Interview With Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff

May 21st, 2016 by Dilma Rousseff

Last Thursday, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was suspended from the presidency when the Senate voted, 55-22, to try her on the impeachment charges, approved by the lower house, involving alleged budgetary maneuvers (“pedaladas”) designed to obscure the size of public debt. Although she nominally remains the president and continues to reside in Brasília’s presidential palace, her duties are being carried out by her vice president, Michel Temer — now “interim” President Temer — and the right-wing, corruption-tainted, all-white-male cabinet he has assembled (due to Brazil’s coalition politics, Temer is from a different party than Rousseff). Rousseff’s suspension will last up to 180 days as her Senate impeachment trial takes place, at which point she will either be acquitted or (as is widely expected) convicted and permanently removed from her office.

On Tuesday, I spoke to President Rousseff in the presidential palace for her first interview since being suspended.

The 22-minute interview, conducted in Portuguese with English subtitles, is below. Rather than subdued, resigned, and defeated, Rousseff — who was imprisoned and tortured for three years in the 1970s by the U.S.-supported military dictatorship that ruled the country for 21 years — is more combative, defiant, and resolute than ever.

BRASILIA, BRAZIL - MAY 12: Brazil's interim President Michel Temer (R) waves with Senator Aecio Neves (L) at a signing ceremony for new government ministers at the Planalto presidential palace after the Senate voted to accept impeachment charges against suspended President Dilma Rousseff on May 12, 2016 in Brasilia, Brazil. Rousseff has been suspended from her presidential duties and will face a Senate trial for alleged manipulation of government accounts. (Photo by Igo Estrela/Getty Images)

Interim President Michel Temer waves with Sen. Aécio Neves, left, at a signing ceremony for
new government ministers at the presidential palace in Brasília, May 12, 2016.

Photo: Igo Estrela/Getty Images

Since he has taken power, Temer has exacerbated the fears of those who regard impeachment as an attack on democracy or even a coup. Unlike Rousseff, he is personally implicated in corruption scandals. He was just fined for election-law violations and faces an eight-year ban on running for any office (including the one into which he was just installed). Polls show only 2 percent of Brazilians would support him in an actual election, while close to 60 percent want him impeached.Worse, Temer created a worldwide controversy when he appointed 23 ministers,all of whom were white and male in a deeply diverse country, and one-third of whom are under suspicion in various corruption inquiries.

And his government — beloved by hedge funds and Wall Street but very few other factions — has begun preparing the groundwork for a radical right-wing attack on the country’s social safety net, which could never attract the support of actual voters if it were subjected to a democratic framework. Meanwhile, as the Olympics arrive in Rio in 10 weeks, protests are breaking out all over the country and are certain to become more destabilizing and disruptive as the Temer government attempts to cut some of the most critical social programs established by Rousseff’s party (which has won four straight national elections).

I spoke with President Rousseff about all of these matters, as well as whether it is now justified for Brazilians to use civil disobedience against the government she describes as “illegitimate,” and the likely impact on international affairs and economic realignment from this extreme and undemocratic change of ideology in the world’s fifth most populous country and seventh largest economy. (Interim President Temer has not yet responded to The Intercept’srequest for an interview.)

The interview can be watched on the recorder below. A full transcript appears below that.



(This transcript has been lightly edited for continuity and clarity)

GLENN GREENWALD: I’m Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept and I’m here at the presidential palace, in Brasília, to speak with the Brazilian president, Dilma Rousseff, for her first interview since being suspended last week by the Senate, after it voted to try her on impeachment charges.

Good morning, madam president, and thank you for the interview.

DILMA ROUSSEFF: Good morning, Greenwald.

GG: The last stage of the impeachment proceedings takes place at the Supreme Court, which is constituted of 11 judges; eight of them were nominated by the Workers’ Party (PT), five of them by you. Would you say that the court and its decisions are legitimate?

DR: I do believe that the court’s decisions have been legitimate. I don’t think that the court will judge it; it’s not the Supreme Court that will judge the impeachment proceedings. In Brazil, impeachment proceedings are judged by the Senate. The session is conducted by the president of the court, Judge Lewandowski. I hope that his leadership makes the proceedings more consistent. …

The final score of a Senate vote with an overwhelming 55-22 on suspending Brasilian President Dilma Rousseff and launching an impeachment trial is pictured on a large screen inside the Senate in Brasilia on May 12, 2016.Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff was suspended on May 12 to face impeachment, ceding power to her vice-president-turned-enemy Michel Temer in a political earthquake ending 13 years of leftist rule over Latin America's biggest nation. / AFP / EVARISTO SA (Photo credit should read EVARISTO SA/AFP/Getty Images)

The final 55-22 Senate vote to suspend Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and
launch an impeachment trial is pictured on a screen inside the Senate in Brasília on May 12, 2016.

Photo: Evaristo Sa/AFP/Getty Images

GG: But if the Senate impeaches you, you could ask the Supreme Court to reject that decision and rule on whether there were indeed high crimes and misdemeanors. Also, the Supreme Court could have interrupted the process, but has not so far. Can a process being conducted under the authority of a legitimate court be considered a “coup”?

DR: Look, these are two completely different things. The proceedings, according to Brazilian law, are conducted by the Senate. I can appeal to the Supreme Court, and that will happen at the appropriate time for my defense. But, in the meantime, it will go through the court. It will be undertaken by the Senate. The Senate is the appropriate court. After that, I can debate whether the proceedings were carried out accurately, whether they were correctly accepted, whether we were given a fair trial, and whether there was any interference in the proceedings. We are appealing this.

We have not been granted an injunction, but the Senate is analyzing the request, which will be presented to the full Supreme Court. It has not been accepted by the judge. … He has not granted a suspension of proceedings. Now, they will have to deliberate.

GG: But will you have the opportunity to ask the Supreme Court to define whether there were high crimes? …

DR: The merits [of the impeachment charges]!

GG: After …

DR: Afterward.

Brazilian Supreme Court President Gilmar Mendes speaks during the trial of Italian Cesare Battisti in Brasilia, on November 18, 2009.  Brazil's Supreme Court is to resume on Wednesday its weighing of an extradition demand for an Italian ex-militant, with the outcome potentially creating a constitutional clash of powers. The court so far is evenly split on the case of whether to send Cesare Battisti, 54, back to Italy to serve a life sentence for murders committed in the 1970s.  A vote by chief justice Gilmar Mendes is to break a 4-4 deadlock among his colleagues.  The placards read

Brazilian Supreme Court President Gilmar Mendes on Nov. 18, 2009.

Photo: Evaristo Sa/AFP/Getty Images

GG: On the day after the Senate voted, [Supreme Court] Justice Gilmar Mendes suspended the investigation of Aécio Neves, defeated by you in the last election. Many people saw that and thought, “The court is behaving like a political actor. The suspension paves the way to bury the Car Wash investigation.” Would you agree with that? What does this suspension mean?

DR: I think the suspension is strange; as far as I know, no proceedings have been suspended up until now. No Car Wash investigations have been suspended. But Justice Gilmar Mendes is not the only judge on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is composed of 12 [sic] members. Not all of the 12 [sic] members have similar dispositions, that of a real militant, an obvious militant, as Judge Gilmar Mendes does. His actions will be judged over time by the Brazilian people.

GG: Do you think there’s a risk …

: We should not have double standards in our country. If you’re investigating one, you have to investigate them all. No one should be spared from the investigations.

GG: Do you think there’s a risk, after you leave office — if it comes to that — that Operation Car Wash will be swept under the carpet?

DR: That might be a threat, but I believe that there are many parties interested in the continuation of the Car Wash investigation.

So I don’t think that it will be simple to bury Operation Car Wash. I am more concerned about reverting back to the previous situation, in which the prosecutor general was not chosen from a list of three nominees, but was selected on the basis of their political alignment, which led to lots of inquiries being “filed away.” So much so that the prosecutor general of the republic became known as the “filing clerk of the republic.”

After President Lula took office — and I carried on the same practice — what procedure did we adopt? We generally chose the first name on the three-nominee list. Why? To give the Prosecutor’s Office more investigative autonomy and to stop the filing away of inquiries. I believe that there is a structure today — the Prosecutor’s Office, the Federal Police, and segments of the judiciary branch, like the Supreme Court and the Superior Court of Justice — that is willing to undertake investigations. Now, no institution is immune to the political process. They all suffer the consequences of the country’s political climate.


Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Glenn Greenwald on May 17, 2016.

Photo: Erick Dau/The Intercept

GG: Regarding the allegations against you: I know that other presidents, including Fernando Henrique Cardoso, and some governors also performed the budgetary maneuvers that you did, although perhaps not to the same extent as you, but they did use them. I know you insist that the budgetary maneuvers are not high crimes and misdemeanors that deserve an impeachment.

DR: They are not high crimes just as much as they are not crimes against the budget. They are not crimes.

GG: But would you agree that the Fiscal Responsibility Act prohibits them?

DR: No, because it is not prohibited by the Fiscal Responsibility Act. What is considered a budgetary maneuver? The appropriation bill authorizes the process known as complementary credits. And what does it say? It says that if you expect to collect a surplus in taxes from a specific initiative, the surplus can be re-invested. So let me ask you this: Where do these decrees come from? The Superior Electoral Court. The credit I authorized was requested by the Justice Department, by the court.

This is not a surplus from the general pot; it was an extra credit from individual headings, which is something extremely technical. Nothing was concealed. It crossed everyone’s desks. The court has always done that sort of analysis.

The president in office, Michel Temer (c), held the first ministerial meeting to discuss the first steps of the government, at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, capital of Brazil, on May 13, 2016. Photo: DANIEL TEIXEIRA/ESTADAO CONTEUDO (Agencia Estado via AP Images)

Interim President Michel Temer, center, held the first cabinet meeting to discuss
the first steps of the government at the Planalto Palace in Brasília, Brazil, on May 13, 2016.

Photo: Agencia Estado/AP

GG: I’d like to switch gears now. You were the first female president of Brazil, and your interim replacement, Michel Temer, revealed his cabinet of 23 ministers last week: not a single woman or black person and one-third are accused of corruption. How did you react when you saw his team?

DR: Look, I think that … it seems to me that this interim and illegitimate government will be very conservative from every aspect. One of which is the fact that it is a government of white men, without black people, in a country that, in the last census in 2010, and I think this is very important, more than 50 percent of the population self-identified as being of African origin. So, I think that not having any women or black people in the government shows a certain lack of care for the country you are governing.

GG: Would you say that we have arrived at the end of Brazilian democracy?

DR: No, I wouldn’t. Why wouldn’t I say that it’s the end of democracy? Because today, institutions can be disrupted, but they’re stronger than you think. I’m apprehensive now, because what happens under an illegitimate government? An illegitimate government tries to dress itself in the veil of pseudo-order; it bans protests and freedom of expression and, above all, shows an enormous willingness to cut social programs.

GG: OK. Since you classify this government as illegitimate, do you believe it’s correct for Brazilians to fight against this government with civil disobedience, as you did after the coup of ’64?

DR: I think they are completely different situations …

GG: I understand. But should Brazilians engage in civil disobedience to fight against this? I know the situations are different. But have we arrived at the point in which it is justified for Brazilians to fight against this government, which you’re classifying as illegitimate, with civil disobedience?

Mug shot of Dilma Rousseff.

DR: I think that, in Brazil, we need to fight against it, protest it, and also exert some pressure on members of Congress. I think we need to urge all social movements to engage …

GG: And with Bolsa Família [social program for the poor] now …

DR: No, I’m just trying to give the example.

GG: But I want to ask only about …

DR: Because we need concrete battles — not a generalized civil disobedience. There will be some concrete struggles. People will have to organize in the most diverse ways. If you call protests civil disobedience, then I’d say, yes, civil disobedience. Now, it depends how you define it.

GG: OK, but many people are now going to the streets to protest in your defense, in defense of democracy, and they are very worried that they can be caught up in this anti-terrorism law that you approved just two months ago.

And when I interviewed ex-President Lula last month, he said he’s against this law, because it gives powers to the government that are unnecessary and dangerous and subject to abuse. Now that these powers are in the hands of another president, do you think it was a mistake to approve this law?

DR: No, I don’t think so. Do you know why? Because I vetoed all the items in the law that would make that sort of use possible. This law was approved in Congress; it is about the Olympic Games. It …

GG: That’s what it’s for, but it can be used …

DR: I know, but it doesn’t have the scope to be applied to social movements or political protests. Everything that was somewhat vague we vetoed. So, I’m sorry, I slightly disagree with President Lula on this matter. He would be completely right if it had been approved in the format sent by Congress.

Children stand outside a small store in Olinda, Brazil, on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016.

Children stand outside a small store in Olinda, Brazil, on Jan. 20, 2016.

Photo: Rafael Fabres/Bloomberg/Getty Images

GG:The Temer government said that it would “focus” on Bolsa Família [social program] only for the poorest 5 percent.What impact would this have and how would the population react to that, in your opinion?

DR: Greenwald, I think people will not receive it well. Why? If you focus on only 5 percent in a country of 200 million people, 204 million, that would be 10 million people. Today, Bolsa Família reaches around 47 million people. We need to clarify what the target audience of Bolsa Família is. It’s not aimed at adults. It’s basically designed for children.

The programs require a key condition: Keep children in school, vaccinated and provided with medical care. With that, we reduced child mortality. With that, we brought children back to school. It’s not possible to create programs for the children without caring for their parents, families and mothers. And I think this clearly shows the regressive nature of conservatism.

GG: There’s an American journalist, based in Brazil for a long time, Alex Cuadros, who wrote an article in the Washington Post three weeks ago with this headline: “How the Workers’ Party Lost the Workers.” He pointed out that the Workers’ Party has transferred a significant amount of money to billionaires, to the richest, to large corporations, and at the same time, has imposed austerity measures on the poorest. Is it because of these policies that a large part of your party’s base has abandoned you?

DR: Well, firstly, I don’t think that my party’s base has abandoned me …

GG: But there are many supporters who now are not supporting you …

DR: Well, I have not observed this, quite the opposite, actually. I have seen a lot of support from my party’s base and from the progressive base in Brazil. One of the results of this process was a vast regrouping movement. See, let’s understand the scenario we currently live in. Brazil, as all other countries in the world, is now facing an economic crisis that started in 2014.

Obviously, when a crisis emerges, the growth rates begin to decline, rather than rise, and you lose the instruments needed to implement counter-cyclical policies. We implemented counter-cyclical policies: in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. In 2014, the fiscal capacity necessary for these counter-cyclical policies was depleted.


Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Glenn Greenwald on May 17, 2016.

Image: The Intercept

GG: I know, but during this period you helped many billionaires, many large corporations …

DR: I’d like it if you would explain to me where I helped billionaires and large corporations. Why? Because of the following: We did not adjust to the crisis by cutting social programs. We preserved Bolsa Família, we preserved the PROUNI and FIES [higher education funding programs], we preserved all of the policies for small-scale agriculture, the food acquisition program, all funding for this small farming, our policies for women, for communities founded by former slaves, for the indigenous — all of these things they are trying to take apart.

GG: You said earlier that Michel Temer is building a very conservative government, and also that he is a leader of this coup, or least involved in it. Also, two weeks ago, Eduardo Cunha was removed from the presidency of the lower house of Congress because of corruption. Why did you choose these two people as such close allies?

DR: Let’s be clear … I was even looking at this today. In Brazil, you have a process that, I believe, is perhaps one of the most distorted in the world. The number of parties is systematically increasing and every successive government needs more parties to form a simple majority and a two-thirds majority in Congress. To form a coalition you have to have a base of alliances. Larger coalitions cause decreased ideological alignment on policy. And you have to build very broad alliances. This is an extremely complex process. Beyond that, it has another feature. This coup has a leader. It was not the interim president.

GG: But he was involved.

DR: No. Wait. The leader is not the acting president. The leader is the president of the lower house of Congress [Eduardo Cunha], who is now removed from office. A little late, but better late than never, as I said. This leader, he represents a conservative sector, extremely conservative.

GG: But he was your ally for a long time, wasn’t he?

A supporter of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff demonstrates against her possible impeachment with a sticker reading

A supporter of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff with a sticker reading “Cunha out,” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Dec. 8, 2015.

Photo: Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images

DR: Hold on. He was my ally because he was with the centrist party ’99, built the majority with the governments. He is not part of … It’s a complex party; it’s not an ideological party. So, you have to understand the fact that inside this party one finds many different characteristics. He inexorably, was, quote-unquote, my “ally.” We began to have friction from the first day of my government, of my second government. During my first term, we had systematic friction with him. So this is an issue that is very important to be understood, because he will act … he works … under the cloak of darkness. He’s very good at acting in the dark.

GG: In your opinion, could the change of government and foreign policy damage Brazil’s relationship with the BRICS [association of emerging nations: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa] and Mercosul [multi-lateral Latin American trading group]?

DR: I hope they don’t do something this absurd to the country. I hope. I think that UNASUL, Mercosul, and the BRICS are some of Brazil’s greatest accomplishments. To assume that it’s possible for a country of Brazil’s dimension not to have a close relationship with the countries of UNASUL, Mercosul, and the great achievement of multilateralism that is the BRICS, would be reckless. It is reckless. I think it would be, at the very least, greatly ignorant. It would reflect a huge ignorance of international affairs.

GG: You’ve said many times that you will fight until the end against the impeachment proceedings, but if you do end up losing and have to leave office, what would be better: that Michel Temer stays in office without the approval of voters or holding new elections?

DR: Please forgive me for not answering that question.

GG: Because you’re still fighting.

DR: Because I’ll fight until the end.

GG: I understand.

DR: Don’t ask me … Because you’ll understand that if I asked myself that question, I’d be giving up.

GG: You are known to be a very strong woman and have mentioned many times that there’s no comparison between what you went through in the past and what is happening now, but the crisis has been very harsh on the country, and on you as well. Is this affecting you and your family?

DR: Look, I think it does affect us, it affects you personally, I even mentioned that the other day. On the day I lost the status of acting president — I’m still the incumbent president of Brazil, and the legitimate one. I think it affects me in this sense: because it’s unjust. Maybe the hardest thing for someone to withstand, besides pain, illness, and torture, is injustice. Why? Because you feel like you’re trapped.

Of course, after a while they said that I was a person — a woman — I think they assumed that I would simply resign. Why did they want me to resign? Because my presence unsettles them. Because I don’t have foreign accounts. They totally took apart my affairs: I have never received a bribe. I refuse to consent to corruption. One of the reasons why they say I’m tough is because it’s very difficult to approach me and propose anything illicit.

The injustice of this situation, the political injustice of this, the personal injustice, it affects me, it affects my family, and it affects all of us. The other day I said I was a victim, not a sacrificial victim, but a victim of injustice. I am a victim of injustice.

GG: Madam president, thank you very much for the interview.

DR: Thank you.

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“What would a war between Russia and the USA look like?”

This must be the question which I am most frequently asked. This is also the question to which I hear the most outlandish and ill-informed responses to. I have addressed this question in the past and those interested in this topic can consult the following articles:

It would be pointless for me to repeat it all here, so I will try to approach the issue from a somewhat different angle, but I would strongly recommend that those interested take the time to read this articles which, while mostly written in 2014 and 2015, are still basically valid, especially in the methodology used to tackle this issue. All I propose to do today is to debunk a few popular clichés about modern warfare in general. My hope is that by debunking them I will provide you with some tools to cut through the nonsense which the corporate media loves to present to us as “analysis”.

Cliché No 1: the US military has a huge conventional advantage over Russia

It all depends by what you mean by “advantage”. The US armed forces are much larger than the Russian ones, that is true. But, unlike the Russians ones, they are spread all over the planet. In warfare what matters is not the size of your military, but how much of it is actually available for combat in the theater of military operations TMO (conflict area). For example, if in any one given TMO you have only 2 airfields each capable of sustaining air operations for, say 100 aircraft, it will do you no good to have 1000 aircraft available. You might have heard the sentence “civilians focus on firepower, soldiers on logistics“. This is true. Modern military forces are extremely “support heavy” meaning that for one tank, aircraft or artillery piece you need a huge and sophisticated support line making it possible for the tank, aircraft or artillery piece to operate in a normal way. Simply put – if your tank is out of fuel or spares – it stops. So it makes absolutely no sense to say, for example, that the USA has 13,000 aircraft and Russia only 3,000. This might well be true, but it is also irrelevant. What matters is only how many aircraft the US and NATO could have ready to engage on the moment of the initiation of combat operations and what their mission would be. The Israelis have a long record of destroying the Arab air forces on the ground, rather than in the air, in surprise attacks which are the best way to negate a numerical advantage of an adversary. The reality is that the USA would need many months to assemble in western Europe a force having even a marginal hope to take on the Russian military. And the reality also is that nothing could force the Russians to just sit and watch while such a force is being assembled (the biggest mistake Saddam Hussein made).

Cliché No 2: an attacker needs a 3:1 or even 4:1 advantage over the defender.

Well, this is one “kinda true”, especially on a tactical level. There is an often used as a general rule of thumb that being in the defense gives you a 3:1 advantage meaning that if you have 1 battalion on the defense you should could about 3 battalions on the offense in order to hope for a victory. But when looking at an operational or, even more so, strategic level, this rule is completely false. Why? Because the defending side has a huge disadvantage: it is always the attacker who gets to decide when to attack, where and how. For those interested by this topic I highly recommend the book “Surprise Attack: Lessons for Defense Planning” by Richard Betts which, while relatively old (1982) and very focused on the Cold War, provides a very interesting and thorough discussion of the advantages and risks of a surprise attack. This is a fascinating topic which I cannot discuss in detail here, but let’s just say that a successfully pulled off surprise attack almost totally negates the advantage in theoretical forces ratios for the defender.

Let me give you a simple example: imagine a front line of 50 km in which each 5 km are defended on both sides by a one division. So each sides has 10 divisions, each responsible for the defense of 5km of front, right? According to the 3:1 rule, side A needs 30 divisions to overcome the 10 divisions in the defense? Right? Wrong! What side A can do is concentrate 5 of its divisions on a 10km wide front and put the other five in the defense. On that 10km wide front of attack side now had 5 attacking divisions against 2 defending ones while on the rest of the front, side A has 5 defending divisions against 8 (potentially) attacking ones. Notice that now side B does not have a 3:1 advantage to overcome side A’s defenses (the actual ration is now 8:5). In reality what B will do is rush more divisions to defend the narrow 10km sector but that, in turn means that B now has less divisions to defense the full front. From here on you can make many assumptions: side B can counter-attack instead of defending, side B can defend in depth (in several “echelons”, 2 or even 3), side A could also begin by faking attack on one sector of the front and then attack elsewhere, or side A can send, say, one reinforced battalion to move really fast and create chaos deep in the defenses of B.

My point here is simply that this 3:1 rules is purely a tactical rule of thumb and that in real warfare theoretical forces ratios (norms) require much more advanced calculations, including the consequences of a surprise attack.

Cliché No 3: high technology wins the day

That is a fantastically false statement and yet this myth is sacred dogma amongst civilians, especially in the USA. In the real world, high teach weapons systems, while very valuable, also come with a long list of problems the first one of which is simply cost.

[Sidebar: when I was studying military strategy in the late 1990s one of our teachers (from the US Air Force) presented us with a graph showing the increasing cost of a single US fighter aircraft from the 1950s to the 1990s. He then projected this trend in the future and jokingly concluded that by roughly 2020 (iirc) the USA would only have the money to afford one single and very, very expensive fighter. This was a joke, of course, but it had a very serious lesson in it: runways costs can result in insanely expensive weapon systems which can only be produced at very few copies and which are very risky to engage].

Technology is also typically fragile and requires a very complex support, maintenance and repair network. It makes no sense to have the best tank on the planet if it spends most of its time in major repairs.

Furthermore, one of the problems of sophisticated high tech gear is that its complexity makes it possible to attack it in many different ways. Take, for example, an armed drone. It can be defeated by:

  1. shooting it out of the sky (active defense)
  2. blinding or otherwise disabling its sensors (active defense)
  3. jamming its communications with the operator (active defense)
  4. jamming or disabling its navigation system (active defense)
  5. camouflage/deception (passive defense)
  6. providing it with false targets (passive defense)
  7. protecting targets by, for example, burying them (passive defense)
  8. remaining mobile and/or decentralized and/or redundant (passive defense)

There are many more possible measures, it all depends on the actual threat. They key here is, again, cost and practicality: how much does it cost to develop, build and deploy an advanced weapon system versus the cost of one (or several) counter-measures.

Finally, history has shown over and over again that willpower is far more important that technology. Just look at the absolutely humiliating and total defeat of the multi-billion high tech Israeli Defense Forces by Hezbollah in 2006. The Israelis used their entire air force, a good part of their navy, their very large artillery, their newest tanks and they were defeated, horribly defeated, by probably about less than 2000 Hezbollah fighters, and even those where not the very best Hezbollah had (Hezbollah kept the best ones north of the Litani river). Likewise, the NATO air campaign against the Serbian Army Corps in Kosovo will go down in history as one of the worst defeats of a huge military alliance backed by high tech weapons by a small country equipped with clearly dated weapon systems.

[Sidebar: on both these wars what really “saved the day” for the AngloZionists is a truly world-class propaganda machine which successfully concealed the magnitude of the defeat of the AngloZionist forces. But the information is out there, and you can look it up for yourself].

Cliché No 4: big military budgets win the day

That is also a myth which is especially cherished in the USA. How often have you heard something like “the billion dollar B-2″ or the “6 billion dollar Nimitz class aircraft carrier”? The assumption here is that if the B-2 or the Nimitz costs so much money they must be truly formidable. But are they?

Take the three hundred million dollar plus dollar F-22A “Raptor” and then look up the “deployment” subsection in the Wikipedia article about the F-22A. What have we got? A few Russian T-95 (date of introduction: 1956) bomber intercepts and one Iranian F-4 Phantom (date of introduction: 1960) interception. That, a few bombing runs in Syria and a motley assortment of overseas deployments for PR reasons. That’s it! On paper the F-22A is an awesome aircraft and, in many ways is really is, but the real life reality is that the F-22A was only used on missions which an F-16, F-15 or F-18 could have done for cheaper and even done it better (the F-22A is a crappy bomber, if only because it was never designed to be one).

I already hear the counter argument: the F-22A was designed for a war against the USSR and had that war happened it would have performed superbly. Yeah, maybe, except that less than 200 were ever built. Except that in order to maintain a low radar cross section the F-22 has a tiny weapons bay. Except that the Soviets deployed infra-red search and track systems on all their MiG-29s (a very non-high-teach fighter) and their SU-27s. Except that the Soviets had already begun developing “anti-stealth” radars and that nowadays the F-22A is basically useless against modern Russian radars. None of that negates that in terms of technology, the F-22A is a superb achievement and a very impressive air superiority fighter. But one which would not have made a significant difference in a real war between the USA and the Soviet Union.

Cliché No 5: big military alliances help win wars

One more myth about wars which is cherished in the West: alliances win wars. The typical example is, of course, WWII: in theory, Germany, Italy and Japan formed the “Axis powers” while 24 nations (including Mongolia and Mexico) formed the “Allies“. As we all know, the Allies defeated the Axis. That is utter nonsense. The reality is very different. Hitler’s forces included about 2 million Europeans from 15 different countries which added 59 divisions, 23 brigades, a number of separate regiments, battalions and legions to the German forces (source: hereherehere andhere). Furthermore, the Red Army account for no less than 80% of all the German losses (in manpower and equipment) during the war. All the others, including the USA and the UK, shared the puny 20% or less and joined the war when Hitler was already clearly defeated. Some will mention the various resistance movements which did resist the Nazis, often heroically. I don’t deny their valor and contribution, but it is important to realize that no resistance movement in Europe ever defeated a single German Wehrmacht or SS division (10 to 15 thousand men). In comparison, in Stalingrad alone the Germans lost 400,000 soldiers, the Romanians 200,000, the Italians 130,000, and the Hungarians 120,000 for a total loss of 850,000 soldiers. In the Kursk battle the Soviets defeated 50 German divisions counting about 900,000 soldiers.

[Sidebar: While resistance movements were typically engaged in sabotage, diversion or attacks on high value targets, they were never designed to attack regular military formations, not even a company (120 men or so). The German forces in the USSR were structures into several “Army Groups” (Heeresgruppe) each of which contained 4-5 Armies (each with about 150,000 soldiers). What I am trying to illustrate with these figures is that the magnitude of the combat operations on the Eastern Front was not only different from what any resistance movement can deal with, but also different from any other theater of military operations during WWII, at least for land warfare – the naval war in the Pacific was also fought on a huge scale].

The historical record is that one unified military force under one command usually performs much better than large alliances. Or, to put it differently, when large alliances do form, there is typically the “one big guy” who really matters and everybody else is more or less a sideshow (of course, the individual combatant who gets attacked, maimed and killed does not feel that he is a “sideshow”, but that does not change the big picture).

Speaking of NATO the reality is that there is no NATO outside the USA. The USA is the only country in NATO which really matters. Not just in terms of numbers and firepower, but also in terms of intelligence, force projection, mobility, logistics, etc. Every single US commanders knows and understands that perfectly, and while he will be impeccable courteous to his non-US colleagues in Mons or during cocktail parties in Brussels, if the proverbial bovine excreta hits the fan and somebody has to go and fight the Russians, the Americans will count solely on themselves and will be happy of the rest of the NATO members get out of the way without delay.

Cliché No 6: forward deployment gives a major advantage

Day after day we hear the Russians complaining that NATO has moved to their borders, that thousands of US troops are now deployed in the Baltics or Poland, that the US has deployed anti-ballistic missiles in Romania and that USN ships are constantly hugging the Russian coast in the Black and Baltic Sea. And it’s all true and very deplorable. But where the Russians are being a tad disingenuous is when they try to present all this as a military threat to Russia.

The truth is that from a purely military point of view, deploying US forces in the Baltic states of sending USN ships into the Black Sea are very bad ideas, in the first case because the three Baltics states are indefensible anyway, and it the second case because the Black Sea is, for all practical purposes, a Russian lake where the Russian military can detect and destroy any ship within 30 minutes or less. The American are quite aware of that and if they decided to strike at Russia they would not do if from forward deployed ship but with long-range standoff weapons such as ballistic or cruise missiles.

[Sidebar: the notion that Russia would ever want to attack any of the Baltic states or sink a USN ship is ridiculous and I am in no way suggesting that this might happen. But when looking at purely military issues you look at capabilities, not intentions.]

The range of modern weapons is such that in case of war in Europe there will probably not be a real “front” and a “rear”, but being closer to the enemy still makes you easier to detect and exposes you to a wider array of possible weapons. Simply put, the closer you are to Russian firepower, electronic warfare systems, reconnaissance networks and personnel, the greater number of potential threats you need to worry about.

I would not go as far as to say that forward deployment does not give you any advantage, it does: your weapon systems can reach further, the flight time of your missiles (ballistic and cruise) is shorter, your aircraft need less fuel to get to their mission area, etc. But these advantages come at a very real cost. Currently forward deployed US forces are, at best, a trip-wire force whose aim is political: to try to demonstrate commitment. But they are not any real threat to Russia.

Cliché No 7: The US and NATO are protecting East European countries

On paper and in the official NATO propaganda, all of Europe and the USA are ready, if needed, to start WWIII to defend Estonia from the revanchist Russian hordes. Judging at how the tiny Baltic states and Poland constantly “bark” at Russia and engage in an apparently never-ending streams of infantile but nonetheless arrogant provocations, folks in eastern Europe apparently believe that. They think that they are part of NATO, part of the EU, part of the “civilized West” and that their AngloZionist patrons will protect them from these scary Russkies. That belief just shows how stupid they are.

I wrote above that the USA is the only real military force in NATO and that US military and political leaders all know that. And they are right. Non-US NATO capabilities are a joke. What in the world do you think the, say, Belgian or Polish armed forces are in reality. That’s right – both a joke and a target. How about the glorious and invincible Portuguese and Slovenians? Same deal. The reality is that non-US NATO armed forces are just fig leaves hiding the fact that Europe is a US colony – some fig leaves are bigger, other are smaller. But even the biggest fig leaves (Germany and France) are still only that – a disposable utensil at the service of the real masters of the Empire. Should a real war ever break up in Europe, all these pompous little European statelets will be told to get the fuck out of the way and let the big boys take care of business. Both the Americans and the Russians know that, but for political reasons they will never admit this publicly.

Here I have to admit that I cannot prove that. All I can do is offer a personal testimony. While I was working on my Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies in Washington DC I had the opportunity to meet and spend time with a lot of US military personnel ranging from Armored Cavalry officers deployed in the Fulda Gap to a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. The first thing that I will say about them is that they were all patriots and, I think, excellent officers. They were all very capable of distinguishing political nonsense (like the notion of forward deploying US carriers to strike at the Kola Peninsula) from how the US would really fight. One senior Pentagon officer attached to the Office of Net Assessment was very blunt about that and declared to our classroom “no US President will ever sacrifice Chicago to protect Munich”. In other words, yes, the US would fight the Soviets to protect Europe, but the US will never escalate that fight to the point were the US territory would be threatened by Soviet nukes.

The obvious flaw here is that this assumes that escalation can be planned and controlled. Well, escalation is being planned in numerous offices, agencies and departments, but all these models usually show that it is very hard to control. As for de-escalation, I don’t know of any good models describing it (but my personal exposure to that kind of things is now very old, maybe things have changed since the late 1990s?). Keep in mind that both the USA and Russia have the use of nuclear weapons to prevent a defeat in conventional warfare included in their military doctrines. So if we believe, as I do, that the US is not willing to go nuclear to, say, save Poland then this basically means that the US is not even willing to defend Poland by conventional means or, at least, not defend it very much.

Again, the notion that Russia would attack anybody in Europe is beyond ridiculous, no Russian leader would ever even contemplate such a stupid, useless, counter-productive and self-defeating plan, if only because Russia has no need for any territory. If Putin told Poroshenko that he did not want to take over the Donbass, how likely is that that the Russians are dreaming of occupying Lithuania or Romania?! I challenge anybody to come up with any rational reason for the Russians to want to attack any country in the West (or elsewhere, for that matter) even if that country had no military and was not member of any military alliance. In fact, Russia could have *easily* invaded Georgia in the 08/08/08 war but did not. And when is the last time you heard Mongolia or Kazakhstan fearing a Russian (or Chinese) invasion?

So the simple truth is that for all the big gesticulations and vociferous claims about defending the Europeans against the “Russian threat” there is no Russian threat just like the USA will never deliberately initiate a nuclear slugfest with Russia to defend Chisinau or even Stockholm.


So if all of the above are just clichés with no bearing on reality, why is the western corporate media so full of this nonsense? Mainly for two reasons: journalists are mostly “Jack of all trades, master of none” and they much prefer to pass on pre-packaged propaganda then to make the effort to try to understand something. As for the talking heads on TV, the various generals who speak as “experts” for CNN and the rest, they are also simply propagandists. The real pros are busy working for the various government agencies and they don’t go in live TV to speak about the “Russian threat”. But the most important reason for this nonsensical propaganda is that by constantly pretending to discuss a military issue the AngloZionist propagandist are thereby hiding the real nature of the very real conflict between Russia and the USA over Europe: a political struggle for the future of Europe: if Russia has no intention of invading anybody, she sure does have huge interest in trying to de-couple Europe from its current status of US colony/protectorate. The Russians fully realize that while the current European elites are maniacally russophobic, most Europeans (with the possible exception of the Baltic States and Poland) are not. In that sense the recent Eurovision vote where the popular vote was overturned by so-called “experts” is very symbolic.

The first Secretary General of NATO did very openly spell out its real purposeto keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.” The Russians want it exactly the other way around: the Russians in (economically, not militarily, of course), the Americans out and the Germans up (again, economically). That is the real reason behind all the tensions in Europe: the USA desperately wants a Cold War v.2 while Russia is trying has hard as she to prevent this.

So, what would a war between Russia and the USA look like? To be honest, I don’t know. It all depends on so many different factors that it is pretty much impossible to predict. That does not mean that it cannot, or will not, happen. There are numerous very bad signs that the Empire is acting in an irresponsible way. One of the worst ones is that the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) has almost completely ceased to function.

The main reason for the creation of the NRC was to make sure that secure lines of communications were open, especially in a crisis or tension situation. Alas, as a way to signal their displeasure with Russia over the Ukraine, NATO has now almost completely closed down the NRC even though the NRC was precisely created for that purpose.

Furthermore, forward deploying, besides often being militarily useless, is also potentially dangerous as a local incident between the two sides can rapidly escalate into something very serious. Especially when important lines of communications have been done away with. The good news, relatively speaking, is that the US and Russia still have emergency communications between the Kremlin and the White House and that the Russian and US armed forces also have direct emergency communication capabilities. But at the end of the day, the problem is not a technological one, but a psychological one: the Americans are apparently simply unable or unwilling to negotiate about anything at all. Somehow, the Neocons have imposed their worldview on the US deep state, and that worldview is that any dynamic between Russia and the USA is a zero sum one, that there is nothing to negotiate and that forcing Russia to comply and submit to the Empire by means of isolation and containment is the only thinkable approach. This will, of course, not work. The question is whether the Neocons have the intellectual capability to understand that or, alternatively, whether the old Anglo US patriots can finally kick the “crazies in the basement” (as Bush senior used to refer to the Neocons) out of the White House.

But if Hillary makes it into the White House in November, then things will become really scary. Remember how I said that no US President would ever sacrifice a US city in defense of a European one? Well, that assumes a patriotic President, one who loves his country. I don’t believe that the Neocons give a damn about America or the American people, and these crazies might well think that sacrificing one (or many) US cities is well worth the price if that allows them to nuke Moscow.

Any theory of deterrences assumes a “rational actor”, not a psychopathic and hate-filled cabal of “crazies in a basement”.

During the last years of the Cold War I was much more afraid of the gerontocrats in the Kremlin than of the Anglo officers and officials in the White House or the Pentagon. Now I fear the (relatively) new generation of “ass-kissing little chickenshit” officers à la Petraeus, or maniacs like General Breedlove, which have replaced the “old style” Cold Warriors (like Admirals Elmo Zumwalt, William Crowe or Mike Mullen) who at least knew that a war with Russia must be avoided at all cost. It is outright frightening for me to realize that the Empire is now run by unprofessional, incompetent, unpatriotic and dishonorable men who are either driven by hateful ideologies or whose sole aim in life is to please their political bosses.

The example of Ehud Olmert, Amir Peretz and Dan Halutz going to war against Hezbollah in 2006 or Saakashvili’s attempt at ethnically cleansing South Ossetia in 2008 have shown the world that ideology-driven leaders can start absolutely unwinnable wars, especially if they believe in their own propaganda about their invincibility. Let’s is hope and pray that this kind of insanity does not take over the current US leaders. The best thing that could happen for the future of mankind would be if real patriots would come back to power in the United States. Then mankind could finally breathe a big sigh of relief.

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On May 12, 2016 at approximately 6:00 am, the armed terrorist group Ahrar al-Sham entered a small sleeping village of unarmed civilians and began a massacre of men, women, children, and in some cases whole families. 

Over 100 persons were victims, with the exact figure unknown, because dozens were kidnapped, and their fate is still unknown. This village, Al Zara, had no military or Syrian government presence or connection.  It had no military or geographical value to these terrorists.  The only reason it was attacked was because the residents were not Sunni Muslims.  The armed terrorists Ahrar al-Sham are an exclusively Sunni Muslim group, who are known to be Jihadists, and their stated goal is to establish an Islamic State in Syria.  They are killing unarmed civilians of minority sects, as well as their own fellow Sunni Muslims who do not support their goals and tactics.

The terrorists were quick to upload to  the photos they took while standing on the corpses of young women and children.  They proudly flashed the “V” for victory sign.

Aleppo-based journalist Kevork Elmasyan stated that what happened in Al Zara was not a massacre but rather “genocide.”

Ahrar al-Sham did not work alone; they were assisted by Jibhat al-Nusra, which is a US designated terrorist group.  However, Ahrar al-Sham is not designated a terrorist group by US law.  Recently, Russia tried to push through legislation at the UN whereby Ahrar al-Sham would be designated as a terrorist group, and therefore, not under the cease-fire accord.  However, USA blocked this designation, and strongly supported Ahrar al-Sham as a “moderate armed rebel group” working under full cooperation with the Obama administration, CIA and State Department.

When experts questioned why the United States of America would openly, and publically defend and assist Ahrar al-Sham, it was noted that the US policy to bring about regime change in Syria through armed revolution was getting weaker and loosing fighters on the ground, and they needed every Jihadist, or ‘moderate rebel’ they could find.  The US policy has been to fight terrorism inside USA, but to support and promote it in Syria, as long as only Syrians are being killed, and not any American military personnel.

The CIA office in Adana, Turkey oversees the terrorists in Syria, supplying weapons, ammunition, satellite imagery, and more.  The cash paid to the terrorists comes in from the King of Saudi Arabia directly, and is administered and paid out through a Saudi official in Turkey.  Medical needs and hospital services are provided by the Turkish government, a close ally of USA.  The CIA training and support of ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria has come under a barrage of attacks; mostly because these so-called ‘moderates’ are in reality followers of Radical Islam.  Proof of this is the name the ‘rebels’ of the CIA choose for their unit: “Sons of Righteousness”.   Instead of “Sons of Democracy” or “Sons of Freedom” they chose to identify themselves as ‘righteous’, which infers all other who do not share their goals are ‘unrighteous’ and doomed to the Lake of Fire.  Democracy and Freedom are not terms they would identify with. I would have thought the CIA would have demanded they choose a different and secular name.  It would appear the CIA in Adana have gotten so tired of working with these mercenaries they have lost interest in image making.

These various terrorist groups often work in cooperation with each other.  For example, on many occasions the Free Syrian Army, who are fully supported and defended by USA, will team up with other Al Qaeda type terrorist groups.  The FSA have been a small and weak group on the ground in Syria, with very little support from among the Syrian residents that they needed the influx of foreign Jihadists coming into Syria from Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon.  These various Jihadists were Arabs, Asians and many American and European fighters as well.  These terrorists found unhindered passage through Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon.  In many cases the terrorists were actively and openly assisted by the military and government agencies in those 3 countries.  Turkey went so far as to provide free airline transportation to Istanbul and Adana from abroad.

Hundreds of Turks took part in demonstrations organized in Beyoglu and Gazi neighborhoods in Istanbul to protest the massacre at Al Zara.  Protesting against Turkish government support of terrorists in Syria is a very dangerous act, which is often met by water cannon, rubber bullets, arrests and injuries.  Most Turkish citizens do not support Jihad and Radical Islam. Turkey has been a secular form of government for decades, but their current President Erdogan is in a long process of molding Turkey into an Islamic Ottoman Empire.

This is not the first massacre of this type in Syria.  Look back to August 2013 and the small non-Sunni village of Ballouta, near the coastal city of Latakia.  In that case, the Free Syrian Army assisted by Al Qaeda type groups, entered the village at night, and went house to house killing men, women, children, and in some cases whole families.  They kidnapped 100 very young children, and a few females.  It was at first thought those kidnapped would be taken to nearby Turkey, and sold as sex slaves or their organs harvested for wealthy Turks and Arabs.  However, after 9 months 44 of those children were released, and had been captives underground in bunkers in Selma, near the Turkish border, not far from their homes in Ballouta.  They recalled being used in a ‘movie’ in which they were to act like they were ‘sleeping’ on the floor of their bunker.  About 2 weeks after their movie making session, the world famous Sarin Gas video was uploaded to    in which dozens of seemingly dead children were laying on the ground.  This brought about a decision to bomb Syria by the US military, however was called off at the last moment when it was discovered that the Sarin gas used was not from Syrian government sources.

Nothing is known of the remainder of the kidnapped children who were not released.  The survivors recalled the Latakian born cleric Fedaa Majzoub being among their captors.  Sheikh Majzoub left a home and family in Sidney, Australia to come to Syria and fight Jihad, along with his brother who was killed there. Sheikh Majzoub was a well respected Islamic cleric in Sydney with close ties to the government there.

George Sabra, a top official at the SNC, congratulated the troops on their victory at Ballouta.  George Sabra is now in Geneva, Switzerland representing the Syrian Opposition.  He is an avowed Communist and atheist who works closely with US government officials, including Sec of State John Kerry.

Next, we can recall the massacre of Syrian Christians at Kessab on the morning of March 21, 2014.  In that attack, the Turkish military began the bombardment of the small Armenian village at 6:00 am.    They used helicopters and large canons to begin the attack, and then the Free Syrian Army in conjunction with Al Qaeda and various other Jihadist groups came pouring over the border f rom Turkey into the sleeping hamlet.  They went house to house killing men, women and children.  The young and able fled to Latakia in cars and trucks.  However, a group of 24 very elderly and frail persons were left behind.  The terrorists kept them 11 days in Kessab, and some of the elderly women were raped.  The FSA took the elderly captives to Turkey on April1, 2014 , where they were kept against their will for 3 months, and one of the group died there of abuse.  On April 1, 2014 the American Ambassador to Turkey, Francis J. Riccardone, Jr. visited the captives, held by the US sponsored FSA.  He refused to help as they begged for him to demand their release.   He brought with him the noted translator Nizar Khalil, and asked them one question, “Are any of you American citizens?”   They all answered that they were Syrian citizens.  He left them without assistance of any kind.  The source of all this information is the eye witness survivors of these crimes, who have testified and have even made the testimony of raped elderly women available for the entire world to know and understand the gravity and depths of crimes against humanity.

Victoria Nuland of the US State Department, and Samantha Power, the US Ambassador to the UN, both made public statements after the Kessab massacre of 88 unarmed civilians, of those 13 were beheaded.  Basically, they both said the same thing: US regrets the loss of life, but the terrorists who were involved were not receiving support from the US government.  However, this is a blatant lie, which is proved by the presence in Kessab on April 1, 2014 of President of the SNC, Ahmed Jarba, who came to congratulate his troops on their victory at Kessab.  The FSA is the armed wing of SNC.  On May 23, 2014 Ahmed Jarba was sitting at the White House with President Obama in personal consultation.  The US government was well aware that Ahmed Jarba had walked upon the shallow graves of Syrian Christians massacred in Kessab only weeks before.

After the recent Al Zara massacre, the State Department spokesman John Kirby fielded a question concerning the US support of Ahrar al-Sham and their attack and massacre of unarmed civilians at Al Zara.  Mr. Kirby expressed concern about the massacre of families there, but gave no reasons why the US government would be supporting and defending such terrorists, who are from the Salafi brand of Radical Islam.  At least Mr. Kirby did not lie and deny the US involvement in the massacre, as did Nuland and Power.

