Bailout Has Saved Banks, Not Greece. Report

May 6th, 2016 by Ekathimerini

Some 95 percent of the 220 billion euros disbursed to Greece since the start of the financial crisis as loans from the bailout mechanism has been directed toward saving the European banks. That means about 210 billion euros was eventually channeled to the eurozone credit sector while just 5 percent ended up in state coffers, according to a study by the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin.

“Europe and the International Monetary Fund have in previous years mainly saved the banks and other private creditors,” concluded the report, published yesterday in German newspaper Handelsblatt. ESMT director Jorg Rocholl told the financial newspaper that “the bailout packages mainly saved the European banks.”

The business school’s study found that 86.9 billion euros was used for the repayment of old debts, 52.3 billion for the payment of interest and 37.3 billion euros for the recapitalization of Greek banks.

The economists who took part in the study have analyzed each loan separately to established where the money ended up, and concluded that just 9.7 billion euros – less than 5 percent – actually found its way into the Greek budget for the benefit of citizens.

“This is something that everyone suspected, but few people actually knew. That has now been confirmed by the study: For six years Europe has tried in vain to put an end to the crisis in Greece through loans, and keeps demanding ever harder measures and reforms. The cause of the failure obviously lies less on the side of the Greek government and more on the planning of the bailout programs,” the German daily concluded.

Meanwhile, Cyprus Finance Minister Harris Georgiades, who saw the island out of the bailout process last month, on Wednesday expressed the view that Greece should not raise its taxes as that policy does not lead to any positive results. However, he still called on Athens to fulfill the program it has committed itself to.

Speaking to another German daily, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Georgiades stressed that Greece’s creditors should not make any new demands on Athens, commenting that “I don’t think another increase in taxation would lead Greece anywhere.”

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Remember, it’s supposed to come right back here because that which the U.S. has created and maybe, perhaps, even the very reason for being that America was set up to do, is almost accomplished. Once it’s accomplished, they’ll be doing the same thing back home. You’ll SUBMERGE into the world system you helped create. – Alan 

As Western media outlets and the U.S. State Department attempt to gin up public sentiment surrounding alleged bombings of alleged hospitals that may or may not have even existed and that, even if they did, were nothing more than field hospitals for terrorists, the Syrian people are suffering under unimaginable conditions. These true victims, of course, are completely ignored by the same outlets that cry and pine over the deaths and setbacks of jihadists, rapists, torturers, and murderers.

Amidst the constant propaganda and dehumanizing method of reporting “news” in the West, both the humanity and the wishes of the Syrian people are lost completely.

In a video posted by the ANNA News Agency, one is able to see footage of Aleppo where Western-backed terrorists are lobbing missiles and bombs against civilian targets, film that would never be played on Western televisions under the guise of protecting a violence-ridden and violence-obsessed public from the “graphic images” of the results of their own intellectual laziness and lack of moral conviction. Graphic images are no problem when it is movie time, of course, but when violent images come home to roost, trigger warnings are required and censorship is always invoked. That is, unless the necessity of stirring up public support for foreign wars is dire enough to warrant its presentation.

Indeed, scenes from Aleppo will only be shown when media outlets are able to twist the footage into a report on the “crimes of Assad” instead of the natural progression of acts of destabilization set into motion by the United States and its coalition. Indeed, these conditions are entirely the fault of the United States, Britain, France, the GCC, Israel and the NATO powers. In the ANNA news report, one can view footage that depicts a way of life – only five years old contrary to Western brainwashing – that is unimaginable to any sane person and, five years ago, would have been unimaginable to any Syrian. In the video report, the first scene is shortly after a terrorist bombing in West Aleppo where a young man can be heard speaking to his mother and saying “Hello? Hello? Mama I’ll talk to you later. Another bomb fell. Bye, Bye.”

Amidst the screaming of women and children, the silence of the dead, and the blaring sirens trying to respond to the fires and carry away the injured, viewers can hear the shouts of men, some in anger and some in frenzied attempts to rescue those buried under rubble or critically injured by the bombs.

In one clip, a woman can be seen shouting at a Syrian soldier, not in anger at the SAA or Assad for “bombing civilians,” but for not doing enough to stop America’s freedom fighters and moderate terrorists paraded before the Western public as the only hope for Syria. “I’m begging you. I’m begging you,” she says. “Aren’t you in the army? Save us! Save us please young man!” It should strike American audiences, if they are ever able to view this footage, as odd that a Syrian woman would be shouting for help from the Syrian military to protect her from the “rebels” America is supporting if Assad and the Syrian government are so incredibly cruel.

Another woman is seen shouting similar sentiment. “Aleppo is steadfast, but this is enough!” A man shouts to the cameras, “Where is mercy? Where is God? The US is sending rockets to kill the Syrian people! We don’t want this! We want military aid for the Syrian army who are our sons! Our sons! Our sons who are defending us!” Needless to say, we do not expect this footage to be aired on FOX, CNN, or any other major corporate outlet in the United States.

As they are presented by the U.S. media, the Syrian people, like most other people across the world are completely dehumanized. In American media, Syrians are not human. They are numbers. 100 died today. 86 died the day before. Syrians are not mothers or sons. They are not fathers or little children, grandparents. They are blips on a screen and data in a spreadsheet. At least, this is how they are presented to an increasingly hardened American public, a nation that is becoming more and more desensitized to death, destruction, and degradation both at home and abroad.

Each one of the numbers Americans go about their day scarcely aware of had a mother and father. Many had children, girlfriends, husbands, careers, pets, hopes for the future. Each one had a history and a life story. For them, all of that is gone now and, presumably, its absence has left a massive hole in the life of someone else.

In what amounts to three minutes of intense footage, the ANNA News report manages to sum up in minutes what will be the legacy of the United States. In Syria, even if the government is successful in returning the country to some sense of normalcy, a gaping hole in the collective consciousness of the people will remain along with the notable silence of hundreds of thousands of voices who would have been part of the cities, towns, and family dinners had the United States never put the country in its sights. In Libya, America’s legacy is thousands dead and a civilized country returned to barbarism and violence. In Iraq, unbelievable destruction and death continue while years of use of depleted uranium will leave a lasting reminder of the presence of America as generations will be born disfigured, deformed, and drastically ill. Even decades on, Vietnam bears the scars of America.

All across the world, America has left a trail of destruction and death, both on massive scales. Only within its own borders does anyone think that the United States represents freedom and democracy. The additional tragedy is that a nation that could have become the greatest force for good in the world has been one of the greatest forces for evil the world has ever known.

As the American people suffer daily under the same Anglo-American control system, it is imperative they understand that their own apathy is the silent acquiescence to the destruction abroad and the inevitable destruction at home. What has been set loose upon foreign peoples overseas cannot help but one day come home. Today it is Syrians who are burying their friends and their children but the meat grinder of empire always eventually comes back to turn on its own inhabitants what it unleashed in foreign lands. If Americans cannot speak out against the destruction of Syria by virtue of their own moral compass and their own humanity, they had better do so out of a sense of self-preservation.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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Twelve of the 21 members of a special committee recommending Rousseff’s impeachment to the Senate face charges of corruption and other crimes.

Brazil’s Senate is expected to soon give the green light to the impeachment process against President Dilma Rousseff, paving the way for a blow to democracy by handing control over to Vice President Michel Temer, a corrupt official barred from running for public office for the next eight years. But the senators in the special commission with the power to decide the president’s fate lay bare the crisis in Brazil’s political establishment and hypocrisy of the impeachment bid.

Of the 21-members committee set to vote on Friday on whether to recommend Rousseff’s impeachment, over half, or 12 officials, face charges for corruption and other crimes, according to data from Transparencia Brasil analyzed by teleSUR.

Five senators, making up nearly one quarter of the committee, are involved in the Petrobras state oil corruption probe known as Operation Car Wash that has been at the center of the country’s fraud scandals for the past two years.

Of the 12 senators on the committee facing charges, eight members are in favor of impeaching the president, according to both pro-impeachment and pro-democracy mapping projects tracking support from both sides of the political divide. Three of the five implicated in the Car Wash scandal, including the committee rapporteur Antonio Anastasia, are slated to vote in favor of impeachment.

The other four officials, including two involved in the Car Wash probe, are expected to vote against impeachment, with one official possibly undecided according to some sources.

Two of the senators in the committee linked to corruption or crimes are part of the largest bloc, the conservative Brazilian Democratic Movement Party or PMDB, the party of the leader of the impeachment attempt, Eduardo Cunha, who was suspended from his post as speaker of the lower house on Thursday over charges of intimidating lawmakers and hampering anti-corruption probes.

Two more are part of the opposition bloc led by the right-wing Brazilian Social Democracy Party or PSDB. Another two are part of Rousseff’s ruling Workers’ Party or PT. The remaining six committee members facing charges are from six different parties.

The corruption and crime-riddled Senate committee mirrors the legal challenges plaguing the Senate at large, where 37 of the body’s 65 officials face charges for corruption or other serious crimes, according to research published by the Los Angeles Times.

The more than three dozen dubious officials include Senate head Renan Calheiros of the PMDB, who oversaw the ballot to set up the special committee and will also preside over the Senate’s final vote on the impeachment next week. Calheiros is a target of the Car Wash investigation and faces charges for corruption, bribery, money laundering, and other crimes.

After Friday’s vote in the Senate committee, which is expected to pass a recommendation to continue impeachment proceedings against Rousseff, Senate chief Calheiros will have 48 hours to oversee a vote in the Senate. A majority of at least 45 out of the 65-seat Senate are expected to vote in favor of the impeachment process.

If the vote passes in the Senate, Rousseff will be suspended from office for six months for investigations to be carried out on route to possible impeachment.

In the case of suspension or eventual impeachment, Vice President Michel Temer of the PMDB, banned from running for public office for eight years and embroiled in massive corruption scandals, will take over Brazil’s top office.

Despite the attempt by pro-impeachment lawmakers to paint the bid to remove the president from office as a campaign against corruption, Rousseff is not accused of any financial impropriety or personal enrichment, unlike many of her key political rivals including Cunha and Temer.

The hypocrisy lays bares the fact that claimed anti-corruption goals of the impeachment attempt is really just a convenient way to capitalize on Brazil’s political crisis to roll out a conservative grab for power that can’t be won at the ballot box.

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Obama’s Last Gasp Imperialism

May 6th, 2016 by Margaret Kimberley

With only eight more months in office, Barack Obama shows no signs of giving up his role as the most aggressively imperialist American president in modern history. Liberal Democrats rightly point fingers at Hillary Clinton’s bellicosity, yet they say nothing about Obama as he continues on a path of destruction around the world.

Nations on every continent are victims either of outright American military violence or of war waged by other means. Venezuela sinks further into despair as a result of American manipulations of oil prices and sanctions that cripple its economy. Millions of people have had their homes destroyed by United States interventions in Somalia and Libya and Syria and are forced to make dangerous treks in hopes of finding safety.

While the American instigated war goes on in Syria that country’s government and its Russian ally make gains against terrorists. Because they are winning the United States continues to make bizarre demands that “Assad must go.” Obama has to turn over the keys in January 2017 but Assad may sit in his presidential office watching as his enemy rides off into the sunset.

The least reported and yet biggest danger is taking place in Europe. The United States and NATO continue to provoke Russia in what could be a deadly game that spins out of their control.

In recent weeks the Russians have made clear that they won’t take the provocation lying down. While the corporate media follow the president blindly, they won’t tell viewers and listeners that Russia has territory on the Baltic sea coast. Kaliningrad is Russia, just as Hawaii and Alaska are America. Of course there are Russian planes and submarines in the Baltic. They belong there while American vessels do not. Russia has every right to “buzz” United States ships and escort spy planes out of its airspace.

These very simple facts are rarely presented to Americans who have no idea that 200 of their troops will perform exercises in Moldova, a small country located between Ukraine and Romania. It is an example of how American presidents from Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama made a mockery of a promise not to encircle Russia.

Instead they do just that and keep adding to the NATO arsenal. Nations like Sweden, traditionally neutral, are being lured into that organization’s grasp. In the absence of the old Soviet block there is no use for NATO except to act as the foot soldiers for American dirty work.

It seems that the end of his presidency has made Obama more anxious and therefore more dangerous. There are now “boots on the ground” in Syria, so far just 300 Special Forces, but even that small number is too high and represents the extent to which the United States is committed to maintaining the imperialist project.

Only the now inevitable Republican nominee, Donald Trump, questions this premise of American foreign policy. Hillary Clinton assisted Obama in his designs and the supposedly left wing Bernie Sanders warns of non-existent Russian aggression, supports presidential “kill lists” and thinks that having U.S. troops in Syria is a fine idea.

While the United States threatens to start World War III, the corporate media go into overdrive in their determination to distract us from the dangers our government poses to the world. They turn trivialities into major controversy but rarely report anything we ought to know. For example, Larry Wilmore saluted the president as “my ni**a” during the last Obama era White House Correspondents Dinner. There was much arguing back and forth about the propriety of the words but no one spoke of the impropriety of the event inself.

The media ought to have an adversarial relationship with presidents. At the very least they should be somewhat distant and skeptical. Instead they are very cozy and quite publicly too. They even celebrate their collusion at this love fest as a president makes jokes with television comedians who compete for the chance to be sidekick for an evening.

There is no longer any pretense of impartiality. The media want access so they play along and tell lies of commission and omission with every presidential administration. They tell jokes at Russia’s expense but won’t tell readers and viewers that it is the United States who is provoking Russia in its sphere of influence.

Obama apparently wants to commit more destruction than he has already. Turning Libya into an utterly failed state was not enough. That act unleashed ISIS and Boko Haram and a wave of refugees. The coup in Ukraine ignited a civil war. The Syrian government hangs on but at a terrible price. Russia answered the call to help but America doesn’t want that war to end and will continue to use its allies to prevent a cease fire or an end to the conflict altogether.

A lot of damage can be done between now and January 20, 2009. There is no reason to mourn or rejoice Obama’s departure because he will be followed by someone who likes his foreign policy as it is. That person will also like Americans as they are: mostly intelligent but uninformed even if they wish to know what is happening around the world. The expression to do something “like there’s no tomorrow” is poignant. If Obama and company continue down this path, we shall all find out what those words mean.

Margaret Kimberley‘s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a frequently updated blog as well as at Ms. Kimberley lives in New York City, and can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret.Kimberley(at)

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Selected Articles: The Untold History of US War Crimes

May 6th, 2016 by Global Research News


The Untold History of US War Crimes

By Peter Kuzinick and Edu Montesanti, May 05 2016

Prof Peter Kuznick speaks of: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagazaki; US crimes and lies behind the Vietnam war; why the US engaged a Cold War with the Soviet Union, and how that war and the mainstream media influences the world today

israel-russiaPutin Plays “Energy Chess” with Netanyahu

By F. William Engdahl, May 05 2016

On April 21 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Moscow for closed door talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The media reported that the talks were over the situation in Syria, a theme where Moscow has made certain a…


America’s Biggest of All Big Lies. We’re Not Threatening Russia…

By Eric Zuesse, May 05 2016

On April 26th, Reuters headlined from Romania, «‘We’re Not Here to Provoke,’ Say US Pilots on Putin’s Doorstep», and gave as an example: «‘We’re not here to provoke anybody, we’re here to work with our allies,’ says Dan Barina, a…


Media Censorship: The News That Didn’t Make the News

By Peter Phillips, May 06 2016

The presidential primaries offer a single choice for both Democrats and Republicans to vote for empire and permanent war. This year’s entertainment spectacle, what we call democratic elections, is a particularly gross circus of meaninglessness, misinformation, sound bites, and lies.…

CONFRONTATION BETWEEN MILITARY BLOCS: The Eurasian "Triple Alliance." The Strategic Importance of Iran for Russia and China

Somnolent Europe, Russia, and China: Accept US Hegemony or Go to War?

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 06 2016

“Declassified US government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe.”


9/11 Kangaroo Court Trials: What We Really Know About the Alleged 9/11 “Masterminds”

By Washington’s Blog, May 06 2016

The government pretends that it’s giving the surviving 9/11 masterminds a fair trial, and that justice will prevail. The truth may be different … Kangaroo Court Show Trials Buzzfeed reported yesterday: “The Defense Department has farmed out to a private…

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On May 4th, Russia’s Sputnik news agency headlined:

“Lavrov: US Tried to Include Al-Nusra Front Positions in ‘Silent’ Period”, and reported that Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, speaking in Moscow about the lengthy negotiations between himself and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to agree on conditions for a Syrian ceasefire and peace talks to take place between Syria’s government and Syria’s rebels, said, “During the negotiations, our US partners actually tried to draw the borders of this ‘zone of silence’ to include a significant number of positions occupied by al-Nusra [Front]. We managed to exclude this as it is absolutely unacceptable.”

Al Qaeda in Syria calls itself “Al Nusra.”

The “zone of silence” or “silent period” (and there are other phrases for it) refers to the areas in Syria that would be excluded from the ceasefire.

In other words: Lavrov was saying that whereas Russia’s President Putin refuses to stop military action in Syria to kill Syria’s Al Qaeda, America’s President Obama has been continuing, ever since the U.S.-Russian negotiations for a ceasefire in Syria started in January of this year, to insist that Russia must stop bombing those jihadists. Russia’s Foreign Minister was saying that Obama has been trying to protect Al Nusra.

Here is a chronological presentation of the reporting in the Western press, about U.S. President Obama’s efforts on behalf of Syria’s Al Qaeda (Al Nusra):

On 7 January 2016, Seymour Hersh reported in the London Review of Books,

Barack Obama’s repeated insistence that Bashar al-Assad must leave office – and that there are ‘moderate’ rebel groups in Syria capable of defeating him – has in recent years provoked quiet dissent, and even overt opposition, among some of the most senior officers on the Pentagon’s Joint Staff. Their criticism has focused on what they see as the administration’s fixation on Assad’s primary ally, Vladimir Putin. In their view, Obama is captive to Cold War thinking about Russia and China. …

The military’s resistance dates back to the summer of 2013, when a highly classified assessment, put together by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, then led by General Martin Dempsey, forecast that the fall of the Assad regime would lead to chaos and, potentially, to Syria’s takeover by jihadi extremists, much as was then happening in Libya. …

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, director of the DIA between 2012 and 2014, confirmed that his agency had sent a constant stream of classified warnings to the civilian leadership about the dire consequences of toppling Assad. The jihadists, he said, were in control of the opposition. …

On 20 January 2016, the AP headlined “Kerry, Lavrov try to settle differences over Syrian talks”, and reported,

Differences over which Syrian opposition groups should be labeled terrorists and barred from the negotiations and the ceasefire have led to concerns that the talks may have to be postponed. Russia and Iran, which back Assad, have immense differences with Saudi Arabia, other Arab states, the United States and Europe over which opposition groups should be considered terrorists and therefore excluded.

On 12 February 2016, the New York Times bannered, “In Syria, Skepticism That Cease-Fire Will Stop Fighting”, and reported that,

With the proviso that the Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s branch in Syria, can still be bombed, Russia puts the United States in a difficult position; the insurgent groups it [i.e., the U.S.] supports cooperate in some places with the well-armed, well-financed Nusra in what they [i.e., the U.S. government] say is a tactical alliance of necessity [with Nusra] against [Syrian] government forces. So Russia can argue that many of them [by which the NYT journalist refers to anti-Assad fighters] are, in effect, Nusra affiliates.

On 16 February 2016, independent journalist Gareth Porter headlined “Obama’s ‘Moderate’ Syrian Deception”, and reported that,

Information from a wide range of sources, including some of those the United States has been explicitly supporting, makes it clear that every armed anti-Assad organization unit in those provinces is engaged in a military structure controlled by Nusra militants. All of these rebel groups fight alongside the Nusra Front and coordinate their military activities with it.

That reporter, unlike some others, assumes that Obama’s support of Syria’s Al Qaeda is due to Obama’s weakness in adhering to the desires of haters of Russia, both in the U.S. and among America’s allies abroad:

President Obama is under pressure from these domestic critics as well as from Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other GCC allies to oppose any gains by the Russians and the Assad regime as a loss for the United States.

Mr. Porter presents no evidence backing up his assumption that President Obama is reluctant to adhere to this obsession against Russia. Seymour Hersh had reported, in his 7 January 2016 LRB report, facts that contradict Mr. Porter’s assumption:

General Dempsey and his colleagues on the Joint Chiefs of Staff kept their dissent out of bureaucratic channels, and survived in office. General Michael Flynn did not. ‘Flynn incurred the wrath of the White House by insisting on telling the truth about Syria,’ said Patrick Lang, a retired army colonel who served for nearly a decade as the chief Middle East civilian intelligence officer for the DIA. ‘He thought truth was the best thing and they shoved him out.’

In other words: Despite the opposition by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Obama was determined to help Nusra replace the Assad government. Despite what Mr. Porter assumed, Barack Obama was not a weak President, but instead a very determined President, a President who fired people in his Administration who advised him against continuing his attempt to replace al-Assad by al-Nusra. Russia insisted on bombing them, and reluctantly — and in fits and starts — U.S. President Obama accepted Russia’s condition.

On 19 February 2016, the Washington Post bannered “U.S., Russia hold Syria cease-fire talks as deadline passes without action”, and reported that,

Russia was said to have rejected a U.S. proposal to leave Jabhat al-Nusra off-limits to bombing as part of a cease-fire.”

That report even included an indication that President Obama’s current Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, who started his job on 17 February 2015, after the war against Syria was already well under way and Obama had replaced the people on his team who were opposed to it, is, if anything, even more obsessive against Russia than Obama himself is:

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter was said to have opposed the high-level contact with the Russians, at least initially.

In other words: when Obama replaced Chuck Hagel by Ashton Carter, he was replacing someone whom he held to be insufficiently anti-Russian, by a person, Carter, who is so extremely hostile toward Russians, as to have since been restrained by Obama from pursuing this hostility as forcefully as he wishes to. The only Cabinet member mentioned there as having persuaded Obama not to follow Carter’s more aggressive stance against Russia was Obama’s second-term Secretary of State, John Kerry.

On 20 February 2016, Reuters headlined “Syrian opposition says temporary truce possible, but deal seems far off”, and, under the sub-head “Nusra Front in Spotlight,” reported that,

A source close to peace talks earlier told Reuters Syria’s opposition had agreed to the idea of a two- to three-week truce.

The truce would be renewable and supported by all parties except Islamic State, the source said.

It would be conditional on the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front no longer being attacked by Syrian government forces and their allies.

Of course, “Syria’s opposition” there included the United States; and so the U.S. President was, at that time, still insisting upon rejecting the Russian President’s demand that Nusra be included in the “zone of silence,” the locations where the war would continue uninterrupted during the otherwise-ceasefire.

That report went on:

The spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov, said on Saturday: “Russia is sticking to its consistent policy of rendering assistance and aid to the armed forces of Syria in their offensive actions against terrorists and against terrorist organisations.”

The source close to peace talks described the opposition’s insistence on the Nusra Front no longer being targeted as “the elephant in the room”.

Obama, like King Saud, Emir Thani, Tayyip Erdogan, and the other enemies of Russia, still stood firm that Nusra not be destroyed.

Therefore, the issue of whether Putin would be allowed to continue bombing Nusra was a heavy topic of disagreement between Obama’s pro-al-Qaeda-in-Syria alliance, versus Putin’s anti-al-Qaeda-in-Syria alliance.

Seymour Hersh’s 7 January 2016 LRB article concluded:

Obama now has a more compliant Pentagon. There will be no more indirect challenges from the military leadership to his policy of disdain for Assad and support for Erdoğan. Dempsey and his associates remain mystified by Obama’s continued public defence of Erdoğan, given the American intelligence community’s strong case against him – and the evidence that Obama, in private, accepts that case.

Even though Obama accepts the case that Turkey’s leader, Erdoğan, is a dangerous man to be allied with, Obama moves forward with what is perhaps the most rabidly hostile toward Russia U.S. Administration ever. And this is after the USSR, and its NATO-mirror organization, the Warsaw Pact, were terminated by Russia in 1991, and after Al Qaeda perpetrated not only 9/11 but many other terrorist attacks, not only in the U.S., but in many of America’s allied countries — not to mention in Russia itself.

Furthermore, Seymour Hersh, in his 4 April 2014 article in LRB, “The Red Line and the Rat Line”, said that,

The full extent of US co-operation with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar in assisting the rebel opposition in Syria has yet to come to light. The Obama administration has never publicly admitted to its role in creating what the CIA calls a ‘rat line’, a back channel highway [of weapons from Gaddafi’s stockpiles in Libya] into Syria. The rat line, authorised in early 2012, was used to funnel weapons and ammunition from Libya via southern Turkey and across the Syrian border to the opposition. Many of those in Syria who ultimately received the weapons were jihadists, some of them affiliated with al-Qaida.

And, even prior to that, on 7 October 2013, Christof Lehmann at his site, headlined “Top US and Saudi Officials responsible for Chemical Weapons in Syria”, and opened by summarizing:

Evidence leads directly to the White House, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, CIA Director John Brennan, Saudi Intelligence Chief Prince Bandar, and Saudi Arabia´s Interior Ministry.

He said that, regarding the 21 August 2013 sarin gas attack, which Obama claims crossed his “red line” to launch an invasion of Syria to overthrow Assad, and which Hersh and others report to have been based actually on Obama’s and his allies’ “Rat Line” of weapons from Libya into Syria, the initial decision was made by the Saudi agent in Syria, Zahran Alloush:

The final decision, made by Zahran Alloush may in fact have been predetermined together with his U.S. – Saudi liaison officers.

Launching a chemical weapons attack would allow the USA, UK and France, to call for military strikes against Syria and to turn the tide.

Zahran Alloush was killed by a Russian missile on Christmas Day 2015, and his nephew and close associate Mohammed Alloush was chosen by King Salman al-Saud (actually by his son Prince Salman al-Saud) to lead the Syrian opposition in the peace talks on the Syrian war. Zahran Alloush, like the Saud family, favored extermination of Shiites (including Assad), and so does Mohammed Alloush, which (besides the Alloushes’ support of foreign jihad generally) is perhaps the main reason why the Sauds had selected him to lead the U.S.-Saudi-Qatari-Turkish side in these peace negotiations against Syria. However, the Alloushes also greatly admire Osama bin Laden, who founded Al Qaeda; and, so, in total, there can be little if any doubt that what Lavrov was reported on May 4th to have said about Obama’s support for Syria’s Al Qaeda makes sense, even though Obama himself had arranged for bin Laden to be killed.

It seems that, at least after Obama’s success at killing off many of Al Qaeda’s leaders, he is determined to support Al Qaeda’s original jihad, which had been against the Soviet Union, and which continues now against Russia and its ally Assad. Obama therefore protects, and helps to arm, Al Qaeda in Syria, so as to eliminate, if possible, yet another ally of Russia (after Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, and Viktor Yanukovych): this time Bashar al-Assad.

Whereas the U.S. and its allies will not likely affirm what Lavrov said, the facts do — even some that have been reported in the Western press — not only in non-Western media.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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The US National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency approximately doubled their surveillance of telephone and electronic communications in 2015, according to documents released in a US government “transparency report” this week.

US intelligence analysts carried out some 25,000 analytical searches of archived communications data derived from the NSA’s sweeping data collection programs last year, including nearly 5,000 searches of data collected from communications by US citizens.

The figure represents a more than twofold increase over 2013, which saw the agencies conduct 9,500 searches of the surveillance database.

Neither the NSA nor CIA is, in theory, authorized to conduct domestic spying operations. Nonetheless, the CIA searched some 2,000 US communications, while the NSA searched nearly 200.

No statistics are provided covering surveillance database searches by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The documents do reveal, however, that the FBI issued nearly 50,000 national security letters (NSLs), special memos used by the security apparatus to demand access to contents of private communications from providers in 2015, according to the transparency report.

The NSLs are binding and compel the recipient to maintain total secrecy about the government’s demands for information.

The surge in US government surveillance activity has been accompanied by a legal and political offensive, spearheaded by the Obama administration and the military-intelligence bureaucracy, aimed at further eroding the democratic protections enshrined in Bill of Rights.

As a FISA court judge noted in a secret opinion declassified this week, the military-intelligence apparatus is pushing for statutory changes that “would allow the NSA and CIA to deviate from any restrictions based upon unspecified ‘mandates.’”

The secret FISA order declassified Tuesday, dated November 6, 2015 states: “The FBI, NSA, and CIA all have access to ‘raw,’ or unminimized, information under Section 702

“The NSA and CIA Minimization Procedures included as part of the July 15, 2015 Submission each contain new language stating that ‘nothing in these procedures shall prohibit the retention, processing, or dissemination of information.’”

NSA and CIA are authorized to surveil and analyze any data considered “reasonably necessary” to carry out the agencies’ “legislative mandate,” the document states.

The latest exposures of the US government’s mass spying operations come just days after the US Supreme Court approved changes to an obscure statute, known as Rule 41 of the Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure, which covers the application of the Fourth Amendment to electronic spying by federal agents.

The changes to Rule 41 grant US government operatives essentially limitless authority to hack into, surveil and implant malware into computers and networks anywhere in the world.

According to a letter by Google law enforcement head Richard Salgado, the changes enable “various forms of hacking,” known in the technical jargon as “remote search techniques,” which are essentially hi-tech trojan horse programs that allow agents to manipulate, search, and extract data from infected machines.

Malware-based surveillance is “more invasive than other searches because they often have unknown, widespread and destructive consequences,” Salgado said.

While the rule previously held that state operatives must acquire a specific warrant authorizing a search of clearly defined contents on a given machine, new language allows investigators to deploy surveillance and hacking technology against as many machines and search as many contents as they deem necessary for a given investigation, all on the basis of a single warrant by a single district judge.

The changes state:

“A magistrate judge, with authority in any district where activities related to a crime may have occurred, has authority to issue a warrant to use remote access to search electronic storage media, and to seize or copy electronically stored information located within or outside that district.”

“The amendment would eliminate the burden of attempting to secure multiple warrants in numerous districts and allow a single judge to oversee the investigation,”

the new language states.

“We could definitely see the government go forum-shopping for judges. The bigger question here is should the government be engaged in hacking at all, and, if so, what should the rules of the road be? That’s something Congress should decide,” said Robyn Greene of New America’s Open Technology Institute.

The Rule 41 changes were proposed in May 2015 by the Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure and given final approval by a panel of officials and experts, including the high court, last week.

US Senator Ron Wyden, who recently warned that the new statute is “not just a garden-variety federal rule change,” and that “we’re talking about mass hacks,” has called for Congress to review the hacking rules.

Wyden is one of a group of leading congressmen who have become vocal advocates on behalf of “surveillance reform,” in an effort to appease popular opposition to spying that erupted after the Snowden revelations broke in June 2013, while directing it into safe channels..

In similarly demagogic remarks, Democratic Senator Charles Schumer of New York recently warned an audience that the NSA is spying on them out of city billboards.

“New spying billboards are being installed across the country, including right here in New York City, and they are being used to collect your mobile-phone data,” Schumer told an audience in Times Square. “They have huge amounts of information on you. Who knows what they could use it for? It’s something straight out of a scary movie,” Schumer said.

Despite his posture of opposition to the spying, however, Schumer made clear that he fully accepts the spying operations.

“We have to move a little bit on the liberty side,” he said. “The wholesale elimination of the [NSA surveillance] program, I think, leaves us too naked in terms of security, and you’ve got to have security as well as liberty.”

The claim that mass spying is necessary to protect Americans’ liberty against “Islamic extremism,” propagated by the state and media establishment and parroted dutifully by liberal and libertarian advocates of surveillance reform alike, is a lie.

The universal acceptance of this lie by the leading promoters of surveillance reform makes clear that the “reform” agenda is little more than a dog-and-pony show, orchestrated by the Obama administration and members of both parties, aimed at restoring a facade of legitimacy to spy programs that have been utterly discredited in the eyes of millions since 2013.

More than a century of historical experience shows that spying on communications by the capitalist state is aimed, above all, at identifying, profiling, and monitoring groups and individuals considered by the state to be threats to the bourgeois order.

The most powerful agencies of the US government are working overtime to assemble dossiers on the views and relations of a population that is becoming increasingly radicalized politically in response to the capitalist crisis.

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Obama in Flint: Let Them Drink Lead

May 6th, 2016 by Andre Damon

On Wednesday, US President Barack Obama told the residents of Flint, Michigan that their children, poisoned by water from the contaminated Flint River, and many potentially scarred for life, “will be fine.”

The president’s trip to Flint took place amid an ongoing drinking water crisis in the city, where the water supply was poisoned when it switched its water source to the Flint River in 2014.

After taking a tiny sip of Flint water while delivering a speech at Northwestern High School, the president announced that the water is safe to drink. Obama went on, “I don’t want anybody to start thinking that somehow all the kids in Flint are going to have problems for the rest of their lives, because that’s not true.”

Trivializing the disaster, Obama declared,

“If you are my age, or older, or maybe even a little bit younger, you got some lead in your system when you were growing up. You did. I am sure that somewhere, when I was two years old, I was taking a chip of paint, tasting it, and I got some lead.”

Obama’s statements are reminiscent of the declaration attributed to Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France before the Revolution, upon hearing that the population of Paris could not afford bread: “Let them eat cake.” Obama declared instead: Let them drink lead (or eat lead-based paint)!

The attempt to downplay the significance of what has happened in Flint (paralleled in many other cities throughout the country) by referring to the widespread use of lead paint in an earlier period displays an extraordinary level of ignorance and complacency. Regulations on the use of lead paint were bitterly opposed by the paint industry for decades before the clear evidence of its disastrous health consequences, particularly for young children, eventually led to it being banned in the US in 1978.

According to the World Health Organization, lead-based paint continues to cause 600,000 disabilities each year worldwide. Nearly 150,000 people die every year from lead poisoning, with paint a major contributor. Yet Obama would have Flint residents conclude that everything is “fine” because they have ingested lead through their water instead!

In an effort to further minimize the disaster, Obama added,

“As long as kids are getting good health care, and folks are paying attention, and they’re getting a good education, and they have community support, and they’re getting some good home training, and they are in a community that is loving and nurturing and thriving, these kids will be fine.”

A thriving community, with quality education and health care system is no description of Flint, America’s second-poorest midsize city. The historic home of General Motors has been polluted and abandoned by the auto companies. It has a child poverty rate of over 40 percent and one of the highest murder rates in the country. During the course of this presidency, Obama has done much to attack health care and public education, subordinating both ever more directly to the profit interests of giant corporations.

Obama made these comments just days after the New York Times article previewing his appearance painted a picture of the shattering effects of the water crisis on Flint residents. The top official coordinating the federal response to the water crisis told the Times, “The first thing I noticed when I got to Flint, quite honestly, was the level of fear and anxiety and distress.” Another local health official said that people were streaming into hospitals with “depression or suicidal ideation directly linked to what’s going on with their children.”

Flint residents who heard Obama’s remarks were disgusted. Lee Ann Walters, whose children had been exposed to lead and who helped lead the fight to reveal the crisis before a national audience, walked out of the meeting.

Obama’s comments in Flint say much about social relations and political life in America. The president is a creature and creation of the ruling class and the political establishment. A “made man” with intelligence connections for his entire adult life, Obama is a millionaire and his friends are millionaires. One doubts if he’s even consciously lying—on some level he likely believes that the problems faced by poor people would just go away if they would stop complaining.

From the 2008 financial crisis, to the BP oil spill, to the General Motors recall, to countless other crimes committed by the government, banks and major corporations, Obama has dusted off the same routine everywhere he goes. He puts on a “folksy” vernacular, gives “shout-outs” to local politicians, mentions the local sports team, and, if the interns did their homework, even a local sandwich shop.

Obama tells his audience there’s nothing to worry about, while gently chiding those responsible. And when, a few years later, he meets the objects of his chastisement on the golf course, he tells them that it was all to put some distance between them and the “pitch-forks.” No one is held responsible, and the world goes on as before.

After more than seven years, Obama appears to be tired of the routine, wanting to finish up his term so he can collect seven figures at a corporate law firm without having to say the word “folks” ever again. He’s putting in less and less effort. Last month, Obama told the New York Times, “Anybody who says we are not absolutely better off today than we were just seven years ago, they’re not leveling with you. They’re not telling the truth.” This despite the fact that the median household income has plunged by thousands of dollars over that time.

The Flint water crisis is a vast social crime for which the Obama administration bears direct responsibility, with the Environmental Protection Agency helping for months to suppress evidence that Flint residents were being poisoned. The city’s decision to switch over from the Detroit Water and Sewerage department was entirely bound up with the reorganization of the region’s water system in connection with the Detroit bankruptcy, which the White House supported and facilitated.

The poisoning of Flint residents is also tied to the Obama administration’s restructuring of GM and Chrysler, which released GM, Michigan’s largest company, of responsibility for cleaning up pollution, including in Flint, while allowing it to close plants and slash the wages and benefits of workers.

But whether it was the extent of his own complicity, or the tone-deaf character of his statements, or even the number of times people had heard the same routine, something was different. His song and dance didn’t work. The Democratic Party functionaries, preachers, and trade union officials that packed the vetted audience cheered, but workers who spoke to WSWS responded with disgust and hatred in the same way as Ms. Walters.

There is an objective significance to this response. During the Obama presidency, the working class of Michigan has witnessed the foreclosure crisis and economic crisis, the bailout of Wall Street, the pro-business auto restructuring, the Detroit bankruptcy and finally the poisoning of a major American city. Over the past year, workers have begun to fight back with Detroit teachers organizing a struggle against the destruction of public education in the city and Flint residents demanding clean drinking water.

Such experiences are paralleled in different forms throughout the country. Whatever the hopes of Obama, the social anger among workers throughout the country has deep objective roots. It must, however, be given conscious political form and direction, unifying all workers in a common and conscious fight against the capitalist system.

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The Saudi-led coalition continues a propaganda campaign, claiming to be in a major offensive against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). However, AQAP continue to gain the ground despite the so-called “military pressure” of the coalition. AQAP actively criticizes the Kuwait peace talks between the Saudi coalition and al Houthi and former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh’s government as negotiations to empower the al Houthis along with Yemen’s political elite, including Saleh. This AQAP media campaign is aimed to strengthen the diplomatic position of Saudi Arabia.

The UN-led peace talks in Kuwait had been suspended, when the Hadi delegation withdrew from the peace talks citing the al Houthi-Saleh forces’ seizure of a military base in Amran on May 1. The Houthi alliance seized the Umaliqa base in Amran governorate.  The both sides, the Houthi alliance and the coalition had previously cited continued violations of the ceasefire by each other.  The talks resumed on May 4. Both sides submitted proposals for a political settlement and plans for the withdrawal of forces and release of prisoners. The current round of peace talks are unlikely to produce a political solution. However, the release of prisoners and improvement of the humanitarian situation in separate regions can be achieved.

The Saudi-backed forces are attempting to secure Aden and Lahij, but can’t overcome the resistance from Jihadists and southern secessionist groups.

Recently, a SVBIED targeted Aden’s police chief 2 times: on April 28 and on May 1. It shows that militant cells remain operational in Aden even after efforts to clear the militant-infiltrated neighborhoods.  The Aden-based security forces claim to clear the road from Aden to Taiz in Lahij governorate and secure the whole governorate. However, AQAP militants remain active in the governorate, however, as indicated by a recent attacks on checkpoints in the area.

Meanwhile, clashes are ongoing for Al Dhabab, which controls the southwestern entrance to the city of Taiz, despite the ceasefire. The Houthi alliance holds the road leading to the eastern and northeastern entrances to the city and the Mokha port. The coalition is attempting to advance in the areas.

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American Boots on the Ground in Yemen

May 6th, 2016 by Vanessa Beeley

“We have seen no foundry like Yemen for our soldiers. Each time we have sent an expeditionary force there, it has melted away like salt dissolved in water.” ~ The Ottoman accountant-general in Egypt

Reports have come in this morning from Al Masirah TV, of a US troop build up in southern Yemen. One hundred US Rangers have landed in Lahj close to the ISIS and AQAP controlled port of Aden. This arrival was followed by the arrival of four US planes carrying military equipment and supplies.

The US mission creep began last week when a reported 8 or 10 US Rangers combined with UAE forces to ostensibly drive AQAP out of the Al Mukalla areas of southern Yemen. The western media failed to report on this intervention as it was happening. Finally on the 24th April, the New York Times published an account.

Yemen map

From reports on the ground and from reading this NYT report we can conclude that, despite claims of US involvement being to combat the AQAP threat in the region, in reality the militants offered little or no resistance and simply “handed over” the Al Mukalla base to the UAE and US forces.

One comment in the NYT article gives us a very familiar insight into the potential symbiotic partnership between the Saudi Coalition, the US and their potential proxies already on the ground in Yemen.

“But in the end, hardly a shot was fired. By nightfall, the Qaeda militants had withdrawn from Al Mukalla in an apparently tactical retreat, residents said.

The militants had faced little resistance. During the war between the Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels, a Saudi Arabia-led military coalition supporting the government with airstrikes rarely, if ever, attacked Al Qaeda.”


Photo caption: US Troops entering Lahj

AQAP has been fighting alongside illegitimate President Mansour Hadi loyalists in many regions.

“A coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia is fighting alongside al-Qaeda militants against Houthi rebels in Yemen, according to a report. A BBC documentary crew has filmed jihadists and pro-government militiamen fighting rebels near the southern city of Taiz, supported by UAE soldiers.” ~IBT

During the 31st session of the UNHRC [Human Rights Commission], Mohammed Al Wazir, a Yemeni-US lawyer and founder of Arabian Rights Watch Association stated that:

“Before the war, Alqaida was pushed back to a small desert city port called Mukalla. Since the war began, Alqaeda has benefited from weapons and food drops and even air cover allowing it to spread back to Aden, Lahj and Taiz”

CBS news is even more blatant:

“Coalition armoured vehicles and the army entered Mukalla and al Qaeda fighters are departing,” one unnamed witness told Retuers.

They said the forces loyal to President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi are receiving air support from the Saudi-led and U.S.-backed coalition, which until now has mainly targeted Shiite Houthi rebels. The aircraft struck targets in Mukalla, an al Qaeda stronghold and the capital of Hadramawt province, they said.

We must also bear in mind that the AQAP militants had focused on control of the strategic southern coastal regions of Yemen, extending their stronghold along the 1000 mile Yemeni coastline pivotal to the Saudi and US oil projects in the region.

It is no accident that AQAP [Al Qaeda Arab Peninsula] and ISIS have seized swathes of land in the southern province of Hadramaut and the port of Aden. They seem to share the exact same strategic agenda as Saudi Arabia and its GCC allies in Yemen, so they appear to be acting asSaudi proxy forces.

According to a 2008 Wikileaks cable, Saudi Arabia’s intent is to lay a pipeline from the oil and gas rich areas of Al Jawf and Marib in Yemen to the southern coastline, enabling them to avoid both the Straits of Hormuz and the Yemen controlled, Bab el Mandeb straits.

“A British diplomat based in Yemen told PolOff that Saudi Arabia had an interest to build a pipeline, wholly owned, operated and protected by Saudi Arabia, through Hadramawt to a port on the Gulf of Aden, thereby bypassing the Arabian Gulf/Persian Gulf and the straits of Hormuz.” ~ Wikileaks

This would liberate Saudi Arabia from the clutches of Iranian logistical control and challenge Iran’s regional hegemony head on. With Japan, India, China and S Korea representing the expanding crude oil markets, the geopolitical and economic significance of Yemen to the Gulf States becomes transparent.” ~ 21st Century Wire

Are we seeing the all too familiar and lawless interventionism from the US to support its genocidal Saudi coalition allies and more importantly its geopolitical interests in the region.  They have illegally entered a sovereign nation without a UN Mandate, and in alliance with an illegitimate government and a President who had resigned his position twice prior to fleeing to Riyadh to demand that Saudi Arabia re-instate him by force.

UN in Lock-Step with US Neocolonialism

Until now the UN has been supporting the Saudi coalition war of aggression against the Yemeni people by adopting and enforcing UN Resolution 2216 that is an embargo on five named individuals but has been exploited by the Saudi coalition to impose a crippling land, sea and air blockade on 27 million Yemenis with devastating results.

The illegitimacy of this resolution that is based entirely upon the disputed legitimacy of President Hadi is discussed in the article mentioned above.

Suddenly on the 3rd of May, one day before the increased numbers of US Rangers arrived in Lahj, the UN announced the implementation of a UN mechanism to facilitate the “unimpeded flow of commercial goods and services to Yemen

“Mr. Ban notes that UN Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM) based in Djibouti should provide fast and impartial clearance services for shipping companies transporting commercial imports and bilateral assistance to Yemeni ports outside of the authority of the Yemeni Government, Spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said.”

So while the Ansarullah alliance have been resisting Saudi aggression and making military advances across the southern border with Saudi Arabia, the UN has been complicit in the genocidal starvation of the Yemeni people as collective punishment for Yemen’s daring to object to the Saudi coalition hegemony.

Now, the tide has turned, and obligingly the UN has re-opened the channels of supply to ensure the US allied troops dont starve, having intentionally starved the people of Yemen prior to the arrival of the US troops. The weakening of the prey before the vulture descends.

Peace talks had reached an impasse because Saudi Arabia has created a spurious pretext to hold Ansarullah responsible for violating the ceasefire by taking an area of Yemen that was actually already in Houthi control. The area between Sanaa and Sadaa had been a “protected zone” for the Saudi coalition where they had allowed the build up of AQAP forces with little interference, effectively attempting to blockade the route between the capital Sanaa and the northern Ansaruallh stronghold.

The real violation of the ceasefire comes from the Saudi coalition that has continued its bombing campaign unimpeded by the UN, US, NATO or even the western media.

The US is seeing its agenda being thwarted in Yemen and it is reacting in the only way it understands, with illegal force and disregard for the will of the people of a sovereign nation.

What all of them are underestimating is the determination, courage and unity of the Yemeni people. Yemen is, after all,  “the graveyard of invaders

Author Vanessa Beeley is a contributor to 21st Century Wire and since 2011, she has spent most of her time in the Middle East reporting on events there – as a independent researcher, writer, photographer and peace activist. She has recently represented Yemen at the UNHRC, testifying against the Saudi coalition use of US manufactured & supplied Cluster Munitions against civilian targets in Yemen. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Syria Solidarity Movement, and a volunteer with the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine. See more of her work at her blog The Wall Will Fall.

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The government pretends that it’s giving the surviving 9/11 masterminds a fair trial, and that justice will prevail.

The truth may be different …

Kangaroo Court Show Trials

Buzzfeed reported yesterday:

“The Defense Department has farmed out to a private company much of the criminal investigation and trials of the men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, according to federal records and sources affiliated with the trials who spoke to BuzzFeed News.

What’s more, the government has hired the same firm, SRA International, to serve both the prosecution and defense teams, sparking concerns of a conflict of interest that could undermine the integrity of one of the most significant terrorism cases in modern history.”

Sound a little odd?  It’s not the only fishy thing about the 9/11 trials …

In 2008, the former chief prosecutor for Guantanamo’s military commissions disclosed that the trials have been rigged to prevent any possibility of acquittal.

Specifically, the head of the Guantanamo tribunal — who is actually in charge of both prosecuting and defending the suspects — told the former chief prosecutor:

“Wait a minute, we can’t have acquittals. If we’ve been holding these guys for so long, how can we explain letting them get off? We can’t have acquittals, we’ve got to have convictions.”

In addition, three other Guantanamo prosecutors — Maj. Robert Preston, Capt. John Carr and Capt. Carrie Wolf — “asked to be relieved of duties after saying they were concerned that the process was rigged. One said he had been assured he didn’t need to worry about building a proper case; convictions were assured.”

Another former Guantanamo prosecutor resigned, saying in a sworn declaration that the government pulled all sorts of shenanigans in one case.

The head of the tribunal also said that — even if the defendants are somehow acquitted — they may not be released from Guantanamo.

No wonder the American Bar Association, “which the Pentagon had said would help arrange such representation, has refused to participate because it objects to the trial procedures.”

And no wonder the defense attorneys who have agreed to represent the defendants say that the process is completely unfair. See also this interview.

Both the 9/11 Trials and the 9/11 Commission Investigation Were Based on Unreliable Evidence Produced by Torture

The CIA videotaped the interrogation of 9/11 suspects, falsely told the 9/11 Commission that there were no videotapes or other records of the interrogations, and then illegally destroyed all of the tapes and transcripts of the interrogations.

9/11 Commission co-chairs Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton wrote:

“Those who knew about those videotapes — and did not tell us about them — obstructed our investigation.” 

The chief lawyer for Guantanamo litigation – Vijay Padmanabhan – said that torture of 9/11 suspects was widespread. And Susan J. Crawford, the senior Pentagon official overseeing the military commissions at Guantánamo — the novel system of trials for terror suspects that was conceived in the wake of the 9/11 attacks — told Bob Woodward:

“We tortured Qahtani. His treatment met the legal definition of torture.”

Moreover, the type of torture used by the U.S. on the Guantanamo suspects is of a special type. Senator Levin revealed that the the U.S. used Communist torture techniques specifically aimed at creating false confessions. (and see this, this, this and this).

And according to NBC News:

  • Much of the 9/11 Commission Report was based upon the testimony of people who were tortured
  • At least four of the people whose interrogation figured in the 9/11 Commission Report have claimed that they told interrogators information as a way to stop being “tortured.”
  • One of the Commission’s main sources of information was tortured until he agreed to sign a confession that he was NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO READ
  • The 9/11 Commission itself doubted the accuracy of the torture confessions, and yet kept their doubts to themselves

In addition, one of the two main “sources” of information for the 9/11 Commission Report – Abu Zubaydah – was touted by the government as one of Al Qaeda’s top 3 leaders … an Al Qaeda mastermind, general,  and terror coordinator. But the government was later forced to admit that Zubaydah wasn’t even connected with Al Qaeda at all.

Zubaydah was also literally nutty as a fruitcake years before 9/11, and yet the CIA kept on torturing him until he totally lost his mind and became like a brain-dead, trained dog. And the government touted his information gained from torture as if it were vital fact.

The other main “source” for the 9/11 Commission Report – alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – said that he gave the interrogators a lot of false information – telling them what he thought they wanted to hear – in an attempt to stop the torture. We also know that he was heavily tortured specifically for the purpose of trying to obtain false information about 9/11 – specifically, that Iraq had something to do with it.

9/11 Commissioners Slam Blatant Obstruction of Justice

The 9/11 Commissioners publicly expressed anger at cover ups and obstructions of justice by the government into a real 9/11 investigation:

  • The Commission’s co-chairs said that the CIA (and likely the White House) “obstructed our investigation”
  • The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) – who led the 9/11 staff’s inquiry – said “At some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened“. He also said “I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years…. This is not spin. This is not true.”

And the Co-Chair of the official Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11 – and former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee – has called for a new 9/11 investigation.

Some examples of obstruction of justice into the 9/11 investigation include:

  • An FBI informant hosted and rented a room to two hijackers in 2000. Specifically, investigators for the Congressional Joint Inquiry discovered that an FBI informant had hosted and even rented a room to two hijackers in 2000 and that, when the Inquiry sought to interview the informant, the FBI refused outright, and then hid him in an unknown location, and that a high-level FBI official stated these blocking maneuvers were undertaken under orders from the White House. As the New York Times notes:

Senator Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who is a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, accused the White House on Tuesday of covering up evidence ….The accusation stems from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s refusal to allow investigators for a Congressional inquiry and the independent Sept. 11 commission to interview an informant, Abdussattar Shaikh, who had been the landlord in San Diego of two Sept. 11 hijackers.

  • The chairs of both the 9/11 Commission and the Official Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 said that Soviet-style government “minders” obstructed the investigation into 9/11 by intimidating witnesses
  • The 9/11 Commissioners concluded that officials from the Pentagon lied to the Commission, and considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements
  • As reported by ACLU, FireDogLake, RawStory and many others, declassified documents show that Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

So how much do we really know about the 9/11 defendants?

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Last year, 75 hospitals managed or supported by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) were bombed. This was in violation of the most fundamental rules of war which gives protected status to medical facilities and its patients, regardless if the patients are civilians or wounded combatants. Beyond the hospitals, civilians are being wounded and killed by indiscriminate warfare in Syria, Yemen, South Sudan, Afghanistan and elsewhere.  At the same time, the treatment of refugees and migrants in Europe and beyond has shown a shocking lack of humanity.

