On the edge of Belarus’s Chernobyl exclusion zone, down the road from the signs warning “Stop! Radiation,” a dairy farmer offers his visitors a glass of freshly drawn milk.

A laboratory confirms it contains levels of a radioactive isotope at levels 10 times higher than the nation’s food safety limits.

That finding on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear accident indicates how fallout from the April 26 1986 explosion at the plant in neighbouring Ukraine continues to taint life in Belarus.

The government of this agriculture-dependent nation appears determined to restore long-idle land to farm use .
The farmer, Nikolai Chubenok, proudly says his herd of 50 dairy cows produces up to two tons of milk a day for the local factory of Milkavita, whose brand of Parmesan cheese is sold chiefly in Russia.

Milkavita officials called the AP-commissioned lab finding “impossible,” insisting their own tests show their milk supply contains traces of radioactive isotopes well below safety limits.

Yet a tour along the edge of the Polesie Radioecological Reserve, an 835 square mile ghost landscape of 470 evacuated villages and towns, reveals a nation showing little regard for the potentially cancer-causing isotopes still to be found in the soil.

Farmers suggest the lack of mutations and other glaring health problems mean Chernobyl’s troubles can be consigned to history.

“There is no danger. How can you be afraid of radiation?” said Chubenok, who since 2014 has produced milk from his farm just 30 miles north of the shuttered Chernobyl site, and one mile from the boundary of a zone that remains officially off-limits to full-time human habitation. Chubenok says he hopes to double his herd size and start producing farmhouse cheese on site.

His milk is part of the Milkavita supply chain for making Polesskiye brand cheese, about 90 per cent of which is sold in Russia, the rest domestically.

The World Bank identifies Russia as the major market for Belarusian food exports, which represent 15 per cent of the country’s export economy.

Since rising to power in 1994, President Alexander Lukashenko — the former director of a state-owned farm — has stopped resettlement programmes for people living near the mandatory exclusion zone and developed a long-term plan to raze empty villages and reclaim the land for crops and livestock.

The Chernobyl explosion meant 138,000 Belarusians closest to the plant had to be resettled, while 200,000 others living nearby left voluntarily.

One of the most prominent medical critics of the government’s approach to safeguarding the public from Chernobyl fallout, Dr Yuri Bandazhevsky, was removed as director of a Belarusian research institute and imprisoned in 2001 on corruption charges that international rights groups branded politically motivated.

Since his 2005 parole he has resumed his research into Chernobyl-related cancers with European Union sponsorship.

Bandazhevsky, now based in Ukraine, says he has no doubt that Belarus is failing to protect citizens from carcinogens in the food supply.

“We have a disaster,” he said.

“In Belarus, there is no protection of the population from radiation exposure. On the contrary, the government is trying to persuade people not to pay attention to radiation, and food is grown in contaminated areas and sent to all points in the country.”

The milk sample subjected to analysis backs this picture.

The state-run Minsk Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology said it found strontium-90, a radioactive isotope linked to cancers and cardiovascular disease, in quantities 10 times higher than Belarusian food safety regulations allow.

The test, like others in resource-strapped Belarus, was insufficiently sophisticated to test for heavier radioactive isotopes associated with nuclear fallout, including americium and variants of plutonium.

The Belarusian Agriculture Ministry says levels of strontium-90 should not exceed 3.7 becquerels per kilogram in food and drink. Becquerels are a globally recognised unit of measurement for radioactivity.

The Minsk lab said that the milk sample contained 37.5 becquerels. That radioactive isotope is, along with cesium-137, commonly produced during nuclear fission and generates most of the heat and penetrating radiation from nuclear waste.

When consumed, scientists say strontium-90 mimics the behaviour of calcium in the human body, settling in bones.

Milkavita chief engineer Maia Fedonchuk rejected the findings.

“It’s impossible. We do our own testing. There must have been a mix-up,” she said, adding they test samples from every batch of milk they receive from Chubenok and do an “in-depth” analysis every six months. She said the plant’s own lab analysis indicates its overall milk supply contains an average of 2.85 becquerels per kilogram.

A person who answered the telephone at the press office of the Belarusian Emergency Situations Ministry, which is tasked with dealing with the fallout of the nuclear disaster, said they would not comment on the AP’s findings.

Health officials say the danger level posed by low levels of radioactive isotopes depends greatly on length of exposure and individual physiology.

Notably, the regional free-trade bloc that includes Belarus and Russia permits higher levels of strontium-90 in goods of up to 25 becquerels per kilogram, still lower than that detected in the AP-commissioned test.

The question is whether anyone in authority is positioned to identify the true level of risks in produce from farms on the frontier of Belarus’s prohibited zone.

The deputy director of Belarus’s Institute of Radiobiology, Natalya Timokhina, said Belarus permits food producers to conduct their own food safety monitoring and lacks the lab equipment necessary to identify the presence of americium, which is estimated to be present in about 2 per cent of Belarus’s top soil and is expected to remain a health risk for another 270 years.

“One-time ingestion of contaminated food is not very dangerous,” Timokhina said. “What’s dangerous is the accumulation of radionuclides in the body.”

Ausrele Kesminiene, a doctor in the cancer research unit of the World Health Organisation, said the consumption of radioactive food is linked chiefly to the development of cancer in the thyroid, a gland in the neck that produces body-regulating hormones. Thyroid cancer is typically not fatal if diagnosed early.

WHO officials say they are dependent on reports from sister agencies in Belarus to alert them to cancer clusters or other signs of unresolved Chernobyl-related dangers.

Gregory Hartl, a WHO spokesman in Geneva, said the agency had no authority to regulate or oversee food safety — even products exported to other countries — because that is a domestic responsibility.

“Radiation effects and the development of cancers and the effects on the region are something which go on over a long, long period. So we haven’t seen the end of it,” Hartl said. “Undoubtedly there is going to be some increase in cancers.”

Hartl said WHO officials have not received “any red flags” from Belarus.

Environmentalists critical of Belarus’s Chernobyl clean-up record says that’s hardly surprising, since the government has funded no machinery to scrutinise corrupt practices in the food industry.

As a result, they say, no Belarusian food-maker has ever been prosecuted for using ingredients or producing goods containing excessive levels of radioactive materials.

The division of the Belarusian Emergencies Ministry responsible for cleaning up the consequences of Chernobyl says that the rate of thyroid cancer in children runs 33 times higher than before the nuclear blast. It says thyroid cancer rates run several times higher in adults.

Chubenok, the dairy farmer, said he had never heard of the sorbent substance Ferocin, known as Prussian Blue, which farmers in Ukraine feed their cattle to accelerate the removal of the cesium-137 isotope from their digestive tracts.

Driving toward Chernobyl and into the nearby Radioecological Reserve requires visitors to negotiate painstaking government permission. Inside the zone, Belarus has authorised an experimental farm to operate for the past decade. Today it contains 265 horses, 56 cows and apiaries buzzing with honey bees.

The farm director, Mikhail Kirpichenko, said he’s permitted to pursue commercial ventures, including the sale last year of 100 horses to a Belarusian manufacturer of kumys, a popular beverage in swathes of eastern Europe and central Asia. Kumys is produced from fermented mares’ milk.

“We’re not afraid of radiation. We’ve already gotten used to it,” said Kirpichenko, who suggested that his horses had to pass a basic eyesight test to confirm their good health.

“Horses aren’t being born with two heads or without legs. There are no such mutations,” he said. “This Chernobyl syndrome passed long ago.”

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On April 25, Politico focused on Donald Trump’s armies, which the news site dubbed “vigilantes”. “From Lions of Trump to Bikers for Trump”, Ben Schreckinger wrote “these volunteer watchdogs have become the Donald’s security forces – and they plan to follow him to the convention.”

One might ask why does “the Donald” need “volunteer” security when he already has the full protection of the U.S. Secret Service, local law enforcement and hired security professionals?

Chris Cox, organizer for his 30,000-member group, “Bikers for Trump”, watched on TV demonstrators clash with Trump supporters at the Chicago rally of March 12 and realized he could help his favorite candidate. He would “transform” his pro-Trump group into a “volunteer security force, patrolling Trump’s events.” They would identify protesters, form barriers to protect Trump supporters and, backing up local police, remove unwanted attendees.

At a Pennsylvania rally his team worked the dirt floor of the Farm Show Complex “snatching and tearing protesters’ signs” and were on-the-ready to lend a hand to law enforcement as they “dragged protesters from the arena.”

A newly formed group called Lions of Trump were equally incensed that “the Donald” faced protesters in Chicago. Thusly, it invented itself  “to scour social media for likely protesters and expose them.” Their website contains a translation of a favorite saying of  Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, “Better to be a lion for a day, than a lamb for eternity.” It’s a quote “the Donald” himself once used. “It’s a very good quote,” said the Strongman.

“Lions of Trump – Defenders of Freedom” is an “informal civilian group dedicated to the safety and security of #Trump supporters by exposing Far-Left rioters,” its web site explains. They stress their role is to help police, Secret Service and “Mr. Trump’s security” uphold laws prohibiting unlawful trespass “inside a private event paid for by Mr. Trump’s campaign.”

They exclusively label protesters “Far-Left” as did Donald Trump in Chicago on March 12 blaming Bernie Sanders’ “troublemakers” for reason to cancel his rally there. Among the many verbal assaults made against hundreds of targets by the Strongman, Trump called Sanders a “Communist” and claimed the left is “against freedom of speech and assembly” and “wants to destroy this country.”


Coincidentally, such political scapegoating parallels both Mussolini and Hitler who falsely and repeatedly implicated and indicted “leftists” in paving their way to gain fascist control of Italy and Germany using brown-shirts and black-shirts armed with prejudice, racism, hate and guns. The Lions of Trump repeatedly call protesters “saboteurs”, “brigands”, “plotters”, “marauders”, “anti-Americans”, agents of the “globalist agenda” who suppress any effort to Make America Great Again (or MAGA). The Lions call themselves “MAGA patriots”.

On its Facebook page is a link to former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann speaking on MSNBC. Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, is the one with “fascist values”, she argued. A poster responded, “hope this Michelle [sic] is on the short-list for VP’s that can MAGA!”

The first “comment” at Lions of Trump website is by poster “Tom” left on March 15, three days after Trump canceled his Chicago rally. “Protesters will not receive mercy….they will be sliced and diced into little bags.” Poster “Lion Guard” replied to clarify “Lions Guard does not support confrontation and brawling.  There is no need to escalate into fights as long as the forces of order uphold the law against these marauders.” – a tireless non-denial denial.

LionsofTrump.net is registered anonymously through Domains by Proxy, LLC, a service for masking the identity of a website’s owner.

The so-called “globalist agenda” is not “Far-Left” however, as this group and many other far-right marginalized movements wish you to believe. In fact, so-called “globalists”, when referring to hegemonic financial institutions and “hot money” market players, are “Far-Right” who destroy socialist (e.g., “Far-Left”) nations through either monetary or military warfare; or by coups and outright assassinations of national sovereigns and leaders – as being witnessed today again in the Global South – before they attack each other (viz. Western aggressive rivalry with Russia and China).

Globalists wish to undermine Sanders or anyone else who crosses the middle line and veers to the Left in order to thwart individuals, groups or nations that challenge capital and market-driven economies (U.S. and the West) by being socialist- or mixed-economies oriented to economic equity, social welfare, and universal human rights. But Trump’s aversion to the Left only differs from those of other presidential candidates by overtly “red baiting” and bullying in a style surpassing Cold War inquisitor Joseph McCarthy whose very words mirror Trumpism today: “Our job as Americans and as Republicans is to dislodge the traitors from every place where they’ve been sent to do their traitorous work,” the junior senator from Wisconsin proclaimed at the Republican National Convention in 1952.

In short, Trumptarianism, apart from its fascistic elements and use of McCarthy fear-mongering, scapegoating and red-baiting, is a cult of disparate and disenfranchised followers of an authoritarian oligarch and demagogue whose movement is enforced and protected by paid security forces and volunteer private armies.

Should law enforcement ever endorse Trump, Americans will have no defense against fascism in America.

Trump is himself a globalist with designs to extend his real estate dynasty into Russia and perhaps China later. He “courts Putin’s favor,” wrote Josh Rogin for Bloomberg, “extending the charm offensive intended to build the Trump real-estate empire.” In 2013, the year he brought his Miss Universe pageant to Moscow, Trump met with Russian partners to discuss building a replica of his SoHo residential development project in Moscow.

Rogin in Bloomberg concluded:

“Before he was a presidential candidate, Trump’s hunger to be popular in Russia was less troubling. Now it is a conflict of interest. The candidate’s foreign-policy positions are conveniently aligned with his long-standing business agenda. But what’s good for the Trump Organization isn’t necessarily good for America.”

Since mid-March, volunteer efforts to root out demonstrators at Trump rallies have become more organized and deliberate. Citizens for Trump, an all-purpose grassroots support group, has deployed a team scouring social media for death threats to Trump, while a handful of its members tour the country on the lookout for protesters at rallies.

Its Facebook page is riddled with anti-Cruz propaganda, attacks on immigrants and scandalous rumors. Posters don’t always follow rules of grammar: Rob Sasovetz says, “K. Suck, and lying Ted Cruz there are only for then self”; Manny Luis claims, “These people don’t know nothing about our country !!!”. A photoshopped $20 bill showing Donald Trump instead of Harriet Tubbman provoked Lisa Love: “If he can show America how to make money and build up… He can have his face on any bill he wants.”

Citizens for Trump says Glenn Beck believes Trump “is a man who know [sic] how to get things done”. And speaking of Jesus, Jesus Carmona says, “Voting for Donald Trump for president not another democrats corrupts politicals”.

Tea Party activist and founder of Citizens for Trump, Tim Selaty and other pro-Trump groups plan counter rallies in primary states and to rally outside of the Republican convention in July.

Chris Cox, organizer for his 30,000-member group, “Bikers for Trump” warns if “we are assaulted … if one hair is touched on a biker, you’ll see hundreds of thousands of bikers coming out of the woodwork,” he told Politico. Cox, like many Trump supporters, argue that billionaire and speculator George Soros funds protesters at Trump rallies.

Cox plans to be in Cleveland, according to Politico, along with Citizens for Trump, Truckers for Trump and Stop the Steal – an effort helmed by Trump confidant Roger Stone who said his group would publish the hotels and room numbers of delegates suspected of “trying to steal” the nomination from Trump so that “supporters could confront them.”

Roger Stone is implicated in commanding the infamous “Brooks Brother riot” of November 22, 2000 which stopped the Florida vote recount and helped give George W. Bush victory in the Presidential election, despite a majority vote against him.

The Republican establishment failing to “stop Trump” saw the front-runner change demeanor and tone in his NY primary victory speech of April 19 and hastily softened its stance and welcome. Days later, Trump advisors Paul Manafort and Rick Wiley promised party leaders meeting at the Republican National Committee’s spring meeting in Florida that Trump was prepared to tone down his rhetoric. Some outsiders felt Trump’s NY “soft act” wouldn’t last a fortnight and it didn’t.

By April 25, the Strongman resumed trashing Cruz and Kasich with fresh insults.

“Republican front-runner Donald Trump on Monday (April 25) railed against the deal between rivals Ted Cruz and John Kasich to try to block him from the presidential nomination and went on to trash their win-loss records, debate skills and even table manners,”

reported the Wall Street Journal.

Such personal attacks “defy predictions by some of Mr. Trump’s allies that he would tone down his rhetoric and act more statesmanlike as he gets closer to the nomination,” observed the Journal.

GOP incumbents worried over how a Trump-effect might crush their reelection chances in November announced they would boycott the Cleveland convention in July, an event Trump warned would be greeted with riots if he were not nominated.

“I’ve got my own re-election and I’m going to be focusing on my voters in New Hampshire,” said Sen. Kelly Ayotee. “I’m up for re-election,” Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), told CNN, who is weighing skipping the convention. “I’ve decided not to go to Cleveland,” said Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), co-founder of the conservative House Freedom Caucus. “I’m going to stay home and work.”

“I have a primary that’s on Aug. 30,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) told Bloomberg. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is “going to be home with Alaskans.” Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona will base things on whether it is a “Trump coronation or not”. If it is, he sees “no reason to go”. Sen. Orin Hatch of Utah might go because “they’re going to have to have some people with brains, you know.”

On April 19, The Hill reported Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), the National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman, “warns that a fight between supporters of candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz at a contested convention in Cleveland is the last place vulnerable Republicans need to be.” Wicker told The Hill, “If there’s going to be a brouhaha, I’m advising candidates to be present for more unifying events.”

What Wicker calls a “brouhaha” is a Trump “riot”.

AP reported on April 21 that Colorado Republican Chairman Steve House said he hopes a sheriff will accompany the state delegation to the GOP nominating convention in Cleveland, after delegates reported getting threatening email messages and calls from Trump supporters. House said a caller told him to “put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.” And if he didn’t? “I’ll send someone over to help you.”

To this writer’s knowledge, no formal charges have been brought against Donald Trump by politicians who have been verbally assailed and attacked by him or by his supporters, nor has the U.S. Dept. of Justice charged Trump with “hate speech”, intent to incite a riot, or for encouraging supporters to commit a violent crime. In the Daily Beast of April 15, Michael Daly attempted to decipher why Sheriff Swain did not find Trump’s conduct warranted an arrest after the Strongman confirmed he was “looking into” paying the legal bills of 78-year old John McGraw, who had been arrested for sucker punching a protester at a North Carolina rally.

There must be intent to incite imminent law breaking. Daly writes: “Had Trump talked about punching protesters in the nose at the Fayetteville rally shortly before McGovern did just that and had at least two more supporters turned assaultive, Sheriff Butler (sheriff Swain’s boss) could very well have put handcuffs on the leading candidate for the Republican nomination.

“One difference with Donald the Inflator,” Daly noted, “would be that he has encouraged others to break the law even as he is being guarded by cops and Secret Service agents who are sworn to uphold it.”

Showing a buxom blond next to an American flag, “NRA Members for Donald Trump is on Facebook.

The pages are replete with NRA ads. A caption below a homeless man wrapped in a red quilt reads, “Spending Money On Illegal Aliens When American Veterans Have Unmet Needs Should Be a Crime.” A StandUnited ad featuring Bruce Willis reinforces fears that if guns are taken away “the only people who would have guns would be the bad buys.”  A black man standing before an AR15 assault rifle wears a tea-shirt “Nobody Needs an AR15? Nobody Needs A Whiny Little Bitch Either, Yet Here You Are. And Taxation Is Theft.” Poster Don Sparks writes: “NRA: America’s original home land security…”

“Allow Open Carry of Firearms at the Quicken Loans Arena during the RNC Convention in July – Sign this petition.” (the petition collected more than 22,000 signatures as of March 27.

“To the Republican National Committee. We are watching you!”


Michael T. Bucci is a retired public relations executive currently residing in New England. He has authored nine books on practical spirituality collectively titled The Cerithous Material.


[1] Lion Guard. (Home page)

The site proclaims “Better to be a lion for a day, than a lamb for eternity.” This is a translation of Mussolini’s famous quote: ““It is better to live a day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”



(notice the Facebook URL contains the typo “rump” instead of trump.)

[2] “Donald Trump cancels Chicago rally after protesters, supporters clash”. Aamer Madhani and Steph Solis. USA Today. March 12, 2016.


[3] “Donald Trump calls Bernie Sanders ‘a communist’ at Cleveland rally – video”. Associated Press via Guardian. March 13, 2016.


[4] “McCarthyism and the Red Scare”. American Scares.


[5] “53a. McCarthyism”. U.S. History: Pre-Columbian to the New Milliennium.


[6] “Trump’s Long Romance With Russia”. Josh Rogin. Bloomberg. March 15, 2016.


[7] Citizens for Trump (Home page)



[8] “More Signs of Pro-Trump Strategy of Tension…” Webster G. Tarpley. April 7, 2016.


[9] “Trump Campaign Now Run by Manafort-Stone “Torturers’ Lobby,” with Many CIA-Backed Overseas Clients”. Webster G. Tarpley. April 21, 2016.


[10] “Trump will work with GOP leaders, advisers say”. Daniel Bush. PBS Newshour. April 21, 2016.


[11] “First on CNN: Top Republicans may skip GOP convention”. Manu Raju and Deirdre Walsh. CNN. April 12, 2016.


[12] “To Go or Not to Go: Republicans Face Trump Convention Dilemma”. Laura Litvan. Bloomberg. April 20, 2016.


[13] “Campaign chief to vulnerables: Stay away from GOP convention”. Alexander Bolton. TheHill. April 19, 2016.


[14] “Colorado Will Bring Sheriff to Convention”. Associated Press. Courthouse News Service. April 21, 2016.


[15] “Donald Trump Trashes Cruz-Kasich Deal, Rolls Out Fresh Insults”. Beth Reinhard. Wall Street Journal. April 25, 2016.


[16] “How Donald Trump Could Go to Jail for Inciting a Riot”. Michael Daly. Daily Beast. April 15, 2016.


[17] “NRA Members for Donald Trump is on Facebook.” Facebook.


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Marilyn Monroe at Australia’s Bendigo Art Gallery

April 26th, 2016 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

There she was, being drooled over in a provincial Australian town with mesmeric effect, a cipher of life’s choices rather than a substantive being; a motif more than person.  We were told on arriving at the Bendigo Art Gallery that the Marilyn Monroe Exhibition was packed till 3.30 in the afternoon.[1] Only then would be able to have a peek at what were, essentially, her items.

The rural Australian town of Bendigo is, in its own way, a creation of image. It was crafted from gold discoveries, cutting adventures into the despoiled earth, and the commodity plunderers that made Australia grand and degraded. The city’s neo-gothic structures poke towards the skies with purpose. The city itself seeps full of sunshine, and from the summit, one can see the most beautiful array of vegetation in Rosalind Park.  In it are figures of commemoration: to Australia’s distant ill-thought out wars; to quartz kings who cut and dug the earth.

At the entrance to the leafy glory that is Rosalind Park spies a huge Gulliver-like figure. It is on that scale as we, Lilliputian fools, gaze at to ponder.  This is Seward Johnson’s eight-metre Forever Marilyn, her William Travilla white dress billowing from the grate in The Seven Year Itch (1955), and her lipstick smile crafted on with manufactured detail.[2] “She’s got knickers on,” marvelled a couple in unison, stealing a glance under the huge creation.

This is Marilyn Monroe as stressed fabrication, tortured image and a permanent project of envisaging.  She is there to be used, and the good people of Bendigo in Australia have been capitalising.  In a rather stately museum, the knickknacks of her life are displayed. There are timelines for the chronologically challenged.  There are re-runs of films, shots, cuts, and “Happy Birthday Mr President.”

The visitors go straight for the Marilyn they want.  On the issue of suicide, narratives are running wild, few sympathetic to the coroner’s view that barbiturates were to blame.  “Kennedy,” suggests one visitor drawing on the old Margolis-Buskin version, “was about to spill the beans” – hence the need to do away with her in the bedroom of her home in Brentwood, Los Angeles in August 1962. She does not say which Kennedy, though the less than holy brothers Jack and Bobby were certainly keen on the actress.

The saints of old were the heroines and heroes of a controlled divinity factory known as the Catholic Church.  Relics were everywhere: the sixteenth finger of St. John the Baptist; a soiled bit of earth from some lost detail regarding the wounds of Jesus.  The Cult of saints with their miracles was the cult of pre-modern celebrity.

In the modern, falsely desecularised world, those without moorings seek their stability in other forms.  The spirit world shall always have its spokespeople.  Escapist manna is everywhere, and the Hollywood starlet is as good as any.  The rudder shall be found, the ground shall be struck, and the hourglass figure with lips and voice shall fill the need.

Monroe’s image, crafted by the media, stylised by fashion industries, inflated, deflated and mauled by theorists and active dream merchants, made her stimulating candy, eye-stopping idol and ambitious business woman.  She has even fallen to the speculative stratagems of Gloria Steinem, who insisted on the inevitable theme of victimhood.  (Famous as one becomes, one a victim remains.)  Sociologists in turn have attacked this babbling.  What would Steinem know, counters Graham McCann, whose accused Steinem of unnecessary “pop psychology”?

McCann is happy to do just that, suggesting that Marilyn had the sort of intelligence that would have deterred her from perishing to an overdose.  How he knows about what his clever subject ever thought is never obvious.  This ignores the obvious point that intelligent people have made it a habit to do away with their lives for good reason.  The black dog of depression, the pressures of a tyrant, or just a sense of being fed up, have all had their fair share.

A line from LaWanda Walters in Ploughshares, which remains insightfully banal, has some value.  “I didn’t know much about Marilyn/Monroe the day she died.  I’d heard her name.” Many had, as they do the modern celebrity who wafts in like a purchased deodoriser, or who manages to be a stand-in excuse for life’s own difficulties. This is Marilyn as medium, escape and retreat, a point amplified by the magazine supplements in the exhibition, with such featured publications as Modern Screen’s “Marilyn Monroe’s Life as a Divorcee”, Foto Parade (“Is Sex Your Escape?”) and Photoplay.

There are some poignant images in this collection, though most show her as subordinated to the medium and the marshalling dictates of the photographer.  Prior to the rot setting in, there are the raw images of Monroe with her “first boyfriend” Lester Bolender, aged 5.  Then come fresh images of a young woman – before Hollywood seeps into her veins and screws with her mind.

Richard Avedon’s shots from 1958 indicate how MM had made the big show only to be something, or someone else.  In these carefully staged shots, she is everybody else but Marilyn, photographed as Clara Bow, Lillian Russell, Jean Harlow and Theda Bara.

A snippet of inner life might be gleaned from books in her collection, though these are hardly conclusive. She left behind a copy of F. Matthias Alexander’s Man’s Supreme Inheritance (originally published in 1910), a forerunner to the self-help testaments that have become a modern pop staple.

Astronomer Harlow Shapley’s Of Stars and Men (1959) is a touching possession that outlines the human aim, told from a child’s perspective, to find its role in the universe.  In Shapley’s own words, it “was written to tell in simple language what man is and where he is in the universe of atoms, protoplasms, stars and galaxies.”[3]

Even the exhibition captions provide a sense of the elusive Marilyn.  This is despite an admission that, “The definitive truth about the life, loves and personal motivations of Marilyn Monroe will perhaps never be revealed.”

Hence the pure sadism and voyeurism here: Monroe in a dress (or selected dresses) that women can adore with admiring fancy and men can remove with lust-driven eyes; Monroe in a role that is a prison before the camera and a prison after the photoshot.

Marilyn Monroe at the Bendigo Art Gallery runs from March 5 to July 10, 2016.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


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Turco-Ukrainian relations are based fundamentally on policy toward the Crimean Tatars. On that basis, Kiev and Ankara have cooperated on joint projects in the areas of defense and security.  “The two sides have reached agreement on working together in order to liberate the Crimea from occupation,” according to Petro Poroshenko following his meeting with the Turkish President Recep Erdogan. The Crimean Tatars play the role of intermediaries in the rapprochement process between the two sides.

In 2014 a faction of the Crimean Tatars already tried to achieve their ambitions, but did not meet with Turkish support at that time. Only after the deterioration of Russo-Turkish relations did the “mejlis” (Crimean Tatar organization) stand a chance of receiving support from its allies. In December of 2015 several meetings took place between the Ukrainian President’s plenipotentiary for Crimean Tatar affairs, Mustafa Dzemilev, and the Turkish leadership. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stressed that the fate of the Crimean Tatars was a matter of “prime importance” for Turkey.

In 1969 Dzemilev joined Andrei Sakharov’s group, thanks to which he acquired a false image as an opponent of violence. He was indicted seven times for CIA ties and spent a total of 10 years in prison, only to be allowed by Mikhail Gorbachev to return to Crimea. In 2004 he took part in the “orange revolution” that was staged by the US following Gene Sharp’s playbook, according to the French analyst Thierry Meyssan.

In 2003 Dzemilev launched a campaign of opposition to the recognition of Armenian genocide and threatened the Ukrainian government with grave consequences should it offend the dignity of Turkey by adopting such a measure.

On June 3 2014, at the time of President Obama’s visit to Poland, Dzemilev received from the Polish government the “Solidarity” prize, which brought him a cash award of one million euros. At the same time, Dzemilev initiated a PR campaign to set up the “Krim” (Crimea) battalion, tasked with “liberating” the peninsula.

According to information originating from the local authorities, Dzemilev is the main moving force behind the blockade of the Crimea. In concert with the other “mejlis” leader Refat Chubarov he organized a food supply blockade of the peninsula and openly advocated ending all energy deliveries to Crimea. His supporters set up concrete roadblocks on roads leading to the Crimea and impeded truck traffic to the peninsula. However, these and other facts of a similar nature have not discouraged Western politicians from elevating Dzemilev and Chubarov to the status of “justice activists”.

Dzemilev and Chubarov, among other things, indefatigably insist on the “exclusive right” of Crimean Tatars to have issues such as land distribution resolved in their favor because of their supposed status as the “native population” of the Crimea. Remsi Iliyasov, leader of the Crimean Tatar association “Kirim” has criticized Dzemilev and Chubarov for inflicting damage to the Crimean Tatar people for their own “political convenience”:

“The worst of it is that they both pretend to speak in the name of all Crimean Tatars without even bothering to take into account what the Crimean Tatars actually think.”

At a meeting with Hakan Fidan, head of the Turkish secret service MIT, Dzemilev raised the subject of devoting funds in furtherance of a risky plan. He proposed the construction of a Crimean Tatar military base in the immediate proximity of the peninsula in the city of Herson.

According to Dzemilev there were problems with lodging, lack of military uniforms, food supplies, and the like. In addition to that, in Ukrainian port “particularly  strong pro-Russian sentiment” was palpable, which made the presence of Crimean Tatars all the more vital for the Ukraine.

An Intelligence Affair and the Unmasking of an MIT Agent

What brings together Mustafa Dzemilev and Hakan Fidan? The SBU (Ukraining Intelligence Service) computer system was hacked not long ago and information demonstrating that Dzemilev was involved in intelligence activities at the behest of Turkey became publicly available. SBU’s attention had focused on him a long time ago since counter-espionage is one of the tasks of that Service.

SBU confirmed the authenticity of the documents. The order to undertake intelligence activity against Ukraine could have been issued only at a very high level. The recently unmasked intelligence operative was even honored with one of Ankara’s highest award, the Order of the Turkish Republic.

According to information gathered by SBU, Dzemilev worked for MIT and was considered a threat to Ukrainian national security. SBU informed Yanukovich and his closest collaborators that Dzemilev’s activities are coordinated and sponsored through the Turkish embassy.

Between 2008 and 2012 the Turkish intelligence service paid him more than three million dollars. SBU made it clear to the Kiev authorities that Turkey was financing Dzemilev’s anti-Ukrainian activities. That constituted crude interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine. Hakan Fidan was directly involved.

MIT collaborates closely with the CIA and other intelligence services of the United States. That was revealed by “The Washington Post,” relying on sources with close ties to those agencies. During the Cold War the CIA utilized many Crimean Tatars as agents tasked with undermining the economy of the Soviet Union.

The Crimean Tatar community in Moscow has called on President Erdogan to put a stop to Dzemilev’s destructive activities. However, Erdogan is not likely to comply with their request. Nevertheless, Dzemilev’s prestige in the Ukraine will be adversely affected as a result of the facts about him that have come out into the open.

Hakan Fidan, who was appointed to his post in 2010, is at present Turkey’s shadow foreign minister. He is present at practically all high level meetings. It is not a secret to anyone that both the Turkish President and prime minister have more trust in him than in any other government functionary.

The Turkish intelligence service MIT evolved from an organization modest in size into a huge outfit, according to the magazine „Al-Monitor“. The headquarters has grown in size, the field of operations has been expanded, and the number of special operations has increased. In addition to that, the Service controls military units abroad and is setting up its own infrastructure within Turkey, which allows it to conduct special operations at both foreign and domestic levels. Over the last decade, MIT’s budget has increased by 419% according to the magazine report.

“The national intelligence service has inserted its network of agents within countries whose relations with Turkey are not official or friendly. That trend is perceptible in the Middle East, Israel, and Iran, ” “Al-Monitor” maintains.

The Turkish intelligence service is active in Germany, according to information posted on Wikipedia. In Germany according to analyst Ali Solmadza, in contrast to other foreign intelligence services, MIT has successfully implanted a broad network of collaborators and structures. Hundreds of agents of Turkish ethnicity work for MIT as businessmen, tour agents, and in many other sensitive positions. Solmadza points out that official sources have confirmed that about 800 collaborators of the Turkish intelligence service are active abroad. The actual number of persons with ties to MIT or who share information with it is, of course, significantly greater.

Apartheid nostalgia

In 2014 Nadir Bekirov, director of the legal department of the Crimean Tatar mejlis, granted an interview to the German weekly Junge Freiheit. He called Ukraine a “prison” for the Crimean Tatars.

Junge Freiheit: Mr. Bekirov, what are in your opinion the key issues facing Crimean Tatars in the Ukraine today?

Bekirov: In the Ukraine, Crimean Tatars are ignored in many respects. We do not have a right to national self-government, the right to use our natural resources, the right to the land. Many other issues should also be mentioned such as, for instance, failure to recognize the Crimean Tatars as a nation. Ukrainian legislation sidesteps that issue entirely. As a rule, in our homeland, the Crimea, we are treated simply as an ethnic minority, no different than other minorities in the Ukraine. Today, we exert no influence whatsoever on politics in the Ukraine.

Junge Freiheit: You have spoken of apartheid practiced by the Ukrainian state against your people.

Bekirov: Crimean Tatars are handicapped in many ways, which can be expressed in terms of apartheid. Examples are a ban on ownership of personal or collective property, deprivation of the right to inheritance, prohibition of land ownership… When I speak of apartheid, I speak not in vain. I am referring to the meaning of the concept of apartheid in the legal sense. That is an institutional policy. With respect to our people, it is the official policy of the Ukrainian government… There is not much that the fourteen deputies who at present represent Crimean Tatars in the Ukrainian parliament can do for them.

Junge Freiheit: Do you think as many do that the tension between Slavs and Crimean Tatars is deliberately stoked to serve someone’s interests?

Bekirov: Ethnic tensions are not stoked, they always existed and that is part of the apartheid policy toward Crimean Tatars… It will be intensified, but we will not simply give up, we will defend our rights.

“The Ukrainian parliament in Kiev has yet to take action in order to pass legislation to rehabilitate Crimean Tatars. The feeling of oppression is increasingly spreading among Crimean Tatars”, the weekly concludes. (Source: Junge Freiheit, May 28, 2004)

In 2014 President Putin stressed that the Crimean Tatar nation, which was subjected to repression during the Stalinist period, has been rehabilitated by the Russian government. Putin took the further step of raising the Crimean Tatar language to the official status. Another important advance was the legal recognition of the land and water rights of the Crimean Tatars.

However, representatives of the Crimean Tatar elite, supported by Dzemilev, are keen for Crimea to again become part of Ukraine. In other words, what they are demanding is the return of apartheid.

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USA Today reported on April 19 that U.S. air forces bombing Syria and Iraq have been operating under new, looser rules of engagement since last fall. The war commander, Lt Gen Sean McFarland, now orders air strikes that are expected to kill up to 10 civilians without prior approval from U.S. Central Command, and U.S. officials made it clear to USA Today that U.S. air strikes are killing more civilians as a result of the new rules.

Under these new rules of engagement, the U.S. has conducted a major escalation of its bombing campaign against Mosul, an Iraqi city of about 1.5 million people, which has been occupied by Islamic State since 2014. Reports of hundreds of civilians killed in U.S. air strikes reveal some of the human cost of the U.S. air war and the new rules of engagement.

Previous statements by U.S. officials have absurdly claimed that over 40,000 U.S. air strikes in Iraq and Syria have killed as few as 26 civilians. Speaking to USA Today, a senior Pentagon official who is briefed daily on the air war dismissed such claims, noting that heavier civilian casualties were inevitable in an air war that has destroyed 6,000 buildings with over 40,000 bombs and missiles.

Professor Souad Al-Azzawi, the award-winning Iraqi environmental scientist from Mosul who conducted the first studies of the health effects of depleted uranium after the First Gulf War, has compiled a partial list of air strikes that have killed civilians and destroyed civilian infrastructure in Mosul, most of them since the new U.S. rules of engagement went into effect. The list is based on reports by Mosul EyeNineveh Reporters NetworkAl Maalomah News Network, other local media and contacts in Mosul and is not intended as a complete list of civilian casualties or civilian infrastructure destroyed.

Image: Barack Obama and George W. Bush at the White House.

Missing a Crisis

As I reported for ConsortiumNews in January, this kind of “passive reporting” from war zones can only capture a fraction of actual civilian casualties, and an even smaller fraction in areas outside government control and beyond the reach of conventional media:

-Many government buildings have been destroyed. As U.S. officials told USA Today, such attacks are often conducted at night to minimize civilian casualties, but they have killed night-time security guards and civilians in neighboring buildings.

-Telephone exchanges have been systematically bombed and destroyed.

-Two large dairies were bombed, killing 100 civilians and wounding 200 more, including local people lining up outside to buy milk and dairy products.

-Multiple daytime air strikes on Mosul University on March 19 and 20 (the 13th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq) killed 92 civilians and wounded 135, mostly faculty, staff, families and students. Targets included the main administration building, classroom buildings, a women’s dormitory and a faculty family apartment building from which only one child survived.

-50 civilians (including entire families) were killed and 100 wounded by air strikes on two apartment buildings, Al Hadbaa and Al Khadraa.

-A mother and her four children were killed in an air strike on a house in the Hay al Dhubat district in East Mosul on April 20, next door to a house used by Islamic State that was undamaged.

-22 civilians were killed (including 11 members of one family) in an air strike on houses in front of the Mosul Medical College.

-20 civilians were killed and 70 wounded by air strikes on the Sunni Waquf building and surrounding houses and shops.

-The Nineveh Plains water treatment plant was bombed in October 2014, and another water treatment plant and a hospital were shut down by an air strike on a power station in northeast Mosul in July 2015.

-Flour mills, a pharmaceutical factory, auto repair shops and other workshops have been bombed, with civilian casualties, all over Mosul.

-The Central Bank of Mosul in Ghazi Street and the main and local branches of two other banks, Rafidain and Rasheed, have been bombed, with heavy damage and civilian casualties in the areas surrounding each of them. After the first bank was struck, all the cash was removed from the others before they were bombed a few weeks later.

Image: F-15 Eagles from the 493rd Fighter Squadron at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England, taxi to the runway during the final day of Anatolian Eagle June 18, 2015, at 3rd Main Jet Base, Turkey. The 493rd FS recently received the 2014 Raytheon Trophy as the U.S. Air Force’s top fighter squadron. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Eric Burks)

-Three workers were killed and 12 wounded in an air strike on the former Pepsi bottling plant.

-The Governor’s residence and guest houses and the Turkish consulate were hit by air strikes.

-An air strike on a fuel depot in an industrial area ignited an inferno that caused 150 casualties on April 18.

-Urban planning and engineering planning offices were bombed in Hay Al Maliyah.

-Air strikes targeted a food warehouse, power plants and electric sub-stations across West Mosul.

-The Al Hurairah Bridge was destroyed by air strikes.

Punishing Civilians

At the very least, U.S. air strikes have killed hundreds of civilians in Mosul, as well as destroying much of the civilian infrastructure that people depend on for their lives in already dire conditions. And yet this is, by all accounts, only the beginning of the U.S.-Iraqi campaign to retake Mosul.

One and a half million civilians are trapped in the city, 30 times the United Nation’s estimate of the number of civilians in Fallujah before the November 2004 assault by U.S. Marines that killed 4,000 to 6,000 people, mostly civilians.  Meanwhile Islamic State (also known as ISIS,ISIL and Daesh) is preventing civilians from evacuating the city, believing that their presence protects its forces from even heavier bombardment.

International humanitarian law is absolutely clear that military attacks on civilians, civilian areas and civilian infrastructure are strictly prohibited. The presence of several thousand ISIS militants in a city of 1.5 million people does not justify indiscriminate bombing or attacks on civilian targets.

As the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq warned U.S. officials in a Human Rights Report in 2007, “The presence of individual combatants among a great number of civilians does not alter the civilian nature of an area.”

Bombing food warehouses, flour mills and water treatment plants is also a war crime.

As Jean Ziegler, the U.N.’s Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, protested in 2005, as U.S. forces besieged other cities in Iraq, “A drama is taking place in total silence in Iraq, where the coalition’s occupying forces are using hunger and deprivation of food and water as a weapon of war.” He called this, “a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law.”

The controlled leak of the new rules of engagement to USA Today appears to be an “information operation” to provide political cover for air strikes that violate the laws of war and are killing large numbers of civilians, as the U.S. escalates its air strikes against Mosul and other cities occupied by Islamic State.

Controlling Information

Post-Cold War U.S. military strategists have theorized that sophisticated U.S. “information warfare” can shape public perceptions to remove political constraints on the use of U.S. military force.

As Major Ralph Peters, an officer responsible for “future warfare” in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, wrote in a 1997 military journal article, “We are already masters of information warfare … we will be writing the scripts, producing (the videos) and collecting the royalties.”

Peters also predicted that U.S forces would “do a fair amount of killing … to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault.”

On the domestic front, the U.S.’s information warfare has proven so effective that most Americans know almost nothing of the real impacts of U.S. military operations. The median response to a 2007 AP-Ipsos poll that asked Americans how many Iraqis had died as a result of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq was 9,890, or 1.5 percent of the total revealed in 2006 by a comprehensive mortality study. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Victory of ‘Perception Management.’”]

Image: President Barack Obama addresses the nation from the Oval Office about terrorism on Dec. 6, 2015. (Image from Whitehouse.gov)

But internationally, the wartime conditions now afflicting people from Afghanistan to Nigeria to Ukraine have created new realities that render Western narratives increasingly suspect and drive an urgent quest for other ones that can better explain the violent and chaotic world in which more and more people are forced to live.

The presumption that U.S. information warfare could brainwash the world to provide political cover and impunity for systematic U.S. aggression and other war crimes is collapsing under the real-world impacts of U.S. policy.

Spreading Extremism

Wahhabi jihadism is thriving in the new reality born of the U.S. government’s hubris and aggression. The fundamental contradiction of the militarized “war on terror” has always been that U.S. aggression and other war crimes only reinforce the narratives of jihadi groups who see themselves as a bulwark against foreign aggression and neocolonialism in the Muslim world.

Meanwhile U.S. wars and covert operations against secular enemies like Hussein, Gaddafi and Assad keep creating new zones of chaos where the jihadis can set up shop.

U.S. officials, not least President Barack Obama, have acknowledged publicly that there is therefore “no military solution” to jihadism. But successive U.S. administrations have proven unable to resist the lure of military expansion and escalation at each new stage of the crisis, unleashing wars that have killed about 2 million people, plunged a dozen countries into complete chaos and exploded Wahhabi jihadism from its original safe havens in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan to countries across the world.

In 2014, as I wrote at the time, the mostly Sunni Arab people of northern and western Iraq had been tortured, terrorized and murdered by U.S.- and Iranian-backed death squads for ten years and accepted the rule of Islamic State as the lesser of two evils.

If the U.S. and its Iraqi allies now follow through with their threatened assault on Mosul, the resulting massacre will join Fallujah, Guantanamo and Obama’s drone wars as a new, powerful symbol and catalyst for the next mutation of Wahhabi jihadism, which is likely to be more globalized and unified.

But although Al Qaeda and Islamic State have proven adept at manipulating U.S. leaders into ever-escalating cycles of violence, the jihadis cannot directly order American pilots to bomb civilians. Only our leaders can do that. So our leaders bear the moral and legal responsibility for these atrocities, just as Islamic State’s leaders bear the responsibility for theirs.

Nicolas J S Davies is the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.  He also wrote the chapters on “Obama at War” in Grading the 44th President: a Report Card on Barack Obama’s First Term as a Progressive Leader.

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Read our recent statement Israel’s legal warfare on BDS fosters repression and McCarthyism across the world here.

Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights defenders are unnerved, but certainly undeterred, by the thinly-veiled threat of physically harming leading BDS activists recently made by Israeli Minister of Intelligence Yisrael Katz.

Katz in his statements, made during an anti-BDS conference organized by a right-wing Israeli daily on 28 March 2016, plays on the official Israeli military term for assassination, “targeted thwarting,” and adds “civil” to it. But nothing “civil” can be expected given the prevalence in Israeli society of almost unprecedented racial and violent incitement against the indigenous Palestinians and the popular Israeli cheering of extrajudicial killings.

Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs and anti-BDS czar, Gilad Erdan, also threatened that BDS activists “will start to pay a price,” without revealing any details. In the immediately following sentence, however, he explained that he did not mean any “physical harm” as these are “sensitive times.” Negating his intention to physically harm Palestinian human rights defenders in this particular context almost certainly normalizes the opposite, that it is conceivable, if not probable, in less sensitive times to physically target BDS activists.

The seriousness of these threats by Katz and Erdan must be seen in light of increased Israeli lawlessness and criminal impunity. Even Zionist Israeli dissenters who dare to reveal some Israeli war crimes are tainted as “traitors” by Israeli officials.

The last time a sitting Israeli prime minister was labelled as such, a fanatic Jewish-Israeli took matters into his own hands and assassinated Yitzhak Rabin.

These vile threats must be exposed to the world and presented in the mainstream as part of Israel’s “serious human rights violations,” including “extrajudicial killings,” that US Senator Patrick Leahy has called on the Department of State to investigate.

Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid should face international sanctions as sweeping as those that were imposed on another lawless regime—apartheid South Africa.

No mafia-like threat from anyone will “thwart” BDS activists from advocating for freedom, justice and equality for the entire Palestinian people, in our homeland and in exile.

Israel is losing the battles for hearts and minds internationally, among major trade unions, churches, academic associations, student governments, artists collectives, LGBTQ networks, among others. Both Israel and the BDS movement can detect the Palestinian “South Africa moment” approaching.

This is why Israel is resorting to fostering a new McCarthyism, intimidating, bullying and threatening those who criticize its apartheid and occupation and those who take effective nonviolent action to end them. Israel is launching a massive, very well-funded campaign in western countries to delegitimize BDS.

The most effective response to Israel’s latest desperate threats against BDS human rights defenders is not to get distracted by them and to intensify academic, cultural, economic and military boycott, divestment and eventually sanctions campaigns against its pariah regime, its complicit institutions and all the banks and corporations that are implicated in it.

The only way to “stop BDS” is to end Israel’s regime of oppression, allowing the Palestinian people to exercise its rights under international law, especially the inalienable right to self-determination. The Palestinian people, like all other peoples around the world, cannot and will not accept anything less than our freedom, justice, equality and dignity in our homeland. No colonial threats or oppression can extinguish a people’s passion for freedom and justice.