For more information about the Salafi Radical Islamic ideology, you can look to Houston, Texas.  Houston has 40 Mosques, and all but 1of them identifies their brand as Salafi.  The US security services are no doubt busy across USA investigating and following closely the Salafi in America, from coast to coast.  Basically, the Salafi are committed to Jihad and Sharia Law.  They see democracy and secular types of government as totally unacceptable in Islam.  Both Syria and the US are secular forms of government.  The Jihadist attacks began in Syria in March 2011 and are ongoing today.   Experts in security and the global threat of Radical Islam are preparing for the possible attack on the United States of America, but believe that the Jihadists will not have to cross borders, but are already living inside America and are most likely mainly American citizens.


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Selected Articles: Venezuela’s Crisis From Up Close

May 20th, 2016 by Global Research News


Venezuela’s Crisis From Up Close

By Lisa Sullivan, May 20 2016

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The Petro-Yuan versus Dollar Hegemony: China and Russia’s “Big Bet”

By Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, May 20 2016

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America and NATO’s Outrageous Behavior, Greatest Threat that Exists

By Eric Zuesse, May 20 2016

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African American Museum of History and Culture to Open in Washington in September

By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20 2016

African American Museum of History and Culture to Open in Washington in September A center designed for the preservation and exhibition of the contributions of people of African descent in the United States is scheduled to open later this year.…


Eurovision as Politics

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 20 2016

“For me, it’s a bit sad that there are so many people associating this song with politics.” Jamala, Eurovision victor, 2016This year’s Eurovision came with its usual cast of political baggage and implications, made spicier by the introduction of…

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Following the death of a prominent leader of the Arab-lebanese resistance, murdered by the Zionist forces while on Syrian soil, I address this open letter to all left-wing  intellectuals and activists who have aligned themselves with the Syrian “revolution” and believe that by dreaming of the fall of Damascus, they are defending the Palestinian cause.

In the spring of 2011, you were telling us that the Arab revolutions represented an unprecedented hope for the peoples living under oppressive, bloodthirsty tyrants.  Our excessive optimism persuaded us to listen to your arguments for this miraculously flourishing democracy and your proclamations on the universal human rights.

You almost persuaded us that these popular uprisings deposing the Tunisian and Egyptian dictators were going to universally sweep tyranny from the arab world, in Libya as in Syria, in Yemen as in Bahrain and who knows where else.

However the flaws in this evolving narrative began to reveal themselves. The first glaring flaw appeared in Libya. A UN resolution, adopted by the Security Council to ostensibly save endangered civilians, transformed itself into a blank cheque for the military removal of a head of state that had become undesirable for his western partner states. This “regime change” operation can be considered one of the worst moments of the neo-conservative era, accomplished on behalf of the US by two powerful European nations in search of neo-imperialist influence, it precipitated a disaster for which Libya is still paying the price.  The collapse of this unitary state in its infancy delivered the country into the hands of the tribes & factions whose unbridled ambitions were driven by oil lusting western scavengers.

sirteSirte, Libya

Despite this, the “good souls” among you managed to find “extenuating circumstances” for this operation thus justifying the demands for a similar fate for the government in Damascus. Consquently, the winds of revolution that were blowing in syria seemed to validate your interpretation of events and retrospectively provided a rationale for the humaniarian warmongering unleashed against the Tripoli potentate.

However, far from the mainstream media arena, certain analysts observed that the Syrian people were not unanimous.  The anti-government protests arose in certain towns, traditional bastions of the Islamist opposition and these feverish protests by those impoverished by the financial crisis did not present any real threat to the government in Damascus.

You chose to ignore these rational, logical warning signs.  Simply because these facts did not correspond with your narration of events, you extracted only that which suited your interpretation. Where these objective observers saw a polarisation of syrian society, you only wanted to see a bloody tyrant assassinating his people. Where a dispassionate view would have allowed you to discern the weaknesses but also the strengths of the Syrian state, you deployed a self righteous rhetoric to bring to trial a government that is not the only perpertrator of violence inside Syria.

pro assad
Tens of thousands march in support of the Syrian Government. Photo: Bassem Tellawi AP

You saw many protests against Bashar Al Assad yet you failed to see the overwhelming marches in support of the government and the proposed reforms, these marches filled the streets of Damascus, Aleppo and Tartous but you didnt see them. You have highlighted the macabre accounts of the government victims but failed to report those of the victims of the armed opposition. In your eyes, there are good and bad victims. There are victims that you talk about and those you dont want to hear about. You have deliberately chosen to see one side and ignore the other.

At the same time, the French government, whose domestic policies you openly criticize to maintain the illusion of independence, has entirely supported your narrative. Curiously, your narrative coincides perfectly with that of French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, the master of servility, combining unconditional support for the Israeli war against the Palestinians with a Pavlovian alignment with the US leadership and hostility towards arab resistance.  You seem unperturbed by your apparent marriage to the French Foreign Office.

You were defending the Palestinians while dining with their assassins behind their backs. You even accompanied french state officials on a visit to the State of Israel. You are willing accomplices to a French President who has declared that he will ” always support the Israeli leaders”.  It seems that was not enough to scandalise you and you still joined everyone else who boarded the plane with the President.

You correctly condemned US military intervention in Iraq in 2003. You were left “cold” by the carpet bombing for democracy and you doubted the educational value of surgical strikes. However, your indignation at such “high tech” gunboat diplomacy seems bizarrely selective. Now you justify the hue and cry against Damascus that you found intlolerable 10 years earlier, against Baghdad.  A decade has sufficed to render you so malleable that you envisage the salvation of the Syrian people to be a rain of cruise missiles targeting a country that has done nothing to harm you.

You have denied your anti-imperialist convictions to be enthusiastically wedded to the Washington agenda. Shamelessly, not only were you applauding the B52s but you upheld the most groteque US propaganda, when you should have been immunised against it by the Iraqi precedent and the unforgettable lies from the Bush era.

bushBush addressing 25,000 military 2005

While you were inundating the French press with your inaccuracy, an outstanding American investigative journalist tore the pitiful chemical weapons “false flag” to shreds. A false flag destined to pin responsibility for a chemical attack onto Bashar Al Assad despite no international organisation supporting these accusations.  The experts at the Massachussets Institute of Technology and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons even went so far as to accuse the opposition of carrying out the attacks.

Ignoring facts and concealing them where necessary you played your miserable part in this orchestra of lies. Even worse, you continue to do so. Even Obama had said he didnt believe it, but you persisted in regurgitating your lies like guard dogs that bark long after the intruder has escaped. To what aim? To justify the bombing, by your own government, of a small sovereign state, whose greatest crime was to resist the imperialist order. To come to the aid of a  Syrian “revolution” whose true face you have hidden behind a mask, perpetuating the myth of a moderate, democratic opposition that, in reality,  exists only in the meeting rooms of luxury hotels in Doha, Paris or Ankara.

You have therefore exalted this “Syrian revolution” but have turned a blind eye to its mafia practices, its sectarian ideology and its troubling and dubious funding. You have painstakingly obscured the interfaith hatred that inspires this morbid aversion to other faiths, a hatred held in place by the Wahhabi ideological cement.

You knew that the secular Baathist government acted as a life insurance for all minorities inside Syria but you persisted in discrediting and ridiculing those who came to the defence of the persecuted Christian communities. But thats not all.  On the day of reckoning there remains one ultimate ignominy: you have endorsed the politics of Laurent Fabius who has declared that Al Nusra, Syrian branch of Al Qaeda, is “doing a good job”.  No compassion for the mutilated civilians on the streets of Homs or the Alawites of Zahra massacred by the “rebels”, in your view these human beings have no significance.

mustafa-badreddine-afp-gettyMustafa Badreddine

Between 2011 and 2016, the masks have fallen. You refer to the international law but you applaud its violation against a Sovereign State. You pretend to promote democracy for the Syrians but you are the harbingers of the terrorism that is prolonging their suffering. You say you defend the Palestinians but you are on the same side as Israel. When a Zionist missile is launched at Syria, dont worry, it will never harm your friends. Thanks to Israel, thanks to the CIA, and thanks to you, these courageous “rebels” will continue to work towards a “brighter” future for Syria under the Takfiri banner.  The Zionist missile will, in fact, kill one of the leaders of the Arab resistance that you have cynically betrayed.

Translation by Vanessa Beeley for 21st Century Wire.

Bruno Guigue is a French author and political analyst born in Toulouse 1962. Professor of philosophy and lecturer in international relations for highter education. The author of 5 books including  Aux origines du conflit israélo-arabe, l’invisible remords de l’Occident (L’Harmattan, 2002).

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Unseated Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has spoken to RT in her first TV interview since being suspended from office by the country’s Senate. She says that the old Brazilian oligarchy is behind the impeachment process, and vows to fight the “coup.”

RT: Hello and welcome to The Interview. Today we undoubtedly have a very special program, as we have the great honor to interview the President of Brazil, Madam Dilma Rousseff. She’s going through a difficult time now, and it’s a difficult time for Brazil as well. Madam President, thank you very much. I’d like to thank you for your time and for the trust you have in RT – thank you so much.

Dilma Rousseff: Thank you for giving me this opportunity to address the Russian people.

RT: Before we start talking exclusively about political issues, my first question, if I may, is more personal. Currently you’re staying at the Alvorada Palace, in exile of sorts in your own county. How do you feel about that? I’m asking because many Brazilians are asking me this question in the streets. They want to know how you feel and whether you feel strong enough at this difficult hour.

DR: I’m fairly optimistic. I keep fighting not only to remain President, but also – and first and foremost – for the democratic rights in my country. To tell you the truth, I don’t intend to stay cooped up in my official residence, the Alvorada Palace. I want to go to many Brazilian cities and meet many people. This way I can tell Brazil, and maybe even the entire world, about what’s really going on in the country and how we intend to counter what we believe is a coup attempt.

RT: Speaking of the impeachment, the coup and the trial, I’d like to ask you – is this basically a soft coup, without weapons and violence? Moreover, to which extent do you think this coup is aimed against you, and to which extent not only against Brazil, but against its allies, say, the BRICS countries? 

DR: I think it’s an impeachment process, to remove me from the office. Our Constitution provides for an impeachment, but only if the President commits a crime against the Constitution and human rights. We believe that it’s a coup, because no such crime has been committed. They put me on trial for additional loans [from state banks]. Every president before me has done it, and it has never been a crime. It won’t become a crime now. There is no basis for considering it a crime. A crime has to be legally defined. So we believe this impeachment is a coup, because it’s clearly stated in the Constitution that only a crime of malversation can serve as basis for impeachment. The actions currently under scrutiny do not, strictly speaking, fall under that category. Besides, Brazil is a presidential republic. You can’t remove a president or a prime minister who hasn’t committed a crime.

We’re not a parliamentary republic, where a president can dissolve the congress, which, in turn, can call for a vote of no confidence out of purely political reasons. So it’s impossible to impeach a president in Brazil based solely on political reasons or political distrust. We believe that what’s happening now in Brazil is an attempt to replace an innocent president involved in no corruption-related legal proceedings in order for the politicians that lost the 2014 election to control the state bypassing the new election. That’s what’s happening.

This is an attempt to replace the entire political program that includes both the social and economic development aspects and is aimed at tackling the crisis that Brazil has been going through in recent years with a program clearly neoliberal in nature. This program provides for minimizing our social programs in accordance with the minimal state doctrine. This doctrine is at odds with all the Brazilian legal norms regarding healthcare, construction and ensuring that our people have their own houses, availability of high-quality education and minimum wages guaranteed to the poorest part of the Brazilian population. They want to do away with these rights and at the same time they conduct an anti-national policy, for example, when it comes to Brazil’s oil resources. Significant subsalt oil reserves, lying 7,000 m below the surface, were discovered recently.

The ministers were saying that exploring these reserves was impossible, but now we’re extracting a million barrels daily from subsalt oil reserves. Undoubtedly, they were saying that thinking to change the legislation in order to guarantee access to these reserves to international companies. Moreover, in terms of foreign policy, starting from Lula da Silva and throughout my presidency, we have been seeking to strengthen ties with Latin American, African, BRICS countries and other developing nations, in addition to the developed world – the US and Europe. I think that BRICS is one of the most important multilateral groups created in the last decade. But the interim government holds different views on BRICS and the importance we place on Latin America. They are even discussing the possibility of closing embassies in some African countries. We have very special relations with Africa. Brazil is the country with the highest percentage of population of African descent in the world, second only to African countries. We have a lot of people of African descent, so over the last few years we’ve been putting particular emphasis on our relations with the African countries, and not only Portuguese-speaking ones. This shows a wider approach to the world, as opposed to the traditional one, supported by those who have usurped the power now and are taking steps that are at odds with the program approved by the Brazilian people, by 54 mln votes, on the day I was elected.

RT: You’ve touched upon a number of subjects. Let’s go back to some of them later, in particular the social programs and the polyethnicity, which are handled differently by the interim government. Let’s talk about that later, but now, if I may, let’s discuss in more detail how what’s happening in Brazil is affecting the entire continent. We’ve heard what many leaders think about it, for example, Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa referred to it as the second Operation Condor. Do you think that’s true? Are there external powers seeking to shift the political balance in Latin America?

DR: It could be an attempt to change the political landscape in Latin America, taking into consideration the important role that Brazil plays in the region. But I’d like to point out one thing – this process is taking place inside Brazil and is controlled by Brazilian forces whose interests obviously lie inside Brazil. Current events can’t be ascribed to some external interference. That would be wrong, since that’s not what’s happening. But of course, we’re talking about such a key player in the regional and international political arena as Brazil, and when in a country like that different political forces come to power it could benefit a number of players.

RT: You’ve said that before, but recently there’ve been reports, for example, from WikiLeaks, that in 2006, when Mr da Silva served as president, current interim president Michel Temer had contacts with the US Embassy in Brazil. This figure would be beneficial to the interests of Washington and large banks. He was vice president in your government. First of all I’d like to ask you – was it noticeable that Temer had such interests? And what changes should we expect from someone like him being in power?

DR: No, Vice President Temer showed no sign of it. Yes, according to WikiLeaks he did have such contacts. I don’t think that it was politically appropriate, it’s wrong to have such contacts with representatives of foreign countries. But I’ll say again that I don’t believe external interference is a primary or a secondary reason for what’s happening now in Brazil. It’s not. The grave situation we see now has developed without any such interference. This coup is not like usual coups in Latin America, which normally involve weapons, tanks in the streets, arrests and torture. The current coup is happening within the democratic framework, with the use of existing institutions in support of indirect elections not stipulated in the Constitution. This coup is carried out by hands tearing apart the Brazilian Constitution. So we don’t know what kind of repercussions this will lead to, considering that an impeachment without repercussions would only be possible in the case of a committed crime. If there is no crime, an impeachment is illegal. And since it’s illegal, it’s a serious problem for the interim government. I’m living proof of this unlawfulness and injustice. It also means that they can’t forget about it; they staged a coup and they can be called usurpers, which is a very strong word in the political sphere.

RT: Speaking of Brazil’s political problems, we’ve already mentioned Michel Temer’s government, and we’ll go back to that later. But here’s what I want to ask you. This is an interim government led by an interim president supported by mere 2% of the population. There is information that could launch an impeachment process against him. His cabinet consists exclusively of white males, and that’s in a polyethnic country. Some ministers are being investigated on charges of corruption. How legitimate is such a government?

DR: The legitimacy is not there because of the original sin (sic), by which I mean the process resulting from blackmail. The very same President of the Chamber of Deputies that launched the process is accused of having accounts abroad, corruption and money-laundering. This process bares the sores of Brazilian democracy and leads to dismantling the government structure that we had. I didn’t appoint him vice president or head of the interim government so that he could create a government made up exclusively of white people, with no women or people of African descent in it. A government that would disregard one of the most important institutions that serves as the foundation of the Brazilian identity – the Ministry of Culture. Culture has a direct bearing on the national issue. In a country such as ours, with such ethnic variety, culture is a unifying factor that allows everyone to express themselves within that variety, which is why what’s going on now is so regrettable. It’s not only about the loss of civil rights and liberties, but I would even say it’s a violation of the national issue due to the decreasing role of the ministry. Another interesting thing about this government is that today they’re adopting a measure, and tomorrow they’re changing it – they haven’t been elected, so they don’t have a legitimate program.

They haven’t presented it during the election campaign and they haven’t participated in debates about it. This program hasn’t been approved by the population. So the government makes absurd statements. For example, they say that we need to get rid of some parts of the Brazilian healthcare system. In accordance with the 1988 Constitution, the system guarantees free and universal healthcare. The interim government wants to shrink the system and make some healthcare services the competency of private firms. The government is creating these controversies to see how the people will react, and a day later they change their stance, but they’re bad at concealing the tendency – their purpose, really – to implement the most neoliberal program possible.

RT: Are you saying that they’re trying to feel the population’s pulse, so to speak?

DR: Their actions include an aspect that I would call a mix of inability to govern and feeling the pulse. Both those things are present.

RT: Do you feel proud of the Brazilian people? You spoke about the Brazilian culture, about the demonstrations in major cities that sent a clear message to the government that Brazilian culture is not to be touched? At the Cannes film festival, too, the filmmakers reinforced the same message.

DR: That’s the most important thing, the spontaneous demonstrations of the ordinary people, of artists, of those who do it anonymously, who feel dissatisfied with what happened. I’m talking not only about my mandate, but this experiment on democracy, this loss of rights. I was very touched by the demonstration in Cannes staged by our director who made Aquarius, and other demonstrations. Recently a theatre in one Brazilian town had aCarmina Burana performance with a political message that condemned the interim usurper government.

RT: There are some reports indicating that the interim government might revoke 75 of your bills and the Workers’ Party amendments made to the legislation in the course of the last 13 years. I would like to ask whether you have noticed that your vice-president not only wasn’t on board with what you were doing, but was actually against it?

DR: It became clear only recently. During my first presidential term and at the beginning of the second one it wasn’t clear. But at a certain point of time it became obvious that  the vice-present had views on inappropriately usurping the presidential power. It happened because he didn’t have enough of his own power to do so.

He needed an alliance with the president of the Chamber of Deputies who held part of the Congress under his control, and that president initiated the impeachment process. He did so for a very simple reason, i.e. because he himself was to be investigated by the parliamentary Ethics Committee, and he needed three votes. These three votes were with the ruling party, and he didn’t get them. Then he made a public announcement, which was circulated by all the media, that he was going approve the impeachment process proposed by the opposition. That was pure blackmail.

Even the initiator of the impeachment process himself told the press on an impulse that he considered the actions of the president of the Chamber of Deputies to be “obvious blackmail” and that he approved and launched the impeachment process because he couldn’t get the three votes he needed.

Yet, there were forces in Brazil which supported the move – the old Brazilian oligarchy which never put up with the fact that the poorest layers of the population recently got access to the privileges and services they never enjoyed previously: such as traveling by air, having increased incomes, getting public services.

It’s clear that there is still a lot to be done. Obviously, we are fighting the crisis that hit all developing countries, including Russia, China, as well as Brazil, after it had earlier hit the developed countries that are in fact responsible for the difficulties we are going through now, even though with some delay.

All this results in an alliance of the media and the disgruntled business sectors, because any crisis inevitably brings up a distribution problem, i.e. a matter of who is going to pay for the crisis, and, obviously, that sector of the centrist party which is currently fully controlled by Brazil’s right-wing forces.

RT: This impeachment scenario, that you have just so well explained, does need the media to work, which invites my next question, prompted by what I heard a lot here – what is the role of the media in Brazil? It is mostly controlled by a handful of owners, isn’t it? And we also heard that the media in the country reflects the interests of the few.  What changes would you like to see happening to the mass media in Brazil?

DR: We have always been discussing the issue of the democratization of mass media in Brazil. By this, I mean economic regulation of the media.

We do not want to control anyone or anyone’s views. What we want is to avoid the oligopoly situation where the media outlets are financially controlled by a few Brazilian families and have become a destabilizing factor in the democratic process in Brazil – this is exactly what we see happening now.

Brazilian media are not critical, they are very biased. There is a huge difference between the international and the local media. To give you an example, Brazil’s local media have been traditionally quite moderate in their presentation and attitudes towards my government and my party, as well as the allied parties, compared to how they usually cover the interim government. And yet, all of a sudden, the interim government got favourable media presentation with no criticism, despite all the controversies, inconsistencies and strange situations.

RT: Getting back to what’s going on in the streets of Brazil,  it’s our third visit to the country, and we have seen its major cities and some of the rural areas and have heard some very different opinions. Of course, this is democratic to have different, even opposing opinions on important matters, but in addition to that there is one thing that I noticed – the fear, the concern that a large layer of the more vulnerable population might lose those privileges and rights that they recently obtained. For example, the federal program, ‘My house, My Life’ embraces 46 million Brazilians. Huge numbers of the citizens have moved up about the poverty line during the past decade. And although the acting president wrote on Twitter that he won’t do it, we see the interim government taking measures that will result in freezing the construction of 11,000 new residential buildings. If this comes true, the program will be reduced down to 10% of its original scope, so is there a risk of many Brazilian families falling back into extreme poverty again?

DR: Beyond any doubt, I consider “My house, My Life” to be one of the world’s most important programs supporting low-income families. We have planned to build about 4.2 million homes, and this process cannot be stopped. 2.6 million houses have already been built, and the rest are on track for completion. In addition to these 4.2 million homes, our project’s plan includes yet another 2 million houses, and it is these houses that they threaten to cut down from the plan. And this is very bad. Why so? If we look at the social integration process in Brazil we’ll see that it begins with the redistribution of incomes. If we fail to guarantee accessible education, healthcare and housing we can’t change the conditions the poorer people live in. We have a saying that the end of poverty is just the beginning of the way, and it’s a way to more rights and new processes.

One of these rights is the most important of all; that is the right to have a house, because a house is a place for a family to raise its children. And the target audience of ‘My house, My Life’ program is the younger generation. Our children and the youth get to benefit from the improved environment, receiving better care and education, and a better quality of life.  The same is true for the “Family Allowance” program which covers 47 million people. Who benefits from it? What’s its goal? This program guarantees minimal income to the poorest families. Whose interests does it have at its heart? Mainly, interests of the children. Why children? Because the way the program is designed, a family needs to meet two main criteria. In order to get the allowance, the family’s children have to attend school. That’s the precondition for the governmental support, and we run checks to make sure that children are in school. If that proves not to be true, that family is removed from the benefits list.

It is very important that a child goes to school. Also all children must be vaccinated, they should get their shots regularly, we have to make sure that our kids are immunized against all major diseases. What is the result of our program? Numbers indicate that children’s health is improving, childhood diseases are getting contained. In fact in this respect we have reached the level that our country had never been able to attain before now. Children do better at school. Thanks to the program that we’ve had in place for 13 years, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations has excluded Brazil from the list of countries living in extreme poverty. In 2014, for the first time Brazil was excluded from the list of the poorest countries in the world. We have achieved all these results thanks to ‘Family Allowance” and other education programs.

We have also made it possible for more young people in our country to get access to higher education. We grant quotas to the poor, people of African and Indian descent, and also those who went to public schools. This initiative made it possible to have ethnic diversity at our universities. Recently we implemented changes that made higher education more accessible. Since several programs were set up in that area, we were able to expand the pool of opportunities significantly. We have opened more universities and colleges. Now a child from a regular working family could become a doctor – we even have a song about it. I think this is a huge achievement for our country. We have reversed the social situation in Brazil. The country itself is not what it was when we came to power in 2003.

RTMany Latin American leaders are concerned with what is going on and try to influence the situation in one way or another. But as they expressed their support to you they got a harsh reaction from Brazil’s new foreign affairs minister Jose Serra. What do you have to say about this reaction and the tone  Serra chose for his communication with international leaders? And I also wanted to ask you if any of the Latin American leaders contacted you personally to express their support?

DR: I think that a diplomat should not behave this way. These issues require a dialogue, a discussion. I regret that a representative of my country displayed such rude behavior demonstrating intolerance. I think that while we are going through this process we need to be open to the dialogue with Latin American countries. Many international leaders are concerned that the situation that we now have in Brazil could also happen in their states, because they are democratic nations. Special research shows that after the 1990s there was a lengthy period when there were no coups in Latin America. Now that period is over and we are facing a wave of impeachments. I received a number of phone calls that lifted my spirits because they were from the international leaders I used to work with. I won’t name them, but there were several presidents who called me. I don’t want to give their names because I didn’t ask for their permission and I don’t want this to influence the relations between their states and Brazil.

RT: You don’t want to contribute…

DR: I don’t want my words to become a reason for some diplomatic action. I think that the head of the nation and ministers have to be very wise when relating to foreign countries. You must not badmouth a president even if they have a different opinion. You cannot do that, it is simply wrong from any point of view, and it is applicable to any government. Also, conservative governments are known for their caution in matters of diplomacy. So I think it is a major mistake made by someone who doesn’t have much experience in this area.

RTYou are a politician devoted to your nation… Your country will soon host the Olympics – this event is very important for Brazil’s image. You were involved in the process from the very beginning. What are you going to do now since you won’t be able to be part of this as president?

DR: I was involved in this process. First, when we won the bid and were granted the right to host the Olympic Games. This was back when Lula da Silva was president, and I was the one who signed the document that assigned different obligations. When I became president we began to prepare for the Olympics. Frankly, my government is to be thanked for everything that was done in that area – my ministers worked very hard. Our goal was to make sure that the Olympics in Brazil would be the best. I will be very sad if I am not able to be part of it. I hope that I will participate in this grand event as the president of the country because I am still one.

RTThis brings me to my last question. Is there still a chance that we will see you as the national leader of Brazil?

DR: This is my answer to your question – I will fight every day, every minute and every moment of my life to make sure that it happens. And I am convinced that many Brazilians support me in this aspiration.

RTThis is a good way to finish our interview. Thank you, Madam President.

DR: Thank you!


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For over 20 years, Monsanto has exercised almost dictatorial control over American agriculture.  But many people now believe the company is contaminating our food supply and destroying the environment–and public opinion has increasingly turned against the company.

Now, for the first time in those two decades, the number of acres planted with genetically modified (GMO) crops is down. Efforts to label GMO foods are gaining momentum. Family and community farms are taking off. Nearly 40 countries have banned GMO crops and use of Monsanto’s keystone product, Roundup (glyphosate), may not be re-approved by the Food and Drug Administration, while the European Union has done so on a restricted basis.

Photo credit: Anztowa / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

In marches across the world  Saturday, May 21, critics plan to draw even more attention to the agriculture giant and its practices.

In this podcast, one of the leaders of the March Against Monsanto, Ronnie Cummins, speaks with WhoWhatWhy’s Jeff Schechtman about the company’s rise and potential fall. Cummins discusses these developments in the context of the social justice movement; the conversion to organic agriculture; and an end to factory farming that opponents contend both threatens public health and exacerbates global climate change.

Newsflash: embattled Monsanto has just announced that the giant German firm Bayer hopes to acquire it. 

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On May 17th, 2016, news agencies reported the quite interesting news that Kiev and Ankara have become official military partners. The Implementation Plan of Military Cooperation has been signed between the armed forces of Turkey and Ukraine which defines the direction and scope of cooperation until 2020. The document deals with general as well as rather specific problems and issues in the sphere of defense planning, advisory and consultative assistance, and cooperation between their armed forces in general and individual sectors in particular.  

Kiev has stressed that cooperation with Turkish military is a step in the direction of “NATO integration.” Experts say that this is not so much about Ukraine preparing to join the alliance as it is about NATO’s “supervision” of Ukraine’s armed forces through the medium of the Turkish military. In the coming months, in addition to the conventional “Sea Breeze” exercises in a “Ukraine-NATO” format (to be held in the Odessa and Nikolaev regions), Ukrainian-Turkish naval maneuvers will be organized in the Black Sea after which both countries plan to switch to joint patrols along their costal zones.

As far as is known, this could be a dress rehearsal for the activities of a future NATO Black Sea fleet, the creation of which is planned to be discussed on July 8th-9th at the alliance’s summit in Warsaw. The Black Sea member states of NATO and their Ukrainian and Georgian partners have supported the idea.

Following the formal approval of such a project, the American, German, Italian, and Turkish navies’ ships and aircraft will join the ranks of such a feet along with Ukraine and Georgia’s participation. All of this will, to put it mildly, cause a disturbance at Russia’s borders.

If an examination is made of those who have already joined the “Maritime Alliance” which has a clearly anti-Russian character, then from the point of view of arms the only existing threat to Russia is presented by Turkish forces.

Ukraine: one frigate and a lot of junk 

Ukraine’s naval forces formally consist of 17 combat ships, but, judging by media reports, only the “Hetman Sadaydachny” frigate and a few boats are combat-capable. Ukraine’s naval aviation is essentially a fiction, represented by but a few obsolete planes and helicopters based in the village of Chornobaevka near Kherson. The Ukrainian coast guard exists mainly on paper. The only real force of the Ukrainian navy are the marines and special forces. There is a brigade of marines from Nikolaev actually serving in Mariupol, and there’s the 73rd marine center for special operations of the Ukrainian navy (in the city of Ochakov) and the 801st separate detachment for combatting underwater saboteur forces (based in Nikolaev).

Ukraine has one naval base in Odessa and two anchor points in Nikolaev and Ochakov. But even the existing, modest fleet can’t really make it anywhere. All comfortable places in the waters of Odessa are occupied by commercial projects while Nikolaev and Ochakov are on the Dneproburgsky estuary from which it is a long and difficult process for ships to disembark which, moreover, if so desired, could be easily blocked.

In theory, there is a base for reviving military shipbuilding in Ukraine in Nikolaev, where there was the largest shipbuilding complex in the former Soviet Union that, in fact, was the only one capable of producing aircraft carriers. There are two shipbuilding enterprises in Kherson and Kiev, but for 25 years the factories have been plundered and no new cadre have been prepared for them, while the old ones have immigrated around the world.

The leadership of the Ukrainian Navy, however, threatens to revive the Ukrainian shipbuilding industry and put into operation 66 ships before 2020, but this is a fantasy which has nothing in common with reality. In order to realize these ambitions, more sums of money are needed than exist in the entire budget of the Ukrainian state.

Turkey: a powerful but scattered navy 

Everything is more complicated in Turkey’s case. Turkey boasts 16 frigates, 8 corvettes, and 14 submarines plus a marine corps and navy seals. Such a force is a delight for the enemies of Russia, but here we should make a few important points.

Firstly, comparing the entire fleet of Turkey with the Black Sea fleet of the Russian Federation is wrong. The Turkish navy is divided into the northern and southern naval zones: the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. A large part of the Turkish navy’s bases are located away from the waters of the Black Sea and are far behind the rear of Ankara. The bad relations between Turkey and Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, and Syria, the sea flows of migrants, and Russian ships in the Mediterranean Sea are not going anywhere. Ankara thus can’t afford to radically strengthen the Black Sea zone.

Secondly, Turkey has nothing in the sea comparable to the Russian “Moscow” missile cruiser.

Thirdly, Ankara’s naval aviation is only in an “alright” state of existence while its air force is magnitudes weaker than that of the Russian Federation.

Yet the Ukrainian-Turkish alliance has enough to make trouble for Russia. Kiev can share positions and infrastructure with its new allies as well all of those involved in the NATO fleet.

In particular, for the sake of pleasing their masters and annoying Russia, Kiev could send civilian ships out of Odessa to provide cover for radar and missile systems in the area which are located in the immediate vicinity of Crimea, southern Kherson, and the Zmeiny island. Russia would have little to rejoice about this.

Crimea: an impregnable fortress

In view of existing and emerging potential threats, Russia is now rapidly strengthening the defenses of the Crimean Peninsula. In 2015, the Black Sea fleet added approximately 200 units of military equipment, including 40 ships, 30 aircraft (multi-role SU-30SM’s), and Crimea was delivered more than 100 unites of modern armored vehicles. Of all the vessels deserving special attention, there are the three latest diesel-electric submarines of the 636 “Varshavyianka” project and two ships armed with “Kalibr” cruise missiles.

Such weapons are completely solid, and in the near future the strengthening of the Black Sea fleet will be continued. Moreover, Crimea is not only defended by the marine component. The 27th combined air division is deployed on the peninsula including the deployment of Guard squadrons of long-range Tu-22 M3 bombers, and there are prospects for expanding the group to a regiment. In Dzhankoe, a separate airborne battalion is located which is also planned to convert into a regiment. Near Sevastopol, the missile-attack warning system station has been restored after being given to Ukraine in 1991 and abandoned for the last 10 years. The station just needs to obtain a centimeter range instrument in order to complement the station in Armavir which works with ultra-high frequency. This Sevastopol complex will be capable of tracking our sworn “partners’” cruise missile launches.

In addition, the coast is securely defended by the “Bastion” rocket system which allows one to destroy the ships of any enemy in most parts of the Black Sea within 10-15 minutes. It is very much so for these reasons that Erdogan called the Black Sea a “Russian lake.”

It is already clear that despite the mantras of the liberals in the friendly West, peaceful Ukraine, and tranquil Turkey, no one is going to leave us be in peace. In order for Russian citizens to be safe, the good old principle of “Si vis pacem, para bellum” (If you love peace, prepare for war) must be realized in practice. This is what is being done, and properly so, in Crimea in particular.


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The Syrian Arab Army and its allies successfully purged the southern part of Damascus’ East Ghouta from militants. On May 18, Syrian forces liberated the village of Bazyna and cut off the supply line to Dayr al-Asafir. On May 19, the Syrian army liberated Dayr al-Asafir, Zebdeen, Harasta Qantarah and the surrounding areas. Now, the loyalists are making efforts to secure and demine the liberated areas. Сontradictory reports argue that sporadic clashes could still be observed in Harasta Qantarah.

Over two months of infighting among the militant groups of Jeish al-Salam, Faylaq al-Rahman and Jeish al-Fostat, which has left over 500 terrorists dead, played an important role of the SAA’s success. Only in past few days, some 50 militants were killed in infighting.

Meanwhile, the pro-government forces engaged in clashes against al Nusra militants in the town of Khan al-Sheikh in Western Ghouta. The clashes followed the liberation of the al-Salam highway which links Damascus to the Quneitra province. SAA troops also seized back several blocks on the way towards Khan al-Sheikh’s pharmaceutical plant.

Russian planes have delivered 38.2 tons of humanitarian aid in Syria’s city of Deir Ezzor, besieged by ISIS militants. According to the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, 20.8 tons of the humanitarian cargos have been dropped with usage of Russian parachute systems, 17.3 tons of cargos – by American ones. Food products and corns were the basis of the cargos.

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NSA Spied On UN to Make Sure Iraq War Resolution Passed … and Assisted with Torture and Assassinations

You know the CIA was involved with some of the least savory aspects of the Iraq War.

But the NSA got its hands dirty, as well.

The Intercept reports:

In the first months of the Iraq War, SIDtoday [an internal NSA newsletter] articles bragged about the NSA’s part in the run-up to the invasion and reflected the Bush administration’s confidence that Saddam Hussein had hidden weapons of mass destruction.

At the United Nations, readers were told, “timely SIGINT [signals intelligence – i.e. spying on electronic and related communications, which is what NSA does] played a critical role” in winning adoption of resolutions related to Iraq, including by providing “insights into the nuances of internal divisions among the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council.”


SIGINT support [by NSA] to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations [i.e. American diplomats] has enabled and continues to enable the diplomatic campaign against Iraq. Your efforts have beenessential to the plans of the U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador John D. Negroponte [a lovely gentleman], as well as to the United Kingdom’s Permanent Representative, HMA Sir Jeremy Greenstock.

(S//SI) Ambassador Negroponte took time in February 2003 to provide unsolicited feedback on the quality, timeliness, and quantity of NSA reporting. He said that he could not imagine better intelligence support for diplomatic activity than he receives from the daily NSA reporting on Iraq and the UN. He was especially grateful for the timeliness of the information and asked our representative at the U.S. Mission to the UN, … to pass his thanks to the many people involved in its production and delivery. His only complaint was that “there’s just so much good stuff to read and so little time to do it!” Ambassador Negroponte has been an avid user of SIGINT for many years and visited NSA in February 2002, exclaiming that he has never received better support in his 40-year diplomatic career. It is our hope that the Ambassador will visit NSA again when the frenzy of the Iraqi crisis subsides.


For his part, Ambassador Greenstock, on the very day in February that he tabled the UK-US-Spain “second resolution” on Iraq, intrigued by the close UK-US intelligence cooperation, said that SIGINT insights into the nuances of internal divisions among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (the “P5”) were highly useful, enabling him to decide what line to take with P5 counterparts in New York and Washington and to temper the language of his diplomatic forays. On 5 February, the day that Secretary of State Powell made his presentation at the UN Security Council and, as a direct result of SIGINT reporting, a last-minute amendment was made to the UK Foreign Secretary’s speech, making the point that UNMOVIC inspections had already been substantially reinforced.


SIGINT support to USUN’s [U.S. ambassadors to the UN] diplomatic efforts concerning Iraq has been exceptional. Timely SIGINT played a critical role in the unanimous adoption of UN Security Council Resolutions 1441 (strengthened the inspection regime and demanded Iraq disarm or face serious consequences) and 1472 (revised the humanitarian aid program for Iraq).

Remember, the NSA conducts widespread industrial espionage on our allies, such as the World Bank, International Monetary FundUnited Nationsthe Vatican and the PopeFrance, the leaders of GermanyBrazil and Mexico, theEuropean Union, the European Parliament, the G20 summit, and at least 35 world leaders.

And the United States Trade Representative is one of the “customers” of NSA data.

As Edward Snowden wrote about mass surveillance by the NSA:

These programs were never about terrorism: they’re about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They’re about power.

Too bad the Iraq War was a total fiasco …

In a separate article, the Intercept notes that the NSA participated in torture:

Personnel from the National Security Agency worked alongside the military, CIA, and other agencies on interrogations at Guantánamo in the early days of the war on terror, new documents show.


The NSA’s liaison, or NSA LNO, would “coordinate” with interrogators “to collect information of value to the NSA Enterprise and Extended Enterprise” and be “responsible for interfacing with the DoD, CIA, and FBI interrogators on a daily basis in order to assess and exploit information sourced from detainees.” In some instances, the relationship would go the other way, with the NSA providing “sensitive NSA-collected technical data and products to assist JTF-GTMO [Joint Task Force Guantánamo] interrogation efforts.”


An NSA liaison reported back on his trip. “On a given week,” he wrote, he would “pull together intelligence to support an upcoming interrogation, formulate questions and strategies for the interrogation, and observe or participate in the interrogation.”

Outside work, “fun awaits,” he enthused. “Water sports are outstanding: boating, paddling, fishing, water skiing and boarding, sailing, swimming, snorkeling, and SCUBA.” If water sports were “not your cup of tea,” there were also movies, pottery, paintball, and outings to the Tiki Bar. “Relaxing is easy,” he concluded.


NSA analysts were also intimately involved in interrogations in Iraq; a December 2003 call for volunteers to deploy to Baghdad as counterterrorism analysts with the Iraq Survey Group, which was leading the search for Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, said that “the selectee will, in all likelihood, be involved in the interrogation/questioning of potential leads,” as well as “the evaluation and analysis of interrogation reports and other HUMINT-based reports.”

Too bad torture decreases our national security …

In 2014, the Intercept pointed out that NSA has also been key in targeting people for assassination by drone. Too bad we don’t know who most of the people we’re killing are …

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Thailand: Big Hopes for New Economic Ties with Russia

May 20th, 2016 by Tony Cartalucci

During the upcoming Russia-ASEAN Summit (May 19-20) to be held in Sochi, Russia, additional talks will be held with Southeast Asian nations seeking to bolster ties with Russia, who has until recently played a disproportionately minor role in Asia relative to the United States.

Diversifying Economic Ties 

It should be understood that Western special interests seeking global hegemony are driven first and foremost by economic ambitions. Political and military operations augment and run parallel to attempts to expand and dominate nations and regions of the planet economically. Such ambitions are meticulously planned out by policy think-tanks underwritten by corporate-financier interests, and sold to the public by corporate-dominated media campaigns.

In other words, the realm of economics is simply another dimension these special interests wage their war of hegemony within.

Therefore, for smaller nations like Southeast Asia’s Thailand, operating in contradiction to US interests both in the region and within Thailand itself incurs predictable punitive measures from Wall Street and Washington – including coordinated media campaigns to undermine the nation politically, US-funded nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) undermining the nation socially, and various forms of economic warfare to target the nation financially. Over-dependence on economic ties with the West are easily used as leverage over what should otherwise be a sovereign, independent nation.
In addition to expanding economic independence and self-sufficiency within a nation, also critical for national security is to cultivate numerous foreign trade partners – particularly those who are diametrically opposed to one another geopolitically. This ensures that  at any given time, at least half of one nation’s trade partners are eager to expand ties even if the other half is extorting existing ties to demand sovereignty-crushing concessions.

For Thailand today, under considerable pressure from the United States and Washington’s campaign to undermine and overthrow the current government in favor of long-time US proxy Thaksin Shinawatra, diversifying foreign trade partners is more important than ever.

Expanding Which Ties? 

In addition to defense deals regarding both hardware and closer cooperation, Thailand and Russia are eyeing a number of economic deals as well. Thailand’s Nation newspaper in an article titled, “Thailand eyes jump in trade with Russia,” reports that:

Thailand aims to set a target of a five times increase in bilateral trade within five years during Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s visit to the country this week, according to Commerce Minister Apiradi Tantraporn.

The four-day visit starts today.

Apiradi said Thailand would participate in a special session of the Asean-Russia Summit, while a bilateral discussion would take place between Prayut and Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The Nation also reported that:

[Prime Minister] Prayut will lead more than 30 major private enterprises in meeting with some 100 Russian private enterprises tomorrow at the Thai-Russian Business Dialogue.

They aim to convince Russian companies to invest in Thailand, said Hiranya Sujinai, secretary-general of the Board of Investment.

The Thai private enterprises cover sectors such as food, rubber, electronics and finance.

“Russia has high potential in scientific and technological advancement and innovation. We want to invite Russia’s business groups to invest more in Thailand,” Hiranya said.

Indeed, Russia and Thailand have mutual interests and tangible economic resources and expertise to exchange, while the United States offers only to integrate Thailand into its legal structures while allowing itself to buy out Thai infrastructure, resources, and markets.

In particular, Thailand is seeking new markets for agricultural products. The United States has attempted to cripple Thailand economically, using “human rights” as a pretext to ban Thai agricultural imports to both the US and EU. Russia on the other hand, has no history of including political pretexts in economic deals. Russia, conversely, requires new trading partners to circumvent its own over-dependence on Western partners.

A similar scenario has played out across Thailand’s tourism industry. In the aftermath of the 2014 military coup which ousted US-proxy Thaksin Shinawatra and his nepotist appointed sister, Yingluck Shinawatra from power, the US and Europe conducted a concerted public relations campaign to destroy Thailand’s tourism industry. Attempts to cripple numbers of American and Western European tourists arriving in the Kingdom were easily replaced, then eclipsed by an influx of Chinese tourists.

Likewise, Russian tourists have been arriving in increased numbers in Thailand. Today, it is not uncommon to see signs written for tourists in Chinese and Russian when years ago such signs would have been in English and Japanese. The possibility of replacing enough economic dependency on the West with new ties between Thailand and Russia – along with other partners – could do for the rest of the economy what Chinese and Russian tourists have done for the tourism industry.

Russia’s technological expertise, particularly in information technology, could also be particularly useful for Thailand, who is increasingly aware of the importance of media and IT in relation to national security.

The talks this month will provide clearer insight into just how successful and extensive Thailand’s ability to diversify its economic ties will be. It will also be an indicator of how well Russia is able to strengthen its ties across the rest of Asia. More over, if successful, it will provide a clear cut alternative to the coercive means by which the US is “pivoting” toward Asia, and could help fend off an era of US-induced conflict and and regression in a region currently on the rise.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

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Eurovision as Politics

May 20th, 2016 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

“For me, it’s a bit sad that there are so many people associating this song with politics.”

Jamala, Eurovision victor, 2016

This year’s Eurovision came with its usual cast of political baggage and implications, made spicier by the introduction of a “popular” vote that effectively neutralised usual judging patterns. But then again, the entire tournament was filled with such innovations, with Australia running a second time and winning the professional judge’s vote, only to lose by public vote to Ukraine. 

Even before the confirmation that Australia would feature again, eyebrows were raised as to what would be in store.  A ridiculous competition, famed for its sublimated battles, was about to get even more peculiar.  Were the Australians the shock absorbers in a polarised field?

Australia’s inclusion was always going to suggest that rules and assumptions can be bent.  British television host Graham Norton found the move to continue with Australia bamboozling, a matter, if nothing else, of geographical nonsense.  “I know some countries aren’t technically in Europe but, come on – Australia is on the other side of the world.”

Norton’s remarks did not go down well with Jess Carniel, who seemed to take issue with observations on proximity.  “In Australia, a land of delayed television and movie releases, geo-blocked websites, and slow internet, we are acutely aware of our geographic location.”[1]

In digging into Norton’s ordinarily obvious points, Carniel’s could detect the sneer of the exceptional.  “Norton’s comments seem to exemplify the British exceptionalism that colours UK relations with the rest of continental Europe.”  Nothing exceptional about making the incontestable point that Australia and Europe are continents far removed.  Even in this age of permissible nonsense, occasioned by charlatans of post-modern sensibility, words count. Meanings such as the European Cup are such that they do not include teams from Asia, let alone Australasia.

Matters were always going to come to a head given that the favourite was the Russian contender, Sergey Lazarev, followed by Australia’s own Dami Im. But it was Jamala who decided to regale her audience with a musically pedestrian entry “1944” featuring the political theme of Tatar expulsion from the Crimea by Joseph Stalin’s diktat.  According to Gwendolyn Sasse, the song “anchored a historical date in the minds of over 200 million viewers across Europe and beyond who watched the event live”.[2]

This was done despite competition rules forbidding such content, a situation that has resulted in elaborate displays of dissimulation on the part of contestants over the years.  Even in post-competition interviews, Jamala would claim her victory to be an “absolute, 100-percent victory for music” which was merely a suggestion that it was a victory for bad taste.[3]

Not that Jamala was oblivious to the presence of political content in the competition, having just as happily suggested that “we [the Ukrainian people] deserve it” and reminding journalists of “a revolution, then an annexation, then the war.”  She was not to be fooled “into believing that this is the first time this contest has been politicised.”