A humanitarian summit, at which states, UN agencies and non-governmental organisations come together to discuss these urgent issues, has never been more needed. So the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) this month could have been a perfect opportunity.

MSF has been significantly engaged in the WHS process over the past 18 months, including preparing briefing notes on various themes – a sign of our willingness to be involved. The WHS has done an admirable job in opening up the humanitarian sector to a much wider group of actors, and leading an inclusive process.

However, with regret, we have come to the decision to pull out of the summit. We no longer have any hope that the WHS will address the weaknesses in humanitarian action and emergency response, particularly in conflict areas or epidemic situations. Instead, the WHS’s focus would seem to be an incorporation of humanitarian assistance into a broader development and resilience agenda. Further, the summit neglects to reinforce the obligations of states to uphold and implement the humanitarian and refugee laws which they have signed up to.

As shocking violations of international humanitarian law and refugee rights continue on a daily basis, WHS participants will be pressed to a consensus on non-specific, good intentions to ‘uphold norms’ and ‘end needs’. The summit has become a fig-leaf of good intentions, allowing these systematic violations, by states above all, to be ignored.

Summit participants, whether states or UN agencies or non-governmental organisations, will be asked to declare new and ambitious “commitments”. But putting states on the same level as non-governmental organisations and UN agencies, which have no such powers or obligations, the Summit will minimise the responsibility of states. In addition, the non-binding nature of the commitments means that very few actors will sign up to any commitments they haven’t previously committed to.

We hoped that the WHS would advance these vital access and protection issues, reinforcing the role for independent and impartial humanitarian aid, and putting particular attention on the need to improve emergency response. Unfortunately it has failed to do so, instead focusing on its ambitions to “do aid differently” and “end need”, fine-sounding words which threaten to dissolve humanitarian assistance into wider development, peace-building and political agendas.

We can no longer see how the WHS will help the humanitarian sector to address the massive needs caused by continuing violence against patients and medical staff in Syria, Yemen and South Sudan; by civilians intent on fleeing being blocked at borders in Jordan, Turkey and Macedonia; by the inhumane treatment of refugees and migrants desperately trying to find safe haven in Greece and Australia; by the serious gaps we faced during the response to the Ebola epidemic, repeated again, albeit on a smaller scale, in the yellow fever epidemic in Angola today; by the serious restrictions placed by some states on humanitarian access, denying people basic services; and by the continuing lack of effective mobilisation to address recurring disease outbreaks in Democratic Republic of Congo. In all of these situations, the responsibilities of states in their making, and the diminished capacity of the humanitarian system to respond causing yet more suffering and death, will go unaddressed.

For these reasons, and with considerable disappointment, MSF has decided to pull out of the World Humanitarian Summit.

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Donbass: Further Escalation of Violence

May 6th, 2016 by South Front

On April 28th, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin stated that, “The last report of the [OSCE] Special Monitoring Mission notes that only 9 percent of the declared weaponry remains at Ukrainian warehouses. In other words, 91 percent of what should be in the warehouses, they have taken out. Most of the missing weaponry has been spotted on the frontline.”

A noticeable increase in shelling by the Ukrainian Armed Forces of areas under the control of the DPR and LPR, and the infiltration by small reconnaissance and sabotage teams across the line of contact in the Eastern Ukraine has taken place over the past week.

The presence of large amounts of heavy equipment of the UAF, including tanks, self-propelled artillery, MLRS systems, as well as towed artillery and heavy caliber mortars have been noted by both the OSCE and DPR/LPR intelligence services within the 15 kilometer exclusion zone separating the opposing forces. Although both sides in the conflict have routinely violated the heavy weapons exclusion zone stipulated by the Minsk II agreement, the UAF has increasing done so since the beginning of 2016, having fully abandoned any pretense of honoring the agreement over the past several days.

The OSCE report of April 20th, states that explosions of “unknown origin” were recorded in the areas of Donetsk, Avdeevka and Marinka. The OSCE report noted the incessant shelling of Gorlovka over a 24 hour period, including 164 explosions, including  92 mortar shells, 72 explosion of undetermined origin and at least 63 exchanges of fire from infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-2’s). Over the same 24 hour period, the Deputy Commander of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR, Eduard Basurin, in his daily press conference, took note of the heavy and sustained shelling by the UAF and reported on the increased military build-up near the line of contact. DPR reconnaissance forces and the intelligence services have recorded the positioning of large amounts of heavy weapons within the exclusion zone by the UAF over the past 72 hours.

  • In Artemovsk (20 km from the contact line) the arrival of three MLRS “Uragan” MLRS and eleven units of motor vehicles with ammunition and engineering equipment was observed.
  • In the area of Pisky (3 km from the line of contact), nine mortars of 82mm caliber, six infantry fighting vehicles and trucks loaded with ammunition were noted.
  • Within Dmitrovka (25 km from the contact line) eight BMPs and three tanks had moved into the area.
  • In the area of Svobodnoe (21 km to the contact line), two units of MLRS “Grad”, six 152mm towed howitzers, sixteen “Acacia” 152 mm self-propelled guns, and seventeen tanks were observed.
  • In Netaylovo (12 km from the contact line), the arrival of six “Acacia” 152mm self-propelled guns, six tanks, as well as up to three hundred men of the ultra-nationalist movement “Right Sector” was noted.
  • Around Nevelsk (6 km from the contact line), the arrival of several “Acacia” 152 mm self-propelled guns, six tanks and two hundred men of the “Right Sector” was also observed.
  • Near Granitnoe (0.5 km from the contact line), a mechanized platoon of the “Azov” battalion has taken up position, as well as trucks loaded with ammunition and other soft skinned vehicles.
  • In the area of Donetsk, two batteries of “Grad” MLRS systems, twenty-five self-propelled guns, ten towed howitzers, nine heavy caliber mortars, forty tanks, twenty-five armored vehicles and up to four battalions nationalist militants and foreign mercenaries have been concentrated.
  • Finally, around Mariupol, three units of “Grad” MLRS, two self-propelled artillery pieces, six tanks, two anti-tank guns and up to four hundred and fifty militants and nationalist battalions of foreign mercenaries were observed staging in the immediate vicinity.

In addition to Basurin’s remarks, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of the LPR, Major Andrew Marochko, stated on April 20th that the UAF has moved units comprised of Crimean Tartars and Turkish militants into forward areas adjacent to the contact line along the borders of Lugansk. As ominous as the concentration of heavy weapons within the exclusion zone are, the presence of foreign mercenaries and paramilitaries is even more troubling. Photographic evidence is emerging via social media that corroborates the statements made by the spokesmen of the militias. Neo-Nazi volunteers from Poland and Austria have been observed with UAF units on the front line, as well as Crimean Tartars, Turkmen, and militants from the Southern Caucasus Republics. The regime in Kiev has decided to infuse these more “motivated” radical elements into the conflict alongside the many ultra-nationalist units such as Aider and Azov.

Between December 2015 and February of this year, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have consolidated their position in the exclusion zone by seizing and occupying towns and settlements within the neutral zone, including the towns of Pischevik, Pavlopol, Vinogradnoye, Gnutovo, Shirokino, Bakhumutovka and Zhovanka. Although a direct violation of the terms of the Minsk II agreement, the UAF’s consolidation of territory within the exclusion zone is a clear step in preparing for a new offensive. The UAF is now obviously staging troops and equipment in a number of forward “jumping- off” positions.

Against the backdrop of continuing political upheaval in Kiev, the preparations for a summer offensive on the part of the Ukrainian regime becomes even more probable. The resignation and subsequent disappearance of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and his replacement by long-time ally Volodymyr Groysman, shows that Petro Poroshenko is solidifying his power in Kiev. The next step, after further solidifying his political position, is for Poroshenko to once again attempt to remove by force, all opposition in the eastern regions of the country. The foiling of a plot to assassinate the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko on April 28th also shows an attempt by the Kiev regime to decapitate the rebel leadership just prior to a major offensive operation. These developments are occurring on the eve of decisions in France and Germany of whether or not to continue sanctions against Russia, the anniversary of the bloody massacre of Odessa on May 2nd, and as the World Bank and the U.S. administration mark three years of backing a violent regime change that has yet to completely solidify power in the interests of the western political and financial establishment.

Written and produced by SF Team: Brian Kalman, Edwin Watson, Daniel Deiss

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Can the world wake up?

On September 19, 2000, going on 16 years ago, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London Telegraph reported:

Declassified American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.

The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen. William J. Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.

The documents show that the European Union was a creature of the CIA.

As I have previously written, Washington believes that it is easier to control one government, the EU, than to control many separate European governments.  As Washington has a long term investment in orchestrating the European Union, Washington is totally opposed to any country exiting the arrangement.  That is why President Obama recently went to London to tell his lapdog, the British Prime Minister, that there could be no British exit.

Like other European nations, the British people were never allowed to vote on whether they were in favor of their country ceasing to exist and them becoming Europeans. British history would become the history of a bygone people like the Romans and Babylonians.

The oppressive nature of unaccountable EU laws and regulations and the EU requirement to accept massive numbers of third world immigrants have created a popular demand for a British vote on whether to remain a sovereign country or to dissolve and submit to Brussels and its dictatorial edicts.  The vote is scheduled for June 23.

Washington’s position is that the British people must not be permitted to decide against the EU, because such a decision is not in Washington’s interest.

The prime minister’s job is to scare the British people with alleged dire consequences of “going it alone.”  The claim is that “little England” cannot stand alone.  The British people are being told that isolation will spell their end, and their country will become a backwater bypassed by progress.  Everything great will happen elsewhere, and they will be left out.

If the fear campaign does not succeed and the British vote to exit the EU, the open question is whether Washington will permit the British government to accept the democratic outcome.

Alternatively, the British government will deceive the British people, as it routinely does, and declare that Britain has negotiated concessions from Brussels that dispose of the problems that concern the British people.

Washington’s position shows that Washington is a firm believer that only Washington’s interests are important.  If other peoples wish to retain national sovereignty, they are simply being selfish.

Moreover, they are out of compliance with Washington, which means they can be declared a “threat to American national security.” The British people are not to be permitted to make decisions that do not comply with Washington’s interest. My prediction is that the British people will either be deceived or overridden.

It is Washington’s self-centeredness, the self-absorption, the extraordinary hubris and arrogance, that explains the orchestrated “Russian threat.” Russia has not presented herself to the West as a military threat.  Yet, Washington is confronting Russia with a US/NATO naval buildup in the Black Sea a naval, troop and tank buildup in the Baltics and Poland, missile bases on Russia’s borders, and plans to incorporate the former Russian provinces of Georgia and Ukraine in US defense pacts against Russia.

When Washington, its generals and European vassals declare Russia to be a threat, they mean that Russia has an independent foreign policy and acts in her own interest rather than in Washington’s interest.  Russia is a threat, because Russia demonstrated the capability of blocking Washington’s intended invasion of Syria and bombing of Iran.  Russia blunted one purpose of Washington’s coup in the Ukraine by peacefully and democratically reuniting with Crimera, the site of Russia’s Black Sea naval base and a Russian province for several centuries.

Perhaps you have wondered how it was possible for small countries such as Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yeman, and Venezuela to be threats to the US superpower.  On its face Washington’s claim is absurd.  Do US presidents, Pentagon officials, national security advisors, and chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff really regard countries of so little capability as military threats to the United States and NATO countries?

No, they do not.  The countries were declared threats, because they have, or had prior to their destruction, independent foreign and economic policies.  Their policy independence means that they do not or did not accept US hegemony. They were attacked in order to bring them under US hegemony.

In Washington’s view, any country with an independent policy is outside Washington’s umbrella and, therefore, is a threat.

Venezuela became, in the words of US President Obama, an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States,” necessitating a “national emergency” to contain the “Venezuelan threat” when the Venezuelan government put the interests of the Venezuelan people above those of American corporations.

Russia became a threat when the Russian government demonstrated the ability to block Washington’s intended military attacks on Syria and Iran and when Washington’s coup in the Ukraine failed to deliver to Washington the Russian Black Sea naval base.

Clearly Venezuela cannot possibly pose a military threat to the US, so Venezuela cannot possibly pose an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security of the US.”  Venezuela is a “threat” because the Venezuelan government does not comply with Washington’s orders.

It is absolutely certain that Russia has made no threats whatsoever against the Baltics, Poland, Romania, Europe, or the United States.  It is absolutely certain that Russia has not invaded the Ukraine.  How do we know?  If Russia had invaded Ukraine, the Ukraine would no longer be there. It would again be a Russian province where until 20 years ago Ukraine resided for centuries, for longer than the US has existed. Indeed, the Ukraine belongs in Russia more than Hawaii and the deracinated southern states belong in the US.

Yet, these fantastic lies from the highest ranks of the US government, from NATO, from Washington’s British lackeys, from the bought-and-paid-for Western media, and from the bought-and-paid-for EU are repeated endlessly as if they are God’s revealed truth.

Syria still exists because it is under Russian protection.  That is the only reason Syria still exists, and it is also another reason that Washington wants Russia out of the way.

Do Russia and China realize their extreme danger?  I don’t think even Iran realizes its ongoing danger despite its close call.

If Russia and China realize their danger, would the Russian government permite one-fifth of its media to be foreign owned?  Does Russia understand that “foreign owned” means CIA owned?

If not, why not?  If so, why does the Russian government permit its own destabilization at the hands of Washington’s intelligence service?

China is even more careless.  There are 7,000 US-funded NGOs (non-governmental organizations) operating in China.

Only last month did the Chinese government finally move, very belatedly, to put some restrictions on these foreign agents who are working to destabilize China.  The members of these treasonous organizations have not been arrested.  They have merely been put under police watch, an almost useless restriction as Washington can provide endless money with which to bribe the Chinese police.

Why do Russia and China think that their police are less susceptible to bribes than Mexico’s or American police?  Despite the multi-decade “war on drugs,” the drug flow from Mexico to the US is unimpeded.  Indeed, the police forces of both countries have a huge interest in the “war on drugs” as the war brings them riches in the form of bribes. Indeed, as the crucified reporter for the San Jose Mercury newspaper proved many years ago, the CIA itself is in the drug-running business.

In the United States truth-tellers are persecuted and imprisoned, or they are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-semites,” and “domestic extremists.”  The entire Western World consists of a dystopia far worse than the one described by George Orwell in his famous book, 1984.

That Russia and China permit Washington to operate in their media, in their universities, in their financial system, and in “do-good” NGOs that infiltrate every aspect of their societies demonstrates that both governments have no interest in their survival as independent states. They are too scared of being called “authoritarian” by the Western presstitute media to protect their own independence.

My prediction is that Russia and China will soon be confronted with an unwelcome decision: accept American hegemony or go to war.

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The presidential primaries offer a single choice for both Democrats and Republicans to vote for empire and permanent war. This year’s entertainment spectacle, what we call democratic elections, is a particularly gross circus of meaninglessness, misinformation, sound bites, and lies. Both parties are in support in the continuation of the US/NATO global empire of permanent war and the protection of the capital of the global 1%. Even Bernie Sanders calls for drone strikes and continued war on Isis and other evil terrorists.

Neo-fascists, racists, and misogynistic people are finding new voice with Donald Trump’s presidential bid. Neo-conservatives and fundamentalists found hope with Ted Cruz. Moderates, liberals and women see Hillary Clinton as a chance for Supreme Court balance and gender equality, and left-leaning liberals are cheering for democratic socialist Sanders to save our economy by breaking up big banks and restoring trust in government.

The mobilization of millions of young people in support of Sanders offers them a hope of real change, similar to the false hope millions expressed eight years ago. None of the candidates above offer any solutions for the permanent war on terror, US/NATO presence in 130 countries, massive wasteful spending on arms, neo-liberal economic policies, governmental austerity, global refugees, and human rights for the three billion people living on less than $3 a day. None of the above suggests reinstatement of Habeas Corpus, an expanded Bill of Rights, complete electronic privacy, full governmental transparency, or the bail out of the $1 trillion student loan debt.

The US/NATO global empire is primarily in service to the Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC) not the people of the United State or the installed President in Washington. These few thousand people controlling global capital amount to less than 0.0001 percent of the world’s population. The TCC, as the capitalist elite of the world, dominate nation states through international treaty agreements and transnational state organizations such as the World Bank, Bank for International Settlements, and the International Monetary Fund.  The TCC communicates their policy requirements through global networks such as the G-7, G-20, and various non-governmental policy organizations like the World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberger Group. Presidents and Presidential candidates listen to the TCC or they will not be allowed into office. Rigged elections, assassinations, and October surprises are in the tool kit of the TCC and deep state powers.

The TCC represents the interests of several hundred thousand millionaires and billionaires who comprise the richest people in the top one percent of the world’s wealth hierarchy. A few thousand inside the TCC manage over $100 Trillion of capital. Ironically, this extreme accumulation of concentrated capital at the top creates a continuing problem for the TCC, who must continually scour the world for new investment opportunities that will yield adequate returns (7-10%).

The TCC are keenly aware of both their elite status and their increasing vulnerabilities to democracy movements and unrest from the bottom. As a result of these class insecurities, the TCC works to protect its structure of concentrated wealth with military might. Protection of capital is the prime reason that NATO countries now account for 85 percent of the world’s defense spending, with the US spending more on military than the rest of the world combined. Fears of rebellions motivated by inequality and other forms of unrest push the US/NATO global agenda in the war on terror. Mass media owned by the TCC continues to promote the fear of terrorism as a form of hegemonic mind control.

The concentration of global capital, permanent war, and deliberate destabilization of economies is designed to pit working people against each other and protect global capital. The ultimate goal of capital is the building of a privatized neo-feudal police states, where individual countries are population containment zones and capital is free to go unrestricted anywhere in the world.

Democracy-occupy movements are emerging as a counter to centralized global capital. Knowing the war on terror is a fraud designed to keep us quiet is one step towards challenging the 1%.  We need to collectively seek solidarity with working people worldwide in an unrelenting movement for democarcy, human rights, peace, and equality.

Peter Phillips is a Professor of  Political Sociology at Sonoma State University and President of Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored.

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TTIP, a “Otan Econômica”

May 6th, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

Cidadãos, escritórios locais, parlamentos, governos, Estados inteiros são privados de autoridade sobre suas escolhas econômicas, postas nas mãos de organismos controlados por multinacionais e grupos financeiros que violam os direitos dos trabalhadores, a proteção do meio ambiente e a segurança alimentar, demolindo os serviços públicos e os bens comuns: por essas razões, que se expressam na campanha “Stop TTIP”, promotora da manifestação de 7 de maio em Roma, é necessário rejeitar a “Parceria Transatlântica para o Comércio e Investimentos” (TTIP, na sigla em inglês), negociada secretamente entre os Estados Unidos e a União Europeia (EU).

Juntam-se a essas ouras razões sobre as quais não se fala quase nada: as de caráter geopolítico e geoestratégico, que revelam um projeto muito mais amplo e ameaçador. O embaixador dos Estados Unidos junto à UE, Anthony Gardner, insiste : “Há essenciais razões geoestratégicas para concluir o acordo”.

O que são essas razões é indicado pelo Conselho de Inteligência Nacional dos Estados Unidos, que prevê que “depois do declínio do Ocidente e da ascensão da Ásia, daqui até 2030 os Estados em vias de desenvolvimento terão ultrapassado os Estados desenvolvidos”. Por isso, Hillary Clinton definiu a parceria EUA/UE como “um objetivo estratégico de nossa aliança transatlântica”, projetando uma “Otan econômica” que integre a Otan política e militar.

O projeto de Washington é claro: levar a Otan a um nível superior, criando um bloco político, econômico e militar EUA-UE, sempre sob o comando estadunidense, que – com Israel, as monarquias do Golfo e outros – se oponha à área euro-asiática em ascensão, fundada sobre a cooperação entre a Rússia e a China, assim como aos Brics, ao Irã e a qualquer outro país que se retire da dominação do Ocidente.

O primeiro passo para realizar esse projeto foi criar uma fratura entre a União Europeia e a Rússia. Em julho de 2013 foram abertas em Washington as negociações para o TTIP, que tiveram dificuldade para avançar devido aos interesses contrastantes entre os EUA e as maiores potências europeias, às quais a Rússia oferece acordos comerciais vantajosos. Seis meses mais tarde, em janeiro-fevereiro de 2014, os acontecimentos da Praça Maidan sob o comando dos EUA e da Otan inicia uma reação em cadeia (ataques contra os russos da Ucrânia, e les Russes d’Ukraine, separação da Crimeia e sua adesão à Rússia, sanções e contra-sanções), recriando na Europa um clima de guerra fria.

Ao mesmo tempo, os países da UE se encontram submetidos à pressão de fluxos migratórios provocados pelas guerras dos EUA e da Otan (Líbia, Síria), nas quais participaram, e pelos ataques terroristas assumidos pelo chamado Estado Islâmico (criatura das mesmas guerras).

Nesta Europa dividida por “muros de contenção”, por fluxos migratórios, na qual se espalha a psicose do estado de sítio, os EUA lançam a maior operação militar desde o fim da guerra fria, deslocando para as fronteiras da Rússia caças-bombardeiros e navios de guerra com capacidade nuclear.

A Otan sob comando estadunidense, da qual fazem parte 22 dos 28 países da UE, intensifica exercícios militares (mais de 300 em 2015) sobretudo no front oriental. Tudo isso favorece o projeto de Washington de criar um bloco político, econômico e militar EUA-UE. Projeto que consegue a aprovação incondicional da Itália, além dos países do Leste mais ligados aos EUA do que à UE.

As maiores potências, notadamente a França e a Alemanha, ainda estão negociando. Mas sua integração crescente à Otan, sob comando estadunidense, indica que sobre as divergências de interesses (em particular sobre as custosas sanções econômicas contra a Rússia) estão prevalecendo as “razões geoestratégicas do TTIP”.

Manlio Dinucci


Artigo original em italiano :

traduzido por José Reinaldo Carvalho para Resistência

Manlio Dinucci é jornalista e geógrafo.

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On April 26th, Reuters headlined from Romania, «‘We’re Not Here to Provoke,’ Say US Pilots on Putin’s Doorstep», and gave as an example: «‘We’re not here to provoke anybody, we’re here to work with our allies,’ says Dan Barina, a 26-year-old pilot on his first trip to a region where tensions have risen markedly since Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Romania’s neighbor Ukraine two years ago».

How can it not be ‘provoking’, when Russia now faces a threat from Obama and America’s NATO alliance, that’s vastly worse than what America had faced from the Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev and the USSR’s Warsaw Pact alliance in 1962 during the Cuban Missile Crisis? That was just one missile-base, 90 miles from the US – not dozens of them, some right on Russia’s border. Are those American pilots idiots to believe their superiors’ absurd statements about what their mission is, or is insanity the explanation here – or, is there even some third explanation possible for this oblivious statement from the American pilot? Perhaps those soldiers and airmen are simply drowning in (or drunk with) US propaganda? They really believe that Russia is moving too close to NATO, not that NATO has already moved too close to Russia? Really?

The Reuters report said that NATO countries were doing this to protect themselves from «an increasingly aggressive Russia». Wow. But that’s the line promoted by US President Barack Obama. And he’s accepted as a decent person not only by the millions of voters in his own Democratic Party (though not in the Republican Party, which blames him for everything except the truth: that he is governing so far to the right that they have to concoct false ‘leftist’ reasons to criticize him); but, he’s also respected even by the publics in Europe, where they suffer the flood of refugees from the invasions he leads. After all: one must never underestimate the power of propaganda, to warp the public’s minds.

On February 2nd, the US ‘Defense’ Secretary, Russia-hater Ashton Carter, announced – and the equally Russia-hating NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed and endorsed – America’s quadrupling of its troops and weapons on and near Russia’s northwestern borders; and America’s pilot Dan Barina is part of this extremely hostile action, by the US and NATO, against the people in Russia.

Russia is now surrounded, on and near its borders, by numerous US nuclear weapons – weapons and troops that are as close to St. Petersburg and Moscow as they can possibly get without actually invading Russia.

In 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev dissolved the USSR and ended its Warsaw Pact, upon a promise from the regime of US President George Herbert Walker Bush to the then-Soviet (soon-to-become merely Russian) leader, that NATO would move «not one inch to the east» – a promise which the American President told his people in private was actually a lie, but which they, and all subsequent US Presidents, have accepted as Western policy founded on that lie, by expanding NATO not merely «one inch to the east», but right up to Russia’s very borders. That’s what this February 2nd policy by US President Barack Obama and his NATO stooges is bringing substantially closer to culmination.

How can this not be «provocative»? What type of idiot can believe his superiors when they say «We’re not here to provoke anybody»? Of course, it’s not to «provoke» Russians: it’s to downright terrify them. They’d have to be crazy not to be terrified, at being increasingly surrounded by these WMD, from what is increasingly clearly their enemy.

This big lie, that what America is doing there is ‘defensive’, is stanched up by other, lesser, lies, such as Obama’s lie that the reason why he’s expanding America’s Strategic Defense Initiative (anti-ballistic missile, or ‘star wars’) system, in Europe, has been to protect Europe from Iranian nuclear missiles. Iran never had nuclear weapons, and Obama reached an agreement with Iran that will for decades prevent Iran from having them, but he still expands the SDI system right up to Russia’s borders, as ‘protection against Iran’. The people who protest against Obama’s lies are then marginalized as mere kooks, which is the way to get idiots to ignore even the most barefaced facts (such as Western terrorization of the Russian population), because only idiots can continue to believe such liars as the Obama regime, when their lies are as obvious as this. These protests against Obama and NATO and all of Western aggression, aren’t coming from America’s Republicans or other right-wingers: the smearing of these protesters with that broad-brush taint can be believed only by idiots – people who are willingly suckers, suckers notwithstanding the blatancy with which the facts run against the lies they swallow.

From the very get-go, in 1983 – when the Republican US President, Ronald Reagan (with the active support of Ashton Carter at MIT), started the SDI project, under the lie that disabling a combatant’s retaliatory ability isn’t profoundly aggressive against that opponent (basically checkmating him) – the SDI concept was aimed at achieving an invasion of the Soviet Union which couldn’t be effectively countered; it was aimed ultimately at replacing the balance-of-power system of «Mutually Assured Destruction» (MAD), by a gross imbalance of power that would enable conquest of the opponent; it would enable a blitz-attack against the Soviet Union, an attack to which it would be impossible to respond via a counter-attack; it would enable an attack which would pre-emptively disable that response. In other words: it’s all a con, a lie, to say that SDI is ‘purely a defensive measure’. It can be the most decisive aggressive measure, the only way that’s even conceivable to ‘win’ a nuclear war (as some of the West’s aristocrats think can be done).

Wikipedia notes about Ashton Carter: 

«Carter was a supporter of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, as well as an advocate of preventive wars against North Korea and Iran. In response to increase in tension in Ukraine, Carter considered proposing deployment of ground-launched cruise missiles in Europe that could pre-emptively destroy Russian weapons».

That’s a «hawkish» background just as Hillary Clinton’s is, virtually indistinguishable from that of George W Bush and Dick Cheney; and yet, when he was starting his political career in a region where the opposition to invading Iraq was strong, Obama claimed that he opposed invading Iraq. Yet, somehow, once he was finally inside the White House, suddenly the people he was surrounding himself with were Wall-Street-backed individuals who had supported invading Iraq (and any other country whose leader was friendly toward Russia). He did to Libya, Ukraine, and Syria, what George W Bush did to Iraq. If that’s not fraudulent ‘democracy’, then what is? The public had been given no indication they would be getting, with Barack Obama, merely a more-articulate version of George W Bush.

America has been lying not only regarding its aggressive designs against the Soviet Union, but (and this is far more heinous) – afterward, when the supposed ‘ideological’ reason for the Cold War had ended – it is lying even more blatantly in its ‘justifications’ for its (and NATO’s) anti-Russia policies despite communism having ended and the Soviet Union (and its Warsaw Pact) disbanded.

How much longer will the aristocracy that control the US Government be able to get away with such obvious lies, such continuation and even escalation of the «Cold War» after its very raison d’etre (anti-communism) is long-since gone? If it turns out to be too long, then only a matter of time will pass before those buttons get pushed and those nuclear weapons are released, to destroy the world. Horrific as those weapons are, they are built, and manned, to be used. If this seems unimaginable, then the question has to be this: Is it as unimaginable as is the manifested-existing evilness of America’s aristocracy (such as Barack Obama, Ashton Carter, George W Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, George Soros, the Koch brothers, etc.) and of the aristocracies (in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere) that are allied with it?

(To be continued)

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Putin Plays “Energy Chess” with Netanyahu

May 5th, 2016 by F. William Engdahl

On April 21 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Moscow for closed door talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The media reported that the talks were over the situation in Syria, a theme where Moscow has made certain a regular hotline dialogue exists to avoid potential military clashes. It seems, however, that the two discussed quite another issue–potential Russian involvement in developing Israel’s giant offshore Leviathan gas field in the Eastern Mediterranean. Were the two to strike a deal, the geopolitical implications could be enormous for Putin and Russia’s strategic role in the Middle East as well as for the future of the US influence in the region.

Israeli press reported the Netanyahu-Putin talks as being about “coordination between forces in skies above war-torn country, status of Golan Heights…”

According to Russian state media reports, however, in addition, Netanyahu and Putin discussed the potential role of Russia’s state-owned Gazprom, the world’s largest natural gas producer and marketer, as a possible stakeholder in Israel’s Leviathan natural gas field. Russian involvement in the stalled Israeli gas development would reduce financial risk for Israeli offshore gas operations and increase the gas fields’ security, as Russian allies like Hezbollah in Lebanon or Iran would not dare target Russian joint ventures.

If the Russian reports are accurate, it could portend a major new step in Putin energy geopolitics in the Middle East, one which could give Washington a major defeat in her increasingly inept moves to control the world’s center of oil and gas.

Russian interest

Many outside observers might be surprised that Putin would be in such a dialogue with Netanyahu, a longstanding US ally. There are many factors behind it. One is the leverage Russia’s President has through the presence of more than one million ethnic Russians in Israel, including a cabinet member in Netanyahu’s government. More importantly, since the Obama Administration went ahead, over vehement Netanyahu protests, to sign the nuclear deal with Iran in 2015, relations between Washington and Tel Aviv have chilled to put it mildly.

The situation is being skillfully mined by Putin and Russia.

Washington wants to force a political reconciliation between Netanyahu and Turkey’s Erdogan, including a deal in which Turkey would become a major buyer of Israeli offshore gas, making major purchase agreements from Leviathan. For Washington that would reduce Turkish dependency, today more than 60%, on imports of Russian gas. In return Israel would agree to sell Turkey advanced Israeli military equipment with Washington approval.

However bilateral talks between Turkey and Israel are reportedly stalled over numerous differences. This opens a door for Russia to enter.

Putin invited Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, to Moscow on March 16 for talks following Russia’s surprise decision to pull some of its forces back from Syria. Significantly, the visit was sanctioned by Netanyahu, who often is at personal odds with his President. One purpose was clearly to lay ground for the latest Netanyahu Moscow visit.

Golan, Leviathan, Turkey

What is emerging is a complex realpolitik negotiation between Putin and Netanyahu of the highest geopolitical stakes for the entire Middle East and beyond.

The elements as they now appear include possible Gazprom partnership and investment in the development and marketing of natural gas from Israel’s giant offshore Leviathan gas find. It includes some kind of arrangement between Russia and Israel to guarantee Israeli security from attacks by the Teheran-backed Hezbollah from forces in the Syrian Golan Heights. And it includes a deal in which Israel would walk away from Washington’s desired gas and arms sales to Erdogan’s Turkey, a deal which would weaken Gazprom and any Russian leverage over Turkey.

Israel’s Leviathan

First Leviathan. In late 2010 Israel announced discovery of a massive “super-giant” gas field offshore in what it declares is its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). It’s located in what geologists call the Levant or Levantine Basin. The find is some 84 miles west of the Haifa port and three miles deep. They named it Leviathan after the Biblical sea monster. Three Israeli energy companies, led by Delek Energy, in cooperation with the Houston Texas Noble Energy announced initial estimates that the field contained 16 trillion cubic feet of gas—making it the world’s biggest deep-water gas find in a decade. For the first time since creation of the Israeli state in 1948, the country would be self-sufficient in energy and even in a position to become a major gas exporter.

If we flash forward some five or more years to the present, the world and Israel’s entree as a major energy geopolitical player appear far different. The world prices for oil and natural gas have collapsed dramatically since late 2014 with little sign of serious recovery.

Internal Israeli politics have furthermore blocked the regulatory approval for development of Leviathan. On March 28, Israel’s High Court blocked the Netanyahu government’s proposal to freeze regulation changes in the natural gas industry, threatening to delay the development of offshore fields. The court objected to a proposed “stability” clause, which would have prevented major regulatory changes for 10 years. Lack of an approved government framework has delayed development of Leviathan. Noble and their Israeli partners, Delek Group Ltd. are the two major stakeholders in Leviathan.

What has changed as well since Russia’s earlier foray into Leviathan 2012 is the fact that Netanyahu and the Obama Administration are barely on speaking terms over Iran and numerous other issues. As well, the world oil and gas market is in a depression and Israel could urgently need significant outside investors to develop Leviathan.

As well today the Houston, Texas company, Noble Energy, is feeling the negative impact of the energy price collapse of the past two years in the midst of the worst oil industry depression in years and is discussing sales of its stake in various international projects to weather the storm.

In October 2015, Israeli sources reported that Vladimir Putin had reformulated a proposal for Gazprom participation in Israel’s nascent offshore gas development. According to comments of senior Israeli journalist, Ehud Yaari, Putin had expressed renewed Russian interest in Gazprom’s entering into the Israeli natural gas sector by taking a joint venture share of the huge and costly Leviathan project. Yaari, considered very well-informed in Israeli Middle East politics, also stated that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who opposed a previous deal 2012 with Gazprom, is now reconsidering his 2012 position.

In 2012 Gazprom had submitted the highest bid to buy a 30% stake in Leviathan. Noble Energy’s Israeli partners in Leviathan, led by Delek Energy, then had decided to bring in a strategic partner because they lack the financial wherewithal, know-how, and connections to fully exploit the reservoir’s potential as quickly as possible.

Cost of developing the gas discovery alone, including building a natural gas liquefaction (LNG) plant, was estimated at $10-15 billion. At that time there was a split among the owners of the Leviathan bloc. Israeli billionaire Yitzhak Tshuva’s Delek Group were enthusiastic about doing a deal with Gazprom, given their geopolitical power and marketing ability globally. The US-based Noble Energy was opposed, most likely at the urging of Washington. Gazprom lost that one.

In October 2015, a month after initiation of Russia’s military intervention in Syria, Yaari told the Sydney-based newspaper, The Australian, that Putin had recently told Netanyahu, in return for a Leviathan deal, “We will make sure there will be no provocation against the [Israeli] gas fields by Hezbollah or Hamas.” Given Russia’s recent military role in Syria, that was clearly no empty promise.

Turkey and Israel

Another component of a possible Grand Bargain on energy and security guarantees between Russia and Israel would involve an agreement for Israel to end US-backed negotiations with Turkey’s Erdogan in favor of Gazprom investment into Leviathan and Russian security guarantees to Israeli offshore energy projects.

In early March this year, US Vice President Joe Biden, who has an uncanny knack to show up in areas where Washington’s neo-conservatives want special concessions or agreements, showed up in Tel Aviv for a meeting with Netanyahu. In closed door talks between the two, according to Israel’s leading daily, Haaretz, Biden pressured Netanyahu to strike a deal with Erdogan that would see Israel’s Leviathan gas going to Turkey to replace Gazprom gas. Biden also pressed for Israeli advanced weapons sales to NATO-member Turkey.

Since then, secret talks have been ongoing between Israel and Turkey with no tangible success. Israeli Defense Minister, Moshe Ya’alon, speaking on behalf of the Israeli military establishment told Israeli media several times in recent weeks that the IDF demands, as precondition for any detente between Israel and Turkey that Erdogan shut the Hamas command post in Turkey from which Israel claims terror activities against Israel were ordered. Turkey has not agreed. The Israeli military establishment reportedly prefers maintaining military cooperation with Russia over that of any deal with the unpredictable Erdogan.

Clearly not by coincidence, only days after the Biden talks with Netanyahu, Putin extended his invitation, not to Netanyahu directly, but more diplomatically, with Israeli President Rivlin.

Rivlin was invited to Moscow on the ceremonial pretext of the 25th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic ties between the two countries. He acted clearly as a discreet back-channel to prepare the most recent Moscow Putin-Netanyahu talks involving among other items, Gazprom stakes in Leviathan and the future of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights where a suspiciously well-connected US energy company, Genie Energy, whose advisory board includes names such as Dick Cheney and Lord Rothschild, claims to have discovered, via their Israeli subsidiary, a huge new oil find.

Recent efforts by Netanyahu to get US President Obama to back a permanent Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights reportedly fell on deaf ears. Likely Netanyahu had in the back of his mind during his talks with Obama the reports of large oil discoveries by the Israeli subsidiary of the US-based Genie Energy.

In his Moscow talks, President Rivlin asked Putin to help reestablish the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force presence on the Golan Heights between Israel and Syria, noting that Israel is concerned to make sure Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed groups are not able to use the chaos within war-torn Syria and a power vacuum on the Golan Heights to set up a base near the border for attacks against Israel. The recent fighting forced the UN to withdraw.

What is clear is that the ultimate geopolitical stakes for all sides–Moscow, Tel Aviv, Ankara, Washington, for US energy companies, Israeli energy companies and Russia’s Gazprom–are enormous. To be monitored…

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

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Over the past few days, the Western corporate press has kicked into overdrive with reports of hospital bombings, dead civilians, and war crimes all blamed predictably on the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. According to Western governments and their media mouthpieces, Assad’s forces have targeted civilian hospitals in order to . . . well . . . no one knows why Assad’s forces would logically target civilian hospitals. Still, the Western harpies – both media and “human rights NGOs” – continue to hammer the unsubstantiated claims and misinformation at the tops of their lungs that the SAA is dropping bombs on civilian medical facilities.

The First “Hospital”: al-Quds

The bombing being attributed to the Syrian military is the destruction of the “al-Quds” hospital, an alleged Médecins Sans Frontières hospital located in Aleppo. Even officially, however, it is important to note that the alleged “hospital” was not an MSF facility but one which was “supported” by MSF. This might seem like a small technicality but it is actually an important difference since MSF (aka Doctors Without Borders) is well known to be anything but an impartial observer in the Syrian crisis. As Tony Cartalucci wrote in his article, “’Doctors’ Behind Syrian Chemical Weapons Claim Are Aiding Terrorists,” in 2013,

While it is often described by the Western media as “independent,” nothing could be further from the truth.

To begin with, Doctors Without Borders is fully funded by the very same corporate financier interests behind Wall Street and London’s collective foreign policy, including regime change in Syria and neighboring Iran. Doctors Without Borders’ own annual report (2010 report can be accessed here), includes as financial donors, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Google, Microsoft, Bloomberg, Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital, and a myriad of other corporate-financier interests. Doctors Without Borders also features bankers upon its Board of Advisers including Elizabeth Beshel Robinson of Goldman Sachs.

Complicating further Doctors Without Borders so-called “independent” and “aid” claims is the fact that their medical facilities are set up in terrorist held regions of Syria, especially along Syria’s northern border with NATO-member Turkey. In an interview with NPR, Doctors Without Borders’ Stephen Cornish revealed the nature of his organization’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, where he explains that aid is being sent to regions outside of the Syrian government’s control, and that his organization is in fact setting up facilities in these areas. Cornish admits [emphasis added]:

Over the past months, we’ve had a surgery that was opened inside a cave. We’ve had another that was opened in a chicken farm, a third one in a house. And these structures, we’ve tried to outfit them as best as we can with enough modern technology and with full medical teams. They originally were dealing mainly with combatant injuries and people who were – civilians who were directly affected by the conflict.

In other words, the Wall Street-funded organization is providing support for militants armed and funded by the West and its regional allies, most of whom are revealed to be foreign fighters, affiliated with or directly belonging to Al Qaeda and its defacto political wing, the Muslim Brotherhood. This so-called “international aid” organization is in actuality yet another cog in the covert military machine being turned against Syria and serves the role as a medical battalion.

In a telling interview with NPR, which Cartalucci partially quotes in his own article, the Executive Director of DWB, Stephen Cornish, admitted the fact that the organization largely has provided medical aid to the death squads not just as a matter of unbiased Hippocratic Oath-based treatment, but what appears to be a “rebel”-based program.

Again, Cornish revealed,

Over the past months, we’ve had a surgery that was opened inside a cave. We’ve had another that was opened in a chicken farm, a third one in a house. And these structures, we’ve tried to outfit them as best as we can with enough modern technology and with full medical teams. They originally were dealing mainly with combatant injuries and people who were – civilians who were directly affected by the conflict. [emphasis added]

Even assuming that the “civilians” Cornish mentions are truly civilians, Cornish’s team has also been focused largely on “combatant injuries” which is an interesting focus considering that the teams are mainly located within death squad controlled territory.

Indeed, Cornish removes all doubt about whether or not the death squads are receiving priority care as the interview continues. Cornish states,

So it is very difficult for civilians to find care. And one of the difficulties also is that a number ofsmaller surgeries that have been set up are either overwhelmed with combatants or primarily taking care of combatants. And what we would certainly urge is that all surgeries and all health posts also are accommodating the civilian population.

BLOCK: You mean, in other words, that the fighters are getting priority for medical care and the civilians are suffering for that.

CORNISH: Unfortunately, that is sometimes the reality on the ground. Some of the surgeries we visited, you could tell that because not only there were no civilians on the wards, but there were also no beds or toilet facilities for women. So it’s kind of a dead giveaway. [emphasis added]

Returning to the question of the al-Quds hospital, however, it should be noted that the facility has been reported to be nothing more than a “field hospital” for terrorists trapped in Aleppo in the past, the bombing of which allegedly killed over 50 death squad fighters, at least according to reports byZiad Fadel of Syrian Perspective. After all, the hospital was being run in the “rebel”-held area of Sukkari.

Some, however, dispute whether or not the hospital was ever actually bombed. Both the Syrian and Russian governments denied bombing the hospital to begin with. The Russians suggested that the “anti-ISIL coalition” was operating fighter jets in the area around the time of the bombing, implying that the bombing may have been conducted by the American forces, but the U.S. denies the Russian claim.

In addition to the question of whether or not the bombed “hospital” was a civilian operation or a combatant one, there is even question as to whether or not the field hospital that was bombed was actually al-Quds and, strangely enough, whether or not al-Quds ever actually existed.

For instance, Dr. Nabil Antaki, a doctor based in western Aleppo called into question the existence of al-Quds. After viewing the Channel 4 video showing the hospital moment before the attack, he responded that “This hospital [Al Quds] did not exist before the war started. It must have been installed in a building after the war began. I don’t know anyone in the East of Aleppo who could confirm this hospital is Al Quds.”

Credit: RT,

The Second Hospital: al-Dhabeet

Yet if the pinnacle of war crimes and brutality is the bombing of hospitals, the United States was forced to eat its own words when, after only a few days of propagandizing the Western public with reports of SAA hospital bombing, its very own terrorist pets would begin openly firing missiles at another hospital in Aleppo.

Obviously, the United States made no mention of its own bombing of a MSF hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan earlier this year.

Still, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was forced to condemn the rocket attacks aimed at the Syrian hospital by Western-backed terrorists, albeit in a manner which would not directly attribute blame to the U.S. proxy forces.

Indeed, on May 3, SANA news agency reported that,

terrorists fired 65 rocket shells on the neighborhoods of al-Neel Street, al-Siryian, al-Khalidyia, al-Mocambo, al-Sabeel and the surroundings of al-Rahman mosque leaving 11 civilians killed and 37 injured. A source at Aleppo Health Directorate said that most of the wounded civilians are children and women and their injuries are severe as the number of the killed civilians might increase.

Eva Bartlett chronicles the report in her own article “Hospitals Bombed: Aleppo Burning Under ‘Moderate’ Terrorist Bombs,” by writing,

Later, SANA’s correspondent in Aleppo reported that three women were killed, 17 other women and children were wounded and extensive material damage was caused by terrorist organizations’ attack with a rocket shell on al-Dhabeet Hospital in al-Mouhafaza neighborhood.”

SANA listed the attacked districts as: al-Midan, al-Furqan, Nile Street, al-Mukambo, al-Khalidiye, Jami’et al-Zahra’a, al-Ameriye, al-Ramousa, al-Masharqa, al-Muhafaza, al-Meridian, al-Serian, al-Sabeel, and al-Jamiliye in Aleppo city.

SANA’s Facebook update included numerous photos of the bombed al-Dhabeet Hospital, noting the number of dead had risen to at least 14, a number which will no doubt rise in the coming hours.

According to SAMA tv, the number of murdered has risen to 28.

Ruptly TV raw footage shows the disastrous impacts of the bombings, and–uncensored–some of the mutilated victims.

A tale of two hospitals indeed, at least from the point of the view of the West and the Anglo-Americans. In the Western media, one hospital bombing (if it actually took place) equals a war crime that warrants the condemnation of the world while the other warrants merely a forced, hesitant, and tepid complaint. Even the painful admission that bombing civilians and civilian hospitals is wrong was barely uttered out of Kerry’s mouth before it was accompanied by the requisite condemnation of the Syrian government and the elected President Bashar al-Assad.Yet the recent bombing of al-Dhabeet is nothing new in Syria. Western-backed terrorists have been launching assaults on hospitals since the beginning of the crisis. As Prof. Tim Anderson pointed out,

Over the past five years the al Qaeda groups have attacked 2/3 of all Syria’s hospitals and clinics, plus pharmaceutical factories, many of which were in Aleppo. [Most recent one should read ‘al Dabit’] Al Razi General Hospital (state) was also hit by the al Nusra coalition, just days ago.”

Anderson also pointed out a number of other attacks on hospitals such as those listed below.

–“al Watani hospital in Qusayr bombed by Farouq FSA, back in 2012.” (Video)

-“al Nusra-FSA suicide bomb al Kindi hospital Aleppo, December 2013.” (Video)

-“al Qaeda groups bombed Ibn Rushd hospital also in Aleppo, on 26 April.” (Video)

-“al Razi general hospital was also hit, just days ago.” (Link)

“Unsurprisingly,” Eva Bartlett writes, “instead of reporting on these documented instances of terrorists (filming themselves) attacking Syrian hospitals, corporate media and propagandizing“human rights” groups are instead filling front pages and tv screens with screaming accusations of the Syrian army and/or Russia having bombed a so-called MSF hospital in Aleppo.”


Obviously, the Western indignation over the alleged bombing of the al-Quds non-hospital was never anything more than propaganda aimed at drumming up support for greater U.S. military involvement in Syria and the increased attempt at destroying the secular Syrian government. At best, the information repeated to Western audiences was misconstrued. At worst, it was entirely made up.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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Israel will accept the invitation to open a permanent mission at the block’s headquarters in Brussels, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli PM has said. The move became possible after Turkey reportedly lifted its veto on Jerusalem’s cooperation with the bloc.

“I declare that Israel will accept the invitation and open an office in the near future,” Netanyahu said during a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday.

The reasons for NATO’s interest in cooperation include Israel’s “determined fight against terror, our technological know-how, our intelligence network and other things,” Netanyahu said.

Upgrading ties with the 28-member NATO block was “something we worked on for many years,” he added.

Netanyahu also confirmed that the decision to allow Israel to open a permanent mission at NATO HQ was made after Turkey, a member of the alliance since 1952, lifted its veto on Israeli activity within the bloc, Israeli media reported Wednesday.

Unanimous consent of all NATO members is required for collaborating with unaffiliated countries, such as Israel.

Israel views the decision to lift the veto as another sign of Ankara’s desire to normalize relations with Jerusalem, a senior Israeli source told Haaretz.

Israel’s Ambassador to the EU, David Walzer, will be heading the country’s permanent mission in Brussels, Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon told The Times of Israel.

Previously, NATO issued a statement, saying that “the North Atlantic Council has agreed ‎to accept the request that an official Israeli Mission be established at NATO headquarters.”

“Israel is a very active partner of the Alliance as a member of NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue, established in December 1994,” the statement said.

It was pressure by other NATO members on Turkey that allowed for the invitation of Israel, Tommy Steiner, from the Institute for Policy and Strategy near Tel-Aviv, told AFP.

“Since the introduction of the new [NATO] partnership policy in 2014 Israel was formally invited. But Israel never did that because there was a Turkish veto on such a measure,” he said.

According to the NATO-Israeli relations expert, it is “not on the cards” for Israel to become a full member of NATO.

Turkey cut ties with former ally, Israel, and imposed veto on its cooperation with NATO after the Mavi Marmara incident in 2010, when Israeli special forces killed 10 Turkish activists aboard a vessel that tried to breach the naval blockade on Gaza.

After years of mutual accusations, Ankara and Jerusalem held two rounds of secret talks in December and February. Another round of negotiations is expected to take place in mid-May, with the sides expected to settle most of their disputes. Israel even agreed to scale back on the blockade of Palestine’s Gaza Strip, allowing Turkey to build power and desalination plants in the area.

The main unresolved issue is the Turkish offices of Hamas, which Israel views as a terrorist organization, according to Haaretz. Last week, both Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that reconciliation with Jerusalem was near.

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The pro-Israeli Lobby’s War on Jeremy Corbyn

May 5th, 2016 by Nureddin Sabir

The knives are out for Jeremy Corbyn, the first leader of the British Labour Party not to subscribe to the imperious, hegemonic values that underpin the British state.

Corbyn has a long record of support for the Palestinian people and other justice causes. His landslide victory in the Labour Party’s leadership election in September 2015 was a humiliating defeat for the Zionist lobby, in the shape of the Labour Friends of Israel group, which up to that moment had been in complete control of Labour’s leadership. As Asa Winstanley put it, in an article in Electronic Intifada,

For career-minded, rising Labour MPs, joining Labour Friends of Israel was long seen as the place to be…

Under Blair, Jeremy Corbyn was a backbench MP, and a gadfly of the big business- and war-friendly clique that had captured Labour’s leadership. He voted against Blair’s party line hundreds of times.

The scale of Corbyn’s victory – almost 60 per cent of 422,664 voters – last summer put the right on the back foot.

So now they are resorting to ever more desperate tactics, blaming alleged “anti-Semitism” in the party on Corbyn’s leadership.

Media collusion

In an open, democratic society, it is the duty of the media to scrutinise and question politicians and others who hold positions of power, so that the public can make informed decisions.

However, Britain is a democracy in form only, not in substance. True, people go to the ballot box every few years to vote for the party of their choice in national and local elections. But many do so in ignorance, not so much informed as brainwashed and manipulated by right-wing media – some openly right wing while others, such as the Guardian and the Independent newspapers, disguising themselves as progressive liberals.

In the ongoing row over alleged “anti-Semitism” in the Labour Party, no mainstream media outlet – no major newspaper or broadcaster, whether the BBC or Channel 4, the UK’s supposed public service broadcasters – has seriously challenged the accusations that have been levelled against members of parliament Ken Livingstone and Naz Shah or Labour councillors and ordinary party members up and down the country. Not one media outlet has bothered to do even the most basic research into the accusers and the accusations they are making.

Instead, it has been left to relatively small, independent online media, such as the Electronic Intifada and the Middle East Eye, and campaign groups, such as Jews for Justice for the Palestinians and the Jewish Socialists’ Group, to do what the mainstream media should have done: to challenge, scrutinise and correct the questionable information that has been put in the public domain.

Premeditated smear

In his article in the Electronic Intifada, Winstanley reminds us that smears of “anti-Semitism” against Corbyn started even before he was elected.

During his leadership campaign in the summer of 2015, the establishment media worked itself into a frenzy of anti-Corbyn hysteria, led more than any other paper by the liberal Guardian.

One of the recurring themes in this campaign was Corbyn’s long-standing support for Palestinian human rights.

Because of this, attempts were made to say outright, or to imply, that Corbyn was a secret anti-Semite, or that he associated with, or tolerated “notorious” anti-Semites.

Although these hit jobs gained some traction, they were soon debunked, and ultimately seemed to have little impact on the leadership election.

This dishonest theme is now being revisited, and the culprits are visible for anyone willing to see.

Key facts


Alex Chalmers


A key player in the campaign to smear pro-Palestinian activists in the Labour Party, Alex Chalmers falsified stories about “anti-Semitism” and hid his own affiliation to the pro-Israel lobby.

