan B.

Israel’s Plan B has been Israel’s Plan A for Decades

While the world focuses on the war in Syria and the ISSG, Israel is largely operating under the radar of most international media. Israel has, since 2011, intensified its efforts to de-stabilize Syria by supporting the Free Syrian Army, Jabhat Al-Nusrah and others via the Israeli-occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

Israel has for decades declared that it intends to permanently annex the Golan Heights. It has, however, been unable to achieve a concurrent vote of the permanent UN Security Council members to support this illegal annexation. Israel has, illegally, enforced Israeli jurisprudence, Israeli culture, the Israeli language as official language, and Israeli education in the Golan.

Israel’s cooperation with Jabhat Al-Nusrah and other insurgencies in the Golan has led to the withdrawal of UNDOF forces from a 12 – 16 k-wide corridor in the demilitarized zone. It is here Israeli military and intelligence interact freely with the “rebels”.

The strategy has several functions. It displaces Syrians in the Golan by insurgencies with a large percentage of foreign fighters. It challenges Hezbollah and provides Jabhat Al-Nusrah access to Lebanon’s Bekaa valley. At a politically and strategically convenient time, it will provide political cover for the permanent military occupation of the Golan due to the UNDOF’s “failure”, and under the guise of Israel’s “war on terrorism”.

And Iran?

All of the above does, of course, motivate Iran to preserve “a Syrian State” and not necessarily “the Syrian State” as we know it today. Every country’s government operates on the basis of the primacy of its own, national security interests. Tehran’s main strategic objective is to maintain a Syrian State and an Iraqi State with governments that secure an Iranian corridor to the Mediterranean. Tehran is also concerned about the possibility of a NATO-dominated Kurdish State in Northern Iraq. Tehran currently attempts to counter the potential threat from a Kurdish corridor by improving relations with Washington and by military operations in Iraq and Syria. Tehran would not necessarily consider a Muslim Brotherhood associated government in Syria that maintains good relations with Tehran and Hezbollah as an existential threat. Tehran’s support of the Egyptian government under Mohamed Morsi and its response to the ouster of Mosi should suffice to explain the point.

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ISIS Trafficking Body Organs of Living People

March 1st, 2016 by Fars News Agency

The ISIL terrorist group is using organ harvesting as a way to finance its operations and save the lives of injured members, media reports said on Tuesday.

The Spanish daily El Mundo reported that facing the increased number of wounded members in the Syrian army and popular forces’ attacks, the ISIL is selling ng the body organs of its captives for transplants.

According to the report, the ISIL also forces the prisoners in Mosul jails to donate blood and postpones the execution of those sentenced to death to use their blood as much as possible.

The ISIL doesn’t merely use the organs of its captives and prisoners’ bodies for transplant operations for its members but it sells them to other countries as a lucrative business, it added.

Medical sources told El Mundo that the personnel in one of hospitals in Mosul have seen corpses of at least 183 people whose organs had been taken out of their bodies.

According to the report, the ISIL has set up a medical team in Mosul headed by a German physician which exports the body organs to Syria and the Iraqi Kurdistan region for transplantation to its members or selling.

Iraqi Ambassador to the United Nations Mohamed Alhakim had made the same revelations last year, saying that the ISIL is trafficking human organs and has executed a dozen doctors for failing to go along with the program.

Alhakim based his claim on the discovery of dozens of bodies left in shallow mass graves near the city of Mosul, currently an ISIL stronghold. Surgical incisions, along with missing kidneys and other body parts lead to an inescapable conclusion. “We have bodies. Come and examine them. It is clear they are missing certain parts,” Alhakim revealed. He further described the carnage:

“When we discover mass graves, we look at the bodies. Some of those bodies are killed by bullets, some of them by knives. But when you find pieces of the back is missing and the kidneys is missing, you will wonder what it is.”

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Humanitarian aid convoys bound for Syria from Turkey are supplying arms to militants, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov [pictured left] said at the High Level Segment of the UN Human Rights Council session on Tuesday.

“A special task is to cut short terrorists’ supplies from outside, for which purpose it is necessary to close the border of Syria with Turkey, through which arms are being supplied to gunmen, including in convoys with humanitarian aid while the journalists who have reported about this are put on trial and sentenced to many years in prison,” Lavrov said.

“Incidentally, this is about the freedom of speech,” the Russian foreign minister added.

Syria can be restored only through lasting ceasefire

According to Lavrov, Syria can be restored only through a durable ceasefire and the commencement of the pan-Syrian inclusive dialog.

“It is possible to solve humanitarian tasks radically and switch to restoring the war-ravaged country only by ensuring a lasting ceasefire and commencing a truly inclusive pan-Syrian dialog on the future of Syria, which should be determined by the Syrians themselves without interference from outside,” Lavrov said.

“Naturally, neither the ceasefire accords nor the process of the political settlement have any place for terrorists and extremists whose ideology and practice are incompatible with the principles of the existence of the human civilization,” the Russian foreign minister said.

“Inflicting a decisive defeat on the Islamic State, Jabhat al-Nusra [terrorist groups outlawed in Russia] and similar groups is an inviolable condition for ensuring the rights of the long-suffering peoples of Syria, Iraq and, generally, the region of the Middle East and North Africa,” the Russian foreign minister said.

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We the undersigned, including legal and human rights organizations, academics, and policymakers condemn the reactions of the governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom to the finding by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention that Julian Assange is arbitrarily detained.

The governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom are setting a dangerous precedent that undermines the United Nations Human Rights system as a whole.

We urge Sweden and the United Kingdom to respect the binding nature of the human rights covenants on which the decision is based, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; as well as the independence, integrity and authority of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

We therefore call on the governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom to comply without further delay with the Working Group’s findings and “ensure the right of free movement of Mr. Assange and accord him an enforceable right to compensation, in accordance with article 9(5) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.”

Click here to view the full document with signatures

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The Russian plane shot down by the Turkish air force Nov. 24 has brought President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin into serious confrontation. The economic warfare that began shortly afterward has been inflicting heavy damage on Turkey ever since.

At the outset, Turkish politicians seemed unconcerned about possible effects of the political crisis on the economy. Back then, while Mehmet Simsek, the deputy prime minister responsible for Turkey’s economic policies, stated that Russian economic sanctions would not have any — or at least only limited — effect on the economy. Erdogan was trying to ignore any such economic effects by saying that nothing would happen, even if natural gas were to be cut, because Turkish citizens are used to coping with difficulties.

The sanctions caused major problems and bankruptcy in the tourism, construction, food and textile industries, and a chain reaction in banking sectors on the day the sanctions became effective Jan. 1 — this despite the fact that Putin had not yet played his strongest trump card: energy.

Turkey has reached the point of losing its economic relationship with Russia, which in 2013 was the fourth major importer of Turkish goods and was second in volume of trade volume with Turkey. In the last two years exports decreased by 50%, first because of Russian economic issues due to Western sanctions, and then in part because of Turkish-Russian tensions. Exports decreased to $3.5 billion while the volume of trade decreased by 25%.

The main sectors that have been affected by Russian sanctions are food and agriculture. In the agricultural sector, $700 million of exports are at risk. According to the Assembly of Turkish Exporters, in the period of December 2015-January 2016, exports to Russia regressed 56% compared with the same period a year earlier.

The first large victim of the crisis was Aynes Food Industry and Trade Inc., a dairy company that had been hoping that expansion into the Russian market would help it overcome recent setbacks. Instead, Aynes suffered yet another reversal, and appealed for a delay in its bankruptcy proceedings due to its loss of the Russian market. Chairman Nevzat Serin said, “We lost time to seek alternative markets as a result of the Russia crisis. Our products perished at the [Russian] border gates because of the embargo and we ran out of cash.” The company was not able to make the coupon payments of the bond issues, worth 100 million Turkish lira (about $34 million).

The tourism sector saw a sudden drop in Russian tourists, from 3.5 million in 2014 to 2.8 million in 2015. The numbers are expected to get worse in 2016.

Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have both issued calls to their citizens not to travel to Turkey for security reasons.

Erdogan then asked Turkish citizens to vacation domestically instead of going abroad, and the government released a new economic plan to restructure the debts of the tourism sector.

Murat Ersoy, the owner of ETS Tours, one of the largest tour operators in Turkey, claimed that there is a fall in the number of tourists as a result of the Russian crisis and the war in Syria.

Ersoy said that the government’s encouraging domestic tourism and offering debt restructuring to the sector are sound steps.

“We are at the closest point to this hot spot. Tourism … has not been doing well around the world this year but since we are nearer to the close combat area, we are affected more,” he said.

On the other hand, more pessimistic tourism professionals are concerned that the loss of employment in the sector may reach 500,000 people.

Economist Guldem Atabay Sanli from Egeli & Co. Investments said the problems in the tourism sector are more related to Turkey’s internal issues, terrorism and the Russia crisis rather than global economic conditions. She said, “Last year overall tourism income decreased 15% and went down to $26.6 billion. We expect this decline to reach to 30% with the Russian effect this year.”

In recent weeks, news of bankruptcies is also coming from the leather sector, which depends mainly on Russia. Companies shut down one by one in Zeytinburnu, the heart of the leather industry in Istanbul, and in Laleli, the marketplace where Russian individuals and small companies buy heavily, there is almost no action. Serhat Karabaki, owner of ISNOVA, which has been selling leather to Russia for the last 20 years from its 20 store locations, told Al-Monitor, “As a result of the political crisis, 80% of the producers in Zeytinburnu have stopped working. We had 20 stores in Russia. We decreased this number to 11. Our clients won’t even answer our calls anymore.”

The crisis may also lead building contractors to lose their largest market. Putin, in a January speech, hinted at extending sanctions to the approximately 300 Turkish construction companies operating in Russia.

According to data from the Turkish Contractors Association, Turkish contractors completed 1,921 projects worth $61 billion between 1972 and 2015. These figures indicate that Russia is the largest market for Turkish contractors.

The challenges in other sectors has caused a confidence crisis in the banking sector. The banks hesitate to issue new loans and are calling in previous loans depending on their forecasts that the Russia crisis, compounding the slowing domestic market, will cause problems in loan repayments.

A senior officer of a private bank in Turkey told Al-Monitor, “Many companies that face difficulties in loan repayments ask for suspension of bankruptcy and the banks refrain from issuing new loans.” He also said that they do not issue loans for companies strongly dependent on Russia.

Hakan Ates, CEO of Denizbank in Turkey, owned by Russian Sberbank, said that the coming few years will be hard as a result of bad debts in the tourism sector.

So what is the exact amount of the damages inflicted on Turkey, and will these difficulties grow?

In an email, Orhan Okmen, president of JCR Turkey rating bureau, said that unless the political tension ends, the economic challenges for the Turkish companies will increase in 2016 and the cost of the sanctions for food, tourism, construction and retail sectors will be about $15 billion. Okmen also implied a possible fall in the credit ratings of the companies that heavily work with Russia.

Economist Atilla Yesilada of Global Source said Russia sanctions will widen:

“The business world and the government presumed that the Russia crisis would be temporary and would ease in time. They thought that the economic relations would be kept away from political relations. However, their predictions were wrong. The sanctions of Russia and its regional allies will last for long years and will leave permanent damage.”

Kerim Karakaya is a Turkish journalist who has been covering financial and economic issues for newspapers and TV stations for 12 years. He was the senior editor for BloombergHT and the founder of the BusinessHT website. He has also written for The Wall Street Journal, Sabah and Dunya newspapers.

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On Feb.29, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) took control of the village of Al-Fadiyaya near the Marj Al-Sultan military airport in the East Ghouta region of Greater Damascus. Al-Nusra and Jaysh Al-Islam had operated in the area. Securing Al-Fadiyaya north of the Marj Al-Sultan Military Airport, the SAA is able to defend the air base’s helicopter airfields.

The East Ghouta has the highest concentration of Al-Nusra militants in Greater Damascus. Thus, the SAA’s actions can’t be recognized as a violation of the ceasefire which doesn’t expand on Al Nusra, ISIS and linked terrorist groups.

Mainstream media and think tanks have already started a propagandistic campaign aimed to clean up the public image of the so-called “moderate opposition” even if Al Nusra and linked units are the only power of these moderates on the ground. Diverse range of statements aimed to prove that the “regime” and Russians violate the ceasefire is a common part of this campaign.

Some 250 militants laid down their arms and turned themselves in to the Syrian officials in the province of Dara’a on Monday. The 250 surrendered militants are mostly from al-Sanamein region, including 130 from the village of Kefr Shams.

In the province of Homs, the SAA the Syrian National Defense Forces imposed full control over 8 hilltops overloking the village of Jazal controlled by ISIS. This sets the ground to launch an advance on this village and to secure the oil reach area in the Jazal Mountains.

The loyalist forces who imposed full control over the village of Ayn al-Bayda located at the strategic M4 highway have deployed their forces only 15 km from the strategic city of Jisr al-Shughour. Meanwhile, the Syrian government has been reportedly concentrate forces in the area of Jabal al-Akrad in order to support the advance along the M4 highway.

There are also unconfirmed reports that SAA and YPG units have been preparing an advance in Northern Aleppo in order to cut off the vestiges of the militants’ supply lines from Turkey. If this is done, the anti-terrorist forces will force militants in the area to peace.

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This article was first published by Who What Why

The Democratic Party primary has revealed a sharp divide in the nation’s progressive movement.

The national leaders of a wide range of unions and activist organizations have endorsed Hillary Clinton while state and local chapters, and many rank-and-file members, support Bernie Sanders.

The 1.6 million-member American Federation of Teachers (AFT) became the first national union to weigh in on the Democratic primary last July when it endorsed Clinton. The endorsement was met with a petition calling for a retraction and thousands of Facebook comments supporting Sanders.

AFT Vice President Jerry Jordan told WhoWhatWhy that the endorsement was based on interviews the union conducted with Clinton, Sanders, and Martin O’Malley. (O’Malley has since dropped out of the race.) Republican candidates were invited, but none responded. Additionally, a nationwide survey was sent out to AFT members in June, and among the 1,150 respondents, 67% said they supported Clinton.

Clinton’s endorsements came from “organizations where the leaders decide,” while “every major union or progressive organization that let its members have a vote endorsed Bernie Sanders.”

It’s worth noting, however, that Clinton officially announced her campaign in April, just two months before the survey, while Sanders announced the following month in May, when he lacked the name recognition he currently enjoys.

Concerning the timing of the AFT’s endorsement, Jordan said that “we all knew the track record of the three candidates,” and that the AFT had long working relationships with all three. “When we interviewed them,” Jordan said, “Clinton really shined that afternoon and spent time talking about all the issues.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Vermont state chapter of the AFT endorsed Sanders in January. Four years ago the same state chapter declined to second the national endorsement of Barack Obama, president Ben Johnson told WhoWhatWhy, but “2016 is different because Bernie Sanders is from Vermont, man.”

There’s no question Brooklyn-born Sanders, Vermont’s junior senator, enjoys a significant home-field advantage in New England: the Vermont chapter of the National Education Association and the New Hampshire chapter of the Service Employees International Union endorsed Sanders, while the national leadership of both unions endorsed Clinton.

But it’s not just upper New England. When the League of Conservation Voters, an environmental advocacy group, backed Clinton last November, the reaction closely mirrored that following the AFT’s endorsement. There was a deluge of complaints on Facebook and criticism from the rank-and-file, many of whom pointed out that Sanders did better on the group’s “scorecard” than Clinton did.

The timing of the endorsement also drew criticism: an op-ed written the following month claimed that “it’s far too early in this primary for the nation’s most powerful environmental political organization to endorse.”

According to In These Times, over 40 local unions have endorsed Sanders, often diverging from the national unions’ endorsements of Clinton. The Intercept observed that all of Clinton’s endorsements came from “organizations where the leaders decide,” while “every major union or progressive organization that let its members have a vote endorsed Bernie Sanders.”

It seems clear that the fight over endorsements is an extension of the familiar media narrative of Clinton versus Sanders: the pragmatist versus the idealist, the frontrunner versus the underdog, and the well-connected insider versus the perennial outsider.

“I think there’s a difference in how people view presidential races depending on their vantage point,” said Johnson, the VT AFT president. “The vantage point of a lot of grassroots activists has to do with broad questions about what kind of society they want to live in and which candidate is telling the story best about the society they want to envision.” From this perspective, Johnson said, Sanders appears to be the more attractive candidate.

On the other hand, voters who are a bit higher up in political organizations are more concerned with “who’s going to be able to put something through Congress and try and get things done,” Johnson said. “Through that lens, Hillary Clinton looks a lot more likely than Bernie Sanders.”