This, from the same singer who could not understand why “1944” was being associated with politics.  Much can be said of the idea that Eurovision would actually be somewhat poorer without the niggling ideologies and forays into broader disputes.  Otherwise, the bland tend to usually come through.

Like the realm of sport, an illusion has been carefully crafted from the start that such a competition is somehow free of the political bug, and various associated stratagems.  Such publications as Dafni Tragaki’s edited collectionEmpire of Song: Europe and Nation in the Eurovision Song Contest (2015) suggest otherwise.

Conchita Wurst’s victory in 2014 was itself a reminder that the politics of sex and gender would invariably find its way into the competition, though a good foretaste of this was already provided by Russia’s own t.A.T.u in 2003.

In a reminder about how erroneous it can be to render all musical entrants zombies to the broader national program, the duo gave the audiences in Riga a display of faux-lesbian pop eroticism, whatever that is taken to mean in musicological circles.  Such sexual overdrive was perhaps inevitable, given the work put into the project by advertising executive and former child psychologist Ivan Shapovalov.  In Shapovalov, marketing met sex.

While the competition might have initially been conceived as a synthesis of various countries, and ideal of Europe, realities have spilled over.  Modern Europe is a messy place indeed, and it did not need Georgia’s anti-Putin entry “We Don’t Wanna Put In” in 2009 to remind us that wars and disagreements find their way into the performances.  Ignorance and hostility reign as powerful forces between the voting rituals, the former characterised by Sweden’s Loreen, winner of Eurovision 2012, who thought that Baku was a Caribbean destination.

The 2016 voting system differed for adding a 50 percent contribution from home viewers.  The initial half was determined traditionally: five-person juries of music judges from the 42 contesting countries.  Had the old system been retained, suggested data journalist site FiveThirtyEight, Australia’s Im would have been victorious.[4]

The voting patterns in Eurovision 2016 did not in themselves suggest inimical polarisation, though there were obvious points of solidarity.  Lazarev received 12 points from Ukrainian’s voting bloc, while the Russian voting public cast ten Ukraine’s way.  Even in times of severe violence and disagreement, common ground can be found.  There is politics, and then there are the politicians.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  Email: [email protected]






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Terrorism – Causes and Consequences

May 20th, 2016 by Jack A. Smith

This article was first published May 29, 2010.

“Terrorists” and “terrorism” have become Washington’s monomania since 9/11, guiding the foreign/military policies of the American superstate and holding its population in thrall.

“The single biggest threat to U.S. security, both short-term, medium-term and long-term,” President Barack Obama said April 11, is the possibility that terrorists might obtain a nuclear weapon. The second biggest threat to world history’s mightiest military state, it goes without saying, are terrorists without nuclear weapons but armed with box-cutters, rifles or homemade explosives.

It’s “terrorism” 24/7 in the United States — the product of a conscious effort by the Bush Administration to keep the American people in the constant clutches of existential fear, in large part to justify launching endless aggressive wars. Anything goes if the target is said to be “terrorism,” as long as the Pentagon’s violence takes place in smaller, weaker countries usually populated by non-Europeans.

But does the U.S. government really want to defeat terrorism? This is a serious question. All its major efforts so far have been focused on the effects of terrorism but not on its much more profound causes. In this article we shall discuss the causes, particularly the actions of the U.S. in the Middle East over the decades which contributed significantly to the rise of terror as a weapon.

After almost a decade, the Bush Administration’s “War on Terrorism” — at a cost of trillions of dollars, the erosion of a substantial portion of America’s civil liberties and its worldwide reputation, and the deaths of over a million foreign civilians — has not succeeded in its stated objectives.

And yet, judging by the Obama Administration’s 2011 war budget request, the recently released Quadrennial Defense Report and the Nuclear Posture report, and the widening of the wars, it is clear that President Barack Obama has no intention of deviating significantly from President George W. Bush’s unjust and failed policies.

President Obama’s troop buildup, implied nuclear threats against Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and his order to the CIA to assassinate an American citizen without a trial are but some of the most recent examples.

All that’s really changed in national security strategy from one administration to the other is the name of Bush’s “War on Terrorism.” The Obama Administration renamed it, in an excess of bureaucratese, an “Overseas Contingency Operation,” transforming its title to suggest it was a mere budget item. Not so mere, actually, since the Pentagon’s annual war budget has risen 67% since 9/11.

American national security policy since the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center nearly nine years ago has been aimed primarily at defeating a small number of ill-equipped non-state “terrorist” enemies by fielding a large professional army with advanced technology first to Afghanistan, then Iraq and now back to the Afghan theater with tributaries extending into Pakistan, Yemen and to a lesser extent Somalia and the Philippines.

Fewer than 100 al-Qaeda operatives are in Afghanistan against about 94,000 U.S. troops, so far, plus 40,000 NATO soldiers, and about 100,000 mostly higher paid “contractors” performing military duties. There are up to 15,000 part- and full-time irregulars associated with the Afghan Taliban, perhaps fewer. But — even though they are ultra-conservative religious extremists who were oppressive when in power — they are a national force with no designs on the United States, and are not technically terrorists but defenders of their country from foreign invasion. Many Americans don’t like to hear that, of course.

The Bush-Obama anti-terrorism policy has two aspects, one public, the other concealed. The public aspect is to “keep America safe” from specifically Arab and more broadly Muslim “terrorists.” The concealed aspect is to utilize the 9/11 tragedy to justify the projection of military might to extend U.S. hegemony throughout the oil-rich Middle East, especially the Persian Gulf region, and into geostrategic Central Asia through the occupation of Afghanistan.

We shall here discuss the public aspect, and why it was and continues to be the wrong response to 9/11, beginning with a paragraph from the Sept. 15, 2001, Activist Newsletter:

“Tuesday’s deplorable terror attacks did not occur in a political vacuum, despite the mass media’s effort to depict the events as simply the product of Middle Eastern ‘madmen’ with ‘no regard for human life’ driven by fundamentalist religious beliefs to hate the United States. In reality, Washington’s role in the Middle East, which it has dominated since the end of World War II to control the region’s vast petroleum resources, must be carefully examined to determine the roots of our present situation…. Many Americans ask, ‘Why do they hate us so?’ The honest answer to that question points the way toward a solution to the ‘terrorism’ crisis.”

Never once in all these years has the U.S. government acknowledged that its decades of interference in the region were a major factor in the growth of “terrorism,” the existence of al-Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban, and the 9/11 attacks. Washington is hardly unaware of the connection — and indeed of the primacy of its own historic provocation in the region — but in the era of government deception and corporate domination of the mass media, “inconvenient” truths usually remain concealed from the masses of people.

Five Major Decisions

Washington implemented five major decisions during the last 65 years that turned public opinion in the Middle East against the United States and largely generated the conditions that led to the creation of al-Qaeda, jihadist warriors, and suicide bombers. We will describe these causes which ultimately led to the effects called terrorism, then, in part 3, conclude with brief “modest” proposals to rectify the situation.

(1) The first of these decisions took place immediately following the end of World War II in 1945, when the U.S. chose to extend its hegemony throughout the Middle East, and thus prevent its essential wartime ally, the Soviet Union, from gaining a foothold. Washington’s goal ever since that time — including the last two decades after the implosion of the socialist camp and the 16 months since Obama took office — has been directed toward establishing dominion over this petroleum-rich region to insure America’s global preeminence.

To accomplish this objective, the U.S. made deals with ultra-conservative monarchies in the region, offering them military protection and secure dynastic longevity in return for loyalty and concessions on oil supplies. Royal houses, such as exist in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and elsewhere, could have been swept away decades ago by their own people had they not been in America’s protective custody. Washington’s prolongation of monarchical rule has been a major impediment to democracy in the region.

When the people prevailed, as in Iran in 1951 after an elected democratic government gained power, nationalized the country’s substantial petroleum reserves, and replaced the monarchy with a republic, the U.S. and Britain launched a campaign for bloody regime change that by 1953 crushed democracy and restored the brutal Shah of Iran to power.

Washington also continually interfered with republics, not just monarchies, supporting, protecting and enriching those which destroyed their political left wing and bent the knee to U.S. hegemony, such as Egypt, while subverting those leaning left, as in Iran in the early 1950s, or who simply insisted upon maintaining independence from American domination, such as Syria. This, too, stifled democracy and social progress.

After 65 years of interference, Washington either controls or has considerable influence over virtually all the governments of the Middle East, with the exception of Iran, today’s imperial target par excellence. Syria remains in the middle. Turkey, which is sometimes not geographically included in the Middle East, is a member of U.S.-dominated NATO and seeks Washington’s support to enter the European Union, but has lately taken two positions totally opposed by the Obama Administration: It has sharply criticized Israel, which was considered Turkey’s ally, over its invasion and imprisonment of Gaza, and this month joined with Brazil in a move calculated to head off harsh sanctions against Iran.

In the process of gaining dominance over most Mideast regimes — the majority of which have remained undemocratic as a consequence — the United States has alienated the masses of people throughout the region.

In response, given that the U.S. has demanded of its Arab protectorates that the political left and progressive secular forces be weakened or crushed in country after country, it has been the Islamic resistance which has filled the vacuum and taken up the national struggle against American domination and undemocratic rule. A relatively small portion of this movement is influenced by extreme fundamentalist ideology, and a still smaller sector have joined the jihad (struggle) initiated by Osama bin-Laden’s al-Qaeda.

(2) The second decision that contributed principally to creating Arab and Muslim antipathy toward the U.S. was Washington’s total support of Israel to the detriment of the people of Palestine, particularly following the June 1967 war, when Israel invaded and occupied large swaths of Palestinian territory, where it remains today in utter violation of several key international laws.

“In Palestine,” according to British writer/filmmaker John Pilger, “the enduring illegal occupation by Israel would have collapsed long ago were it not for U.S. backing. Far from being the terrorists of the world, the Islamic peoples have been its victims…. It is only a few years ago that the Islamic fundamentalist groups, willing to blow themselves up in Israel and New York, were formed, and only after Israel and the U.S. had rejected outright the hope of a Palestinian state, and justice for a people scarred by imperialism.”

Today, the Arab world agrees to normalize relations with Israel if the Tel Aviv government allows the establishment of two sovereign states, one being Palestinian. Israel refuses, and not only continues to illegally occupy Palestinian lands but to oppress the masses of people — the most gruesome recent example being the vicious attack on Gaza followed by blockading the territory to deprive its inhabitants of the basic necessities of life.

It is well understood that only U.S. military, economic and political support makes it possible for Israel to continuously subjugate the Palestinians. Israel often claims it is surrounded by “existential” threats of one kind or another, the latest being from Iran, but the only real threat it faces is that of losing Washington’s sponsorship, protection and economic support.

(3) The third Washington decision that led to 9/11 — and in this case directly — was to involve the U.S. in the Afghan civil war that erupted in 1978 after the communist People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA), backed by the Afghan army and military officers, seized power and began to enact reforms to “bring Afghanistan into the 20th century.” The reforms — including substantial freedoms for women — aroused armed opposition from conservative Islamic war lords and fighting groups.

The U.S. began supporting these groups clandestinely in 1979 with great infusions of money and war materials, prompting the USSR to send troops to defend the leftist government. Both al-Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban developed out of this struggle, receiving American support in the process.

The Soviets were fought to a standstill and withdrew in 1989, but the left wing government managed to hold on until it was brutally crushed in 1992. The civil war then transformed into a war for control of Afghanistan between several of the strongest rebel groups. It lasted four years, and resulted in victory for the ultra-orthodox Taliban in 1996. Al-Qaeda used Afghanistan as one of its bases until the U.S. invasion in October 2001, then fled to western Pakistan. (A 2-part account of “The U.S. in Afghanistan,” including “The Origins of a Bad War,” were published in the November 5, 2009, issue of the Activist Newsletter, available in the blog archive.)

(4) The fourth U.S. decision that contributed substantially to the unpopularity of the American government was to impose cruel sanctions against the Iraqi people in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War. The war itself, resulting in the mortification of Iraq for occupying Kuwait, was intended to compensate for the Pentagon’s humiliating defeat in Vietnam 15 years earlier. The U.S. launched what has been called one of the “most devastating air assaults in history” against Iraq in mid-January 1991. It was all over in a couple of months. Overwhelming power succeeded: The U.S. lost 147 troops. The Iraqis lost 200,000, troops and civilians in the brief war and its immediate aftermath.

Ultimately up to 1.5 million Iraqis died as a result of a dozen years of draconian U.S./UN economic, trade and materials sanctions that accompanied the war, and which ended only after the U.S. invasion in March 2003. The UN suggests that half these civilian dead were children. Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, a defender of the Iraqi people, said of the sanctions, “The goal was to cripple Iraq’s infrastructure and make civilian life unsustainable.” (His 1992 book, “The Fire This Time — U.S. War Crimes in the Gulf,” remains a classic account of the real causes and effects of the Gulf War.)

Most Americans were and remain indifferent to the terrible pain visited upon the Iraqi people by the sanctions. Secretary of State Madeline Albright famously said of the civilian deaths, “we think the price is worth it.” To the Arab people, Muslims in general, humanitarians, and anti-imperialists throughout the world, it was a cruel and vindictive act of genocidal proportions.

(5) The fifth decision was to respond to the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the U.S. by bombing and invading Afghanistan, instead of relying on international police work to capture al-Qaeda, a small, non-state, quasi-military organization dedicated to “propaganda of the deed,” with cells in several countries in addition to its Afghan component.

Bush’s decision to launch a war was precisely what al-Qaeda wanted to further discredit the U.S. in Arab eyes. The Bush Administration’s subsequent decision to invade Iraq — which was completely innocent of involvement in 9/11 and extremely weak militarily because of the sanctions — compounded the original miscalculation of invading Afghanistan. Secular President Saddam Hussein was probably fundamentalist al-Qaeda’s principal ideological enemy in the Arab world, and Washington ordered his execution. Meanwhile, the Iraqi national resistance forced the world’s only military superpower into a humiliating stalemate, another fact about which the U.S. public is blissfully ignorant.

The Iraq war itself, now seven years old, has killed another million Iraqi people and created at least four million refugees. Between the sanctions and the war, the U.S. has killed roughly 2.5 million Iraqis — almost 10% of the population. This does not seem to have penetrated the consciousness, much less the conscience, of the thoroughly propagandized American people. The only winner of Bush’s imperialist misadventure in Iraq was neighboring Shi’ite Iran, which had viewed Hussein’s Ba’athist Sunni regime as its main enemy.

President Obama’s decision to widen the Afghan war and to penetrate Pakistan and Yemen has once again played into al-Qaeda’s hands, and continues to increase anti-U.S. views on the part of the Arab masses. The good will Obama generated throughout the Muslim world by his warm, peaceful, convincing and ultimately deceptive words in Cairo a year ago has dissipated. His actions have strengthened the tiny splinter of the Arab and Muslim population attracted to fringe groups that engage in violence, led by al-Qaeda.

Washington Must Reverse Policy

If America’s long, unsustainably expensive and essentially stalemated wars are doing little to eliminate the so-called “terrorist” threat, what’s the alternative if Washington actually wants to eliminate terrorism?

The answer is to recognize that the history of America’s misdeeds in the Middle East is the main reason for the existence of al-Qaeda. Instead of more wars, Washington must reverse its policies:

• Call off the wars. Pull the troops out. Withdraw the fleet and air bases from the region.

• Insist upon an equitable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and take measures to enhance Israel’s compliance.

• Stop dominating and manipulating the countries of the Middle East to serve America’s interests. Discontinue support for undemocratic governments and monarchies. Apologize for decades of manipulation and violence.

• Pay a huge compensation to the Iraqi people in particular. Invest heavily in eliminating poverty in the entire region and improving social services for the masses of people.

• Allow the Arab people, and the Iranians as well of course, to work out their political, social and cultural contradictions and preferences without interference. The United States is not the divine instrument chosen to redeem the world, and should stop behaving as though it were.

This will end jihadist terrorism. And it can all be paid for with the money Washington saves by ending its wars and subversion in the region.

There is another problem as well, however, more dangerous and widespread than the small-group terrorism of a handful of individuals with homemade weapons. That problem is state terrorism.

What else other than “state terrorism” can describe Washington’s killer sanctions followed by the “shock and awe” bombing, invasion and occupation of Iraq against an essentially defenseless people? What else but state terrorism can we call U.S.-enabled Israel’s horrendously disproportionate attack against the civilian population of Gaza, resulting in 1,400 Palestinian deaths and 14 Israeli deaths, followed by strangling sanctions?

At this stage, only the people of the United States have the power to force their government to stop interfering in the Middle East, thus ending the retaliatory threat of terrorism. And only the people have the power to end Washington’s ongoing state terrorism against small developing countries in order to enhance its geopolitical fortunes.

So far, the U.S. government, whether controlled by one or the other of the two ruling parties, has hoodwinked most Americans into actively or passively supporting its aggressive wars. This is surprisingly easy to do, not least because most of us Americans suffer not at all due to our country’s violent and criminal adventures abroad. It remains the task of those who see through the distortions and propaganda to speak up and take a public stand in opposition. To do less is to be indifferent to, or complicit with, a gross iniquity.

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Let’s try a thought experiment. Suppose you want to create your own army in say, Syria. You live in Pakistan. You are also a listed terrorist organization allegedly being hunted by multiple nations around the world including both the United States and the EU. How do you suppose you “move” to Syria and build your army or even something as grand as an “emirate?”

With what money? With what political support? How do you pass the various borders between Pakistan and Syria to even arrive in your new “emirate?”

Like a narrative of a Saturday morning cartoon, the New York Times article, “Al Qaeda Turns to Syria, With a Plan to Challenge ISIS,” asks us to suspend belief, reporting:

Al Qaeda’s top leadership in Pakistan, badly weakened after a decade of C.I.A. drone strikes, has decided that the terror group’s future lies in Syria and has secretly dispatched more than a dozen of its most seasoned veterans there, according to senior American and European intelligence and counterterrorism officials. 

The NYT also claims:

The operatives have been told to start the process of creating an alternate headquarters in Syria and lay the groundwork for possibly establishing an emirate through Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, the Nusra Front, to compete with the Islamic State, from which Nusra broke in 2013. This would be a significant shift for Al Qaeda and its affiliate, which have resisted creating an emirate, or formal sovereign state, until they deem conditions on the ground are ready. Such an entity could also pose a heightened terrorist threat to the United States and Europe. 

It is extraordinary that Al Qaeda can openly announce this, so openly it is covered in the New York Times, and that there is any chance of it actually taking place (assuming the Western World really is fighting a “War on Terror”). It is equally extraordinary that the New York Times would make such an announcement without enumerating just what this “emirate” entails or with what resources Al Qaeda had to implement it with.

DIY Emirate 

The NYT describes Al Qaeda’s “emirate” as a “formal sovereign state,” and little else. A formal sovereign state requires many things the New York Times failed to mention, among which are:

  • Energy production;
  • Schools;
  • Manufacturing;
  • Money;
  • Healthcare;
  • Police;
  • Army;
  • Government (national, provincial, and municipal);
  • and much, much more.
Even for existing nation-states, getting all of this right is an immense challenge. Yet Al Qaeda and its Syrian franchise Al Nusra seem to have made great progress already laying such groundwork. For instance, Al Nusra has police, runs schools, has hospitals and clinics, obviously has an army, and clearly has no trouble finding money. The real question is, how have they managed to do this?This is a particularly easy question to answer if one reads between the lines of even US and European newspapers. For example, in its 2013 article titled, “Islamist Rebels Create Dilemma on Syria Policy,” the New York Times admits:

Nusra’s hand is felt most strongly in Aleppo, where the group has set up camp in a former children’s hospital and has worked with other rebel groups to establish a Shariah Commission in the eye hospital next door to govern the city’s rebel-held neighborhoods. The commission runs a police force and an Islamic court that hands down sentences that have included lashings, though not amputations or executions as some Shariah courts in other countries have done. 

Nusra fighters also control the power plant and distribute flour to keep the city’s bakeries running.

While the NYT attempts to claim this is all funded by stolen oil, it must be remembered that someone must buy that stolen oil. The Syrian government is not buying it, so who is? The answer is given by NYT’s admission of Al Nusra’s strongest influence being in Aleppo, right across the border from Turkey who clearly is both buying stolen oil from Al Nusra (and the Islamic State) as well as subsidizing their occupation of Syria in many other ways.

It is interesting that NYT mentions Al Nusra’s control over bakeries. Controlling bakeries and distributing bread to locals is one of the key activities prescribed by US strategy papers in winning over local populations. It should then be no surprise to find out who is providing these Al Nusra-controlled bakeries with a steady supply of flour, the United States.

In the Washington Post’s article, also published in 2013, “U.S. feeds Syrians, but secretly,” it is stated that:

In the heart of rebel-held territory in Syria’s northern province of Aleppo, a small group of intrepid Westerners is undertaking a mission of great stealth. Living anonymously in a small rural community, they travel daily in unmarked cars, braving airstrikes, shelling and the threat of kidnapping to deliver food and other aid to needy Syrians — all of it paid for by the U.S. government. 

The Washington Post, in the same article, even admits that most of the residents believe the flour is from Al Nusra, since it is Al Nusra passing out the bread it is made from:

The bakery is fully supplied with flour paid for by the United States. But [local resident] Waisi credited Jabhat al-Nusra — a rebel group the United States has designated a terrorist organization because of its ties to al-Qaeda — with providing flour to the region, though he admitted he wasn’t sure where it comes from.

Reading either the NYT article or the Washington Post piece separately would leave readers confused. Reading them together makes it clear that Al Nusra’s ability to create the groundwork for Al Qaeda’s upcoming “emirate” is owed entirely to the United States and its coalition allies, including Turkey.

Al Qaeda Exists Because it is Allowed, Even Encouraged to Do So… 

Jubhat Al Nusra, a US State Department listed foreign terrorist organization, is considered one of the largest and most influential forces on the battlefield in Syria fighting Damascus, second only to the self-proclaimed Islamic State. Stanford University in its report titled, “Mapping Militant Organizations: Jabhat al-Nusra,” admits that:

Al-Nusra is one of the best-equipped rebel groups in Syria…

…Second only to ISIS, al-Nusra attracts the most foreign fighters among rebel groups in the Syrian civil war. These fighters mostly come from the Middle East, but also from Chechnya and European states, with a smaller number from more distant countries like Australia and the United States. 

Considering the immense resources admitted by the United States, the European Union, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar pledged to rebel groups in Syria, an alarming question arises when considering how much better equipped and funded Al Nusra appears to be. Where precisely are they getting more funding to be so much better equipped than rebel groups the US and its allies are pouring billions of dollars into? How is Al Nusra able to acquire more resources than the combined efforts of America, Europe and the Persian Gulf?

The answer is just as alarming. It is not a coincidence that the US has spent billions on training programs for rebel groups that do not exist and are not currently fighting on the Syrian battlefield. The money was truly spent, but not on “rebels.” Instead, the money, through Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar, has gone straight into Al Nusra’s war chests, armories and administrative budgets. The proof stares the world in the face each day with headlines of Al Nusra’s spanning exploits amid Syria’s grinding war.

And as much has even been admitted.

Articles like the Independent’s, “Turkey and Saudi Arabia alarm the West by backing Islamist extremists the Americans had bombed in Syria,” the New York Times’, “U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels,” and the BBC’s, “Arming Syrian rebels: Where the US went wrong,” add up to paint a stark picture of a United States and the coalition of allies it leads, intentionally building up Al Nusra and sustaining its occupation and entrenchment in Syria.

This groundwork, courtesy of the United States and its allies, is what Al Qaeda is building its “emirate” on.

Not an Episode of G.I. Joe… 

No explanation is ever given as to how the fictional character, Cobra Commander, could supply the cartoon battlefield of the popular American cartoon, “G.I. Joe,” each week with a new army of fully equipped villains. No explanation is needed because it is a cartoon. However, for the New York Times, a prominent American newspaper, to announce Al Qaeda’s plans to “move” to Syria but give no explanation as to how they are doing so politically or financially, is further evidence of just how inconvenient the truth actually is.

Al Qaeda’s entire history since its inception in the 1980s to present day is a story of state-sponsored terrorism and proxy military campaigns. There is no possible means for Al Qaeda to have accomplished any of what it did without vast state-sponsorship behind it. And there is no possible way for it to do so today without vast state-sponsorship. This is why the New York Times refuses to ask difficult questions or quantify just what precisely is required to build Al Qaeda’s new “emirate” apparently overnight.

Ulson Gunnar, a New York-based geopolitical analyst and writer especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

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In yet one more example of how Monsanto will stop at nothing to achieve total domination of the food supply, the major agricultural corporation is now attempting to use its toxic product as leverage against the Argentinian government.

After a dispute between Monsanto and Argentina regarding the inspection of genetically modified soybeans, Monsanto has now announced that it intends to suspend future soybean technologies in Argentina. Monsanto’s move will leave many Argentine farmers who used the company’s biotech products without the new Xtend technology scheduled to be deployed in Argentina allegedly aimed at increasing soy yields as well as controlling glyphosate-resistant, broad-leaf weeds, another problem created by Monsanto itself. The dispute centered around the fact that Monsanto was demanding that private exporting companies act as inspectors to ensure that agricultural products trademarked to the company (although even this is disputed by farmers) were not being sold. The Argentine government ruled that only the government had the authority to act as a food inspector.

Monsanto said it was “disappointed” in the manner in which the direction the dispute has taken and that “the company plans to take measures to protect its current assets and will suspend launching any future soybean technologies in the country.”

Soybeans are Argentina’s main cash crop and the country is the number one exporter of soy mill livestock feed. Unfortunately Argentina farmers now rely heavily on Monsanto to produce those soybeans. Thus, the move by the corporation has sent many Argentinian farmers into panic mode.

Ultimately, Monsanto is one corporation who would be doing the world a favor by taking its ball and going home. Decades of environmental destruction, chronic health conditions and death – all direct results of Monsanto and its products – have left the company in a situation where it is hard-pressed to show one positive thing it has ever done for mankind. Indeed, it seems almost impossible for Monsanto to show one product that was at least not harmful.

Clearly, if the Argentine government does not back down from the multi-national bully, and does not take immediate and radical action, Monsanto will continue to hold its technology over the head of both the government and the people. Yet buckling to Monsanto and accepting the company’s required tribute as well as the preponderance of GMO food in Argentina should not be an option.

Regardless of the consequences of resisting Monsanto in the short term, they will far outweigh the consequences of knuckling under in the long term. As the world’s third largest exporter of raw soybeans, Argentina must respond by informing Monsanto that the corporation is in no position to bargain. The Argentine government must immediately prepare a program to rescue small farmers and deal accordingly with larger ones. Argentina must then begin to move forward on the transition from a GM-dependent form of agriculture to traditional production complete with a ban on open-air GMO cultivation for non-scientific purposes.

The Argentinian government must begin to use all of its resources to initiate a transitioning process from Monsanto’s GM soybeans to traditional methods of production. If Monsanto resists it should be reminded that it is the prerogative of national governments to seize foreign entities when national security is at stake. Certainly, the Argentinian food supply and its number one agricultural food export would fall under this category. It is time for Argentina to reassert its national sovereignty and provide its people and the rest of the world with what they both truly desire: clean food that is not beholden to vulturistic corporations.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense SolutionsandDispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 600 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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Nothing disturbs me more about the modern mainstream U.S. news media than its failure to test what the U.S. government says against what can be determined through serious and impartial investigation to be true. And this is not just some question of my professional vanity; it can be a matter of life or death.

For instance, did Syrian President Bashar al-Assad cross President Barack Obama’s supposed “red line” against using chemical weapons, specifically in the sarin gas attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013, or not?

Upon this question rests the possibility that a future President Hillary Clinton will invade Syria under the guise of establishing a “safe zone,” a project that would surely expand into another bloody “regime change,” as occurred in Iraq and Libya amid similar U.S. claims about protecting “human rights.”

Yet, there is substantial evidence that Assad was not responsible for the sarin attack – that is was perpetrated by jihadist rebels as a provocation to draw the U.S. military directly into the war on their side. But it remains conventional wisdom that Assad ignored Obama’s “red line” and that Obama then flinched from enforcing it.

President Barack Obama talks with advisers, including National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice and Secretary of State John Kerry, prior to meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in the Oval Office, Nov. 9, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Image: President Barack Obama talks with advisers, including National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice and Secretary of State John Kerry, Nov. 9, 2015. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

The New York Times and other major U.S. publication cite this “group think” about the “red line” as flat fact, much as many of them reported without doubt that Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was hiding WMD, reinforcing the pretext for the U.S. invasion of that country in 2003.

On Wednesday, Times correspondent David E. Sanger wrote an article about the need for a coercive “Plan B” to force Assad from power and added that “president [Obama] has repeatedly defended his decision not to authorize a military strike against Mr. Assad after he crossed what Mr. Obama had described as a ‘red line’ against using chemical weapons.”

Note that there is no attribution to that claim about Assad crossing the “red line,” no “allegedly” or “widely believed” or any modifier. Assad is simply judged guilty by The New York Times, which — in doing so — asserts this dubious narrative as flat fact.

Yet, the Times hasn’t conducted a serious investigation into whether Assad is, in fact, guilty. Their last stab at proving Assad’s guilt in late 2013 collapsed when it turned out that the one missile found to have carried sarin had a range of only two kilometers, less than a quarter of the distance from which the Times had alleged that Assad’s military had fired the rocket.

Faced with that evidence, the Times essentially retracted its findings in a little-noticed article buried deep inside the paper during the Christmas-New Year holidays. So, even as the case collapsed, the Times maintained its phony narrative, which it reprises regularly as happened in Sanger’s article on Wednesday.

Misleading Readers

But what does that do to the Times’ readers? They are essentially being propagandized by the “paper of record,” with a questionable assertion slipped past them as an incontrovertible “fact.” How are they supposed to evaluate whether the U.S. government should launch another war in the Middle East when they have been told that a dubious claim is now enshrined as a basic truth in the Times narrative?

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Image: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

We saw something similar earlier this year when Jeff Goldberg of The Atlantic wrote a lengthy article on Obama’s foreign policy focusing on his 2013 decision not to launch punitive airstrikes against the Syrian military for the sarin attack.

The opus contained the remarkable disclosure that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had told Obama that U.S. intelligence lacked “slam dunk” evidence that Assad was guilty. In other words, Obama pulled back in part because he was informed that Assad might well be innocent.

Later in the same article, however, Goldberg reverted to Official Washington’s “group think” that held as a matter of faith that Assad had crossed Obama’s “red line.” That false certainty has proved so powerful that it defies any contrary evidence and keeps popping up as it did in Sanger’s article.

Which gets me to one of my pet peeves about modern America: we almost never get to the bottom of anything, whether significant or trivial. Often there’s “a conventional wisdom” about some issue but almost never is there a careful assessment of the facts and an unbiased judgment of what happened.

On the trivial side, we have the NFL accusing New England Patriot quarterback Tom Brady of participating in some scheme to deflate footballs, even though the scientific and testimonial evidence doesn’t support the claim. But lots of people, including The New York Times, assume the allegations to be true even though they come from one of the most disreputable and dishonest corporations in America, the National Football League, which has recently been exposed for covering up the dangers of concussions.

On more substantive matters, we never see serious investigations into U.S. government claims especially when they’re aimed at “enemies.” The failure to test President George W. Bush’s claims about Iraq’s WMD cost hundreds of thousands of lives, including those of nearly 4,500 American soldiers, and has spread chaos through much of the region and now into Europe.

A Pattern of Neglect

We’ve seen similar neglect regarding Syria’s sarin case and events in Ukraine, from the mysterious sniper attacks that touched off the coup in February 2014 to the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014.

Arguably, the fate of humankind rests on the events in Ukraine where U.S. propagandists are stirring up the West to engage in a military conflict with nuclear-armed Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, following his address to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2015. (UN Photo)

Image: Russian President Vladimir Putin, following his address to the UN General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2015. (UN Photo)

So, shouldn’t The New York Times and other major publications take special care not to feed a war fever that could exterminate life on the planet? Can’t they find the time to undertake serious examinations of these issues and present the evidence without fear or favor?

But that apparently isn’t how the editors of the Times or The Washington Post or any number of other major U.S. news outlets view matters. Instead of questioning the stories coming from the U.S. government’s propaganda shops, the mainstream media simply amplifies them, all the better to look “patriotic.”

If instead these outlets joined some independent journalists and concerned citizens in demanding that the U.S. government provide verifiable evidence to support its claims, that might force many of these “artificial secrets” out into the open.

For instance, we don’t know what the current U.S. intelligence assessments are about the Syria-sarin attack or the MH-17 shoot-down. Regarding the MH-17 case, the U.S. government has refused to divulge its overhead surveillance, radar and other technical evidence about this tragedy in which 298 people were killed.

If there was some journalistic unity – refusing to simply blame the Russians and instead highlighting the lack of U.S. cooperation in the investigation – the U.S. government might feel enough heat to declassify its information and help bring whoever shot down the plane to justice.

As it stands now on these issues, why should the U.S. government reveal what it actually knows when all the major news outlets are accepting its dubious propaganda themes as flat fact?

The Times and other big media outlets could contribute to the cause of truth by simply refusing to serve as conduits for unsubstantiated claims just because they come from senior U.S. government officials. If the mainstream media did, the American people and the world public might be much better informed — and a lot safer.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon

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The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has “mistakenly” deleted its only copy of a Senate report into the agency’s brutal interrogation techniques.

The CIA Office of Inspector General (OIG), the spy agency’s internal watchdog, told the Congress that the electronic copy of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s 6,700-page report and a hard disk were destroyed last summer.

A 500-page summary of the report was released to the public by then-Senate Intelligence chair Dianne Feinstein in 2014.

Feinstein said in letters to the agency and Justice Department that the CIA inspector general “has misplaced and/or accidentally destroyed” its only copy of the report.

US Senate Intelligence chair Dianne Feinstein (C) talks to reporters about the report on brutal CIA interrogations, while walking from her office on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, December 9, 2014. (AFP photo)

Last August, acting inspector general Christopher Sharpley uploaded the file onto the office’s internal classified computer system and then destroyed the hard disk in what described as the standard protocol.

Meanwhile, someone else in the office misinterpreted the Justice Department’s instructions not to open the file to mean that it should be deleted from the server. Both the original and the copy were both deleted.

At some point, CIA general counsel Caroline Krass told the watchdog that the Justice Department wanted all copies of the report to be preserved. The watchdog’s officials then carried out a research to find its copy, but understood they don’t have one.

Sharpley apologized for the destruction of the report and promised to ask CIA chief John Brennan for another copy.

Cori Crider, a director with the international human rights group Reprieve, described the destruction of the report as “stunning”, saying the move was part of a bigger effort to remove the practices from history.

“One worries that no one is minding the store,” Crider said in a statement.

The report includes details about the agency’s brutal interrogation techniques such as waterboarding and sleep deprivation at prisones overseas.

The 500-page executive summary concluded that the spy agency’s interrogation methods were far more brutal than what the agency had publicly acknowledged.

The notorious Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba was set up by the Pentagon after the September 11, 2001, attacks to hold suspected al-Qaeda and Taliban detainees.

The CIA employed brutal techniques like waterboarding, physical abuse, sleep deprivation, mock executions, and anal penetration performed under cover of “rehydration” to interrogate terror suspects imprisoned after the September 11 attacks.

These torture techniques migrated from the CIA’s undocumented prisons, known as black sites, to US military prisons at Guantánamo Bay, Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, and Abu Ghraib in Iraq.

The CIA reportedly paid $81 million to the psychologists to act as contractors to help run the torture program.

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After the economic sanctions that the United States and the European Union imposed against Russia, Moscow and Beijing put together an imposing energetic team that has radically transformed the world oil market. In addition to increasing their interchange of hydrocarbons exponentially, both oriental powers have decided to put an end to the domination of the dollar in fixing the prices of the black gold. The petroyuan is the instrument of payment of strategic character that promises to facilitate the transition to a multipolar monetary system, a system that takes various currencies into account and reflects the correlation of forces in the current world order.

In place of humiliating Russia, the “economic war” that Washington and Brussels had promoted was counterproductive, since it only contributed to fortify the energy team between Moscow and Beijing. We recall that in May of 2014 the Russian company Gazprom agreed to supply gas to China up to 38 billion cubic meters annually during three decades (starting in 2018) through the signing of a contract for 400 billion US dollars with the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNCP)[1].

At the present time both powers coordinate the work of an ambitious plan of strategic projects that include the construction of gas and oil pipelines as well as the combined operation of refineries and large petrochemical complexes. Without proposing to do so, the coming together of Moscow and Beijing has produced deep changes in the world oil market in favor of the Orient, dramatically undermining the influence of Western petroleum companies.

Even Saudi Arabia, that until recently was the principal supplier of petroleum to the Asian giant, has been undermined by Kremlin diplomacy. While from 2011 the petroleum exports of Saudi Arabia to China were growing at a rhythm of 120,000 barrels per day, those of Russia grew at a velocity of 550,000 barrels per day, that is to say, almost five times more rapidly. In fact, in 2015 the Russian companies managed to overcome the sales of petroleum from the Saudis four times: Riyadh had to conform with being the second provider of crude to Beijing in May, September, November and December[2].

It is worth noting that the countries that make up the European core have also seen their share of the market diminished in the face of the Asian region: Germany, for example, was supplanted by China at the end of 2015 as the greater buyer of Russian petroleum[3]. In this way, the great investors operating in the world oil market can hardly believe how, in a few months, the principal purchaser (China) became the favorite client of the third major producer (Russia). In accord with the Vice-President of Transneft (the Russian company charged with the implementation of national oil pipelines), Serge Andronov, China is disposed to import a total volume of 27 million tonnes of Russian petroleum during 2016[4].

The Russian-Chinese energy alliance is proposed to go longer. Moscow and Beijing have made their interchanges of petroleum a channel of transition towards a multipolar monetary system, that is to say, a system that is no longer based on the dollar alone, but takes into account various currencies and above all, that reflects the correlation of forces in the current world order. The economic sanctions imposed by Washington and Brussels drove the Russians to eliminate the dollar and the euro from their commercial and financial transactions, since otherwise, they would be too exposed to suffer sabotage in the moment of realizing buying and selling operations with their principal trading partners.

For this reason, from mid-2015, the hydrocarbons that China buys from Russia are paid in yuans, not in dollars, information that has been confirmed by high executives of Gazprom Neft, the petroleum branch of Gazprom[5]. This has lead to the use of the “people’s currency” (‘renminbi’) in the world oil market and at the same time allows Russia to neutralize the economic offensive launched by the United States and the European Union. The underpinnings of a new financial order supported by the petroyuan is emerging: the Chinese money is preparing to become the axis of commercial exchanges of the Asian-Pacific region with the principal petroleum powers.

Toda Russia realizes its interchanges of petroleum with China in yuans, in the future the Organization of the Petroleum Exporters Countries (OPEC) will do the same if China demands it. Or will the cult of Saudi Arabia for the dollar make them lose one of their principal clients?[6] Other geoeonomic powers have already followed the path of Russia and China, since they have understood that in order to establish a more balanced monetary system, the “de-dollarization” of the world economy is a priority.

No less important is that after the fall of oil prices, more than 60% (from mid-2014), the Chinese banks have become a decisive financial support for the joint energy infrastructure works. For example, to establish as soon as possible the Russian-Chinese gas pipeline “Force of Siberia”, Gazprom requested from the Bank of China a five-year loan for an amount equivalent to 2 billion euros this past month of March[7]. This is the greatest bilateral credit that Gazprom has contracted with a financial institution to date. Another example is the loan that China gave Russia some weeks ago for a total of 12 billion US dollars for the Yamal LNG project (for liquefied natural gas) in the Arctic region[8]. Obviously, the foreign policy of Russia in energy have not lost any strength due to isolation, on the contrary, it is now enjoying its best moments, thanks to China.

In conclusion, the hostility of the leaders of the United States and the European Union against the government of Vladimir Putin has precipitated the strengthening of the Russian-Chinese team that at the same time has only increased the weight of the Orient in the world market of hydrocarbons. The great bet of Moscow and Beijing is the petroyuan, the strategic instrument of payment that brings with it a challenge to the dominion of the dollar in the fixing of prices for black gold.

Ariel Noyola Rodríguez: economist graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Translation: Jordan Bishop.

Source: Russia Today.


[5] «Gazprom Neft sells oil to China in renminbi rather than dollars», Jack Farchy, Financial Times, June 1, 2015.

[7] «Gazprom secures €2bn loan from Bank of China», Jack Farchy, Financial Times, March 3, 2016.

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Yesterday, for a second time after a similar decision in February, the National Assembly extended the state of emergency decreed by France’s Socialist Party (PS) government in the aftermath of the November 13 terror attacks in Paris.

“The terror threat remains at an elevated level, and France as well as the European Union remains a target,” said Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, who opened the parliamentary debate.

The pretext for the extension of the state of emergency for two months beyond its current expiration on May 26 was the 2016 Euro football championships and the Tour de France cycling race, both taking place this summer in France. The prolongation of the state of emergency, wrote Les Echos, citing government sources, would allow the state to protect such events and to “ban the presence in all or part of a region of any person who seeks to pose an obstacle, in whatever manner, to the action of the public power.”

The pretense that the state of emergency is primarily directed against Islamist terrorism that might disturb sporting events is a political fraud. What has emerged over the last several months is that the state of emergency is not directed at the Islamist terror networks that carried out the November 13 attacks, but at rising opposition of workers and youth to military-police violence and social austerity.

The Brussels attacks showed, however, that the Paris attacks and the state of emergency had not cut the close ties between NATO and Islamist networks, which continued to enjoy official protection in Europe as NATO used them for its war for regime change in Syria. Immediately after the attacks, it emerged that Belgian officials had ignored detailed warnings from Russian, Turkish and Israeli intelligence identifying the attackers and their targets.

The attacks came on the heels of the arrest in Brussels of the alleged mastermind of the November 13 Paris attacks, Salah Abdeslam. It soon emerged, however, that Belgian police had been aware not only of the identity of the March 22 attackers, but also, since December, of Abdeslam’s location, throughout the period when the media widely presented him as Europe’s “most wanted man.”

Above all, however, the last two months have seen the emergence of a mass movement of youth and workers against the labour law of PS Labour Minister Myriam El Khomri, during which the PS has used the state of emergency to impose unprecedented limits on the right to protest. While riot police violently attacked protests, the PS carried out “preventive” arrests of dozens of protesters, confined others to house arrest, or banned them from going to areas where protests were taking place.

This was a blatant attempt to intimidate and block protests, under conditions where 75 percent of the population opposed El Khomri’s regressive law.

Class tensions are rising, and new layers of the workers including truck drivers, refinery workers, transport workers and air traffic controllers have begun strike action and protests. This only makes the PS all the more determined to continue using the full arsenal of repressive measures provided by the state of emergency against the population, well beyond the July 26 deadline.

The PS and one of its leading intelligence specialists in the the parliament, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, are preparing legislation that would effectively make the state of emergency permanent. PS legislator Pascal Popelin, who is overseeing the penal reform bill in the Assembly, said it was “a tool that allows us to get by without the state of emergency.”

The penal law reform they are preparing would inscribe into law many of the powers currently granted to the security forces by the state of emergency. These include the ability to detain people without access to a lawyer for four hours during identity checks; to impose house arrests for up to one month on suspicion of terrorism, if police have insufficient evidence to justify placing them under investigation; and broadening police powers on phone and Internet wiretapping as well as night searches.

The PS’ imposition of the state of emergency was not a one-time event in response to a particularly horrific terror attack. It was part of a broad build-up of similar state powers of mass spying and arbitrary detention internationally, that have developed with escalating speed since the outbreak of the “war on terror” after the attacks of September 11, 2001, 15 years ago.

The events in France only highlight with particular sharpness that these developments are aimed against the working class and threaten the emergence of dictatorships, even in advanced countries with long democratic traditions. As the PS is staggered by rising popular opposition to its unpopular and regressive social agenda, it is responding—in line with the entire ruling class—by trying to establish a regime that can crush such opposition.

On Wednesday, the PS and the Stalinist General Confederation of Labour (CGT) union both took the unprecedented step of backing protests against “anti-cop hatred” called by a police union close to the neo-fascist National Front (FN), and attended by top FN leaders.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Manuel Valls appeared on RTL radio to denounce strikes and workers’ protests against the labour law and make clear that the state did not intend to tolerate such protests. It is moving aggressively against both the right to protest and the right to strike, which are protected by the French constitution.

As truck drivers set up blockades at highways and a number of oil refineries, Valls declared, “We cannot tolerate these blockades,” accusing the trade unions of “stoking fears” and spreading “half truths” about the cuts the labour law would impose on overtime pay.

This raises the question of whether, as during the oil refinery strikes of 2010, the government will send in police to physically crush strike pickets and break strikes.

Valls attacked protests against the labour law, saying, “I don’t really see what their goal is today. … If there are delinquents on each demonstration today, though, one must ask about the relevance of some of these protests.” He pledged to ban more protesters from demonstrating, adding, “Lists of names will again be decided upon to prevent yet again a certain number of people from going to protests.”

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EgyptAir Flight 804 crashed into the Mediterranean Sea Thursday en route from Paris to Cairo, killing at least 66 people, including passengers from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, France, Great Britain, Kuwait, Sudan, Chad, Portugal, Belgium, Canada and Algeria.

The Airbus A320 disappeared from radar some 180 miles from Egypt’s coastline after abruptly changing its altitude from 37,000 to 15,000 feet seconds after it crossed into Egyptian airspace.

While controversy remains over the actual source of 804’s crash, it was immediately clear that the NATO powers will seize on the attack to intensify their war operations and police-state preparations, which are being carried out under the fraudulent pretext of the “war against terrorism.”

Within hours, Western and regional governments advanced claims of terrorist involvement and vowed that NATO militaries, including French and American forces, would participate in the official response, which will be coordinated between the Egyptian, French and Greek administrations.

Flight 804 was “more than likely” brought down by a terror attack, Egypt’s government said. US presidential frontrunner Donald Trump denounced “radical Islam” as responsible for “carnage all over the world including the World Trade Center, San Bernardino, Paris, the USS Cole, Brussels,” in comments Thursday.

“Looks like yet another terrorist attack. Airplane departed from Paris. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant?” Trump tweeted. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie similarly asserted that “a plane got blown out of the sky.”

Trumps’s Democratic rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also declared the crash to be “an act of terrorism,” and demanded more “American leadership in Europe, in the Middle East and elsewhere,” including more attacks against Iraq and Syria.