Photo Caption: Alex Chalmers posing with failed Labour Party deputy leadership bidder Caroline Flint

In a public Facebook posting in February, Chalmers, the co-chair of the Oxford University Labour Club, resigned his position over what he claimed was anti-Semitic behaviour in “a large proportion” of the student Labour club “and the student left in Oxford more generally.”

As “evidence”, he cited the club’s decision, in a majority vote, to endorse Oxford’s Israeli Apartheid Week, an annual awareness-raising exercise by student groups supporting Palestinian rights.

“This connection was clearly designed to smear Palestine solidarity activists as anti-Semites – a standard tactic of the Israel lobby,” Winstanley correctly notes in his Electronic Intifada article.

What Chalmers does not disclose is his affiliation to Britain’s Israel lobby.

Chalmers has worked for BICOM, the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre.

Funded by the billionaire Poju Zabludowicz, BICOM is a leading pro-Israel group in London.

Chalmers once listed an internship with BICOM on his LinkedIn profile, although the page was deleted some time in February.

The same day Ken Livingstone was suspended from the Labour Party, BICOM posted a tweet with the words: “Save your pitch fork for Corbyn.”

Chalmers has been accused of disseminating a false allegation that a left-wing Labour student at Oxford had organised people into a group to follow a Jewish student around campus calling her a “filthy Zionist”, and that he had been disciplined as a result.

However, as Winstanley points out, the accused student said she had reason to believe Chalmers may have been behind the dissemination of this smear.

Moreover, Paul Di Felice, the current acting principal of the Oxford college in question, confirmed to the Electronic Intifada the authenticity of a statement from its late principal denying all the allegations. “I have found no evidence of any allegations being made to the college about” the student “involving “anti-Semitism”, or indeed anything else, during his time at the college,” the statement read.

Jeremy Newmark

Another key “anti-Semitism” smear monger who has been at the heart of the witch hunt for Labour left wingers is Jeremy Newmark, the chairman of the Jewish Labour Movement.

Jeremy Newmark is the chairman of the Jewish Labour Movement, affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation

The Jewish Labour Movement is affiliated to the UK Labour Party, the Israeli Labour Party and the World Zionist Organisation which, according to the UN, pumps millions into building in the occupied West Bank through its settlement division.

Newmark also worked as chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council, an anti-Palestinian lobbying group behind numerous attacks on the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS).

Wes Streeting

A right-wing Labour MP and Israel lobby stalwart, Wes Streeting has participated in Israeli government efforts to cast the Palestine solidarity movement as “evil”. He also featured on the radio, together with Newmark, where he claimed that Labour has “now got a problem” and that people think the party is “apathetic to “anti-Semitism”.

Wes Stressing is a loyal Israel stalwart

Streeting is a longstanding member of Progress, a right-wing faction within Labour which continues to support former Prime Minister and war crimes suspect Tony Blair.

In 2009, when Streeting was president of the National Union of Students, he attended an anti-BDS working group in occupied Jerusalem.

The visit was organised by the Israeli Foreign Ministry.


Louise Ellman


Louise Ellman, Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside, is Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement and Vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel

Louise Ellman is a veteran rabid Zionist

She frequently appears on TV warning of Labour’s problem with “anti-Semitism”, without offering a shred of evidence.

In 2009, while the Gaza Strip was being destroyed by the Israeli Wehrmacht, she said at a pro-Israel rally: “We should stand together to stick up for Israel.” She said “nobody is entirely innocent” in Gaza, not even children.

A rabid warmonger, Ellman voted “very strongly for” the Iraq War, “very strongly against” an investigation into that war and “very strongly for” renewal of Trident, Britain’s nuclear weapons programme.

The biggest enemies of Jewish people

Ironically, by conflating Israel and “the Jews”, the smear mongers mentioned above are in fact among the biggest enemies of the Jewish people. As Jamie Stern-Weiner says,

When Israel’s hated prime minister declares himself ‘representative of the entire Jewish people’; when Israel’s apologists cast wholly legitimate criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic; and when leading Jewish communal organisations take every opportunity to come out in support of Israeli war crimes – in short, when Israel and its supporters systematically blur the boundary between Israel and Jews – they cannot complain if some people take them at their word.

So, if you are genuinely against racism – all forms of racism, including anti-Jewish racism – now is the time to take a stand against these bigoted stooges and pimps of Zionism.

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Each month as I write these dispatches, I shake my head in disbelief at the rapidity at which anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD) is occurring. It’s as though each month I think, “It can’t possibly keep happening at this incredible pace.”

But it does.

By late April, the Mauna Loa Observatory, which monitors atmospheric carbon dioxide, recorded an incredible daily reading: 409.3 parts per million. That is a range of atmospheric carbon dioxide content that this planet has not seen for the last 15 million years, and 2016 is poised to see these levels only continue to increase.

Recently, Dr. James Hansen, a former NASA scientist and longtime whistleblower about the impending dangers of ACD, published a paper with several colleagues showing that ACD will push sea level rise into exponential levels by the end of this century. Their paper shows how melting is actually compounding itself, generating dramatically fast increases in both melting and sea level rise. We may well see the current three millimeter per year sea level rise grow to nearly five centimeters by 2056, and continue to increase in a nonlinear fashion.

Scientists in Antarctica are now astounded at the rapidity of the disintegration of the massive Antarctic ice shelves: It turns out the ice in Antarctica is far more fragile and predisposed to melting than was previously believed.

The situation is already dire enough that the conservative UN warned recently, “The future is happening now,” and called for more urgent measures to be taken to cut global carbon emissions.

“Many people now think that the problem is solved since we reached a nice agreement in Paris last year … but the negative side is that we haven’t changed our behaviors,” Petteri Taalas, secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization, told the media recently.

As if to underscore that point, March global temperatures crushed the 100-year-old record by the greatest margin we’ve seen for any month yet. February was also notably far above the long-term average, enough so that scientists described that month as a “shocker,” as well as it being “a kind of climate emergency.” Then, on the heels of February, the Japan Meteorological Agency released data showing that March was even hotter. NASA data confirms this increase, and also shows that March was 1.65 degrees Celsius higher than the 1951-1980 March average, while February was 1.71 degrees Celsius hotter than the February average over that time period.

NASA data shows that March was also the 11th straight month in a row that set a new global temperature record. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, that is the longest such streak ever recorded.

The Japan Meteorological Agency also reported that the first three months of this year were 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial baseline levels.

Hansen had warned three years ago, via a study conduced by himself and several of his colleagues, that an increase of 1 degree Celsius above baseline levels was more than enough to cause “catastrophic” ACD, while another paper had, just one month earlier, shown that 1.5 degrees Celsius was enough to cause “a tipping point for continuous permafrost to start thawing.”

While I was working in Iraq during the initial years of the US occupation there, Iraqis had a saying: “Today is better than tomorrow,” in reference to how quickly things were deteriorating.

Now, clearly, the same can be said for ACD.

Recent studies have shown that the melting of ice is compounding itself, generating dramatically fast increases in both melting and sea level rise. (Photo: Marie and Alistair Knock / Flickr)


recent NASA report shows how ACD is literally shifting the way the earth wobbles on its polar axis. This is caused by melting ice sheets — in Greenland, in particular — that then change earth’s weight distribution, hence influencing planetary wobbling.

This fact is underscored by two more recent reports that show that the entire Arctic is melting much faster than previously believed. Given the increased rate of the melting of the permafrost, Arctic soils are now becoming major contributors of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This functions to accelerate warming, becoming yet another positive feedback loop of ACD.

Meanwhile, moose are returning to the northern Alaskan tundra for the first time since 1880. The moose hadn’t been in the region since then due to overhunting, but are now returning because they once again have ample food for the harsh winter periods due to warmer and longer summers, which are allowing shrubs to grow taller.

As usual in this section of the dispatch, planetary food security is an issue. In the Philippines, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration warned recently that ACD is now a major threat to that country’s food security, thanks to the way in which climate disruption has caused a far more destructive El Niño and La Niña. Worsening storms and their greater frequency are wiping out food crops on a regular basis, and this is expected to worsen.

In the United States, a new federal report shows how ACD is making Americans sicker, and predicts that this will worsen with time. The report shows that the negative impacts include how ACD is contaminating food and water, making the air dirtier and increasing diseases spread by ticks and mosquitos. ACD is also causing longer allergy seasons, and thousands of deaths due to intensifying heat waves.

Another recent report warns of how ACD is placing the world’s microbiomes at risk. Microbiomes are formed by microbes within soil, which play a critical role in creating healthy ecosystems, but these systems are now being disrupted by ACD.According to the report, “Researchers say that as the planet warms, essential diversity and function in the microbial world could be lost.”

Distressingly, a recent study shows that the largest group of monarch butterflies in the world, the eastern migratory population — which includes 99 percent of all monarch butterflies on the planet — could disappear within 20 years unless it rebounds in dramatic fashion. The two main drivers of the dramatically declining butterfly population are ACD and the increased use of genetically engineered corn and soybeans, which have caused declines in milkweed, the monarch caterpillar’s only food source.


This month, there are several shocking developments evidencing ACD’s impact on water.

A recently published analysis of 65 years of winter precipitation data by Climate Central shows that “As the world warms, the meaning of winter is changing. In the US, a greater percentage of winter precipitation is falling as rain, with potentially severe consequences in western states where industries and cities depend on snowpack for water, and across the country wherever there is a winter sports economy.” The group’s analysis “found a decrease in the percent of precipitation falling as snow in winter months for every region of the country.”

As if on cue, Houston, Texas, saw record-breaking flooding recently, as the fourth-largest city in the country found itself in a state of emergency after swelling waters from the deluge claimed at least five lives. Nearly 18 inches of rain fell in one day alone, and a city official said that waters recorded in one area were a staggering 40 feet higher than the previous record.

Meanwhile, North American ski resorts are scrambling to adapt to ACD’s impacts on their business. As they continue to see less (or sometimes, no) snow, they are increasingly offering what they refer to as “weather independent” attractions and activities, like pools, bike parks and mountain coasters.

Meanwhile, ice continues to disappear rapidly from the North American continent. According to a study by experts at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and other universities, the 1,500-square-mile Juneau ice field, which is the fifth-largest ice field in the Western Hemisphere, will lose more than half of its ice by 2100, and will disappear completely by 2200.

In the Arctic, for the second straight year, sea ice has reached a new wintertime low record. Given the record-breaking warm summer for that region, it is not out of the realm of possibility that we could see an ice-free period of Arctic sea ice either this or next summer.

recently published study shows that polar bears are losing weight as the Arctic sea ice melts, since less sea ice means the bears spend more time on land not eating as opposed to hunting seals. At the same time, another recent study found that the melting of Arctic sea ice is forcing a dramatic increase in the number of polar bears having to swim for more than a week without rest in order to find a usable piece of ice to stand on.

In Greenland, recent studies warn that the rate of ice melting there is likely much faster than was previously expected, meaning that sea levels will likely be rising faster than was expected as well.

recent heat wave in Greenland that brought record-setting high temperatures triggered an early beginning to the ice melt season. “It’s disturbing,” Peter Langen, a climate scientist at the Danish Meteorological Institute, said of the early, record-setting warming there. “Something like this wipes out all kinds of records, you can’t help but go this could be a sign of things we’re going to see more often in the future.”

Greenland’s capital of Nuuk reached 62 degrees Fahrenheit, smashing the April record high temperature by a whopping 6.5 degrees. Inland from there, at Kangerlussuaq, it was 64 degrees, a temperature that on the same day was warmer than it was in St. Louis and San Francisco.

Another report warned that Canada’s northern coastline is facing new challenges due to ACD, including storms, floods, erosion and melting sea ice.

The melting is happening at record levels in the Antarctic as well.

Recent modeling shows that the Western Antarctic Ice Shelf could be undergoing ice loss that would double the amount of sea level rise by 2100. The computer modeling is predicting up to three additional feet of sea level rise, and an additional nine feet should the ice shelf melt in full, which it likely will in due time.

Another recent study predicts that a staggering 44.7 feet of sea level rise could occur by 2500 from the melting of Antarctica’s ice, in a worst-case melting scenario — that is, if nothing is done to change our current pace of emissions.

Sea level rise is already progressing rapidly enough that NASA is having to consider future plans for where to launch space vehicles, as its two largest launch pads at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida are under threat from rising seawater.

In a perfect storm of ACD-related problems, the entire Eastern Seaboard in the US is facing a crisis caused by the shorelines sinking from too much groundwater being pumped out, while simultaneously being confronted with rising sea levels, according to an April study.

Another recent study shows that sea level rise is happening faster than it has for at least the last 27 centuries.

Meanwhile, drought continues to plague many parts of the world.

In the United States, this is most obvious in California, where the ongoing drought, which many scientists are already explaining as the beginning of a multidecade megadrought, saw the majority of the state’s major water reservoirs at below-average levels, even at the end of the so-called rainy season.

The situation is bad enough that California is looking toward Australia in order to learn how that country dealt with a 14-year drought by doing things like using rooftop water storage tanks, shared showers and recycled toilet water, among other water-saving techniques.

In India, power stations have been shutting down for “unprecedented” amounts of time due to lack of water. Even the Ganges River is seeing its flow receding, a crisis that shows the water situation in India is critical and worsening.

recent study found that Asia is now officially in “high risk” of severe water stress: It estimated that approximately 1 billion people there will be “severely” short of water by 2050 if global population growth and ACD continue without a radical change in proper water use planning.

Also in Asia, the most severe drought in 100 years has killed thousands of farm animals across Vietnam.

Meanwhile, ocean waters around the globe continue to warm alongside the atmosphere.

Off the east coast of Australia, this warming has caused the “worst” bleaching event in history for the Great Barrier Reef. The 1,400-mile-long reef is the single largest living ecosystem on the planet, and is now in danger of being lost, as approximately 95 percent of the entire area is bleached. If the waters do not cool enough soon to give the reef a chance to bounce back, most of the bleached areas (in other words, most of the reef) will die, which has caused local media in Australia to question if what we are witnessing is the end of the Great Barrier Reef.

As this event is happening, a recent report showed that the link between the bleaching event and fossil fuels is both clear and “incontrovertible.”

Beyond the Great Barrier Reef, another recent report found scientists alarmed at the frequency and area of coral death around the world, most of which is clearly being caused by ACD.

One scientist referred to the death of coral happening around the world as a “horror show,” and warned that dying and dead coral reefs may well be an indicator of the beginning of “dangerous” ACD.


Record-setting wildfires continue to blaze at various locations around the globe.

The single largest wildfire in Kansas history raged through that state recently, burning roughly 400,000 acres across two states. Local reports showed Kansas’ Republican Gov. Sam Brownback declaring states of emergency for at least five counties.

Across the globe in Nepal, out of control wildfires consumed more than 3.2 million acres of forest in a mere 15 days, according to NASA data on the disaster.


In the 135 years of record-keeping to date, the United States is officially already experiencing its third-warmest year to date, according to recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data.

As if to underscore that point, the largest US city in the Pacific Northwest, Seattle, saw a record temperature on April 18 of 89 degrees Fahrenheit, which demolished the previous record for that day by a whopping 4 degrees.

Some interesting footnotes to the recent heat record in Seattle include the fact that the record was 30 degrees above the April 18 daily average temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit, which made it the biggest departure from average for any existing record. The new record temperature was even 12 degrees hotter than the average high temperature during the warmest of Seattle’s summer days, which occur (at least until now) from July 19 through August 16.

The record temperature was also hotter than the hottest day during the summer of 2011, in its entirety. The record hot day was also part of the first three-day stint of 80 degrees Fahrenheit or above in Seattle in April.

Denial and Reality

The ongoing Republican presidential campaigning means that ACD denial is reaching a fever pitch.

Republican presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and front-runner Donald Trump both vowed to undo several Obama administration policy efforts aimed at mitigating ACD impacts.

Meanwhile, former governor of Alaska and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin claimed that ACD was “bogus” and a myth that scientists and policy makers “are peddling” in order to advance political agendas.

Also on the denial front, the group Media Matters cataloged the questions asked during both the Republican and Democratic presidential debates, and found that of the 1,477 questions asked by the various networks to the candidates, only 22 of them (approximately 1.5 percent) were about ACD. Of all the networks that hosted debates, the one that asked the most ACD-related questions was the Spanish-language network (Univision, which is US-based).

Back to reality, recent polling shows that the vast majority of Americans now believe that ACD is real and ongoing, and that the US government needs to do something about it.

Meanwhile, scientists in a global coalition known as Climate Feedback have begun working together with the aim of sorting fact from fiction in US media ACD coverage.

According to Michael Levitin, the group’s communications coordinator, the new group will use a web platform to verify facts and annotate online articles and include their comments on top of the original story. They will then use a rating system so readers are able to judge the stories’ scientific credibility.

“Recognized by NASA, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and California Gov. Jerry Brown, among others, Climate Feedback is already improving journalistic standards by flagging misreported climate science in mainstream outlets,” Levitin said.

recent study in the International Journal of Primatology found that every primate species on the planet will be negatively impacted by both increasing temperatures and the varying rainfall levels associated with ACD.

“This is troubling news for the world’s primates, as many species rely on narrow habitats or have extremely specialized diets,” according to a report in Scientific American about the study. “Some primates only eat one or two things, so their food and habitats are particularly sensitive to disruption. Many primates are already endangered by habitat loss, hunting, or the illegal pet trade, so this additional threat could push several species over the brink.”

Another recent study shows how unlikely the world is to keep global temperatures from rising above 2 degrees Celsius, the temperature stated as the threshold that cannot be crossed in last year’s climate talks in Paris. To underscore their point, theauthors of the study point out that, staggeringly, every hour of every day:

  • 3.7 million barrels of oil are extracted from the Earth
  • 932,000 tons of coal are removed from Earth
  • 395 million cubic meters of natural gas are removed from Earth
  • 4.1 million tons of carbon dioxide are put into the Earth’s atmosphere
  • 9,300 more people inhabit the Earth

To round out this month’s reality checks, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, recently released data show that greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are not decreasing. Rather, they increased in both 2013 and 2014, the most recent years where data is available.

Copyright, Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Dahr Jamail, a Truthout staff reporter, is the author of The Will to Resist: Soldiers Who Refuse to Fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, (Haymarket Books, 2009), and Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches From an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq, (Haymarket Books, 2007). Jamail reported from Iraq for more than a year, as well as from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Turkey over the last 10 years, and has won the Martha Gellhorn Award for Investigative Journalism, among other awards. His third book, The Mass Destruction of Iraq: Why It Is Happening, and Who Is Responsible, co-written with William Rivers Pitt, is available now on Amazon. He lives and works in Washington State.

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La violación de los derechos en Estados Unidos

May 5th, 2016 by Roberto Torres Collazo

La violación de los derechos humanos y civiles es un problema serio que muchísimos sectores estadounidenses no discuten, quizas presumiendo que no es asunto grave. Juzgue usted a la luz de la breve lista de si es grave o no el problema.

El país tiene la población encarcelada más grande de los paises industrializados, con 2.3 millones de presos. El gobierno permite la violación sexual en las cárceles de los hombres como atestigua la organización Human Rights Watch. Hombres que violan a otros hombres y las autoridades penales se hacen de la vista larga. También está documentado los cientos de confinados que han sido sometidos a aislamiento en condiciones que rayan en torturas por años, vea en cualquier buscador en Linea mi artículo: “En las cárceles torturan”.

El destacado periodista estadounidense David Brooks informa que en el 2015 murieron 1,145 civiles a manos de la fuerzas policiacas, de estos 226 estaban desarmados. Las minorías sufren dos o tres veces más muertes que su contrapartes de la mayoría.

En materia laboral, los despidos por intentar unionarse (sindicalizarse) son frecuentes en especial en la empresa privada pese a existir el derecho a unionarse. En las grandes corporaciones de servicios, sutilmente los patrones desalientan a organizar uniones. En muchos lugares de trabajo no tienen seguros médicos, beneficios marginales y es peor para los inmigrantes trabajadores latinos indocumentados.

Es una de la pocas naciones en el mundo que aplica la pena capital y en ocaciones se ha practicado a enfermos mentales, jóvenes en especial a latinos y afroamericanos. Muy pocos saben que tiene presos políticos: el puertorriqueño Oscar López Rivera, el indígena Leonardo Peltier, el afroamericano Mumia Abu-Jamal y muchos otros, para ver la lista completa visite el portal del National Jericho Movement.

Después de la tragedia del 11 de Septiembre las leyes como la Ley Patriótica es un instrumento que permite violar el derecho de expresión. La Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA por sus siglas en Inglés) del gobierno vigila a millones de sus residentes, violando así el derecho a la privacidad, como demostró el ex-agente de NSA Edward Snowden.

Las elecciones presidenciales viola el principio básico de la democracia: una persona, un voto. Las elecciones están dominadas mayormente por multimillonarios y super ricos que representan a las poderosas coorporaciones-multinacionales, Wall Street y la banca, es decir el 1% de la población. Son elecciones corruptas y condicionadas por leyes que se han promulgado en muchos estados para limitar el derecho al voto. De aquí que acabe de nacer la organización a nivel nacional “Democracy Spring” (Primavera Democrática) que protesta contra las elecciones. Para más detalles vea el estudio “Dollarocracy” (2013) de John Nicholis y Robert W. McChesney donde los autores demuestran que se está destruyendo la democracia estadounidense. Las elecciones han sido secuestradas por el dios dinero.

La salud es un derecho humano, se está limitando este derecho cuando 46 millones de personas no tienen seguro médico, sin contar los más de 11 millones de latinos inmigrantes indocumentados. La salud es un negocio para la salud de las farmacéuticas y aseguradoras, no para la gente.

Se podrá decir que también esas violaciones ocurren en otras naciones democráticas. Cierto. La pregunta que nos hacemos: ¿Justifica eso que el gobierno y las corporaciones tenga que violar los derechos de su propio pueblo ?. No. Además no pocas veces Washington pretende dar clases de derechos humanos tirando piedras a otros países, cuando su techo es de cristal.

En suma, en el autoproclamado gran defensor de los derechos humanos en el mundo se viola la integridad de los presos, el racismo viola la dignidad humana y asesina, se viola el derecho a sindicalizarse, hay presos políticos, las elecciones se han corrompido, el derecho a la privacidad es un mito y la salud es un negocio, no un derecho humano. ¿Son grave o no las violaciones?

Roberto Torres Collazo


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May 5th, 2016 by Edu Montesanti

Denúncias documentais de Snowden e Assange – caçados pelo regime dos EUA e seus fantoches internacionais – envolvendo crimes
de guerra e o sujo jogo político norte-americano e global, esquecidas pela mídia, têm no mínimo tanta importância quanto as revelações
de Papeis financiados por Washington. Contudo, ambos os lados estão quilometricamente distantes em termos de transparência. Que há
de errado em toda esta desproporção? Muita coisa, e o próprio WikiLeaks prova isso, documentalmente como sempre.”Se a quantidade de dados divulgado por WikiLeaks foi equivalente à população de San Francisco, a quantidade de dados divulgados nos documentos de Panamá é o equivalente ao da Índia”, informou a BBC de Londres em 5 de abril, um dia depois do vazamento dos Papeis do Panamá.

Já a NBC News, em 6 de abril reportava que “mais de 21 trilhões em riqueza global estão escondidos detrás de empresas de fachada, em grande parte não rastreáveis tais como aquelas expostas nos documentos do Panamá, de acordo com o grupo de vigilância (watchdog)Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition“.

11,5 milhões de documentos confidenciais revelam como os ricos e poderosos utilizaram-se de paraísos fiscais para ocultar riqueza originária de negócios sujos, de lavagem de dinheiro e de esquemas de evasão fiscal envolvendo celebridades, atletas, altos empresários, chefes de Estado e de governo, políticos em geral e seus familiares, entre o período que se estende de 1977 a fins de 2015. Ao todo, estão envolvidos 12 chefes de Estado e 60 ex-chefes de Estado, além de um total de 140 políticos de 50 países do mundo.

Há mais de um ano, uma fonte anônima contactou o jornal alemão Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), da cidade de Munique, e enviou documentos internos criptografados do escritório de advocacia panamenho Mossack Fonseca. A fonte não solicitava compensação financeira e nem qualquer outra coisa em troca. Até agora, ninguém sabe quem é tal fonte que revela milhares de envolvidos no paraíso fiscal panamenho.

Os mais de 11 milhões de documentos, investigados por mais de cem jornalistas de diversas nacionalidades desde que chegaram ao diário alemão, acabaram posteriormente enviados ao Consórcio Internacional de Jornalistas de Investigação (The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, ICIJ).

O jornal SZ relatou que “a revelação vem provar como uma indústria global liderada por grandes bancos, por escritórios de advocacia e por empresas de gestão de ativos secretamente administram as propriedades do mundo rico e famoso: políticos, funcionários da FIFA, fraudadores e contrabandistas de drogas, de celebridades e atletas profissionais” (artigo About the Panama Papers, em

A importância dessas revelações é indiscutível. Contudo, muita dubiedade ainda paira no ar tanto quanto diversas “coincidências” que, somadas a determinadas evidências, levam a óbvias conclusões fazendo com que o destino de Papeis do Panamá torne-se bastante previsível, dado o atual cenário.

Mossack Fonseca

Mossack Fonseca (MF) é uma das maiores criadoras de “empresas de fachada”, isto é, grupos empresariais que podem ser utilizados a fim de esconder os verdadeiros possuidores de diversos ativos. Tais empresas permitem que seus proprietários ocultem os negócios, não importando o quanto sejam obscuros.Seus proprietários, o alemão Jürgen Mossack e o panamenho Ramón Fonseca Mora, ambos advogados, diante da repercussão dos Papeis do Panamá defendem-se argumentando que não podem se responsabilizar pela conduta e pelas ações de seus clientes.

O pai de Jürgen, Erhard Mossack, prestou serviços à comunidade de Inteligência norte-americana a fim de espionar Cuba. Foi exatamente esta atividade de espionagem que levou a família ao Panamá. Antes disso, Erhard havia servido às Waffen-SS nazista na II Guerra Mundial.

Já Ramón Fonseca Mora, além de jurista é também político: ex-ministro do atual presidente panamenho Juan Carlos Varela, ele também presidiu o Partido Panameñista até março deste ano, quando acabou demitido devido às investigações da Operação Lava Jato no Brasil. Fonseca é acusado de possuir ligação com envolvidos na lavagem de dinheiro envolvendo a Petrobras.

A MF tem declarado que considera que a ação dos mais de cem jornalistas viola a lei. “Isso é crime”, disse Fonseca nesta semana, em entrevista por telefone à Agence France-Presse (AFP, agência de notícias francesa). A empresa afirma ainda que tem operado acima de qualquer suspeita há 40 anos, sem nunca ter sido acusada de nenhuma irregularidade.

Principais Envolvidos

O primeiro-ministro da Islândia, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson;O rei da Arábia Saudita, Abdalá bin Abdelaziz al Saud;

O presidente da Argentina, Mauricio Macri, e junto seu pai, Franco, e seu irmão, Mariano, diretores da sociedade Fleg Trading Ltd. Registrada nas Ilhas Bahamas entre 1998 e 2009, ao ser eleito governador de Buenos Aires em 2007 o atual presidente da Argentina não incluiu na declaração juramentada seus vínculos com a sociedade;

O pai do primeiro-ministro britânico, David Cameron (quem se atrapalhou em entrevista à TV inglesa logo após as denúncias, primeiro negando possuir conta no paraíso fiscal panamenho, para posteriormente reconhecê-la tentando se eximir de culpa, o que pegou muito mal perante a opinião pública);

O presidente ucraniano, Piotr Poroshenko;

O ex-presidente da UEFA, o francês Michel Platini;

O jogador de futebol argentino, Lionel Messi.

O cineasta espanhol Pedro Almodóvar;

A tia do atual rei da Espanha, Pilar de Borbón;

Um amigo do presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin: segundo registros do ICIJ, Sergei Roldugin, amigo de infância do presidente russo, está listado como proprietário de empresas offshore que obtiveram pagamentos de outras companhias, no valor de dezenas de milhões de dólares.

Também foi revelado que 1 bilhão de dólares, suspeitos de lavagem de dinheiro, foi depositado pelo banco russo Bank Rossiya, sancionada pelos EUA e pela União Europeia após a anexação da Crimeia pela Federação Russa;

Empresas offshore ligadas à família do presidente da China, Xi Jinping;

Primos do presidente sírio, Bashar al-Assad;

“Homens de confiança” do presidente da Autoridade Palestina, Mahmoud Abbas;

33 pessoas e empresas na “lista negra” do governo dos EUA por negócios com barões da droga mexicanos (segundo Washington);

Organizações de resistência e libertação nacional consideradas terroristas pelos EUA, tais como o libanês Hezbollah além de nações consideradas por Washington como pertencentes ao Eixo do Mal, como a Coreia do Norte.

Mãos da CIA?

O jornal de Munique que repassou ao ICIJ os milhões de Papeis situa-se a centro-direita no espectro político, mantendo firme posição pró-OTAN. O SZ colabora com os britânico The Guardian e BBC, com o francês Le Monde, todos de centro-direita. Certa vez, determinado jornalista mencionou na revista alemã Der Spiegel: na Europa, todo grande meio de comunicação possui “jornalista” que faz as vezes de agente da CIA.Quanto ao ICIJ, está longe de ser um veículo de informação independente. Seu próprio sítio na Internet revela as tão poderosas quanto nada democráticas fundações e organizações promotoras de “revoluções coloridas” (como no caso de Brasil, Venezuela, Ucrânia, Síria, Líbia, Egito etc) que o financiam e trabalham intimamente com o Departamento de Estado norte-americano, há muito tempo, a fim de destabilizar nações, sabotar e derrubar governos com o fim de atender aos interesses geoestratégicos dos Estados Unidos e da OTAN.

Uma investigação de 1976 por parte do Congresso EUA, revelou que quase 50% das 700 doações à área de atuação das atividades internacionais das principais fundações do país, foram financiados pela CIA (mencionado em Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural Cold War, Frances Stonor Saunders, Granta Books, 1999, pp. 134-135; este livro foi revisto e resenhado pelo jornalista norte-americano James Petras, e pode ser lido através desta ligação).

De acordo um ex-agente da CIA, a colaboração das “respeitáveis e prestigiosas” fundações permitiram que a agência de espionagem financiasse “um número aparentemente ilimitada de programas de ação secreta, que afetam grupos de jovens, sindicatos, universidades, editoras e outras instituições privadas” (ibidem, p. 135). A última incluiu grupos de”direitos humanos” que nasceram nos anos de 1950 e existem até hoje.

No sítio do ICIJ, na seção About (Sobre), podem ser vistos os parceiros do Consórcio, em tese jornalístico, sob o título Our supporters(Nossos apoiantes). Entre seus mantenedores, estão nada menos que:

Open Society Foundations (OSF) de George Soros, magnata inescrupuloso e um dos maiores lobistas do sujo jogo político dos EUA. As OSF trabalham em parceria com o Departamento de Estado dos EUA e com a USAID, e colaboram com Washington na “Guerra contra as Drogas” especialmente na América Latina: tal qual a “Guerra ao Terror” no Oriente Médio, na região historicamente considerada pelos EUA seu quintal traseiro, serve como pretexto para a expansão de bases militares e para cumprir a agenda econômica e política coercitivo-expansionista norte-americana.

Além disso, as OSF têm estado envolvidas com a campanha dos EUA na “Revolução Colorida”, por trás da turbulência em Kiev. Esta reportagem do jornal The Guardian comprova o envolvimento do regime de Washington na Ucrãnia.

The Ford Foundation (FF), considerada pela CIA “o melhor e mais plausível tipo de financiamento encoberto” (Who Paid the Piper?). As ligações da FF com a CIA remontam ao início das atividades da maior agência secreta dos EUA: segundo o mesmo Petras, a fim de “fortalecer a hegemonia cultural e imperial dos EUA, além de minar políticas de esquerda e sua influência cultural (The Ford Foundation and the CIA, no sítio canadense Global Research).

Conforme observado por este autor em WikiLeaks Revela que ‘Panamá Papers’ Foi Financiado pelos EUA, a FF, ONG de fachada da CIA é mantenedora do programa Observatório da Imprensa. Não por mera coincidência, seu editor-chefe, Alberto Dines, é assumidamente sionista e foi o maior promotor do golpe militar de 1964, quando escrevia para o Jornal do Brasil do Rio de Janeiro.

O mais revelador, porém, encontra-se na página do Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), organização parceira do ICIJ e cujo sítio é o divulgador dos Papeis do Panamá. O OCCRP mostra, ao final da páginaWho Supports Our Work(Quem Sustenta Nosso Trabalho): entre as organizações que sustentam o OCCRP estão novamente a de George Soros, e a USAID.

A USAID, considerada pela mídia gorda mundial, especialmente a brasileira como uma organização benevolente, tem participado de diversas atividades de desestabilização, sabotagens, golpes e assassinatos ao se infiltrar como organização de promoção da democracia e “ajuda humanitária” nos quatro cantos do planeta.

Nada mais que outra ONG “laranja” da CIA, é a USAID quem tem desestabilizado, arquitetado e financiado tentativas de golpe e de magnicídio nos países progressistas latino-americanos, bem como financiou o próprio golpe militar no Brasil em 1964. A ligação do Departamento de Estado dos EUA com a USAID é comprovado no próprio sítio do regime norte-americano.

Ali, lê-se em referência à USAID: “Uma imprensa pluralista e independente é crucial para garantir governos responsáveis e a democracia sustentável em todo o mundo”, o que é risível em se tratando de Estados Unidos. Pois exatamente essa é a tática, como se dá noObservatório da Imprensa do Brasil, por exemplo: proporcionar aspecto democrático e de fiscal do trabalho alheio sem, contudo, jamais tocar nas feridas enquanto promove os interesses políticos e econômicos dos EUA e de seus aliados.

Os Papeis em Contexto

Quanto aos Papeis do Panamá em si, pelo simples fato de que um governo, qualquer que seja ele, tenha financiado tal liberação já o torna suspeito por si só. Levando-se em consideração que o regime em questão nada mais é o de Washington, cujas “políticas” e “excessos” desde o pós-II Guerra Mundial quando se consagrou como único Estado na história a lançar bombas atômicas arrasando Hiroshima e Nagasaki, e que até os dias de hoje patrocinam os maiores crimes de sabotagens, golpes e crimes de lesa-humanidade, já é um fato mais que suficiente para lançar profundo alerta.Pois quando se depara com o fato de que nenhum político ou empresário norte-americano e nem de seu principal aliado, exatamente o Estado de Israel que igualmente tem cometido crimes de lesa-humanidade contra os palestinos – apoiado por Washington e condenado internacionalmente -, já torna desnecessário dizer qualquer coisa.

Outros importantes aliados dos EUA cujos governantes não constam são os estados policialescos de França, Espanha, Colômbia (maior parceira na região mais rica em biodiversidade do planeta, histórico palco de obsessão norte-americana), além de líderes de países-membro da OTAN. Chamam profundamente a atenção tais ausências por serem aliadas de Washington.

Imaginar também que os especuladores de Wall Street e as megacorporações com seus respectivos bilionários magnatas ocidentais não estão envolvidos em lavagem de dinheiro no Panamá seria, no mínimo, muito ingênuo. Mas nenhum deles se inclui na lista – ou, ao menos, não se tem notícia de que constem entre os Papeis.

Enquanto isso, líderes que não possuem vínculo direto com os Papeis, tais como Putin e Al-Assad, têm sido bombardeados pela mídia internacional, especialista em realizar pré-julgamentos e em ditar a opinião pública.

A este respeito, o porta-voz da Rússia, Dimitri Peskov, acrescentou que as publicações não continham nada de concreto ou de novo sobre Putin, e disse que “esta ‘putinofobia’ no exterior chegou a tal ponto que se torno, de fato, um tabu dizer qualquer coisa boa sobre a Rússia, sobre qualquer medida ou realização russa. Parece ser obrigação dizer coisas ruins, muitas coisas ruins e, quando não há nada a dizer, inventar”

Ofuscar o efeito positivo causado pelo progresso da Rússia na Síria seria um dos objetivos do ataque contra Putin, disse Peskov.

Pois este é outro fato que pode, muito bem, ser caracterizado como sintomático nesta liberação de documentos: a importância que a mídia gorda internacional (muito peso, pouco conteúdo) dá ao fato de que papeis (jamais exibidos publicamente) incriminam um amigo de Putin, enfatizando “amizade de longa-data”.

Neste sentido, a reportagem da BBC de Londres logo após as revelações, é grande evidência cuja reportagem Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca Leak Reveals Elite’s Tax Havens reporta “Conexão Russa” no inter-título, passando a ideia de que a Rússia como um todo ou o governo russo está envolvido, e não personagens isolados como apontam os supostos documentos. Tal abordagem se difere radicalmente das reportagens do alto-empresariado e dos altos escalões do regime de Washington envolvidos em escândalos de corrupção e em práticas terroristas, o que revela uma vez mais o caráter tendencioso, acentuadamente anti-russo da grande mídia ocidental.

Portanto, envolvendo os Papeis do Panamá, assim como ocorre com outros líderes internacionais odiados pelos EUA, os presidentes russo e sírio têm sido declarados culpados por “associação” a determinados indivíduos (seu amigo de infância), não por eles mesmo terem lavado dinheiro. E este “crime por associação” tem sido sentenciado pelos principais meios ocidentais.

Se não bastassem todas essas conexões que fazem perfeito sentido de que há algo errado – documentos faltando e/ou sobrando entre tal papelada -, WikiLeaks veio a público imediatamente após a divulgação dos Papeis do Panamá afirmando que eles foram financiados por Washington.

E que se tenha em mente, especialmente entre os mais céticos que relutam em encarar a verdade dos fatos que confronta o mundo invertido imposto pela mídia ocidental, pró-Washington: a própria Casa Branca acabou, sem saída pois a organização de Julian Assange sempre apresenta documentos para sustentar suas afirmações, reconhece o referido financiamento. Contudo, o motivo apresentado por Washington foge completamente à sua regra: cooperação com o jornalismo e com o combate ao crime internacional de lavagem de dinheiro.

Lembremos aqui que não apenas os golpes militares na América Latina patrocinados por Washington e o escândalo conhecido como Irã-Contras que veio à tona em 1986 envolvendo o então presidente Ronald Reagan se deram através de lavagem de dinheiro, como atualmente oposições nacionais violentas pró-Washington, desestabilizadoras sobretudo de governos democráticos em todo o mundo, em grande medida, lavam dinheiro.

Dificilmente o agente anônimo que teve acesso e entregou os Papeis é um indivíduo. A pergunta que não quer calar é: será esta instituição “alguma” agência de Inteligência? O contexto leva a crer que sim, principalmente se o colocarmos também dentro do próprio contexto histórico das sabidas espionagens, chantagens, sabotagens, golpes, assassinatos e muita guerra suja por parte da CIA.

‘Putinofobia’: Pedra no Sapato do Império Agonizante

A Pravda já havia noticiado, em 31 de março: Kremlin Prepara-Se para Ataques ‘Jornalísticos’ contra Putin, na seção Federação Russa. “O porta-voz do presidente russo Vladimir Putin, Dmítri Péskov, em conversa com repórteres, comentou o pedido recebido pelo chefe de Estado da Federação Russa, para que respondesse a uma lista de perguntas provocativas, encaminhada por um “Request Thread – Consórcio Internacional de Jornalismo Investigativo” (sic). O Kremlin respondeu que não tomaria conhecimento das perguntas, propostas em estilo de Inquisição”, dizia a reportagem.Dimitri Peskov alertou que o objetivo principal da mídia ao ligar o presidente Putin a operações em paraísos fiscais, é prejudicar a imagem do presidente, “especialmente no contexto da próxima eleições parlamentares, e sob uma perspectiva de longo prazo: refiro-me às eleições presidenciais dentro de dois anos”.

Não é de hoje a aversão de Washington ao presidente Vladimir Putin e, por consequência, de seus porta-vozes desde o Pentágono midiático com sede em Nova Iorque, que ditam o que será e o que não será noticiado e opinado nos meios ocidentais e em outras regiões subservientes ao regime dos Estados Unidos.

Outros motivos não apontados pelo porta-voz do Kremlin para a guerra midiática, aproveitando-se agora dos Papeis do Panamá, são a superpotência militar que a Rússia representa, além de questões geoestratégicas que envolvem a Crimeia, cuja opção da própria sociedade em se integrar à nação russa não tem sido bem digerida pelos EUA, e a luta norte-americana em dominar a Ucrânia.

Na Síria, onde os EUA tentam derrotar Assad mas não o EI, a Rússia tem obtido sucessivas e expressivas vitórias contra o autodenominado Estado Islamita (EI).

Realmente, como se pode perceber através da agressividade de Washington e de seus porta-vozes midiáticos, a vingança por essas vitórias tem vindo a cavalo: o regime de Barack Obama tampouco tem digerido bem o efetivo combate contra seus maiores aliados no Oriente Médio, que servem como justificativa para que os EUA estacionem e aumentem o número de bases militares na região mais rica em petróleo do planeta (e ainda cerque as temidas China e Rússia): os terroristas do EI e da Al-Qaeda.

O presidente Putin não tem se demonstrado, na prática, inimigo de governo nenhum no mundo, pelo contrário. O que ocorre é o que a patologia do poder imperialista norte-americano não aceita que seus almejos coercitivo expansionistas sejam questionados e brecados, como apenas o Kremlin tem sido capaz de fazer (não por falta de vontade de inúmeras nações ao redor do planeta).

Desta maneira, a “putinofobia” é mais uma reedição da histeria macarthista que toma conta do imaginário coletivo norte-americano, cuja esquizofrenia é reverberada fielmente pelos principais meios de comunicação no Ocidente fazendo-se espalhar pelo mundo.

O Centro de Pesquisa da Opinião Pública Russo (VTsIOM) realizou uma pesquisa a qual constatou que 64% dos russos responderam “sim” à pergunta se é necessário manter a União Soviética como uma federação de repúblicas igualitária em que vão garantir-se os direitos e liberdades do homem de qualquer nacionalidade. enquete feita pela Russia Today demonstra haver ainda uma forte resistência ao capitalismo no país, já que a maior parte dos entrevistados considera a vida na Rússia Socialista melhor que nos tempos atuais, conforme pode-se verificar na página da emissora russa.

Certamente, a nação russa representa ameaça ao Estado mais terrorista da história por vários motivos que a mídia de desinformação das massas não menciona, mas que andam deixando o Império agonizante cada vez mais alarmado.

‘Papeis’ Seletivos e até Forjados?

O jornal The Guardian ressalta sempre que “grande parte do material que vazou, permanecerá secreto”. Por quê? Para que os Papeis, que coopera com a agenda da OTAN, sirvam como meio de chantagem global?Está claro que o vazamento dos Papeis do Panamá, mesmo que contenha alguns aliados de Washington – seja para dar ares de autenticidade às revelações, seja por motivos que ainda se desconhece – estão sendo vazados seletivamente ou até mesmo, em determinados casos, têm sido forjados desempenhando desta maneira mais um papel propagandista contra países e indivíduos que contrariam os objetivos geoestratégicos imperialistas.

E uma vez mais o “jornalismo” predominante internacional encontra-se completamente alijado de uma investigação neste sentido, como sempre ajoelhado diante do monoteísmo do mercado norte-americano já dando descaradas mostras de que repercutirá exaustivamente os Papeis do Panamá, inversamente proporcional ao que tem ocorrido em relação às denúncias de Edward Snowden e Julian Assange, hoje completamente esquecidos e por isso até desconhecidos de grande parte da opinião pública especialmente no Brasil (inclusive entre as classes mais favorecidas). Denúncias estas que mudam completamente a leitura que se faz da política norte-americana e internacional.

Mas tudo segue como está e, pelo visto, por outro lado os Papeis do Panamá não transformarão em nada o estado de espírito e a realidade humana. Quem viver, verá.

Edu Montesanti

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Washington used this week’s change of command of its European military forces as an opportunity to further escalate US military threats against Russia.

Speaking at the ceremony at the US European Command (EUCOM) headquarters in Germany Tuesday in which outgoing commander Gen. Philip Breedlove handed the reins to his successor, Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter declared that the Pentagon had to “prioritize deterrence” against Russia and accused Moscow of “nuclear saber-rattling.”

Carter reiterated the Pentagon’s plans to deploy an American armored brigade combat team near the Russian border “on a rotational but persistently present basis.” He also pointed to the Obama administration’s quadrupling of funding for the European Reassurance Initiative to $3.4 billion, which he said would “increase the amount of war fighting equipment, as well as the number of US forces” deployed in Eastern Europe.

In his own remarks at the ceremony, General Scaparrotti placed “a resurgent Russia, striving to project itself as a world power,” at the top of his list of threats confronting US interests in Europe, ahead of “terrorism.”

The new commander stressed that his troops—some 60,000 deployed in Europe—must be prepared “to fight tonight if the deterrence fails.”

The day before the change of command ceremony, Carter confirmed to reporters flying with him from Washington to Stuttgart, Germany, where EUCOM is headquartered, that the NATO alliance is considering rotating its own force consisting of four combat brigades in and out of the Baltic and Eastern European countries on Russia’s border. This would be in addition to Washington’s unilateral decision to carry out the permanent rotating presence of a similar force of US troops.

The pre-positioning of combat gear near the Russian border would enable the rapid deployment of still another US armored brigade combat team.

Russia Wednesday responded to the escalating threats from Washington and NATO, with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announcing, “The Defense Ministry is taking a series of measures to counter the expansion of NATO forces in direct proximity to the Russian border. By the end of the year, two new divisions will be formed in the Western District and one in the Southern Military District. ”

Each of these divisions reportedly will include at least 10,000 soldiers. The Southern Military District includes Crimea, which was annexed by Russia following a popular referendum called after the 2014 Western-orchestrated coup that ousted the Ukrainian government of President Viktor Yanukovych, installing a virulently anti-Russian regime.

The US and NATO have used the annexation, a defensive measure by Moscow to maintain control over the historic base of Russia’s Black Sea fleet, as the pretext for justifying NATO expansion in the name of combating Russian aggression.

In his remarks Tuesday, Defense Secretary Carter leveled a litany of charges against Russia:

“Russia continues to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, and actively seeks to intimidate its Baltic neighbors. At sea, in the air and space and cyberspace, Russian actors have engaged in challenging international norms. And most disturbing, Moscow’s nuclear saber-rattling raises troubling questions about Russia’s leaders’ commitments to strategic stability, their respect for norms against the use of nuclear weapons, and whether they respect the profound caution that nuclear-age leaders showed with regard to the brandishing of nuclear weapons.”

Washington’s own “commitments to strategic stability” are far from manifest. In February, after unusual back-to-back test firings of Minuteman 3 nuclear missiles from an underground bunker on the California coast, US Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work told the media that the tests constituted “a signal … that we are prepared to use nuclear weapons in defense of our country if necessary.” He specifically named Russia and China as intended recipients of this message.

At a Pentagon briefing on Monday, the senior commander of the US Navy charged Russia with provocative actions that have escalated tensions in the Baltics.

“I don’t think the Russians are trying to provoke an incident,” said Adm. John Richardson, chief of naval operations. “I think they’re trying to send a signal. I think it’s pretty clear that they are wanting to let us know that they see that we are up there in the Baltic.”

The Pentagon charged that a Russian SU-27 fighter jet carried out a “barrel roll” last Friday over a US Air Force RC-135 spy plane over the Baltic Sea. The charge followed reports last month of a Russian jet flying within 50 feet of a US warplane and of two Russian jets flying close to the USS Donald Cook in the Baltic sea.

Moscow has charged that the real provocation is the US deploying such naval and air force assets in close proximity to the base of the Russian navy’s Baltic fleet in Kaliningrad.

Following the April incident involving the US warship, US Secretary of State John Kerry said it would have been justified in shooting down the Russian planes.

Similarly, the new EUCOM commander, General Scaparrotti, told a Senate committee last month that Russia should be warned that future such incidents will be met with armed force and, if they occur, the US military should act on this threat.

The European Leadership Network, a European think tank chaired by UK Defense Secretary Des Browne, issued a recent report titled “Managing dangerous incidents: the need for a NATO-Russia Memorandum of Understanding,” which documented 60 such “dangerous incidents in the Euro-Atlantic area” between March 2015 and March 2016. Each of them, it warned, had “the potential to trigger a major crisis between a nuclear armed state and a nuclear armed alliance.”

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US Election Campaign: The Trump Train Chugs into Indiana

May 5th, 2016 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

No rivals left in the race. This was the effect of Donald Trump’s victory in the GOP primary in Indiana, which netted him 57 delegates and sunk the aspirations of two near irrelevant contenders.  It had been one of the most savagely negative campaigns, characterized by tens of thousands of “attack ads” directed against a person who has effectively become the presumptive Republican nominee for President.

After huffing about country and drawing God out more than He would ever care for, the vampiric Ted Cruz conceded that he would be suspending his campaign. Not even his courting of the evangelical vote had worked.

A glimpse of his mind, if ever such speeches can yield any insight, would have suggested God and cruise missiles, the continued nonsense about the US as an exceptional power that needs to rub noses in the dirt of history and bully its way to glory.  When having to inflict indecencies on the international stage, always call yourself indispensable.

Ohio governor John Kasich joined Cruz in the exit ceremony, and being similarly short of ideas about why he had reached such an impasse, called on that good figure in the sky.  “As I suspend my campaign today I have renewed faith, deeper faith that the Lord will show me the way forward.”

This repeated insistence on drawing out the services of a divine absentee land lord over the tenancy of life has been a striking feature of the Republican contenders, an aspect of which has been side-stepped by the Trump show.  Earthly realities, even if they seem to be mediated through the fogged up lenses of television and re-runs of The Apprentice, seem to be of greater interest there.

In New York, Trump appeared at the podium, flanked by the usual female bodyguard of model wife and model progeny, and stuck to the formula that sees him as the likely main candidate for the GOP.

The mixture of populist aspiration and gibberish followed, though what is always refreshing about Trump is a near de-secularised notion of American faith.  The only divinity he ever saw was no doubt in the mirror, and such attitude shows.

In a call reminiscent of the seductive luring of Ronald Reagan Democrats during the 1980s, he suggested that the miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania would be looked after.  This is a point he has reiterated through his campaign: bring back American steel and coal, and stick it to those powers indifferent to US interests. “I’m a free-market guy, but not when you’re getting killed,” he claimed before rally-goers in Carmel, Indiana.  “Look at steel, it’s being wiped out.  Your coal industry is wiped out, and China is taking our coal.”[1]

This is all fanciful stuff, given that coal, and its miners, is very unlikely to come back.  In the words of Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, “The real war on coal, or at the least on coal workers, took place a generation ago, waged not by liberal environmentalists but by the coal industry itself.  And coal workers lost.”[2]

Trump rubbished the Clinton legacy around free-trade and its maniacal push for offshoring jobs and keeping costs down, despite being himself a beneficiary of an America that prides itself on keeping wages low.

Then came half-sensible remarks about US infrastructure, which resemble, he argues a “Third World country”. Such tags are always deceptive, but the Republic has been fraying, and greying, at the edges for some time.  The problematic nature of Trump-speech is its hazardous whirl, from sensible utterance to moronic plunge.  Noting how US airports need to be improved relative to international counterparts, he was happy to suggest that investment in the military needed to increase dramatically. Good militaries, in this dreamed up logic, make good economies.

The Republican movement has become dizzyingly desperate in how to evaluate the Trump phenomenon.  Some insist on fighting him to the bitter end, or at the very least to the convention itself.  The Never Trump Pac, created to specifically make sure Trump does not appropriate the Republican Party, continues to be noisy through the views of such figures as senior advisor Rory Cooper.[3]

GOP Chairman Reince Priebus is not of same mind.  “We all need to unite and focus on defeating Hillary Clinton,” he tweeted.  Having attempted, in the weirdly inane world of Twitter-speak, to hashtag Trump into electoral oblivion, Priebus weakly turned it to a hashtag against Clinton (#NeverClinton).[4]

The yay sayers are growing in number. Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, boxed as suitably moderate, decided that that Trump was his man.  The response from Reagan advisor Bruce Bartlett was swift and brutal. “Alleged wanker moderate Jon Huntsman throws in with Trump.  Pathetic.”