In the end, an undemocratic endorsement process rewards the connected insider and stacks the deck against “insurgent” campaigns like the one Sanders is running. While that might benefit the establishment candidate in the short run, it also ends up alienating the base — and the Republican primary shows that taking such a path can lead to chaos.

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The ceasefire in Syria is a joke.  Turkish military units continue to mass along the border, and militants are pouring across the border to attack targets in northern Syria.  The Prime Minister of Turkey is now openly admitting that his government is supporting the militants that are trying to overthrow the Syrian government, and the Turkish government has also made it abundantly clear that they have no plans to stop shelling the Kurds on the other side of the border.  So despite the “ceasefire”, the truth is that the threat of World War 3 breaking out in the Middle East is greater than ever.

At times it is difficult to see the dividing line between the Turkish military and the radical jihadists that are hopping back and forth across the border with the full support of the Turkish government.  Over the weekend, militants from Turkey that crossed over into northern Syria were supported by artillery fire from the Turkish military as they attacked a key Kurdish town

In the Raqqa province, a group of some 100 fighters crossed into Syria from Turkey. The group later joined forces with other militants and attacked the Kurdish town of Tell Abyad.

The 250-strong group was supported by artillery fire from the Turkish territory, a fact that Russia said the US should explain. The Kurdish YPG militia fended off the attack, the report said.

This is an act of war, and yet the Obama administration does not seem to mind.

If Turkey will not even honor the ceasefire, what hope is there that anything will be able to stop them from acting so aggressively?

At this point, the Turks are not even pretending anymore.  Just the other day, Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu openly admitted that his nation is backing the militants that are trying to overthrow the Assad regime…

How would they be able to defend themselves if there was no Turkish support of the Syrian people? … If there’s today a real moderate Syrian opposition, it’s because of the Turkish support. If today the [Assad] regime isn’t able to control all the territories [it’s] because of Turkish and some other countries’ support,” he told Al-Jazeera earlier this week.

Obviously this ceasefire is not going to work.  Turkey has not even pressed pause in their relentless campaign against the Assad regime and the Kurds.

The Turkish government has become absolutely obsessed with their neighbor to the south, and that is a very dangerous thing for the rest of the planet.  The only way that Turkey, Saudi Arabia and their allies are going to be able to win the war now is to conduct a massive ground invasion of Syria.  Such a move would lead to direct conflict with Iran, Hezbollah and the Russians, and since Turkey is a member of the NATO alliance, that could threaten to drag the U.S. and western Europe into the war as well.  The following comes from the International Business Times

The wider consequences of any disagreement between Ankara and Moscow could lead to a standoff between Russia and NATO. Jen Stoltenberg, secretary general of the Brussels-based organization, said in late 2015 that it would be prepared to defend the member state of Turkey if it were attacked by Russia.

“NATO will defend you, NATO is on the ground, NATO is ready,” Stoltenberg said in the aftermath of repeated breaches of Turkish airspace by Russian jets and just one month before Ankara shot down a Russian jet in November.

The 28-country alliance is bound by Article 5 of its treaty to collectively defend its members. “Collective defense means that an attack against one ally is considered as an attack against all allies,” the article states.

Saudi Arabia does not appear ready to back down either.

The Saudis continue to reiterate their position that either Assad must go peacefully or he will be removed by force

Saudi Arabia is prepared to send troops to Syria if President Bashar Assad doesn’t resign and leave his war-torn nation peacefully. Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir warned Sunday that his country will take military action if Syria violates the terms of a ceasefire agreement.

“I believe that abiding by the truce would be an important indicator of the seriousness to reach a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis that would include setting up a transitional council and the transfer of power from Bashar to this council,” he said during a joint press conference with his Danish counterpart Kristian Jensen in the Saudi capital of Riyadh.

Al-Jubeir warned that Saudi Arabia has prepared a “Plan B.” If “the coalition decided to send ground troops into Syria, Saudi Arabia is ready to contribute,” he said.

The goal since 2011 has been to get rid of Assad so that Syria could become a full-fledged Sunni nation with a Sunni government.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies have poured enormous amounts of money and resources into this conflict, and they don’t appear to be willing to walk away now that the tide of the war has turned.  In fact, how the Saudis have been behaving lately has been causing a tremendous amount of anxiety in the Middle East…

Saudi Arabia’s recent actions have caused a great deal of anxiety within its region. On February 4, a military spokesman suggested that Saudi Arabia was ready to send troops ground troops to fight ISIS in Syria. A week later Saudi Arabia announced that it will send combat aircraft and soldiers to Turkey to participate in the U.S.-led coalition against ISIS.

Three days later the Saudis launched “Northern Thunder,” described as the “largest military exercise in the history of the Middle East.” Participants from 20 countries sent troops to the maneuvers run over three weeks in Hafar al Batin in northern Saudi Arabia, not far from the Iraqi and Kuwaiti border. According to a Saudi media outlet, some 350,000 troops were expected to participate in the maneuvers.

So if Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies are preparing for war, then what is the purpose of the ceasefire?

Well, first of all the goal was to stop the bleeding.  The Sunni militants were losing ground steadily, and this pause will enable them to regroup and get resupplied.

Secondly, this pause in the action gives “the coalition” time to move forces into position for a potential ground invasion of Syria.

But more than anything else, this ceasefire seems to be a trap.  It appears to be inevitable that the U.S. and other western powers will accuse Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and the Syrian government of breaking the ceasefire, thus providing “legal justification” for “the coalition” to militarily intervene.

Watch developments in Syria very closely.  Many had hoped that this ceasefire would bring the five year civil war to an end, but the truth is that it could just be setting the stage for something far, far bigger.

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O drone Itália vai à Libia

March 1st, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

Desempenhando o papel de um Estado soberano, o governo Renzi “autorizou caso a caso” a partida de drones armados dos Estados Unidos desde a base italiana de Sigonella para a Líbia e outros países. Sabe-se que já em 2011 um drone Usa Predator Reaper decolou de Sigonella e foi telecomandado desde Las Vegas para atacar na Líbia o comboio em que se encontrava Kadafi, jogando-o nas mãos dos milicianos de Misurata. A Itália entra assim no elenco oficial das bases de drones de ataque dos Estados Unidos, sob o controle exclusivo do Pentágono, junto a países como o Afeganistão, a Etiópia, o Níger, a Arábia Saudita, a Turquia.

O ministro das Relações Exteriores, Gentiloni, deixando claro que a utilização das bases não requer uma comunicação específica ao parlamento”, garante que isto “não é o prelúdio de uma intervenção militar” na Líbia. Quando na realidade a intervenção já começou: forças especiais estadunidenses, britânicas e francesas – como confirmam The Telegraph e Le Monde – estão operando secretamente na Líbia.

Desde o hub aeroportuário de Pisa, limítrofe à base estadunidense de Camp Darby, decolam continuamente aviões de transporte C-130 (provavelmente também estadunidenses), levando materiais militares às bases meridionais e talvez ainda a alguma base no Norte da África.

Na base de Istres, na França, chegaram aviões Usa KC-135 para o reabastecimento em voo dos caças-bombardeiros franceses. A operação é dirigida não só à Líbia. Istres é a base da “operação Barkhane”, que a França conduz com 3 mil militares na Mauritânia, no Mali, Níger, Chade e Burkina-Faso. Na mesma área, na Nigéria, operam os Estados Unidos com forças especiais e uma base de drones em Camarões. Sempre com a motivação oficial de combater o chamado Estado Islâmico (EI) e seus aliados.

Simultaneamente, a Otan deslocou para o Mar Egeu o Segundo Grupo Naval Permanente, sob comando alemão, e aviões radar Awacs (centros de comando voadores para a gestão do campo de batalha), com a motivação oficial de “apoiar a resposta à crise dos refugiados” (provocada pelas guerras dos EUA/Otan contra a Líbia e a Síria).

Junta-se a tais operações a “Dynamic Manta 2016”, exercício militar da Otan no Mar Jônico e no Canal da Sicília com forças aeronavais dos Estados Unidos, da França, Grã Bretanha, Espanha, Grécia, Turquia e Itália, que forneceu as bases de Catânia, Augusta e Sigonella.

Prepara-se desse modo a “operação de peacekeeping (manutenção da paz) sob liderança italiana” que, com a motivação de libertar a Líbia do EI, visa a ocupar sua zona costeira, econômica e estrategicamente mais importante. Falta apenas o “convite”, que poderá ser feito por um fantasmagórico governo líbio.

Quem está pressionando para a intervenção na Líbia, desde Washington, é Hillary Clinton, candidata à presidência, que – escreve o New York Times em uma ampla reportagem – tem “a abordagem mais agressiva sobre as crises internacionais”. Foi ela quem em 2011 convenceu Obama a romper as hesitações. “O presidente assinou um documento secreto, que autorizava uma operação clandestina na Líbia e o fornecimento de armas aos rebeldes”, enquanto o Departamento de Estado dirigido pela [Hillary] Clinton os reconhecia como “legítimo governo da Líbia”.

As armas, inclusive os mísseis antitanques Tow e radares anti-bateria, foram enviados pelos Estados Unidos e outros países ocidentais a Bengasi e alguns outros aeroportos. Simultaneamente, a Otan sob comando estadunidense, realizava ataques aéreos e navais, com dezenas de milhares de bombas e mísseis, desmantelando do exterior e do interior o Estado líbio.

Quando em outubro de 2011 Kadafi foi assassinado, a Clinton vibrou com um “Uau!”, exclamando: “Nós viemos, nós vimos, ele morreu”. Não sabemos que líder ela citará para a segunda guerra na Líbia. Mas sabemos quem a telecomanda.

Manlio Dinucci

Fonte em italiano: Il Manifesto

Tradução de José Reinaldo Carvalho para Resistência


Manlio Dinucci é jornalista e geógrafo

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Il drone Italia verso la Libia

March 1st, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

Recitando la parte di Stato sovrano, il governo Renzi ha «autorizzato caso per caso» la partenza di droni armati Usa da Sigonella verso la Libia e oltre. Quando è noto che già nel 2011 fu un drone Usa Predator Reaper, decollato da Sigonella e teleguidato da Las Vegas, ad attaccare in Libia il convoglio su cui si trovava Gheddafi, spingendolo nelle mani dei miliziani di Misurata. L’Italia entra così nell’elenco ufficiale  delle basi dei droni Usa da attacco, sotto esclusivo controllo del Pentagono, insieme a paesi quali Afghanistan, Etiopia, Niger, Arabia Saudita, Turchia. Il ministro degli esteri Gentiloni, precisando che «l’utilizzo delle basi non richiede una specifica comunicazione al parlamento», assicura che ciò «non è preludio a un intervento militare» in Libia. Quando in realtà l’intervento è già iniziato: forze speciali statunitensi, britanniche e francesi – confermano il Telegraph e Le Monde – stanno segretamente operando in Libia. Dall’hub aeroportuale di Pisa, limitrofo alla base Usa di Camp Darby, decollano in continuazione aerei da trasporto C-130 (probabilmente anche statunitensi), trasportando materiali militari nelle basi meridionali e forse anche in qualche base in Nordafrica. Nella base di Istres, in Francia, sono arrivati aerei Usa KC-135 per il rifornimento in volo dei cacciabombardieri francesi. L’operazione è diretta non solo alla Libia. Istres è la base della «operazione Barkhane», che la Francia conduce con 3mila militari in Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Ciad e Burkina-Faso. Nella stessa area e in Nigeria operano gli Usa con forze speciali e una base di droni in Camerun. Sempre con la motivazione ufficiale di combattere l’Isis e i suoi alleati. Contemporaneamene la Nato ha dispiegato nell’Egeo il Secondo gruppo navale permanente, sotto comando tedesco, e aerei radar Awacs (centri di comando volanti per la gestione del campo di battaglia), con la motivazione ufficiale di «sostenere la risposta alla crisi dei rifugiati» (provocata dalle guerre Usa/Nato contro la Libia e la Siria). A tale operazione si è aggiunta la «Dynamic Manta 2016», esercitazione Nato nel Mar Ionio e nel Canale di Sicilia con forze aeronavali di Usa, Francia, Gran Bretagna, Spagna, Grecia, Turchia e Italia, che ha fornito le basi di Catania, Augusta e Sigonella. Si prepara così «l’operazione di peacekeeping a guida italiana» che,  con la motivazione di liberarle dall’Isis, mira a occupare le zone costiere della Libia economicamente e strategicamente più importanti. Manca solo «l’invito», che potrà essere fatto da un fantomatico governo libico. Per l’intervento in Libia sta premendo a Washington Hillary Clinton, candidata alla presidenza, che – scrive il New York Times in un ampio servizio  – ha «l’approccio più aggressivo verso le crisi internazionali». Fu lei nel 2011 a convincere Obama a rompere gli indugi. «Il Presidente firmò un documento segreto, che autorizzava una operazione coperta in Libia e la fornitura di armi ai ribelli», mentre il Dipartimento di stato diretto dalla Clinton li riconosceva come «legittimo governo della Libia».  Le armi, compresi missili anticarro Tow e radar controbatteria, furono inviate dagli Usa e altri paesi occidentali a Bengasi e in alcuni aeroporti. Contemporaneamente la Nato sotto comando Usa effettuava l’attacco aeronavale, con decine di migliaia di bombe e missili, smantellando dall’esterno e dall’interno lo Stato libico. Quando nell’ottobre 2011 Gheddafi fu ucciso, la Clinton gioì con un «Wow!», esclamando «Venimmo, vedemmo, morì». Non sappiamo quale condottiero citerà per la seconda guerra in Libia. Sappiamo, però, chi ci telecomanda.

Manlio Dinucci

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In a Huffington Post interview on February 23rd, the Clinton-Bush former head of the NSA and CIA, and defender of their use of waterboarding, and of their violating the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (both of which types of legal violations he says are necessary in order to keep Americans safe), accused Congress of being gutless: “Congress didn’t step up and authorize the use of military force” to invade Syria.

Michael Hayden [pictured left] said this in a video clip at Huffington Post Live, where the context of what he was saying was left ambiguous, but it concerned only the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, so his comment there was gratuitous: he asserted (at 23:00 in the complete  interview) that the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay are prisoners of war and thus can legally be kept imprisoned for the rest of their lives without there being any need at all for them (and there were 775 of them) to be heard in any court — he said they’re prisoners of war and not prisoners of any legal system at all; and, so, even if they were actually captured in error (as many of them were found to have been), they’ve got no legal rights at all. Innocence or guilt is legally irrelevant to their continued imprisonment, says this former chief of America’s CIA and of the NSA.

Bill Clinton and George W. Bush hired people like that to run U.S. intelligence. Are America’s CIA and NSA merely the U.S. version of the Soviet Union’s KGB? What, in principle, differentiates the two dictatorships?

The only scientific study of whether the U.S. has been a dictatorship, or instead a democracy, in the period from 1980 onward, found that it’s a dictatorship — an “oligarchy” controlled by only the very wealthiest Americans, not a national government that reflects the policy-preferences and priorities of the citizens who economically are in the lower 99% of the population, but instead the preferences of the people who are in some stratum within the top 1%, if not within the top 0.1% or even higher. The study finds that this government is actually a dictatorship — that the desires of the lower 99% don’t affect its policies unless those desires are consistent with the desires of the billionaires.

Michael Hayden reflects this oligarch-directed culture. However, within the U.S. national-security Establishment, especially the CIA and NSA, this aristocratic or “oligarchic” control has been operating at least ever since the CIA overthrew the democratically elected and progressive President of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh, in 1953. Furthermore, even Britain’s own BBC documented in a classic TV documentary, the creation of the oligarchic CIA, from the moment that Dwight Eisenhower became President in 1953. The CIA was clearly pro-fascist ever since Eisenhower appointed Allen Dulles to lead it.

What Michael Hayden is, is a recent example of the Republican Party’s tradition in this matter, but something that’s even worse — its becoming trans-partisan, a reflection now of both of America’s political Parties. This is now a bi-partisan oligarchy, in which the billionaires are so remote from the voting-public whose minds they control, that — at least within our national-security circles — the oligarchs are free to ignore the public’s desires and values, ignore them altogether. This government is theirs. The U.S. Constitution now holds sway only to the extent that they want it to.

But even worse than that: as the BBC documentary shows, this is an international oligarchy. Though the CIA has been the chief global center of its enforcement-operation, it entails aristocrats from all of the NATO countries.

Hayden’s testimony displays the dropping-away of the ‘democratic’ restraints upon the oligarchy’s operations. It’s less and less necessary to keep up the pretense that we live in a ‘democracy’: now, we live in a society that ‘does what it must to keep the people safe.’

Here is how ‘safe’ they have been keeping us.

It didn’t start with 9/11. It merely has intensified since then.

This is basically a 1984  world.