Amnesty International’s Position

Criticizing Israel’s intimidation campaign and violent threats against BDS activists, Amnesty International expressed its concern “for the safety and liberty of Palestinian human rights defender Omar Barghouti, and other Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists, following calls alluding to threats, including of physical harm and deprivation of basic rights, made by Israeli ministers at an anti-Boycott Divestment and Sanction conference in Jerusalem on 28 March 2016.”

The statement said: “[Omar Barghouti] campaigns to hold Israel accountable for human rights and other international law violations and advocates for the use of non-violent means in doing so.”

The BNC warmly welcomes Amnesty International’s defence of the right of BDS activists to advocate for Palestinian rights under international law and calls on all international human rights organizations, particularly in the US and Europe, to unequivocally uphold the same right.

Glenn Greenwald has described the well-orchestrated series of draconian measures taken in France, the US and the UK, among others, against the BDS movement as the “greatest threat to free speech in the West”. Yet Israel’s exceptionalism in some mainstream quarters in the west remains intact.

South African Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has once likened this singling out of Israel’s regime for unconditional military, political and financial support, not to mention protection from accountability, by the US and other western governments to placing Israel “on a pedestal” above every other state. Many people are afraid to criticize Israel’s policies, Tutu argues, because of the exceptionally intimidating methods used by its lobby.

BDS is an inclusive, anti-racist movement that is anchored in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is opposed on principle to all forms of racism and discrimination, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. The BDS movement is advocating for Israel to be taken off “the pedestal” and held to account like other states committing similar crimes.

It is clear that Israel has been lobbying for and is directly behind these deeply worrying anti-democratic attacks that are intended to criminalize the advocacy of Palestinian rights. But they are also part of a growing trend in western countries of eroding civil liberties in the name of ‘security’, and of governments and unaccountable elites concentrating power in their hands and undermining democratic principles.

EU and US complicity

By not only participating in this Israeli anti-BDS fest of hate and violent threats against a nonviolent human rights movement and its main activists but also keeping silent about these threats, the US Administration and the EU have effectively given a tacit green light to Israel to harm human rights defenders engaged in BDS activism.

The BNC holds both the US and the EU accountable should Israel make good on its threats and harm human rights defenders who are active in the BDS movement, bodily or otherwise.

Like the US government, the EU has always been implicated, albeit to a lesser extent, in enabling and maintaining Israel’s occupation and apartheid. But by sending its Tel Aviv ambassador to join this Israeli war on nonviolent Palestinian, European, Israeli and other human rights defenders it has reached a new low of hypocrisy and complicity.

This hypocrisy is further accentuated by the fact that the EU ambassador’s co-panelists in the conference included the fanatic Israeli settler leader Dani Dayan and a retired Israeli colonel accused of responsibility for horrific war crimes in Gaza.
Read our recent statement Israel’s legal warfare on BDS fosters repression and McCarthyism across the world here.


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Brazil is in the midst of a prolonged regime change operation, as documented step-by-step by Pepe Escobar in his articles for SputnikRT, and the Strategic Culture Foundation. The author’s intent isn’t to get into the situational specifics of each and every detail behind the US’ techniques, but to provide a general overview of the strategies that are at play and their contribution to Hybrid War theory.

Brazil is an important New Cold War battleground not just because of its institutional multipolarity, but particularly because of its role in China’s One Belt One Road global vision. The Chinese announced last year that they plan to build the Twin Ocean Railroad between Brazil’s Atlantic Coast and Peru’s Pacific one in order to facilitate transoceanic trade between the two BRICS members by enhancing Brasilia’s transcontinental trade capability. Because this mega project is located in the US’ own hemisphere, the “Monroe Doctrine”-obsessed Exceptionalists accelerated their existing regime change plans for Brazil with the intent of overthrowing its government and replacing it with a pro-unipolar quisling.

Many observers are scratching their heads wondering how to properly describe what they’re witnessing in Brazil, and while there’s certainly visible evidence of a Color Revolution, it would be inaccurate to describe it solely through the prism of this definition. At the same token, while it’s beenlikened to a Hybrid War, it only fits the ‘conventional’ informational/economic aspects of this term, too, and doesn’t really satisfy the regime change perquisites of a phased transition from a Color Revolution to an Unconventional War (or at least not yet). Similarly, while there’s definitely a ‘constitutional coup’ going on, it’s also not entirely this form of regime change, either. Rather, there are elements of all three strategies at play, and they interact in a unique dynamic that might represent the unveiling of a new patterned approach that aims to subvert leading multipolar states. What’s important to point out is that the entire plot was set into motion as a result of valuable intelligence that the NSA had gained about Brazil’s top company and later weaponized into a regime change catalyst, meaning that practically every country in the world is potentially vulnerable to this sort of asymmetrical destabilization.

The “Anti-Corruption” Inquisition

The key vehicle in exerting pressure on President Rousseff isn’t the Color Revolution movement, itself an outgrowth of the “Cashmere Revolution” and the return of which the author warned about last summer , but the ‘constitutional coup’ attempts that are being orchestrated to remove her from power. It’s worthwhile to remember that these are built upon an “anti-corruption” investigation that, as Pepe Escobar has repeatedly pointed out, are one-sided and only target the ruling party. It was revealed in September 2013 as part of the Snowden Leaks that the NSA had been spying on Petrobras , the company at the heart of the ‘constitutional coup’ scandal, which in turn raises the possibility that the US had obtained ‘compromising’ information on the alleged corruption activities of key ruling party executives and was waiting for the right time to weaponized it.

It shouldn’t be seen as coincidental that the “Car Wash” ‘anti-corruption’ investigation began nearly half a year later in March 2014, which was the run-up to the 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil that summer. During that major international event, the multipolar leaders committed themselves to creating the alternative financial architecture that would later become known as the BRICS/New Development Bank and officially instituted one year later in Ufa. At the time, “Car Wash” wasn’t big enough to derail any of this, but it also wasn’t meant to be an immediate bombshell. Instead, it can be conceived of as a ticking time bomb that was preplanned to go off at a future date, whether or not Rousseff would have even remained in office by that time. The reader should remember that shebarely won reelection that fall, and if she hadn’t, then it would have been the “opposition” that could have been implicated or discretely blackmailed with the threat thereof.

An anti-coup rally in Brasilia, March 2016

Image: An anti-coup rally in Brasilia, March 2016

After all, “Car Wash” is a one-sided anti-corruption scandal that purposely neglects targeting any opposition parties and is aimed solely at the ruling class, regardless of whichever one they might have been. In the case of Rousseff and her Worker’s Party, they’re targeted for regime change, whereas the Brazilian Social Democracy Party of her 2014 election rival would have been targeted for blackmail in order to keep it in line with American strategic precepts for the country. One way or another, after having initiated the ‘Car Wash” inquisition, the US was going to exploit it however it could in order to attain and then maintain its hold on power over the Brazilian political establishment. With Rousseff winning reelection while the investigation was still ongoing and nowhere near ‘conclusively’ finished, it was inevitable in hindsight that it would be used as a weapon for toppling her government and initiating a ‘constitutional coup’.

‘Constitutional Coups’ And Color Revolutions

Once Rousseff was implicated (most ‘convincingly’ in the court of public opinion) for her alleged involved in “Car Wash”, the embedded pro-American regime change elements in Brazil’s government sprang into action in initiating the ‘constitutional coup’ proceedings against her. By itself and nakedly presented as a one-sided ‘anti-corruption’ inquisition, the ‘constitutional coup’ had no semblance whatsoever of domestic or international ‘legitimacy’, which necessitated a dramatic move in order to ‘justify’ it. This was the role that the nascent Color Revolution ended up playing, since without tens of thousands of people in the street, there could be no pretense of ‘democracy being served’ by her indictment. Instead, the US’ hand in all of this would be even more obvious than during Latin America’s last ‘constitutional coup’ in 2012 Paraguay. Additionally, Brazil isn’t Paraguay – it’s a leading multipolar power and a nation many times larger than its landlocked neighbor, and carrying out a regime change there requires more ‘finesse’ and ‘public relations’ manipulation in Brazil than it ever would in Paraguay.

Therefore, the Color Revolution itself is inconsequential in pressuring Rousseff’s government or enacting any leadership concessions from her whatsoever. The entire regime change operation against her is driven by the ‘constitutional coup’, which itself is being disguised by the Color Revolution that has attracted the ‘normative’ attention of most of the world’s pro-unipolar media. This can be proven by the copious media coverage given to the thousands of people who are protesting against her and rallying around a giant inflatable yellow duck compared to the considerable lack of attention being given to the NSA’s role in catalyzing the entire Petrobras ‘anti-corruption’ inquisition in the first place. Clearly, the reason for this is that the US is engaging in a concerted effort to shift the international dialogue over the issue from the origins of the political crisis to the ‘normative legitimacy’ of Rousseff’s rule, strongly implying that the Color Revolution protesters have somehow invalidated her democratic and legitimate reelection and more than ‘normatively’ compensate for the shady ‘constitutional coup’ dealings that are being employed against her.

A Heightened Risk Of Hybrid War

At the moment, it looks like the ‘constitutional coup’-Color Revolution two-step might succeed in removing Rousseff and replacing her with Vice-President Michel Temer, who had actually been practicing his post-coup address to the nation in a recently leaked speech. Should this happen, then there wouldn’t be any reason whatsoever for the US to intensify its regime change operation into a Hybrid War by prompting an Unconventional War, but it might unwittingly happen that Rousseff’s supporters take to arms in the event that she’s overthrown. If this transpires, then the country would definitely be thrown into a low-level Hybrid War, albeit one in which this development uncharacteristically occurs after the US is successful in its mission and not beforehand, which in any case would take a course which is impossible to accurately predict at this time.

However, considering just how beloved the left wing is to millions of destitute people in Brazil and taking a cue from their armed comrades in Venezuela, leftist individuals might form militias in order to protect against any forthcoming coup. Remembering the astonishing rate of crime that already exists inside of the country, it’s foreseeable that anti-coup activists/insurgents could easily procure whatever weapons they might need in order to create a destabilizing stir. Furthermore, UNASUR has hinted that it wouldn’t recognize Rousseff’s possible impeachment, which might grant an added degree of normative support to any militias that agitate on her behalf.

On the other hand, if the regime change process isn’t proceeding apace around the time of the Summer Olympics in Rio and something or another happens to derail it (e.g. the Senate doesn’t vote to continue the impeachment process), then there’s a chance that the US might encourage right-wing terrorism against the government. This would seek to provoke an international incident that destabilizes the Brazilian government even more than it already is, precisely at the moment when it would need the best media coverage that it can get and when it’s most vulnerable to a flurry of unipolar media condemnation against it. Looked at from another angle, if the plot against Rousseff succeeds by that time, with or without the advent of any anti-regime change rebels, then some countries might choose to boycott the Olympics in order to show solidarity with the legitimate government that was illegally deposed of. This wouldn’t change any facts on the ground, but it would be a strong and symbolic statement of support that might encourage whatever nascent armed resistance movement there might be by that time.

Concluding Thoughts

Assessing the US’ regime change strategy against Rousseff, it’s evident that the NSA’s findings were used to spark the ‘constitutional coup’ proceedings that have been ‘normatively justified’ by the preplanned Color Revolution (a continuation of the so-called “Cashmere Revolution” of 2014). The protests have thus far not led to any degree of substantial pressure on the government despite their massive size, with the only agency of tangible anti-government force coming from the ‘legal’ inquisition that’s been launched against the Brazilian President. Nothing at this point indicates that the government is threatened by the street activists, although everything points to it being totally destabilized by the “Car Wash” conspiracy against it.

While no discernable Hybrid War traces can be found thus far (as in the author’s regime change definition of this concept), that doesn’t preclude any from popping up in the near future, whether led by anti-government right-wing terrorists or pro-government post-coup insurgents. There’s no guarantee that either will happen, but the possibility can’t be ruled out in general and must be prepared for by both sides. No matter what ultimately happens in Brazil, the regime change scenario currently underway there is emblematic of a new type of subversive interplay between the NSA, ‘constitutional coup’ actors, and Color Revolutionaries, and it might disturbingly foreshadow a coming trend of state-wide destabilization that could soon be rolled out elsewhere against other multipolar targets.

Andrew Korybko is the American political commentator currently working for the Sputnik agency.

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Between 500 and 700 Palestinian children are prosecuted in Israel’s military courts each year, says rights group

A jabbing pain in his shoulder and thigh roused Obada from his sleep at 3am. In the half-light, the 15-year-old could make out eight masked men surrounding his bed, their rifles pointed at him.

“I felt terrified,” he said of the experience of being arrested in February from his home in the village of al-Araqa, near Jenin in the northern West Bank.

Obada is one of more than 100 Palestinian children who, in recent months, have found themselves dragged from bed at gunpoint in the middle of the night by Israeli soldiers, according to children’s right groups.

Testimonies like Obada’s feature in a new report, No Way to Treat a Child, compiled by Defence for Children International – Palestine (DCIP), a group monitoring Israeli violations of Palestinian children’s rights.

The 440 children currently in military detention are the highest total since the Israeli army started issuing figures in 2008 – and more than double the number detained this time last year.

The rights group says that, despite promises two years ago from the Israeli army to phase out night raids following international condemnation, in practice they are used as routinely as ever.

During his arrest, Obada said he was hit with a rifle butt, blindfolded and his hands tied with a plastic cord that cut into his flesh. “The soldiers dragged me out of the house without allowing me to say goodbye to my family and without telling me why and where they were taking me,” he said.

Over the next fortnight, according to Obada, he was repeatedly beaten. Indignities included being locked overnight in a small toilet cubicle and assaulted with a taser when he protested.

For 12 days, his only break from solitary confinement was to be taken from his cell to an interrogation room where he was tied tightly to a chair, slapped and threatened.

He was repeatedly questioned about his ties to two school friends, Nihad and Fuad Waked, who had been killed a few days earlier during an attack on soldiers.

Physically assaulted

Obada’s account of his arrest and detention accord with a pattern of abuse similar to other children’s testimonies, said Ivan Karakashian of DCIP.

Three-quarters of children reported being physically assaulted during their detention. In nearly 90 percent of cases, parents had no idea where their child had been taken, and in 97 percent of interrogations, no parent or lawyer was allowed to be present.

Some 60 percent of children were then transferred to prisons in Israel, in violation of international law, where, typically, they waited three months for their first family visit, as relatives struggled to get entry permits to Israel.

Such abuses contrast strongly with the rights guaranteed to children both in Israel and in Jewish settlements in the occupied territories.

Karakashian told Al Jazeera: “The goal [of the detentions] is to terrify the population so that they will submit and not resist the occupation.”

DCIP said it was alarmed not only by the rapid rise in the number of arrests since last October, but by the growing number of young children being locked up. More than 100 of those currently in prison are aged between 12 and 15.

This month, a military court sentenced a 13-year-old girl from Beit Fajjar, near Hebron, to four and a half months detention after she allegedly approached a military checkpoint holding a knife.

Following strenuous criticism, Israeli authorities released the youngest prisoner in an Israeli jail, 12-year-old D. al-Wawi, on Sunday, two months before her four and a half month sentence finished.

Fear of rearrest

The dramatic increase in arrests has coincided with a surge of attacks and protests by Palestinians in the occupied territories since last October. Most Palestinian children in detention are convicted of throwing stones.

In addition to a jail sentence, each is given a suspended sentence, usually of several years, that is activated if they are rearrested. About 90 percent also receive a fine.

Karakashian said that in recent months military courts had been increasing all three components of the children’s sentences. “Many families cannot afford to pay the fine, so the children have to serve a longer sentence in lieu,” he told Al Jazeera.

And the suspended sentence is like a sword hanging over their heads. Many are afraid to leave the house or go to school for fear that they will be arrested at a checkpoint and sent back to detention.

They can end up under a self-imposed house arrest for years after their release.

Narrow escape

The new report is likely to embarrass Israel after it only narrowly avoided inclusion last year in a United Nations “shame list” of serious violators of children’s rights. UN agencies had been especially disturbed by the 500 children killed and thousands wounded in Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza, Operation Protective Edge.

This year’s report is due to be issued in the coming weeks by the office of the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. Israel ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991. But a 2013 report by UNICEF, the UN children’s agency, concluded that abuses of Palestinian minors in military detention were “widespread, systematic and institutionalised”.

A year earlier, Israel was harshly criticised in a report by a British government-backed delegation of lawyers.

Catherine Weibel, a spokeswoman for UNICEF in Jerusalem, told Al Jazeera the agency was in a “continuing dialogue” with the Israeli army in an effort to improve the military detention procedure for children.

Israel is the only country in the world, according to DCIP, that “systematically prosecutes between 500 and 700 children in military courts each year”.

The Israeli army had been unnerved by the mounting bad publicity, said Gerard Horton, of Military Court Watch, which monitors abuses of children in detention.

An army debriefing paper, released in 2014 under a Freedom of Information request, noted that evidence of abuses to children “may inflict real harm on the legitimacy of Israel and its actions in the area”.

That year the army promised to end both night raids and the blindfolding of minors, and to inform parents where their child was being held and record interrogations.

Karakashian said changes since had been little more than “cosmetic”.

Verbal abuse

During the arrest process, 86 percent of children reported being blindfolded; 70 percent said they were strip-searched, in some cases many times; and 84 percent were not informed of their rights.

During interrogation, 29 percent of children said they were subjected to verbal abuse and intimidation, including threats of physical or sexual assault or arrest of family members.

Some 28 percent reported “position abuse” – usually being bound to a low chair to cause great discomfort. A similar number said they had been physically abused, usually slapped, kicked or pushed. A smaller number reported being choked, punched or having their head hit against a wall.

Promises to record interrogations were effectively voided, said Horton, because they did not apply in security cases – including stone-throwing, the charge faced by the vast majority of Palestinian children.

He said: “The reforms are all smoke and mirrors to get the Europeans and UN off the Israeli army’s back.”

Public relations battle

DCIP found that 40 percent of arrests still occurred between midnight and 5am. “Even when a summons is issued for a child to report to a police station the next morning, it is usually delivered in a raid in the early hours of the morning,” said Karakashian. “That is still a traumatic experience for the family.”

He added: “The aim is to frighten and intimidate Palestinian communities, especially those organising regular protests or that are located near settlements.”

The Israeli army was not available for comment.

Horton said that in recent months the Israeli army appeared to have abandoned the public relations battle.”I think the army realised it’s a losing battle, unless they really change their approach – and they can’t do that.”

Horton said the aim of the terrorising the children was to ensure quiet for the settlements. “Child detention is a settlement issue,” he explained, adding that youngsters at friction points near settlements had to be regularly intimidated in order to protect 400,000 Israeli settlers living in the West Bank.


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The Medical Implications of the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

April 26th, 2016 by Dr. Helen Caldicott

The following article award winning author and Co-founder of Physicians for Social responsibility Dr. Helen Caldicott proceeds to examine the medical implications of the ongoing Fukushima crisis.

For her analysis on Chernobyl see:

The Medical Implications of the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster By Helen Caldicott, April 25, 2016.

It has been estimated by the authors of the Chernobyl report that by the year 2009, 23 years after the accident, some one million people had died.

The people in Japan were lucky in that 80% of the radiation resulting from the March 2011 Fukushima disaster blew across the Pacific Ocean in the first few days of the accident. The wind then changed and blew the radioactive plumes over the north west of Japan and south to Tokyo.

Large numbers of people were and still are exposed to high levels of radiation, both from external gamma rays beaming from radioactive elements on the ground, as well as internal doses from elements breathed into the lungs and incorporated into food.


In terms of the medical effects of Fukushima there is a cone of silence that has been placed over the release of documented data related to patients and their associated illnesses. In fact a report noted that many doctors have been ordered not to inform their patients that their symptoms could be related to radiation. This leaves the population and in particular the parents in a state of despair. They need to know the truth about their situation and that of their children.

In Fukushima Prefecture, it was the prefectural government that entered into an agreement with IAEA in the area of decontamination and radioactive waste management, whereas Fukushima Medical University entered into an agreement with IAEA in the area of the survey of radiological effect on human health. […] “The Parties will ensure the confidentiality of information classified by the other Party as restricted or confidential.” […] if either the prefectures or IAEA decide to classify information for “they contribute to worsening of the residents’ anxiety,” there is a possibility that such information as the accident information, as well as radiation measurement data and thyroid cancer information may not be publicized. […] IAEA has published reports, after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, stating “there were no health effects due to radiation exposure.” […] Tokyo Shimbum Dec 31, 1014

It is obvious that there is collaboration between the WHO and the IAEA and also the Japanese government and the “nuclear village” to hide, to lie and to cover-up vital medical information that must be made available to the Japanese population. The IAEA has also set up an office in Fukushima, and TEPCO and the Japanese government are constructing a large cancer hospital in Fukushima.

To make the situation worse about release of data relating to the accident, Prime Minister Abe has passed a secrecy law which will almost certainly intimidate the media from keeping a very close watch over the tenuous plant.

Radioactive Releases

What is known is that three times more noble gases escaped from the Fukushima accident than at Chernobyl. These gases, xenon, krypton and argon are inhaled into the lungs, are absorbed and deposited in fatty tissue of the body.

They are very high energy gamma emitters – like X rays, and they can therefore cause lung cancer, and cancers of other organs of the body.

It is also been estimated that about the same amount of cesium was released from Fukushima as at Chernobyl.

So based on the number of mortalities and illnesses in the countries around Chernobyl which were not as densely populated as Japan, and considering the very high density of the Japanese population, one would have to assume that similar morbidities and mortalities would occur in Japan over the coming decades.

Thyroid Cancer

Already of the 270,000 Fukushima children under the age of 18 examined for thyroid cancer a total of 75 have suspected or are confirmed to have thyroid cancer. The official line is that these cancers could not possibly be related to radiation because of the short incubation time of 2-3 years, however this correlates with the Chernobyl data which demonstrated  early thyroid cancer presentation.


The situation at the Fukushima Daichi plant gets worse by the day. 400 tons of very radioactive water have been discharged to the Pacific ocean on a daily basis ever since the accident causing fish to concentrate the radioactive elements in their flesh and bones. Some fish have been found to carry extremely high radiation levels – 12,400 Bc/K when the limit for food in Japan is 100 Bc/k. Of course no radiation is safe and the more radioactive food that is eaten the more these elements accumulate in bodily organs increasing the radiation dose. Some fresh water fish have also been found to be very radioactive, for instance 2657 Bc/k in a fish from the Mono River in NW Fukushima.

The fishermen are very concerned about the ongoing oceanic releases as well as the fact that TEPCO is considering discharging the very radioactive water it is currently storing in temporary tanks, after it has been “filtered” for many isotopes. Previous attempts have failed, and this new equipment, ARM from the US will almost certainly not remove the many isotopes before discharge. In particular tritium cannot be filtered, it accumulates in the food chain, and it causes brain tumors, congenital malformations, and many other cancers and it remains radioactive for 120 years.

Remedial Situation

As hundreds of tons of water pour down from the mountain behind the Fukushima reactors complex, it then travels beneath the damaged reactors becoming radioactive as it mixes with the three molten cores. TECO now plans to pump this mountain water before it enters the reactor area and divert it to the sea. However this technique will only suck more of the radiation beneath the reactors to mix with mountain water which will make the situation worse.

Recently TEPCO announced that it had been wrong about the measurements of strontium 90 being found in the water in various wells near the reactors and that the measurements last June, 2013 were actually 5 times higher than they originally announced and are now at 5 million Bc/liter. One wonders whether TEPCO covered up these findings so that the Olympic Committee would choose Tokyo for the games.

Much of the reactor complex now stands on liquefied mud. The buildings of unit 3 and 4 were quite severely structurally damaged by the initial earthquake. In the event of an earthquake greater than 7 on the Richter scale it is predicted that either one or both of these building could collapse. Unit 4 would plunge to the ground along with its cooling pool containing over 200 tons of extremely radioactive fuel. This fuel would then spontaneously ignite releasing 10 times more cesium than was released at Chernobyl. Such a catastrophe would severely pollute much of Japan including Tokyo and the northern hemisphere. It will take TEPCO more than 14 months to remove these fuel bundles from the pool and they are doing it manually instead of by computer control. This is a very delicate procedure and there is a possibility of rods breaking releasing radiation causing the workers to evacuate, or a fission reaction to occur which would also lead to evacuation.

An earthquake beneath unit 3 could also cause the building to collapse onto the molten core releasing huge amounts of radiation. Another earthquake could rupture over 1000 fragile metal tanks now holding thousands of tons of highly radioactive water which would drain into the Pacific Ocean.

Radioactive wastes are being carted around Japan and incinerated thus exporting radiation to other prefectures and cities, while the ashes are being dumped in Tokyo Bay where the athletes will swim during the 2020 Olympics.

Considering all these dangerous events that are now occurring and could occur in the future it would seem extremely unwise for young fit athletes who have trained so assiduously  be exposed to any radiation at all. It is a dangerous situation to contemplate.


Workers who are engaged at unit 4 to remove spent fuel rods from the pool are receiving high doses of radiation according to TEPCO so TECPO is contemplating putting lead plates between the men and the pool.  It is true that the workers at the plant are not adequately monitored nor are their radiation records carefully kept, nor their health routinely examined and medical records monitored. We know what happened to the liquidators at Chernobyl and almost certainly similar illness will pervade the Fukushima workers, some of whom are homeless men recruited by the Yakuza.

General Population

13% of the Japanese mainland is now contaminated with radioactive elements which will last for hundreds to thousands of years and will be concentrated in the food. Ten million people live in highly radioactive areas, so much so that the government has raised the accepted dose from 1 mS per year to 20 mS per year (which is the equivalent of 1000 chest X rays /year) – nuclear workers are allowed 50mS per year. Children are 10 to 20 times more sensitive to radiation effects than adults. Thousands of children are now locked inside, they wear masks and they are eating radioactive food and experiencing increased obesity as they get virtually no exercise.

The Environment

Dr Timothy Mousseau, an evolutionary biologist has been examining the birds and insects in the exclusion zones of Chernobyl and Fukushima. 40% of the male swallows are sterile or have abnormal sperm, many have tumors, crooked wings and other congenital abnormalities and mutations, many have cataracts and the insects are similarly deformed.

What happens to animals and insects happens to us, but because many generations appear in a year we then can postulate what will happen to future generations of humans as mutations are passed down to our descendants.

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The Medical Implications of the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

April 26th, 2016 by Dr. Helen Caldicott

The following article award winning author and Co-founder of Physicians for Social responsibility Dr. Helen Caldicott proceeds to examine the medical implications of the ongoing Fukushima crisis.

For her analysis on Chernobyl see:

The Medical Implications of the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster By Helen Caldicott, April 25, 2016.

It has been estimated by the authors of the Chernobyl report that by the year 2009, 23 years after the accident, some one million people had died.

The people in Japan were lucky in that 80% of the radiation resulting from the March 2011 Fukushima disaster blew across the Pacific Ocean in the first few days of the accident. The wind then changed and blew the radioactive plumes over the north west of Japan and south to Tokyo.

Large numbers of people were and still are exposed to high levels of radiation, both from external gamma rays beaming from radioactive elements on the ground, as well as internal doses from elements breathed into the lungs and incorporated into food.


In terms of the medical effects of Fukushima there is a cone of silence that has been placed over the release of documented data related to patients and their associated illnesses. In fact a report noted that many doctors have been ordered not to inform their patients that their symptoms could be related to radiation. This leaves the population and in particular the parents in a state of despair. They need to know the truth about their situation and that of their children.

In Fukushima Prefecture, it was the prefectural government that entered into an agreement with IAEA in the area of decontamination and radioactive waste management, whereas Fukushima Medical University entered into an agreement with IAEA in the area of the survey of radiological effect on human health. […] “The Parties will ensure the confidentiality of information classified by the other Party as restricted or confidential.” […] if either the prefectures or IAEA decide to classify information for “they contribute to worsening of the residents’ anxiety,” there is a possibility that such information as the accident information, as well as radiation measurement data and thyroid cancer information may not be publicized. […] IAEA has published reports, after the Chernobyl nuclear accident, stating “there were no health effects due to radiation exposure.” […] Tokyo Shimbum Dec 31, 1014

It is obvious that there is collaboration between the WHO and the IAEA and also the Japanese government and the “nuclear village” to hide, to lie and to cover-up vital medical information that must be made available to the Japanese population. The IAEA has also set up an office in Fukushima, and TEPCO and the Japanese government are constructing a large cancer hospital in Fukushima.

To make the situation worse about release of data relating to the accident, Prime Minister Abe has passed a secrecy law which will almost certainly intimidate the media from keeping a very close watch over the tenuous plant.

Radioactive Releases

What is known is that three times more noble gases escaped from the Fukushima accident than at Chernobyl. These gases, xenon, krypton and argon are inhaled into the lungs, are absorbed and deposited in fatty tissue of the body.

They are very high energy gamma emitters – like X rays, and they can therefore cause lung cancer, and cancers of other organs of the body.

It is also been estimated that about the same amount of cesium was released from Fukushima as at Chernobyl.

So based on the number of mortalities and illnesses in the countries around Chernobyl which were not as densely populated as Japan, and considering the very high density of the Japanese population, one would have to assume that similar morbidities and mortalities would occur in Japan over the coming decades.

Thyroid Cancer

Already of the 270,000 Fukushima children under the age of 18 examined for thyroid cancer a total of 75 have suspected or are confirmed to have thyroid cancer. The official line is that these cancers could not possibly be related to radiation because of the short incubation time of 2-3 years, however this correlates with the Chernobyl data which demonstrated  early thyroid cancer presentation.


The situation at the Fukushima Daichi plant gets worse by the day. 400 tons of very radioactive water have been discharged to the Pacific ocean on a daily basis ever since the accident causing fish to concentrate the radioactive elements in their flesh and bones. Some fish have been found to carry extremely high radiation levels – 12,400 Bc/K when the limit for food in Japan is 100 Bc/k. Of course no radiation is safe and the more radioactive food that is eaten the more these elements accumulate in bodily organs increasing the radiation dose. Some fresh water fish have also been found to be very radioactive, for instance 2657 Bc/k in a fish from the Mono River in NW Fukushima.

The fishermen are very concerned about the ongoing oceanic releases as well as the fact that TEPCO is considering discharging the very radioactive water it is currently storing in temporary tanks, after it has been “filtered” for many isotopes. Previous attempts have failed, and this new equipment, ARM from the US will almost certainly not remove the many isotopes before discharge. In particular tritium cannot be filtered, it accumulates in the food chain, and it causes brain tumors, congenital malformations, and many other cancers and it remains radioactive for 120 years.

Remedial Situation

As hundreds of tons of water pour down from the mountain behind the Fukushima reactors complex, it then travels beneath the damaged reactors becoming radioactive as it mixes with the three molten cores. TECO now plans to pump this mountain water before it enters the reactor area and divert it to the sea. However this technique will only suck more of the radiation beneath the reactors to mix with mountain water which will make the situation worse.

Recently TEPCO announced that it had been wrong about the measurements of strontium 90 being found in the water in various wells near the reactors and that the measurements last June, 2013 were actually 5 times higher than they originally announced and are now at 5 million Bc/liter. One wonders whether TEPCO covered up these findings so that the Olympic Committee would choose Tokyo for the games.

Much of the reactor complex now stands on liquefied mud. The buildings of unit 3 and 4 were quite severely structurally damaged by the initial earthquake. In the event of an earthquake greater than 7 on the Richter scale it is predicted that either one or both of these building could collapse. Unit 4 would plunge to the ground along with its cooling pool containing over 200 tons of extremely radioactive fuel. This fuel would then spontaneously ignite releasing 10 times more cesium than was released at Chernobyl. Such a catastrophe would severely pollute much of Japan including Tokyo and the northern hemisphere. It will take TEPCO more than 14 months to remove these fuel bundles from the pool and they are doing it manually instead of by computer control. This is a very delicate procedure and there is a possibility of rods breaking releasing radiation causing the workers to evacuate, or a fission reaction to occur which would also lead to evacuation.

An earthquake beneath unit 3 could also cause the building to collapse onto the molten core releasing huge amounts of radiation. Another earthquake could rupture over 1000 fragile metal tanks now holding thousands of tons of highly radioactive water which would drain into the Pacific Ocean.

Radioactive wastes are being carted around Japan and incinerated thus exporting radiation to other prefectures and cities, while the ashes are being dumped in Tokyo Bay where the athletes will swim during the 2020 Olympics.

Considering all these dangerous events that are now occurring and could occur in the future it would seem extremely unwise for young fit athletes who have trained so assiduously  be exposed to any radiation at all. It is a dangerous situation to contemplate.


Workers who are engaged at unit 4 to remove spent fuel rods from the pool are receiving high doses of radiation according to TEPCO so TECPO is contemplating putting lead plates between the men and the pool.  It is true that the workers at the plant are not adequately monitored nor are their radiation records carefully kept, nor their health routinely examined and medical records monitored. We know what happened to the liquidators at Chernobyl and almost certainly similar illness will pervade the Fukushima workers, some of whom are homeless men recruited by the Yakuza.

General Population

13% of the Japanese mainland is now contaminated with radioactive elements which will last for hundreds to thousands of years and will be concentrated in the food. Ten million people live in highly radioactive areas, so much so that the government has raised the accepted dose from 1 mS per year to 20 mS per year (which is the equivalent of 1000 chest X rays /year) – nuclear workers are allowed 50mS per year. Children are 10 to 20 times more sensitive to radiation effects than adults. Thousands of children are now locked inside, they wear masks and they are eating radioactive food and experiencing increased obesity as they get virtually no exercise.

The Environment

Dr Timothy Mousseau, an evolutionary biologist has been examining the birds and insects in the exclusion zones of Chernobyl and Fukushima. 40% of the male swallows are sterile or have abnormal sperm, many have tumors, crooked wings and other congenital abnormalities and mutations, many have cataracts and the insects are similarly deformed.

What happens to animals and insects happens to us, but because many generations appear in a year we then can postulate what will happen to future generations of humans as mutations are passed down to our descendants.

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NABLUS (Ma’an) — The Israeli authorities on Saturday delivered notices to the Palestinian village of Jalud in the northern occupied West Bank, alerting residents that 5,000 dunams (1,250 acres) of private land were slated for confiscation in what appeared to be the retroactive legalization of illegal outposts in the area.

Officials from Jalud’s local council told Ma’an that the military identified areas of the Palestinian village expected to lose land to the confiscation as Khallat al-Wusta, Shieb Khallat al-Wusta, and Abu al-Kasbar.

However, the illegal outposts of Adei Ad, Esh Kodesh, Ahiya, and Kidah have already been established in the areas, marking the confiscation as Israel’s most recent retroactive legalization of unauthorized settlement construction.

Israel’s High Court of Justice last year declared its intention to retroactively formalize the string of outposts, established in violation of both Israeli and international law, according to the UN.

Jalud officials told Ma’an that the notice delivered to the Nablus-area village was signed by Israeli army’s head of Central Command Roni Numa, who said he believed “certain steps are needed to prevent terror attacks” and he as a result gave orders to confiscate the land “for security reasons.”

The land will be declared as “state land” and fall under full control of the Israeli military, the officials added.

A spokesperson for Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT)‪ was not immediately available for comment on the confiscation notice.

A PA official who monitors settlement activity in the northern West Bank, Ghassan Daghlas, told Ma’an that confiscation orders like those delivered to Jalud aim solely to expand illegal settlements, despite citing alleged security concerns.

“Security reasons are just a tool to cover up land robberies for settlement construction,” Daghlas said.

Daghlas warned that the retroactive confiscation would pave the way for continuing settlement expansion in the area, ultimately connecting the illegal outposts with the adjacent Shilo settlement via Alon Road, a bypass highway intended only for Israeli settler and military use.

Daghlas told Ma’an that Jalud’s local council had filed complaints to Israel’s High Court against settlement activity on their private land, which settlers have taken over and harvested illegally after the Israeli army designated the areas as closed military zones.

Some 12 illegal settlements and 27 settlement outposts are located in the Nablus district housing around 23,000 of the “most extremist settlers in the Palestinian territory,” according to Daghlas.

The UN in January warned the Israeli authorities against legalizing the four outposts near Jalud, which have been widely acknowledged by the international community and Israel itself as a hotbed for both unlawful settlement activity and settler violence, coming as a detriment to Palestinian locals.

Outside of the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians living in the area have been forced to implement voluntary night guards in order to protect against settler attacks launched by outpost residents.

Israel has recently stepped up land confiscation in the occupied West Bank, with settlement watchdog Peace Now last month warning that Israel has not confiscated such large swathes of land for the purpose of settlement expansion since the pre-Oslo period in the 1980s.

Following Israel’s confiscation of land south of Jericho last month, Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah said the “systematic land grab” constituted “a flagrant violation of international law.”

“The Israeli government is not interested in peace,” Hamdallah said. “It rather implement(s) a policy designed to prevent the formation of a contiguous Palestinian state.”

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On April 24, Syrian forces launched a military operation in the Bala Farms located in rural Damascus to liberate the area controlled by the Jaysh Al-Islam militant group. Bala Kadimah became the first target of the advance covered by artillery units and warplanes. This operation is a part of wider strategy aimed to cut the militants’ supply routes to the East Ghouta.

At least 100 militants were killed in the army offensives on their military positions in al-Rashidin region of the Aleppo city. The fierce clashes came after the militants attacked the government forces’ positions in al-Rashidin 4 neighborhood and Al-Assad Suburb.

The Syrian Arab Army has reportedly received a banch of new-generation man-portable battlefield surveillance radars for company level, called “Fara-1″. The report came from Russian media outlets which cite each other. The FARA-1 detects moving targets (personnel and vehicles) against background of earth and water surfaces at a distance of 4 km. The FARA-1 is lightweight, not bulky, and can be carried by one man. It is multifunctional, and can be used as a radar sight for automatic weapons, or as a reconnaissance tool.

On April 24, U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered 250 additional soldiers to be deployed to Syria boosting the U.S. military presence up to 300 personnel. The US sent 50 special forces troops to Syria last year and, according to reports, a contingent of the new force would also be special forces. We remember, Obama has also said in the past that the US plan to defeat Islamic State would not “involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil”. Thus, the White House confirmed SouthFront’s prediction that the so-called “Kurdish advance” on the ISIS capital of Raqqa will involve directly the US military contingent as a spearhead. Considering that the operation is planned by the US military and supported by the US Air Force, it is clear that the Pentagon no longer hopes that it’s possible to liberate Raqqa without direct involvement in the conflict.

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Numerous heads-of-state attended a United Nations conference in New York City in late April to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030.  Another gathering focused on the current status by governments internationally to curb the impact of climate change.

This SDG program was adopted during 2015 after the lapse of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). The MDG set objectives of eliminating poverty and raising incomes beginning in 2000 and extending for a decade-and-a-half.

During the first decade of the 21st century there were conditions which arose in leading states within Africa, Latin America and the Asia-Pacific resulting in significant economic growth. The rise in prices for oil, natural gas, strategic minerals and other commodities produced by so-called “developing countries” fueled profits for multi-national corporations and governments ruling states where these resources were extracted and exported.

Abayomi Azikiwe in 2010 at New Bethel

Income generation within the post-colonial and neo-colonial states encouraged Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the areas of light and heavy industrial production, technology transfers along with greater cooperation among governments in the Global South. Actual levels of household incomes rose in many regions of Africa, Latin American and the Asia-Pacific along with political alliances among these states bringing to the fore such organizations as the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Summit (BRICS), the Africa-South America Summit (ASAS) and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

Nonetheless, the distribution of the wealth generated during the new millennium was far less than equitable. Wealthy social groups arose while professional, small-and-medium-sized enterprise owners and their workers experienced significant improvements in their living standards.

Much of the debt which had crippled the African continent during the 1980s and 1990s was written off and refinanced giving the appearance of substantial development that would extend into the unforeseeable future. The further deregulation of the international financial industry provided credit for corporate investments and individual household consumption.

Rapid Reversal in Evidence

By the close of the last decade the expansion of a credit-based economy was quickly resulting in the closure of leading investment firms and banks. Western capitalist governments and central banks were compelled to bailout the financial institutions to the tune of trillions of dollars and euros.

The effect of this phenomenon in the United States, Western Europe and China was not immediately apparent to many governments in Africa. Nevertheless, the strategic interests of leading capitalist states remained in conflict with the emerging economies.

Under the Obama administration more emphasis was placed on domestic production of oil and natural gas prompting a precipitous decline in the prices of these major exports for countries such as Nigeria, Russia, Venezuela and Brazil. In South Africa, where the extraction of gold, diamonds, platinum, iron ore and coal had been the engine of growth under the racist system of settler-colonialism since the late 19th century, witnessed large-scale capital flight and job losses.

Of course there was a clear political agenda in operation as well where the regional blocs of FOCAC, BRICS and the rejuvenated Non-aligned Movement (NAM) were perceived by imperialism as a threat to their hegemony in the fields of international exchange and the overall balance of military and economic forces.

United Nations Conference Served as Forum for ‘Emerging States’

Two notable speeches during the meeting were delivered by President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil.

Speaking at the High-Level Thematic Debate on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals on April 21, President Mugabe criticized the imperialists’ economic sanctions which have robbed Zimbabwe of over $42 billion in revenue since the beginning of the millennium, effectively hampering the Southern African state from reaching the MDGs. The impact of the sanctions against Zimbabwe was placed within the context of the broader economic crises facing former colonial and neo-colonial countries.

Mugabe spoke to the urgency of the situation facing the majority of peoples of the world saying: “It is my hope that the critical lessons of the Millennium Development Goals will instruct us in this endeavor and particularly on the imperative of moving swiftly from commitments to action, to assure success in our common and individual efforts. The enormity of the ambition we have set for ourselves must be matched by an equal sense of purpose, cohesion and speed. Let us, therefore, use this occasion to compare notes and inspire one another as we set off on the demanding transformative journey ahead of us.” (Zimbabwe Herald)

The president of this former British colony and leading independent state in Southern Africa stressed that: “Recent revelations have shone light on the schemes, legal or otherwise, that deprive governments of huge financial resources which can be channeled towards development. International cooperation is imperative in stemming and stamping out financial engineering schemes that siphon resources from use for public good.”

Furthering noting “For us in Africa, illicit flows, estimated at $60 billion a year, further hemorrhage the limited financial resources at our disposal. This area needs urgent resolution to ensure that an improvement in domestic resource mobilization efforts contributes to national coffers, and not to lining the pockets of those illegally transferring these resources from our countries.”

Washington under the Obama administration is stiffening sanctions against Zimbabwe by prohibiting transactions involving dozens of institutions and individuals as part and parcel of an imperialist scheme to interfere in Zimbabwe’s 2018 elections. Evidence uncovered by the state-owned Sunday Mail during the week of April 18 illustrated that U.S. administration is blocking Visa Card and MasterCard usage for all Zimbabweans on a list of “Politically Exposed Persons”.

Banks operating in Zimbabwe have received warnings of “stiff penalties” that will be imposed on people and institutions which fail to carry out the sanctions. Earlier in February, Barclays Bank was fined $2.5 million for conducting financial transactions involving Zimbabweans and other entities on the list.

Brazilian President Rousseff, who was subjected to an impeachment vote in the lower house of parliament, said that she would continue to fight to remain in power in Brazil after a politically-motivated attack against the Worker’s Party, which is numerically a minority group in the legislature, but still maintains the largest bloc within the legislative body.

She blamed the wealthy class in Brazil for what she described as the illegal attempt to force her from office. She indicated that she would appeal to the regional South American states to suspend Brazil if she does not survive a vote in the senate scheduled for May.

Reuters reported on her visit during the Climate Change dialogue at the UN, noting “Rousseff denounced her impeachment as a ‘coup’ to an international audience on Friday (April 22), and said she would petition the Mercosur regional grouping of South American nations for Brazil to be suspended if the democratic process is violated. ‘I would appeal to the democracy clause if there were, from now on, a rupture of what I consider democratic process,’ she told reporters in New York.”

Mercosur’s platform embodies a clause which can be enacted if elected governments are overthrown among member states. This happened in Paraguay in 2012.

If the removal of Rousseff is found to be in violation of democratic practice, member-states can be suspended from participating in regional meetings along with the imposition of economic sanctions. Rousseff’s comments during a press conference in New York were the strongest statement yet that she will continue to resist those seeking to remove her from office.

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Secure territorial rights of indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge must be central to post-conflict initiatives to save the Colombian Amazon and achieve sustainable development

A new report “Deforestation and indigenous peoples rights in the Colombian Amazon” co-published by social justice and environmental  NGO  DEDISE  and Forest Peoples Programme  (FPP) underlines the critical role of secure land and  territorial rights and  traditional knowledge in sustaining one of  the most culturally and biologically diverse forests on the planet.

Drawing  on  grassroots  interviews,  community  workshops  and  a  review  of  official  documents,  the  study assesses historical and contemporary direct and underlying causes of forest destruction and associated human rights impacts in the region. It finds that current deforestation and associated negative impacts on indigenous peoples are most rampant in Caquetá, Guaviare and Putumayo. Forest loss and rights violations in western and northern areas are driven by expansion of cattle ranching and commercial cultivation of illicit crops. According to the  report, deforestation  is closely linked  to  road  construction,  while  mining  and oil developments  act as poles  of  colonisation  leading  to  urbanisation,  land  grabbing,  militarisation,  conflict  and  human  rights violations.