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal insists that the GOP stop being the “stupid party”, a Herculean task at best.  Arizona Senator John McCain, despite having been mocked by Trump over his past as a prisoner who was tortured, has decided to become a ticket holder on the Trump train.

The point of Trump’s current lead is that any move at the convention against him will be seen as disastrous. On the other hand, the GOP machine men and women will be wondering if going with Trump will also come with its own destructive promise, a suicide pact that will banish the party into the wilderness. The chalice is being readied.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: [email protected]


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Video: Terrorism and the Battle for Aleppo

May 5th, 2016 by South Front

On May 3, militants launched a full-scale offensive in the city of Aleppo, targeting positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF). The militants – the Free Syrian Army, Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar, Nour al-Din al-Zenki and al Nusra – started the operation with detonating a large tunnel bomb under the Air Force Intelligence (AFI) building.

The main clashes were reported in the Al-Zahra district in west Aleppo where Al Nusra and Free Syrian Army units managed to breach the government forces’ defense lines and capture Family House park and Al-Zahra Association Quarter. The clashes were observed at the AFI building and the Great Prophet Mosque of Aleppo City. The both sides were using artillery and heavy military equipment, including battle tanks. The Syrian Arab Air Force and Hezbollah came to succor the government forces in the area.

Late night, the loyalists successfully counter-attacked and seized back Family House park, Al-Zahra Association Quarter and secured the district. Pro-government sources report that about 80 militants were killed during the clashes. Al Nusra and its allies argue that “the regime” lost more than 100 fighters. However, the numbers can’t be confirmed.

Meanwhile, clashes were observed near the villages of Nubl and al-Zahr where the SAA cut off the militants’ supply route between Northern and Southern Aleppo. A terrorist commander, Eiman Zakariya and 100 of his men were reportedly killed there.

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US Electoral Politics and the Illusion of Control

May 5th, 2016 by William Hawes

We have all been told a lie. The lie that says democracy can be maintained only through voting, through purely representative, parliamentarian means. When the founding fathers set up the Constitution and Bill of Rights, they were wary of any truly popular, working and middle class control of the United States. Our government was to be run as a republic, designed by elites, for the elites. Our three branches of government were not simply invented for checks and balances: another reason was to stymie any massively popular mandates that would go against the interests of the oligarchy.

Today, the checks and balances used ostensibly to prevent tyranny are being used against us: even though a high majority (65%) is against government surveillance which violates privacy, and 78% want Citizens United overturned, we are stuck with a broken system and statesmen bought off by corporations. Even though 80% of eligible citizens didn’t vote in the 2014 elections, this year our out-of-touch pundits and mass media puppets prattle on unceasingly about our democracy, still misguidedly believing these candidates represent the will of the people.

Just sixteen years ago, our very own electoral system, in the form of a gilded cage, shut down the popular will of the people, as Al Gore won about 500,000 more votes than George W. Bush, yet still lost. Although the decision was made over 200 years ago, we have decided that the antiquated Electoral College system should still be used today.

More broadly, our never-ending election cycle serves as a palliative for ordinary Americans, but does nothing to cure the underlying disease and rot within our political system. Progressive liberals can take pleasure in Sanders’ statements supporting a raise in the minimum wage, debt relief for students, fighting income inequality, etc. Yet Sanders has no broad coalition in Congress to advance his agenda and to fight his “revolution”. Isolationist, non-interventionist conservatives can take pride in Trump’s support of Russia’s fight against ISIS in Syria, and his token rhetoric towards re-working unfair free trade agreements and bringing back jobs. Yet Trump’s pandering towards racists and xenophobes will only accelerate the descent towards fascism that the US has been slipping into for decades.

The second lie we’ve been told, or assumed implicitly, is that we are in control of our national destiny. Through the vote, we can supposedly make a clean slate every four years, to make up for the misdeeds of our past political leaders. The truth is much murkier. Our national security state and intelligence services have been built up to Leviathan levels, and presidential candidates are instantly discredited and marginalized for suggesting even small decreases in military spending. Corporate lobbyists and the conglomerate multinationals control the political landscape, determining the limits of discourse and shutting down anyone who exceeds the boundaries. Absurdly, third party candidates, some of the only ones with fresh ideas to invigorate our democracy, are demonized. Mainstream media coverage reinforces these imaginary limits of discussion, and Independents, Greens, Socialists, and Libertarians are relegated to the sidelines.

As the neoliberal order reinforces and deepens material poverty and intellectual ignorance, public discourse narrows without totalitarian overt manipulation. This makes issues seem as if they are progressing naturally, when public debate and consent is in actuality homogenized and conformist. This is analogous to the concept known to scientists as “shifting baselines”: here it applies to a public that accepts deeper cuts to social services, increases in privatizations, and increased militarization and policing of the public sphere, because the momentum seems inexorable and immutable. The establishment uses rhetorical threats and excuses to further corporate agendas and destroy civil society, all in the name of maintaining “economic growth” and upholding “law and order”.

The truth is that only by staring into the abyss can we collectively begin to dig ourselves out of our self-dug graves. The US has been in an unofficial recession since 2008. Millions of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, with minimal society safety nets, leading to insecurity, uncertainty and cynicism towards the future, and crippling anxiety. Politicians routinely show they do not care about the working class and the poor when they speak to the “middle class”, whatever that means anymore. Our leaders are handpicked by Wall Street billionaires, and/or defense and fossil fuel industrialists. Abroad, covert war is ongoing in a dozen or more countries in Asia and North Africa.

With so many minds confined to the hypnotic and myopic gaze focused on high technology, mass media, and our official “leaders”, 21st century man falls further into enslavement every day. As Fromm would say, we Escape from Freedom into self-indulgence and apathy, leaving hard decisions to technocrats and oligarchs. Control over our food, medicine, intellectual property, and basic social and environmental rights are consolidated into a handful of multinational corporations who inundate us with false needs through advertising and propaganda. Computer algorithms tell us what to buy, and social media manipulates our emotions, fulfilling the preaching of techno-dystopian prophets who warn of non-human intelligence guiding humanity towards dark futures.

Revolutionary fervor lurks under the surface, yet whether a popular progressive movement can blossom remains to be seen. Conversely, a missed revolution could easily results in an authoritarian and fascist takeover by the reactionary far-right. One thing we know for certain is that continuing under this two-party charade will only lead us to our doom.

Average citizens have never had any control of the republic since its founding. A complete constitutional overhaul is needed, and forms of direct, consensus, and deliberative democracy must be woven into a hybrid system. Elections should be funded by the public, with no corporate money allowed, shorter election cycles, and no discrimination towards third parties, unlike the current Commission on Presidential Debates. State governments should gain power, and federal programs reigned in and redefined towards streamlined regulation and oversight. Tax subsidies should be stripped from the fossil fuel industries entirely and redirected towards the best scientists and engineers in the field of renewable energy.

What is desperately needed is a shift in worldview to promote government that sees its job as not simply to tax and legislate, but to also support healthy life-world systems. Also, promoting humble and dedicated leaders who are stewards of community and the Earth, who do not insist on blatant exploitation of distant nations and pillaging resources, would go a long way. This cannot be done within the confines of the Democratic and Republican parties, who thrive on domination, coercion, control, and manipulation of public interests.

To break the cycle, we must collectively embrace our frailties and limitations. The deadly, patriarchal energy technologies such as the petrochemical industries and nuclear energy must be shut down. We must learn from the man-made tragedies of Bhopal, Katrina, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, and dismantle dangerous plants and factories, and begin to move humanity away from areas susceptible to natural disasters and coastal flooding. The US, Russia, and the nuclear nations must formally apologize for the atmospheric nuclear testing in the fifties and sixties which will kill millions from cancer, and ban nuclear weapons for good.

Learning to relinquish control and learning to keep one’s ego in check are two of the ultimate tests our leaders must accept. As the Tao Te Ching says:

Therefore the sages:
Manage the work of detached actions
Conduct the teaching of no words
They work with myriad things but do not control
They create but do not possess
They act but do not presume
They succeed but do not dwell on success
It is because they do not dwell on success
That it never goes away (1)

William Hawes is a writer specializing in politics and the environment. You can find his ebook of collected essays here. His articles have appeared online at Global Research, Countercurrents, Dissident Voice, and Counterpunch. You can email him at [email protected]


 1. Tao Te Ching: Annotated and Explained. Derek Lin. SkyLight Paths. 2006.

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Aleppo: US NATO False Flags, Lies and Propaganda

May 5th, 2016 by Vanessa Beeley

In the aftermath of the horrific US NATO terrorist attacks on the Syrian government held areas of Aleppo, the possibility of the alleged attack on what is effectively a terrorist temporary triage hospital, being a false flag, is revealing itself. 

There are no official MSF hospitals in Syria.  There are however MSF “supported” hospitals that have been erected or installed in buildings within terrorist held territory.  These field shelters and temporary installations are illegally inside Syria without permission from the legitimate Syrian government. These hospitals are often staffed by the US and UK government funded White Helmets who themselves are affiliated with Al Nusra [Al Qaeda] and ensconced in ISIS held areas.

21st Century Wire report: Syria’s White Helmets: War by Way of Deception

Dr Al Jaafari, Syrian permanent representative at the UN makes this point very clearly when he addressed the UN and media in February 2016:

Dr Nabil Antaki, an eminent physician based in Aleppo has stated very clearly that Al Quds hospital did not exist prior to the war against Syria was launched. This statement unequivocally designates it to be a terrorist hospital established perhaps in an existing building by the Al Nusra factions and assorted US NATO backed gangs that have occupied eastern Aleppo.

“This hospital [Al Quds] did not exist before the war started. It must have been installed in a building after the war began.  I dont know anyone in the East of Aleppo who could confirm this hospital is Al Quds.  Here is the link that shows all the private and public hospitals in Aleppo.” ~ Dr Nabil Antaki 2nd May 2016

21st Century Wire Report: Aleppo Doctor Attacks Western Media for Bias, Censorship and Lies

The Channel 4 video clearly shows a hospital that is well established and relatively well equipped which does not fit with this description from a Doctor that has practiced in Aleppo for many years.

A doctor, whose own brother was murdered by the occupying US NATO terrorists.  He was shot dead in a bus on his way back to Aleppo in 2012/13 just as the war began to affect Aleppo, a city that had always resisted determined attempts to drag them into the “revolution”.

We then spoke to another resident of Aleppo.  We cannot release names because of the possible risk of retaliation from the terrorist groups that are nesting in the eastern sector of Aleppo.  However, their reaction is another indication that the alleged attack on a terrorist hospital in eastern Aleppo is quite possibly a US NATO false flag.

Another point to consider, Germany regularly conducts aerial reconnaissance of Syria with their Tornado units and survey the airspace activity. From the German Federal Press conference 29th April 2016

“It is not very likely, but we cannot completely rule out the possibility that the anti-ISIS coalition [US NATO] has been responsible for the attack on the MSF hospital.”

What would justify a false flag?  The Syrian Arab Army is making rapid and effective advances towards the ISIS and Al Nusra strongholds to the east of Aleppo and spiralling in towards the central hub of Al Nusra that is located further inside the city itself, having driven inhabitants from the east into the western government held areas.

Aleppo is the logistics hub of the US NATO proxy army of mercenaries. Industrial chemical factories have been occupied which gives Al Nusra and associates the possibility to produce chemical weapons with the ingredients supplied by Turkey. Turkey has stolen over 1441 factories from Aleppo, the cradle of industry in Syria. Aleppo is pivotal to the terrorist supply chain, ideally located to send and receive supplies, arms and personnel to reinforce the US NATO terrorist brigades.

Aleppo Resident Statement

“I checked 5 websites about lists of hospitals, 3 of them didn’t mention Al-Quds hospital, the other two mentioned it with one phone number. Usually hospitals have more than one phone numbers. So I think what Dr Antaki said is correct.

This could be just a normal building that had been turned into a clinic to treat terrorists since 2012. No one knows or heard of it before.

One resident in Aleppo claimed that the building had been hit by a US missile, as a false flag, to blame the SAA of doing so. Obviously this needs verification.

As for Channel 4 News, I was following it for the last week, and I have to stop doing so because they are lying. They are showing daily reports about that claimed hospital and dead doctor, over and over again, and blaming the SAA.

They didn’t show anything about the other hospitals that had been hit by their beloved terrorists within the last week. They didn’t show the hundreds of injured people, the dozens who had been killed daily.

They didn’t show the 500 years old mosque and orthodox church that had been shelled by mortars while people were at Friday prayers in the first one and celebrating the Good Friday on the next one. It had been hit on Sunday while celebrating Easter.

Channel 4 didn’t show the residential buildings that were destroyed by new type of mortars and rockets much more powerful than the old ones. Buildings were brought down on their inhabitants. One kid lost ALL of his family members.

There are plenty of stories really.  Channel 4 is showing images of terrorists and asking us to feel sympathy with them.

Pregnant women and newborn babies were murdered in the obstetric hospital of Dabbeet in Aleppo, which was targeted by the terrorist mortars. Ar-Razi hospital was hit with mortars and caught on fire in some of its sections, and this is one of the few FREE hospitals in Aleppo. Another private hospital was targeted in New Aleppo sector of the city.

Another area shelled intensively over this last week is the Midan neighborhood.  It is a densely populated residential area.  Originally Armenian, but because of the crisis and refugees and immigrating, today it’s a mixed place for mostly poor people.

I don’t know what to say. My wishful thinking is telling me that Russia, SAA, Hezbollah and others will not let Aleppo to fall in the hands of those barbarians and whoever is supporting them.

They were doing so well before the ceasefire. The ceasefire agreement gave the terrorists better weapons and a rest to catch up and attack the way we are witnessing today.

It’s  a full package of war on all levels.  Fierce conflict on the ground.  MSM polishing the terrorists image and showing them as ‘Freedom fighters’. Lack of water and good supply. Expensive prices of everything for the poor people. So more people to suffer, injured, killed, losing their homes, becoming refugees…etc.”

“No Bomb Zone”

As reported on May 3 by 21st Century Wire: The #AleppoIsBurning Campaign Created by US and NATO to Facilitate a “No Bomb Zone”

The propaganda wheels spun into motion as the media ran with the MSF bombing story. As usual, the media produced the propaganda without any prior investigation or verification.  It is the blood of the innocent people in western Aleppo under attack from US and NATO proxies,  that is revealing the true intention of this propaganda storm.

What we are witnessing yet again is western media’s callous disregard for human life unless it serves the US and NATO propaganda campaign. We are seeing the US and NATO facilitating terrorism and the collective punishment of the Syrian people loyal to their elected government or simply resisting the neocolonialist objectives in their homeland.

A “No Bomb Zone”, just another label for a “No Fly Zone” that is a euphemism for the wholesale US NATO destruction of a sovereign nation.

Author Vanessa Beeley is a contributor to 21WIRE and Global Research, and since 2011, she has spent most of her time in the Middle East reporting on events there – as a independent researcher, writer, photographer and peace activist. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Syria Solidarity Movement, and a volunteer with the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine. See more of her work at her blog The Wall Will Fall.

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At the end of May, President Obama will visit Vietnam, where he will have an opportunity to burnish his foreign policy legacy. Obama has taken some bold steps in that direction: He engineered a critical agreement with Iran to defuse its nuclear program, and he recently traveled to Cuba and began the process of normalizing relations between the US and Cuba.

But Obama needs to do more to overcome his hawkish foreign policy legacy. His administration has killed thousands of people — many of them civilians — with drones and manned bombers. The vacuum created by his regime change in Libya destabilized that country and led to the rise of ISIS (also known as Daesh).

With his forthcoming visit to Vietnam, Obama can fortify his legacy by meeting with victims of Agent Orange the United States sprayed on Vietnam during the war.

US Army armored personnel carrier (APC) spraying Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. President Obama can fortify his legacy by meeting with victims of Agent Orange the United States sprayed on Vietnam during the war.

US Army armored personnel carrier spraying Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. President Obama can fortify his legacy by meeting with victims of Agent Orange the United States sprayed on Vietnam during the war. (Photo: Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr. Collection)

With his forthcoming visit to Vietnam, Obama can fortify his legacy by meeting with victims of Agent Orange the United States sprayed on Vietnam during the war. He can then accurately assess the tragic situation the US created there and take steps to remedy it.

“Four decades after the US left this country in a state of devastation and ruin, the Vietnamese have recovered impressively,” said US Army veteran Chuck Searcy, who served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. “They have risen from poverty, rebuilt infrastructure, reformed their economy and created new opportunities for a young, educated generation.” Searcy lives in Vietnam, where he is co-chair of the nongovernmental organization Agent Orange Working Group and cofounder of Project RENEW in Quảng Trị Province.

To read more stories like this, visit Human Rights and Global Wrongs.

Indeed, Vietnam is experiencing impressive successes in development. The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) reported that Vietnam has eradicated extreme hunger and poverty; has made significant progress in achieving universal primary education; has increased girls’ participation in education at primary and secondary levels; has achieved one of the highest rates of representation of women in decision-making in national parliament in the region; and has drastically reduced infant, maternal and toddler mortality.

But 40 years after the end of the US war in Vietnam, the Vietnamese people still suffer the effects of that war.

Approximately 5 million Vietnamese and many US and allied soldiers were exposed to the toxic chemical dioxin in Agent Orange.

Approximately 5 million Vietnamese and many US and allied soldiers were exposed to the toxic chemical dioxin in Agent Orange. For many of them and their progeny, the suffering continues.

Agent Orange was an herbicidal chemical weapon that was sprayed over 12 percent of Vietnam by the US military from 1961 to 1971. The dioxin present in Agent Orange is one of the most toxic chemicals known to humankind.

Those exposed to Agent Orange during the war frequently have children and grandchildren born with serious illnesses and disabilities. The international scientific community has identified an association between exposure to Agent Orange and some forms of cancers, reproductive abnormalities, immune and endocrine deficiencies, and nervous system damage. Second- and third-generation victims continue to be born in Vietnam, as well as to US veterans and Vietnamese-Americans in this country.

In 2009, I served as one of seven judges from three continents who heard two days of testimony from 27 witnesses at the International People’s Tribunal of Conscience in Support of the Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange in Paris. The witnesses included victims, their families, journalists, US Vietnam War veterans and scientists. We saw firsthand horribly disfigured individuals who had been exposed to Agent Orange/dioxin during the Vietnam War.

One of the witnesses was Mai Giang Vũ, who came in contact with Agent Orange while serving in the South Vietnamese Army from 1968 to 1974. He carried barrels of chemicals on his back. His sons, born in 1974 and 1975, were unable to walk or function normally. Their limbs gradually “curled up” and they could only crawl. They were bedridden by age 18. One died at age 23, the other at age 25.

The US government has given small amounts of money to address the human victims of Agent Orange/dioxin. Much of the money has not reached the Agent Orange victims who need it so much, and the amounts allocated cannot make much of a dent in addressing the tremendous human suffering.

The United States paid to clean up one of the “hotspots” contaminated with dioxin near the Da Nang Air Base. But there are 28 hotspots in Vietnam still poisoned by dioxin. They continue to affect the people who live there and eat the crops, land animals and fish. All of these hotspots need to be remediated.

In addition, Searcy points out, there are “Vietnamese families living mostly in poverty, in painfully abject circumstances, with two, three, sometimes four or five severely disabled children who now may be grown, in their 20s and 30s, who cannot take care of their own basic needs. They are a 24-hour care burden for aging parents, who need help and support to get through the day and night.”

Although there are a number of Friendship and Peace Villages where victims of Agent Orange are cared for, many more are needed. Time is running out for many of the second and third generation victims whose parents are passing on, leaving no one to care for them.

Second and third generation children of American Vietnam veterans face the same problems as do exposed Vietnamese-Americans.

That is why Rep. Barbara Lee (D-California) introduced H.R. 2114, the Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act of 2015. The bill, which currently has 22 co-sponsors, would provide health care and social services for affected Vietnamese; medical assistance and disability benefits to affected children of US veterans of the Vietnam War; and health assessment, counseling and treatment for affected Vietnamese-Americans and their offspring. It would also clean up the lands and restore ecosystems contaminated by Agent Orange/dioxin in Vietnam.

The American Public Health Association recommended that the US government and the involved chemical companies provide resources for services for those with disabilities in areas where dioxin victims are concentrated, and take responsibility to remediate or attempt to clean up those areas in Vietnam that still contain high levels of dioxin.

Obama’s visit, Searcy says, “is a crucial last opportunity for us Americans to face up to our responsibilities to deal with these remaining war legacies — UXO [unexploded ordnance] and Agent Orange — in a way that will allow us to bring some closure to these problems, as Americans, as decent people who finally have done the right thing.”

The president and the first lady, if she accompanies him, should make time during their visit to meet with young Agent Orange victims and their representative, the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin. They would also do well to meet with US Vietnam veterans, such as Searcy, who live in Vietnam and have dedicated their lives to helping the victims.

Obama can truly heal the wounds of war and establish a firmer basis of friendship and understanding between the people of Vietnam and the people in the United States. He should seize this opportunity and meet with the victims of Agent Orange/dioxin.

Marjorie Cohn is a professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild and deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. She is co-coordinator of Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign. Her most recent book is Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues. You can follow her on Twitter @marjoriecohn.

Copyright Truthout, reprinted with permission

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India aligns with the US against China and Russia.

India’s recent moves are putting India’s multipolar commitment in doubt and raise questions about whether India has defected to the US’s unipolar system.

India used to be universally acclaimed for being a multipolar pillar in the emerging world order.  The country played a pivotal role in BRICS and in the larger globally transformative processes that are currently underway.

Historically as one of the founder members of the Non-Aligned Movement India has been respected for its wise pragmatism and its ability to engage any partner on a win-win basis.

India now looks ready to abandon its geopolitical traditions.  It seems to be starting a new foreign policy trajectory openly siding with the US against China in the New Cold War.

Prime Minister Modi (image right) has made a series of moves over the past month which show that India’s strategic calculations have radically changed since US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter visited the subcontinent last month.

In this article I shall discuss the elements of India’s anti-Chinese pivot, with an emphasis on the “Logistic Service Agreement” and the consequences of the Azhar-Isa affair.

In a subsequent article I shall discuss the long-term consequences if India continues to abide by its new policies and how this will lead unavoidably to an intensified Chinese-Indian Cold War encompassing the ASEAN, Himalayan, and Central Asian theatres.

I will also look into the global stakes and how India by its realignment with the US may inadvertently be on the cusp of sabotaging the successes the emerging multipolar world order has managed to make up to this point.

India’s Anti-Chinese Pivot

In the course of only a single month, India has surprised the world by radically pivoting to an anti-Chinese policy that has Washington’s “Lead From Behind” fingerprints all over it.

The “Logistic Service Agreement”

US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter visited India in April.

Whilst this visit was presented as a “routine visit” by most media outlets, Ashton Carter’s comments about the emerging US-Indian Strategic Partnership, which he predicted “will define the 21st century”, attracted a lot of attention.

Underpinning the rhetoric is the so-called “Logistic Support Agreement” (LSA) the US and India are currently negotiating with each other.  This is essentially a blend of the “Host Mission Support Agreements” that NATO has concluded with Finland and Sweden and the transit agreement that NATO has recently agreed with Serbia.

Reuters quotes US military officials as saying that the LSA “would allow the two militaries to use each other’s land, air and naval bases for resupplies, repair and rest”.

What that means in practice is that the US has effectively acquired the right to deploy full-spectrum rotational forces anywhere throughout India on a preplanned case-by-case basis in order to “contain China”.

Although not yet signed, Ashton Carter’s major achievement was that the two sides agreed “in principle” to conclude negotiations for the LSA in the near future.  It is believed that only the amount of financial compensation and other related technical details remain to be agreed before the deal enters into force presumably later this year.

Aircraft Carrier Cooperation

In parallel with the LSA, the US announced that it would assist New Delhi to build its first domestically built aircraft carrier.

Ashton Carter revealed during his visit that the US will share state-of-the-art technology with its Indian counterparts, thus substantially deepening the emerging alliance between them.

It is an open secret that India’s navy will be used to “contain” China in the Indian Ocean Region.  The unprecedented level of naval cooperation between the two sides therefore has to be seen through the geopolitical prism of this shared objective to “contain” China.

If symbolism has any meaning, it’s also important that the Indian Defense Minister invited Carter onto India’s premier aircraft carrier, the INS Vikramaditya.

Not only does this demonstrate India’s willingness to show the world just how good its relations with the US are right now, but it is also significant that this was originally a Russian-built ship making this a strong signal that India is diversifying its military-technical relations towards the West at the expense of its traditional Russian partner.

Raw data provides the proof.   Although Russia still provides the bulk of India’s weapons, the US has recentlyedged it out, becoming in recent years India’s largest vendor, indicating that Russia is gradually losing its strategic position in the Indian market.

Inviting Ashton Carter to step onto the deck of a Russian-built aircraft carrier rubs salt into the Russian defence industry’s wounds.

The Azhar-Isa Affair

I have previously discussed this event in detail in an article for the Moscow-based Katehon think tank.

Briefly, India extended a visa to Dolkun Isa, one of the most notorious “political” figures providing political cover for the Uighur terrorist movement. China had earlier accused this person of supporting terrorism and Interpol has a “red corner notice” on him. He was nonetheless invited by the Indian government to attend a broad gathering of anti-Chinese separatist and regime change groups hosted by the US-based “Initiatives For China/Citizen Power For China” – widely acknowledged to be CIA front organisation.

Just about all of the other anti-Chinese groups that were supposed to attend this conference – which included Tibetan, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolian, and “pro-democracy” groups – are also US-based and are equally hostile to the Chinese authorities.

The unavoidable conclusion is that India intentionally collaborated with the US to host US proxies in Dharamsala – a location provocatively close to the Chinese border.

The Indian media justified all this in articles heavy with nationalist rhetoric that argued that the visa was extended to Dolkun Isa because China had previously stonewalled India’s UN proposal to put accused Pakistani-based terrorist Masood Azhar on a UN terrorist list.

In my previous Katehon piece I pointed out that India – more so than any other country – knows China cannot interfere in a bilateral dispute between Pakistan and India and certainly cannot appear to side with India in a dispute of this sort.  I explained that New Delhi only brought up this issue in order to justify its decision to host a gathering of anti-Chinese separatist and terrorist groups in Dharamsala.

Though India eventually cancelled Dolkun Isa’s visa, since New Delhi still allowed the conference to take place this has the look of a classic bait-and-switch exercise.

The US-based “Initiatives For China/Citizen Power For China” umbrella group now favoured by India is also distinctly anti-Russian.  It previously organized a conference lobbying for the passage of the extra-judicial so-called “Global Magnitsky Bill”. It even prioritizes this Bill as its third most important project behind the “Tiananmen Massacre Memory of World Registrar” and “Finding 2 Tank Men” ahead of its “Hong Kong Occupy Central” movement.

By hosting this anti-Chinese organisation Indian Prime Minister Modi’s government was also hosting an anti-Russian organisation, making this look like a subtle anti-Moscow message as well as an open anti-Beijing one.

The Azhar-Isa affair exploded shortly after Ashton Carter’s visit.  Ashton Carter almost certainly discussed this affair in some way with his Indian hosts during his visit probably with a view to providing future ‘situational justification’ for the LSA and for the deployment of American air, sea, and land forces in India next to China’s Tibetan and Yunnan borders.

Hostility To The New Silk Road

India has been visibly upset ever since China announced last year that it would build the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) through Pakistani-administered Kashmir.

India’s media and academic community have issued mild condemnations of this over the course of the previous year.

New Delhi however has now stepped up its criticism after Ashton Carter’s visit with Colonel SD Goswami, a spokesman of India’s Udhampur-headquartered Northern Command, saying that “The government has conveyed its concerns to China…and asked them to cease such activities”.

This anti-New Silk Road rhetoric would not have been possible without behind-the-scenes encouragement from the US, which is clearly backing it as part of its global Hybrid War campaign to sabotage China’s Silk Road strategy.

China will not stop construction of this mega-project because of Indian complaints, no matter how strongly the US backs them.  India knows this.

It is therefore likely that the escalation of rhetoric around this project was initiated as part of a pre-planned information campaign to justify tightening the anti-Chinese US-Indian Strategic Partnership with the claim that India “has no choice” because “China just won’t listen”.

The US-Indian Naval Alliance

An important component of the larger US-Indian Strategic Partnership is the enhanced naval cooperation between the two countries, which – like every other part of their new alliance – is predicated on “containing China”.

Aside from the important aircraft carrier cooperation and other military-technical aspects that were discussed earlier, the two sides are reported to have discussed joint anti-submarine warfare strategies.

In addition India is expected to take part in US-led multilateral exercises in June, which will be held provocatively in the Philippine Sea.  Although not directly adjacent to the South China Sea, this location is adjacent to the East China Sea where Beijing and Tokyo are locked in a bitter dispute over contested island territories.

India’s participation in anti-submarine warfare exercises so close to a potential conflict zone in tandem with the US, Japan, and other anti-Chinese navies is a worrying sign that India is serious about confronting China both in the Indian Ocean Region and right on Beijing’s own East Asian doorstep.

Considering how important maritime trade routes are for the still-growing Chinese economy and its global One Belt One Road commercial network plans, the US-assisted rise of the Indian Navy as a trans-regional operating force between the Indian Ocean Region and the South China Sea/East China Sea could prove threatening to China in the coming years.

Not only is India doubling down on its strategic collaboration with the US, but it is also trying to “localise” its presence through multilateral cooperation with ASEAN’s maritime members under the ‘plausibly deniable’ aegis of promoting “freedom of navigation”.

India’s latest participation in ASEAN naval drills combined with its growing anti-Chinese strategic partnership with the US can be seen as signalling its intent to institutionalise its presence in the South China Sea.

Whilst China and Russia are also taking part in these exercises, Moscow obviously is not seeking to “contain” China, whilst Beijing’s role should be seen in the larger framework of its normal relations with countries which are its maritime neighbours.

By contrast India’s participation in naval exercises alongside Japan, the US, and Australia imply involvement in a prospective anti-Chinese naval alliance that will eventually involve Vietnam and the Philippines.

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The Case Against Hillary Clinton

May 5th, 2016 by Eric Zuesse

The case against Hillary Clinton (click onto it at that link) seems to me to be so strong (and I’ve checked the soundness of all of its sources), so that I’m even asking myself whether I shouldn’t vote the Presidential line at all (or else vote there for a ‘protest’ candidate, which is effectively the same thing as not voting at all) on November 8th, or should instead even go so far as to vote for Donald Trump, in order to prevent her from becoming President.

Then, I saw recently a reader-comment at a news-site where the unpalatable Presidential options were being discussed, and one “patriot” said there that on November 8th, anything would be better than a vote for Trump, to which another person responded:

Not so; I’ve never voted Republican in my life, but if Hillary is the candidate, I’ll vote for Trump, because he has no record in public office (and what he says contradicts himself routinely so can’t be believed), whereas she has an extensive record in public office (and she lies almost as much as he does, and so her words also are null), and that record is disgusting:

Since I wrote that, I was forced to ask myself whether I would vote for Trump if the only real alternative turns out to be Hillary; and, I concluded that, yes, I would, and that the reason is precisely because I don’t trust either candidate, but that only in the case of Hillary am I certain that she as President would be catastrophic. At least with Trump, I have no way of knowing what his real policies would be.

This isn’t to say that I agree with what either candidate says, or would be saying as President; it’s to assert that only Hillary has an actual track-record regarding public policy — and that it’s catastrophic.

A proven catastrophe is far worse than a merely possiblecatastrophe; so, if Hillary Clinton turns out to be the Democratic nominee, I shall vote for Donald Trump, and then just hope that the worst things that he had said regarding public policy were lies, and that the best things that he had said regarding public policy reflected his actual beliefs.

Anyone who would say in response to this, “But that’s to believe in the horrible policy-prescriptions from Trump” would be missing the point here: this point is the exact opposite: Idon’t believe what either of those candidates say; I know that they’re both pathological liars; but, only one of them has an actual record, and it’s catastrophic. Hillary offers not only her lies but something real (a record that’s highly relevant to the office she’s seeking) — and it’s repulsive. Trump, by contrast, offers no relevant track-record at all on public-policy matters. That’s not a virtue on his part, it’s a lack of the worst possible vice (a vile record of actual policies while in public office), for a potential U.S. President.

Given a choice between a proven psychopath, versus merely a possible (or even a likely) psychopath, I’ll definitely opt for the latter. It’s the only intelligent thing to do. Anything else would be suckerdom.

If you want to see her actual vile record on global warming, click here, and here.

If you want to see her vile record against the public and for the top 0.001%, click here.

If you want to see her exploitation of women and Blacks to win elections, click here.

If you want to see her actual support for the Citizens Uniteddecision she condemns, click here.

If you want to see her solid record of backing American invasions, click here.

If you want to see her actual support for mega-rich tax-evaders, click here.

And, as far as Trump’s promises about any of these things, they should be ignored as much as her promises about them should be. Even what he has actually done as a businessman isn’t necessarily an indication of what he’d do about the governmental policy-issue. In fact, Trump’s most blatantly bad promises (such as regarding immigration) are far more likely to be quickly abandoned by him as President, than Hillary’s are if she becomes President, because whereas Hillary’s (such as blocking single-payer health insurance) are supported by the Establishment, Trump’s are opposed by them (which is why even Republican donors have been donating more to Hillary’s campaign than to Trump’s campaign). (What do those Republican mega-donors know that the general public don’t? They know Trump.)

When life offers a choice between bad options, one still has an obligation to make that choice, and to do it intelligently. In the case of voting (or else not voting) for the President of one’s nation, it’s more than merely an intellectual obligation: it’s one’s civic duty. That’s why I, as a person with progressive values, will vote for Trump if Hillary becomes the Democratic nominee.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.


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Dear MSF International President Dr. Joanne Liu,

Your organization is well regarded and influential. I appreciate that many good people work for and support MSF/Doctors Without Borders. However I need to inquire about your independence and the consequences of your work in Syria. I believe an objective look will reveal that while you are helping in some areas, you are causing harm in others.

Following are questions on this important issue:

1. As you know, Aleppo is a large city with the government forces holding western Aleppo while other parts of the city are dominated by armed opposition groups, primarily Nusra/Al Qaeda. About 1.5 to 2 million people live in the government areas with about 200 to 250 thousand in the areas controlled by armed opposition. So 80 – 90 % of the population is in government controlled areas. This is rarely mentioned but seems important. Given this fact, is it true that you provide aid and support only to the opposition held areas?

2. On April 21 the Western and Gulf backed “High Negotiations Committee” announced they were quitting the Geneva negotiations. The next day, hundreds of mortars and bombs started being launched into western Aleppo from the zones controlled by Nusra and other terrorist groups. These bombs are powerful, wounding and killing indiscriminately. Syrian journalist Edward Dark noted that western media and groups such as MSF were silent on this even though hospitals were being hit, dozens of children and civilians killed. On twitter he reported day by day …..

* West Aleppo is simply being obliterated by rebel shelling. A city of 2 million people is being butchered.

* Carnage and devastation as ‘moderate rebel’ bombs fall on west Aleppo like rain

* Terrorist rebel bombs are still falling like rain on west Aleppo. 15 people murdered at a mosque in Bab Faraj after Friday prayers

* This is the hospital where my son was born. Dabeet Hospital in W.Aleppo completely destroyed by rebel shelling.

Has MSF denounced these killings and attacks on hospitals in western Aleppo?

3. The unconcern about indiscriminate attacks and killing in government held areas of Aleppo has also been denounced by Syrian-Canadian physician Dr. Nabil Antaki. He has recently written,

With regards to recent events in Aleppo, I state very clearly that the mainstream media are lying by omission… All of us here in Aleppo are disgusted by their lack of impartiality and objectivity. They only talk about the loss of life in east of Aleppo which is entirely controlled by Al Nusra…. These are their ‘moderate rebels’ …This same media remains silent on the daily losses and suffering endured in the Western areas of Aleppo living under the rain of mortar fire from these terrorist factions. This media never mentions the continuous bombardment and the carnage we have witnessed in western Aleppo where every single sector has been targeted. On a daily basis we see dozens of people murdered….. For three days now, these media outlets have been accusing the “Assad regime” of bombing an MSF hospital to the east of Aleppo and of killing the last pediatrician in the city. This demonstrates that, for these media, the only priority is this pocket of the city where terrorists are embedded. The three quarters of Aleppo under Syrian government control, where numerous pediatricians are practicing, is of no consequence.

Dear Dr. Liu – Will you meet with Dr. Antaki? Perhaps he could give you a tour and confirm to you what he says. He is a well known and respected doctor in Aleppo and fellow Canadian citizen.

4. There are many discrepancies in reports about the April 27 attack on Al Quds Hospital. MSF Middle East Operations Manager Pablo Marco, interviewed the next day on CNN and PBS Newshour, said “there were two barrel bombs that fell close to the hospital …. then the third barrel bomb fell in the entrance of the hospital”. Barrel bombs are only delivered by helicopters. In contrast, your press release the same day says “the hospital was destroyed by at least one airstrike which directly hit the building, reducing it to rubble.” A CBC report continued this version, claiming “An MSF-supported hospital in the northern Syria city of Aleppo is now a pile of rubble. Airstrikes brought down the building on Wednesday.” The hospital photograph indicates it is not a “pile of rubble” and it’s unclear where the damage is. The sandbag reinforcement and damaged car in front indicate it might have been a battle scene but the rest is unclear. Which story is correct and accurate?

The number of fatalities has varied from initial death counts of 14 to later reports of over 50. How are these numbers verified?

5. MSF representatives Pablo Marco and Muskilda Zancada suggest is was a deliberate and intentional attack on the hospital. In an interview Ms. Zancada says “Al Quds Hospital has been functional for more than 4 years so it was basically impossible that this information was not known… The facts are pointing to this being a deliberate attack.” In contrast with Ms. Zancada’s assertions, most Aleppans have never heard of “Al Quds Hospital”. The “hospital” did not exist before the conflict and the photo shows an unidentified apartment building. Is it accurate to call this facility a “hospital”? Mr. Marco claimed that MSF supported personnel visited the hospital every other week so there must be many reports, documents and photos confirming whether it was a 34 bed hospital. Otherwise, it seems fair to say this was actually a medical clinic in the ground floor of an unmarked and largely abandoned apartment building.

6. Can Mr. Marco or Ms. Zancada please identify the damage inflicted by the airstrike (or barrel bomb) at Al Quds Hospital on April 27? The Russian Ministry of Defense has released a photograph indicating the building had similar damage in October 2015.

7. As you know, Nusra/Al Qaeda is considered ‘terrorist’ by all parties including the US, French, and Canadian governments. Does the Al Quds Hospital primarily or significantly serve Al Qaeda and/or other terrorist fighters? If so, are your supporters aware they are assisting fighters who launched bombs attacking western Aleppo as shown here and previously destroyed the once prized Al Kindi Hospital with a huge truck bomb as shown here? I appreciate you have a commitment to the hippocratic oath but given the widespread medical needs, why are you prioritizing assistance to Nusra/Al Qaeda?

8. Many videos from Al Quds Hospital feature members of the “White Helmets”. Are you aware the White Helmets was established by the US and UK with initial training in Turkey by a UK military contractor? Are you aware the organization is not independent or neutral and has explicitly called for western intervention in Syria? The origins of the “White Helmets” is documented here . There is an online petition denouncing this clever but cynical marketing campaign here.

9. Can you you please compare and contrast the videos showing attacks at MSF- supported Al Quds Hospital with videos showing attacks in western Aleppo? The videos from Al Quds Hospital are here and here with an animated one here. The attacks in western Aleppo including an attack on Al Dabeet Hospital are here, here and here. Do you see the difference between videos from armed opposition area vs. those from western Aleppo? Some look authentic and some look possibly staged.

10. We know that many Western and Gulf countries are providing funds to help the armed opposition in Syria. For example in 2012 the Canadian government said the reason the $2 million was being channeled through Canadian Relief for Syria instead of the UN or International Committee of the Red Cross was because it was intended for Syrian opposition groups and was not humanitarian aid.” Is MSF directly or indirectly receiving grants or funds from the Canadian, French or US governments to serve Syrian opposition groups?

11. There has been a wave of media coverage of Al Quds Hospital and the death of Dr. Moaz (sometimes spelled Maaz). Some of the reports are clearly intended to tug at the heart and natural sympathy of people. Unfortunately propagandists can be effective in this area as they seek to manipulate public opinion. There are many examples with the Kuwaiti babies and incubators being one of the most famous frauds as it successfully won public support for Gulf War 1. Both Amnesty International and the International Red Crescent were (unwittingly) part of the fraud. My point is this: Some of the Al Quds Hospital stories are questionable and may be fraudulent. For example the letter from a fellow physician acclaiming Dr Moaz was published by “The Syria Campaign” which is the marketing creator of the “White Helmets”. The letter is supposedly from a fellow doctor who might or might not be real. They use a false name yet claim he “manages the Children’s Hospital in Aleppo”. Another questionable piece of ‘evidence’ of the death of Dr. Moaz is the video supposedly taken just before the building was hit by missile or bomb. It’s curious that the building would be destroyed and the CCTV cameras (several of them) survive and be ready for editing. Is this real or is it just another example of the “moderate rebel’ social media propaganda?

12. Biased media coverage on Syria serves to demonize the Assad government and prolong the conflict. It has made it easier for foreign aggressors to continue funding the proxy armies such as Nusra/Al Qaeda. There is danger of vastly increased conflict and bloodshed if foreign governments or NATO intervene directly. In fact calls for greater aggression are increasing in the wake of publicity around the attack at Al Quds Hospital. Are you aware that the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia seemed to threaten an escalation of the conflict as he said “The world is not going to allow them to get away with this.”?

Dear Dr. Liu, we agree with your insistence that medical personnel and facilities should not be attacked. That is in keeping with the Geneva Conventions on War. There are other international laws, including laws against aggression and the right of self-defense. It is clear that the Syrian government is being attacked by proxy armies funded by a coalition of foreign governments in violation of international law and the UN Charter.

Will you investigate whether the criticisms expressed in this letter are accurate and take appropriate action? It seems that current MSF actions and statements on Syria are biased and effectively serving the coalition of governments waging war on Syria in violation of international law. The bias and propaganda sustain the conflict and threaten to make it even worse.

Best regards,

Rick Sterling


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Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi informed on Tuesday that thousands of terrorists have crossed the border into his country in the last few days.

“Around 6,000 terrorists have crossed the border and entered Syrian territories in recent days,” the Arabic-language media outlets quoted al-Zoubi as saying on Tuesday.

Late in April, Syrian Prime Minister Wael Nader al-Halqi also warned that more than 5,000 fresh militants crossed the border into the Northwestern provinces of Aleppo and Idlib from Turkey, stressing that the ceasefire agreement was being violated by certain parties.

“In the end we see that Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar, as well as Western countries such as Great Britain and France have no real desire to move the process of the political settlement in Syria forward,” al-Halqi said.

The Syrian prime minister stressed that it’s “just the opposite, they are aiding in the escalation of terrorist activity and arming terrorists. Over the last week, more than 5,000 troops crossed the border with Turkey into the provinces of Aleppo and Idlib.”

As terrorist groups continue to target residential areas in Aleppo city, al-Zoubi stressed that Turkey and Saudi Arabia are responsible for the bloody acts of Takfiri militants against innocent civilians.

“Turkish and Saudi commanders have issued the order for targeting Syrian civilians and army troops in Aleppo,” the Syrian information minister said.

Al-Zoubi also criticized the international bodies and countries for keeping mum about the crimes of the Takfiri terrorists in Aleppo, calling it as “suspicious and questionable”.

Violence in Syria, and particularly in Aleppo, has intensified in recent days, despite a partial truce.

Almost a dozen civilians were killed and several more wounded in the terrorist groups’ rocket attack on a hospital inside Aleppo earlier today.

“The terrorist groups’ shelling of the hospital of al-Deet in the Central part of Aleppo city has ended in a large number of civilian casualties,” local residents said on Tuesday.

“The number of civilian casualties is on the rise,” they further added.

Meanwhile, The Takfiri terrorist groups’ rocket units, once again, targeted two neighborhoods and a hospital in Aleppo, inflicting heavy casualties on the civilians, patients and hospital staff.

“At least 11 civilians were killed and many more were wounded in over 65 cases of terrorists’ rocket attacks on residential areas along the streets of al-Neel, al-Sabeel, Mocambo and al-Razi hospital,” the sources said, adding, “The terrorist groups also detonated a tunnel-bomb near Air Force Intel before launching attacks on the army-controlled Jam’iyat al-Zahra area.”

The attacks by terrorists against civilian targets come as Syrian Army forces and their allies are surging in Aleppo to begin a massive operation against the Takfiri militants that are mostly from the Al-Nusra Front – the Al-Qaeda’s official branch in Syria – and a number of other allied terrorist groups, including several units of the Free Syria Army (FSA) that has been branded by the US and the West as “moderates”.

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Press leaks on the report of the Belgian police surveillance committee (“P Committee”) regarding the monitoring of the Abdeslam brothers again underscore the role of the imperialist proxy war in Syria and the complicity of police and intelligence in the attacks last November 13 in Paris and on March 22 in Brussels.

Immediately after the attacks, it was reported that the terrorists were known to the intelligence services as Islamists involved in traveling and fighting in Syria and the Middle East. Now, the Belgian report confirms that the scope of these networks and the protection they enjoyed in official circles in the context of the war played an important role in allowing the attacks to proceed.

The P Committee report blames the anti-terrorist services for neglecting the surveillance of Salah Abdeslam, who is accused of being the only survivor of the group that carried out the Paris attacks. His sudden arrest at the end of March in Brussels, after four months on the run, reportedly pushed the March 22 attackers into action.

According to the P Committee report, the anti-terrorist services lost Salah Abdeslam’s GSM phone card and ignored his USB key, confiscated in February 2015, that is, nine months before the Paris attacks.

La Dernière Heure reports that these materials were seized

“during a police search of the Abdeslam household in the context of a drug investigation. The local police then prepared a report on this search before depositing the objects that had been seized, as required by procedure, with the Brussels tribunal. Afterwards, Brahim Abdeslam came under suspicion of wanting to travel to Syria. His file went to the well-known DR3 agency.”

There are conflicting reports as to whether the negligence in investigating these objects is due to the police or the DR3 counter-terrorism agency. Nonetheless, the P Committee report clearly indicates that there was an intervention by forces inside the Belgian state to protect Abdeslam’s data, which then disappeared.

Again according to La Dernière Heure,

“The federal magistrate then authorized the anti-terror unit to consult the elements seized at the Abdeslam household, except Salah A’s USB key and GSM card. The DR3 then asked to be able to consult these materials anyway. It is only at that point that it became clear that these objects were no longer in the possession of the tribunal. The content of the telephone had, however, been saved. Indeed, there was thus at the time, in February 2015, contact information for people now known to have been involved in the Paris and Brussels attacks.”

The federal magistrate’s intervention to protect specifically the USB key and GSM card of Abdeslam, which then went missing, is remarkable. How was it possible to then lose what were such essential elements to follow up and identify an Islamist network—particularly in the law-and-order atmosphere at the time, a few weeks after the January 2015 Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris?

One must ask not only if this allowed the November 13 and March 22 attacks to proceed, but whether possible complicity of forces within the state with the terrorists, related to NATO’s support for the Islamist militias in Syria, played a role.

On Monday, official circles in Brussels sharply attacked the P committee report, which had been issued to the parliamentary commission tasked with oversight of police and intelligence activities. In a decision without precedent in Belgium, government and opposition legislators in the parliamentary commission unanimously decided to allow the police services incriminated in the report to reply point by point to its contents. Legislators are being instructed to take into account the service’s own defense of its activities while reading the P Committee report.

Faced with the criticisms from the parliamentary commission, P Committee President Yves Keppens, a former royal prosecutor in Furnes, reacted. He told VTM,

“For this investigation, we worked on objective bases and with a proven method. This is always the case, and this investigation is in no way an exception. If we make observations, we are obligated to report them objectively and accurately to the parliament.”

The Free Trade Union of the Public Service, through its president Vincent Gilles, defended the police services. Gilles said,

“the methods used by the P Committee investigators are based on procedures from long ago. Some of these investigators have not faced the realities on the ground and in the judicial system for more than 15 years. Methods have changed since then. Reality has changed, too. And based on what I have been told, I consider that unfortunately they did not take these realities into account in their conclusions.”

Yesterday, officials of the police and the prosecutor’s office released emails to the press pleading that they were overrun with work, citing numerous foreign combatants in Belgium, as well as the large number of ongoing investigations. They also attacked the P Committee report, which they said was costing them even more work.

The fact that Belgian cops and spies are overworked tracking foreign combatants is proof not of the errors of the P Committee report, but rather that the imperialist policy of regime change in Syria relying on an international network of Islamist terrorists has had disastrous consequences.

For five years, Syrian cities have been devastated by raids carried out by Islamist militias, as well as by the bombings of Syrian government forces trying to crush them. Now, this war has begun claiming lives in Europe itself, overwhelming the very same intelligence services that initially allowed it to take shape. The services’ numerous failures are now well documented.

When the European press was describing Salah Abdeslam as “Europe’s most wanted man,” he had in fact been found by a policeman from Malines in the Brussels area, without this leading to his arrest, as the policeman’s report was blocked as it traveled up the chain of command. The police only briefly questioned Abdeslam after his arrest, while his accomplices were preparing the March 22 attacks at the Brussels airport and at a subway stop. Belgian police also overlooked warnings from Turkey that Ibrahim El Bakraoui, one of the leaders of the March 22 attacks, was a terrorist.

Since last week, Salah Abdeslam has been imprisoned in France in Europe’s largest prison, Fleury Mérogis, having been deported from Belgium. He is on intensive suicide watch.

It is important to note the remarkable silence on this affair by the French media. Indeed, these revelations underscore the sordid political mechanisms through which the media and the government of French President François Hollande exploit the so-called war on terror to justify the imposition of police state measures.

Hollande has invoked the threat of attacks to impose the ongoing state of emergency in France, which has seen hordes of riot police attack protesters opposed to an unpopular labor reform. The goal of the French government is to manipulate the reaction of the public to the attacks, to allow it to proceed with physically crushing the opposition of workers and youth to his government’s hated austerity policies.

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The following photo was taken from US funded ANA Press director, Deiaa Dughmoch’s Facebook page.  Translated as Aleppo citizens searching the skies for war-planes.

This from one UK based Facebook responder:

“Its about hiding the truth that Assad is massacring the Syrian people to keep himself in power and the US and NATO are backing him up rather than engaging in any Wahhabi terrorist support operation.  Its really quite racist to call those defending their homes and lives NATO backed terrorists but I guess you are so deep in this shit you cant see.”

Dick Gregory. [Juggler, also available for children’s parties]

This social media exchange exemplifies the ever widening chasm between the reports from the Syrian people living in areas under siege or occupied by US NATO backed terrorists and the blatant bias from western and gulf funded journalists.

“The Pentagon has now designated “information operations” as its fifth “core competency” alongside land, sea, air and special forces. Since October 2006, every brigade, division and corps in the US military has had its own “psyop” element producing output for local media.

This military activity is linked to the State Department’s campaign of “public diplomacy” which includes funding radio stations and news websites. In Britain, the Directorate of Targeting and Information Operations in the Ministry of Defence works with specialists from 15 UK psyops, based at the Defence Intelligence and Security School at Chicksands in Bedfordshire.

In the case of British intelligence, you can see this combination of reckless propaganda and failure of oversight at work in the case of Operation Mass Appeal.

This was exposed by the former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter, who describes in his book, Iraq Confidential, how, in London in June 1998, he was introduced to two “black propaganda specialists” from MI6 who wanted him to give them material which they could spread through “editors and writers who work with us from time to time”.

The Aleppo Spin

A very quick look at who has rapidly generated the #AleppoIsBurning campaign that has made red the new black on Facebook and Twitter brings us rapidly to the Purpose Manhattan PR company and their Syria cohorts.  Syria Campaign, the White Helmets are implicated and the actual event has been created by none other than Rami Jarrah of Soros funded ANA Press based in Southern Turkey and operating with the explicit approval of chief terrorism supporter, Sultan Erdogan.

Photo Caption: Rami Jarrah meeting with Erdogan to discuss the “difficulties” in maintaining media coverage of the “Syrian revolution”. 