Eric Zuesse is an investigative historian who most recently authored They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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El cierre de la prisión de Guantánamo y la devolución de la Bahía de Guantánamo a Cuba es uno de les temas más candentes en las relaciones Cuba-EE.UU. Cobra aún mayor importancia conforme se avecina el viaje de Obama a Cuba del 21 al 22 de marzo.

El 23 de febrero de 2016, el Presidente Barack Obama anunció, mediante una declaración de prensa redactada de antemano, que está tomando medidas, por intermedio del Congreso, para cerrar el infame recinto en Guantánamo. No contempló la posibilidad de usar su poder ejecutivo para hacerlo. No invitó preguntas de los periodistas quienes posiblemente hubieran planteado este asunto.

¿En qué consiste esta opción de poder ejecutivo?

Thomas B. Wilner es uno de los abogados más importantes en Estados Unidos en materia del asunto de Guantánamo. El 23 de febrero de 2016 se publicó en Cuba Debate una entrevista oportuna entre Wilner y la periodista cubana Rosa Miriam Elizalde. En respuesta a su pregunta sobre la posibilidad de que Obama pudiera usar su poder ejecutivo para cerrar definitivamente la prisión aunque el Congreso se opusiera al plan, Wilner dijo:

“No está absolutamente claro si hará esto. Creo que él tiene el poder, como Presidente, para cerrar la prisión de Guantánamo y transferir a los detenidos a los EE.UU., incluso si el Congreso se opone. Creo que tiene ese poder”.

Gregory B. Craig es un abogado prestigioso que fungió como asesor jurídico de la Casa Blanca para asesorar a Obama en 2009. Cliff Sloan fue el enviado especial para el cierre de Guantánamo en 2013 y 2014. En un artículo redactado conjuntamente y publicado el 6 de noviembre del 2015 en The Washington Post, declararon:

“Algunos sostienen que la prohibición por parte del Congreso de los traslados de Guantánamo a Estados Unidos impide el cierre sin la aprobación del Congreso. Pero eso no es cierto. Con arreglo al Artículo II de la Constitución, el presidente tiene la autoridad exclusiva de determinar en qué instalaciones han de mantenerse a los detenidos militares. Obama tiene la autoridad de actuar. La debería usar…. Cabe preguntarse si el Congreso le puede indicar al presidente dónde hay que alojar a los detenidos militares. La respuesta es un rotundo no. No es necesario aceptar una interpretación particularmente amplia de la autoridad ejecutiva – mucho menos la perspectiva tan amplia de la administración Bush de que el presidente tiene “control exclusivo y casi sin límites sobre el destino de los soldados y agentes enemigos capturados en tiempos de guerra” (una aseveración extravagante con la que nosotros no estamos de acuerdo) —para darse cuenta de que las restricciones impuestas por el Congreso son anticonstitucionales.”

Existen diferentes opiniones en la actualidad para explicar por qué Obama no hace uso de la potestad con la que cuenta para cerrar Guantánamo. Este debate seguirá en pie conforme evolucione esta situación en los meses venideros.

Un posible factor a tomar en cuenta tiene que ver con la política doméstica. Se ha hablado mucho del legado de Obama. Olvidémonos, por el momento, de la idea de un legado considerado por otros como negativo. Posiblemente no se ha hecho suficiente hincapié en la importancia de una victoria por parte del Partido Demócrata en las elecciones presidenciales de noviembre de 2016. Esta es una condición indispensable para asegurar la credibilidad de un patrimonio positivo. En el caso de Obama, una victoria republicana pondría en tela de juicio su legado. Si sus políticas y acciones ni siquiera pudieran resultar en que su partido elija al siguiente presidente o presidenta entonces ¿qué valor tendría su patrimonio en el contexto más amplio de la política estadounidense?

Por ejemplo, el Partido Republicano de George W. Bush perdió las elecciones presidenciales en 2008. Por consiguiente, aunque el potencial de un legado positivo era mucho menor que el de Obama, cualquier posibilidad de una contribución positiva fue eliminada. George W. Bush se quedó esencialmente con su hermano candidato Jeb Bush repitiendo en la fase final de su campaña que ¨George W. Bush había sido “un gran presidente” y que su padre, George H. W. Bush era “el mejor hombre sobre la tierra”. Poco después Jeb Bush tuvo que abandonar la campaña por no contar para nada con el apoyo de los Republicanos.

El Congreso dominado por el partido Republicano se opone terminantemente al cierre de la prisión de Guantánamo aun cuando algunos republicanos individuales están a favor de cerrarla. Así pues, al rehusarse a usar su poder para cerrar Guantánamo y depender más bien completamente del Congreso dominado por los Republicanos, Obama puede echarle la culpa al Congreso por bloquearlo. Siguiendo esta lógica, el candidato presidencial Demócrata sería visto en forma positiva mientras que el candidato Republicano quedaría mal parado.

Estas cortinas de humo (es decir, culpar a los republicanos) se usan también con respecto a levantar el bloqueo contra Cuba. En el Discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión de enero de 2016, Obama pidió al Congreso que levantara el bloqueo. Bien sabe que por el momento el Congreso no votará en este sentido, aunque hay un creciente apoyo —incluyendo por parte de algunos republicanos— para eliminar este obstáculo al intercambio, comercio y viajes. Sin embargo, si bien insiste que el Congreso levante el bloqueo, Obama no ha usado los ingentes poderes ejecutivos con los que cuenta para implementar las muchas medidas que harían que buena parte de ese bloqueo quedara inoperante. De hecho, en el período de 2015-2016, algunas compañías fuera de los Estados Unidos han sido multadas por violar el bloqueo. ¿Cambiará Obama de rumbo y usará sus poderes para mitigar los efectos del bloqueo sobre el pueblo cubano? Posiblemente lo haga antes de y durante su estancia en Cuba del 20 al 21 de marzo de 2016.

Otro aspecto que pudiera tomarse en cuenta relativo a su renuencia a usar sus potestades para cerrar la prisión de Guantánamo está relacionado con su viaje a Cuba, seguido por su visita a Argentina. En muchas ocasiones Obama ha indicado, de 2014 a la fecha, que su política con respecto a Cuba estaba diseñada para mejorar las relaciones con América Latina. El tramo argentino de su viaje de 2016 a América Latina, tras su visita a Cuba, es un elemento clave de este plan. Esto lo confirmó Ben Rhodes, Vice asesor de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca para Comunicaciones Estratégicas y Redacción de Discursos.

No se puede subestimar el daño hecho por Guantánamo a la credibilidad de los Estados Unidos relativo a los derechos humanos, especialmente en América Latina. Siendo América Latina una región altamente politizada, muchos países han sufrido bajo los dictadores impuestos por los Estados Unidos dispuestos a torturar y cometer asesinatos para permanecer en el poder. Uno de estos países es Argentina. Quizás la Casa Blanca tiene que tomar esto en cuenta. De por sí las Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo —parientes víctimas de estas atrocidades— están planeando una manifestación contra la visita de Obama. El prestigio de este movimiento de la Plaza de Mayo es tan elevado que el Presidente Macri ya ha tenido que reunirse con los organizadores el 23 de febrero de 2016 para tratar el tema de las quejas ciudadanas sobre los métodos dictatoriales de Macri.

Este tipo de actividades en Buenos Aires puede tener repercusiones en otros países de América Latina, cuyas poblaciones también tienen una perspectiva muy negativa sobre el respeto de los derechos humanos por parte de los Estados Unidos. El volar a Argentina con la carga pesada de Guantánamo sobre las espaldas definitivamente hubiera no ayudado a Obama en lo que se refiere al pueblo, aunque el recién electo gobierno de derecha de Argentina no tiene recelo alguno con respecto a Guantánamo. Quizás Obama piense que puede llegar a Argentina con la cabeza alzada portando su declaración del 23 de febrero como insignia: su tentativa de cerrar Guantánamo a pesar de la oposición por parte del Congreso.

Puede haber otros factores, además de los mencionados anteriormente, que pueden estar contribuyendo a su rechazo a cerrar Guantánamo. Dejemos que otros expresen su opinión sobre este tema tan importante, para presionar a Obama a que cierre la prisión y devolver la Bahía de Guantánamo a Cuba.

Arnold August

Publicado en CubaDebate el 29 febrero 2016.:

Publicado en inglés por Global Research:

Traducción: A. Loría

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“The UN World Food Program (WFP) aids for the restricted Syrian civilians in Deir Ezzor city have landed mostly in ISIS controlled territories, a source in the city’s administration said Thursday.”

A report in ALALAM states that WFP food drops have landed predominantly in ISIS held territory, despite UN claims last week that the WFP had successfully dropped 21 tonnes of aid into ISIS besieged Deir Ezzor.

“Planes dropped the humanitarian help sent by the United Nations into the territory controlled by Daesh. Just two containers ended up in the areas where the Syrian army [is located],”  the source told RIA Novosti.

This extraordinary turn of events and the UN false statement casts another shadow over UN neutrality and honesty.  Yesterday, I listened to Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,  make his address to the UN Human Rights Commission.

“I am honoured to address this Council, on the eve of its second decade.  This is an anniversary that calls for more than rhetoric: it cries out for action, and decisive and co-operative leadership in defence of vital principles.”

It seems that, neither accountability nor transparency are to be included in those vital principles.

“Human rights violations are like a signal, the sharp zig-zag lines of a seismograph flashing out warnings of a coming earthquake.  Today, those jagged red lines are shuddering faster and higher…… These shocks are being generated by poor decisions, unprincipled and often criminal actions, and narrow, short term, over simplified approaches to complex questions.”

Is he describing US and NATO foreign policy? He goes on to further describe the US modus operandi:

“This resurgent broad-based malice, irresponsibility and sometimes eye-watering stupidity, altogether acting like steam at high pressure being fed into the closed chamber of world affairs.”

Then comes the reminder of the UN’s founding principles.  Certainly useful, as it becomes harder and harder to define the UN’s purpose these days while the world is being set on fire by illegal intervention and proxy military invasions, unpunished by the Security Council.

“They [key drafters of UN Charter] knew, from bitter experience, human rights, the respect for them, the defence of them, would not menace national security – but build more durable nations, and contribute [in their words] to “a final peace”.

When one ponders this “final peace” it is terrifyingly distant.  While the Saudi-led coalition has been pounding Yemen for almost one year with NATO & US supplied weapons and missiles, this “final peace” seems a mirage created to divert public attention away from the UN’s real purpose, which appears to be facilitation of this destruction on an unquantifiable level.

Please note, that this eloquent and moving rhetoric has failed, so far, to even mention one of the most heinous crimes against Humanity that is being carried out against the Yemeni people by the Saudi-led coalition.

Then we have a moment of clarity:

“Today we meet against a backdrop of accumulating departures from that body of institutions and laws which the States built to codify their behaviour.  Gross violations of international human rights, which clearly will lead to disastrous outcomes, are being greeted with indifference.  More and more States appear to believe that the legal architecture of the international system is a menu from which they can pick and choose, trashing what appears to be inconvenient in the short term”

A sharp intake of breath, is the High Commissioner about to address US lawlessness and flagrant flouting of International Law?

How foolish to presume that the UN might just stray from its US drawn propaganda road map. This glimmer of hope was soon extinguished by the, now familiar, descent into the tired and extensively debunked accusations against the Syrian government.

“These two great bodies of law are being violated shockingly, in multiple conflicts, with complete impunity.  In Syria, previous to the temporary cessation of hostilities which began last weekend, this had been the case for five long years.  Neighbourhoods, schools and packed marketplaces have been hit by tens of thousands of airstrikes.  Thousands of barrel bombs have been thrown out of helicopters onto streets and homes.  Mortar and artillery fire, and IEDs have been used without regard for civilian life”

This entire paragraph is blatant propaganda, simplistic, and without any detailing of the very complexities that he has reprimanded us for ignoring previously.  The emotive, tens of thousands of airstrikes, the implication being that these are Russian and Syrian of course, no mention of the US coalition strikes that have unequivocally targeted Syrian infrastructure and civilians, rarely doing any damage to ISIS positions & failing dismally to impede their advances, prior to Russian legal intervention on the 30th September 2015.

Not forgetting, the reported  accidental arms drops to ISIS during the course of US NATO illegal intervention into Syrian airspace and territory via their proxy “boots on the ground”

We are back full circle to the barrel bombs.  Barrel bombs are simple explosive devices, the barrel bomb brand name is a clever marketing ploy to transform them into a hideous device beyond the realms of ordinary warfare.  All bombs have hellish consequences but the barrel bomb, in NATO US terminology far outweighs the US, Saudi and Israeli mothers of all bombs, cluster bombs, flechette missiles, white phosphorous, and all manner of illegal killing devices designed to inflict maximum mutilation on the besieged civilian populations of Yemen and Gaza, for example.

There is a cursory mention of the devastating effects of mortars and shells but naturally this is lumped in with the Syrian Arab Army rather than defined as being from the US NATO backed terrorists embedded in civilian areas or besieging entire villages and towns throughout Syria.

No mention of the very aptly named Hell Cannon that have inflicted terrible damage upon the Aleppo civilians huddled for safety in the Government held areas, driven from their homes by the US backed terror factions of Al Nusra, ISIS and assorted mercenary gangs.

No mention of Turkey’s Syria all-out-war posturing, shelling of Kurdish areas, downing of a Russian fighter jet.  Do these acts not constitute war crimes or violations of all Geneva conventions?  Should they not be mentioned in the same breath as “increasing, and severe violations of fundamental rights and principles” ?

And on it goes:

“At least ten hospitals and other medical units have been damaged or destroyed in Syria since the beginning of January, more than one every week, and on several occasions a second strike has hit rescue operations.”

More emotive, unverified rhetoric.  We must presume that the High Commissioner is talking about the MSF hospitals, established without permission from the Syrian government and exclusively in terrorist held areas, serviced in many instances by the Syria Civil Defence aka White Helmets aka Al Nusra.  The backers and donors of these “saviours of all Humanity” except humanity loyal to the Syrian Government are discussed in depth in our series of articles on their deep state roots.

Al Hussein mentions second strikes.  Let us just consider for one moment, that we are three quarters through his speech and still no mention of the war crimes being committed daily in Yemen, where second strikes are second nature as civilian first responders clamber over the rubble of a Saudi initial strike before being obliterated by the second strike as they attempt to pull smouldering bodies from the remains of homes, schools, mosques and hospitals.

Then of course, we cannot vilify the Syrian Government and Army without mentioning sieges.

“Similarly the deliberate starvation of people is unequivocally forbidden as a weapon of warfare.  By extension, so are sieges, which deprive civilians of essential goods such as food.  And yet over 450,000 people are currently trapped in besieged towns and villages in Syria, and have been, in some cases, for years.  Food, medicine and other desperately needed humanitarian aid is repeatedly obstructed.  Thousands of people may have starved to death”

Indeed Mr High Commissioner, the people of Kafarya and Foua thank you personally for their starvation and lack of desperately need humanitarian aid and for their ongoing suffering and loss of life under the US NATO backed terrorist siege that you claim, is impossible to bypass

Statement from Al Foua Hospital allying UN with terrorism.

All of Syria is under siege, 23 million people living under sanctions and the fall out from a US NATO war of aggression being waged upon their country, with the complicity of the UN Security Council that turns a blind eye to this crushing lawlessness.

No mention of the terrorist occupations of many Syrian towns and villages, the stockpiling of food, the deliberate starvation of civilians for propaganda purposes, the caging of civilians as human shields, the very recent suicide bombings in Homs, Damascus and Deir Ezzor.

No mention of the terrorist targeting of sectarian minorities in an attempt to undermine Syria’s secular culture, the terrorist attacks on Syrian hospitals and infrastructure.  No mention of the beneficiaries of the ISIS oil trade, no mention of the theft of over 1400 factories from Aleppo by chief terrorism facilitator, Turkey.

No mention of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrian soldiers and National Defence Forces, massacred by the western backed terrorists.  No mention of the rapes, crucifixions, massacres and beheadings, the training of child suicide bombers, by Riyadh educated Sheikh Abdullah Muhaysini, leader of the Army of Conquest [Al Nusra and Ahrar al Sham].

And still no mention of Yemen, a wholesale slaughter of civilians masterminded by NATO and the US from Riyadh control centres.

Until, as an afterthought:

“And yet Syria is far from the only armed conflict in which civilians have endured frightful attacks.  Multiple medical facilities, religious sites and schools have been repeatedly attacked and bombed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, South Sudan………..[finally] and Yemen.”

The UN Human Rights Commission was perfectly described yesterday as the polished diamond of western foreign policy.  It is the optic through which we are directed to view our governments imperialism. While our governments rape, pillage and plunder under the banner of democracy, the UN Human Rights Commission soothes our troubled soul by creating the illusion of caring two hoots about the peoples devastated by these aggressive colonialist policies.