Insecure  land  rights,  perverse  incentives  and  violation  of  free,  prior  and  informed  consent  (FPIC) are key underlying drivers of land use change and rights violations. The report finds that existing Colombian legal and institutional mechanisms to apply the FPIC standard and prior consultation are defective, while mining, oil and gas concessions overlap indigenous forest territories throughout the region. Imposed infrastructure and road building programmes like the  Iniciativa para la Integración de la Infraestructura Regional Suramericana (IIRSA) , facilitated by the  Inter-American  Development  Bank  also  threaten  indigenous  territories  and  fragile  forest watersheds in the region. As one indigenous Kamentsa leader observes:

Implementation of IIRSA  in Colombia  will  lead to the extermination of indigenous peoples and accelerate deforestation as it opens up forests to mining and logging. In Putumayo, one of the country’s major oil production  areas,  the impacts have been very negative  for our people  and our way of life…

The study pinpoints contradictions between  national policies for economic growth and recent pledges made by Colombia’s government to  tackle  climate  change,  promote  sustainable  developme nt  and  achieve  zero deforestation in the Amazon region by 2020. Mayra Tenjo, one of the co-authors of the report said:

There is a major disconnect between national commitments to uphold indigenous peoples’ rights, combat deforestation and achieve sustainable development in the Amazon on the one hand, and Colombia’s  existing  National Development  Plan  (PND) on  the other. The PND  promotes  mining, extractive industries, infrastructure development and industrial agriculture. The two different sets of  policies are not coherent. Better  cross-sectoral policy coordination and  more inclusive, rights-based  approaches  are  needed  to  respect  indigenous  peoples  and  achieve  genuine  sustainable development…    

As well as contradictions in national and  sub-national land use and development  policies, the analysis finds that programmes intended to safeguard the forest and deliver development, such as the GEF funded “Heart of the mazon Programme” and  Vision Amazonía 2020  initiative funded by the UK, Norway and Germany, are not properly involving grassroots communities, who know little about these top-down interventions. As Hernando Castro, an indigenous leader from the Middle Caquetá notes:

Forest  projects  to expand  national  parks  like the Heart  of  the  Amazon  Programme are  mostly driven  by  government  technicians,  the  World  Bank  and  NGOs  in  Bogotá  and  Washington  DC without  effective  FPIC and  sufficient  prior  consultation  with  our Resguardos.  We  do  not  know exactly  what  budgets are destined for our  communities and our  demands  for extension  of  our Resguardo titles are not being given enough priority by these programmes…  

A similar issue is now arising with the larger  Visión Amazonía 2020  and related  Sustainable Colombia  initiatives of the Santos government. The same leader adds:

 Now  there  is  a  new  bigger  forest  programme  that  we  understand  is  funded  by  countries  like Germany and the UK, but we know little about it. It is essential that the indigenous component of the Visión 2020  programme is developed with the full involvement of our traditional authorities and Cabildos. This programme must support our systems of self-government and it must build on our  ancestral  knowledge and  our collective  visions for forest management and self-determined development.

In assessing possible future threats, the report highlights that  a successful peace  process  could open up vast areas  of  the  Amazon  forest  and  eastern  plains  to  foreign  investment  in  oil  palm,  maize,  sugar  cane  and soybean monocultures as well as extractive industries. The risk of increasing land grabs, deforestation, rights violations and displacement of  small farmers  to the forest frontier are heightened by the recent adoption of the  controversial  ZIDRES  land  and  rural  development  law.  This  law  risks  facilitating  the  allocation  of concessions to commercial interests, privatisation and the enclosure of so-called vacant State lands (          baldíos ), without adequate protections for the pre-existing customary collective territorial rights of indigenous peoples. Among other consequences, this law could allow companies to obtain legal rights over “baldíos” they had already accumulated through land grabbing in the past.

Given  these  risks,  the  report  concludes  that  effective  interventions  to  uphold  human  rights,  slow deforestation, maintain biodiversity and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Colombian Amazon must involve reform of the top-down system for land use zoning, concessions and territorial planning that allocates land and minerals  to private commercial interests. Crucially,  the report  emphasises that  more effective  actions  to  protect  and  secure  territorial  rights  are  needed  alongside  reforms  to  ensure  genuine respect  for  free,  prior  and  informed  consent  (FPIC).  Actions  to  strengthen  self-government  of  indigenous peoples, apply traditional knowledge and reinforce indigenous agroforestry systems are identified as essential for achieving effective forest and climate policies in the region.

The full report can be downloaded here:


For further information contact:

Paula Alvarez, DEDISE:  [email protected]

Tom Griffiths, Forest Peoples Programme:  tom @forestpeoples.org

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There is a powerful case for de-classifying the “28 pages” of the Report of the Joint Inquiry of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate into 9-11 — regarded as one of the United States’ most sensitive documents — which has been kept under wraps since 2003.

The families of the 9-11 victims are demanding that the 28 pages be made public. A number of prominent present and past legislators are making the same plea. In fact, there is a Bill before the US House of Representatives requesting the White House to reveal the document. Well-known public figures and several NGOs in the US have been campaigning for the release of the 28 pages for some time now.

Justice for the families of the 9-11 victims demands that the 28 pages be de-classified immediately. Non-disclosure means that the deep pain of not knowing the whole truth about the 9-11 operation will continue to cause anguish to the bereaved families. As Terry Strada, the national co- chair of the 9-11 Families and Survivors United for Justice Against Terrrorism put it at a media conference on Capitol hill on 7 January 2015, “ When former President George W. Bush classified the 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry he effectively protected the people who gave financial and logistical aid to at least some of the 19 hijackers while they were here in this country ( the US). He effectively denied the 9-11 victims and survivors, and the American people, the truth about who was behind the worst attack on American soil. By hiding the truth about who financed 9-11, the guilty parties have gone unpunished, free to continue financing terrorist organizations, and, as a consequence, we have witnessed the creation of branches of al-Qaeda, like ISIS, grow at an alarming rate.”

I am hoping that the release of the 28 pages may persuade the American people to put pressure on the US government to reveal much more about 9-11 than what is currently known. Was there a link between the financiers of the 9-11 operation and intelligence networks in various countries who may have had their own agendas which the hijackers and their immediate backers may not even have been aware of ? Is the War on Terror, launched in the wake of 9-11 by Bush and the neo-cons, and the various acts of terrorism associated with Al-Qaeda, ISIS ( or Daesh) and other such outfits since then, part of the same complex narrative whose real purpose is to perpetuate the US drive for global hegemony ?

There are powerful forces who do not want the American people or the citizens of the world to connect all the dots that will tell the real story about 9-11. They are against the release of the 28 pages. The government of Saudi Arabia for instance — since Saudi citizens are allegedly implicated in the financing of 9-11 in the 28 pages — has threatened to sell off 750 billion in US Treasury securities and other assets if the US Congress passes the Bill before it. President Obama himself has made it clear that he is against any potential legal action targeting Saudi citizens.

Regardless of how the 28 pages saga unfolds in the coming months, Saudi-US ties appear to be undergoing a change. Blind protection of Saudi interests by the US Congress or the White House may be more difficult to come by in the future. The stand adopted by Obama on the Iran nuclear deal , which incensed Saudi rulers, is an indication that the US leadership no longer interprets threats and dangers in West Asia through Saudi lenses. In a recent interview with The Atlantic Obama rejected the idea that Iran is the source of all the problems of West Asia.

Less dependence upon Saudi oil may have contributed to this change on the part of the US leadership. There may be two other more compelling reasons. Saudi association with terrorism and its hidebound conservatism,widely discussed more in the Euopean than the US media — has had some impact upon US elite thinking. The US, it seems, does not want to be weighed down by the Saudi baggage. Equally important, some US foreign policy analysts realize that the pattern of power in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) is changing and Iran is emerging as an influential actor with a decisive role in not only Syria and Iraq but also in Lebanon, Yemen and Bahrain, among other states. It makes some sense for a hegemonic power operating in WANA to adjust to this reality.

Nonetheless, the US –Saudi bond will remain for a long time to come. Saudi Arabia purchases arms on a massive scale from Western powers and counts upon the aura of their military prowess to preserve the House of Saud. The US, on the other hand, views its special relationship with Riyadh as a sort of insurance for the “ security” of Israel. And the security of that state is paramount to Washington as it is to London and Paris.

But then is a reset also in the offing in the relations between certain Western powers and Israel? That is a subject for a different occasion.

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

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Long discredited, the Monroe Doctrine, a policy set forth by President James Monroe that stipulates that the Western Hemisphere is America’s backyard over which it exercises complete tutelage, has been dusted off by Barack Obama. The neo-Monroe Doctrine, which can be called the Obama Doctrine, has seen the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, State Department, and the Pentagon actively work to oust progressive leaders from power in Latin America.

The first leader to suffer under the Obama Doctrine was Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, ousted in a 2009 “constitutional coup” personally approved by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Moreover, Clinton’s close friend, lawyer Lanny Davis, began lobbying in Washington for the new military junta-led government.

Next in line for ouster was Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, a former Roman Catholic bishop and supporter of Marxist “liberation theology” within the Catholic Church. In 2012, Lugo was impeached by right-wingers in the Paraguayan legislature and removed from office.

Next came Argentina, where neo-fascist Mauricio Macri, the mayor of Buenos Aires, defeated progressive Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner protege Daniel Scioli is a too-close-for-comfort 51.34% to 48.66% election held on November 22, 2015. The election was marred by reports of election fraud in Buenos Aires, Macri’s home turf. The United States is the world’s leader in corrupt elections, having refined the ability to purge voters’ rolls, flip votes on machines, miscount ballots, and generally confuse prospective voters with closed polling places and so-called “provisional ballots.”

Venezuela followed on December 6, 2015, when the U.S.-backed rightist opposition won control over the National Assembly. The rightists immediately commenced procedures to remove progressive socialist President Nicolas Maduro from power.

On February 21, 2016, Bolivia held a referendum on amending the Constitution to permit socialist progressive President Evo Morales and Vice President Álvaro García Linera to run for a third term in 2019. The referendum failed in a razor-thin 51.29%-48.71% vote, almost exactly the same as the Argentine vote that put Macri into office. Morales claimed that “social media” sent out incorrect information to sway the Bolivian electorate. It was a fact that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), a CIA cipher, and George Soros’s Open Society Institute, used Bolivian front groups to inundate Bolivia with anti-Morales propaganda.

Whereas America once exported to Latin America arms, tanks, and anti-riot gear to impose its will, it now exports election consultants who ensure widespread fraud.

The Obama Doctrine, rather than relying on tanks and troops in the streets to overthrow legitimate governments in Latin America, instead emphasizes the “constitutional” process to remove leaders not to Washington’s liking. Nothing else should be expected from a U.S. president who has proclaimed that he is a constitutional scholar.

Senator Aloysio Nunes, chairman of the Brazilian Senate Foreign Relations Committee and member of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB), which is neither socialist nor democratic, traveled to Washington on the orders of the Brazilian Vice President Michael Temer of the right-wing Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB), to coordinate with Obama administration and Republican Party officials the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff of the left-wing Workers’ Party. Temer is already acting as Brazil’s president in the wake of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies impeachment of Rousseff on purely political grounds.

Nunes hired the services of former Secretary of State and close Hillary Clinton friend Madeleine Albright to pave the way for the Obama administration’s backing for a new pro-U.S. government to take power in Brasilia. The problem for the Americans is that Rousseff, who was impeached over alleged corruption, is refusing to step down. It has been pointed out that all the major figures trying to oust Rousseff are, themselves, facing corruption investigations by Brazilian prosecutors.

What has happened to Rousseff is no different than the ouster of Paraguay’s Lugo. The impeachment process was abused in both cases to remove leaders independent of Washington. Nunes undoubtedly spoke to Obama administration officials and Republicans in Congress about the new government withdrawing from the BRICS alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Nunes and Temer also favor closer military relations with the United States.

In all the Latin American countries targeted by the United States for imposition of neo-fascist leaders, individuals close to the Clinton machine are found. Brazil’s rightist opposition has received lobbying support from Albright’s firm, Albright Stonebridge Group. Venezuela’s rightist opposition has been supported by longtime Clinton toadie James Carville’s firm, Greenberg Carville Shrum. Honduras’s junta that replaced Zelaya had the support of Trident DMG, co-founded by Lanny Davis.

A formerly CONFIDENTIAL CIA “Intelligence Memorandum,” dated December 29, 1975, concluded that Latin America had to be weaned away from “Third Worldism.” The conclusion was based on the votes of certain Latin American countries that had voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution equating Zionism with racism.

The countries were Brazil, Cuba, Grenada, Guyana, and Mexico. Eleven other countries in the Western Hemisphere abstained. The Israel Lobby in the United States began to push for regime change in Latin America and they had as their chief promoter then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Today, Kissinger pals Hillary Clinton, Albright, Davis, and other Clintonistas are using frayed relations between Israel and countries like Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and others as a rallying cry for regime change. After all, America is not permitted to have a foreign policy independent from that of Israel, even in its own hemisphere.

The CIA report indicated that America longed for a return to the past in Latin America when “the Latins found no affinity with the much less developed countries of Africa and Asia and tended to look at Middle East countries through an Israeli prism.”

For Latin America, the ugly Americans and their Israeli puppet masters have returned. And their “Queen” in all cases in Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has been likened to “Richard Nixon in a pantsuit.”

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UPDATE: A suspect has been charged for the killings

FLINT, MI – A woman at the center of a bellwether Flint water crisis lawsuit was one of two women who were shot to death inside a townhouse earlier this week.

Sasha Avonna Bell was one of the first of a growing number of people to file a lawsuit in connection to the Flint water crisis after she claimed that her child had been lead poisoned.

Bell was found dead April 19 in the 2600 block of Ridgecrest Drive at the Ridgecrest Village Townhouses. Sacorya Renee Reed was also found shot to death in the home.

An unharmed 1-year-old child was also found inside of the Ridgecrest home when Bell’s body was discovered and was taken into custody by child protective services. Police declined to confirm if it was Bell’s child discovered in the home.

“Sasha was a lovely young woman who cared deeply for her family, and especially for her young child,” said her attorney Corey M. Stern. “Her tragic and senseless death has created a void in the lives of so many people that loved her. Hopefully, her child will be lifted up by the love and support from everyone who cared deeply for Sasha.”

Bell’s case was one of 64 lawsuits filed on behalf of 144 children by Stern’s firm, New York-based Levy Konigsberg, and Flint-based Robinson Carter & Crawford.


Flint neighborhood shaken after young women slain in house

Flint neighborhood shaken after young women slain in house

Days after a mother and her 9-year-old son were shot in Flint, an infant was recovered from a home where police discovered the bodies of two young women who were slain.

The lawsuit named six companies that had various responsibilities with respect to the treatment, monitoring, and safety of the Flint water prior to and during the Flint water crisis, according to her attorneys. The case also named three individual government, or former government, employees who played significant roles in the alleged misconduct that led to the alleged poisoning of thousands of children in Flint, her attorneys claim.

The Bell case, however, played an important role in determining the future of the more than five dozen other lawsuits that were filed.

Initially, Bell’s case and the others were filed in Genesee Circuit Court. However, they were transferred to U.S. District Court on a motion from one of the defendants, engineering company Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam.

However, Ann Arbor U.S. District Judge John Corbett O’Meara ruled April 13 that Bell’s case should return to the state court claiming it lacked jurisdiction to hear the case.

Stern said the case will continue and a representative will be appointed for Bell’s child.

The ruling also forced the other 63 cases to be returned to state court.

Flint police say they have a person in custody in connection to the slayings of Bell and Reed. No charges have yet been filed.

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Thousands of households are being subjected to ongoing terminations

Despite the business media praise of the actual program of dislocation and underdevelopment aimed at long-time residents disguised as “revitalization”, the City of Detroit is slated to embark upon a new round of massive water shut-offs.

Many who are scheduled to be terminated may not be aware of the imminent crisis they are facing. A report from Michigan Public Radio indicated that the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) are not placing notices on the doors of homes which are in arrears on their bills. (April 15)

The water department says that “customers” should look for the notices on their bills sent out in the mail or posted online. This represents a departure from years past when the DWSD would send “collectors” to households informing them that their services were slated to be terminated in five days if arrangements to pay were not made.

Abayomi Azikiwe graphic on federal bankruptcy

Spokesman for DWSD, Bryan Peckinpaugh, told the media that bills have labels entitled “account status” printed on them, in what he described as bold fonts letting residents know they are behind or in danger of termination of services.

Peckinpaugh stressed the department stopped using door tags as a budgetary matter. Noting the DWSD utilizes other means to notify residents.

“We have a new e-mail system that the City of Detroit utilizes that we’re also utilizing at DWSD to communicate with our customers through text and e-mail,” Peckinpaugh said.

Perhaps realizing that these practices could ignite widespread anger, Detroit corporate-oriented Mayor Mike Duggan told the Detroit Free Press that the City would continue to post notices on doors regarding potential shut-offs. Duggan, who the Free Press claims re-established the notification policy in 2014, says he disagrees with the decision and is ensuring that employees who hang notices on doors will continue to make their rounds as of April 15.

“The mayor has not been informed of any decision to discontinue the door hanger notices and would consider that decision to be completely unacceptable,” mayoral spokesman John Roach said in a statement. Peckinpaugh, on behalf of the DWSD has declined to comment on Duggan’s supposed reversal of the new policy.

Duggan, who was elected to office during the bankruptcy in 2013, resulting from a write-in campaign after he failed to qualify for ballot status, has to stand for re-election in 2017. The longtime political figure linked in the past to the former Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara’s Democratic Party political machine is a former resident of Livonia, one of the most segregated cities in the United States.

A Tale of Two Classes

Even though the daily newspapers are filled with stories of economic revival in Detroit, joblessness, poverty and homelessness remains major social problems. Media reports of a plan for thousands of water shut-offs seriously contradict the official corporate narrative involving the situation in the city.

The Detroit News, which is considered a more conservative publication than the Free Press, wrote a revealing story on April 1 pointing to the disparate treatment between largely working class and poor households which are routinely terminated from water services, and the opposite approach to thousands of businesses that remain behind in their bills but are not shut-off.

Journalist Joel Kurth wrote that: “Detroit last year shut water service to 23,300 homes — the equivalent of every household in the city of Pontiac — but left the taps running at thousands of businesses that owe millions of dollars, city documents show. Businesses and government-owned properties owe nearly twice as much as residences, $41 million compared with $26 million for homes, but only 680 were shut off in 2015, according to records obtained by The Detroit News through the Freedom of Information Act.”

Consequently it is quite obvious that the real target of the water shut-offs are the majority African American, proletarian and impoverished residents of the city. The termination of water flowing into households is tantamount to an “illegal lock-out” since it becomes almost impossible to live in a home, flat or apartment without this essential service.

Therefore, the impact of these policies serves to further dislocate and forcefully remove tens of thousands more people from Detroit. In the last census period of 2000-2010, Detroit, the largest per capita African American populated municipality in the United States lost nearly 25 percent of its overall residents.

Detroit residents with minors in their places without water are subject to intervention by Child Protective Services under the guise that the household is dangerous and unfit to live in.

During 2015, over ten percent of the city’s 200,000 residential accounts were shut-off, whereas approximately 0.3 percent of the city’s 25,000 non-residential accounts suffered the same fate, the records say. Since 2014, when the termination of services gained national and international attention due to protests outside the DWSD headquarters downtown and the blocking of the Homrich wrecking company facilities on the eastside, over 50,000 shut-offs have been carried out.

Kurth also wrote in the April 1 article that: “City records claim the state owes more than $1 million — $648,000 for the Detroit Reentry Center prison and $473,000 for Belle Isle, which the state Department of Natural Resources has managed since 2014. Both are more than 60 days overdue and eligible for shut-offs, records show.”

The Need for Mass Struggle to End Corporatization

Two years ago during the largest municipal bankruptcy in United States history the city under emergency management was forced through mass action to declare a moratorium on water shut-offs for several months.

However, payment plans set up in the aftermath of this period have failed to keep tens of thousands of households out of shut-off status. Yet another plan was introduced in March through the Great Lakes Regional Water Authority (GLRWA) which ostensibly provides assistance to those in low-income households.

This plan allocates only $4 million to assist those unable to pay their bills, many of which are questionable and under dispute, falling far short of the tens of millions that are in arrears. One factor rarely spoken about in the water crisis in Detroit is the interest rate swaps on bonds associated with the DWSD which have drained at least $537 million from the system since 2012.

A March 11 article in The Nation illustrated that the problems of rising water rates and shut-offs is national in scope pointing to the existence of these problems in other cities such as Pittsburgh and Baltimore. Carrie Sloan writing for publication places the blame where it should be on Wall Street.

“Detroit water customers have seen their rates spike by nearly 120 percent in the last decade; almost half of their payments now go toward paying down the debt on the swap termination fees, Sloan emphasized. “In a city where nearly 40 percent of residents live below the poverty line, it’s not surprising that many have fallen behind on their skyrocketing bills.”

Sloan went on to point out that in the scheme of economic policies directed at urban areas “in 2008, when Wall Street crashed the economy, and the massive risks associated with these deals came to light, cities across the country found themselves owing banks millions of dollars.”

The billions needed to rebuild the declining infrastructure of the cities are being expropriated by some of the leading financial institutions such as Chase Bank, UBS and Morgan Stanley.

These factors must take center stage in the struggle for the right of working people, the nationally oppressed and the poor to remain in the cities.

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Marcelo Bielsa y la selección argentina: otra mirada

April 26th, 2016 by Salim Lamrani

Los periodistas y una parte de los hinchas argentinos consideran el periodo de Marcelo Bielsa a la cabeza de la selección argentina como un fracaso, enfocándose en el Mundial 2002. Los hechos permiten matizar esta opinión.

Los detractores de Marcelo Bielsa siempre se refieren a la derrota en primera ronda de Argentina en la Copa del Mundo 2002 para expresar sus reservas sobre la actuación del técnico rosarino a la cabeza de la Albiceleste. Durante el torneo que tuvo lugar en Corea del Sur y en Japón, la selección argentina –que cayó en el llamado “grupo de la muerte”– ganó contra Nigeria (1-0), perdió contra Inglaterra (1-0) y empató contra Suecia (1-1). Argentina se clasificó entonces tercera y quedó eliminada del Mundial.

Filosofía de juego

El mundo del fútbol profesional da una importancia desmesurada al resultado inmediato en detrimento del mérito. Ahora bien, desde un punto de vista ético, el mérito debe ocupar un espacio central. Por consiguiente conviene juzgar a un técnico no sólo por unos resultados coyunturales sino también por el método elaborado para conseguirlos. La nobleza de los recursos usados para lograr un triunfo tiene gran trascendencia. Así un equipo valiente, ofensivo y generoso que produce un juego hermoso, que ataca en espacios cerrados y que tiene que defender a veces en zonas abiertas, que multiplica las situaciones de gol y que tiene la posesión del balón, siempre tendrá más oportunidades de triunfar y mucho más mérito que un equipo ultradefensivo, que deja la posesión del balón al rival, cierra todos los espacios, se queda en su parte de la cancha y se contenta con esperar oportunamente un error del adversario para contratacar y eventualmente marcar un gol.

La filosofía de juego de Marcelo Bielsa favorece un fútbol ofensivo y agradable donde los valores como la valentía, la abnegación, la generosidad, la solidaridad y el espíritu de sacrificio ocupan un espacio central. La organización es científica y minuciosa y la ambición futbolística, basada en un ataque permanente y un pressing alto y constante, exige esfuerzos físicos intensos y coordinados. Este método mostró su eficacia ya que Bielsa consiguió resultados espectaculares con todos los equipos que tuvo bajo su dirección. Reconocido por sus colegas a través del mundo por su visión revolucionaria del fútbol, consiguió el título de mejor entrenador de Argentina, Chile, América del Sur, España y Francia.


¿Acaso es posible limitarse a los resultados del Mundial de 2002 para juzgar la obra de Marcelo Bielsa con la selección argentina? El análisis sería parcial y poco representativo. No se trata de menospreciar la competición máxima del fútbol ya que la Copa del Mundo es la recompensa suprema para todo profesional. No obstante resulta imprescindible tomar en cuenta la labor realizada por el rosarino desde 1998 hasta 2004 y estudiar los resultados conseguidos durante todo el periodo.

El equipo que formó Bielsa era ofensivo, equilibrado y sumamente eficiente. Consiguió los resultados más espectaculares de la historia de la selección argentina en términos de victorias (13), de goles a favor (42), de goles en contra (15) y de puntos logrados en una eliminatoria para un Mundial. Argentina obtuvo 43 puntos -¡12 más que el segundo!– con una sola derrota, la segunda mejor defensa del grupo (detrás de Uruguay) y la mejor diferencia de goles (+27), lo que le valió a Marcelo Bielsa el título de mejor seleccionador nacional del mundo en 2001[1].

¿Y el Mundial 2002? ¿Merecía esa selección, eliminada en primera ronda, clasificarse para octavos de final? Con base en la filosofía de juego, la nobleza de los recursos, la generosidad del equipo, la posesión del balón y el número de situaciones de gol, es difícil emitir una respuesta negativa. Argentina realizó el mejor juego del grupo y, según los profesionales, el mejor de todo el Mundial. Pep Guardiola, el técnico español más solicitado del mundo, afirma que “la idea futbolística” que más lo sedujo fue la propuesta por la Argentina de Marcelo Bielsa en 2002[2].

En el primer partido Argentina consiguió un merecido triunfo contra Nigeria (1-0) como lo confirman los datos. La selección de Bielsa dominó al rival con una posesión del 59%. Consiguió 12 córneres contra sólo 3 para Nigeria. Realizó 467 pases contra 321 para el adversario y tuvo ventaja territorial del 60%. Realizó 219 pases en el campo contrario, o sea más del doble que Nigeria (107). Hizo 9 tiros a puerta contra sólo uno para el rival.[3]

En el segundo partido Inglaterra venció a Argentina 1-0 gracias a un penal marcado por David Beckham. Pero en el juego Argentina superó a su rival, como ilustran las estadísticas. Tuvo una posesión del 66% contra un 34% para los ingleses. Obtuvo 9 córneres a favor contra 3. Realizó 570 pases contra 294 para el equipo inglés, o sea casi el doble, de los cuales 276 se hicieron en el campo contrario contra sólo 99 para Inglaterra. Argentina tuvo una ventaja territorial del 58%.[4].

El partido contra Suecia terminó con un empate 1-1 y selló la eliminación de la Albiceleste. No obstante Argentina dominó ampliamente el encuentro, como lo muestran las cifras. Con una posesión del 65% (contra sólo un 35% para Suecia), consiguió la ventaja territorial con una ocupación del 58% de la cancha. Realizó 550 pases contra sólo 298 para el rival, o sea 252 pases más, y 250 tuvieron lugar en el campo del rival contra sólo 101 para Suecia. Argentina consiguió 13 córneres contra sólo 3[5].

A pesar del fracaso del Mundial de 2002, la Asociación del Fútbol Argentino decidió reafirmar a Marcelo Bielsa en su cargo de seleccionador. Muy pocos técnicos consiguen conservar su trabajo tras una eliminación en primera ronda, sobre todo si se encuentran a la cabeza de un equipo tan importante. No obstante la AFA, emancipándose de la tiranía del resultado y de la presión mediática, decidió con razón recompensar la propuesta futbolística y el mérito del rosarino.

Se cosecharon pronto los frutos de la perseverancia dando la razón a Marcelo Bielsa. Así el mismo entrenador, con la misma filosofía de juego, llevó a Argentina a la final de la Copa América en 2004, perdida en la lotería de la tanda de penaltis contra Brasil, y obtuvo la medalla de oro en los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas tras ganar todos los partidos del torneo olímpico (17 goles a favor y ninguno en contra en seis partidos), brindando así al pueblo de Diego Maradona y Atahualpa Yupanqui el único título oficial que le faltaba al fútbol argentino y la primera medalla de oro desde 1952.

En resumen, durante los seis años que estuvo a la cabeza de la selección argentina, Marcelo Bielsa dirigió 85 partidos con un balance de 56 victorias (66%), 18 empates (21%) y 11 derrotas (13%). Ningún otro técnico tuvo mejores resultados a la cabeza de Argentina, ni siquiera Guillermo Stábile que dirigió la selección de 1939 a 1960[6].

Testimonios de los jugadores sobre Marcelo Bielsa

Los testimonios de los jugadores que participaron en el Mundial 2002 son reveladores. En general, en los momentos de fracaso, el seleccionador, vilipendiado por la prensa y los hinchas –que sólo glorifican el resultado, con algunas excepciones– se encuentra aislado y abandonado por los futbolistas que no quieren cargar con el peso de la derrota. En cambio para Marcelo Bielsa fue distinto ya que todos –tanto titulares como suplentes– le brindaron su respaldo.

Gabriel Batistuta estuvo en la selección de 1991 a 2002 como delantero. Jugó 78 partidos y trabajó con figuras como con Alfio Basile –con el cual ganó dos Copas América en 1991 y 1993– y Daniel Passarrela. No obstante, a pesar de la salida prematura de Argentina del Mundial 2002, lejos de echar la culpa a Bielsa lo elogió: “Fue el único DT que me marcó a fuego. Los otros no me importaban, sólo les hacía caso para que me p[usier]an”.[7] Agrega: “Fue el primer verdadero entrenador que conocí y el más importante durante mi formación. Bielsa lo sabe todo. Empecé a jugar al fútbol con él cuando estaba en Newell’s. Es un amante de las tácticas, cuida cada detalle. Guardo muy buenos recuerdos de él como entrenador y como persona”.[8]

Mauricio Pochettino, entonces defensor central y ahora entrenador de Tottenham, en Inglaterra, conoce muy bien al rosarino. Sus palabras son esclarecedoras: “Bielsa ha sido muy importante para mí. Lo tuve de entrenador en Newell’s y luego aprendí mucho conviviendo con él en la selección argentina […]. Es un técnico metódico, muy fiel siempre a sus ideas […]. Estoy marcado por Bielsa”.[9] Lo considera “uno de los mejores técnicos del mundo” y expresa su afecto hacia él reivindicando su estatus de maestro espiritual: “Es como mi padre en ambos sentidos, porque tiene sesenta años así que puede ser mi padre, pero también porque es mi padre en el fútbol”.[10]

Para Juan Pablo Sorín, lateral volante que obtuvo varios títulos internacionales con River Plate, Bielsa marcó la historia de la selección argentina: “Es uno de los entrenadores con quien más me he identificado”. Recuerda sus enseñanzas: “La primera es el impacto y la adaptación; la segunda, entender claramente que defender de este modo responde al hecho de atacar constantemente; la tercera, la explosión, darlo todo y aún más por el equipo”.[11] Después de la renuncia de Bielsa a la selección en 2004, Sorín le dedicó una victoria contra Uruguay, rindiendo tributo a su labor: “Fue el final de un ciclo exitoso en el que quedaron cosas importantes”.[12]

Kily González, mediocampista que consiguió títulos en España e Italia, recuerda que todos los jugadores se adhirieron a la filosofía de Marcelo Bielsa porque el método propuesto era la mejor forma para conseguir resultados: “Era tan espontáneo y tan noble en su ideología que nadie decía nada. Te hablaba, integrabas lo que decía y luego veías los resultados. Te decía que presionaras alto para recuperar el balón en la zona más cercana del área de gol del rival para crear un mayor número de situaciones y hacer que los esfuerzos fueran más cortos. Si integras la idea todo se vuelve mucho más fácil”.[13] Insiste en la influencia fundamental de Bielsa en su carrera personal: “Marcelo sacó lo mejor de mí. Me transformó en crack. Explotó todas mis cualidades y disminuyó mis defectos. Me dio lo que me faltaba. Siempre fui un jugador rápido, pero antes terminaba mis carreras en los carteles publicitarios. Con él aprendí muchísimo a nivel de la táctica. Busca la perfección cuando la perfección no existe. Pero no importa, la buscaba. Exige lo máximo de ti. […] Logró convencer a un montón de monstruos a adoptar su estilo de juego. Hablo de tipos como Batistuta, Simeone o Sensini. Además es buena persona. En una palabra, yo podría hablar durante horas de Bielsa. Figúrate que ningún jugador te habla mal de él. Yo lo admiro”.[14]

Para Diego Simeone, actual entrenador del Atlético de Madrid, trabajar con Bielsa fue un privilegio: “Como siempre he dicho, tengo una gran admiración por Bielsa y grandes memorias. Es un gran profesional”.[15] Enfatiza sus cualidades de técnico: “Es un genio, el que mejor supo explicarme lo que pasaba en la cancha. […] Su personalidad es tan fuerte que logra transmitir lo que quiere. Es el mejor porque en cada entrenamiento sacas un enseñanza importante para el siguiente partido y lo que hacíamos en el entrenamiento se repercutía luego durante el partido, lo que es muy difícil de conseguir”.[16] Tras el fracaso del Mundial 2002, Bielsa reunió a todos los jugadores para hacerles partícipes de su análisis. Simeone recuerda el momento y cuenta una anécdota que ilustra la autoridad moral de su seleccionador: “Germán [Burgos] había quedado afuera […] [ya que Bielsa prefirió a Cavallero como portero titular]. Te podías imaginar la bronca que podía tener un tipo [como Germán] que había jugado toda la eliminatoria y queda afuera de jugar el Mundial. […] [Tras el discurso de Bielsa], el primero que se levanta a abrazarlo fue Germán. ¡Le pegó un abrazo! Nos pusimos a llorar todos. ¡Cuando lo había dejado fuera en la parte más importante de su vida deportiva! ¡Ya no iba a haber Mundial para Germán! Ello habla de la fuerza de Bielsa en la conducción”.[17]

El testimonio de Germán Burgos, ahora técnico en España, confirma las palabras de Simeone. Lejos de guardar rencor a Bielsa, al contrario, se muestra elogioso con él: “El Loco es el mejor técnico del mundo y la persona más honesta que conocí. […] Me enseñó mucho. Siempre fui un arquero libre y él me hizo aplacar el ánimo de la improvisación”.[18]

Javier Zanetti, leyenda del Inter de Milán que jugó como defensor y mediocampista sumando un total de más de 1.000 partidos profesionales, comparte la opinión de la mayoría de quienes tuvieron la oportunidad de trabajar con Marcelo Bielsa. Para él, “es el entrenador que todo jugador quisiera tener. Te prepara tan bien que durante el partido sabes exactamente lo que tienes que hacer. Además es directo. No le importa tu nombre o tu estatus”.[19] A Zanetti lo marcó “su pasión por e[l] juego”. “Además, es un gran motivador, algo que tal vez no todos se imaginen. Y tiene una nobleza a prueba de todo, no conozco otra persona como él en el fútbol”.[20] Concluye del siguiente modo: “Bielsa es el mejor entrenador que he tenido, delante de Mourinho [con quien realizó un fabuloso triplete Champion’s League/ Campeonato de Italia/Copa de Italia en 2010]”.[21]

Roberto Ayala, a quien la UEFA eligió como defensor europeo en 2001, guarda un recuerdo entusiasta de Bielsa, particularmente de “la capacidad que tiene para lograr un compromiso en el jugador”. El futbolista se siente identificado “al proyecto de juego del entrenador argentino quien, aún sin mostrar cariño, se hace querer mucho”.[22] Insiste en su aptitud para explotar todas las virtudes de los atletas: “Marcelo te lleva a sacar lo mejor que tienes. En las piernas y en lo psicológico sabe llegar al jugador, toca fibras que otros no consiguieron antes, con pocas palabras”. El defensor estuvo marcado por su filosofía de juego: “Pregona el jugar como un amateur, por amor al fútbol y cuando estás dentro de la cancha te quieres comer el mundo. Yo lo tuve en la selección y es mi referente”.[23]

Claudio Husaín, mediocampista que realizó la mayor parte de su carrera en Argentina, subraya también la “forma de trabajar y de convencer” de Bielsa. “Me consideró y me valoró”, enfatiza, agradecido de participar en el Mundial 2002. Lo marcó la pasión del rosarino: “Tiene ideales propios y es honesto. Es un enamorado y un enloquecido del fútbol. Vive 24 horas para este deporte. No vi otra persona así”.[24]

Ariel Ortega, estrella ofensiva que participó en tres Mundiales, recuerda su característica fundamental: “Lo principal es su honestidad como persona y hacia el jugador. Es muy claro en su idea y respeta mucho al futbolista”.[25] Le asombraron el compromiso total de su entrenador y su dedicación al oficio: “Es una persona que trabaja muy bien. […] Vive para el fútbol”.[26]

Juan Sebastián Verón, centrocampista que consiguió varios títulos en Argentina y en Italia durante su carrera, por su parte valora la franqueza de su seleccionador: “No te da vueltas ni te manda a nadie, te lo dice él. Crudo pero de frente. En el fútbol no es fácil encontrar gente así. Con Bielsa, no había grises, era blanco o negro”. También se acuerda de sus discursos y de su capacidad a estimular a los jugadores: “Sus charlas eran muy buenas. Salías a la cancha y te querías comer al rival. Te arengaba con la gente que te seguía, con tu origen, tu familia, te llenaba de furia” para vencer.[27]

Matías Almeyda, centrocampista que tuvo una trayectoria brillante en España y en Italia con varios títulos nacionales e internacionales y que ha abrazado la carrera de entrenador, se acuerda de la influencia de Marcelo Bielsa: “De todos saqué algo, lo tuve a Passarella, a Sabella, al ‘Tolo’ Gallego, pero si tengo que elegir uno sería Marcelo Bielsa, ya que de él aprendí mucho más que cuestiones de fútbol”. [28]

Walter Samuel, defensor que ganó la Champion’s League, el Mundial de clubes y varios títulos nacionales con el Inter de Milán, expresó su sentimiento sobre el fracaso de 2002 y recuerda el juego hermoso que produjo Argentina: “Lo más triste fue la eliminación del Mundial 2002. No por la eliminación en sí, pero por el equipo que teníamos, el grupo, el entrenador, por todo… Si pasábamos la primera ronda podríamos haber avanzado mucho más. Ese grupo había dejado marca en la gente, que estaba muy ilusionada”.[29]

El delantero Claudio López, que realizó gran parte de su carrera en el Lazio de Roma y en Valencia, recuerda también el aporte de Bielsa a la selección argentina: “Marcelo planteó un sistema muy distinto al que teníamos cada uno en nuestros clubes en Europa. Nos pedía que nos sacrificáramos constantemente. Era un trabajo muy físico y costó acostumbrarnos. Pero cuando le agarramos la mano logramos un nivel de juego muy alto, que nos dio sus frutos durante la eliminatoria”.[30]

El portero Pablo Cavallero recuerda algunas circunstancias que explican, según él, la derrota de 2002, entre ellas las lesiones de Roberto Ayala y Claudio Caniggia, así como el estado físico de otros jugadores: “Batí venía con un dolor fuerte en el tendón de una rodilla. Lo veías cuando corría y le costaba frenar y arrancar para otro lado”. Tampoco se concretaron las acciones de gol, particularmente contra Suecia: “El tema es que cuando vos creás diez situaciones por tiempo”. En una palabra, faltó “esa dosis de suerte”.[31]

El defensor Diego Placente recuerda el legado de Bielsa: “Fueron muchos años donde estábamos primeros en el ranking mundial, jugando un fútbol de alto nivel y ganando en todos lados. Faltó la coronación en el Mundial”. Considera injustas las críticas formuladas contra su antiguo entrenador tras el fracaso de 2002: “Tuvo revancha en la Copa América y en los Juegos Olímpicos, que los ganó. Y sigue demostrando que es un gran entrenador. Ojalá algún día vuelva a dirigir a la selección”.[32]

Pablo Aimar, mediocampista que fue varias veces campeón con el Valencia en España, considera a Bielsa “el mejor entrenador” que tuvo en su carrera.[33] Según él, es “un grande del fútbol y, sobre todo, una gran persona. Es difícil que encuentren un seleccionador como él”. Alaba su filosofía de juego recordando que con Bielsa, Argentina jugó “el fútbol que quería la gente”.[34]

Gustavo López, delantero que jugó también en España, comparte la opinión de sus compañeros de la selección nacional. “Bielsa, para mí, es un crack. Vive, ama, le apasiona el fútbol. Para mí es algo extraordinario”. Recuerda la fidelidad de su entrenador a sus principios futbolísticos, “independientemente de los buenos o malos resultados”. Le expresa su gratitud: “Aprendí muchísimo, de los mejores técnicos que he tenido en mi carrera. Es el que más te exige, el que más te pide, el que más te obliga, pero también el que más siempre te agradece esa voluntad o sacrificio”.[35]

Hernán Crespo, delantero que marcó el campeonato italiano con múltiples títulos y que ha abrazado también la carrera de entrenador, conserva un gran recuerdo de su antiguo seleccionador: “Los entrenadores que más me han marcado en mi carrera son Ancelotti, Mourinho y Bielsa”. Gracias a este último “aprendí a jugar en equipo”, señala.[36]

Marcelo Gallardo, centrocampista que consiguió varios títulos en Francia y Argentina y ahora entrenador del equipo River Plate con el que ganó la Copa Libertadores, no escatima elogios hacia su antiguo seleccionador. “Bielsa fue de los técnicos de los que más aprendí. […] Es una de las personas que más me ha despertado el interés por el juego”.[37] Enfatiza su influencia y su poder de convicción: “Es parte de los entrenadores que han avivado el amor por el juego. He conocido a muchos entrenadores a lo largo de mi carrera, pero Bielsa sabía mejor que nadie cómo enviar un mensaje. Marcó a todos los jugadores que entrenó”.[38]

Claudio Caniggia, delantero que marcó la historia de la selección por su complicidad con Diego Maradona y que participó en tres Mundiales alcanzando la final en 1990, también tiene los mejores recuerdos de su antiguo coach, aunque no jugó ni un minuto en el Mundial 2002: “Es un tipo que le saca lo mejor a cada jugador”.[39]


Durante los seis años que estuvo a la cabeza de la Albiceleste entre 1998 y 2004, Marcelo Bielsa marcó con su impronta el fútbol argentino. Ningún otro seleccionador en la historia del país obtuvo mejores resultados. La epopeya de las eliminatorias para el Mundial de 2002, que permitió que Argentina rompiera todos los récords de puntos, victorias y goles, así como la consagración olímpica en 2004 quedan en la memoria colectiva de los amantes del fútbol noble y generoso. El rosarino marcó a toda una generación de jugadores quienes guardan un recuerdo conmovido del Profesor, apodo usado en señal de afecto y respeto. [40] Es cierto que la eliminación prematura del Mundial 2002 sigue siendo una dolorosa herida. Deja también un sentimiento de injusticia pues la idea futbolística de Marcelo Bielsa merecía una mejor suerte.

 Salim Lamrani


[1] La Nación, “Bielsa: el mejor DT de seleccionados de 2001”, 11 de enero de 2002. http://www.lanacion.com.ar/365705-bielsa-el-mejor-dt-de-seleccionados-de-2001 (sitio consultado el 23 de abril de 2016).

[2] Martin Castilla, “Guardiola, sobre Bielsa: ‘Estamos ante el mejor entrenador del planeta”, Cancha Llena, 16 de marzo de 2012, http://canchallena.lanacion.com.ar/1457125-guardiola-sobre-bielsa-estamos-ante-el-mejor-entrenador-del-planeta (sitio consultado el 20 de abril de 2016).

[3] El Mundo, “Argentina-Nigeria: estadísticas”, 2 de junio de 2002. http://www.elmundo.es/mundial/2002/popups/estadisticas/225804/index.html (sitio consultado el 23 de abril de 2016).

[4] El Mundo, “Inglaterra-Argentina: estadísticas”, 7 de junio de 2002. http://www.elmundo.es/mundial/2002/popups/estadisticas/225821/index.html (sitio consultado el 11 de abril de 2016).

[5] El Mundo, “Suecia-Argentina: estadísticas”, 12 de junio de 2002. http://www.elmundo.es/mundial/2002/popups/estadisticas/225835/index.html (sitio consultado el 11 de abril de 2016).

[6] Balance de Guillermo Stábile: 85 victorias (66%), 21 empates (16,5%), 21 derrotas (16,5%).

[7] Emol, « Batistuta y su gusto por Marcelo Bielsa: Fuel el único entrenador que me marcó a fuego”, 21 de noviembre de 2011. http://www.emol.com/noticias/deportes/2011/11/21/513621/batistuta-el-unico-dt-que-me-marco-a-fuego-fue-bielsa-los-otros-no-me-importaban-les-hacia-caso-para-que-me-pongan.html (sitio consultado el 9 de abril de 2016).

[8] Foot Marseille, “Les dix meilleures déclarations sur Bielsa”, 19 mai 2015. http://www.footmarseille.com/news-27123/les-dix-meilleures-declarations-sur-bielsa.html (sitio consultado el 9 de abril de 2016).

[9] Jon Zubieta, «Pochettino : ‘Estoy marcado por Bielsa’», Mundo Deportivo, 6 de septiembre de 2011. http://www.mundodeportivo.com/20110906/athletic-bilbao/pochettino-estoy-marcado-por-bielsa_54211245088.html (sitio consultado el 9 de abril de 2016).

[10] The Guardian, «Mauricio Pochettino : Marcelo Bielsa ‘one of the word’s best managers’», 18 de diciembre de 2015. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/dec/18/mauricio-pochettino-marcelo-bielsa-one-of-best-managers-in-world-swansea-city-tottenham (sitio consultado el 12 de abril de 2016).

[11] Romain Laplanche, «Marcelo Bielsa, le dernier amateur», La Grinta, 7 mai 2015. http://www.lagrinta.fr/marcelo-bielsa-le-dernier-amateur&7245/ (site consulté le 9 avril 2016).

[12] La Nación, « Sorin se acordó de Bielsa », 9 de octubre de 2004. http://www.lanacion.com.ar/643702-sorin-se-acordo-de-bielsa (sitio consultado el 9 de abril de 2016).

[13] Romain Laplanche, «Marcelo Bielsa, le dernier amateur», op. cit.

[14] Foot Marseille, op. cit.

[15] 20 minutos, «Cholo Simeone: ‘Tengo una gran admiración por Bielsa, pero los que juegan son los jugadores’», 7 de mayo de 2012. http://www.20minutos.es/deportes/noticia/simeone-bielsa-final-europa-league-1428411/0/ (sitio consultado el 9 de abril de 2016).

[16] Foot Marseille, op. cit.

[17] Youtube, «Anécdota de Simeone en charla de Bielsa sobre 2002”, 14 de enero de 2014. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-rgbBcA4X4&nohtml5=False (sitio consultado el 13 de abril de 2016).

[18] MDZ, «Marcelo Bielsa no es medio raro, es raro entero’, dijo Germán Burgos”, 28 de octubre de 2008. http://www.mdzol.com/nota/79851-marcelo-bielsa-no-es-medio-raro-es-raro-entero-dijo-german-burgos/ (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[19] Foot Marseille, op. cit.

[20] Pablo Hacker, «¿Cuál es el secreto de Bielsa ?», Cancha Llena, 24 mayo de 2012. http://canchallena.lanacion.com.ar/1475813-cual-es-el-secreto-de-bielsa (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[21] Foot Marseille, op. cit.

[22] Análisis Digital, «‘Bielsa sabe lograr un compromiso en el jugador’, dijo Roberto Ayala», 24 de mayo de 2012. http://www.analisisdigital.com.ar/noticias.php?ed=1&di=0&no=166059 (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[23] Marca, “Roberto Ayala: ‘Messi es el mejor, pero Maradona sólo hay uno’”, 27 de febrero de 2016. http://www.marca.com/futbol/argentina/2016/02/27/56d1cfc846163f66128b463f.html (sitio consultado el 12 de abril de 2016).

[24] Pablo Hacker, « ¿Cuál es el secreto de Bielsa ? », Cancha Llena, 24 de mayo de 2012. http://canchallena.lanacion.com.ar/1475813-cual-es-el-secreto-de-bielsa (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[25] Ibid.