Note in this image, Erdogan makes no effort to conceal his support for the mythical Syrian revolution.

Rami Jarrah’s connections to Soros and his commitment to promoting the US NATO narrative are discussed in the two following articles:

If we go to the Aleppo is Burning event page on Facebook, the producers are clearly visible:

Deiaa Dughmoch
 and Rami Jarrah are co-founders of ANA Press.  Sarah Dadouch works for ANA Press and is based in Istanbul, Turkey according to her Facebook page.

Co-initiator of the #AleppoIsBurning campaign is Lilah Khoja who has been instrumental in promoting the “Worldwide Red Protest”.  Khoja is on the team of the Karam Foundation  as their advocacy co-ordinator. While there is minimal financial information on the Karam Foundation, set up in 2007 by co-founder and CEO, Lina Sergie Attar, Attar is on the board of the Muslim Brotherhood Syrian American Council.

“The Syrian American Council is one of the largest American based Syrian lobbying organizations and key SAC leaders are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood in the US:

The last known SAC President was Talal Sunbulli (aka Talal Sunulle ) who was listed as the Syrian coordinator in the international phone book of Muslim Brotherhood members seized by federal investigators during the Holy Land Foundation investigation.

The last known SAC Chairman was Hussam Ayloush, Executive Director of the California office of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a part of the Us Muslim Brotherhood.

US Muslim Brotherhood figure Louay Safi is known to have been a leading member of the SAC.”


Attar is in fact Chair of the Humanitarian Committee as well as being on the National Board of Directors under one of her many name variations, Lina Segie.

According to Attar’s biography on the Karam Foundation site, she is a Syrian-American architect and writer from Aleppo.

“Sergie Attar frequently travels to the Syrian border in southern Turkey to run Karam’s Smart Aid programs.”

Perhaps of even greater interest, Attar “serves on the board of directors” of the Avaaz/Purpose created Syria Campaign.

“Heimans, the Avaaz front man of Purpose, is a darling of the high-finance corporate world. “In 2011, Jeremy received the Ford Foundation’s 75th anniversary Visionaries Award. The World Economic Forum at Davos has named him a Young Global Leader, and the World e-Government Forum has named Jeremy and Purpose co-founder David Madden among the “Top 10 People Who Are Changing the World of the Internet and Politics.” [Source]

The New York public relations firm Purpose has created at least four anti-Assad NGOs/campaigns: The White HelmetsFree Syrian Voices , The Syria Campaign and March Campaign #withSyria.” ~ Cory Morningstar

Photo caption: Lina Attar of Karam Foundation/Syria Campaign/SAC with Ex US Ambassador to Syria and known terrorism supporter, Robert Ford.

In February 2016 Attar appeared with alleged death squad creator and ex US Ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford at the “War on the Innocents: The Syrian Humanitarian Crisis” conference held at Phillips Exeter Academy. Ford has been singularly involved in the creation of the so called “moderate rebels” in Syria, a euphemism that is rapidly losing all credibility despite his best efforts to shore up their crumbling facade of respectability.

The final member of the #AleppoIsBurning marketing team we will discuss is Noha Kamseh, based in Gazientep, Turkey. Kamseh works for the Syrian Forum.

According to their website, the Syrian Forum is registered in Turkey, Austria and the US. It supports “Local Administration Councils as an utmost priority” and “Aspires to contribute to the rebuilding of a democratic Syria under the Rule of Law.”

“Local Administrative Councils (LACs) are well positioned to take the place of government municipalities, especially in the areas of the north devoid of government services. The SOC [Syrian Opposition Council] should provision funding and resources to the identification, development, and training of civil society groups in watchdog functions so that they can monitor the LACs for transparency and accountability where appropriate.”

~ Local Councils in Syria report.

Are we seeing a US NATO funded Syrian Shadow State creation supported by the Syria Forum? They aspire to “rebuilding a democratic Syria under the rule of Law”, one wonders which law they are talking about as there is no mention of the existing Syrian constitution, nor any reference to the recent widely accepted, reformed and democratic elections.

The Syrian Forum operates with institutionalized, yet dynamic processes that seek out unique and creative initiatives. Its work is supported through private donations from Syrians, and international partnerships with governments, foundations, academic institutions, and other non-profit organizations”

So which governments and foundations are supporting the formation of a “Syrian shadow state”?

The Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development and the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, various UN Agencies and a few other organisations heavily invested economically and geopolitically in “regime change” in Syria.

Qatar has defended Riyadh funded and Al Qaeda affiliate Ahrar Al Sham currently besieging and daily shelling or sniping the Idlib villages of Kafarya and Foua among many others across Syria including the village of Madaya where Ahrar Al Sham terrorist factions are occupying the village and stockpiling humanitarian aid before selling it at extortionate prices to the civilians. This narrative was naturally distorted by many members of the same team, now generating the #AleppoIsBurning reports.

“I am telling you that Ahrar al Sham is a Syrian group, they look for their liberation, and they are working among other moderate groups,” ~ Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid al Attiyah

As Canadian peace campaigner and writer, Ken Stone said in 2013, Canada has also been pivotal in the war against Syria and the “regime change” objectives of the US and NATO alliance.

“1. Organizing the covert mercenary war against Syria through the Group of Friends of the Syrian People (“Friends of Syria Group”);

2. Establishing a regime of economic sanctions against Syria and hosting, in Ottawa, the Friends of Syria Group’s International Working Group on Sanctions;

3. Funding and supporting the so-called “rebel” side;

4. Planning for an overt western military action against Syria;

5. Working with Syrian-Canadians antagonistic to the Assad government;

6. Contributing to the demonization of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and to the de-legitimation and isolation of his government.”

Photo caption: Burned out bus in Aleppo. Photo: Shababeek Media

The  Aleppo Narrative from Doctors in Government Held Areas

On the 30th April we received an exclusive report from Dr Nabil Antaki also based in western Aleppo, in which he stated the following facts:

1: The majority of Aleppo civilians are living in the Syrian government held sectors of western Aleppo.  Over 1.5 million in these areas compared to 300,000 in the primarily Al Nusra occupied eastern sectors.

2: The western media lies and distorts the truth.  They do not mention the terrorist blockade of western Aleppo or the constant food, water and electricity shortages.

3: Terrorist bombardment of civilians in western Aleppo is relentless and unreported. Mosques and hospitals are regularly targeted. No sector is spared the onslaught.

We also asked Dr Antaki to verify the existence of the MSF “supported” Al Quds hospital allegedly bombed by Syrian or Russian air-strikes, consistently denied by both governments. We sent him the Channel 4 video allegedly taken from the hospital CCTV recording of the last moments before the attack.  This was his response:

This hospital [Al Quds] did not exist before the war started. It must have been installed in a building after the war began.  I dont know anyone in the East of Aleppo who could confirm this hospital is Al Quds.”

Dr Zaher Hajo who is head of Forensic Medicine in Aleppo also confirmed the deaths of 90 civilians of whom 30 were children from the US and NATO backed terrorist hell cannon and mortar fired into western Aleppo sectors over the last week. 8 of those murdered were targeted as they left the Mosque in the Bab al Faraj area after Friday prayers on the 30th April 2016.

Dr Hajo reported over 500 civilians injured in the ongoing terrorist attacks.

The following report has just come in from Al Masdar News on Tuesday 3rd May 2016:

“The jihadist rebels from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Jabhat Al-Nusra (Syrian Al-Qaeda group) fired several rockets at the Dubayt Hospital in government controlled Aleppo City on Tuesday, killing and wounding several patients and staff members.

According to local reports from Aleppo City, the Jihadist rebel forces were seen targeting the Dubayt Hospital with multiple rockets; these fighters were from the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra. The total death toll is unknown at the moment; however, local activists stated the dead and wounded are still being rescued from the burning hospital.”

3/5/2016 Tweet from Leith Abou Fadel Al-Masdar News

On the 29th April, Al Alam reported: 

“Terrorists targeted al-Razi Hospital with rocket shells and fired others on al-Jamiliyeh and al-Mohafaza (governorate) neighborhoods, leaving 4 people dead and 38 others injured and causing material damage to the hospital and the locals’ houses.”

Aleppo Christian Community Responds to Western Media Lies 

“We have been under continuous bombardment over the past few days in Aleppo with civilian deaths, injuries and destruction.” Last night “in our neighborhoods we had four dead and over 15 injured, in addition to homes and buildings damaged. And these attacks are being carried out by the so-called “moderate opposition groups”. ~ Vicar of Aleppo: Msgr. Georges Abou Khazen

The Vicar went on to say that “foreign jihadists have been given the green light to intensify the bombing of civilians” by the US and NATO in response to recent Syrian Arab Army advances towards the liberation of Aleppo from the occupying and surrounding terrorist factions.

On a recent trip to Canada, Archbishop Jean-Clément Jeanbart, Melkite Catholic archbishop of Aleppo, Syria spoke about one Christian neighbourhood targeted by the US NATO “moderate rebels”.  The 13 year old son of one family, Fouad Banna, was killed instantly in the attack:

“It was awful: a bomb that the rebels deliberately launched on a Christian neighbourhood, on a popular borough. It has blown everything apart, destroyed countless houses. Such was the case of Fouad’s home” ~ Catholic Herald

Where are the Syria White Helmets and Western Media?

One can be forgiven for asking where the neutral and unarmed saviours of all Syrians are when the US NATO terrorists rain missiles down upon Syrian people living in the government held western sectors of Aleppo. While photos circulating in western media are entirely of White Helmet “first responders” during the bombing of known Al Nusra terrorist zones, they are conspicuously absent from photos & scant reports covering the “moderate rebel” murderous excesses.

However one video released by the Syria White Helmets during the massacres of the Syrian people and targeting of civilian facilities in Aleppo, reveals what they were doing, while on the other side of the demarcation line, Syrians were dying.

The White Helmets are embedded in the eastern, terrorist held sectors of Aleppo. While the western media runs unquestioningly with the US NATO narrative of Syrian and Russian aggression against terrorists portrayed as civilians we have to ask the question, where is their objective reporting? Why are the massacres of Syrian civilians in western Aleppo being ignored?

Why are the White Helmets, icons and heroes for the misled and deceived, busy filming a promo video for the Soros “turn the world red” campaign when the Syrian people they claim to defend and cherish are being maimed and murdered a few blocks away?

As Doctor Nabil Antaki said on the 30th April:

“With regards to recent events in Aleppo, I state very clearly that the mainstream media are lying by omission. Since the beginning of the war in Aleppo that began 4 years ago, they have consistently failed to report all the facts.”

In 2013 Al Kindi hospital in Aleppo was targeted by the US NATO “moderate rebels”. Al Kindi was the 4th biggest hospital, specialising in cancer treatment, in the Middle East.

After days of heavy shelling, the terrrorists drove a truck up to the front of the hospital and detonated it. The remaining Syrian Arab Army soldiers defending Al Kindi were executed and this horrific execution was filmed by the US and NATO terrorists.  Their videos are still available but are graphic and not for the faint hearted.

A Syrian tragedy ignored by a western media in the midst of fomenting anti Assad fervour.

The US NATO Media Campaign Objectives

The US NATO campaign driven by this team of Soros funded agents of change depends entirely upon unproven accusations levied against the Syrian & Russian governments of bombing civilians in Aleppo and the alleged bombing of an MSF “supported” hospital in eastern Aleppo, the Al Quds.

 From the German Federal Press conference 29th April 2016

[Germany conducts aerial reconnaissance of Syria with Tornado units and they survey airspace]

“It is not very likely, but we cannot completely rule out the possibility that the anti-ISIS coalition [US NATO] has been responsible for the attack on the MSF hospital.”

Taken from campaign organiser, Fahtme Otman’s facebook page.

We have come full circle from the early “No Fly Zone” to the “Safe Zone” and finally to the “No Bomb Zone”.  The objective is clear. This campaign like so many before it,is attempting to re-generate public outrage and support of the implementation of a No Fly Zone in Syria. A No Fly Zone that would ensure the unmitigated devastation of Syria and its reduction to a Libya style failed state in preparation for Imperialist looting and pillaging.

So our media are working as a megaphone for US and NATO propaganda, the Humanitarian NGOs in Syria are embedded in terrorist areas and are not saving lives, rather they are prolonging the suffering of the Syrian people.

The humanitarians who are calling Syrians “racist” for telling the truth should perhaps have more respect for those who are living through hell because they have consciously chosen to remain ignorant of the facts.

Author Vanessa Beeley is a contributor to 21WIRE, and since 2011, she has spent most of her time in the Middle East reporting on events there – as a independent researcher, writer, photographer and peace activist. She is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Syria Solidarity Movement, and a volunteer with the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine. See more of her work at her blog The Wall Will Fall.

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The U.S. government, via its CIA, has financed the “moderate” anti-Syrian mercenaries fighting against the legitimate Syrian government with at least $1 billion a year. The Wahhabi dictatorships in the Middle East have added their own billions to finance al-Qaeda’s efforts against the Syrian people. The U.S. continues to purchase and transport thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition to feed the war against the Syrian people. It also pays the various fighters and opposition groups.  

The U.S. efforts for regime change in Syria have been running since at least 2006 when the U.S. government started to finance anti-Syrian exile TV stations and held intensive planning talks with various anti-Syrian Islamist elements.

Together with the British government it also runs the current pro-mercenary public relation show to influence the “western” public to support its imperial meddling in Syria.

The Guardian now unveils one of the British government efforts to effectively run the complete “Free Syrian Army” media show:

The British government is waging information warfare in Syria by funding media operations for some rebel fighting groups, …

Contractors hired by the Foreign Office but overseen by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) produce videos, photos, military reports, radio broadcasts, print products and social media posts branded with the logos of fighting groups, and effectively run a press office for opposition fighters.Materials are circulated in the Arabic broadcast media and posted online with no indication of British government involvement.

Through its Conflict and Stability Fund the government is spending £2.4m on private contractors working from Istanbul to deliver “strategic communications and media operations support to the Syrian moderate armed opposition” (MAO).

The contract is part of a broader propaganda effort focused on Syria, with other elements intended to promote “the moderate values of the revolution” …

The documents call for contractors to “select and train a spokesman able to represent all the MAO groups as a single unified voice”, as well as providing media coaching to “influential MAO officials” and running a round-the-clock “MAO central media office” with “media production capacity”. One British source with knowledge of the contracts in action said the government was essentially running a “Free Syrian army press office”.

The British and the U.S. media also run various “civil” groups to further their regime change goals.

The “White Helmets”, known for fake “rescue” videos and their strong cooperation with al-Qaeda (vid), are financed with $23 million by the U.S. government through USAID, with £18.7 million by the U.K. Foreign Office and with several millions more from other governments. But are the “White Helmets” not “moderates” who only want to help people? The U.S. government does not seem to believe that. It just banned the head of the “White Helmets” from entering the United States even though it finances his activities.

Many social media accounts like @raqqa_sl, which are promoted in “western” media, also distribute fake pictures and videos as part of these propaganda efforts.

But even when these media manipulation campaigns and fake “moderates” get exposed their operations continues unabated. The Guardian, after publishing the above, will not for one moment reflect on how its own publishing on Syria was influenced by the government financed fakes. It is, just like other mainstream media, an integrated part of the campaign.

No unveiling of the truth about the “western” attack on the Syrian state and its people seems to any effect on the ongoing media operations. On April 20 the U.S. military spokesperson for the anti-Islamic State coalition told some truth about the role of al-Qaeda in the “rebel” occupied eastern Aleppo city:

“That said, it’s primarily al-Nusra who holds Aleppo, and of course, al-Nusra is not part of the cessation of hostilities.”

Only two weeks later the NYT propagandist Anna Barnard has the Chutzpah to claim that al-Qaeda only has a small presence in Aleppo

Lies get repeated even after they have been debunked again and again. The relentlessness of the propaganda onslaught is effective in suppressing any larger opposition to it.

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Canada’s Liberal government is considering joining the US-led ballistic missile defense (BMD) system, reversing a decision taken 11 years ago by Paul Martin’s minority Liberal government.

The reopening of the debate over Canadian participation in BMD was announced in the 30-page “consultation” document Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan issued last month to kick-off the Liberals’ much-touted defence policy review.

Noting that Canada has not discussed its attitude towards the US missile defence program in over a decade, the “consultation” document presents the issue in a manner aimed at promoting Canada’s participation. It states, “Given the increase in the number of countries with access to ballistic missile technology and their potential to reach North America, this threat is expected to endure and grow more sophisticated in the coming decades.”

Its name notwithstanding, the US missile-defense system is anything but defensive. It is aimed at realizing US imperialism’s longstanding goal of developing the technological means to wage a “winnable” nuclear war—a strategic question that has been receiving growing attention in ruling circles in Washington in recent months.

Over the past decade, the US has spent some $100 billion on weapons to counter ballistic-missiles and it has partnered with NATO allies in Europe to station BMD equipment on that continent, as well as with Japan, South Korea and Australia in the Asia-Pacific.

Canada’s renewed readiness to sign up to this reckless initiative reflects its close integration with US imperialism–the most destabilizing force in world politics. Canada is a major ally in the Obama administration’s three major military-strategic offensives: in the Middle East, in Eastern Europe and the Baltic against Russia, and in the Asia-Pacific targeting China.

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has repeatedly stated, a key priority of his government is to deepen Canada-US cooperation. Toward that end, his government has announced a tripling of Canadian Special Forces’ troops in Iraq and is considering deploying Canada’s military in at least half-a-dozen other countries, including Libya, Mali, and Haiti.

As with the Chretien Liberal government’s decision not to participate in the Bush administration’s 2003 invasion of Iraq, the rejection of missile defense two years later had nothing to do with opposition to US military aggression. The Martin Liberal government combined its rejection of BMD with a budget that pledged to boost military spending by $13 billion over the next five years so as to demonstrate its commitment to an expanded and better-armed military.

If Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin felt unable to approve Canadian participation in the US BMD program, it was because of the deep unpopularity of the Bush administration and the weak position of his Liberal Party, which was dependent on opposition support in parliament. Just a year later, Martin’s minority Liberal government was defeated in the 2006 federal election and replaced by Stephen Harper and his Conservatives.

Nonetheless, the 2005 decision did create frictions. Bush waited over a week before returning a call placed by Martin to the White House to explain Ottawa’s refusal to join BMD, and the corporate media was overwhelmingly critical of the Liberals’ position. What support there was in the Canadian elite for Martin’s decision was bound up with right-wing Canadian nationalism, including the claim that the BMD program would violate the country’s sovereignty.

In an April 25 comment, the Toronto Star’s Tim Harper notes that senior Canadian military officials have been lobbying to reverse the BMD decision virtually ever since the Martin government’s 2005 announcement.

A key factor in the Liberals’ determination to push forward with BMD is its intention to intensify cooperation with the US under the guise of “continental defence.” The defence policy review document also contains proposals to expand or “modernize” NORAD, the Canada-US joint aerospace command set up in 1958.

Another significant consideration in the reopening of the missile defence debate is the increased focus in policymaking circles on the Arctic. The US and Canada have seized on Russian military operations on its domestic territory in the Arctic to present Moscow as an aggressive player in the region that must be confronted. A number of reports and comments, including a study by the Conference of Defence Associations and the defence policy review consultation paper itself, point to concerns over the supposed dearth of Canadian military equipment and personnel in the region.

Canada’s full integration into the missile defence system would give it additional leverage in its moves to extend its territorial claims in the area around the North Pole, where it is directly being challenged by counter-claims from Russia. Fellow NATO-member Denmark has also submitted its own claim to a large swathe of the Arctic Ocean, based on its control of Greenland, including waters and ocean-floor coveted by Canada.

While the Harper government was considering joining BMD prior to last year’s election, the ruling elite concluded that the increased militarization of Canadian foreign policy and its further integration into US war plans against Russia and China could best be prepared with a Liberal government seeking to sell this reactionary agenda to the public behind a wave of “progressive” rhetoric. Sections of the ruling elite are concerned that this will become much more difficult should Republican frontrunner Donald Trump enter the White House after the US election this November.

The Liberals were discussing plans to deepen ties with US imperialism long before coming to power. Last June, Trudeau delivered an important speech calling for “real change” in Canada-US relations. One of his central demands was greater continental policy coordination between Washington and Ottawa to better project their common interests on a range of issues. This topic has been raised again in the current debate. Proponents of Canada’s participation in BMD argue that the current situation in which Canadian Armed Forces’ personnel are active in NORAD, which is responsible for providing radar data to the BMD system, but have no say in how the missile defense system is positioned and used, is untenable and poses a grave danger to Canadian geopolitical interests.

Barely two weeks after the Liberals’ sweeping victory in the October 19 election, the Centre on International Policy Studies think-tank issued a report urging the new government to reverse the missile defense decision as part of its declared goal of “reengaging” Canada on the global stage. One of the report’s authors, Bob McRae, Canada’s former ambassador to NATO, provocatively proclaimed at a public forum held at the University of Ottawa as the study was released, “Splendid isolation is not an option for Canada.”

At the same time, Sajjan received briefing material from the military, as part of his transition into office, which underlines the top brass’s support for BMD. “The strategic importance of ballistic missile defense,” said one briefing paper, “has increased in recent years.”

The Trudeau government offered a further signal of its intent to join BMD with its appointment of Bill Graham to the panel of four experts that is overseeing the defence policy review. A former Liberal defence minister, Graham is a strong advocate of missile defense. He told a Senate committee in May 2014 that participation in BMD was essential to protecting Canada’s privileged military-security relationship with Washington. “It seems to me,” said Graham, “we’re outside of an extraordinarily complex and amazingly new form of a weapons system which will affect our security but which we are foreign to decisions around its development. I think that’s a dangerous place to be.”

The Liberals and Conservatives on the Senate committee joined together to unanimously recommend Canada join BMD.

A Liberal decision to join BMD would be welcomed by the opposition Conservatives. Asked about the issue last month, former defence minister and likely Conservative leadership candidate Jason Kenny declared. “This is, I think, an obligation for us.”

The New Democratic Party, which opposed joining in 2005 and described BMD as “weaponizing space,” has criticized the Liberals for reopening the debate. Defence critic Randall Garrison said he had “a bad feeling” about the proposal, and told the Ottawa Citizen he feared it would trigger an arms race. Such hand-wringing is worth little coming from a party that has supported one imperialist military intervention after another beginning with Canada’s involvement in the NATO-led bombardment of Yugoslavia in 1999 and is on record as favouring increased military spending.

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When I left the tumultuous Boston-Cambridge area in 1972, after years of having a front-row seat on anti-war and civil rights protests, rallies and a failed “revolution”, I returned home to New Jersey. Many others – both ‘out-of-staters’ and Bostonians – left the metro area also. Some returned to home states and others reckoned since America was on the verge of economic and moral collapse they better find safe haven in states like Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

I noted at the time that friends who were “reformers” moved to Vermont; friends who were “rebels” moved to New Hampshire; and friends who were Whole Earth Catalog “back to the earth” people moved to Maine.

In little over four decades, Ben & Jerry Vermonters produced Bernie Sanders; arch-conservative “rebels without a cause” produced libertarians in New Hampshire; and Mainers produced “famously moderate” national political figures until this decade, when Maine’s public image in America was shattered and repudiated by an off-center, off-color Gov. Paul LePage.

Maine’s Gov. Paul LePage fondly remembers neoliberal Milton Friedman of the Chicago School of “third-world plunderers” as I soberly remember Father Daniel Berrigan, who died April 30.

Dan lived long enough to see a moral compatriot and fellow Jesuit adopt the name Francis and assume the helm of a tradition-bound church that once sought to silence priests and laity who protested war and the economic system that profited from it.


Video from “RIP Father Daniel Berrigan: Remembering the Life and Legacy of the Antiwar Priest & Poet”, Democracy Now! May 2, 2016.

Remonstrated by right-wing media pundits as Marxist and blasphemous, Pope Francis’ Laudato Si!, a thoroughly secular basil text for reinstating world peace, saving the environment and restoring social and economic equality, raised the bar of moral consciousness and built upon the tradition of Catholic anti-war and social activists like Dan and Phil Berrigan, Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day.

As America dropped eight million tons of bombs over Vietnam between 1965 and 1973 – three times the amount used in WWII, pouring napalm and agent orange from B-52’s on villagers and peasants – Dan, brother Phil and seven others took 378 draft files from the draft board in Catonsville, Maryland. In the parking lot of the draft board office, they set the draft records on fire using homemade napalm, to protest the Vietnam War. They became known as the Catonsville Nine.

Slideshow from “Napalm Bombing in Vietnam – All of the impacts and uses of napalm”, Tim Potter, Prezi.

The number of casualties from the Vietnam War – military and civilian – are estimated to be between over one-million to almost four-million. The Vietnam Red Cross recorded over 4.8 million deaths and 400,000 children born with birth defects due to exposure to Agent Orange manufactured by DOW Chemical.

The Berrigans opposed war and nuclear weapons. They never killed anyone or burned the flesh of babies, peasants, villagers or civilians; yet The Catonsville Nine were convicted on federal charges accusing them of destroying U.S. property and interfering with the Selective Service Act of 1967. All were sentenced on Nov. 9, 1968, to prison terms ranging from two to 3½ years.

In 1980, the Berrigan brothers and six others began the Plowshares Movement when they broke into the General Electric nuclear missile facility in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, hammered nuclear warhead nose cones and poured blood onto documents and files. “They shall beat their swords into plowshares,” Berrigan said, quoting Isaiah 2, “so we did it.”

When asked in 2009 by “America,” a national Catholic magazine, whether he had any regrets, Dan Berrigan replied: “I could have done sooner the things I did, like Catonsville.”

Today, people like him are made invisible and irrelevant by politicians and media precisely at a time when America’s wars, once isolated to Southeast Asia in the 1960’s and 70’s, have mushroomed into “endless wars” vanquishing country after country in the middle-east. Moreover, the threat of far greater wars loom from unprecedented U.S.-NATO military armament and force build-ups across Europe and Asian Pacific nations in preparation for conflicts with Russia and China – wars that most estimate will invoke nuclear exchanges inciting WWIII, and wars whose rationales have been thoroughly left un-debated in Congress, the mass-media and, by and large, a majority of Americans.

Unless you are a committed anti-war libertarian or a supporter of Jill Stein of the Green Party, you probably support arguments in favor of American military engagements; for no Republican or Democratic presidential candidate speaks for peaceful resolutions, only for fiercer fire-power, boots on the ground, modernization of nuclear weaponry, “carpet bombing” and NATO “cost sharing formulas”. Tax rebels don’t protest trillions spent on war, only on welfare programs and social safety-nets.

Berrigan called this nation’s endless wars “American military imperialism” and they continue unabated today with greater velocity and funding.

The show of anti-war sentiment during the George W. Bush administration evaporated after Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008. The cry of “My Country Right or Wrong” sounded by conservatives in the 1960’s in defense of America’s engagement in Vietnam became a hushed and muted “My Obama Right or Wrong” credo of too many forty years later, intently ignoring Mr. Obama’s persecution of journalists, expansion of wars, merciless drone warfare, aggressive postures against Russia and China, and seamless spying on all Americans by the NSA.

In an interview with the Nation magazine on the 40th anniversary of the Catonsville demonstration, Berrigan lamented that the activism of the 1960s and early 1970s evaporated with the passage of time. His explanation serves to explain the present absence of anti-war activism in America.

“The short fuse of the American left is typical of the highs and lows of American emotional life,” he said. “It is very rare to sustain a movement in recognizable form without a spiritual base.”

Yesterday it was the Communists and today it is the “terrorists”. Yesterday it was napalm and agent orange and today it is drones, depleted uranium, laser beams, “full spectrum dominance” and regime change of non-compliant sovereigns who dare counter American diktats and neoliberal economic formulas. The “spiritual base” seems unchanged from yesterday to today: WAR!

Dan Berrigan died one day after hundreds of demonstrators stormed the California GOP convention at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame on April 29 to protest Donald Trump, his racism, calls to deport immigrants, Islamiphobia, near-fascistic demagoguery and overall vulgarity unbecoming of a leader of the so-called “free world” and trustee of the nuclear codes.

“The ‘protesters’ in California were thugs and criminals,” tweeted Donald Trump in response. “Many are professionals. They should be dealt with strongly by law enforcement!” said the Strongman.

Few have drawn the conclusion that our wars in the world have come home to roost; that our penchant for overthrowing democracy in other nations (in the name of democracy) might be being conducted here; that the moral decay that has infiltrated the nation’s blood stream permitting endless and illegal overseas wars has now metastasized into degenerative domestic politics, an ubiquitous gun culture, crimes against minorities, calls for deportations, police violence and the rise of an anti-democratic demagogue and Strongman, Donald Trump.

The ascent of tyrants and dictators come to mind in light of Mr. Trump’s incendiary rhetoric, threats to use volunteer armies of supporters against protesters as well as against the entire political establishment should he not get his way; but so do methods used in “regime change” operations come to mind.

While the diversions of sex, drugs and rock n’ roll might actually have demoralized youth in the 1960’s and early 70’s enough to wither their passions against war, racism and economic inequity, today’s youth are diverted by the burden of student debt, present and future fears about their economic security, and a widespread voluntary preoccupation with digital technologies that can be dulling forces that atomize individuals, immobilizing and neutralizing social and political activism within the real analog world.

Until the “silent majority” in America turn from advocating war wherever and with whomever it deems an enemy and comes to redeem America’s birthright of bringing light and peace to our world, only irrational militarism overflowing with madness posing as wisdom will prevail.

An object lesson from Dan Berrigan is that protests are necessary acts of personal conscience that serve the present but reverberate into the future. But it is “very rare to sustain a movement in recognizable form without a spiritual base.”

* * *

Because he died, I now remember all that was buried. In death, he resurrected the Light, the spiritual base.

 Says the Talmud:

No monument need be built

for the righteous –

for Dan Berrigan.

For his words and deeds

that live after him

serve as his monument.

Video from “‘A Moral Giant’: A Democracy Now! Special on the Life & Legacy of Father Daniel Berrigan”, Democracy Now!, May 3, 2016.

“If you were to identify Catholic prophets in the 20th century, he’d be right there with Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton.”  — Chester Gillis, Georgetown University.

Michael T. Bucci is a retired public relations executive currently living in New England. He has authored nine books on practical spirituality collectively titled The Cerithous Material.


[1] “Jesuit priest and peace activist the Rev. Daniel Berrigan dies at 94”. Associated Press via LA Times. April 30, 2016. 

[2] Laudato Si!. Pope Francis. The Vatican. May 5, 2015.

[3] The Vietnam War. Napalm & Agent Orange.

[4] Statistical Information about Fatal Casualties of the Vietnam War. National Archives.

[5] “How Many People Died In The Vietnam War?”. The Vietnam War. 

[6] “Napalm Bombing in Vietnam – all the impacts and uses of napalm”. Tim Potter. Prezi. (Slides)

[7] “RIP Father Daniel Berrigan: Remembering the Life and Legacy of the Antiwar Priest & Poet”. Democracy Now! May 2, 2016.

[8] “Daniel Berrigan: Forty Years After Catonsville”. Chris Hedges. The Nation. May 20, 2008.

[9] “‘A Moral Giant’: A Democracy Now! Special on the Life & Legacy of Father Daniel Berrigan”. Democracy Now! May 3, 2016.

[9] “Protesters and Police Face Off Outside Trump Speech in California”. NBC News. April 29, 2016.

[10] Donald J. Trump tweet: “The protesters…”. April 30, 2016. Twitter.

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The so-called “Pivot to Asia” serving as the current underpinning of American foreign policy in Asia has been repeatedly exposed as a continuation of a decades-old cynical region-wide US gambit to encircle and contain China while establishing military, sociopolitical, and economic hegemony over China’s neighbors, particularly those in East and Southeast Asia.

US proxies have long held power in the Philippines and Japan, while Myanmar has recently found itself under direct Western influence through US-British proxy Aung San Suu Kyi and her army of US-British funded political fronts and faux-nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).

Other nations, including Malaysia and Indonesia have encountered increasing hostility from the “pivoting” United States as they choose closer ties to China in exchange for infrastructure and meaningful economic relations versus the West’s non-negotiable “free trade agreements” and one-sided military “partnerships.”

Thailand finds itself geographically, historically, and geopolitically at the center of this “pivot.” Historically, Thailand remains the only Southeast Asian state to avoid European or American colonization. It has accomplished this by striking a delicate balancing act between various opposing hegemonic forces in the region.

More recently, it has weathered over 10 years of political instability brought about by US-proxy Thaksin Shinawatra who served as prime minister from 2001-2006, with his brother-in-law and sister served as nepotist stand-ins up to 2014 when finally he and his political party were completely removed from power by a peaceful military coup.

During Shinawatra’s time in power, he would serve Western interests well – sending Thai troops to participate in the unpopular and illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, hosting the CIA’s atrocious rendition program on Thai soil, and attempting to ramrod through a US-Thai free trade agreement without parliamentary approval.

Since Shinawatra’s initial removal from power in 2006 and up to and including today, he has received unswerving support from some of the largest lobbying firms in Washington including his former Carlyle Group associate James Baker,  Barbour Griffith & Rogers, Robert Amsterdam, and notorious Neo-Conservative Kenneth Adelman. It is clear that the US seeks to put Shinawatra back into power, or at the very least, use his political front to divide and weaken Thailand as much as possible to gain additional regional leverage.

Thailand now finds itself at the end of a US-European campaign to isolate and shame the nation for dismantling the foreign-backed political networks of Thaksin Shinawatra. Western headlines portray Thailand as an international pariah, when in reality, its increasingly closer relations with Bejing alone equates to the support of a nation that – by itself – represents more people than the US and EU combined. But Beijing is not Thailand’s only potential ally. There is another.

Enter Moscow 

Later this month – May 2016 – Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha plans to visit Moscow personally on what is hoped to be a significant leap forward in Thailand and Russia’s already long-standing relations. The increasingly transparent nature of America’s growing hostility toward Thailand in hopes of putting Shinawatra back into power leaves the Southeast Asian state little choice but to perform a “pivot” of its own. And it is a pivot that has been incrementally manifesting itself since Shinawatra was removed from power in 2006.

Today, Russian Mi-17 helicopters have begun to replace US aircraft and now can be seen flying over Bangkok in place of US Blackhawks. Thailand has also begun replacing its aging arsenal of American M-60, M-48, and M-41 tanks, with serious consideration being given to Russian T-90s which have performed well in Syria against US-backed violence there.

Additionally, Ukrainian, Chinese, and domestically-developed armored personnel carriers have begun replacing US M-113s.

The pattern developing here is one of US influence being incrementally replaced – and not because Thailand has sought conflict with Washington, but because Washington has given Thailand little choice otherwise.

PM Prayut’s visit to Moscow will determine just how much more US influence will be replaced in favor of growing ties with Russia. It is believed that the decision to purchase T-90 tanks will be made then, along with deals involving naval equipment and economic deals involving Thai agriculture.

Russia, currently under sanctions by the US and EU, has been forced to look elsewhere for agricultural imports. Thai agricultural products have been increasingly targeted by politically-motivated campaigns in the US and Europe, making them a perfect match for Russia.

What is emerging is not the isolation of Russia or Thailand from the “world,” but the isolation of the US and EU.

Hopes After May

For Russia, expanding its influence as a means of checking US hegemony in Asia is a welcomed development by many. It also gives Asia a choice beyond merely “Beijing or Washington” in favor of instead a multipolar balance that may stave off any one single power from encroaching too far upon the sovereignty of any single Asian state.

For Thailand, its ability to foster ties with both Russia and China means that despite claims by the US and Europe that it is “isolated” internationally, it has the support of governments who represent more people than the the US and EU collectively – meaning that far from isolated, Thailand is escaping out from under the shadow the US has long cast over Southeast Asia before and after the Second World War, and is finally able to strike a healthier balance of military and economic relations elsewhere.

For the United States, Thailand’s ability to circumvent attempts to isolate it represent a failure and a challenge to its claims of hegemony over the region. Just as Thailand’s rebuke of US demands to allow suspected Chinese terrorists to travel onward to Turkey resulted in deadly terrorism in the middle of Bangkok, further challenges to US hegemony are likely to be met by increased political subversion, terrorism, and other methods of US coercion.

Of course, Bangkok must not fool itself into thinking that a different course of actions would spare it  from such a fate. The US means to transform Thailand into a proxy-state with its institutions destroyed and replaced with those of Washington’s creation, whether Thailand cooperates or not. By building ties with Russia and China and thus strength and independence from Western influence, Thailand at least has a chance to weather US designs – as it has done for centuries against foreign aggression. Closer anti-terror cooperation with Russia and China, may in fact help expose and defeat coercive networks used by the US as part of its true “pivot” to Asia.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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The so-called “Pivot to Asia” serving as the current underpinning of American foreign policy in Asia has been repeatedly exposed as a continuation of a decades-old cynical region-wide US gambit to encircle and contain China while establishing military, sociopolitical, and economic hegemony over China’s neighbors, particularly those in East and Southeast Asia.

US proxies have long held power in the Philippines and Japan, while Myanmar has recently found itself under direct Western influence through US-British proxy Aung San Suu Kyi and her army of US-British funded political fronts and faux-nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).

Other nations, including Malaysia and Indonesia have encountered increasing hostility from the “pivoting” United States as they choose closer ties to China in exchange for infrastructure and meaningful economic relations versus the West’s non-negotiable “free trade agreements” and one-sided military “partnerships.”

Thailand finds itself geographically, historically, and geopolitically at the center of this “pivot.” Historically, Thailand remains the only Southeast Asian state to avoid European or American colonization. It has accomplished this by striking a delicate balancing act between various opposing hegemonic forces in the region.

More recently, it has weathered over 10 years of political instability brought about by US-proxy Thaksin Shinawatra who served as prime minister from 2001-2006, with his brother-in-law and sister served as nepotist stand-ins up to 2014 when finally he and his political party were completely removed from power by a peaceful military coup.

During Shinawatra’s time in power, he would serve Western interests well – sending Thai troops to participate in the unpopular and illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003, hosting the CIA’s atrocious rendition program on Thai soil, and attempting to ramrod through a US-Thai free trade agreement without parliamentary approval.

Since Shinawatra’s initial removal from power in 2006 and up to and including today, he has received unswerving support from some of the largest lobbying firms in Washington including his former Carlyle Group associate James Baker,  Barbour Griffith & Rogers, Robert Amsterdam, and notorious Neo-Conservative Kenneth Adelman. It is clear that the US seeks to put Shinawatra back into power, or at the very least, use his political front to divide and weaken Thailand as much as possible to gain additional regional leverage.

Thailand now finds itself at the end of a US-European campaign to isolate and shame the nation for dismantling the foreign-backed political networks of Thaksin Shinawatra. Western headlines portray Thailand as an international pariah, when in reality, its increasingly closer relations with Bejing alone equates to the support of a nation that – by itself – represents more people than the US and EU combined. But Beijing is not Thailand’s only potential ally. There is another.

Enter Moscow 

Later this month – May 2016 – Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha plans to visit Moscow personally on what is hoped to be a significant leap forward in Thailand and Russia’s already long-standing relations. The increasingly transparent nature of America’s growing hostility toward Thailand in hopes of putting Shinawatra back into power leaves the Southeast Asian state little choice but to perform a “pivot” of its own. And it is a pivot that has been incrementally manifesting itself since Shinawatra was removed from power in 2006.

Today, Russian Mi-17 helicopters have begun to replace US aircraft and now can be seen flying over Bangkok in place of US Blackhawks. Thailand has also begun replacing its aging arsenal of American M-60, M-48, and M-41 tanks, with serious consideration being given to Russian T-90s which have performed well in Syria against US-backed violence there.

Additionally, Ukrainian, Chinese, and domestically-developed armored personnel carriers have begun replacing US M-113s.

The pattern developing here is one of US influence being incrementally replaced – and not because Thailand has sought conflict with Washington, but because Washington has given Thailand little choice otherwise.

PM Prayut’s visit to Moscow will determine just how much more US influence will be replaced in favor of growing ties with Russia. It is believed that the decision to purchase T-90 tanks will be made then, along with deals involving naval equipment and economic deals involving Thai agriculture.

Russia, currently under sanctions by the US and EU, has been forced to look elsewhere for agricultural imports. Thai agricultural products have been increasingly targeted by politically-motivated campaigns in the US and Europe, making them a perfect match for Russia.

What is emerging is not the isolation of Russia or Thailand from the “world,” but the isolation of the US and EU.

Hopes After May

For Russia, expanding its influence as a means of checking US hegemony in Asia is a welcomed development by many. It also gives Asia a choice beyond merely “Beijing or Washington” in favor of instead a multipolar balance that may stave off any one single power from encroaching too far upon the sovereignty of any single Asian state.

For Thailand, its ability to foster ties with both Russia and China means that despite claims by the US and Europe that it is “isolated” internationally, it has the support of governments who represent more people than the the US and EU collectively – meaning that far from isolated, Thailand is escaping out from under the shadow the US has long cast over Southeast Asia before and after the Second World War, and is finally able to strike a healthier balance of military and economic relations elsewhere.

For the United States, Thailand’s ability to circumvent attempts to isolate it represent a failure and a challenge to its claims of hegemony over the region. Just as Thailand’s rebuke of US demands to allow suspected Chinese terrorists to travel onward to Turkey resulted in deadly terrorism in the middle of Bangkok, further challenges to US hegemony are likely to be met by increased political subversion, terrorism, and other methods of US coercion.

Of course, Bangkok must not fool itself into thinking that a different course of actions would spare it  from such a fate. The US means to transform Thailand into a proxy-state with its institutions destroyed and replaced with those of Washington’s creation, whether Thailand cooperates or not. By building ties with Russia and China and thus strength and independence from Western influence, Thailand at least has a chance to weather US designs – as it has done for centuries against foreign aggression. Closer anti-terror cooperation with Russia and China, may in fact help expose and defeat coercive networks used by the US as part of its true “pivot” to Asia.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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Indigenous, community and civil society leaders visiting Europe from across the world today issued a call for urgent action in the EU to respond to the human rights abuses directly or indirectly linked to palm oil supply chains.

Visiting delegate Agus Sutomo, director of the Pontianak-based NGO LinkAR-Borneo, in West Kalimantan, Indonesia said,

We need the global community to understand that when they are consuming palm oil and biofuels they are consuming the blood of our peoples in Indonesia, Liberia, Colombia and Peru. Human rights violations are being committed by an industry that is expanding due to the EU demand for palm oil and bioenergy.”

Despite efforts to regulate the palm oil industry with initiatives such as the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and controversial climate standards like the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), testimonies from the delegates reveal the industry is failing to be accountable to affected communities.

“What do we mean by the term sustainability? The palm oil industry has not dealt with many of the past and present violations of community rights by agribusiness developments. It is not enough to create voluntary certification schemes, while we continue to suffer land grabs and the on-going violation of human rights”

said Franky Samperante from Sulawesi and the founder-director of the indigenous peoples’ organisation Pusaka. He adds, “The uncontrolled expansion of palm oil plantations is creating land rights conflicts, leading to social and cultural upheaval and unprecedented environmental damage.”

From April 25th to May 4th the delegates from Indonesia, Peru, Colombia and Liberia gave personal testimonies of the impacts of the palm oil industry to members of the European Parliament and Director-Generals of the Environment, Trade, Energy, Climate and Development Aid at the European Commission as well as Commissioners’ cabinet members, to press for stronger EU regulation of palm oil supply chains.

They also shared with high-level decision makers their grave concerns about the rapid expansion and projected increase in the area of land slated for palm oil plantations and production of biofuels, which is set to double in the coming years in countries such as Indonesia.

Delegation activities also included visits to a palm oil refinery installation in the Port of Rotterdam and to Canary Wharf, the heart of the international finance industry in the City of London. These actions were taken to inform decision makers and to allow delegates to witness first-hand the extent of the palm oil supply chain in Europe.

Since much of the global demand for palm oil based commodities is being driven by EU consumption, we need strong binding regulations of supply chains bringing palm oil and other agricultural commodities to Europe, not voluntary schemes” said Ali Kaba, program coordinator and senior researcher at the Sustainable Development Institute, a Liberian civil society organisation, “When you have palm plantations in the absence of secure rights to customary land or indigenous lands in reality it can often lead to land rights violations and human rights abuses, environmental damages and poverty for the communities affected by that industry”.

Progressive certification schemes like the RSPO can sometimes be useful to communities as they are often the only immediate means to challenge corporate abuses and destructive plantation development. In order to be more effective, certification complaints systems like that of the RSPO must be strengthened and better equipped to respond and investigate community complaints. However, testimonies from communities on the ground highlight that green labelling and voluntary approaches are not adequate to properly provide redress for community grievances, and are insufficient to ensure protection for land rights and full compliance with national and international human rights laws.

We have travelled to Europe with an urgent message from our communities. When listening to people from across South East Asia, Latin America and Africa, we are hearing the same problems: land rights are not being respected by the palm oil industry and other agribusinesses. We have been left with no choice as the representatives of our communities but to come to the EU to elevate our call for the recognition of our territories in Peru.”

said Sedequías Ancón Chávez, representative of the Shipibo people and leader affiliated to the Inter-ethnic Development Association of the Peruvian Amazon. He added:

those working to protect the environment and mitigate climate change need to understand that the most effective way to protect the remaining standing forests is to support our demands for collective legal titles over 20 million hectares of our land belonging to 1240 of our communities that still lack secure tenure rights.”

Delegates unanimously call for the EU and its member states to strengthen regulation of financial institutions and private sector involved in the agribusiness sector to ensure legality, including compliance with national and international human rights and environmental protection laws.

Our Mother Earth is weeping for the violation of our peoples’ rights and the destruction of our environment. We visited an oil palm refinery on our mission to the EU. The smoke from this refinery represents the blood of our families first split at the hands of the paramilitaries and also the suffering that is now being inflicted by the palm oil industry.”

stated Willian Aljure, land and human rights defender and representative of Communities Constructing Peace in Territories (CONPAZ) from the Mapiripan area in the plains region of Colombia

Together we are calling for international solidarity in demanding that harmful investments and plantation operations in the palm oil sector affecting indigenous and local communities are investigated and properly sanctioned, including for historical injustices. You cannot separate human rights from environmental damage.”

In addition to a general call to action addressed to the EU, governments, the private sector, certification bodies and investors, the delegates together with a wide coalition of indigenous and civil society organizations from Peru, Europe and North America have issued a specific public demand that financial regulatory bodies remove AIM-listed United Cacao Ltd SEZC from trading on the London Stock Exchange due to the reported illegal deforestation of at least 11,100 hectares and related rights violations in the Peruvian Amazon.

United Cacao’s project is being supported by financing raised on the London Stock Exchange’s junior market, the Alternative Investments Market (AIM).

We are demanding that the London Stock Exchange immediately halt trading services and cancel registration of companies that act outside of the law.” said Robert Guimaraes Vasquez, member of the Shipibo-Conibo indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon, “Peru has the fourth highest rate of murders of human rights and land defenders in the world. We are alerting the international community to protect the community leaders who are speaking out against the deadly palm oil industry and who now face grave dangers to their security.”

The delegates’ call to action did not fall on deaf ears with EU decision-makers, who have invited them to submit further testimonies. Reflecting a growing movement among the citizens of EU member states concerned about the potentially shattered communities and devastated forests that the palm oil in their groceries may have caused, there is an increasingly loud call for EU and member state regulators to take decisive regulatory action that does justice to this demonstration of solidarity between European citizens and the communities calling for the cleanup of global agribusiness supply chains linking Indonesia, Liberia, Colombia, Peru and other producer countries to European markets.

Forest Peoples Programme, 1c Fosseway Business Centre, Stratford Road, Moreton in Marsh GL56 9NQ, UK Tel: +44 (0)1608 652893,,  Charity Registration Number: 1082158 A company limited by guarantee (England & Wales) Reg. No. 3868836

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On May 2, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies counter-attacked advancing on ISIS positions in the eastern parts of the Homs province. According to pro-government sources, at least 175 ISIS militants have been killed in the recent clashes near the al-Hail oilfield along the Palmyra-Deir Ezzur highway and in the Jabal al-Shaer region. The pro-government forces restored security to vast plains near the re-seized mountains in the area of Palmyra. ISIS terrorists withdrew from Jabal Jazal, the Southern plains of Jabal al-Mketa’a and the plateau in the Western side of the Antar mountain. Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) was able to deploy to the outskirts of the town of Arak in the province’s oil-rich region. It’s expected that the SAA will storm the town in the coming days.

The government forces repelled an attack of al Nusra and its allies on the western part of the city of Aleppo. The terrorists had attacked the city from 5 directions. However, they weren’t able to pass the loyalists’ defenses and were pulled back by the airstrikes of the Syrian Air Force. Dozens of terrorists have been reportedly killed. The goverment forces haven’t provided information on their casualties yet. Aleppo has recently faced a wide escalation of violence. At least 100 civilians were killed last week as a result of heavy clashes in the city.

The Al Nusra-linked group, Jund Al-Aqsa, launched an operation to push the SAA out of the northern parts of Hama. The militants advance is ongoing in the area of the Aleppo-Damascus highway, including the villages of Ma’rkabah, Taybat Al-Imam, and Al-Buwaydah. There are no confirmed reports about the militants’ successes yet.

The Kurdish Peshmerga supported a major military operation of the Shiite Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), the Iraqi Security Forces against ISIS in order to free the al-Bashir village. It’s located south of Kirkuk, in northern Iraq. Now, the clashes are ongoing in the villages of al-Mazraa and al-Bu Mifrij in the vicinity of al-Bashir.

Iraqi forces liberated the road between Hit and Haditha in the province of Anbar from ISIS. Iraq’s joint operations command, which is coordinating the operation, reported on Monday that troops advanced along the Euphrates River, retaking control of several villages and the key highway. Thus, the road is now open between Hit and Haditha, via al-Baghdadi.

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Planned air transports of high-enriched uranium from Dounreay in Scotland to the US state of Tennessee would risk of accident or a terrorist seizure of weaponisable nuclear material, writes Ernie Galsworthy. The motive for the transport appears to be purely commercial – and would thus put the public at needless risk for the sake of a cut-price nuclear waste / fuel deal between US and UK authorities.

Despite the politically inspired rhetoric from both governments, it remains hard to see the nuclear proliferation benefits of taking safely stored and managed HEU, and transporting it by air from one nuclear weapon state to another.

There has been a recent flurry ofmedia reportssuggesting that a proposed transport of radioactive materials from the Caithness Dounreay site to the United States could be sent by plane.

The reports note the surprise upgrade of Wick John O’Groats Airport through an £8 million cash injection from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

The Dounreay nuclear plant, now undergoing decommissioning, as seen from Sandside Bay in March 2008. Photo: Paul Wordingham via Flickr (CC BY).

The Dounreay nuclear plant, now undergoing decommissioning, as seen from Sandside Bay in March 2008. Photo: Paul Wordingham via Flickr (CC BY).

This follows from the Global Nuclear Security Summit in Washington DC at which, on 31st March, the US and UK Government announced a deal under which 700kg of un-irradiated Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) – categorised by the NDA as ‘exotic fuels’ and safely stored at Dounreay – would be transported to the United States in exchange for US nuclear material being sent to Europe for conversion into medical isotopes for diagnosing cancer.

The deal was trumpeted as a ‘win-win’ for both parties – the United States has more capacity to store and process the HEU, while France and Belgium get ‘beneficial’ nuclear materials that will help save lives in the fight against cancer. What is not to like in such a deal?

But digging a little deeper makes the deal look like a purely commercial decision suiting the UK, US and European nuclear industries – and one that creates a real and serious security risk.

The NDA-owned HEU at Dounreay, which comprises around a tonne of radioactive material, is made up of oxide powders, pellets and some uranium metal and alloys with varying levels of weapons enrichment that present difficulties for long-term disposability. Whether it is transported by sea, or even by air, there is real concern over the potential for an accident or a malicious attack that would put the public at risk.

How many nuclear weapons could be made if such material got into the wrong hands? Why risk global nuclear security by transporting this waste across the Atlantic by air? Why is the nuclear industry getting involved in upgrading airports? And what makes this particular transport of such importance?

Strong local opposition to rail shipments

Previously, despite local opposition, NDA had been sending these materials out by rail as part of a long series of transports moving it from Dounreay to Sellafield for long-term management and storage.

These transports have been subject to considerable criticism from local pressure groups like Highland Against Nuclear Transports (HANT) group and Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment (CORE), as well as Scottish and English members of Nuclear-Free Local Authorities (NFLA).