In closing, the High Commissioner made this statement:

“I urge you to act with courage and on principle, and to take a strong stand regarding the protection of civilians.  The perpetrators of severe violations of this order must know that they will, at the first occasion, be sanctioned to the full extent of the law. […] I urge you to deploy your diplomatic power to uphold peace and advance the protection of human rights for all people, in other States and within your own”

In that case Mr High Commissioner, we await the sanctions you will impose upon Israel for their oppressive, brutal torture and execution of the Palestinian people upon whose land they spread hatred and violence.

We await the sanctions you will impose upon Saudi Arabia for the tens of thousands of Yemeni people they have mutilated, abused and displaced with NATO US manufactured missiles.

We await the sanctions you will impose upon the US for their extra judicial executions of Black and Latino peoples on US soil and for the global misery being caused by their hostile neocolonialism.

We await the sanctions you will impose upon every member nation for its part in this global devastation and bloodshed…and we will wait for the day that the UN holds the mirror up to its own distorted, corrupted face and sees how “the fairest of them all” has become the reflection of all that is unjust and dishonourable in this world.

Vanessa Beeley is a contributor to 21WIRE, and since 2011, she has spent most of her time in the Middle East reporting on events there – as a independent researcher, writer, photographer and peace activist. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Syria Solidarity Movement, and a volunteer with the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine. See more of her work at her personal blog The Wall Will Fall.

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Iranian Elections Strengthen Rouhani’s Hand

March 1st, 2016 by Keith Jones

The elections held in Iran last Friday have strengthened the faction of the Islamic Republic’s bourgeois ruling elite that favours speedy rapprochement with Washington and has spearheaded the push for neo-liberal restructuring.

This faction is led by Iran’s current President Hassan Rouhani, and by his longtime mentor, former two-term President Hashemi Rafsanjani. Making clear where its sympathies lie, the Western media invariably dubs this the “moderate” or “reformist” faction.

At stake in Friday’s elections were the composition of Iran’s 290-seat parliament and the 88-member Assembly of Experts. Membership in the latter body, which chooses and oversees the work of Iran’s supreme leader, is restricted to Muslim clerics.

Because the current supreme leader, 76-year-old Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is in poor health, it is likely the incoming Assembly of Experts will have to choose his successor at some point during its eight-year term. Consequently, the outcome of this year’s Assembly election has been considered especially important.

The precise makeup of Iran’s new parliament is not yet known, as there will have to be run-off elections in April to fill about 15 percent of the seats and because the politics of Iran’s ruling elite is not organized on the basis of highly structured parties, but rather by means of looser factional groupings.

Nevertheless, the partial results do indicate that the Rouhani-Rafsanjani faction rallied substantial support from the more privileged sections of Iran’s population, enabling it to make major gains in both Iran’s parliament and the Assembly of Experts at the expense of its “hardline” rivals, the Principalists.

Comprised of staunch Shia religious conservatives and elements with ties to the Revolutionary Guards and their substantial business interests, the Principalists have voiced concerns and in some cases outright opposition to the nuclear deal that Rouhani, with Supreme Leader Khamenei’s blessing, reached with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany. Under that agreement, Iran has made sweeping concessions, including dismantling much of its civilian nuclear program and submitting to the most intrusive-ever International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection regime, in exchange for the US and its European Union allies lifting the economic sanctions that have crippled Iran’s economy.

The Principalists have also criticized the Rouhani government for its plans to auction off Iran’s oil resources to the Western oil giants, advocating instead the continuation of a nationally focused “resistance economy.”

The electoral gains for the Rouhani-Rafsanjani faction were especially pronounced in Tehran, which, with a population of some 16 million, is home to more than one-fifth of Iran’s population. Running under the “List of Hope” label, it won all 30 of Tehran’s parliamentary seats and 15 of Tehran’s 16 seats in the Assembly of Experts. Prior to the elections, the Rouhani government had the support of just two Tehran MPs.

Rafasanjani topped the polls in the Tehran district-wide Assembly of Experts election, while Rouhani finished third. The defeated included Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, the outgoing head of the Assembly, and Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, mentor and spiritual adviser to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—a populist, closely identified with the Principalists, who served as Iran’s president from 2005 to 2013.

According to Western news reports, the middle class in Iran’s capital city turned out in large numbers to vote, forcing voting hours to be extended in some neighborhoods up to three times. Meanwhile, the working class, centered in southern Tehran, was largely indifferent to the election, indicating its alienation from and hostility to both rival bourgeois camps.

On Monday, the Iranian government reported that the election turnout in Tehran was just 50 percent, a sharp contrast to the nationwide average of 62 percent.

In winning the presidency in 2005, Ahmadinejad tapped into widespread hostility to the pro-market IMF-endorsed policies Rafsanjani and his “reformist” successor, Mohammad Khatami, had implemented, and the resulting growth in social inequality and economic insecurity. Under conditions of rapidly rising world oil prices, Ahmadinejad during his first presidential term significantly increased social spending, to the dismay of much of Iran’s clerical-bourgeois establishment. During his second term, which unfolded in the wake of the 2008 world financial crash and as the US ratcheted up sanctions and war threats against Iran, Ahmadinejad and the Principalist-dominated parliament turned sharply against the working class, slashing price subsidies and accelerating an already ambitious privatization drive.

The Rafsanjani-Rouhani faction improved its showing in other large Iranian cities, albeit less dramatically than in Tehran. Its Principalist rivals, however, have reportedly won most of the smaller towns and rural areas.

News organizations have provided different estimates of the relative strengths of the rival groupings in parliament. The BBC said “hardliners” won in excess of 150 seats and the “reformists” 111, while Reuters and Al Jazeera gave “conservatives” between 35 and 40 percent of the seats, “reformists” 30 percent and independents slightly more than 15 percent.

A significant factor in the Rouhani-Rafsanjani faction’s strong electoral showing was its ability to draw support from other groupings. Former President Khatami lent support, as did many leaders of the “Greens,” who, with Western encouragement, challenged the validity of Ahmadinejad’s reelection in 2009 on the basis of unsubstantiated charges of ballot-rigging. Khatami’s former first Vice President Mohammed Reza Aref was the biggest “List of Hope” vote-getter in Tehran.

The pro-Rouhani government slate also drew support from prominent figures, including noted social conservatives previously associated with the Principalists. Chief among these was the current parliamentary speaker, Ali Larijani, who hails from one of Iran’s most powerful clerical establishment families. Larijani’s reelection was also endorsed by one of the Revolutionary Guards’ most prominent leaders, Quds Force Commander General Qassem Suleimani.

Iranian business leaders and pro-market economists were ecstatic over the election results. “In economic affairs the next parliament will be much better,” Saeed Leylaz, one of Khatami’s former economic advisors, told Reuters. Ramin Rabio, the chief executive of Turquoise Partners, a large financial services company that specializes in managing foreign investments in Iran, said he expects that the new government will quickly implement a raft of pro-market “reforms,” including gutting labour law restrictions on layoffs and updating the country’s commercial code to make it more business-friendly.

A major objective of the Rouhani government is to rewrite the regulations governing the country’s oil industry to entice Western investment. Its hope is that a flood of European and ultimately US investment, seeking to take advantage of Iran’s abundant supply of skilled cheap labor and natural resources, will buoy the economy to provide it with sufficient political support and cover to eliminate the little that remains of the social concessions made to the working class in the aftermath of the 1979 revolution that overthrew the Shah’s bloody, US-backed dictatorship.

Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei has pointed to the 62 percent participation in last Friday’s election, which actually represented a 2 percentage-point decline from the 2011 elections, as proof of the Islamic Republic’s broad popular support.

Khamenei has long sought to maneuver among the various factions of the bourgeois-clerical establishment. He authorized the shift to seek a nuclear deal with the US and ultimately prevailed on all sections of the state apparatus to rally behind it.

He has voiced no objection to the Rouhani government’s full court press to woo European governments and transnationals. However, under conditions where the Obama administration and the US military-security establishment continue to threaten Iran, maneuver to overthrow its Syrian ally and lavish arms on the Saudis and Israel, and where the Republicans have vowed to scuttle the nuclear deal should they win the presidency, Khamenei has cautioned against rushing into closer engagement with Washington.

Rouhani and his foreign minister have been far less circumspect. Since concluding the nuclear deal they have repeatedly suggested that Iran could be a valuable partner for US imperialism in stabilizing the Middle East. In past pronouncements, Rafsanjani has been even franker in offering to tie Iran to US strategic objectives, suggesting, for example, in September 2013, as the US was contemplating a military assault on Syria, that Iran should withdraw its support for the Assad regime.

If the Obama administration chose to back off from its war drive against Iran and pocket major concessions instead, it was done in order to concentrate on US imperialism’s military-strategic offensive against its more powerful adversaries, Russia and China. A second major calculation was that US diplomatic and Western economic engagement with Iran would enable Washington to better explore and exploit cleavages within the Islamic Republic ruling elite, so as to force it to unreservedly accept US hegemony over the Middle East, or lay the political groundwork for regime-change in Tehran.

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations committee last week, US Secretary of State John Kerry counseled against the imposition of further sanctions against Iran in the name of “human rights” and argued as well in opposition to forcing Tehran to abandon its ballistic missile program, saying Washington should rather see how the implementation of the nuclear deal goes.

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Decisions made by Tony Blair leading up to the Iraq war cost the lives of British troops due to the former prime minister’s “deceit”, an explosive new book has claimed.

The story of how Britain entered the war has been outlined in a book by investigative journalist Tom Bower called Broken Vows and is based on interviews with military chiefs, civil servants and Cabinet ministers.

It says Blair had decided in 2002 that Saddam Hussein had to be overthrown and how he was prepared to back George Bush at all costs after the 9/11 attacks.

The book is serialised in The Daily Mail, and says that the British military were refused permission to plan properly because Blair was “pretending to be an honest broker seeking a peaceful solution”.

The Chief of the Defence Staff, Admiral Sir Mike Boyce, told Blair that his position was “crazy” to which the former PM apparently replied: “Well, that’s how it is”.

Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon had asked Blair to be able to order machine-guns, body armour and other equipment but this was rejected by Blair who wanted “to keep the UN negotiations [with Saddam over weapons inspectors in Iraq] going and I can’t act as (an) honest broker if it’s clear we’re planning to go to war”.

The book also describes how top Ministry of Defence officials were excluded from key meetings by Blair who hid his plans from most of his Cabinet and ignored warnings that it the conflict could turn into a “Vietnam-style” catastrophe.

The book comes ahead of the Chilcott report which has yet to be released, despite beginning work in 2009.

Rose Gentle, whose 19-year-old son Gordon was killed in Basra in June 2004 by a bomb told the Mail: “This is further evidence of what we have said all along – that Blair lied to us from the start and it cost our sons and daughters their lives.”

A spokesman for Blair told the newspaper: “None of these allegations are new. All were extensively covered and rebutted in evidence to the various inquiries. This is simply an attempt to twist the facts to fit the author’s pre-determined agenda.”

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When Paris-based pharmaceutical giant Sanofi started to sell malaria drugs made with the help of genetically engineered yeast in 2014, the move was hailed as a triumph for synthetic biology. The yeast was fermented in a vat to produce a chemical that Sanofi converted into artemisinin, which is used to make leading malaria treatments called artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs). Many hoped that the process would offer a cheap and plentiful supply of drugs to tackle a disease that claims almost half a million lives worldwide every year.

Yet Sanofi produced no ‘semi-synthetic’ artemisinin (SSA) at all in 2015, Nature has learned. And the company is now selling the manufacturing site in Garessio, Italy, where it made its SSA.

That such celebrated drugmaking technology — developed with the help of US$64 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — stands idle illustrates the complicated web of economic forces that affects the market for malaria drugs. “This is a perfect example of how a new manufacturing process becomes extremely hard to scale up when there is a complex ecosystem of players,” says Prashant Yadav, a health-policy researcher at the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, who studies the ACT market.

Before the advent of SSA, the only source of artemisinin was the sweet wormwood plant (Artemisia annua), the discovery of which won Chinese scientist Youyou Tu a share of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. But the agricultural supply has been erratic. Shortages of A. annua send prices soaring, which attracts more farmers to plant it; their produce then swamps the market, depressing prices and triggering fresh shortages (see ‘A stable artemisinin market?’).

Supplement or saviour?

The synthetic-biology route promised to end this rollercoaster by providing a stable and reliable source of artemisinin. Sanofi developed the capacity to produce almost 60 tonnes of the chemical per year — about one-third of global need — and the company hoped to supply other ACT manufacturers with the raw materials.

“In reality, that has not happened,” says Yadav. Sanofi has so far used its SSA to make more than 39 million treatments of its own version of ACT — representing about 10% of global ACT demand — but has not sold the chemical to other drugmakers.

That is partly because of a glut in agricultural artemisinin. For the past two years, the naturally derived chemical has sold for less than $250 per kilogram — below Sanofi’s ‘no profit–no loss’ margin of around $350–400 per kilogram. “If that price is already very low and there’s a bumper crop, there’s no reason to fire up a fermenter,” says Jay Keasling of the University of California, Berkeley, who led the team that first developed the yeast strain.

But ACT manufacturers such as China’s Guilin Pharma and India’s Cipla are also reluctant to buy their drug ingredients from Sanofi, says Yadav, because the company is a direct competitor in the ACT market.

And Sanofi has not found it worthwhile to increase production of its own ACT because demand has plateaued. This is in part the result of growing efforts to diagnose malaria before doling out medicine: malaria treatments are often taken by people with fevers who do not actually have malaria, so more-accurate diagnoses help to reduce the number of treatments needed. Whether demand will rise again will depend on how international efforts to tackle malaria develop in the future, and how much funding will be available to purchase ACTs.

By July, Sanofi will complete the sale of its Garessio manufacturing plant to Bulgarian company Huvepharma, a contract manufacturer responsible for fermenting the engineered yeast in vats to make artemisinic acid — the precursor to artemisinin — for Sanofi.

Nicola de Risi, a manager for Huvepharma in Rome who will head the firm’s Italian division, hopes that by gaining control of the entire SSA production process (from yeast to final product), the company will be able to lower costs and make sales to other ACT manufacturers. But Huvepharma will switch to using plant-derived artemisinin if it cannot make SSA cost-competitive, de Risi says.

Frederic J. Brown/Getty Images

Artemisinin-based combination therapy pills (shown here in China) are leading treatments for malaria.

PATH, a global-health organization based in Seattle, Washington, which coordinated the development of SSA, says that it still considers the project a success. “Since SSA entered the market, we have observed better price stability, and there has been adequate supply of artemisinin,” it said in a statement.

“There is merit to the argument that SSA has contributed somewhat to stabilizing prices,” says Yadav. But the main causes of price stability, he adds, are the recent steady demand for ACTs and long-term purchasing contracts with ACT manufacturers, set up by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

PATH and Keasling say that SSA was always intended to be a supplemental source to fill gaps in agricultural production, or to cope with spikes in demand. But Claire Marris, a sociologist of science at City University London who previously worked at the Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation at Imperial College London, says that in her experience, SSA is often portrayed by those working in the field as simply a low-cost, high-volume substitute for agricultural artemisinin. “It was constantly talked about,” she says. Now, Marris worries that unrealistic expectations for SSA’s achievements could damage public trust in synthetic biology.

When the Gates Foundation awarded the first of its grants for the SSA project in 2004, it explicitly aimed to lower the cost of each ACT treatment from $2.40 to “well under a dollar”. But the median price of Sanofi’s ACT had already dipped to $0.92 per adult treatment by 2012, well before the introduction of SSA, and it has changed little since then.

De Risi says that SSA production will restart later this year so that Sanofi can produce its own ACT treatment. “I think it’s good for synthetic artemisinin,” says Yadav, who points out that other ACT producers may be more willing to buy artemisinin from Huvepharma because it is not an ACT producer itself — and therefore not a direct competitor.

Meanwhile, Guilin Pharma and Cipla are making plans to develop their own SSA, and Keasling hopes that more research and develop­ment work could make the synthetic process cheaper in the long term. “I’d like to see SSA take over as the dominant form, and some day I think it will,” says Keasling. “But we have to be patient.”

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A two-part series entitled “The Libya Gamble” published in the Sunday and Monday editions of the New York Times is a damning indictment of Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state and current front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The piece, written by Times national security correspondent Scott Shane and investigative reporter Jo Becker, details the leading role played by Clinton in fomenting a war of aggression that killed tens if not hundreds of thousands. The fact that it is not intended as an exposure of these imperialist atrocities makes it all the more incriminating.