US President Barack Obama and his counterterrorism advisors are following the situation closely, the White House said.

Claims of terrorist involvement are premature, according to Greek investigators, who cited evidence from the plane’s debris did not indicate a terror bombing. Moreover, no terrorist group had claimed responsibility for bringing down the plane as of late Thursday.

Whoever is correct, there is no doubt that the hasty announcements of the Western governments are politically motivated.

Last November’s attacks in Paris and San Bernardino were followed by a huge escalation of police repression by the French government, including laws granting French security forces virtually unlimited powers to surveil, search and kill any member of the population who police suspect of “threatening security and public order.”

On the same day as the crash, France’s National Assembly extended the nation-wide state of emergency, declared after the Paris attacks, for an additional two months.

Thursday’s crash came just days after the passage of reactionary labor legislation by France’s Socialist Party (PS), the latest in a series of emergency decrees designed to prepare the French state for the emergence of revolutionary struggles against capitalism.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls already announced in April that the authoritarian powers would be extended in anticipation of attacks on upcoming “big events,” including the Euro soccer championship and Tour de France.

The hijacking of EgyptAir Flight 181 in March and the destruction of Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 over Egypt’s Sinai peninsula last October were both seized upon by the European governments to impose harsher airport security measures.

Virtually every terror incident during the past 15 years has been carried out by individuals ties to Western intelligence agencies. The Islamic State members behind the November 13 Paris attacks were well known to French and Belgium police before the incident, and resided less than a mile from Paris’ police headquarters. The perpetrators of 9/11 hailed overwhelmingly from Saudi Arabia, the main US ally in the Middle East, and some 80,000 pages of secret FBI documents documenting relations between the 9/11 hijackers and Saudi elites continue to be withheld from public view.

Such attacks, if not state-initiated events, play directly into the hands of the imperialist cliques and their military-intelligence agencies and their drive toward war and dictatorship worldwide. Every such incident has been followed by fresh rounds of police-state measures and repression against the working class and immigrants.

Thursday’s incident is especially ominous amid preparations by all of the imperialist powers for escalated military interventions in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, as well as along Russia’s border’s and China’s eastern seaboard.

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During his tenure, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger oversaw several bloody coups and wars while earning the reputation of a war criminal.

Republican presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump met with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Wednesday, the GOP’s preeminent elder statesman and a controversial figure who orchestrated bloody coups and wars. The meeting was believed to be the real estate billionaire’s attempt to develop his presently unclear foreign policy.

Three people close to Trump told The Washington Post Monday the face-to-face session comes after weeks of phone conversations between Trump and Kissinger.

Kissinger, 92, played a crucial role in shaping U.S. foreign policy between 1969 and 1977, when the U.S. was at war in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, and supported the CIA-backed military coup that ousted the democratically elected socialist president of Chile, Salvador Allende.

Also, documents released in 2014 revealed that in 1976, Kissinger planned to launch airstrikes against Havana, strike ports and military installations in Cuba and send Marine battalions to the U.S. Naval Base at Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay.

Meeting Kissinger has become a custom for Republican candidates who are seeking the blessing of the controversial figure and the GOP. The Washington Post argued that holding this meeting “underscores not only how he is building relationships with Republican elders but how he leans toward a more realist view of international affairs, which has long been the bailiwick of Kissinger’s work.” But Trump is not the only presidential candidate seeking Kissinger’s advice and counsel. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has had a good relationship with the man. In fact, Kissinger’s legacy became a heated subject in a February Democratic debate when Bernie Sanders slammed his opponent Hillary Clinton over saying “Kissinger is a friend, and I relied on his counsel when I served as secretary of state,” in a column she wrote for The Washington Post in 2014 about Kissinger’s book “World Order”. Sanders said Kissinger’s actions in Cambodia led to a genocide and the killing of more than 3 million people. “I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend. I will not take advice from Henry Kissinger,” he said during the debate.

“In fact, Kissinger’s actions in Cambodia, when the United States bombed that country, overthrew Prince Sihanouk, created the instability for Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge to come in who then butchered some 3 million innocent people – one of the worst genocides in the history of the world. So count me in as somebody who will not be listening to Henry Kissinger.”

Trump’s foreign policy revolves around “making America great again” through making allies pay for protection, “bombing the hell out” of the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq, while also defeating China economically. Experts have said that such comments are chaotic and unclear.

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Is the 9/11 Scam Coming Undone?

May 20th, 2016 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

The so-called “mastermind of 9/11” is appearing before the kangaroo court at the US Torture Chamber and Concentration Camp in Guantanamo Bay Cuba. The main defendant appearing before the secretive military proceedings is a person the US government says is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, aka KSM.

In 2003 the Asia Times highlighted the controversy over the actual status of the entity said to be KSM. A person by this same name was earlier reported to have been killed by Pakistani authorities in Karachi. Sayed Saleem Shahzad reported for AT, “Clearly, no one has the final word on whether Khalid is dead, was captured earlier, or is still free.


In 2003 and 2004 the US government depended heavily on the real or concocted personae of KSM as a major source of “evidence” in the Philip Zelikow-authored fable known as the 9/11 Commission Report. An expert in the engineering of public mythology to secure popular consent for so-called pre-emptive warfare, Professor Zelikow was one of the key point persons responsible for pinning the false flag terror extravaganza of 9/11 on CIA asset Osama bin Laden.

Interestingly bin Laden’s homies in al-Qaeda have reverted back to a role similar to that assigned them by the US government during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Along with its offshoot, al-Nusra, al Qaeda is part of the so-called “moderate rebels” engaged in Syria in something of a repeat of the US-backed operation in Afghanistan in the 1980s. As in Afghanistan and now in the Syrian theatre of superpower confrontation, al-Qaeda is part of a US proxy army put together by the CIA to bring about violent regime change. The current target is the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad.

Once cast in the role of #3 jihadist in the staged drama associated with al-Qaeda, KSM was assigned an important part in Zelikow’s fictionalized narrative of 9/11. KSM was alleged to be the primary source of “evidence” that pinned the 9/11 debacle on Islamic jihadists rather than on a closely knit group of Zio-American Israel Firsters including Zelikow himself. A growing body of evidence has exposed this neocon clique, many of whom are dual Israeli and US citizens, as the primary group that led the planning, execution and attempted cover up of the 9/11 crimes.

Much to the eventual chagrin of even the figure heads set up to be co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission, the concocted evidence on which Philip Zelikow drew was obtained in torture sessions at secret CIA dark sites where the entity know as KSM was supposedly locked away until he was delivered to Guantanamo Bay in 2006. Even by the government’s own accounting of this torturing of KSM included 183 waterboardings over the period of a single month.

Like a New Pearl Harbor

George W. Bush’s war-cabinet-in-waiting signaled its plans for the global coup d’é·tat a year prior to the 9/11 false flag terror event. In a report of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), the Israel Firsters laid out a plan whose real aim was to transform the Jewish state’s dispossessed regional enemies into one part of a worldwide Islamic enemy said to be posed against the so-called “West.” In order to build up the military muscle of the US Armed Services so it could act as an enforcer of the interests of a “Greater Israel,” public consent for this agenda would have to be engineered through the manufacturing of a surprise attack “like New Pearl Harbor.”

On 9/11 the United States was delivered its new Pearl Harbour. In 2004 the Zelikow Report, also known as The 9/11 Commission Report, formalized officialdom’s adoption of the Israeli Firsters’ cover story of what transpired on September 11, 2001. The 9/11 Commission helped reify as supposed fact an engineered fable purposely saturated with evocative religious symbolism. This religious fable attributed the strikes on the major architectural icons of US military and commercial might to a globalized Islamic fighting force said to be acting with self-directed independence.

Within the flash of a single news cycle the military-industrial complex and its attending national security apparatus were supplied with precisely the kind of malleable global enemy required to maintain and grow the business of aggressive warfare abroad, police state intervention at home. Obsolete Cold Warriors like Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney immediately walked into new and prestigious roles as czars of an open-ended War on Terror.

The vast military and intelligence establishment formerly built up as an instrument of US-directed anti-communism was thereby turned to the task of anti-terrorism. Old elites and pyramids of power were thereby preserved. Many of those at the heights of these structures of privilege were further empowered, entitled and entrenched, all in the name of a specious Global War on Terror.

In the course of this process the entity said to be KSM became an important prize and asset for those engaged in cashing in on the lucrative privatized growth of the national security business. Through the intervention of White House operative Philip Zelikow, KSM’s supposed testimony was transferred from a torture chamber in Eurasia to serve the interests of insiders buzzing in and around the Washington Beltway. One of the patsies had to be singled out to incriminate the other patsies and the entity know as KSM was inducted to serve that strategic function.

The shape of things to come was foreshadowed on the morning of 9/11 with the BBC’s extension to Ehud Barak, a former Prime Minister of Israel, of full license to finger on world television the targets for post-9/11 revenge. Without any formal investigation at all, the former Israeli General and intelligence officer named as probable culprits Osama bin Laden, Yasser Arafat, Iraq, Iran and Libya. Barak provided this list only minutes after an aircraft was pictured not even slowing down as it cut into the South Tower like a hot knife slicing through butter.

Some of the most basic laws of physics were apparently defied by the televised spectacle of an aluminum plane smashing seemingly unobstructed through thick steel beams; of massive skyscrapers plunging symmetrically down to earth through the course of maximum resistance at near free fall speeds. What was the exotic technology that transformed three massive steel-frame WTC Towers into huge plumes of vapor and toxic dust clouds? Such a dramatic change in the composition of gargantuan masses of matter could not have been realized without the igniting of energy sources far more explosively powerful than some combination of jet fuel fires, melted metal and the pancaking effects of gravity.

The demise of a third structure, sometimes known as Lucky Larry Silverstein’s World Trade Center 7, poses its own unique set of questions. It is completely impossible that an office fire caused this 47-story steel-frame structure not hit by any airplane to instantly collapse late in the afternoon of 9/11. The only credible explanation is that of the late Danny Jowenko, Europe’s leading expert in controlled demolition before he died under mysterious circumstances in 2011. In his filmed response to a 9/11 researcher Jowenko insisted that only a group of pros would be in a position to wire the Building 7 in a way that would make it plunge to the ground as it did on 9/11.

9/11 and the US Government’s Destruction of Damning Evidence

It was the 9/11 Commission Report that bestowed on the real or constructed personae of KSM his title as “the mastermind of 9/11.” Gradually even the figure heads that co-chaired the 9/11 Commission have tried to distance themselves from their own study, one that they have asserted was “set up to fail.” And fail it did in very consequential ways. As Benjamin DeMott explained in his review in Harper’s Magazine of The 9/11 Commission Report, it’s a “whitewash” and a “fraud” that “dangerously reenergizes a national relish for fantasy.”

As they came to understand the deceptiveness to which they had been subjected, the co-chairs became especially chagrined that they were not permitted to question KSM and the other “witnesses” whose supposed damning evidence was derived from illegal torture. The resort of key US officials to criminal acts of internationally outlawed torture became the subject of a major report of the US Senate Committee that presented in 2014 a very damning account of Central Intelligence Agency’s Detention and Interrogation Program.

Chaired by Diane Feinstein, the Senate investigation came in response to news that CIA officials had destroyed about 100 videos recording the intelligence agency’s ghastly extremes in extracting supposed information from those it so violently abused. Among the destroyed tapes were some on which the 9/11 Commission based some of its key conclusions.

The massive and systematic destruction of state evidence has itself become something of a smoking gun exposing the fraud and deception integral to the Global War on Terror that originated in the false flag events of 9/11. An early example of the rush to destroy evidence was marked by the actions at Ground Zero of the Federal Emergency Measures Agency, FEMA. The FEMA agents’ priority was to cart away the remnants of the three steel frame structures mostly pulverized into dust clouds on 9/11. The physical evidence of the high-tech takedown of the three WTC structures was whisked out of Manhattan and then out of the USA to be sold at discount prices to Chinese firms.

Now the US government’s already highly problematic prosecution of KSM for the crimes of 9/11 is running into telling revelations that key evidence in the case has been destroyed without so much as a notice to KSM’s lawyers, David Nevin and Marine Corp Major Derek Poteet. The result is that these jurists are asking the judge, Army Colonel James Pohl, and the prosecutor, Army Brigadier General Mark Martins, to withdraw themselves from the proceedings. “There’s at least the appearance of collusion between the prosecution and the judge,” Poteet said.

As reported in The Guardian, “Nevin and Poteet said that they were ultimately seeking the end of Mohammed’s military commission, even if Pohl recuses himself in favor of a different available military judge and a new prosecution is appointed. ‘The effect is there would be no further prosecution,’ Nevin said.”

We Need Trials of the Real Culprits, Not the Patsies

The withholding of the much-publicized 28 pages from the Joint Congressional Report on the events of September 11, 2001 is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the destruction and secreting away of evidence about what really happened on 9/11. Before the Twin Towers were pulverized, Ehud Barak floated the fiction that Osama bin Laden was the chief culprit. Then it was made to seem that the main imperative flowing from the events of 9/11 was for the US Armed Forces to invade and overthrow the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein.

The disinformation that Saddam’s government possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction is just one piece of a vast complex of lies involving 9/11 and its aftermath. The growing awareness of millions of citizens the world over of the extent of these lies and subsequent cover up has long been eroding the credibility of many major institutions starting with the US government and the mainstream media outlets that regularly report on its operations.

After the administration of Barack Obama decided to take over the neocon lies and deceptions first disseminated on the very day of 9/11, the focus of public attention was shifted onto Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. It seemed for a time that the Obama administration would conduct in New York a public criminal trial of KSM as its way of commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

That concept, however, was shelved in favor of concocting a fake hunting down of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. This way of shutting down the contemporary life of a fabricated myth from the Bush era was meant as a way for President Obama to begin engineering his own specious justifications for the Democratic Party’s extension of 9/11 Wars.

There have been many reports that KSM is a very unstable individual wanting to take credit for dozens and dozens of terror attacks. Some reports claim he has a martyr complex and covets the possibility of being executed by the US government. Among the violent actions he claims as his own is the beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Bernard-Henry Levy, the neocon propagandist who is France’s leading Israel First advocate, put great emphasis on KSM in advancing his favored political agenda in his volume, Who Killed Daniel Pearl?

The breakdown of due process even in the rigged system of military-style jurisprudence at the Guantanamo Bay Concentration Camp helps illuminate the latest chapter in the task of trying to keep the 9/11 scam alive. Fortunately there is now a large and growing body of genuine scholarship subjecting the lies and crimes of 9/11, including those contained in fraudulent 9/11 Commission report, to skeptical scrutiny.

Surely the US government’s destruction of yet more evidence in the prelude to the long-delayed trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, or whoever it is that is currently cast in the part, is yet another indication that there is much for authorities to hide when it comes to 9/11. What will it take to force some genuine reckoning with the role of 9/11 and the long series of false flag terror events that will continue to accelerate in frequency unless and until the corrupt core of this vile psychological operation is exposed? When will the real culprits rather than the patsies of 9/11 be brought to justice?

For a discussion of the trial of KSM and many others issues see this week’s edition of False Flag Weekly News which is co-hosted by Prof. Tony Hall and Dr. Kevin Barrett.

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The War on Yemen. Military Escalation

May 20th, 2016 by South Front

The Hadi government suspended participation in the ongoing peace talks on the Yemen war, Abdulmalik al-Mekhlafi, Foreign Minister of the Hadi government stated on May 17. Al-Mekhlafi said the Houthi alliance had backtracked on “commitments”: to pull out of territory they seized in 2014 and to give up heavy weapons they had captured. These demands of the Saudi Arabian side were unreal initially because this move will mean a capitulation.

Abdul-Malik al-Mekhlafi blamed the Houthi alliance that they are pushing for the formation of a new government that would give them a share of power. He also said that the alliance has been violating the truce announced by the U.N. on April 10. Since it went into effect, the two sides have exchanged accusations of breaching the cease-fire.

Meanwhile, clashes continue along the frontlines with minor advances by Houthi-Saleh forces on the southern front and the Saudi-led attempts to consolidate the ground in the Taiz city. The Houthi-Saleh alliance forces reportedly moved to the Lahij governorate from positions in the al Wazi’iyah district in southern Taiz. These forces took part in the clashes in Kirsh in northern Lahij.

Clashes were also observed in Lawder on the al Bayda-Abyan border and in central al Bayda itself. Al Qaeda supports the Saudi-led operations in al Bayda and participated in the clashes against the Houthi-Saleh alliance in Abyan. The Houthi-Saleh forces continue to defend the peripheries of the Taiz city. Clashes are also ongoing in Ma’rib, in Nihm district near Sana’a, and sporadically in parts of southwestern al Jawf and northwestern Shabwah.

Considering the fail of the talks and the tense situation at the frontline, the Yemeni war is facing a military escalation. The Saudi-led coalition will make at least one more attempt to make a devastating blow at the Houthi-Saleh alliance before the kingdom is ready to re-launch the negotiations.

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Saudi Arabia has threatened to use military force against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad if ongoing political talks fail to bring peace to the conflict-stricken nation. The announcement followed an International Syria Support Group (ISSG) meeting held in Vienna on Tuesday. “We believe we should have moved to a ‘Plan B’ a long time ago,” Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said some members of the ISSG view al-Nusra Front, linked with Al Qaeda, as a useful tool to put pressure on the Syrian government. The Russian FM added that no one is stronger that the Syrian army “on ground” in Syria and noted that Kurds should be allowed to participate in the talks on the conflict.

Unofficially, all the sides involved in the negotiations say that they had no high expectations from this round of talks. The sides failed to agree a new date to resume Syrian peace talks and the so-called “opposition” said it would not come back to Geneva negotiations unless conditions improved on the ground. In a joint statement after the meeting the powers called for a full cessation of hostilities and access for aid.

On May 18, the Russian Defense Ministry has denied allegations that Russia is constructing an army base in the city of Palmyra, which has recently been freed from ISIS. Earlier in the day, the AP news agency reported that the Russian military is building an army base in Palmyra within the zone listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site, and without permission from authorities. The agency used satellite images and cited an “American heritage organization” and a “top Syrian archaeologist” as its sources. According to the Russian MoD, the satellite pictures of this area show the temporary camp of the International Demining Center of Russia’s Defense Forces.

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Egypt: The Security Situation in North Sinai

May 20th, 2016 by South Front

The security situation is still tense in the Sinai peninsula despite the anti-terror efforts of Egypt’s authorities. On April 19, militants launched a rocket at vehicles of the anti-terror units in the area of Sheikh Zuweid. The attackleft 20 personnel either dead or injured, according to a statement issued by the militant group.

The security forces confirmed that 3 soldiers were killed and 8 injured. On April 27, the attack claimed lives of 3 policemen in the city of Al-Arīsh in the North Sinai province. On May 15, a police conscript was killed and an officer wounded when an improvised explosive device (IED) went off as a police patrol vehicle was driving through Al-Arish. The North Sinai province has been in a state of emergency since 2013. Recently, President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi issued a decision to extend the state of emergency for another three months, after it was last extended in January 2016.

After all, the issue of militancy in Sinai is more relevant than ever. It seems Egypt’s efforts aren’t enough yet to break the negative trend of the land mine warfare, arms and other goods smuggling in the region. The peninsula’s harsh terrain and lack of natural resources have left it relatively unpopulated and underdeveloped, making it an ideal place for this. Thus, the local tribes cooperate with militant groups, gaining a significant revenue from the ongoing Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the Gaza Strip. The Egyptian authorities have been making attempts to involve the tribes into the alliance against the militants. However, today, the dividends from the cooperation with the government is less than the dividends from the arms smuggling.

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Venezuela’s Crisis From Up Close

May 20th, 2016 by Lisa Sullivan

Dear friends,

Greetings from the state of Aragua in Venezuela where we are concluding a small US delegation focused on grassroots solutions to the massive food crisis here.

I am reaching out to you to share my grave concerns about what is happening here in Venezuela, my home for over three decades where I worked for 21 years as a Maryknoll Catholic lay missioner, then as Latin America Coordinator for the School of the Americas Watch.

It is out of concern for the most vulnerable sectors in Venezuela, such as my neighbors, that I break my silence to write. As I watch their efforts to obtain food for their families become more desperate and more futile, and as I witness pounds dropping from their bodies, I think the time has come to do more than share from my own scarce cupboards and gardens as they share with me.

These people,  my friends and neighbors and family, are literally being swallowed up by massive economic and political interests.  A perfect storm of a collapse of global oil prices combined with massive internal economic errors leading to unbridled corruption on all levels of society has left these vulnerable sectors literally almost starving.

The reaction of the US and other global interests seems clearly based on Venezuela’s enormous oil reserves  (the world’s largest). Those interests are circling our nation like vultures, ready to swoop in and devour.

I have spent countless hours leading delegations to Venezuela over the past 12 years to share the enormous advances in education, health care,  housing and nutrition that returned dignity to millions of Venezuelans under the Bolivarian  revolution.   Throughout those years there was an almost total boycott of the international media to acknowledge these advances that led to Venezuela becoming the most equal society in the Americas, to its surge to 5th place worldwide for college enrollment and to building new homes for  a fifth of its families.

The achievements of the Bolivarian revolution were real, palpable and inspired a continent. Today our reality is widespread hunger. The current government points to an economic war unleashed by wealthy business owners with international support from the US that has led to hoarding and shortages of food.

The US points to mismanagement and poor planning  on the part of the Bolivarian government that led to a nation totally renter economy  dependent on food imports.

My neighbors point to their stomachs while simultaneously  planting corn and beans and bananas in any tiny space,  beseeching the heavens for rains that have also been in dire shortage this season.

I wish that I could share a simple message or solution  with you, such as “close the SOA”.  Observing such complicity in this crisis all around me , near and far, i can offer no simple slogan

However, having spent a decade traveling the continent witnessing the horrors unleashed by US- trained Latin American military upon their own people, I want to at least alert you to the possibility of a similar scenario here.

Unfortunately, because the Bolivarian government has already experienced this very reality of outside complicity in a military coup in 2002, they are ultra sensitive (understandably so) towards any critiques and suggestions, even within their own ranks. Unwittingly that may contribute to an eventual military or outside solution rather than allowing for an internal democratic resolution to this grave humanitarian crisis.

As the political configuration of South America quickly shifts to the right and the global alignment of power is in active play , Venezuela is in the cross-hairs. The grave humanitarian crisis in Venezuela today is real and not an invention of the press. And the contributions to this crisis lie on multiple shoulders. And the solution to this problem needs to be determined by the Venezuelan people with support from other Latin American peoples.

Hoping that these days don’t bring worse scenarios. Thanks for your support through the years.




This letter comes via Rick Sterling of Task Force on the Americas with Lisa’s approval.

Lisa has led many TFA, NLG and other delegations in Venezuela beginning in 2003 and up to the current moment.

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The decision on Monday in Vienna to provide ‘arms’ to a Libyan Government that exists in name only, the GNA, has taken the international communities stance from the sublime to the completely ridiculous.

Exactly what military kit is being supposed to be supplied? This is a critical question which needs a whole article devoted to it and cannot be dealt with herein because of space.

To keep it simple, the West has decided to supply ‘arms’ to a not yet in existence Government of National Accord (GNA) sometimes referred to as a Unity Government yet its core, the nine-man Presidential Council and its Prime Minister were not at all selected by any Libyan but by a combination of the UN, EU, US and UK. Within the EU the primary mover with the most commercial interests of that side being Italy.

The GNA/PC means seven men (as two dropped out) who are essentially two or three members sometimes available to be seen by visiting dignitaries at a heavily fortified Naval Base a couple of miles away from the Militia controlled Mitega Airport. The PC of seven, if you will can be considered as a quorum for a yet to be selected 90 member government comprising of 30 ministers and 60 deputy ministers. The PC/GNA control no territory, no area of either Tripoli or Libya except for the one naval ‘bunker’ they can meet people in to maintain the facade that they are legitimate. Its a ‘ Potemkin Village’ lie of epic proportions.

But wait, the best I save till last. Their military component is an assortment of militias of varying shades of extremist mainly from Tripoli, Sabratha, Zuwaia and importantly Misrata. Not forgetting in addition the forces that represent the coalition between former LIFG (read for them an Al Qaeda affiliate) which has aligned itself squarely with the Muslim Brotherhood, best described as the Sinn Fein political wing to IRA terrorists of the 70s.

So as in Syria, the Americans are going to give ‘arms’ to the ‘good’ guys but not the ‘bad’ ones. Good luck with that one!

How will they – the Americans – determine where these weapons will end up. IS have friends amongst the GNA’s militias. Can America guarantee such weapons will not end up on IS hands?

When considering the above also consider this; a democratically elected parliament in the East, in Tobruk, selected a Government and appointed a commander of the Libyan Army, General Khalifa Hafter.

In the last 14 days that Army has secured almost if not all oil ports in the East. Hariga; Zeutina, Brega, Ras Lanuf etc and its soldiers are fortifying and holding these positions.

So whatever the puppet GNA say to its oil company based in Tripoli to sign international contracts and sell oil from the east, its not physically possible without the cooperation of the actual Libyan Army who report to their masters in the East. Oh and I forgot to mention the Russians, Egyptians and Emiratis do not recognize the GNA but do recognize the powers that be in the East of Libya. A very revealing detail is that Russia is printing 4B Dinars for the Eastern government, giving Tobruk the option to finance a breakaway state if it chooses.

Yet America and their other puppets, the UN and EU, chose the Tripoli ‘Dawn’ mishmash leadership of extremists over the Army. Why?

Well one consequence is, for some yet unknown strategic reason, to provoke East Libya to secede and create their own country by a Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI).

Another possibility is the newly armed extremist militias of the GNA will by pass fighting IS, who if they have any sense will lie low in Sirte city, and attack their enemy, the Libyan National Army (LNA).

The latter possibility is the most likely.

For this reason alone, it is right to describe the pre-agreed decision to ‘arm’ on Monday the GNA, literally insane.

The PC/GNA bring absolutely no unity whatsoever to Libya.

Now consider a further problem. There is an enclave, a small city set in a high impenetrable mountain to the West of Tripoli called Zintan. They are well known as fierce highland fighters; they hold Saif Gaddafi; they also control the gas and oil pipelines that flow through valves in their territory which is to the west of Tripoli that pipe to Zawia where the Italians, Norwegians and Spanish have huge oil and gas assets and a port.

The UN, in their wisdom, last week sent their military advisor, a serving Italian general, by plane to Zintan to supposedly negotiate. Barely had the plane touched down when he was almost chased back on to his aircraft to make a hasty retreat. Zintan are loyal to the Libyan National Army.

The final consideration and maybe the most important one is a pragmatic one; that loyalty has a price and eventually if the West conjures sufficient money – Libyan money frozen by the EU and UN – to be received by the PC/GNA and with that they may be able to ‘buy’, there is no other way to say it, the loyalty of any Libyans in the West or East but that would only be a temporary ‘fix’; it wouldn’t buy them indefinitely.

So in closing WHY is the International Community persisting with this charade of a GNA?

If as a reader you are expecting an answer, I must regretfully say I have none. It makes no sense whatsoever.

The West’s strategy, if one can call it that, reminds me of an old Orwellian type adage that seems the only appropriate explanation:

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”

But to what end is beyond my comprehension.

The Libyan quagmire will inevitably continue.

Confirming the lunacy describe above, today’s Washington Post reports that the U.S. military also has no idea who it is supposed to arm in the name of that (non-existing) UN assigned government:

Army Gen. David M. Rodriguez, the chief of U.S. Africa Command, told a handful of reporters here that Libya’s internal politics still make it difficult to determine which armed groups are aligning themselves with the Government of National Accord, an interim group that has backing from the United Nations.

Rodriguez, who was in Brussels to meet with senior European military officials and Marine Gen. Joseph F. DunfordJr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that “everybody” is waiting to see how the United Nations examines the Libyan request, which must include details about who will receive the weapons.“The support for the GNA and how they need it and how they want it, we’ll just have to see how that develops over time,” Rodriguez said, speaking of the Libyan government.

I am marveling at who is in charge of such crazy policy.

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On May 18th, two top people at NATO, one being its current Secretary General — the very top person — laid out in preliminary form the case for war against Russia, which presumably will be presented in more detail at the NATO Summit to be held in Poland on 8-9 July this year. 

As if that weren’t bad enough, there’s the matter reported by Bryan Cloughly at Strategic Culture, headlining on May 19th, “Surging Towards yet Another War”, where he pointed out that

“The United States has no territorial rights of any sort, in the South China Sea which is 7,000 miles (11,000 kilometres) from its west coast. There is nothing in international law that justifies its unilateral military ‘challenge’ to China’s presence” there, in that area which is contested between five countries: China, Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei. The American government, which has no authority to speak for the entire world regarding international law — of which the U.S. itself has been perhaps the most frequent violator during the past 16 years — isn’t “policeman of the world,” certainly not judge and jury and executioner (well, maybe executioner) of the world, but instead it’s merely an aspiring global thug: “The Pentagon declared on 10 May that China’s ‘excessive maritime claims are inconsistent with international law as reflected in the Law of the Sea Convention in that they purport to restrict the navigation rights that the United States and all states are entitled to exercise’.” Cloughly points out that the U.S. “refuses to ratify the Law of the Sea Convention — while ordering every other country to abide by it.”

America’s — and NATO’s — biggest danger to the world, however, is its (their) aggressions against Russia, by:

1: Violating the promise that the agents of U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush made in 1990 to the USSR’s, and then Russia’s, President, Mikhail Gorbachev — and on the basis of which the USSR was dissolved and the Warsaw Pact terminated — that NATO would not be expanded “one inch to the east” (i.e., toward Russia), a promise that was violated by Bill Clinton (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland), George W. Bush (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia), and Barack Obama (Albania and Croatia — with current aspirants being Bosnia, Georgia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Ukraine). Gorbachev would have had to have been crazy to have ended the Cold War under those conditions if he had known about it — known that GHW Bush and his successor Presidents are a bunch of lying thugs. But because he trusted the word of Bush and his agents (such as James Baker, Francois Miterrand, and Helmut Kohl), Russia is now in this extremely vulnerable position, and Gorbachev himself thus has the lowest approval-rating of all Russia’s rulers since the czars: below even that of Stalin (28%) and Yeltsin (17%).

Another poll, of only 20th-Century leaders of Russia (i.e., excluding Putin and Medvedev, both of whom scored atop that other poll), rated Brezhnev the best, and Gorbachev the worst. (That poll included Czar Nicholas II, who, along with Lenin and Khrushchev, rated near 50% approval. The only leader who was almost as low-rated as Gorbachev’s 20% was Yeltsin, at 22%.) Though Gorbachev was a sucker, America’s recent Presidents have been even worse than that — and the entire world is now threatened by what they did (and, under Obama, are doing, perhaps culminating).

2: Overthrowing the secular leader of Libya, who held that nation together and gave it the highest living-standard in Africa — overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi because he was friendly toward Russia — turned that country into a failed state and another festering hotbed for jihadists.

3: Scheming ever since 1949 to overthrow Syria’s secular leaders so as to enable Saudi oil to be pipelined through it into Europe so as to choke off Russia’s largest oil and gas market and hand it to the fundamentalist Saud family who own Saudi Arabia, and the fundamentalist Thani family who own Qatar — both of which families (andespecially the Sauds) are top financial backers of jihadists (everywhere but in their own countries), which areAmerica’s best foot-soldiers against the leaders of nations who are friendly to Russia (and in Chechnia were trying to get Putin overthrown).

Obama even prioritizes ousting Assad over defeating Syria’s jihadists, as a consequence of which Syria has by far the world’s highest misery-index in Gallup’s polling of 140 nations, and a comprehensive article on the subject noted that “at least 18,000 Syrians have had organs removed during the war thus far” and, “All this tragic human horror only occurs because of an overly aggressive, imperialistic US-Israeli foreign policy creating a path of chaos and destruction across the Middle East and North Africa secretly supporting Islamic terrorists to fight US-Israeli proxy wars to illegally overthrow sovereign national governments like Assad’s.” Unfortunately, that commentator ignored the key fact: that the reason Obama wants Assad overthrown is that Assad supports and is supported by Russia. (Israel’s government might have different motivation on that matter, but likewise supports the jihadists — and is importantly profiting from the organ-trade.)

4: Overthrowing the democratically elected President of Ukraine in 2014 and replacing his democratic government by a barbaric fascist regime which perpetrated a massive ethnic-cleansing operation against its former Donbass region, which had voted 90% for that President. Then slapping economic sanctions against, and now even threatening invasion of, Russia, for Russia’s having protected Crimeans (who had voted 75% for that overthrown President) from their being similarly invaded, and from Obama’s intended take-over of Russia’s key naval base there at Sebastopol. (Oh, and did I mention, crashing Ukraine’s economy, and stripping it — but there’s too muchmisery in Ukraine now to even begin to itemize.)

5: Creating the refugee crisis in Europe, which doesn’t only produce hell for the millions of refugees from America’s coups and invasions, but which also weakens Europe — an American ‘ally,’ but an ‘ally’ which America’s Presidents don’t want to be able to overtake the U.S. so as to become the world’s top dog.

6: Now increasingly trying to do the same thing in Asia, especially to keep China down.

This is a far cry from the America of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who would be twisting in his grave to know what his successors have been doing after the anti-communist war was won in 1991. It’s become a shameful America, which is shameless. And the American people aren’t to blame for it; the American aristocracy, which rule here, are. The American people have been conquered, too. America’s aristocracy are as guilty as sin. They’re top dog, but this dog is rabid, and it now threatens the entire world. It’s not just George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and the Kochs, and George Soros, but it’s the whole hypocritical lot of them, the entire American aristocracy, the people who don’t merely run this lunatic asylum, they’re the schemers who’ve made it go mad and are trying to sic it against the rest of the world.

So, perhaps we’ll see what happens after July 8th and 9th. Will they call off their war? Or — as expected — escalate it to the next level?

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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On John Kerry’s Hypocritical Mission to Saudi Arabia

May 20th, 2016 by Salman Rafi Sheikh

While the U.S. has been blaming the House of Saud for allegedly supporting and funding Al-Qaeda and for its involvement in 9/11, it is still the House of Saud that the U.S. has to talk to ‘end’ the war in Syria. How logical of the U.S. policy makers! It is true that the war in Syria cannot potentially end unless the support extremist outfits continue to receive from Saudi Arabia and its allies is cut off; however, what does not make any sense at all is how this support and the war can end when the U.S. itself continues to provide weapons worth billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia; when the real enemy is not Syria, its regime or its people; and, most importantly, when Saudi Arabia’s new strategic ally, Turkey, continues to bomb the most successful ground force against Daesh, Kurds.

This is precisely where the greatest contradiction for the U.S. lies: it can neither afford to really confront the House of Saud nor can it continue, politically speaking, to support its wars by making long terms military commitments that the House of Saud has been asking for since the beginning of the conflict. For the U.S. president—the noble peace award winner—this contradiction has turned out to be too formidable to overcome.

John Kerry’s latest visit to Saudi Arabia was, in this context, yet another attempt on the part of the U.S. to pacify its angry friend before the up-coming Vienna talks. This tour, in straightforward terms, is part of the U.S.’ grand preparations for confronting Russia during these talks. That is to say, far from being a visit to end the war, the visit’s purpose was to assure the House of Saud that the U.S. would continue to assist them in every possible way to reach the desire end of the war i.e., achieve a ‘minus-Assad’ Syria.

While the US officials stated that the purpose of the visit was to take ‘opposition’ forces on board before the up-coming talks, it is ironical as well as self-contradictory for the U.S. to detach itself from the so-called ‘opposition’. The question is: how different is the U.S. stance from that of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE and their funded groups? If all of them have been and are still fighting for Assad’s removal from power, it is un-understandable as well as illogical for us to categorize the U.S. as a non-opposition actor in the conflict. The U.S. has been and still is “opposing” Assad’s rule that truly makes it least different from the House of Saud and its allies.

This is why the U.S. considers talking to the ‘like-minded’ group of states before the Vienna talks begin on Tuesday, May 17. That the U.S. is part of “Syrian opposition” is also evident from what its allies in the Gulf have been expecting from it—an expectation that has now turned into a sort of political agony. Diplomats in the Gulf say Saudi Arabia sees U.S. support for the rebels as “inadequate”, and fears that Washington may abandon their shared stance that Assad must immediately leave power as part of any negotiated political deal. That is to say, the U.S.’ “chief ally” in the region considers the U.S. a part of the so-called “opposition”, while the U.S. continues to project itself as a mediator or, at the most, leader of the coalition against Daesh.

Therefore, the U.S. State Department’s statement that said that Kerry and Saudi officials discussed the need to strengthen truce and their support for continued UN talks was actually meant for only general public’s consumption. As it stands, neither does it reflect the U.S.’ actual position in Syria, the nature of its campaign or the logic of its very involvement in Syria in the first place.

This is not so difficult to grasp. Were the U.S. administration truly focused on establishing peace in Syria, it must immediately end the support it has been providing to the so-called rebel groups and force its allies in the Gulf to do the same. However, were they (the U.S. and its allies) to do so, this would straightaway pave the way for the Syrian army to walk over the territory it had lost to the foreign funded “rebels.”

It is for this reason that the U.S. and its Gulf allies continue to oppose Russian stance with regard to declaring all terror groups in Syria as “terrorist organizations.” They have been opposing this stance for two primary reasons: first, the “opposition” (terror groups and their supporting states) hope to eventually overthrow Assad; secondly, were the so-called “rebel” groups to be placed on terror list, these groups could no longer be considered to have broken a truce, allowing Syria a free hand to eliminate them. Were this to happen, the U.S. and its allies would lose their vital ground assets, amounting to an outright defeat in the war.

With the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Turkey (read: Turkey’s recently exposed support for ISIS in Syria) and other Gulf allies still supporting terror outfits, the purpose of holding peace talks is highly ambiguous as well as self-contradictory. With Saudi Arabia and the U.S. sticking to “Assad must go” stance, it is highly unlikely that talks can yield any meaningful result; and were the talks to fail, the House of Saud and its allies would certainly find in it an opportunity to restart funding Syrian “rebels” on a much wider scale to boost up their fragile position against Syrian army. The big question here is: Will Russia re-consider to send its previously withdrawn forces back to Syria to confront this possible re-newed ‘Arab assault’?


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Avigdor Liberman’s appointment as defense minister is, in my eyes, one of Netanyahu’s most surprising moves (in fact, on Wednesday I argued that it wouldn’t happen; two hours later I was proven wrong). Netanyahu is a careful politician that does not like big egos surrounding him, and Liberman is Liberman — a person who deliberately chooses to be unexpected and undisciplined — even when it doesn’t serve his interests — and who spews hawkish remarks in spades.

Liberman promised to take down Hamas and execute terrorists — and all this before we blow up Egypt’s Aswan Dam, as he once famously suggested. I do not think that anyone in Israel wants to fully re-occupy Gaza, but Liberman has too many promises to fill, and an electorate that runs the gamut from traditional right-wingers to Kahanists. This is disturbing. Even for Netanyahu it’s not an easy bet, since Liberman has serious political ambitions and can always leave the coalition right before the elections, claiming that Netanyahu prevented the IDF from going all the way, or by fueling smaller fires that may serve his interests.

Avigdor Liberman speaks at the campaign launch for the 2015 elections. (photo: Yotam Ronen/Activestills)

So why did Bibi do it? In my opinion it has little to do with the recent comments made by Deputy Chief of the General Staff, General Yair Golan or the soldier in Hebron who shot a Palestinian in the head — two recent incidents in which the prime minister did not back Defense Minister Ya’alon. In fact these only provided Netanyahu the opportunity to get rid of Ya’alon, whose support from the Right has all but disappeared.

The great fracture between Netanyahu and the defense establishment stems from their disagreement over Iran, and the insubordination that occurred or did not occur during Gabi Ashkenazi and Ehud Barak’s tenure. The story is that former Director of the Mossad Meir Dagan and head of Shin Bet Yuval Diskin revealed that in 2010 the army and the Mossad were given orders to prepare for an attack in Iran, although it remains unclear whether it was an explicit command. Ashkenazi and Dagan either “opposed” or refused the order — depends who you ask. After that came the wars between Ashkenazi and Barak, and the torpedoing of Yoav Galant to IDF chief of staff, which certainly did not help mend relations between the prime minister and the army.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon (Photo by

We can go back even further to former IDF Chief of Staff Amnon Lipkin Shahak and Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai taking down Netanyahu in the 1999 elections. The army remains — despite everything — connected to “the old elites,” which Netanyahu seeks to replace. Ya’alon’s likely dismissal (or his transfer to a different ministry) will prevent a repeat of the rise of centrist parties full of ex-security chiefs, or at the very least will make them look less attractive to the Israeli voter. That is why Netanyahu is appointing a defense minister who does not have a military background (Liberman served a shortened army service as a new immigrant), and who is not part of the old elite. Now they can make high-level appointments between themselves, without worrying about the defense minister or his deputy protecting the interests of the top officer brass.

Netanyahu is a man of the geo-political status quo and internal revolutions, and it seems that after the media, academia, and the court system, he is looking to tackle the defense establishment. He has no patience to wait a decade or two for change to come from below with a new generation of officers. As mentioned earlier, it’s a dangerous gamble — not only because of the person Bibi chose, but also because the fate of the army is simply incomparable to other institutions in Israel, whether measured in support by the public or the power it holds. However, perhaps Netanyahu recognizes that the public’s support for the generals — not for the common soldier — is slowly cracking. There is an opportunity here.

Personally I support the desire to limit the power of the defense establishment in Israel, and putting a civilian rather than a military man in charge is not a bad idea. The question is, of course, who is put in charge. Liberman won’t be able to go to war or on bombing campaigns on his own accord (that takes a cabinet decision); but the most significant role of the defense minister is the de-facto ruler of over four million Palestinian subjects in the West Bank and Gaza — the one responsible for all aspects of life on the ground — from home demolitions to checkpoints to settlements.

Liberman recently took part in the protest against the IDF following the execution in Hebron. What kind of day-to-day decisions will he make? How will his relations with the Palestinian Authority look, considering he defames the PA at every possible opportunity? (There were many reports in the past on the relationship between Liberman and Muhammad Dahlan, who is waiting for Abbas to die in order to return and fight to be his successor). What kind of extreme promises will the defense minister make good on? And to what extent will the IDF — its top-level officers and soldiers — fall into line? We will find out soon enough.

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According to a report among the plans is also the negotiation of another military base in the  border with Paraguay and Brazil.

A military delegation sent by Argentine President Mauricio Macri on Wednesday signed an agreement on military cooperation with the United States, which entails the establishment of a U.S. military base in Ushuaia, the southernmost tip of the South American nation.

Ushuaia is the capital of Tierra del Fuego, whose boundaries extend to Antarctica. The Argentine government has justified the installation by saying scientific work” will be performed there.

Earlier this week Vice Defense Minister Angel Tello began a five-day visit to the U.S. aimed at reestablishing bilateral defense relations between the two countries after a freeze in military ties in recent years.

Among the plans reportedly being discussed is the negotiation of another military base in Argentina’s Misiones Province, located in the northeastern corner of the country at the border between Paraguay and Brazil.

Bilateral ties between Argentina and the U.s. had been tense in recent years as the leftist governments of presidents Fernandez and Nestor Kirchner reoriented foreign policy away from the U.S. and toward Latin America in the name of fighting imperialism and strengthening regional integration.

But Macri came to office last year based in part on a promise to rekindle relations with the U.S. while giving the cold shoulder to allies of Argentina’s left-wing Kirchner governments, such as Venezuela. The president has said he wants a “pragmatic and intelligent” relationship with Washington.


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African American Museum of History and Culture to Open in Washington in September

A center designed for the preservation and exhibition of the contributions of people of African descent in the United States is scheduled to open later this year.

Known as the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), the building represents efforts to construct such a project which extends back over 100 years.


This will be the largest of such institutions in the country surpassing the Dr. Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit.

The museum is a 400,000 square foot edifice becoming the 19th division of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. President Barack Obama is scheduled to cut the ribbons at the building on September 24.

During the second week of May journalists were allowed in for a preview of what is in store for the public.  The structure will feature numerous galleries with displays on slavery, segregation and the civil rights movement along with music, entertainment, sports and politics.

Much work remains to be done before the official opening. Electrical equipment, artifacts and artistic treasures will be moved in and fitted for public perusal. There are exhibits on cultural figures such as Bo Didley, Little Richard and the Jackson Five.

In a report from the New Observer, it says “After years of false starts, a bill from Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia to create the museum passed Congress in 2003 and became law with the pen of President George W. Bush. Three years later, the Smithsonian’s Board of Regents approved the five-acre site on the Mall between the Washington Monument and the National Museum of American History. Lead designer Freelon Adjaye Bond/SmithGroup were selected in 2009, and construction began in 2012. (May 15)

The article goes on saying “The $540 million project was funded through a partnership with Congress, which provided half the money, or $270 million. The other half is being raised through private contributions; officials are within a few million dollars of that goal.”

All together there are 3,000 artifacts with videos, photos and wall text which will be on view in 11 inaugural exhibitions. Dozens of staff people must be accommodated and the 400-seat cafeteria has to be set up.  For security purposes there are metal detectors requiring installation at the two entrances.

According to the official website for the NMAAHC, “In many ways, there are few things as powerful and as important as a people, as a nation that is steeped in its history. Often America is celebrated as a place that forgets. This museum seeks to help all Americans remember, and by remembering, this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.” (

The NMAAHC goes on to stress that “There are four legs upon which this museum will stand:

The first is to create an opportunity for those that care about African American culture to explore and revel in this history. Equally important is the opportunity to help all Americans see just how central African American history is for all of us. The museum will use African American history and culture as a lens into what it means to be an American.”

This website also emphasizes “Additionally, the museum will use African American culture as a means to help all Americans see how their stories, their histories, and their cultures are shaped and informed by international considerations and how the struggle of African Americans has impacted freedom struggles around the world. Finally, as a 21st century institution, the museum must be a place of collaboration. We must be a truly national museum that reaches beyond Washington to engage new audiences and to collaborate with the myriad of museums and educational institutions, both nationally and internationally.”

NMAAHC is steps away from the Washington Monument, the towering obelisk built in commemoration of the nation’s first president who owned slaves. Even though the official narrative within U.S. history suggests that the so-called “Revolutionary War” was fought to gain independence from British colonialism, Africans remained enslaved in the U.S. until the conclusion of the Civil War in 1865.