The first stage of these transports has taken place over the rail network, much of which is single track and in remote rural locations. In the last six months the NDA has also moved to look at transporting the materials by sea from Scrabster in Caithness to Barrow in Cumbria. NFLA have again been concerned over a sea transport travelling through one of the most difficult shipping routes in the British Isles. This at a time when there is no emergency towing vehicle on the west coast of Scotland (the nearest is stationed at Orkney).

In meetings held between the NFLA Scotland Forum and Dounreay / NDA staff, considerable concern was raised by councillors and council officers over the safety and security of these transports, the risks of an accident or malicious incident involving them, and the lack of any information provided to the local Councils on the route of the transports.

Without any further discussion, and garnering only a brief reference in the NDA’s Strategy consultation that Dounreay HEU may be ‘transferred to a third party’, it appears the previous public consultation processes – which were already fairly inadequate – have been ditched in favour of removing much of the materials to the United States in, as the BBC called it“the largest ever such movement of nuclear waste”.

No mention had previously been made of the US link and no specific public information has been provided to consultees.

NFLA are writing to NDA to now clarify how many transports, whether by sea or by air, will have to take place, and whether there will be any public consultation on this. It also wants to know what programmes the HEU arises from at Dounreay – such as nuclear submarine fuel, fuel for nuclear weapon warheads or from other military nuclear programmes.

And it would like to know why £8 million will be spent on Wick John O’Groats Airport, when its commercial use as an airport is limited compared, for example with the main air hub in the Highlands of Scotland, at Inverness.

All this nuclear risk for a grubby commercial deal?

It now appears that the NDA plan is to transport the HEU to the US private sector facility Nuclear Fuel Services at Erwin in Tennessee in what NFLA believe should be seen as a commercial deal between the UK and US.

The NFS facility is where Russian uranium, from HEU, was made into fuel for commercial reactors operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority (owned by the federal government). It is unknown if the Dounreay material would end up going to TVA or other site reactors for use.

The Dounreay HEU is likely to be blended into Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) and potentially used as nuclear fuel in commercial nuclear power plants. It looks like the material coming the other way is actually not specifically linked to the UK, but is rather going to France and Belgium, where their research reactors need HEU, some of which could be used to make medical isotopes.

However, as an article in notes, other states like Australia are already making medical isotopes out of low enriched uranium – so why is HEU being sent from the US to France and Belgium at all, when LEU could be used instead?

From the US perspective this is simply a commercial deal aimed at supplying nuclear power fuel. On the UK end, it appears to be little more than a nuclear waste-dumping deal. Despite the politically inspired rhetoric from both governments, it remains hard to see the nuclear proliferation benefits of taking safely stored and managed HEU, and transporting it by air from one nuclear weapon state to another.

The answers we need – and are not getting

There are a number of other important specific questions about this deal which also need answers, including:

  • What is the percent enrichment of the HEU?
  • What is the actual ‘swap’ for HEU to medical isotope reactors?
  • As part of any deal, will the US no longer advocate conversion of medical isotope reactors to LEU?
  • How much money is exchanging hands in this deal? Will the deal have to be subsidised or will the fuel value of the HEU pay for it?
  • At what point in the transit does waste from Dounreay become a commercial product in the US? Only after it’s converted to fuel?
  • What are the waste streams in the US and how will they be disposed of and who pays?
  • In the US, where is the environmental impact documentation on the import?
  • What type of export and import licenses are needed from regulatory authorities for this commercial deal? Both in the UK and US the Governments appear to be doing this under the cover of a government-to-government non-proliferation deal which may allow them to avoid obtaining licenses. That looks to us like poor radioactive waste management practice.

NFLA is writing to the NDA and the UK Government to clarify such matters, and it is encouraging American environmental NGOs to do the same of the US authorities.

The waste should not be moved!

We firmly believe the radioactive waste at Dounreay should rather be stored on-site and not be subject to such excessive levels of high-risk transportation.

These transports will continue to be undertaken in a secretive manner, with local authority emergency planning units unlikely to be informed, but whose units would almost certainly have to be involved in the event of a serious accident or incident. And all this has been done without an iota of public consultation.

We call for this deal to be cancelled forthwith. The waste should be stored on-site at Dounreay and not moved over 6,000 miles away. These cosy relations between nuclear weapon states need to be robustly challenged. It is simply not right to dump our radioactive waste legacy on to another country whilst suggesting we are also against the proliferation of such nuclear materials.

The US and UK governments should not be saying we are preventing nuclear terrorism on one side, while potentially opening nuclear material up to such groups by transporting it thousands of miles instead. It is hypocritical to say the least. And in terms of openness and transparency and full public consultation, this deal has been anything but, using a ‘smokescreen’ of cancer-saving materials going the other way to justify the deal.

NFLA will work with other relevant UK and US groups to publicise these concerns –Ecologist readers and the wider public need to know what is really going on.

Councillor Ernie Galsworthy is the UK and Ireland Nuclear-Free Local Authorities(NFLA) Steering Committee Chair. The NFLA would like to acknowledge with thanks input from Tom Clements of Savannah River Site Watch, Martin Forewood of CORE Cumbria and Tor Justad of HANT for their contributions to this article.

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Let’s imagine for just a moment that a people was forcibly dispossessed of its homeland.

Let’s imagine that a portion of this people had rotted in refugee camps for some seven decades while others had lived under a brutal military occupation for almost five decades.

Let’s imagine that the people living under this military occupation were systematically tortured, abused, stolen from, and prevented from exercising their most basic and universally ratified human and political rights.

Let’s imagine that for nearly a decade, a part of this people was placed under an inhuman and illegal siege that brought about the complete collapse of their already desperate economy, and rendered their environment borderline unfit for human inhabitation.

Let’s imagine that, on top of the expulsion, military occupation, and inhuman and illegal siege, these people suffered periodic massacres, the most recent of which killed more than 2,200 people, including 550 children, and destroyed or rendered uninhabitable fully 18,000 homes.

Photo caption: Impossible life in Gaza: Nader Obu Odeh, age 6, gathers wood from destroyed houses to make a fire, Beit Hanoun, Gaza Strip. The Abu Odeh family, 33 people including 21 children, fled but returned to live in the remains of their damaged house without electricity and gas. Photo by

Let’s imagine that their hospitals, schools and houses were repeatedly and deliberately shelled with white phosphorus, a substance that reaches 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit and, upon contact with human flesh, can burn through to the bone.

Let’s imagine that within this battered and besieged ‘prison camp‘, poverty had climbed to 40%; that 80% of the population was reduced to dependence upon humanitarian aid; and that unemployment hit 43%—probably the highest in the world.

Let’s imagine that most of these people were children under the age of 18.

Let’s imagine that more than 70% of these people were refugees.

Let’s imagine that, for decades, as these horrors were inflicted upon a stateless and dispossessed civilian population, the international community looked on and did nothing.

Let’s imagine that the entire world agreed on how to bring this brutal military occupation to a peaceful close, but that, in defiance of this overwhelming international consensus, the occupying power brazenly refused to withdraw to its legal borders.

Photo caption: IDF soldiers at one the many checkpoints near the West Bank city of Jenin. Photo by Reuters

Let’s imagine that, when a number of individuals finally got together and tried to do something to bring the nightmare to an end, Jonathan Freedland came along and issued to them a heartfelt ‘plea’:guys, take it down a notch.

The upshot of Freedland’s wretched article is this: for half a century nothing has been done to put a stop to the brutal, immoral and illegal persecution of the Palestinians, and it’s time to do less.

Photo Caption: An open pool of sewage is seen in the garbage-filled Wadi Gaza area of the central Gaza Strip on Nov. 27, 2013. The situation got much worse the following year when Gaza’s sewage treatment plant and the power station driving water and sewage treatment was destroyed by the IDF. Photo by Marco Longari / AFP / Getty Images

P.S. Naz Shah MP was vilified for posting an image suggesting, tongue-in-cheek, that Israel be relocated to the United States.  Here is what Jonathan Freedland had to say about an ethnic cleansing that actually happened, and whose surviving victims are still struggling for a mite of justice:

‘I have long believed that Israel should be strong enough to admit the reality of 1948 [i.e. the mass expulsion of Palestinian civilians]—and to defend it all the same’.  The ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians was ‘a horribly high moral price’ to pay for the establishment of a Jewish state—but it was also ‘a moral necessity’.

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The True Anti-Semites, Past and Present

May 4th, 2016 by Jonathan Cook

We are desperately in need of some sanity as the British political and media establishment seek to generate yet another “new anti-semitism” crisis, on this occasion to undermine a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour party before the upcoming local elections.

Corbyn and his supporters want to revive Labour as a party of social justice, while Britain’s elites hope that – in a period of unpopular austerity – they can turn the Labour leadership’s support for the Palestinians into its Achilles’ heel. This is nothing more than a class war to pave the way for a return of the Blairites to lead Labour.

Israel and its supporters in the UK are only too willing to help fuel the hysteria, given their own fears that a Corbyn-led government would be bad news for an Israel committed to destroying any hope of justice for the Palestinians.

I have analysed earlier efforts to foment panic about a “new anti-semitism”, including during the early years of the second intifada, when Israel’s popularity plummeted. As now, Israel tried to deflect attention from its increasingly clear abuses of Palestinians – and its lack of interest in peace-making – by suggesting that the problem lay with critics rather than its policies. You can see my articles about this herehere and here.

Then, the chief targets of the “new anti-semitism” smear were supposedly leftist elements in the media who were concealing their true goal – vilification of Jews – behind criticism of Israel. The campaign, despite being patent nonsense, was successful enough that it cowed the few critical voices in the media – and terrorised senior editors at the BBC into supine compliance with Israel’s narrative.

That’s why we should take this current campaign seriously and worry that Corbyn, who is already on the back foot, is in real danger of conferring credibility on this whole confected narrative of an “anti-semitism problem” in Labour simply by giving it house room. The only suitable response is derision.

We should be particularly wary of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Guardian’s Jerusalem bureau chief Peter Beaumont, for example, was set the task of bolstering absurd claims against Ken Livingstone for being an anti-semite after he stated – admittedly clumsily – a historical truth that for a period of time Hitler and the Zionist movement shared enough common ground that they held negotiations about transferring Jews to Palestine.

Livingstone said the following on radio:

When Hitler won his election in 1932 his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews.

There’s a lot of information about this out there – Lenni Brenner even wrote a book on the subject. Livingstone’s mistake was both to express himself slackly in the heat of the moment and to refer to a history that was supposed to have been disappeared down the memory hole. But what he is saying is, in essence, true.

He could have gone further, in fact. A century ago, many European anti-semites, including most members of the British government that formulated the Balfour Declaration in 1917 to create a “national home” for Jews in Palestine, upheld the same logic as the Zionist movement.  They saw the Jews as a race apart. They thought in terms of a “Jewish question”, one that needed solving. And for many, the solution was to export that “problem” far away, out of Europe.

This was not surprising because Zionism emerged both in reaction to Europe’s ugly ethnic nationalisms – where it was normal to speak of “races” – and mirrored these nationalisms’ failings. The Zionists wanted to claim for themselves the same traits as other European “races”: nationhood and territory. And the European anti-semites were only too happy to oblige – especially if the primary victims were going to be brown people in the colonies, whether in Uganda or Palestine.

Fortunately, there is an antidote to Beaumont’s kind of stenographic journalism, apparently written up after an afternoon at Israel’s Holocaust museum Yad Vashem, in the form of this interview with Norman Finkelstein. It is full of profound insights.

Finkelstein puts into perspective both Livingstone’s comments and the orginal “offending” Facebook post by Labour MP Naz Shah that triggered the latest hysteria. Finkelstein notes that the post (one dredged up from two years ago), which shows a map of the United States with Israel superimposed, and suggests resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict by relocating Israel to the US, was clearly intended to be humorous rather than anti-semitic.


I would make a further point. It is also obvious that the true target of the post is the US, not Jews or even Israel – making the anti-semitism claim even more ridiculous.

The post’s implicit argument is that, if the US government and ordinary Americans are really so committed to the creation of a safe haven for Israeli Jews, then would it not be far wiser to locate them inside the US rather than supporting at great expense a garrison state in the Middle East that will always be at war with its neighbours? This is classic satire, and the fact that almost no one in the British media and political establishment can see this – or, in the case of Corbyn and his allies, afford to admit it – is the real cause for concern.

In addition, Finkelstein concludes with a very powerful argument that the “new anti-semitism” canard is likely – and possibly intended – to fuel the very anti-semitism that it claims to be exposing and challenging.

Here is what Finkelstein says:

Our Corbyn is Bernie Sanders. In all the primaries in the US, Bernie has been sweeping the Arab and Muslim vote. It’s been a wondrous moment: the first Jewish presidential candidate in American history has forged a principled alliance with Arabs and Muslims. Meanwhile, what are the Blairite-Israel lobby creeps up to in the UK? They’re fanning the embers of hate and creating new discord between Jews and Muslims by going after Naz Shah, a Muslim woman who has attained public office. They’re making her pass through these rituals of public self-degradation, as she is forced to apologise once, twice, three times over for a tongue-in-cheek cartoon reposted from my website. And it’s not yet over! Because now they say she’s on a ‘journey’. Of course, what they mean is, ‘she’s on a journey of self-revelation, and epiphany, to understanding the inner antisemite at the core of her being’. But do you know on what journey she’s really on? She’s on a journey to becoming an antisemite. Because of these people; because they fill any sane, normal person with revulsion.

Here is this Muslim woman MP who is trying to integrate Muslims into British political life, and to set by her own person an example both to British society at large and to the Muslim community writ small. She is, by all accounts from her constituents, a respected and honourable person. You can only imagine how proud her parents, her siblings, must be. How proud the Muslim community must be. We’re always told how Muslim women are oppressed, repressed and depressed, and now you have this Muslim woman who has attained office. But now she’s being crucified, her career wrecked, her life ruined, her future in tatters, branded an ‘antisemite’ and a closet Nazi, and inflicted with these rituals of self-abasement. It’s not hard to imagine what her Muslim constituents must think now about Jews. These power hungry creeps are creating new hate by their petty machinations.


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Palestine and Israel: The Zionist Version or the Facts

May 4th, 2016 by Anthony Bellchambers

Do you believe the Likud Zionist version of history that, in 1946-­8, out of nearly one million indigenous Arabs whose families had lived and farmed in Palestine for over a thousand years, 700,000 voluntarily abandoned their homes, farms and possessions merely because they didn’t want to live next to a peaceful Jewish minority migrant community from Europe,


Do you believe that 3/4 million Palestinian Arabs were forced to flee for their lives, leaving everything behind, in the face of the massacre of innocent families by armed European Zionist gangs who had committed documented atrocities such as the massacre in the Arab village of Deir Yassin where 107 Palestinians were killed, including women and children—some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes.

Or the terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, in which 92 died. Or the incident in July 1947, during the Jewish insurgency, in which Irgun militants kidnapped two British Army Intelligence Corps NCOs, Sergeants Martin and Paice whose booby-­trapped bodies were later found hanging from trees in a eucalyptus grove near Netanya.

During 1947­-8 the LEHI and Irgun militants razed more than 400 Muslim villages in the UN­-sanctioned occupation of Palestine. Most were subsequently replaced by Israeli towns and villages, and then re­named so there is now little trace. It was a catastrophe that was authorised by a then newly established (minority) United Nations Assembly, after WW2, that wanted to rid Europe of its thousands of stateless, Jewish survivors from the Nazi Holocaust. For Europe (and America) it was advantageous; for Palestine it was an unmitigated tragedy that dispossessed 700,000 innocent people in the name of political expediency.

That tragedy still persists today, more than half a century later. And is still denied by those who caused it.  (There are, however, others who do admit it the ethnic-cleansing but, in defence, maintain it was balanced by the subsequent expulsion of Jewish communities from other Muslim countries).

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Cittadini, enti locali, parlamenti, governi, interi Stati esautorati dalle scelte economiche, messe nelle mani di organismi controllati da multinazionali e gruppi finanziari, violando i diritti dei lavoratori, la tutela dell’ambiente e la sicurezza alimentare, demolendo servizi pubblici e beni comuni: per tali ragioni, espresse dalla Campagna Stop Ttip promotrice della manifestazione del 7 maggio a Roma, va respinto il «Partenariato transatlantico su commercio e investimenti» (Ttip), negoziato segretamente tra Usa e Ue.

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Ttip, la «Nato economica»

May 4th, 2016 by Manlio Dinucci

Cittadini, enti locali, parlamenti, governi, interi Stati esautorati dalle scelte economiche, messe nelle mani di organismi controllati da multinazionali e gruppi finanziari, violando i diritti dei lavoratori, la tutela dell’ambiente e la sicurezza alimentare, demolendo servizi pubblici e beni comuni: per tali ragioni, espresse dalla Campagna Stop Ttip promotrice della manifestazione del 7 maggio a Roma, va respinto il «Partenariato transatlantico su commercio e investimenti» (Ttip), negoziato segretamente tra Usa e Ue.

A tali ragioni se ne aggiungono altre, di cui poco o niente si parla: quelle di carattere geopolitico e geostrategico, che rivelano un progetto molto più ampio e minaccioso. L’ambasciatore Usa presso la Ue, Anthony Gardner, insiste che «vi sono essenziali ragioni geostrategiche per concludere l’accordo». Quali siano lo dice lo U.S. National Intelligence Council: esso prevede che «in seguito al declino dell’Occidente e l’ascesa dell’Asia, entro il 2030 gli Stati in via di sviluppo sorpasseranno quelli sviluppati». Per questo Hillary Clinton definisce il partenariato Usa-Ue «maggiore scopo strategico della nostra alleanza transatlantica», prospettando una «Nato economica» che integri quella politica e militare. Il progetto di Washington è chiaro: portare la Nato a un livello superiore, creando un blocco politico, economico e militare Usa-Ue, sempre sotto comando statunitense, che – con Israele, monarchie del Golfo e altri – si contrapponga all’area eurasiatica in ascesa, basata sulla cooperazione tra Russia e Cina, ai Brics, all’Iran e a qualunque altro paese si sottragga al dominio dell’Occidente. Il primo passo per realizzare tale progetto è stato quello di creare una frattura tra Unione europea e Russia.

Nel luglio 2013 si aprono a Washington i negoziati per il Ttip, che stentano a procedere per contrasti di interesse tra gli Usa e le maggiori potenze europee, alle quali la Russia offre vantaggiosi accordi commerciali. Sei mesi dopo, nel gennaio/febbraio 2014, il putsch di piazza Maidan sotto regia Usa/Nato innesca la reazione a catena (attacchi ai russi di Ucraina, distacco della Crimea e sua adesione alla Russia, sanzioni e controsanzioni), ricreando in Europa un clima da guerra fredda. Contemporaneamente, i paesi della Ue vengono messi sotto pressione dai flussi migratori provocati dalle guerre Usa/Nato (Libia, Siria), cui essi hanno partecipato, e da attacchi terroristici firmati dall’Isis (creatura delle stesse guerre). In questa Europa divisa da «muri di contenimento» dei flussi migratori, in cui si diffonde la psicosi da stato di assedio, gli Usa lanciano la più grande operazione militare dalla fine della guerra fredda, schierando a ridosso della Russia cacciabombardieri e navi da guerra a capacità nucleare.

La Nato sotto comando Usa, di cui fanno parte 22 dei 28 paesi Ue, intensifica le esercitazioni militari (oltre 300 nel 2015) soprattutto sul fronte orientale. Lancia allo stesso tempo, con unità aeree e forze speciali, operazioni militari in Libia, Siria e altri paesi del fronte meridionale, connesso con quello orientale. Tutto ciò favorisce il progetto di Washington di creare un blocco politico, economico e militare Usa-Ue. Progetto che ha l’incondizionato consenso dell’Italia, oltre che dei paesi dell’Est legati più agli Usa che alla Ue. Le maggiori potenze, in particolare Francia e Germania, stanno ancora contrattando. Ma la loro crescente integrazione nella Nato, sotto comando Usa, indica che sulle divergenze di interessi (in particolare sulle costose sanzioni alla Russia) stanno prevalendo le «ragioni geostrategiche» del Ttip.

Manlio Dinucci

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Triggered by the coordinated publication of the photograph of a young Kurdish child, Aylan Kurdi, drowned on a Turkish beach on the 3rd September 2015, European public opinion mobilised and mounted various demonstrations in favour of the refugees. Immediately, French President François Hollande and the chancellor of the German Federation Angela Merkel pronounced themselves favourable to a «permanent and obligatory European system of accomodation», while an immense crowd of people of mysterious origin began its progression across the Balkans. Only the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, spoke out against this sudden and massive migration.

The ESI proposal

Until then, the question of migration had been an economic problem, mainly between Africa and Italy. This was added to a problem internal to the Union – the demand of German heavy industry, expressed by its President Ulrich Grillo, of recruiting to Germany 800,000 East European workers who did not belong to the Schengen Area. Overnight, the problem of the humanitarian refugees fleeing a war zone was added to these two economic factors.

The first concrete proposition for responding to the new situation was formulated on the 17th September 2015 by the ESI, a think tank created in Berlin, and then clarified on the 4th October. It concerned the drawing up of an agreement between the EU and Turkey designed to stem the tide of migrants, while organising the transfer of 500,000 Syrian refugees to the Union over the next twelve months. In addition, Turkey would agree to take back the other migrants who continued to enter the Union illegally, while in exchange, it would receive a visa dispensation for all its citizens.

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Arrival in Greece of Afghan migrants from Turkey

«It is a recognition that the Syrian crisis is genuinely unique, creating a humanitarian crisis on a scale not seen in Europe since the Second World War», indicated the ESI, specifying that the initiative should come from Germany, in response to the Russian intervention in Syria.

And yet,

  • the ESI takes it as read that the Syrian refugees are fleeing «repression by Bachar’s régime» supported by Russia.
  • the ESI only takes into account the Syrian refugees, and not the Iraqi refugees, who are also persecuted by Daesh.

the ESI specifies that its plan also has the objective

  • of warning against the development of the extreme right in Austria – the director of this think-tank is Austrian ;
  • of preparing a similar operation for 1.1 million Syrian refugees currently based in Lebanon, and who will be sent on to North America and Australia. This concerns the application of Kelly Greenhill’s theories about the «strategic management of migrations as a weapon of war» [1], such as that observed by ESI researchers during the start of the war in Kosovo [2].

In addition, by proposing to send back the migrants to Turkey, the ESI seems to ignore that this country is not a stable state for refugees, and that it had refused to sign the Convention of 1951.

The Merkel Plan

On the 23rd September, the European Council published a communiqué which, in turn, assimilated the question of the migrants to that of the war in / against Syria [3].

The main points of the ESI plan were resumed on the 7th October by Chancellor Angela Merkel, during an interview with journalist Anne Will on the TV channel ARD.

In order to present its project, now named the «Merkel Plan», the ESI organised conferences in Berlin, Ankara, Istanbul, Stockholm, Brussels and La Haye.

On the 12th November, independent of the emergency provoked by the hordes of migrants gathering in the Balkans, the Union organised a summit in Valetta to try to answer the structural question of economic migrations from Africa. It was agreed to create a special fund of 1.8 billion Euros for long-term projects which could offer a local economic perspective to Africans and help them to create stability at home.

On the 29th November, the Union organised another summit of the European Council, this time with Turkey. The «Merkel Plan» was adopted by both parties. However, an envelope of aid to Turkey was added, to the sum of 3 billion Euros.

The Council justified this sudden generosity as aid for the accommodation of the Syrian refugees who, until then, had cost Turkey 8 billion dollars – but there was no plan to pay an equivalent sum to Lebanon and Jordan, who together have hosted more Syrian refugees than Turkey. Yet the Council pretends to ignore that Turkish spending has already been reimbursed by the UNO, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, and that Turkey has systematically looted the North of Syria –dismantling machine-tools and stealing antique treasures– for infinitely greater sums. And finally, the majority of the 2.7 million Syrian refugees in Turkey have been integrated into the local economy, to the extent that less than 240,000 have been placed under the protection of the World Food Programme.

In reality, Germany and France, who pushed for the creation of this donation, intend in this way to indirectly finance the continuation of the war against Syria, which will – according to them – put an end to the suffering of the refugees by overthrowing the Syrian Arab Republic.

On the 21st January 2016, the director of the ESI, Gerald Knaus [4], published an op-ed piece in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. He defended the principle of a closer and more direct cooperation between Germany and Turkey, but without involving the EU. He concluded that a failure of the «Merkel Plan» would lead to «reinforcing those who wish to abolish the right to asylum, who are against the refugees, against the Union, against Turkey, against Muslims, and who support Putin. » [5].

Gerald Knaus does not explain how the fact of dealing directly between Berlin and Ankara without involving Brussels would help the struggle against Euro-scepticism. Neither does he explain why Russia would want to see Syrian refugees drowning in the Aegean.

No-one reacted to these insanities, since the refugee question has not been treated rationally for a long time.

The Merkel-Samsom Plan

On the 28th January, when the six-month rotating presidency of the European Council fell to Holland, Dutch Prime Minister Mak Rutte and his ally, the President of the Workers’ Party, Diederik Samsom [6], announced to De Volkskrant that they had prepared concrete measures for the implementation of the «Merkel Plan» [7]. As a result, one now speaks of the «Merkel-Samsom Plan» when talking about the project presented by the ESI [8].

In passing, we learn that Diederik Samsom has been consulting with several European Socialist governments since November, and that he has already visited Turkey.

On the 18th March, the European Council, presided by Holland, confirmed the implementation of the 29th November agreement [9]. Except that, by some miracle, the 3 billion Euros which were to be paid to Turkey had now become 3 billion annually.

And yet in the time between the two European summits, the number of refugees who entered the Union illegally, through Turkey via Greece, is estimated at about 200,000.

Observations on a deviation

In six and one half months, we have gone from a crisis concerning migrants who were mostly African, and who drowned in the Mediterranean before reaching the coasts of Italy, to a windfall for German heavy industry, which was able to hire 800,000 workers at minimal cost, and then to an operation for financing the war against Syria and the displacement of its population.

Indeed, it is recognised that

  • On the 1st July 2015, the special representative of the UN General Secretary charged with international migrations, Peter Sutherland [10], forced the World Food Programme to diminish aid for Syrian refugees, making survival difficult for approximately 240,000 of those living in Turkey. In this way, the Anglo-Saxon pressure group that he represents intended to provoke a crisis which would harm the identity of the European nations. This decision, followed by the declarations of hospitality by the French President and the German Chancellor on the day following the publication of the photo of the corpse of young Aylan, led certain Syrian refugees to try for survival in Europe. Consequently, Peter Sutherland opposed the «Merkel-Samsom Plan», because it stabilises the populations, and uses the crisis against Syria alone.
  • The Imprimerie Nationale Française, which until 2011 supplied Syrian passports, created a large number which, at the start of the crisis, were distributed to non-Syrian economic migrants – mainly Lebanese – thus increasing the pressure of « refugees» in Europe.
  • The migration networks were organised not to bring Syrian refugees from Turkey to Europe, but to go and take Syrians from their homes in Syria and bring them to Europe. Rumours were spread which spoke of luxurious living conditions for Syrian refugees in Europe – a special airline was opened from Beirut, and a maritime line from Tripoli, to transport Syrians who were not refugees to Izmir. In the space of a few weeks, we saw middle-class citizens from Damascus and Latakia – who have always supported the Syrian Arab Republic – sell their businesses and take the road to exile.

Finally, and contrary to certain official declarations :

  • The link between the pressure of migrants in Europe and the war in / against Syria is artificial. It has been deliberately created in order to provoke both the acceptance of the migrations and the indirect funding of the war by the Union. Although several hundred thousand Syrians have already been forced to cross the Mediterranean, it is unlikely that millions of others will follow.
  • The mixture of populations that were organised to form the hordes of migrants who crossed the Balkans is particularly explosive. It includes Syrians and Iraqis, Afghans, Albanians and Kosovars etc. The fact that most of these people are Muslims should not obscure the fact that they have cultures and religious interpretations which are widely different – sociological origins and motivations which have no connection with one another.
  • Apart from the episode of the second half of 2015, the migratory pressure on Europe remains essentially African. However, over the next few years, it could become Turkish. Indeed, should Ankara deprive 6 million of its citizens of their nationality, as it has announced, these people will do anything to flee their country of origin, if possible, before they become stateless. A transfer which could be facilitated by the abrogation of the visas necessary to Turkish citizens wishing to enter the Schengen Area.

Keep in mind :

  • Three different group have manipulated the migrant crisis of the second half of 2015 :
    • the partisans of the destruction of national cultures, around ex-President of the World Trade Organisation, Peter Sutherland, who believes that this was a way of favouring global free-exchange ;
    • German heavy industry, around its President Ulrich Grillo, who hoped he would benefit from 800,000 new workers at minimal cost ;
    • France and Germany, represented by François Hollande and Angela Merkel, who saw a way of legitimising the indirect funding of their war against Syria.
  • These three groups have in common the fact that they support NATO, see each other on a regular basis, especially during the meetings of the Bilderberg Group, and share the same cynicism about populations. But their interests remain divergent, meaning that in the end, the states have won out over the partisans of global free-exchange.
  • As is often the case in this sort of crisis, the populations deliberately set into motion have not exceeded a few hundred thousand people. They were added to other currents, older and more constant. It is the false media interpretation of the facts that give the impression of an imminent transfer of millions of people.
Thierry Meyssan French intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference. His columns specializing in international relations feature in daily newspapers and weekly magazines in Arabic, Spanish and Russian. His last two books published in English : 9/11 the Big Lie and Pentagate.

Pete Kimberley

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Very competent, very professional, very intelligently moving towards the center, very shrewdly and effectively serving on the Armed Services Committee.

— Rep. Newt Gingrich, referring to fellow committee member Hillary Clinton, April 2005

She ran the State Department in the most effective way that I have ever seen.

— Henry Kissinger, referring to Hillary Clinton, Sept. 9, 2014

Her so-called foreign policy ‘experience’ has been to support every war demanded by the US deep security state run by the military and the CIA.

— Jeffrey Sachs, referring to Hillary Clinton, Feb. 5, 2016

Yes of course, one has to acknowledge it. Barring an indictment, or the surfacing of some extremely embarrassing Goldman Sachs speech transcripts before July, Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee and Bernie Sanders a historical footnote of yet indeterminate significance.

Then—unless scandal hits her between July and November (which Trump could exploit mercilessly), or her cell phone electrocutes her in the shower—Hillary will become the next Commander-in-Chief. People should of course ask themselves and others what that will mean to them and the world. Here are some suggestions about what may be in store.

Hillary sells herself to the electorate first and foremost as a woman, whose time has come. The first woman president to follow the first Black president. A woman who has fought for women, girls, children and families—including especially people of color—all her life. That’s her brand. As required she identifies as liberal and progressive, and she has campaigned as these in the contest with Sanders.

(Sanders’ campaign indeed has drawn hers “towards the left,” in terms of her slick shift from supporting a $ 12 to $15 minimum wage—effectively parodied on Saturday Night Live—and her position on the TPP agreement, calling it the “gold standard” of trade agreements in a public speech in 2012 but opposing it suddenly last November.)

But Hillary—have you noticed?—doesn’t much boast of her actual performance in her main executive position to date, that of as Secretary of State between 2009 and 2013. That is, she doesn’t crow about what she achieved as the person mainly in charge—under the president—of U.S. foreign policy during those years.

You remember those years, don’t you? The “surge” in Afghanistan; the winding down of the Iraq occupation; the huge increase in drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan, killing hundreds of civilians and terrorizing whole regions; the total failure of the Obama administration to end U.S. client state Israel’s illegal settlements on the West Bank and indeed a general deterioration in high-level U.S.-Israeli relations; various U.S. interventions during the “Arab Spring;” the U.S./NATO assault on Libya that destroyed that modern state, etc.? Hillary was a key player in all these events. It’s all in her record, for all to see.

We don’t really know what Trump foreign policy would look like. Some speculate that, given his characterization of U.S. involvements in Iraq, Syria and Libya (as “stupid,” “failures” etc.), Trump would be a “non-interventionist.” This is, I suppose, barely possible, although his calls for the mass expulsion of immigrants and the construction of a wall on the Mexican border and his boasts about building up the military, torturing terrorists, making “America great again” and placing “America first” all reek of neo-fascism. Given all this alongside his contempt for the conduct of Middle East wars (which he damns not on moral grounds but deplores as incompetent), Trump’s foreign policies are hardly predictable.

Clinton’s policies are in contrast highly predictable on the basis of her record and recent public pronouncements. (She has all but declared war on Syria, for example, and will continue to provocatively expand NATO while pressuring Europe to maintain unpopular and painful sanctions against Russia.) By this record I mean the record of “experience” touted by her supporters, and referred to by corporate media talking heads in their matter-of-fact way as though its substance were an unquestionable plus for Hillary.

“Well she does have the experience,” they say. She was First Lady, after all. (This unelected position and traditionally decorative role, fulfilled in varied ways by very different “ladies” is rarely touted as a qualification for high office. But the list of Clinton’s credentials usually begins with this, and as it happens, she was a very strong influence on her husband in every major move he made while president.)

She was a New York state senator, the hagiographers continue. Not that she introduced any significant new legislation. Her years as senator were mainly designed to give her credibility as a 2008 presidential candidate. They weren’t enough to clinch that for her, though, especially since she defended her war vote up to the end against the faux peace candidate Barack Obama.

The clincher: gracious in defeat, she became Secretary of State under Obama, showing what a good team player she could be, and providing (as Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice had done before her) an example of a “strong” woman in that position. What an impressive apprenticeship, the pundits declare, for the presidency!

The more it gets said, re-iterated by the likes of the golden-throated actor Morgan Freeman, the more it strikes the most impressionable as true. Rather like the oft-repeated claim that African-Americans in general love the Clintons because… well, because they just do. And forget about that Crime Bill of 1994 that has pushed more black youth into prison than were in slavery in 1860.

But her very experience recommends her to another, far smaller, community: the warmongers, from the neoconservatives of the Cheney-Wolfowitz-McCain ilk to the “liberal interventionists”  like pundits Paul Krugman, Thomas Friedman, and Fareed Zakaria and Clinton advisors Sidney Blumenthal and Anne-Marie Slaughter. These are people who rarely encounter a war they don’t like.

To the uninformed, Hillary is best-known for her advocacy of a national health care system, her assertion that it takes a village to raise a child, and of course her championing of women’s empowerment (to be realized through her own election as president). The world knows her better for her passion for bombing.

That she is the hawks’ hawk is the Clinton campaign’s dirty little secret and potential Achilles’ heel. Behind the mother-like affectations is a calculating, enthusiastic agent of imperialism. That latter face is easy to expose, to any who want to do so. Let me try to now.

Hillary’s Foreign Policy Resume: The First Lady Years

This passion (for bombing) of Hillary’s appeared in adolescence, when she volunteered at age 17 as a “Goldwater Girl” to aid the presidential campaign of Barry Goldwater in 1964. The Republican senator from Arizona had suggested the French should have used nuclear weapons against the Vietnamese at Dienbienphu and that U.S. commanders in Vietnam and Europe be given the authority to use tactical nuclear weapons without presidential approval.

“I liked Senator Goldwater,” she explained in her book Living History(2003), “because he was a rugged individualist who swam against the political tide.” (By the way, she was paid $ 8 million to produce that book—ghost-written, actually, by three others—and this payment was thought by some in the Senate to be a violation of Senate ethical standards. But in February 2001 the Senate Ethics Committee approved the deal.)

Four years later (at age 21) Hillary had shifted allegiance to Eugene McCarthy, the antiwar candidate of the Democratic Party. Her party loyalty was apparently strengthened when she met Bill Clinton two years later at Yale. But she was never a peacenik. On the contrary.

Mark Landler in the New York Times Magazine reports that in 1975—at age 27, the year she married Bill—Hillary visited a Marine recruiting station in Arkansas to inquire about joining the active forces or reserves as a lawyer.

You have to wonder why—just after the “fall” of Saigon (spring 1975), sealing the triumph of the North Vietnamese and the National Liberation Front and marking a huge geopolitical defeat for the U.S.—when mass awareness of U.S. atrocities in Southeast Asia was quite high after the My Lai revelations (1969), when mistrust for authority prevailed among the youth after the invasion of Cambodia (1970) and the publication of the Pentagon Papers detailing the mendacity surrounding the Vietnam War (1971), Watergate and the fall of Nixon—young Hillary wanted to join the Marines.

Was she incensed that the communists had won in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia? Where did she suppose the next battlefield would be? There was some talk in Congress about deploying forces to fight the communist guerrillas coming to power in the former Portuguese colonies in Africa, Angola and Mozambique.

Anyway she was turned away, as too old and unfit. As she told military women at a Capitol Hill lunch in 1994, “I decided, maybe I’ll look for another way to serve my country.”

That desire for intimacy with the military apparently persists. TheNew York Times cites an Army commander who relates how years later when Clinton was senator she visited his post in New York State. “She sat down, took her shoes off, put her feet up on the coffee table and said, ‘General, do you know where a gal can get a cold beer around here?’ ”

Lander adds that “Clinton quickly took a liking” to retired Army general and resident Fox News hawk Jack Keane, “because ‘She loves that Irish gruff thing’…. One of her former aides explained, ‘She likes the nail-eaters’—people like Keane, Stanley McChrystal, and David Petraeus—‘Real military guys, not these retired three-stars who go into civilian jobs.’”

Hillary as secretary of state immediately impressed Secretary of Defense, Bush/Cheney holdover Robert Gates. “I thought, this is a tough lady,” he told Lander.

Hillary’s hawkishness was already clear during her stint as Bill Clinton’s “First Lady”  from January 1993 to January 2000. Hillary was not your typical First Lady, embracing an uncontroversial cause and centering her public appearances around it. (She did famously advocate for health system reform, failing in her efforts.) She was Bill’s principal advisor, and quite likely the more bellicose of the pair.

The belligerency was directed principally against vulnerable, crisis-ridden Russia. Clinton came to office just thirteen months after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and eighteen months after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact. (Recall that the latter had been formed in 1956 to counter NATO, which had been formed seven years earlier as an anti-Soviet military alliance and just expanded to include West Germany.)

NATO had never been deployed in war. (In retrospect Europe during the Cold War seems remarkably peaceful and stable.) When the Clintons came to office, Russia was governed by President Boris Yeltsin—an alcoholic buffoon perhaps best known for ordering the army in 1993 to bombard the Duma building after the parliament rejected his unconstitutional order for it to dissolve. Until he stepped down at the end of 1999, Yeltsin presided over a period of precipitous economic decline, general misery and military weakness. The Clintons exploited this.

As the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, Clinton’s predecessor George H. W. Bush had told Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that in exchange for the USSR’s acceptance of German reunification as a NATO member state, NATO would not expand “one inch” further east. When the Warsaw Pact dissolved it was expected that NATO, now irrelevant, would follow suit.

Instead, 1990 NATO redefined itself. In its London Declaration in July the alliance noted that the Soviet threat had receded but that “regional instability” now “posed new threats to regional peace.” In other words, NATO would now be Europe’s policeman. The Clintons were fully on board this new program. Why not, in the changed circumstances, use NATO to project U.S. power more broadly throughout the once divided continent?

The fall of the Soviet Union had produced ethnic tensions and bloody secessionist movements in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, Dagestan and elsewhere. Secessionism also swept eastern Europe; Czechoslovakia would eventually split into its component parts. In Yugoslavia, led by an ostensibly Marxist-Leninist party but neutral all during the Cold War, relatively prosperous and friendly with the U.S., the fabric of the pan-Slavic union was being torn apart.

The Yugoslav republics of Slovenia, Croatia, and Macedonia had declared their independence in 1991, and what is now Bosnia-Herzegovina fell into a state of civil war between Croatians, Serbians and Bosniaks.

Sharing a common language (Serbo-Croatian) and Slavic ethnicity, these communities were divided by religion. Long dormant ethnic tensions suddenly flared; there were (exaggerated) charges of genocide, with Bosnian Serbs especially accused to massacring Bosniaks and confining them to concentration camps. Various options for international response were available.

But Clinton insisted on dispatching NATO air forces to pound Serbian positions in Bosnia, resulting in a ceasefire followed by the U.S.-dictated “Dayton Agreement” of November 1995. This produced the utterly dysfunctional state of Bosnia-Herzegovina, divided into Bosniak, Croatian and Serbian states. For a time the U.S. stationed forces at Tuzla Air Base in Bosnia.

Following this first time display of its regional police power, NATO expanded on March 12, 1999 to include Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. (Ironically, the Soviet-backed leaders of these countries in 1956 had been most supportive of the idea of an anti-NATO fact, fearing as they did a remilitarized West Germany.) NATO had expanded much more than one inch, and Russia was understandably upset. Twelve days after this NATO planes were again bombing Yugoslavia—at Hillary’s urging, as we will see.

Once again sensationalistic charges of genocide were used to justify NATO action. Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic had (foolishly, in deference to Serbian nationalism) revoked the autonomous status of the Serbian province of Kosovo. Regarded as the historical Serbian homeland, it had become overwhelmingly inhabited by ethnic Albanians. The Kosovar Albanians like the Slovenians, Croats, Bosniaks and Macedonians before them sought to secede from the Yugoslav state entirely. The Kosovo Liberation Army (once frankly characterized by U.S. diplomats as a terrorist organization) responded to Milosevic’s move by attacking state police, causing Belgrade to send in military forces that killed both militants and unarmed civilians.

Madeleine Albright (Forerunner of Madame Secretary Clinton)

The U.S. secretary of state at this time was Hillary Clinton’s good friend Madeleine Albright. (Recall how Albright recently, in February, in championing Hillary’s presidential campaign, controversially declared that there was “a special place in hell for women who don’t vote for women.”) This is the person who had told 60 Minute’s Lesley Stall in May 1996 that the “price” of causing the deaths of half a million Iraqi children due to UN sanctions Washington refused to lift had “been worth it.”

Because Albright is so similar to Clinton, and so politically close to her, it’s worth discussing her record at length here as it pertains to the First Lady years.

Albright is almost surely the person who had told the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Hugh Shelton, at a White House breakfast in 1998, “What we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event—something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world.” According to Shelton’s memoir, his interlocutor (a cabinet member) then asked, “Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough—and slow enough—to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

Gen. Shelton, incensed, replied that it could be done “as soon as we get your ass qualified to flying it,” causing the official to back off. (But isn’t interesting that the general was so appalled about a fellow cabinet member’s indifference to human life—including the life of a U.S. pilot—-that he included this incident in his book?)

The dishonesty and inhumanity of Bill Clinton’s secretary of state were again manifest in the U.S. reaction to violence in Kosovo. In April the U.S. State Department claimed that up to 500,000 Kosovars had been killed by Serbian forces in acts of ethnic cleansing in the province. Defense Secretary William Cohen used a 100,000 figure. After the war researchers concluded that from 2,500 to 10,000 Kosovars and Serbs were in fact killed—perhaps 1,500 after NATO began to bomb. The chairwoman of the British Parliaments Balkans committee, Labour MP Alice Mahon, stated in October “When you consider that 1,500 or more civilians were killed during the NATO bombing, you have to ask whether the intervention was justified.”

While a campaign of disinformation not dissimilar in some ways to that preparing public opinion for the coming Iraq War in 2003 proceeded apace, Albright organized a gathering of U.S., Russian, Yugoslav and Kosovar representatives in Rambouillet, France. The Kosovars included an obscure figurehead who has since disappeared and leaders of the KLA since implicated in drug smuggling and worse crimes.

At the meeting Albright gave Belgrade an ultimatum: either withdraw forces from Kosovo, accept the stationing of 30,000 NATO troops in the province; allow NATO forces unhindered passage through the whole of Yugoslavia (at this point, whittled down to Serbia and Montenegro)—essentially a demand for military occupation; and accept NATO troops’ immunity from prosecution under Yugoslav law—or be bombed mercilessly until you surrender.

No government could accept these terms. Belgrade and Yeltsin’s Russia rejected them, appalled at their arrogance. Even the foreign minister of key NATO member France opined that the U.S. was behaving like an “hyper-puissance”—more than a superpower, a hyper-power.

A Republican official later told a think tank that a certain “top official” had explained the U.S. position as follows: “We intentionally set the bar too high for the Serbs to comply. They need bombing, and that’s what they’re going to get.”  This was probably again Albright speaking, expressing the concept of statesmanship that prevails within the Clinton circle.

Even Henry Kissinger commented at the time, “The Rambouillet text, which called on Serbia to admit NATO troops throughout Yugoslavia, was a provocation, and excuse to start bombing. Rambouillet is not a document that an angelic Serb could have accepted. It was a terrible diplomatic document that should never have been presented in that form.”

From March 24 to June 10, NATO—lacking any UN mandate, and confronting opposition from most of the world, including the populations of many NATO states—did the unthinkable. It bombed a European capital for the first time since 1945. This war crime produced, according to Human Rights Watch, around 500 civilians deaths. Others put the civilian death toll as a result of the bombing of Yugoslavia (excluding the province of Kosovo) at up to 5,700.

The bombing ended when Russia mediated an agreement whereby Belgrade would do what it had already promised to do: withdraw its forces from Kosovo. But it still did not agree to NATO occupation of the whole country. The U.S., having wreaked havoc, accepted a deal it could have accepted before the bombing. It established Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, the largest U.S. army base outside the U.S. And in 2008—having long accepted the fact that Kosovo remained a province of Serbia under international law, the U.S. and many of its allies recognized Kosovo as an independent state. (Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice described Kosovo as a “sui generis” case.)

Russia, now under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, expressed outrage at this move at the expense of a traditional Slav ally, warning that if the U.S. could do that, Russia might accept the claims of independence of the breakaway Georgian republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia (as it since has).

Today Kosovo’s main exports are economic refugees and heroin from Afghan opium. It is one of the most corrupt societies on earth, and a failed state. Naturally it has applied for NATO membership. What role did Hillary play in all this? She boasts about it, in interviews and in her memoir. While traveling in Africa in March 1999, she called Bill and, as she declares: “I urged him to bomb.”

One must also mention the Clintons’ bombing of Iraq in December 1998. Recall that Albright was agitating for war at this time, suggesting a staged U-2 incident. Iraq had acceded to intrusive visits of UN arms inspectors since the end of the first Gulf War but suspended cooperation in January 2008 charging (validly) that the UNSCOM inspectors included spies for the U.S. Diplomatic intervention by UN chief Kofi Annan restored the inspections regime. But when inspectors demanded access to Baath party headquarters in August, Baghdad balked. President Clinton then used this as a pretext to bomb Iraq as his predecessor had.

Clinton first ordered the UN inspectors out (so as to escape the immanent bombing campaign), falsely telling the world that Saddam had expelled them. Dozens of civilians were killed in the three-day otherwise inconsequential mission.

In the interim (October 31) Bill Clinton signed the neocon-authored Iraq Liberation Act declaring it U.S. policy to “support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.” This directly paved the way to the law authorizing the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The Senate Years (2001-2008)

Hillary Clinton was an unremarkable senator, sponsoring 363 bills, only three of which (inconsequential ones at that, renaming or designating historic sites) became law. She sat on five committees, including the Armed Services Committee. In her latter capacity she garnered the designation (in 2005, from the Village Voice) of “Mama Warbucks.” She was commended by fellow committee member (and fellow hawk) Republican Rep. Newt Gingrich, as “very competent, very professional, very intelligently moving towards the center, very shrewdly and effectively serving on the Armed Services Committee.”

Curiously, in her recent book Hard Choices, she says almost nothing about her Senate years. As Byron York in the Washington Examinerputs it, “Clinton was a lackluster, team-player senator. There was just one big moment in her career as a lawmaker—her vote to authorize U.S. forces to go to war in Iraq—and it’s one many of her supporters would like to forget.”

She was not just a supporter, she was an avid supporter and a strong proponent of now discredited lies. In a speech on the Senate floor in 2002 she declared: “I believe the facts that have brought us to this fateful vote are not in doubt. Saddam Hussein is a tyrant who has tortured and killed his own people, even his own family members, to maintain his iron grip on power. He used chemical weapons on Iraqi Kurds and on Iranians, killing over 20,000 people.”

And: “In the four years since the inspectors left [she doesn’t mention that they left because Bill Clinton told them to, before he bombed], intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members… “

Hillary began backing off on her vote to authorize war in 2005 but didn’t truly repudiate it until the political requirements of the campaign against Obama forced to confess error as late as 2008. 

Madame Secretary (2009-2012)

The newly elected President Obama, thinking to emulate the example of Abraham Lincoln (who had appointed his archrival William H.  Seward in the 1860  Republican primaries) chose his rival Hillary Clinton as his secretary of state after his own election. He perhaps came to regret it, and has implicitly criticized her recommendations for war in Syria and her role in the (disastrous) NATO destruction of the Libyan state in 2011. But compared to her insignificant record (her vaunted “experience” to support her current power aspirations) as senator, her history as Madame Secretary is rich.

This after all was her main gig, her main opportunity to show her stuff. What she showed was the same old propensity to use military force and threats. She was encouraged in this by her newfound friend Henry Kissinger, secretary of state under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and associated with the secret bombing and invasion of Cambodia in 1970; the 1971 “tilt towards Pakistan” in which U.S. arms were used to slaughter civilians in what became Bangladesh; the Christmas bombings of Hanoi and Haiphong in 1972; the coup that brought down President Allende in Chile in 1973; the bloody Indonesian seizure of East Timor in 1975, etc. He is widely perceived in the world as a war criminal.

But Clinton has written that while secretary of state she “relied on [Kissinger’s] counsel. He checked in with me regularly, sharing astute observations about foreign leaders and sending me written reports on his travels.” Clinton has even praised Kissinger’s most recent book, concluding a laudatory review with this paean to his wisdom: “America, [Kissinger] reminds us, succeeds by standing up for our values, not shirking them, and leads by engaging peoples and societies, the sources of legitimacy, not governments alone.”

Would these be, for example, the values of the bombing of dikes during the Vietnam War? The Nixon tapes include a conversation before the Christmas bombing between Nixon and Kissinger. The president asks, “How many did we kill in Laos?” Kissinger replies: “In the Laotian thing we killed about ten, fifteen [thousand].”

Nixon turns to “the attack in the North that we have in mind, power plants, whatever’s left — petroleum, the docks. And, I still think we ought to take out the dikes now. Will that drown people?” Kissinger replies: “About two hundred thousand people.” This is presumably what Hillary calls not shirking from your values.

And how does Kissinger, this champion of coups and invasions, engage peoples as the source of legitimacy? Following the election of the socialist Salvador Allende in Chile in 1970 Kissinger declared that he “didn’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people.” The CIA set about planning the bloody military coup of September 11, 1973. Years of fascism ensued under Augusto Pinochet.

How can candidate Clinton so validate this discredited figure? Kissinger for his part returns the compliments, telling USA Today that “I’ve known [Clinton] for many years now, and I respect her intellect.” He declares that she ran the State Department “in the most effective way” he had ever seen.

But to turn to Hillary’s record as secretary of state.   Among her achievements one must list further provocations of Russia, further havoc in the Middle East, the blessing of a coup in Honduras, and unnecessary confrontation with China. Let us begin with her advocacy of more war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iraq. At the end of his presidency George W. Bush negotiated, with the government the U.S. had midwifed into power after the invasion, an agreement to withdraw all U.S. troops by the end of 2011. This agreement reflected the opposition of Iraqi politicians and civil society to the continued, unwelcome U.S. presence. (Wasn’t a new poll just published, showing that over 90% of Iraqi youth regard the U.S. as an enemy?) Obama was obliged by law to withdraw the troops as scheduled, because the people had never liked them and did not want them there, in their country.

Still, he and his secretary of state tried to convince Baghdad to agree to a remnant force of 10,000 troops. Only in October 2011, after President Nouri al-Maliki stated unequivocally that no troops could be accepted if they were shielded from Iraqi law, did Washington relent. Obama had in any case called the war “dumb” and focused from his first days in office on the “war of necessity” in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan. The question was, how much of a “surge” should be attempted in (“the necessary war” in) Afghanistan? There were already 70,000 U.S. troops there in 2009. Vice President Joe Biden questioned the efficacy of any surge. The brass wanted 40,000. Hillary supported the brass. Obama sent 33,000. (The surge was in fact ineffectual, and the Obama years have seen relations between U.S. troops and the Afghans they’re supposed to train deteriorate into conditions of mutual contempt and “green-on-blue” incidents. Desertion rates are high, corruption pervades the Afghan army and the Taliban controls more territory than at any time in the last 14 years.)