[26] Youtube, « Ortega habla de Bielsa », 23 de junio de 2009. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWkGnTrYFVA (sitio consultado el 13 de abril de 2016).

[27] Pablo Hacker, «¿Cuál es el secreto de Bielsa?», op. cit.

[28] Nico Galliari, «Matías Almeyda : ‘Querio seguir perfeccionando mi estilo’», Kaiser Magazine, 13 de septiembre de 2015. http://www.kaisermagazine.com/entrevistas/matias-almeyda-river-parma-lazio/ (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[29] El Universo, «Walter Samuel: En junio llegará el final», 14 de febrero de 2016. http://www.eluniverso.com/deportes/2016/02/14/nota/5401789/samuel-junio-llegara-final (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2002).

[30] El Gráfico, «Piojo López: ‘Nunca me recuperé del duro golpe en el Mundial de Japón”, 21 de agosto de 2009. http://www.elgrafico.com.ar/2009/08/21/C-1826-piojo-lopez-nunca-me-recupere-del-duro-golpe-en-el-mundial-de-japon.php (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[31] Martin Burgos, «Pablo Cavallero habló sobre el fracaso de la Argentina en el 2002”, 21 de mayo de 2015. http://www.goal.com/es-ar/news/4452/selecci%C3%B3n-argentina/2014/05/21/4832953/pablo-cavallero-habl%C3%B3-sobre-el-fracaso-de-argentina-en-el (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[32] Goal.com, «Entrevista exclusiva con Diego Placente: ‘Messi le dará una Copa del Mundo a la Argentina’», 20 de diciembre de 2011. http://www.goal.com/es/news/1910/entrevistas/2011/12/20/2809491/entrevista-exclusiva-con-diego-placente-messi-le-dar%C3%A1-una (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[33] Mauricio Cordero, «Pablo Aimar y los sueldos de los futbolistas», Ferplei, 4 de septiembre de 2013. http://www.ferplei.com/2013/09/pablo-aimar-y-los-sueldos-de-los-futbolistas-vivimos-en-un-mundo-irreal/ (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[34] Infobae, «Aimar cree difícil que encuentren un seleccionador como Bielsa», 15 de septiembre de 2004. http://www.infobae.com/2004/09/15/139720-aimar-cree-dificil-que-encuentren-un-seleccionador-como-bielsa (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[35] Fútbol Primera, «Gustavo López: Bielsa ama, vive y le apasiona el fútbol», 5 de enero de 2015. http://www.futbolprimera.es/2015/01/05/gustavo-lopez-bielsa-ama-vive-le-apasiona-futbol (sitio consultado el 10 de abril de 2016).

[36] Defensa Central, «Crespo: Ancelotti, Bielsa y Mourinho, mis maestros», 12 de junio de 2014. http://www.defensacentral.com/real_madrid/106770-crespo-ancelotti-bielsa-y-mourinho-mis-maestros (sitio consultado el 11 de abril de 2014).

[37] Victoria Pérez Zabala, «Marcelo Gallardo, la psicología de un ganador: ‘Gestiono un equipo y trato de hacerlos sentir valorados y convencidos’», La Nación 1 de marzo de 2015. http://canchallena.lanacion.com.ar/1772512-marcelo-gallardo-river-la-nacion-revista (sitio consultado el 11 de abril de 2016).

[38] Soy Chile, «Muñeco Gallardo: ‘Bielsa marcó a todos los jugadores que entrenó’», 14 de julio de 2015. http://www.soychile.cl/Santiago/Deportes/2015/07/14/334266/Muneco-Gallardo-Bielsa-marco-a-todos-los-jugadores-que-entreno.aspx (sitio consultado el 11 de abril de 2016).

[39] La Tercera, «Caniggia alaba a Bielsa: ‘Es un tipo que mejora a los jugadores’ », 3 de abril de 2012. http://www.latercera.com/noticia/deportes/2012/04/656-441394-9-caniggia-alaba-a-bielsa-es-un-tipo-que-mejora-a-los-jugadores.shtml (sitio consultado el 11 de abril de 2016).

[40] Sólo faltan las declaraciones de los jugadores José Chamot y Roberto Bonano, no encontradas.


Doctor en Estudios Ibéricos y Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV, Salim Lamrani es profesor titular de la Universidad de La Reunión y periodista, especialista de las relaciones entre Cuba y Estados Unidos. Su último libro se titula Cuba, the Media, and the Challenge of Impartiality, New York, Monthly Review Press, 2014, con un prólogo de Eduardo Galeano. http://monthlyreview.org/books/pb4710/  Contacto: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Página Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SalimLamraniOfficiel

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On Friday, a US federal district judge denied a motion to dismiss a case brought against two psychologists who collaborated with the CIA in the course of its international torture program. The case, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, represents the first time a lawsuit in US courts based on the torture program was allowed to proceed past the initial stages.

The lawsuit was brought on behalf of three torture victims, only two of whom survived. The plaintiffs are Suleiman Abdullah Salim, Mohamed Ahmed Ben Soud, and the family of Gul Rahman.

Gul Rahman was tortured to death at the infamous “Salt Pit” CIA black site in Afghanistan. According to the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the CIA torture program published in December 2014, Rahman’s body was found chained and naked on a cold concrete floor, covered in bruises. He was abducted while he was traveling to Islamabad to receive medical treatment, in a likely case of mistaken identity.

According to the report, Rahman was “shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor.” The warden “had ordered that Rahman’s clothing be removed when he had been judged to be uncooperative during an earlier interrogation.” Rahman left behind a wife and four daughters.

Suleiman Abdullah Salim, a fisherman from Zanzibar, Tanzania, was by all accounts innocent of any wrongdoing or involvement in international terrorism. According to his attorneys, he has been “destroyed” physically and psychologically by prolonged torture. Mohamed Ahmed Ben Soud was a refugee from Libya who was abducted in Pakistan. The US government never charged any of the three men with a crime.

The lawsuit targets clinical psychologists James Elmer Mitchell and John “Bruce” Jessen, who were hired by the CIA to design the torture program. These two psychologists based the CIA program on torture experiments on dogs, which used a prolonged regime of unavoidable electric shocks to produce “learned helplessness.” The psychologists proposed to test their pseudo-scientific theory on humans to see if it could cause individuals to “break” and cooperate with interrogators, even though neither of them had any experience with interrogation. Nor did either of them have any expertise in counterterrorism, requisite cultural or linguistic expertise, or knowledge of Al Qaeda.

The psychologists were paid $81 million by the CIA for their role in overseeing the program. The ACLU has described the psychologists’ theories as “junk science,” since individuals who are tortured will generally say anything to get the torture to stop. A video report concerning the case by The Guardian is available here.

According to the ACLU, the torture methods devised by the two psychologists include

“slamming [prisoners] into walls, stuffing them inside coffin-like boxes, exposing them to extreme temperatures and ear-splitting levels of music, starving them, inflicting various kinds of water torture, depriving them of sleep for days, and chaining them in stress positions designed for pain and to keep them awake for days on end.”

The lawsuit correctly labels these two psychologists as war criminals who participated in war crimes, and also accurately describes them as participating in an international criminal conspiracy. Further, as medical professionals, Mitchell and Jessen are accused of participating in illegal human experimentation. Involuntary experimentation on human beings is forbidden by the Nuremberg Code, which was promulgated in the aftermath of the gruesome practices that were performed at the Nazi concentration camps.

Because they were independent contractors, many of the authoritarian immunities and privileges otherwise available to government agents in US courts are arguably inapplicable. Indeed, the evidence against the two psychologists is so overwhelming that the federal judge despaired of any plausible rationale for dismissing the case.

“I cannot summarily dismiss the complaint plaintiffs have filed,” federal district judge Justin L. Quackenbush said during the two-hour hearing Friday. “It’s thorough to say the least. On its face, the complaint alleges not only aiding and abetting but participation and complicity in the administration of this enhanced interrogation program.”

Attorneys for the psychologists argued that they should not be held liable because they were “merely suggesting” torture methods that might be used. ACLU attorneys argued that the psychologists actually designed the program and were deeply involved in implementing it.

The CIA torture program looms over the ongoing US elections like a giant volcano that everyone must pretend not to notice. The Senate Intelligence Committee report implicates top figures in both the Bush and Obama administrations in war crimes and conspiracies to cover up war crimes. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are in full agreement that these crimes will not be discussed and there will be no calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice.

Since the systematic exposure of the program in December 2014, the media has completely dropped the issue, while the Obama administration has worked with Congressional Republicans to suppress the full report. As of this writing, only the report’s executive summary has been released.

Among the innumerable crimes exposed by the report, the most infamous was the practice of “rectal rehydration, without evidence of medical necessity.” In the Senate report, one medical officer translated this euphemism for torture into plain English: “you get a tube up as far as you can, then open the IV wide. No need to squeeze the bag—let gravity do the work.” The Senate report describes how detainees were subjected to this procedure repeatedly for no apparent medical reason, resulting in permanent disfiguring injuries.

As the group Physicians for Human Rights wrote in 2014, “Insertion of any object into the rectum of an individual without his consent constitutes a form of sexual assault.”

None of the individuals whose crimes were exposed in December 2014 have been prosecuted. Instead, many of these individuals continue to hold high posts in the Obama administration, including those who lied about the program and helped to cover it up. None of the presidential candidates, from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders, has called for the prosecution of these war criminals. Instead, the issue of torture has been raised principally by the Republican candidates who are promising to expand the practice.

Donald Trump’s position on torture is that he is in favor of more of it because “we have to beat the savages.” In March, he declared, “we cannot continue to play by different sets of rules when we have people beheading Christians and selling their children into slavery.”

Bernie Sanders’ response to the Senate torture report in 2014 was to issue a perfunctory statement that meekly criticized torture from a pragmatic standpoint within the framework of the war on terror. “Of course we must aggressively pursue international terrorists who would do us harm, but we must do so in a way that is consistent with the basic respect for human rights which makes us proud to be Americans,” he wrote. “The United States must not engage in torture. If we do, in an increasingly brutal world we lose our moral standing to condemn other nations or groups that engage in uncivilized behavior.” He has since essentially dropped the issue, together with the rest of the political and media establishment.

The ruling on Friday means that the case will proceed to discovery, allowing lawyers for the victims the right to obtain documents as well as to compel testimony under oath of individuals involved in the program. In a statement Friday, the ACLU wrote, “Thanks to this unprecedented ruling, CIA victims will be able to call their torturers to account in court for the first time.”

A sense of the looming crisis resulting from the exposure of the CIA’s crimes is provided by an exchange from Friday’s hearing. The federal judge asked directly, “Is there evidence in this case that the President of the United States of America specifically authorized the activities?” James Smith, an attorney for the two psychologists, responded, “Ultimately the CIA was authorized by the President of the United States to take these actions.”

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In the aftermath of last week’s New York primary and the run-up to key primaries this week in Northeastern states, a chorus of Democratic figures has demanded that Bernie Sanders, the self-styled “democratic socialist” challenging Hillary Clinton for the party’s presidential nomination, mute criticism of the frontrunner’s ties to Wall Street, as a first step to conceding the nomination.

The attacks are focused on Sanders’ demand that Clinton make public the transcripts of speeches she gave to major financial firms in exchange for millions of dollars in fees. Clinton has flatly refused to release the transcripts, which would expose her flattery of financial parasites whose reckless and criminal activities crashed the US and world economy and caused untold social devastation.

The Democratic Party establishment and its backers on Wall Street and in the media are preparing to anoint a candidate who is already widely hated and seen by a majority of voters as dishonest and corrupt–a reputation well earned by Clinton and her ex-president husband. Some 56 percent of voters have negative feelings toward Clinton, and only a third regard her as “honest and trustworthy.”

At the same time, the Clinton campaign, which to this point in the primary contest has talked “left” in an attempt to ward off the challenge from Sanders, is preparing to shift sharply to the right in preparation for the November general election. It feels somewhat constrained, however, by the continued presence of Sanders.

Hence the escalating pressure on Sanders to halt his attacks on Clinton’s Wall Street links and prepare a rapid exit. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada last week attacked Sanders for carrying out a “negative campaign,” while Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Senate Democrat, called on Sanders to help “unify our party and stand behind Hillary Clinton.” Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia called Sanders’ demands that Clinton publish her speeches to Wall Street firms “over the top,” and Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey scolded him for attacking “Secretary Clinton’s honesty and integrity.”

The New York Times, which has been slanting its news coverage to favor Clinton and using its op-ed pages to publish smears of Sanders by “liberal” columnists such as Paul Krugman and Charles M. Blow, has taken up the campaign for Sanders to rein in his attacks on Clinton and forcefully urge his supporters to back her in November. Sanders, for his part, is a long-time ally of the party establishment and has repeatedly said he will support the eventual Democratic nominee.

The campaign by the party leadership has had its effect. Though Sanders trails Clinton by fewer than 300 pledged delegates and remains neck-and-neck in national polls—as well as in California, whose June 7 primary awards 475 delegates—his campaign has sent signals that it will limit criticism of Clinton and may tacitly concede the nomination, even as Sanders pledges to formally stay in the race until the Philadelphia convention in July.

On Saturday, Sanders’ chief campaign adviser Tad Devine told National Public Radio that the campaign could “reevaluate” its criticisms of Clinton’s relations with the financial industry after this Tuesday’s primaries, and on the Sunday morning television program “Meet the Press,” Sanders admitted that he had “a narrow path” to the nomination and pledged that he would support Clinton against Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.

If Hillary Clinton secures the nomination, she would be, after Trump, the least popular presidential nominee in history. The overwhelming majority of voters who do not like Clinton, moreover, “are united in what they dislike,” according to a poll published in mid-April. “[V]oters with an unfavorable opinion of Hillary Clinton volunteer they think she’s dishonest or corrupt,” the poll reported.

This is for good reason. Sanders’ mild criticisms of Clinton minimize the reality of a political duo that is fully wedded to America’s financial aristocracy and has been since Bill and Hillary’s close ties to the Walton family (Walmart) and other corporate interests during their years in Arkansas.

According to a CNN analysis carried out in February, from 2001 until the current election cycle, Hillary and former president Bill Clinton were paid a combined $153 million for 729 speeches, delivered mainly to powerful corporate firms and lobbies. Among these were 39 speeches to the major Wall Street finance houses Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, UBS and Citigroup, for which the Clintons were paid a combined $7.7 million.

These are the very banks whose recklessness and greed precipitated the global financial crisis of 2007-2008, and were then saved by the intervention of the Bush and Obama administrations, which made available to Wall Street hundreds of billions of dollars in federal funds with no strings attached. Hillary Clinton, then a senator from New York, repaid her Wall Street sponsors by voting in favor of the $700 billion bank bailout bill.

The couple delivered another 25 speeches to these firms in the years after the financial collapse.

“As Sanders fades, it becomes less critical” to worry over Clinton’s speeches to the major banks, an anonymous source described as “one longtime Clinton ally and confidante” told The Hill .

The Democrats, with the assistance of Sanders, are preparing to drop the issue of Wall Street criminality and social inequality in advance of the general election. The even more urgent issue of war has from the outset been virtually excluded from the 2016 election campaign by both parties and all of the candidates, including Sanders, who has made clear his support for Obama’s wars in the Middle East and his military provocations against Russia and China.

In the wake of her New York primary victory, the Clinton campaign has moved to openly promote the former secretary of state’s war credentials. This was signaled by a lengthy article published in the New York Times Sunday Magazine headlined, “How Hillary Clinton Became a Hawk,” by White House correspondent Mark Landler. The article reports favorably that the Democratic frontrunner was the most militaristic figure in the Obama administration and asserts that she is now “the true hawk left in the race” for president.

Underscoring the right-wing character of her campaign, far-right billionaire Charles Koch, a major funder of the Tea Party, said he would not rule out supporting Hillary Clinton over the Republican nominee, whether it be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. “It’s possible,” Koch told ABC’s “This Week on Sunday.” He added, “We would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric, let me put it that way.” Koch also favorably compared the presidency of Bill Clinton, which ended the federal welfare program and lifted virtually all regulations on the banks and hedge funds, with that of George W. Bush.

This will not prevent Sanders from carrying out his assigned task of channeling the anger and hostility to capitalism of young and working class voters back behind the Democratic Party.

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In New York’s Southern Tier, local newspapers are investigating the connection between a local racetrack owner’s sick foals and the fracking fluids present on his farmland. The Ithaca Journal featured a report by Tom Wilber in which he investigated the ongoing issue with foals being born without the ability to swallow — seventeen of them so far — on the breeding farm of Jeff Gural, owner of the Tioga Downs, Meadowlands Racetrack, and Vernon Downs.

The foals have survived, although all of them have had to be transported to Cornell’s School of Veterinary Medicine, located fifty miles north in Ithaca, New York. An earlier study by Cornell professor Robert Oswald and Cornell veterinarian Michelle Bamberger linked the presence of the byproducts of hydraulic fracturing to numerous animal deaths and stillbirths. Their research included twenty-four case studies of multiple farm animals who had either been killed outright by the cocktail of chemicals or later proved unable to successfully reproduce after exposure.

The vets are conducting their own study of what may be causing the epidemic of horse birth defects. The veterinary team cite the presence of a gas well adjacent to Gural’s land that was drilled by Chesapeake Appalachia LLC as the “prime suspect” in the Gural farm problems. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection confirmed that the farm’s water is contaminated, although they failed to cite Chesapeake as the cause.

Gural is on record as a supporter of gas shale exploration in the Southern Tier. He still is. “It created jobs in Pennsylvania, and look what it’s done for the price of gas,” he said in an interview. But he is mad that so far, companies have not had to disclose what comprises fracking fluid because of the so-called “Halliburton Loophole.”

“That they don’t have to tell you what chemicals they are using is ridiculous,” says Gural, although he is quick to blame the lobbying power of the gas and oil industry rather than holding Chesapeake liable.

Scientists at Cornell are conducting a two-year study on Gural’s farm to investigate links between the plethora of deformed foals and fracking fluids. Foals with the inability to swallow, a condition called “dysphagia,” were born on other properties–but all of their pregnant mothers had drunk water at Gural’s farm at some point in their pregnancies.

New York has resisted a lobbying effort by the gas and oil industry to allow fracking along the Southern Tier. Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing in the state in December of 2014. Pennsylvania approved fracking with very little investigation of possible health hazards, and this latest case is one of many that have demonstrated that their rush to judgment may be environmentally costly in ways that will offset the economic benefits of the practice.

Watch video, courtesy of the Ithaca Journal, below:

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In a classic David-and-Goliath showdown, community activists in Peru have forced Newmont, the second-largest gold mining corporation in the world, to abandon its $5 billion Conga copper and gold mining project.

At the forefront of local resistance to the new mine, which was intended to replace the nearly-depleted Yanacocha gold mine nearby, is Máxima Acuña de Chaupe, a 47-year-old grandmother who lives off a plot of farmland in Peru’s northern Cajamarca region that would have been used by Newmont to drain a nearby lake to collect mining byproducts.

Acuña has been publicly opposed to the mine since it was proposed in 2010, steadfastly refusing to sell her land despite multiple court battles, alleged physical assaults, and having her family’s crops on contested land destroyed. She also says her family has faced at least three violent eviction attempts by the mining company, which were assisted by private security forces and the Peruvian government.

For her resilience, she was granted the 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize, which recognizes “individuals for sustained and significant efforts to protect and enhance the natural environment, often at great personal risk.”

Máxima Acuña. © goldmanprize.org

“The prize represents an important message of environmental sustainability and serves as a clear wake-up call to the state, businesses, and citizens to establish democratic mechanisms of dialogue and understanding,” Peruvian government ombudsman Eduardo Vega Luna said in a statement.

The Goldman Environmental Prize notes on its website that Acuña’s situation is not an isolated incident.

“With promises of jobs and economic prosperity, the Peruvian government awarded mining licenses across the country. Despite these promises, rural campesinos, who were rarely consulted in the development of mining projects, largely continue to live in poverty. In many communities, mining waste has polluted the local waterways, affecting local people’s drinking water and irrigation needs,”

the website reads.

The Colorado-based corporation announced the decision to abandon its construction plans for the Conga mine in a filing with the US Securities and Exchange commission, adding that it “did not anticipate being able to develop Conga for the foreseeable future.”

While local resistance to the planned open-pit mine is recognized as an important factor in scuttling the project, the company says that the decision was actually made for a number of reasons.

“At the end of the day, our decision to reclassify Conga’s reserves as resources was a business decision triggered by certain operating and construction permits expiring at the end of 2015, uncertain prospects for future development, and permitting and market conditions,”

the company told Mining.com.

However, credit also goes to non-governmental organizations and other locals that campaigned against the mine. Camajarca’s Governor, Gregorio Santos, supported the activists and after violent protests led the Peruvian government to declare a state of emergency, construction was halted in November of 2011. In addition, a crowdfunding campaign in late 2015 raised money to help Acuña buy cows to make ends meet.

Now that she has secured her victory, Acuña said in a statement that she has just one more wish: “I want to return to the peaceful life I had on my land with my family for almost 20 years.”

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This article first appeared on WhoWhatWhy

Every tiny detail of the presidential contest, it seems, dominates corporate media front pages and newscasts. Who called whom a liar, which poll moved an inch, what did Donald Trump just tweet, and what was Hillary wearing?

But an ongoing story about the fight for the very soul of that democracy has been given short shrift.

More than 5,000 activists descended on the Capitol from across the country, including hundreds who had marched there from Philadelphia, the birthplace of American democracy.  It was a campaign that recalled the non-violent civil rights protests of the 1960s.

Media Gives Event… 29 Seconds

On April 12, largely unnoticed by the corporate media, they began a weeklong series of rallies protesting money in politics and calling for a restoration of the sanctity of the election process.

In a show of civil disobedience designed to raise awareness of the devastating influence of money in politics, more than 1,400 people got themselves arrested outside the Capitol.

Notwithstanding the timeliness of the event — and its direct relevance to the presidential race  — coverage has been miniscule.  An analysis by the advocacy group Media Matters has found that the major news networks between April 11 and April 18 devoted to the protests a grand total of  … 29 seconds, and only on PBS.

The only time the media seemed to find anything worth reporting was when celebrities were taken away in shackles. Actress Rosario Dawson was arrested Friday, April 15. Vermont’s ice cream royalty, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, were arrested as part of Democracy Awakening on Monday.

“It’s always exciting when celebrities really get into this kind of thing,” said Cassady Sharp, a Greenpeace employee who has been working as a spokesperson for Democracy Awakening, one of the two groups that organized the protests, along with Democracy Spring.

“So it doesn’t totally surprise me that people were really pumped to see the Ben & Jerry’s co-founders get arrested. I certainly hope that people realize that they had hundreds of people behind them.”

At the Heart of the Protest: Campaign Finance

The organizers of the event knew that getting front-page coverage was going to be an uphill battle.

“Campaign finance is not the sexiest of all issues,” Peter Callahan, the communications director for Democracy Spring, told WhoWhatWhy. Though polls have shown overwhelming majorities of Americans want to get money out of politics, they also rarely list it as one of the most important issues for voters.

“Other people have lots of issues that are near and dear to their hearts,” says Callahan.

But Callahan and the organizers of Democracy Spring and Democracy Awakening see campaign finance as the issue that encompasses all other issues. They point to Black Lives Matter, and environmental activists — as well as advocacy groups from the right — who see getting money out of politics as the first step in enacting change.

The protests received endorsements and assistance from over 300 different advocacy groups, including People For The American Way, Greenpeace and the NAACP.

“Our message is that 1) systemic corruption is at the root of many issues, 2) there are existing solutions that congress can implement today, and 3) the way to get there is nonviolent civil disobedience,”

Ardon Shorr, the Pittsburgh organizer for Democracy Spring, told WhoWhatWhy.

Overflowing Protesters Put in Warehouses

Shorr was one of the hundreds arrested on the first day of protests. The number of arrests was so high the police ran out of room and had to put the protesters in overflow warehouses. Organizers claim it was the largest act of civil disobedience at the Capitol in history.

For the people pushing for change, these protests are just the beginning.

“People are waking up to the fact that there are solutions,” Rio Tazelwell toldWhoWhatWhy. Tazelwell is the manager for the Government By The People Campaign at People For The American Way, and an organizer for Democracy Awakening.

“We want to keep pushing at the national level, but then we also want to plug people into campaigns that are already underway at the local and state level, particularly ballot initiatives and some legislative proposals.”

One of their stated goals is a 28th amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing the right to fair elections. The activists see history on their side.

“No movement has failed after mobilizing 3.5 percent of a population,” Shorr said, referring to the research of the political scientist Erica Chenoweth.

“That’s a lot of people, but it’s really a tiny minority. This is achievable.”

“Being willing to get arrested creates a moral dilemma for Congress: Either side with the people, or side with big corporate interests and continue to send hundreds of patriotic Americans to jail every day.”

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In April 2010, BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil drilling platform exploded, killing 11 workers before sinking 5,000 feet to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

Oil gushed for 87 days unchecked, creating the single-largest marine oil disaster in US history.

In response to the disaster, BP used 1.8 million gallons of highly toxic Corexit dispersants in what the oil giant claimed was an effort to keep the oil from reaching shore. Critics accuse BP of sinking the oil with the dispersants as a means of minimizing fines under the Clean Water Act.

“The dispersants contain chemicals that many scientists and toxicologists have warned are dangerous to humans, marine life and wildlife,” IPS reported in 2010, adding:

A March 1987 report titled “Organic Solvent Neurotoxicity,” by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), states: “The acute neurotoxic effects of organic solvent exposure in workers and laboratory animals are narcosis, anesthesia, central nervous system (CNS) depression, respiratory arrest, unconsciousness, and death.

“Several chemicals and chemical compounds listed in the NIOSH report, such as styrene, toluene and xylene, are now present in the Gulf of Mexico as a result of BP’s dispersants mixing with BP’s crude oil,” IPS reported, a situation which other scientific reports show creates a toxicity 40 times worse than the oil alone.

Joe Yerkes is a Florida fisherman who joined the cleanup effort of the disaster after he was put out of work by the oil in his fishing waters.

Yerkes was exposed to both oil and dispersants while cleaning up oil.

“I have spent the years since the spill happened literally trying to survive,” Yerkestold Truthout in 2014.

“I’ve lost five friends now who were also exposed to BP’s oil and dispersants, who were unable to seek proper treatment to extract the chemicals from their bodies before the exposure killed them.”

“Not long after his exposure, Yerkes became violently ill, started bleeding from his nose and ears, and began vomiting blood. When he couldn’t get well, he had his blood tested and found it contained high levels of chemicals, which his physician attributed to BP’s oil disaster,”

Truthout reported in 2014.

Yerkes said at the time that he had to regularly give himself intravenous treatments of saline flushes and various medications. “I have chronic headaches, a fever, and suffer chronic unbearable pain in my muscles and joints, and have had chemical pneumonia twice so far,” he told Truthout.

A few months after the disaster began, “Dr. Wilma Subra, a chemist and MacArthur fellow, conducted blood tests for volatile solvents on eight people who” lived and worked along the Gulf Coast, IPS reported. What she found was alarming but not surprising.

“All eight individuals tested had Ethylbenzene and m,p- Xylene in their blood in excess of the NHANES 95th Percentile,” according to Subra’s report. “Ethylbenzene, m,p-Xylene and Hexane are volatile organic chemicals that are present in the BP Crude Oil. The blood of all three females and five males had chemicals that are found in the BP Crude Oil.”

Yerkes also had his blood tested, and found it contained the chemicals as well.

Yet now, six years on, untold numbers of coastal residents have been suffering health effects from, they believe, BP’s oil and dispersants. A town hall is being held on April 20, the six-year anniversary of the disaster’s beginning, to bring attention to what some experts are now calling a widespread human health crisis.

Workers use booms, burning and chemical dispersants in attempts to contain the oil leaking from BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in June 2010. (Photo: kris krüg / Flickr)

“There Is No More Ignoring This”

Dr. Riki Ott, a toxicologist, marine biologist and Exxon Valdez survivor, told Truthout in 2014 that she had seen “clear indications of widespread toxic chemical exposure across the four-state impact zone of BP’s oil disaster (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida).”

“It’s pretty clear to me, after spending a year in the Gulf coastal communities during 2010 and 2011, that the suite of illnesses that developed during this time were above and beyond the background level of illnesses incurred in the Gulf,”

Ott said at the time.

Ott added that people she was seeing at the time, along the roughly 1,000-mile impact zone, were all consistently describing the same symptoms of exposure to chemicals in the oil and dispersants.

“Medical literature supports that these are the symptoms, and I would expect to see increased rates of early-term miscarriages for women, early developmental issues for children born to women who were exposed to breathing these fumes and vapors, and also continuing chemical hypersensitivity,”

Ott told Truthout in 2014.

“There is no more ignoring this,” she said recently.

Ott will be participating in the town hall, which is being streamed online live at 5 pm CST. Local residents, health activists and experts will discuss chemical exposure hazards, personal stories and government actions (or lack thereof) in hopes of educating the public and bringing more people to action.

This event will also mark the launch of an international awareness campaign for populations at risk of oil and chemical exposures from industrial operations, and the announcement of a soon-to-be-released documentary film called The Rising. The film chronicles stories of coastal residents experiencing extreme health impacts from BP’s disaster, and also documents a growing grassroots movement aimed at providing aid to people who need it and bringing accountability to those responsible for the crisis.

“This isn’t about, ‘I don’t care about the Gulf,'” said Kendra, a Gulf Coast parent who asked to withhold her last name due to security concerns, in a press statement. “You need to take a look in your own backyard. They did it here. They will do it to you.”

Ott will moderate the town hall, where people around the world can watch and ask questions to the people affected, as well as several oil and health experts.

“The human health consequences of these types of operations have been swept under the rug,” Mark Manning, a former oil field worker and director of The Risingsaid in a press statement. “These communities and the people in them have been sacrificed.”

Marylee Orr, executive director of Louisiana Environmental Action Network, has spoken to Truthout at length over the years about her concerns about the human health crisis BP’s legacy has caused along the Gulf Coast.

“I’ve gotten these phone calls telling me. ‘I’m vomiting and I have chest pains, excessive bleeding,’ bleeding from the breasts for women ­ you name it,” Orr says in the trailer for The Rising.

Darla Rooks, the captain of a shrimp boat, adds in the trailer, “Our children are dying, our animals are dying, our babies are born premature, birth defects ­ nobody is going to survive this crap.”

An “Attempted Cover-Up”

Hugh B. Kaufman, a senior policy analyst at the Environmental Protection Agency, has been critical of both BP and the federal government’s response to the disaster from the beginning.

“There was an attempt on the part of the government and BP to cover up the volume of the spill,” Kaufman said. “Because of the financial impact to BP, massive use of dispersants was a part of the attempted cover-up.”

The town hall and ongoing grassroots organizing in the Gulf are aimed at exposing the cover-up, as well as more broadly showing the true costs of fossil fuels to the planet and human health.

Both the film and the campaign provide “the missing and, arguably, most important piece to the climate, environmental and energy debates by connecting public health to fossil fuel operations,” Manning said. “It’s hard to believe, but this connection hasn’t been made yet!”

“It is imperative that the direct connection between fossil fuel operations and disastrous human health effects be exposed because it is the ‘smoking gun’ in changing public dialogue and political positioning on energy policy,”

Manning added.

His film project, along with the grassroots campaign, intends to push human health to be a top consideration in oil operations, and to increase oil operation costs by forcing proper settlements for exposed and ailing populations.

He hopes that this will, in turn, create even higher costs as more expensive safety measures will need to be taken during production and cleanup. Rising costs would then heavily incentivize an increase in funding and support for alternative energy.

“We strongly believe that an industry forced to protect human health foremost will be forced to protect environmental health,” Manning said. “By flipping the dialogue to ‘people first,’ the environment will follow because what is truly healthy for people is healthy for the planet.”

The full film trailer and film website can be found here, while the community action and education website is here.

Copyright, Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Dahr Jamail, a Truthout staff reporter, is the author of The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, (Haymarket Books, 2009), and Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches From an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq, (Haymarket Books, 2007). Jamail reported from Iraq for more than a year, as well as from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Turkey over the last 10 years, and has won the Martha Gellhorn Award for Investigative Journalism, among other awards. His third book, The Mass Destruction of Iraq: Why It Is Happening, and Who Is Responsible, co-written with William Rivers Pitt, is available now on Amazon. He lives and works in Washington State.

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Despite the fact that I am a physician, I have long been suspicious of the influence of giant multinational medical corporate cartels that are best referred to as Big Pharma, Big Vaccine, Big Medicine, Big Insurance, Big Food, Big Agrichemical, etc. Most clear-headed observers of these industries (that meet the psychiatrist’s DSM definition of sociopathic entities) are justifiably concerned about the inordinate influence that they have over the mainstream media and most of our political parties, legislators and presidents.

These mega-corporations and their cunning multibillionaire owners (the 0.01%) are the paymasters of every politician and political party that thinks that they has to have millions of dollars in their campaign coffers in order to keep their political offices safe. Those paymasters, as is the case with all their other “investments”, expect a handsome long-term return on those investments. Those entities with excess luxury wealth are very serious when it comes to their money. That is why they can be so ruthless when it comes to getting what they want from their stable of politicians, lawyers and the publishers and editors of their newspapers and their television and radio stations.

My consciousness concerning the innate corruption in the vaccine industry was sharply raised when my father (in the totally bogus 1976 Swine Flu that NEVER materialized!) had the peripheral nerves to his hands poisoned by the neurotoxic mercury-containing Swine Flu vaccine. The small muscles that had been previously innervated by both of his radial nerves became permanently paralyzed. Within days the poisonous heavy metal in that vaccine caused a classical Guillain-Barre syndrome that he never recovered from. He never did regain his mastery of what was his lifelong love – fishing.

In a now frequently repeated scenario (the latest ones being the Ebola virus “pandemic” and now the equally  bogus Zika virus/microcephaly epidemic), the vaccine industry’s lobbyists are successfully capitalizing on what is very likely an iatrogenic illness (physician or medicine-caused disease).  And the public health agencies (all indoctrinated into believing the med school myths that all vaccines are safe and effective) are  scaring the wits out of us with plausible, but unproven theories about another vaccine-preventable epidemic.

Then, with the constant stream of propaganda from the once respected Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC) shaping the beliefs of an easily freaked-out populace, president and legislature, the vaccine industry presents a blueprint for fast-tracking through the regulatory process a new, potentially dangerous, and likely untested vaccine that will be easily marketed to blindly pro-vaccine clinics and blindly pro-vaccine physicians to be given to every scared-out-of-their-wits patient in hearing range whose insurance will cover the unaffordable costs.

This is American capitalism, folks, and what is happening before our eyes is the old, tried and true strategy to siphon off a few billion dollars from us taxpayers and at the same time jack up the stock price of the corporation.

In retrospect, by the way, my father’s pro-vaccine 1970s internist was not unlike the current crop of doctors. He had been indoctrinated in med school with the notion that all vaccines are safe and effective, despite the fact that vaccines have never had to go through the rigorous science that most drugs have to do to get approval. He was totally in the dark about what had caused the Guillain-Barre syndrome (he said it was the virus).

He was also oblivious to the fact that mercury (which is still in flu shots and our dentist’s “silver” dental fillings to this day) was a serious poison to all tissues, particularly nerve and brain tissue. Unaware of his missed diagnosis (of the root cause), his ignorance made him continue to blindly inoculate the other patients in his clinic, many of whom were likely damaged in any number of ways by the unnecessary – and dangerous – toxic vaccine ingredients.

Since then, I have been confronted with uncounted numbers of patients and stories about the seriously adverse effects of mercury-containing vaccines, aluminum-containing vaccines, and fluoride-containing prescription drugs – especially when they are cavalierly injected into the muscles of tiny infants whose blood-brain barriers are at their most immature and who are increasingly likely to suffer permanent brain damage, especially when the shots are given in unproven combinations. (Some tiny infants – at their 2, 4 or 6 month doctor visits receive as many as eight different antigens at a time, each shot containing potentially neurotoxic substances [aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, antibiotics, viral particles, unfilterable contaminants, etc] that have additive toxic effects and  – what is far worse – synergistic effects when given simultaneously.)

Recently cunning lobbyists from  multinational corporations, particularly the vaccine industry, the genetically-altered mosquito industry, the insecticide and mosquito repellant industries, etc have been influencing the CDC and many well-meaning folks in the legislative and executive branches of government (including President Obama), creating a Zika virus freak-out no different from the other pseudo-epidemic hoaxes in the past (Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Avian Flu, SARS, etc, etc.)

In my reading and research, I came across a CDC document that claimed to teach physicians about the toxicology of aluminum. The book-length opus (see a few excerpts below) had been approved by the notorious (at least in vaccine skeptic circles) Dr Julie Gerberding, who had gone through the infamous government service-directly-to-industry revolving door in 2009.  In Dr Gerberding’s case she went from CDC public service official (where, as head of the CDC, she had shepherded Merck’s untested-for-long-term-safety-OR-efficacy, the first Human Papilloma Virus vaccine Gardisil]) to soon become Director of Merck & Company’s Vaccine Division. See more of the outrageous financial details below (hint: she received a reported $2.5 million salary at Merck, with generous stock options from the company as well).

I am outraged by the poor research that had been done by the various governmental agencies that are supposed to be regulating corporations. Everybody admits it is a fox ruling the henhouse situation. Most of the research quoted in the CDC aluminum toxicology document below was form the 1980s and 1990s, totally ignoring all the new sobering research that reveals how seriously poisonous are aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines. There is no recognition that vaccines are dangerous.

For more details about the new research on the neuro-toxicology of aluminum adjuvants, and the unlikelihood that the Brazilian microcephaly epidemic was caused by a mosquito virus, please google “Zika Virus Freakout – Gary Kohls” and read my series of columns on the subject.  Then for much more click on


to read a number of columns that I have written over the past 14 months on related topics, including mitochondrial damage from vaccine ingredients, brain damage from prescription drugs and vaccines and many other articles on the  vitally important now well-established ASIA syndrome that the CDC, FDA, AAP, AMA, AAFP and the medical establishment are either ignorant about or are otherwise refusing to acknowledge (google the Autoimmune/inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants).

In the meantime read the following CDC document that hardly mentions the now well-known fact that aluminum is a neurotoxin that, when it damages the brains of fetuses, is then legitimately called a teratogen. (A teratogen is any substance that can disturb the development of an embryo or fetus and thus cause a birth defect in the child.) The document talks about the toxicity of aluminum being given by mouth or inhalation or trans-dermally (through the skin) and even intravenously, but never mentions that aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines are injected intramuscularly, where they are dramatically more toxic than by any other route. It is a frightening example of bad science, which translates, of course, into bad medicine.

The CDC should be apologizing to every vaccine-injured baby, child, adult and family member and until it does, its veracity in the future needs to be constantly questioned. Here are portions of the 2008 document, which, to my knowledge, has not been updated. The italicized sentences immediately below have been added to the text by myself, and the underlining in the main text was also added by myself, in order to highlight certain important points, omissions or distractions.

Dr Kohls is a retired physician who practiced holistic, non-drug, mental health care for the last decade of his family practice career. He now writes a weekly column for the Reader Weekly, an alternative newsweekly published in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. Many of Dr Kohls’ columns are archived at

http://duluthreader.com/articles/categories/200_Duty_to_Warn and at http://www.globalresearch.ca/author/gary-g-kohls.


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Obama to Announce Major US Escalation in Syria

April 25th, 2016 by Daniel McAdams

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that tomorrow (Monday) President Obama will announce that he is quintupling the number of US troops inside Syria. From the current 50 troops the US admits are operating in Syria, the US will raise the total to 300 under the guise of increasing efforts against ISIS in the country. 

The Journal reports that Obama has been “persuaded by his top military advisers and others that additional U.S. personnel would allow the Pentagon to extend recent gains against Islamic State.” He will make the announcement while in Germany.

These additional troops are said to be in pursuit of the US policy of persuading Sunnis to join with the Kurds to fight ISIS around its self-proclaimed capital in Raqqa. This strategy has never made much sense aside from in the feverish imaginations of Beltway interventionists. In reality it is part of a larger US effort to deny the Syrian government a victory against ISIS in the city and in eastern Syria.

The “race for Raqqa” began in earnest in February, when Russian-led efforts left ISIS in full retreat eastward toward their capital. The “race” was intensified after Syrian forces liberated Palmyra from ISIS and threatened to sweep ISIS from the country.

Washington is at war with both ISIS and the Syrian government, insisting that somewhere there is a moderate, democratic force just waiting to step in and govern Syria once both Assad and his enemies are defeated. Like in Libya…er…

That is why the US government did not welcome the Syrian government liberation of Palmyra from ISIS. Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren saidof that liberation: “in our view, that is kind of like going — at least for the people of Palmyra, that is certainly a movement from the frying pan into the fire, isn’t it?” Washington would rather have ISIS in charge of Palmyra than the Syrian government.

We should remember that the US military presence in Syria, as well as the US military presence above Syrian airspace is a violation of Syria’s sovereignty and a violation of international law. Despite John Kerry’s admonition to Russia that, “you just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text,” that is exactly what the United States is doing in Syria.

The US escalation will prolong the suffering of the Syrian people and delay or deny a victory by the secular Syrian government over Saudi/Turk/US-backed Islamist extremists who have fought for five years to overthrow it. And it may just get some US service members killed, ironically fighting to the ultimate benefit of ISIS or al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front which will likely take over Syria if the Assad government is defeated.

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In a trio of recent action-packed movies, good guys watch terrorists mingling with innocent women and children via real-time video feeds from halfway across the world. A clock ticks and we, the audience, are let in on the secret that mayhem is going to break loose. After much agonized soul-searching about possible collateral damage, the good guys call in a missile strike from a U.S. drone to try to save the day by taking out a set of terrorists.

Such is the premise of Gavin Hood’s Eye in the Sky, Andrew Niccol’s Good Kill, and Rick Rosenthal’s Drones. In reality, in Washington’s drone wars neither the “good guys” nor the helpless, endangered villagers under those robotic aircraft actually survive the not-so secret drone war that the Obama administration has been waging relentlessly across the Greater Middle East — not, at least, without some kind of collateral damage.  In addition to those they kill, Washington’s drones turn out to wound (in ways both physical and psychological) their own operators and the populations who live under their constant surveillance. They leave behind very real victims with all-too-real damage, often in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder on opposite sides of the globe.

Sometimes I am so sad that my heart wants to explode,” an Afghan man says, speaking directly into the camera.

“When your body is intact, your mind is different. You are content. But the moment you are wounded, your soul gets damaged. When your leg is torn off and your gait slows, it also burdens your spirit.”

The speaker is an unnamed victim of a February 2010 drone strike in Uruzgan, Afghanistan, but he could just as easily be an Iraqi, a Pakistani, a Somali, or a Yemeni. He appears in National Bird, a haunting new documentary film by Sonia Kennebeck about the unexpected and largely unrecorded devastation Washington’s drone wars leave in their wake.  In it, the audience hears directly from both drone personnel and their victims.

“I Was Under the Impression That America Was Saving the World”

“When we are in our darkest places and we have a lot to worry about and we feel guilty about our past actions, it’s really tough to describe what that feeling is like,” says Daniel, a whistleblower who took part in drone operations and whose last name is not revealed in National Bird. Speaking of the suicidal feelings that sometimes plagued him while he was involved in killing halfway across the planet, he adds, “Having the image in your head of taking your own life is not a good feeling.”

National Bird is not the first muckraking documentary on Washington’s drone wars. Robert Greenwald’s Unmanned, Tonje Schei’s Drone, and Madiha Tahrir’s Wounds of Waziristan have already shone much-needed light on how drone warfare really works. But as Kennebeck told me, when she set out to make a film about the wages of the newest form of war known to humanity, she wanted those doing the targeting, as well as those they were targeting, to speak for themselves.  She wanted them to reveal the psychological impact of sending robot assassins, often operated by “pilots” halfway around the world, into the Greater Middle East to fight Washington’s war on terror. In her film, there’s no narrator, nor experts in suits working for think tanks in Washington, nor retired generals debating the value of drone strikes when it comes to defeating terrorism.

Instead, what you see is far less commonplace: low-level recruits in President Obama’s never-ending drone wars, those Air Force personnel who remotely direct the robotic vehicles to their targets, analyze the information they send back, and relay that information to the pilots who unleash Hellfire missiles that will devastate distant villages. If recent history is any guide, these drones do not just kill terrorists; in their target areas, they also create anxiety, upset, and a desire for revenge in a larger population and so have proven a powerful weapon in spreading terror movements across the Greater Middle East.

These previously faceless but distinctly non-robotic Air Force recruits are the cannon fodder of America’s drone wars.  You meet two twenty-somethings: Daniel, a self-described down-and-out homeless kid, every male member of whose family has been in jail on petty charges of one kind or another, and Heather, a small town high school graduate trying to escape rural Pennsylvania. You also meet Lisa, a former Army nurse from California, who initially saw the military as a path to a more meaningful life.

The three of them worked on Air Force bases scattered around the country from California to Virginia. The equipment they handled hovered above war zones in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as Pakistan and Yemen (where the U.S. Air Force was supporting assassination missions on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency).

“That is so cool, unmanned aircraft. That’s really bad-ass.” So Heather thought when she first saw recruitment posters for the drone program. “I was under the impression,” she told Kennebeck, “that America was saving the world, like that we were Big Brother and we were helping everyone out.”

Initially, Lisa felt similarly: “When I first got into the military, I mean I was thinking it was a win-win. It was a force for good in the world. I thought I was going to be on the right side of history.”

And that was hardly surprising.  After all, you’re talking about the “perfect weapon,” the totally high-tech, “precise” and “surgical,” no-(American)-casualties, sci-fi version of war that Washington has been promoting for years as its answer to al-Qaeda and other terror outfits.  President Obama who has personally overseen the drone campaigns — with a “kill list” and “terror Tuesday” meetings at the White House — vividly described his version of such a modern war in a 2013 speech at the National Defense University:

“This is a just war — a war waged proportionally, in last resort, and in self-defense. We were attacked on 9/11. Under domestic law, and international law, the United States is at war with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and their associated forces… America does not take strikes to punish individuals; we act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the American people. And before any strike is taken, there must be near-certainty that no civilians will be killed or injured — the highest standard we can set.”

That distinctly Hollywood vision of America’s drone wars (with a Terminator edge) was the one that had filtered down to the level of Kennebeck’s three drone-team interviewees when they signed on.  It looked to them then like a war worth fighting and a life worth leading.  Today, as they speak out, their version of such warfare looks nothing like what either Hollywood or Washington might imagine.

“Excuse Me, Sir, Can I Have Your Driver’s License?”