The Times has endorsed Clinton’s presidential campaign, describing her as “one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history” and as a president who “would use American military power effectively.” The paper has helped promote the political propaganda touting her as a feminist icon and a candidate deserving the support of African-Americans.

No one would suspect that Ms. Clinton’s criminal record makes her the political equivalent of a black widow spider.

Even the Libya piece suggests that her pivotal role in instigating the US-NATO war of 2011 casts a favorable light “on what kind of president she might be.” It describes her as a “diligent student and unrelenting inquisitor, absorbing fat briefing books, inviting dissenting views from subordinates, studying foreign counterparts to learn how to win them over. She was a pragmatist, willing to improvise…”

Taken for granted in this account is that all of this diligence, pragmatism and improvisation was in furtherance of a criminal war of aggression that laid waste to an entire society.

Today, as the article notes, Clinton deflects questions about the war with bromides about the Libyans having participated in two elections—which have produced what are now three competing governments, none of which can claim to rule any significant part of the country enmeshed in a bloody civil war. It is “too soon to tell” how things will evolve in Libya, she adds, five years after the war and under conditions in which Washington is once again deploying special operations troops on the ground and bombing the country from the air.

The article acknowledges that Clinton had fought within the Obama administration against “dropping support for Hosni Mubarak” under conditions in which the masses of Egypt had risen up in a revolutionary struggle against the US-backed dictator.

Yet somehow in Libya, the article argues, “Clinton had a new opportunity to support the historic change that had just swept out the leaders of its neighbors Egypt and Tunisia. And Libya seemed a tantalizingly easy case—with just six million people, no sectarian divide and plenty of oil.”

Here the phrases “tantalizingly easy” and “plenty of oil” were the operative ones in Clinton’s real calculations. A regime change operation was mounted against the Libyan government of Muammar Gaddafi not to further the revolutionary upheavals that were dubbed the “Arab spring,” but rather to contain them by imposing a US-controlled puppet state in the country separating Egypt and Tunisia, and asserting unfettered Western control over Africa’s largest oil reserves in the bargain.

The article establishes that Clinton “pressed for a secret program that supplied arms to rebel militias,” composed largely of Islamist groups, some with direct ties to Al Qaeda.

Within the administration, the Times reports, she pressed for direct US military intervention on the grounds that the British and French governments would go ahead without the US and Washington would be “left behind” and “be less capable of shaping” the scramble for control of Libya and its oil wealth.

The pretext, that Libyan government forces were on the verge of a “genocidal massacre” of “protesters” in the eastern city of Benghazi, was subsequently refuted by international human rights groups, and the total number killed in armed clashes before the US and NATO began their bombing of Libya amounted to barely 350.

At the outset of this bombing campaign, the article recounts, numerous attempts were made by Libyan officials, UN functionaries, other African governments and the African Union to negotiate a ceasefire and a political settlement, all of which were rejected by Washington. Charles Kubic, a retired rear admiral who received a proposal from a top Libyan military officer for a 72-hour ceasefire, was told by the US military command to immediately cut off the discussion based on orders that had come from “outside the Pentagon.”

“The question that stays with me is, why didn’t you spend 72 hours giving peace a chance?” he told the Times. The obvious answer was that those who had promoted the Libyan intervention, with Clinton in the lead, were determined to have their war for regime change fought to a bloody conclusion.

That came in October 2011 with the vicious lynch-mob murder of Gaddafi by the US-backed Islamist “rebels.” After watching a video on an aide’s BlackBerry of the Libyan leader being beaten and sodomized with a bayonet before he was killed, Clinton exclaimed “Wow!”

She then infamously turned to her television interviewer, exclaimed “We came, we saw, he died!” and cackled in delight.

Murdered alongside Gaddafi was his son Mutassim, who just two years earlier had been warmly welcomed to the State Department with smiles and handshakes by the same Hillary Clinton.

As the article makes clear, these bloody crimes were viewed by Clinton and her supporters as grist for her 2016 presidential campaign. Her top aide at the State Department issued a memo stating that the record demonstrated Clinton’s “leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country’s Libya policy from start to finish.”

“The memo’s language put her at the center of everything,” the article states: “‘HRC announces … HRC directs … HRC travels … HRC engages,’ it read.”

In the aftermath of the catastrophe in Libya, the article credits Clinton with “pushing for an aggressive American program to arm and train Syrian rebels trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad.”

It fails, however, to spell out the concrete connection between these two imperialist interventions. Arms seized from Libyan government stockpiles were funneled, along with Libyan Islamist fighters, into Syria, under the supervision of the CIA, which established a secret station in Benghazi along with another in southern Turkey.

After rivalries and recriminations between the agency and the Islamists erupted in the September 11, 2012 attack on the US facilities in Benghazi that killed the US ambassador and three security personnel, Clinton came under Republican fire, not for waging an illegal war, assassinating a foreign leader or arming Al Qaeda, but for an alleged “cover-up” of the Benghazi incident.

Similarly, a continuing investigation has been mounted over Clinton’s use of a non-secure private email server which handled material deemed secret, but little attention has been paid to the content of these emails, which again implicate Clinton in the bloody crimes carried out in Libya, Syria and beyond.

Summed up in Clinton’s role in the Libyan events is the arrogance and recklessness of a US foreign policy that is inseparable from militarism and aggression. In Clinton’s shameless attempt to exploit events that killed tens of thousands and turned millions into refugees to further her grubby political ambitions, one finds a consummate expression of the degraded character of the American ruling elite and its political system as a whole, and of the Democratic Party in particular.

In a just world, or at least one in which the principles upon which the Nuremberg war crimes trials of the surviving leaders of the Third Reich continued to be observed, Hillary Clinton would not be running for US president but, at best, be spending the rest of her life in a prison cell.

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Foto : Theotonio dos Santos durante la entrevista que mantuvo con Ariel Noyola Rodríguez en un hotel de la zona sur de la Ciudad de México.

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Si hay alguien que ha dejado huella en el pensamiento económico de América Latina es Theotonio dos Santos: científico social brasileño, catedrático de la Universidad del Estado de Río de Janeiro, exponente de la Teoría Marxista de la Dependencia y galardonado con el Premio Economía Marxista 2013 de la Asociación Mundial de Economía Política. Dos Santos dictó a mediados de febrero una serie de conferencias sobre teorías del desarrollo como parte de la Cátedra Maestro Ricardo Torres Gaitán que le fue otorgada por el Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas de la UNAM por sus aportaciones en la materia.

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, consiguió entrevistar a Theotonio dos Santos durante su estancia en la Ciudad de México y abordó, entre otros temas, las perspectivas de la economía y el sistema mundial, las contradicciones del desarrollo capitalista de China, el ascenso del yuan como divisa de reserva internacional, los desafíos de la integración latinoamericana, el atasco burocrático del Banco del Sur, el reposicionamiento regional de Estados Unidos, la crisis del pensamiento económico y los problemas que enfrenta la izquierda para construir alternativas.

Por su amplia extensión, la publicación de la entrevista se ha dividido en varias partes. En esta segunda entrega Noyola Rodríguez explora con dos Santos los desafíos de la integración latinoamericana, el atasco burocrático del Banco del Sur y el reposicionamiento de Estados Unidos en la región.

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez: Hoy sabemos por Andrés Arauz (representante de Ecuador ante el directorio ejecutivo del Banco del Sur) que Brasil y Paraguay no han ratificado el acta fundacional del Banco del Sur.

En contraste, vemos que el gobierno de Brasil está comprometido con el financiamiento del banco de desarrollo de los BRICS (acrónimo de Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica) y el Banco Asiático de Inversiones en Infraestructura (BAII) impulsado por China.

¿En ese sentido, considera usted que Brasil ejerce más bien un rol sub-imperialista (de acuerdo con la categoría elaborada por Ruy Mauro Marini), o de qué otra manera podemos explicar que no se interese en liderar las iniciativas de integración regional mientras que apoya los proyectos de potencias económicas como China?

Theotonio dos Santos: La clase dominante brasileña aspiró realmente a proyectar una política sub-imperialista cuya congruencia nació de la visión geopolítica de los militares que efectuaron el golpe de Estado en 1964. Ruy trabajó mucho sobre la visión y el contexto económico de esa época. En aquel momento nosotros los brasileños teníamos una economía en expansión con una fuerte posibilidad de influencia sobre la región pero a través del gran capital, entonces nos teníamos que adaptar a la política que el gran capital proyectaba.

Pero ocurre que el gran capital ha cambiado bastante su visión de Brasil, sobre todo en cuanto a su calidad de intermediario. Hay muchos factores que permitieron eso. Uno de ellos, es la pérdida de confianza de Estados Unidos para controlar la economía brasileña y también de diversos grupos empresariales que pensaban que Brasil podía ser una punta de lanza en la región.

A pesar de todo, Brasil se mantuvo en la década de los 2000 como un actor que prestó un apoyo fuerte, junto con Venezuela, a la creación de un aparato de integración en la región. En estos años surge la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas (UNASUR), que avanza a pesar de todo, porque realmente hay muchos intereses que buscan sabotearla. El Banco del Sur es otra iniciativa bastante importante, pero Brasil no lo quiso. Desde el primer momento Brasil no quería formar parte, pero entró…

El acta fundacional del Banco del Sur se firmó en diciembre de 2007 en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, sin embargo, la institución financiera todavía no se ha puesto en marcha por la falta de voluntad política del gobierno de Brasil

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez: ¿El Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Económico y Social (BNDES) se opone a que el gobierno de Brasil financie el Banco del Sur?

Theotonio dos Santos: Así es, el BNDES no quiere. Porque el BNDES tiene una gran cantidad de recursos, aunque bueno, también han disminuido. De cualquier forma, el BNDES tiene la capacidad de financiar una gran cantidad de inversiones en toda América Latina, por eso el gobierno de Brasil no tiene interés en tener un intermediario a través del Banco del Sur.

Se desperdició la oportunidad de realizar grandes inversiones para aprovechar la recuperación de la economía durante los años 2000 gracias a los 300,000 millones, 370, 000 millones de dólares que Brasil generó de excedentes. Todo ese dinero se metió a las reservas [del banco central], y gran parte se utilizó en la compra de deuda norteamericana. Entonces hay un aprisionamiento de tu poder económico. Hemos invertido como 120,000 millones de dólares en bonos del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, es algo absurdo.

Es un error de visión muy grave. Hay un pensamiento económico que no ha estado a la altura de los cambios que están pasando. Brasil no tiene una visión latinoamericana. Lula tenía una visión distinta, que ahora está siendo atacada muy fuertemente. Con todo, en la fase actual todas las iniciativas que favorecieron la integración regional en estos años, fueron iniciativas de interés latinoamericano, más que interés del capital trasnacional.

Por ejemplo, miremos los acuerdos entre México y Estados Unidos. Para México representaron muchas inversiones. México tiene una industria automotriz cuya producción es 70% para exportación. Brasil también tiene una industria automotriz, pero sólo 30% es para exportación, y son más o menos iguales.

Entonces para que Brasil vuelva a ser un agente del gran capital, para que desde ahí se impulse una política, digamos sub-imperialista, pues se tendría que imponer un gobierno con otra orientación política, que es lo están buscando hacer. También quieren derrumbar a Venezuela, y a todos los gobiernos que están comprometidos con los procesos de integración.

Es un absurdo que sectores de la izquierda vean la integración como sub-imperialismo. La integración regional nunca será parte de los intereses del sub-imperialismo, por el contrario. Estados Unidos, que es el actor imperialista superior, jamás ha defendido una política de integración regional, ahora está tratando de romperla. El Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP, por sus siglas en inglés) es su nueva aventura. Quieren cortar la integración sin poder ofrecer nada. Es que los países que se sumaron al TPP se van a integrar sí, pero solamente con Estados Unidos.

Como en el caso del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN): es México con Estados Unidos, y Canadá con Estados Unidos, pero entre México y Canadá no hay nada, entonces no existe integración. Y lo mismo se propone con los países de la costa del Pacífico, ellos no van a fortalecer la integración entre sí, sólo van a aumentar los negocios que favorecen a Estados Unidos. Pero Estados Unidos no va aumentar la demanda de productos de esos países, Estados Unidos quiere aumentar la venta de sus productos porque tiene un déficit comercial extremadamente elevado.

La política de Estados Unidos consiste en aumentar sus exportaciones, y esa no es la política de ningún país de la región, todos están interesados en vender hacia Estados Unidos no en comprar, entonces es una aventura. Pero peor aún, lo que estos países han aumentado de su nivel de exportaciones, y sí, han conseguido superávit importantes en los últimos años, es por la mayor demanda del mercado chino, pero el TPP es un producto anti-China.

El Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico (TPP, por sus siglas en inglés) fue firmado el pasado 3 de febrero en Nueva Zelanda por 12 países; ahora sus gobiernos tienen la tarea de conseguir su ratificación en las legislaturas nacionales

Cómo puedes entrar en un proyecto anti-China, cuando la única posibilidad que tienes es de expandir las exportaciones hacia China. Y además, para América Latina significa un proyecto anti-integración, es muy grave porque la única posibilidad que existe para nuestros países es apostar por una política de desarrollo regional, un proyecto que lamentablemente los gobiernos aún no han sido capaces de asumir por completo.

Y nada de eso está en el esquema del gran capital, nada de eso quiere el gran capital, pueden adaptarse sí. Pero no es el mismo fenómeno el que estamos viviendo ahora que lo que pasó en la década de 1960. El sub-imperialismo es un potencial, pero no es el camino para el gran capital en este momento. El gran capital está en el camino de romper de forma radical las ventajas que la integración puede proporcionar a la región.

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez: En efecto, Washington ha intentado recuperar su protagonismo económico y política en América Latina y para ello está impulsando varias iniciativas de integración acordes con los intereses de las empresas norteamericanas.

En cuanto a la Alianza del Pacífico (integrada por Chile, Colombia, México y Perú), llama mucho la atención que Michelle Bachelet haya propuesto establecer un “puente” que les permita converger con el Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR, incluye a Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay y Venezuela). Mauricio Macri, el nuevo presidente de Argentina, apoya la idea ¿Cuáles serán sus pretensiones?

Y por otro lado tenemos el TPP (conformado por 12 países con Estados Unidos a la cabeza), un proyecto que busca aislar económicamente a China tanto en América Latina como en Asia-Pacífico ¿Qué tanto poder de influencia tienen estas 2 iniciativas en nuestra región?

Theotonio dos Santos: Son políticas suicidas. Bueno, el gran capital está interesado en destruir la integración latinoamericana. Macri está en contra de la integración, él hace todo para impedir la integración, incluso planteó la salida de Venezuela del MERCOSUR.

De parte de Bachelet es diferente, porque ella y su ministro de Relaciones Exteriores desde el primer momento no se sumaron a la Alianza del Pacífico para ir en contra de la integración latinoamericana. La Alianza [del Pacífico] ya estaba, digamos, avanzada, no tenía mucho sentido intentar cambiarla. El problema es que no van a conseguir nada con la Alianza del Pacífico ¿Qué van a ganar?

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez: En el ámbito de las finanzas los integrantes de la Alianza del Pacífico presumen haber avanzado en la construcción de un mercado de capitales común, el Mercado Integrado Latinoamericano (MILA).

El propósito de este instrumento es promover la integración bursátil trasnacional de las bolsas de valores de Chile, Colombia, México y Perú para de esta forma, crear un patrimonio único que según ellos, puedan competir frente a frente con la bolsa de valores de São Paulo…

Theotonio dos Santos: Sería interesante observar este fenómeno, pero dudo mucho que estos países lo consigan. Estados Unidos no tiene capital, tiene deuda, una deuda pública equivalente al tamaño de su Producto Interno Bruto (PIB), aunque pueden crear más deuda ¿De dónde va a sacar recursos Estados Unidos para invertir en eso? ¿De dónde va a sacar plata Chile?

Los capitalistas brasileños están metidos en la bolsa porque tienen que estar, aunque muchos partieron al exterior porque prefieren manejar recursos desde otras latitudes. No veo cómo va a poder funcionar ese mercado de capitales que mencionas. En Brasil no se conoce mucho sobre eso.

Sí, es probable se estén preparando para entrar en una dura competencia con Brasil. Puede ser. Pero no les veo un gran potencial, no creo que ellos tengan recursos. Habría que ver con más detalle todo esto. La verdad es que no pensaba que estos gobiernos [de la Alianza del Pacífico] podrían llegar a un grado de delirio tan grande. Están proponiendo cosas que no pueden hacer.

¿Qué tienen estos países como alianza? Lo normal, lo que les brinda la integración latinoamericana en general ¿Pero ellos qué van a aportar a la región? Como grupo no hay mucho, hasta ahora han tenido que votar las iniciativas de integración que tienen un sentido más positivo. En la pasada Cumbre de las Américas, la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) exigió que Cuba estuviera presente, de lo contrario no habría Cumbre. No pudieron los países de la Alianza imponer una política independiente de la CELAC.