During Clinton’s years as secretary of state, the relations between President Hamid Karzai and the U.S. careened from crisis to crisis as Karzai was obliged to express outrage at U.S. bombings of civilian targets and attacks on innocent civilians. At one point he order the U.S. army to withdraw Special Forces from Helmand Province entirely following reports of abuses there. Where these cannot be blamed on Madame Clinton, they are just one more example of the consequences of the militarism she’s always championed.

Syria. One consequence of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq was the alienation of the country’s Sunnis and the establishment of an al-Qaeda foothold. Indeed, the scattered network of terrorists first emerged as a land army able to hold territory in Anbar Province in 2004. The 2007 “surge” dealt al-Qaeda in Iraq a major blow, but the group established a foothold in neighboring Syria.

In 2011, as Arab regimes were toppled in the “Arab Spring,” Hillary’s state department decided to withdraw diplomatic recognition from Syria. Both the president and secretary of state pontificated that President Bashar Assad, having shot down demonstrators, had “lost his legitimacy” and had to go. They decided to actively aid the armed opposition, covertly at first.

It soon became abundantly clear that the “moderate opposition” forces the U.S. hoped to assist in bringing down the secular Syrian regime were Islamists aligned with the al-Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda. U.S. arms provided to these (imaginary) moderates have passed into al-Qaeda hands. Meanwhile al-Qaeda in Iraq morphed into ISIL (also known as ISIS, the Islamic State, or Daesh). The latter—a direct product of Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 that (repeat! Hillary had passionately supported)—is among the most horrific, despicable organizations in the world today.

Hillary’s solution? Why, arms shipments, of course! She has since leaving the administration to pursue her presidential ambitions openly disparaged Obama’s stated principle that in formulating foreign policy you “don’t do stupid shit.” She apparently thinks that that “mantra” reflects timidity, an unwillingness to take the sort of risk she opted for when she voted for the invasion of Iraq. As she assesses it, the ongoing war in Syria shows the “failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against Assad — there were Islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle — the failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled.”

In other words, why not use anyone willing to take our arms, in order to topple a nationalist leader who won’t kowtow to Washington?

Obama himself responded to her comments with restraint, simply noting “there’s a difference between running for president and being president. And the decisions that are being made and the discussions that I’m having with the joint chiefs become much more specific, I think, and require a different kind of judgment.” And both he and Biden have repeatedly pooh-poohed the idea of creating an armed force in Syria out of “former farmers or teachers or pharmacists” or “dentists or maybe some radio reporters.”

(But as it happens, the Obama administration has ratcheted up support for the Syrian “opposition” even as it—finally concluding that ISIL is also an enemy needing to be “destroyed”—bombs Islamic State targets. It has pursued a policy of targeting both the regime and the jihadis, insisting that they both have to go, to be succeeded by something else at least as suitable to Washington as the regimes which now govern in Afghanistan and Iraq. The problem is that the “moderate opposition” is illusory, and the fall of the Baathist regime would likely mean Islamists taking Damascus, with dire consequences for any but the most compliant Sunnis.)

Hillary’s policy—to demonize Assad, deny his legitimacy, and back the armed opposition—has been superseded by that of her successor John Kerry, shaped in part by energetic Russian diplomacy. The Russian decision (in September 2015) to begin bombing Islamist forces in Syria, in support of the Syrian Arab Army—which, along with the Kurdish peshmerga—has been the most effective force against al-Nusra and ISIL, has been a game-changer. The Assad regime, which has a definite social base (especially among Christians and other religious minorities) has gained the upper hand in the war. Kerry has been forced to work with the Russians to back peace talks between the (non-terrorist) forces involved, and to concede that Assad’s departure, while still a U.S. goal, need not be immediate. This is why there’s been an intermittent partial ceasefire since February.

One need not wonder about how Hillary would handle the situation; she has stated in the presidential debates that she is “advocating the no-fly zone both because I think it would help us on the ground to protect Syrians; I’m also advocating it because it gives us some leverage in our conversations with Russia”—conversations that involve U.S. insistence that Assad’s “future” be “put in the political and diplomatic track, where it belongs.” It’s been estimated (by then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin E. Dempsey) that this act of war would require 70,000 U.S. troops to dismantle the Syrian antiaircraft system and impose a 24-hour watch on the country.

It’s a fair bet Clinton will order this. This time Russia might say: No, you can’t destroy another country in this region close to us and far from you. We’ve been cooperating on Syria; the Russian air force has bombed both ISIL and al-Nusra forces helping Syrian state forces (the mostly Sunni but secular-led soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army and numerous militia loyal to the state and opposed to Islamism). We have said all along that while the Assad regime is not ideal it defends the rights of women and religious minorities, including Alawites and other Shiite groups, Druze and Christians. The people you are supporting belong to hundreds of militias that usually have an understanding with the local al-Nusra operation about joint action against the Syrian army. You have accused us of directing our bombing attacks against “opposition” forces in Syria, as opposed to the terrorists which are ISIL and al-Nusra. But we think it is difficult to differentiate groups like Ahrar ash-Sham (which Saudi Arabia and Turkey openly support) and which has played a key role—with tanks and anti-tank missiles—in most of the major battles with the Syrian army. You consider these terrorists as “moderate opposition” and want to protect them with a “no-fly zone.” Sorry, we will not back off from our support of the secular state and let you play at reckless regime-change again!

Think about it. How will President Clinton respond? She wants so bad to look strong.

Libya. In the same year that civil war broke out on Syria (2011—again in the course of the Arab Spring) the government of Libya came under attack by protesters including armed opponents. Never mind that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was at that point on good terms with the U.S., indeed in close touch with the CIA pertaining to anti-terrorism efforts. He had dismantled his WMD programs, restored diplomatic relations with western countries, and was on especially cordial terms with Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi.

No matter; it looked like he too would be toppled in short order by a mass movement. So why—thought quite a number of western leaders, thinking as they always do opportunistically—why not get in on the action in the beginning, so that after the revolution, the U.S. and its allies can pose as friends of the Libyan people?

Hillary’s role in arranging the NATO bombing of Libya (yet another deployment of NATO having nothing to do with its original purpose, quietly protested, indeed, by some member governments) is clear. Indeed the bombing of Libya was her crowning achievement as Secretary of State. She destroyed a whole country, just as George W. Bush had.

Obama himself was hesitant to intervene in the civil strife in Libya that began in February 2011. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was publicly unenthusiastic about U.S. action in the region. But Hillary had other plans. She proposed that the U.S. and its allies establish a no-fly zone (on a humanitarian basis) to protect Libyans from the “genocidal”—yes, that term again—plans of the dictator.

French president Nicolas Sarcozy wanted to attack the former Italian colony, partly (it has been plausibly suggested) to block Gaddafi’s plan to introduce a new pan-African gold currency challenging the euro. He found a firm ally in Clinton, who leaned on Obama to “lead from behind” by providing the bulk of the fire-power for a coalition of NATO forces and forces from the Gulf monarchies to intervene in Libya.

The strategy was to get a UNSC resolution authorizing a humanitarian mission. Russia and China (to their later regret) abstained rather than vetoed the resolution, which was soon used, not to protect threatened civilians, but to target Gaddafi himself and bring down his government. In short order, Gaddafi was captured by jihadis and gleefully murdered after being sodomized with a knife, all on camera.

Hillary’s reaction? Asked about her reaction to Gaddafi’s death by ABC’s Diane Sawyer in a TV interview she could scarcely contain her delight. Paraphrasing Julius Caesar’s statement after the Roman conquest of Carthage, she declared: “We came, we saw, he died!” Priceless!

If you haven’t already, watch it on YouTube right now.

Yes, and after he died, Libya quickly descended into absolute chaos, a situation for which Hillary refuses to take any responsibility. Indeed, she solidly defends the attack that destroyed the old order, insists it was followed up by two successful elections, and that any current problems are due to insufficient U.S. involvement since. (She is, that is to say, in a state of total denial.)

Clinton supporters rail at the suggestion that she somehow misrepresented the facts after al-Qaeda related jihadis killed four U.S. diplomats and CIA agents in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012. In fact, she indicated the day after the attack, in an email to her daughter Chelsea, that al-Qaeda was responsible for these attacks. And she subsequently had State Department officials blame mob action resulting from an anti-Islam YouTube video rather than Islamists empowered by the toppling of Gaddafi. Yes, she misinformed the public. But that’s a comparatively minor sin. The larger crime was the destruction of the Libyan state itself, based—like the destruction of the Iraqi state—on lies.

An email made public (due to the FBI investigation of Clinton’s use of her email accounts while secretary) makes Hillary’s central role in the crime crystal clear. It’s from Clinton confidant and former employee Anne-Marie Slaughter, once dean of the Woodrow Wilson School and a queen among liberal interventionists. She had begged Clinton to arrange a U.S. strike against Libya, arguing this would “change the image of the United States overnight.”

On March 19, 2011, the day after the NATO bombing of Libya began, she sent this message (subject line “Bravo!”) to her former boss. “I cannot imagine how exhausted you must be after this week, but I have NEVER been prouder of having worked for you. Turning POTUS [President of the United States] around on this is a major win for everything we have worked for.”

Everything we have worked for! What does that mean, but that Clinton and Slaughter (and Sid Blumenthal among others) were struggling to push Obama further and further towards a neocon, regime-change-based-on-noble-lies foreign policy agenda? How can anyone look at this record and extol Clinton’s “experience?”

Repeat: Libya has now descended into absolute chaos, with three rival wannabe national governments, ISIL and al-Qaeda footholds, and unprecedented ethnic conflict destabilizing neighboring countries. And Hillary continues to call her signature war “smart power at its best.” Both the EU and the U.K. are now considering dispatching military forces to Libya to fight the formerly non-existent problem of ISIL. The Islamic State with 5-6000 fighters is now firmly headquartered in the coastal city of Sirte, the hometown of the man whose death Clinton laughed at.

If (some) Europeans push for more intervention, expect President Clinton to order more bombing, with dire ramifications for all North Africa and the Sahel.

NATO. But let us turn from the Middle East and North Africa to Russia and NATO expansion. NATO is of course a military pact requiring each country to devote 2% of its GDP to military expenses and requiring all to support any member attacked by a non-member nation. It remains—all straight-faced denials notwithstanding—an anti-Russian pact designed to encircle and isolate the core of the old Soviet Union.

While Bill Clinton was president he had made the decision to expand NATO, a move that senior U.S. diplomat and Russian specialist George F. Kennan in 1998 called “a tragic mistake” with “no reason whatsoever,” showing “little understanding of Russian history and Soviet history.”

It is, in a word, in the post-Cold War world, nothing other than a provocation justified on vapid premises. (Donald Trump would not agree with that but he does significantly question the current role of NATO and its value to the America he wants to “make great again.” This just tells us that certain staple institutions of the Cold War might get unhinged as the world evolves.)

As mentioned above, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary were added to NATO in 1999 as Clinton bombed Yugoslavia. During the next (George W. Bush) administration, NATO further expanded to include Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia, and even the former Soviet republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania bringing the alliance to the very Russian border. This expansion has produced very little comment in the U.S. corporate media over the years and certainly no serious debate.

Ukraine. During Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, NATO further expanded to include Albania and Croatia. But the real goal for her neocon/liberal imperialist coalition—or as National Endowment for Democracy chief Carl Gershman put it publicly in 2013, its “the biggest prize”—was the inclusion of Europe’s largest state: Ukraine.

It’s no accident that Clinton chose Victoria Nuland, a former top aide of Dick Cheney (himself possibly the most fully exposed and fully discredited, manifestly dishonest and hated neocon imaginable) to head the State Department’s European and Eurasia desk, a position she still holds. Nuland is the wife of Brookings Institution neocon commentator Robert Kagan, who was a foreign policy advisor to the Bush-Cheney administration, proponent of the Iraq invasion and advocate of regime-change now joining an array of Republican neocons endorsing Hillary over the Republican candidates.

Nuland has made it her life’s work to engineer regime change in Ukraine to draw it into NATO, pull it away from Russia, and pluck the Crimean Peninsula (home for over 230 years of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, hosting the only year-round warm water port of that vast country) for NATO use.

The Obama administration, steered in this regard by Clinton and Nuland, arranged for the “National Endowment of Democracy” and other so-called NGOs to pour $ 5 billion dollars into affecting regime change in Ukraine. This led to the coup against the elected government of February 22, 2014. (Nuland has boasted about this amount; it is no secret. Albright has crowed about it too. These women make no apologies about throwing money at friends—including in this case, a lot of neo-fascists—to transform the world as they see fit.)

The February putsch in Ukraine did not occur under Hillary’s watch, so I will not go into further detail about it. My point here is that Clinton chooses and works comfortably with people like Nuland (who in an intercepted phone call virtually dictated that the post-coup leader would be Arseniy Yatsenyev, as turned out to be—disastrously—true), and that she might very well choose such a figure as the next Secretary of State.

After Yatsenyev, a proponent of NATO membership, took power through the actions of violently anti-Russian forces in multi-ethnic Ukraine, the Russian population of east Ukraine (which has been there for many centuries preceding the Bolshevik establishment of the current boundaries) rose in revolt. The Russian population of Crimea rejected continued inclusion in the Ukrainian state under the circumstances, and Russia bloodlessly reasserted sovereignty to what everyone paying attention observes has been general approval.

(The fact is, the region had been transferred from the Russian Federated Soviet Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Socialist Republic in 1956 as an administrative measure when Ukrainian neo-fascism was not an issue. But now it was, after the February coup. And the voters in Crimea overwhelmingly supported reunification with Russia.)

Hillary’s response, as ex-secretary of state and presidential prospect? The least creative imaginable! Just as George H. W. Bush had called Saddam Hussein “a new Hitler,” and Bill Clinton had hurled the same tired charge against Milosevic, Hillary compared Vladimir Putin to Hitler and the Russian re-acquisition of Crimea to Hitler’s annexation of the Sudetenland.

“Claims by Putin,” proclaimed candidate Clinton, “that [Russia] had to go into Crimea, because they had to protect Russian minorities, is reminiscent of claims made back in the 1930s’s…, Germany, under the Nazis claimed that they had to protect German minorities in Czechoslovakia… and throughout Europe.”

This is sheer fear-mongering, and once again the pot calling the kettle black. Russia’s alleged aggressions involve Georgia and Ukraine, states neighboring Russia which Clinton has sought to incorporate into an anti-Russian military alliance; the U.S. aggressions supported by Hillary involve a host of nations from Libya to Afghanistan and incalculable death toll.

Expect a President Hillary Clinton to advocate further expansion of NATO. The governments of Finland and Sweden are considering NATO’s overtures, and public opinion has shifted in favor of membership. Georgia and Ukraine are formally waiting for inclusion. By pushing for expansion Hillary will provoke Russia while not necessarily retaining current allies’ firm support. (U.S. pressure on Europe to maintain sanctions against Russia is hardly welcome among the merchants, farmers and wageworkers most badly affected in Germany, France, Poland and elsewhere.)

China and Japan. Turning to the former secretary’s record of experience in Asian affairs, one can begin with her alliance with Japanese warmongers versus rising China. The most outstanding issue between the PRC and Tokyo is the Senkaku (Daioyu) islands dispute. Departing from the State Department’s traditional stance that “we take no position” on the Sino-Japanese dispute about sovereignty over these islands in the East China Sea, seized by Japan in 1895, Clinton as secretary of state emphasized that the islands fall within the defense perimeters of the U.S.-Japanese alliance. (That is to say, should the PRC attempt to establish control over the rocks and their resource-rich waters, the U.S. would fight with Japan to take them back.) The warmongering neocon National Review in a piece entitled “In Praise of Hillary Clinton” praised her for “driving the Chinese slightly up a wall.”

Clinton helped bring down a Japanese prime minister who, in response to public opinion, opposed U.S. plans for military base construction on the island.  In 2009 the new prime minister Yukio Hatoyama, whose Democratic Party of Japan had  defeated the slavishly pro-U.S. Liberal Democratic Party in the general election, promised to move the U.S. base in the heart of Ginowan city universally opposed  for the noise, air pollution and public safety hazards it causes. Obama met with Hatoyama, listened sympathetically, and just said “no,” showing him who was boss.

Hatoyama was obliged to apologize to the people of Okinawa, essentially conceding that Japan remains an occupied nation that doesn’t enjoy sovereignty. Nationwide his public support ratings plummeted immediately from 70 to 17% and he was obliged to resign in shame after eight months in office, paving the way for the pro-U.S. militarist regime of the current (very frightening) prime minister Abe Shinzo.

India. Hillary as secretary of state made countless trips to India, signing bilateral economic and nuclear cooperation agreements with a country her husband had placed under sanctions for its nuclear tests in 1998. (Sanctions against both India and Pakistan were lifted, swiftly and without controversy or explanation, by George W. Bush in late Sept. 2001.)

While castigating North Korea for its nuclear weapons program (and Iran for its imagined one), Clinton signaled that India’s nukes were no longer an issue for the U.S.  India was, after all, a counterweight to China. A CIA analyst called her position a “more hard line, more conditional, more neoconservative [approach] than Bush during the last four years of his term.” Some praise!

Israel/Palestine. On the question of Israel, Hillary has been a career-long total, unprincipled opportunist. In 1999 (as First Lady), Hillary Clinton hugged and kissed Yassir Arafat’s wife Suha during a trip to the West Bank. She advocated the establishment of a Palestinian state. She changed her tune when she ran for the New York Senate seat and has since been an unremitting supporter of Israeli aggression, whenever it occurs. She postured as an opponent of Israel’s unrelenting, illegal settlements of Palestinian territory in 2009, but backed down when Netanyahu simply refused to heed U.S. calls for a freeze. In her memoir she notes “our early, hard line on settlements didn’t work”—as though she’s apologizing for the official stance of the U.S. and virtually all the world’s countries that the occupation of the West Bank is illegal and wrong. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has described her as “Israel’s new lawyer” given her sympathetic view of Binyamin Netanyahu’s 2014 brutal bombardment of Gaza.

Honduras.  In Latin America, suffice it to mention Clinton’s role in the aftermath of the military coup in Honduras in June 2009. President Manuel Zelaya, a millionaire logger but ally of the left-wing Bolivarian Alliance,  had planned to conduct a referendum preparing the way for constitutional reforms. In an action Barack Obama correctly recognized as a “coup,” he was removed from office and dumped in Costa Rica. Hillary studiously avoided calling out reality for what it was, and resisted international calls for his reinstatement.

According to her own account, she worked with the new Honduran authorities to make sure that Zelaya would not return to office. “In the subsequent days [after the coup],” she records in Hard Choices, “I spoke with my counterparts around the hemisphere, including Secretary [Patricia] Espinosa in Mexico. We strategized on a plan to restore order in Honduras and ensure that free and fair elections could be held quickly and legitimately, which would render the question of Zelaya moot.”

In other words: let’s just accept the coup, change the subject, and proclaim the legitimacy of a more compliant government that can be packaged as the product of  “free and fair elections.”

As Matthew Rothschild noted in The Progressive at the time (March, 2010), “Hillary Clinton continues with her hawkish ways, making Obama’s foreign policy less distinguishable from Bush’s every day.” When Latin American governments questioned the legitimacy of the next “elected” government, Hillary complained, “Other countries of the region say that they want to wait a while. I don’t know what they’re waiting for.”

That’s just it. She doesn’t know what democracy, or “free and fair elections” are all about. But, receiving hundreds of thousands from Wall Street for short secret talks she refuses to make public, she well knows the logic of the almighty U.S. dollar. (By the way, $ 350 million have flowed in to Honduras from the U.S. government since the coup.)

Hillary as Candidate, 2016

Karl Marx famously noted that the capitalist “is only capital personified. His [let us add, or her] soul is the soul of capital.” The record outlined above is that of a mercenary for the One Percent, what Bernie calls the “billionaire class” and in particular its military-industrial complex in league with the neocon disinformation apparatus. As Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs has said of Clinton,  “Her so-called foreign policy ‘experience’ has been to support every war demanded by the US deep security state run by the military and the CIA.”

Bernie Sanders has all along labeled Clinton a Wall Street candidate, and this is surely true. His own fatal mistake has been to merely make that allegation, encountering the Clinton campaign’s reaction (Where’s your proof?) but neglecting to hit her where’s she’s most vulnerable: her experience as Secretary of State. Instead of exposing that record as “the most experienced candidate” as one of (at best) reckless misjudgment with horrific impacts on many people, he’s treated her with kid gloves.

(I read now that Sanders foreign policy advisor Joseph Cirincione has told an interviewer that “Sanders should have talked more, and earlier, about his national security vision.” I imagine that in “vision” would include a critique of Hillary’s record on Libya.)

Let us say that in the coming weeks somebody somewhere for some amount of money sells a tape of a Clinton talk to Goldman Sachs and it’s suddenly all over YouTube, and highly embarrassing. Or the Department of Justice will announce Hillary’s indictment. Bernie could, while sticking it out and hoping for that miracle, start hammering her campaign with the details listed above, especially as they pertain to her record and experience on Libya.

Seriously. He could sway voters and delegates by (for example) repeating again and again that Hillary “in the words of her former State Department employee Marie-Anne Slaughter ‘worked hard to turn the president’s mind around’ to agree to the 2011 attack on Libya that was misrepresented to the UN as a humanitarian mission but was in fact a mission for regime change that destroyed the prosperous modern state of Libya, produced new al-Qaeda and ISIL bases, and resulted in its leader’s brutal execution-by-sodomy to which Hillary responded with obscene glee as anyone can see on YouTube.”

Just popularizing that “We came, we saw, he died” clip could highlight the difference between the pensive Bernie and Hillary the warmonger. Grandma’s giddy cackle lingers so unpleasantly in the ears.

Sanders could contrast Hillary’s obsequious promise before AIPAC to meet with Netanyahu in the White House “during my first month in the White House” to bring the relationship to some undefined “next level” with his own suggestion that there should be “balance” in the White House approach to the Israeli/Palestinian issue. (The fact that a candidate had mentioned Palestinians by name has itself been found newsworthy by the corporate press.)

He could cite her statement in the course of the debates that Libya’s Gadaffi was “threatening to massacre large numbers of Libyan people” and therefore bowed to European and Arab pressure to “use smart power”. He could point out how the U.S. intelligence community itself questioned and has even since exposed as dubious Clinton’s dire predictions of “genocide;” these and the stupid charge that Libyan troops were getting issued Viagra to facilitate gang-rape were cynically manufactured and designed to “turn POTUS around” and agitate and confuse the public on the Libya attack issue.

And Bernie could ask thought-provoking questions. Like: Clinton says she wants to take the U.S.-Israel relationship “to the next level.” Does she think the present level—the highest amount of foreign aid to a nation the U.S. provides annually, despite Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian land that the U.S. and the rest of the world officially oppose—inadequate?

Or: In 2011 Hillary Clinton wanted the U.S. military to arm opponents of the Syrian government. But then as now almost all the effective military forces in the Syrian opposition are aligned with al-Qaeda or ISIL, and U.S. efforts to create a military force for regime change in Syria have resulted in nothing but embarrassment. Now Clinton says she “feels strongly” that we should impose a “no-fly zone” in Syria—just like she proposed in Libya—which means using the U.S. Air Force to unilaterally carve out this zone and engage militarily with Syrian or other including Russian forces to bring down the Assad regime whose forces are seriously fighting al-Qaeda. Does that show good judgment, or is that inviting World War Three?

I could make further suggestions but I have a feeling the Sanders campaign isn’t interested. Its staffers are strategizing about how best to observe Bernie’s pledge to support the Democratic nominee with the fact that in doing so he’ll need to say that being a Wall Street stooge isn’t as bad as being Donald Trump—and in doing so disappoint and disillusion followers who see no major difference between these two, other that one’s a carefully rehearsed former First Lady and the other a spontaneous buffoonish billionaire man. 

Can You Vote For a Known Warmonger?

In recent days Bernie while reiterating his commitment to the Democratic ticket boasts that he’s been drawing “millions of new voters into the political system”—as though that were a good in itself. Hillary’s people will be courting these folks big-time. But surely many will stay home, making their own statement.

This would be a statement that they’re unwilling—or their dignity does not allow them–to pretend that some vote for a “lesser evil” or impossible third party has real meaning other than to state that they wish to proactively register their acceptance of what is in fact a rigged political system. Anyone voting between two nauseating candidates is really just voting for the process itself. Maybe when the dutiful voter reads through the post-election figures and notices he/she was among the 55% of eligible voters who participated he/she will feel proud (of having made their “voice heard”), if not morally superior to those neglecting to use their precious hard-won “right to vote.”

But I think there are at least as many who see a choice between Hillary and Trump as anything but a clear choice of Good versus Evil, or even lesser and greater evils summoning them to the ballot box to help Hillary. What we have is a well-known evil with a long record versus a less-known evil who exudes racism and Islamophobia, caters to the anti-immigrant right, and panders to the Zionist lobby while stating he wants peace with Russia and China, can make deals with Putin, wants NATO to pay for more of its expenses (which could actually lead to countries balking and opting out of that unnecessary anti-Russian military alliance), wants to stay out of Syria, thinks Iraq and Libya were disasters, etc.

If one is concerned about world peace (more than, say, electing a woman of some sort as president as an imagined good-in-itself), and you’re wondering how it’s possible that the hawkish Hillary with her known history—as someone who’s never learned the lessons of the Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan conflicts but wants a broader war in Syria—the choice is in fact not that clear. Not at all.

In such circumstances, it’s hard to feign enthusiasm, or posture as someone proud to be an American, because at least you know you have the right to vote.

Because in fact the campaign showed you how little that right to vote means. It showed you how the apportionment of delegates was skewed from the start by the Democratic Party’s rules to favor the establishment candidate, and in this case to allow the Democratic Party establishment to exult in Hillary’s strong showing among African-Americans in the south over Vermont senator Bernie Sanders.

It showed how the institution of super-delegates further shapes the race; how caucus and primary rules depending on the state severely limit participation; how “participation” means requiring you to follow rules about of party primary registration well in advance; how money corrupts the entire ritual etc.

The 18-year-old voting for this first time in November can’t remember the vote in November 2000, when he or she was just two, and George W. Bush triumphed over Al Gore in an unfair, undemocratic presidential election. But a lot of the young people who’ve flocked to Bernie are somewhat aware of this history and have been cynical all along about what Marxists call “bourgeois democracy.”

Bernie’s tragedy was to attract those who didn’t believe in the “political process” (or yet have enough exposure to adequately disillusion them) into that process only to find it hopelessly unfair. And worse, he’ll have to tell them at the end of the day to believe in a warmonger.

When that happens they will, many of them will perhaps suddenly feel a very different sort of burn.

I sense the disillusionment already settling in. And just conceivably, youth’s lack of enthusiasm for Hillary plus Trump’s likely hammering her on the details of her “foreign policy experience” might even throw the race to the billionaire.

That, as Bernie-backer Susan Sarandon hinted in a “controversial” interview, might even be the preferable outcome—if only it prompts a revolution. And I don’t mean one led by him.

Trump in a rare speech before a teleprompter announced the other day that “war and aggression will not be my first instinct” and pledged to deploy boots on the ground only as a last resort. As the two-person race gets underway, he will hone in on Clinton’s “foreign policy experience” (maybe citing the Jeff Sachs quote about her supporting every war proposed by the military or CIA). He will pose himself as the brilliant peacemaker, able to make deals with Putin and the Chinese.

Trump could win. However frightening that might be, would a Clinton victory be less frightening?

The warmongers planning the next several wars are huddling, confident that their Shield Maiden has the women’s and the African-American votes (inherited from Obama who turned out to be so amenable to the military-industrial complex) in hand, but wondering how to channel all this hopefully malleable new youthful socialist-friendly energy to help sweep Hillary to power.

But they might discover that the quixotic Sanders campaign has produced new networks of new friends talking about income inequality, student debt relief, universal health care, criminal justice system reform, Wall Street regulation, the disastrous results of regime change, revolution, socialism, Marx, Lenin, etc. But chatting amongst themselves, they might, it seems to me, get more and more radicalized, more alienated from the broken system, more inclined to boycott the rigged process and move beyond Bernie in building towards that “political revolution” the nice old guy put on the table for general discussion. Before he gave up.

And so, unless Hillary gets run over by a bus, it will be either her or Trump—two of the most unpopular political figures in the country, oddly enough, whose negative poll ratings both hover around 60%—in the White House nine months from now.

Either will provoke—you would hope—immediate mass opposition. The total bankruptcy of the system is being exposed, to all with eyes to see. So let’s see things as they really are and (with Sarandon) think optimistically.

Gary Leupp is Professor of History at Tufts University, and holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Religion. He is the author of Servants, Shophands and Laborers in in the Cities of Tokugawa JapanMale Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women, 1543-1900. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion, (AK Press). He can be reached at: [email protected]

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The hurricane named Donald Trump has taken everyone by surprise by going against all the established rules in politics. So far, candidates were always trying hard to avoid taking extreme positions; aiming for the center of the political spectrum was seen as the way to win, and it worked. But Trump has taken exactly the opposite strategy, always aiming to positions that not long ago would have been seen as extreme and even unspeakable.

But he is having success. How can that be? For everything that exists, there must be reasons for it to exist, and this universal rule must be valid also for Donald Trump. And, indeed, the rise of Trump should be seen not only as having reasons to exist, but even as unavoidable. Let me try to explain why.

Image from Pew Research Center. The increasing polarization of the US electorate has destroyed all the previous certitudes in politics, generating the unavoidable rise of Donald Trump.

In 1929, Harold Hotelling developed a model of spatial competition among firms that today is still well known and takes his name. The idea is sometimes described in terms of what the best location for selling ice cream on a beach.Assuming that customers are distributed evenly along a linear beach, it turns out that the best position for all of them is to cluster exactly at the center. Something similar holds in politics: it is called the Hotelling-Downs model. It says that, in a political competition, the most advantageous position is at the center. This is a well known and traditional political strategy; those who are at the center win elections.

So, did Donald Trump disprove the Hotelling-Downs model with his strategy based on taking extreme position? No, but all models work only within the limits of the assumptions that produced them. If the assumptions change, then the models change as well. The Hotelling-Downs model, as it is commonly described, works on the assumption that voters’ preferences tend to cluster in the middle of the spectrum of political views, something like this

Imagine that the horizontal axis describes the voters’ preferences about, say, war and peace. At the two extremes of the diagram there are absolute warmongers and absolute pacifists, At the center, there is a majority that takes an intermediate position; preferring peace but not ruling out war. This was the situation up to not long ago for most issues. But the recent data indicate a remarkable ongoing transformation, something more like this:

(image from Pew research center)

You see how the preferences among American voters are splitting into two halves. Liberals and conservatives are becoming more and more different, a split that may increase in the future. In a previous post of mine, I interpreted this trend as the result of the growing impoverishment of society, a phenomenon that increases the competition for the remaining resources. The increased polarization derives from the fact that some categories or social classes tend to find it easier to gather resources by stealing them from those who have them rather than creating them out of natural resources (e.g. banks vs. citizens or the elites vs. the middle class). If this interpretation is correct, political polarization is here to stay with us for a long time.

The problem is that polarization has deep political consequences. If society is split into two ideologically incompatible halves then the mechanism of the “primaries” enhances the split even more. The Hotelling-Downs model still holds, but separately for the two halves. At this point, in order to win votes, a candidate may be better off by aiming for one of the two peaks, either at the left or at the right; a position that’s in practice obligatory with the primaries, where voters are split into two halves as well. Indeed, Donald Trump has been playing king of the hill in the republican hump while pushing most of the other candidates in the Republican desert of the center. The only Republican rivals that survived Trump’s onslaught are those, like Ted Cruz, who are competing with him for the same rightmost peak. Something similar has generated the relative success of Bernie Sanders on the opposite side of the political spectrum; even though that may not lead him to the nomination. So, Donald Trump was really an unavoidable phenomenon.

And now? It seems increasingly likely that Trump will obtain the Republican nomination by means of his successful polarizing tactics. But, in order to win the presidency, Trump should abandon the safe but limited hill on the right and try to conquer the center. But can he really do that after such an aggressive and divisive nomination campaign? Trump has nearly supernatural communication skills, but this may be too much even for him. The problem is that the President of the United States is supposed to be the president of everyone, not just of those who voted for him. But, we already saw a dangerous crack in this arrangement with President Obama, when a considerable number of people seemed unable to accept the idea of having a black president. As president, Donald Trump would be likely to generate similar reactions from a different section of the public.

That could produce a split in society that, euphemistically, we could define as a little difficult to manage. But, again, Trump is not the cause of anything, he is just the unavoidable result of the rising internecine competition within an increasingly poorer society. He may fail in his bid for the presidency, but the social and political factors that created him will remain. And these factors might easily lead to something much worse than Trump if the economic situation deteriorates further, as it probably will. So, where is the institution we call “democracy” going? It is difficult to say, but, in order for democracy to exist, there must exist certain conditions, in particular a reasonably equitable distribution of wealth in society. And this is something that we are rapidly losing. As we slide down

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Palestinian Journalist Ordered to Imprisonment Without Charge or Trial by Israeli Occupation Military

May 4th, 2016 by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

As the world marks World Press Freedom Day on 3 May, Palestinian journalist Omar Nazzal, member of the General Secretariat of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate and president of the Association of Democratic Journalists, was ordered to four months in Israeli administrative detention – imprisonment without charge or trial on the basis of “secret evidence.”

Nazzal’s order to administrative detention came alongside the imprisonment of journalist, human rights defender and media and communications officer of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Hassan Safadi, in a dawn raid on Monday, 2 May.

The Israeli military made vague accusations that Nazzal is linked to the Palestinian leftist political party and resistance organization, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. “His lawyer, Mahmoud Hassan, said he believes his client, a leading member of the Palestinian journalists’ union, is being targeted because of his political activism. Hassan noted that under the system of administrative detention, the defence is not shown any alleged evidence against them,” reported the Guardian following the order against Nazzal on Monday, 2 May in Ofer Military Court. All major Palestinian political parties are labeled “prohibited organizations” by the Israeli occupation.


Palestinian journalists have protested repeatedly in Ramallah, Jenin and elsewhere, demanding Nazzal’s freedom and an end to the attacks on Palestinian journalists. “The military occupation’s decision as a dangerous precedent against the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate and sends a very clear message of targeting the leadership of the union and all journalists,” said Nasser Abu Baker, president of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate following the administrative detention order.

The EFJ General Meeting released a declaration, noting that the meeting “condemns in the strongest terms the arrest of Palestinian journalist board member, Omar Nazzal, as he was crossing from the West Bank into Jordan to attend this meeting and his subsequent incarceration at Etzion prison near Bethlehem. GM demands that Omar Nazzal is released forthwith.”

Nazzal was arrested on 23 April 2016 as he attempted to cross the al-Karameh crossing to Jordan in order to participate in the General Meeting of the European Federation of Journalists, part of the delegation of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate.

Administrative detention orders are indefinitely renewable following their initial imposition; not only is Nazzal imprisoned without charge or trial, he has no way to know when his detention will end in reality. He joins 19 imprisoned Palestinian journalists and 750 Palestinians held in administrative detention without charge or trial. Among those held in administrative detention include civil society leader Eteraf Rimawi, circus teacher and performer Mohammed Abu Sakha, and members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, including Hatem Kufaisheh, whose detention was extended in a new military order for three-months administrative detention on 2 April. Kufaisheh was originally arrested on 24 January and ordered to administrative detention; in total, he has spent 13 years in Israeli prison and 150 months in administrative detention.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network demands the immediate release of Omar Nazzal, Hasan Safadi, and all Palestinian journalists imprisoned by the Israeli occupation. We also demand the immediate release of all Palestinian administrative detainees, an end to the practice of administrative detention and the freedom of all 7,000 Palestinian prisoners.

We urge international media organizations, media workers’ associations, and journalists’ unions to take up the call to defend Palestinian journalists under attack, including organizing to free Omar Nazzal and his fellow imprisoned journalists. All international organizations and governments who today mark World Press Freedom Day have an obligation to defend the freedom of the press for occupied Palestinians and pressure Israel to release imprisoned Palestinian journalists, and end the closures of Palestinian media outlets and mass arrests of Palestinians for posts on social media.

This includes the implementation of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel – including ending special economic agreements like the EU/Israel Association Agreement and an end to billions of dollars in US military aid – because of its ongoing violations of Palestinian rights, including the rights of Palestinians to freedom of the press and freedom of association.


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Resumen: La reciente demanda contra Panamá registrada ante el CIADI por una empresa minera norteamericana constituye una nueva señal sobre la peligrosa deriva del arbitraje inversionista-Estado en América Latina. En este artículo, se pretende dar algunos elementos sobre la práctica reciente del CIADI, y sobre la imperiosa necesidad de remediar los alcances de algunas cláusulas a favor del inversionista en los tratados bilaterales de inversión (TBI) suscritos en los años 90, que reaparecen en los acuerdos de libre comercio firmados en los años 2000.

Imagen extraída de  artículo  de la prensa panameña titulado “Henríquez: Gobierno no está impulsando minería en la comarca Ngäbe Buglé

Según las últimas actualizaciones de la página oficial del Banco Mundial, el pasado 15 de abril, se registró formalmente ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Disputas entre Inversionista Extranjero y Estado (CIADI) una nueva demanda contra Panamá. La limitada información con la que el CIADI da usualmente a conocer detalles sobre las demandas registradas explica que, al momento de redactar estas líneas (2 de mayo del 2016)  en la  ficha técnica  se lea, con relación a la empresa demandante: “Dominion Minerals Corp. (nationality not available) “. De igual forma, el no tener acceso al texto de la demanda como tal desde el mismo sitio del CIADI obedece a la misma razón.

En realidad, se trata de una demanda interpuesta por la empresa minera norteamericana Dominion Minerals (ver  texto completo  de la demanda reproducido en su integralidad en el sitio canadiense privado de Italaw), por un monto de 268 millones de US$ (ver punto 8 de la demanda).

La falta de transparencia del CIADI no es nada nueva, ha sido denunciada abundantemente por sectores de la academia y de la sociedad civil desde largos años, así como por parte de algunos Estados. En el 2004, ante la oleada de demandas de diversos concesionarios presentadas contra Argentina ante el CIADI, el Procurador del Tesoro de la Nación de Argentina, declaró que “se nos está amenazando con dejar a la Argentina fuera del mundo, cuando en realidad los argentinos vamos a quedar fuera del mundo si pagamos estas demandas insólitas” (Nota 1). Recientemente, en el caso Total S.A contra Argentina, Argentina presentó una solicitud de recusación de Teresa Cheng como integrante de un Comité Ad Hoc de anulación  (ver  texto completo  de la solicitud de recusación publicado en Argentina y, como era de esperar, inexistente en el sitio del CIADI).

La demanda contra Panamá

En esta  nota de prensa  panameña del 8 de abril del 2016 se lee que: “‘la concesión para la búsqueda de recursos minerales en esa área, perteneciente a la Comarca Ngäbe-Buglé, fue en 2006 por un periodo de cuatro años, terminando el 4 de abril de 2010′. ‘La concesión se podía extender por dos periodos más, pero el Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias (MICI), en su momento decidió no hacerlo, luego de que la entonces Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente rechazara el estudio de impacto ambiental’, manifestó el ministerio“. En esta  otra nota  anterior publicada en La Estrella de Panamá, del 31 de marzo del 2016, se lee que: “El representante legal Michael Stepek señaló que, ‘Panamá se ha negado a reconocer la expropiación de la inversión de Dominion y se ha rehusado a pagarles una compensación adecuada y efectiva, lo cual ha hecho necesaria la presentación de esta solicitud’. Michael Stepek, quien también es socio de la firma Akin Gump manifestó que ‘esta solicitud de arbitraje es el resultado de una diferencia de larga trayectoria que surge de la expropiación por parte de Panamá de la inversión sustancial que realizó Dominion en la concesión minera de Cerro Chorcha, en Bocas del Toro’“. En el 2010, la máxima instancia judicial panameña ordenó suspender la minería en Cerro Chorcha y en cuatro zonas más de la provincia de Chiriquí en Panamá (ver  nota  del 7/1/2010 del sitio Burica).

Con este nuevo caso registrado ante el CIADI en su contra, Panamá suma en la actualidad cuatro demandas pendientes de resolución, acumuladas a lo largo de los últimos cuatro años, a saber:

Álvarez y Marín Corporación S.A. and others v. Republic of Panama (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/14), interpuesta en el 2015 por un monto de unos 100 millones de US$ (según esta  nota  de La Nación, Costa Rica). En reciente fallo con fecha del 4 de abril del 2016, el CIADI rechazó las objeciones presentadas por Panamá y se declaró competente para conocer de la controversia sometida a su conocimiento por esta firma costarricense con relación a un megaproyecto de desarrollo turístico (ver  texto integral  de la decisión);
IBT Group LLC., Constructor, Consulting and Engineering (Panamá), S.A., and International Business and Trade, LLC. v. Republic of Panama (ICSID Case No. ARB/14/33), interpuesta en el 2014, por unos 50 millones de US$. En abril del 2015, una información errónea circuló en Panamá sobre el retiro de esta demanda por parte de la empresa (ver  nota de prensa ). Se lee en la ficha técnica del CIADI que, a abril del 2016, la situación del caso es la siguiente: “Pending (the proceeding is stayed for non-payment of the required advances pursuant to ICSID Administrative and Financial Regulation 14(3)(d) on January 6, 2016)“;
Transglobal Green Energy, LLC and Transglobal Green Panama, S.A. v. Republic of Panama (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/28), interpuesta en el 2013 con relación a una concesión para la explotación de una planta hidroeléctrica en Chiriquí Viejo (ver  texto  de la demanda). En esta  publicación  de la Procuraduría General de la Nación, se lee que: “Aunque no se ha fijado la cuantía de esta demanda, los demandantes han estimado lo supuestos daños y perjuicios en Dos Mil Quinientos Millones de Dólares” (filmina 10).

El costo de una demanda ante el CIADI para el Estado

Resulta oportuno precisar que, entre las diversas críticas hechas al arbitraje internacional en materia de inversión (Nota 2), se incluye el elevado costo que debe sufragar el Estado para asegurar su defensa: en la actualidad, el monto promedio para cubrir únicamente los gastos en honorarios de firmas de abogados ubicadas en Nueva York, Washington, Ginebra o Madrid contratados para defender a un Estado (y ello, independientemente del resultado final) ronda los 8 millones de US$, según lo indicado por un especialista costarricense en materia de arbitraje de inversión (ver  nota  en CRHoy).  No obstante, en el largo caso Pacific Rim que enfrenta El Salvador en el CIADI (demanda inicialmente planteada por 314 millones de US$ por una empresa minera canadiense, ahora en manos de un consorcio minero australiano), se leyó recientemente que el monto en honorarios de abogados supera los 12 millones de US$ (ver  nota  de prensa titulada “Arbitraje con Pacific Rim ha costado al Estado $12.6 millones”. En otro extenso caso de la empresa minera canadiense Crystallex contra Venezuela, cuya decisión se dio a conocer en este mes de abril del 2016 (ver  texto  del fallo en su versión española), Venezuela reconoció haber gastado en honorarios de abogados la suma de 14.322.826 US$ (punto 950 del fallo), mientras que la empresa minera indicó haber gastado en honorarios de abogados 30.493.635 US$ (punto 949 del fallo).

El CIADI y América Latina

Los efectos negativos del sistema de arbitraje de inversión para las economías de los Estados de América Latina van más allá de los únicos honorarios que el erario público debe sufragar ante cada demanda. En varios casos, se trata de demandas abusivas que buscan forzar un Estado a frenar sus políticas públicas en materia de salud, de ambiente, de protección del recurso hídrico, o en materia de protección de poblaciones indígenas, entre otros ámbitos. Decisiones de la justicia nacional, negativas para el inversionista extranjero, también están llevando a sus abogados a recurrir ante el CIADI: obtener ante el CIADI lo que la justicia declaró ilegal pareciera entonces constituirse en una nueva (y cuestionable) tendencia del CIADI.

Estos y algunos otros efectos negativos del sistema actual del arbitraje de inversión (en el que siempre el demandado es el Estado, nunca el inversionista) han sido analizados por varios autores, en particular por Patxi Zavalo de la Universidad del País Vasco (ver artículo); de igual forma, las diversas estrategias de los Estados de la región para limitar el alcance de ciertos tratados con cláusulas muy favorables para el inversionista extranjero han sido objeto de estudio (ver por ejemplo,  artículo  de la profesora Katia Fach Gomez de la Universidad de Zaragoza).

La demanda interpuesta en el 2010 ante el CIADI por la transnacional Philip Morris por 25 millones de US$ contra Uruguay, a raíz de la adopción de una legislación para proteger a los uruguayos de los efectos del fumado, evidencia hasta donde se puede llegar usando algunos tratados bilaterales de inversión (más conocidos como TBI) con cláusulas más favorables que otros para el inversionista. La decisión preliminar del CIADI del 2013 en la que se declara competente (ver  texto ),  pese a los argumentos presentados por el Uruguay (ver puntos 31 a 54 del fallo), evidencia las ventajas ofrecidas por el TBI entre Uruguay y Suiza escogido por esta transnacional, lo cual debería de llamar la atención sobre el tipo de cláusulas insertas en los TBI con Suiza, así como en otros TBI (Nota 3).

Como es sabido, CIADI y TBI son parte de un mismo esquema: en este artículo sobre la (triste) experiencia de Argentina, que llegó a acumular en el CIADI 45 demandas, luego de suscribir más de 50 TBI a inicios de los años 2000 (ver  listado ), leemos que “el CIADI es parte de un sistema que se complementa con los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión suscritos profusamente en los últimos 25 años y en los que se otorga el consentimiento a los inversionistas para que, en caso de controversias, puedan acudir directamente al arbitraje” (Nota 4).

Costa Rica, pese a algunas advertencias recientes que al parecer no encontraron mayor eco (ver nuestra breve nota publicada en octubre del 2015 con relación al TBI suscrito con China en el 2007), aprobó en segundo debate el pasado 28 de marzo del 2016 la herramienta legal que permitirá, de ahora en adelante a empresas concesionarias chinas, amenazar con recurrir o recurrir directamente al CIADI. La precitada nota, ampliada en un artículo de corte más académico publicado en el OPALC de París (Nota 5) señalaba la anuencia de la misma China con otros Estados de América Latina receptores de inversión china para modificar las cláusulas CIADI en sus respectivos TBI (Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, México, Venezuela entre otros); o para acceder a invertir en un Estado como Brasil, renuente a ratificar un solo TBI de la docena que ha firmado. Brasil, primer receptor de inversión extranjera en la región,  no ha suscrito la Convención que crea el CIADI de 1965 (al igual que México, Cuba, o República Dominicana y la misma Canadá hasta el 2013).

En la actualidad, en América Latina, después de Venezuela (24 casos pendientes de resolución registrados en el CIADI) y de Argentina (17 casos) así como de Costa Rica (5), Panamá es (a la fecha de redactar esta breve nota) el Estado con más demandas acumuladas. De manera a integrar a estas breves reflexiones a la comunidad ibérica en su conjunto, cabe indicar que España es actualmente el Estado con mayor demandas registradas ante el CIADI pendientes de resolución: de los 212 casos inscritos en el sitio del CIADI, España registra 25 casos en su contra, es decir un 12% de todos los casos. Ello debido a la “avalancha” de casos provocada en el 2015 (Nota 6) causada en gran parte por un recorte en las subvenciones estatales para proyectos de producción de energía eólica y solar (ver listado del CIADI en este  enlace oficial). Al realizar consultas sobre cada una de estas demandas, un investigador español se sorprenderá tal vez del carácter exiguo y limitado de la información proporcionada por el CIADI en su sitio oficial: ello le ayudará a entender mejor las duras críticas sobre la falta de transparencia del CIADI hechas desde hace muchos años en América Latina.

En el caso de Costa Rica, la última demanda registrada en su contra en el CIADI fue interpuesta en el 2014 por la empresa minera canadiense Infinito Gold por 94 millones de US$ (con base en el TBI entre Costa Rica y Canadá); en octubre del 2013 había anunciado que demandaría a Costa Rica por 1092 millones de US$ (ver  nota  de prensa sobre “la mayor demanda contra Costa Rica en la historia” según reza el titular… nunca presentada). Según los voceros de la empresa, esta demanda (con monto variable) se debe a la suspensión ordenada por la justicia costarricense del proyecto minero ubicado en Las Crucitas en noviembre del 2010. Esta sentencia fue confirmada en el 2011 por la Sala Primera de la Corte Suprema de Justicia en medio de un escándalo sobre posible “filtración” de un borrador de la sentencia (ver  nota  del Semanario Universidad y  nota  de La Nación, así como  nota  de CRHoy sobre investigación final realizada por la misma Sala Primera).  En marzo del 2015, se ordenó al Estado a indemnizar al magistrado suplente señalado (ver  nota  de CRHoy), al desestimar la causa en su contra la Fiscalía General de la República. A la fecha, se desconoce si existe alguna otra causa abierta en la Fiscalía  por la filtración de este borrador de sentencia acaecida en el 2011.

En el mes de julio del 2015, Costa Rica solicitó formalmente a los tres árbitros del CIADI suspender el procedimiento (ver nuestra breve  nota  publicada en Global Research), sin lograr mayor éxito en su gestión. En el 2005, este mismo proyecto minero ubicado en Las Crucitas había dado lugar a una demanda contra Costa Rica por 276 millones de US$ (ver  nota  de La Nación), al considerar la empresa minera que el no otorgamiento de la viabilidad ambiental por parte de la Secretaría Técnica Nacional del Ambiente (SETENA) era asimilable a una expropiación de hecho. Esta demanda fue retirada a inicios del mes de octubre del 2005 por la empresa, aduciendo estar en “negociaciones” con Costa Rica e indicando sentirse “reasonably optimistic” sobre el resultado de estas (ver  documentos ). A la fecha, se desconoce la identidad exacta de quiénes “negociaron” por parte del Estado costarricense con la empresa minera canadiense y cuál fue el objeto de estas negociaciones: dos meses después del retiro de la demanda, en diciembre del 2005, la SETENA aprobaba el Estudio de Impacto Ambiental (EIA).

Más allá de algunos secretos bien guardados que persisten en Costa Rica, sorprende que un mismo Estado, por un mismo proyecto, ante el CIADI sea demandado en el 2005 por 276 millones de dólares y luego en el 2014 por la tercera parte de este monto (después de anunciar la empresa minera en el 2013 que demandaría a Costa Rica por 1.092 millones de US$).

Cabe mencionar que Colombia, Estado que había logrado mantener una legislación en materia de arbitraje comercial que dificultaba el recurso al CIADI por parte del inversionista extranjero (Nota 7) enfrenta desde el pasado mes de marzo del 2016 su primera demanda (Nota 8), la cual podría ser seguida de otras anunciadas por empresas mineras: varios consorcios de empresas mineras han anunciado su intención de demandar a Colombia por unos 16.500 millones de US$ (ver nota), a raíz de un fallo de la Corte de Constitucionalidad de Colombia de febrero del 2016 que prohíbe la minería en los páramos colombianos (ver nota de El Espectador).

Desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos, un reciente informe del Relator Especial de Naciones Unidas sobre la Promoción de un Orden International Democrático y Equitativo  (ver  texto   en español del   documento A/70/285   del 5 de agosto del 2015) indica que: “La solución de controversias entre inversores y Estados es un mecanismo bastante reciente y arbitrario; es una forma privatizada de solucionar controversias que acompaña a muchos acuerdos internacionales de inversión. En lugar de litigar ante los tribunales locales o invocar la protección diplomática, los inversores recurren a tres árbitros que, en procedimientos confidenciales, deciden si sus derechos y la inversión han sido violados por un Estado. Los tribunales de solución de controversias entre inversores y Estados pueden entender en demandas de los inversores contra los Estados, pero no pueden hacerlo respecto de las demandas de los Estados contra los inversores, por ejemplo, cuando estos últimos violan leyes y reglamentos nacionales, contaminan el medio ambiente y el suministro de agua, introducen la utilización de organismos modificados genéticamente potencialmente peligrosos, etc”.