National Bird does more than look at the devastation caused by drones in far away lands and the overwhelming anxiety it produces among those who live under the distant buzzing and constant threat of those robotic aircraft on an almost daily basis. Kennebeck also turns her camera on the men and women who helped make the strikes possible, trying to assess what the impact of their war has been on them. Their raw and unfiltered responses should deeply trouble us all.

Kennebeck’s interviewees are among at least a dozen whistleblowers who have stepped forward, or are preparing to do so, in order to denounce Washington’s drone wars as morally unjustified, as in fact nightmares both for those who fight them and those living in the lands that are on the receiving end. The realities of the day-in, day-out war they fought for years were, as they tell it, deeply destructive and filled with collateral damage of every sort.  Worse yet, drone operators turn out to have little real idea about, and almost no confirmation of, whom exactly they’ve blown away.

“It’s so primitive, raw, stripped-down death. This is real. It’s not a joke,” says Heather, an imagery analyst whose job was to look at the streaming video coming in from drones over war zones and interpret the grainy images for senior commanders in the kill chain.

“You see someone die because you said it was okay to kill them. I was always shaking. Sometimes I would just go to the bathroom and just sit on the toilet. I mean just sit there in my uniform and just cry.”

Advocates of drone war believe, as do many of its critics, that it minimizes casualties. These Air Force veterans have, however, stepped forward to tell us that such claims simply aren’t true. In a study of what can be known about drone killings, the human rights group Reprieve has confirmed this reality vividly, finding that, in Pakistan, in attempts to take out 41 men, American drones actually killed an estimated 1,147 people (while not all of the 41 targeted figures even died). In other words, this hasn’t proved to be a war on terror, but a war of terror, a reality the drone whistleblowers confirm.

Heather is blunt in her criticism. “Hearing politicians speak about drones being precision weapons [makes it seem like they’re] able to make surgical strikes. To me it’s completely ridiculous, completely ludicrous to make these statements.”

The three whistleblowers point, for instance, to the complete absence of any post-strike verification of who exactly has died. “There’s a bomb. They drop it. It explodes,” Lisa says.

“Then what? Does somebody go down and ask for somebody’s driver’s license? Excuse me, sir, can I have your driver’s license, see who you are? Does that happen? I mean, how do we know? How is it possible to know who ends up living or dying?”

After three years as an imagery analyst, after regularly watching unknown people die thousands of miles away on a grainy screen, Heather was diagnosed as suicidal. She estimates — and the experiences of other drone whistleblowers back her up — that alcoholics accounted for a significant percentage of her unit, and that many of her co-workers had similarly suicidal thoughts. Two actually did kill themselves.

As Heather’s grandfather points out,

“She had trouble getting the treatment she needed. She had trouble finding a doctor because they didn’t have the right security clearance [and] she could be in violation of the law and could even go to prison for even talking to the wrong therapist about what was bothering her.”

In desperation Heather turned to her mother.

“She’d call me up and she’d cry and she’d be upset, but then she couldn’t talk about it,” her mother says. “When you hear your daughter talking to you on the phone, you can that tell she is in trouble just by the emotion and inflection and the stress that you can hear in her voice. When you ask her, did you talk to anyone else about it? She’d say no, we’re not allowed to talk to anybody. I have a feeling that if someone wasn’t there for her, she wouldn’t be here right now.”

Like Heather, Daniel has so far survived his own drone-war-induced mental health issues, but in his post-drone life he’s run into a formidable enemy: the U.S. government. On August 8, 2014, he estimates that as many as 50 Federal Bureau of Investigation agents raided his house, seizing documents and his electronics.

“The government suspects that he is a source of information about the [drone] program that the government doesn’t want out there,” says Jesselyn Radack, his lawyer and herself a former Department of Justice whistleblower. “To me, that’s simply an attempt to silence whistleblowers, and it doesn’t surprise me that that happens to the very few people who have been brave enough to speak out against the drone program.”

If that was the intention, however, the raid — and the threat it carries for other whistleblowers — seems not to have had the desired effect. Instead, the number of what might be thought of as defectors from the drone program only seems to be growing. The first to come out was Brandon Bryant, a former camera operator in October 2013. He was followed by Cian Westmoreland, a former radio technician, in November 2014. Last November, Michael Haas and Stephen Lewis, two imagery analysts, joined Westmoreland and Bryant by speaking out at the launch of Tonje Schei’s film Drone. All four of them also published an open letter to President Obama warning him that the drone war was escalating terrorism, not containing it.

And just last month, Chris Aaron, a former counterterrorism analyst for the CIA’s drone program, spoke out on a panel at the University of Nevada Law School. In the relatively near future, Radack recently told Rolling Stone, four more individuals involved in America’s drone wars are planning to offer their insights into how the program works.

Like Heather and Daniel, many of the former drone operators who have gone public are struggling with mental health problems. Some of them are also dealing with substance abuse issues that began as a way to counteract or dull the horrors of the war they were waging and witnessing. “We used to call alcohol drone fuel because it kept the program going. Everyone drank. There was a lot of coke, speed, and that sort of thing,” imagery analyst Haas told Rolling Stone. “If the higher ups knew, then they didn’t say anything, but I’m pretty sure they must have known. It was everywhere.”

“Imagine If This Was Happening to Us”

In recent months, something has changed for the whistleblowers. There is a new sense of camaraderie among them, as well as with the lawyers defending them and a growing group of activist supporters. Most unexpectedly, they are hearing from the families of victims of drone strikes, thanks to the work of groups like Reprieve in Great Britain.

In mid-April, for instance, when Cian Westmoreland was visiting London, he met with Malik Jalal, a Pakistani tribal leader who claims that he has been targeted by U.S. drones on multiple occasions. Clive Lewis, a member of Parliament and military veteran, released a photo on Facebook of the meeting. “It’s possible that one of the two men I’m [standing] between in this picture, Cian Westmoreland, was trying to kill the man on my right, Malik Jalal — at some stage in the past seven years,” Lewis wrote.

“Their story is both amazing and terrifying. At once it shows the growing menace and destructive capability of unchecked political and military power juxtaposed with the power of the human spirit and human solidarity.”

As that sense of solidarity strengthens and as the distance between the formerhunters and the hunted begins to narrow, the whistleblowers are beginning to confront some distinctly uncomfortable questions. “We often hear that drones can see everything by day and by night,” a different drone victim of the February 2010 strike in Uruzgan told filmmaker Kennebeck. “You can see the difference between a needle and an ant but not people? We were sitting in the pickup truck, some even on the bed. Did you not see that there were travelers, women and children?”

When the president and his key officials look at the drone program, they undoubtedly don’t “see” women and children. Instead, they are caught up in a Hollywood-style vision of imminent danger from terrorists and of the kind of salvation that a missile launched from thousands of miles away provides. It is undoubtedly thanks to just this thought process, already deeply embedded in the American way of war, that not a single candidate for president in 2016 has rejected the drone program.

That is exactly what the whistleblowers feel needs to change.

“I just want people to know that not everybody is a freaking terrorist and we need to just get out of that mindset. And we just need to see these people as people — families, communities, brothers, mothers, and sisters, because that’s who they are,”

says Lisa.

“Imagine if this was happening to us. Imagine if our children were walking outside of the door and it was a sunny day and they were afraid because they didn’t know if today was the day that something would fall out of the sky and kill someone close to them. How would we feel?”

Pratap Chatterjee, a TomDispatch regular, is executive director ofCorpWatch. He is the author of Halliburton’s Army: How A Well-Connected Texas Oil Company Revolutionized the Way America Makes War. His next book, Verax, a graphic novel about whistleblowers and mass surveillance co-authored with Khalil Bendib, will be published by Metropolitan Books in 2017.


Sonia Kennebeck’s National Bird premieres this month at New York’sTribeca Film Festival and at the San Francisco Film Festival. It will open in theaters this fall.


Cian Westmoreland was in London in mid-April for a speaking engagement. While in London, he met with several members of the British Parliament to inform them about his perspective on the drone war.  Malik Jalal met with Parliament on the same day, resulting in the photo Clive Lewis posted on Facebook. The event was not a meeting between Westmoreland and Jalal as the original article stated.

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To this day, most people in the US know little about Washington’s key role in the destabilization of Libya. When the US-NATO alliance launched a combined assault of aerial strikes and jihadists on Libya beginning in March 2011, the corporate media was too busy demonizing Muammar Gaddafi and the sovereign Libyan government to give accurate coverage of the situation. Real coverage would have exposed how imperialism deposed of Gaddafi and destroyed over four decades of independent, socialist development. Instead, Washington and its media arm shifted focus on the 2012 Benghazi attack and Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. The true character of the invasion of Libya was effectively suppressed.

President Obama has entered his last months in office. In these last months, Obama has decided to reflect on his proudest accomplishments and most regretful decisions. On April 10th, Obama reported to Fox Sunday that the lack of planning following what he called a “just” intervention was the most regrettable moment of his administration. Obama didn’t apologize for Washington’s leading role in the destruction of an African nation. Instead, Obama and his administration chose to reinforce the reasoning behind the invasion while explaining the aftermath as merely the fault of Washington “not planning the day after.”

Yet nothing about the invasion of Libya was unplanned. The Obama Administration intentionally collaborated with its NATO, Israeli, and Gulf allies to overthrow a sovereign African government. Otherwise known as the “Odyssey Dawn” operation, this war served a multitude of interests for the imperialist system. As the Hillary Clinton email scandal reveals, imperialism destabilized Libya in order to gain access to the country’s vast oil and gold reserves. Libya’s resource rich soil allowed the Jamahiriya to develop a society where education, healthcare, and housing were human rights guaranteed to all citizens.

The independent development of Libya’s oil and gold reserves was a direct threat to the imperialist system of production. Under this system, the natural resources of the planet are viewed as commodities to be privately owned and sold onto the capitalist market for profit. Libya’s independence was also a geopolitical threat to the imperialist alliance. The US, Western and Israeli governments had been planning Libya’s demise years before the 2011 invasion. Gulf monarchies such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar provided the jihadist proxies necessary to create the conditions for a “humanitarian” intervention.

What resulted was a humanitarian catastrophe. Tens of thousands of Libyan civilians were killed by the 30,000 bombs that were dropped on the nation from March-September 2011. Libya was handed over to a consortium of terrorists and pro-imperialist reactionaries who have since gutted the economy. These are the same terrorists that lynched the Black Libyan populationwith international impunity. Libya remains a terrorist haven as rival jihadist groups continue to tear apart society. ISIS has taken power in Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte while other terrorist groups have moved the struggle for jihad to Syria and across North Africa. Imperialism’s Libya debacle ignited chaos throughout the region that it can no longer control.

This is what really prompted President Obama’s apology regarding Libya. Obama wasn’t regretful because it happened, but because he got caught. An apology won’t bring back the lives of Libyans who have either been murdered or displaced by the carnage of imperialist invasion. And imperialism has not turned a blind eye toward Libya. The US and Western imperial powers are planning further military operations in Libya as part of its so-called fight against ISIS. Special Forces are already on the ground conducting field operations which amount to a de facto occupation of the country.

The imperial powers thought de facto occupation would occur more smoothly than it has. Their hope to expand AFRICOM and rob Libya of its resources has inevitably backfired. Under the control of jihadist bandits, the necessary stability to achieve imperialism’s objectives in Libya remains a pipe dream. Chaos and destruction is all that imperialism has wrought on the world. Expect more planned imperialist catastrophes as long as war criminals such as Obama are allowed to conduct endless war without question or condemnation from an absentee anti-imperialist movement.

Danny Haiphong is an Asian activist and political analyst in the Boston area. He can be reached at [email protected].

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The Medical Implications of the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

April 25th, 2016 by Dr. Helen Caldicott

The following text by renowned scientist and physician Dr. Helen Caldicott on the impacts of the 1986 Chernobyl will be followed in a subsequent article by an analysis of the medical implications of the Fukushima disaster

The only on-site medical and epidemiological data gathered after Chernobyl was released in a report published by the New York Academy of Medicine in 2009 titled “Chernobyl – Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment,” which was gleaned from over 5000 papers published largely in Russian and translated into English.

These studies were gathered mainly from populations residing in the heavily irradiated zones in the Ukraine, Belarus and European Russia. However the Russian government classified all the relevant medical data for 3 years.

The Chernobyl 1986 catastrophe has turned into a new medical experiment conducted on millions of innocent people, much like the populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Because, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations Security Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation and the World Health Organisation never collected data from real patients, instead to their discredit they estimated the number of potential diseases that they derived only from calculations of radioactive releases and extrapolated doses.

The nuclear reactor after the disaster. Reactor 4 (center). Turbine building (lower left). Reactor 3 (center right), source wikipedia.

Hence it is vitally important to scientifically and epidemiologically document the many illnesses which arose after the accident so that the medical profession can learn from these shocking accidents. These papers presented in the Chernobyl report by the NY Academy of Sciences attempt to do so. Some people say that they are not adequately peer reviewed so they should be ignored, however they are the only on-the-ground documentations of the many illnesses afflicting  the irradiated populations

In essence 28 years after the accident, 50% of thirteen European countries are still contaminated by a variety of long-lived radioactive elements and the medical effects are severe in some areas. Before Chernobyl, 80% of the children in Belarus were healthy and now only 20% remain in good health.

Millions of people initially were exposed to very high radiation doses from short-lived radioactive elements so the initial radiation doses were thousands of times higher than doses received 3 years later.

Types of radioactive elements

It is important to note that although the nuclear industry refers specifically to cesium 134, 137, strontium 90, and tritium releases, many other dangerous elements never mentioned include cobalt 60, technetium 132, plutonium 238, plutonium 239, and plutonium 241 which continue to contaminate soil and the food chain for tens to thousands of years.

Also plutonium 241 which lasts for 14320 years continually decays to americium 241, which is more soluble than its parent, readily incorporated into food and is highly carcinogenic.  The contaminated areas in Europe will thus become increasingly radioactive over time.

Alarmingly radioactive elements are invisible because they are invisible, tasteless and odorless, and their carcinogenic impacts are slow to manifest.

The radioactive induction of cancer

Cancer arises following the mutation of regulatory genes. The cell then sits silently for years until it starts to divide uncontrollably causing cancer. The incubation time is variable,  thyroid cancers and leukemia often arise some 2 to 5 years post exposure, but solid cancers of other organs including lung, breast, bowel, kidneys take 15 to 80 years to develop post exposure.

Other diseases induced by radiation

Cancer is not the only side effect of radiation exposure.  Many diseases other than malignancies were documented in the exposed populations.  including endocrine abnormalities

Initial symptoms and illnesses of contaminated and exposed children

This is the list of maladies that affected the children of Belarus initially and many Japanese children have suffered similar complaints. These illnesses were experienced in the many parts of the Ukraine and Russia as well including aching joints and elevated blood pressure.

Premature aging

Signs and symptoms of premature aging have occurred in children and also in Signs of premature aging are hair loss, heart attacks, strokes, senile eye changes – cataracts etc, osteoporosis, pancreatitis, arteriosclerosis, type 11 diabetes, and hearing and balance abnormalities.

Non Malignant Diseases post Chernobyl

Because radiation causes a decrease in the immune system, a wide variety of infectious diseases occurred in the exposed populations in the months and years after the accident

Multiple Endocrine Abnormalities

Cesium has been found to concentrate in endocrine glands such as the pituitary at the base of the brain which controls other endocrine glands. This element also concentrates in the thyroid, pancreas and heart muscle where it induced  a variety of diseases in the Chernobyl survivors including cardiac arrhythmias, sudden heart attacks and type 11 diabetes. Radioactive iodine also concentrates in the thyroid gland and together they induced hypo and hyperthyroidism and thyroid tumors and cancers. Menstrual disorders were common, delayed puberty in women, increased testosterone in young women, infertility, increased abortion rates, premature births, decreased sperm counts and abnormal sperm, and sterility in the liquidators.  Of course other radioactive elements which were inhaled or ingested almost certainly contributed to these pathologies.

Immuno-deficiencies and Infections

Radiation depletes the immune system, and many abnormalities have been documented in immune indicators such as T and B lymphocytes and circulating immune-globulins.  Because of this decreased immune response, many infections have been documented in the surviving populations, including  viral, bacterial and fungal infections which manifested as pneumonia, tonsillitis, acute bronchitis, asthma, hepatitis B and C, herpes, parasitic diseases, tuberculosis, neonatal infections, ringworm, cryptosporidium and pneumocystis.

Bone and Muscle Pathology  

Many doctors reported people suffering from chronic joint pain, osteoporosis, osteochondritis, periodontal diseases including caries, and increased bone fractures. This could partly be explained by the fact that strontium 90 concentrates in bones and teeth as does plutonium.

Nervous System Diseases

Because the fetal brain is very sensitive to the detrimental effects of radiation, children who were irradiated in utero have low IQs and borderline mental retardation – findings that were also demonstrated in Sweden. Increases were also documented in neonatal epilepsy, psychiatric mental disorders. Many children also had abnormal EEGs. Irradiation of the embryo and fetus caused dilatation of the cerebral ventricles, retarded neonatal development, and attention deficit disorder. It is important to note that 45% of the babies in utero in Hiroshima and Nagasaki also experienced  intellectual retardation.


The eye is developmentally part of the brain, so abnormalities which affected the nervous system in the newborn also affected the eyes included congenital cataracts, microphthalmia or small eyes, myopia, astigmatism, refraction abnormalities, and retinal pathology.

GI Tract

An increase has been noted in populations in heavily irradiated areas of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.


Thyroid Cancer

  1. Amongst the Chernobyl contaminated populations thyroid cancer appeared earlier than in Hiroshima or Nagasaki 2 to 4 years compared with 15 years chart 6.9 P176
  2. In Belarus, in children less than 18 years, thyroid cancer increased 200 fold, and by the year 2000, 7000 had thyroid cancer. Congenital thyroid cancer was also found in newborns
  3. These cancers were more aggressive and invasive than normal thyroid cancers
  4. Despite surgery 30% had already spread and metastasized
  5. They affected both children and adults
  6. Thyroid cancer morbidity was 5 times greater in women than in men
  7. After thyroidectomies the patients were forever dependent on thyroid replacement hormones
  8. For every cane of thyroid cancer there were hundreds of other thyroid diseases – hypothyroidism or myxydema,  hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s  syndrome and other autoimmune diseases of the thyroid
  9. Thyroid cancer can be caused by iodine 131 and 129,technetium132, rubinium 103, cesium 134 and 137.
  10. The prevalence of thyroid cancer also increased in Italy, Greece, the UK – Cumbria, Czech Republic, Poland, Israel, Romania, Switzerland and the UA

Leukemia and other cancers

  1. In the Ukraine leukemia was first diagnosed in 1987, and the incidence peaked in 1996, and other cancers appeared in greater than normal numbers such as bladder, breast, prostate and brain tumors  in children.
  2. In Belarus from 1987 to 1999 26,000 radiation induced cancers had been diagnosed, including breast, stomach, colon, bladder, kidney, lung, pancreatic, intestinal, retinoblastoma. The incidence correlated with the radiological contamination.
  3. In Russia these cancers were and are prevalent – leukemia, adrenal, melanoma, brain, pharyngeal, oral cavity, stomach, lung, breast, rectum, colon and leukemia in children table 6.18 P184
  4. Leukemia also increased in Germany, the UK, Greece, Romania and Europe in general.

Congenital Malformations, Chromosomal Mutations and Genetic changes

The numbers of chromosomal aberrations were greatly increased in children in the highly radioactive areas  which were detected in their blood cells.

There was also an increase in severe chromosomal induced illnesses including trisomy 13 – associated with severe mental retardation and congenital malformations, trisomy 18 with severe, often lethal deformities, and  trisomy 21 – Downs syndrome

The incidence of Downs syndrome post Chernobyl increased by 49% in Belarus, 250% in Germany and 30% in Sweden.

Many of these genetic abnormalities and chromosomal aberrations will be passed down to future generations

Estimate of the number of congenital malformations range from 12,000 to 83,000. Homes are full of severely deformed children – a situation new in the history of pediatric medicine.


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World War III Has Begun

April 25th, 2016 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Washington is currently conducting economic and propaganda warfare against four members of the five bloc group of countries known as BRICS—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

Brazil and South Africa are being destabilized with fabricated political scandals. Both countries are rife with Washington-financed politicians and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Washington concocts a scandal, sends its political agents into action demanding action against the government and its NGOs into the streets in protests.

Washington tried this against China with the orchestrated Hong Kong “student protest.” Washington hoped that the protest would spread into China, but the scheme failed. Washington tried this against Russia with the orchestrated protests against Putin’s reelection and failed again.

To destablilze Russia, Washington needs a firmer hold inside Russia. In order to gain a firmer hold, Washington worked with the New York mega-banks and the Saudis to drive down the oil price from over $100 per barrel to $30. This has put pressure on Russian finances and the ruble. In response to Russia’s budgetary needs, Washington’s allies inside Russia are pushing President Putin to privatize important Russian economic sectors in order to raise foreign capital to cover the budget deficit and support the ruble. If Putin gives in, important Russian assets will move from Russian control to Washington’s control.

In my opinion, those who are pushing privatization are either traitors or completely stupid. Whichever it is, they are a danger to Russia’s independence.

Eric Draitser provides some details of Washington’s assault on Russia:


of Washington’s attack on South Africa:


and of Washington’s attack on Brazil:


For my column on Washington’s attack on Latin American independence, see:


As I have often pointed out, the neoconservatives have been driven insane by their arrogance and hubris. In their pursuit of American hegemony over the world, they have cast aside all caution in their determination to destabilize Russia and China.

By implementing neoliberal economic policies urged on them by their economists trained in the Western neoliberal tradition, the Russian and Chinese governments are setting themselves up for Washington. By swallowing the “globalism” line, using the US dollar, participating in the Western payments system, opening themselves to destabilization by foreign capital inflows and outflows, hosting American banks, and permitting foreign ownership, the Russian and Chinese governments have made themselves ripe for destabilization.

If Russia and China do not disengage from the Western system and exile their neoliberal economists, they will have to go to war in order to defend their sovereignty.

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Washington’s partial rapprochement with Havana, symbolized by President Barack Obama’s recent visit to Cuba, is more advantageous to the United States than the neighboring country it has ostracized, sanctioned and subverted for over five decades.

This is not to say that the small island nation of 11.3 million people has gained nothing from President Obama’s efforts to mitigate over 56 years of Yankee hostility, beginning overtly a year after the 1959 armed revolution that freed Cuba not only from a vicious dictatorship but 467 years of foreign domination — by Spain from 1492, replaced by the U.S. from 1899. It ended with the Cuban Revolution on New Year’s Day 1959.

Despite Obama’s significant visit to Havana March 21-23, his cordial dialogue with President Raul Castro, and the declaration that “I have come here to bury the last remnant of the Cold War in the Americas,” the principal contradiction between Washington and Havana has not changed substantially: The Cuban revolutionary government is committed to retain a socialist system, including a measure of private enterprise and foreign investment. The U.S. government is committed to eliminating socialism in the Western Hemisphere, though a modification in methodology now will seek to attain that goal with honey, not acid. It will take a more leftist White House and Congress to allow a truly equal and friendly relationship to develop — and that’s not on the present horizon.

President Castro alluded to U.S. intentions in his opening report to the 7th Communist Party congress April 16 when he noted: ” We are not naive nor do we ignore the aspirations of powerful external forces that are committed to what they call the ’empowerment’ of non-state forms of management, in order to create agents of change in the hope of putting an end to the Revolution and socialism in Cuba by other means.”

In this regard, President Obama’s Dec. 17, 2014, announcement of Washington’s new attitude toward Cuba is instructive: “I do not expect the changes I am announcing today to bring about a transformation of Cuban society overnight.” The timing is ambiguous; the transformation to capitalism remains the goal.

Castro continued:

“We are willing to carry out a respectful dialogue and construct a new type of relationship with the United States, one which has never existed between the two countries, because we are convinced that this alone could produce mutual benefits. However, it is imperative to reiterate that no one should assume that to achieve this Cuba must renounce the Revolution’s principles, or make concessions to the detriment of its sovereignty and independence, or forego the defense of its ideals or the exercise of its foreign policy — committed to just causes, the defense of self-determination, and our traditional support to sister countries.”

U.S. press coverage of the party congress — what there was of it — was slanted against socialism in many cases. The New York Times article from Mexico City April 20 is a case in point. It appeared to be entirely based on oppositional points of view. “Despite a dramatic shift in relations with the United States and tentative economic changes,” one paragraph alleged, “the leaders of the Castros’ generation are in no hurry to make room for new blood. It is a blow to younger Cubans who are eager for a more pluralistic system led by people closer to their own ages and unencumbered by socialist orthodoxies.” The article grudgingly mentioned that some younger members “were appointed to senior Communist Party positions.” Associated Press staffers in Havana did a fairly good job of objective reporting.

Carefully charting a future course for a government in transition and the inevitable integration of a younger generation into leadership is the party’s most important responsibility at this time. Those who won the revolution and/or who guided socialist Cuba through extraordinary difficulties imposed over these decades by the depredations of U.S. imperialism and the implosion of the Soviet camp want to get it right. The party will be identifying younger candidates over the next five years who will best implement the medium and long range plans (up to 2030) being worked out during that time. While most of the top posts of the political bureau were unchanged this time, the party selected five younger members in a bid to diversify the leadership.

Raul Castro, who will be 85 in June, assumed the presidency in 2008 when President Fidel Castro resigned due to illness. He will step down in two years. No successor has been named but it is assumed that First Vice President Miguel Díaz-Canel, 57, will become the next president. He graduated college as an electronic engineer and served as Minister of Higher Education from 2009 to 2012. Díaz-Canel was elected to his present post in 2013. Future presidents will serve no more than two five-year terms. Both Raul Castro and Ramon Machado Ventura, 85, were reelected to their posts as first and second secretaries of the party. Raul reported as the congress ended “This Seventh Congress will be the last led by the historic generation.” He also suggested that by the next congress it would be best for leaders becoming 70 to relax and “take care of grandchildren.”

Fidel Castro, who will be 90 Aug. 13, spoke briefly on the last day of the four-day congress attended by 1,000 delegates and 260 guests. Now referred to as “the historic leader of the revolution,” Fidel received an ovation when he said, obviously referring to himself, “everyone will eventually die, but the ideas of Cuban communists will prevail, as proof that on this planet, if you work with fervor and dignity, the material and cultural goods that humans need can be produced, and we must fight relentlessly to obtain them.”

President Obama has relaxed several painful penalties imposed upon Cuba, but many more remain. Washington may in time terminate over a half-century of severe economic sanctions, including an international trade blockade, but it will take an act of congress to do so, and that may not be forthcoming for many more years, or until Cuba publicly shreds the red flag. At this point a large majority of Republicans and a lesser number of Democrats are devoted to retaining sanctions. An encouraging sign in the end-sanctions argument is the fact that very large sectors of U.S. business and agriculture desperately want access to the Cuban market which has been deprived of many goods for decades.

A majority of the American people (58%) not only favor reestablishing diplomatic relations (while just 24% oppose), but 55% favor the United States ending its trade embargo against Cuba. These polls were taken a few months ago before the Obama family received a popular welcome Havana. Interestingly, and largely forgotten, is that the average American was never enthusiastic about Washington’s break in relations with the island. In 1977, for instance, 53% of Americans told Gallup that diplomatic relations with Cuba should be re-established. But Washington’s prolonged Cold War of choice and indulging of the wishes of anti-revolutionary Cubans in Florida always took priority.

Despite Obama’s warm words in Havana U.S. propaganda against the island is continuing. During Obama’s days in Cuba the American mass media — which invariably echoes Washington’s true sentiments regardless of diplomatic camouflage  — focused primarily on the misrepresentation that the Cuban government disparages “human rights,” and that hundreds  or many more political dissidents have been in prison for years  — or “languishing in dungeons across the island,” in the words of Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.

At his joint press conference with President Castro March 21, Obama introduced this theme when he said: “Wherever we go around the world, I made it clear that the United States will continue to speak up on behalf of democracy, including the right of the Cuban people to decide their own future. We’ll speak out on behalf of universal human rights, including freedom of speech, and assembly, and religion.” American presidents have been uttering such hypocrisies for decades as they protect and arm dictatorships and overthrow governments unwilling to serve U.S. interests.

Obama asked for questions from the press and CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta then addressed Raul Castro: “President Castro, my father is Cuban. He left for the United States when he was young. Do you see a new and democratic direction for your country? And why [do] you have Cuban political prisoners? And why don’t you release them?”

Castro replied: “Give me the list of political prisoners and I will release them immediately.” It does not appear that any list was forthcoming. The government denies that dissidents are being held on political grounds; it says some are there for various violations of Cuban law.

According to the Cuban Commission for Human Rights and National Reconciliation — an independent group opposed to the Havana government —there were 80 political prisoners all told in Cuban jails. The Cuban authorities do arrest people engaging in disruptive or illegal demonstrations — but in virtually all cases they are released in a few hours.

On March 2, three weeks before Obama’s visit, Deputy Secretary of State, Antony J. Blinken issued a U.S. statement to the UN Human Rights Council that included a condemnation of Cuba. It said in part: “In Cuba, we are increasingly concerned about the government’s use of short-term detentions of peaceful activists, which reached record numbers in January. We call on the Cuban government to stop this tactic as a means of quelling peaceful protest.”

Last week, police in Washington arrested 1,200 people who were nonviolently demonstrating and offering civil disobedience for good causes and no big deal was made of it by the American press. During Obama’s stay in Havana a couple of dozen people were arrested for civil disobedience (and released within hours) and the U.S. press went wild with charges of violating human rights.

There are many situations where negative U.S. policies and actions against Cuba continue, but only one more will be noted for now — the Cuban Adjustment Act. Cuba is a relatively poor country, hardly least because of U.S. sanctions. Washington is continuing its long practice of inducing Cubans to migrate to nearby Florida, legally or illegally, in order to convey to the world the impression they are fleeing their homeland for freedom. It’s an old Cold War trick. According to an Oct. 1, 2015, article in Florida’s Sun-Sentinel daily paper:

Unlike other immigrants, Cubans are granted entry to the United States just by reaching land. The Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 enables them to become permanent legal residents a year after they arrive, far faster than any other nationality…. Cuban immigrants are granted immediate access to welfare, food stamps and Medicaid, a practice that has ballooned from a $1 million federal allocation in 1960 to at least $680 million a year today.” Many Cubans have migrated since President Obama announced he sought better relations in December 2014, fearing the program would be discontinued. In this the U.S. profits from the Cuban brain drain by offering good salaries to economically struggling doctors, top athletes, college graduates and many other talented people who were educated and trained at state expense in Cuba.

Telesur, the leftist Venezuelan news outlet summed up Obama’s trip with these words:

It was a victory for an unyielding Cuba, whose people and leaders never surrendered in the face of a decades-long, U.S. onslaught. It marks the first time in 88 years that a U.S. president has touched Cuban soil. It’s an admission by the Obama administration that U.S. policy toward Cuba has failed. Yet in spite of all this, some raw wounds in diplomatic relations were not addressed.

Cuba insists that before there is a normalization of relations between the two countries, the U.S. must end its blockade; return the illegally-held Guantanamo Bay; change its immigration policies toward Cuban migrants; stop transmitting radio propaganda into the country and attempting to build an opposition; and finally stop all attempts at regime change. The U.S. president failed to change policy over the illegal blockade, or apologize for the crippling financial damage it has caused over more than half a decade.

Just last month, Obama renewed a 20-year-old state of national emergency to continue to administer the blockade against the Caribbean island…. It bans ships and planes from the U.S. from entering Cuban waters or airspace without government permission, and requires the president to annually renew these emergency powers.

According to the UN the blockade has cost Cuba more than US$117 billion (a huge sum for this small country), deprived Cubans of life-saving medicines, and caused extra hardships for millions of Cubans. If this isn’t a massive attack on human rights what is?

The U.S will benefit more quickly and profoundly than Cuba due to its new relationship, particularly in world “leadership” — Obama’s code word for global hegemony. There are three connected aspects to this observation:

1. The nations of the world are strongly opposed to Washington’s bullying, sanctions and other expressions of antagonism toward a much smaller country that has done it no harm. Last October, for the 24th year in a row, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to denounce the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade. The vote was 191 to 2 (U.S. and Israel). By indicating he wanted to “normalize” relations, Obama sought to rid Washington of the repeated embarrassment of global condemnation. The vote probably will continue until Congress scraps all its repressive sanctions but Obama’s gesture will alleviate the pressure.

2.  For over 100 years the U.S. essentially dominated Latin American and Caribbean nations and top hemisphere inter-regional organizations. This began to change dramatically less than 20 years ago as key governments in the region moved left and more distant from the Yankee overlord. Although it was a founding member of the Organization of American States (OAS), Cuba was banned by the U.S. from attending meetings of this important group for 47 years but was invited to return by a majority vote of all the countries in 2009. Havana’s response was that while Cuba welcomed the Assembly’s gesture, in light of the Organization’s historical record “Cuba will not return to the OAS.” Cuba was also banned from the first six meetings of the Washington-backed Summit of the Americas, but strong support from Latin America and Caribbean countries made it possible for Raul Castro to attend in 2015.

Since then, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was formally established in 2011 in Caracas, with the initiative of the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and the support of Cuba. CELAC includes all 33 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, including Cuba, and excludes the United States and Canada. Its task is to encourage deeper integration of the countries in the region. Other important new groups that reduce Yankee control are ALBA (an alternative to the Free Trade Area of the Americas) and UNASUR (the Union of South American Nations).

The Obama administration has long been aware that the U.S. was losing much of its clout in a crucial region of 640 million people and that the best way to restore some semblance of authority was to publicly declare that Washington would scrap the Cold War with Cuba. In December 2014 Obama announced: “We will end an outdated approach [to Cuba] that, for decades has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries.” This 55-year policy not only intentionally crippled the economy of a small nation; it was major factor in the loss of U.S. influence in the region. Obama now is working toward regaining its dominant “leadership” south of the border.

In an article for the April 2016 issue of The Atlantic magazine, based on various interviews with Obama, Jeffrey Goldberg writes that Obama “cited America’s increased influence in Latin America — increased, in part, he said, by his removal of a region-wide stumbling block when he reestablished ties with Cuba — as proof that his deliberate, nonthreatening, diplomacy-centered approach to foreign relations is working.”

Other factors are involved, of course. Many of these left governments are suddenly in economic or political trouble. Raul pointed out in his report to the party congress: “Latin America and the Caribbean find themselves experiencing the effects of a strong, articulated counteroffensive, on the part of imperialism and oligarchies, against revolutionary and progressive governments, in a difficult context marked by the deceleration of the economy, which has negatively impacted the continuity of policies directed toward development and social inclusion, and the conquests won by popular sectors…. This policy is principally directed toward the sister Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and has been intensified in recent months in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Brazil, as well as Nicaragua and El Salvador. Recent setbacks for governments of the left in the hemisphere are being used to announce the end of a progressive historical cycle, opening the way for the return of neoliberalism and demoralization of political forces and parties, social movements and working classes, which we must confront with more unity and increased articulation of revolutionary action.”

3. The purpose of better relations with Cuba is  geopolitical. First it is to further weaken left regimes in the region (including Cuba) and reverse the erosion of U.S. “leadership” in the Western Hemisphere. Obama feared that further withering away of Washington control in Latin America/Caribbean would negatively impact Washington’s strategic global hegemony. Strengthening U.S. world supremacy is the most important element of Obama administration foreign/military policy, the highest priority of which is to contain China’s influence in Asia and the world and to isolate Russia. The improvement of U.S. relations with Iran and Myanmar as well as Cuba is part of this project, as are the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership pact with Europe, and the ongoing Pentagon military buildup in proximity to China and Russia.

The Cuban people welcomed Obama’s stay in Havana because it indicated the Yankee Colossus was reducing its continuous punishment of their country for being socialist and not willing to follow where Washington leads. His speech to the Cuban nation March 22 was very carefully composed. “I have come here to extend the hand of friendship to the Cuban people,” he said, artfully avoiding extending it to the Cuban government.

He went on:

“Having removed the shadow of history from our relationship, I must speak honestly about the things that I believe, the things that we as Americans believe. I can’t force you to agree, but you should know what I think. It’s time to lift the embargo, but even if we lifted the embargo tomorrow, Cubans would not realize their potential without continued change here in Cuba.”

The notion that it is possible for a superpower, after inflicting decades of castigation and pain on a small nation, to remove the “shadow of history” with a few soothing words and a false smile is insulting and absurd. Many Cubans were happy to hear him say, “It’s time to lift the embargo,” aside from the reality that it’s not going to be lifted for many years. But if it ever is ended, Obama warned the Cuban people that they won’t realize that potential unless they reorganize their society in a way that satisfies Uncle Sam.

In all Obama’s many pronouncements in Cuba about U.S. dedication to human rights he never mentioned Washington’s intrusions on human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean during the last 60-plus years. They include backing the fascist dictatorships in Argentina and Brazil, and supporting violent regime change in Chile against democratically elected President Salvador Allende. In addition there were U.S. intrusions, invasions, CIA changes in regime, and other American abuses in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Haiti, Guyana, Ecuador, Honduras, Bolivia, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Grenada, Suriname, Panama, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela and of course the CIA-organized and President Kennedy-approved disastrous invasion of Cuba April 17, 1961. The CIA and Cubans the agency controlled carried out up to 100 failed assassination attempts on the life of President Fidel Castro.

Obama removed Cuba from its list of state of sponsors of terrorism in May. This opened the way toward closer relations. But Cuba never supported terrorism. It defended itself against U.S. terrorism many times.  Havana opposed fascist dictatorships in Latin America. It supported those fighting for freedom. Cuba sent its troops to fight and die against the U.S.-backed South Africa’s war against Angola.

Here is an excerpt from a longer accounting of U.S. crimes against Cuba compiled by Salim Lamrani a decade ago. He lectures at the Paris Sorbonne, and has written several books about Cuba (in French).

U.S. official documents that have recently been declassified show that, between October 1960 and April 1961, the CIA smuggled 75 tons of explosives into Cuba during 30 clandestine air operations, and infiltrated 45 tons of weapons and explosives during 31 sea incursions. Also during that short seven-month time span, the CIA carried out 110 attacks with dynamite, planted 200 bombs, derailed six trains and burned 150 factories and 800 plantations.

Between 1959 and 1997, the United States carried out 5,780 terrorist actions against Cuba – 804 of them considered as terrorist attacks of significant magnitude, including 78 bombings against the civil population that caused thousands of victims.

Terrorist attacks against Cuba have cost 3,478 lives and have left 2,099 people permanently disabled. Between 1959 and 2003, there were 61 hijackings of planes or boats. Between 1961 and 1996, there were 58 attacks from the sea against 67 economic targets and the population.

The CIA has directed and supported over 4,000 individuals in 299 paramilitary groups. They are responsible for 549 murders and thousands of people wounded.

In 1971, after a biological attack, half a million pigs had to be killed to prevent the spreading of swine fever. In 1981, the introduction of dengue fever caused 344,203 victims killing 158 of whom 101 were children. On July 6, 1982, 11,400 cases were registered in one day alone.

Most of these aggressions were prepared in Florida by the CIA-trained and financed extreme right wing elements of Cuban origin.

Any major Cuban economic gains resulting from less antagonism by the U.S. will take some time to materialize, argued Stratfor March 15:

The majority of U.S. businesses cannot trade with Cuba because of the embargo, which is held in place by several pieces of legislation. The embargo’s future will depend on the political mood in the United States. Both houses of the U.S. Congress — currently controlled by the Republican opposition — would have to pass legislation undoing provisions of the previous acts to end it. This is unlikely to happen during the remainder of the Obama administration, which will not be able to find the consensus needed to pass controversial legislation during an election year.

So the task of normalizing economic relations with Cuba will fall to the next U.S. president, and it will take several additional rounds of negotiations before the subject of lifting the embargo even comes up for serious discussion. The United States and Cuba have yet to settle major outstanding issues, such as compensation to U.S. property owners for assets seized after the 1959 revolution. The Cuban government also does not even minimally meet any of the human rights stipulations laid out in the Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996 for lifting the embargo. Though new legislation could potentially supersede these requirements, it is plausible that lawmakers concerned about Havana’s treatment of dissidents could use the topic to stall discussions. Until the embargo is lifted, it is likely that if the U.S. government wants to boost trade and financial transactions between specific U.S. business sectors and Cuba, it will have to loosen existing federal restrictions through the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

The White House has already taken some steps in this regard a week before the visit to Cuba, according to the March 15 Wall Street Journal: “The Obama administration unveiled some of the most extensive changes in decades to rules on U.S.-Cuba trade, financial transactions and travel, including a provision that effectively lifts the long-standing ban on American tourists visiting the country.

“The new measures, presented March 14, ease restrictions on American financial institutions and significantly broaden Cuba’s access to the global economy. They allow Cuban citizens to earn salaries from U.S. companies and to have American bank accounts for limited purposes, as well as permit the use of U.S. dollars in financial transactions with Cuba.”

The White House then voided remaining limits on individual travel to Cuba, which will be a boon for the tourist industry.

An article in the April 5 Foreign Affairs online, written from Cuba by Anne Nelson and Debi Spindelman, made some useful observations about Cuba that should be considered by U.S. business leaders who plan to get richer in Cuba:

With the opening (of the new relationship), there promises to be a headlong rush to find, or construct, a Cuba that resembles the United States. But that should not come at the expense of the other Cuba, mysterious and complex, that’s well worth exploring. To start with, there’s Cuba’s often overlooked success in indicators of human development. The World Bank reported that in 2013, Cuba’s life expectancy, at roughly 79 years, exceeded that of the United States for the first time. [Infant mortality per thousand live births in Cuba is 4.2. In the U.S. it is 6 per thousand.] The Cubans are proud of their security, a product of banning guns and severely limiting narcotics trafficking and drug abuse. The country’s system of preventive medicine has been highly effective. Every week, teams of medical students make weekly door-to-door check-ups, effectively curtailing many infectious diseases across the island. In recent weeks Cuba has mobilized its army reserves to fumigate every household in the country to limit the spread of the Zika virus….

Cubans in both Havana and the rural interior… [are] aware of the advantages they stand to lose in a transition: cities in which drugs are rare and gun violence is unknown, a society that is committed to nourishing and educating all of its children. Cubans are asking how to integrate the most constructive aspects of the U.S. system without inviting its attendant plagues. For its part, the United States, as well as U.S. entrepreneurs seeking to set up shop on the island, should approach Cuba in a spirit of discovery, with much to offer, much to gain, and much to learn.

Rafael Hernandez, Cuban political analyst and head of the Temas magazine told China’s Xinhua news agency: “We are not rushing towards a free market economy, nor is our government taking us there. This is a gradual process of transformation, economic diversification and development of a nationalist private sector.”

According to Xinhua: “Havana must reduce its dependence on imports and develop a greater capacity to produce goods.  Hernandez said ‘The Cuban people have very high expectations and demands from this reform era because their hope is to restore the quality of life they had in the 1980s just before the Soviet collapse.’

He also stressed the next several years will be essential for Cuba to speed up reforms initiated in 2011 and that the Cuban leadership is aware of the importance of implementing key reforms such as putting an end to the country’s double currency system, increasing productivity, efficiency and salaries in the state sector and providing a legal framework for private businesses.

Hernandez further said, ‘At the same time, the party leadership wants to avoid any chaotic shake-up within its ranks as economic reforms are implemented and the revolutionary leaders hand over power to the younger generation. In the next five years we’ll see an articulated, gradual and easy-going generational transition among the top political positions in the country.’

President Obama indicated he would like to visit Fidel if it could be worked out, but it didn’t happen. Fidel has had weak health for several year but he often meets with visitors and writes a frequent column for the daily paper Granma. He went to a children’s school and talked to some of the young kids two weeks after Obama’s departure. And just days after Obama and his family arrived back home Fidel published a 1,500-word column titled “Brother Obama.” which said in part:

Obama made a speech in which he uses the most sweetened words to express: ‘It is time, now, to forget the past, leave the past behind, let us look to the future together, a future of hope. And it won’t be easy, there will be challenges and we must give it time; but my stay here gives me more hope in what we can do together as friends, as family, as neighbors, together.’

I suppose all of us were at risk of a heart attack upon hearing these words from the President of the United States. After a ruthless blockade that has lasted almost 60 years, and what about those who have died in the mercenary attacks on Cuban ships and ports, an airliner full of passengers blown up in midair, mercenary invasions, multiple acts of violence and coercion?

Nobody should be under the illusion that the people of this dignified and selfless country will renounce the glory, the rights, or the spiritual wealth they have gained with the development of education, science and culture.

I also warn that we are capable of producing the food and material riches we need with the efforts and intelligence of our people. We do not need the empire to give us anything. Our efforts will be legal and peaceful, as this is our commitment to peace and fraternity among all human beings who live on this planet.


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Pyongyang said it will stop conducting nuclear tests if the US puts an end to its annual military drills in the South, North Korea’s foreign minister told AP on Saturday.

“Stop the nuclear war exercises in the Korean Peninsula, then we should also cease our nuclear tests,” Foreign Minister Ri Su Yong said in his first-ever interview with Western media. “If we continue on this path of confrontation, this will lead to very catastrophic results, not only for the two countries but for the whole entire world as well.”

At the same time, Ri stressed that his country has the right to maintain a nuclear deterrent and will not be bullied by international sanctions.

© Damir Sagolj

© Damir Sagolj / Reuters

Korea’s foreign minister asserted that it was the US that had pushed the North to develop nuclear weapons as a self-defense strategy, adding that the only thing that could dissuade the country from carrying out its tests, would be for the US to halt its military exercises with Seoul.

“It is really crucial for the United States government to withdraw its hostile policy against the DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] and as an expression of this stop the military exercises, war exercises, in the Korean Peninsula. Then we will respond likewise,”he said in Korean.

If the drills were to be stopped “for some period, for some years, new opportunities may arise for the two countries and for the whole entire world as well,” he observed.

Ri arrived in New York on Friday for an official UN ceremony, where over 160 countries signed on to a climate change deal reached last year.

READ MORE: N. Korea launches missile test hours after UN introduces new sanctions 

In response to Ri’s comments, a US official told AP that participating in military exercises in South Korea demonstrates the US’ commitment to the region and provides an opportunity to update existing military techniques.

“We call again on North Korea to refrain from actions and rhetoric that further raise tensions in the region and focus instead on taking concrete steps toward fulfilling its international commitments and obligations,” said the official on condition of anonymity.

Pyongyang views American exercises in the South as a rehearsal for an actual invasion of the North. This is not the first time such a proposal has been made, but the US continues to insist that North Korea must make the first move by giving up its nuclear ambitions.