That contradiction is startling in light of the failure of the racist system to guarantee a decent life, genuine equality and self-determination to the African American people even in the 21st century. African Americans have achieved enormous gains over the last century-and-a-half since the end of slavery, nonetheless they remain an extremely exploited and repressed people.

Today African Americans are subjected to incarceration rates that far exceed those of whites who continue to represent the overwhelming authority within the state and economic structures of the country. Rates of joblessness and poverty disproportionately affect African Americans while the world economic recession of the last decade appropriated much of the limited household wealth accumulated since the rise of industrialization in the 20th century.

In the areas of foreign policy, people of African descent in the U.S. have only made a progressive impact through their own propaganda, petitioning and mass demonstrations. For decades, successive administrations maintained close and fraternal relations with European colonial powers which carried out genocidal policies against territories in Africa, the Caribbean and Latin America.

In 2016, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) still enacts counter-insurgency programs across Africa amid a broadening mistrust of U.S. intentions among the masses of workers, youth and farmers in the region. Meanwhile the overall volume of trade between the U.S. and emerging African states has declined in the last several years despite the existence of the country’s first self-identified president of African descent.

Detroit Museum Serves as Community-Oriented Model

At present the largest of such institutions exists in Detroit, a majority African American city. This center was founded through the decades-long visionary work of the late Dr. Charles H. Wright.

Dr. Wright started the museum in a residential house during 1965 at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. Wright was an admirer of the African American artist, actor, activist and social scientist Paul Robeson, Sr.

In the 1980s, Wright campaigned for the release of African National Congress (ANC) leader and then political prisoner Nelson Mandela as well as other South African political prisoners. Under the administration of Mayor Coleman A. Young, the first African American to serve in this position in Detroit, there was the initiation of the construction of a city-administered museum in the late 1980s.

Several years later an even larger museum was built in the area which is now known as Midtown near Wayne State University and the Detroit Medical Center.

Under its present administration the Wright Museum hosts numerous lectures, panels and conferences on African world history and culture. Just this year, the museum featured former Black Panther Party leader Kathleen Cleaver; Ramona Africa of MOVE; Saladin Muhammad of Black Workers for Justice; and other luminaries.

A Liberation Film Series screens documentaries on a myriad of issues impacting African people around the world examining the lives of historical figures such as Malcolm X, Thomas Sankara, Frantz Fanon, only to name a few. Every August the Wright Museum sponsors the African World Festival founded by Dr. Wright in 1983 on the Detroit Riverfront at Hart Plaza.

These institutions are important in their role of historical memory and assessment. They will only maintain their relevance if they are linked to the overall struggle for the complete liberation of the African American people.

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NATO Announces War Policy Against Russia. Chilling Scenario of Encirclement

By Eric Zuesse, May 18 2016

On May 18th, Britain’s Guardian headlined  “West and Russia on course for war, says ex-Nato deputy commander” and reported that the former deputy commander of NATO, the former British general Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff (who was Supreme Allied Commander in…


Obama and His Neocons Ready to Risk World War III in the South China Sea

By Joachim Hagopian, May 19 2016

The US Navy guided cruise missile destroyer USS Lassen sailed within 12 nautical miles of Spratly Islands in South China Sea despite repeated warnings from China that such overt action would be taken as a deliberate provocation

roumanie usa

Threatening Russia: U.S. Missiles in Romania and Poland, Europe on the Nuclear Frontline

By Manlio Dinucci, May 19 2016

At a ribbon cutting ceremony at the air base of Deveselu in Romania, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg inaugurated the “Aegis Ashore” land-based installation of the U.S. Aegis missile system. Stoltenberg thanked the United States, because this installation greatly increases…


NATO Exercises on Russian Border: Are These People Actually Mad?

By John Wight, May 19 2016

Less than a week after Russia marked its annual Victory Day commemoration of the end of the Second World War, NATO troops began planned military exercises in Estonia all the way up to Russia’s border. It begs the question –…


NATO Rearmament in Eastern Europe Increases Danger of World War

By Johannes Stern, May 19 2016

In the run-up to the NATO summit in Warsaw in early July, the Western military alliance is building up its military might in Eastern Europe, heightening the danger of a nuclear conflict with Russia. On Tuesday, the new NATO rapid…


American Aggression Against China: A World Crisis Looms

By Christopher Black, May 19 2016

The American aggression against China continued Tuesday May 10th with the invasion of Chinese waters just off the Spratly Islands by an American destroyer as China’s limited stock of patience continues to run out. By sending their ships into Chinese…

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Note: This article was originally published in January 2015.

Two months ago, hundreds of thousands of Chileans somberly marked the 40th anniversary of their nation’s September 11th terrorist event. It was on that date in 1973 that the Chilean military, armed with a generous supply of funds and weapons from the United States, and assisted by the CIA and other operatives, overthrew the democratically-elected government of the moderate socialist Salvador Allende. Sixteen years of repression, torture and death followed under the fascist Augusto Pinochet, while the flow of hefty profits to US multinationals – IT&T, Anaconda Copper and the like – resumed. Profits, along with concern that people in other nations might get ideas about independence, were the very reason for the coup and even the partial moves toward nationalization instituted by Allende could not be tolerated by the US business class.

Henry Kissinger was national security advisor and one of the principle architects – perhaps the principle architect – of the coup in Chile. US-instigated coups were nothing new in 1973, certainly not in Latin America, and Kissinger and his boss Richard Nixon were carrying on a violent tradition that spanned the breadth of the 20th century and continues in the 21st – see, for example, Venezuela in 2002 (failed) and Honduras in 2009 (successful). Where possible, such as in Guatemala in 1954 and Brazil in 1964, coups were the preferred method for dealing with popular insurgencies. In other instances, direct invasion by US forces such as happened on numerous occasions in Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and many other places, was the fallback option.   

The coup in Santiago occurred as US aggression in Indochina was finally winding down after more than a decade. From 1969 through 1973, it was Kissinger again, along with Nixon, who oversaw the slaughter in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. It is impossible to know with precision how many were killed during those four years; all the victims were considered enemies, including the vast majority who were non-combatants, and the US has never been much interested in calculating the deaths of enemies. Estimates of Indochinese killed by the US for the war as a whole start at four million and are likely more, perhaps far more. It can thus be  reasonably extrapolated that probably more than a million, and certainly hundreds of thousands, were killed while Kissinger and Nixon were in power.    

In addition, countless thousands of Indochinese have died in the years since from the affects of the massive doses of Agent Orange and other Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction unleashed by the US. Many of us here know (or, sadly, knew) soldiers who suffered from exposure to such chemicals; multiply their numbers by 1,000 or 10,000 or 50,000 – again, it’s impossible to know with accuracy – and we can begin to understand the impact on those who live in and on the land that was so thoroughly poisoned as a matter of US policy.       

Studies by a variety of organizations including the United Nations also indicate that at least 25,000 people have died in Indochina since war’s end from unexploded US bombs that pocket the countryside, with an equivalent number maimed. As with Agent Orange, deaths and ruined lives from such explosions continue to this day. So 40 years on, the war quite literally goes on for the people of Indochina, and it is likely it will go on for decades more.

Near the end of his time in office, Kissinger and his new boss Gerald Ford pre-approved the Indonesian dictator Suharto’s invasion of East Timor in 1975, an illegal act of aggression again carried out with weapons made in and furnished by the US. Suharto had a long history as a bagman for US business interests; he ascended to power in a 1965 coup, also with decisive support and weapons from Washington, and undertook a year-long reign of terror in which security forces and the army killed more than a million people (Amnesty International, which rarely has much to say about the crimes of US imperialism, put the number at 1.5 million).         

In addition to providing the essential on-the-ground support, Kissinger and Ford blocked efforts by the global community to stop the bloodshed when the terrible scale of Indonesian violence became known, something UN ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan openly bragged about. Again, the guiding principle of empire, one that Kissinger and his kind accept as naturally as breathing, is that independence cannot be allowed. That’s true even in a country as small as East Timor where investment opportunities are slight, for independence is contagious and can spread to places where far more is at stake, like resource-rich Indonesia. By the time the Indonesian occupation finally ended in 1999, 200,000 Timorese – 30 percent of the population – had been wiped out. Such is Kissinger’s legacy and it is a legacy well understood by residents of the global South no matter the denial, ignorance or obfuscation of the intelligentsia here.             

If the United States is ever to become a democratic society, and if we are ever to enter the international community as a responsible party willing to wage peace instead of war, to foster cooperation and mutual aid rather than domination, we will have to account for the crimes of those who claim to act in our names like Kissinger. Our outrage at the crimes of murderous thugs who are official enemies like Pol Pot is not enough. A cabal of American mis-leaders from Kennedy on caused for far more Indochinese deaths than the Khmer Rouge, after all, and those responsible should be judged and treated accordingly.

The urgency of the task is underscored as US aggression proliferates at an alarming rate. Millions of people around the world, most notably in an invigorated Latin America, are working to end the “might makes right” ethos the US has lived by since its inception. The 99 percent of us here who have no vested interest in empire would do well to join them. 

There are recent encouraging signs along those lines, with the successful prevention of a US attack on Syria particularly noteworthy. In addition, individuals from various levels of empire have had their lives disrupted to varying degrees. David Petraeus, for example, has been hounded by demonstrators since being hired by CUNY earlier this year to teach an honors course; in 2010, Dick Cheney had to cancel a planned trip to Canada because the clamor for his arrest had grown quite loud; long after his reign ended, Pinochet was arrested by order of a Spanish magistrate for human right violations and held in England for 18 months before being released because of health problems; and earlier this year, Efrain Rios Montt, one of Washington’s past henchmen in Guatemala, was convicted of genocide, though accomplices of his still in power have since intervened on his behalf to obstruct justice.

More pressure is needed, and allies of the US engaged in war crimes like Paul Kagame should be dealt with as Pinochet was. More important perhaps for those of in the US is that we hound Rumsfeld, both Clintons, Rice, Albright and Powell, to name a few, for their crimes against humanity every time they show themselves in public just as Petraeus has been. That holds especially for our two most recent War-Criminals-in-Chief, Barack Bush and George W. Obama.

Andy Piascik is a long-time activist and award-winning author who writes for Z, Counterpunch  and many other publications and websites. He can be reached at [email protected]

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Michel Chossudovsky, Doctor Honoris Causa en Humanidades

May 19th, 2016 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

La UNAN-Managua otorgó el título de Doctor Honoris Causa en Humanidades al Dr. Michel Chossudovsky, en reconocimiento a su lucha por la “causa de la libertad y la justicia universales, y sus aportaciones en el campo de la Ciencia Política y las Humanidades”.  Nuestra Rectora, MSc. Ramona Rodríguez Pérez, entregó el Diploma e impuso medalla en un solemne acto, celebrado el martes 17 de mayo en el Auditorio “Fernando Gordillo Cervantes”.

Presidieron la ceremonia, la Rectora, MSc. Ramona Rodríguez Pérez; el Vicerrector General, MSc. Jaime López Lowery; el Secretario General, Dr. Luis Alfredo Lobato Blanco; el Vicerrector de Investigación, MSc. Javier Pichardo Ramírez y el Vicerrector de Docencia, Dr. Hugo Gutiérrez Ocón. Contó con la presencia de los miembros del Consejo Universitario, embajadores, delegados de instituciones del Estado y gran parte de la comunidad universitaria.

La entrega de esta distinción fue aprobada por el Consejo Universitario en Sesión Ordinaria del 15 de abril de 2016, considerando que el Dr. Chossudovsky es un “verdadero ejemplo para nuestra comunidad universitaria en su carácter de académico e intelectual y como digno representante de las corrientes progresistas en el ámbito internacional… es una figura mundial en el campo de la defensa de la paz, los derechos humanos y la causa de los pueblos oprimidos que luchan contra la injusticia”.

En su intervención, la Rectora señaló que “este acto nos permite destacar la importancia de la solidaridad internacional… ya que no es posible limitar nuestra actividad académica y quehacer científico al campo local y nacional. Nuestra pertinencia institucional dependerá en gran medida de qué tan justo es el orden internacional que nos rodea, debemos desarrollar conciencia social sobre las injusticias del mundo y reflexionar sobre los grandes problemas que aquejan a la humanidad, los conflictos, catástrofes, injusticias y crisis que se siguen cargando a los más pobres para aportar a la búsqueda de solución”. Se refirió también a la función Internacionalización de la Universidad, la que “nos permite promover nuestros valores y principios para contribuir a un mundo más solidario”.

De igual forma, nuestra Rectora presentó una reseña biográfica del Dr. Chossudovsky, quien es fundador y director del Centro de Investigación sobre la Globalización, una organización de investigadores y medios de comunicación independientes con sede en Montreal, Canadá; este centro cuenta con el sitio web:, en el que se  difunden programas, investigaciones y artículos científicos sobre temas humanísticos, sociales, políticos y de desarrollo. Michel Chossudovsky se ha destacado como pacifista, ha trabajado y asesorado en proyectos de las Naciones Unidas, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), el Banco Mundial, la Comisión Económica para América Latina y El Caribe (CEPAL), la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), entre otros.

Ha escrito once libros y cientos de artículos, entre los que destacan: La Globalización de la pobreza y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, “Guerra contra el terrorismo” de  Estados Unidos; La Globalización de la Guerra: la guerra prolongada de Estados Unidos contra la Humanidad; La Miseria en Venezuela; La Crisis Económica Mundial, la Gran Depresión del Siglo XXI. Ha impartido clases en Universidades e Institutos de Investigación de Canadá, Chile, Venezuela, Perú, Tailandia, Nueva Guinea, Bangkok, Francia, Argentina, Italia. Esos méritos le han hecho acreedor de numerosos premios, entre ellos: Medalla de Oro por Mérito de la República de Serbia, Premio Derechos Humanos de la Sociedad de Derechos Civiles y la Dignidad Humana, Berlín; Premio Especial por el Mejor Sitio Web de Investigación, otorgado por el Club de Periodistas Mexicanos, Premio Project Censured (Noticia Censurada) de la Universidad de Sonoma, California. (Armando Muñoz, Periodista UNAN-Managua)

Divulgación UNAN-Managua, 18/V/2016.

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American Aggression Against China: A World Crisis Looms

May 19th, 2016 by Christopher Black

The American aggression against China continued Tuesday May 10th with the invasion of Chinese waters just off the Spratly Islands by an American destroyer as China’s limited stock of patience continues to run out.

By sending their ships into Chinese territorial waters on the bizarre claim that they are exercising “their right of innocent passage” and that, the “United States will fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows,” they are in fact claiming the right to go anywhere they want, anytime they want. They might as well claim the right to once again send gunboats up the Yangtze River bristling with guns and marines, for their passage through Chinese waters was not only illegal, because without permission; it was also certainly not “innocent” since the passage was meant to be a display of power and control, which is prohibited by the Law of the Sea Convention.

The American claim of following international law is absurd because international law requires that a naval vessel of one county wishing to enter the 12 nautical mile limit of another country must have the permission of the country whose waters they wish to cross. They have to ask permission and they have to fly that country’s flag when they make the passage. All foreign ships entering another nation’s waters fly their own flag and that of the host nation. The Americans refuse to ask permission and they certainly do not honour the custom of flying the Chinese flag. They might as well send their ambassador to a meeting with President Xi and, in front of everyone, spit in his face. For that is what they intend, to insult China, and to dare it.

“Try to stop us,” they are saying, as they watch the tempers rise, the angry words, the flurry of ships around theirs. But no shots were fired. Their passage was unimpeded. They are the power. They are the right. They are the overlords of us all. That is the message.

The Chinese government has once again reacted angrily, calling this new violation of Chinese sovereignty, a “provocation” which indeed it is. But nothing more was done except to scramble some jets and ships to put on a show of the flag. But to what end? The Americans could not care less about dramatics. They only understand force. Logic requires that, unless these provocations stop there will be a shooting incident in the near future because there will be nothing else China can do. The thought of what could happen next can only make you shudder. But unless the world thinks hard about that and reacts with the necessary response, this renegade nation, the one nation that roams around the world with a big club, threatening, bullying and destroying, without regard for law, morality, or humanity, will push us all to the eve of destruction..

But what is the necessary response? The Chinese have made it clear that continued aggression against China will be very costly to the United States. They’ve also said that China will not permit these provocations to continue and have the capacity to oppose these actions if necessary. But do they have the will? It would appear that they do since they have increased and modernised their armed forces to prepare for such an eventuality and, as we know, a month ago China put its nuclear missile forces on constant high alert. But the Chinese are very patient as they seek a peaceful future, so it is difficult to say when they will directly confront an American vessel and stop it, but that time has to come. So what are the Chines doing? Perhaps some clues lie in their military doctrine.

The Chinese basic principles of war are famously set down by Sun Tzu in the Art of War;

“Warfare is the art of deceit. Therefore, when able, seem to be unable; when ready, seem unready; when nearby, seem far away; and when far away, near. If the enemy seeks some advantage, entice him with it, if he is in disorder, attack him and take him. If he is formidable, prepare against him. If he is strong, evade him. If he is incensed, provoke him…attack where he is not prepared; go by way of places where it would never occur to him you would go. These are the …calculations for victory-they cannot be settled in advance.”

So, we can expect the unexpected. But it will not be what the Chinese prefer, a win-win solution, it will be a lose-lose result, for war harms everyone. The American bullying attitude rests in an innate chauvinism and arrogance and a complete confidence in their superiority of arms. But it is this very confidence that will be there downfall.

In their important 1999 paper on military theory, “Unrestricted Warfare,” two Chinese Army Colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansiu, now both generals, I believe, advanced the idea that the first rule of unrestricted warfare is that there are no rules, with nothing forbidden. They then examined the use of full spectrum warfare and why it is the only strategy to adopt in order to resist a powerful aggressor who does not obey international rules but makes up its own, such as the United States which, as they point out, cannot even be trusted to obey its own rules. How can anyone trust a nation that seems to have the same motto as the Mediterranean pirate chief in the middle ages who said, “Law? I make up my own laws and I take what I want.”

In a section of the paper asking what the Americans want, and answering “world domination” they say something interesting;

“In discussing the talented American inventor, Thomas Edison, poet Jeffers writes, “We… … are skilled in machinery and are infatuated with luxuries.” Americans have a strong inborn penchant for these two things as well as a tendency to turn their pursuit of the highest technology and its perfection into a luxury, even including weapons and machinery. General Patton, who liked to carry ivory handled pistols, is typical of this. This inclination makes them rigidly infatuated with and therefore have blind faith in technology and weapons, always thinking that the road to getting the upper hand with war can be found with technology and weapons. This inclination also makes them anxious at any given time that their own leading position in the realm of weaponry is wavering, and they continually alleviate these concerns by manufacturing more, newer, and more complex weapons. As a result of this attitude, when the weapons systems which are daily becoming heavier and more complicated come into conflict with the terse principles required of actual combat, they always stand on the side of the weapons. They would rather treat war as the opponent in the marathon race of military technology and are not willing to look at it more as a test of morale and courage, wisdom and strategy. They believe that as long as the Edisons of today do not sink into sleep, the gate to victory will always be open to Americans. Self-confidence such as this has made them forget one simple fact – it is not so much that war follows the fixed racecourse of rivalry of technology and weaponry, as it is a game field with continually changing direction and many irregular factors. Whether you wear Adidas or Nike cannot guarantee you will become the winner.”

In other words, the United States, that is, the military- industrial complex that has the real power in the country, is pushing both China and its own people to the brink of something whose consequences will be unexpected and which can only lead to a common disaster. They are pushing everywhere, from North Korea, to Syria, from Ukraine to the Baltic, from Afghanistan to South America, but especially Russia and China. President Putin has called for the creation of a new “non-aligned” international security structure. What form that would take is unclear but unless some attempt is made to restore the rule of international law to the world and to contain this renegade nation, the clock to Armageddon will keep counting down as a world crisis looms.

Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, he is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and he is known for a number of high-profile cases involving human rights and war crimes, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


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When the 2008 capitalist crash sent shock waves throughout the entire global economy, the US ruling class scrambled for a political remedy. The most effective remedy thus far has been the rule of Barack Obama. Obama’s presidency has been defined by his service to Wall Street and his ability to convince broad sections of the population that the capitalist economy is in recovery. Yet whether this service came in the form of bank bailouts, austerity, or the creation of the TPP-TTIP trade agreement, confidence in the capitalist system remains at a low point. The US capitalist system continues to decline and the reality of permanent crisis has become increasingly visible.

Recent findings from the Bureau of Economic Analysis reveal that for the first three months of 2016, the US capitalist economy saw its GDP increase by a minuscule 0.1 percent. These numbers greatly contrast President Obama’s assertion in his last State of the Union Address that the US economy is the most “durable” in the world. Regardless of Obama’s comments, the capitalist slowdown should come as no surprise. The US capitalist economy has been experiencing a slowdown for decades. US capitalist decline has become the system’s new normal.

Low growth numbers tell only part of the story of capitalist decline. The real measure of a capitalist recovery is in the system’s ability to increase investment and rehire previously laid off workers that produce the value, i.e. profits, from investment. However, capitalist crises since the 1990s have produced mainly jobless recoveries. Unemployment has remained high for months, if not years, after each successive crisis since the 1990s. After the 2008 crisis, unemployment remained close to double digits into 2011.

In 2015, The Obama Administration claimed that unemployment was down to a low of 4.9 percent. He explained the drop in unemployment as a product of steady recovery and his administration’s commitment to increasing job growth. However, something else was happening. US workers were actually dropping out of the workforce in record numbers and not counted in official statistics. Those who did find new jobs mostly found them in the expanding low-wage service sector. The so-called unemployment dip thus did little to aid a capitalist recovery.

In fact, the great lie regarding unemployment in the US only served to mask the crisis underneath the surface. A capitalist crisis is caused by overproduction in which labor exploitation disables the ability of the masses to buy back the fruits of their labor. This leads to a retraction in production overall and deep cuts to employment. These periodic episodes are inherent under capitalism. However, the crisis that US capitalism experiences today possesses a different character than crises prior to 1973. The main difference is the new role that technology and finance capital plays in the capitalist production process.

Past economic crises, such as the one that occurred during the Great Depression, often relied on automation to speed up production and rejuvenate the economy. The US relied on technological advances in the military to boost production after the Great Depression. This time around, however, technological advances have become a drag on production. Technology has replaced much of US capitalism’s need for labor in the arena of industry. Workers have been forced towork harder, longer, and for less pay as firms squeeze every last penny of profit to make up for the increased cost of production.

Capitalism’s relationship to labor is critical in this development. Capitalists, or bosses, derive all profits from labor. Labor creates value that is born from the fruits of production and is then paid a wage that reflects only a fraction of the value it creates. The rest goes to the capitalist as profit. But when workers are permanently replaced, they are replaced by machines that increase the cost of production. Machines cannot create value unless they are utilized by labor. Automation in this period has thus built the most productive and globalized capitalist system in history, but has done so by shedding the primary source of capitalist profit.

A highly productive capitalist system and a shrinking labor force is the recipe for capitalist slowdown and crisis. The capitalist system has attempted to remedy the crisis temporarily through vast investments in the realm of finance. However, as the Panama Papers, LIBHOR scandal, and the 2008 crash reveal, finance capital only further reinforces the fact that most of the rich are sitting on capital rather than investing it. No amount of austerity, war, or repression can halt this trend. Yet this is all capitalism can offer.

There will be no capitalist recovery in our lifetime. The masses of the exploited and oppressed will continue to be subject to the horrors of poverty, racism, and war until a strong enough fight back is organized by the people. This fight back must be fought on a class basis and possess an internationalist character. It must also place racism and sexism at the forefront of the movement to be effective. These are revolutionary times, and only a revolutionary movement is capable of resolving capitalist crisis before us by ridding of the system all together.

Danny Haiphong is an Asian activist and political analyst in the Boston area. He can be reached at [email protected].

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As the Syrian crisis drags on and hopes of a peaceful resolution or, at the very least, a return to relative normalcy in Libya seem very distant, Algeria should, by now, begin suspecting that it might soon find itself in the Anglo-American crosshairs. There is now rapidly growing evidence that Algeria is doing just that.

Having survived an attempted destabilization during the Western-inspired and Western-orchestrated“Arab Spring” color revolution, Algeria has been doing whatever it can to increase security in, on, and around its borders. For this reason, it has increased cooperation with its neighbor Tunisia, which has been the target of terrorists backed by the West and GCC nations.

Having acted quickly and with an iron fist, any attempt to disrupt the functioning of the Algerian government was quashed during the stream of U.S.-engineered color revolutions and destabilizations. Yet, even though the “Arab Spring” style protests were short-lived and ineffective, Algeria has not simply rested on its laurels in the aftermath. In fact, Algeria has moved to increase security, improve its military capabilities, and work with its neighbors to ensure that they do not fall prey to destabilizations or color revolutions in the future.

Algeria has also moved to deepen its ties with Russia and those countries that are part of an unofficial but growing and obvious anti-NATO bloc. In other words, Algeria is moving closer to joining the multi-polar collection of nations attempting to act as a counterforce to the NATO powers.

Two notable instances of increased cooperation between Algeria and the anti-NATO alliance are therecent provision of 40 attack helicopters by Russia to Algeria and the recent diplomatic visit to Syria by the Algerian government.

The helicopter, known as the “Night Hunter” in Russia, is reported to be one of the best in the world, and it is capable of carrying out its missions in both day and night as well as in adverse weather conditions. The helicopter comes with a MI-28NE modification capability that allows the ship to be flown from the pilot’s cockpit and the operator pilot’s cockpit.

The delivery of the Russian helicopters to Algeria is nothing new. In 2005-2006, Russia provided Algeria with 28 Su-30MKA, 16 Yak-130 jet trainers and 185 T-90S tanks. In 2015, a contract was signed for the delivery of 14 Su-30MKA fighters in 2016-2017. The transfer of the MI-28 helicopters is the result of a bilateral agreement between Russia and Algeria.

“The Algerian military is satisfied with the quality of Russian weapons, which has proven itself well in the specific conditions here, namely the desert with its extremely high temperatures and sandstorms. So there are good prospects for continuing close cooperation in the military-technical area on a wide nomenclature of supplies,”

Alexander Zolotov, Russian Ambassador to Algeria, told RIA Novosti in an interview.

Yet, while the deliveries are not newsworthy in and of themselves, the context in which they occurare worth discussing.

Algeria, of course, is becoming concerned with increasing amounts of ISIS activity in the region, notably in Libya and Tunisia and is focusing on policing its borders with the two embattled countries as well as with Niger and Mali for that reason. The Algerian government, which has reacted quickly to terrorist threats in the past, is perhaps worried that ISIS attacks may eventually begin to take place inside its borders, particularly as a result of Western targeting of the governmental structure in the future.

In February, Algeria and Russia embarked upon a plan to deepen bilateral military and economic cooperation.

In regards to Syria, Monday April 25, 2016 marked the first official visit to Syria since 2011 by any Algerian official, signaling a growing tendency to increase ties and cooperation with the embattled nation despite the crying and screaming of the United States, EU, and NATO. Earlier, in March, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mu’allem paid a visit to the Algerian capital where the stated goal of the visit was to deepen and strengthen economic ties between the two countries.

As Ulson Gunnar writes in his article, “Washington’s Fake War On ISIS ‘Moves’ To Libya,”

Syria is not only no longer safe for IS, it has become a grave in which IS is being buried alive. This is thanks not to a successful anti-terror campaign waged by Washington and its allies, but by swift and successful operations carried out by Moscow, Tehran, and their allies in Damascus. Indeed, with IS supply lines being cut from their source in Turkey and their forces being pushed back across Syrian territory, liquidation of their assets in Syria is well underway. Likewise in Iraq, feigned US operations to stop IS have given way to an increase in cooperation between Baghdad, Tehran, and Damascus.

What started out as an attempt to divide and destroy Iran’s arc of influence across the region has galvanized it instead.

Moving the mercenary forces of IS out of the region is instrumental in ensuring they “live to fight another day.” By placing them in Libya, Washington and its allies hope they will be far out of reach of the growing coalition truly fighting them across the Levant. Further more, placing them in Libya allows other leftover “projects” from the “Arab Spring” to be revisited, such as the destabilization and destruction of Algeria, Tunisia and perhaps even another attempt to destabilize and destroy Egypt.

IS’ presence in Libya could also be used as a pretext for open-ended and much broader military intervention throughout all of Africa by US forces and their European and Persian Gulf allies. As the US has done in Syria, where it has conducted operations for now over a year and a half to absolutely no avail, but has managed to prop up proxy forces and continue undermining and threatening targeted nations, it will likewise do so regarding IS in Libya and its inevitable and predictable spread beyond.

Indeed, Gunnar summarizes much of what Algeria knows and fears in relation to IS and the NATO/Anglo-American scheme for world hegemony. For this reason, Algeria is preparing for the potential shift in the Western focus in terms of specific battlefields, moving from Syria to Libya and Westward from there.

While not earth-shattering news, Algeria’s growing fondness for the Russian bloc of nations is yet another sign of Washington’s loss of influence across the world and the increasingly bankrupt position held by the U.S. and NATO.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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On Wednesday the Alliance police union, which is close to the neo-fascist National Front (FN), called protests on squares across France previously occupied by the #UpAllNight movement, which criticises the Socialist Party’s (PS) regressive labour law.

Several top FN leaders attended the protests. On the pretext of opposing “anti-cop hatred,” the protest aimed to intimidate opposition to the labour law, which the vast majority of the population still opposes even after the PS rammed it through the National Assembly without a vote last week. The labor law lays the groundwork for slashing workers’ wages, benefits and working conditions.

This unprecedented far-right protest testifies to the accelerating disintegration of democracy in Europe. Though it was a definitely pro-FN protest, it had not only the organisational and political support of the PS government, but the participation of the Left Front and trade unions close to #UpAllNight, including the General Confederation of Labour (CGT). These forces, terrified of rising working class opposition to austerity across Europe and particularly against their longtime ally, the PS, are aligning themselves with the far right against the workers and youth.

Before the Alliance protest planned for noon on Republic Square in Paris, on-duty paramilitary police set up blockades on avenues leading to the square, which had been abandoned by the organizations that occupied it to set up the #UpAllNight movement. The Paris prefecture blocked access to the square via the subway. The police guards blocked access to the square to everyone except police, their friends, a few journalists and politicians—principally, though not exclusively, from the FN.

As a few hundred police occupied the square, the paramilitaries guarding it taunted youth who wanted to go onto the square to protest the Alliance demonstration. Under the terms of the state of emergency, the prefecture also banned a counter-demonstration called against police violence, claiming that it posed a “serious risk of grave disturbances to public order.”

Monday, the prefecture also issued a ban on 18 members of an anti-fascist organisation from participating in anti-labour law demonstrations this week. The prefecture did not claim they had attacked police, and indeed they had not been arrested, but it nonetheless banned them from “remaining” in demonstrations, citing special powers under the state of emergency. This follows the “preventive” arrest of dozens of other demonstrators by the PS.

FN legislator Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, the niece of FN leader Marine Le Pen, and a leading FN lawyer, Gilbert Collard, attended the Alliance protest. They refused to take journalists’ questions, saying they would “not do PR.” However, Marine Le Pen published a communiqué supporting the demonstration and demanding more emergency powers for police.

The communiqué, titled “The National Front supports police,” declares:

“Ending the impunity that too many delinquents enjoy to apply zero-tolerance methods, reinforcing the staff and equipment of our security forces, creating a presumption of self-defense for police—that is the National Front’s plan to support our police and thus to restore the authority of the Republic.”

Several leaders or allies of the right-wing The Republicans (LR) or of the Left Front attended the protest on Republic Square alongside the neo-fascists: Eric Ciotti and Geoffrey Didier of LR, the economic nationalist politician Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, and Eric Coquerel, a regional councilor of the Left Party founded by Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Alliance demonstrations were held in dozens of other cities across France including Lyon, Nice, Strasbourg, Mulhouse, Lille, Calais, Rennes, Montpellier and Caen.

The PS government reacted by applauding all the security forces. President François Hollande began a cabinet meeting yesterday by addressing “a clear message of support to all of the security forces in this difficult context.”

As for Manuel Valls, the prime minister and former interior minister, he issued a statement on Twitter implying that any confrontation with the security forces was a declaration of war on the French nation: “Police and gendarmes protect our citizens and institutions every day. Attacking them means attacking all of us.”

The neo-fascist protest went ahead also with the support of CGT President Philippe Martinez. Asked whether he condemned violence against the police forces and if the CGT would join the protest against “anti-cop hatred,” he replied in the affirmative.

“Of course we condemn all violence … [including] from those who are called delinquents, who are very small in number but who create an incredible amount of damage,” he said. “That is why the CGT police unions will also protest on Wednesday,” he added.

The reactions of the PS, the CGT and the Left Front to the Alliance protests are a serious warning to the workers and youth in France and internationally, which vindicates the WSWS’ consistent opposition to all the pseudo left groups operating in the periphery of the PS.

Eight years of global economic crisis and deep austerity have not only devastated European society and impoverished broad layers of workers and youth, but undermined existing political parties. Across Europe, social democratic parties and their political and trade union allies are discredited and hated by masses of people. The mechanisms of “social dialog,” whereby business groups and the trade unions for decades negotiated in order to provide the illusion of consensus around social cuts demanded by big business, are collapsing.

Opposition to austerity, war and anti-democratic law-and-order measures is broadly shared among workers. Nonetheless, the working class faces one main obstacle: it is entering into struggle without revolutionary leadership, under conditions where no party speaks for the working class. The parties that for decades dominated what passed for “left” politics have proved totally hostile to the workers.

In this context, the bourgeoisie, staggered by the political collapse of the PS and Hollande’s inability to finish off opposition to the austerity measures it is demanding, is contemplating what alternatives to bourgeois democracy might allow it to impose the economic policies it wants by force. The state of emergency imposed in France after the November 13 attacks in Paris proved to be a trial balloon for a move towards dictatorship aiming to crush social opposition in the working class.

Workers in France face the necessity of launching a political struggle against the PS government not only to oppose war and austerity, but also to defend basic democratic rights. Bourgeois commentators, on their part, are declaring quite openly and provocatively that they are preparing themselves for conditions of civil war and counterinsurgency in France itself.

Writing that a “pre-civil war situation is emerging in France,” Le Figaroeditorialist Ivan Rioufol blamed this situation on opposition to capitalism, which he equated with Islamism. He deplored

“violent opposition to the model of Western society, capitalist and liberal. This rejection is shared both by the radicalised left and political Islam … Civil war is already in the hearts and minds of the Islamo-leftists and their collaborators, who claim that they are acting in self-defense in the face of a criminal police force.”

Free-market commentator Nicolas Baverez wrote a column in the German paper Die Welt declaring that in “2017, France will have to choose between reform or an attempt at revolution, which threatens to go in the direction of the far right.”

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What are the odds? Yet another airliner – ‘disappears’ in thin air?

An Airbus A320 plane carrying 66 passengers, left Paris Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport at 11.09pm (21.09 GMT) local time on Wednesday night.

According EgyptAir, at 2.45am Egypt local time (00.45 GMT) Greek air traffic controllers reported the plane was heading southeast before making “a sudden turn” to the northwest – and then quickly disappearing from radar while traveling at 37,000 feet, as contact was lost at 16km/10 miles inside of Egyptian airspace.

According to airline authorities, no distress call was given, as the plane “faded” from radar.

Passenger breakdown by nationality:

  • 30 Egyptian
  • 15 French
  • 2 Iraqi
  • 1 British
  • 1 Belgian
  • 1 Sudanese
  • 1 Chadian
  • 1 Portuguese
  • 1 Algerian

The EgyptAir flight is said to be staffed by two “experienced” pilots.

Some members of the media are drawing comparisons between today’s event and the Russian Metrojet crash in Sinai, Egypt in late 2015, where the Metrojet plane also disappeared from radar and also gave no distress call. It was later concluded that a bomb on board was very likely to have been the cause, although no conclusive proof has been offered as to who did it, and why.

The same Airbus 320 model also featured in the the bizarre and as yet unexplained Germanwings crash of March  2015 in Barcelonnette, France, and also in the AirAsia Flight 8501 that crashed into the Java Sea in December 2014.

Air Algerie flight AH5017 also met a strange demise in 2014, with confusion over official reports of the airplane model.

Additionally, the unexplained disappearance of passenger airline Malaysian Flight MH370 in 2014 has also fueled speculation of foul play, as well as revealing the existence of standard ‘Fly-By-Wire’ technology aboard both Boeing and Airbus plane, known as Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot.

Search and rescue efforts are currently underway.

No word yet from the media regarding any speculation of terrorist involvement, as another spotlight focuses on Paris and its “security” situation in the wake of twin terror events last year.

UPDATE 6:41 GMT: Egyptian officials speaking on the condition of anonymity to a Cairo TV network have confirmed that ‘the plane has crashed.’ Details TBC.

UPDATE 6:25 GMT: Egyptian air authorities are now reporting that a ‘SOS’ signal was broadcast by the aircraft at 2:26 GMT time.

UPDATE 5:57 GMT: There are now tentative reports of a plane “breaking-up” over the Mediterranean Ocean, as well as “ball of fire in the sky”. No other details are forthcoming at this time.

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In the run-up to the NATO summit in Warsaw in early July, the Western military alliance is building up its military might in Eastern Europe, heightening the danger of a nuclear conflict with Russia.

On Tuesday, the new NATO rapid intervention force, the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), began manoeuvres in Poland. As part of the “Brilliant Jump” exercise that will last till May 27, 1,500 soldiers from the VJTF land component, including the Spanish brigade BRILAT as the core of the VJTF, are practicing a rapid deployment to Eastern Europe.

The VJTF is aimed directly against Russia. Its establishment had been decided at the NATO summit that took place in Wales after the pro-Western coup in Ukraine in September, 2014. The VJTF belongs to the NATO Response Force (NRF), the rapid reaction force of NATO, whose troop strength in February last year was doubled to 30,000 soldiers. In an emergency, the 5,000-strong “spearhead” of the NRF can be operational within 48 hours.

“Brilliant Jump” is just one of many NATO exercises that are currently taking place in Eastern Europe. The manoeuvre “Spring Storm” in Estonia, which runs until May 20, will be held in close proximity to the Russian border. According to a press release of Germany’s Federal Armed Forces Association, “around 6,000 soldiers from several countries,” including “professional and volunteer Estonian troops, conscripts and reservists” and “units of eight NATO countries and Finland” are participating. From Germany, “a company of the Bundeswehr [Armed Forces]” is taking part.

From June 7 to 17, one of the largest exercises will take place this year in Poland, with the “Anaconda” manoeuvres. The script foresees an Article 5 scenario, with a NATO counterattack following a fictitious attack on NATO member Poland. The scale of the exercise is enormous. According to NATO officials, about 25,000 soldiers will participate in “Anaconda.” In addition, 250 armoured vehicles from the US Army will be used, including more than 90 Abrams M1 battle tanks.

The Bundeswehr is increasingly taking on a leading role in this massive NATO deployment against Russia. At the end of April, after a meeting with Latvian Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis, Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed government plans to move German troops to Lithuania. “Some reinforcements are possible here, we will also consider these at the moment,” said Merkel. Specifically, the Bundeswehr could take the lead in building a NATO battalion in Lithuania.

In February, on his blog “Eyes Front,” the military journalist Thomas Wiegold provided a “first impression” regarding the “various exercises and the permanent, revolving presence in NATO’s east, in which Germany is participating with a total of 5,000 soldiers.”

As well as the manoeuvres already mentioned, the following are also taking place: “Persistent Presence,” a continuous presence of German units of company strength in the Baltic countries and in Poland from April to June; “Baltops,” a naval exercise in the Baltic; “Iron Wolf,” a defensive and offensive exercise by multinational fighting units in Lithuania in June; “Sea Breeze,” from July 11 to 21 in the Black Sea; and “Flaming Thunder,” an artillery exercise using live ammunition from August 1 to 12 in Lithuania.

In the autumn, there follows the engineers’ exercise “Detonator” in Latvia, and the full force exercise “Silver Arrow” (also in Latvia), “Borsuk (Poland), and “Iron Sword (Lithuania), in which a German tank company and sections of a motorised artillery battalion will participate with Howitzers.

Germany is also involved in the military upgrading and rearmament of the Baltic states, whose extreme right-wing and anti-Russian governments are playing a key role in the NATO aggression against Moscow.

For example, the German government will provide Lithuania with twelve self-propelled armoured Howitzers from the Bundeswehr. This was announced by Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen on April 15 as part of her visit to the Lithuanian capital Vilnius. Lithuania should also receive weapons fire control systems and the means for artillery observation.

In addition, the Lithuanian army has expressed an interest in the Boxer armoured transport vehicle. Von der Leyen also promised her support in this matter. She will “work to ensure that Lithuania receives a slot in the OCCAR.” OCCAR (Organisation de Coopération en Matière d’Conjointe Armament), is the joint organization of the Boxer beneficiary states.

The permanent presence of Western troops in Eastern Europe, and the massive rearmament of the Baltic states are not routine exercises. NATO is putting into practice war plans that its military and geostrategists have elaborated behind the backs of the population.

“The Alliance must act with a sense of urgency when it comes to reinforcing its deterrence posture in the Baltic states, where NATO is most vulnerable. … A general change in mindset is needed—a culture of seizing the initiative and actively shaping the strategic environment should become the Alliance’s modus operandi,” states the recently published paper in Tallinn, Estonia, “Closing NATO’s Baltic Gap.”

The authors are the former leader of US forces in Europe (SACEUR) and Commander of NATO forces in the Kosovo war, Wesley Clark, the former commander of the Allied Joined Force Command of NATO, Egon Ramm, the former director of the International Centre for Defence and Security, Jüri Luik and the former NATO Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR), General Sir Richard Shirreff.

The detailed paper recalls the war plans that the generals of the imperialist powers designed before the First World War. As a particular challenge, Clark and Ramm identify the closure of the “Suwalki-gap,” the narrow land bridge between Poland and Lithuania, close to the Polish border town of Suwalki.

According to Clark and Ramm, in an emergency, the VJTF is neither fast nor large enough to rush to the aid of the enclosed Baltic states over this bottleneck. They therefore argue for an “effective deterrence strategy” that includes not just another upgrade of conventional forces in the East, but also a “reinforcement” in the field of nuclear weapons and cyber defence.

The war fantasies of the NATO generals knows no bounds. At one point, they write: “NATO must signal to Russia that, in case of aggression against any NATO Ally, there is no such thing as a limited conflict for the Alliance, and that it will contest Russia in all domains and without geographical limitations.”

In the case of the German General Ramm, this blatant threat of a new “total war” leaves a particularly nasty aftertaste. June 22, marks the 75th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, in which up to 40 million Soviet citizens were killed. Ramm’s father, Egon Wilhelm Ramm, who later was a Free Democratic Party parliamentary deputy in post-war West Germany, was a direct beneficiary of the terrible foray conducted by German imperialism. In 1941, he participated in the territories occupied by the Wehrmacht (Nazi Army) in Poland in establishing German shipping companies on the Vistula. From 1939 to 1940, and from 1942 to 1945, he fought as a soldier in World War II.

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Interview with journalist, squatter and housing activist, Frank Morales, on the housing crisis and the origins and creation of “homelessness”.
Morales’ direct action for housing in the South Bronx and Lower East Side of Manhattan in the late 1970s; bank redlining of loans to certain neighborhoods; Chapter 7 of the 1968 Kerner Commission Report; spatial de-concentration dispersal of the urban poor as a counter ]insurgency strategy; “The Crisis of Democracy: Report on the Governability of Democracies to the Trilateral Commission” by Samuel P. Huntington (1975); creation of the shelter system under FEMA.

Originally Aired: November 5, 2003.

This is Guns and Butter.

There was too much democracy. Therefore, that was the reason for this massive protest, the anti-war movement, etc. Their analysis of the ‘60s had to do all with ‘too much democracy. We have to shrink democracy.’ So the shrinking of democracy, the analogy is planned shrinkage on the housing front.  It’s to undercut the ability of people to organize if you take out their house.

I’m Bonnie Faulkner.  Today on Guns and Butter, Frank Morales.  Today’s show: The Squatter Movement: Seizing Housing.  Frank Morales is a writer and researcher whose work has been published in Covert Action Quarterly, Global Outlook and Midnight Notes. He is the author of Police State America: U.S. Military Civil Disturbance Planning. He has written numerous articles including Non-Lethal Warfare, Operation Garden Plot, The War at Home,Operations Other Than War and Military Operations in Urban Terrain.  Frank Morales is a New York City Lower East Side activist and squatter.  Today we explore his work as a grassroots housing activist and leader of the squatter movement in New York City.

* * * * *

Bonnie Faulkner:  Frank Morales, welcome.

Frank Morales:  Hi.

Bonnie Faulkner:  Frank, in addition to being a writer and a researcher, you describe yourself as a New York City Lower East Side squatter. What is a squatter?

Frank Morales:  Squatter, the way I use the term, is a person or a group of people who through direct action secure a place to live. Specifically, on the Lower East Side here and in the Bronx, which is where I started squatting back in the early ‘80s, we mean taking abandoned properties through seizing that property in the interest of creating housing and doing that collectively, and having people who do this collectively organize the resources and the people power to renovate the buildings, to bring them up to code, because a lot of these buildings are trashed in the process of being abandoned. They’ve either been burned or whatever, so it requires a lot of work.

Basically, by squatting what we mean is direct action for housing. More philosophically, is that the only way to ensure that people have a human right to a home and that doesn’t remain just an abstract concept, is to seize the housing. That kind of puts flesh on the bones of the whole issue of housing being a human right. It makes it real through the action of squatting, of realizing that right.

Bonnie Faulkner:  When did you start doing this?

Frank Morales:  I started squatting in 1979 in the South Bronx. The South Bronx is an area where there was quite a lot of displacement and destruction of people’s housing. I don’t know if people are familiar on the West Coast with some of the imagery of places like the South Bronx where, if you can just envision, lot after lot, block after block just leveled as though a bomb had hit. There would be whole neighborhoods, you could stand at four corners in the Bronx and look in four directions and see nothing but leveled, empty brick-strewn lots where people once lived.

South Bronx went through this whole process of what we referred to and still do as spatial reconcentration, a form of planned shrinkage, so that when we were up there, there were a number of abandoned buildings that were sealed up and ostensibly were owned by the city. We saw that under Reaganism, there was no way that people were going to be able to get affordable housing other than through direct action, other than through seizing the housing, renovating it and then defending it, collectively, so that’s what we began to do.