En este informe de Naciones Unidas del año 2015 pocamente publicitado y divulgado en América Latina por parte de los aparatos estatales (y posiblemente desconocido por algunos decisores políticos a cargo del comercio exterior y por algunos de sus asesores a cargo de negociar los términos de un TBI), se lee también que: “Un defecto de nacimiento de una solución de controversia entre inversores y Estados es su calidad de “caballo de Troya”: se introdujo en los acuerdos internacionales de inversión sin revelar plenamente su aplicación potencialmente invasivas” (punto 21, p. 11).
A modo de conclusión: decisiones recientes del CIADI

El pasado 5 de abril del 2016, Venezuela fue condenada por el CIADI a pagar 1.386 millones de US$ en el caso del proyecto minero Las Cristinas cuyos permisos fueron suspendidos a una empresa minera canadiense, denominada Crystallex (ver breve  nota  al respecto). A pocos días de adoptada esta decisión, una solicitud de confirmación del laudo arbitral fue presentada ante el juez del Distrito de Columbia en Estados Unidos (ver texto de la solicitud).

El monto extremadamente elevado ordenado por el CIADI contra Venezuela recuerda el fallo contra Ecuador del año 2012 (ver  texto integral  del laudo arbitral, adoptado por 2 votos a favor y uno en contra), condenando a Ecuador a pagar a un consorcio de empresas petroleras Occidental Petroleum la suma de 1.770 millones de US$ (un monto jamás ordenado por un tribunal del CIADI).  En el 2015, luego de ser apelada por Ecuador ante el mismo CIADI, la decisión resultó ser revisada a la baja en cuanto a su monto en un 40 %, llegando a la suma de  1.061.775.000 US$ (ver  breve  nota  sobre esta decisión).

Estos recientes fallos confirman la peligrosa deriva del CIADI en los últimos años, denunciada recientemente en un informe muy completo de dos entidades, que lleva al respecto un evocador título: “Cuando la injusticia es negocio. Cómo las firmas de abogados, árbitros y financiadores alimentan el auge del arbitraje” (Nota 9). Estos montos indemnizatorios ordenados a Ecuador y a Venezuela posiblemente alejen un poco más a algunos Estados de América Latina del CIADI: además de Brasil, Cuba, México, República Dominicana, Estados que, como indicado, se mantienen sin ratificar la Convención de 1965 que crea el CIADI, este instrumento jurídico fue denunciado por parte de Bolivia (2007), de Ecuador (2010) y de Venezuela (2012). Estos Estados han procedido, al igual que la India, Indonesia o Sudáfrica, a renegociar o a suspender varios de sus TBI en aras de limitar sustancialmente el alcance de las cláusulas CIADI insertas en ellos (Nota 10).

 Nicolás Boeglin


Nota 1: Véase artículo publicado el 1/12/2004 en La Nación (Argentina) titulado “El procurador del Tesoro cuestionó la “falta de transparencia” del Ciadi”, disponible aquí.

Nota 2: Véase por ejemplo FACH GOMEZ K., “Latin America and ICSID: David versus Goliath”, 2010. Artículo disponible aquí.

Nota 3: El hecho que el TBI con los Países Bajos haya sido denunciado  por Venezuela en mayo del 2008 (ver  nota de El Universal), por Sudáfrica en el 2012 (ver  nota)  y por Indonesia  (denuncia efectiva a partir del 1ero de julio del 2015 (ver  nota) constituye a su vez un indicador que debería invitar a un ejercicio similar para los TBI suscritos con los Países Bajos: una publicación especializada del 2012 sobre los TBI de los Países Bajos (ver  artículo  titulado “The Netherlands: A Gateway to ‘Treaty Shopping’ for Investment Protection”) refiere, entre otros aspectos, al hecho que los Países Bajos son usados por muchas transnacionales para constituirse formalmente ahí y al hecho que los habilidosos negociadores holandeses han obtenido la inclusión de cláusulas sumamente favorables para sus inversionistas. Un poco más cerca de nosotros, merece mención el hecho que de las tres demandas actualmente pendientes contra Panamá ante el CIADI, una de ellas fue interpuesta en abril del 2015 por la corporación costarricense Álvarez y Marín (ver  ficha técnica) con base en el CAFTA-DR y… el TBI entre Panamá y los Países Bajos.

Nota 4: Véase SOMMER Chr., “El reconocimiento y la ejecución en los laudos arbitrales del CIADI: Ejecución Directa o Aplicación del Exequatur?”, Revista Cordobesa de Derecho Internacional Público (ReCorDIP), Volumen 1, (2011), p. 4. Texto del artículo  disponible  aqui .

Nota 5: Véase BOEGLIN N., “Acuerdo bilateral de inversiones entre China y Costa Rica: breve puesta en perspectiva”, OPALC- CERI, Sciences-Po, Paris, Octubre del 2015. Texto disponible aquí.

Nota 6: Estos 25 casos pendientes de resolución contra España se  registraron de la siguiente manera: en el 2016 se registra un caso, en el 2015 se registraron 15 casos, en el 2014 fueron  5 casos,  y en el 2013, fueron 3 demandas registradas contra España, a las que hay que añadir un caso registrado desde el 2003 denominado “Suez, Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona S.A. and Vivendi Universal S.A (ARB/03/19)” contra Argentina que erróneamente aparece como un caso contra España.

Nota 7: Cabe mencionar que en el caso de Colombia (uno de los pocos Estados de la región latinoamericana que no había sido objeto de ninguna demanda ante el CIADI), una nota preparada por la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Bogotá de mayo del 2011 (y destinada a las empresas norteamericanas interesadas en invertir en Colombia) reconocía la dificultad que presentaba para el inversionista extranjero la legislación colombiana (al restringir la posibilidad de acudir a un arbitraje internacional), pero informaba que la suscripción de numerosos Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TBI) por parte de Colombia podría cambiar la situación: se lee textualmente en esta nota que: “Since Colombia has become party to FTAs and multilateral and bilateral investment treaties, the number of international investment arbitration cases between investors and State entities will increase. These arbitration processes may help to change Colombian case law because FTAs, BITs and multilateral investment treaties empower arbitration tribunals to decide cases related to breach of treaty standards of investment protection”. Sobre la dificultad de demandar a Colombia ante el CIADI, se lee en un artículo publicado en Colombia en el año 2006 que: “En Colombia, el Decreto 2080 de 2000, por medio del cual se expidió el régimen general de inversiones de capital del exterior en Colombia y de capital colombiano en el exterior, permite acudir al arbitraje internacional para la solución de este tipo de controversias, siempre que las partes en el conflicto así lo hubieran pactado. Nuestra legislación interna no hace alusión expresa al arbitraje CIADI; en consecuencia, existe libertad para escoger el foro a través del cual se solucionarán las controversias. Por su parte, la recientemente expedida Ley 963, por medio de la cual se establece un régimen de estabilidad jurídica para inversionistas, dispone que en los contratos de estabilidad jurídica que celebre el Estado para promover nuevas inversiones podrá incluirse una cláusula compromisoria por medio de la cual se solucionen las diferencias que surjan entre las partes; pero en tal caso se solucionarán mediante arbitraje nacional regido de manera exclusiva por las leyes colombianas. De tal forma, las controversias surgidas por estos contratos típicos de inversión celebrados entre el Estado colombiano y un inversionista, no podrán ser dirimidas frente al CIADI”: véase MEDINA CASAS H.M., “La jurisdicción del CIADI: una evolución en el arreglo de controversias internacionales”, in ABELLO GALVIS R. (Ed.) Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo: Lo Público, Lo Privado, Los Derechos Humanos: liber amicorum en homenaje a Germán Cavelier”, Bogotá D.C., Universidad del Rosario, 2006, pp. 707-727,  p. 718. Texto integral del artículo disponible  aquí .

Nota 8: Se trata de una demanda registrada el 16 de marzo del 2016, denominada oficialmente en el CIADI: “Glencore International A.G. and C.I. Prodeco S.A. v. Republic of Colombia (ICSID Case No. ARB/16/6)”: esta demanda fue antecedida unas semanas antes por un foro público sobre el escándalo de Reficar en Colombia (ver  nota  de Semana).  Un “informe sombre de sostenibilidad de las operaciones de Glencore en Colombia” producido por ONG colombianas (ver  informe ) detalla el tipo de operaciones de esta empresa suiza en Colombia.  A la fecha de redactar estas líneas, no está registrada oficialmente ninguna otra demanda adicional contra Colombia a la de Glencore.

Nota 9: Véase Corporate Europe Observatory & Transnational Institute, “Cuando la injusticia es negocio. Cómo las firmas de abogados, árbitros y financiadores alimentan el auge del arbitraje” , Informe, 2012. Texto integral disponible   aquí . Este informe detalla de una manera bastante bien documentada cuál es el destino final de gran parte de estas cuantiosas sumas de dinero que conlleva una demanda ante el CIADI.

Nota 10: Remitimos al lector a nuestra breve nota publicada en inglés en diciembre del 2013: BOEGLIN N., “ICSID and Latin America Criticism, withdrawal and the search for alternatives”, Bretton Woods Project. Texto disponible aquí.


Nicolás Boeglin,  Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR).

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The rules of trade in the Asia-Pacific must be written by America, not China, US President Barack Obama has argued in an opinion article that called for a swift ratification of the controversial TPP free trade deal.

“America should write the rules. America should call the shots. Other countries should play by the rules that America and our partners set, and not the other way around,” the president wrote in a piece published by the Washington Post.

Obama was defending the Trans- Pacific Partnership (TPP), a free trade deal signed in February by 12 Pacific Rim nations. The US legislators are yet to ratify the deal, and the president said it must be done as soon as possible.

“The Asia-Pacific region will continue its economic integration, with or without the United States. We can lead that process, or we can sit on the sidelines and watch prosperity pass us by,” he warned, pointing a finger at China as a major threat to the TPP.

“As we speak, China is negotiating a trade deal that would carve up some of the fastest-growing markets in the world at our expense, putting American jobs, businesses and goods at risk.”

China is advocating an alternative treaty called Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, which includes some of America’s closest allies in the region like Australia, South Korea and Japan. The RCEP does not follow the US interests the way the TPP does, Obama said, describing TPP as“a trade deal that puts American workers first and makes sure we write the rules of the road for trade in the 21st century.”The TPP has been criticized for protecting the rights of big corporations at the expanse of nations and their citizens. Once the deal is in place, it would lead to deregulation of many areas of business, including some crucial for people’s wellbeing and human rights, such as pharmaceutics, or enforcement of digital copyrights. It would also compromise labor and environmental standards, critics say.

The signing of the deal was accompanied by mass protests in affected countries, including the US.Similar concerns exist over other free trade deals that the Obama administration is pushing for, such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and the EU. This week Greenpeace Netherlands revealed leaked classified negotiation texts, which, the organization said, exposed the TTIP as a deal “about a huge transfer of power from people to big business.

European officials earlier complained that Washington wants the deal to provide preferable conditions for American companies and would not compromise.

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Often, when people are first becoming personally acquainted with me and my political views, I will be asked point-blank: “Do you support North Korea?” I always respond, “No, I don’t support North Korea. I support all of Korea.”

Among average Americans and even many who consider themselves activists and leftists, there is a great deal of confusion about issues involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and its history. Each time there is an escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the level of confusion seems to get worse. The US media makes no effort to educate the public about why Korea is divided — and often blatantly distorts and lies about it.

Why is Korea Divided?

Prior to the Second World War, the Korean Peninsula was occupied by Japan, which carried out horrendous atrocities against the Korean people. Korean women were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military.

When Korean pacifist Christians went out to protest against Japan in March of 1919, over 7,000 of them were killed. The Japanese military retaliated against nonviolent acts of civil disobedience by randomly setting schools on fire and causing hundreds of random Korean children, who had nothing to do with the protests, to die in the flames. Tens of thousands of Koreans were rounded up and tortured by the Japanese on the mere suspicion of involvement in the pacifist, anti-Japaneseprotest movement.

After the failure of peaceful, nonviolent struggles, Koreans took up arms against the Japanese occupiers. In the 1920s and 30s, Kim Il Sung and others received military and political training from the Soviet Union. The Chinese Communist Party and the Korean Communist Party often closely cooperated in their activities. Armed Korean and Chinese Communists received a lot of guns and money from the Soviet Union as they fought for basic democratic rights against Japanese occupiers.

When the Second World War ended in 1945, the northern half of the Korean Peninsula had been liberated by Soviet troops. The southern half of the Korean Peninsula soon became occupied by US troops. In the northern part of the country, the major anti-Japanese resistance political parties — including communists, Social Democrats, agrarian revolutionaries, Christians, and many others — merged in 1948 to form the Korean Workers Party.

The understanding at the war’s conclusion was that there would be a nationwide election, in which every political party, including the very popular Korean Workers Party, would be allowed to participate in writing a new constitution.

However, in the southern half of the Peninsula, a military dictatorship was established. Syngman Rhee seized power and violently suppressed all opposition. The Rhee dictatorship was openly supported by the United States. Thousands of US troops poured into the country to prop up the military regime.

When democratic and labor activists living on Jeju Island rose up against Syngman Rhee to demand the free elections promised at the end of the war, US troops joined Rhee’s forces in slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians. Thirty thousand people — roughly one out of every ten people living on Jeju Island — were killed in the aftermath of the uprising.

In response to US military occupation of the southern half of Korea, the canceling of free elections, and the slaughter of innocent Korean civilians by US troops, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) based in the northern territories of the peninsula, sent forces into the south, hoping to reunify the country and drive out US troops.

The response to the attempted reunification was the horrific United Nations “police action,” more commonly known as the Korean War. The United States bombed every building above one story tall in the northern half of the country. Dams were bombed in order to cause mass flooding of civilian areas. Between 3 and 4 million Koreans were killed.

An armistice was declared in 1953 — but the United States never signed a peace treaty, as was agreed upon. The Korean War technically never ended, and the United States has not even recognized the DPRK as a legitimate government.

“Democracy” in Southern Korea?

During the majority of the years between 1945 and today, the southern half of the Korean Peninsula has been ruled by unapologetic military dictators. Syngman Rhee and Park Chung Hee made no pretense of being democratic. They were violent, repressive military autocrats who were fully supported by the United States. Tens of thousands of US troops have been in southern Korea since the end of the Second World War, and often the US troops were used to violently suppress democratic uprisings against the Rhee and Park dictatorships.

After a series of student uprisings, labor protests, and other upsurges among the population, in the 1980s Korea transitioned toward a less repressive government. However, even today the government in southern Korea is hardly a poster child for “human rights.”

The Unified Progressive Party, the only genuine opposition party in southern Korea, was forcibly broken up by the government in 2013. Five candidates from the Unified Progressive Party, who had won seats in the government, were not permitted to take office. The leader of the party, Lee Seok-ki, was sent to prison for 12 years. Her conviction was based on a tape-recorded hypothetical conversation about what to do in the event of war between the United States and the DPRK.

A Korean youth named Park Jung-geun was sent to prison for 10 months in 2012, simply for re-tweeting the statements of the DPRK on social media. Park included sarcastic, anti-communist comments, and was clearly not a supporter of his northern countryfolk. He was still imprisoned.

The National Security Laws in the southern part of the Korean peninsula violate any notion of “human rights” and “free speech.” In southern Korea, making any statement in support of the DPRK, or even vaguely in support of Marxism or socialism, is a very serious crime. Koreans live in fear of openly speaking about the history of their country, the continued presence of US troops, or commonly discussed political concepts like class struggle. Saying anything that could in any way be construed as positive about their northern countryfolk could very well mean being imprisoned or tortured under Korean law.

The current president of the “Republic of Korea” in the southern regions of the country is Park Geun-hye. She is the daughter of the previously mentioned military dictator Park Chung Hee. Park is not only responsible for the death of tens of thousands of innocent people; he routinely employed methods of torture, collective punishment, retaliation against family members, and other extreme violations of human rights.

Park Guen-hye makes no attempt to distance herself from her father or any of his autocratic practices and well documented crimes against humanity. She describes her father’s coup d’état — in which he deposed the elected government with violence and established a brutal military dictatorship — as a “revolution to save the country” from communism.

Despite so much ugly repression, US media routinely calls the “Republic of Korea” in the south “democratic.”

Conditions in the North

During the 1960s, 70s, and even the early 80s, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in the northern parts of the country, had a very strong economy.

This fact will of course be automatically dismissed as outrageous propaganda by the average American, but it is confirmed by the BBC.

An article from BBC’s website proclaims: “At one time, North Korea’s centrally planned economy seemed to work well — indeed, in the initial years after the creation of North Korea following World War II, with spectacular results.”

“The mass mobilisation of the population, along with Soviet and Chinese technical assistance and financial aid, resulted in annual economic growth rates estimated to have reached 20%, even 30%, in the years following the devastating 1950-53 Korean war.”

“As late as the 1970s, South Korea languished in the shadow of the ‘economic miracle’ north of the border.”

The DPRK’s crisis of malnutrition during the 1990s was the result of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The agrarian parts of the Korean Peninsula are all in the south, while the north is very mountainous. Without oil from the Soviet Union, it became very hard for the DPRK’s agricultural system to function. Sanctions from the United States made it nearly impossible for the DPRK to purchase things on the international markets, and as a result, there was mass starvation.

Koreans refer to this period of mass starvation in the 1990s as the “Arduous March” and they blame the United States’ economic and military blockade of their country for it. The conditions in the northern regions of the Korean peninsula were very bad during the 1990s, and any other government would have most likely collapsed under such pressure.

The DPRK has been able to slowly recover from these disastrous years. The DPRK now trades with Russia, Iran, Venezuela, China, and other countries. The DPRK’s agricultural system has been revamped, and the country has now been able to allocate money toward the construction of new housing units and other infrastructure for the population.

Defense spending remains a top priority in the DPRK, and almost every Korean above the age of 18 is somehow involved in the military. Those who criticize the DPRK for this forget that this is a country which is literally at war with the United States. Tens of thousands of US troops are lined up along its borders. The US military routinely rehearses dropping atomic bombs on the DPRK, and US Army General Douglas MacArthur publicly threatened to do this during the Korean War.

Koreans in the north generally feel that the proliferation of nuclear weapons has enabled them to be much more secure as a country. Now that the DPRK has the atomic bomb, the United States is far less likely to attack or invade and carry out the “regime change” it often discusses.

Critiques of the DPRK in relation to the topic of “human rights” often completely ignore the context and history of Korea. Between 3 and 4 million Koreans died in the Korean War, with no peace treaty ever signed. A similarly large amount died during the 1990s as a result of malnutrition, imposed on the country by the United States. The people of the DPRK are fighting for their very lives against the most powerful and well armed government in the world. Millions of Korean lives have already been claimed by the United States.

No country, facing such extreme threats and encirclement, can be expected to be a free, open society full of debate and discussion. The DPRK is locked down, in a state of war, fighting for its survival. No sensible person would claim it is a paradise, or an ideal model for human civilization. Under extremely hostile circumstances, the DPRK survives — primarily because of the political brilliance of the Korean Workers Party and its overall ability to mobilize and maintain the loyalty of the population.

Often the US media portrays the DPRK’s leadership as vulgar nationalists or “supremacists.” Those who fall for US media claims that the DPRK is somehow “racist” should note that the DPRK has a record of international solidarity with oppressed peoples around the world.

The DPRK was very supportive of the US Black Panther Party during the 1970s.  The DPRK has come to the aid of thePalestinians.

The DPRK also supported the people of Zimbabwe as they fought against the British Empire and the apartheid settler state called “Rhodesia.” The DPRK supported the people of Angola in fighting against Portuguese colonialism. The DPRK even gave military support to Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress, while the US described them as “terrorists.”

Anti-Asian Racism and War Propaganda

Hatred for the DPRK seems to be almost compulsive in the United States. US media routinely repeats outrageous anti-DPRK allegations that have no basis in fact.

US media has claimed that women in the DPRK are forbidden to ride bicycles. This claim is easily refuted. Women in the DPRK not only ride bicycles, but have won Gold Medals in Olympic sports such as target shooting and weightlifting.

Without the slightest hesitation, US media repeated the claim that a prominent DPRK official was executed by “being eaten by a pack of wild dogs.” This outrageous story was proven to have originated in a satirical publication in China, and was never even intended to be true.

Hollywood churns out films like “Red Dawn,” “Olympus Has Fallen” and “The Interview,” all of which are dedicated to demonizing the DPRK, dehumanizing its population, and psychologically preparing the US public for war. The amount of extreme distortion associated with everything related to the situation on the Korean Peninsula should be very shocking and upsetting to any sensible person.

Many Asian Americans say the manner in which the DPRK is portrayed in US media should be offensive, not just to Koreans, but to all Asians. The anti-DPRK Hollywood film “The Interview,” which caused international tensions, involved extensive mockery of the Korean accent by white male actors. Furthermore, the film notably portrayed Korean women — who were forced into sexual slavery by Japan, and often raped by US troops during the Korean War — as mere sex objects, with white male characters crassly commenting on their bodies.

The extensive mockery of accents, clothing styles and other things in relation to the DPRK all fits into an archaic racist concept commonly called “Asiatic despotism.” At one time, the US and western European press portrayed Chinese, Vietnamese, and even Russian leaders in roughly the same way.

The racist underlying message hinted at in the endless slander and mockery of Korea’s leadership is that the peoples of Asian descent are barbaric savages, who naturally long for autocracy, and need whites to forcibly “civilize” them and teach them about “democracy.” While the extreme demonization of the DPRK’s leaders is the most blatant example, the old racist caricature of “Asiatic despots” and “Mongoloid tyrants” is gradually reemerging in relation to Xi Jinping in China and Vladimir Putin in Russia.

For the last five decades, the DPRK has called for peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. The leaders of the Korean Workers Party currently ask for nothing more than what was agreed upon at the end of the Second World War. They want nationwide elections in which every party, including the communists, can participate. They also want US troops to leave.

This is hardly a radical or extreme proposal. The request of the DPRK is essentially: “Let Koreans run Korea.” There is nothing “extreme,” “crazy,” or “insane” about it.

Koreans are people — just like Americans, Western Europeans, Russians, Iranians, Chinese, or others. However, the Koreans are a people that have been subjected to almost a century of division, degradation and extreme humiliation by foreign powers.

The people of the Korean Peninsula, both in the north and the south, deserve our support and respect, not further demonization and mockery. The US media’s use of such extreme deception and racism in its portrayal of the situation on the Korean Peninsula should be a source of global outrage.

Caleb Maupin is a political analyst and activist based in New York. He studied political science at Baldwin-Wallace College and was inspired and involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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FPP has produced a new report presenting the outcomes of preliminary research on the practice of traditional occupations in indigenous and local communities. While the rapid assessment only provides sample insights (from 17 experts in 13 countries), it brings together unique and diverse stories, experiences and views on these occupations from a ground-level perspective.

The research categorised key occupations in clusters like hunting, fishing, collecting wood and gathering non-timber forest products;  agriculture, aquaculture, and livestock; traditional medicine; preparing and storing of traditional foods/dishes; traditional crafts/skills for utensils or household equipment and construction; spiritual and ceremonial knowledge; traditional art, drama, music; and teaching and transmission of traditional knowledge.

In terms of the degree of current practice, a majority (50%) reported that traditional occupations were in decline, while 31% stated that there has been a recent increase in the practice of traditional occupations in their communities, but there can be a lot of variation within a community between different occupations.

The research explored the gender dimensions of traditional occupations, and investigated policies, regulations and government support for traditional occupations. The research uncovered many government laws and regulations in various countries that are aimed at preventing traditional occupations from continuing and/or which actively put traditional occupations under pressure. 69% percent of the survey respondents confirmed the existence of such laws or regulations.

The study also looked at whether formal education paid attention to traditional occupations, as well as at community-led initiatives for the transmission of knowledge and skills related to traditional occupations. In nearly all of the communities there were formal or informal educational activities to promote and enhance traditional knowledge and skills, in particular among youth. A clear trend among the survey responses was the revival of interest in traditional knowledge and skills.

The respondents also reflect on the main threats to traditional occupations and reasons people abandon them and/or seek other jobs or leave the community. These threats included pressure to assimilate and ‘modernize’ from mainstream/dominant society  (in particular on youth); land conflicts and land tenure insecurity and deterioration of areas where occupations are practised; opposing government policies or lack of government support; employment and economic reasons; lack of appreciation, respect, and understanding of traditional occupations, or circumstances specific to the communities themselves. Key opportunities identified for improving the status of traditional occupationswere, among others, greater recognition of traditional occupations; special national measures, including sustainable economic incentives for traditional occupations; and support for indigenous values in education systems.

This publication was developed in response to a request for information and data on status and trends in traditional occupations related to conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity by the Conference of the Parties to the CBD.  Traditional occupations are one of the elements of the CBD’s Programme of Work for Article 8(j) and related provisions that deal with the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities.

FPP has submitted the report as an input for the planned review of progress in implementation of the Programme of Work for Article 8(j), and will present the publication at the first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity where this review will take place (2-6 May 2016, Montreal, Canada).

Status and Trends in Traditional Occupations: Outcomes of a Rapid Assessment is available for download in EnglishSpanish and French.

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Many feared that there would be more violence in Odessa, Ukraine yesterday similar to what took well over 50 lives on May 2, 2014.  But in fact the day was peaceful when up to 10,000 people gathered near the Trades Union Hall to place flowers and stand with the Mothers Committee in a make shift memorial. The public was blocked from having direct contact with the Trades Hall by huge numbers of local police, national security services and fully armed neo-Nazi Azov battalion members who have been incorporated into the newly formed ‘National Guard’ in Ukraine (equipped and trained by US Special Forces troops at a base in western Ukraine).

The morning began with a surprise outside our hotel window when we noticed that six buses full of Army personnel were using the spot as a staging area for the day’s events.  After breakfast we joined a group of international alternative media people who were taken on a walk through this beautiful city to a park where another right-wing group Right Sector (Pravy Sector) was holding a small protest.  They chanted some of their usual nationalist slogans but were nearly out numbered by the media people filming their every move.

I was taken by the feeling that the public seemed to be going about their normal Monday activities on this sunny but breezy day almost as if nothing was happening in a nearby part of town.


We next walked to the Trades Union Hall and as we approached I was overwhelmed by the huge numbers of people holding flowers heading toward the now sacred site.  But we couldn’t actually get onto what is known as Kulikovo Square that fronts the Trades Hall.  The entire area was sealed off and behind the plastic crime scene string of red tape were heavily armed Azov battalion members.  The irony is that the neo-Nazis were now guarding the very grounds were those of their political ideology had committed the unpunished crimes of May 2, 2014.  The people, including the mothers of the dead, were not allowed to lay their flowers at the scene of the crime.

Instead what turned out to be several thousand people crowded into a tight space with the Trades Hall looming just a couple hundreds yards away – close but ever so far away.  The people were solemn and Regis Tremblay and I took the time to do some interviews with various people we met in the crowd including one man named Alexander who told the story of being at the Trades Hall on May 2 while three of his friends were killed.  Two died from smoke inhalation inside the burning building and one, who jumped from a first-floor window, was beaten to death with bats by neo-Nazis who had set the building on fire and were picking people off as they tried to escape.

We were taken back to the hotel for an amazing lunch.  Just before entering the banquet room a gaggle of what appeared to be politicians came up the stairs to the second floor and made a grand entrance.  We learned they were EU politicians who proceeded to go around the room and shake everyone’s hand.  They didn’t appear to be very interested in speaking to any of us and once we entered the luncheon we noticed one large empty table that had apparently been reserved for the EU group.  But, we later learned, they didn’t want to be too closely associated with all of us – maybe they featured they might piss off the US government.

Several from the Mothers Committee rose in turn and made a toast in memory of those who were killed during the May 2 massacre.  After each would finish speaking everyone rose from the dining tables with their wine glass in hand.  The food was beyond belief, more than we could ever dream of eating, and before we were able to finish the meal we were given a five minute warning that we were going to return to Kulikovo Square in hopes that we might now be able to actually reach the Trades Hall.

We quickly boarded a bus parked just outside the hotel and drove the short distance toward the Square.  Police had blocked roads all around but one of the mothers jumped off the bus and ran across the street and began demanding that the bus full of grieving women be allowed to pass.  At last the police agreed and as the bus approached the Square we saw out the right side windows a group of chanting Nazis who, when they realized who was on the bus, threw something that hit a window.  Once we arrived at the Square and got off the bus we found another mass of people lined up and they created a path between them that the mothers passed thru with the international guests following closely behind.

As we passed thru this line I saw people weeping and they began chanting and we soon came upon a make shift alter full of flowers and candles.  The now famous Trades Hall loomed in the near background. A banner was held up with the photos of those killed and various mothers were handed the microphone to share some words.  One woman’s emotion struck me deeply and I recognized the words ‘fascist’ and at the end ‘nyet, nyet, nyet’.  They released a bunch of white doves that flew towards the hall and then black balloons were set off into the clear blue sky.

Not long after this a couple of Nazis tried to pick a fight with some police but otherwise they were kept at a distance from the mourning crowds.  I learned that organizers believe that throughout the day about 10,000 people had come to the Square.  The original hope was that at least 3,000 would come.  The government worked hard in advance to scare the public away from the event.  Just days before photos were widely spread of military vehicles parked directly in front of the Trades Hall bearing a Nazi insignia used by the Azov battalion.  Rather than frighten people this heavy handed tactic likely only made the public even more determined to come to the sight of this unpunished crime.

We were actually astounded that the three of us from the US (Phil Wilayto, Regis Tremblay and myself) were ever allowed to enter Ukraine.  Four people from France, two from Germany and 10 EU parliament members were denied entry to Ukraine in recent days.  Yesterday in the huge crowds we saw people holding signs saying they came from Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Israel – in all we heard that people came from more than a dozen countries.

At 10:00 am yesterday four of the key leaders of the Mothers Committee were ordered to report to the local offices of the SBU (Security Services) where they were detained until just after 9:00 pm.  The goal of the government was to destroy the May 2 events planned by the families of the victims.  But others from the group stepped into the breach and did their best to organize a powerful event on the fly.  And they surely achieved their goal.

It is now up to the rest of us to step up and show our support for the May 2 Mothers Committee.  One thing we all can do is sign and share their petition calling for an independent investigation of the crimes at the Trades Union Hall.  You can find it here

Having spent the last two years following the illegal and immoral US-NATO war on the people in eastern Ukraine it has been an enormous honor to be here in Odessa.  I will continue to do everything I can to help build resistance to what I consider to be the cynical creation of chaos inside Ukraine as a way to draw Russia into a war with the US and NATO.  Being here and feeling the heartfelt pleas from the Mothers Committee makes me more determined than ever.

(Above video by Regis Tremblay)

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Global Capitalism and America’s Culture of Empire

May 3rd, 2016 by Tanner Mirrlees

For readers immersed in the annals of Empire, it is well known that the United States is no ordinary country in the world system. The United States is a unique Empire whose national security strategy since 1945 has relied upon a mix of diplomacy and brute military force to make the world safe for American capitalism around the world, and more importantly, made the world over for global capitalism. Unlike bygone colonial Empires, the U.S. Empire has not in its recent history tried to directly dominate territories, but instead, strove to build, integrate and police a world system of allies that share its model: capitalism, the neoliberal state form, and the consumerist “way of life.”

As of late, though, we read that the U.S. Empire is in relative decline, perhaps even headed toward a full-fledged collapse. The old American Century is supposedly being eclipsed by a new Chinese one. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (the “BRICS”) are a bloc emerging to challenge the U.S. Empire. A tectonic shift from a U.S.-unipolar order to multi-polar disorder is happening.

The spectre of decline has haunted the U.S. Empire for as long as scholars and activists have attempted to understand and change it. In 1960, U.S. President John F. Kennedy declared that the “fundamental problem of our time is the critical situation which has been created by the steady erosion of American power relative to that of the Communists in recent years.” But it wasn’t. In the 1970s, deindustrialization, the horrors of Vietnam, the OPEC crisis, and stagflation set off a powder keg of opinion that the U.S. Empire was finished. But it wasn’t. The rise of West German and Japanese capitalism throughout the 1980s and their taking a bite out of the U.S.’s piece of the global economic pie combined with military over-stretch sparked more chatter about America being in trouble. But it wasn’t. In the 1990s, neoliberal and postmodern proponents of “globalization” argued that the break-up of the Soviet Union, the consolidation of the European Union and new developments in info and communication technologies heralded a fundamentally new world system that was post-U.S. Empire. But it really wasn’t. The Bush Administration’s post-9/11 launch of the global war on terror momentarily revived talk of the U.S. being an Empire, and quite a strong one. But then the Global Slump of 2007 sunk in, and declinism once again spun around the planet.

Whether or not the spectre of decline is now a real material force around the world is up for debate, and fortunately, many democratic socialists have made important and astute contributions to it. Now, early into 2016, we read everyone from the neoconservative hawk Charles Krauthammer lamenting the chaotic conditions of a world system marked by “disarray” due to “American decline” to the former U.S. Ambassador Chas W. Freeman Jr. worrying that if Americans fail to “repair the incivility, dysfunction, and corruption of our politics, we will lose our republic as well as our imperium.” The rhetoric of decline is nothing new, and it is regularly wielded by the U.S. Empire’s opinion-makers to build working class consent for programs to rebuild U.S. power each time elites perceive it to be waning. The imperial messenger Thomas Friedman, for example, teamed up with Council on Foreign Relations member Michael Mandelbaum to make a liberal case for American renewal. And Donald Trump’s conservative narrative of decline fills the heads of his acolytes with dreams of Empire-enabled social mobility by promising to “make America great again.”

The U.S. Empire is indeed currently beset by serious problems as the world system undergoes real and significant changes. Yet, the declinists of our time risk overlooking the solidity of the U.S. Empire’s power relative to would-be contenders, and their flagging of present-day change downplays continuities with the past. For the short term, the U.S. is still the only Empire, and with regard to its combined power – capitalist, military and communications media – it is largely unrivalled.

The U.S. Empire, Continued

The U.S. is home to the most (and most of the biggest), trans-national corporations (TNCs). The 2015 Forbes Global 2000 ranks the world’s biggest companies using four metrics (sales, profits, assets and market value). While many countries around the world are home base to various TNCs, the U.S. is still global capitalism’s grand central station. The statistics are staggering. Although the U.S. and China are evenly split when it comes to the top ten largest TNCs, the U.S. is home to 580 TNCs, a sum larger than its next three competitors combined: China (232), Japan (219) and the United Kingdom (104). Together, the BRICS total 341 – Brazil (13), Russia (27), India (56), China (232), and South Africa (13) – a sum that falls short of the U.S. by 239.

Photo Caption: U.S. share of world GDP (nominal) compared to BRICS. Source: International Monetary Fund World Economic Outlook (October 2015).

Moreover, the U.S. is still the centre of global finance capitalism, as the dollar, not the Yuan or the Euro, is the reserve and most used currency. Central banks, corporations and consumers inside and outside of the U.S. still look to the Federal Reserve to back their holdings. Additionally, Forbes’ 2016 list of the world’s 1,810 billionaires shows the U.S. is very much home to the planet’s combined wealthiest bourgeoisie. 540 billionaires live in the U.S. while 518 live in the BRICS: Brazil (30), Russia (77), India (84), China (320), and South Africa (6). Sixteen of the world’s top twenty-five richest people are American, and these super rich include: Bill Gates (Microsoft), Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway), Jeff Bezos (, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Larry Ellison (Oracle), Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg LP), Charles Koch (Koch Industries), David Koch (Koch Industries), Larry Page (Google), Sergey Brin (Google), Jim Walton (Wal-Mart), Sheldon Adelson (Casinos), George Soros (Hedge Funds) and Phil Knight (Nike).

Declinists are correct to point out that the U.S.’s share of global nominal gross domestic product (GDP) has been falling for the past fifty years or so, from about 40% in the early 1960s to 24.4% in 2015. But given the U.S. has a mere 4.4% of the world’s population (319 million people on a planet of seven billion), its hold of nearly a quarter of world GDP is outstanding. China, home to about 20% of the world’s population (more than 1.35 billion people), accounts for 15.5% of the global GDP.

The U.S.’s capitalist might is coupled with its continuing military dominance. In 2015, the U.S. was the world’s top military spender. The U.S.’s 2016 defense budget is $596-billion whereas the BRICS account for $368.7-billion. The U.S. defense budget is almost three times the size of China’s ($215-billion), the world’s second largest military spender, almost nine times the size of Russia’s ($66.4-billion), the third biggest spender, and more than eleven times the size of India’s ($51.3-billion), the fourth top spender.

A portion of the U.S. Empire’s gargantuan war chest flows to U.S.-based war corporations, which research, develop, and sell weapons technologies to the Department of Defense (DOD). Six of these rank among the top ten biggest war corporations in the world: Boeing, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Precision Castparts – all major DOD contractors and procurement sources. Unsurprisingly, the U.S. continues to be the world’s biggest exporter of arms.

Photo Caption: U.S. share of world military expenditure compared to BRICS. Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (2015).

Moreover, the DOD controls an estimated 7,100 nuclear warheads (compared to China’s 260, Russia’s 7,700, and India’s 120) and maintains almost 1,000 military bases across more than sixty countries, many dutifully propped up with a Status of Forces Agreement signed by host client States. Russia has bases in nine countries (the most recent implant is in Syria) and China is building some floating bases on coral islands in the South China Sea. Clearly, neither Russia nor China come close to rivalling the U.S.’s military base superiority. And there is no country on the planet today engaged like the U.S. in a permanent war with no clear boundaries or foreseeable end in sight.

Over the past fifteen years, the U.S. has pummelled or intervened in Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Venezuela, Guatemala, Libya, and Syria. More recently, the U.S. has carried out hundreds of military actions across Africa and is pivoting its military and diplomatic corps toward East Asia to contain a rising China. The U.S. National Military Strategy of 2015 says Russia, Iran, North Korea and China are “acting in a manner that threatens” the American “national security interest.” Signalling the possibility of a Third World War, it says “the probability of U.S. involvement in interstate war with a major power is assessed to be low, but growing.” Global peace is not forthcoming.

The immense capitalist and military power of the U.S. Empire is complemented by concentrations of communications technology, media and cultural industry power. The 2015Forbes Global 2000 list shows nine of the world’s top ten media companies to be based in the U.S.: Comcast, Walt Disney, Twenty-First Century Fox, Time Warner, Time Warner Cable, Directv, CBS, Viacom, and BSky Broadcasting. Moreover, the U.S. is home to five of the top five biggest broadcasters and Cable TV firms (Comcast, Walt Disney, Time Warner, Time Warner Cable, DirecTV); two of the top five communications equipment firms (Cisco Systems and Corning); two of the top five computer hardware firms (Apple and Hewlett-Packard); three of the top five computer service firms (Google, IBM, Facebook); four of the top five computer storage device firms (EMC, Western Digital, SanDisk, NetApp); three of the top five Internet and catalogue retail firms (, eBay, Liberty Interactive); three of the top five publishing companies (Thomson Reuters, Nielsen Holdings, Gannett); two of the top five game firms (Activision-Blizzard and Electronic Arts); two of the top five semiconductor firms (Intel and Qualcom); four of the top five computer software and programming firms (Microsoft, Oracle, VMware, Symantec); and two of the top five telecommunication firms (Verizon Communications and AT&T).

Photo caption: U.S. share of top global communication technology and media companies compared to BRICS. Source: ForbesGlobal 2000 (2015).

Large and globalizing communications technology, media and cultural industry companies certainly exist in other countries, such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Sweden, and the BRICS. But in almost every industry segment of the Forbes Global 2000, U.S. companies are dominant. All in all, the U.S. is home to 92 of the world’s biggest communication technology, media and cultural industry firms. They are the most significant owners of the world system’s technological infrastructure, the means to service and access this infrastructure, and the lion’s share of the means of producing, distributing and exhibiting the commercialized informational and media goods pulsing through it each day. The BRICS collectively house a mere 25 of the world’s biggest companies in this area, and as a bloc, are far from rivalling the USA.

With regard to its combined structural power, the U.S. Empire is still a substantial force to be reckoned with.

U.S. Empire’s Security for Capital, Insecurity for Workers

The quantifiable reality of the U.S. Empire’s power is an important counterpoint to hard and fast declinism, but the reified image of its power is also used to mask the social class power it perpetuates. So much of the U.S. Empire’s power is rationalized as necessary to secure “America” and much of the world from real and imagined “threats,” with “national security” foregrounding it in an expression of the collective interest – though it clearly does not serve the interests of everyone.

The U.S. Empire is one in which the corporate rich and powerful few preside over the State while the many working people beneath are compelled to sell their labour-power in exchange for a wage they need to survive. It is an Empire in which the State’s national security planning structure is hierarchical, centralized, exclusionary, elitist, and “heavily and consistently influenced by internationally oriented business leaders.” The State’s national security interest largely serves trans-national capitalist interests while masking this fact by depicting what’s good for global corporations as good for “America” and vice versa. The U.S. Empire’s securing of the private profits of the capitalist rich over the social needs of the many has fostered conditions that make workers around the world more insecure. The privileged few atop the U.S.’s social hierarchy influence foreign policy and they are the primary beneficiaries of the Empire’s “security.” The working class majority, excluded from foreign policy decision-making, bears and is made insecure by its costs.

As the U.S. Empire grows, so does inequality between the owning class and the working class. The U.S., home to the most concentrated private wealth on the planet ($63.5-trillion in total), is also the country with the largest wealth inequality gap between the rich and the poor. The .01% of America’s super rich takes in upwards of $25-million a year while more than half of Americans earn under $30,000. CEO-to-worker pay scales vary across industries, but the gap between what CEOs take from workers and what workers make in wages has increased over the past five decades. In the 1960s, CEOs earned about 24 times the amount of the average worker. In 1980 they got 42 times more. Now they get anywhere from 50 to over 600 times of workers’ pay. As the U.S.’s share of world GDP has gone down, the compensation for American CEOs has gone up, with top CEOs now taking an average more than 300 times the typical waged worker. In 2014, the CEOs of Comcast Walt Disney, News Corporation, Time Warner, CBS and Viacom each pocketed a median compensation of $32.9-million (U.S.). In 2015, Donald Thompson, the CEO of McDonalds, got paid 644 times more than the average McDonalds worker, whose fight for $15 continues to be thwarted.

While the U.S. Empire keeps building up its guns, the State’s low taxes on the rich and squeezing of the working class plus austerity measureshas made the provisioning of public goods less of a priority. The U.S. State spent $3 to $7-trillion on wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, killing an estimated 1.3 million civilians in the process and stoking global anti-American blowback. Yet, it doesn’t have the resources or mechanisms in place to feed the 15.3 million American children under the age of 18 currently living in hunger. It allocates hundreds of billions of dollars to the R&D of technologies of death by the likes of Lockheed Martin (e.g., the F-15) while its own infrastructure crumbles and public schools and peaceful routes to a good life get defunded. The public education system’s teachers add more value to society than defense contractors, yet they have joined their students as the precarious poor. Persuaded to see college, not class struggle, as the path out of poverty, many poor racialized people sign up to be sent off to war in exchange for a shot at tuition. Many return home with PTSD and are unable to live, let alone go back to school. In 2014, approximately 22 Afghanistan and Iraq war veterans killed themselves each day. Since 1962, the U.S. State has funnelled more than $100-billion in aid to Israel, yet still can’t find the cash to build public housing for America’s poorest. It bailed out Wall Street with $16.8-trillion, yet can barely fathom a living wage to lessen the immiseration of American workers without coin-operated neoliberal think-tanks lamenting that some billionaire would suffer.

As the U.S. Empire expands, so does class inequality between the propertied few who benefit from ongoing wars waged for the security of capitalism and the millions of workers made insecure by its social consequences.

That said, the U.S. Empire is not spontaneously liked or always pre-approved by American working people, nor by those living across the many allied states that make up its sphere of influence. From its earliest days, the U.S. Empire has been contested by American anti-imperialists. Inside and outside of the U.S., anti-imperialism has a rich, progressive and trans-national history. Since 9/11, many have done the republic a service by calling for the U.S. Empire to be “dismantled.” Yet, the powerful have fought hard to deter and de-Americanize the democratic tradition of anti-imperialism. As a result, anti-imperialism is not a very popular or pervasive position today. Despite the U.S. Empire’s many perils and sorrows, a large number of Americans still believe they live in the world’s best country. The millions who disagree are being seduced by Trump to “make America great again.” Around the world, global opinion about the U.S. is “mostly positive.”

Given these contradictions, what might compel so many working people to accept this Empire as a “way of life”? Why might working people look so favourably upon the U.S. Empire, no matter how controversial it is? What means do the U.S. Empire’s planners rely upon to make the ruling class interest in neoliberal capitalism and global war appear to be the collective security interest of all?

The U.S. Empire’s Culture Industry: Selling Empire as a Way of Life

During the Second World War, Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno coined the concept of the “culture industry” to both highlight the capitalist system’s incorporation of culture into its circuits of accumulation and interrogate the for-profit production, distribution, and marketing of all the world’s cultural forms – high and low – as commodities. For them, cultural commodities seem to help people cope with alienating work routines, conceal the class system through portrayals of America as a land of happy consumers, close minds to the terrible state of present conditions instead of opening them to alternative futures, and teach conformity not critical thinking.

Early into the 21st century, the U.S. culture industry retains global dominance. CNN is the most watched international news source acrossAfrica. Year after year, Hollywood rules the worldwide box office. The top twenty highest grossing films of 2015, from blockbusters like Star Wars: The Force Awakens to Jurassic World, are owned by a few studios in Los Angeles, California. CBS’s NCIS is the world’s most watched show, mobilizing the attention of more than fifty five million viewers spanning over two hundred cultural markets. Call of Duty: Black Ops III,Madden NFL 16FalloutStar Wars Battlefront and Grand Theft Auto V are the top five best-selling video games of 2015, all the property of U.S.-based studios. Google, Facebook, YouTube and other U.S. digital giants control the most visited websites in the world. These behemoths of the Internet monitor, mine and then assemble all user-generated content into data profiles, and then sell these precious commodities to advertising firms in an expanding market worth more than $100-billion.

While capitalist logics drive the U.S. culture industry’s growth, the U.S. State has long relied upon this industry’s creative labour-power for global pro-American consent-building, particularly regarding issues of national security and war. Going back to World War I, the U.S. State and the culture industry forged a cozy relationship via the Committee on Public Information (CPI). In How We Advertised America, CPI head George Creel famously declared that the CPI was “a vast enterprise in salesmanship,” and “the world’s greatest adventure in advertising.” From the CPI in World War I, to the Office of the Coordinator for Inter-American Affairs in the late interwar period, to the Office of War Information in World War II, to the United States Information Agency in the Cold War, and to the Office of Public Diplomacy in the U.S. War on Terror, the U.S. State has consistently established links with media firms to promote U.S. Empire to the world.

My new book, Hearts and Mines: The U.S. Empire’s Culture Industry, theorizes and historicizes this contradictory convergence of the interests of the U.S. State and U.S.-based globalizing culture industry. The concept of the U.S. Empire’s culture industry flags a geopolitical-economic nexus of the U.S. State (striving to promote itself and engineer public consent to dominant ideas about America and U.S. foreign policy around the world) and U.S.-based yet globalized media corporations (seeking to make money by producing and selling cultural commodities to consumers in world markets). Although the national-security interested U.S. State is relatively autonomous from profit-interested media corporations, I show how these two organizations often work together to manufacture and sell commodities that sell Empire as a way of life. The geopolitical interests of the U.S. State and the capitalist goals of U.S. media corporations do not always march in lockstep, and at times they conflict, yet the U.S. Empire’s culture industry points to a more collusive relationship between state agencies and media firms than is often recognized.

Faced with anti-imperialism at home and blowback abroad, the U.S. Empire’s culture industry in the early 21st century is deploying an even larger army of commodities that strives to grip the hearts and minds of American and trans-national publics and keep the U.S. Empire admired – or, at least, tolerated.

In 2012, U.S.-based Capitol Records’ teen idol Katy Perry hooked up with the U.S. Marines to make the music video for her hit song “Part of Me.” In this video, Perry catches a cheating boyfriend. Instead of getting angry at him, she gets overtaken by a military recruitment ad that tells her “All Women Are Created Equal, Then Some Become Marines.” To spite her boyfriend and cope with heartbreak, Perry joins the Marines, cuts her hair, camo-paints her face, and endures basic training at the Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton alongside actual U.S. Marines, who dance, sing, and fight to her song. Following “Part of Me,” Perry said shooting the video turned her into a “wannabe Marine” and made her “so educated on people in the service,” whom she sees as “the heart of America.”

Photo Caption:  MTV pop idol Katy Perry joins the U.S. Marines.

In the same year the U.S. Marines enlisted Perry’s pop image to portray military service as a righteous path to women’s liberation, Warner Bros. Pictures geared up to releaseMan of Steel. This blockbuster casts the classic DC Comics character Superman alongside the men and women of Team Edwards Air Force Base. Superman and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter fly and fight together against alien evil that threatens the planet. “It was a great choice,” said Mark Scoon, an executive at Warner Bros. “Our experience at Edwards has been beyond phenomenal, no matter how you look at it – from the bottom up, or top down. There has been extraordinary cooperation across the board.”

While Man of Steel travelled the globe, taking in $25.8-million from China’s box office in one weekend alone, NBC was broadcasting a reality show called Stars Earn Stripes. Produced by reality TV mogul Mark Burnett and hosted by retired military general Wesley Clark, the show pairs B-list actors with U.S. Navy SEALs, Marines, and Green Berets to complete military training challenges in competitions to win money for various charities. NBC’s website described the show “as an action-packed competition show that pays homage to the men and women who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces and our first-responder services.” In response to criticisms that it cheapened war, U.S. Navy Corpsman Talon Smith candidly quipped: “Entertainment is how America will receive information.”

Photo Caption: Superman, shill for the military-industrial-complex.

Photo Caption: Hollywood’s B-list braves basic training.

Yet, in 2012, many people were not just passively receiving infotainment about the military from TV shows. Instead, millions of people were paying to virtually “play kill” as soldiers in the hyperreal wars of digital games. The online game Kuma/War let people play simulated versions of U.S. military events – from killing Osama bin Ladento helping Libyan rebels kill Muammar Gaddafi – soon after the U.S. news packaged them as having happened. The more than seven million copies of Battlefield 4 sold worldwide meanwhile recruited players to virtually fight alongside a U.S. special operations squad across and against a belligerent and threatening China. For facilitating this “cultural invasion” and smearing “China’s image,” China’s actual Ministry of Culture banned the game.

Photo Caption: As China’s military rises, global gamers virtually put it down.

The above are but a few of the hundreds of media commodities packaged and sold by the U.S. Empire’s culture industry to teach working people in the U.S. and around the world to identify with Empire.


The U.S. Empire, to be Continued?

The U.S. is an Empire and the pillars of its structural power – economic, military and communications media – remain entrenched around the globe. Despite the remarkable rise of the BRICS, none of these countries rival the USA. As recent research shows, the BRICS are facilitating and legitimizing their own integration into the neoliberal capitalist circuitry of the U.S. Empire while simultaneously trying to hollow it out.

To promote, glorify and sell the U.S. Empire as a way of life around the world, the culture industry is vital. The U.S. Empire’s culture industry tells U.S. workers they must continue waging wars “over there” so that they do not have to fight “over here” and tells workers around the world that the best dream to have is to become more American.

An internationalist strategy advises U.S. workers to peacefully struggle against the trans-national capitalist elite over “here” in solidarity with democratically minded anti-imperialist workers “everywhere.” Instead of focusing on trying to transform other societies, the U.S. should focus on understanding and changing itself, and for the better. A deeply democratic and socially just republic at home cannot exist alongside an Empire abroad. Until then, democratic socialists face the challenge of dismantling the Empire from within, and they can do so united with progressives around the world. As Robert McChesney puts it, “If a viable pro-democracy, anti-imperialist movement can emerge” in the U.S., “it will improve the possibilities dramatically for socialists and progressives worldwide.” •

Tanner Mirrlees is a Toronto-based educatorwriter, musician, cat lover, and participant in the Socialist Project. This article is adapted and updated from U.S. Empire and Communications Today: Revisiting Herbert I. Schiller (The Political Economy of Communication, 2015) andHearts and Mines: The U.S. Empire’s Culture Industry (University of British Columbia Press: Vancouver 2016).

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