Tensions between Pyongyang and Seoul recently escalated after the North conducted a hydrogen bomb test in early January and successful put a satellite into orbit a month later, going against several UN Security Council resolutions.

North Korea stated on Sunday that its most recent submarine-launched ballistic missile test, which was overseen by the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un, had been a “great success,”providing “one more means for powerful nuclear attack,” the North Korean news agency, KCNA, reported.

“It fully confirmed and reinforced the reliability of the Korean-style underwater launching system and perfectly met all technical requirements for carrying out… underwater attack operation,” the news agency said.

A submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) was fired on Saturday from the Sea of Japan (also known as the East Sea) in open waters at about 6:30 pm local time (0930 GMT), Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said.

The missile flew “for a few minutes,” Yonhap agency reported, citing a military source.

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Financial Warfare and the Destruction of Greece as a Nation

April 25th, 2016 by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos

Syria is destroyed by military means. Greece is literally destroyed as a nation, as a society and as a state, by its own “partners”, in alliance with international Finance and its representative par excellence, the IMF and with the consent of the USA administration (1)

By the way, all the main international mass media are clearly hiding the reality of the Greek situation, we suppose in order to protect the engineers of this unprecedented economic and social catastrophe, orchestrated and imposed to this country under the title of “bail-out”, “help” packages, who are nobody else but the European political leaders, the ECB and the IMF, acting obviously, all of them and in spite of their differences, under the guidance of big international Finance.

I was reading for example a recent article in the Washington Post. It included the horrible statistics about the fall of Greek GDP – after all, Washington Post and its authors have somehow to protect their credibility. But after paying lip service to the truth, they stopped short of explaining to their readers what means a drop of more than 25% of the GDP, that is what is happening in the country that suffers such a drop.

Then the article contained a long description of differences between IMF, Europeans and Greeks. The reader was informed about various technical aspects of the ongoing negotiations.

Speaking about reforms – how to make Orwell jealous

But there is not any explanation in the article what exactly are those “reforms” than Merkel, Hollande, Lew, Biden, Lagarde, Draghi etc. ask the Greeks some years now to implement. What is hidden exactly behind this nice code word “reforms”.

To give only one example, a prestigious educational institution like the University of Athens had a budget of 88 million euros before the crisis. Now it has 4 million euros, as a result of the “reforms” imposed to the country. Now the IMF is asking more cuts in Greek state spending. Probably it would be simpler to ask just for the abolition of public education and health care in Greece. It would be also more humanistic to provide for some sort of euthanasia for pensioners, instead of condemning them to a slow and painful death, by cutting gradually their pensions below the absolute necessary for feeding themseves and buying their medicine.

They would make also the economy of the interminable and very costly European and international meetings about Greece, the only aim of which is to decide the exact rhythm of death of this nation.

Destroying and humiliating the Greek parliament

By the way, I did not read many articles in those prestigious US and European newspapers, describing what happened after the Tsipras surrender in July, under threat and blackmail. For instance, the creditors asked from the government to introduce two thousand pages of ready-made legislation regulating everything. They were especially interested in abolishing all protection Greek citizens had from any creditors, like the protection of their homes when they are the homes they live in.

No foreign journalist has spoken to this lady, about 60 years old, whom I met some days ago while I was entering the Evangelismos metro station, in the center of Athens. She was sitting there, she noticed that I was looking to her and she thought probably that, through my eyes, looking straight to her, she could penetrate my soul. “They have evicted me from my house. It is already six days. What I will do? Where I will stay?” she asked me, but what was really shocking was not what she said, but the absolute terror reflected at her glance. Now, the IMF is pressing hard for the Greek government to apply what has voted last July and sell the loans of people to foreign distress funds, acting in cooperation with local bankers. This is the kind of “reforms” European and US politicians and the EU authorities are asking Greece to implement and they are never satisfied from the way Greeks are applying them!

In July they wanted to punish and humiliate the surrendered Greek government, so they obliged it to pass through parliament all those two thousand pages of new legislation in just three days. Nobody could translate that in time, so the Greek authorities had to use automatic translation programs. Now they need to correct it, because those programs make a lot of mistakes! Finally, the government and the deputies, half of them sleeping, had to spend a whole night discussing the law to meet the Creditors deadline!

European and US media do not speak about all these. Probably because they are afraid European citizens will understand that what is happening with Greece is not about Greeks and their “debt”. But it is about the future they are preparing there for all Europeans.

Treating Greece as an occupied country

I am reading various articles about the IMF, Germany, EU and Greece negotiations. But I did not see anywhere published the information that “Agora”, a well-informed mass circulation weekly published in Greece, has revealed on April 2nd. Among the other things the Creditors are asking Greece to do is to accept that they themselves appoint and supervise the heads and the administration councils of the main state enterprises still under state control (like the water company, the Greek Posts, the company managing all real estate public property etc.)

Greek corruption

Who is responsible for this catastrophe? Can they be the respected European governments, or the EU, or the IMF? No, it is impossible. Those are respected gentlemen. So it remains one possible perpetrator of the crime. Greeks themselves.

Washington Post reminds to its readers that after all there is a huge problem of corruption and mismanagement in the country. Who now can object to that remark? But why the Washington Post or the European newspapers do not analyze for their readers the extent of the Siemens scandal or what did US defense firms selling arms to Greece? Why they don’t report to their readers the fact that this German firm was massively bribing the two main parties in power in Greece and a lot of state officials? There is ample material about all this. Who are the corrupted Greeks, who is corrupting them and who bears the responsibility of the consequences this corruption had? We hope Washington Post will soon publish a good analytic report on all that. It will not need a lot of investigative work. There are thousands of publications in the Greek press and in the conclusions of the parliamentary committee which investigated this scandal.

The bribed politicians were, by the way, the more fanatic in helping imposing to Greece the IMF-Germany “death medicare”.

Maybe you will tell me that Greeks after all were responsible for electing those parties to power. Ok, but then why, in 2012, when they seemed to want to try a change, electing SYRIZA, all European governments and EU begun a terror and blackmail campaign to persuade them to vote for the old corrupted parties and politicians?

It is true that they did not repeat this campaign in January 2015 (they did it before the July referendum). But this was only because they had in 2015 reasons to believe that SYRIZA would not finally do what it had promised to do.

During the military dictatorship of 1967-74, imposed by NATO and the CIA in Greece (President Clinton himself, in a rather rare gesture, has apologized for this in 1999), Greeks were trying to inform themselves through foreign press or the Greek service of Deutsche Welle, BBC etc. Europe was a source of hope for liberation for Greeks during two centuries. Now, it became for them source of fear, disappointment, continuous insults. As Varoufakis once said, nowadays coups are done not by tanks, but by banks!

Greece and the Middle East

Both the Greek and the Syrian catastrophe processes have a fundamental, historical importance, much wider than the importance of Greece or Syria themselves. Because both are used to destroy “Europe”. By this term we mean the overall situation, the “regime” that has prevailed in the western part of the continent since 1945, a regime characterized by a relatively democratic atmosphere and by a generalized welfare state. Such a state has indeed existed in both the “socialist” and “capitalist” parts of the continent after the 2nd World War and it represented a relative, still one of the most important historical achievements of humans and their civilization.

Many people criticize this regime as pseudo-democratic and oligarchic or for many other of its aspects. They are probably right, but that does not mean that this regime cannot be replaced by a much worse one. The Soviet Union for instance was an absolutely unacceptable structure. But the replacement of a supposedly “proletarian” dictatorship by a regime of bureaucratic-oligarchic, “cleptocratic” and sometimes clearly Mafiosi “democracy”, in 1991, (also under the supervision of the IMF) hardly can be considered as any progress. Neither the disappearance of USSR as a counterbalance to the US monopoly of world power.

By the way, the destruction of the post-War Europe, as we defined it above, is the necessary precondition for launching the new “wars of civilizations”, including the generalized war with Islam, with Russia, tomorrow with China. And vice-versa.

President Obama seems to understand what is going on in the Middle East. He was able somehow to contain the neoliberal folly unfolding there. He had even the courage to make a tactical alliance with Putin to achieve the goal of stabilizing the situation and stop the war plans against Iran, which could potentially trigger the first nuclear conflict after 1945.

But in the Middle East, Obama could mobilize a quite logical argument. After all many people, even inside the US military, the secret services and the establishment, were understanding that the wars in the Middle East after 2001 hardly are in the national interest of the United States.

With economic policy and “debt wars” things are more difficult, as the invested interests are enormous, there are huge bureaucracies, including EU and ECB, working as “disaster capitalism” agents, under the principles of Washington consensus and the neoliberal ideology. You have to be a person with the historical understanding of Helmut Schmitt or the poetic genius of Gunder Grass to understand where all this will lead. You have to study Faust, if you want to understand the mechanism by which Berlin leaders, in alliance with the international Finance, are acting to destroy Greece, Europe and, finally, Germany itself.


(1) Τhe vice-president of the Greek government Yannis Dragasakis has thanked publicly the US administration for its help to achieve the capitulation agreement of July 2015, which assured the continuation of the destruction of Greece. And only some days ago, the Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos, of the right “sovereigntist” party “Independent Greeks” has repeated that without the help of the US administration, the July agreement would be impossible. He was trying to explain why Greece and USA remain strong allies.

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In the post-World War II era, one week stands out as truly extraordinary. Just a couple of days after the failed US-backed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, on April 21, 1961, a group of French generals launched a coup-d’etat, with the aim of taking down President Charles de Gaulle. This week marks the 55th anniversary of this profound event, little-remembered today.

The conspirators managed to control Algiers, the capital of French Algeria, but failed to achieve their secondary objective of taking Paris. Lacking popular support and having lost momentum, the coup was put down within days.

Evidence suggests that Allen Dulles, the US Director of the CIA, and his numerous contacts deep within the French government, helped orchestrate the plot.

Many French — along with Dulles — feared an independent Algeria would fall into the hands of Communists, giving the Soviets a base in Africa.

Four French Generals, Algiers Putsch

Four French Generals who tried to overthrow President Charles de Gaulle: Left to right: André Zeller, Edmond Jouhaud, Raoul Salan and Maurice Challe.
Photo credit: Unknown / Wikimedia

And there was another reason to hang onto Algeria — the usual reason: its natural resources. According to the US Energy Information Administration, it is today “the leading natural gas producer in Africa, the second-largest natural gas supplier to Europe outside of the region, and is among the top three oil producers in Africa.”

Here is an extraordinary propaganda video, old but of high visual quality, that was designed to move the hearts and minds of “patriotic” French to overthrow De Gaulle:


And here are links to a series of excerpts on this astonishing episode, previously published by WhoWhatWhy, from David Talbot’s masterful book, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of the American Secret Government.  Talbot’s lively writing and eye for the telling detail bring this story to life.

JFK Assassination Plot Mirrored in 1961 France, Part 1

Part 1 of this 3-part series is about the many reasons why the CIA and the French right wing wanted to bring down Charles de Gaulle. It is also about the deep connections between the CIA and France’s own intelligence agencies and government, and why de Gaulle wanted to purge his country of these insidious ties.

JFK Assassination Plot Mirrored in 1961 France, Part 2

In Part 2 of this 3-part series, John F. Kennedy learns of Allen Dulles’s involvement in plotting to overthrow de Gaulle, and assures the French of his support for de Gaulle, while warning them, “the CIA is such a vast and poorly controlled machine that the most unlikely maneuvers might be true.” But not even the CIA, with all its right-wing allies, was a match for the millions of French who stood up for de Gaulle.

JFK Assassination Plot Mirrored in 1961 France, Part 3

In Part 3 of our 3-part series, de Gaulle purges his government of presumed traitors and shuts down the “unhinged” murderous forces that were gunning down, blowing up, and poisoning “enemies of the French empire” — those who were for Algeria’s independence. But de Gaulle still remains a target for assassination attempts, one of which is spectacular.

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When Media Shill For Saudi Money

April 25th, 2016 by Moon of Alabama

A timely Washington Post piece looks at how the Saudis bribe left, right and center:

Saudi government has vast network of PR, lobby firms in U.S.The Saudi government and its affiliates have spent millions of dollars on U.S. law, lobby and public relations firms to raise the country’s visibility in the United States and before the United Nations at a crucial time.

Five lobby and PR firms were hired in 2015 alone, signaling a stepped-up focus on ties with Washington. The firms have been coordinating meetings between Saudi officials and business leaders and U.S. media, …

The Saudis are getting some bang for their money.

And just today these three well-paid-for pieces appeared. Notice how they have a common, lobby induced theme:

They may have promoted al Qaeda’s poisonous ideology. But Saudi Arabia is too valuable an ally against today’s terrorism to allow ordinary Americans to make the kingdom pay.

While Tehran continues to sow anti-American terrorism across the Middle East, Riyadh holds the key to regional stability. This is not the time to back away from the House of Saud.

The Saudis are particularly angry about the Iran nuclear deal, and they believe that only the next U.S. president — whether it’s Hillary Clinton or even Donald Trump — will be able to restore Saudi Arabia’s status as America’s key ally in the Middle East.

  • The biggest sellout yet is Bloomberg which whored out the May issue of Businessweek, including the cover, to a Saudi prince:

The $2 Trillion Project to Get Saudi Arabia’s Economy Off Oil – Eight unprecedented hours with “Mr. Everything,” Prince Mohammed bin Salman.In Prince Mohammed, the U.S. may find a sympathetic long-term ally in a chaotic region.

The Saudi mafia clan is not just itself corrupt. It is massively corrupting others. It bribes them to do take part in their crimes, no matter how nefarious. Just consider this, mentioned in the WaPo lobby piece above:

In 2014, consultants at the PR firm Qorvis developed content for the Saudi Arabia embassy’s YouTube and Twitter pages, and ran the Twitter account for the Syrian Opposition Coalition.

The Saudis are the major money behind the war on Syria. They are building ISIS and Al-Qaeda not only in Syria but also in Yemen and elsewhere. A former Saudi foreign minister, quoted inin yesterdays Financial Times (see here), admitted such:

Saud al-Feisal, the respected Saudi foreign minister, remonstrated with John Kerry, U.S. secretary of state, that “Daesh [ISIS] is our [Sunni] response to your support for the Da’wa” – the Tehran aligned Shia Islamist ruling party of Iraq.

Whoever shills for the Saudis should be considered adhering to enemies.

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Hillary Clinton’s major result was produced while she was the U.S. Secretary of State, her refusing at that time to call the coup in Honduras on 28 June 2009, a “coup.” By her refusing to call it a coup, the U.S. Government, under Barack Obama, was enabled to continue financial aid to the Honduran Government, and this financial aid, in turn, enabled the coup-installed regime to become stabilized and to remain in place, despite the rest of the world’s government’s having condemned it.

Here is one recent result of her action regarding Honduras:


This is how she did it — how she (with follow-through by the U.S. President) produced it:


And this is what she says about it, in retrospect:


In other words: She’s not apologetic about what she did and what its disastrous consequences were — she ignores them.

However, even if she were apologetic about it (as she is apologetic about her having voted for the 2003 invasion of Iraq), that wouldn’t really make any difference, because — again — what’s actually important isn’t her lying words; it’s not her lying that it wasn’t a coup, or her saying that she regrets having voted to invade Iraq, or her saying that she opposes Obama’s proposed ‘trade’ deals, or other lies from her — it’s her record of decisions and actions that made a real difference, proving what her actual intentions are. (And, for example: if she really regrets having voted in 2002 to invade Iraq, then why was she so ecstatic about her and Obama’s 2011 invasion of Libya, and why is she so insistent now on eliminating Assad in Syria?) She has a rather consistent record of catastrophes, and it speaks louder than any of her mere lies.

If the Democratic Party, for which I have voted throughout my life, nominates Hillary Clinton for President, then I (because I am neither ignorant, nor stupid, nor psychopathic) will consider the Democratic Party, and the people who vote for it, as being now run by psychopaths, and as relying upon votes from individuals who are ignoramuses (ignorant of what the person they’ve voted for has done) and/or idiots (incapable of reasoning from those consequences, and incapable of understanding that without her actions those consequences would have been vastly better than they are) — I’ll never again support the national Democratic Party.

I haven’t been, and will not be, a Republican (and anyone who is, after Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq, is beneath even basic decency), but if Hillary becomes the Party’s nominee, then the Democratic Party is just as rotten, from its top on down, as the Republican Party is — and, with Hillary as its Presidential nominee, anyone who would be denying the fact of its rottenness, under such a circumstance as this, would necessarily be either ignorant, stupid, or psychopathic (as I have just expained here what those terms mean).

That’s an undeniable scientific fact about the Party, if it runs a person such as that, as its Presidential nominee. She is the Democratic Party’s Richard Nixon, and this is clear about her even before she wins her Party’s Presidential nomination — so, it will be unforgivable, if she does win it.

After the Nazi Party ran Adolf Hitler as its nominee in Germany’s 1933 election, is there anyone today who would vote Nazi who isn’t ignorant, stupid, and/or psychopathic? Of course not. For the masses of people in Honduras — the murder capital of the world after Hillary stanched up and defended and kept in power its fascist coup-regime in 2009 — their country is approximately as terrifying as Hitler’s Germany was terrifying to Jews.

All decent people will feel aversion at the very thought of Hillary Clinton becoming the Democratic Party’s nominee, and no intelligent person will trust anything she says, because her record shows her true character, which is plain repulsive.

For example, she recently said

“The Legislature—or the national Legislature in Honduras and the national judiciary actually followed the law in removing President Zelaya”,

but even her own U.S. Ambassador in Honduras, Hugo Llorens, right after the coup, wrote to her the contrary (and she ignored what he and all decent persons were saying), and here is what he said to her:

The actions of June 28 can only be considered a coup d’etat by the legislative branch, with the support of the judicial branch and the military, against the executive branch. It bears mentioning that, whereas the resolution adopted June 28refers only to Zelaya, its effect was to remove the entire executive branch. Both of these actions clearly exceeded Congress’s authority. … No matter what the merits of the case against Zelaya, his forced removal by the military was clearly illegal, and [puppet-leader Roberto] Micheletti’s ascendance as ‘interim president’ was totally illegitimate.

Furthermore, even the highly compromised Honduran Truth Commission (set up by the U.S. because of the international condemnation of the deteriorating situation in Honduras) concluded that it had been a “coup”. She still brazenly lies through her teeth. And ‘Democratic’ suckers and psychopaths still take seriously what she says, and vote for her, aftersuch a record as this. If that’s not repulsive, then what is?

As Jonathan Watts recently noted, in Britain’s Guardian:

Environmental activists are more likely to be killed in Honduras than any other country, according to a study by the NGO Global Witness. More than 80% of murders go unpunished. Part of the problem, according to the InterIACHR, is that the military has taken on roles that should be left to a civilian police. They tend to work in conjunction with powerful interests, while human rights activists are criminalised.

Due to the widespread condemnation of the Honduran Government for the murder of Berta Cáceres, the Honduran Government is allegedly now trying to build a case against someone else within her own environmental organization to prosecute for it.

Without the Obama Administration’s support, the coup-regime wouldn’t even have lasted out the year. Hillary went so far as to try to block the democratically elected President, Manuel Zelaya, from being returned to the country so that he could be restored. Elections in Honduras since that time have been purely for show, and no candidates who oppose the aristocracy are allowed: the ‘news’ media are owned by the aristocracy. It’s clear where Hillary Clinton’s heart is: it’s with the money, not with the people.

She should be in prison, not in the White House.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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In 2011 Libya, the most prosperous democracy in Africa, was targeted for destruction. Terrorist death squads were unleashed upon the nation. A NATO bombing campaign destroyed the country and plunged it into chaos. NATO’s death squads seized control of most of the oil-rich territory, although 5 years later, the Libyan people continue to resist. After the 2011 NATO assault, accurate information about what has been going on in the country is very rare. Thus I decided to turn for help to Alexandra Valiente, one of the few in the west who continues to follow events closely and who has contacts inside the country. She is the editor of the Jamahiriya News Agency and Viva Libya websites which cover events in Libya. She is also the editor of Libya 360 (devoted to news and resistance movements in Africa and Latin America) Syria 360 and Revolutionary Strategic Studies. You can follow her on twitter @libya360 and @jamahiriyanews. She generously agreed to do an interview with me on the current situation in Libya and so below I present the first part of our conversation.

HT Who are the Green Resistance ? As Libyans continue to reject the new order could you discuss some of the activities of the Green Resistance in the years since 2011? 

AV During the NATO war, there was no “Green Resistance“ per se. The Libyan people valiantly withstood NATO’s barbaric, criminal “Operation Unified Protector” for close to 9 months. The heroic men, women and youth that fought in defense of their nation were the Green Resistance. 

The Libyan Resistance During the 2011 NATO War

Since 2011, the Resistance has been organizing, dissolving and reconstituting itself as it evolves into a very powerful bloc of sister organizations which operate both from countries where exiles found asylum after the war as well as from its bases within Libya. Although there may be differences of opinion regarding the best way to resolve the current crisis, all are unified in their commitment to liberate the country from foreign occupation and terrorism, restore the rule of law via the people’s army, the people’s police force and an uncorrupted judiciary. Establishing national sovereignty, rebuilding and reconstruction of the nation’s infrastructure, returning wealth from resources back to the people, providing the necessities of life (housing, education, medical care, nourishing food, clean water) and ensuring prosperity for all, are vitally important. It has been estimated that the cost of rebuilding what NATO destroyed will exceed $500 billion USD. Not least on the list of priorities is healing the wounds of war and addressing divisions in order to reach equitable, mutually beneficial solutions for all parties. They all agree that the country must not be divided – its integrity must be maintained. The Resistance 

-have a broad base of support both within and outside Libya
-is representative of all of Libyan civil society as well as military and intelligence, lawyers and judicial officials, academics and scholars, tribal leaders – professionals in literally all fields of endeavor.
-have a broad support base among other revolutionary organizations and nations.

Reading the Libyan Popular National Movement’s statement on organizational structure, you can see the framework of a government is in place. LPNM website: 

The same structure is present in the Libyan National Assembly. LNA website: 

The self-governing element is present in all branches of the Resistance, which has its foundation both within the structure and ideology of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya that emerged from the Al Fateh Revolution, and further back into the historical heart of the ancient tribes (approximately 140 in the Libyan family). The Resistance are a force that cannot be disregarded. However the UN and media have attempted to minimize their significance or portray them as “a disorganized group of Gaddafi loyalists”, this is far from fact. Nothing in Libya can change, move forward, progress or heal, without the direct participation of the tribes and the Resistance. As every Libyan is a member of a tribe, the Resistance cannot be viewed as a separate entity from the tribes. Today (April 22) the Libyan Popular National Movement issued a statement reaffirming their rejection of foreign interference. The LPNM have always rejected dialog with the UNSMIL. What is important to understand regarding the Resistance position as outlined in this latest statement is that they also reject any political intra-Libyan dialog that does not include the release of all political prisoners.

Without the activation of the Amnesty Law, there is no foundation upon which to heal divisions and rebuild the nation.

HT Gaddafi’s death marked a major psychological blow to the Resistance.

AV His death galvanized the Resistance, inspiring deep commitment to the struggle. 

HT Despite the terrible danger, Libyans have been forming human rights groups to demand an end to rule by death squads what can you tell us about this. 

AV Human Rights organizations have always existed in Libya. Since the 2011 war they have been forced to work from headquarters based in neighboring countries. Those who have attempted to work inside Libya have been abducted, detained, tortured.

Many have been murdered. Their role in exposing details of widespread human rights abuses occurring across the entire country has been invaluable. They have openly criticized the UN efforts to create a government of accord and published almost daily reports on activities of militias and da’esh, ongoing persecution of African refugees, black-skinned Libyans, collective punishment of civilians that resist militia rule, the status of political prisoners and regular alerts of humanitarian emergencies. Since the December, 2015 abduction and detention of members of the National Commission for Human Rights in Libya by Tripoli militias, the flow of verified news has diminished. Neither do we know the fate of this organization’s members. Their silencing has been a terrible loss. 


HT How would you describe the two governments? 

AV Since the situation is shifting rapidly with the recent arrival of the UN-appointed government of accord (unity government), the best approach to this complicated question is a simple summary of events. It is important to emphasize that since the 2014 election, neither the GNC nor the HoR have contributed in any way to rebuilding the country or providing for the Libyan people. Both have shirked responsibility for the plague of terrorism, human rights abuses, militia violence and complete disregard for the rule of law. Both have been involved in sanctioning human rights violations, torture, mock trials and executions carried out for purposes of political revenge, not justice. Neither has there been any progress on the creation of a constitution. Both have served Western interests exclusively. The GNC, an Islamist grouping, came to power in 2012, replacing the NTC. Its main task was to create a constitution – a task at which it proved itself to be an abysmal failure. Being fragmented and conflict-ridden from its inception, the GNC were forced to call an election for June 25, 2014. Less than 14 % of the population inside Libya and approximately 1% of Libyans living abroad, actually voted. 

Image: elections held on June 25th, 2014 saw polling booths all over Libya empty

The House of Representatives was then slated to replace the GNC August 4, 2014 and continue the task of creating a constitution. At this point, a faction of the GNC backed by Islamist militias, reclaimed power, establishing their base in Tripoli. Violence (assaults, abductions, assassinations) forced the HoR to abandon Tripoli and establish its home in Tobruk. Neither the GNC or the HoR, recognized the legitimacy of the other. But the “international community”, comprised predominantly of NATO member nations and the UN, declared the HoR the sole legitimate government. Their status as Libya’s “internationally recognized” government continued until the UN-created and supported government of accord arrived in Tripoli (with the help of the Italian navy) at the end of March. Not being acknowledged by either the GNC or the HoR, they were forced to work from a secured location inside a Tripoli naval base. Following Martin Kobler’s meeting with Abdelhakim Belhaj and other Islamist militia leaders in Istanbul, the GNC relinquished power and endorsed the unity government. After Kobler met secretly with officials from Tobruk’s HoR on April 19, they finally gave a vote of confidence to the GoA. Based on Kobler’s assertions that their approval was the only requirement for the full activation of the GoA, the Libyan people’s response to this move will be crucial. Kobler admitted on April 12 that the government of accord existed only on paper. This is still true and in the absence of elections, that paper is worthless. The UN cannot create, impose, then legitimize a government. It does not have the legal authority to do so. Only the Libyan people, by a fair and free election, where every citizen is allowed to participate, and any person, regardless of tribe or political affiliation, can run for office, can decide who governs.

 HT Once again outside powers are installing a handpicked government. Do you think Libyans believe it has much legitimacy? 

AV No. They see it for what it is; a foreign body created to recolonize the country, destroy Libyan sovereignty and establish a base of operation for the Muslim Brotherhood. To be continued…

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Enough weeping! Latin America has wept incessantly, continuously, for years, decades and centuries. Its people robbed of everything since the days of Columbus, since Potosi. Tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions have been slaughtered here, in the last five centuries; first by the conquerors, then by their descendants and serfs, and finally by the Empire of Lies as well as the treasonous local ‘elites’.

Enough weeping, comrades! It is time to use force.

Whenever people stood up, whenever true Latin American heroes liberated their lands, by reason or by force, the bloodbath was administered almost immediately, from across the seas, or from the North. Tanks rolled through the avenues and squares, and combat airplanes and helicopters sprayed bombs and bullets all over Presidential palaces, as well as the countryside. People were hunted down like animals, dragged to stadiums and factories, to underground cellars, and there they were violated, tortured and slaughtered.

That’s their democracy! Thank you, but no more of that.

Why did all those horrors take place? Because there was always a clear consensus among the rulers in Washington, in most of the European capitals, and the reigning classes in all Latin American countries: Latinos are here to serve the West, to be governed from the North. If some Latin country opted to act ‘irresponsibly’ (to paraphrase Henry Kissinger), it had to be reminded where it belongs: it had to be smashed to pieces, bathed in blood and thoroughly humiliated.

Such treatment was administered on countless occasions, and it happened virtually everywhere – from the Dominican Republic to Chile, and from Brazil to Nicaragua.


During the last twenty years things changed.

Venezuela stood up. It roared, clenched its fists and won, sending tremors of hope to all corners of the World. It could be done; it really could be done after all, carajo! Bolivian people shouted in a clear, indignant and beautiful voice: this is our land and these are our indigenous colors; this is our air and our water! Then they fought, and some died but the nation won. Ecuador rose from its knees, changing the lives of millions of historically oppressed people. Argentina refused to pay unjust debts, and instead attempted to build a just and socialist society. Chile, step by step, was shedding its horrid legacy of the Pinochet era, throwing many of those responsible for its macabre rape into prisons.

In so many different ways (from the quiet and slow Uruguayan way, to the militant revolutionary way chosen by Venezuela), a once broken continent with the greatest disparities on Earth was gradually resurrected. What a beautiful mosaic! All of a sudden, it broke its shackles, and then threw them into the smelters, casting new iron and steel, so the plows and powerful foundations for new hospitals and schools could be erected.


And who could forget Brazil!

Dilma Rousseff, whatever your foes are saying, whatever the Empire is uttering in its toxic and cynical voice, the Workers Part (PT) changed absolutely everything!

Just a few months ago, last year (2015), I travelled throughout your vast and beautiful land: from the capital city Brasilia to the depth of the tropical forest near Manaus. From the ancient port city of Belem, to Recife, Fortaleza and Salvador Bahia; I spent days listening to the people in Sao Paulo, and then in the countryside.

I knew the Brazil of twenty and thirty years ago, but this was an absolutely new land!

I sat with teachers at so-called floating schools, in Amazonia. They spoke about the progress and hope that had arrived to the most remote indigenous communities. I spoke to fishermen, single mothers, even smugglers. I talked to children. Had life improved since Lula took power? Yes, of course! Who could doubt it?

I went to the slums of Salvador Bahia. Like in Venezuela, in all the poor neighborhoods there was great progress, all sorts of programs designed to eliminate poverty and inequality, great optimism and activism.

The infrastructure was improving with lighting speed, from public transportation to airports. In many cities, art had become totally free. In Manaus I attended a brilliant modern ballet performance, depicting the struggle to save Amazonia’s environment. Even that stunning Opera House where Caruso used to sing in the distant days of the rubber boom was not charging any entrance fee. And in Belem I sat through yet another free performance, this time of Verdi’s opera, in a fabulously restored municipal theatre.

Once dangerous and hopeless, Belem was transformed into a city of grand public spaces, promenades and endless cultural venues.

In Salvador Bahia, near the famous lift, I stumbled into yet another cultural center, which was being taken over by vocal protesters, demanding improvement of medical care in Brazil.

I asked: “hasn’t free medical care in Brazil improved, during the last years?”

“It has,” I was told by organizers. ‘But we want it to be much better!’

The huge hall where protesters had gathered was absolutely public. Nobody had to pay rent to use it. Practically, it was almost as if the government of Dilma was actually paying for demonstrators to come and protest against her policies.

That’s our democracy!


The better things got, the more violent the outbursts of the ‘opposition’ – of the ‘elites’ became. Hundreds of NGO’s, some sponsored ‘from abroad’, have been leading their well-organized campaigns of disinformation and agitation, aimed at discrediting the government and destabilizing the country.

Previously, I have witnessed the same actions in Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina and elsewhere.

Almost all mass media outlets were still in the hands of the right-wing conglomerates.

Money was shamelessly spread all around, buying votes. As a result, corrupt and right wing lawmakers continued to literally inundate the Congress.

At some point, the huge paradox became insufferable: something had to give way, to collapse:

On one hand, (and despite the recent economic decline), Brazil has been growing and improving for most of its people.

Thanks to Dilma and her PT, tens of millions are now living better, longer lives and enjoying much better education. When asked direct questions, people were readily confirming this.

On the other hand, a great number of Brazilian citizens have been claiming that ‘the government and Dilma have to go’.

There is no logic uniting these two beliefs. Except… Except that those constant negative campaigns, the Machiavellian manipulations and shameless anti-Left propaganda has finally managed to produce a decisive impact on the Brazilian psyche!

People have been manipulated into an extremely bizarre, irrational way of thinking: “We are doing better, but we don’t like those forces that have been improving our lives.”

One day, riding the brilliant Sao Paulo metro with my good Cuban friend, I uttered: “This is much better than the public transit systems in Paris or London.”

“Really?” he asked, sarcastically. “But people here think that it is absolute shit! They are being fed with constant criticism. Whatever this government does, it is always described as wrong!”

Let’s not forget where all this comes from. The propaganda is manufactured abroad, and only then modified and calibrated in Sao Paulo and elsewhere, for local consumption. All this is extremely professional, potent and destructive stuff, and it is dispersed all over Latin America. The goal is simple: to stop Latin American revolutions! To uphold the status quo.


Now the Congress has opened doors for impeachment of the President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.

If this drama is allowed to go on, it may be the beginning of the end of the cautious Brazilian revolution, and of the rule of the people (the corrupt lawmakers who are trying to overthrow her government don’t really represent much more than their financial and selfish political ambitions).

Even some of the Western press couldn’t hold it back any longer. The British Daily Mail wrote on 18th April 2016, right after the vote:

The decision delivered a major blow to a long-embattled leader who repeatedly argued that the push against her was a ‘coup’.

While Rousseff herself has not been personally charged with corruption, many of the lawmakers who decided her fate on Sunday have been.

Congresso em Foco, a prominent watchdog group in Brasilia, said more than 300 of the legislators who voted – well over half the chamber – are under investigation for corruption, fraud or electoral crimes.

As they cast their vote, some lawmakers said the next politician to be impeached should be the man leading the proceedings, Speaker Eduardo Cunha. He is charged with corruption and money laundering in the kickback scandal involving Petrobras, and he also faces an ethics inquiry over undeclared Swiss bank accounts.

‘God have pity on this nation,’ Cunha said as he cast his vote in favor of impeaching Rousseff.

What did Dilma really do wrong, apart from defending the interests of the poor Brazilians (although that is already an arch crime in the eyes of ‘elites’ and the Empire!)?

‘Official’ accusations are: Rousseff was using ‘accounting tricks’ in managing the federal budget to maintain spending and shore up support. She did not steal anything, never traded cash for favors. Nobody accuses her of corruption.

Even if ‘accounting tricks’ really took place, this is hardly a crime. Some would say, every Brazilian president has done it at one point or another. Almost all Western politicians do it, constantly.

Right before this essay went to print, International The Daily Telegraph printed: “Nato target met by ‘creative accounting. Ministers have only met the Nato target on defence spending by “modifying” accounting practices, MP’s said…” No calls for impeachments in the West!

Even the International New York Times could not remain silent. On 21 April 2016 it lashed at Brazilian lawmakers in the article written by Celso Rocha de Barros:

In the hourslong televised session on Sunday, members of Congress explained their decisions as they voted for impeachment: “They voted “for peace in Jerusalem”, for the truckers”, for the Free Masons in Brazil” and “because of Communism that threatens this country”. Very few members of `Congress based their votes on the charges that have actually been brought against the president: that she violated regulations regarding public finances… real reason the president is being impeached is that Brazilian political system is in ruins. Her impeachment will provide a convenient distraction while other politicians try to get their house in order.

Yes, God have pity on Brazil if Mr. Cunha, or the corrupt Vice-President Michel Temer and his cohorts grab power! Or more precisely, God have pity on the fooled majority of Brazilian people! Who is really Mr. Cunha? He is Christian fundamentalist, a jihadist with deep roots in the darkest dictatorial past of Latin America.  The Guardian described him on 21. April 2016:

Lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha, an evangelical conservative and conspiratorial mastermind, started and steered the drive to remove the country’s first female leader from power as a means of reducing the risks to himself from investigations by a congressional ethics committee and prosecutors for alleged perjury, money laundering and receipt of at least $5m in bribes.


The Brazilian people elected Ms. Rousseff democratically. They voted for her so she could defend them, to improve their lives.

She should now think about her voters, only about them!

What the ‘opposition’ wants to achieve is clear. It is the same everywhere: in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador. Right-wingers have already succeeded in Argentina, where they are right now busy dismantling the welfare state.

They have to be stopped.

The government reasoned with them, for months and years. They opted for this coup.

Now force has to be used.

As ugly as it may look, not acting would be much more damaging and dangerous.

One lawmaker, a far-Right representative from Rio de Janeiro, openly declared that he is “dedicating his vote to the colonel responsible for torturing Ms. Rousseff” under Brazil’s dictatorship. People like him cannot govern the country. Not again!

The nation and will of the people are not some punching bags. And freedom of speech does not mean that a bunch of treasonous media outlets and politicians should be allowed to spread lies and hate, while ruining the country.

Brazil is too big. It cannot be allowed to fall. The entire Latin America relies on it, one way or another.

Send tanks to the streets; park them in front of the Congress, Dilma! Restore order and restore democracy.

Remember: Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador, and the rest of the world, are watching.

More than 500 years, Comrade Dilma: more than 500 years of torment, looting and enslavement of Latin American people, by foreign invaders and local ‘elites. Tell your enemies, tell our enemies: “never again!

Do it by force, because the time for reason has just expired!

Do not surrender!



Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. His latest books are: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire” and  Fighting Against Western Imperialism.  Discussion with Noam Chomsky: On Western TerrorismPoint of No Return is his critically acclaimed political novel. Oceania – a book on Western imperialism in the South Pacific. His provocative book about Indonesia: “Indonesia – The Archipelago of Fear”. Andre is making films for teleSUR and Press TV. After living for many years in Latin America and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides and works in East Asia and the Middle East. He can be reached through his website or his Twitter.


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According to Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (German Economic News), on April 23rd, U.S. President Barack Obama is “demanding the active deployment of the Bundeswehr [Germany’s armed forces, including their Army, Navy, and Air Force] to NATO’s eastern borders” at Poland and the Baltic republics, to join the quadrupling of America’s forces there, on and near those borders of Russia. (This is an extreme violation of what Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to when he ended the Soviet Union and its NATO-mirror organization the Warsaw Pact, but it’s actually culminating a process that began shortly after he agreed to America’s terms, which included that NATO “not move one inch to the east.”)

Furthermore, DWN reports that on April 25th, the U.S. President will hold a “summit meeting” in Hannover Germany with the leaders of Germany (Angela Merkel), Italy (Matteo Renzi), France (Francois Hollande), and Britain (David Cameron). The presumed objective of this meeting is to establish in NATO’s countries bordering on Russia, a military force of all five countries that are headed by these leaders, a force threatening Russia with an invasion, if NATO subsequently decides that the ‘threat from Russia’ be ‘responded to’ militarily.

NATO’s surrounding Russia with hostile forces is supposedly defensive against Russia — not an offensive operation. During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, America’s President JFK didn’t consider Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev’s plan to base nuclear missiles in Cuba to be ‘defensive’ on the USSR’s part — and neither does Russia’s President Vladimir Putin consider America’s far bigger operation, of surrounding Russia with such weapons, to be ‘defensive’ and not offensive. The U.S. Government, and NATO, act as if Russia is surrounding them, instead of them surrounding Russia — and their ‘news’ media transmit this lie as if it should be taken seriously, not as its being a lie; but, in actual fact, NATO has already expanded right up to Russia’s western borders.

Obama is thus now adding to the economic sanctions against Russia that he had imposed allegedly because of Russia’s alleged ‘seizure’ of Crimea from Ukraine after Obama’s coup overthrew Russia’s ally Viktor Yanukovych who led Ukraine until the coup in February 2014.

Right after Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia, Obama slapped sanctions against Russia (even though Western-sponsored polls in Crimea, both before and after the coup, had shown higher than 90% support by Crimeans for rejoining with Russia), and nuclear weapons were prepared, both on the U.S.-EU side and on the Russian side, for a possible nuclear war.

This is no mere restoration of the Cold War (which was based upon the capitalist-communist ideological disagreement); it’s instead getting forces into position for a possible invasion of Russia, pure-and-simple — raw conquest — though no major news-media in the West are reporting it as being such.

That preparation doesn’t necessarily mean a nuclear war will result. Russia might accept whatever the demands of ‘the West’ are, and thus lose its national sovereignty. Otherwise, ‘the West’ (the U.S.leadership, and the leaderships in its allied countries) might quit their evermore-ominous threats, and simply withdraw from Russia’s borders, if Russia stands-its-ground and refuses to yield up its national sovereignty.

Basically, the U.S. leadership decided to take over Ukraine, and refused to acknowledge the rights of the Crimean people to reject being conquered by the U.S. — and Russia’s leadership decided to protect them against the type of invasion thatsubsequently occurred in Ukraine’s former Donbass region, where the opposition to Obama’s coup was even more intense.

Supposedly, ‘the West’ is asserting that Russia is somehow in the wrong here; but, since even the head of Stratfor has called what Obama did in Ukraine “the most blatant coup in history”, and since the fact that it was a U.S. coup has been documented extensively on cellphone and other videos, and in the most thorough academic investigation that has been performed of the matter — and was even acknowledged by Ukraine’s Petro Poroshenko, a participant in the coup, to havebeen a coup — and since evidence survives on the Internet of the U.S. Embassy’s preparations as early as 1 March 2013for the February 2014 coup; and since even the U.S. government’s hired polls showed that Crimeans rejected overwhelmingly the U.S. coup and supported rejoining Russia; the question still needs to be answered: What basis of ‘the West’s’ aggressive actions threatening Russia’s national security is there, other than such lies by the West, against Russia’s President? And, that’s a very worrisome basis — worrisome regarding, essentially, dictatorship in ‘the West’, rather than regarding any dictatorship outside ‘the West’. The dictatorship here seems clearly to be coming from the West,against the East.

Back in January, Russian President Vladimir Putin called-out American President Barack Obama on Obama’s big lie, that America’s “ABM” weapons to disable in-flight nuclear missiles were being installed in Europe in order to protect Europe against Iranian nuclear missiles, but now the U.S. acknowledges that Iran doesn’t have, and won’t have, any nuclear missiles, and yet Obama is stepping up (instead of ending) those ABM installations — even though the alleged anti-Iranian reason for them is gone. The only actual reason they have been installed, Putin argues, is in order to enable a blitz nuclear attack against Russia, which will include disabling Russia’s retaliatory capacity.

Any in-depth news-report about Obama’s organizing for a possible invasion of Russia, needs to deal, therefore, with the key question: What basis of ‘the West’s’ aggressive actions threatening Russia’s national security is there, other than such lies by ‘the West’? And, if there is no honest answer to it, then the only rational response by Western publics, to what Obama and his foreign allies are doing, is to recognize what is actually happening and to take action against their own leaders, before this increasingly high-stakes confrontation — of no benefit but only extremely high costs, to publics around the world — becomes terminal. In that instance, Western publics need to defend themselves against their own nation’s leaders. This is a situation that is frequently encountered in dictatorships.

The key questions are not being asked in the Western press; they are being ignored by it. Unless these questions are publicly dealt with — and soon — the answer, to them all, could well be terminal. Consequently, any ‘news’ medium that fails to address them is less than worthless; it is sheer propaganda that merely parades in the mask of being a ‘news medium’: the potentially terminal questions are then being ignored, and lies are promoted instead, which distract the public from the most urgent public-affairs issue of them all, in our era, not draw the public’s attention to that overriding international-affairs issue.

The closer that things are getting to a nuclear war, the more difficult becomes either side’s backing down from it — and this is especially the case with the aggressor (most especially when it falsely claims that it is being aggressed-against, and this is the reason why the lies urgently need to be exposed).

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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When Will the Saudi Regime Stop Killing Syrians?

April 24th, 2016 by Nedal Naisseh

The Syrian High Negotiations Committee is Saudi-made. Some reports show that Saudi Arabia’s intervention and support for terror in Syria are nothing compared to the estimated tens of billions of dollars spent by the Saudi regime to topple Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad by recruiting terrorists and purchasing weapons needed for the five-year war on Syria.

Most of the leaders and high-ranking figures of the so-called Syrian Opposition are living with their families in Saudi Arabia. Dozens of them stay in five-star hotels in the kingdom and abroad at the Saudi Intelligence Organisation’s expenses. The 200.000-euro gift awarded to each one who attended the recent Riyadh Conference was published and admitted by HNC members themselves and reported by news agencies.

Add to that salaries, among other facilities which are secret or concealed, all this boils down to: killing Syrians and destroying Syria. In fact, there are two kinds of external support to terrorists in Syria. One is financial provided by Saudis, Qataris, UAE, Kuwait and to some extent previously, some western countries. The second is logistic, which is securing and facilitating the flow of mercenaries, foreign fighters and terrorists entering Syria from all over the world.

When will the Saudi regime stop killing Syrians?

When will the Saudi regime stop killing Syrians?

Among the facilities are the 900-km open borders with Turkey in the north. The borders are under direct supervision of Erdogan and his security organisations, whereas in the south, terrorists enter through Jordan, Eastward Iraq, and to a lesser degree in the West, Lebanon. All this is financially covered by Saudia Arabia’s petro-dollars.

Therefore, the participation of terrorists, such as Jaysh Al Islam, in peace talks depends primarily on the US attitude and support. As you know, this faction is an indispensable terrorist tool of one of the main players and powers given the plot to destroy Syria. It is Saudia Arabia which invested tens of billions of dollars in terror projects and spurred on tens of thousands of mercenary fighters into Syria, naming them ‘Syrian Rebels’ at times and ‘Freedom Fighters’ at other times. In the process, the Saudi regime resorted to the power of its own media the world over.

Thus far, Jayshu al Islam has showed up in Geneva through their representative Mohamad Alloush.” As a member of the Syrian internal opposition delegation to Geneva 3 conference, I personally complained to Mr. Stephan De Mistura about the presence of the terrorist leader Alloush at the peace talks. The event took place during our second meeting with the UN special envoy. I told de Mistura: ” How come the top diplomats of the UN receive killers and terrorists in UN buildings?”. I carried on saying: “This will affect the credibility and reputation of the International Organization. Alloush had burned little children alive inside the ovens. He also threw some others from high buildings, caged civilians as human shields in metal framed open air prisons on buildings roofs, beheaded people, raped little girls and shelled civilians with mortars in Damascus. Moreover, he is responsible for shelling the Russian Embassy in Damascus, along with his late terrorist brother Zaharn Alloush, a Saudi Sharia University Graduate, who was killed later by a Syrian army air-raid.”

The United States, along with its allies, excluded this faction from the terror Jordanian-prepared list, and he is there because of the American-Saudi coverage, as has been the case with all other terrorists who are landing in, and taking off, from European airports, under direct coverage, sponsorship and knowledge of the EU security forces. The latest Brussels’ attacks revealed horrible data regarding this collusion.

Many leaks and reports show that most of these Jihadist and Islamic factions are American-made tools to invade and destabilize other countries as a new way of war tactics called proxy war without using their US and western soldiers on the soil. They mainly remind us of the late Osama Bin Laden as the most famous CIA Jihadist agent. This also brings to mind another version of this intervention in South America in the eighties. The plot was known then as “Contras”.