I started that in 1979 in the South Bronx. We took over two buildings there with people in the neighborhood and created housing, and also utilized the storefronts for people’s businesses and drop-in centers and that kind of thing. The idea is that when people do it, you’re immediately put in a situation of illegality, obviously, because under capitalism you worship private property, so people didn’t understand in some cases what we were trying to do. But we always felt that people had a moral right which surpasses the right to make profit, the right to survive, the right to life, and so when we took the buildings we would organize to defend them because we knew that there would be a reaction, and there was.

So one of the main aspects of organizing around squatting then and still now was to organize the ability to defend yourself. So we relied a lot on each other, building networks with people who were both in the squats and in the neighborhoods that would come out and defend peoples’ right to a home like that.

So I started doing squatting up in the South Bronx at that point and moved down to the Lower East Side in 1985, because I grew up in this neighborhood so I came back here for that.

Bonnie Faulkner:  Were you an organized group that did this when you started doing it in 1979?

Frank Morales: No. We were neighborhood people who just saw that the buildings were sitting there, and that it was clear that more and more people were being displaced. If you lived in the Bronx or in poor communities throughout the country you could see that people were being pushed out, neighborhoods were burning down, banks were disinvesting from neighborhoods.

There was a synergy of effects that was unleashed against these communities – from my perspective, a conscious strategy to depopulate the urban centers of people following the late-‘60s. They were seen as the terrain of insurrection and therefore the strategies were enacted to, the phrase being “spatially de-concentrate,” these communities.

We recognized that the only way we were going to survive the effort to displace us from these communities – these are poor, working-class poor people and artists and so forth and so on – was to seize the buildings directly, manage them ourselves and we’ve proven that people can do this.

People tend to be able to cooperate if given an opportunity to work collectively together. In fact, that’s one of the predominant features of being human. If you allow for that then it’s amazing what people can do. So people manage these buildings and that’s how the thing got going in the Bronx. In the early stages there was a lot of community support, which was important to sustain them, local benefits in the neighborhood to raise money. Don’t forget, in ’79 and ’80, hip hop was just really getting going up in this neighborhood and so we had a lot of connections with people in that area who would do a lot of stuff with us and we’d raise money and people who knew other people who needed housing were able to move into the houses and so forth.

So I’ve always advocated that people who are having difficulty affording where they’re living, there are approaches that deal with rent strikes and seizing the occupied and vacant apartments and other kinds of strategies; but in terms of the abandonment situation in areas where there is abandonment and so forth, public entities, housing entities that have taken this property over and so on, they should take these properties and organize to defend them, and renovate them and create housing for people. Not as a way only to meet the short-term goal of creating housing for themselves and those that they’re working with, but also to put political pressure on the system which is set up right now to do nothing in terms of creating any kind of affordable housing for poor people.

There isn’t a penny of federal money that is going towards creating housing for the poor in this country. So the only way that people are going to get the kind of housing that they need rather than prisons and shelters, which is another kind of housing that the state is supplying, they’re going to have to take it through direct action. So that’s what we started doing in the Bronx and then later on down here in the Lower East Side.

Bonnie Faulkner: 
 How would you do this? You would find an abandoned, boarded-up building and what? Just open it up and move in?

Frank Morales:  Yeah. The way that we would do it is that … I’ve given you kind of a summary. We have a kind of an ABCs of this. We wrote up a lot of this stuff over the years and publish and give it out to people because there is a bit of a science to it, without sounding overly highfalutin. We would take buildings that look to be in decent shape and do a kind of reconnaissance. Have people go in and check them out, make sure that the buildings were structurally good, and we have friends who were architects and others that would help us do that. That would be in the early stage.

Then here in New York we were always telling people that what we were not about was creating some kind of public spectacle that would be symbolic squatting or something to create a protest and try to create a media event around making a demand of the city to provide housing, etc.

We were not about making demands. We were about basically working clandestinely to take the housing. Some of us have no confidence in the good will of the state to provide housing and so see the demands as really kind of useless. And so using the clandestine approach we would work in a building for one, two or three months before we effectively put on the front door, so to speak.

So we spent some time analyzing the situation in terms of ownership of the building and get that background information, organize groups of people who were compatible and who wanted to do this together. In the early stages here in New York, we would collect mail. Have people send mail to themselves or have others send mail at their address and meet the mailman on the street corner or something like this, and begin to create a legal case for residency in the building. Because as people began to move in and actually live there, the powers that be might be interested in pushing them out, and by creating a residency status as opposed to a trespass status, basically we took approaches that would ensure the most likely possibility of success. We were about creating housing. We weren’t about creating a political statement or symbolic this or symbolic that. We took a kind of a paced approach to securing buildings for the long term.

So after two, three months of clandestine kind of work within the building, both in terms of its immediate renovation, it’s immediate needs for electric and water, etc., etc., we would then go public, so to speak, and have the front door put on and kind of smoke out whatever opposition was going to be smoked out. At that point we’d be prepared to defend ourselves through having created some residency status there and having networked with people in the community to defend the building through public demonstrations and other kinds of approaches and all in all, to give it our best shot for maintaining, holding the buildings. And we were successful both in the South Bronx, in terms of the movement up there with People On the Move and some of the groups that were working up there on it.

Down here, in terms of some of the politics of this thing, we always felt that, and to this day believe, that the buildings should and are, in fact, autonomous, that we never had any central organizing umbrella for something like this. Each of the buildings was autonomous. The people that worked there and lived there ran it. There was no outside authority to tell them what to do, who to bring in or who to evict or how much money they should put in to renovating the building. So we always maintain a strict autonomy among the various buildings and so on.

But what was a centralizing element for us was the collective defense, so that what was referred to as our eviction watch network, which was the phone tree among other things, was a defense mechanism apparatus, if you will, of the squatter scene down here that essentially constituted our organization. And that was it. It was not that we had any kind of centralized organization.

We would have, obviously, a lot of sharing that happened between the buildings, and people would share tools and so forth and at our peak we were working in about 22 buildings here on the Lower East Side.  We lost a number through arson. We lost some buildings through Giuliani and some of the other mayors. They brought tanks and helicopters and SWAT teams and various approaches. We would mount campaigns to try to push that back.

The long and short of it is that 11 buildings have survived the onslaught of both yuppiedom and police state attack here in the Lower East Side, and now, to bring you totally up to date on this, is that these 11 buildings have received some kind of normalization from the City, wherein the ownership of these buildings that we’re in, which we always felt was illegitimate anyway in terms of the City owning this or the City owning that, but from their point of view, title to our buildings has been transferred to this not-for-profit agency which ostensibly will manage our sort of finishing renovations in some of the buildings to bring us up to code, at which point the buildings will be transferred to us legally.

Bonnie Faulkner:
 It sounds like it’s been very successful. Frank, when you talk about collectively defending the buildings, what you mean then is if the police showed up and wanted to evict you that calls would go out and a large group of people would assemble, and what? Would that sort of intimidate the police?

Frank Morales: Well, yeah. It’s not about violence. We don’t possess the kind of artillery that the SWAT team has. In taking these buildings we’re not unconscious about what our status is in terms of the legal structure in this country, but we need to devise ways that we can defend ourselves. So we utilize different methods.

One of the things that we did early on was to create an eviction watch list that was a phone tree that connected all the people in the buildings. And as I said, at one point we had 20-plus buildings – and this is roughly 30, 40 people I guess per building, so it’s like that kind of network. And also people in the neighborhood. We would have a table on the corner of Tompkin Square Park on a Saturday afternoon and ask people who wanted to, to sign the eviction watch list so that in the event that we were being pushed out, they would come to defend us. So they would sign up. People would sign up, and if they couldn’t come then they would be put on a separate list that from work they could call the City authorities who were evicting us. So in other words, everybody who wanted to help out could help out, depending on where they were and what they could do and so forth.

It was a question of organizing for defense. Once people understood what you were doing they supported it. Obviously, the people in the buildings early on understood that, hey, if I don’t support you in your squat then you’re not going to support me in mine, so it was very basic there. So a bunch of people would come out. We would expect all the squatters to come out to support each other. That was the vibe among people. And that’s what happened. That’s why we were able to bring people out.

So if there were two or three cops and some city officials in front of a building standing there with a pad in their hand saying, “According to our records, this building belongs to so-and-so,” we’d say, “Well, look. We have mail, we reside here, we’ve been fixing this building up and we’re not leaving, period. And further than that, we’re not letting you in if you don’t have a warrant with somebody’s name on it.” We kind of trained ourselves to respond in this way, and little by little, people would start showing up. People would start chanting. We’d have a crew that had video cameras and they would be taking pictures of all these people.

Inevitably, the cops would kick it upstairs. They’d go to the phone and they’d call the sergeant or whomever they call and say, “Boss, we don’t know what to do with these guys, squatters. They seem to be – I don’t know. They have mail. They’ve got a Con Ed bill and I don’t know what to do.” They wouldn’t know what to do essentially because, again, when you come outside of the realm of the experience of the enemy, so to speak, they’re confused. They don’t really know how to respond to you. They’ve adapted over time but, again, in general, when you come outside the realm of their experience they don’t quite know how to respond to you, and that’s what happened.

So basically, at the point that the political nature of what we were doing kind of hit home to the powers that be down at City Hall, when it was clear to them that they needed to nip the thing in the bud, then they would, from the top down, instruct the local police to go about and try to push us out. They realized early on, because we would defend ourselves. All the buildings had barricades and we would have means of securing the building so that it wasn’t going to be easy. We made it very difficult and through letting the people know in the community and media releases to the press and so forth, just basically showing people that unless people stood up, there wasn’t going to be any housing for people, there wasn’t going to be the ability for people to meet their basic needs.

So we were trying to provide an example in some ways but mostly we were organizing to defend ourselves and it was effective to a large extent. We were able to maintain the buildings throughout a period of pretty intensive repression. From ’85 to ’90 we had a bunch of run-ins with the police as functionaries for the real estate industry or the various mayors’ political agendas or what have you.

Bonnie Faulkner: Who owns the buildings that you squat in?

Frank Morales: Who owns the buildings? Basically, when the abandonment took place, this whole planned shrinkage created all this abandoned housing, which I was alluding to earlier – because the process of squatting emerges out of a situation where there’s massive displacement, homelessness and so forth. That’s the context within which it takes place.

Bonnie Faulkner: But I mean who were the original owners of the buildings that you then moved into?

Frank Morales: Take the lower East Side here. In the ‘30s, ‘40s, ‘50s and the ‘60s, a lot of these buildings were owned by what we might refer to as small owners, like ma-and-pa owners. They’d have a building or whatever. Some time after the late ‘60s, where I was making the point before, there were a whole series of things that took place which made it very difficult for small owners to maintain their buildings.

Suddenly there were new taxes put on them, there were various courts set up. In New York City there was a court set up to bring in these small owners and take their buildings away from them for inability to pay taxes or in some cases, where the owners just threw their arms up because the neighborhoods were burning down around them and they just had to get rid of them or what have you.

All I’m saying is that the mechanism for the transfer of massive numbers of units from diversified small owners into the hands of one public entity took place from the early ‘70s right through the sort of middle and later ‘70s, and an agency was set up in New York here called Housing Preservation and Development, which is a misnomer, but that agency was set up to basically take in all of these properties that were transferred from small owners into what essentially was a public agency that was going to broker these buildings to the rich over time and land bank them.

So these abandoned buildings that were all cinder-blocked up were ostensibly owned by the City, by the so-called public entity, the Housing Preservation and Development, which along with the Housing Authority in the public housing, the projects, was the biggest landlord in New York. They had 100,000 units when we started taking buildings here on the Lower East Side. They owned those buildings ostensibly through this process, which we always maintained was illegitimate and illegal, but essentially that’s how the City became the “owner.”

Now, what they did with these buildings was just warehouse them. They didn’t invest a whole lot of money in upgrading them. They just put cinder blocks on them, very often did not put any kind of tarps on the roofs or anything like that – and we’re talking hundreds of thousands of apartments here, just block after block after block in different neighborhoods down here and the buildings were just sitting there, open to the elements, just sort of rotting away, some for 10, 15, 20 years.

So this Housing Preservation and Development is a misnomer. It was about land-banking, keeping those buildings off the market, inflating the whole rental thing and then later on brokering those buildings to the incoming, sort of the yuppie forces, and various capital reinvestments and so forth after this whole period of massive disinvestment, red-lining on the part of banks where they wouldn’t give those small owners secondary mortgages on their buildings.

It all contributed to this process where there was this massive abandonment and destruction of whole neighborhoods, not to mention arson for profit and the burning down of whole large sections. There were nights in the Bronx where I could stand on my roof and the sky would be red in some areas.

It was a process which I feel was part of a social control mechanism. This wasn’t simply the invisible hand of capitalism in the housing market, but they were strategies that were hatched as early as the Kerner Commission Report in ’68 which dealt with civil disorder and in their Chapter 17 of the Kerner Commission Report which dealt with housing.

This is a civil disorder commission dealing with civil disorder, namely so-called riots in the cities, and their Chapter 17 deals with housing. In there they advocate a process of dispersal of the urban poor, forcing them out of the cities, what later was recognized to be this program known as spatial de-concentration.

The concept and the mechanisms of this program was put forth by Yolanda Ward and the people from the Grassroots Unity Conference. Yolanda Ward was a black 22-year-old Howard University student who along with some others expropriated these documents from HUD which referred to spatial de-concentration and the whole notion of displacing large numbers of poor people from the urban centers for fear that they posed a threat to the stability of America. At this point, 1967, don’t forget there were so-called riots in 109 cities in 1967 alone.

So the housing question as it related to the issue of social control became an operative aspect of the politics and the strategy of squatting both in the Bronx and the Lower East Side here. We saw squatting as an antidote in some respects, not only to the short-term housing needs but this whole process of spatial de-concentration, that people had to defend themselves on the street in actual, concrete ways to create communities of resistance to resist not only the displacement – because if you think of it metaphorically, if a big fist comes down in the neighborhood and smashes a densely populated poor community in let’s say Harlem, and all those people go shooting out of there defenseless, if you see it visually, and they’re shooting out all over the place, well, where are they going to go?

What we saw is that the process of spatial de-concentration, of planned shrinkage, of creating massive, hundreds of thousands if not millions of homeless people and displaced people around the country … The parallel strategy that went along with that was the creation of the shelter system around the country. The shelter system emerged again in the late ‘70s, early ‘80s, during this period following massive destruction of neighborhoods all throughout the late ‘60s and through the ‘70s.

The federal shelter system was set up to in a sense re-concentrate all those people who had been pushed out of the urban centers, or at least a good portion of them, who were now known as “homeless people.” They were never referred to as displaced former tenants. They were now this new breed of person called homeless person, which by now has a genocidal aspect. When people are forced to live on the street or in shelters and so forth, the life expectancy rate in the shelter system is much lower than it is for the so-called normal population. The incidence of AIDS and TB in the shelter is double what it is outside of the shelters.

It becomes really clear that the whole process of social control, spatial de-concentration, forcing people out of the inner cities and creating this homeless population as a form of state repression is also an element of genocide when you’re thinking in terms of the seriously ill effects that people who are faced with this situation, how they’re living. So our strategy in terms of squatting had to do with survival, particularly in poor communities. It had to do with empowerment to the degree that we were able to defend the buildings and so forth.

And only secondarily but still important, it has to do with deconstructing the ideology, the sanctification of private property. That somehow the right to make a profit on a building, to speculate on buildings, this whole real estate gambit where this building was built that you’re living in 60 years ago and has been paid for 15 times already, this whole speculative process as it affects the housing market, that the whole thing was a sham, that squatting effectively could concretely and practically halt the process of speculation where it was occurring.

In other words, in our buildings there’s been no speculation. This Lower East Side is completely gentrified or at least large segments of it are, and yet that speculation passed over us. We were able to maintain our buildings as affordable and so forth. What we’re saying is that the only way we’re going to be able to really maintain our right concretely to a home that’s affordable to people who fall within the lower-income, working-class category at this point in time, is to seize it and to organize effectively to defend it.

Bonnie Faulkner: So you are saying that spatial de-concentration was consciously planned, carried out and it’s actually referred to in this 1968 Kerner Commission Report?

Frank Morales: Yeah. If you go to the Kerner Commission Report, which again was officially titled The National Commission on Civil Disorder if I’m not mistaken, something like that. Again, it was set up in ’68 and half of its participants were military and police people. According to the executive order which set it up under President Johnson, they were set up not only to study the causes of so-called riots and to deal with short-term solutions to riots – and that’s where the army task force part of the Kerner Commission came in, in terms of the use of non-lethal weapons and the setting up of Operation Garden Plot which deals with civil disturbance planning and so forth.

Chapter 17 of that report deals specifically with the issue of housing and was authored by Anthony Downs. Anthony Downs has a long counterinsurgency history dealing with social control elements, police elements within poor communities. He authored that chapter and in there advocates a dispersal strategy for the urban centers. This whole notion is in a book that he wrote called Opening Up the Suburbs in which he advocated pushing people out of these poor communities, as though the suburbs were going to be welcoming them with open arms. In any case, if you look at that chapter then you get a sense of the direction that these counterinsurgency strategies essentially were looking to implement vis-à-vis housing.

Most people have a difficult time bridging the question of housing and the whole notion of social control, particularly as it deals with militaristic sounding kinds of approaches. But if you looked at areas like the South Bronx and these bombed out areas and so forth and realize that this was happening nationally across the country … To suggest that this was just some kind of invisible process that was not part of some sort of conscious strategy, particularly if you read Chapter 17 in the Kerner Report, is foolhardy.

Our analysis basically led us to the position that squatting was a defensive tactic – on the one hand to defend against this forced removal, to hold land and also to deconstruct ideologically the reverence for capitalism and private property – and at the same time to create communities of resistance, areas where people could organize in other areas as well. The reason that these urban centers were under attack is because they were, in the late ‘60s, organizing effectively – the numbers of various liberation movements – the Black Panthers, the Young Lords and various other peace, justice, liberation movements in the urban center. This is a threat, and the way to eliminate that threat in part, or as the Kerner Commission, Johnson’s executive order, mandated long-term solutions to riots. Long-term solutions to a riot in Harlem might be to displace a third of the population, which is essentially what they did.

Bonnie Faulkner: Now, Frank, you say that the spatial de-concentration strategy led to the creation of a shelter system. Is this shelter system a national system?

Frank Morales: Yeah. The spatial de-concentration, pushing people out, forcing people out of communities led to the shelter system. If you look at the creation of the shelter system nationally, particularly under FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency chairs the board which oversees the shelter system across the country. They saw homelessness as an emergency management situation so the shelter system was set up. That’s separate and distinct from any kind of approach to dealing with housing.

For instance, in New York here these large-scale barracks were created where you’d have like a gymnasium full of cots and you’d have people just sleeping on these cots in these barracks. That form of sheltering people – who mostly happen to be poor black and Latino people – that approach would have been illegal prior to 1979 or in the early ‘80s. Basically what occurred was that there were suits that were made, legal approaches by, for instance, groups like the National Coalition for the Homeless in ’79 and ’80 in Washington, DC, which is the same time FEMA is actually set up in Washington, DC, in ’79 and ’80.

In any case, the suit that took place sued the City administration here in New York around the right to shelter, when in fact, the New York state constitution guarantees a right to a home. Now, the suit was not around a right to a home, so the state is not forced to create housing for homeless people or people who are under-housed. The suit was around a right to shelter and what that did was to create the legislative infrastructure for the shelter system, which heretofore had been illegal, inhumane. In other words, you couldn’t put people who were homeless in a barracks before the Coalition for the Homeless sued for the right to shelter as separate and distinct from the right to a home.

In any case, the National Coalition for the Homeless emerging at this point along with FEMA, which oversees the national board, which oversees the shelter system nationally … Add to that the actual day-to-day life within these barracks places. I refer to it as low-intensity detention center. Anyone who has been to them would recognize that. These are places that there’s video surveillance apparatuses everywhere you look, they’re like prisons. The guys and women are told they have to leave at 7 or 8 or 9 in the morning and they can come back in only as late as so-and-so and their lives are strictly regimented. As I said before, the life expectancy of people who are in these shelters as well as people who are living on the streets, and who knows how many people won’t go into these shelters, there have been studies. There was a study done by some medical people here in New York about this whole question of the shelter system.

In any case, the approach has been towards controlling, detaining, isolating, disempowering people who were displaced in this area and FEMA and the shelter system came into being as a part of that strategy.

Bonnie Faulkner: I don’t think that most people know that shelters used to be illegal. I didn’t know that.

Frank Morales: Yeah. It wouldn’t have been possible for the City of New York to “house” people or shelter people in a barracks-style approach. There are various what are called warrant of habitability laws. They wouldn’t have met the standards that are required to make it a legal housing situation so that the right to shelter suit forced the City’s “hand” to put people in barracks where they could be more closely monitored, where the incidence of AIDS and TB would be much higher than it was on the street and so on.

That’s just the objective circumstances of it. I tend to think that was part of the strategy to avoid people organizing around the right to a home rather than a right to shelter, which confuses people but they’re quite different.

Bonnie Faulkner: Could you talk a little bit more about how spatial de-concentration was accomplished? It sounded like there were small businesses that could not continue and had to either sell out or go bankrupt. Was this an attack on the middle and lower-middle class in the city centers after the riots of the ‘60s?

Frank Morales: Yeah. I think that it was very clear in the late ‘60s and ‘70s that a lot of the small owners were not able to maintain their buildings. There were various things that took place. The most telling was the whole process of redlining on the part of banks. For instance, somebody who had a building here on 10th Street and Avenue B since the ‘20s, had been getting their mortgages refinanced or what have you with the local bank and had a relationship with the bank and so forth all those years, suddenly, the bank was not willing to refinance their loan. And people who owned buildings were not necessarily making money on rents. They were making any kind of profit that they could put back into the building, if they were honorable, from the refinancing that the bank would give them on their mortgage based on the upwardly spiraling value of their building, etc., etc.

In any case, the banks decided that they would no longer make loans or refinance mortgages in particular neighborhoods. And the concept red-lining refers to a map inside of a bank president’s office or something where they have a red line drawn around the neighborhood and they say, well, we’re not giving any loans to that neighborhood.

The reality of it was that there was massive disinvestment on the part of certain banks targeting certain neighborhoods. They wouldn’t make loans in those neighborhoods even if they were situated in those neighborhoods.

When I was living in the South Bronx in 1980, we went to a Citibank on the corner of 149th Street and 3rd Avenue, right in the center of the South Bronx. We went into their bank, and through the community reinvestment act, a public citizen is able to go into a bank and demand to see their community reinvestment portfolio, which basically lists the loans that they’ve made in that neighborhood. I think you can still do this. They literally have to supply you with a little table and a light and all that, and you can look through this.

In any case, the bank on 149th Street and Third Avenue in the South Bronx in that year made, I think it was like 150 loans, like that; 149 of those loans were made to Westchester County people, which if you’re familiar with New York, it’s like the south side’s very poor and Westchester’s very wealthy. This bank was obviously utilizing the funds that were coming into it from the small savings that people had in that community – this was a poor neighborhood – and utilizing those funds but not giving anything back. If a person came in for a loan or some small business or some person who had a building, was looking to get their roof fixed and needed a loan they couldn’t get those. There was disinvestment.

You couple this with the other kinds of effects … Sanitation pickup suddenly decreased. They were picking up garbage three times a week; then they only picked it up one time a week. There were all kinds of drugs that were coming into these neighborhoods at this point. Down here on the lower east side you could stand at any of the four corners down here and it was like a market. People would see limos lined up and people would be scoring left and right. And everybody knows now that there was in some cases some collusion between the local so-called law enforcement and the drug-pushers.

So you had this whole process. You have all these, what is referred to as a synergy of effects in these communities, which led to the destruction of these neighborhoods, the physical destruction. So when you’re dealing on that level there are certain military analogies that are not so far off, particularly when you’re looking at a phrase like spatial de-concentration – which is a HUD term. It’s used in some HUD documents. Others refer to planned shrinkage or Downs in the Kerner Commission talks about dispersal, dispersing these urban populations and so forth.

The process has led to the complete destruction of certain communities, the disenfranchising of large numbers of people because you can’t vote if you’re on the move, you’re migrant, you don’t have any address. And eventually, if not worse, the re-concentration of people within these barracks-styled so-called shelter system, which is a low-intensity detention center.

Bonnie Faulkner: And the destruction of these neighborhoods, it sound quite clearly, was done purposefully. This was a conscious plan. I think that’s what’s so shocking.

Frank Morales: Yeah. If you look at the period, in 1967-68-69, in there – there was great fear among the corporate elite and their henchmen at the Pentagon and in the Congress that insurrection was breaking out. It may be hard to recall what this was like but they were very concerned that the ship of state was on rocky terrain. By 1975 the Trilateral Commission – David Rockefeller’s European/Japanese/American think tank – issued the Crisis in Democracy report, authored by Samuel Huntington, NYU Press, 1975, which concludes with the statement that, “Therefore, there are potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy” … That there are “limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy.”

The sense that they had at that point was that there was what Huntington referred to in that report, the Trilateral Report, as an excess of democracy. There was too much democracy; therefore, that was the reason for this massive protest, the anti-movement, etc. Their analysis of the ‘60s had to do all with too much democracy, we have to shrink democracy. The shrinking of democracy, the analogy, is planned shrinkage on the housing front, to undercut the ability of people to organize if you take out their house.

The same Trilateral report referred to the ominous equation, from their perspective, of education and political participation. Huntington at one point argues in the book that, ’Well, there seem to be studies that black political participation is equated to black people going more to college. So by shrinking one we might shrink the other.’ This is the kind of analysis these people made. The book is basically a blueprint for counterrevolution. What you’re seeing since the attack on the ability of poor working-class people to move into higher education and so forth grows right out of this period.

It’s counterrevolutionary strategies that deal with the issue of social control, in terms of communities that were on the housing question, questions of health care, the availability of work, jobs, etc. From my perspective, it’s all part of a counterinsurgency that grew out of this period and is still with us. I think these same notions are still operative. In some senses it’s more pronounced now.

But yeah, it’s hard for people to recognize that the kinds of things that took place in community after community after community around this country in terms of the displacement of massive numbers of people and the emergence of homeless population as being anything other than some invisible consequence of the economy alone. From the left point of view, capitalism doesn’t want to supply housing for poor people and that’s why there’s so many poor people, and so forth and so on.

I think that if GM from its board headquarters can sit there and define the color of its left bumper from its boardroom right down to the shop floor, that’s not a conspiracy. The elite is capable of organizing in its own self-interest. Particularly if you read reports coming out of the Kerner Report, which advocate these dispersal programs, it seems to me it’s more likely that this is part of a conscious effort.

At this point, we’ve seen the effect of it – the complete destruction of whole communities, the warehousing of people in shelter system and, at this point given the kind of evolutionary deleterious effects on people’s health over a sustained period in terms of being homeless and so forth, there’s a genocidal aspect to it, as well. I think that people really need to look very closely about what we’re dealing with in terms of homelessness and so forth. It’s an issue of state repression. It’s not the invisible hand of the economy or some sort of a moral problem with the poor or God’s wrath upon the poor people or any number of kind of superstitions. This is a conscious strategy to keep people off-balance.

But it was not about that. It’s much more expensive, for instance, to maintain the shelter system than it is to provide the housing. In New York here we have these so-called welfare hotels and so forth. It’s everyday knowledge that there’s massive amounts of fraud and money and all kinds of waste in these places. It’s like what we hear about the prisons. ‘Oh, it costs $150,000 a year to keep one inmate in a jail when we could build them a house, send them to school’ and so forth.

That’s the point. It’s not about that. It’s about social control. It’s about genocide. It’s about disempowerment. So this is counterinsurgency within the context of housing. We need to break down the separations that we have in terms of these categories and begin to see some of these questions in a new way.

Bonnie Faulkner: Frank, could you tell us again the name of the book you referred to? I think people would be interested in that.

Frank Morales: Yeah. I think it’s something that everyone should have in their library. It’s called Crisis In Democracy. It’s NYU Press. It’s out of print but these days maybe people can find these things. NYU Press, 1975. It’s very worthwhile reading. You hear a lot about the Trilateral Commission from some of the more esoteric sects but it’s real. There’s this report, and it’s interesting to me that it was authored by Samuel Huntington, who currently is pushing the whole clash of civilizations and he’s one of these people they constantly sort of recirculate. He’s one of the intellectual, although that’s an oxymoron in terms of his political and moral viewpoint.

But in any case, it’s The Crisis in Democracy, the final report of the Trilateral Commission. I think the subtitle is On the Governability of Society or something like that. It’s basically dealing with the question of how to maintain the ship of state amidst the “distemper,” which is another word for protest of the period.

Again, this is 1975, so they’re looking back, analyzing, making recommendations in terms of reducing the educational availability for blacks. It talks about the media as being a problem during Vietnam. You see where that wound up. So it kind of lays out strategies. That and the Kerner Commission Report, which I’d also recommend – particularly Chapter 17, if people are interested in the housing question as it relates to civil disorder. Again, we have to break down separation between these categories and begin to see exactly what’s going on. I would recommend both of those. The Kerner Commission Report, you really want to get the original – the New York Times version, kind of like the Warren Commission version, it’s okay but it’s less accurate, so you need the Government Printing Office version of the Kerner Commission Report, particularly Chapter 17.

Bonnie Faulkner: Frank, I wanted to finish up with your personal experience in New York City. You mentioned that there are 11 buildings now that are occupied and perhaps owned by a nonprofit, but that in the process over the past few decades several buildings were lost to arson. Could you tell us a little bit about what happened? Now, were some of the buildings attacked by the city?

Frank Morales: I wouldn’t say they were attacked by the city. They were basically people who either are working in the interests of real estate, people who saw us as a problem – because don’t forget, if people on a block recognize that, ‘Hey, some people took over those buildings and they’re still there’ and so on, you create a model. You inspire people to begin to move outside of the real estate game, and that once you begin to create an environment in a neighborhood that is not friendly to speculation – see, real estate people come into a neighborhood and they look and if there’s three or four squats on that block they may not want to invest in that block, and it creates like a geometric effect. So it’s very dangerous from the point of view of these real estate people.

Bonnie Faulkner: You had mentioned Mayor Giuliani, and that when he was mayor there in New York City that several of the buildings were attacked. Maybe I misunderstood you.

Frank Morales: Well, there were a couple of cases. In 1989 we had a building on 8th Street here that suffered an arson. When I say that, you could smell the gasoline. The fire department came and it was determined that it was an arson and so on and so forth, and we commenced to try to defend the building and we had a major showdown with the police on that.

Just to give people a sense of what went down there, the night when it was finally determined that they were going to demolish the building, they surrounded not only the building with riot cops and so forth but for four or five square blocks in the neighborhood there was a cop posted every 10 feet, just the complete neighborhood. And in order to get home you had to show ID. It was a sort of a martial law situation.

In another case we had a tank roll down 13th Street, an armored personnel carrier, along with SWAT teams and automatic rifles and helicopters, basically an all-out kind of military assault. The FEMA truck would be there coordinating communication and so on. These were, from our perspective, kind of police-state, military-style operations.

So we had a number of confrontations and at that time, hundreds of people would come out form the neighborhood. We would get involved in pushing and shoving with the police to defend the house, and some of those times were rough in the sense that we were not always able to withstand the kind of police repression that came down. We lost some buildings that way and had to watch them be demolished.

But at the same time, we won the war in a sense because it would create so much negative publicity and it would also give the City a sense that, ‘Hey, every time we make a move and try to take one of these buildings it sets us back so much’ that they were unable after a period of time to just continually come at us because we kept the resistance up.

Bonnie Faulkner: Frank, is there anything else that you would like to add, that people need to know about this subject?

Frank Morales: I just think that the important thing for people to know is that it’s possible for people to work together. People would say to us, “Well, you don’t have the ability to renovate those buildings.” “You’re not going to get people to work together who don’t know each other.” There was all this kind of stuff and that’s the thing. If people have the audacity and the ability, the vision, to make this move – to look at the building, do some research, get in there and start working on it, then people will realize how much power they have. There’s no way of knowing that unless you take action.

It’s like we’re saying; there’s no human right to a home unless it’s in some abstract realm somewhere. You make it real. And once you make it real and people feel it, and I can’t begin to explain to you what it feels like to function within a context – and not to sound, whatever – but it’s freedom. To get outside of the claws of this whole speculation in housing market, this whole profit-making off of the land. The land can’t be bought and sold. People’s right to a home is literally that, but that whole thing, which everybody lives with, if people could just taste what it’s like to live free of that and to understand that it’s not just to pay 50% or 75% or whatever, like a lot of poor working-class people are paying, these rents and so forth. The whole thing is a fraud.

And if we organize to take buildings and to take land and to create housing as a human right and do it collectively there’s no amount of police that can stop it once it’s really gotten going. This is a phenomena that’s taking place around the world. The idea of people seizing the resources to create housing for themselves is the dominant movement in the world. I’m not trying to make an extreme statement. There are more people moving from the rural areas to the urban centers over the last 10, 15 years than any other mass movement of people in history. The largest migration of human beings ever in the history of the planet is taking place currently, and it’s a move from rural to urban.

There’s a lot of reasons, there’s a lot of militarism, agriculture being bought up by the big corporations, etc., etc. People are coming into the cities. There’s this large move. No urban center in the world is equipped to deal with housing people, particularly poor people, whether it’s Nairobi, whether it’s Lima, whether it’s New York City. So things are no different here than they are in other places in terms of the ability or the willingness of the municipality to supply housing for poor and working-class people that they can afford. So that’s happening all over the planet.

What’s happening as a result of that is that squatting is the predominant way that 75% of poor people around the world are currently housing themselves – three-quarters of the housing that poor people are living in around the world – three-quarters. This is according to the United Nations Office on Human Settlements. Three-quarters of the housing that they’re currently living in they made themselves. To me, that’s a phenomenal statement both in a positive and negative way, but the fact is that most poor people who are living in a house, it’s a house they created, they made themselves, they seized, they’re squatting, they’re moving to seize their right to survive. But it’s also a right to life as opposed to mere survival under some exploitive rental situation, because that’s the thing that I was referring to before. In terms of moving in this way, you understand what it is to live and not to just survive as sort of a slave to some greedy landlord.

I think the more people and tenants as well realize this and begin to organize rent strikes in order to finance squats and begin to collaborate – because these are processes that create a negative environment for real estate speculation. It’s a campaign of dissuasion, of getting real estate interests not interested in your community. You start seizing land and right away they’re not going to want to be there.

This is something that I’ve always wanted to communicate to people about the possibilities that exist in terms of squatting, in a kind of direct action for housing.

Bonnie Faulkner: Frank, as a squatter, I assume you don’t pay rent.

Frank Morales: No. We don’t pay rent. What we do is we pool our financial resources. People always said that, “You guys just don’t want to pay rent,” etc., etc. But the thing is that if we have to fix a roof and we have to put in some joists – these are 23 foot long big, heavy beams – and if we have to put those in, nobody’s giving us any money for this. We have to buy them.

So basically, the monies that are used in the squats are to renovate the buildings and to renovate our houses, to create community spaces, community kitchens, to create areas that are public in terms of cafes and things like that, to organize in the context of freedom, not to give our money away to some landlord under the guise that they “own” the building when it was built by some Italian, Yiddish, Irish people in this neighborhood 50, 60, 70 years ago and has been bought and paid for 15,000 times over already. The whole speculation’s just a fraud. It’s a moral obscenity to have people paying out all this money to these people so they can just sort of participate in greed, which is not healthy. It’s not good for them. It’s not beneficial to anyone.

If people begin to get hold of this and understand that it’s a model for people in all kinds of places in all different parts of the world and it’s happening all over the world, it’s a way to empower communities. So I’m always suggesting to people that work in the housing area and so forth to begin to look seriously at this whole idea of squatting and direct action approaches to some of these areas and other creative means of utilizing rent strikes and other kinds of approaches to get housing.

It’s clear the federal government and the powers that be have no interest in creating affordable housing for people. They’re only interested in big profits and gentrification and the kind of yuppie thing.

Bonnie Faulkner: Yes, the problem is very severe here in California. The housing is so extremely expensive that basically it has the population terrorized, in my opinion.

Frank Morales: Yes. In other parts of the world where you don’t have abandoned structures, per se – I’m getting very particular about it now, but if you’re dealing with a situation where there’s just fields and so forth, like in Lima or in Mexico City or in different parts of the world where squatting is done, they have a different approach because obviously they’re not dealing with abandoned buildings, they’re dealing with whole stretches of land where they go in and in the course of a week or two they create whole communities. It’s a level of organization that they’ve taken on and they’re implementing it and creating housing for themselves.

Where there’s a will there’s a way. People just have to get over the fear, the ideological fixation on private property and “Oh, this is somehow not right” and this kind of thing, and begin to feel what it’s like to be free, feel what it’s like to live outside of that speculation, that extortion racket that people assume it exists, therefore it’s right. Well, it’s not. People can begin to feel that and feel their power in organizing for this kind of direct action takeovers, then creating housing for themselves and collectively defending it.

Bonnie Faulkner: That’s so inspiring. Thank you so much, Frank.

Frank Morales: Thank you, Bonnie.

* * * * *

I’ve been speaking with author and housing activist, Frank Morales.  Today’s show has been The Squatter Movement:  Seizing Housing.  Today’s show was from November 2003.  Frank Morales can be reached by email at [email protected]. Guns and Butter is produced by Bonnie Faulkner and Yarrow Mahko. Email us at [email protected]. Visit our website at  Follow us at #gandbradio.

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Less than a week after Russia marked its annual Victory Day commemoration of the end of the Second World War, NATO troops began planned military exercises in Estonia all the way up to Russia’s border. It begs the question – are these people actually mad?

Many countries and many people suffered enormously during World War Two. It was the first conflict in history in which technology played a dominant part in the air, on land, and at sea, allowing for the development of weaponry of unparalleled destructive force, power, and reach. Add to this the brutality and barbarism of the fascist ideology that underpinned the war, with its objective of eradicating entire peoples from the earth, the carnage that ensued was inevitable.

No country suffered more than the Soviet Union over the course of the war, and no people suffered more than the Russian people, who made up the vast bulk of the Soviet population. It is estimated that between 25-30 million Russian and Soviet citizens perished, while the country itself was devastated, turned upside down and inside out.

Consequently, this is a conflict that left deep and eternal scars on the Russian psyche. It is something that Western ideologues either fail to understand, or do understand and don’t care. How else are we to explain NATO military exercises in Estonia starting in the wake of the annual Victory Day commemoration? How else are we to explain the said exercises being conducted on the Estonian-Russian border? Above all, how are we to explain that among the 5,000 or so NATO troops taking part are German and Estonian troops?

If this doesn’t qualify as a provocation, what does?

Why is the West and NATO intent on pursuing a cold war strategy when it comes to Russia? How can it possibly profit Western countries and their citizens to experience a return to the decades of enmity previous generations endured, with all the dangers that such a state of mutual antagonism brings?

Russia considers its security to be every bit as precious and non-negotiable as the US, UK, France, Germany do theirs, with its people and government reminded of the centrality of security to the nation’s wellbeing each Victory Day. A nation that lost and sacrificed so much in the war against fascism seven decades ago would be remiss if it did not refuse to countenance any attempt to weaken or probe its defenses today. It simply cannot be allowed to happen.

Yet despite what should be a matter of basic logic, we have countries on Russia’s border – Ukraine, Estonia, Georgia et al. – doing their utmost to cause tension and discord. In the case of eastern Ukraine in 2014 and Georgia in 2008, conflict was the inevitable result, and is evidence of Washington and the West’s refusal to consider any other option when it comes to relations with Russia than vanquished enemy or deadly foe.

It is also relevant to ponder the benefits the countries on Russia’s border have enjoyed or are enjoying as a result of their turn to the West. Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe after Russia, is today an economic and political basket case. The decision to sever all economic and political ties with Russia has caused living standards to fall by more than 50 percent in a year, while the value of its currency (hryvnia) has dipped by two thirds. Inflation, meanwhile, has risen to a whopping 43 percent.

Forced to rely on IMF bailout loans in order to forestall complete economic collapse, Ukraine is a prime example of Western promises not being matched by Western reality. For Western governments the plight of the Ukrainian people comes low on a list of priorities dominated by strategic and self serving objectives. In other words, if the price of weakening Russia is misery and economic collapse for Ukraine and its people then so be it.

Estonia has fared significantly better than Ukraine as a result of moving into a Western orbit. Indeed, in terms of growth and innovation there is no doubt that Estonia has been a success story, even though its economy is highly indebted to external creditors.
However the sustainability of Estonia’s economic success and stability is contingent on stable relations with Russia. The more stable those relations the more stable the Estonian economy, and vice versa. It is a simple equation that the Estonian government appears to have great difficulty in grasping, given its desire to join NATO and have NATO forces permanently stationed on its territory.

Such a course can only lead to a bad outcome. Given its recent history, when invasion and occupation decimated its land and people, Moscow cannot be expected to acquiesce to NATO expanding all the way up to its borders. Indeed the very idea is preposterous, and would immediately turn countries such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania from neighboring states into frontline states, with all the potential and inherent dangers involved.

Ultimately, common sense must prevail. The 25-30 million who perished in the war against fascism did not do so in order for Russia to stand idly by while the West, its allies in that struggle, attempts to box it in with what is tantamount to a military, economic, and geopolitical cordon sanitaire.

It really doesn’t have to be this way. Russia and the West do not have to be enemies. They can also be partners. Moreover, in a globalized world facing global threats and challenges, there is no longer any excuse for cold war attitudes. The millions living in the countries concerned surely deserve better.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

John Wight has written for newspapers and websites across the world, including the Independent, Morning Star, Huffington Post, Counterpunch, London Progressive Journal, and Foreign Policy Journal. He is also a regular commentator on RT and BBC Radio. He wrote a memoir of the five years he spent in Hollywood, where he worked in the movie industry prior to becoming a full time activist and organizer with the US antiwar movement post-9/11. The book is titled Dreams That Die and is published by Zero Books. John is currently working on a book exploring the role of the West in the Arab Spring. You can follow him on Twitter @JohnWight1

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Nell’incontro con i governanti di Svezia, Danimarca, Finlandia, Islanda e Norvegia, il 13 maggio a Washington, Obama ha denunciato «la crescente presenza e postura militare aggressiva della Russia nella regione baltico/nordica». Siamo, si badi bene, al confine russo prima protetto dal Patto di Varsavia, ma ora tutti i paesi dell’ex socialismo realizzato sono entrati nella Nato che pericolosamente, come ha dimostrato il disastro della crisi in Ucraina, si allarga ad est intorno alla frontiera russa. Di chi è la postura militare? E Obama ha riaffermato l’impegno americano per la «difesa collettiva dell’Europa». Dimostrato con i fatti il giorno prima, quando alla base aerea di Deveselu in Romania è stata inaugurata la «Aegis Ashore», installazione terrestre del sistema missilistico Aegis degli Stati uniti.

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At a ribbon cutting ceremony at the air base of Deveselu in Romania, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg inaugurated the “Aegis Ashore” land-based installation of the U.S. Aegis missile system.

Stoltenberg thanked the United States, because this installation greatly increases its ability to “defend European allies against ballistic missiles outside the Euro-Atlantic area.” He announced the start of work to establish another “Aegis Ashore” in Poland, similar to the one in operation in Romania. This one will also be equipped with Lockheed Martin’s SM-3 interceptor missiles and MK 41 vertical launchers.

The two land-based installations are added to four Aegis ships (also equipped with SM-3 missiles and vertical launchers) which – sent out by the U.S. Navy from the Spanish base of Rota — cross the Mediterranean, Black Sea and Baltic Sea, while linked to a powerful radar system in Turkey and a command center in Germany.

NATO’s Secretary General on the one hand says that “our missile defense program is a long-term investment against a long-term threat.” On the other he ensures us that “this site in Romania, just as the one in Poland, is not directed against Russia.”

The function of the so-called “Scud” anti-missiles is actually offensive. If the United States were able to implement a reliable system capable of intercepting ballistic missiles, it could keep Russia under the threat of a nuclear first strike, relying on the ability of the “Scuds” (shields) to neutralize the effects of retaliation.

In reality this is not possible at the present stage, because Russia and also China can take various countermeasures, which makes it impossible to intercept all nuclear warheads.

For what then is the Aegis system being deployed in Europe, and which the U.S. is enhancing? Look to Lockheed Martin itself for the explanation. Illustrating the technical features of the Mk 41 vertical launch system — the one installed on Aegis missile ships and now even in the land base of Deveselu – the company stresses that it is capable of launching «missiles for every mission: anti-air, anti-ship, anti-submarine and to attack ground targets.” Each launch tube is adaptable to any missile, both to interceptors and to those for a nuclear attack.

Thus, no one can know which missiles are really deployed in vertical launchers at Deveselu or those on board vessels sailing in the Russian territorial waters. Unable to inspect them, Moscow must assume missiles are present that enable a nuclear attack.

Europe thus returns to a climate of Cold War, to the benefit of the United States, which can thus increase its influence on its European allies.

In the meeting with the leaders of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway on May 13 in Washington, President Barack Obama denounced “the growing presence and aggressive military posture of Russia in the Baltic-North Sea region” as he reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to “Europe’s collective defense.”

At the same meeting, Obama highlighted the European consensus to maintain sanctions against Russia, praising in particular Denmark, Finland and Sweden, who, “as members of the EU, strongly support the TTIP, a treaty that I reaffirm that I want to conclude before the end of year.” We see that Lockheed’s vertical launchers can also contain the TTIP missile.


Article in Italian :

roumanie usa

Missili Usa in Romania e Polonia: l’Europa sul fronte nucleare

Translation by John Catalinotto

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First published in October 2015

On October 27, the US Navy guided cruise missile destroyer the USS Lassen sailed within 12 nautical miles of Spratly Islands in the South China Sea despite repeated warnings from China that such overt action would be taken as a deliberate provocation in an already strained relationship between the United States and China.

Alarmed Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui immediately summoned US Ambassador to China Max Baucus chastising him for the naval envoy’s near island pass-by, calling it an “extremely irresponsible action” and “a threat to China’s national sovereignty.”

China’s Communist Party run Global Times declared that by exercising tactful restraint but preparing for the worst, China is showing the White House that it “is not frightened to fight a war with the US in the region.” The article goes on to say that should any US ships linger in the area, China must “launch electronic interventions, and even send out warships, lock them by fire-control radar and fly over the US vessels.”