Estados Unidos los está usando para promover una política anti-china ¿Qué quieren? ¿Qué dejen de exportar a China? Lo que hay detrás de esto, como en Oriente Medio, es que quieren destruir cualquier fuerza que se oponga a las políticas de Estados Unidos, un país que en efecto, como fuerza destructiva todavía tiene un poder muy grande a través de este tipo de alianzas, pero como fuerza constructiva, como un agente articulador de una nueva economía, no le veo influencia por ningún lado…

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez: Economista por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).

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When Canadians Become Alarmed, It’s Serious.

March 1st, 2016 by Barbara Nimri Aziz

My sister phoned me from Canada this morning. I can’t remember her being so upset. It’s not about the grandchildren; it’s not anything I said, not a recurrence of her cancer, not winter’s icy roads or frozen pipes.

“What are you going to do if he becomes president? Can your Congress vote him out?” she asked determinedly. “What are you going to do?”—you being ‘you out-of-control Americans’. My sister was talking about Donald Trump’s ascendancy (if not his ascension).

This concern uttered by a woman who rarely talks politics, not even Canadian politics, from the same sister who routinely dismisses my political outrages, conspiratorial analyses, and opposition to Zionist occupation. I could never draw this lifelong sibling into a debate, especially about American politics. (She’s more of a royalist—they still exist in Ontario, I suppose in British Columbia too– than a party member, left or right.)

Canadians habitually view their giant neighbor as excessive and unpredictable, not simply a source of new market delights which they travel south to buy, but also an easy target for Canadian satire. Preferring to avoid acknowledging their own military coalitions with the Pentagon, their diplomatic alliances with US imperialist polices, their membership in ‘The Five Eyes’ global intelligence spy program, and their acquiescence to US anti-terror strategies, Canadians try to ignore the race-based dramas and costly principled struggles that beset USA. ‘It will pass like any teenage tantrum’, they snicker.

So, if my sister is alarmed about the emergence of the flashy Manhattan billionaire as the frontrunner in the US election campaign, this is serious. Despite themselves Canadians, impatient with last year’s drawn out 10-week election cycle that overthrew their Harper administration, are now following America’s 15-month election drama with growing distress. Like many of us here, the personalities and volatility of the presidential campaign is no longer a laughing matter. Trump could actually win the Republican nomination, and the White House.

Unlike in Canada where parliament can simply force a vote of no confidence if their leadership is off-track, to rid ourselves of a problematic leader is more problematic.

Stateside, confronting this specter, we ourselves are desperately seeking options. Friends who favored Bernie Sanders announce they’re shifting to Clinton because she would seem to have a better chance against ‘The Donald’, allied as she is with the Democratic Party machine and Corporate America. Others assert they’ll sit out this election altogether. On the conservative side of the political arena, voters and the Republican Party itself (the GOP), admitting that ‘The Donald’ has become an embarrassment, appear to be mobilizing around young Mark Rubio.

Then there’s the gorilla in the room, the unparalleled American political force underlying everything in our lives—our media. US media is a formidable power which my sister and others watching from a safe distance may not appreciate. Media network leaders now acknowledge that their romance with Trump and their initial delight in his celebrity skills helped create the monster he’s become. (Their profits have soared with his rise.)

This brash contender would not be the first rising star to become the target of a vicious media assault. I expect the new game in town will be between ‘The Donald’ and our media. Journalists have a toolbox of weapons to politically assassinate brash and bombastic contenders. They can create scandals and saturate the public with misinformation, poisoning any name and cause; they can uncover buried facts to blow them out of portion to intimidate and embarrass. They can summon any comedic talent to ridicule. They can suggest alliances with the most extreme elements, having already begun with a suggestion he is allied with the discredited Ku Klux Klan.

And of course citizens can reject the spectacle that drugs them into spectator status, and get to work in their political constituencies. They might organize to overturn the composition of two houses of congress. Just as the GOP has hobbled Obama by taking control of Congress in the 2012 mid-terms; the Democratic Party can do the same if a Trump or any Republican wins the presidency.*

Our MalcolmX event last week was videoed and live-streamed; click here to access the 2 hour program

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Diana Johnstone recently published a very good book on Hillary Clinton entitled “Queen of Chaos” (Counterpunch Books, 2015). Johnstone justifies the title through her convincing critical examination of Clinton’s performance as Secretary of State as well as her broader record of opinions and actions. But Clinton served under President Barack Obama, and the policies which she pushed while in office were of necessity approved by her superior, who worked with her in “a credible partnership”.1

And after Mrs. Clinton’s exit from office Mr. Obama carried on with replacement John Kerry in a largely similar and not very peaceable mode. Most important was their 2014 escalation of hostilities toward Russia with the coup d’etat in Kiev, anger at the responsive Russian absorption of Crimea, warfare in Eastern Ukraine, and U.S.-sponsored sanctions against Russia for its alleged “aggression.” There was also simmering tension over Syria, with U.S. and client state support of rebels and jihadists attempting to overthrow the Assad government, and with Russia (and Iran and Hezbollah) backing Assad. There was also Obama’s widening use of drone warfare and declared right and intention to bomb any perceived threat to U.S. “national security” anyplace on earth.

In any case, if Hillary Clinton was Queen of Chaos, Obama is surely King. If Iraq, Libya and Syria have been reduced to a chaotic state, Obama has a heavy responsibility for these developments, although Iraq’s downward spiral is in large measure allocable to the Bush-Cheney regime. The Syrian crisis has intensified, with Russia providing substantial air support that has turned the tide in favor of Assad and threatened collapse of the U.S.-Saudi-Turkish campaign of regime change. This remains a dangerous situation with Turkey threatening more aggressive action and the Obama-Kerry team still unwilling to accept defeat.2 Yemen has also descended into chaos in the Obama years, and although Saudi Arabia is the main direct villain in this case, the Obama administration provides much of the weaponry and diplomatic protection for this aggression and for several years has done some drone bombing of Yemen on its own. A fair amount of chaos also characterizes Israel-Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco, along with many sub-Saharan regimes (Mali, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Burundi, etc.). The leadership of the superpower with long-standing predominant influence over this region must be given substantial (dis)credit for this widening chaotic state, which has produced the main body of refugees flooding into Europe and elsewhere and the surge of retail terrorism.

It is often alleged that this chaos reflects a terrible failure of U.S. policy. This is debatable. Three states that were independent and considered enemy states by Israel and many U.S. policy-makers and influentials–Iraq, Libya and Syria–have been made into failed states and may be in the process of dismemberment. Libya had been ruled by a man, Moammar Gaddafi, who was the most important leader seeking an Africa free of Western domination; he was chairman of the African Union in 2009, two years before his overthrow and murder. His exit led quickly to the advance of the United States African Command (Africom) and U.S.-African state “partnerships” to combat “terrorism”—that is, to a major setback to African independence and progress.3 The chaos in Ukraine and Syria has been a great windfall for the U.S.beneficiaries of the permanent war system, for whom contracts are flowing and job advancement and security are on the upswing. For them the King of Chaos has done well and his policies have been successful.

There has been little publicity and debate addressing President Obama’s new and major contribution to the nuclear arms race and the threat of nuclear war. In April 2009 Mr. Obama claimed a “commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons”.4 And on the release of a Nuclear Posture Review on April 6, 2010 he stated that the United States would “not develop new nuclear warheads or pursue new military missions or new capabilities for nuclear weapons.” But he wasted no time in violating these promises, embarking soon on a nuclear “modernization” program that involved the development of an array of nuclear weapons that made their use more thinkable (smaller, more accurate, less lethal).

The New York Times reported that “The B61 Model 12, the bomb flight-tested in Nevada last year, is the first of five new warhead types planned as part of an atomic revitalization estimated to cost up to $1 trillion over three decades. As a family, the weapons and their delivery systems move toward the small, the stealthy and the precise. Already there are hints of a new arms race. Russia called the B61 tests ‘irresponsible’ and ‘openly provocative.’ China is said to be especially worried about plans for a nuclear-tipped cruise missile.”5 The Times does cite a number of U.S. analysts who consider this enterprise dangerous as well as “unaffordable and unneeded”.6 But the modernization plan has not aroused much comment or widespread concern. And it would very likely be considered too modest by all the leading Republican presidential candidates.7

What is driving Obama to move in such an anti-social direction, perversely generating threats to national security and wasting vast resources that are urgently needed by the civil society?8 Obama is a weak president, operating in a political economy and political environment that even a strong president could not easily manage. The military-industrial complex is much stronger now than it was in January 1961 when Eisenhower, in his Farewell Speech, warned of its “acquisition of unwarranted influence” and consequent threat to the national well-being. The steady stream of wars has entrenched it further, and the pro-Israel lobby and subservience of the mass media have further consolidated a permanent war system. It also fits the needs of the corporate oligarchy.9

It is interesting to see that even Bernie Sanders doesn’t challenge the permanent war system, whose spiritual effects and ravenous demands would seem to make internal reform much more difficult. We may recall Thorstein Veblen’s more than a century-old description of war-making as having an “unequivocal” regressive cultural value: “it makes for a conservative animus on the part of the population” and during wartime “civil rights are in abeyance; and the more warfare and armament the more abeyance.”

“At the same time war-making directs the popular interest to other, nobler, institutionally less hazardous matters than the unequal distribution of wealth or of creature comforts.”10

With a permanent war system in place, the vetting of political candidates and the budgetary and policy demands of the important institutions dominating the political economy, war-making and nourishing the Pentagon and other security state institutions become the highest priorities of top officials of the state. They all prepare for war on a steady basis and go to war readily, often in violation of international law and even domestic law. Subversion has long been global in scope.11 Reagan’s war on Nicaragua, Clinton’s attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, Bush-1’s wars on Panama and Iraq, Bush-2’s wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and a propagandistic “War on Terror,” and Obama’s wars on Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and many other places, show an impressive continuum and growth..

Mr. Obama’s Cuba and Iran policies deviate to some extent from his record of power projection by rule of force. In the case of Cuba, the opposition to recognition of the Cuban reality had diminished and a growing body of businessmen, officials and pundits, and the international community, considered the non-recognition and sanctions an obsolete and somewhat discreditable holdover from the past. It is likely that the new policy recognized the possibility of “democracy promotion” as a superior route to inducing changes in Cuba. It should also be noted that the policy change thus far has not included a lifting of economic sanctions, even though for many years UN Assembly votes against those sanctions have been in the order of 191-2 (in 2015). A more immediate factor in the changed policy course may have been the fact that several Latin American countries threatened to boycott the 2015 OAS Summit if Cuba was not admitted. As Jane Franklin notes, “Obama had to make a choice. He could refuse to attend and therefore be totally isolated or he could join in welcoming Cuba and be a statesman.”12 Obama chose to be a statesman.

In the case of Iran, the new agreement (The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action signed in Vienna on July 14, 2015) was hammered out in an environment in which Iran had long been made the villain that needed to be constrained. This followed years of demonizing and pressure on Iran to scale back its nuclear program, regularly claimed, without evidence, to be aiming at developing nuclear weapons. U.S. hegemony is nowhere better displayed than in the fact that Iran was encouraged to develop a nuclear program when ruled by the Shah of Iran, a U.S.-sponsored dictator, but has been under steady attack for any nuclear effort whatsoever since his replacement by a regime opposed by the United States, with the steady cooperation of the UN and “international community.”

Israel is a major regional rival of Iran, and having succeeded in getting the United States to turn lesser rivals, Iraq and Libya, into failed states, it has been extremely anxious to get the United States to do the same to Iran. And Israel’s leaders have pulled out all the stops in getting its vast array of U.S. politicians, pundits, intellectuals and lobbying groups to press for a U.S. military assault on Iran.13 The tensions between the United States and Iran have been high for years, with a sanctions war already in place. But with many military engagements in progress, tensions with Russia over Ukraine and Syria at a dangerous level, and perhaps resentment at the attempted political bullying by Israeli leaders, the Obama administration chose to negotiate with Iran rather than fight. The agreement finally arrived at with Iran calls for more intrusive inspections and some scaling down of Iran’s nuclear program, while it frees Iran from some onerous sanctions and threats. This was a rare moment of peace-making, and probably the finest moment in the years of the King’s rule. Iran is still treated as a menace and in need of close surveillance. But there was a slowing-down in the drift toward a new and larger war, allowing the Obama administration to focus more on warring in Iraq and Syria and taking on any other threat to U.S. national security.

Edward S. Herman is a Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.


  1. Mark Landler and Helene Cooper, “From Bitter Campaign to Strong Alliance,” New York Times, March 19, 2010.
  2. Patrick Cockburn, “Syrian Civil War: Could Turkey be Gambling on an Invasion?,” Independent, January 30, 2016.
  3. Maximilian Forte, Slouching Toward Sirte, Baraka Books, 2012.
  4. “Remarks in Prague,” April 5, 2009
  5. William Broad and David Sanger, “As U.S. Modernizes Nuclear Weapons, ‘Smaller’ Leaves Some Uneasy,” New York Times, January 11, 2016.
  6. Andrew C. Weber, former director of the Nuclear Weapons Council
  7. For a broader discussion of this new nuclear threat, see Lawrence Wittner, “The Frightening Prospect of a Nuclear War Is About to Become a Lot More Likely,” History News Network, January 2016; Jonathan Marshall, “Learning to Love—and Use—the Bomb,” Consortiumnews, January 23, 2016.
  8. Jonathan Marshall notes ironically that “America’s public sector is apparently too strapped financially even to provide safe drinking water to some of its residents.”
  9. Jeffrey A. Winters. Oligarchy, Cambridge University Press, 2011
  10. The Theory of Business Enterprise, Charles Scribner’s, 1904, 391
  11. See Philip Agee’s Inside the Company and William Blum’s Killing Hope.for massive and compelling details.
  12. Jane Franklin, Cuba and the U.S. Empire: A Chronological History, Monthly Review Press, April 2016.,
  13. James Petras, “The Centerpiece of US Foreign Policy Struggle,” Dissident Voice, August 12, 2015


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On Friday, February 26, just a day before the limited ceasefire in Syria was to take effect, the Atlantic Council, the preeminent NATO think tank, issued a report on the state of readiness of the NATO alliance to fight and win a war with Russia. The focus of the report is on the Baltic states.

The report, entitled “Alliance at Risk” has the sub-heading “Strengthening European Defence in an Age of Turbulence and Competition.” Layers of distortions, half-truths, lies and fantasies of course obscure the fact that it is the NATO countries that have caused the turbulence from the Middle East to Ukraine. NATO is responsible for nothing in this report, except “protecting the peace.” Russia is the supreme aggressor state, intent on undermining the security of Europe, even intent on attacking Europe, an “existential threat” that NATO must prepare to repel.

An interesting image that appears just below the title page is the logo of the Airbus Group, in letters as large as the title and a statement that the publication is a product of the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security, in partnership with Airbus. There you have it, the logo of big business, intertwined with the US military machine; portraying one of the principle characteristics of fascism in the west, the interdependence and shared power of the western corporate and military complex.

The Scowcroft Center is named after American Army general Brent Scowcroft, who, among other things, was national security advisor to Presidents Ford and Bush, lately advisor to President Obama and a long associate of Henry Kissinger. General Scowcroft is interesting for another reason for on September 11, 2001 Scowcroft was on board a US Air Force E-4B aircraft, known as the National Airborne Operations Command Center.

The E-4B is a militarized version of a Boeing 747. Its purpose is to provide the American president, vice president, and Joint Chiefs of Staff with an airborne command center that could be used to execute war plans and coordinate government operations during a national emergency.

The plane was sitting on the tarmac at Andrews Air Force Base, just outside Washington, D.C. waiting to take off for Offutt airbase in Nebraska, the headquarters of the Strategic Air Command when the first plane hit the World Trade Center in New York.

Supposedly the E-4B was to take part in a previously scheduled military exercise called Global Guardian involving a mock nuclear war, but just a few minutes after take-off the Pentagon was hit by some type of airborne craft and the E-4B immediately withdrew from the purported scheduled exercise and became the actual American government command and control center. It then continued to Offutt Air Base in Nebraska where it delivered Scowcroft and his staff to the National Command Center, their original destination, where he was joined later that day by President Bush and his staff.

Scowcroft was then head of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and an adviser to and friend of President Bush. He was not a member of the armed forces, having been retired. He was a civilian. It was Scowcroft who later advised against the USA attacking Iraq alone and who called for the building of a “coalition” to invade instead to give the US cover, which is what finally transpired. Neither his presence on board the E-4B that day nor why it was prepared to be put into action just prior to the attack on the World Trade Center for an alleged military exercise involving a possible nuclear war, has never been adequately explained.