At this point, it makes no difference whether or not this horrible faction, Jaysh Al Islam, admitted using chemical weapons or even nuclear ones given that the operator and the security council members are the same. I believe that it is incumbent on the international community, particularly the superpowers Russia and China, to act and protect humanity.


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Tens of thousands march in city of Hannover, Germany on Saturday ahead of visit by U.S. president

On the eve of a visit by U.S. President Barack Obama, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Germany on Saturday to voice emphatic opposition to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement (TTIP), a deal they argue benefits global capitalism and corporate elites at the expense of the public good and local democracy.

With a 1960’s “Summer of Love” theme informing the march, many participants grooved under banners reading “Freie Liebe – Statt Freihandel” (Free Love  – Not Free Trade) as organizers estimated 90,000 people in attendance.

With Obama arriving to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday to push for the deal, the expression of dissent in the city of Hannover matches recent reportingexplaining how support for the TTIP has fallen on both sides of the Atlantic.

(Photo: DPA/J. Carstensen)(Photo: DPA/J. Carstensen)

On Thursday, a YouGov poll showed only 17 percent of Germans support passage of the deal, down from 55 percent just two years ago.

“We are not demonstrating against Obama but against TTIP,” said Christoph Bautz, head of the campaign group Campact, which helped organize the march. “TTIP is deeply un-American and anti-European because it endangers our shared value: democracy.”

With a focus on Obama’s arrival, one group dropped a large banner in the city reading “Yes We Can — Stop TTIP!” – utilizing the president’s famous 2008 campaign slogan.


On Friday, Obama was in the UK where he pressed upon his host, Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron, the need for European leaders to rally behind the deal.

Though Merkel has expressed her support for TTIP, her office has acknowledged that public opposition remains strong.

“TTIP was never going to be an easy undertaking,” government spokesperson Steffen Seibert told reporters Friday. The deal, he added, “is still a very important one if you are interested in seeing prosperity in Europe grow. Our goal is to wrap up the negotiations this year and the chancellor will underline this in the talks with President Obama in Hannover.”

But opponents in the streets of Hannover on Saturday said they are determined to make sure that never happens. As Agence France Presse reports:

As the whistle-blowing crowd moved through Hanover in unseasonably cold weather, one banner reading “Don’t give TTIP a chance” featured the image of a bull tagged “privatisation” and a cow branded “democracy”.

A mock coffin was emblazoned with the words “Democracy killed by money”.

Dieter Berlin, a 73-year-old pensioner, attended the rally with his wife Hanna, waving a banner reading “No GMOs on our plates” in a reference to genetically modified foods.

Berlin said he had turned out over fears of a race to the bottom with free trade.

“We want to keep our educational standards, not adopt the American educational system. And we want to hold onto our environmental standards too,” he said.

Opponents of the proposed transatlantic trade deal (TTIP) at a prostest rally on the eve of US President Barack Obama’s vist to Hannover, on April 23, 2016 (AFP Photo/John Macdougall)www.attac.de

His friend Heino Kirchhof, 73, said TTIP would widen the gulf “between poor and rich — that is going to threaten the stability of the world.”

Another demonstrator, 38-year-old Ladislav Jelinek of the Czech Republic, said he worried that pollution and food safety protections could be hollowed out by the treaty.

“There is no need to damage the environment more than we already did,” he said. “European society doesn’t need to progress at the expense of animals, water and the air.”

Opponents of the TTIP, including many attending the march in Germany on Saturday, continue to use the #StopTTIP hashtag on Twitter:

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We are privileged to get regular reports on Israeli human rights violations in the Hebron district of the occupation from Abulhadi Hantash, a cartographer for the Palestinian Authority.  The Hebron district is the southernmost and largest region of the West Bank, with over a quarter of its size and population: approximately 375,000 acres (1.5 million dunams) and 706,000 Palestinian people.

Writing to me earlier this week, he said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had given a “green light” to Israeli soldiers and settlers to attack Palestinian citizens; and he blamed American support for such conduct:

The US position, which supports the occupation, has always encouraged the occupation to murder and settlement.  The US position is biased to protect the occupation and the occupation crimes in all international forums, ignoring international norms, as well as all human and moral laws.

What follows is his report for 2015. –Susie Kneedler.

2015 Hebron District, West Bank, Special Report: Crimes committed against Palestinians by the Israeli occupation forces and Israeli settlers
Abulhadi Hantash

Image: Abulhadi Hantash

The area covers 375,000 acres (1.5 million dunams)
The Palestinian population includes 706,000+.
Many types of military occupation attacks .2014 was the year of settlement expansion.

2015 is the year of the settlement expansion and street executions. These were done by experienced, senior Israeli military officers. Young Palestinian men, women, and children bled to death as military officials prevented ambulances from reaching them. The reprehensible atrocities committed by the ‘finest’ military in the world is described below.Palestinians killed: 54 Martyrs

Land Confiscation and Dredging Operations: 1181 acres (military and settlers)

Uprooting or burning of trees: 7335 trees, close to Yatta, Halhul, Dahria, Bet Ula, Shukh, and Dura

Preventing of field work (agriculture): 22 cases

Damage to agricultural crops: 6 cases,: 225 acres destroyed

Construction of units & caravans: Added 115 new housing units & multiple caravans

The construction of settler roads: 1 case

Military orders 39 in the old city of Hebron, 2 in Yatta, 3 in Dahria, 2 in Tarqumia, 2 near Kiryat Arba = 976 Acres

Stop building and demolition notices: 215 orders , in Idna, Bet Ula, Yatta, Halhul, Hebron, Ramadin, Dahria, Al Kom, Bet Umer, Karma, and Dura

The Demolition of Homes and Bombing Attacks

Demolition of houses / barracks rooms / agricultural structures / factories / caves / tents: 52 cases

Demolition water wells: 11 wells

Stop building orders: 235 orders

Evacuation orders: 34 cases covering 538 acres primarily in Dura, Dhariya and Beit Ummar

Destroying / dynamiting doors of homes or shops: 178 doors

Private homes seized for military barracks: 190 homes

Closure of shops under gun threats: 17 shops

Breaking into shops and smashing contents: 70 shops

Confiscation of farm machinery: 4 cases

Military Operations

Raids of private homes: 2598 raid attacks throughout Hebron district

Shooting at homes and civilians; Theft of property; Stealing of gold coins; Smashing contents of homes; Taking computers, mobile devices, cameras, and DVD players; Raiding institutional supplies; Stealing from gas stations, 1067 cases

Raids of schools: 15 cases

Raids of institutions and factories: 75 cases

Mixing food contents so they are inedible by the family: 12 cases

Storming villages / towns / refugee camps: 1890 storming operations

Shooting at citizens: 472 cases

Gas bombs thrown: 590 cases

Stun grenades used: 382 cases (170 decibels, hearing loss at 120 decibels)

Arrest of citizens: up to 1600, many released in hours, others still in custody

Beating of citizens: 367 citizens

Chasing pedestrians in army jeeps: 3 cases, running over 4 people

Chasing workers on the job: 54 workers

Forcing citizens to undress: 123 cases

Attacking worshipers: On a daily basis

Assault on school students, teachers, university students: 42 cases

Attacks on farmers – 54 cases, journalists – 28 cases, foreigners –4 cases,

Attacks on demonstrators – 23 cases

Using citizens as human shields: 15 cases

Kidnapping of citizens: 6 citizens

Sexual provocations: 22 cases

Joint army attacks with settlers: 20 cases

Blocking ambulance and fire crews: 45 cases

Closure of roads / entrances to villages and towns: 1000 cases, some are still closed

Detention of Palestinian vehicles: 590 vehicles

Preventing access to the Tomb of the Patriarchs: DAILY

Declaration of closed military zones: 39 cases

Storming of mosques: 2 cases

Destruction of water networks and electricity networks : 7 cases

Closure of institutions: 5 cases

Erecting new military towers: 3 cases

Prohibiting access to farmland: 5 cases

Landing military aircraft: 4 cases of operations

Settler Attacks and Outpost Gangs

Attacking homes: 220 cases

Smashing cars: 29 cars

Uprooting and stealing trees: 800 trees

Beating Palestinian citizens: 83 citizens

Attacking farmers, school students, children, shopkeepers, ambulance crews, shepherds: 177 cases

Sexual provocation: 80 cases

Assaults on graves: 1 case

Blocking roads.: 16 cases

Attacks on people : 38 cases

Death threats: 10 cases

Smashing solar cells: 6 cases

Storming villages and towns: 14 cases

Running over citizens: 18 cases of Hebron settlers ramming, hitting,and running over Palestinians with their vehicles.  Many of these were children.  These unspeakable crimes are on an upsurge from the 10 cases in 2014.  Six cases are included in the PLO report, “List Settler Violence/Terror Arracks January 1 – July 27, 2015“and the remaining 12 are pending in the July-December 2015 report.

Registering of Palestinians in Hebron’s Old City with numbers next to their identity (to intimidate, as was done in Nazi Germany).

Prepared by Abdulhadi Hantash

Expert on Land and Settlement
Land Surveyor and Cartographer for the Palestinian Authority


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Syria’s ancient city of Palmyra, which was regained by Syrian army forces –supported by Russian air cover– from militants of the Islamic State (ISIS) last month, was declared free of land-mines and explosive devices. 

Yury Stavitsky, commander of Russia’s military engineers, addressed President Vladimir Putin in a televised video, saying: “As of today, the tasks to demine the ancient architectural part of Palmyra have been completed in their entirety.”

“Now the units of engineers have moved on to demining the residential area of the town of Palmyra and the airport,” Stavitsky said. “367 buildings, 40 hectares (99 acres) of land and 9.5 kilometers (5.9 miles) of roads were checked and 1,432 explosive devices destroyed.”


Putin had personally ordered the demining, and the Kremlin has been keen to publicize the operation. “Pass on my gratitude to all the personnel: officers, rank-and-file, those providing security,” Putin said.

In August 2015, satellite images confirmed the destruction of the Baal Shamin temple in Syria’s ancient city of Palmyra, according to the United Nations, which condemned ISIS claims of destroying the temple.

The U.N. has slammed the destruction of the temple as a “war crime,” and the act has raised concerns for the rest of the UNESCO World Heritage site.

Also, ISIS published images last August, showing militants placing explosives into the temple in order to destroy the ancient monuments arguing they are worshipped by people and must be smashed, according to ISIS ideology.

ISIS took over Palmyra after fierce battles with Syrian army forces in May 2015.

In March 2016, the pro-regime forces were able to impose full control over Palmyra downtown after ISIS extremists retreated towards the northern villages of Palmyra and its eastern outskirts. The group’s leadership ordered its militants to withdraw towards its main bastion of Raqqa, northeastern Syria.

In the meantime, the United States said it is concerned by reports that Moscow is moving more military material into Syria.

“We think it would be negative for Russia to move additional military equipment or personnel into Syria. We believe that our efforts are best focused on supporting the diplomatic process,” Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser to President Barack Obama, said on Thursday at a news briefing in Riyadh where President Obama was attending a summit with Gulf Arab leaders.

Source: ARA News

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Truth, War Propaganda, CIA and Media Manipulation

April 23rd, 2016 by Global Research

Never before has it been so important to have independent, honest voices and sources of information. We are – as a society – inundated and overwhelmed with a flood of information from a wide array of sources, but these sources of information, by and large, serve the powerful interests and individuals that own them. The main sources of information, for both public and official consumption, include the mainstream media, alternative media, academia and think tanks.

The mainstream media is the most obvious in its inherent bias and manipulation. The mainstream media is owned directly by large multinational corporations, and through their boards of directors are connected with a plethora of other major global corporations and elite interests. An example of these connections can be seen through the board of Time Warner.

Time Warner owns Time Magazine, HBO, Warner Bros., and CNN, among many others. The board of directors includes individuals past or presently affiliated with: the Council on Foreign Relations, the IMF, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Warburg Pincus, Phillip Morris, and AMR Corporation, among many others.

Two of the most “esteemed” sources of news in the U.S. are the New York Times (referred to as “the paper of record”) and the Washington Post. The New York Times has on its board people who are past or presently affiliated with: Schering-Plough International (pharmaceuticals), the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Chevron Corporation, Wesco Financial Corporation, Kohlberg & Company, The Charles Schwab Corporation, eBay Inc., Xerox, IBM, Ford Motor Company, Eli Lilly & Company, among others. Hardly a bastion of impartiality.

And the same could be said for the Washington Post, which has on its board: Lee Bollinger, the President of Columbia University and former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and individuals associated with (past or presently): the Coca-Cola Company, New York University, Conservation International, the Council on Foreign Relations, Xerox, Catalyst, Johnson & Johnson, Target Corporation, RAND Corporation, General Motors, and the Business Council, among others.

It is also important to address how the mainstream media is intertwined, often covertly and secretly, with the government. Carl Bernstein, one of the two Washington Post reporters who covered the Watergate scandal, revealed that there were over 400 American journalists who had “secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.” Interestingly, “the use of journalists has been among the most productive means of intelligence-gathering employed by the CIA.” Among organizations which cooperated with the CIA were the “American Broadcasting Company, the National Broadcasting Company, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Newsweek magazine, the Mutual Broadcasting System, the Miami Herald and the old Saturday Evening Post and New York Herald-Tribune.”

By far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc. The CIA even ran a training program “to teach its agents to be journalists,” who were “then placed in major news organizations with help from management.”

These types of relationships have continued in the decades since, although perhaps more covertly and quietly than before. For example, it was revealed in 2000 that during the NATO bombing of Kosovo, “several officers from the US Army’s 4th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Group at Ft. Bragg worked in the news division at CNN’s Atlanta headquarters.” This same Army Psyop outfit had “planted stories in the U.S. media supporting the Reagan Administration’s Central America policies,” which was described by the Miami Herald as a “vast psychological warfare operation of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in enemy territory.” These Army PSYOP officers also worked at National Public Radio (NPR) at the same time. The US military has, in fact, had a strong relationship with CNN.

In 2008, it was reported that the Pentagon ran a major propaganda campaign by using retired Generals and former Pentagon officials to present a good picture of the administration’s war-time policies. The program started in the lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003 and continued into 2009. These officials, presented as “military analysts”, regurgitate government talking points and often sit on the boards of military contractors, thus having a vested interest in the subjects they are brought on to “analyze.”

In 2013, Public Accountability reported:

During the public debate around the question of whether to attack Syria, Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser to George W. Bush, made a series of high-profile media appearances. Hadley argued strenuously for military intervention in appearances on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and Bloomberg TV, and authored a Washington Post op-ed headlined “To stop Iran, Obama must enforce red lines with Assad.”

In each case, Hadley’s audience was not informed that he serves as a director of Raytheon, the weapons manufacturer that makes the Tomahawk cruise missiles that were widely cited as a weapon of choice in a potential strike against Syria. Hadley earns $128,500 in annual cash compensation from the company and chairs its public affairs committee. He also owns 11,477 shares of Raytheon stock, which traded at all-time highs during the Syria debate ($77.65 on August 23, making Hadley’s share’s worth $891,189). Despite this financial stake, Hadley was presented to his audience as an experienced, independent national security expert.

The major philanthropic foundations in the United States have often used their enormous wealth to co-opt voices of dissent and movements of resistance into channels that are safe for the powers that be. As McGeorge Bundy, former President of the Ford Foundation once said, “Everything the Foundation does is to make the world safe for Capitalism.”

Examples of this include philanthropies like the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation providing immense financial and organizational support to Non-Governmental Organizations. Furthermore, the alternative media are often funded by these same foundations, which has the effect of influencing the direction of coverage as well as the stifling of critical analysis.

This now brings us to the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and Global Research.

As an institution which acts as a research centre as well as a source of alternative news through the website www.globalresearch.ca, the CRG has become a much needed voice of independence seeking to break through all the propaganda and misinformation.

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Obama, The Inept Politician

April 23rd, 2016 by Anthony Bellchambers

Barack Obama was elected in 2009 on a mandate to manage the American economy; to create new jobs; to overhaul the welfare system for those in need and, critically, to make both the United States and the world safer places.

On all counts, President Obama has proven to be an articulate but peculiarly inept politician who has failed on virtually every important issue, in particular on foreign policy.  Words alone will not create jobs; stimulate the economy; increase the medical facilities available to the poor; strengthen ties around the world with foreign states and bring negotiated peace to the trouble spots of the world.

On the contrary, Obama has foolishly instigated an arms race in the Middle East that will ensure the collapse of the Non Proliferation Treaty and the extension of Israel’s nuclear arsenal that has yet to be declared to the IAEA, plus the intention, as a consequence of this policy, of the UAE and other Middle East states to possess their own nuclear weapons of mass destruction.  Arguably, this will be Obama’s tragic legacy.

From the very first days of his presidency, he was clearly indebted to the AIPAC lobby for his election success and over the two terms of office, he consistently complied with the lobby’s agenda in respect of America’s foreign policy.  He will soon leave office with much of the world economy in disarray with the added dimension of the threat of nuclear proliferation.

The next generation will certainly not thank this President of the United States.


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Concocting Lies before Iraq War

April 23rd, 2016 by Jonathan Power

President Barack Obama observed: “ISIL [Daesh] is a direct outgrowth of Al Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion — which is an example of unintended consequences — which is why we should generally aim before we shoot.”

Many of us looking at the horror of the Iraq war, waged by the US and the UK against the regime of president Saddam Hussein, in which 200,000 civilians died and for which a total of $800 billion were spent, need little to be persuaded that there was a Machiavellian plot to find an excuse to make war.

Yet, there are many in the circles of power in Washington who believe the US should shoot on sight and kill whenever danger is thought to have appeared — in Iraq, Syria, Libya and, before that, in Vietnam.

The so-called “justification” for going to war in Iraq 13 years ago was based on a 93-page classified CIA document that allegedly contained “specific information” on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programmes and his close links with Al Qaeda.

The document has now been declassified thanks to the work of investigative journalist John Greenewald. His findings have just been published in the online magazine, VICE.

The document, before published with a large number of deletions, is available for everyone to read in its entirety.



It reveals that there was absolutely no justification for the war. It reveals that there was “no operational tie between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda” and no WMD programmes.

President George W. Bush’s secretary of defence, Donald Rumsfeld, claimed that the US had “bulletproof evidence” linking Saddam to the terrorist group.

We do have solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of Al Qaeda members. We have what we consider to be very reliable reporting of senior-level contacts going back a decade, and of possible chemical and biological-agent training.

The Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) National Intelligence Estimate report takes a very different line. The document observes that its information about a working relationship between Al Qaeda and Saddam was based on “sources of varying reliability”.

As with much of the information on the overall relationship, we do not know to what extent Baghdad may be actively complicit in this use of its territory for safe haven and transit.

A report issued last December by the high-powered RAND Corporation, which employs some of the best analysts in the US, titled “Blinders, Blunders and Wars”, said the CIA report “contained several qualifiers that were dropped. As the draft went up the intelligence chain of command the conclusions were treated increasingly definitively”.

One example is that the CIA report concluded that Iraq “probably has renovated a vaccine production plant to manufacture biological weapons, but we are unable to determine whether biological weapons research has resumed”.

The report also said that Saddam did not have “sufficient material” to manufacture nuclear weapons. But on October 7, 2002, in a speech in Cincinnati, Ohio, Bush said that Iraq “possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons” and “the evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons programme”.

As for Rumsfeld’s claim “solid evidence of the presence in Iraq of Al Qaeda members”, the CIA report concluded that it was not at all clear that Saddam “had even been aware of the relationship, if in fact there were one”.

Congress’ later investigation concluded that the intelligence community based its claims on a single source.

Paul Pillar, now a visiting professor at Georgetown University and before that in charge of coordinating the intelligence community’s assessments on Iraq, told VICE that the bio-weapons claims were based on unreliable reporting by sources such as Ahmad Chalabi, the former head of the Iraqi National Congress, an opposition group.

“There was an insufficient scepticism about some of the source material,” Pillar said.

I think there should have been agnosticism expressed in the main judgements.

Pillar went on to say Bush and Rumsfeld “had already made the decision to go to war in Iraq, so the CIA report didn’t influence their decision”. But they used their misleading interpretations of it to convince public opinion that war was necessary. (The British ambassador at the time wrote in his book that he had told the British prime minister, Tony Blair, this. Yet, Blair went on telling the public that evidence of malfeasance was still being gathered.)

The RAND study also concluded that the report was wrong on mobile biological labs, uranium ore purchases from Niger and Iraq building rocket delivery systems for WMD.

Yes, aim before you shoot. And do not tell such terrible lies.

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The Head of the Syrian Arab Republic delegation to the intra-Syrian dialogue in Geneva Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari said that the fourth round of dialogue with the UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura was concluded.

In a press conference following a discussion session with de Mistura at the UN headquarters in Geneva on Friday, al-Jaafari added that we held an in-depth discussion focusing on several topics, the most important of which is the humanitarian situation.

“We agreed that the next round of talks on Monday would be for discussing  our amendments to de Mistura’s paper,” al-Jaafari told reporters.


“We submitted to de Mistura a detailed explanation of the measures taken by the Syrian government over the first four months of the year regarding humanitarian assistance,” said al-Jaafari, putting at 42 the number of times when humanitarian aid entered “unstable or restive areas” over the past four months in cooperation with the Syrian government and in coordination with the UN and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.

“219 trucks have entered the restive areas, not to mention 65 trucks that entered al-Rastan area yesterday,” al-Jaafari added, putting the figure of the locals who received humanitarian aid in unstable areas at 1, 170,000.

“We have 6.5 million internally-displaced people who have been displaced from the areas where terrorists and armed gangs exist, 90 per cent of them are living in government-controlled areas and all of them benefit from humanitarian assistance,” al-Jaafari indicated, pointing out that 1, 700, 000 people have returned to their localities and continue to receive periodical and sustained assistance by the government.

He indicated that the Syrian government has set up 504 makeshift centers for the internally-displaced people and is providing humanitarian assistance to their residents, pointing out that the Higher Relief Committee in Syria is providing health, educational and food services according to an emergency plan already set up with financial compensation provided to those who lost their homes.

These facts take on special importance given that the enormous efforts by the Syrian government are exerted at the backdrop of economic sanctions imposed by the EU and the United States, al-Jaafari added, in addition to a boycott of the Syrian banks and banning investments in Syria.

He lashed out at the “hypocrisy and lies” of some parties in the committee tasked with studying the humanitarian situation in Syria, accusing them of “shedding crocodile tears” over the humanitarian situation while at the same time creating humanitarian catastrophes and causing the living conditions of the Syrian people to deteriorate by imposing unilateral sanctions against them.

“It has become known to all, including the UN Security Council members in New York, that there are organized networks of international terrorism supervised by certain intelligence services which are sending terrorists inside Syria across Syria’s borders with neighboring countries,” he added.

“The countries supporting terrorism in Syria have killed the essence of the United Nations and sabotaged the rules of international law,” al-Jaafari said.


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A US judge has allowed a lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)’s military psychologists to proceed, marking a major victory for a group of the agency’s torture victims.

The decision by the District Court Judge Justin Quackenbush was a major achievement in the fight to hold CIA individuals responsible for conducting a program that according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) resulted in the torture of at least 119 men between 2002 and 2008.

The lawsuit was filed by the ACLU last October on the behalf of Suleiman Abdullah Salim, a Tanzanian national detained by the CIA and Kenyan security forces in Somalia in 2003; Mohamed Ahmed Ben Soud, a Libyan captured in a US-Pakistani raid the same year; and Gul Rahman, an Afghan national who died in 2002 in CIA custody from hypothermia that came by dehydration and exposure.

The case is seeking damages of up to $75,000 for the three victims, all of whom underwent torture in CIA “black sites” in Afghanistan.

According to the ACLU, the US government has so far blocked several similar cases arguing that they would jeopardize the country’s security.

The ruling goes against requests by the US Justice Department which had asked the court to consider “the interests of the United States” in relation to classified details that may leak while gathering evidence for the case.

This is the only lawsuit of its kind that has been filed after a 2014 report by Senate that confirmed the CIA’s use of torture and accused it of paying $80 million to a company run by two former US Air Force psychologists who had no interrogation or counter-terrorism experience.

The CIA employed brutal techniques like waterboarding, physical abuse, sleep deprivation, mock executions, and anal penetration performed under cover of “rehydration” to interrogate terror suspects imprisoned after the September 11 attacks.

These torture techniques migrated from the CIA’s undocumented prisons, known as black sites, to US military prisons at Guantánamo Bay, Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, and Abu Ghraib in Iraq.

A former guard at the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, revealed in January that CIA has staged suicides to cover up inmate deaths at the notorious US military prison.

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While the situation at the contact line between Ukraine and the Lugansk People’s Republic is quiet, militia units of the Donetsk People’s Republic report about sporadic clashes and shellings. According to the DPR side, the Ukrainian Armed Forces violated the ceasefire more than 300 times during last 7 days.

The most intense shellings from heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements were observed at Gorlovka, Zaitsevo, Shirokaya Balka, Golmovskoi, Nikitovka, Verkhnetoretskoye, Vesyoloye, Zhabichevo, Yasinovataya, Spartak, Sakhanka, Kominternovo, Donetsk and the Donetsk airport.

Meanwhile, Kiev deployed additional forces to the area:

  • 2 motorised artillery installations and 2 battle tanks tanks arrived in Prokhorovka

  • up to 300 personnel arrived in Donskoye

  • 100mm antitank cannons ‘Rapira’ were deployed in Novosyolovka

  • 3 armored personnel carriers, 2 IFVs and 50 personnel arrived in Nikolayevka-Vtoraya

  • 4 IFVs and 70 personnel were observed at Semigoriye

  • 17 armored personnel carriers, 8 IFVs and 120 personnel were deployed to Pervoye Maya

The Donbass militia also report about the infighting between Ukrainian nationalist battalions and military units. On April 18, fighters of the 81st airmobile brigade shelled the ‘Ural’ vehicle with nationalist battalion fighters in the area of Yasinovataya. As result, 9 fighters were killed and 22 wounded. The shooting was caused by the appearance of a vehicle from the direction of the contact line overnight.

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How Long Will Belgrade Seesaw Between NATO and Russia?

April 23rd, 2016 by Sergey Belous

“We intentionally set the bar too high for the Serbs to comply.  They need some bombing and that’s what they are going to get.”  This was how then-US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright described the draft peace agreement during a break at the conference in Rambouillet (February 1999). 

At the time the Yugoslav delegation had stated its willingness to concede many points, with the exception of independence for Kosovo (which was nonnegotiable for the Albanians).  But the Yugoslavs did not see the final draft of the accord until the last day of the talks, and as it turned out, two-thirds of that document was entirely new to them (and they were presented with it literally only a few hours before the signing deadline).  In particular, one of the newly introduced chapters (no. 7, appendix B, p.79) called for NATO troops to be deployed not only in Kosovo but throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.  Moreover, alliance personnel would, in this case, “be immune from the Parties’ jurisdiction in respect of any civil, administrative, criminal, or disciplinary offenses” and would “enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY including associated airspace and territorial waters.” (para.6-8)

Feeling like they were being asked to accept terms of occupation and surrender, the officials from Belgrade refused to sign the agreement.  NATO then treated this rebuff as a casus belli: after the Serbian government definitively rejected the ultimatum thrust upon them in the document, the alliance began missile and bomb strikes in Yugoslavia on March 24, 1999.  It is telling that even Henry Kissinger later called the draft of the Rambouillet agreement “a provocation, an excuse to start bombing.”

165678.pAs a result, NATO’s 78-day OperationAllied Force, which was never approved by the UN Security Council, damaged or destroyed 89 factories and industrial plants, 48 hospitals and infirmaries, 70 schools, 18 kindergartens, 9 university buildings, 4 dormitories, 82 bridges, 35 churches, and 29 monasteries.  At the time the government put a price tag of $100 million on the damages inflicted on the country’s infrastructure and economy.  But the biggest tragedy was that during the bombing campaigns (which employed banned cluster bombs and shells plated with depleted uranium), approximately 2,000 civilians were killed and another 10,000 seriously injured.

Paradoxically, on Feb. 12, 2016, the Serbian parliament ratified a new agreement with NATO that included terms very similar to those demanded in Rambouillet 17 years ago.  In other words, the bar that at the end of the 20th century Belgrade considered to be “set too high” and which they could not stomach even as a cost of war has now been accepted – little by little, unobtrusively, and almost meekly – over the past decade by Serbia’s new leaders.

In particular, the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the NATO Support and Procurement Organisation (NSPO) on Logistical Support Cooperation requires the government in Belgrade to allow NSPO staff: to move freely throughout the country (article 10, paragraph 2), access to public and private facilities (article 11, paragraph 1), and diplomatic immunity under the Vienna Convention (article 10, paragraph 1), as well as to exempt the alliance’s property and representatives from customs duties and taxes (article 10, paragraphs 4 and 5).

This agreement was signed back in September 2015, but received almost no media coverage, and thus the “alarm bells” only went off for the public after it was ratified in February 2016.  Responding to popular discontent and criticism from his opponents, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić asked, “If we’re going to demand that NATO protect Serbs in northern Kosovo, how can we at the same time not allow it to enter northern Kosovo?”

But in fact, this rhetorical question is nonsensical (and not just because NATO has its own airfields in Kosovo as well as Camp Bondsteel, the second-largest American military base in Europe).  NATO has never played any role in protecting Serbian interests in Kosovo.

Here’s an example.  On Nov. 3, 2013, local elections were held in northern Kosovo for the first time under the authority of the government in Pristina.  By the end of the day, voter turnout in many cities ranged from 5% to 14%.  Because the Serbs did not want to take part in legitimizing the self-proclaimed republic, a campaign was launched to boycott what they called the “Albanian elections” (“šiptarske izbore”).  Violence erupted in the evening: a group of men wielding bats pulled up in a black jeep without a license plate and broke into a polling station in Kosovska Mitrovica, smashing the ballot boxes (it is interesting that the police and OSCE staff had left that station half an hour before the attack).  Although the leaders of the boycott campaign were neither involved nor complicit in that incident, Belgrade, Pristina, and Brussels blamed them for it and even claimed that the low voter turnout was the result of public “intimidation” by opponents of the election.  A new election date was set for Nov. 17.

Nov 17, 2013. Elections in Kosovska Mitrovica held under the gunpoint of KFOR.

Nov 17, 2013. Elections in Kosovska Mitrovica held under the gunpoint of KFOR.

On that day Kosovska Mitrovica was literally inundated with soldiers and police, armed to the teeth and even driving armored vehicles (they included NATO’s KFOR troops, the EU Police Mission, and the Kosovo police force)!  All this is to say that nothing prevented the alliance from interfering in events in northern Kosovo when it had something to gain from doing so.  However, at that time its role was to deter peaceful protests and demonstrations of the strength of the local Serbian population.  This was an example of an election (which had been initiated by the EU) that was literally held at gunpoint.  Despite being pressured and threatened with layoffs and the loss of benefits payments from Belgrade, as well as other dirty little games – only 22.8% of the voters ultimately showed up to the polls.  But that did not stop the EU from recognizing the elections as valid, despite the fact that in February 2012, Brussels had refused to accept the results of a referendum in northern Kosovo in which 75.28% of the voters turned out and 99.74% of them voted against recognizing the government of the “Republic of Kosovo.”

It is a fact that after NATO troops entered Kosovo, approximately 210,000 people were forced to leave (according to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees), and over 300 Serbs were killed and 455 went missing just during the five-month stay of the international peacekeeping force.  In addition, during the infamous wave of violence that took place March 17-19, 2004, NATO representatives passively allowed Albanian extremists to burn more than 900 Serb homes and to set fire to, severely damage, and desecrate 35 Orthodox monasteries (many of which date back to the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries and some are even under the protection of UNESCO), while also driving over 4,000 Serbs from the region.


Partnering but not joining

Serb leaders never tire of assuring their citizens that they have no aspirations to join the NATO Alliance.  “Serbia has no plans to enter NATO, it wants to be militarily neutral,” stated Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić once again (on March 2, 2016), commenting on the opposition parties’ demand that a referendum be held on the issue.  The head of the government does not think that there is a need for the public to vote on the matter.  And it’s true that the people’s will would be easy to predict, because according to the latest public surveys, which were conducted in January and February of this year, only 10.5% of Serbian citizens support the idea of NATO membership, while 79.1% are opposed (10.4% declined to answer).  A recent study by IPSOS revealed a similar pattern: only 7% hold a positive opinion of the alliance.

This was precisely why the ratification of the agreement was only covered by the media after the fact, and President Tomislav Nikolić hurriedly signed the ensuing law (confirming the treaty) on Feb. 19, the day before a scheduled protest to demand its veto.  Immediately after many thousands of protesters flocked to an anti-NATO rally in Belgrade on Feb. 20, President Nikolić published an article titled, “Why I Signed the NATO Law,” in which he tried to convince the public that the legal underpinnings and prerequisites for the statute had been established ten years earlier when Serbia joined the Partnership for Peace (PFP) program.  Overall, the article resembles an attempt to shift the bulk of the responsibility for the rapprochement with the alliance onto the shoulders of previous administrations.  But let’s look at how this process unfolded, in order to grasp the significance of the agreement and get an idea of what the future realistically holds for Serbia.

2000 "Bulldozer" revolution in Belgrade opened the Pandora box of unconstitutional revolts in target states.

2000 “Bulldozer” revolution in Belgrade opened the Pandora box of unconstitutional revolts in target states.

It all began right after the first-ever “electoral revolution,” which broke out in Belgrade in October 2000 (with Washington’s support).  During this revolution, Slobodan Milošević – the president of what was then the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, but who had fallen from favor in the West – was deposed.  The new government quickly redirected the country’s foreign policy toward the ideal of European integration – which meant that Serbia was then predestined for assimilation into Europe’s security architecture, which is tightly bound to NATO.

The first turning point was the July 2005 agreement with NATO to allow transit for the purpose of conducting peacekeeping operations (this was primarily needed so that KFOR forces could pass through Serbia).  In a way this was a precursor to the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), which was a key document that was signed in Washington in near secrecy in January 2014 by Nebojša Rodić, the then-minister of defense, and was just quietly and without public debate ratified by the Serbian Parliament in July 2015.

According to the SOFA, Belgrade will offer the alliance the opportunity to use Serbia’s military infrastructure, to train its soldiers at Serbia’s Jug military base, to bring the legal framework regulating defense into line with EU rules, and to introduce the standards of NATO and the Bologna Process into the military education system for Serbian officers.  The agreement also includes a detailed description of the legal issues affecting the status, powers, and responsibility of both the military personnel arriving from overseas as well as the servicemen in the host country.

The next step was the signing in January 2015 of the operational document known as the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP), which dictates a broad spectrum of cooperation between Serbia and the NATO Alliance – not only in regard to security and defense, but also pertaining to the issues of human rights and economic, domestic, and foreign policy, including the prospect of European integration.  It may seem baffling, but Serbia has even pledged to “[i]ntroduce a public information strategy on cooperation with Euro-Atlantic structures through PfP with the aim of gaining public support,” which means that Serbian taxpayers must shell out from their own pockets to pay for the propaganda directed against them. (!)

All of the above documents, in addition to the recent Logistical Support Agreement, so firmly tie Belgrade to the alliance that no particular purpose would be served by officially joining it (which at any rate would be impossible because of the negative opinion of the alliance and the unresolved problem of Kosovo).  As the editor-in-chief of the magazine Nova srpska politička misao (“New Serbian Political Thought”), Đorđe Vukadinović, has aptly stated, “although Serbia has not officially entered NATO, NATO has effectively entered Serbia.”

“Geopolitical split”

Yet at the same time, and despite the escalating Euro-Atlantic propaganda, Russia’s popularity in Serbia is growing, and the idea of “European choice” is gradually losing its devotees.  This is backed up by a study from the company Ipsos: in 2014 54% of the public would have voted in favor of EU membership, but by early 2016 that number had dropped to 48%; and while 46% of respondents expressed a positive opinion of Russia in 2014, this year that number has risen to 72%!

A survey conducted by the weekly Vreme (“Time”) not only came up with an almost identical number – 50.9% – after tabulating the responses about European integration, but the news magazine also included the question “Do you support an alliance with Russia?” to which 67.2% answered affirmatively (18.8% were opposed and 14% declined to answer).

Anti-NATO rally in the centre of Belgrade, Febr 20, 2016

Anti-NATO rally in the centre of Belgrade, Feb 20, 2016

And finally, according to the most recent study conducted by a Serbian NGO, the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID), which is funded by Western foundations and states, on the eve of the snap elections for parliament (scheduled for April 24th), 71.6% of the public is against the idea of  “Serbian membership in the EU and NATO” (with 11.2% “in favor” and 14% “undecided”), and 55.2% of the electorate have indicated their preference for the “traditional affiliation with Russia” (with 19.2% “against” and 21.5% “undecided”).

In this context, the oft-delayed signing of the agreement to grant diplomatic status to the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center in Niš (as was recently granted to the NSPO) looks very suspect.  It’s worth remembering that in May 2014, when Serbia was hit by a devastating flood, Russian rescue teams were the first to arrive and in only two days managed to evacuate more than 2.000 residents (including over 600 children) from the flood zone, while the Russian Ministry of Emergency Management delivered over 140 tons of humanitarian relief to Serbia (as well as to Bosnia and Herzegovina).  According to the German magazine Der Spiegel, the real problem lies in Germany’s desire to prevent any expansion of Russian influence in the Balkans.  The periodical stated that “Merkel telephoned Serbian Prime Minister Vučić, urging him not to sign such an agreement because Berlin is afraid that this center could become a permanent base for Russian espionage.”  At an April 1 press conference hosted by the foreign ministers of Serbia and Russia, Sergey Lavrov made an interesting statement, “Over the years of this center’s operations we have responded to this type of fear and grumbling by inviting the EU and US to visit the center and see for themselves what the staff are doing.  As might be expected, the EU has refused our invitations.  They know that their claims are false.”

Serbian government officials continue to chant the phrase “military neutrality” at every opportunity, like a mantra.  This is because a 2007 parliamentary resolution made reference to NATO’s negative role in recent Serbian history while announcing a “decision to proclaim the Republic of Serbia’s military neutrality toward existing military alliances until such time as a referendum is held that will render a final decision on the matter.”

However, under international law – specifically the Hague Conventions of 1907 – during wartime it is “forbidden to move troops or convoys of either munitions of war or supplies across the territory of a neutral Power.”  In other words, in the event of a regional or international conflict, NATO’s Logistical Support Agreement could invalidate Serbia’s neutral status.  In addition, the very idea of EU integration presumes a “common policy toward security and defense” – which is also somewhat inconsistent with euphemisms such as “military neutrality.”

The questionable principle of “balance” has also been turned on its head in regard to military cooperation: in 2015 only two Russian-Serbian joint exercises were conducted, while the Serbian army took part in 22 exercises alongside NATO.  And even this limited cooperation with Moscow was sharply condemned by the EU.  Maja Kocijančič, a spokesperson for the European Commission, denounced Serbia’s consent to Moscow’s proposal to hold two special-forces joint exercises in 2016: “Under the current circumstances, such a joint military exercise [between Serbia and Russia] would send the wrong signal.”

The new government that will be formed after the April 24 elections won’t have it easy: the rapidly growing estrangement between the Euro-Atlantic community and Russia means that Belgrade will eventually emerge as a geostrategic fault line.  When, figuratively speaking, the earth begins to shift under the feet of the Serbian elite, no virtuoso “geopolitical splits” will allow them to avoid answering key question – whose side are they on, anyway?

Sergey Belous is the Expert journal correspondent in Belgrade.

Source in Russian: Expert

Translated and adapted by ORIENTAL REVIEW.

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Ukraine: The Fire Each Time

April 23rd, 2016 by Luciana Bohne

Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind, and suddenly there was light, and warmth, and the gathering at the hearth. The gods never forgave, and ever since periodically they thrust a torch into villains’ hands and watch the hearths burn and bring the roofs down. Civilization weeps, in Troy, Hiroshima, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Syria.

In Ukraine, this May 2nd will mark the second anniversary of a fire, a show of force to demonstrate that Ukraine’s boss was the US-installed nationalist Kiev regime. The House of Trades in Odessa was set on fire. Officially forty-eight people died, but witnesses, survivors, and journalists say the number may be tragically higher—perhaps up to 180. Inside the burning building, people died of fume inhalations. They were also shot, suffocated by the toxic exhalations of a mysterious greenish gas, beaten to death on the ground after jumping out of windows. There were rapes, authenticated by autopsies.

On that day, there was to have been a soccer match between the teams of Odessa and Kharkov. About 3,000 Ukrainian para-military fascists or “ultras” (they are called “Maidan activists” in the Western media) announced they would march in the center of the city. They were members of Pravy Sektor , Svoboda, and other Ukrainian groups who exalt the leadership of wartime Nazi collaborator, Stepan Bandera. They were not spontaneous, independent agents. A proper investigation would show that their actions were orchestrated by Kiev, then unleashing its Anti Terror Operation (ATO) in the Donbass with an act of fiery Wagnerian resonance. Odessa’s opposition movement to the Maidan, Kulikovo Pole (“Camp Kulikovo,”) determined to stop them. At 2 pm, about 400 Kulikovo men and women gathered in front of the House of Trades but were provoked into violent clashes. Kulikovo members took shelter in the House of Trades, where the horrors of that day began.

Survivors have noted that what occurred in the House of Trades in Odessa reminded them of what the Banderists had done in WWII in Galicia, in Western Ukraine, to the Poles, the Jews, and all those—Russians and Ukrainians—who supported the Soviet Union. Some noted the similarity between 2 May in Odessa and the massacre of Khatin (not be confused with Katyn) on 22 March 1943, when the Nazis, occupying Belarus, gathered 149 civilians in a building and burnt them alive as collective punishment for an action carried out by the partisan resistance. Others suggest that the purpose behind the aggression on the Kulikovo Pole group was to clear the square they had occupied before the anniversary on 9 May of the Soviet Union’s victory over the Nazis in WW II. The anniversary would have called to the square thousands of people, which would have strengthened the Kulikovo Pole movement’s opposition to the Kiev regime.

What appears to be evident is that the fire and brutality in Odessa, hero city of the Soviet Union for its resistance to Nazi occupation in WW II, was to serve as a lesson to all those who would stand up in opposition to the Kiev junta. Today, after two years, not one of those responsible for the massacre is in jail, but some survivors still are. On March 27, about 100 neo-Nazi Ukrainians attacked a group of relatives of the victims, which every Sunday commemorates the massacre gathering at the House of Trades of Odessa. Though the European Union swear up and down not to be supporting the fascists, their support for Petro Poroshenko belies their vows. Survivors of the fire note that the fascists have become part of institutions: they head the police and the punitive battalions (Azov and Aidar), for example.

The latest report (16 March 2016) by the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR) documents the cost in distress to Ukrainians of the American-engineered coup, which in turn cost American taxpayers five billion dollars:

* In total, from mid-April 2014 to 15 February 2016, OHCHR recorded 30,211 casualties in the conflict area in eastern Ukraine, among Ukrainian armed forces, civilians and members of the armed groups. This includes 9,167 people killed and 21,044 injured.

* 6 million internally displaced persons (IDPs),

* 800,000 and 1 million IDP are living in territories controlled by the Government, where some continue to face discrimination in accessing public service

* 8,000 to 15,000 civilians cross the contact line on a daily basis, passing through six checkpoints in each transport corridor: three checkpoints operated by the Government, and three by the self-proclaimed ‘Donetsk people’s republic ‘with a stretch of no-man’s land in between. OHCHR has regularly observed up to 300-400 vehicles – cars, minivans and buses – waiting in rows on either side of the road. Passengers spend the night in freezing temperatures and without access to water

Distress is not all. The OHCHR reports summary executions, enforced disappearances, unlawful and arbitrary detention, and torture and ill treatment:

* Throughout the country, OHCHR continued to receive allegations of enforced disappearances, arbitrary and incommunicado detention, and torture and ill-treatment of people accused by the Ukrainian authorities of ‘trespassing territorial integrity’, ‘terrorism’ or related offenses, or of individuals suspected of being members of, or affiliated with, the armed groups [meaning, Donetsk and Luhansk forces]

* During the reporting period, OHCHR documented a pattern of cases of SBU detaining and allegedly torturing the female relatives of men suspected of membership or affiliation with the armed groups. In addition to being a violation of the prohibition of torture, these cases raise concerns of arbitrary deprivation of liberty and gender-based violence.

* OHCHR remains highly concerned about consistent allegations of detainees being held in unofficial places of detention by SBU. These places are not accessible to the National Preventive Mechanism and international organizations. Reliable accounts from victims and their relatives indicate a widespread pattern of conduct across several SBU departments. Since the outbreak of the conflict, a network of unofficial places of detention, often located in the basement of regional SBU buildings, have been identified from a large number of reliable accounts from victims and their relatives. OHCHR recalls that the prohibition of unacknowledged detention is not subject to derogation.

* OHCHR has received alarming allegations that in Odesa [sic], detainees are held for up to five days incommunicado at the SBU building following their arrest, without any contact with their family or access to a lawyer. Information recorded by OHCHR indicates that, as of February 2016, 20 to 30 people were detained illegally and incommunicado at the Kharkiv regional SBU building. When asked about their fate and whereabouts, SBU officials have systematically denied any involvement. According to information gathered by OHCHR, the vast majority of those held in the Kharkiv SBU were [sic] not arrested in accordance with legal procedures and have not been charged, despite being held because of their presumed affiliation with the armed groups.

The OHCHR’s report on violence against women would have had the Western media hoarse with shouting “foul”—had the deeds been perpetrated by Russia:

On 8 December 2015, in Shchurove village, Donetsk region, SBU officers arrested a 74-year-old woman at her house while they were looking for her son. She was detained at the SBU building in Mariupol, charged with ‘terrorism’, and beaten. OHCHR visited her in the Mariupol pre-trial detention facility (SIZO). After OHCHR communicated this case to the Office of the Military Prosecutor, a criminal investigation was initiated into her allegations of ill treatment. On 27 January 2016, the woman was relocated to the SBU SIZO in Kyiv. OHCHR believes she is at risk of further abuse. The SBU informed OHCHR that she and her son are suspected of being informants for the “ministry of state security” for the “Donetsk people’s republic.”

OHCHR also documented the case of three women, who were detained in May 2015, in a town under Government control in Donetsk region. The victims included the wife of an armed group commander and her daughter. The latter was allegedly severely tortured, and both were allegedly threatened with sexual violence.