China’s leading military newspaper The People’s Liberation Army Daily took a bullseye pot shot at US Empire of Chaos’ track record in Iraq and Afghanistan:

“Cast-iron facts show that time and again the United States recklessly uses force and starts wars, stirring things up where once there was stability, causing the bitterest of harm to those countries directly involved.”

Despite knowing the US naval destroyer would be perceived by China as a direct act of aggression, the Pentagon had been pushing for a naval challenge to China’s claims over the islands since last May. US military strategists insist that US patrols in the area need to be ongoing and regular as opposed to more than three years apart which is when a US naval vessel last passed through the Spratly archipelago. As if to egg China on, an anonymous US official boasted, “We will do it again. We sail in international waters at a time of our choosing.”  Clearly with so much at stake, warmongering hawks are pressuring Obama into yet more confrontation with US adversaries Russia and China.

Other US puppet nation allies like the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan are also disputing claims of their own with China over island territories and are eager for their USA protectorate to prove that its global hegemony still reigns supreme despite Russia’s recent challenge to US control over the Middle East. Like virtually everything, the bottom line is money, $5.3 trillion a year in global trade and 30% of the world’s oil supply pass through the busy Asian Pacific sea lane.

Already embroiled in a fierce currency war as well as a heated cyber-war, not to mention a covert saboteur war of incendiary explosion exchange, it now appears Obama is willing to add to his war itinerary by risking to ignite a world war. Author-journalist John Wright wrote in an article featured in RT entitled “China is no longer a colony of the West and will not be bullied:”

“We can only continue to expose the rampant hypocrisy and double standards that informs US engagement with other nations and regions… Also clear is that the only path to peace and stability is a multipolar alternative to the unipolarity enjoyed by the US over the past three decades.”

Fresh off having his bluff called by Putin in the Middle East when earlier this month Putin outed Obama’s fake war against ISIS, the bruised, sagging superpower ego of US Empire of Chaos appears now on a diehard cruising-for-a-bruising mission in the South China Sea. Or as neocon Defense Secretary Ashton Carter arrogantly baited China earlier this month:

“Make no mistake, the United States will fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows, as we do around the world, and the South China Sea is not and will not be an exception.”

Ships navigating outside a twelve nautical mile range of coastal waters are considered within an international neutral zone where nations’ vessels exercise free navigation rights. But the US naval destroyer sailing closer than the twelve mile limit has triggered an intense international drama with still unknown and undetermined consequences.

The US bone of contention is what the feds call the artificial buildup of land, an estimated 3000 acres of turf built upon reefs and rocks that China’s been busily reclaiming, digging up sand drudge from the ocean floor and constructing facilities that include a future airstrip. Despite Chinese president Xi Jinping’s assurance last month echoed again this month by a prominent Chinese general that the island development is strictly for civilian purposes, previous statements out of Beijing have specified intentions for both civilian and military use. Because these newly emerging islands that China is claiming are not considered natural land masses, the US government maintains that a patrolling warship that sails less than twelve nautical miles from artificially built up islands is not in actual violation of any international sea law, and by technicality, this contention is correct.

But once again the United States is taking full advantage operating on its long cherished yet grandiose notion of US exceptionalism. In virtually every Obama speech he incessantly invokes American exceptionalism as his justification passport for every global transgression committed by the US Empire. As if granted by God given decree, the US alone holds exclusionary rights to go and do anything it wants anywhere it wants in the world by land, air or sea, while the rest of the world must comply in strict accordance with agreed upon international law.

This phony double standard has worn ever so thin on the rest of the world. Moreover, if roles were reversed and a foreign power’s nuclear armed warships were defiantly resisting all Empire demands to cease and desist vowed acts of aggression, the US would feel fully justified in attacking any invading force as it sees fit. But invariably for well over a century now the imperialistic US Empire automatically invokes a license cloaked in self-anointed exceptionalism that hypocritically permits it to freely operate killing people and nations around the globe at will with absolute impunity. Those days are over for the no longer invincible sole world superpower delusionally bent on maintaining its unipolar prowess to do as it pleases wherever and whenever simply because it can.

As an emerging global giant of a nation possessing the most people on earth, China has been flexing its muscle economically as evidenced earlier this year when the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank drew all of America’s foremost allies rushing to join as founding members. Clearly this marked a turning point where international balance of power is rapidly shifting from West to East. But then when truth be told, can anyone really blame China and Russia for exercising their unified power to join forces in order to defend themselves against global superpower bully America?

Pressed by America’s overly aggressive yet failed strategy to isolate both Russia and China by pinning them in along their national borders and overtly instigating conflict at their doorstep as in Ukraine and covertly throughout Central Asia, aligning former Soviet Eastern bloc nations as NATO-EU members, and pointing nuclear warhead missiles directly into Russia, the two Eastern powers quickly reformed a defensive political and economic alliance that includes a $400 billion dollar natural gas pipeline deal and a commitment to extend their influence and power globally.

In the immediate aftermath of February 2014’s US induced coup in Kiev and Putin managing to keep his Crimean naval base intact after the people of Crimea democratically voted to be annexed, the West led by a foiled Obama proceeded to demonize Putin and instantly restart a second cold war installment that brought about US manipulation of drastically lowered oil prices and economic sanctions that are hurting Europe far more than Russia.

These turn of events came just months after Putin saved face for Obama while perhaps saving the world for the rest of us by averting potential world war when Putin brokered a last minute deal with Assad to turn in his chemical weapons after Obama had falsely accused Assad over the Damascus chemical weapons attack that in fact was perpetrated by Obama-backed Islamic terrorists. Obama knowingly used the bogus false flag attack in August 2013 as his flimsily disguised excuse to preemptively launch air strikes on Assad forces and willfully risk WWIII. Thankfully the world with Putin’s help stopped the globalist puppet in his tracks. But with the invention of the latest fake US monster ally-on-steroids ISIS, Obama and company deceitfully finagled their way back into Syria to resume acting out their OCD compulsion for an Assad regime change.

Putting up with continual abuse from US Empire as the world’s only superpower over the last quarter century, as karmic payback Russia and China are now leading the way with BRICS to remove the US dollar/petrodollar as the standard international currency. Even longtime European allies United Kingdom, Germany and France have made overt moves toward abandoning the USD. Also due to Empire’s global destruction and very real threats, in recent years Russia and China have been forced to escalate their own buildup of military budgets, military strength and arms proliferation, so much so that Pentagon generals are publicly worried their armed capability may even surpass in key strategic areas such as air and space hypersonic weaponry the unmatched until recently US Empire killing machine. As it is, back in January this year any hope that Russia and the US might come to an agreement over nuclear disarmament was lost, opening the floodgate to yet another high speed global arms race that can only lead to even more destructively horrific consequences.

Yet for many decades the annual US military budget dwarfed all nations in comparison, up until a few years ago spending nearly as much as the rest of the world combined. But times have changed and though Russia still only spends $50-78 billion while China military spending is up by 10% this year to over $140 billion compared to America’s near $600 billion on national defense, recently Russia and China have significantly closed the gap in military strength. Of course the Pentagon losing $8.5 trillion it somehow cannot account for since 1996 explains how China and Russia have caught up to US making far more prudent use of their defense budget than a thoroughly corrupted Empire in decline. Take for instance the strides in Russian technology to disable cruise missiles and enemy military space satellites along with sophisticated electronic intelligence weaponry Russia is now operating inside Syria, threatening to neutralize and effectively shut down Israel’s vast surveillance apparatus and military dominance over the region.

Putin’s air strikes in Syria are doing what Obama’s fake efforts never could, actually killing terrorists and forcing 3000 of them to run for shelter back to their support bases in Turkey. In the first week alone Russian air strikes destroyed 40% of Islamic jihadists’ infrastructure. The highly touted buffer zone that US-NATO-Turkey insist on maintaining in Syria is no less than their cover to ensure that ISIS’ supply line from Turkey remains open and protected. But Syrian and Kurdish forces with Russian air support are closing in on even cutting off the buffer zone that in effect will leave a bruised and battered ISIS forces under siege. In a feeble attempt to save face earlier this month while Putin was eradicating Obama’s terrorists, Obama continued to defiantly keep his Islamic State-Al Nusra supply line open in Syria by airdropping yet 50 more tons of arms to the very enemy he is supposed to be fighting against for over a year now. The world is waking up and now onto the traitor president – Barack Hussein Obama.

With Obama’s declared Asian pivot a couple years ago (which has also failed miserably), the US boldly called for expanding Empire presence through militarization of East Asia, installing US military and naval bases in the Philippines and Vietnam, giving the go-ahead for Japan to increase its military strength, and despite South Korea’s three-point proposal seeking reunification with North Korea, the Empire of Chaos and Destruction will have no part in any effort toward peace, singlehandedly polarizing the globe on every continent towards a disastrous West versus East military showdown. Just as the USS Lassen’s voyage this week, again it’s all about curbing the rising power of China.

The US military occupies armed bases in over a thousand locations on this planet. The US Special Operations alone are secretly deployed in over 147 nations around the world – that’s in over 75% of the planet’s total number of countries. Just this week in response to all the US military bases in Europe, Putin told a BBC reporter, Why are you threatening us?“ andwhat business have they got there? No other nation on earth comes even remotely close to wielding so much blatant naked power over the rest of the world as US Empire. During this last year alone the planet has undergone more multinational joint military exercises and unprecedented show of force by both sides than any previous time in modern history, all ostensibly prepping in lockstep madness towards a World War III scenario. Last December the House of Representatives granted Obama full war power approval to initiate war against Russia. The US government has proposed preemptive nuclear strike plans against Russia.

And now with Empire’s latest brazen act of defiance in the South China Sea, the mounting cold war tensions are reaching the boiling point, risking what could easily become the fuse that ignites an irreversible, catastrophic world war. Unquestionably it would be the direct and deliberate result of the maniacal, warmongering neocons who for decades have hijacked Washington, and are now in the final stages of insanely pushing humanity off the doomsday cliff.

In possession of the world’s largest army, China is challenging US Empire’s global hegemony attempting to assert its own regional power and presence within the South China Sea. China has repeatedly warned the United States to stay clear of its disputed Spratly Islands. But not wanting to be seen as any more of a paper tiger weakling than he already has, and still no doubt fuming over being outmaneuvered again, outplayed, outclassed and thoroughly humiliated by Putin’s take charge offensive in the Middle East, Obama now has sent a nuclear armed missile destroyer into harm’s way in total defiance of Chinese warnings, automatically placing the entire world population in harm’s way. And it won’t be the last time.

What we have operating here is a lame duck administration that currently appears to no longer have complete control over its mental faculties, willing to plunge the earth into global conflict that could potentially end all life on planet earth. With US already run out of money and collapse of its house of cards economy overdue, war profiteering globalists never fail to manufacture war as their go-to option, knowing a cataclysmic world war will allow them to usher in their centuries old global objective of one world government.

The eugenic-minded, anti-life evildoers in Washington actually believe that as the elite’s chosen puppets with well-prepared luxurious underground bunkers as their emergency contingency plans carefully in place, they and their globalist puppet masters will win their next big war and survive to celebrate their victory. In contrast, it seems that the only real voice of reason coming from this unraveling global stage gone berserk is Putin who readily admitted a weak ago that “there are no winners in a global conflict,” especially if all of us above ground earthlings are dead.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.”  It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at

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Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, emeritus, University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in Humanities by the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua in recognition of his commitment to the “cause of freedom and universal justice, and his contributions in the field of Economics, Political Science and the Humanities.”

Rector Ramona Rodriguez Perez, presented the Diploma and medal at a ceremony, held on Tuesday, May 17 in the Auditorium “Fernando Gordillo Cervantes”.

Presiding over the ceremony, were the Rector Ramona Rodriguez Perez; Vice-Rector Jaime Lopez Lowery; the Secretary General, Dr. Luis Alfredo Lobato White; Vice Rector for Research, Pichardo Javier Ramirez and Vice-Rector Academic, Dr. Hugo Gutierrez Ocon.

The venue was attended by members of the University Council, ambassadors, representatives of state institutions, professors and students  of the UNAN.

The granting of this distinction was approved by the University Council at the regular meeting of April 15, 2016, considering that Dr. Chossudovsky is a

“true example for our university community as a prominent academic and intellectual as well as a progressive voice in the international arena. He is world figure in the struggle for peace, human rights and the cause of the oppressed peoples against social injustic.”

In her speech, the Rector said:

“This event allows us to highlight the importance of international solidarity. It is not possible for us to limit our academic activity and scientific work to local and national issues. The strength of our institution will largely depend on our understanding of the New World Order which surrounds us and which affects our social and economic realities.  We must develop social awareness of the injustices of the world and reflect on the great problems facing humanity including conflicts, natural disasters, social injustice and crisis.”

She also referred to the role of the University at the international level which “allows us to promote our values and principles to contribute to a more united world”.

Translated by GR.

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On May 18th, Britain’s Guardian headlined 

“West and Russia on course for war, says ex-Nato deputy commander” and reported that the former deputy commander of NATO, the former British general Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff (who was Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2011-2014), expressed outrage that Britain isn’t urgently preparing for war against Russia, and also reported that “He describes Russia as now the west’s most dangerous adversary and says Putin’s course can only be stopped if the west wakes up to the real possibility of war and takes urgent action. … In a chilling scenario, he predicts that Russia, in order to escape what it believes to be encirclement by Nato, will seize territory in eastern Ukraine.” (That’s the Donbass region, where there has been a civil war.)

This encirclement by NATO is, apparently, about to be expanded: Shirreff will now be satisfied by NATO, even if not by its member the UK, of which Shirreff happens to be a citizen. New Europe bannered the same day, “NATO lays down the cards on its Russia policy”, and reported that, “In two distinct pre-ministerial press conferences on Wednesday [May 18th], the General Secretary of NATO Jens Stoltenberg and the US Ambassador to NATO, Daglas Lute, introduced the Russia agenda to be covered.

Both NATO leaders said that the Accession Protocol Montenegro is signing on Thursday is a strong affirmation of NATO’s open door policy, mentioning explicitly Georgia. ‘We will continue to defend Georgia’s right to make its own decisions,’ Stoltenberg said.” Georgia is on Russia’s southwestern flank; so, it could be yet another a nuclear-missile base right on Russia’s borders, complementing Poland and the Baltics on Russia’s northwestern flank. (The U.S. itself has around 800 military bases in foreign countries, and so even Russia’s less-populous eastern regions would be able to be obliterated virtually in an instant, if the U.S. President so decides. And President Obama is already committed to the view that Russia is by far the world’s most “aggressive” enemy, more so even than international jihadists are.)

According to the New Europe report, Stoltenberg announced that where the 1997 NATO-Russia Agreement asserts that

The member States of NATO reiterate that they have no intention, no plan and no reason to deploy nuclear weapons on the territory of new members, nor any need to change any aspect of NATO’s nuclear posture or nuclear policy — and do not foresee any future need to do so. This subsumes the fact that NATO has decided that it has no intention, no plan, and no reason to establish nuclear weapon storage sites on the territory of those members, whether through the construction of new nuclear storage facilities or the adaptation of old nuclear storage facilities. Nuclear storage sites are understood to be facilities specifically designed for the stationing of nuclear weapons, and include all types of hardened above or below ground facilities (storage bunkers or vaults) designed for storing nuclear weapons.

Tthe agreement is effectively terminated, and, “Largely as a result of the Crimean annexation, the repeated violations of the Minsk ceasefire agreement, and the demands of eastern flank member states, boots on the ground will increase considerably in the region, if not ‘substantially’,” along Russia’s northeastern flank, in Poland and the Baltics. Furthermore, “Poland has already said that it regards this agreement ‘obsolete’.” So, General Stoltenberg is taking his lead on that from the Polish government.

According to both Russia and the separatist Donbass eastern region of the former Ukraine, the violations of the Minsk II agreement regarding Donbass are attacks by Ukrainian government forces firing into Donbass and destroying buildings and killing residents there, however NATO and other U.S. allies ignore those allegations and just insist that all violations of the Minsk II accords are to be blamed on Russia. That is also the position advanced by Shirreff, who thinks that Russia has no right to be concerned about being surrounded by NATO forces.

Consequently, regardless of whether or not the Minsk II violations are entirely, or even mainly, or even partially, due to Ukrainian firing into Donbass, NATO appears to be gearing up for its upcoming July ministerial meeting to be an official termination of its vague promises, which NATO had made in the 1997 NATO-Russia agreement (technically called the “Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between NATO and the Russian Federation signed in Paris, France, 27 May 1997”). That document said “NATO and Russia do not consider each other as adversaries. They share the goal of overcoming the vestiges of earlier confrontation and competition and of strengthening mutual trust and cooperation.”

In this regard, it was — though in public and written form, instead of merely private and verbal form — similar to the promises that the West had given to Soviet then Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990, which have already been rampantly violated by the West many times and without apology. The expectation and demand is clearly that Russia must allow itself to be surrounded by NATO, and to do this without complaint, and therefore also without taking military countermeasures, which NATO would call yet more “aggression by Russia.” Any defensive moves by Russia can thus be taken by the West to be unacceptable provocation and justification for a “pre-emptive” attack against Russia by NATO. That would be World War III, and it would be based upon the same accusation against Russia that the Republican candidate for the U.S. Presidency, Mitt Romney, had stated when he was running against Barack Obama: “This is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe.” Perhaps the West here intends the final solution of the Russian problem.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

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Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair should be impeached for a deliberate attack against Iraq which is part of a British plan to have war on Islam keeps ongoing, says Rodney Shakespeare, an academic and political analyst based in London.

Shakespeare,  a professor of Binary Economics in London, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Monday, after Scottish National Party (SNP)’s Alex Salmond said Blair should be taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for involving the country in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The SNP foreign affairs spokesman has begun rallying support for the impeachment of Blair, pending the publication of the Chilcot inquiry report into the UK’s involvement in the 2003 Iraq invasion on July 6.

“Tony Blair should be impeached. It is bigger than his collusion with George W. Bush. The sequency of events goes back to 9/11 in which the UK has colluded in suppressing the truth, which was a false flag attack organized by elements of Saudi Arabia, the CIA and Israel in order to set in motion a wholesale onslaught on Islam,” said Shakespeare.

“The second wave of that was the attack on Iraq in which Blair and Bush colluded at a ranch in Texas,” he added.

“It is not widely known that one of the underlying reasons was to rip off the assets of Iraq.  The Bremer orders — Paul Bremer was the second governor general in Iraq — there are 100 of them — the Bremer orders in fact reveal the intent to rip off every aspect of the Iraqi economy,” the analyst pointed out.

In March 2003, the US and Britain invaded Iraq in blatant violation of international law and under the pretext of finding WMDs; but no such weapons were ever discovered in Iraq.

More than one million Iraqis were killed as the result of the US-led invasion, and subsequent occupation of the country, according to the California-based investigative organization Project Censored.

Iraq war was part of onslaught on Islam


Shakespeare said that the invasion and following occupation of Iraq “was part then of the overhaul instigation of massive onslaught on Islam. “

“And it has continued because America and the UK are supporting Daesh. They are supporting via supporting Saudi Arabia, where Wahhabism is the great powerful force, financing for the philosophy and the organization, via Turkey and Qatar. And Daesh is now, of course, making big to smash up the Middle East,” he stated.

“So Tony Blair should be impeached for a deliberate attack as part of Bush’s plan originally to have war on Islam keeps ongoing. The public has never been told that it’s about ripping off the assets as well,” the commentator said.

“And America and the UK have continued the war in helping and supporting Daesh, particularly in their support of the regime in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Turkey,” he observed.

“And one last point,” Shakespeare said, “the combination now of Daesh, which is out of control, combined with the underlying weaknesses of the European economy is probably going to smash Europe apart. And all of this, you can blame on Tony Blair for his collusion with George W. Bush.”

‘Bush, Blair plotted Iraq war in March 2002’


Tony Blair (left) and George W. Bush at the infamous March 2002 summit at Bush’s ranch house in Crawford, Texas, where the two men spoke about invading Iraq. (AFP photo)


According to a White House memo, titled “Secret… Memorandum for the President”, Blair had agreed to support the war a year before the invasion even started, while publicly the British prime minister was working to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

The document, which was sent by then-US Secretary of State Colin Powell to President Bush on March 28, 2002, also disclosed that Blair agreed to act as a spin doctor for Bush and convince a skeptical public that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction, which actually did not exist.

In response, Bush would flatter Blair and give the impression that London was not Washington’s poodle but an equal partner in the “special relationship.”

Powell told Bush that Blair “will be with us” on the Iraq war, and assured the president that “the UK will follow our lead in the Middle East.”

Blair has always denied the claim that he and Bush signed a deal “in blood” at Crawford, Texas, to launch a war against Iraq that began on March 20, 2003, that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

The Powell memo, however, showed how Blair and Bush secretly prepared the Iraq war plot behind closed doors at Crawford.

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Those of you who attempted to follow the discussion in real-time over the last two weeks at the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) at the United Nations in Geneva may have been non-plussed at the language in the speeches, especially if you were reading in the 140 character condensed form of Twitter posts. Those of us commenting and reporting from the “front-line” do our best not to overdo the acronyms and use plain speech, but it is easy to get sucked into diplo-speak. So here are a few personal definitions to help you understand what lies behind some of the frequently used code words in the many statements and in over sixty working papers submitted to the May session of the OEWG.

Convergence means that states are generally expressing enough similar language that the subject can be explored further as a basis for possible negotiation. However, it only indicates that states are near to agreement, there is still work to do. Here’s the thing: if there is convergence on a number of measures, then there is a risk that other measures on which there is divergence can be deemed less important, even if the majority of states support them. This is the case with a prohibition or ban as a step that could stand alone before negotiating elimination of nuclear weapons. At the OEWG, a clear majority of states expressed their support for a ban and called for a negotiating conference in 2017 and yet in the short summary to wrap up the two-week meeting by the Chair, Ambassador Thani Thongphakdi of Thailand, there seemed to be more emphasis on convergence than on the majority opinion and he explicitly refused to give weight to any of the points discussed in terms of the level of support given to them. The Chair will now draft a final report to be submitted to delegates by the end of July or early August and to be discussed and adopted at a further OEWG session in August. This report will go to the UNGA in October.

Adherence to consensus in the final report was called for by the states allied with the nuclear weapons states, also known as nuclear umbrella states or nuclear-dependent states (some refer to them as “weasels” because of their ability to weasel their way out of sticky diplomatic corners by renaming their approach or pretending to be mediators between the nuclear-armed and nuclear-free states). It is usually counter-intuitive for us to reject consensus, as most of us would like everyone to agree. But in the nuclear disarmament context, consensus actually means giving the nuclear weapons states, or their allies, veto power, thereby effectively silencing the majority. Thus it was possible for the Conference on Disarmament to do no work at all for twenty years. And for the NPT to have lively and interesting debates with many very good proposals that were dropped on the way to wishy-washy draft final reports that satisfy no-one. Note that in 2015 such a report was not adopted because there was no consensus and that many NGOs saw this as a good thing.

Such final reports are often referred to as lowest common denominator agreements. Ambassador Dell Higgie of New Zealand made it clear on the final day of the 2nd session that her country would not support such a report on the OEWG. After all, the OEWG conducts itself under UNGA rules which allow for majority decisions, as opposed to the Conference on Disarmament which works only with consensus.

The nuclear umbrella states also called for the Chair’s final report to be balanced. This means that the diverging opinions of the two camps (for and against outright prohibition, otherwise known as the ban approach) should have equal weight, although the numbers do not warrant that. This attitude is indicative of the statement by UN High Representative Kim regretting that some important states were not there, referring to the boycott of the OEWG by the nuclear-armed states. Following this logic, the opinion of nuclear-dependent states carry greater weight, due to their association with their ‘important’ but absent allies. Instead Ambassador Lomonaco of Mexico and many others called for a fair report that reflected what actually happened at the OEWG.

ICAN protest in front of Australian embassy during the OEWG. Photo: ICAN

Diplomats put up their nameplates to show they want to speak – quite a line-up. Photo: Daniel Högsta

So what did happen at the OEWG? For the first time in many years a large number of states decided that they did not want consensus but confrontation on the issue of the illegitimacy of nuclear weapons. Tired with decades of patient discussions on micro-measures, principally for non-proliferation, and led by Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico and Zambia, states are now going for broke. Despite the prospect that the nuclear-armed states are unlikely to attend, they have submitted a proposal to the OEWG to “convene a Conference in 2017, open to all States, international organizations and civil society, to negotiate a legally-binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons” (ban treaty) and “to report to the United Nations high-level international conference on nuclear disarmament to be convened no later than 2018 … on the progress made on the negotiation of such an instrument.” On the final day of the OEWG resounding majority support for prohibition and the commencement of negotiations was repeatedly expressed. States are convinced that with this approach they can bring pressure to bear on the nuclear-armed and nuclear-dependent states to begin genuinely considering negotiating the elimination of their nuclear arsenals.

On the other hand, another potential front-runner is the framework instrument that has an overarching character and implies that past and future agreements might find a place within the framework. A framework agreement would principally be a treaty that sets out broad commitments and a governance system which can be expanded upon in a further instrument or series of instruments. These instruments could detail technical, legal and other arrangements. Examples of framework agreements are: the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW). Such a framework agreement could establish key provisions, such as the prohibition of use or of further qualitative development of nuclear weapons. But it could actually contain a complete prohibition of nuclear weapons (including prohibitions on the development, production, modernisation, testing, acquisition, stockpiling, transfer, deployment, threat of use and use of nuclear weapons, and even prohibitions on assistance, financing, encouragement and inducement of these acts), as well as a timeframe for elimination, although its main proponents do not put emphasis on this because it would mean that the nuclear weapons states and their allies are less likely to support it. If this framework were to contain complete prohibition, then it would essentially be the similar to the idea of a nuclear weapons convention.

Whether states will decide to negotiate a stand-alone ban treaty or a framework instrument is still open to discussion. I do not believe that there is sufficient support for the progressive approach – a series of measures known as building blocks, which are essentially the same as the step-by-step approach but allow for steps to be taken in parallel – proposed by the nuclear umbrella states. A nuclear weapon ban treaty may have less support than a framework agreement but it could be done much more quickly. A framework agreement could drag on for many years because of its potential complexity. What the UN Secretary-General says on this in September may have some bearing on states’ decision to call for negotiating one or the other. Certainly the UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Kim Won-soo from South Korea has made it clear that he wishes to see more inclusivity and an approach which could allow the nuclear weapons states to come on board.

The beauty of a stand-alone ban treaty is in its clarity, especially in terms of the moral imperative. It would leave no room for doubt as to the illegitimacy of nuclear weapons and would place any state that relies on nuclear weapons for their defence outside international law, if enough states were to support such a norm. Its entry into force could not be held hostage by nuclear-armed states reticence to ratify, as the CTBT has been. Given the present anger about the arrogance of the nuclear-armed states refusal to engage with the nuclear-free states which has been made explicit both through the boycott of the OEWG, but also through the ever hardening rhetoric of the nuclear umbrella states, it remains the most attractive option for states to pursue at the UN General Assembly in October. In this way, they can continue to put maximum pressure on the nuclear-armed states to take them seriously as the majority and therefore to respect their rights and security needs.

This debate has as much to do with redefining world order and democracy as it has to do with disarmament. As Mexico pointed out: there is nothing to be said against consensus when it is fair and reflects the truth. But when divergence exists and states with more power due to nuclear weapons wield a veto over the majority then there is nuclear oppression. Now the majority is rising up to liberate itself from this yoke with persuasive and well-thought out arguments for a comprehensive ban treaty. After more than twenty years of attending these often repetitive and boring diplomatic debates, I can hardly wait for the next one.

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On May 16, ISIS carried out massive bomb attacks against the Shaer gas field in the Homs province, setting off a minor earthquake in the city of Palmyra and blowing up several of Shaer’s pumping stations. The gas field – one of the biggest in the province – has been the scene of heavy clashes between militants and pro-government forces. ISIS captured the gas field on May 5.

Pro-government sources argued on Monday the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) was successfully advancing in the area. It’s possible that this fact pushed ISIS to blow up the gas field.

On May 17, Al-Nusra and Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham militants launched a military operation in Northern Homs, reportedly capturing the train station near Harbanifseh. Clashes are ongoing in the area. Last week, the militants seized the nearby village of Al-Zarah.

The situation remains tense in the city of Deir Ezzor where the SAA is repelling ISIS’ attacks. On May 15, the loyalists seized back the Panorama Roundabout in the Deir Ezzor city that they had lost to ISIS earlier. However, ISIS militants control al-Sinaah, Industrial Centre and part of Tahtuh that they captured on May 14. Different pro-government source argue that from 60 to 200 Jihadists have been killed in the clashes. But this information can’t be confirmed.

In Eastern Ghouta, the SAA reportedly seized the important road that connects Hosh al-Khatib and Harasta al-Qantara region, destroying militant checkpoint along it. SAA engineering units are defusing roadside bombs and mines planted by the militants.

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Far-reaching revisions to Japan’s national security laws became effective at the end of March 2016. Part of the government’s efforts to “reinterpret” Japan’s war-renouncing Constitution, the revised laws authorize military action that would previously have been unconstitutional. The move has been severely criticized within Japan as being a circumvention and violation of the Constitution, but there has been far less scrutiny of the international law implications of the changes.

The war-renouncing provision of the Constitution ensured compliance with the jus ad bellum regime, and indeed Japan has not engaged in a use of force since World War II (jus ad bellum is the regime of international law that governs the use of force – it essentially prohibits all use of force against other states, with two exceptions, namely the exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense, and collective security operations authorized by the U.N. Security Council). But with the purported “reinterpretation” and revised laws – which the Prime Minister has said would permit Japan to engage in minesweeping in the Straits of Hormuz or use force to defend disputed islands from foreign “infringements” – Japan has an unstable and ambiguous new domestic law regime that could potentially authorize action that would violate international law.

Image caption: Japan, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of China all claim the Senkaku/Diaoyutai/Tiaoyutai Islands

By way of background, Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution provides, in part, that the Japanese people “forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force in the settlement of international disputes.” It was initially drafted by a small group of Americans during the occupation, and they incorporated language and concepts from the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, and Article 2(4) of the U.N. Charter that had been concluded just months earlier.

Thus, Article 9 incorporated concepts and language from the jus ad bellum regime for the purpose of imposing constitutional constraints that were greater than those imposed by international law, and waiving certain rights enjoyed by states under international law. While drafted by Americans, it was embraced by the government and then the public, such that it became a powerful constitutive norm, helping to shape Japan’s post-war national identity. (For the full history, see Robinson and Moore’s book Partners for Democracy; for a shorter account and analysis, see my law review article “Binding the Dogs of War: Japan and the Constitutionalizing of Jus ad Bellum“).

Soon after the return of full sovereignty to Japan in 1952, the government interpreted this first clause of Article 9 as meaning that Japan was entitled to use the minimum force necessary for individual self-defense in response to an armed attack on Japan itself. It also interpreted it as meaning that Japan was denied the right to use force in the exercise of any right of collective self-defense, or to engage in collective security operations authorized by the U.N. Security Council. These were understood to be the “sovereign rights of the nation” under international law that were waived by Japan as a matter of constitutional law.

All branches of government have consistently adhered to this interpretation ever since. Factions within the LDP have for decades wanted to amend Article 9, but for complex reasons relating to the constellation of political forces both within the LDP and between it and the various opposition parties, it has never been able to do so. Prime Minister Abe similarly sought to amend Article 9, and initially tried to first amend the amending formula itself, but the public and political opposition stymied these efforts. In 2014, frustrated in its efforts to formally amend Article 9,the Abe government circumvented the formal amendment procedure and purported to “reinterpret” the provision. It did so by issuing a Cabinet Decision that articulated significant shifts in the national defense policy, and asserted that such changes would be deemed constitutional pursuant to a new understanding of Article 9.

In the summer of 2015 the government submitted two bills to the Diet that implemented these changes to policy. They effected revisions to ten existing national security laws and established one new law (a document containing the revisions and new law, can be found here, while a very brief summary of the key changes can be found in a document here (both in Japanese)).

This process, which circumvented the formal constitutional amendment procedure, as well as the substance of the “reinterpretation” and subsequent legislation, has been condemned within Japan as being unconstitutional – by constitutional scholars, former Directors of the Cabinet Legislation Bureau, a former Supreme Court Judge, and tens of thousands of protesters in the street (for more on this, see this essay in JURIST). But leaving those issues aside, several of the changes also raise international law issues, which have been subject to far less scrutiny within Japan, and have gone virtually unnoticed outside of Japan.

Activists from Japan, China and Taiwan have attempted to sail to the Senkaku/Diaoyutai Islands

One such change is to authorize the use of force in response to “an infringement that does not amount to an armed attack.” This is a potentially radical change to the domestic law threshold for use of force in self-defense. The traditional interpretation of Article 9 as permitting Japan to use force in the exercise of individual self-defense has consistently and explicitly defined a direct armed attack upon Japan (actual or imminent) as the condition precedent for exercising the right. The “reinterpretation” authorizes the use of force in response to “infringements” that do not amount to an armed attack, such as “unlawful” foreign incursions into territory surrounding “remote islands”.

This change has been implemented through revisions made to a series of inter-related provisions in a number of different national security laws, most significantly the Self-Defense Force Law, the re-namedResponse toSituations ofImportant Influence Law, and the Response to Situations of Armed Attack and Existential Threats Law (the new formulation for collective self-defense, discussed below, for example, is implemented in Art. 2(4) of the Response to Situations of Armed Attack and Existential Threats Law, and in Art. 76 of the Self-Defense Force Law, among others). It is also reflected in some less remarked Cabinet Orders (such as the Government Response to Unlawful Landing of Armed Groups on Remote Islands,Cabinet Order of May 14, 2015).

Without getting too deeply into the details of these provisions, however, the key point is that the overall effect of the changes would appear to lower the threshold for the use of force, as that term is understood in Article 2(4) of the U.N. Charter, below the level of “armed attack” that is the required pre-condition for the justified use of force in self-defense, pursuant to both Article 51 of the U.N. Charter and customary international law. In short, the change raises the concern that in some situations the government of Japan could now use force in accordance with its “reinterpretation” of the Constitution and its revised legislation, in a manner that would constitute a violation of the prohibition against the use of force in international law.

A second change is the elimination of the long-standing interpretation of Article 9 as prohibiting the use of force for purposes of collective self-defense. This change has been widely viewed within Japan as being impossible to square with the long-standing understanding of Article 9. But while unconstitutional, given that a use of force for purposes of collective self-defense is explicitly permitted under Article 51 of the U.N. Charter, this change should not be expected to raise any international law issues.

The problem is that the government did not simply incorporate the international law concept of collective self-defense. In order to mollify its coalition partner, the government introduced language that would ostensibly further limit the conditions under which Japan could engage in collective self-defense. But while purporting to narrow the scope of the right, this clause of the Cabinet Decision itself created considerable ambiguity and uncertainty. Depending on how it is interpreted this clause of the “reinterpretation” may again lower the threshold for the use of force below that required by the jus ad bellum regime.

The formulation adopted, in both the Cabinet Decision and the implementing provisions of the revisedS elf-Defense Force Law and the Response to Armed Attack and Existential Threat Law (among others), suggests that Japan may use “the minimum force necessary” when “an armed attack against a foreign country that is in a close relationship with Japan occurs and as a result threatens Japan’s survival and poses a clear danger to fundamentally overturn [the] people’s right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” On one possible interpretation this somewhat collapses the distinction between individual and collective self-defense, in that Japan would only be permitted to exercise the right of self-defense if the armed attack on another country also constituted an immediate existential threat to Japan. That should create no obvious international law issues. But the problem is that this is not how the government itself appears to understand the clause.

In discussing the operation and scope of the new right of collective self-defense, Prime Minister Abe and Defense Minister Nakatani have both made comments about the possibility of Japan conducting mine-sweeping operations in the Straits of Hormuz if it were mined by Iran. Taking the statements at face value, that the authority relied upon for such action would be the right of collective self-defense as defined (rather than on other international law principles that might authorize the clearing mines from international straits), the comments are revealing about the government’s interpretation of its unique definition of collective self-defense.

First, Abe’s comments suggest that the armed attack on a country in close relations with Japan may be uncoupled from the threat to Japan’s survival and the people’s rights to the pursuit of happiness, such that each is a separate trigger for exercising the right of collective self-defense. In his several public comments Abe has made no reference to how Iran’s mining the straits of Hormuz might constitute an armed attack on another country (far less one in a close relationship with Japan), but has instead asserted that the justification for the exercise of collective self-defense would simply be the threat to the livelihood of the Japanese people posed by such a blockade – a threat to the “people’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in the language of the clause.

This not only uncouples the exercise of collective self-defense from an armed attack on another country, but even from a threat to the survival of Japan, and rather conditions it solely upon a threat to the livelihood of the people of Japan – however, that might be measured or defined. And since the contemplated minesweeping is justified as an exercise of self-defense, it is presumably understood as itself constituting a use of force, conducted in the territorial waters of Iran. If this is how the Japanese government understands its own definition of collective self-defense, it suggests that it may consider itself entitled to use force for “infringements that do not amount to an armed attack”, consistent with its new position on the exercise of individual self-defense.

There are other changes reflected in the “reinterpretation” and in the revised legislation that similarly raise potential questions about compliance with international law, which there is no room to discuss here. The risk that such changes could permit unlawful action will depend on how the new legislation is interpreted and implemented in practice, as is true of the two examples discussed above. But the key point is that while the Japanese Constitution previously helped ensure compliance with the jus ad bellum regime, and indeed was one of the few constitutional systems that imposed limits on the international use of force, the “reinterpretation” and revised laws have created an unstable and ambiguous regime that could actually provide domestic legal authority for action that would violate international law. What is more, with the floodgates now opened on constitutional “reinterpretation” by unilateral executive fiat, there is no telling how long it will be before these changes are themselves again revised, further relaxing the domestic legal constraints on internationally unlawful action.

This is a slightly revised and expanded version of an article first published in the international law blog Opinio Juris, Apr. 21, 2016.

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While the situation remains tense for the Islamic State at the Syria-Iraq battlespace, the group continues attempts to expand its influence in different regions of the world. Especially dangerous, the situation looks in Libya. The air campaign of the US, France and Egypt haven’t prevented the group’s’ expansion in the country. Furthermore, ISIS conducts cross-border attacks. More than 50 people were killed in clashes against ISIS militants in Tunis’ border town of Ben Guerdane in March.

Meanwhile, ISIS is advancing near Libya’s city of Misrata. With a population of about 500,000, it’s the third-largest city in Libya, after Tripoli and Benghazi. In early May, ISIS took over the Abu Grein crossroads and seized the strategic settlements at the city’s first line of defence: Abu Grain, Baghla, Zamzam, and Abu Najaym. The group’s militants regularly venture across the main road leading south from Misrata, and have carried out raids and attacks in the area, including against checkpoints manned by brigades from Misrata. Sources in Misrata report that 7 fighters of the Central Shield Force of Libya were killed and 105 injured in the clashes with ISIS. These numbers are downplayed, definitely.

The very same time, ISIS is expanding to the West, cutting off logistic communications and seizing some ports. The recent developments sparked concern in the neighboring countries. Egypt and Algeria are strengthening the border security with Libya and expanding intelligence in Tripoli and Bengazi.

There are only few of pre-conditions that allow ISIS to be successful in Libya:

  • A poor coordination and feuding between the armed groups play into the group’s hands.

  • While the clashes are ongoing in Syria and Iraq, ISIS was able to deploy hundreds its militants into Libya in order to set a rear base there.

  • The tense social, economic situation and nationality conflicts set a ground for the recruiting campaign in the country. Despite the constant clashes, ISIS’ numbers has grown to 5000 fighters in 2016.

ISIS has increased its influence in Libya last year, significantly. If the Libyan local groups aren’t able to find a compromise over the strategy to oppose this threat, we will see how the Iraq-like story of the group’s expansion repeats in the African country.

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At the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC)‘s 2016 meeting in Denver, Colorado this week, a representative from a prominent oil and gas lobbying group advocated that auctions of federal lands should happen online “eBay”-style — a clear attempt to shut the public out of the bidding process for fossil fuel leases on public lands. 

Speaking on public lands issues in front of IOGCC’s public lands committee, Kathleen Sgamma — Western Energy Alliance’s (WEA) vice president of governmental affairs — compared environmental groups’ Keep It In The Ground campaign actions atU.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) bids to a “circus.” Sgamma said WEA was in contact with both BLM and Congressional members to push the auctions out of the public sphere and onto the internet.

DeSmog, which attended the IOGCC meeting, recorded the presentation and has published it online.

Sgamma opened her statement on the Keep It In The Ground “circus” by pointing to the fact that BLM has already compared the activism, in testimony delivered to Congress (beginning at 54:30) on March 23, 2016, with the right-wing militia that occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge’s public lands plot in Oregon.

Sgamma also revealed that WEA has a counter campaign that it will launch soon to oppose Keep It In The Ground.

Here is a partial transcript of Sgamma’s statement (beginning at about 19:55 in the audio):

So Western Energy Alliance is planning some counter-efforts with Keep It In The Ground which we’ll be announcing probably later this month. We’ve also been working with BLM and Congress to say ‘Let’s just get rid of this circus, let’s just have online auctions. eBay is out there, it can be done.’ So BLM has also expressed concern for its employees as well. In fact, BLM Director [Neil] Kornze, in a hearing a couple months ago, was asked about all of these protests and even equated these protests with the militia who shut down and occupied the Malheur Wildlife Reserve in Oregon. So BLM is likewise concerned about the safety of its employees and it put in place security measures at last week’s auction. But, what we’re saying and what a lot of people are saying is, ‘Let’s just get rid of the circus. Let’s do online auctions.’ So hopefully BLM is compelled even more after Thursday to move in that direction.

The “Thursday” Sgamma referred to was an action that took place near Denver at a May 12 BLM auction occurring under the fold of “Break Free,” a rolling wave of anti-fossil fuel actions conducted worldwide between May 3 and May 15, 2016. It was after that meeting that Sgamma began calling the Keep It In The Ground campaign a “circus,” referring to it as such in a quote given to The Denver Post, and calling for its “end” by implementing online auctions.

WEA’s over 400 oil and gas industry members include many of the same companies that funded IOGCC’s meeting: XTOEnergy (an ExxonMobil subsidiary), ConocoPhillips, Devon Energy, Noble Energy, Marathon Oil, Anadarko and others. It was at a WEA meeting in 2014 that Rick Berman stated in a speech that the oil and gas industry is waging an “endless war” against environmental advocates, and that it has to “play dirty to win.”

IOGCC’s members include appointees of governors of the U.S. oil and gas producing states, which generally means heads of state oil and gas regulatory agencies as official state representatives, and at-large members that include oil and gas industry lobbyists and executives. Of the 180 people who attended the IOGCC meeting, 63 were oil and gas industry employees.

Keep It In The Ground is a campaign whose basis is that fossil fuels on public lands must be left in the ground due to the science-based climate change costs inherent in not doing so. IOGCC, which claims concern about “protecting health, safety and the environment” in its mission statement, has gone on the record to say it has no stance on climate change.

Concerted Push

It appears the WEA push for online lease sales began in February, when it wrote and published a letter to BLM to make its pitch.

“Might we suggest as an alternative that BLM take advantage of online auctions,” wrote Sgamma in the February 11 letter. “If protesters continue to disrupt lease sales, we strongly suggest BLM simply hold online auctions within the same quarter as the original sales. Online auctions also have added cost-savings benefits as venues and security personnel do not have to be enlisted to handle potentially unruly crowds.”

BLM has stated on the record that, responding to the WEA push, it is now considering online auctions moving forward.

“There’s been research done that shows the overall participation and bid amounts are enhanced through the internet process,” Kent Hoffman, deputy state director of BLM’s Utah office, told Deseret News on May 6. “We’ve been desiring to move into the electronic world for years…It is more efficient for us and probably for industry, too, to participate in an online auction.”

BLM’s Washington, DC headquarters will have the final say over whether online auctions are the future of bidding for oil, gas and coal leases on U.S. public lands.

Congress Hatch-ing Online Auctions

Meanwhile, Congress has started moving on the WEA-proposed online auctions of public lands, led by U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT). Hatch inserted an amendment into the proposed congressional comprehensive energy bill calling for the BLM to study the possibility of online bids “so that the mere threat of protest does not derail oil and gas lease auctions that are critical to Utah’s economy.”

The amendment, Section 3108 of the legislation, passed in the Senate as part of the broader bill on April 20 and awaits a House vote.


Image Credit: U.S. Government Printing Office

A quote from Kathleen Sgamma is featured in a Hatch office press release disseminated about the provision’s insertion into the bill.

“Western Energy Alliance sincerely appreciates Senator Hatch’s amendment that helps to address the uncertainty in oil and natural gas leases sales. Keep-It-in-the-Ground protesters are disrupting lease sales as a way to prevent development of Utah’s energy resources, which deprives Utahns of jobs, economic opportunity and tax revenue. The amendment is a common sense way to ensure that a vocal minority cannot block responsible business in Utah and across the West. In addition, it helps BLM fulfill its obligations to conduct quarterly oil and gas sales using well-established technology, saving time and money.”

During Sen. Hatch’s bid for re-election in 2012, WEA, Devon Energy and other players in the hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) industry hosted a fundraiser luncheon for Hatch with a minimum $1,000 contribution to attend. Throughout his political career, Hatch has taken $703,179 in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry.

WEA: “Transparency” Concerns

Sgamma will, ironically enough, testify in front of the U.S. House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources at a May 19 hearing titled “Examining Deficiencies in Transparency at the Department of the Interior.”

“While the Obama Administration and the Department of the Interior have issued plans and executive orders claiming to improve transparency of the federal regulatory process, there are increasing examples of significant rules being issued that are based on science or data that is not made available to the very people or entities that they would regulate,” reads the Hearing Memorandum. “If the ability to comment or otherwise participate in the rulemaking process is restricted, the fundamental fairness of the process is called into question.”

Whether she will testify about Section 3108 at the hearing remains to be seen.

“Abuse of Democracy”

Reached for comment about Sgamma’s statements, Greenpeace USA executive director Annie Leonard expressed concerns about the potential for online auctions for fossil fuels situated on federal lands. (Greenpeace is part of the Keep It In The Ground coalition and helped organize the “Break Free” events.)

“A key feature of public lands is that they’re public,” stated Leonard. “Neither the government nor the fossil fuel industry should be able to decide what happens to those lands without a fully participatory process. Any attempt to distance the public from decisions about our own land is an abuse of democracy.”
Photo Credit: WildEarth Guardians

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Hillary Clinton is A NeoCon

May 18th, 2016 by Robert Parry

Q: Why Will the Democratic Party and its Super-Delegates Some Day Regret Sabotaging Bernie Sanders’ Candidacy? 