I digress, but I am sure you cannot blame me, since it is my argument that the NATO alliance will stage a series of actions in the Baltic states using hybrid warfare methods, or will simply manufacture images that will be used to create a new myth to justify war, the myth that Russia is trying to seize the Baltic region.

The report is designed essentially to provide the European governments concerned, that is, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Norway, with propaganda they can feed to the people through the media channels, most of which they control, to justify increased military spending and increased military forces in order to face a “threat” from Russia.

It states at page 6 that

The Russian invasion of Crimea, its support for separatists, and its invasion of eastern Ukraine have effectively ripped up the post-Cold War settlement of Europe. President Vladimir Putin has shattered any thoughts of a strategic partnership with NATO; instead, Russia is now a de facto strategic adversary. Even more dangerously, the threat is potentially existential, because Putin has constructed an international dynamic that could put Russia on a collision course with NATO. At the center of this collision would be the significant Russian-speaking populations in the Baltic states, whose interests are used by the Kremlin to justify Russia’s aggressive actions in the region. Under Article 5 of NATO’s Washington Treaty, any military move by Putin on the Baltic states would trigger war, potentially on a nuclear scale, because the Russians integrate nuclear weapons into every aspect of their military thinking.

This supports warnings that have been made all last year of a move by NATO in the Baltic states which will be justified by false flag hybrid war operations conducted by NATO, as I have stated several times in other essays. This is emphasized by the recommendation in the report that “to deter any Russian encroachment into the Baltic states, NATO should establish a permanent presence in the region… to prevent a Russian coup de main operation …”

Throughout the report the imagined enemy is Russia. Each segment written by an expert in military analysis from each of the countries concerned in the report contains the standard propaganda about Russia and that Europe is vulnerable and about to fall to the Russian hordes.

The level of intelligence they expect the public to have must be very low if they really think such a fantastic document could be taken seriously as a description of reality or that their intentions could be understood as anything less than criminal. Any intelligent person handed such a document would automatically throw it in the garbage for the trash it is but then he would immediately retrieve it to take a second look, because they are telling us what they are going to do, what they preparing for. I wrote in my last essay that the increased build-up of NATO forces, in eastern Europe especially, has some similarity to the Nazi build-up for the invasion of Russia in 1941 Operation Barbarossa, is in fact a Barbarossa 2.

This new report adds support to the expectation of dangerous actions in the Baltic states that will be blamed on Russia. It is probably not a coincidence that the report was released just as the Syrian cease-fire was to come into effect. The United States, clearly outwitted, out played and out fought, by the Syrians, Russians, Iranians and their allies in Syria has been forced to accede to a Russian proposed ceasefire for now. But already the Americans have talked about their Plan B, the carving up of Syria, their intention all along. We can expect them to do all they can to undermine it, engaging in a fight and talk strategy, keeping Russia occupied; in Syria, in constant tension in the Donbass, harassing their allies China and Iran, and now we can expect a new front to be opened in the Baltic states. What gambit NATO will use to create that front and a direct confrontation with Russia, who can say, but there will be one – the Baltic Gambit.

Of course, it goes almost without saying but I shall say it once again, that this is all illegal under international law, under the United Nations Charter that prescribes the only acceptable means of settling international disputes. Under the Rome Statute this document could be used in evidence against the people that wrote it and applaud it in a trial on the charge of conspiracy to commit war crimes. But I doubt the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court will ask for a copy to read to draft an indictment. The prosecutor of the Court will do absolutely nothing as all this goes on right in front of her eyes and involving countries over which she has jurisdiction.

The final disturbing aspect of the document is that it calls for nuclear “modernization” meaning rearmament and increased building of nuclear weapons and delivery systems, a call for more nuclear arms from the same countries which for months have been attacking North Korea for having the same weapons. You have to give it to them; they’ve got a lot of nerve. Trouble is, they’ve go too much and it really seems that they’re insane.

So what can Russia do? Well, they called the American bluff in Syria, so why not do it again. This world cannot have peace unless peace is the only way that things can be done. The only way that can happen is to eliminate nuclear weapons so that no nation can threaten the existence of any other. The French section of the report happily reports that the nuclear disarmament groups in France no longer even bother to mention the matter much anymore so little resistance can be expected from that quarter. That applies around the world. But if Russia were to throw down the glove and call for mutual disarmament, a rejection by the Americans would at least underline the importance to mankind of nuclear disarmament and would make clear to the world who is the aggressor state. Otherwise it’s the Balkan Gambit and all that will follow.

Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, he is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and he is known for a number of high-profile cases involving human rights and war crimes, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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During the week of February 22 North-West University (NWU) at Mafiking in Potchefstroom, the University of Pretoria (UP) at Hatfield and Groenkloof as well as the University of the Free State (UFS) in Bloemfontein were closed after arson attacks and student clashes erupted.

At NWU buildings were burned after protest over tuition costs and the removal of the elected Student Representative Council (SRC). University officials removed the student council group led by Benz Mabengwane, who is associated with the opposition political party the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

Some reports suggest that the ousted Council was expelled because of their role in recent protests on the campus.

Chairpersons of Council sub-committees were appointed to take over the SRC at NWU prompting unrest. Supporters of the Mabengwane group disrupted the inauguration ceremony for the appointed council members.

University security personnel later used teargas and rubber bullets to break up demonstrations.

EFF spokesperson of the dissolved student council, Rebaone Pudi, said management was “quick to appoint those who will succumb to their demands. They have appointed their own people and they can’t expect them to be acknowledged by students as their leaders and trust them to represent their interests. Management wants leaders who can agree to financial exclusion of students and we’re not going to accept that.” (City Press, Feb. 24)

Pudi went on to say that “The university has also been spending money on armed private security while they wanted poor students to go back home. We demand the demilitarization of our university so we won’t see any more live ammunition being used on students.”

NWU spokesman Koos Degenaar told students to “leave the campus immediately for their own safety and return home. It is likely to take a considerable period of time to restore operations. Students will be given at least a month’s notice of the re-opening of the campus.” (Independent, UK, Feb. 25)

Another campus organization, the South African Students Congress (SASCO), which has historically supported the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party, also disagreed with the removal of the SRC group led by Mabengwane.

“We can’t have a student council that was elected by management representing students. They will obviously represent no one else’s interests but those of management,” Karabo Kau, SASCO chairperson at NWU. (City Press, Feb. 24)

“Today’s protest was due to the unhappiness of the general student population, and for raising their dissatisfaction the response they got were rubber bullets and live ammunition. A pregnant lady miscarried right after she was shot and at least 10 students were taken away for medical attention, Kau said.”

University of Pretoria Closed After Clashes

At the University of Pretoria fights broke out between Black and white students over the continuing instruction in some course in the Afrikaans language of the white settlers under colonialism and apartheid. Although many Africans due to the legacy of white domination speak Afrikaans as well, many feel that the language should not be utilized in the various universities in numerous classes.

Universities in South Africa offer courses in both English and Afrikaans. However, with the concerns mounting over rising tuition costs and the continuing disparities in income and wealth between Black and white populations groups, these social variables are fueling tensions over access to higher education.

Those who are not fluent in Afrikaans face a fundamental disadvantage when there are lectures delivered in classes where only the language of the settlers is utilized. Consequently, such a language policy within higher education serves as a means of reserving a quota of faculty positions and university student admissions for whites who are of Afrikaner descent.

On February 19 at the University of Pretoria Hatfield and Groenkloof campuses, student supporters of the opposition party EFF Student Command fought with members of AfriForum Youth, an Afrikaner cultural group, which took opposing sides over an amended language policy of instruction. Over 20 people were arrested in the disturbances prompting the suspension of classes for six days.

This proposal was that English be used as a primary language of instruction in all classes, and that Afrikaans and Sepedi be used for additional support to students in tutorials and practicals. Afrikaans-speaking students protested that it was a direct attack on their culture and heritage.

Classes resumed at the UP campuses on February 29 amid tight security.

University of the Free State Erupts  

At the University of the Free State (UFS), Black and white students fought during a rugby game after tensions flared. African students have accused the administration of failing to transform the campus to reflect the majority population inside the country.

Classes resumed at UFS on February 29 while student leaders said they were still committed to demanding the resignation of the Vice Chancellor Jonathan Jansen at the institution. SRC President Lindokuhle Ntuli said that students would not disrupt any classes.

“We are not against the university or the white students; we are against the oppressive system. The university still has a predominately white image and culture and we want the university to reflect all races,” Ntuli said. (, Feb. 29)

On February 23, protesters toppled and damaged a statue of Charles Robberts Swart at the University. C.R. Swart was the last Governor General of the Union of South Africa until 1961, and was president of the Republic of South Africa from 1961 to 1967.

Demonstrators burned tires at the statue while using hammers and rocks to tear it down.

Later on February 25, campus security personnel were deployed to prevent the statue of Marthinus Theunis Steyn from being damaged. Steyn was the sixth and last president of the Boer-dominated Orange Free State from 1896 to 1902.

ANC Charges Regime-Change Strategy Implicating the United States

These developments have been condemned by President Jacob Zuma who said “No amount of anger should drive students to burn their own university and deny themselves and others education.” (Associated Press, Feb. 25)

On February 19, ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe, accused the U.S. embassy of fomenting violence inside the country aimed at the overthrow of the government while speaking before a large crowd of party supporters. The ruling party had organized a gathering of 87,000 in Pretoria to “defend the revolution,” according to the Mantashe.

He cautioned South Africans about listening to advice from “the enemy.” The Secretary General said “We are a majority. We should be able to take decisions and enforce them.” (

Mantashe said the South African government was aware of a program which sent youth to the U.S. for six weeks and then “plants them everywhere” when they re-enter the country.

“As we mobilize our people, we must be vigilant. You must see through anarchy and people who are out there in a program of regime change. We are aware of the meetings taking place regularly at the American embassy, Mantashe stressed.”

U.S. Ambassador to South Africa, Patrick Gaspard, made light of the accusations from the ANC saying “I’m so disappointed as I always imagined that if I organized a coup it would look like Mardi Gras – food, music, dance.” (, Feb. 22)

In relationship to the accusations made by Mantashe, said “Gaspard pointed out that the program to take young South Africans to the U.S. for six weeks was the Mandela Washington Fellowship, which forms part of the Young African Leadership Initiative. It was launched by President Barack Obama with the aim of supporting young African leaders to help strengthen democratic governance and enhance peace and security across Africa.” (Feb. 22)

The South African economy has continued to suffer amid a drastic decline in commodity prices and the devaluation of its currency.

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News agencies are reporting on a Wikileaks report detailing the EU’s “Operation Sophia,” an allegedly covert military operation aimed at stemming the flow of refugees into Europe.

The International Business Times in their report, “WikiLeaks leak ‘classified report’ indicating EU Operation could move into Libyan territory,” would report that:

WikiLeaks has released a “classified report” about the first six months of Operation Sophia, the EU military intervention against refugee boats in Libya and Mediterranean.

The leaked report is dated 29 January 2016 and written by the operation commander, Rear Admiral Enrico Credendino of the Italian Navy. It allegedly provides statistics on refugee flows and outlines the phases of Operation Sophia, including future strategies of the operation. The report has been published for the European Union Military Committee and the Political and Security Committee of the EU.

Perhaps the most ironic aspect of “Operation Sophia” is the EU’s ultimate exit strategy, creating a functioning Libyan navy capable of policing its own shores. The Times would report:

The report published by WikiLeaks notes that their “exit strategy” involves ensuring that a “well-resourced Libyan Coastguard can protect their own borders and prevent irregular migration taking place from their shores”. It also mentions an “EU comprehensive approach to help secure their invitation to operate inside [Libyan] territory”.

It is particularly ironic that the EU now sorely needs a Libyan navy to police its own coasts because until 2011, it already had one. Some may wonder what happened to that navy. Within the answer lies the irony.

US-EU Destroyed the Navy in 2011 it now Needs to Restore Order Back to the Med 

In broad daylight in the middle of May, 2011, NATO laid waste to three separate locations in the North African nation of Libya. The targets, more specifically, were ports used by the nation’s navy. Several warships would be sunk, among many more that would be destroyed during the conflict. In addition to ships, the facilities supporting them were also utterly destroyed.

Even before the first NATO bomb dropped on Libya in 2011, geopolitical analysts had warned of the refugee crisis that would be triggered along with a variety of other humanitarian and security concerns that would evolve with the destruction of not only the Libyan navy, but the stabilizing effects of the Libyan government itself.

Indeed, many migrants and refugees from across Africa came to Libya to live and work. They were supported by and supporters of the Libyan government, but reviled by US-backed terrorists based in eastern Libya’s Cyrenaica region. During the conflict, the Western media disingenuously depicted these Libyans as “African mercenaries” to account for the subsequent racist genocide carried out by NATO-backed terrorists.

When the terrorists of Benghazi, Derna, and Tobruk finally overran the country with NATO backing, entire cities of Libya’s black population were emptied out either through genocide, into concentration camps, or driven out of the country into neighboring Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria.

Refugees eventually following those who destroyed and plundered their nation back to the den in which their nation’s future was stolen to, was all but inevitable. NATO’s own terrorist proxies were also expected to leverage the lawlessness of America and Europe’s “new” Libya, turning it into a base for Mediterranean piracy and human trafficking. The US State Department itself, in post-regime change Libya, would go as far as constructing terrorist networks through which weapons and fighters were forwarded to Turkey and onward to Syria and Iraq.

The Destruction of Libya “Uncorked” a Volatile Brew

MIGRANTS046If the continent of Africa and the many countries within it subjected to both over and covert Western meddling, exploitation, and subversion was a bottle, Libya was the cork. It provided a means of preventing the pressure building up from various conflicts from exploding into Europe – one of the primacy culprits driving these conflicts. France alone – one of the most vocal nations decrying the “migrant crisis,” currently has troops stationed in African nations including the Central African Republic (2,000), Chad (950), Ivory Coast (450), Djibouti (2,470), Gabon (1,000), Mali (2,000), and Senegal (430).

These nations either constitute, or are bordering those nations producing the most refugees flooding in to Europe with the exception of Syria, which France, along with several other European nations and the United States are bombing and arming terrorists on the ground in, and Afghanistan, occupied by NATO since 2001.

With Europe’s very intentional transformation of Libya from a bastion of stability to a divided and destroyed wasteland, the bottle was uncorked, and the poisonous brew the US and Europe had been developing, exploded like a volcano.

Europe plays the victim of a region-wide conflagration it itself not only intentionally lit, but continuously poured gasoline upon ever since. The missing Libyan navy it itself helped send to the bottom of the Mediterranean being cited as a contributing factor to the severity of the current “migrant crisis” is an indictment of the “international order” the EU and its Transatlantic partners both claim to uphold, and predicated the destruction of Libya and the incremental occupation of the African continent upon.

For other nations around the world, including Eastern Europe, Russia, and beyond, who played no role in the West’s various wars – or even openly opposed Western military aggression – they have no obligation to take responsibility for refugees created by these wars, thus attempting to wade into the refugee debate in Europe is both unnecessary and unbecoming.

Regardless of how the US and Europe attempt to wield “international law,” it is clear that they are directly responsible for the instability driving millions of people from their homes, and they have intentionally elected to continue destabilizing these regions of the world.

They cannot elect, therefore to avoid the consequences of their meddling, nor demand others to share the burden of these consequences. That the EU desperately seeks the help of a fleet it itself sent to the bottom of the sea illustrates perfectly the self-inflicted nature of this crisis.

Compounding and Exploiting Crisis 

Finally, it should be noted, that the Wikileaks report also indicates that not only does the EU seek to replace a fleet it itself sank in 2011 which led to the crisis in the first place, it is also seeking to expand EU military jurisdiction far beyond EU territory, predicated on a disaster of its own making.

The report states specifically that “it also mentions an “EU comprehensive approach to help secure their invitation to operate inside [Libyan] territory.”

For Europeans – many of whom were complacent as their respective governments went to war against Libya in 2011 – they must understand that the chaos unfolding in their streets has not only been intentionally created, but is being cynically used to expand the control of special interests both at home and abroad. With the EU’s naval operations extending into Libyan territory, it will be all that much easier to secure and exploit Libya’s coastal oil assets, while keeping the rest of the country divided against themselves and collectively too weak to protect and use their own resources for their own nation’s future.

Unfair hands are being dealt all around. Instead of fighting over who has the worst hand, the world must expose and deal with those who have rigged the deck.

Tony Cartalucci is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazineNew Eastern Outlook”.