Such is the nature of the “maidan democracy” Victoria Nuland’s boss, President Obama, bestowed on Ukraine. Nor does there seem to be any lessening of support by the Obama administration to this oppressive US protectorate regime—a Nazi-era throwback. The 2016 US Consolidated Appropriations Act secures $250 million (“Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative”) “to provide assistance, including training; equipment; lethal weapons of a defensive nature; logistics support, supplies and services; sustainment; and intelligence support to the military and national security forces of Ukraine.” Moreover the US (you and me) will spend at least $658.2 million on “bilateral economic assistance,” “international security assistance,” “multilateral assistance,” and “export and investment assistance” for Ukraine in 2016. Since the Maidan coup in February 2014, the US has lavished on Ukraine $760 million in “security, programmatic, and technical assistance” and $2 billion in loan guarantees.

Was it “worth it”—burning people alive in the Odessa Trade Building on 2 May 2014 to consolidate Kiev’s power through fear? No doubt, from Kiev’s point of view it was totally worth it. Look at the loot they got. It certainly was worth it to the US neoliberal and military establishment—the transfer of wealth from our pockets to theirs.

But was it worth to us, the people in the US, who footed the bill for terror in Ukraine?

Sometimes I think that our consciences are so burdened by the guilt of crimes committed in our names and through the pilfering of our purses that one more drop of blood on our hands will tip us over, and we’ll finally cry out, “In the name of humanity, stop.”

Luciana Bohne is co-founder of Film Criticism, a journal of cinema studies, and teaches at Edinboro University in Pennsylvania. She can be reached at: [email protected]

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Who will hold Israel accountable? 

The answer, so far, is no one. But on this rare trip to the U.S., I am seeing signs that suggest the dam is breaking. The cracks in the dam are coming from civil society, and with it will follow a tidal wave of grassroots support for Palestinian freedom. 

The Israeli government is going to unprecedented lengths to destroy and silence opposition to Israel’s oppressive and racist policies against Palestinians. This ranges from the Israeli government’s shoot to kill policy that has taken the lives of over 200 Palestinians since the beginning of October 2015, to actions aimed at silencing both Israeli and Palestinian civil society and human rights organizations. Personal threats against the lives of Palestinian human rights defenders have been issued, as well as against supporters of the global anti-occupation movement supporting Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) as a tool for achieving Palestinian freedom, justice, and equal rights.

To describe what is happening in Israel today as fascism is not hyperbole.

These extreme measures come in the context of nearly 50 years of Israeli occupation for an illegal colonial enterprise, where nearly every aspect of Palestinian lives has been controlled.

Israel’s culture of impunity creates an environment where not only are those who resist targeted, but also those who simply exist. The mere presence of Bedouins in ‘prime’ territory is deemed such a threat to the security of the state of Israel that their homes have been demolished and they have been displaced at alarming and unprecedented rates. Hanan Al Hroub, the Palestinian teacher who won the 2016 Global Teacher’s Prize and was named the best teacher in the world, is now being threatened by an Israeli campaign to strip her of this title.

With official representatives of states and the “international community” sitting idly on the sidelines, non-governmental organizations and broad-based civil society groups have to step up to challenge Israeli discrimination and occupation.

For years, Al-Haq and other civil society organizations have worked tirelessly to hold Israel accountable for its violations of Palestinian human rights and international law. And like other defenders of human rights, Al-Haq has a storied history of being subjected to intimidation, threats, and attacks by third parties seeking to undermine our work. Al-Haq’s office has been raided, our field researchers have been detained, cumulatively for years, while doing their job, and I was subjected to an arbitrary travel ban for more than six years.

Over the last few months, Al-Haq has come under a defamatory smear campaign by unknown sources, which culminated in death threats directed at myself and another Al-Haq colleague. We believe that those behind the campaign are trying to send us a strong signal that we have crossed a red line by working at the level of the International Criminal Court to hold Israel accountable for decades of international law violations.

These threats do not deter us. To the contrary, they propel us to move forward and signify that we have been successful in working toward our mission to end the Israeli occupation and promote and protect Palestinian human rights.

The Israeli government has played a lead role in vilifying civil society organizations. In October of 2015, Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, in meetings with foreign counterparts, attempted to link Al-Haq with terrorism and demanded that European countries cease funding the organization.

We are not alone in coming under such attack. The Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon called the director of the Israeli organization Breaking the Silence a traitor, and her grandparents received calls defaming her.

The movement to end the occupation through support of BDS has also come under attack. Modeled after the campaign that played an important role in bringing an end to apartheid in South Africa, BDS supporters have been working for over a decade to achieve freedom, justice, and equality for Palestinians, advocating for Palestinian human rights across the globe. As the movement has gained momentum, so too have the parties that seek to undermine its work. Supporters of BDS have been labeled “delegitimizers” and numerous anti-boycott laws have passed in Israel – and even in state legislatures in the United States in open defiance of your First Amendment.

These threats have become personal. During a recent conference in Jerusalem on combating BDS, Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz incited violence against supporters of BDS, using language that suggested their “civil targeted killing.” While the Minister went on to say that Israel will combat BDS with everything at its disposal but stopped short of including physical harm, given the tense and increasingly racist political climate, defenders of Palestinian human rights would be imprudent not to take these threats seriously.

Israel is also not alone. Its efforts to silence defenders of Palestinian human rights have been bolstered and supported in the United States (including by some U.S. academic institutions) and several European Union (EU) member states. France has effectively criminalized boycott as “hate speech,” and the United Kingdom issued guidelines banning public bodies from engaging in boycott. The United States Congress is considering the Combating BDS Act of 2016, which seeks to authorize state and local governments to divest assets from, and prohibit investment in, any entity that “engages in a commerce or investment-related boycott, divestment or sanctions activity targeting Israel.” Notably, that draft legislation extends its reach to BDS-actions targeting business operations in “Israeli-controlled territories” – meaning the Israeli settlements in the West Bank including East Jerusalem, which are recognized as illegal under international law, and as illegitimate by the U.S.

Instead of observing their international legal obligations to hold Israel accountable for violations of human rights, the United States and members of the EU are chilling, punishing, and criminalizing what is protected political speech and one of the most effective non-violent tools available to Palestinians to combat the occupation.

Despite these actions, the recent call for an investigation into Israeli human rights violations by several members of the United States House of Representatives provides a glimmer of hope.

So, who will hold Israel accountable? As a civil society organization, we will continue to fight for an end to the occupation, and freedom, justice, and equality for all Palestinians, but the international community – and particularly grassroots American supporters of Palestinian freedom – will also play an important role.

Shawan Jabarin is Director of Al-Haq, the oldest Palestinian human rights organization based in Ramallah. He is currently in the U.S. on a CCR-sponsored trip with Raji Sourani, Director of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza.

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Syrian Elections Confirm West’s Worst Fears

April 23rd, 2016 by Tony Cartalucci

Despite Syria’s ongoing conflict, life in many parts of the nation goes on. Syria’s election schedule is no exception. The last parliamentary elections before the latest held this month were in 2012. Since these elections are held every 4 years, the recent elections were far from a “political stunt” to bolster the legitimacy of the current government, but instead represented the continuity of Syria’s ongoing, sovereign political process.

Attempts to undermine the credibility of the elections have become the primary objective of US and European news agencies, however, even the US government’s own election monitoring nongovernmental (NGO) agencies have conceded the last presidential election in 2014 saw soaring voter turnout, and despite attempts to leave voter turnout this year omitted from US-European press reports, it appears to also have been high.

345345444The Washington-based, USAID-funded “Election Guide” reported a 73.42% voter turnout in Syria’s 2014 presidential election, a turnout that would be astounding had they been US elections. Voter turnout for the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections in the US, for example, were 57.1% and 54.9% respectively. The 2016 Syrian parliamentary elections appear to have also enjoyed a high turnout, with the International Business Tribune in its article, “Syria Elections 2016 Updates: Geneva Peace Talks Resume Amid Scrutiny Of Country’s Ballot Process,” reporting that:

Voting hours for the Syrian parliamentary elections Wednesday were extended for an additional five hours because of such a high voter turnout. A religious leader there lauded the number of voters participating, saying that it was an indication to voters’ apparent opposition to the “cruelty, terrorism and destruction” experienced in Syria’s civil war.

Despite high turnouts in previous elections and indicators like that reported in the International Business Tribune regarding this latest poll, US papers like the New York Times (NYT) decided to sidestep facts and intentionally indulged in unconfirmed, anecdotal stories to portray turnout as low as possible and the credibility of the elections nonexistent.

Anne Barnard’s questionable NYT article titled, “Syrian Parliamentary Elections Highlight Divisions and Uncertainty,” claimed that:

Large parts of the country that are controlled by insurgent groups did not participate in the voting on Wednesday. Despite a fragile partial cease-fire, government and Russian warplanes have continued to hit areas controlled by nationalists and Islamist rebels, as well as territory held by the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL. An American-led coalition is also bombing areas held by the group.

Throughout Barnard’s NYT piece, she categorically fails to inform readers that while the geographical areas “controlled by insurgent groups” might be “large,” the majority of Syria’s population does not reside within them, and clearly chose to vote in large numbers both in 2014 and 2016 for the current government.

Claims that Kurdish regions also did not participate, omitted the fact that Syria’s total Kurdish population is less than 10% of Syria’s population and that not all Syrian Kurds reside in these regions and refused to vote.

Dispelling the Displacement Myths 

It is usually the US that reminds the world of Syria’s displaced population. What it often doesn’t mention is the fact that most of these displaced Syrians have not fled abroad either to Turkey or Jordan or further beyond to Europe, but have instead sought safe haven in Syria’s capital of Damascus and the protection of its government and the Syrian Arab Army.

The US-EU-funded Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) would reveal precisely this in its 2012 report, “Syria: No safe haven – A country on the move, a nation on the brink,” stating:

Syria’s two biggest cities Damascus and Aleppo were seen as safe havens from the violence and gradually saw a large influx of IDPs [internally displaced persons] fleeing from the zones of conflict.

It is clear that the majority of Syria’s population are fleeing from US-EU backed “freedom fighters” and seeking sanctuary under the protection of the “regime” Western powers have attempted to convince the world led by villains. With this in mind, poll results in favor of the ruling government should be of no surprise, despite rhetoric circulating in US-European media.

The West’s Worst Fears Confirmed 

This reality confirms the West’s worst fears, that despite all attempts to divide and destroy the modern nation-state of Syria, the people remain relatively united in cause to restore peace and order within the nation, and to do so with the current government leading the way.

It is also ironic that the United States and Europe endlessly expound the virtue of self-determination but now attempt to undermine an exercise in that very self-determination by the Syrian people.

It is clear by the statements made by the United States and several European nations regarding the recent elections that the problem was not necessarily the manner in which the elections were held, but who they included. It was not candidates Syrian law excluded from the elections, but candidates the United States and Europe simply do not approve of. In other words, the US and Europe are doing precisely the opposite of promoting self-determination in Syria and are in fact attempting to undo or otherwise undermine the credibility of the results of the recent elections.

NPR in an article titled, “Parts Of Syria Vote In Parliamentary Elections That Critics Say Are A Sham,” would report that:

Mark Toner, U.S. State Department deputy spokesperson, said this week that “to hold parliamentary elections now given the current circumstances, given the current conditions in the country, we believe is at best premature and not representative of the Syrian people.”

A French Foreign Ministry spokesman called the elections a “sham,” while his German counterpart said that country “will not accept the results,” Reuters reported.

It should be remembered that the US and its European allies eagerly supported elections held in Ukraine amid fierce fighting in the nation’s easternmost region. Despite the inability or unwillingness of many in Ukraine to vote, the elections were both held and recognized by the US and Europe. The reason for this hypocrisy should be clear. Those running in Ukraine’s elections were candidates the US and Europe approved of, supported, and knew would win, while those running and most likely to win in Syria’s elections are not.

Thus, “democracy” from an American or European point of view, is more about special interests in the West selecting a foreign nation’s future government, not its people, unless of course, the people can be convinced to back those candidates Washington and Brussels supports as well.

Not only does the recent election in Syria confirm the West’s worst fears of a failed campaign to divide and destroy the nation, casting doubts on the viability of installing a Western-friendly regime into power during the proposed “transition,” but rather than exposing the alleged illegitimacy of Syrian democracy, it is the West’s brand of selective meddling and manipulation of polls that has been laid out for all the world to see.

With any luck, Syria may serve as an example for other nations to follow in resisting and overcoming foreign interference in their domestic political processes.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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The pro-government forces are advancing in the province of Homs, Syria. On April 21, the clashes are observed near the Arak village and T3 Airport with no confirmation that the SAA was able to take these sites. Earlier, the Syrian forces took control of the Brigade 550 base and launched an opration towards the ‘Antar Mountains.

Russian experts have completed clearing Syria’s city of Palmyra of mines and explosives set by ISIS militants, the head of the Russian Army’s engineering unit, Yury Stavitsky, reported on Thursday. In total, 2991 explosive devices, including 432 makeshift bombs, have been defused. Since April 2, Russian engineers with the help of Uran-6 robots have cleared 234 hectares of land, 23 kilometers of roads and 10 architectural objects.

In the Latakia province, units of al-Nusra and allied militants took efforts to launch offensive on positions of the government troops near Ikko, Bsharfa, Nehshebba and Sandran.

Some 50 NDF fighters have been reportedly taken captive by Kurdish forces in the town of Qamishli iafter fighting between the NDF and the Kurdish militia, Asayish, entered a second day.

Separately, the Kurdish units seized Allya prison. In turn, NDF units captured the Abu Raghab and Kurayris checkpoint, Al-Salaam Hospital and the Municipal Stadium. The Syrian government and the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) are reportedly negotiating the terms of the ceasefire.

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Barack Obama ended opium eradication efforts in Afghanistan in 2009, effectively green lighting Afghan opium production and the Afghan heroin trade. By 2010, all US efforts to eradicate Afghan opium ceased. It has been US policy to allow Afghan opium growing and the heroin trade since. US heroin deaths tripled from 3,036 in 2010 to 10,574 in 2014 as a result. 

Vanda Felbab-Brown at the Brookings Institution. a liberal think tank that often writes reports supporting the Obama Administration, penned “No Easy Exit: Drugs and Counternarcotics Strategies in Afghanistan” in advance of the April 2016 UN Summit on Drugs (UNGASS). No way out for Uncle Sam is more like it. The report is notable for what it omits, which is any mention of the heroin epidemic, the deadliest illicit drug epidemic in history, or any of the tens of thousands of Americans killed by heroin since Obama took office.

The Bush Administration had an Afghan opium eradication program in effect, carried out by DynCorp. Obama didn’t renew DynCorp’s eradication contracts, effectively ending all US efforts to eradicate opium. (Afghan government eradication efforts in 2014, resulted in 1.1% of the Afghan opium crop being eradicated. The NY Times reported that the Afghan government will no longer eradicate opium crops as of 2016.) Heroin is made from opium.

Ms. Felbab-Brown might as well have said “let them eat cake” to the tens of thousands of Americans killed by heroin since 2009, the millions now hooked on heroin and the tens of millions living in terror because of loved ones now hooked on this deadly poison.

US policy changed to permit opium growing and the heroin trade during Obama’s first year in office, as a way to minimize US troop casualties in Afghanistan. And to maximize US civilian casualties in the US from heroin.

The CIA defines blowback as the ‘consequences at home of operations overseas.’

Since ending eradication efforts, US heroin deaths shot up from 3,036 (2010) to 5,925 (2012) to 10,574 in 2014. The heroin death toll continues to shoot up as does the number of heroin users, from the 1,500,000 US heroin users in 2010 to 4,500,000 users in 2015. As heroin deaths under Obama tripled, so has heroin usage.

There were 7,600 hectares of Afghan opium poppies when the War in Afghanistan began in 2001. (1 hectare = 2.5 US acres.) In 2009, there were 123,000 hectares. By 2014, Afghan poppy fields spread to 224,000 hectares resulting in a bumper crop of 6,400 tons of opium, enough to make 640,000 kilograms of heroin, thanks to Obama. Opium yields far greater profit than foods like wheat or corn, so opium production will continue to rise without serious eradication efforts.

Afghanistan is by far the number one producer of opium and heroin. Total worldwide opium production was 7,554 tons in 2014, of which 85% came from Afghanistan. The remaining 1,154 tons are primarily from Myanmar, Laos, Mexico, Thailand and Vietnam.

US troops in opium field in Afghanistan


Mexico produced 162 tons of opium in 2014, enough to make 16,200 kilograms of heroin. An average heroin addict takes 0.15 kg of heroin a year, meaning Mexican heroin could only supply 108,000 heroin addicts. Heroin from Mexico cannot supply even 10% of US heroin demand.

Yet the DEA claims most heroin in the US is from Mexico. I asked Barbara Carreno and Russell Baer at the DEA questions like how such a mathematical impossibility was told by the DEA. They dodged many questions, claiming only 4% of heroin is from Afghanistan and the rest is mostly from Mexico. Carreno and Baer acknowledged 90% of heroin in Canada is from Afghanistan, but wouldn’t acknowledge that the USA has a border with Canada, only with Mexico.

We’re getting hit with the largest ever illicit drug epidemic in American history and the DEA is asleep at the wheel.

USA’s now #1 for heroin use. US heroin demand is 415,000 kilograms a year. The whole world, except Afghanistan, could only produce 115,400 kilograms of heroin (2014), not enough for even a third of the mushrooming US demand. Most heroin in the US is coming from US-occupied Afghanistan, there is no other mathematical possibility. There is no other physical possibility.

Carreno and Baer stated “we are a small press office with many queries to answer, and your line of questioning is expanding. I’m sorry to have to say that we will not able to assist you further.” I filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information about what the DEA has been doing (if anything) about Afghan opium and heroin.

I also asked the DEA people if they know how bad the heroin epidemic’s gotten or have any sense of urgency about it, they dodged these questions too. An American now gets killed every 32 minutes by heroin. Carreno and Baer seemed like they couldn’t care less and they don’t feel like answering most questions asked.

Perhaps the DEA people would answer questions (or plead the 5th) at Congressional Hearings.

Basic math shows that Mexico cannot produce enough heroin for even 1/10th of US demand. Besides 4,500,000 American heroin users (2,500,000 addicts and 2,000,000 casual users) and 10,000+ US heroin deaths a year, are the tens of millions of loved ones and neighbors living through hell because of this biggest ever drug epidemic in history.

One New Yorker summed it up “with heroin addicts on every block now, it’s like a zombie invasion.” One small American town has 190 HIV+ people due to IV narcotics use. The War in Afghanistan is the longest ever war in US history and the “collateral damage” of Americans being killed by Afghan heroin is shooting up.

Afghanistan has been known as the Graveyard of the Empires since Alexander the Great. Afghan heroin may yet destroy the American Empire. Since Obama green lighted Afghan opium and heroin, crime’s been shooting up in many places like Baltimore, considered to be ground zero for the heroin epidemic and the canary in the coal mine for the rest of the nation.

False narratives have proliferated recently about the heroin epidemic. One such narrative is ‘the Mexicans did it.’ Mexico, producing enough opium for 16.2 tons of heroin (2014), has enough for only 4% of current US heroin demand. The Mexicans didn’t do the heroin epidemic. (Colombia produced 2 tons of heroin in 2014, not enough for even 1% of the US heroin market.)

Another false narrative, ‘the doctors did it’ alleges patients got hooked on painkillers then turned to heroin. Not true. Only 3.6% of patients taking narcotic painkillers go on to take heroin.

‘Myanmar did it.’ Myanmar, a distant 2nd for heroin production, produced enough opium for 67 tons of heroin (2014), not enough for even 1/4th of US demand. Plus, Myanmar’s heroin goes to Asia, Australia and Europe. Not US.

“Genetics did it” which says ‘10% of people are prone to addiction, so genetics is the reason for the heroin epidemic.’ Human genetics hasn’t changed much the past 15 years. What has changed is Afghan opium production shot up from 7,600 hectares (2001) to 224,000 hectares (2014), a 29-fold increase.

‘Treatment is the solution.’ Treatment is a few fingers in a dyke that has sprung millions of holes. As Afghan heroin floods in, heroin use shoots up.

In Afghanistan, where heroin’s been as readily available as Coca-Cola since 2009, 8% of the people are addicted to narcotics. Following the footsteps of US policy in Afghanistan would mean 8% of the US population, 25,500,000 Americans, becoming addicted, which would be more like a zombie victory than a zombie invasion and would solidify Obama’s legacy as Heroin Dealer In Chief.

‘Decriminalize’ and “marijuana is like heroin” are additional narratives, about marijuana legalization in some places and Portugal’s decriminalization of personal possession of all drugs in 2001. Heroin’s not marijuana and trafficking tons of heroin is not personal possession. Apples and oranges.

Heroin is physically addictive within 30 days of daily use. Heroin kills 40x more than cocaine does and over 100x more than marijuana. Just as there are vast differences between swallowing a pint-size OJ, a Heineken or 3 liters of rum, so too there are vast differences between drugs. Decriminalizing personal possession of drugs is not comparable to decriminalizing trafficking tons of heroin.

Heroin traffickers no doubt want decriminalization instead of life imprisonment just as the makers of the world’s #1 narco state, Afghanistan, want people confused and distracted away from what they did.

The latest DEA narratives: ‘W-18 did it’ and ‘heroin deaths are over-reported’. Synthetics like W-18 are a drop in the overflowing heroin epidemic bucket. Heroin breaks down to morphine in the body within hours, gets recorded by American coroners as morphine (prescription drug) overdoses, resulting in under-reporting of heroin deaths by as much as 100%. The real US heroin death count in 2014 was closer to 20,000 than to 10,574.

It’s as if the recent media flurry of false narratives and distracting narratives have been to try to confuse and distract people away from the most lethal ever illicit drug epidemic (the heroin epidemic 2009-present), Afghanistan (source of 85% of all heroin) and how the heroin is getting to US. It appears as if certain elements within the US government are afraid of the epidemic of Afghan heroin being discussed and Congressional Hearings, sanctions (or worse) for what they did in making Afghanistan into the deadliest narco state ever in human history.

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan until Fall 2001. In mid-2000, the Taliban outlawed opium, within a year it was all but gone, from 91,000 hectares (1999) to 7,600 hectares (2001). Since the Taliban effectively outlawed opium within a year, then why hasn’t the latest US-supported Afghan regime and US Administration done the same?

If serious efforts are not made to eradicate heroin at it’s source, then the heroin epidemic will get worse.

Besides prioritizing eradication first, which will take a year if done in earnest, there are additional solutions.

Second, outlaw precursor chemicals, like acetic anhydride, needed to make heroin from opium. The chemicals to make methaqualone were outlawed in the 1980s. Methaqualone overdoses then stopped.

Third, US government and government-chartered planes can be searched.

Fourth, buying opium for medical morphine in the meantime, until eradication is complete, will alleviate this surge of heroin shocking and awing America.

Fifth, millions of addicts need treatment. There aren’t enough inpatient beds or outpatient seats for even 1/8th of the surge in narcotic users. $25 billion constructs 100,000 inpatient treatment beds and $10 billion annually provides another million seats in outpatient treatment. So far, Obama has ponied up less than 1% of the money needed for treatment, only $0.116 billion, for the heroin disaster he made. Day late, dollar short.

Sixth, decriminalizing personal possession in order to focus on big heroin traffickers would result in lower overall prison costs and fewer non-violent drug users serving expensive lengthy sentences.

US government agencies and departments involved in Afghanistan, 2000 to present, can come clean and tell all about Afghan opium and heroin.

One giant step forward would be Congressional Hearings to determine facts:

1)how did Afghan opium surge from 7,600 hectares to 224,000 hectares, 2) why did annual heroin deaths surge from 1,779 to 10,574 on up,
3)how did the Taliban effectively eradicate Afghan opium within a year, 4) why hasn’t the current Administration done likewise,
5)what exactly have the DEA, CIA and DoD been doing about Afghan opium and heroin, and
6) why did Obama green light the Afghan opium trade and heroin trade leading to the most lethal illicit drug epidemic ever.

The UN has been given the power to hold inquiries focusing on getting honest answers to honest questions and voting on censure or sanctions against the US government and current Afghanistan regime until opium is eradicated as it was under the Taliban in 2001.

Obama green lighted the end of US eradication efforts against Afghan opium in 2009, which green lighted the Afghan opium and heroin trade, which green lighted the deadliest illicit drug epidemic ever. The 10,000+ Americans getting killed every year by heroin, that’s just “collateral damage” to “the little people” from the lingering War in Afghanistan, Mr. President?

Eradicate the Afghan opium crops, stat, the way the Taliban eradicated the Afghan opium crops, within a year. No need to re-invent the wheel on this one.

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Has the British political establishment had an atrophying episode on the science front?  Suggestions that this might be the case came last week when there were suggestions that a gag of Britain’s scientists might be in the works. The Cabinet Office had busied itself with proposals in February that, if implemented, would prevent organisations from using tax-payer funds to lobby parliamentarians.

Initially, the ban would have covered academics, effectively eliminating them from the public debates on such matters as transport, genetic modification, stem-cell research, climate change and energy.[1]  It would also effectively siphon and control the award of grant money in tighter fashion.

The point would be to target the logical conclusions to be drawn from certain research that might, just might, lead to a particular policy change. The more relevant the research, the greater the need to keep matters shut. The perverse outcome of such a move would be to effectively open the field to various lobby groups keen on skewing the angle and controlling the discussion.

As Bob Ward, policy and communications director at the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy argued, such changes would “make it much more difficult for independent university experts to advise ministers and civil servants, and hence make it easier for lobbyists, companies and campaign groups to divert policies towards vested interests instead.”[2]  In such an abhorrent vacuum, the disgusting will thrive.

This prompted a storm of protest from a group that all too readily capitulates in the face of government bullying.  Up to 20,000 academics signed a petition taking aim at the policies, and asking for an exemption.  The confusion was compounded by a blurring between the lines of lobbying and scientific research.

On Tuesday, Lord Bridges of Headley, parliamentary secretary for the Cabinet Office, announced that exemptions would be put in place with respect to national academies, research councils and the Higher Funding Council for England.

As astronomer royal Martin Rees observed, the delay in making the exemption was baffling.  “This clarification is welcome but should have come sooner.  It’s regrettable that it was preceded by months of confusion and ambiguity that generated needless anxiety, ill-feeling and time-wasting.” In the cautious words of Sarah Main of the Campaign for Science and Engineering, “We now need to the detail right to make sure this solution works for all government and all of science.”

Gagging the loquacious scientist has been the business of authorities for centuries. Galileo’s views on celestial matters were shut up because of attitudes distinctly at odds with the Church (Less known is the fact that he was not quite as radical in knowledge as others make out.)

Modern democracies have certainly been twitchy on the subject of allowing scientists to speak readily.  They are the moral irritants who wish to see the record kept accurate.  In 2013, Canadian scientists were given a good old dressing down in cases where they apparently spoke without ministerial approval.[3] The tendencies were already being observed as far back as 2008.

The measure was motivated in large part by the Harper government’s persistent love affair with extractive industries, though its consequences were far reaching in their absurd applications.

Portrait of GalileoCanadian biologist Steve Campana gave an example of how extensive the ban was in a discussion with CBC News.  Something as seemingly inoffensive as discussing techniques behind aging a lobster, a point applicable to the fishing industry, could not see the light of public discussion.[4]

Another scientist in Canada’s employ, pseudonymously named Janet, told Motherboard about the screening conducted by a “media officer” of her work.[5]  These officers were naturally faceless creatures, operating a general account, and filtering, editing and adjusting information at will.

There were “a list of ‘hot-button’ issues that can’t be mentioned, like climate change, or the oil sands.”  This went so far as to urge the particular scientist in question to refrain from using specific phrases or any matter linking the findings to an industry.

The effect of such none-too-subtle gagging (or muzzling, as it has been termed) was to effectively reduce such scientists as Janet to a state of unwarranted imbecility.   Ignorance had to be feigned for the greater government good.  “They’ve told me: ‘Say you don’t know the answer to that question,’ even if I do.  They make me look like an idiot.”

The freshly-elected Trudeau government has repealed the measure. Navdeep Bains, Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, made the point that “government scientists and experts will be able to speak freely about their work to the media and the public.  We are working to make government science fully available to the public and will ensure that scientific analyses are considered in decision making.”[6]

Good for Trudeau and his new government, but the recent behaviour in Britain on matters of lobbies remains a potential threat to broader discussions of science.  Even in bastions of democratic discussion, enemies of enlightenment can thrive with viral menace.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]


[1] https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/apr/19/ministers-back-down-on-rule-gagging-scientists

[2] https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/feb/20/scientists-attack-muzzling-government-state-funded-cabinet-office

[3] http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/when-science-goes-silent/

[4] http://www.iflscience.com/editors-blog/canadian-federal-scientists-can-now-speak-freely-media

[5] http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-fight-to-unmuzzle-canadas-scientists

[6] http://www.iflscience.com/editors-blog/canadian-federal-scientists-can-now-speak-freely-media


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Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar is a senior Indian journalist. He is also a Research Fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington. The Cato Institute has a strong association with the billionaire Koch brothers (who have links to the pro-GMO lobby) and describes itself as a public policy research organisation dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace: in other words, it is driven by neoliberal ideology.

On the Times of India website, Aiyar recently penned a pro-GMO puff piece peppered with the usual predictable unsubtle claims and smears that many of us have come to expect from the GMO lobby.

Aiyar states that India must move people out of agriculture into industry and services. He then asserts GM crops will raise yields but they have been opposed by various NGOs on pseudo-scientific grounds. According to Aiyar, the introduction of GM mustard to India will raise yields by 20-30% and will also reduce India’s dependence on imported edible oil.

He argues that farmers’ leader Chengal Reddy says GM mustard and GM brinjal could replicate the stunning success of GM cotton and says the impact of GM cotton in the last decade has been stunning.

Aiyar then goes on to argue that Bangladeshi farmers are already growing GM brinjal, getting higher yields and incomes, while using less pesticide.

In a rhetorical fanfare, Aiyar says:

“For the sake of consumers as well as farmers, let the GM revolution spread fast and wide.”

He then rounds on critics of GM by saying that well-funded NGOs like Greenpeace have enormous budgets and claim GM foods are unsafe. However, Aiyar says this is flatly disproved by the simple fact that in the US, which grows a wide variety of GM foods, over three trillion meals have been eaten without any adverse consequences. He claims activists seek to delay GM crops by using the courts and rented mobs financed partly by dollar inflows. As a consequence, they have increased approval time in many western countries.

By referring to lobbyist Patrick Moore in his piece, Aiyer seems to think he can strengthen his argument. He notes Moore is seeking funding to prosecute Greenpeace and other NGOs for what he calls “crimes against humanity” for supposedly depriving farmers and hungry people of the benefits of GM crops.

Parroting pro-GMO neoliberal dogma

As someone associated with the Cato Institute, Aiyar certainly promotes the kind of politically-motivated, irrational, pro-neoliberal ideology that one might expect.

Perhaps he would like to answer this: with GDP growth slowing and automation replacing human labour, where are the jobs going to come from to cater for hundreds of millions of agriculture sector workers who he would like to see removed from the agriculture sector? Jobless ‘growth’ is a global phenomenon.

While underinvesting in and deliberately running down agriculture has become the norm and part of the neoliberal project in India, the corporate-industrial sector has failed to deliver in terms of boosting exports or creating jobs, despite the massive hand outs and tax exemptions given to it (see this and this). The number of jobs created in India between 2005 and 2010 was 2.7 million (the years of high GDP growth). According to International Business Times, 15 million enter the workforce every year (see here).

Although Aiyar attempts to depict his views as being in the interests of India, as previously outlined the type of sentiments he expresses part of the push towards privatised, commercialised, industrial agriculture at the behest of private capital and Western agribusiness interests channeled through the World Bank, WTO and the US-India Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture.

Part of this agenda is the promotion of GM. In its fully-referenced report of September 2014, Food & Water Watch rejects the type of implication Aiyar and others like him make: the pro-GMO lobby has science on its side and opponents indulge in pseudo-science. This issue has also been addressed previously and is shown to be baseless, ideological and politically motivated.

In India’s case, Aiyar implies that (better yielding) GM Mustard is required to cut down on edible oils imports. But consider that India was almost self-sufficient in edible oils by the mid-1990s. Its farmers met 97% of domestic need. However, its edible oil import bill has increased dramatically since then. By 2013, India was the world’s second biggest importer of edible oils.

Aiyar’s argument is little more than a smokescreen to divert attention from the deliberate running down of the indigenous edible oil sector, which stems from neoliberal trade policies driven by the vested interests of global agribusiness. Readers may consult this article that outlines the cynical nature of the argument being put forward: that the indigenous edible oil sector exhibits low productivity and GM mustard is required to increase productivity. It’s not low productivity but trade policies that are the real issue. GM is offered as a bogus solution.

Desperation time

That Aiyar would try to convince his readers of his case by referring to Chengal Reddy displays a certain desperation. Reddy is not a ‘farmers’ leader’. Reddy’s (lack of) credentials and background can be read about here, where it states:

“Pro-GM lobbyists describe Reddy as speaking “on behalf of small-holder farmers,” but he actually lobbies for Andhra Pradesh’s big commercial farmers. And although Reddy sometimes presents himself as ‘a farmer’, in interviews he has admitted to knowing little about farming having never farmed in his life.”

The fact he cites Reddy and not the 50 farmers’ unions that oppose GM mustard speaks volumes. These unions issued a statement that pitched for the promotion of already available “feasible alternatives that are safe, affordable and farmer-controlled”:

“In the case of mustard, for instance, there are non-transgenic hybrids already available in the market, in addition to high-yielding mustard varieties. Further, new agro-ecological approaches like System of Mustard Intensification are out-yielding these unsafe solutions significantly, ensuring vastly-increased profitability for farmers, if yield is a concern.”

Let Aiyar scientifically back up his claim that three trillion meals containing GMOs have been consumed without adverse consequences. His assertion is pure rhetoric. Since GMOs entered the US (fraudulently), various illnesses have spiked and, as with the tobacco industry before GMOs, the pro-GMO lobby employs similar tactics by saying ‘prove it’ (GMOs are harmful) and attempts to roll out ‘studies’ like ‘three trillion meals‘ to confuse the issue. Pinpointing the specific health impacts of a cocktail of pesticidesfungicides and GMOs can be difficult, but there is growing evidence as to which causes what illnesses.

Moreover, the onus should have been on the GMO sector to prove safety prior to the mass release of GM (which it never has) and not on everyone else to play catch up to prove they are not safe. It is a very convenient tactic that the industry employs.

Aiyar seems a little late to the game by bringing up the ‘crimes against humanity’ cliché. He seems to think he can make a valid point by referring to Patrick Moore and his rhetoric (exposed here). The use of the ‘crimes against humanity’ slur has become tiresome and has been shown to be what it is: an industry-inspired attack that attempts to depict critics of GM as being beyond the boundaries of common decency. Readers can consult this article that exposes this kind of tactic for what it really is.

Whose influence should we really be focusing on?

It should come as no surprise that anyone associated with the Cato Institute would attack groups that challenge international capital and its neoliberal globalisation project. Indeed, in his piece, Aiyar implies opponents of GM are a bunch of Marxists (or former Marxists). Readers can see more about the institute here, its right-wing ideology, impact on the former Bush administration, links with the Kochs and its privatisation/deregulation agenda.

It should also therefore come as no surprise that Aiyar has nothing to say in his piece about the influence of transnational biotech/agribusiness sector both globally and within India, while he chooses to focus exclusively on the ‘enormous influence’ of anti-GM groups who are supposedly blocking GM. The political clout and influence of critics of GM is dwarfed by that of the pro-GMO industry and associated international private capital in general, which is conspiring to destroy indigenous agriculture the world over and impose green revolution technology and GMOs on nations and people: look no further than ‘corporate America’ and its infiltration of Africa, facilitated by Bill Gates.

In India, from research institutesregulatory agencies and decision-making bodies riddled with conflicts of interests to strings-attached trade deals and nuclear agreements and pressure from the World Bank, it is not difficult to see just whose interests are being served.

Aiyar has nothing to say about the smearing and ruining of independent scientists whose credible research highlighted findings that questioned the safety of GM. And he has nothing to say about how the pro-GMO lobby employs unscientific polemics and targets the heart of science to ensure its will prevails, while there is silence about the conflicts of interests and industry links (also see this) of those who carry out these attacks.

So just who is engaging in ‘pseudo-science’ and just who is displaying bought-and-paid-for mob mentality?

The report Seedy Business shows how science is swayed, bought or biased by agribusiness in many ways, such as suppressing adverse findings, harming the careers of scientists who produce such findings, controlling the funding that shapes what research is conducted, the lack of independent US-based testing of health and environmental risks of GMOs and tainting scientific reviews of GMOs by conflicts of interest.

Is “unremitting fraud” and “regulatory delinquency” perfectly fine?

Aiyar is irked by hold ups in the sanctioning of the commercialisation of GMOs in India and elsewhere. He should consider that most consumers in the EU are against GMOs in their food – not because they have been brainwashed by Greenpeace but because they have genuine concerns – and Europe has largely kept out GM on the basis of a precautionary principle based on sound reasoning and science.

But perhaps in India’s case, the pro-GMO lobby in the media is willing to support unremitting fraud and regulatory delinquency.

The decision to sanction the commercialisation of GM mustard has been delayed due to accusations of  “unremitting fraud” and “regulatory delinquency.” Further evidence has comes to light about the underhand tactics that have been used to fudge and manipulate field trial data under a veil of secrecy.

Should we also ignore four high-level reports advising against the adoption of these crops in India (the ‘Jairam Ramesh Report’; the ‘Sopory Committee Report’; the ‘Parliamentary Standing Committee’ Report on GM crops; and the ‘Technical Expert Committee [TEC] Final Report’)?

The higher yields often attributed to the GM mustard under discussion are not due to GM but to the hybridisation of normal crop genes (ie conventional breeding) and rigged testing. And there lies the crux of the matter. Conventional breeding and traditional seeds and patterns of agriculture developed over centuries are better suited to adverse climatic conditions and Indian soils than anything that GMOs can offer. So what is the point of GMOs: ‘helping the farmer’ or pure commercial gain for the corporations?

The ‘stunning success’ of Bt cotton

Aiyar claims Bt cotton in India has been a runaway success. However, despite neoliberal ‘free’ market ideologues saying that farmers have overwhelmingly chosen to adopt it, it has been highlighted time and again that GM cotton in India is nowhere near as successful as he claims it to be (for instance, see this and this) and that farmers do not necessarily actively choose GM (see herehereherehere and here).

GM cotton in India has been a disaster for farmers in rain-fed areas according to the peer-reviewed paper referred to in this piece, and there is enough evidence to show that the GM revolution Aiyar calls for may not lead to ‘rich harvests’ but often human and ecological disaster and the undermining of self-sufficiency and food sovereignty (see this and this).

Moreover, if Aiyar is concerned about drought, maybe he should pay attention to how planting Bt cotton ahead of traditional crops that are better suited to Indian soils has actually contributed to drought conditions.

And as for Bt brinjal in Bangladesh being a success (and GM in general reducing pesticide use – which is not the case), Aiyar again needs a reality check. This article addresses similar claims made by the BBC highlights the baseless nature of such statements.

Aiyar’s piece is standard pro-GMO PR. Unfortunately, this type of article is becoming all too common (see this and this). Instead of informing the public, this form of ‘journalism’ is designed to misrepresent facts and misinform the public on behalf of powerful commercial interests.

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Cuba – Estados Unidos, «un conflicto asimétrico»

April 22nd, 2016 by Salim Lamrani

Salim Lamrani, académico especialista de las relaciones entre Cuba y Estados Unidos, conversa sobre la cuestión de los derechos humanos, punto de divergencia entre ambos países.

Sébastien Madau: Estados Unidos ha indicado que iba a evocar con Cuba el tema de los derechos humanos, ¿a qué aspectos se refiere?

Salim Lamrani: Estados Unidos siempre ha instrumentalizado el tema de los derechos humanos con fines políticos. Conviene recordar que desde 1991 Washington esgrime el argumento de los “derechos humanos” para justificar su hostilidad hacia La Habana y mantener las sanciones económicas que estrangulan a la población de la isla. Para explicar el estado de sitio contra Cuba, la retórica diplomática fluctuó según las épocas: desde 1960 Washington aludió sucesivamente a las nacionalizaciones, a la alianza con la Unión Soviética, luego a la ayuda que brindó Cuba a los movimientos de independencia en África y a los grupos revolucionarios en América Latina y finalmente a los derechos humanos.

Para Estados Unidos los derechos humanos y la democracia son automáticamente sinónimos de multipartidismo, de economía de mercado y de medios de comunicación privados. Desde luego los cubanos no comparten este punto de vista.

SM: Cuba, por su parte, dice estar dispuesta a abordar esta problemática, pero siempre que se hable también de la situación en Estados Unidos, ¿qué quiere subrayar exactamente?

SL: Cuba siempre ha estado dispuesta a abordar todos los temas con Estados Unidos con tal de que se respeten tres principios: la igualdad soberana, la reciprocidad y la no injerencia en los asuntos internos.

Cuba considera que los derechos económicos y sociales son tan importantes como los derechos civiles y políticos. Así, es imprescindible que todos los ciudadanos, cualquiera que sea su origen étnico, geográfico o social, tengan acceso universal a la educación, a la salud, a la cultura, al ocio y a la seguridad, sin ninguna discriminación. Evidentemente la sociedad de Estados Unidos está lejos de ofrecer todas estas garantías. Cerca de 50 millones de personas no tienen acceso a una protección social digna de ese nombre. Las minorías de ese país tan rico sufren desempleo, precariedad y son las principales víctimas de la violencia que cometen las fuerzas del orden. La repartición de las riquezas es inexistente. Ahora bien, toda democracia debe proceder a una repartición equitativa de la riqueza nacional para que cada ciudadano pueda vivir con dignidad.

SM: Entre Cuba, que no piensa renunciar a su sistema socialista, y Estados Unidos que tiene como objetivo mantener su posición de primera potencia capitalista del mundo, ¿acaso se puede imaginar que este debate termine en un statu quo y que se restablezcan al mismo tiempo las relaciones?

SL: Conviene recordar que el conflicto que enfrenta a Cuba y Estados Unidos es asimétrico. De un lado hay un agresor, Estados Unidos, que impone sanciones económicas que afectan a todas las categorías de la población desde hace más de medio siglo; que ocupa ilegalmente una parte del territorio nacional de un país soberano, Guantánamo; que financia a una oposición interna para subvertir el orden establecido, lo que es ilegal según el derecho internacional; que fomenta, mediante la Ley de Ajuste Cubano y el Programa Médico Cubano, la emigración ilegal exclusiva de cubanos para vaciar el país de su capital humano; y que multiplica los programas de radio y televisión, Radio y TV Martí, destinados a sembrar la discordia en Cuba, en violación, otra vez, de la legislación internacional.

Por otra parte se encuentra Cuba, una pequeña nación de 11 millones de habitantes, con sus virtudes y límites, que nunca agredió a Estados Unidos, que siempre declaró su voluntad de mantener relaciones pacíficas con todos los países del mundo, basadas en el derecho internacional, y que aspira a elegir su propio camino y a edificar una sociedad diferente respetando la voluntad del pueblo soberano.

Así, todo depende de Washington. Si el vecino del Norte acepta la realidad de una Cuba diferente, independiente y soberana, que no negocia su sistema político, ni su modelo social, ni su política exterior, entonces ambos países podrán coexistir en un entendimiento cordial y los dos pueblos, que tienen tantas cosas en común, podrán reforzar sus lazos fraternales.


Articulo en francés :

Cuba USA drapeaux

Cuba / Etats-Unis : « Un conflit asymétrique »

Fuente original:



Doctor en Estudios Ibéricos y Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV, Salim Lamrani es profesor titular de la Universidad de La Reunión y periodista, especialista de las relaciones entre Cuba y Estados Unidos. Su último libro se titula Cuba, the Media, and the Challenge of Impartiality, New York, Monthly Review Press, 2014, con un prólogo de Eduardo Galeano. http://monthlyreview.org/books/pb4710/Contacto: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Página Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SalimLamraniOfficiel

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Author Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Having removed the reformist President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Washington is now disposing of the reformist President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.

Washington used a federal judge to order Argentina to sacrifice its debt restructuring program in order to pay US vulture funds the full value of defaulted Argentine bonds that the vulture funds had bought for a few pennies on the dollar.


These vultures were called “creditors” who had made “loans” regardless of the fact that they were not creditors and had made no loans. They were opportunists after easy money and were used by Washington to get rid of a reformist government.

President Kirchner resisted and, thus, she had to go.  Washington concocted a story that Kirchner covered up an alleged Iranian bombing in Buenos Aires in 1994. This implausible fantasy, for which there is no evidence of Iranian involvement, was fed to one of Washington’s agents in the state prosecutor’s office, and a dubious event of 22 years ago was used to clear Cristina Kirchner (image right) out of the way of the American looting of Argentina.

In Brazil, Washington has used corruption insinuations to get President Rousseff impeached by the lower house.  Evidence is not necessary, just allegations.  It is no different from “Iranian nukes,” Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” Assad’s “use of chemical weapons,”  or in Rousseff’s case merely insinuations. The Secretary General of the Organization of American States, Luis Almagro, notes that Rousseff “hasn’t been accused of anything.” The American-backed elites are simply using impeachment to remove a president who they cannot defeat electorally.

In short, this is Washington’s move against the BRICS.  Washington is moving to put into political power a rightwing party that Washington controls in order to terminate Brazil’s growing relationships with China and Russia.

The great irony is that the impeachment bill was presided over by the corrupt lower house speaker, Eduardo Cunha, who was recently discovered to have stashed millions of dollars in secret Swiss bank accounts (perhaps his pay-off from Washington) and who lied under oath when he denied having foreign bank accounts.  You can read the sordid story here:


Kirchner and Rousseff’s “crimes” are their efforts to have the governments of Argentina and Brazil represent the Argentine and Brazilian peoples rather than the elites and Wall Street.  In Washington these are serious offenses as Washington uses the elites to control South American countries.  Whenever Latin Americans elect a government that represents them, Washington overthrows the government or assassinates the president.

Washington is close to returning Venezuela to the control of the Spanish elite allied with Washington.


The presidents of Ecuador and Bolivia are also targeted.  One reason Washington will not permit its British lapdog to honor the asylum Ecuador granted to Julian Assange is that Washington expects to have its own agent back in as President of Ecuador, at which time Assange’s asylum will be repealed.

Washington has always blocked reform in Latin America.  Latin American peoples will remain American serfs until they elect governments by such large majorities that the governments can exile the traitorous elites, close the US embassies, and expel all US corporations. Every Latin American country that has an American presence has no future other than serfdom.

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