 A: Because Hillary is a NeoCon

This presidential election has been both invigorating and frustrating for me and many other progressives who have awakened and witnessed the real, but now weakening hope for the much-needed, nonviolent political revolution that has been proposed by the New Deal/Fair Deal, democratic socialist candidacy of Bernie Sanders.

If the Democratic Party continues sabotaging this highly respected, increasingly popular, increasingly electable  and very well-liked altruistic candidate and denies him his deserved candidacy because of the party’s pro-Wall Street, pro-War Street insiders, it will regret having done so as much as the GOP will regret running Donald Trump as their candidate.

After a disastrous, long dry spell of rule by the pro-economic colonialism, pro-militarism elites (that control both political parties), another rare, highly ethical, truly democratic politician who is not beholden to the powers that be) has successfully – albeit totally unwelcomed by the establishment – interjected himself into the consciousness of the American electorate and has ignited the imaginations and hopes of millions of folks who have “felt the Bern”.

But there have been other American idealists throughout history that have also felt the Bern, but such people-power movements have happened only a handful of times over the last century, each movement or candidate usually getting snuffed out, either by assassination, imprisonment (as in the case of Eugene Debs), smear campaigns or other political intrigue.

History tells us about the brief appearances of past progressive movements that promised to benefit the “common man”, like “Fighting Bob” LaFollete’s Progressive Party era, Eugene Debs’s persecuted Socialist Party, FDR’s New Deal era, the antiwar, liberal efforts of JFK, RFK and MLK, Eugene McCarthy’s anti-Vietnam War candidacy, Paul Wellstone’s people’s campaign , Ralph Nader’s Green Party candidacy, Occupy Wall Street’s efforts, the disappearing democratic wing of the Democratic Party and, most importantly, all those millions of eager progressive-minded college-age activists who so clearly see the dire need for a true political revolution.

Those clear-headed American youth know that there must be a sea-change – and soon – in American politics and economics before they and their planet are “disappeared” down the rat hole of hopelessness and enslavement by amoral multinational corporations and their entrenched wealthy elites (and their predatory lending machine) who are refusing to give them a break or a hand up because such merciful actions might endanger their personal investment portfolios.

Neo-Liberals are just Neo-Conservatives Without the Smirk

The neo-conservatives in the (far right) Republican Party are being increasingly recognized as dangerous out-of-the-closet “technofascists” and they are being increasingly rejected by aware American voters who are capable of “keeping their eyes on the prize”.

But there has also been an increasing recognition of the similarities between the equally dangerous ideologues in the mainline (center-right) Democratic Party that increasingly exhibit  their neo-liberal credentials and their more closeted, less vehement, more friendly-faced technofascism.

The website at, writes that “neo-liberals and neo-conservatives both march to the beat of the same drummer – the largest, wealthiest, most powerful, most materialistic, most racist, most militaristic, most violent empire of all time.”

Because of the confusion that most of us experience in understanding the differences between neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism, I submit below extended excerpts from the pen of the courageous founder of Consortium News, Robert Parry, who many regard as one of the best and most informed investigative journalists of our era. The two articles from which I excerpted the items below deal with the evidence that “Hillary is a NeoCon”.

 Hillary Clinton Is a Neocon 

By Robert Parry

 April 16, 2016

Excerpts are taken from two Consortium News articles that were written by Robert Parry:


Yes, Hillary Clinton Is a Neocon

Hillary Clinton addressing the AIPAC conference in Washington D.C. on March 21, 2016. (Photo credit: AIPAC)

“…the “regime change” obsession blinds the neocons from recognizing that not only are these operations violations of basic international law regarding sovereignty of other nations but the invasions unleash powerful internal rivalries that neocons, who know little about the inner workings of these countries, soon find they can’t control…America’s neocons are so arrogant and so influential that they simply move from one catastrophe  the next like a swarm of locusts spreading chaos and death around the globe.” — Robert Parry

“…neo-conservatism and its close ally neo-liberalism…are concepts that have organized American foreign policy and economics, respectively, over the past several decades – and they have failed miserably, at least from the perspective of average Americans and people of the nations on the receiving end of these ideologies.

“Neither approach (neo-liberalism or neo-conservatism) has benefited mankind; both have led to untold death and destruction; yet the twin “neos” have built such a powerful propaganda and political apparatus, especially in Official Washington, that they will surely continue to wreak havoc for years to come. They are zombie ideas and they kill.

“Yet, the Democratic Party is poised to nominate an adherent to both ‘neos’ in the person of Hillary Clinton. Rather than move forward from President Barack Obama’s unease with what he calls the Washington ‘playbook’, the Democrats are retreating into its perceived safety.

“After all, the Washington Establishment remains enthralled to both ‘neos’, favoring the ‘regime change’ interventionism of neo-conservatism and the “free trade” globalism of neo-liberalism. So, Clinton has emerged as the clear favorite of the elites, at least since the field of alternatives has narrowed to populist billionaire Donald Trump and democratic socialist Bernie Sanders.

“Democratic Party insiders appear to be counting on the mainstream news media and prominent opinion-leaders to marginalize Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, and to finish off Sanders, who faces long odds against Clinton’s delegate lead for the Democratic nomination, especially among the party regulars known as ‘super-delegates’.

“But the Democratic hierarchy is placing this bet on Clinton in a year when much of the American electorate has risen up against the twin ‘neos’, exhausted by the perpetual wars demanded by the neoconservatives and impoverished by the export of decent-paying manufacturing jobs driven by the neoliberals.

“Though much of the popular resistance to the ‘neos’ remains poorly defined in the minds of rebellious voters, the common denominator of the contrasting appeals of Trump and Sanders is that millions of Americans are rejecting the ‘neos’ and repudiating the establishment institutions that insist on sustaining these ideologies.

“Thus, the pressing question for Campaign 2016 is whether America will escape from the zombies of the twin ‘neos’ or spend the next four years surrounded by these undead ideas as the world lurches closer to an existential crisis.

“The main thing that the zombie ‘neos’ have going for them is that the vast majority of Very Important People in Official Washington have embraced these concepts and have achieved money and fame as a result. These VIPs are no more likely to renounce their fat salaries and overblown influence than the favored courtiers of a King or Queen would side with the unwashed rabble.

“The ‘neo’ adherents are also very skilled at framing issues to their benefit, made easier by the fact that they face almost no opposition or resistance from the mainstream media or the major think tanks.

“The neo-conservatives have become Washington’s foreign policy establishment, driving the old-time ‘realists’ who favored more judicious use of American power to the sidelines.

“Meanwhile, the neo-liberals dominate economic policy debates, treating the ‘markets’ as some new-age god and the ‘privatization’ of public assets as scripture. They have pushed aside the old New Dealers who called for a robust government role to protect the people from the excesses of capitalism and to build public infrastructure to benefit the nation as a whole.

“If there were any doubts that Hillary Clinton favors a neo-conservative foreign policy, her performance at (a recent) debate should have laid them to rest. In every meaningful sense, she is a neocon and – if she becomes President – Americans should expect more global tensions and conflicts in pursuit of the ‘neocons’ signature goal of ‘regime change’ in countries that get in their way.

“Beyond sharing this neocon ‘regime change’ obsession, former Secretary of State Clinton also talks like a neocon. One of their trademark skills is to use propaganda or ‘perception management’ to demonize their targets and to romanticize their allies, what is called ‘gluing white hats’ on their side and ‘gluing black hats’ on the other.

“So, in defending her role in the Libyan ‘regime change’, Clinton called the slain Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi ‘genocidal’ though that is a gross exaggeration of Gaddafi’s efforts to beat back Islamic militants in 2011. But her approach fits with what the neocons do. They realize that almost no one will dare challenge such a characterization because to do so opens you to accusations of being a ‘Gaddafi apologist’.

“Similarly, before the Iraq War, the neocons knew that they could level pretty much any charge against Saddam Hussein no matter how false or absurd, knowing that it would go uncontested in mainstream political and media circles. No one wanted to be a ‘Saddam apologist’.

“Clinton, like the neocons, also shows selective humanitarian outrage. For instance, she laments the suffering of Israelis under crude (almost never lethal) rocket fire from Gaza but shows next to no sympathy for Palestinians being slaughtered by sophisticated (highly lethal) Israeli missiles and bombs.

“She talks about the need for ‘safe zones’ or ‘no-fly zones’ for Syrians…but not for the people of Gaza who face the wrath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“…In Clinton’s (and the neocons) worldview, the Israelis are the aggrieved victims and the Palestinians the heartless aggressors.

“…Clinton ignored the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which dates back to the 1940s when Israeli terrorist organizations engaged in massacres to drive Palestinians from their ancestral lands and murdered British officials who were responsible for governing the territory. Israeli encroachment on Palestinian lands has continued to the present day.

“…So, Clinton made clear – both at the debate and in her recent AIPAC speech – that she is fully in line with the neocon reverence for Israel and eager to take out any government or group that Israel puts on its enemies list.

“…Clinton promised to put her future administration at the service of the Israeli government. She said, ‘One of the first things I’ll do in office is invite the Israeli prime minister to visit the White House. And I will send a delegation from the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs to Israel for early consultations. Let’s also expand our collaboration beyond security’.

“…On April 2, 2011 [Clinton was informed that] Gaddafi’s government had accumulated 143 tons of gold and a similar amount of silver that ‘was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency’ that would be an alternative to the French franc. [This was] one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. Sarkozy also wanted a greater share of Libya’s oil production and to increase French influence in North Africa…

“But few Americans would rally to a war fought to keep North Africa under France’s thumb. So, the winning approach was to demonize Gaddafi with salacious rumors about him giving Viagra to his troops so they could rape more, a ludicrous allegation that was raised by then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who also claimed that Gaddafi’s snipers were intentionally shooting children.

“With Americans fed a steady diet of such crude propaganda, there was little serious debate about the wisdom of Clinton’s Libyan ‘regime change’…

“On Oct. 20, 2011, when U.S.-backed rebels captured Gaddafi, sodomized him with a knife and then murdered him, Secretary of State Clinton couldn’t contain her glee. Paraphrasing a famous Julius Caesar quote, Clinton declared: ‘we came, we saw, he died’.

“But this U.S.-organized ‘regime change’ quickly turned sour as old tribal rivalries, which Gaddafi had contained, were unleashed. Plus, it turned out that Gaddafi’s warnings that many of the rebels were Islamic militants turned out to be true. On Sept. 11, 2012, one extremist militia overran the U.S. consulate in Benghazi killing U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

“…Soon, Libya slid into anarchy and Western nations abandoned their embassies in Tripoli. President Obama now terms the Libyan fiasco the biggest mistake of his presidency. But Clinton refuses to be chastened by the debacle, much as she appeared to learn nothing from her support for the Iraq invasion in 2003.

“…Like the earlier neocon-driven ‘regime change’ in Iraq, the ‘regime change’ obsession blinds the neocons from recognizing that not only are these operations violations of basic international law regarding sovereignty of other nations but the invasions unleash powerful internal rivalries that neocons, who know little about the inner workings of these countries, soon find they can’t control.

“…America’s neocons are so arrogant and so influential that they simply move from one catastrophe to the next like a swarm of locust spreading chaos and death around the globe.

A Neocon True-Believer

“In (a recent) debate, Hillary Clinton showed how much she has become a neocon true-believer. Despite the catastrophic ‘regime changes’ in Iraq and Libya, she vowed to invade Syria, although she dresses up that reality in pretty phrases like ‘safe zones’ and ‘no-fly zones’. She also revived the idea of increasing the flow of weapons to ‘moderate’ rebels although they, in reality, mostly fight under the command umbrella of Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front.

“…After the violent coup, when the people of Crimea voted by 96 percent to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia, the U.S. government and Western media deemed that a ‘Russian invasion’ and when ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine rose up in resistance to the new authorities in Kiev that became ‘Russian aggression’.

NATO on the Move

”Though President Obama should know better – and I’m told that he does know better – he has succumbed this time to pressure to go along with what he calls the Washington ‘playbook’ of saber-rattling and militarism. NATO is moving more and more combat troops up to the Russian border while Washington has organized punishing economic sanctions aimed at disrupting the Russian economy.

“…Though Clinton’s anti-Russian delusions are shared by many powerful people in Official Washington, they are no more accurate than the other claims about Iraq’s WMD, Gaddafi passing out Viagra to his troops, the humanitarian need to invade Syria, the craziness about Iran being the principal source of terrorism (when it is the Saudis, the Qataris, the Turks and other Sunni powers that have bred Al Qaeda and the Islamic State), and the notion that the Palestinians are the ones picking on the Israelis, not the other way around.

“However, Clinton’s buying into the neocon propaganda about Russia may be the most dangerous – arguably existential – threat that a Clinton presidency would present to the world. Yes, she may launch U.S. military strikes against the Syrian government (which could open the gates of Damascus to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State); yes, she might push Iran into renouncing the nuclear agreement (and putting the Israeli/neocon goal to bomb-bomb-bomb-Iran back on the table); yes, she might make Obama’s progressive critics long for his more temperate presidency.

“But Clinton’s potential escalation of the new Cold War with Russia could be both the most costly and conceivably the most suicidal feature of a Clinton-45 presidency. Unlike her times as Secretary of State, when Obama could block her militaristic schemes, there will be no one to stop her if she is elected President, surrounded by likeminded neocon advisers.”

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. His latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, can be purchased at: or as an e-book from Amazon or 


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Fake Report about New Russian Military Base in Syria

May 18th, 2016 by Dr. Christof Lehmann

The Russian Ministry of Defense debunked an Associated Press report that claims Russia establishes a new military base in Palmyra, Syria. Images about the UNESCO World Heritage Site and surroundings show an intermediate camp for Russian military personnel that helped clearing mines at the UNESCO World Heritage Site, noted Defense Minister Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov.

Russian Defense Minister Maj. General Igor Konashenkov stressed that media claims based on an Associated Press (AP) report about a new Russian military base in Palmyra, Syria were wrong. Moreover, Konashenkov added, Russia does not need any new bases in Syria. Konashenkov noted that the AP report cited a U.S.’ cultural heritage protection organization as source for the claims that Russia was establishing a new military base in Palmyra, near the UNESCO World Heritage site.

Photo courtesy Valery Sharifulin, Tass.

Photo courtesy Valery Sharifulin, Tass.

The city of Palmyra and the UNESCO World Heritage site was liberated from the self-proclaimed Islamic State (a.k.a. ISIS, ISIL or Daesh) in March 2016. Russian air forces and special forces participated in the liberation of the city.

After the city was recaptured, Russia deployed engineer troops to help remove mines, improvised explosive devices and other hazards that were left behind by the fleeing ISIL troops in the city, in the ruins of the World Heritage site, Palmyra’s Airport, and the surrounding region.

UNESCO explicitly expressed its gratitude for enabling UNESCO’s and others’ experts to assess the damage that had been done to the site by ISIL. Konashenkov commented on the AP report and associated claims about a new military base, saying:

“There have been no and are no ‘new Russian bases’ on the territory of Syria’s Palmyra. The satellite photographs of the area’s territory, published by UNESCO and mentioned by the agency… feature a temporary camp of units of the International Anti-Mine Center of Russia’s Armed Forces, which earlier engaged in mine clearing in the historical part of Palmyra, and today [engage in mine clearing] in the locality of Tadmur. … The deployment of the temporary camp until the end of the mine clearing effort has been agreed with the Culture Ministry and other state institutions of the Syrian Arab Republic.”

Palmyra_UNESCO_prior to desruction by ISILKonashenkov went into details about the temporary camp, saying that it included accommodation modules, a field hospital where aid is provided to local residents, as well as a field bakery whose products are also handed out to Syrians.

Konashenkov also commented on Russia’s cultural contribution after the liberation of the city and the UNESCO World Heritage Site, saying:

“I want to note that the temporary camp of military engineers, the hospital and the bakery constitute no secret. More than 150 journalists of leading foreign media got familiarized with their work and made journalistic stories from there during the latest press tour on May 5, when Palmyra hosted a concert of Maestro Valery Gergiyev with the Mariinsky Theater orchestra. … Besides, I will recall that jointly with foreign journalists, a numerous group of international UNESCO experts who flew to attend the concert visited the camp.”

Photo courtesy SANA

Photo courtesy SANA

Konashenkov also added that Associated Press representatives had been invited to the press tour on May 5 but that they for unknown reasons refused to take part in it then. He added:

“I believe that if journalists of the influential agency had personally visited Palmyra then and that temporary camp, today there would be no ‘pseudo-sensation’, invented by them, on construction by Russians of a ‘new base in Palmyra.”

The Russian Defense Minister also noted that Russia does not need another base in Syria, saying that it was neither needed, expedient or even economical. Konashenkov stressed that the Hmeinim Air Base was fully sufficient and that Russian air forces could reach any point in Syria from there.

Moreover, he added, that the Hmeinim air base is fully self-reliant and that there’s no need for auxiliary bases. All crucial supplies such as fuel, ammunition or other items are delivered from Russia. Planes and helicopters undergo maintenance and repair work there too, he added.

What the Associated Press and spin-off articles based on the AP report failed to mention was that Russia operates legally in Syria. That is, in compliance with international law and authorized by the government of the Syrian Arab Republic. This means that even if Russia was establishing an additional base in Syria it would, in comparison to many other countries who engage militarily in Syria, be “legal”.

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Selected Articles: Monsanto and the Poisoning of Europe

May 18th, 2016 by Global Research News


Monsanto and the Poisoning of Europe

By Colin Todhunter, May 18 2016

This week, a Standing Committee of plant scientists from 28 member states in Europe is likely to endorse the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) findings so that the European Commission (under pressure from Monsanto, Glyphosate Task Force and others) can…


Clinton and Trump: Nuclearized or Lobotomized? The Road to Nuclear War?

By Prof. James Petras, May 18 2016

Over half the US electorate views the two leading candidates for the 2016 Presidential elections with horror and disdain.In contrast, the entire corporate mass media, here and abroad, repeat outrageous virtuous claims on behalf of Hillary Clinton and visceral…


Time for Counter-Coups in Latin America? – and Europe?

By Peter Koenig, May 18 2016

What Happens when the accuser of terrorism are themselves the terrorists? – Namely the supra-national corporations and financial oligarchs acting in their own profit-driven interest, but under the direction of Washington and the protection of the US – NATO killer…


The West’s ‘Massacre of the Innocents’ in Syria

By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, May 18 2016

On the 12th of May a massacre was committed in the town of al-Zara in the southern contryside of Hama, Syria. Woman and children were slaughtered by Takfiri death squads branded by the Western media as ‘moderate rebels’. There was…


This US Government Is The Most Corrupt In History

By Washington’s Blog, May 18 2016

“There Has Never Been A Time, However, When The Government Of The United States Was So Perversely And Systematically Dedicated To Special Interests, Earmarks, Side Deals, Log-Rolling, Vote-Trading, And Sweetheart Deals” Government corruption has become rampant: Senior SEC employees spent…

'SlimCity - Managing Urbanization':

Manufactured Antisemitism Crisis in Britain’s Labour Party

By Jonathan Cook, May 18 2016

The manufactured “anti-semitism crisis” in the British Labour party rumbles on into new realms of ideological insanity. The witch-hunt against commentary critical of Israel or Zionism has been in full flow, and now an internal party inquiry led by Jan…

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The 13th Islamic Summit entitled “Unity And Solidarity For Justice And Peace,” set up by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC) took place on April 10-15 in Istanbul, Turkey and yielded some revealing but certainly not unsuspected news. At the summit, chaired by Turkish President Recep Erdogan, more signs emerged of a Turkish/GCC attempt to not only continue to destabilize Syria but an attempt to extend the destabilization into Eurasia, up to the Russian border, and even inside Russian territory itself.

During the course of the summit, then-Turkish Prime Minister Davitoglu addressed the issues of the “Occupied Islamic Territories,” i.e. Palestine, Nagorno-Karabkh, and Crimea and expressed concerns about the development of those situations. He stated that these areas needed to be rescued via cultural, religious, and “other” means although he was not specific as to what these “other” means might be. He also referred to the Crimean issue as one of the main issues of the summit.

Although the Turkish version of the summit’s communique was not ultimately not accepted by the group, the communique that was produced condemned “Armenian aggression” in Nagorno-Karabkh and expressed “interest” in the Crimean situation.

It should also be noted that Mustafa Dzhemilev, former chairman of the Mejlis Of the Crimean Tatar People, was presented by the summit as the only legitimate representative of the Crimean people. Dzhemilev held a joint meeting with the Turkish and Azeri presidents during the course of the summit.

In addition, King Salmaan of Saudi Arabia was in attendance and was greeted at the airport by Recep Erdogan who later presented the King with an award at an official ceremony.

News organization SouthFront has suggested that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are using Turkey to expand their influence in both Eurasia and, eventually, the EU. SouthFront argues that Turkey has accepted this scheme and is currently moving forward in terms of implementation.

Regardless, Turkey’s attempt to stir up the crisis in Ukraine by using Crimea and its Tatar population is nothing new. Remember, on August 1-2, a meeting was convened at the Hotel Billkent in Ankara, Turkey labeled the Second World Congress of the Tatars. This meeting brought together over 200 Tatar NGOs and associations from all over the world. The event was also attended by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin and Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus. Both officials participated in the event as well.

As Today’s Zaman/Cihan reported in its article, “Crimean Tatars Gather In Ankara To Discuss Ukrainian Crisis,”

Nearly 200 Crimean Tatar nongovernmental organizations and civil society groups gathered in Ankara as part of the Second World Crimean Tatar Congress to discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine and the situation of their brethren in Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in February of last year.

The meeting took place on Saturday at Ankara Bilkent Hotel and Congress Center and focused on the dire conditions under which Crimean Tatars have to live in the face of encroaching Russian pressure on their cultural life. The gathering offered an opportunity for lengthy discussions about how to resolve the prolonged conflict in Ukraine and to maintain Tatars’ threatened community rights under the new administration in Crimea.

But, while Russia and the annexation of Crimea were the focus of the meeting, a foolish and potentially dangerous decision was made between Ukraine and Turkey.

At the meeting, it was announced by Mustafa Abdulcemil Cemiloglu, acting leader of the Crimean Tatars as decreed by Ukrainian President Poroshenko, announced the creation of a “Muslim Brigade” to oppose “Crimean separatism,” as well as “human trafficking” and the “transportation of goods near conflict zones.” In other words, the meeting spawned the creation of a terrorist brigade to combat Russian involvement in Crimea and pro-Russian sentiment and activism in the area.

It should be noted that Cemiloglu was a notorious CIA asset and collaborator throughout the years of the Reagan Administration. He was also the former leader of the Crimea Tatar Majlis.

After the announcement was made by Cemiloglu, he was received by Turkish Recep Erdogan, who assured him of Turkey’s full support for the Tatars against Russia. Turkey has been vocal about the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine and has, like the rest of NATO, taken a strong anti-Russian stance on the issue of Ukraine.

The “Muslim Brigade” apparently will be based at Herson, near the Crimean border and was designed to include volunteers and jihadists from a number of other locations in the region – “Tatarstan,” Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, and Georgia.

Turkey was not to be left out of the mix, however, since it was committed to donate a number of the jihadists currently operating within its own borders for the purposes of destroying the government of Syria to the new Muslim Brigade in Ukraine.

Indeed, Turkey has already acted on its jihadist-based intervention in Ukraine since, in December 2013, Turkish intelligence sent a number of Tatar jihadists to Ukraine so they would be able to assist the Western color revolution in Kiev where the terrorists acted as “security” for pro-European and anti-Russian protests in the Maidan, often suspected of being the culprits behind a number of violent acts resulting in the violent crackdown by police.

As the Voltaire Network reported in its article “Jihadists In Charge of Crowd Control In Kiev Protests,”

They are members of the “Azatlyk’’ (freedom) movement led by young Naïl Nabiullin, and campaign for a Greater Turkey. They are backed by Trotskyist parties such as the Russian Left Front of Sergei Udaltsov, as well as the Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. They’ve just come back from Syria, through Turkey, where they had gone to practice jihad against the Syrian government. They seem to be behind the provocations that have led the Riot Police to commit excesses.

With this in mind, it is very concerning that Turkey and Ukraine have taken steps towards greater provocations against Russia – this time using jihadist terrorists on and inside Russian borders. Such moves clearly increase the likelihood that Russia will be forced to engage NATO and its proxies in a direct military fashion at some point.

After all, color revolutions, if caught early enough, can be eliminated by removing the NGOs and Foundations responsible for organizing the “golden youth” but repeated acts of suicidal terrorism must be cut off at the source or it will continue to take place indefinitely. If Russia finds itself surrounded by US/NATO military bases and missile systems while, at the same time, being faced with economic warfare and sanctions, it may view its current position of non-intervention as untenable when faced with cross-border terrorist attacks openly supported by NATO countries.

Indeed, it appears that Vladmir Putin is already well aware of the attempts by NATO and Turkey in particular to use terrorism against Russia inside the Russian borders. According to a report by Press TV, during a visit to the Crimea, Putin stated

It’s obvious that a risk remains from outside forces to destabilize the situation on the [Crimean] peninsula in one way or another. In certain capitals they talk openly about … the need to carry out subversive activities. Personnel are being recruited and trained to carry out subversion, acts of sabotage to conduct radical propaganda.

Turkey’s move also bolsters the assertions made by others such as Webster Tarpley that the Turkish bombing of ISIS – on the rare instances where ISIS forces are actually targeted – is nothing more than an attempt to push some ISIS forces east towards Iran and, eventually, Russia.

Tensions between the United States, NATO and Russia over Syria, Iran, Ukraine, and the current sanctions can only be increased by Turkey’s support of terrorism aimed at Russia. Erdogan’s fantasies of becoming the next Ottoman emperor have apparently become so great that he believes challenging Russia is a legitimate means to this end. It is time for both Erdogan and the rest of the Western world to realize the folly of these attempts and to immediately back off of further provocation.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1and volume 2The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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Does any intelligent person look at a New York Times article about Russia or Vladimir Putin these days and expect to read an objective, balanced account? Or will it be laced with a predictable blend of contempt and ridicule? And is it any different at The Washington Post, NPR, MSNBC, CNN or almost any mainstream U.S. news outlet?

And it’s not just Russia. The same trend holds true for Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Nicaragua and other countries and movements that have fallen onto the U.S. government’s “enemies list.” We saw the same pattern with Saddam Hussein and Iraq before the 2003 U.S. invasion; with Muammar Gaddafi and Libya before the U.S.-orchestrated bombing campaign in 2011; and with President Viktor Yanukovych and Ukraine before the U.S.-backed coup in 2014.

That is not to say that these countries and leaders don’t deserve criticism; they do. But the proper role of the press corps – at least as I was taught during my early years at The Associated Press – was to treat all evidence objectively and all sides fairly. Just because you might not like someone doesn’t mean your feelings should show through or the facts should be forced through a prism of bias.

In those “old days,” that sort of behavior was deemed unprofessional and you would expect a senior editor to come down hard on you. Now, however, it seems that you’d only get punished if you quoted some dissident or allowed such a person onto an op-ed page or a talk show, someone who didn’t share Official Washington’s “group think” about the “enemy.” Deviation from “group think” has become the real disqualifier.

Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Russian government photo)

Image: Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Russian government photo)

Yet, this conformity should be shocking and unacceptable in a country that prides itself on freedom of thought and speech. Indeed, much of the criticism of “enemy” states is that they supposedly practice various forms of censorship and permit only regime-friendly propaganda to reach the public.

But when was the last time you heard anyone in the U.S. mainstream say anything positive or even nuanced about Russian President Putin. He can only be portrayed as some shirtless buffoon or the devil incarnate. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got widespread praise in 2014 when she likened him to Hitler.

Or when has anyone in the U.S. media been allowed to suggest that Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and his supporters might actually have reason to fear what the U.S. press lovingly calls the “moderate” rebels – though they often operate under the military command of Sunni extremist groups, such as Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front. [See’s “Obama’s ‘Moderate’ Syrian Deception.“]

For the first three years of the Syrian civil war, the only permissible U.S. narrative was how the brutal Assad was slaughtering peaceful “moderates,” even though Defense Intelligence Agency analysts and other insiders had long been warning about the involvement of violent jihadists in the movement from the uprising’s beginning in 2011.

But that story was kept from the American people until the Islamic State started chopping off the heads of Western hostages in 2014 – and since then, the mainstream U.S. media has only reported the fuller story in a half-hearted and garbled way. [See’sHidden Origins of Syria’s Civil War.” ]

Reason for Conformity

The reason for this conformity among journalists is simple: If you repeat the conventional wisdom, you might find yourself with a lucrative gig as a big-shot foreign correspondent, a regular TV talking head, or a “visiting scholar” at a major think tank. However, if you don’t say what’s expected, your career prospects aren’t very bright.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Image: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

If you somehow were to find yourself in a mainstream setting and even mildly challenged the “group think,” you should expect to be denounced as a fill-in-the-blank “apologist” or “stooge.” A well-paid avatar of the conventional wisdom might even accuse you of being on the payroll of the despised leader. And, you wouldn’t likely get invited back.

But the West’s demonization of foreign “enemies” is not only an affront to free speech and meaningful democracy, it is also dangerous because it empowers unscrupulous American and European leaders to undertake violent and ill-considered actions that get lots of people killed and that spread hatred against the West.

The most obvious recent example was the Iraq War, which was justified by a barrage of false and misleading claims about Iraq which were mostly swallowed whole by a passive and complicit Western press corps.

Key to that disaster was the demonization of Saddam Hussein, who was subjected to such unrelenting propaganda that almost no one dared question the baseless charges hurled at him about hiding WMD and collaborating with Al Qaeda. To do so would have made you a “Saddam apologist” or worse.

The few who did dare raise their voices faced accusations of treason or were subjected to character assassination. Yet, even after their skepticism was vindicated as the pre-invasion accusations collapsed, there was very little reappraisal. Most of the skeptics remained marginalized and virtually everyone who got the WMD story wrong escaped accountability.

No Accountability

For instance, Washington Post editorial-page editor Fred Hiatt, who repeatedly reported Iraq’s WMD as “flat fact,” suffered not a whit and remains in the same prestigious job, still enforcing one-sided “group thinks” about “enemies.”

Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy.

Image: Carl Gershman, president of the National Endowment for Democracy.

An example of how Hiatt and the Post continue to play the same role as neocon propagandists was on display last year in an editorial condemning Putin’s government for shutting down Russian activities of the U.S.-funded National Endowment for Democracy and requiring foreign-funded groups seeking to influence Russian politics to register as foreign agents.

In the Post’s editorial and a companion op-ed by NED President Carl Gershman, you were led to believe that Putin was delusional, paranoid and “power mad” in his concern that outside money funneled into non-governmental organizations was a threat to Russian sovereignty.

However, the Post and Gershman left out a few salient facts, such as the fact that NED is funded by the U.S. government and was the brainchild of Ronald Reagan’s CIA Director William J. Casey in 1983 to partially replace the CIA’s historic role in creating propaganda and political fronts inside targeted nations.

Also missing was the fact that Gershman himself announced in another Post op-ed that he saw Ukraine, prior to the 2014 coup, as “the biggest prize” and a steppingstone toward achieving Putin’s ouster in Russia. The Post also forgot to mention that the Russian law about “foreign agents” was modeled after a U.S. statute entitled the Foreign Agent Registration Act. [See’s “Why Russia Shut Down NED Fronts.”]

All those points would have given the Post’s readers a fuller and fairer understanding of why Putin and Russia acted as they did, but that would have messed up the desired propaganda narrative seeking to demonize Putin. The goal was not to inform the American people but to manipulate them into a new Cold War hostility toward Russia.

Washington Post's editorial page editor Fred Hiatt.

Image: Washington Post’s editorial page editor Fred Hiatt.

We’ve seen a similar pattern with the U.S. government’s “information warfare” around high-profile incidents. In the “old days’ – at least when I arrived in Washington in the late 1970s – there was much more skepticism among journalists about the official line from the White House or State Department. Indeed, it was a point of pride among journalists not to simply accept whatever the spokesmen or officials were saying, but to check it out.

There was plenty of enough evidence – from the Tonkin Gulf lies to the Watergate cover-up – to justify a critical examination of government claims. But that tradition has been lost, too. Despite the costly deceptions before the Iraq War, the Times, the Post and other mainstream outlets simply accept whatever accusations the U.S. government hurls against “enemies.” Beyond the gullibility, there is even hostility toward those of us who insist on seeing real evidence.

Examples of this continuing pattern include the acceptance of the U.S. government line on the sarin gas attack outside Damascus, Syria, on Aug. 21, 2013, and the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. The first was blamed on Syria’s Assad and the second on Russia’s Putin – quite convenient even though U.S. officials refused to present any solid evidence to support their claims.

Reasons for Doubt

In both cases, there were obvious reasons to doubt the Official Story. Assad had just invited United Nations inspectors in to examine what he claimed were rebel chemical attacks, so why would he pick that time to launch a sarin attack just miles from where the inspectors were staying? Putin was trying to maintain a low profile for Russian support to Ukrainians resisting the U.S.-backed coup, but provision of a large, sophisticated and powerful anti-aircraft battery lumbering around eastern Ukraine would just have invited detection.

A photograph of a Russian BUK missile system that U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt published on Twitter in support of a claim about Russia placing BUK missiles in eastern Ukraine, except that the image appears to be an AP photo taken at an air show near Moscow two years ago.

Image: A photograph of a Russian BUK missile system that U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt published on Twitter in support of a claim about Russia placing BUK missiles in eastern Ukraine, except that the image appears to be an AP photo taken at an air show near Moscow two years earlier.

Further, in both cases, there was dissent among U.S. intelligence analysts, some of whom objected at least to the rushes to judgment and offered different explanations for the incidents, pointing the blame in other possible directions. The dissent caused the Obama administration to resort to a new concoction called a “Government Assessment” – essentially a propaganda document – rather than a classic “Intelligence Assessment,” which would express the consensus views of the 16 intelligence agencies and include areas of disagreement.

So, there were plenty of reasons for Washington journalists to smell a rat or at least insist upon hard evidence to make the case against Assad and Putin. Instead, given the demonized views of Assad and Putin, mainstream journalists unanimously fell in line behind the Official Story. They even ignored or buried evidence that undermined the government’s tales.

Regarding the Syrian case, there was little interest in the scientific discovery that the one sarin-laden rocket (recovered by the U.N.) had a range of only about two kilometers (destroying Washington’s claims about the Syrian government firing many rockets from eight or nine kilometers away). [See’s “Was Turkey Behind Syria-Sarin Attack?”]

Regarding the MH-17 case, a blind eye was turned to a Dutch intelligence report that concluded that there were several operational Buk anti-aircraft missile batteries in eastern Ukraine but they were all under the control of the Ukrainian military and that the rebels had no weapon that could reach the 33,000-foot altitude where MH-17 was flying. [See’s “The Ever-Curiouser MH-17 Case.”]

Though both those cases remain open and one cannot rule out new evidence emerging that bolsters the U.S. government’s version of events, the fact that there are substantive reasons to doubt the Official Story should be reflected in how the mainstream Western media deals with these two sensitive issues, but the inconvenient facts are instead brushed aside or ignored (much as happened with Iraq’s WMD).

In short, there has been a system-wide collapse of the Western news media as a professional entity in dealing with foreign crises. So, as the world plunges deeper into crises inside Syria and on Russia’s border, the West’s citizens are going in almost blind without the eyes and ears of independent journalists on the ground and with major news outlets delivering incessant propaganda from Washington and other capitals.

Instead of facts, the West’s mainstream media trafficks in demonization.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon

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John Sanders worked in the orange and grapefruit groves in Redlands, California, for more than 30 years. First as a ranch hand, then as a farm worker, he was responsible for keeping the weeds around the citrus trees in check. Roundup, the Monsanto weed killer, was his weapon of choice, and he sprayed it on the plants from a hand-held atomizer year-round.

Frank Tanner, who owned a landscaping business, is also a Californian and former Roundup user. Tanner relied on the herbicide starting in 1974, and between 2000 and 2006 sprayed between 50 and 70 gallons of it a year, sometimes from a backpack, other times from a 200-gallon drum that he rolled on a cart next to him.

The two men have other things in common, too: After being regularly exposed to Roundup, both developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a blood cancer that starts in the lymph cells. And, as of April, both are plaintiffs in a suit filed against Monsanto that marks a turning point in the pitched battle over the most widely used agricultural chemical in history.

Until recently, the fight over Roundup has mostly focused on its active ingredient, glyphosate. But mounting evidence, including one study published in February, shows it’s not only glyphosate that’s dangerous, but also chemicals listed as “inert ingredients” in some formulations of Roundup and other glyphosate-based weed killers. Though they have been in herbicides — and our environment — for decades, these chemicals have evaded scientific scrutiny and regulation in large part because the companies that make and use them have concealed their identity as trade secrets.

Now, as environmental scientists have begun to puzzle out the mysterious chemicals sold along with glyphosate, evidence that these so-called inert ingredients are harmful has begun to hit U.S. courts. In addition to Sanders and Tanner, at least four people who developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma after using Roundup have sued Monsanto in recent months, citing the dangers of both glyphosate and the co-formulants sold with it. As Tanner and Sanders’s complaint puts it: Monsanto “knew or should have known that Roundup is more toxic than glyphosate alone and that safety studies of Roundup, Roundup’s adjuvants and ‘inert’ ingredients” were necessary.

Research on these chemicals seems to have played a role in the stark disagreement over glyphosate’s safety that has played out on the international stage over the last year. In March 2015, using research on both glyphosate alone and the complete formulations of Roundup and other herbicides, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) declared glyphosate a probable human carcinogen. The IARC report noted an association between non-Hodgkin lymphoma and glyphosate, significant evidence that the chemical caused cancer in lab animals, and strong evidence that it damaged human DNA.

Meanwhile, in November the European Food Safety Authority issued a report concluding that the active ingredient in Roundup was “unlikely to pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans.” The discrepancy might be explained by the fact that the EFSA report included only studies looking at the effects of glyphosate alone. Another reason the agencies may have differed, according to 94 environmental health experts from around the world, is that IARC considered only independent studies, while the EFSA report included data from unpublished industry-submitted studies, which were cited with redacted footnotes.

On Friday, April 29, the Environmental Protection Agency weighed in — briefly — when it posted a long-awaited report on the reregistration of glyphosate concluding that the herbicide is “not likely to be carcinogenic to humans.” But the agency removed the report and 13 related documents from its website the following Monday, saying the publication had been an error. The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology is looking into the EPA’s “apparent mishandling” of the glyphosate report, and the EPA said it will release the reregistration materials by the end of this year.

In response to queries from The Intercept, a spokesperson for the EPA wrote that “the safety of all inert ingredients are considered” during the pesticide registration process, though an 87-page “Cancer Assessment Document,” which was among the documents accidentally released, contains no references to research conducted on the co-formulants.

Photo: Mike Mozart

Naming the Toxins

Some European governments have already begun taking action against one of these co-formulants, a chemical known as polyethoxylated tallowamine, or POEA, which is used in Monsanto’s Roundup Classic and Roundup Original formulations, among other weed killers, to aid in penetrating the waxy surface of plants.

Germany removed all herbicides containing POEA from the market in 2014, after a forestry worker who had been exposed to it developed toxic inflammation of the lungs. In early April, the French national health and safety agency known as ANSES took the first step toward banning products that combine glyphosate and POEA. A draft of the European Commission’s reregistration report on glyphosate proposed banning POEA. In April, the European Parliament passed a non-binding resolution that supported the POEA ban and also suggested requiring member states to compile a list of other co-formulants to be banned from herbicides. The European Commission’s final vote on glyphosate’s reregistration is expected later this month.

In response to inquiries about POEA, Charla Marie Lord of Monsanto referredThe Intercept to the company’s April 8 blog post, which noted that Monsanto has “already been preparing for a gradual transition away from tallowamine to other types of surfactants for commercial reasons.” The post also said that “tallowamine-based products do not pose an imminent risk for human health when used according to instructions.”

Independent scientists have been reporting since at least 1991 that pesticides containing glyphosate along with other ingredients were more dangerous than glyphosate on its own. More recently, two papers — one published in 2002, the other in 2004 — showed that Roundup and other glyphosate-containing weed formulations were more likely to cause cell-cycle dysregulation, a hallmark of cancer, than glyphosate alone. In 2005, researchers showed that Roundup was more harmful to rats’ livers than its “active ingredient” by itself. And a 2009 study showed that four formulations of Roundup were more toxic to human umbilical, embryonic, and placental cells than glyphosate by itself.

But because manufacturers of weed killers are required to disclose only the chemical structures of their “active” ingredients — and can hide the identity of the rest as confidential business information — for many years no one knew exactly what other chemicals were in these products, let alone how they affected health.

Escaping Regulation

In 2012, Robin Mesnage decided to change that. A cellular and molecular toxicologist in London, Mesnage bought nine herbicides containing glyphosate, including five different formulations of Roundup, and reverse engineered some of the other components. After studying the chemicals’ patterns using mass spectrometry, Mesnage and his colleagues came up with a list of possible molecular structures and then compared them with available chemical samples.

“It took around one year and three people (a specialist in pesticide toxicology, a specialist of chemical mixtures, and a specialist in mass spectrometry) to unravel the secrets of Monsanto’s Roundup formulations,” Mesnage explained in an email. The hard work paid off. In 2013, his team was able not only to deduce the chemical structure of additives in six of the nine formulations but also to show that each of these supposedly inert ingredients was more toxic than glyphosate alone.

That breakthrough helped scientists know exactly which chemicals to study, though obtaining samples remains challenging. “We still can’t get them to make experiments,” said Nicolas Defarge, a molecular biologist based in Paris. Manufacturers of co-formulants are unwilling to “sell you anything if you are not a pesticide manufacturer, and even less if you are a scientist willing to assess their toxicity.”

So when Defarge, Mesnage, and five other scientists embarked on their most recent research, they had to be creative. They were able to buy six weed killers, including Roundup WeatherMax and Roundup Classic, at the store. But, finding pure samples of the co-formulants in them was trickier. The scientists got one from a farmer who mixes his own herbicide. For another, they went to a company that uses the chemical to make soap. “They were of course not aware that I was going to assess it for toxic and endocrine-disrupting effects,” said Defarge. András Székács, one of Defarge’s co-authors who is based in Hungary, provided samples of the other three co-formulants studied, but didn’t respond to inquiries about how he obtained them.

In February, the team published its findings, which showed that each of the five co-formulants affected the function of both the mitochondria in human placental cells and aromatase, an enzyme that affects sexual development. Not only did these chemicals, which aren’t named on herbicide labels, affect biological functions, they did so at levels far below the concentrations used in commercially available products. In fact, POEA — officially an “inert” ingredient — was between 1,200 and 2,000 times more toxic to cells than glyphosate, officially the “active” ingredient.

The paper highlights the folly of letting co-formulants fly under the regulatory radar. Although the general public is never exposed to pure glyphosate, government agencies set safe exposure levels for the declared active ingredient in Roundup and other herbicides without considering POEA or any of the other chemicals that are bottled with it. In February, the Food and Drug Administration announced plans to monitor food for glyphosate residue. But the agency has no plan to test food for POEA or other additives, according to FDA press officer Lauren Sucher. And the EPA hasn’t focused squarely on POEA because it isn’t officially an active ingredient.

Evidence of Toxicity

But the EPA has possessed evidence of POEA’s toxicity for years, including several reports of substantial risk to human health and the environment. One, submitted in 1998, noted that 1,000 fish died after 60 gallons of a mixture of chemicals including POEA spilled into a ditch, according to the company responsible for the spill, whose name is redacted in the document. Another report, filed by the chemical company BASF in 2013, noted that several rats that inhaled POEA in an experiment died. Researchers exposed rats to four different levels of the chemical, and at each level, at least some animals were killed. Even at the lowest level, 4 out of 10 rats died.

The EPA has also reviewed the long-term environmental effects of POEA, including its impact on frogs. In 2008, the agency reviewed the effects of both POEA-containing Roundup formulations and POEA itself on fish and amphibians, and showed that Roundup Original, which has 15 percent POEA, is moderately toxic to wood frogs and that POEA itself is “highly toxic” to rainbow trout.

As evidence of the harms of co-formulants has been building, the U.S. has increased the amount of glyphosate to which it is theoretically safe to be exposed, which has in turn also increased our actual exposure to the chemicals it is packaged with. Almost 300 million pounds of glyphosate was used on crops in the U.S. in 2013, up from approximately 16 million pounds in 1992, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

For the lawyers litigating the cases against Monsanto, the idea that POEA and the other ingredients contribute to the toxicity of Roundup is critical. “That’s one of the central theories of our case,” said David Wool, an attorney at Andrus Wagstaff, who is working on suits against Monsanto on behalf of four people who developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma after years of regularly using Roundup. “It’s not only that glyphosate is carcinogenic and dangerous,” said Wool. “Monsanto had every reason to know that, by including POEA, it increased the danger of all of these products.”

Robin Greenwald, the Weitz & Luxenberg attorney who filed Sanders and Tanner’s case, is confident that discovery, which will begin over the next few months, will show that Monsanto intentionally mislabeled dangerous co-formulants. “My assumption is that we will find documents in their files that show they had ample evidence that the surfactants were not inert and that they too had the potential to cause illness in people,” said Greenwald.

But for her client, John Sanders, who is now in remission after undergoing chemotherapy, it doesn’t really matter which chemical did what. When he was using Roundup, Sanders had no idea that anything in the liquid that sometimes dripped on his clothes and skin might cause cancer. “That was never in my wildest dreams,” he said recently. Now Sanders, who is 67, dreams about staying healthy. He is due for a CT scan next month to see if his cancer has returned.

When asked to comment on the lawsuits, Monsanto provided the following statement:

While we have sympathy for the plaintiffs, the science simply does not support the claims made in these lawsuits. The U.S. EPA and other pesticide regulators around the world have reviewed numerous long-term carcinogenicity studies and agree that there is no evidence that glyphosate causes cancer, even at very high doses. Surfactants such as tallowamines are soapy substances that help to reduce surface tension of the water and are found in many everyday products such as toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, detergent and many other cleaning products. Tallowamine-based products do not pose an imminent risk for human health when used according to instructions. In a 2009 review of toxicological data on tallowamine, the U.S. EPA found no evidence that tallowamines are neurotoxic, mutagenic or clastogenic.


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