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US, China and Ultra-Low Oil Prices

March 1st, 2016 by Dr. Dan Steinbock

The US-led petrodollar era is being surpassed by a multipolar oil age in the Middle East. The transition is permeated by fundamental change and financial speculation that is penalizing the roles of the US and China in the region.

As producers have scrambled to gain market share from competitors, prices remain more than 70% down from summer 2014. Recently, oil ministers from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela and Qatar announced an agreement to freeze their oil output levels if other major producers will follow suit. In the near-term, that is not likely.

The current status quo heralds more economic, market and military volatility in the world’s most explosive region.

Eclipse of US-Saudi partnership        

After the 1945 Yalta Conference, which effectively divided Europe, the ailing President Franklin D. Roosevelt rushed to USS Quincy where he met Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud. Bypassing the Brits who had been courting the Saudis for oil, FDR and Saud agreed to a secret deal, which required Washington to provide Saudi Arabia military security in exchange for secure access to supplies of oil.

Despite periodic pressures, the deal survived for quarter of a century, even the 1971 “Nixon Shock,” including the unilateral cancellation of the US dollar convertibility to gold. To deter the marginalization of US dollar in the oil trade, Nixon negotiated another deal, which ensured that Saudi Arabia would denominate all future oil sales in dollars, in exchange for US arms and protection.

As other OPEC countries agreed to similar deals, global demand for US dollars – the so-called “petrodollars” – soared, even though the relative share of the US in the world economy continued to decline. The shrewd move relied on Gulf economies’ leverage to sustain an economically vulnerable American empire.

The US-Saudi strategic partnership has weathered seven decades of multiple regional wars. Today, Saudi Arabia’s military expenditures account for more than 10% of its GDP, which makes it the world’s fourth largest military spender. In relative terms, that’s three times as much as the US and five times as much as China; the world’s two largest military powers.

Along with Washington, the Saudi rearmament has greatly benefited Pentagon’s defense contractors, while boosting the country’s confidence to stand on its own. Indeed, Saudi Arabia’s old days of conservative caution may be history.

Amid a contested succession, Riyadh is taking debt to sustain its generous welfare policies and playing an increasingly assertive role in the region, directly in the Yemen war and indirectly in Syria.

From OPEC to China and emerging economies  

The Washington-Riyadh partnership was first shaken in October 1973 following the Yom Kippur War and the ensuing oil embargo by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). After two oil crises and a global economic recession, three decades of rapid postwar growth in the West ended with a crash.

By the mid-80s, oil prices declined by more than a half, but mainly after the development of major non-OPEC oil fields in Siberia, Alaska, North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Even Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, September 11, 2001, and US invasion of Iraq in 2003 had fairly short-term impacts on oil prices, as long as Saudi Arabia and the rest of OPEC ensured adequate oil supplies in the world markets.

When prices began to soar once again, they were fueled by China and large emerging economies. Additional fluctuations were attributed to post-Iraq War instability, insurgencies, US occupation of Iraq, and financial bubbles in the West.

After the global crisis, crude Brent prices did return to almost $130 by early 2011, thanks to stimulus packages, recovery policies and non-traditional monetary policies in the ailing West. Meanwhile, China overtook the US as the world’s biggest oil importer. That period came to an end in 2014, with lingering recovery in the US, secular stagnation in Europe and Japan, and China’s growth deceleration.

As the Fed began to pave way for rate hikes, the value of the dollar started to climb. Since oil markets remain dollar-denominated, oil prices began to decline accordingly. That divided the OPEC. For more than a year, major oil exporters have debated production cuts, which have been resisted by Saudi Arabia – even though more cheap oil could cause OPEC’s revenue to halve to $550 billion.

Why protracted ultra-low oil prices?  

In the advanced West, the primary reason for the low prices is often attributed to China’s deceleration. And yet, while China’s growth has slowed, its per capita incomes are increasing, which is reflected by the growth of oil imports.

Another scapegoat has been Iran and its re-entry into the oil market. Yet, it’s nuclear sanctions were lifted months after the oil prices had plunged and stabilized at below $30. Indeed, if the oil price collapse is attributed to excessive production, the spotlight should be on the largest producers, the US (13.7 millions of barrels per day) and Saudi Arabia (11.9m), not China (4.6m) or Iran (3.4m).

In the final analysis, Saudi Arabia does not want to give market share to US shale producers, while low prices are harming even more Iran (which Riyadh sees as its regional rival) and Russia (which is fighting the Syrian opposition and jihadists, which Riyadh supports). Indeed, both Riyadh and Washington have geopolitical incentives to use low prices against Russia and Iran.

What complicates the projection of oil prices is that they are constrained by financial intermediaries. The oil market is subject to speculation and abrupt price movements that are reminiscent of those in summer 2008, when Goldman Sachs predicted that prices would exceed $200 by the year-end, even though they collapsed to $32 in December. Yet, the projection paid off handsomely to those financial intermediaries that shorted the market with leveraged derivatives in oil futures.

So what’s the parallel today?

Two years ago, major oil producers (e.g., ExxonMobil, Chevron and Shell) began to let go of their shale leases. Unlike big oil, shale is still dominated by aggressive but mid-size companies. As banks have predicted ultra-low prices at the $20 range, they have reportedly lent billions of dollars to shale players. Now, the more the prices decline, the more shale players will suffer defaults, which allow big banks to gain greater share of their ownership.

In the U.S., Wall Street banks’ huge involvements with commodities, including oil and gas, as well as the associated moral hazards and market manipulation became public with the US Senate Subcommittee bipartisan report (November 2014) in which Senators Carl Levin and John McCain concluded that “Wall Street banks have acquired staggeringly large positions and executed massive trades in oil, metal, and other physical commodities.”

Financial volatility and wealth transfers

Recently, the Middle East has witnessed several disruptive scenarios, including the Saudi Defense Minister’s decision to execute Shi’ite religious leader Sheikh Nimr al-Nirm; the escalation of the proxy war in Syria; the fallout between Russia and Turkey, a NATO member; to mention a few.

These disruptive moments do not just create and destroy economic fortunes. They herald shifts in the region’s geopolitics. They also allow financial players to make bets in shadows, behind market noise. The stakes are huge. The transfer of oil wealth is moving an estimated $3 trillion a year from oil producers (in emerging economies) to oil-importing nations (in advanced economies).

In brief, disruptive price plunges have harmed industry giants, while serving certain geopolitical interests. Meanwhile, financial intermediaries stand to benefit ever more, at the expense of consumer welfare. That does not bode well to either the US or China. Financial intermediaries are a different story.

Dr Steinbock is the founder of Difference Group and has served as Research Director at the India, China and America Institute (USA) and Visiting Fellow at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (China) and the EU Centre (Singapore). For more, see  

This is the revised version of a commentary published by China-US Focus on Feb 29, 2016

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Power elites, blinded by hubris, intoxicated by absolute power, unable to set limits on their exploitation of the underclass, propelled to expand empire beyond its capacity to sustain itself, addicted to hedonism, spectacle and wealth, surrounded by half-witted courtiers—Alan Greenspan, Thomas Friedman, David Brooks and others—who tell them what they want to hear, and enveloped by a false sense of security because of their ability to employ massive state violence, are the last to know their privileged world is imploding.

“History,” the Italian sociologist Vilfredo Pareto wrote, “is the graveyard of aristocracies.”

The carnival of the presidential election is a public display of the deep morbidity and artifice that have gripped American society. Political discourse has been reduced by design to trite patriotic and religious clichés, sentimentality, sanctimonious paeans to the American character, a sacralization of militarism, and acerbic, adolescent taunts. Reality has been left behind.

Politicians are little more than brands. They sell skillfully manufactured personalities. These artificial personalities are used to humanize corporate oppression. They cannot—and do not intend to—end the futile and ceaseless wars, dismantle the security and surveillance state, halt the fossil fuel industry’s ecocide, curb the predatory class of bankers and international financiers, lift Americans out of poverty or restore democracy. They practice anti-politics, or whatBenjamin DeMott called “junk politics.” DeMott defined the term in his book “Junk Politics: The Trashing of the American Mind”:

It’s a politics that personalizes and moralizes issues and interests instead of clarifying them. It’s a politics that maximizes threats from abroad while miniaturizing large, complex problems at home. It’s a politics that, guided by guesses about its own profits and losses, abruptly reverses public stances without explanation, often spectacularly bloating problems previously miniaturized (e.g.: Iraq will be over in days or weeks: Iraq is a project for generations). It’s a politics that takes changelessness as its fundamental cause—changelessness meaning zero interruption in the processes and practices that, decade after decade, strengthen existing, interlocking American systems of socioeconomic advantage. And it’s a politics marked not only by impatience (feigned or otherwise) with articulated conflict and by frequent panegyrics on the American citizen’s optimistic spirit and exemplary character, but by mawkish fondness for feel-your-pain gestures and idioms.

He went on: “Great causes—they still exist—nourish themselves on firm, sharp awareness of the substance of injustice. Blunting that awareness is a central project of junk politics.”

Our constitutional democracy is dead. It does not work. Or rather, it does not work for us. No politician or elected official can alter anything of substance. Throughout the administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama there has been complete continuity on nearly every issue. Indeed, if Obama has a legacy it is that he made things incrementally worse. He has accelerated the assault on civil liberties, expanded the imperial wars—including empowering the government to order the assassination of American citizens—and opened up new drilling sites on public lands as if he were Sarah Palin. He has failed to rein in Wall Street, which is busy orchestrating another global financial meltdown, and turned our health care system over to rapacious corporations. He has made war on immigrants and overseen economic collapse among the poor, especially African-Americans. He appears to be powerless to shut down our torture center in Guantanamo—a potent recruiting tool for jihadists—or place a new justice on the Supreme Court. His successor will be as impotent.

Obama, now a charter member of our ruling elite, will become rich, as did the Clintons, when he leaves office. The moneyed elites will pay for his two presidential libraries—grotesque vanity projects. They will put him on boards and lavish him with astronomical speaking fees. But as a democratic leader he has proved to be as pathetic as his predecessor.

Supporters hold campaign signs for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally near Atlanta. (Olya Steckel / Shutterstock)

“If the main purpose of elections is to serve up pliant legislators for lobbyists to shape, such a system deserves to be called ‘misrepresentative or clientry government,’ ”Sheldon Wolin wrote in “Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism.” “It is, at one and the same time, a powerful contributing factor to the depoliticization of the citizenry, as well as reason for characterizing the system as one of antidemocracy.”

“Managed Democracy,” Wolin continued, “is the application of managerial skills to the basic democratic political institution of popular elections. An election, as distinguished from the simple act of voting, has been reshaped into a complex production. Like all productive operations, it is ongoing and requires continuous supervision rather than continuing popular participation. Unmanaged elections would epitomize contingency: the managerial nightmare of control freaks. One method of assuring control is to make electioneering continuous, year-round, saturated with party propaganda, punctuated with the wisdom of kept pundits, bringing a result boring rather than energizing, the kind of civic lassitude on which a managed democracy thrives.”

Bernie Sanders, who at least acknowledges our economic reality and refuses to accept corporate money for his presidential campaign, plays the role of the Democratic Party’s court jester. No doubt to remain a member of the court, he will not condemn the perfidy and collaboration with corporate power that define Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party. He accepts that criticism of empire is taboo. He continues, even as the party elites rig the primaries against him, to make a mockery of democratic participation, to hold up the Democrats as a tool for change. He will soon be urging his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton, actively working as an impediment to political mobilization and an advocate for political lethargy. Sanders, whose promise of a political revolution is as hollow as competing campaign slogans, will be rewarded for his duplicity. He will be allowed to keep his seniority in the Democratic caucus. The party will not mount a campaign in Vermont to unseat him from the U.S. Senate. He will not, as he has feared, end up a pariah like Ralph Nader. But he, like everyone else in the establishment, will have sold us out.

The whole election cycle is a carnival act, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. It caters to the most venal instincts of the public. It is an example of the deep cynicism among elites who, like all other con artists, privately mock us for our gullibility and naiveté. We are treated like malleable children. DeMott called out this infantilization, this “babying of the electorate, spoiling of voter-age ‘children’ with year-round upbeat Christmas tales, the creation of a swelled-head citizenry, morally vain and irremediably sentimental.” In the world of junk politics, he wrote, “distinctions vanish between foundational democratic principles and decorative pleasurable tropes.”

“The familiar apparatus of constitutional government and party organizations survives seemingly untouched,” he wrote. “In time, though, the language of justice and injustice comes to strike ordinary ears as Latinate and archaic—due for interment—and attachment to old forms weakens.”

None of those elected to the White House, the Congress or statehouses have the power, and they know it, to challenge the corporate disemboweling of the country. The popular rage and frustration that have been rising against the established power elites during this election campaign will mount further as Americans, especially with a new president in the White House, realize that their voice and their vote are meaningless. The white nativists and bigots who flock to Donald Trump, along with those who sell out the most basic liberal tenets to support Hillary Clinton, are about to get taught a harsh lesson about the nature of our system of “inverted totalitarianism.” They are about to discover that we do have a class of “superpredators.” These superpredators are not poor people of color walking the streets of marginal communities. They inhabit the exclusive corporate enclaves of the privileged and the powerful.

“One cannot point to any national institution[s] that can accurately be described as democratic,” Wolin wrote, “surely not in the highly managed, money-saturated elections, the lobby-infested Congress, the imperial presidency, the class-based judicial and penal system, or, least of all, the media.”

Corporations control the three branches of government. Corporations write the laws. Corporations determine the media narrative and public debate. Corporations are turning public education into a system of indoctrination. Corporations profit from permanent war, mass incarceration, suppressed wages and poor health care. Corporations have organized a tax boycott. Corporations demand “austerity.” Corporate power is unassailable, and it rolls forward like a stream of lava.

The seeds of destruction of corporate power, however, are embedded within its own structure. The elites have no internal or external constraints. They will exploit, manipulate, lie and oppress until they create an ideological vacuum. No one but the most obtuse, including the courtiers who have severed themselves from reality, will sputter out the inanities ofneoliberal ideology. And at that point the system will implode.

The revolt may be right-wing. It may have heavy overtones of fascism. It may cement into place a frightening police state. But that a revolt is coming is incontrovertible. The absurdity of the election proves it.

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Russia has strengthened the air grouping in Syria. Four Su-24s, accompanied by an Il-78 aerial tanker, arrived at Hmeimim from the Taganka airbase near Astrakhan. Thus the Russian air grouping now consists of: 4 Su-35S, 4 Su-30SM, 4 Su-27SM, 12 Su-34, 32 Su-24, 12 Su-25, 15 Mi-8, 12 Mi-24, 1 Tu-214R. Also, Ka-52 reconnaissance and combat helicopters are reportedly deployed at the airbase, but there is no reliable information on their Syria activities.

On Feb.28, the Syrian Arab Army and its allies re-opened the supply route to Aleppo following week-long clashes with ISIS and al Nusra in the area. The SAA’s Tiger Forces, the Republican Guard, and Hezbollah had been the main power involved in this operation in the Khanasser Plains.

On Feb. 29, the loyalist forces reportedly launched a military operation the Al-Hammam countryside after liberating Al-Hammam. The main goal of these actions is to expand a buffer-zone around the Ithriyah-Khanasser road.

Meanwhile, Al-Nusra and its allies including Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham launched offensive near the village of Harbinefseh located near the Orontes River in the Hama province. Clashes are ongoing there.

Last weekend, some 100 militants entered to Syria from the Turkey in the province of Raqqah on Feb.27. Then the group was reinforced up to 250 people and seized the northern part of Et-Tell-al-Abiyada (82 km to the north from the city of Raqqah). The militants’ movement were supported by the Turkish artillery fire. The Kurdish units pushed militants out from the town and blocked them in Munbatih.

On Feb.27, 6 mortar and MLRS attacks on inhabited areas in Damascus were registered. 2 civilians were killed and 8 – wounded. The fire was delivered from the areas of Dzhaubar and Eastern Guta, which are occupied by the so-called «moderate rebels» which included in the US list of of those who joined the ceasefire regime.

During the weekend, the settlements of al-Ganta, al-Telb and Nakhtah signed agreements on ceasefire and passing under control of the government troops. Also, the Russian peacekeeping centre held 49 negotiations with armed formations’ representatives. Preparations for signing documents in 47 settlements are undergo.

According to the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee 97 armed factions agreed last Friday to respect a temporary truce for two weeks. However, on Feb. 27, the Russian Centre received from the USA a list of only 69 armed groups which confirmed their loyalty with the terms of the ceasefire. By noon of Feb.28, the Centre has received appeals from 17 more armed groups, which accepted the conditions of ceasefire. Thus, there is already a significant gap between propagandistic claims of the supporters and sponsors of militants and the reality on the ground.

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